A + * * dong3 understand/ know verstehen, begreifen,kapieren + +
A 同時 + * * tong2shi2 at the same time/ simultaneously gleichzeitig + +
A 鐘頭 + * * zhong1tou2 hour (mainly used in oral Chinese) Stunde + +
A 不如 + * * bu4ru2 not as good as/ better to nicht so gut wie,jmd nachstehen + +
A + * * xing2 all right/ O.K./ capable/ competent 1. Benehmen, Betragen 2. es geht, in Ordnung 3. fähig, tüchtig, geeignet + +
A 歡迎 + * * huan1ying2 welcome/ greet/ favorably receive willkommen heißen + +
A 收拾 + * * shou1shi put in order/ tidy/ punish/ repair in Ordnung bringen,reparieren,ausbessern + +
A 車站 + * * che1zhan4 station/ stop Station,Haltestelle + +
A + * * dong4 move/ stir/ use 1. sich rühren, sich bewegen,in Bewegung setzen 2. Aktion, Handlung 3. ändern, verändern 4. gebrauchen, verwenden 5. anregen, erregen , rühren + +
A 附近 + * * fu4jin4 nearby/ neighboring area/ vicinity in der Nähe, nahe bei + +
A + * * jia1 (suffix) -ist/ family/ home/ household 1. Familie, Haushalt 2. Haus, Heim 3. ein bestimmtes Gewerbe ausübende Person oder Familie 4. ein Spezialist 5. Schule, philos. Richtung 6. Zählwort, ein Restaurant + +
A 涼快 + * * liang2kuai nice and cool/ pleasantly cool angenehm kühl + +
A 同學 + * * tong2xue2 fellow student/ schoolmate Mitschüler,Mitstudent + +
A + * * a1 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch + +
A 接著 + * * jie1zhe then/ afterward/ follow nach,folgend,nächst + +
A 他們 + * * ta1men they/ them (for males and females) sie,ihnen + +
A + * * a 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens + +
A 認識 + * * ren4shi recognize/ understand/ cognition erkennen,kennen,bekannt sein mit + +
A + * * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly 1. noch, nach wie vor 2.noch mehr 3. (sowohl..) als auch 4.leidlich, passabel, nicht sonderlich gut , aber auch nicht gerade schlecht 5. selbst, sogar siehe: huan4 + +
A 認為 + * * ren4wei2 think/ consider meinen + +
A 同意 + * * tong2yi4 agree/ consent/ approve einwilligen,zustimmen + +
A + * * gai1 should/ ought to/ owe/ sb.'s turn 1. sollen, müssen 2.verdienen, jm recht geschehen 3. an der Reihe sein schulden, schuldig sein + +
A 認真 + * * ren4zhen1 conscientious/ earnest/ serious gewissenhaft,ernsthaft + +
A 它們 + * * ta1men they/ them (for things; animals; etc.) sie,sie (Dinge) + +
A 同志 + * * tong2zhi4 comrade Kamerad + +
A 不同 + * * bu4tong2 different/ not the same ungleich + +
A + * * ci2 word/ expression/ poetry 1. Wort 2. Rede, Äußerung 3.Ci, literarische Gattung in der Songzeit + +
A + * * gai3 change/ transform/ rectify/ correct 1. verwandeln, verändern 2. ändern, umarbeiten, revidieren 3. verbessern, korrigieren 4.umschalten, umstellen 5. umsteigen + +
A 家庭 + * * jia1ting2 family/ household Familie,Heim + +
A 她們 + * * ta1men they/ them (for females) sie,sie(A) + +
A + * * yue4 month 1. Mond 2. Monat + +
A 詞典 + * * ci2dian3 dictionary Wörterbuch + +
A + * * zhong3 kind/ type/ sort/ breed/ race/ strain 1. Art, Spezies, Sorte 2. Rasse 3. Saat, Samen 4.Mut, Unbeugsamkeit 5. Zählwort Sorte, Muster, Typ siehe zhong4 + +
A + * * dao1 knife/ sword/ blade 1. Messer 2. messerförmiges Gerät + +
A 改變 + * * gai3bian4 change/ alter/ transform Verbesserung + +
A 什麼 + * * shen2me what/ whatever/ why/ something was + +
A + * * ben3 book/ root/ capital 1. Wurzel, Stamm, Stengel, Stiel 2. Grundlage, Basis 3. Kapital 4.Buch, Heft 5.Ausgabe 6. Zählwort für Bücher + +
A + * * liang3 two/ a few/ some 1.zwei 2. beide Seiten, zwei Teile 3. ein paar, einige, etwas 4. Zählwort Liang= 50gr, z. B.: 50 gr Tee + +
A + * * ri4 sun/ day time/ a day of the month 1. Sonne 2. Tag, tagsüber + +
A 應該 + * * ying1gai1 ought to/ should/ must sollte,müßte + +
A 月亮 + * * yue4liang the moon Mond + +
A 樣子 + * * yang4zi shape/ appearance/ manner/ model Stil + +
A 月球 + * * yue4qiu2 the moon Mond + +
A 現代 + * * xian4dai4 modern times/ the contemporary age Gegenwart, moderne Zeit,heutzutage + +
A + * * ai3 short (of stature), low 1.(VH) klein 2. niedrig + +
A + * * ju4 (measure word for sentences) 1.Satz 2. Zählwort Satz + +
A + * * wei4 hello Hallo, füttern + +
A + * * ai4 1. love 2. like, to be fond of 3. be apt to, be in the habit of 4. cherish, treasure 1. (Na) Liebe 2. (VL) lieben, 2. gern, mit Vorliebe 3. (VL) für jn sorgen, jn etw behutsam und sorgsam behandeln 4. leicht, schnell + +
A + * * fan4 meal/ cooked rice or other cereals 1. gekochte Getreidespeise, gekochter Reis 2. Mahlzeit,Essen + +
A 寒假 + * * han2jia4 winter vacation Winterferien + +
A + * * liang4 (measure word for vehicles) ein Zählwort für Busse, Autos etc + +
A + * * ne (modal particle ending a question) Modalpartikel + +
A 不要 + * * bu4yao4 don't/ don't want to nicht dürfen + +
A + * * dao3 fall/ collapse/ resell/ exchange/ rearrange hinfallen, zusammenbrechen + +
A 飯店 + * * fan4dian4 restaurant/ hotel Hotel,Restaurant + +
A + * * mei2 not have/ there is not/ not hat nicht, nicht + +
A + * * wei4 (measure word for people of status) 1. Platz, Ort, Stelle 2. Stand, Stellung, Rang 3. Thron 4.Stelle 5. ein Zählwort, für Personen + +
A + * * tai4 too 1. höchst, allergrößt, in weiter Ferne 2. ältest, ranghöher 3. allzu, äußerst, übermäßig 4. sehr, außerordentlich + +
A 總(是) + * * zong3shi4 put together/ general/ chief/ always immer + +
A + * * liang4 bright/ shiny/ light/ shine/ show 1. hell,leuchten 2.helltönend, laut und klar 3. einleuchtend, einleuchten 4. leuchten 5. zeigen, offenlegen, vorzeigen + +
A + * * han3 shout/ cry out/ yell/ call sb. 1.rufen, schreien, 2.jn rufen + +
A + * * jie2 festival/ section/ length 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + +
A 沒關係 + * * mei2 guan1xi never mind/ it doesn't matter das macht nichts + +
A 現在 + * * xian4zai4 now/ at present/ today jetzt,nun + +
A + * * yun2 cloud 1. < lit > sagen 2. Wolke + +
A + * * zhong4 heavy/ important/ serious 1. Gewicht 2. schwer, gewichtig, hoch 3. tief, stark, schwer 4. wichtig, gewichtig, bedeutend 5. beachten, etw große Aufmerksamkeit schenken + +
A 不用 + * * bu4yong4 need not etwas nicht brauchen, unnötig sein + +
A 節目 + * * jie2mu4 program/ item (on a program) Programm + +
A 痛快 + * * tong4kuai very happy/ delighted/ forthright fröhlich, heiter, offen, frank und frei + +
A 本子 + * * ben3zi book/ notebook Notizbuch,Übungsheft + +
A 節日 + * * jie2ri4 festival/ holiday Feier,Fest + +
A + * * wei4 (indicating the cause or purpose) für, unterstützen, um zu + +
A 內容 + * * nei4rong2 content/ substance Inhalt, Gehalt, Substanz + +
A 日子 + * * ri4zi days/ date/ time/ life/ livelihood Tag + +
A 方便 + 便* * fang1bian4 convenient/ make convenient bequem,passend, einfach + +
A 為了 + * * wei4le for/ for the sake of/ in order to für, um, + +
A 運動 + * * yun4dong4 be in motion/ move about/ sport Sport treiben,Sport + +
A 沒有 + * * mei2you3 not have/ there is not/ not nicht haben + +
A 為什麼 + * * wei4 shen2me why/ why (or how) is it that … verwendet in Zusammensetzungen für Fragewörter etc, siehe: shen2me + +
A + * * zou3 walk/ visit/ pass/ leave/ go away 1. gehen, fortgehen ,zu Fuß gehen, losgehen 2. laufen, rennen 3. verlassen, fortgehen 4. einen Besuch machen 5. auslaufen, ausströmen 6. vom Original abweichen + +
A 方法 + * * fang1fa3 method/ way/ means Methode,Weise + +
A + * * huang2 yellow/ sallow/ fall through 1. gelb, blond 2. abgekürzte Bezeichnung für den Huanghe-Fluß + +
A 重要 + * * zhong4yao4 important/ significant/ major wichtig + +
A + * * cheng2 town/ city 1. Stadtmauer, Mauer, Wall 2. Stadtviertel, Innenstadt 3.Stadt + +
A 方向 + * * fang1xiang4 direction/ orientation Richtung + +
A 了解 + * * liao3jie3 understand/ know/ find out verstehen,kennen,kennen lernen + +
A 城市 + * * cheng2shi4 town/ city Stadt + +
A + * * cong2 from/ since/ through/ ever 1. von,aus, ab 2. durch, über 3. immer 4. folgen, befolgen 5.eintreten, beitreten 6. Gefolge 7. sekundär, abhängig + +
A + * * dao4 arrive/ reach/ go to/ leave for 1. ankommen, gelangen, eintreffen 2. nach..., sich (an einen Ort) begeben 3. bis, bis zu 4 aufmerksam, umsichtig 5. verbal + +
A + * * neng2 can/ be able to/ be capable of können + +
A + * * bu4 cloth 1. Tuch, Gewebe, Stoff 2. verkünden, bekanntgeben, veröffentlichen 3.verbreiten, verteilen, austeilen 4. einrichten, aufstellen + +
A + * * yao4 want to/ wish to/ must/ shall/ ask for etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen, bitten, lassen, fordern, mögen, wünschen, müssen, sollen, werden + +
A + * * cheng2 accomplish/ become 1. vollenden, glücken, gelingen, vollbringen 2. zu etw werden, sich in etw verwandeln 3. Erfolg, Ergebnis, Frucht, Resultat,4. erwachsen, ausgewachsen,ausgebildet 5. fertig, bestehend,vollendet 6. in großer Zahl,in großer Menge, in langer Zeit 7. gut 8. Z + +
A 房間 + * * fang2jian1 room Zimmer + +
A 從…到… + * * cong2 dao4 from … to … von...bis + +
A + * * gou4 be enough/ be up to/ reach/ quite 1. ausreichen, genügen, hinlänglich genug 2. an etw reichen, erreichen 3. recht, ziemlich + +
A 結果 + * * jie2guo3 finally/ at last/ result/ outcome letztlich, am Ende + +
A 困難 + * * kun4nan2 difficult/ difficulty/ trouble Schwierigkeiten + +
A + * * zhou1 week/ round 1.Umkreis, Zirkel 2. kreisen, sich im Kreise bewegen 3. allgemein, alle 4.vollkommen, vollständig 5. Kreis, Woche + +
A 能夠 + * * neng2gou4 can/ be able to/ be capable of können, imstande sein + +
A 文化 + * * wen2hua4 civilization/ culture/ education Kultur kulturell + +
A 決定 + * * jue2ding4 decide/ resolve/ decision/ resolution bestimmen,entscheiden + +
A + * * bi3 emulate/ compare/ than 1. vergleichen, gegenüberstellen 2. mit jm wetteifern, sich mit jm messen 3. eine Analogie ziehen, vergleichen, 4. eine Geste machen, gestikulieren, sich mit Gesten verständlich machen,5. nachahmen, imitieren 6. als 7. zu + +
A 成績 + * * cheng2ji4 success/ achievement/ score Erfolg,Errungenschaft,Leistung,Punktzahl + +
A 從…起 + * * cong2 qi3 from … on … von...an + +
A + * * sheng1 (measure word for sound)/ sound 1. Stimme, Laut, Geräusch 2. Ton 3. Reputation 4. ein Geräusch machen 5. Zählwort Klang + +
A 從前 + * * cong2qian2 before/ formerly/ in the past vorher,früher, einstmals + +
A 聲調 + * * sheng1diao4 tone/ the tone of Chinese character Ton,Ton eines chin. Zeichen + +
A 結束 + * * jie2shu4 end/ finish/ conclude/ wind up enden,beenden + +
A + * * ng interjection used in questioning Fragepartikel + +
A + * * ping2 (measure word for bottles) 1. Flasche, Vase 2.ein Zählwort,Flasche,Flasche, Vase + +
A 周圍 + * * zhou1wei2 around/ round/ about herum, Umgebung + +
A 足球 + * * zu2qiu2 football game/ soccer ball Fußball + +
A 比較 + * * bi3jiao4 compare/ contrast/ relatively vergleichsweise,vergleichen + +
A 聲音 + * * sheng1yin1 sound/ voice Stimme,Klang + +
A 要是 + * * yao4shi in case/ if/ suppose wenn,falls + +
A 妹妹 + * * mei4mei younger sister jüngere Schwester + +
A 部分 + * * bu4fen part/ section/ component Teil, Abschnitt, Sektion + +
A + * * dao4 classifier used for long strip-like things Zählwort für lange, streifenartige Dinge + +
A 永遠 + * * yong3yuan3 for good/ forever/ ever/ always ewig,für immer + +
A 比賽 + * * bi3sai4 match/ competition/ game Wettbewerb + +
A + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal + +
A + * * men2 entrance/ door/ gate 1. Tor, Tür 2. Klappe,Ventil 3. Art u. Weise 4. Familie 5. Sekte 6. Zählwort für Kanone etc + +
A 祖國 + * * zu3guo2 motherland/ fatherland/ homeland Vaterland,Heimatland + +
A + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal + +
A + * * ni3 you (the singular form) du, Sie + +
A + * * shu1 transport/ convey/ lose/ be beaten 1. transportieren, befördern 2. verlieren, eine Niederlage erleiden + +
A 道理 + * * dao4li3 principle/ truth/ reason/ argument 1.Wahrheit, Grundsatz, Prinzip 2. Grund, Argument + +
A 訪問 + 访* * fang3wen4 visit/ call on besuchen + +
A + * * hao3 good/ nice/ be in good health 1. gut, schön, nett, gesund + +
A 門口 + * * men2kou3 entrance/ doorway Toreingang + +
A 你們 + * * ni3men you (the plural form) Ihr,Sie + +
A + * * du2 read/ read aloud 1. laut lesen, vorlesen 2. lesen 3. lernen, studieren + +
A + * * hao3 very/ quite/ so ziemlich + +
A 回答 + * * hui2da2 answer/ reply/ response antworten + +
A 生產 + * * sheng1chan3 produce/ manufacture/ production produzieren,erzeugen + +
A 解決 + * * jie3jue2 resolve/ settle/ solve lösen,schlichten, beilegen + +
A 青年 + * * qing1nian2 young person/ youth Jugend,Jugendlicher + +
A + * * yong4 use/ employ/ apply/ by means of 1. benutzen, gebrauchen, anwenden 2.Geldausgabe, Auslage, Aufwand, Kosten 3. Zweckmäßigkeit, Nutzen, Nützlichkeit, Brauchbarkeit 4. etw nötig haben 5.(P) mit, mittels durch + +
A + * * ca1 wipe/ rub/ spread on/ scrape 1. abwischen, trockenwischen 2. aufstreichen, auftragen 3. reiben, schaben, sich schürfen, reibend streichen 4. hart vorbeigehen, leicht berühren, streifen 5. (mit einem Reibeisen) fein zerkleinern + +
A + * * fang4 let go/ put/ lay/ have a vacation 1. setzen, stellen, legen 2. freilassen 3. abgeben, aussenden 4.Schluß machen, zu Ende gehen 5. auf die Weide führen 6. etw freien Lauf lassen 7. etw länger oder weiter machen 8. blühen, aufblühen 9. beiseite lassen 10. zeigen, vorführen + +
A + * * la* particle, fusion of le and ah Endpartikel, Mischung aus le und ah + +
A 好吃 + * * hao3chi1 delicious/ tasty/ good to eat lecker + +
A 回來 + * * hui2 lai2 return/ come back/ be back zurück,zurückkommen + +
A + * * lai2 come/ arrive/ crop up/ take place etwa + +
A 們(朋友們) + * * men (particle forming a plural pronoun) ein Suffix, Pluralmarker + +
A 生詞 + * * sheng1ci2 new word neues Wort,neue Vokabel + +
A 舒服 + * * shu1fu comfortable bequem, angenehm,sich wohlfühlen + +
A + * * zhu1 pig/ hog/ swine Schwein + +
A + * * de2 1. to get. obtain 2. (of a calculation) result in 1 bekommen, erhalten, erwerben, holen, gewinnen, erlangen 2. Rechenergebnis 3. passend, geeignet 4. gebrauchsfertig 6. dürfen siehe de5, dei3 + +
A 放假 + * * fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation Feiertag haben, Ferien machen, frei haben + +
A 好處 + * * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain 1. Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug 2.Gewinn, Profit, Nutzen + +
A 回去 + * * hui2 qu4 return/ go back/ be back zurückgehen + +
A + * * ling2 zero; 0 1. Null, null 2. etwas mehr als 3. null, nichts 4. Nullgrad, Null 5. in kleinen Teilen, stückweise 6. verwelken und abfallen + +
A + * * tang1 soup/ broth 1.warmes (kochendes) Wasser 2. Suppe, Brühe 3. Heilkräutertee + +
A 感冒 + * * gan3mao4 common cold sich erkälten,Erkältung + +
A 生活 + * * sheng1huo2 life/ livelihood/ live/ exist leben,Leben + +
A + * * zai4 again/ not … until/ then and only then 1. noch einmal , nochmals, wieder 2. noch mehr 3. erst...dann 4. ferner, außerdem, überdies 5. zurückkehren + +
A 得到 + * * de2 dao4 get/ obtain/ gain/ receive bekommen + +
A 堅持 + * * jian1chi2 persist in/ persevere in/ stick to auf etwas bestehen,an etw. festhalten + +
A + * * po4 broken/ damaged/ break/ destroy 1.kaputt, zerrissen. beschädigt, gebrochen 2. scheußlich, miserabel, lausig 3. spalten entzweibrechen 4. zerschlagen 5. besiegen, erstürmen 6. enthüllen, entlarven + +
A + * * shu1 book 1. schreiben 2. Buch 3. Urkunde, Dokument + +
A + * * ye3 also/ too/ either auch + +
A 再見 + * * zai4jian4 good-bye/ see you again Aufwiedersehen! + +
A 年輕 + * * nian2qing1 young jung, jugendlich + +
A 也許 + * * ye3xu3 perhaps/ probably/ maybe vielleicht + +
A 整齊 + * * zheng3qi2 in good order/ neat/ tidy ordentlich,aufgeräumt + +
A 好看 + * * hao3kan4 good-looking/ nice/ pretty gut aussehend,schön + +
A + * * jie4 borrow/ lend/ make use of 1. entleihen, borgen,leihen 2. ausleihen, verleihen 3. mit Hilfe, durch, mittels, aufgrund, ausnutzen 4. unter dem Vorwand, etw als Vorwand benutzen + +
A 組織 + * * zu3zhi1 organize/ form/ organization organisieren,Organisation + +
A + * * xiang1 fragrant/ savory/ be with relish 1. duftend, wohlriechend 2. appetitlich, aromatisch 3. einen guten Appetit haben 4. fest, tief 5. Parfüm, Würze 6. Räucherwerk, Weihrauch, Räucherstäbchen + +
A + * * zai4 1.at, in, on 2. be at a place in, um, an , bei; an einem Ort sein, + +
A + * * nian4 read aloud; study; attend school 1. an jn denken, an etw. denken, gedenken, vermissen 2.lernen, eine Schule besuchen 3. vorlesen + +
A 問好 + * * wen4 hao3 send one's regards to grüßen + +
A + * * zai4 used to indicate action in progress Hilfswort für Verlaufsform + +
A + * * zheng4 straight/ upright/ honest/ pure/ just 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein + +
A + * * de particle to form an attribute/ of strukt.Partikel de , besitzanzeigendes Attribut + +
A 介紹 + * * jie4shao4 introduce/ recommend/ let know vorstellen,bekannt machen,empfehlen + +
A + * * zui3 mouth 1. Mund 2. Öffnung + +
A + * * gan4 do/ work gan1 1.trocken 2. zubereitete und getrocknete Nahrungsmittel gan4 1.Stamm, Rumpf, Rückgrat 2. Kader Funktionär 3.tun, machen, + +
A 好像 + * * hao3xiang4 seem/ look like/ be like/ as if scheinen, genau wie, wie, als ob + +
A 問題 + * * wen4ti2 question/ problem/ issue/ trouble Frage,Problem + +
A + * * de particle to form an adverbial de=Partikel zur Bildung einer Adverbialform + +
A 非常 + * * fei1chang2 very/ highly/ extraordinary/ unusual sehr,äußerst, höchst, [ siehe auch:非凡 außergewöhnlich; ungewöhnlich; einzigartig; hervorragend; eminent.] + +
A + * * jin1 half a kilogram Jin, chinesische Gewichtseinheitein ,Zählwort,Pfund + +
A 咖啡 + * * ka1fei1 coffee morphine, coffee + +
A + * * de 1. used after a verb or an adjective for further explanation 2. used after a verb to indicate possibility de=strukt.Partikel de, Komplement des Grades,siehe de5, dei3 + +
A + * * zan2 we/ us/ our/ I/ me/ my 1.wir (Sprecher und Zuhörer) 2. ich + +
A + * * ba3 (function word) (P) Präposition (zeigt den Einfluß auf etwas oder wie auf etwas eingwirkt wird) + +
A + * * fei1 fly/ flit/ hover/ flutter 1.fliegen 2. schweben, flattern, wirbeln 3.rasch, schnell + +
A + * * hui4 can/ be good at/ be likely to/ meet können, ist wahrscheinlich, werden + +
A 卡車 + * * ka3che1 lorry/ truck Lastwagen, + +
A 咱們 + * * zan2men we/ us/ our wir (Sprecher und Zuhörer),ich + +
A + * * zui4 most meist, am meisten + +
A + * * dei3 have to/ be sure to brauchen, benötigen , müssen siehe de5, de2 + +
A + * * duan3 short/ brief 1. kurz, 2. fehlen, mangeln, schuldig 3.Fehler, schwache Seite + +
A + * * shu2 ripe/ cooked/ done/ soft-boiled / familiar 1. reif 2. gar, zubereitet,gekocht 3.bearbeitet, behandelt 4. bekannt,vertraut 5. geübt,erfahren, geschickt 6. tief, fest + +
A + * * wo3 I/ me/ our/ ourselves 1. ich 2. wir + +
A 會話 + * * hui4hua4 conversation/ converse with Dialog + +
A + * * kai1 open/ operate/ turn on/ hold/ boil 1. öffnen, aufmachen,aufschließen, aufsperren 2.eine Öffnung machen, eröffnen, erschließen, urbar machen 3. sich entfalten, sich öffnen 4. aufheben, abschaffen, beseitigen 5. in Bewegung setzen 6. abmarschieren 7. gründen 8. beginnen 9. halten 10. sc + +
A 清楚 + * * qing1chu clear/ distinct/ be clear about klar + +
A 我們 + * * wo3men we/ us/ our wir,uns + +
A + * * yi1 one/ once/ as soon as einmal + +
A + * * gang1 just/ barely/ only just 1. hart, stark, fest 2. gerade, eben 3. eben, vor kurzem + +
A + * * jian1 (measure word for rooms) 1. zwischen, inmitten 2. in einem bestimmten Zeitraum, innerhalb eines bestimmten Gebiets 3. Zimmer, Raum 4. ein Zählwort, z.B ein Schafzimmer jian4= 1. Zwischenraum, Lücke, 2. trennen, scheiden, teilen 3. Zwietracht säen + +
A 米(公尺) + * * mi3 meter (measure word for lengths) 1. Reis 2. enthülste Samen 3. Zählwort Meter + +
A + * * nin2 you (in respectful form) Sie, höfliche Form von ni3 + +
A 剛才 + * * gang1cai2 a moment ago/ just now eben, gerade, soeben + +
A 米飯 + * * mi3fan4 (cooked) rice gekochter Reis + +
A 一般 + * * yi1ban1 general/ ordinary/ common gewöhnlich + +
A 必須 + * * bi4xu1 must/ have to müssen,notwendig,unentbehrlich + +
A 故事 + * * gu4shi story/ tale Geschichte,Erzählung + +
A + * * shu3 count/ be reckoned as rechnen,zählen + +
A + * * xiang3 think/ suppose/ recall/ want to/ miss 1.denken 2. glauben, annehmen 3. wollen, möchten 4. sich nach jn/etw sehnen + +
A 正確 + * * zheng4que4 correct/ right/ proper korrekt,richtig + +
A + * * duan4 segment/ period/ paragraph Zählwort Teil, Stück, Strecke, Abschitt, Sektion, Paragraph + +
A 許多 + * * xu3duo1 many/ much/ a lot of viele + +
A 一邊…一邊… + * * yi1bian1 yi1bian1 at the same time/ simultaneously einerseits...andererseits + +
A 討論 + * * tao3lun4 discuss/ discussion diskutieren + +
A 正在 + * * zheng4zai4 in process of/ in course of ein Adverb, das eine im Gang befindl. H. anzeigt + +
A 今天 + * * jin1tian1 today/ present/ now heute + +
A + * * sheng3 province Provinz + +
A + * * xiang3 make a sound/ ring/ noisy/ loud 1. Laut, Schall, Geräusch 2. tönen, ertönen, klingen, knallen 3. laut 4. Echo + +
A + * * chi1 eat/ live on/ annihilate 1. essen, verzehren 2. speisen, eine Mahlzeit einnehmen 3. seinen Lebensunterhalt bestreiten 4. bekommen, erhalten, kriegen 5.mit etw viel Mühe haben 6. vernichten, tilgen 7. aufsaugen, absorbieren + +
A + * * deng3 1. and so on/ etc. 2. used to end a list of items 1. und so weiter, etc 2. wird am Ende einer Liste benutzt + +
A + * * ba (modal particle ending a sentence) milder Imperativ + +
A + * * niu2 ox/ cow/ bull Rind + +
A + * * tui1 push/ shove/ turn a mill/ grind 1. schieben, stoßen 2. schneiden, scheren 3. vorwärtstreiben, fördern 4. auf etw schließen, folgern 5. überlassen 6. verschieben, aufschieben 7. wählen 8. hochschätzen + +
A 政府 + * * zheng4fu3 government Regierung + +
A + * * cuo4 wrong/ faulty/ mistake/ error 1.falsch,irrtümlich,Fehler, Irrtum 2. sich kreuzen, ineinander verzahnt 3. sich reiben 4. zeitlich staffeln + +
A 牛奶 + * * niu2nai3 cow milk Milch + +
A 主要 + * * zhu3yao4 main/ major/ chief/ principal hauptsächlich + +
A 錯誤 + * * cuo4wu4 mistake/ error/ fault 1. falsch, verkehrt, irrtümlich 2. Irrtum, Fehler + +
A + * * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens 1.Gemüse 2.Lebensmittel außer Reis- und Mehlprodukten 3. Gericht, Gang, Speise, Küche + +
A 政治 + * * zheng4zhi4 politics/ political affairs/ political Politik + +
A 主意 + * * zhu3yi idea/ plan/ decision Idee, Entscheidung + +
A + * * liu2 remain/ stay/ keep/ grow/ leave 1. bleiben, verweilen, sich aufhalten 2. aufhalten, zurückhalten 3. behalten, aufbewahren 4. etw stehen o. wachsen lassen 5. annehmen, aktzeptieren 6. hinterlassen + +
A 屋子 + * * wu1zi room Zimmer, Haus + +
A 情況 + * * qing2kuang4 circumstance/ situation; condition Zustand,Situation + +
A + * * gao1 tall/ high/ of a high degree 1. hoch, groß 2. Höhe, Größe 3. über dem Durchschnitt, hochgradig 4. laut 5. Ihre + +
A + * * he2 and/ with/ to 1. mild mäßig , gemäßigt 2.mit jm in Harmonie leben, harmonisch, friedlich, einträchtig, 3. Frieden, Frieden schließen 4. Patt, unentschieden 5. zusammen mit, und,mit + +
A 留念 + * * liu2nian4 accept or keep as souvenir etw als Souvenir behalten,schenken + +
A 刮/颳 + * * gua1 (刮) scrape/ shave/ smear with/ (颳) blow 1. schaben, abschaben, (einen Fisch schuppen, einen Bart rasieren) 2.blasen,wehen + +
A 緊張 + * * jin3zhang1 nervous/ tense/ in short supply intensiv,angespannt,nervös + +
A 參觀 + * * can1guan1 visit/ look around besuchen,besichtigen + +
A + * * di1 low/ droop/ hang down 1. niedrig, tief 2.etw sinken lassen, senken, etw hängen lassen + +
A 一共 + * * yi1gong4 in all/ altogether/ in total im ganzen,insgesamt + +
A 郵局 + * * you2ju2 post office Postamt + +
A 參加 + * * can1jia1 join/ take part in/ attend teilnehmen an + +
A + * * dui4 right/ correct 1.antworten 2.gegenüberliegen 3.zwei Dinge in Kontakt bringen 4. vergeichen, identifizieren 5. richtig, korrekt, stimmen 6. Zählwort Paar 7.präpositional + +
A + * * dui4 right/ correct 1.antworten 2.gegenüberliegen 3.zwei Dinge in Kontakt bringen 4. vergeichen, identifizieren 5. richtig, korrekt, stimmen 6. Zählwort Paar 7.präpositional + +
A 勞動 + * * lao2dong4 work/ labor körperliche Arbeit leisten + +
A 留學生 + * * liu2xue2sheng1 foreign student/ overseas student ein im Ausland Studierender + +
A 農村 + * * nong2cun1 rural area/ countryside Dorf,auf dem Lande + +
A 請假 + * * qing3 jia4 ask for leave sich beurlauben lassen + +
A + * * sheng4 surplus/ remnant/ leave (over) übrig bleiben, als Rest zurück bleiben + +
A 一會兒 + * * yi1hui4r a little while/ a moment ein Augenblick + +
A + * * zuo4 make/ do/ cook/ be/ be used as 1.machen, herstellen,produzieren 2. schreiben, verfassen 3.sich mit etw beschäftigen , an etw arbeiten 4. sein, dienen 5. eine Familienfeier veranstalten 6. Beziehungen aufnehmen + +
A + * * gua4 hang/ call up/ ring off 1. hängen 2. sich festhaken, sich verfangen, hängen bleiben 3. (den Telefonhörer) auflegen 4. eine Telefonverbindung herstellen, anrufen 5. Sorge tragen, um jn/etw besorgt sein 6. sich anmelden 7. Zählwort ein Pferdegespann, + +
A 勞駕 + * * lao2 jia4 excuse me/ may I trouble you könnten Sie bitte ,..? + +
A + * * liu2 flow/ stream/ drip/ shed/ trickle 1. fließen, rinnen, laufen 2. von Ort zu Ort ziehen, herumwandern 3. sich ausbreiten, überliefern 4. sich zum Schlechten wandeln, degenerieren 5. verbannen 6. Wasserlauf, Strom 7. Strom, Strömung 8. Klasse, Grad, Sorte + +
A + * * zao3 early/ for a long time/ as early as 1. Morgen, am Morgen, morgens 2. längst, vor langer Zeit 3.früh, frühzeitig, früher als andere 4. früher, vorher 5. guten Morgen + +
A 早晨(早上) + * * zao3chen (early) morning Morgen + +
A 對不起 + * * dui4buqi3 sorry/ excuse me/ let down Entschuldigung,leider + +
A 簡單 + * * jian3dan1 simple/ commonplace/ casual einfach + +
A 勝利 + * * sheng4li4 victory/ triumph gewinnen,Sieg + +
A 一…就… + * * yi1 jiu4 as soon as/ once sobald wie.. + +
A + * * zhi1 (measure word for one of a pair) ein Zählwort für Haustiere + +
A + * * bai3 put/ put on/ sway 1. stellen, setzen, legen, aufsetzen, ausstellen 2. zeigen, etw sehen lassen, zur Schau stellen 3. etw hin- und her bewegen , schwenken, schwingen , winken + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit teilen,einteilen + +
A + * * xiang4 towards/ to/ face/ be partial to 1. Richtung 2. sich gegen...wenden, auf etw gerichtet sein, nach...gehen 3. für etw/jn Patrei ergreifen, zu jm halten 4. entgegen,gegenüber liegen + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit Punkt, ein Fen (1 Cent), + +
A + * * jin4 enter/ come or go into/ recruit 1. vorgehen, vorwärtsgehen, vorrücken, vordringen, vorankommen 2. hineingehen, eintreten,hereinkommen 3. einnehmen,, bekommen 4. essen, trinken 5.übereichen, offerieren 6. in, hinein 7. einer der trad. Wohnhöfe + +
A 開玩笑 + * * kai1 wan2xiao4 joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of Spaß machen + +
A + * * zhu4 live/ reside/ stay/ stop/ cease 1. wohnen, leben 2. stoppen, aufhören + +
A + * * zuo4 do/ make/ compose/ write/ act as 1. machen,tun 2. schreiben, verfassen 3. literarisches oder künstlerisches Werk 4. als... betrachten, für ... halten 5. vortäuschen 6. sich fühlen, erbrechen + +
A 師傅 + * * shi1fu master worker/ master/ teacher Meister (häufige Anrede) + +
A 一塊兒 + * * yi1kuai4r the same place/ together zusammen + +
A 開學 + * * kai1 xue2 school begins/ term starts Schulbeginn + +
A 老(老二) + * * lao3 old/ aged/ tough/ of long standing 1.alt, betagt 2.Alte(r) 3. seit lange bestehend, alt 4. veraltet, alt, überholt 5. hart, zäh, nicht zart 6. lange, für eine lange Zeit 7. stets, immer 8. sehr + +
A + * * zhi1 (measure word for stick-like things) ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc + +
A + * * ti2 carry/ put forward/ draw out/ raise 1. etwa mit einer Hand tragen 2. hochheben, aufheben 3. einen Termin vorverlegen 4. vorlegen, äußern 5. herausziehen, extrahieren 6. erwähnen, etw ins Gespräch bringen + +
A 活動 + * * huo2dong4 move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky Aktivität,Tätigkeit + +
A + * * bian4 change/ become 1. sich verändern, sich wandeln,zu etwas werden 2. ändern, verändern, umwandeln 3. unerwartetes Ereignis, unvorhergesehene Änderung + +
A 變成 + * * bian4 cheng2 change into/ turn into zu etwas werden,verwandeln + +
A 麵條兒 + * * mian4tiao2r noodles Nudeln, Spaghetti + +
A 努力 + * * nu3li4 try hard/ be hard at work or study sich anstrengen,streben,fleißig + +
A + * * shuang1 pair/ twin/ dual/ double/ di-/ bi- Zählwort Paar + +
A + * * guan1 shut/ lock up/ turn off/ close down 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß + +
A 進來 + * * jin4lai2 come in/ get in hineinkommen + +
A 高興 + * * gao1xing4 glad/ cheerful/ be happy to 1. froh, freudig, glücklich 2. gern, mit Vergnügen + +
A 進去 + * * jin4qu go in/ get in/ enter hineingehen + +
A + * * shui2 who 1. wer 2. niemand 3. irgendwer, irgendeiner, jemand + +
A 一起 + * * yi1qi3 the same place/ together zusammen + +
A 作業 + * * zuo4ye4 homework/ operation/ task/ work Hausaufgaben, Aufgabe + +
A 注意 + * * zhu4yi4 pay attention to/ take notice of beachten,aufpassen + +
A 進行 + * * jin4xing2 be in progress/ go on/ carry on fortfahren,weitermachen,fortsetzen + +
A + * * ban1 move/ carry 1. fortschaffen, befördern, umlegen, umstellen 2. umziehen, den Wohnsitz wechseln 3. mechanisch nachahmen, (oder übernehmen) + +
A + * * di4 the earth/ land/ field/ ground 1.di4= Erde, Erdkugel, Erdball, 2. Erde, Land 3. Feld 4. Boden 5. Platz + +
A + * * kan4 see/ look at/ watch/ read/ think sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten + +
A + * * tuo1 take off/ cast off/ strip 1. abwerfen, abstreifen, abfallen, ausfallen 2. abnehmen, ausziehen 3. entfliehen, entgehen 4. fehlen 5. vernachlässigen + +
A + * * you3 have/ possess/ exist/ there be 1.haben, besitzen 2. bestehen, dasein 3. es gibt + +
A 知道 + * * zhi1dao4 know/ be aware of/ realize wissen, Bescheid wissen + +
A + * * zhu4 express good wishes/ wish wünschen,gratulieren, feiern + +
A 看病 + * * kan4 bing4 see a doctor/ see a patient einen Kranken aufsuchen (Arzt) + +
A 合適 + * * he2shi4 appropriate/ right/ suitable passend + +
A 有的 + * * you3de some/ some of einiges + +
A 知識 + * * zhi1shi knowledge Kenntnis,Wissen, Wissenschaft und Kultur betreffend,intellektuell + +
A + * * zuo4 sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire 1. sitzen, sich setzen, Platz nehmen 2. fahren mit (Fahrzeug) 3. (Topf, Pfanne) aufs Feuer stellen 4. (Gewehr etc) zurückstoßen + +
A + * * gao3 do/ cause/ make/ get hold of 1. tun, machen, verrichten 2. verschaffen, auftreiben 3. herbeiführen + +
A 關係 + * * guan1xi4 relation/ relationship Beziehung + +
A 關心 + * * guan1xin1 be concerned with/ care for Anteilnahme erweisen,sorgen für + +
A + * * zuo4 (measure word for cities and so on) 1. Sitz, Platz 2. Ständer, Gestell, Sockel 3.ein Zählwort, Berge, Brücken/ etc + +
A 操場 + * * cao1chang3 playground/ sports ground Sportplatz + +
A + * * da4 big/ great/ loud 1. groß, riesig, gewaltig 2. Größe 3. Alter 4. sehr, höchst, völlig 5. der Erste 6. sehr, ganz + +
A 看見 + * * kan4jian4 see/ catch sight of sehen + +
A 怎麼 + * * zen3me how/ why/ however wie + +
A + * * lou2 storied building 1. Gebäude 2. Stockwerk 3. Turm + +
A 一下 + * * yi1xia4 one time/ once/ a little while einmal + +
A 怎麼樣 + * * zen3meyang4 how/ (a polite formula) wie + +
A + * * jin4 nearby/ near/ close 1. nahe, unweit, dicht bei 2. sich nähern, an etw grenzen, annähernd 3. innig, intim 4. leicht verständlich + +
A 消息 + * * xiao1xi news/ information/ message Nachricht,Neuigkeit + +
A + * * dun4 used for meals or scolding 1. Pause 2.arrangieren, unterbringen 3. mit dem Fuß auf die Erde schlagen 4. sofort, plötzlich, auf einmal 5. ein Zählwort für Mahlzeiten + +
A 水平 + * * shui3ping2 standard/ level/ horizontal Niveau,Standard + +
A 怎樣 + * * zen3yang4 how wie + +
A + * * shan1 mountain/ hill 1. Berg, Gebirge 2. bergähnliche Gebilde + +
A 小(小李) + * * xiao3 small/ little/ petty/ minor/ young 1. klein, geringfügig, unbedeutend 2. eine kurze Weile 3. jung + +
A + * * jian4 meet/ see/ be exposed to 1. sehen, wahrnehmen 2. berühren, mit etw/jm in Kontakt kommen 3. sichtbar werden, erscheinen 4. siehe 5. sich treffen mit, besuchen 6. Meinung, Ansicht + +
A 一些 + * * yi1xie1 a number of/ certain/ a few/ a little eine Anzahl von, einige, etliche + +
A + * * duo1 a little or few more than 1. viel, eine Menge, eine große Anzahl 2.mehr als, zu viel, 3. übermäßig, zu viel 4. mehr als, länger als 5. viel mehr, weit mehr 6. verbal bei der Frage nach dem Alter + +
A + * * chou1 take out/ take from/ grow/ inhale 1.herausnehmen, herausziehen 2. sprießen, treiben 3. ansaugen, abpumpen 4. eingehen + +
A + * * duo1 how/ what 1. viel, eine Menge, eine große Anzahl 2.mehr als, zu viel, 3. übermäßig, zu viel 4. mehr als, länger als 5. viel mehr, weit mehr 6. verbal bei der Frage nach dem Alter + +
A 有名 + * * you3ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt + +
A + * * duo1 a little or few more than 1. viel, eine Menge, eine große Anzahl 2.mehr als, zu viel, 3. übermäßig, zu viel 4. mehr als, länger als 5. viel mehr, weit mehr 6. verbal bei der Frage nach dem Alter + +
A …分之… + * * fen1zhi1 for expression of a fraction number ein Bruch.. + +
A + * * shui4 sleep/ go to bed schlafen,zu Bett gehen + +
A 告訴 + * * gao4su4 tell/ let know mitteilen + +
A + * * qi2 ride (an animal or bicycle) reiten, radfahren + +
A 睡覺 + * * shui4 jiao4 sleep/ go to bed zu Bett gehen,schlafen + +
A 小姐 + * * xiao3jie young lady/ Miss/ miss Fräulein, junge Frau + +
A 一…也 + * * yi1_ye3 as soon as … then … Possessiv de, adjektivischer suffix + +
A + * * qi3 remove/ pull/ appear/ rise/ raise 1. aufstehen, sich aufrichten ,sich erheben 2. sich entwickeln, entstehen 3. wachsen, sich bilden 4. anfangen, beginnen 5. entfernen, herausziehen 6. entwerfen, abfassen 7. bauen 8. Fall 9. Gruppe, Schub + +
A 襪子 + * * wa4zi socks/ stockings/ hose Strumpf,Socke + +
A 學生 + * * xue2sheng student/ schoolboy/ schoolgirl Student,Schüler + +
A 哥哥 + * * ge1ge elder brother älterer Bruder + +
A 或者 + * * huo4zhe3 or/ perhaps/ maybe oder + +
A 民族 + * * min2zu2 nation/ nationality Nationalität + +
A 有时候 + * * you3 shi2hou sometimes manchmal + +
A 多麼 + * * duo1me how/ what wie + +
A + * * ge1 song Lied + +
A + * * jian4 (measure word for clothes; affairs) 1. ein Zählwort für Hemd, Arbeit etc 2. Brief, Botschaft, Dokument + +
A + * * lu4 road/ path/ way/ journey/ route 1. Straße,Weg 2. Entfernung, Reise 3. Mittel, Weise, Weg 4. Logik, Folge, Folgerichtigkeit 5. Linie,Route 6. Sorte, Art, Klasse + +
A + * * pa4 fear/ be afraid of/ perhaps 1. fürchten, Angst haben 2. befürchten, vermutlich, vielleicht + +
A 多少 + * * duo1shao how many/ how much wieviele,wieviel + +
A 黑板 + * * hei1ban3 blackboard Wandtafel + +
A 健康 + * * jian4kang1 health/ healthy/ sound/ wholesome gesund, Gesundheit + +
A 小時 + * * xiao3shi2 hour Stunde + +
A 一直 + * * yi1zhi2 always/ all along/ straight geradeaus, immer, fortwährend + +
A 大概 + * * da4gai4 probably/ general/ broad outline 1. ungefähre Vorstellung, in großen Zügen, grobe Umrisse 2.grob, in etwa annäherungsweise 3. vielleicht, möglicherweise, wahrscheinlich + +
A + * * pai1 clap/ pat/ beat/ shoot/ send 1. klatschen, klopfen, leicht schlagen 2. etw mit einer Kamera aufnehmen 3. (ein Telegramm) senden 4. sich bei jm einschmeicheln 5. Schläger 6. Taktschlag + +
A + * * wai4 outer/ outside/ external/ foreign 1. außen, äußerlich, außerhalb, Außen- 2. andere 3. ausländisch, fremd 4. Familienangehörige der weiblichen Linie 5. nicht in enger Beziehung zu einem stehend 6. außer, außerdem, abgesehen von + +
A 有些 + * * you3xie1 some/ some of einige + +
A 取得 + * * qu3de2 gain/ acquire/ obtain erringen, erzielen, erwerben + +
A 外邊 + * * wai4bian out/ outside/ exterior außen + +
A + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel + +
A 學校 + * * xue2xiao4 school/ educational institute Schule + +
A 有意思 + * * you3 yi4si interesting/ enjoyable Sinn haben,interessant sein + +
A + * * di4 used to form ordinal numbers 1. ein Präfix für eine Kardinalzahl, 2.kaiserliches Staatsexamen 3. Residenz eines hohen Beamten + +
A 學院 + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule + +
A 醫生 + * * yi1sheng1 doctor Doktor + +
A 基本 + * * ji1ben3 basic/ fundamental/ on the whole Grund- + +
A 起來 + * * qi3 lai2 stand up/ sit up/ rise to one's feet aufstehen + +
A + * * shuo1 speak/ talk/ say/ scold 1. sprechen,sagen 2. erklären, erläutern 3. tadeln, kritisieren 4. Lehre, Theorie + +
A 學院 + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule + +
A 半天 + * * ban4tian1 half a day/ a long time eine lange Zeit,einen halben Tag + +
A 大家 + * * da4jia1 everybody/ all alle,jedermann + +
A 考試 + * * kao3shi4 examine/ test/ examination geprüft werden,Prüfung + +
A 明天 + * * ming2tian1 tomorrow morgen + +
A + * * qu4 go/ leave/ send/ remove/ get rid of 1. gehen, fortgehen 2. abschaffen, beseitigen 3. vom vergangenen Jahr, letztjährig + +
A 表示 + * * biao3shi4 show/ express/ indicate zeigen,ausdrücken + +
A 弟弟 + * * di4di younger brother jüngerer Bruder + +
A + * * guan3 an indoor place for activities 1. Unterkunft für Gäste 2. Laden, Geschäft 3. Stätte für kulturelle Aktivitäten + +
A 基礎 + * * ji1chu3 foundation/ base/ basis Grundlage,Fundament + +
A 友好 + * * you3hao3 friendly/ amicable/ close friend freundlich + +
A 表現 + * * biao3xian4 show off/ express/ display zeigen, an den Tag legen, Ausdruck + +
A 表演 + * * biao3yan3 perform/ act/ play/ demonstrate aufführen,vorführen + +
A 建設 + * * jian4she4 build/ construct/ construction aufbauen,Aufbau + +
A 精彩 + * * jing1cai3 brilliant/ splendid/ wonderful ausgezeichnet,exzellent + +
A 外國 + * * wai4guo2 foreign country Ausland + +
A + * * xue3 snow 1. Schnee 2. (eine Schande) tilgen, sich rächen + +
A 醫院 + * * yi1yuan4 hospital Krankenhaus + +
A + * * ban4 do/ deal with 1. (VC) handeln, erledigen, besorgen 2. veranstalten, errichten, verwalten 3. in großen Mengen einkaufen, besorgen 4. bestrafen + +
A 表揚 + * * biao3yang2 praise/ commend loben,auszeichnen + +
A + * * ceng2 layer/ story 1. Schicht, Schichtung 2.Schicht, Überzug, Belag 3.übereinanderliegend 4.ein Zählwort,für Stockwerke, Lage + +
A 說明 + * * shuo1ming2 explain/ illustrate/ show erklären,Erklärung + +
A + * * ke1 (measure word for plants) Zählwort für Pflanzen + +
A 錄音 + * * lu4yin1 record sound/ sound recording Tonbandaufnahme + +
A 排球 + * * pai2qiu2 volleyball Volleyball + +
A 機場 + * * ji1chang3 airport/ airfield/ aerodrome Flugplatz + +
A 辦公室 + * * ban4gong1shi4 office Büro + +
A + * * bie2 don't Nicht tun ! siehe bie4 + +
A + * * chu1 go out/ exceed/ issue/ vent 1. hinausgehen, herauskommen 2. erscheinen 3. überschreiten, über etw hinausgehen, übertreffen 4. abgeben, ausgeben 5. erzeugen, vorkommen 6. geschehen 7. ausscheiden 8. ausgeben + +
A + * * leng3 cold 1. kalt 2. kühl, gleichgültig, teilnahmslos 3. verlassen, still, zurückgezogen, einsam, menschenleer 4. rar, selten + +
A 別的 + * * bie2de other/ another anderer + +
A + * * pai4 send/ appoint 1. schicken, einsetzen, ernennen 2. Gruppe, Fraktion, Schule 3. Verhalten, Erscheinung, Stil, Art, Weise + +
A 別人 + * * bie2ren other people/ others andere Leute,andere + +
A + * * dian3 1. dot stroke (in Chinese characters) 2. point Punkt 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung + +
A 出發 + * * chu1fa1 set out/ start from losgehen,sich auf den Weg machen + +
A 機會 + * * ji1hui4 chance/ opportunity Chance,Gelegenheit + +
A 西邊 + 西* * xi1bian west (often used in oral Chinese) Westen + +
A + * * dian3 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc + +
A + * * quan2 complete/ whole/ entire/ full/ total 1. ganz, gesamt 2. komplett, vollständig, voll 3. etw als Ganzes unversehrt erhalten 4. völlig, gänzlich + +
A + * * feng1 for letters ein Zählwort für Briefe + +
A 全部 + * * quan2bu4 all/ without exception/ complete ganz + +
A 衣服 + * * yi1fu clothes/ clothing/ garment/ coat Kleidung + +
A + * * hong2 red/ symbol of success 1.rot 2. rot, Revolutionär 3.rotes Tuch, roter Kattun, rote Seide 4. (Symbol für) Erfolg 5. Dividende + +
A 思想 + * * si1xiang3 thought/ thinking/ idea/ ideology Gedanke + +
A 大聲 + * * da4 sheng1 loudly mit lauter Stimme,laut + +
A 出來 + * * chu1 lai2 come out/ emerge herauskommen, hervorkommen + +
A + * * ge4 (a general measure word) ein Zählwort für Dinge allgemein + +
A + * * li2 leave/ without/ off/ away/ from 1. verlassen, trennen, sich entfernen 2. von...entfernt, weit, entfernt 3. ohne + +
A + * * xie1 (measure word for unspecified amount) ein Zählwort,etwas + +
A 點鐘 + * * dian3zhong1 o'clock ein Zählwort,Uhr,Uhrzeit + +
A 商店 + * * shang1dian4 shop/ store Laden,Geschäft + +
A 食堂 + * * shi2tang2 dining room/ canteen/ cafeteria Speisesaal, Kantine, Mensa + +
A 外語(外文) + * * wai4yu3 foreign language Fremdsprache + +
A 咳嗽 + * * ke2sou cough husten + +
A 旅行 + * * lv3xing2 travel/ journey/ tour/ trip reisen + +
A + * * xie2 shoe Schuh + +
A 離開 + * * li2kai1 leave/ depart from verlassen + +
A 愉快 + * * yu2kuai4 happy/ cheerful/ joyful/ delightful glücklich + +
A 經常 + * * jing1chang2 often/ frequently/ constantly/ usually alltäglich, oft,stets + +
A 展覽 + * * zhan3lan3 put on display/ exhibit/ show Ausstellung, ausstellen, zu Schau stellen + +
A + * * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up 1.prüfen, überprüfen, nachprüfen 2. erforschen,untersuchen 3. nachschlagen, nachlesen + +
A 全體 + * * quan2ti3 all/ whole/ entire alle, ganz + +
A 經過 + * * jing1guo4 pass/ go through/ as a result of durchkommen,hindurchgehen + +
A 出去 + * * chu1 qu4 go out/ get out ausgehen,hinausgehen,nach draußen gehen + +
A 大學 + * * da4xue2 university/ college Universität + +
A 而且 + * * er2qie3 moreover/ in addition/ but also darüber hinaus,außerdem + +
A + * * ge4 each/ every/ various/ different jeder, jede, jedes, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig, + +
A 經濟 + * * jing1ji4 economy/ income/ economical Wirtschaft,wirtschaftlich + +
A + * * zhi3 point at/ point to/ point out/ refer to 1. Finger 2. zeigen, weisen gerichtet sein 3. auf jn/etw angewiesen sein, von jn/etw abhängig sein, sich auf jn/etw stützen siehe *zhi1, zhi2 + +
A 電車 + * * dian4che1 tram/ trolleybus Straßenbahn + +
A 實踐 + * * shi2jian4 live up to/ carry out/ practice ausüben,in die Praxis umsetzen + +
A 玩兒 + * * wan2r play/ have fun/ employ/ resort to spielen,sich vergnügen + +
A + * * zhuang1 act/ pretend/ load/ assemble/ fit 1. schmücken, sich verkleiden 2. Kleidung, Tracht 3. sich kostümieren, sich schminken 4. laden, beladen, aufladen ,installieren 5. montieren, zusammensetzen 6. vortäuschen + +
A 廣播 + 广* * guang3bo1 broadcast/ be on the air senden (Radio),Rundfunk + +
A + * * cha4 short of/ differ from/ poor nicht gleichen, nicht übereinstimmen, sich mit etw nicht decken, mit etw nicht identisch fehlen, ermangeln, geringer als, kurz vor siehe cha4 + +
A + * * shang4 get on/ go up/ go to/ submit/ fill 1. oben, ober 2. höher, höherstehend 3. erst, vorhergehend 4.seine Majestät 5. von unten nach oben 6. gehen, fahren 7. überreichen 8.vorwärts + +
A + * * zhan4 occupy/ seize/ take/ constitute 1. etw in Besitz nehmen, erobern, sich aneignen, etw an sich reißen 2. ausmachen, einnehmen, innehaben + +
A 兒子 + * * er2zi son Sohn + +
A + * * luan4 in a mess/ indiscriminate/ random 1. Unordnung, Verwirrung, durcheinander, unordentlich, wirr 2. Unruhe, Rebellion 3. etw in Unordnung bringen 4. konfus, verworren, beunruhigt + +
A 可能 + * * ke3neng2 possible/ maybe/ possibility/ may vielleicht,es ist möglich, daß + +
A 電話 + * * dian4hua4 telephone/ phone/ phone call Telefon + +
A + * * er4 two zwei + +
A 各種 + * * ge4zhong3 all kinds of verschiedene Arten + +
A 希望 + * * xi1wang4 hope/ wish/ expect hoffen,wünschen + +
A + * * xie3 write/ compose/ describe schreiben + +
A 上邊 + * * shang4bian above/ over/ the higher authorities oben + +
A + * * ya1 ah/ oh/ creak Interj. Oh ! + +
A + * * fa1 send out/ discharge/ issue/ rise 1. senden, absenden, aufgeben 2. äußern, etw zum Ausdruck bringen 3. schießen, abfeuern, ausstrahlen 4. hervorbringen, erzeugen 5. werden, in Erscheinung treten 6. empfinden 7. Zählwort für Patronen + +
A 實現 + * * shi2xian4 realize/ achieve/ bring about realisieren, erreichen + +
A + * * si4 four vier (chin.Unglückszahl, klingt falsch ausgesprochen wie sterben) + +
A + * * wan2 use up/ be over/ finish/ complete 1. ganz, vollständig 2. aus, zu Ende, aufgebraucht 3. vollenden, beenden 4. (Steuern) zahlen + +
A + * * gen1 root/ foot/ base/ origin 1. Wurzel 2. Fuß, Ende, Basis 3. Ursprung, Ursache 4. gründlich, vollkommen 5. Zählwort für streifenartige Dinge + +
A + * * li3 1/2 kilometre Längenmaß =1/2 km + +
A 裡邊 + * * li3bian inside/ in/ within/ interior innen, Innenseite + +
A + * * pao3 run/ run away/ run about doing sth. 1. laufen 2. entfliehen, entkommen 3. gehen, fahren 4. herumlaufen, um etw zu beschaffen + +
A 完成 + * * wan2cheng2 accomplish/ complete/ fulfill ergänzen,vollenden, erfüllen + +
A 大夫 + * * dai4fu doctor/ physician Arzt,Doktor + +
A + * * dai4 put on/ wear/ support/ respect 1. tragen, aufsetzen,anziehen 2.verehren, lieben + +
A 完全 + * * wan2quan2 complete/ whole/ full/ at all völlig + +
A 習慣 + * * xi2guan4 be used to/ usual practice/ habit sich gewöhnen an,Gewohnheit + +
A + * * dai4 take/ do/ lead/ have 1. Band, Gürtel, Streifen 2. Reifen 3. Zone, Gürtel, Gebiet 4. mitnehmen, mitbringen , etw nebenbei für jn tun 5. enthalten 6.mit , und 7.jn etw beibringen 8. führen, leiten 9. großziehen + +
A 汽車 + * * qi4che1 automobile/ motor vehicle/ car Automobil,Wagen + +
A 上課 + * * shang4 ke4 attend class/ give a lesson Unterricht haben,zum Unterricht gehen + +
A + * * tiao2 strip (measure word for long things) 1. dünner Zweig, kleiner Ast 2. Streifen, schmaler und langer Gegenstand 3. Artikel,, Klausel, Posten, Punkt 4. Ordnung, Reihenfolge 5. ein Zählwort für Fische, Schiffe, etc + +
A 電視 + * * dian4shi4 television/ TV Fernseher,TV + +
A + * * gen1 with/ and/ follow 1. Ferse 2. folgen, nachkommen, befolgen 3.(zusammen )mit , und + +
A 條件 + * * tiao2jian4 condition/ qualification/ requirement Bedingung,Voraussetzung,Faktor + +
A 汽水 + * * qi4shui3 aerated water/ soda/ soft drink Limonade + +
A 上來 + * * shang4 lai2 come up hoch kommen + +
A + * * wan3 bowl Schüssel,Schale + +
A + * * zhan4 stand/ be on one's feet/ stop/ halt stehen, halten, stoppen + +
A + * * zhi3 only, merely nur, bloß, lediglich, allein siehe zhi1=1. allein, einzig + +
A 上去 + * * shang4 qu go up hoch gehen + +
A + * * zhan4 stand/ be on one's feet/ stop/ halt 1.Station,Haltestelle 2.Dienstbüro, Station + +
A 喜歡 + * * xi3huan love/ like/ be keen to/ be fond of gern haben,mögen + +
A 辛苦 + * * xin1ku3 hard/ toilsome/ laborious/ tire mühsam,anstrengend + +
A + * * jiao1 hand over/ deliver/ associate with 1. aushändigen, übergeben, abliefern, abgeben überreichen 2. angrenzen, an etw stoßen 3. auf eine bestimmte Jahreszeit) zugehen, werden 4. sich kreuzen, sich überschneiden, 5. mit jn Bekanntschaft schließen, 6. geschlechtlich verkehren 7. Freund, + +
A 以前 + * * yi3qian2 before/ formerly vorher,in der Vergangenheit + +
A 電影 + * * dian4ying3 film/ movie Film + +
A + * * ke4 a quarter of an hour/ carve/ cut ein Zählwort, Viertel + +
A + * * xin1 new/ fresh/ up-to-date/ newly neu, frisch + +
A 只好 + * * zhi3hao3 have to/ be forced to nur können,müssen,unbedingt + +
A 遇到 + * * yu4dao4 meet with/ run into/ encounter stoßen auf,begegnen, treffen auf + +
A 使用 + 使* * shi3yong4 make use of/ use/ employ/ apply anwenden, benutzen + +
A 晚會 + * * wan3hui4 evening party/ social evening Abendparty, Abendveranstaltung + +
A 忽然 + * * hu1ran2 suddenly/ all of a sudden plötzlich,unerwartet + +
A + * * xi3 wash/ bathe/ develop 1. waschen, reinigen, taufen 2. verheeren, ausplündern, niedermetzeln, massakrieren + +
A 準備 + * * zhun3bei4 prepare/ get ready (for)/ intend vorbereiten + +
A 上午 + * * shang4wu3 forenoon/ morning Morgen,Vormittag + +
A + * * song4 send/ give/ deliver/ carry/ escort 1. senden, schicken, bringen 2. geben, schenken 3. begleiten 4. verabschieden + +
A 以為 + * * yi3wei2 think/ consider/ believe meinen,denken,glauben + +
A + * * zhang3 grow/ develop/ acquire/ increase (Verb) wachsen, entstehen, fördern + +
A 客氣 + * * ke4qi polite/ act or remark politely höflich + +
A 歷史 + * * li4shi3 history/ past records Geschichte + +
A 上學 + * * shang4 xue2 go to school/ attend school zur Schule gehen + +
A + * * wan4 ten thousand/ a very great number 1. zehntausend 2. sehr viel 3. durchaus, absolut, unter allen Umständen + +
A + * * geng4 more/ still more; even more noch, noch mehr,weiter, außerdem + +
A + * * ke4 lesson/ class/ subject/ course 1. Fach, Kursus 2. Unterricht, Vorlesung 3. Lektion,ein Zählwort 4. besteuern, Steuern erheben + +
A 母親 + * * mu3qin1 mother (used in written Chinese) Mutter + +
A 發生 + * * fa1sheng1 happen/ occur/ take place geschehen, sich ereignen, entstehen + +
A 課本 + * * ke4ben3 textbook Lehrbuch,Schulbuch + +
A 掌握 + * * zhang3wo4 grasp/ master/ control/ have in hand 1.meistern,beherrschen,begreifen 2.kontrollieren in der Hand haben + +
A 工廠 + * * gong1chang3 factory/ mill/ plant/ works Fabrik + +
A 新聞 + * * xin1wen2 information/ news Nachrichten + +
A 發現 + * * fa1xian4 discover/ find/ discovery finden,entdecken + +
A + * * qian1 thousand 1. Tausend, tausend 2. sehr viel, unzählig, zahllos + +
A 媽媽 + * * ma1ma mummy/ mom/ ma/ mother Mutter + +
A + * * xi4 thin/ fine/ thin and soft/ meticulous 1. dünn, schmal 2. fein, winzig 3. fein, sorgfältig 4. genau, sorgfältig 5. klein, gering, winzig + +
A + 亿* * yi4 a hundred million hundert Millionen + +
A 貴姓 + * * gui4 xing4 your honorable family name darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen.. + +
A 研究 + * * yan2jiu1 study/ research/ consider/ discuss forschen + +
A 利用 + * * li4yong4 use/ utilize/ exploit/ make use of benutzen + +
A + * * chang2 often/ frequently 1. allgemein, gewöhnlich, üblich, normal 2 unveränderlich, immer, ständig, beständig 3. oft, häufig, öfter , immer wieder + +
A + * * diao4 fall/ drop/ lose/ reduce/ turn 1.fallenlassen, herunterfallen, abfallen 2. zurückbleiben 3. verlieren, verschwinden 4. wenden, umkehren 5. abwischen + +
A + * * rang4 give way/ give ground/ invite/ let 1. nachgeben, aufgeben , jm einen Vorteil überlassen 2. jm etw überlassen, an jn etw abtreten 3. bitten, anbieten 4. lassen, zulassen , erlauben + +
A 意見 + * * yi4jian4 opinion/ view/ objection Meinung + +
A 常常 + * * chang2chang2 often/ frequently oft,häufig, gewöhnlich + +
A 例如 + * * li4ru2 for example/ for instance zum Beispiel + +
A 麻煩 + * * ma2fan troublesome/ put sb. to trouble belästigen, stören,hinderlich (sein), lästig + +
A 世界 + * * shi4jie4 world Welt + +
A 發展 + * * fa1zhan3 develop/ recruit/ development entwickeln, Entwicklung, entfalten, wachsen + +
A 意思 + * * yi4si meaning/ idea/ wish/ appreciation Bedeutung,Sinn + +
A + * * wang3 to/ toward/ in the direction of zu,nach,entgegen + +
A 工人 + * * gong1ren2 worker/ workman Arbeiter + +
A + * * shao3 few/ little/ less/ lack/ lose/ reduce 1. wenig, gering 2. fehlen, mangeln 3. verlorengegangen sein, abhanden kommen 4. ein Moment + +
A + * * wang3 go to gehen nach + +
A 穿 + 穿* * chuan1 penetrate/ go through/ put on 1. tragen,anziehen, anhaben 2. durch etw gehen, über etw gehen 3.bohren, durchlöchern + +
A + * * re4 hot/ popular/ heat up/ warm 1. heiß, warm 2. leidenschaftlich, brennend, mit Wärme 3. Wärme 4. Fieber 5. allgemeine Schwärmerei, Begeisterung 6. aufwärmen + +
A 宿舍 + 宿* * su4she4 hostel/ living quarters/ dormitory Wohnheim + +
A 互相 + * * hu4xiang1 each other/ mutual wechselseitig,gegenseitig + +
A + * * jiu3 for a long time/ long 1. lange, lange Zeit 2. von bestimmter Dauer, für eine bestimmte Zeit + +
A 預習 + * * yu4xi2 preview/ prepare lessons vor dem Unterricht ansehen,Lektionen vorbereiten + +
A + * * chang2 long, length (Adj.)1.lang 2.Länge 3. dauerhaft, von langer Dauer 4. Stärke, starke Seite + +
A + * * guo2 country/ state/ nation 1.Land, Staat, Nation 2.staatlich, national + +
A + * * ma3 horse Pferd + +
A + * * ting1 listen/ hear/ heed/ obey 1. hören, anhören, zuhören 2. aufeinen Rat hören 3. lassen, gewähren + +
A + * * peng4 touch/ bump/ meet/ run into 1. berühren, stoßen 2. treffen,begegnen, auf etw/jn stoßen 3 etw auf gut Glück versuchen + +
A + * * suan1 sour/ sick at heart/ tingle/ acid 1. Säure 2. sauer 3. traurig,schmerzerfüllt,betrübt 4. ziehende Muskelschmerzen + +
A + * * jiao3 foot Fuß, Unterbau,unterer Teil + +
A + * * jiu3 alcoholic drink/ wine/ liquor Wein,alkohohlische Getränke, Spirituosen + +
A 立刻 + * * li4ke4 immediately/ at once/ right away sofort,unverzüglich + +
A + * * hua1 Flower Blume, Blüte + +
A + * * suan4 1. calculate, reckon, compute, figure 2. include, count 3. carry weight, count 1. rechnen 2. einbeziehen, einrechnen, einkalkulieren 3. planen 4. zählen, gelten 5. etw als gültig betrachten 6. am Ende, schließlich 7. laß das, schon, gut, basta + +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + +
A 顏色 + * * yan2se4 color Farbe + +
A 工作 + * * gong1zuo4 work/ job arbeiten, Arbeit + +
A + * * hua1 spend/ expend/ cost ausgeben, verwenden 1. Blume, Blüte 2. etw einer Blume ähnlich 3. Feuerwerk 4.Muster, Verzierung 5. gemustert, geblümt, bunt, verziert 6.verschwommen, verwischt, undeutlich 7. verwundet 8. ausgeben, verwenden + +
A + * * qian2 money/ fund/ sum 1. Geld 2. ein Qian=fünf Gramm 3. Währung, Münzen + +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + +
A + * * bu4 not/ no nicht,nein + +
A + * * na2 take/ hold/ seize/ capture/ with/ at 1.(VC) (VB)nehmen, fassen ergreifen, halten 2. festhalten, überwältigen, überwinden 3. beherrschen, fähig zu etw sein 4. absichtlich Schwierigkeiten bereiten 5.(P08) mit (Instrument oder Ziel) + +
A + * * qian2 front/ forward/ before/ preceding 1. vorn, frontal, vor 2. vorwärtsgehen, voranschreiten, voran, vorwärts 3. vorher, zuvor, vor 4. ehemalig 5. erste,r, s + +
A 聽說 + * * ting1 shuo1 be told/ hear of/ hear about man sagt daß,..gehört haben, daß... + +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + +
A 聽寫 + * * ting1xie3 dictate/ dictation diktieren,Diktat + +
A + * * yuan2 Yuan (used for money) 1. erste, anfänglich 2. Haupt-, Ober- 3. fundamental 4. Element 5. m.Yuan (Währung) + +
A 著急 + * * zhao2ji2 worry/ anxious beunruhigt sein wegen,besorgt + +
A 國家 + * * guo2jia1 country/ state/ nation Land,Staat + +
A + * * jiao3 one tenth of one RMB Yuan 1.Jiao, Chin. Währung + +
A + * * na (modal particle ending a sentence) 1. welcher, welche, welches 2. irgendein, irgendwelche + +
A 前邊 + * * qian2bian in front/ ahead vorn + +
A 下邊 + * * xia4bian below/ under/ lower level/ next unten + +
A + * * ting2 stop/ cease/ be parked 1. stehenbleiben, stillstehen, aufhören, halten, innehalten,anhalten, stoppen 2. sich aufhalten 3. halten, Anker werfen, parken + +
A + * * wang4 forget/ neglect vergessen + +
A + * * zhao3 look for/ return the balance of money 1. suchen,sich nach etw umsehen, etw ausfindig machen 2. zu jn kommen, jn zu sprechen wünschen, jn besuchen 3. herausgeben + +
A 輔導 + * * fu3dao3 coach/ teach/ tutor Trainer,Coach,trainieren/betreuen/nachhelfen + +
A + * * ji3 crowded/ cram/ jostle/ squeeze 1. pressen, auspressen, drücken, herausdrücken 2. sich drängen, sich zwängen 3.vollgestopft, Gedränge + +
A + * * jiu4 old/ past/ bygone/ used/ worn 1. alt, veraltet, überholt, vergangen, altmodisch 2. abgenutzt, abgetragen, verbraucht 3. früher, ehemalig 4. alter Freund, alte Freundschaft + +
A 馬上 + * * ma3shang4 at once/ immediately/ right away sofort,unverzüglich + +
A + * * ren2 person/ man/ people 1. Mensch, Person 2. Tätiger 3. andere 4. Persönlichkeit 5. jeder + +
A + * * ji3 how many/ a few/ some 1. wieviele 2. einige, mehrere + +
A 雖然 + * * sui1ran2 though/ although obgleich,obwohl + +
A + * * chuan2 boat/ ship Schiff,Boot + +
A 不錯 + * * bu4cuo4 not bad/ pretty good/ correct nicht übel,ziemlich gut + +
A + * * ma (modal particle expressing urging) Partikel, zeigt an, dass etwas selbstverständl.ist + +
A 下課 + * * xia4 ke4 finish class/ get out of class Der Unterricht ist zu Ende,den Unterricht beenden + +
A + * * lia3 two people (used in oral Chinese) 1. beide, zwei, 2. einige, ein paar + +
A + * * ma (modal particle making a question) ein Fragepartikel + +
A 下來 + * * xia4 lai2 come down herunter kommen + +
A 照顧 + * * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to 1. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen 2. sich um jn kümmern, betreuen, Fürsorge + +
A 不但 + * * bu4dan4 not only nicht nur + +
A + * * jiu4 with regard to/ even if/ at once dann, und so + +
A 信封 + * * xin4feng1 envelope Briefumschlag + +
A 技術 + * * ji4shu4 technology/ skill/ technique Technik + +
A + * * chuang1 window Fenster + +
A 但是 + * * dan4shi4 but/ however/ yet; nevertheless aber, dennoch + +
A 原來 + * * yuan2lai2 original/ former ursprünglich + +
A 窗戶 + * * chuang1hu window/ casement Fenster + +
A + * * fan1 turn over/ rummage/ capsize 1. umkehren, umdrehen 2. übersteigen 3. durchwühlen, stöbern 4. übersetzen, übertragen + +
A 教室 + * * jiao4shi4 classroom/ schoolroom Hörsaal,Klassenzimmer + +
A 下去 + * * xia4 qu go down/ descend hinunter gehen + +
A 原諒 + * * yuan2liang4 excuse/ forgive/ pardon verzeihen,entschuldigen + +
A 翻譯 + * * fan1yi4 translate/ translation/ translator übersetzen,dolmetschen,Übersetzer/Dolmetscher + +
A + * * ji4 send/ post/ mail 1. schicken, senden, per Post schicken 2. anvertrauen, etw zu treuen Händen überlassen, etw in Obhut geben 3. von jm abhängig sein, auf einen anderen angewiesen sein + +
A 聯繫 + * * lian2xi4 integrate/ link/ contact/ connection integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung + +
A 那些 + * * na4xie1 those jene + +
A 社會 + * * she4hui4 society Gesellschaft + +
A + * * tong1 open up/ lead to/ understand 1. frei, offen, durchgehend, nicht verstopft 2. etw durch Stochern durchlässig machen 3.nach... führen 4.verbinden, mit jm etw verkehren 5. benachrichtigen 6. beherrschen 7. Experte 8. logisch, verständlich + +
A 下午 + * * xia4wu3 afternoon Nachmittag + +
A 因為 + * * yin1wei4 because/ on account of/ because of weil + +
A 那樣 + * * na4yang4 of that kind/ like that/ so/ such so, so daß, + +
A 人們 + * * ren2men persons/ people/ the public Menschen,Leute + +
A 照相 + * * zhao4 xiang4 take a picture (or photograph) eine Aufnahme machen, fotographieren + +
A + * * kou3 mouth/ (measure word for people) 1. Mund, Maul 2. Öffnung, Eingang, Mündung 3. Kerbe, Ritz, Schramme, Loch, Einschnitt 4. Schneide 5. ein Zählwort + +
A 人民 + * * ren2min2 the people Volk + +
A + * * sui4 years old (for a person's age) 1. Jahr 2. Alter, Lebensjahr 3. ein Zählwort,Alter + +
A + * * zhong1 center/ middle/ in/ among/ China 1. Zentrum, Mitte, Mittelpunkt 2. China 3. in, inmitten, mitten drin 4. auf mittlerer Stufe stehend 5. zwischen zwei Extremen siehe zhong4 + +
A + * * na* particle,used in the same way as ah after words ending with n Endpartikel wie ah nach Wörtern, die auf n enden + +
A + * * yin1 cloudy/ overcast/ sinister 1. Yin, weibliches Prinzip, 2.Mond 3. Schatten 4. Rückseite 5. bewölkt 6. versteckt, geheim 7. negativ 8 . (weibliche) Genitalien + +
A + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Verb.)1 hinübergehen, überschreiten, überqueren 2. verbringen, verleben 3. vergehen, dahingehen 4. nach, später 5. über etw.hinausgehen, übertreffen, überschreiten 6. mehr als genug, übermäßig 7. Fehler, Vergehen, Fehltritt 8. ein Aspekt-Partikel (Volle + +
A 計劃 + * * ji4hua4 plan/ project/ program/ map out Plan,planen + +
A 危險 + * * wei1xian3 dangerous/ perilous/ danger Gefahr + +
A 自己 + * * zi4ji3 oneself/ closely related/ own selbst + +
A 滿 + * * man3 full/ filled/ complete/ fill/ expire 1. voll, erfüllt 2. hochmütig, überheblich, eingebildet 3. ganz und gar 4. enden + +
A 通過 + * * tong1guo4 by way of/ through/ pass through durchgehen,durch + +
A + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Adv.) übermäßig, zu sehr,exzessiv + +
A 教育 + * * jiao4yu4 education/ educate/ teach ausbilden,Ausbildung + +
A 演出 + * * yan3chu1 perform/ put on a show/ performance aufführen,Aufführung + +
A 中間 + * * zhong1jian1 center/ middle/ among/ between inmitten, dazwischen, + +
A + * * dang1 1.at 2. in s.b. presence, to s.b.´s face jmd ggü, angesichts gerade als, gerade dort, gerade dabei, während siehe dang4 + +
A + * * ji4 mark/ remember/ jot down/ record 1. sich merken, sich etw einprägen, etw im Gedächtnis behalten, etw auswendig lernen 2. sich Notizen machen, notieren, niederschreiben 3. Notiz, Aufzeichnung 4. Marke, Merkmal 5. Muttermal 6. Zählwort, ein Schlag + +
A + * * qian3 shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light 1. seicht, flach 2. einfach, leicht 3. oberflächlich 4. hell, matt, fahl + +
A + * * dang1 work as, be /act as/ accept/ administer/ stop 1. als... fungieren; als tätig sein 2. etw zu tun oder zu verantworten wagen 3.verwalten, Aufsicht führen 4. gleich, ebenbürtig 5. siehe dang1(3) dang4 + +
A 口語 + * * kou3yu3 spoken language gesprochene Sprache + +
A + * * pian1 (measure word for articles) 1. Aufsatz, Schrift 2. ein beschriebenes oder bedrucktes Papier, Blatt (mit Text) 3. ein Zählwort für Papier, etc, ein Bogen + +
A + * * xian1 earlier/ before/ first/ temporarily 1. eher, zuerst, erst, voraus 2. Vorfahr, Ahnherr, ältere Generationen + +
A + * * yuan2 round/ circular/ circle 1. rund, kugelförmig, kreisförmig 2.Kreis 3. stichhaltig, triftig 4. etw glaubhaft machen, rechtfertigen 5. Münzgeld von festgesetztem Wert und Gewicht + +
A + * * jiao4 (used to make a passive sentence) 1. rufen, ausrufen, schreien 2. rufen, anrufen ansprechen 3.bestellen, anfordern 4. heißen, bedeuten, anreden 5. veranlassen, anordnen 6. ... + +
A + * * man4 slow 1. langsam 2. langsam, gemächlich 3. verlangsamen 4. aufschieben + +
A + * * diu1 lose/ throw/ put aside 1. verlieren 2.zuwerfen, wegwerfen 3.beiseitelegen, liegenlassen + +
A 公共汽車 + * * gong1gong4 qi4che1 bus (for public transit) öffentlicher Bus + +
A 過來 + * * guo4 lai come over/ come up herüberkommen + +
A + * * jiao4 call/ greet/ order/ name/ shout/ cry 1. rufen, ausrufen, schreien 2. rufen, anrufen ansprechen 3.bestellen, anfordern 4. heißen, bedeuten, anreden 5. veranlassen, anordnen 6. ...präp.passiv + +
A 中午 + * * zhong1wu3 noon/ midday Mittag + +
A + * * bei3 north 1. Norden, nördlich 2. eine Niederlage erleiden + +
A 複雜 + * * fu4za2 complex/ complicated kompliziert + +
A 公斤 + * * gong1jin1 kilogram Kilogramm + +
A + * * nan2 south Süden, südlich + +
A 北邊 + * * bei3bian1 north/ north side Norden + +
A + * * chui1 blow/ brag/ fail/ break up 1.blasen, pusten, wehen 2.blasen,pfeifen, 3. prahlen 4.sich entzweien, abbrechen + +
A 過去 + * * guo4 qu go over/ pass by (Substantiv) die Vergangenheit + +
A 南邊 + * * nan2bian south Süden, südliche Seite + +
A + * * zhe4 this/ this moment/ now 1. dies,dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich + +
A 公里 + * * gong1li3 kilometer ein Zählwort,Kilometer + +
A 過去 + * * guo4 qu go over/ pass by (Verb) 1.hinübergehen 2.(verschiedene nachgestellte Varianten) + +
A + * * hua4 word/ talk/ speech/ remark 1. Wort, Rede, Sprache, 2. sprechen, reden + +
A 中學 + * * zhong1xue2 middle school/ high school Mittelschule + +
A 不久 + * * bu4jiu3 soon/ not long after bald + +
A + * * chao2 toward/ face 1. Kaiserhof, Regierung 2. Dynastie, Herrscherhaus 3. nach, hin, gegen, auf...zu,in Richtung ...auf, entgegen + +
A 通知 + * * tong1zhi1 notify/ give notice/ notice/ circular mitteilen,Mitteilung + +
A + * * yuan3 far/ remote 1. weit, fern 2. weitläufig, fern 3. bei weitem 4. einen Abstand von jm halten + +
A 這個 + * * zhe4ge this one/ this 1. dieser, dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich + +
A 橘子(桔子) + * * ju2zi orange/ tangerine/ mandarin Orange + +
A + * * pian4 (measure word for pieces of things) 1. Scheibe, Platte, kleines flaches Stück 2. unvollständig, fragmentarisch, bruchstückhaft 3.ein Zählwort,Tablette, für Land/ Wiese etc, eine Scheibe Brot + +
A + * * ju3 lift/ heave/ raise/ hold up/ cite 1. heben, erheben, hochhalten 2. sich erheben 3. jn zu etw wählen 4. angeben, anführen 5. all, ganz, vollständig, gesamt 6. Akt, Aktion, Tat, Handeln, Vorgehen + +
A 反對 + * * fan3dui4 oppose/ fight/ be against bekämpfen, gegen etwas antreten + +
A 哈哈 + * * ha1ha1 ha-ha (the sound of laughing) Interj.Ha,ha + +
A + * * mang2 busy/ fully occupied 1. sehr beschäftigt, viel zu tun haben 2. eilig, dringend hastig + +
A 這麼 + * * zhe4me so/ such/ this way/ like this so, solch,so ein + +
A 當然 + * * dang1ran2 of course/ certainly natürlich + +
A + * * shou1 put away/ collect/ harvest/ receive 1.entgegennehmen, aufnehmen, annehmen 2. hereinbringen, zurückholen 3. einkassieren, einziehen 4. Ernte, ernten 5. beenden,mit etw Schluß machen 6. zurückhalten 7. Einkommen, eingezogenens Geld + +
A + * * wei2 do/ act/ be/ become sein,handeln als,durch + +
A + * * jie1 meet/ connect/ catch/ take over 1. sich berühren, naheliegen, in der Nähe, unweit 2.verbinden, verknüpfen, sich in Verbindung setzen, Kontakt aufnehmen 3. auffangen, 4. entgegennehmen, empfangen erhalten 5. abholen + +
A 身體 + * * shen1ti3 body/ health Körper,Gesundheit + +
A 還是 + * * hai2shi4 still/ nevertheless/ had better/ or oder, trotzdem, dennoch + +
A 這樣 + * * zhe4yang4 so/ such/ like this/ this way so,auf diese Weise + +
A 負責 + * * fu4ze2 be responsible for/ conscientious verantworten,für etwas verantwortlich sein,verant + +
A 孩子 + * * hai2zi child/ children/ son or daughter Kind + +
A + * * huai4 bad/ go bad/ spoil/ ruin 1. schlecht, schlimm 2. schlecht werden, kaputt gehen, verderben 3.sehr, äußerst, furchtbar 4. böse Absicht, gemeiner Trick + +
A 繼續 + * * ji4xu4 continue/ go on/ continuation fortsetzen,weitermachen + +
A + * * mao2 one tenth of one RMB Yuan 1. Haar, Federn Daune, Flaum 2. Wolle 3. Schimmel 4. roh , rauh, halbfertig 5. klein 6. sorglos 7. überängstlich 8.ein Mao, chin. Münzeinheit + +
A + * * shen1 deep/ difficult/ thoroughgoing/ dark 1. tief 2. schwer, schwierig, tief 3. tiefschürfend, eingehend 4. eng, intim, tief 5. tief, dunkel 6. spät 7. sehr, tief + +
A + * * yang2 sheep/ goat Schaf + +
A + * * zhe (indicating an action in progress) Aspekt-partikel (in Aktion befindlich...) + +
A + * * piao4 ticket/ ballot 1. Karte, Zettel 2. Wahlzettel, Wahlstimme 3. Banknote, Papiergeld 4.Eintrittskarte + +
A + * * zhong1 bell/ clock 1. Glocke 2. Uhr 3. in Stunden oder Minuten gemessene Zeit 4. ( seine Gefühle, Gedanken9 auf etw konzentrieren 5. Becher, Schälchen + +
A 所以 + * * suo3yi3 so/ therefore/ as a result so, deshalb, wegen + +
A + * * bei4 times/ -fold ein Zählwort,-fach,mal + +
A + * * kuai4 fast/ rapid/ sharp/ hurry up/ soon 1. schnell,rasch 2. Geschwindigkeit 3. scharf 4. freimütig, geradeheraus, aufrichtig 5. erfreut, erfreulich, angenehm 6. eilen 7. bald, gleich + +
A + * * zi4 word/ character 1. Schriftzeichen, Zeichen 2. Schrift 3. Kalligraphie 4. Quittung + +
B 車間 + * * che1jian1 workshop Werkstatt + +
B 海關 + * * hai3guan1 customs Zoll + +
B 印象 + * * yin4xiang4 impression Eindruck + +
B 約會 + * * yue1hui4 appointment/ date/ engagement Verabredung + +
B + * * a1 prefix used before kinship terms/ (brother) Phonetisches A + +
B 懂得 + * * dong3de know/ grasp/ understand verstehen, begreifen,kapieren + +
B 糧食 + * * liang2shi grain/ food Getreide, Nahrung + +
B 矛盾 + * * mao2dun4 contradiction/ contradictory Widerspruch, widersprüchlich + +
B 拼命 + * * pin1 ming4 risk one's life/ defy death sein Leben riskieren, mit allen Kräften + +
B + * * ren4 admit/ recognize 1. erkennen, identifizieren 2. anerkennen, eingestehen, einräumen + +
B 深刻 + * * shen1ke4 deep/ profound tief, tiefschürfend,eindringlich, profund + +
B 收入 + * * shou1ru4 take in/ include/ income/ earning Einkommen + +
B 快樂 + * * kuai4le4 happy/ joyful froh, glücklich + +
B + * * liang2 cool 1.kühl, kalt 2. enttäuscht, entmutigt + +
B + * * qiao1 knock schlagen, klopfen + +
B 認得 + * * ren4de recognize/ know 1. kennen 2. erkennen + +
B 同屋 + * * tong2wu1 be as a roommate/ roommate Zimmergenosse + +
B 委員 + * * wei3yuan2 committee member Ausschußmitglied + +
B 阿姨 + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante + +
B 反應 + * * fan3ying4 react/ respond/ reaction/ response Antwort, Reaktion, + +
B 悄悄 + * * qiao1qiao1 quietly/ on the quiet leise,heimlich, unauffällig + +
B 行動 + * * xing2dong4 move/ act/ action Bewegung, handeln, agieren + +
B 越…越… + * * yue4_ yue4 more … more … je mehr..desto.. + +
B 反映 + * * fan3ying4 reflect/ report/ reflection widerspiegeln,(einem Vorgesetzten) berichten,Informationen liefern + +
B 顯得 + * * xian3de look/ seem/ appear aussehen, scheinen + +
B + * * yang3 provide for/ raise/ give birth to/ rest 1. ernähren, unterhalten 2. züchten, großziehen 3. gebären 4. in Pflege nehmen 5. erziehen 6. sich erholen, pflegen 7. warten, instand halten + +
B 英雄 + * * ying1xiong2 hero Held + +
B + * * dang4 1.treat as, take for, regard as 2.think betrachten als siehe dang1 + +
B 婦女 + * * fu4nü3 woman Frau + +
B 海洋 + * * hai3yang2 sea/ ocean Meer, Ozean + +
B 環境 + * * huan2jing4 environment/ surroundings Umgebung + +
B 巨大 + * * ju4da4 huge/ enormous riesig, sehr groß + +
B + * * mao4 emit/ give off/ send out 1. quellen, emporsteigen 2. trotz, ungeachtet 3. kühn, keck, vorschnell 4. fälschlich, betrügerisch, sich verstellen, vorgeben + +
B 深入 + * * shen1ru4 penetrate into/ go deep into Vollständig + +
B 收音機 + * * shou1yin1ji1 radio (receiver) Radio + +
B 英勇 + * * ying1yong3 heroic/ valiant/ brave/ gallant heroisch, heldenhaft, Mut, Tapferkeit + +
B + * * ai1 1. touch, lean on or against 2. get close to, be next to 1.(VJ) berühren, anlehnen 2 (VJ) nahe kommen 3.(P) neben,an, nahe bei 4. der Reihe nach, in Reihenfolge siehe ai2 + +
B 顯然 + * * xian3ran2 obviously offenbar,offenkundig,sichtbar, ganz klar + +
B 越來越… + * * yue4lai2yue4 more and more immermehr, mehr und mehr + +
B + * * ai1 1. hey, used at the beginning of a sentence to greet sb, or catch sb´s attention 2. used at the end of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or dissatisfaction Interjektion der Verwunderung + +
B 當做 + * * dang4zuo4 treat as/ regard as/ look upon as betrachten als, behandeln als + +
B 具備 + * * ju4bei4 possess/ have/ be provided with haben, besitzen, ausgestattet mit, gewissen Anforderungen genügen + +
B + * * qiao2 look/ see (an-)sehen, (an-)schauen + +
B + * * wei4 not yet 1. nicht getan haben 2. nicht + +
B 綜合 + * * zong1he2 synthesize/ colligate/ integrate Synthese, addieren, resümieren, summieren + +
B 哎呀 + * * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure eine Interjektion, Ach ! + +
B 徹底 + * * che4di3 thoroughgoing/ thorough gründlich, völlig + +
B 具體 + * * ju4ti3 concrete/ specific/ particular konkret, spezifisch, bestimmt + +
B 良好 + * * liang2hao3 good gut + +
B + * * reng1 throw 1. werfen, schleudern 2. wegwerfen, etw über Bord werfen + +
B + * * tong2 copper Kupfer + +
B + * * zhen1 needle/ stitch/ injection 1. Nadel 2. etwas Nadelförmiges 3.Stich, Injektion + +
B 鞏固 + * * gong3gu4 strong/ solidify/ consolidate/ strengthen festigen, konsolidieren,fest, stark, stabil + +
B 害怕 + * * hai4pa4 be afraid of/ fear Furcht + +
B 具有 + * * ju4you3 possess/ have/ be provided with besitzen, haben + +
B 顯著 + * * xian3zhu4 notable/ marked/ remarkable beachtlich, beträchtlich,deutlich + +
B + * * kuan3 money 1. Absatz 2. Geldsumme, Geldmittel 3. Name des Schenkers, Name des Beschenkten (auf einem Gemälde oder einer Kalligraphie) 4. Zählwort Handy + +
B 巧妙 + * * qiao3miao4 clever/ ingenious scharfsinnig, intelligent + +
B 手段 + * * shou3duan4 means/ measure/ method Methode + +
B + * * ying1 should/ ought to 1. antworten, entgegnen, erwidern 2. zustimmen, zusagen 3. sollen, es gebührt sich + +
B + * * ben3 originally gemäß, nach ,eigentlich, ursprünglich + +
B 動人 + * * dong4ren2 moving/ touching bewegen, berühren + +
B 範圍 + * * fan4wei2 scope/ limits/ range Bereich, Rahmen,Grenze + +
B + * * han2 keep in the mouth/ contain 1. (im Mund)halten, etw im Mund haben, lutschen 2. enthalten 3. hegen, zurückhalten + +
B 家鄉 + * * jia1xiang1 hometown/ native place Heimatstadt + +
B 應當 + * * ying1dang1 should/ ought to/ must sollen, sollten, müssen + +
B 動身 + * * dong4 shen1 leave/ go on a journey verlassen, auf eine Reise gehen + +
B + * * fan4 violate/ offend/ attack 1. gegen etw verstoßen, verletzen (Regel), übertreten 2. angreifen, überfallen 3. Verbrecher 4. begehen, verüben, + +
B 改革 + * * gai3ge2 reform reformieren ; Reform + +
B 貢獻 + * * gong4xian4 contribute/ dedicate/ contribution Beitrag, widmen, beitragen + +
B 距離 + * * ju4li2 away from entfernt von + +
B + * * qie1 chop/ cut schneiden, zerschneiden + +
B 什麼的 + * * shen2mede and so on und so weiter, und was nicht + +
B 手工 + * * shou3gong1 handwork/ handicraft Handarbeit, manuell + +
B + * * ta3 tower 1. Pagode 2. turmförmiger Bau + +
B 味道 + * * wei4dao taste/ flavor Aroma, Geschmack + +
B 不行 + * * bu4xing2 won't do ist nicht gut, geht nicht, funktioniert nicht + +
B 刀子 + * * dao1zi knife/ sword Messer + +
B 動手 + * * dong4 shou3 begin on sich daran machen, etw. zu tun, mit der Hand schlagen + +
B + * * gong4 altogether 1. gemeinsam, gleich, allgemein 2. an etw teilhaben, teilen 3. gemeinsam, zusammen 4. alles in allem, im ganzen genommen + +
B + * * nao4 stir up trouble 1. lärmend,laut, geräuschvoll 2. Krach schlagen, 3. aufbrausen 4. an etw leiden 5. machen, schaffen + +
B + * * shen2 god/ deity 1. Gott, Gottheit 2. Geist, Seele, Energie 3. Ausdruck, Miene, Aussehen 4. übernatürlich, magisch + +
B 本來 + * * ben3lai2 original ursprünglich + +
B 不幸 + * * bu2xing4 misfortune/ unfortunate unglücklich, traurig, Unglück + +
B 改進 + * * gai3jin4 improve/ make better/ improvement Verbesserung, verbessern + +
B 共產黨 + * * gong4chan3dang3 the Communist Party Kommunistische Partei + +
B + * * qie3 just/ for the time being/ but also 1. für einen Moment 2. ganz abgesehen von, geschweige denn 3. für eine lange Zeit 4. (sowohl) als auch + +
B 日常 + * * ri4chang2 day-to-day/ everyday/ daily alltäglich, täglich, tagtäglich + +
B 營養 + * * ying2yang3 nutrition/ nourishment nähren, ernähren, Nährgehalt + +
B 結實 + * * jie1shi solid/ sturdy 1. Früchte tragen 2.. solide, stabil , fest 3. gesund, stark + +
B 臺/檯 + * * tai2 (臺) platform/ measure word for theatrical plays/ (檯) table/ desk 1. erhöhter Platz, Plattform Terrasse, Podest 2. Ständer 3. terrassenförmige oder sockelförmige Gegenstände 4. Tisch 5. Sender, Sendestation 6. Ansagedienst 7. ein Zählwort + +
B + * * wei4 stomach Magen + +
B 現代化 + * * xian4dai4hua4 modernize/ modernization Modernisierung, modernisieren + +
B 營業 + * * ying2ye4 be open for business Geschäfte machen, geöffnet sein + +
B 不許 + * * bu4xu3 be not allowed/ must not nicht erlauben, nicht dürfen + +
B 動物園 + * * dong4wu4yuan2 zoo Zoo + +
B 改善 + * * gai3shan4 improve Verbesserung, verbessern + +
B 加工 + * * jia1 gong1 process/ machining/ working Verarbeitung, verarbeiten + +
B + * * mei2 coal Kohle + +
B 邀請 + * * yao1qing3 invite/ invitation einladen + +
B 此外 + * * ci3wai4 besides/ moreover zusätzlich, außerdem + +
B 煤氣 + * * mei2qi4 coal gas Kohlegas + +
B 改造 + * * gai3zao4 transform/ show umwandeln, umgestalten,Umwandlung + +
B 寒冷 + * * han2leng3 frigid/ cold kalt + +
B 手術 + * * shou3shu4 operation/ surgical operation Chirurgie, Operation + +
B 統治 + * * tong3zhi4 rule/ dominate regieren + +
B 迎接 + * * ying2jie1 welcome/ greet/ receive grüßen, willkommen heißen + +
B + * * zhong4 grow/ plant/ cultivate pflanzen, anbauen siehe zhong3 + +
B 愛好 + * * ai4hao4 love/ be fond of/ like/ interest/ hobby mögen, Hobby + +
B 不要緊 + * * bu4 yao4jin3 doesn't matter unwichtig, keine Ursache + +
B 動員 + * * dong4yuan2 arouse/ mobilize mobilisieren, mobilmachen,Mobilisierung + +
B 改正 + * * gai3zheng4 correct/ amend korrigieren, berichtigen, umwandeln, umgestalten, umerziehen + +
B 手套 + * * shou3tao4 glove Handschuh + +
B + * * tong4 feel painful/ agonize/ ache 1. Schmerz, Weh, Leiden 2. Trauer, Kummer 3. äußerst, höchst sehr + +
B 現象 + * * xian4xiang4 appearance/ phenomenon Phänomen, Erscheinung + +
B 閱覽室 + * * yue4lan3shi4 reading-room Lesesaal + +
B 愛護 + * * ai4hu4 cherish/ treasure/ take good care of schützen, lieben + +
B 不一定 + * * bu4 yi2ding4 not sure unbestimmt, nicht sicher, nicht notwendig + +
B 動作 + * * dong4zuo4 motion/ movement Tätigkeit, Bewegung + +
B 共同 + * * gong4tong2 together/ common zusammen, gemeinsam + +
B 加強 + * * jia1qiang2 strengthen/ enhance/ reinforce verstärken, + +
B 手續 + * * shou3xu4 procedure Verfahren + +
B 位置 + * * wei4zhi place/ position Position, Platz + +
B 性(積極性) + * * xing4 quality (the quality of being active) 1. Charakter, Natur, Veranlagung 2. Eigenschaft, Eigentümlichkeit 3. Geschlecht, Sexus 4. Genus + +
B 愛情 + * * ai4qing2 love Liebe (zwischen Mann und Frau) + +
B + * * chen4 avail oneself of 1. nutzen, ausnutzen 2. anläßlich, während, solange + +
B 沒什麼 + * * mei2 shen2me it doesn't matter nichts, keine Ursache + +
B 重大 + * * zhong4da4 great/ important/ major/ significant bedeutend, gewichtig + +
B 概念 + * * gai4nian4 concept/ idea/ conception Konzept + +
B 沒事兒 + * * mei2 shi4r it doesn't matter nichts vorhaben,nicht von Bedeutung + +
B 平安 + * * ping2'an1 safe and sound sicher, störungsfrei,reibungslos + +
B + * * zhou3 head/ first/ leader/ measure word for songs 1. Haupt, Kopf 2. Oberhaupt , Häuptling, Anführer 3. Zählwort Lied 4. der erste + +
B + * * xian4 contribute 1.darbieten,darbringen, überreichen 2. zeigen, etw zur Schau tragen + +
B 性格 + * * xing4ge2 nature/ disposition/ temperament Charakter, Natur, Disposition, Temperament + +
B 重點 + * * zhong4dian3 focal point/ stress/ emphasized Schlüsselstelle, wichtig + +
B 總統 + * * zong3tong3 president (of a republic) Präsident (eines Staates) + +
B 襯衣 + 衬衣* * chen4yi1 underclothes; shirt Hemd,Bluse + +
B + * * dong4 hole/ cave Loch, Höhle, Grotte + +
B + * * huang1 nervous/ scared/ flurry/ fluster unruhig, nervös, konfus, verwirrt + +
B 平常 + * * ping2chang2 generally/ usually/ ordinary/ common gewöhnlich, normal, üblich + +
B 允許 + * * yun3xu3 permit/ allow erlauben, gestatten,zulassen + +
B 方案 + * * fang1'an4 scheme/ plan/ program Plan, Vorschlag + +
B + * * gai4 cover 1. Deckel, Verschluß,Schild,Panzer, 2. decken, bedecken, zudecken, überziehen 3. verbergen, verschleiern, verhüllen 4. bauen + +
B 加以 + * * jia1yi3 (used to invert the sentence)/ moreover/ plus zusätzlich, behandeln, sich mit beschäftigen + +
B 節省 + * * jie2sheng3 economize/ save ökonomisch, sparen + +
B + * * xian4 county Kreis (politisch-geographisch) + +
B 影子 + * * ying3zi shadow Schatten + +
B + * * yun4 transport/ carry 1.befördern, transportieren 2. verwenden, gebrauchen, handhaben 3. Schicksal, Glücksfall, Los + +
B 沒用 + * * mei2 yong4 no use nutzlos, ohne Nutzen + +
B 親愛 + * * qin1'ai4 dear/ beloved lieb, geliebt (am Anfang eines Briefes) + +
B 偷偷 + * * tou1tou1 covertly/ secretly/ stealthily insgeheim, verstohlen + +
B 重視 + * * zhong4shi4 attach importance to/ pay attention to Bedeutung zumessen, Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Wert, Wichtigkeit + +
B 節約 + * * jie2yue1 economize sparen, sparsam + +
B + * * juan3 roll/ coil einrollen,aufkrempeln,aufwirbeln, etc + +
B + * * tou2 throw/ cast 1. werfen, schleudern 2. einwerfen 3. hineinspringen 4. werfen, richten 5. zustellen, austragen 6. eintreten, beitreten 7. sich anpassen + +
B 運動會 + * * yun4dong4hui4 sport meet/ games Sportwettkampf + +
B 乾杯 + * * gan1 bei1 drink a toast/ cheer/ bottom up zuprosten, anstoßen + +
B + * * gou3 dog Hund + +
B + * * zhen4 period/ measure word for wind 1. Schlachtordnung 2. Kampfplatz, Stellung,Front 3. Zeitspanne, Weile 4. Zählwort Windstoß + +
B 構成 + * * gou4cheng2 compose/ constitute zusammensetzen, konstituieren + +
B 首先 + * * shou3xian1 first/ above all/ first of all Zuerst + +
B 稱贊 + * * cheng1zan4 praise/ acclaim/ commend preisen, loben, Kompliment machen + +
B 方式 + * * fang1shi4 way/ fashion/ pattern Weise,Art und Weise + +
B 了不起 + * * liao3buqi3 great/ extraordinary ungewöhnlich, hervorragend + +
B 平均 + * * ping2jun1 share out equally/ mean/ average durchschnittlich (sein) + +
B 親切 + * * qin1qie4 cordial/ kind freundlich, herzlich, familiär, intim, Gastfreundschaft, Freundlichkeit + +
B 運輸 + * * yun4shu1 carry/ transport/ conveyance Transport, befördern, transportieren + +
B 不住 + * * bu2zhu4 continually ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + +
B 鬥爭 + * * dou4zheng1 fight/ struggle/ combat kämpfen gegen + +
B + * * ying4 hard/ rigid/ tough 1. hart, fest steif 2. fest, energisch 3. etw mit Mühe vollbringen, sich mühsam zu etw überwinden 4. gut (Qualität), tüchtig (Person) + +
B 安慰 + * * an1wei4 1.comfort/ console/ 2. comfort, consolation 1.beruhigen, trösten 2. Beruhigung, Trost + +
B 方針 + * * fang1zhen1 policy/ principle Politik, Prinzip, Vorgehensweise + +
B 構造 + * * gou4zao4 structure/ construction Konstruktion, Bau, Struktur + +
B 兄弟 + * * xiong1di4 brothers Brüder, Gebrüder,brüderlich + +
B + * * hang2 row 1. Zählwort, eine Reihe Bäume + +
B 從…出發 + * * cong2 chu1fa1 set off from von... starten, von... losfahren + +
B 到達 + * * dao4da2 arrive/ reach/ get to ankommen, erreichen, + +
B 皇帝 + * * huang2di4 emperor Kaiser + +
B 結構 + * * jie2gou4 structure/ composition Struktur, Komposition, Architektur + +
B 覺悟 + * * jue2wu4 consciousness/ awareness Bewußtsein + +
B 睏/困 + * * kun4 (睏) sleepy/ (困) constrained/ besiege/ constrain 1. jn in eine Notlage bringen 2.einkreisen, umzingeln 3. erschöpft, strapaziert, ermüdet 4. schläfrig + +
B 平時 + * * ping2shi2 at ordinary times/ in normal times gewöhnliche Zeiten; Friedenszeiten + +
B 投入 + * * tou2ru4 put into/ throw into/ invest/ investment einsteigen, hineinwerfen + +
B 安心 + * * an1 xin1 1.be relieved/ feel at ease 2. set one´s mind at rest 1. beruhigt, unbesorgt 2.sich beruhigt, unbesorgt fühlen, sich beruhigen + +
B + * * bi1 force 1.zwingen, nötigen, auf jd Druck ausüben 2.erzwingen, jm etw abzwingen 3. vorrücken, vorgehen, vorstoßen + +
B 從此 + * * cong2ci3 from now on von da an, darauf, von jetzt an + +
B 能幹 + * * neng2gan4 able/ capable/ competent tüchtig, fähig + +
B 布置 + * * bu4zhi4 fix up/ arrange/ decorate anordnen, einrichten + +
B + * * dou4 tease/ provoke 1. necken, sich belustigen , sich amüsieren 2. (zum Lachen, Liebhaben) reizen 3. spaßhaft, komisch , jn zum Lachen bringen 4. verweilen, sich aufhalten, Aufenthalt + +
B 房子 + * * fang4zi building/ house/ room Haus + +
B 談話 + * * tan2 hua4 conversation/ talk sich unterhalten + +
B 結合 + * * jie2he2 combine/ unite/ integrate/ link kombinieren, verbinden + +
B 擁護 + * * yong1hu4 support/ uphold unterstützen, befürworten + +
B 周到 + * * zhou1dao4 thoughtful/ considerate gedankenvoll, durchdacht, umsichtig + +
B + * * an4 press/ push down/ according to 1. pressen, drücken 2. zügeln, unterdrücken 3. die Hand auf etw. legen, festhalten, 4. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 5. Anmerkung, Bemerkung + +
B 美好 + * * mei3hao3 fine/ happy/ glorious wunderschön, vorzüglich, glücklich + +
B 親自 + * * qin1zi4 personally persönlich + +
B 限制 + * * xian4zhi4 confine/ restrict/ limit/ restriction beschränken, einschränken + +
B 鼻子 + * * bi2zi nose Nase + +
B 成果 + * * cheng2guo3 gain/ achievement/ positive result Erfolg, Errungenschaft, Frucht + +
B 從來 + * * cong2lai2 always/ all along zu allen Zeiten, immer + +
B + * * gan1 pole/ bar Pfahl, Stange, Mast siehe gan3 + +
B 談判 + * * tan2pan4 negotiate verhandeln + +
B 文件 + * * wen2jian4 document Dokument + +
B + * * zheng1 levy/ draft/ recruit/ call up/ collect/ ask for/ solicit 1. eine weite Reise unternehmen 2. einen Feldzug, eine Expedition unternehmen 3. jn ausheben, jm zum Militärdienst einberufen 4.(Steuern, Beiträge erheben) einkassieren 5. um etw. bitten, oder ersuchen + +
B + * * dao4 pour 1. umkehren, etw in sein Gegenteil verkehren 2. gießen, einschenken, auskippen, ausschütten 3. adverbial + +
B 航空 + * * hang2kong1 aviation Luftfahrt + +
B 要緊 + * * yao4jin3 important/ essential Wichtig + +
B + * * za2 mixed/ miscellaneous/ mix/ mingle gemischt, verschiedene, mischen + +
B 按時 + * * an4shi2 on time/ on schedule pünktlich, rechtzeitig + +
B 倒是 + * * dao4shi on the contrary aber wirklich + +
B 結論 + * * jie2lun4 conclusion Schlußfolgerung + +
B 能源 + * * neng2yuan2 energy resources Energiequelle + +
B + * * tan2 flip/ shoot/ pluck 1. mit einer Schleuder schießen 2. schnellen, springen 3. etwas mit dem Finger abklopfen, wegschnippen 4. etwas mit der Maschine auflockern 5. (Tasten- oder Zupfinstrumente ) spielen 6. beschuldigen siehe dan4 + +
B 文明 + * * wen2ming2 civilization/ civilized Zivilisation + +
B 雜技 + * * za2ji4 acrobatics Akrobatik + +
B 徵求 + * * zheng1qiu2 ask for/ seek/ solicit bitten, ersuchen , fragen + +
B 按照 + * * an4zhao4 according to/ in accordance with nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge, entsprechend + +
B 價值 + * * jia4zhi2 worth/ value Wert + +
B + * * xiang1 each other/ mutually 1. einander, gegenseitig 2. besehen (z.B. zukünftige Familie) + +
B 成立 + * * cheng2li4 establish/ found gründen, einrichten + +
B 決心 + * * jue2xin1 be determined/ determination entschlossen sein, Entschlossenheit, fest und unbeirrbar, + +
B 美元 + * * mei3yuan2 U.S. dollar US Dollar + +
B 瓶子 + * * ping2zi bottle Flasche + +
B + * * tou4 penetrate/ transparent/ thorough 1. durchdringen, durch etw dringen, durchsickern 2. etw durchsickern lassen, ausplaudern 3. durchdringend, erschöpfend, durch und durch + +
B + * * zheng1 vie/ contend/ strive/ argue/ dispute 1. kämpfen, ringen, wetteifern, streben 2. streiten, hadern + +
B + * * dui1 department/ measure word for movies 1.Teil, Abschnitt 2. Einheit, Amt, Ministerium, Abteilung 3. Kommandostelle, Führungsstab 4. befehligen, kommandieren 5. Zählwort für Bücher und Filme + +
B 從事 + * * cong2shi4 go in for/ be engaged in sich mit etwas befassen,behandeln + +
B 趕緊 + * * gan3jin3 lose no time/ at once keine Zeit verlieren, sich beeilen, eilig, + +
B + * * jia4 measure word for planes; etc. 1.Gestell, Gerüst, Stütze, Regal, Gerippe, Ständer 2.Zählwort, ein Fernsehapparat + +
B 比例 + * * bi3li4 proportion Maßstab, Proportion, Zahlenverhältnis, Anteil + +
B 部隊 + * * bu4dui4 army/ troops/ force Armee + +
B + * * dao4 street/ road Straße + +
B 防止 + * * fang2zhi3 prevent/ avoid/ guard against verhindern + +
B 趕快 + * * gan3kuai4 at once/ quickly eilig, sofort + +
B + * * gu3 encourage/ urge/ encouragement 1. Trommel 2. ermuntern, antreiben 3. Luft in etw hineinblasen + +
B + * * jie3 uncoil/ unbind 1. trennen, lösen, losmachen, separieren, zerlegen, zerschneiden, sezieren 2. öffnen, aufbinden, aufknöpfen, aufrollen, auftrennen 3. stillen, loswerden, lösen, entheben 4. erklären, interpretieren, verständlich machen 5. verstehen, begreifen 6. auf + +
B 叔叔 + * * shu1shu father's younger brother/ uncle jüngerer Bruder de Vaters, Onkel,Schwager + +
B + * * tan4 explore 1.erforschen, erkunden auskundschaften 2. besuchen, sich nach js Befinden erkundigen 3. ausstrecken, etw nach vorn strecken 4. Kundschafter, Späher, Detektiv + +
B 相當 + * * xiang1dang1 rather/ be equal to durchaus, angemessen, passend, bis zu einem gewissen Grad + +
B 比如 + * * bi3ru2 for example/ for instance zum Beispiel + +
B 獨立 + * * du2li4 stand alone/ independence Unabhängig + +
B 毫不 + * * hao2 bu4 not a bit kaum, nicht im mindesten, überhaupt nicht + +
B 恢復 + * * hui1fu4 resume/ renew/ recover/ restore wiederherstellen, restaurieren + +
B 絕對 + * * jue2dui4 absolute absolut, unbedingt + +
B + * * lin2 face/ overlook 1. nahe, gegenüber 2. kommen, eintreffen 3. kurz vor, gerade bei + +
B + * * sheng1 give birth to/ bear/ get 1. gebären 2. wachsen 3. bekommen, sich etw zuziehen 4. anzünden + +
B 勇敢 + * * yong3gan3 brave/ courageous tapfer, mutig + +
B 爭論 + * * zheng1lun4 dispute/ debate/ controvert streiten, debattieren, argumentieren, Debatte, Kontroverse + +
B 道德 + * * dao4de2 morals/ ethics Moral + +
B 毫無 + * * hao2 wu2 have no (sth.) ohne + +
B 解放 + * * jie3fang4 liberate/ liberation befreien, befreit sein, Befreiung + +
B + * * ru2 according to 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls + +
B + * * sheng1 give birth to/ bear/ get 1. lebend, lebendig 2. unreif, grün 3. roh, ungekocht 4. roh, noch nicht verarbeitet + +
B 相反 + * * xiang1fan3 opposite/ contrary entgegengesetzt + +
B 勇氣 + * * yong3qi4 courage Mut, Kühnheit + +
B + * * an4 bank/ shore/ coast Ufer, Küste + +
B 鼓勵 + * * gu3li4 inspire/ hearten/ inspiration ermutigen, Ermutigung + +
B + * * ru2 according to 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls + +
B 突出 + * * tu1chu1 outstanding/ stand out hervorstehen, herausragen + +
B 爭取 + * * zheng1qu3 strive for/ fight for/ win over kämpfen um, wettstreiten, + +
B 成為 + * * cheng2wei2 turn into/ become werden + +
B 道路 + * * dao4lu4 road/ way/ path Weg + +
B 假條 + * * jia4tiao2 application for leave 1. Entschuldigungszettel 2. Urlaubsantrag + +
B 臨時 + * * lin2shi2 temporary vorläufig, in letzter Minute + +
B 道歉 + * * dao4 qian4 apologize sich entschuldigen, Entschuldigung + +
B 感動 + * * gan3dong4 be moved bewegt sein, berührt sein, fühlen, empfinden, denken (daß) + +
B 鼓掌 + * * gu3 zhang3 to applaud Beifall klatschen, applaudieren; Beifall, Applaus + +
B 如果 + * * ru2guo3 if/ in case/ in the event of wenn, falls + +
B 相互 + * * xiang1hu4 mutual/ reciprocal/ each other gegenseitig, einander + +
B 筆記 + * * bi3ji4 notes Anmerkung + +
B 如何 + * * ru2he2 how/ what Wie? auf welche Weise? + +
B 修改 + * * xiu1gai3 revise/ modify/ revision/ modification verbessern, korrigieren, abändern, + +
B 用不著 + * * yong4 bu zhao2 have no use for dafür gibt es keinen Gebrauch, ist nicht notwendig + +
B + * * zhu1 measure word for individual plants Zählwort für einzelne Pflanzen, z.B vier Maulbeerbäume, Stamm für Bäume + +
B 古代 + * * gu3dai4 historic site alte Zeiten, Altertum, Antike + +
B 鄰居 + * * lin2ju1 neighborhood Nachbar, Nachbarschaft + +
B + * * po1 slope Abhang, Hang, Böschung + +
B 如今 + * * ru2jin1 nowadays/ now heutzutage, jetzt + +
B + * * du3 block 1. stopfen, verstopfen, versperren 2. erstickend, drückend, beklemmend 3. Zählwort Mauerwerk + +
B 解釋 + * * jie3shi4 explain/ expound/ interpret/ explanation Erklärung + +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr + +
B 舒適 + * * shu1shi4 comfortable/ cozy/ snug komfortabel, bequem + +
B 成長 + * * cheng2zhang3 grow up reifen, wachsen, zu etwas erwachsen + +
B 放棄 + * * fang4qi4 abandon/ give up/ renounce verlassen, aufgeben, preisgeben, auf etw verzichten + +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr + +
B 用功 + * * yong4 gong1 hardworking/ diligent fleißig, emsig + +
B 整個 + * * zheng3ge4 whole/ entire ganz, ungeteilt,gesamt + +
B 回頭 + * * hui2tou2 turn round später,(den Kopf wenden) + +
B + * * zu3 team up/ group/ team 1. Gruppe 2. organisieren, gründen 3. Zählwort, Satz, Serie + +
B 感情 + * * gan3qing2 emotion/ feeling 1.Gefühl,Gemüt, Empfindung 2.Zuneigung, Symphatie + +
B 古老 + * * gu3lao3 bone alt, uralt + +
B 好好兒 + * * hao3hao1r in a proper way/ to one's heart's content angemessen, zur Zufriedenheit + +
B 來不及 + * * lai2 bu ji2 there's not enough time ohne genügend Zeit, es ist zu spät + +
B 年青 + * * nian2qing1 young jung + +
B 整理 + * * zheng3li3 put in order/ straighten out/ sort out 1.aufräumen, gerade werden, in Ordnung bringen 2. anordnen, arrangieren, aufstellen, einfädeln, einleiten, einordnen, einrichten, herrichten, in Ordnung bringen, ordnen, organisieren, rasieren, regeln, zurechtschneiden + +
B + * * cheng2 ride on 1. fahren 2.ausnutzen, benutzen, von etw Gebrauch machen 3.multiplizieren + +
B 書包 + * * shu1bao1 schoolbag Schultasche + +
B 用力 + * * yong4 li4 exert one's strength sich anstrengen, mit großer Kraft + +
B 放心 + * * fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest/ rest assured sich beruhigen, sich keine Sorgen machen, erleichtert sein + +
B 好久 + * * hao3jiu3 a long time Für eine lange Zeit + +
B 回憶 + * * hui2yi4 recollect/ recall sich erinnern, Erinnerung + +
B + * * ru4 go into 1. in etw hineingehen, hereinkommen 2. Mitglied werden, beitreten 3. Einkommen, Einnahme + +
B 竹子 + * * zhu2zi bamboo Bambus + +
B 肚子 + * * du4zi belly/ abdomen Bauch + +
B 感想 + * * gan3xiang3 impressions/ reflections Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken + +
B 堅決 + * * jian1jue2 resolute/ determinate fest, resolut, entschieden + +
B 破壞 + * * po4huai4 destroy/ week Zerstörung + +
B 書店 + * * shu1dian4 bookshop/ bookstore Buchhandlung + +
B 業務 + * * ye4wu4 business/ professional work Profession,Business + +
B + * * zhu3 cook/ boil kochen, Essen zubereiten + +
B + * * bi4 close/ shut 1. schließen, zumachen, versperren 2. verstopfen, verschließen + +
B + * * du4 degree/ measure word for temperature 1. Längenmaß 2. Intensitätsgrad , Härtegrad, Dichte 3. Maßeinheit von Winkeln, Temperaturen, 4. Kilowattstunde 5. Grenze, Höhe 6. Toleranz Großherzigkeit 7. Erwägung 8. Mal 9. verbringen 10. ein Zählwort, Grad + +
B 堅強 + * * jian1qiang2 strong/ firm/ tough stark + +
B + * * tang4 fot times of walk Zählwort eine Zeit (z.B bezogen auf U-Bahn) + +
B 業餘 + * * ye4yu2 amateur/ not professional Extra-curricular, Amateur-, Freizeit- + +
B + * * zuan1 drill/ bore/ get into/ dig into/ study 1. bohren, durchbohren 2. durchgehen, eindringen 3. intensiv studieren, gründlich forschen + +
B 促進 + * * cu4jin4 advance/ promote fördern,vorantreiben + +
B 生氣 + * * sheng1 qi4 get angry/ take offence böse sein, böse werden + +
B + * * tang4 scald/ burn/ iron/ perm 1. sich verbrennen, sich verbrühen 2. etw im Wasserbad erwärmen 3. sehr heiß, brühend heiß 4. bügeln, glätten, plätten + +
B 鑽研 + * * zuan1yan2 study in depth/ dig into in etwas hineingraben, intensiv studieren + +
B + * * du4 cross/ tide over/ ferry 1. übersetzen, überqueren, einen Fluß überqueren 2. (hin-)übersetzen 3. über etw hinwegkommen, überwinden, durchkommen 4. Fährstelle, Übergang + +
B 好聽 + * * hao3ting1 pleasant to hear wohlklingend + +
B + * * tao1 draw out/ pull out 1. herausnehmen, herausholen 2. graben, aushöhlen 3. einen Taschendiebstahl begehen + +
B 問候 + * * wen4hou4 send one's regards to Gruß ausrichten + +
B 書架 + * * shu1jia4 bookshelf Bücherregal + +
B + * * zheng4 straight/ main/ upright/ honest/ right 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein + +
B + * * jie4 session 1. fällig werden, ablaufen, verstreichen 2. Zählwort Lernabschnitt, Sitzung, + +
B + * * ruan3 1. soft, pliable 2. weak, feeble 3. easily moved or influenced 1. weich, geschmeidig,nachgebend 2.mild,sanft 3.schwach, kraftlos 4. leicht beeinflußbar, schwankend + +
B 好些 + * * hao3xie1 quite a lot/ a great deal of Viele + +
B + * * tu3 earth/ soil 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh + +
B 香皂 + * * xiang1zao4 perfumed soap/ toilet soap duftende Seife, parfümierte Seife, Toilettenseife + +
B 正常 + * * zheng4chang2 normal/ regular normal, regulär + +
B 幹活兒 + * * gan4 huo2r do sth. etwas manuell tun, Kader + +
B + * * jian1 pointed/ sharp/ acute 1. Spitze 2. zur Spitzengruppe gehörig, einer der Besten 3. spitz 4. hell, grell, schrill, scharf + +
B + * * jin1 gold 1. Metall 2.Geld 3. altertümliches Schlaginstrument aus Metall 4. Gold 5. golden + +
B 優點 + * * you1dian3 merit/ advantage/ strong point Vorteil, Vorzug + +
B + * * zui4 become drunk/ be tipsy 1. betrunken, berauscht 2. in Alkohohl getränkt + +
B 生物 + * * sheng1wu4 living thing/ organism Organismus, lebendiges Wesen, biologisch + +
B 土地 + * * tu3di4 land/ soil/ territory Land, Territorium + +
B 箱子 + * * xiang1zi box/ case/ chest Koffer, Kiste + +
B 誠懇 + * * cheng2ken3 honest/ sincere aufrichtig, ehrlich, + +
B 會場 + * * hui4chang3 meeting-place/ conference Sitzungsort, Versammlungsort + +
B 尖銳 + * * jian1rui4 sharp-point/ keen scharf, zugespitzt,heftig, + +
B 來信 + * * lai2xin4 send a letter/ incoming letter ankommender Brief, einen Brief senden + +
B + * * pu1 throw oneself on/ pounce on 1. sich auf etw/jn stürzen 2. entgegenschlagen 3. schwingen, schlagen 4. sich beugen + +
B 土豆 + * * tu3dou4 potato Kartoffel + +
B 優良 + * * you1liang2 fine/ good gut, fein, hochwertig, + +
B 正好 + * * zheng4hao3 just in time/ just right/ just enough gerade recht,im rechten Moment + +
B 主動 + * * zhu3dong4 active/ initiatory Initiative + +
B 誠實 + * * cheng2shi2 honest ehrlich, redlich + +
B 熟練 + * * shu2lian4 skilled/ practiced/ proficient geübt, erfahren,fließend, gewandt + +
B 最好 + * * zui4hao3 had better/ it would be best am besten, hätten besser, optimal + +
B 來自 + * * lai2zi4 come from von (einem Ort) kommen + +
B 熟悉 + * * shu2xi1 be familiar with/ know well etwas gut kennen, mit etwas sehr vertraut sein + +
B 虛心 + * * xu1xin1 modest/ open-minded bescheiden + +
B + * * yi1 once/ as soon as einmal + +
B 短期 + * * duan3qi1 short-term kurzfristig + +
B 會客 + * * hui4 ke4 receive a visitor einen Besucher, Gast empfangen + +
B 生長 + * * sheng1zhang3 grow/ grow up Wachstum + +
B 暑假 + * * shu3jia4 summer vacation Sommerferien + +
B + * * tu4 vomit 1. spucken, ausspeien + +
B 鄉下 + * * xiang1xia village/ country side ländlich, Gegend, Land + +
B 暫時 + * * zan4shi2 temporary/ transient zeitweilig,vorübergehend, vorläufig + +
B 剛剛 + * * gang1gang1 just now 1. gerade, genau,nur, erst 2. eben, soeben + +
B 秘密 + * * mi4mi4 confidential/ secret nicht öffentlich, geheim, heimlich, Geheimnis + +
B + * * wo4 hold/ grasp fassen, ergreifen, halten, etwas in der Hand halten + +
B 一半 + * * yi2ban4 one half eine Hälfte + +
B 贊成 + * * zan4cheng2 agree with/ approve of/ favor billigen, zustimmen + +
B 故鄉 + * * gu4xiang1 hometown Heimatstadt + +
B + * * sa1 cast/ let go 1.loslassen, auslassen, auswerfen 2. etw. freien Lauf lassen, sich gehen lassen + +
B + * * tuan2 group/ ball/ measure word for ball-like things 1. rund, kreisförmig 2. Knödel, Kloß, Klößchen 3. sich vereinigen, sich zusammenschließen 4.Gruppe, Einheit 5. Regiment 6. Zählwort ein Knäuel, ein Klumpen + +
B 優秀 + * * you1xiu4 excellent/ fine/ outstanding ausgezeichnet, hervorragend, vorzüglich + +
B + * * cai3 tread/ stamp on treten, zertreten, niedertrampeln, zertrampeln, mit dem Fuß auf etwas treten + +
B 故意 + * * gu4yi4 intentional mit Absicht, mit Vorsatz,absichtlich, vorsätzlich, willentlich + +
B 號召 + * * hao4zhao4 summon/ call up/ appeal/ call aufrufen, appellieren + +
B + * * jian1 shoulder 1. Schulter 2. tragen, etw auf sich nehmen, schultern + +
B + * * lan2 block versperren, aufhalten, zurückhalten, Einhalt gebieten + +
B 屬於 + * * shu3yu2 belong to/ be a part of gehören, zugehörig sein, zu…zählen + +
B 想法 + * * xiang3fa idea/ opinion Idee, Denkweise, + +
B + * * xu3 allow/ permit/ perhaps/ maybe 1. erlauben, genehmigen, dürfen 2. versprechen 3. vielleicht, wahrscheinlich, vermutlich + +
B 一邊 + * * yi4bian1 one side eine Seite + +
B 正式 + * * zheng4shi4 formal/ official/ regular formell, offiziell + +
B 主人 + * * zhu3ren2 master/ host/ owner Meister, Herr, Gastgeber + +
B 會議 + * * hui4yi4 meeting/ conference Konferenz, Treffen, Meeting + +
B 今後 + * * jin1hou4 from now on ab sofort, von nun an + +
B 蜜蜂 + * * mi4feng1 bee/ honeybee Biene, Honigbiene + +
B + * * bi4 avoid 1.ausweichen, vermeiden, meiden 2.abwenden,verhüten, fernhalten + +
B 承認 + * * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge anerkennen, bestätigen + +
B + * * gu4 attend to/ look at 1. sich herumdrehen und schauen, sich umsehen 2 auf etwas Rücksicht nehmen, berücksichtigen 3. besuchen + +
B + * * hao4 like/ be fond of 1. etw lieb haben 2. zu etw. neigen + +
B 艱巨 + * * jian1ju4 arduous/ hard/ formidable schwer, schwierig mühsam + +
B 想念 + * * xiang3nian4 remember with longing/ miss vermissen, sich sehnen, + +
B 主任 + * * zhu3ren4 director/ head/ chief Direktor + +
B 避免 + * * bi4mian3 avoid/ avert vermeiden,umgehen + +
B 採購 + * * cai3gou4 purchase/ go shopping einkaufen, Warenbeschaffung + +
B 艱苦 + * * jian1ku3 difficult/ hard/ tough mühevoll, hart, schwierig + +
B 開放 + * * kai1fang4 open Öffnung, aufblühen + +
B 繩子 + * * sheng2zi string/ rope Schnur, Seil + +
B 悠久 + * * you1jiu3 long/ age-old/ longstanding lang, alt + +
B 顧客 + * * gu4ke4 shopper/ customer/ client Kunde + +
B + * * sai4 contest/ compete 1.Wettspiel, Wettkampf 2. übertreffen, besser als + +
B 樹林 + * * shu4lin2 woods/ grove Wald,Wäldchen + +
B + * * tao4 cover with/ measure word for sets of things 1.Hülle, Umhüllung, Gehäuse, Futteral 2.überziehen, mit einem Überzug versehen 3.als Überzug dienen 4. ineinandergreifen, übereinanderliegen 5. Flußschleife, Flußknie, anspannen, Schleife, Konvention, Satz,Reihe + +
B 污染 + * * wu1ran3 pollute/ contaminate verschmutzen, Verschmutzung + +
B 一道 + * * yi2dao4 together zusammen + +
B 政策 + * * zheng4ce4 policy Politik + +
B + * * ling4 other anders, anderenfalls, sonst, separat, gesondert, außerdem + +
B 密切 + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam + +
B 採取 + * * cai3qu3 take/ adopt anwenden, ergreifen + +
B 吃驚 + * * chi1 jing1 be startled/ be shocked erschrecken, erstaunt sein, erschüttert sein + +
B + * * lan4 rot/ rotten 1. gekocht, gesotten, mürbe 2. verderben, faulen, verwesen, verfault 3. zerfetzt, zerrissen, abgetragen 4. unordentlich, verwirrt + +
B 另外 + * * ling4wai4 moreover/ besides außerdem, zusätzlich + +
B 普通 + * * pu3tong1 ordinary/ common/ average gewöhnlich, allgemein, durchschnittlich + +
B 採用 + * * cai3yong4 adopt/ use verwenden, gebrauchen, einführen + +
B 開會 + * * kai1 hui4 hold a meeting eine Versammlung haben + +
B + * * lang2 wolf Wolf + +
B 棉花 + * * mian2hua cotton Baumwolle + +
B 響應 + * * xing3ying4 respond/ answer Antwort + +
B + * * you2 by/ from 1. (Na) (Nb) Veranlassung, Grund, Ursache 2. (P06) wegen, infolge, aus 3. durch 4. (VL) folgen, gehorchen + +
B 彩色 + * * cai3se4 color/ multicolor Farb-(film) + +
B + * * gang3 port/ harbor Hafen + +
B 開課 + * * kai1 ke4 start of school Schulbeginn, der Kurs startet + +
B 棉衣 + * * mian2yi1 cotton-padded clothes Baumwolljacke, Kleidung aus Baumwolle + +
B + * * bai2 for nothing 1. weiß 2. ohne jeglichen Zusatz, einfach 3. klar, deutlich 4. umsonst, vergebens 5.kostenlos, unentgeltlich, gratis 6. reaktionär 7.gesprochener Text in einer chinesischen Oper 8.erklären, ausführen + +
B 朗讀 + * * lang3du1 read aloud laut lesen + +
B + * * wu1 room 1. Haus 2. Zimmer, Raum + +
B 一方面…一方面… + * * yi1 fang1mian4 yi1 fang1mian4 on one hand … on the other hand … einerseits...anderseits + +
B 由於 + * * you2yu2 owing to/ due to/ because of weil, aufgrund, in Folge von, wegen + +
B 遭到 + * * zao1dao4 suffer/ encounter/ meet with auf etwas stoßen, erleiden + +
B 遵守 + * * zun1shou3 observe/ abide by befolgen, einhalten + +
B 等於 + * * deng3yu2 equal to/ equivalent/ amount to gleich sein, gleichen + +
B 推動 + * * tui1dong4 push forward/ promote begünstigen, voranbringen ,drücken, stoßen, vorstoßen + +
B 享受 + * * xiang3shou4 enjoy/ enjoyment sich einer Sache erfreuen, + +
B 遭受 + * * zao1shou4 suffer/ be subjected to erleiden, davontragen + +
B 主張 + * * zhu3zhang1 advocate/ idea/ view/ proposition Position, Vorschlag, Blickpunkt, befürworten + +
B 昏迷 + * * hun1mi2 stupor/ coma/ unconsciousness Stupor, das Bewußtsein verlieren, im Koma liegen + +
B + * * qi1 period/ phase 1. Periode, Zeitraum, Phase 2. Frist 3. erwarten, hoffen + +
B + * * wu2 not have/ there is not/ not 1. ohne, nichts, nicht vorhanden sein 2. nicht + +
B 答應 + * * da1ying respond/ answer/ reply einwilligen + +
B 數量 + * * shu4liang4 quantity/ amount Quantität + +
B 推廣 + 广* * tui1guang3 popularize/ spread popularisieren, verbreiten + +
B 宣布 + * * xuan1bu4 declare/ announce erklären, veröffentlichen, bekanntmachen, proklamieren + +
B 著名 + * * zhu4ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt, bekannt + +
B 餐廳 + * * can1ting1 restaurant/ dining room Restaurant + +
B + * * da2 answer/ reply/ return/ reciprocate 1. antworten, entgegnen, erwidern 2. erwidern, vergelten + +
B 期間 + * * qi1jian1 time/ period Zeit / Periode / (Ver-) Lauf + +
B 情形 + * * qing2xing* circumstance/ condition/ situation Umstände,Lage + +
B 著作 + * * zhu4zuo3 work/ book/ writing 1. schreiben / verfassen 2. Werk / Buch + +
B 答案 + * * da2'an4 answer/ solution/ key Antwort + +
B 隊長 + * * dui4zhang3 troops/ ranks Parteileiter, Teamchef etc + +
B + * * hun4 mix/ muddle along 1. mischen, vermischen, vermengen, zusammenmischen 2. sich als jn/etw ausgeben 3. in den Tag hineinleben, dahinleben 4. mit jm auskommen + +
B 情緒 + * * qing2xu4 morale/ feeling/ mood Stimmung, Gefühl + +
B 項目 + * * xiang4mu4 item/ project Punkt, Posten, Nummer, Projekt + +
B 宣傳 + * * xuan1chuan2 propagate/ propaganda publizieren, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, propagieren, Propaganda + +
B + * * jin3 only nur, bloß, erst + +
B 開辟 + * * kai1pi4 open up/ start eröffnen, starten + +
B + * * lao1 drag for/ dredge for 1. etw aus dem Wasser holen, herausfischen, auffischen 2. profitieren, ergattern, Profit aus etw ziehen, herausschlagen + +
B 特殊 + * * te4shu1 special/ peculiar/ exceptional Speziell, unregelmäßig,ungewöhnlich/eigenartig + +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr + +
B 僅僅 + * * jin3jin3 only/ merely/ barely bloß + +
B 左右 + * * zuo3you4 about/ approximate/ influence/ control ungefähr, etwa, annähernd, links und rechts + +
B + * * dui4 couple/ pair 1.antworten 2.gegenüberliegen 3.zwei Dinge in Kontakt bringen 4. vergeichen, identifizieren 5. richtig, korrekt, stimmen 6. Zählwort Paar 7.präpositional + +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr + +
B + * * jin3 give priority to vor allem, an erster Stelle, in erster Linie, Priorität gewähren, zu allererst siehe jin4 + +
B 嗓子 + * * sang3zi throat/ larynx/ voice Kehle + +
B 證明 + * * zheng4ming2 prove/ testify/ proof/ certificate Beweis, Zeugnis, Nachweis, beweisen + +
B 儘管 + * * jin3guan3 feel free to/ though/ even though/ despite 1. nur, freilich 2. obgleich, wenn auch, trotzdem + +
B 做法 + * * zuo4fa3 method of work/ practice Handlungsweise,Machart + +
B 對比 + * * dui4bi3 compare/ contrast/ comparison Kontrast + +
B 請客 + * * qing3 ke4 invite to dinner/ give a dinner party einladen, jmd etw. ausgeben, eine Abend-Party geben + +
B + * * di1 drop 1. tropfen, in Tropfen fallen, triefen, tröpfeln 2. Zählwort Tropfen + +
B 盡量 + * * jin4liang4 as possible as/ to the full so viel (od groß, stark usw) wie möglich, möglichst + +
B + * * you2 oil 1. Öl, Fett, Schmalz 2. Mineralöl 3. mit Ölfarbe streichen 4.mit Öl oder Fett beschmutzt 5. ölig, glatt + +
B + * * se4 color 1. Farbe 2. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene 3. Art, Sorte 4. das schöne Äußere einer Frau + +
B 敵人 + * * di2ren2 enemy/ foe Feind + +
B 對待 + * * dui4dai4 treat/ approach Behandlung + +
B + * * guai3 turn to 1. biegen, einbiegen, 2. hinken, humpeln, 3. Krücke 4. entführen, kidnappen + +
B 進步 + * * jin4bu4 advance/ progress/ improve/ progressive fortschrittlich, Fortschritt, Fortschritte machen + +
B 流利 + * * liu2li4 fluent/ smooth flließend + +
B + * * shuai3 move back and forth/ throw 1. etw hin und her schwingen, schwenken 2. werfen, schleudern 3. abwerfen, wegwerfen + +
B 打扮 + * * da3ban deck out/ dress up etwas ausputzen, sich herausputzen, sich schick machen + +
B 森林 + * * sen1lin2 forest Wald, Forst + +
B 無論 + * * wu2lun4 no matter what unabhängig davon, ungeachtet, wie auch immer + +
B 打倒 + * * da3 dao3 beat down stürzen, nieder mit + +
B 對方 + * * dui4fang1 the other side Gegenseite + +
B 開演 + * * kai1yan3 begin/ start a show anfangen (Kino, Theater, Show) + +
B 率領 + * * shuai4ling3 lead/ head/ command Führung, anführen + +
B 住院 + * * zhu4 yuan4 be in hospital im Krankenhaus sein + +
B 便條 + 便* * bian4tiao2 informal note Notiz, Merkzettel, Formloses Protokoll + +
B + * * he2 close/ shut/ join/ combine 1. schließen, zumachen 2. vereinigen, zusammenschließen 3. entsprechen, passen, zusagen, jm bekommen, 4. umgerechnet, gleich sein + +
B 進攻 + * * jing4gong1 attack/ assault/ offend angreifen,Angriff, Offensive + +
B 失敗 + * * shi1bai4 be defeated/ lose besiegen, verlieren, besiegt werden,Niederlage + +
B 充滿 + * * chong1man3 brimming with/ full of erfüllt von etwas + +
B 對話 + * * dui4hua4 have a dialogue/ dialogue Dialog + +
B 進化 + * * jin4hua4 evolve Entwicklung, Evolution + +
B 開展 + * * kai1zhan3 carry out/ develop/ launch entwickeln, entfalten, starten, beginnen, öffnen + +
B 老闆 + * * lao3ban3 common people Boss, Arbeitgeber + +
B 面前 + * * mian4qian2 in front of/ in face of/ before vor, vorgelagert (ungeprueft)/Wandbewurf, Außenschicht, Frontseite + +
B + * * qiong2 poor 1. arm, armselig,dürftig 2.extrem, äußerst 3.durch und durch, gründlich 4. Ende, Grenze + +
B + * * xuan3 choose/ select/ choose 1. auswählen, auslesen 2. wählen, Wahl 3. ausgewählte Werke, Anthologie + +
B 支持 + * * zhi1chi2 support/ back/ espouse aushalten, ertragen, unterstützen,beistehen + +
B 作品 + * * zuo4pin3 works (of literature and art) Werk (literarisch oder künstlerisch) + +
B 活潑 + * * huo2po vivacious/ vivid/ lively lebhaft, lebendig, aktiv + +
B 進口 + * * jin4 kou3 import/ entrance Import + +
B 老大媽(大媽) + * * lao3da4ma1 boss/ shopkeeper Tante + +
B 其次 + * * qi2ci4 next/ secondary zunächst, und zweitens, + +
B 沙發 + * * sha1fa1 sofa Sofa + +
B 失去 + * * shi1qu4 lose verlieren + +
B 提倡 + * * ti2chang4 advocate/ promote für etw eintreten, befürworten, fördern + +
B 游覽 + * * you2lan3 visit/ tour/ go sightseeing besichtigen / besuchen, Tour + +
B 作為 + * * zuo4wei2 regard as/ take for/ as 1. Handlung / Benehmen 2. etw. zustande bringen 3. etw. für. . . halten / etw. als. . . benutzen 4. als + +
B 活躍 + * * hou2yue4 active/ brisk/ enliven/ animate/ invigorate aktiv + +
B 老大娘(大娘) + * * lao3dan4niang2 aunt/ old lady Tante, alte Dame + +
B 雙方 + * * shuang1fang1 both sides/ the two parties beide Seiten, bilateral + +
B 無數 + * * wu2shu4 innumerable/ countless unzählbar, zahllos, unendlich + +
B 作文 + * * zuo4 wen2 write a composition/ composition 1. einen Aufsatz schreiben 2. Aufsatz, Abfassung + +
B + * * chong1 1. charge, rush 2.pour boiling water on 3. rinse, flush 1.mit kochendem Wasser übergießen, aufbrühen2.spülen,waschen, 3.stürmen, vorstoßen 4. Krach, Zusammenstoß, Kollision 5. Verkehrsader , Hauptverkehrsstraße, wichtiger Platz 6. entwickeln siehe chong4 + +
B 老大爺(大爺) + * * lao3da4ye uncle/ old man Onkel, älterer Mann + +
B 失望 + * * shi1wang4 lose hope/ disappointed enttäuscht sein, die Hoffnung verlieren, Verzweiflung + +
B 選舉 + * * xuan3ju3 elect/ election Wahl, wählen + +
B 一齊 + * * yi4qi2 at the same time/ in unison zur gleichen Zeit, simultan + +
B 其他 + * * qi2ta1 other (people) andere + +
B 提供 + * * ti2gong1 provide/ supply/ furnish/ offer zur Verfügung stellen, versorgen + +
B 支援 + * * zhi1yuan2 support/ aid/ assist/ assistance/ help unterstützen, Unterstützung gewähren + +
B 班長 + * * ban1zhang3 class monitor Klassensprecher, Gruppenführer, Gruppenleiter + +
B 進入 + * * jin4ru4 enter/ get into hereinkommen, hineingehen + +
B + * * long2 dragon Drache + +
B 其它 + * * qi2ta1 other (things) anderes + +
B + * * tuo1 hold in the palm 1. etw auf der flachen Hand tragen 2. Stütze, Ständer 3. als Hintergrund dienen 4. beauftragen, jn mit etw betrauen 5. vorschützen, vorgeben 6. sich auf etw stützen + +
B 作用 + * * zuo4yong4 action/ function/ act on/ affect 1. auf etw. /jn einwirken / beeinflußen 2. Funktion / Wirkung 3. Effekt / Rolle + +
B 底下 + * * di3xia below/ under unter, später, hinterher + +
B 對面 + * * dui4mian4 opposite gegenüberliegende Seite + +
B 伙食 + * * huo3shi food Essen, Verpflegung + +
B + * * kan3 chop/ cut fällen, hacken, hauen, abschlagen + +
B 其餘 + * * qi2yu2 the others/ the rest/ the remainder Rest, das andere, die verbleibenden + +
B 無限 + * * wu2xian4 infinite/ limitless/ boundless endlos, grenzenlos + +
B 游泳池 + * * you2yong3chi2 swimming pool Schwimmbad, Swimming Pool + +
B 合理 + * * he2li3 reasonable/ rational angemessen, vernünftig + +
B 進修 + * * jin4xiu1 carry on advanced studies sich fortbilden, sich weiterbilden, sich vervollkommnen + +
B 描寫 + * * miao2xie3 portray/ depict/ describe beschreiben,schildern,darstellen + +
B 女人 + * * nü3ren2 woman Frau + +
B 其中 + * * qi2zhong1 among darunter, darin + +
B 失業 + * * shi1 ye4 lose one's job/ unemployment Arbeitslosigkeit + +
B 一生 + * * yi4sheng1 lifetime/ all one's life ein Leben lang + +
B 責任 + * * ze2ren4 duty/ responsibility Verantwortlichkeit,Pflicht + +
B 作者 + * * zuo4zhe3 author/ writer Verfasser, Autor + +
B 蟲子 + * * chong2zi insect/ worm Insekt, Wurm + +
B 打聽 + * * da3ting ask about/ inquire about fragen nach, sich erkundigen nach + +
B + * * miao3 second Zählwort Sekunde + +
B 球場 + * * qiu2chang3 playground/ play field Spielfeld + +
B + * * sha3 foolish 1. dumm, wirrköpfig, doof, töricht 2. stur, starrsinnig, schwerfällig + +
B 脫離 + * * tuo1li2 break away from von etwas trennen, sich von etwas lösen + +
B 消費 + * * xiao1fei4 consume verbrauchen + +
B 一時 + * * yi1shi2 a short period of time/ moment für eine Weile, zeitweilig + +
B 對象 + * * dui4xiang4 object/ target/ boyfriend or girlfriend Gegenstand, Objekt, Partner, Freund, Freundin + +
B 看不起 + * * kan4 bu qi3 look down upon verachten, geringschätzen + +
B 提前 + * * ti2qian2 ahead of time/ advance im voraus, vorher + +
B 選擇 + * * xuan3ze2 select/ choose/ opt Wahl, auswählen, wählen + +
B 祝賀 + * * zhu4he4 congratulate/ congratulation gratulieren, beglückwünschen + +
B 地帶 + * * di4dai4 district/ region/ zone Region + +
B 老人 + * * lao3ren2 old person, aged alte Leute + +
B 獅子 + * * shi1zi lion Löwe + +
B 一同 + * * yi4tong2 together/ at the same time and place zusammen, mit + +
B 有的是 + * * you3deshi4 there's no lack of es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel an + +
B 坐班 + * * zuo4 ban1 work in the office in office hours während der Arbeitszeiten arbeiten, Arbeitszeiten einhalten + +
B 重疊 + * * chong2die2 overlap überlappen + +
B 對於 + * * dui4yu2 for/ about betreffend, für, über + +
B 合同 + * * he2tong contract Vertrag + +
B + * * miao4 wonderful 1. wunderbar,ausgezeichnet 2. geschickt,gewandt + +
B + * * qiu2 beg/ ask for 1. dringend bitten, anflehen 2. sich um etw bemühen, nach etw streben 3. Nachfrage + +
B 地點 + * * di4dian3 place/ site/ locale Ort + +
B 分配 + * * fen1pei4 assign/ allocate 1. verteilen, zuteilen, anweisen 2. Verteilung, Distribution + +
B 關於 + * * guan1yu2 about/ on/ concerning über,betreffend, + +
B 消滅 + * * xiao1mie4 eliminate/ perish/ wipe out versterben, sterben + +
B 有關 + * * you3guan1 concern/ relate to in Verbindung stehend, in Zusammenhang stehen, betreffen, + +
B + * * ban3 board 1. Brett, Platte, Planke 2. Holzläden 3. Klapper 4. Takt, Taktmaß 5 steif, starr, hölzern 6. ernst werden + +
B 地方 + * * di4fang1 local, regional örtlich, regional, hiesig + +
B + * * dun1 ton Tonne + +
B 關照 + * * guan1zhao4 look after/ keep an eye on 1. für jn / etw. sorgen / sich um jn/etw. kümmern 2. benachrichtigen / Bescheid sagen + +
B 禁止 + * * jin4zhi3 prohibit/ ban/ forbid Verbot, verbieten + +
B 老實 + * * lao3shi frank/ honest ehrlich, aufrichtig + +
B + * * mie4 go out/ put out 1.erlöschen 2. auslöschen, löschen, ausmachen 3. vernichten, beseitigen, ausrotten + +
B + * * shai4 shine upon/ dry in the sun 1. von der Sonne bescheinen lassen, besonnen 2. in der Sonne trocknen (lassen), sonnen + +
B 施工 + * * shi1 gong1 construct/ build/ construction Aufbau, Konstruktion + +
B 座談 + * * zuo4tan2 have an informal discussion eine informelle Diskussion haben, eine zwanglose Aussprache haben + +
B + * * guan1 officer 1. für jm/etw sorgen, sich um jn/etw kümmern 2. benachrichtigen, jm etw mündlich mitteilen offiziell (?) + +
B 合作 + * * he2zuo4 cooperate/ work together Zusammenarbeit, zusammenarbeiten, Kooperation + +
B 武器 + * * wu3qi4 weapon/ arms Waffe + +
B 學(社會學) + * * xue2 -ology (sociology) 1. lernen,studieren 2. nachahmen, nachmachen, imitieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis 4. wissenschaftliches Fach, Lehrgegenstand 5. Schule, Lehranstalt + +
B 抓緊 + * * zhua1 jin3 firmly grasp/ pay close attention to festhalten, höchste Aufmerksamkeit schenken + +
B + * * he2 box Zählwort Schachtel, Kästchen, Büchse, Dose + +
B + * * qi2 gather/ neat/ uniform 1. ordentlich, gleichmäßig 2. gemeinsam, gleichzeitig 3. vollzählig, ausnahmslos, alle 4. auf einer Ebene mit etw stehen , gleich hoch sein 5. gleich, in gleicher Weise, gleichermaßen + +
B + * * qu1 region/ district 1. 1. Region, Zone, Gebiet 2. Bezirk, Distrikt 3. unterscheiden, einteilen + +
B 曉得 + * * xiao3de know wissen + +
B 學費 + * * xue2fei4 tuition/ tuition fee Studiengebühren, Kursgebühren + +
B 一下子 + * * yi2xia4zi all at once/ in an instant in einem Augenblick, plötzlich, auf einmal + +
B 崇高 + * * chong2gao1 lofty/ high/ sublime hoch,erhaben, edel + +
B 地面 + * * di4mian4 ground Boden + +
B 看樣子 + * * kan4 yang4zi look like/ seem like es sieht so aus, es scheint, als ob + +
B 老太太 + * * lao3tai4tai old woman alte Frau + +
B 有利 + * * you3li4 advantageous/ beneficial vorteilhaft, günstig, nützlich + +
B 獲得 + * * huo4de2 gain/ obtain/ acquire/ win/ achieve erreichen, erhalten, gewinnen, bekommen + +
B + * * ti2 topic/ problem/ title 1. Thema, Titel 2. aufschreiben, eintragen + +
B 有力 + * * you3li4 strong/ powerful leistungsfähig, stark, kräftig, mächtig + +
B 大膽 + * * da4dan3 daring/ bold dreist, schamlos, unverschämt, mutig, gewagt, furchtlos, unverfroren + +
B 地區 + * * di4qu1 area/ region/ district Gebiet (Prefäktur Political divisions China, Wiki) + +
B 告別 + * * gao4bie2 leave/ part from/ say good-bye to Abschied + +
B 老頭兒 + * * lao3tou2r old man alter Mann (oft unhöflich) + +
B + * * bian4 all over, everywhere überall + +
B + * * huo4 or 1. vielleicht, wahrscheinlich, möglicherweise 2. oder, entweder...oder + +
B + * * kang2 carry on the shoulder auf der Schulter tragen + +
B + * * lou4 reveal/ show zeigen, erscheinen, etwas sichtbar werden lassen siehe lu4 + +
B + * * shi1 poem Lyrik, Gedicht, Poesie, Vers + +
B 小伙子 + * * xiao3huo3zi young fellow/ lad junger Mann + +
B …之前 + * * zhi1 qian2 before vorher, bevor, vor + +
B 草地 + * * cao3di4 grassland/ lawn/ meadow Rasen + +
B 觀察 + * * guan1cha2 survey/ observe/ watch beobachten, betrachten + +
B 學期 + * * xue2qi1 school term/ semester Semester + +
B …之上 + * * zhi1 shang4 on/ above über + +
B 觀點 + * * guan1dian3 viewpoint/ standpoint Gesichtspunkt, Auffassung + +
B + * * jin4 try one's best 1. zu Ende erschöpft 2. alles tun, was in js Kräften steht 3. am Ende, nicht mehr weiter 4. sein Bestes tun 5.erfüllen, zur vollen Geltung bringen 6. all, voll, ganz siehe jin3 + +
B 民主 + * * min2zhu3 democracy/ democratic Demokratie, demokratisch + +
B 有時 + * * you3shi2 sometimes/ at times manchmal, dann und wann + +
B 標點 + * * biao1dian3 punctuation Interpunktion + +
B 地位 + * * di4wei4 position/ status Status + +
B + * * jian4 arrow Pfeil + +
B + * * qu2 watercourse/ trench groß, Kanal, Graben, + +
B 體會 + * * ti3hui4 realize/ know through experience/ experience erfahren,Verständnis + +
B + * * wa used to denote sigh or certainty in lautes Weinen ausbrechen + +
B …之下 + * * zhi1 xia4 under/ below unter + +
B 廁所 + * * ce4suo3 W.C./ toilet/ lavatory Toilette + +
B 大多數 + * * da4duo1shu4 most of Majorität, in den meisten (Fällen) + +
B 地下 + * * di4xia4 underground Untergrund, unterirdisch + +
B 紛紛 + * * fen1fen1 one after another einer nach dem anderen, unübersichtlich, verwirrend (...) + +
B + * * huo4 goods 1. Ware, Artikel, Güter 2. Geld 3.Kerl, Stück + +
B + * * jin4 power 1. Kraft, Energie 2.Geist, Schwung, Elan 3. Miene, Gesichtsausdruck 4.Lust, Interesse, Freude + +
B 體積 + * * ti3ji1 volume Volumen + +
B + * * wai1 askewed/ crooked/ awry 1. schief, schräg 2. unanständig, unsittlich, übel, hinterhältig + +
B 增長 + * * zeng1zhang3 enrich/ enhance/ grow Wachstum + +
B …之一 + * * zhi1 yi1 one of einer von + +
B + * * chou2 worry sich Sorgen machen, besorgt, Sorge, Kummer + +
B 樂觀 + * * le4guan1 optimistic/ hopeful Optimismus, optimistisch + +
B 山脈 + * * shan1mai4 mountain range Gebirge, Gebirgskette,Gebirgszug,Sierra + +
B 有效 + * * you3xiao4 effective/ efficacious wirkungsvoll, wirksam, gültig + +
B …之中 + * * zhi1 zhong1 among/ in/ in the process of in, innen, innerhalb + +
B 半導體 + * * ban4dao3ti3 semi-conductor Halbleiter + +
B 多數 + * * duo1shu4 most/ majority Mehrheit + +
B 京劇(京戲) + * * jing1ju4 Beijing Opera Peking Oper + +
B 山區 + * * shan1qu1 a mountainous area Gebirgsbereich, Gebirgsregion + +
B + * * shun4 along entlang, längs + +
B + * * wu4 fog 1. Nebel, Dunst 2. feine Wassertröpfchen + +
B 一致 + * * yi2zhi4 identical/ unanimous/ consistent einhellig, identisch + +
B + * * zha1 prick/ push a needle into 1. stechen,piken 2. eintauchen, sich stürzen + +
B 專心 + * * zhuan1xin1 be absorbed/ attentive/ concentrating Konzentration, konzentriert, vertieft sein + +
B 標準 + * * biao1zhun3 standard/ criterion Standard, Standard- + +
B 觀眾 + * * guan1zhong4 audience/ spectator/ viewer Zuschauer,Zuhörer, + +
B 順便 + 便* * shun4bian4 conveniently/ in passing bei passender Gelegenheit + +
B 學問 + * * xue2wen learning/ knowledge/ scholarship Wissen, Lernen + +
B 取消 + * * qu3xiao1 cancel/ abolish/ call off absagen, canceln + +
B 順利 + * * shun4li4 go smoothly/ successful reibungslos, zügig, glatt + +
B 小說 + * * xiao3shuo1 novel/ fiction Roman, Novelle + +
B 職工 + * * zhi2gong1 staff/ worker/ employee Personal + +
B 表達 + * * biao3da2 express/ convey ausdrücken, äußern + +
B + * * ce4 tome/ book 1. Heft, Buch 2. Zählwort Heft, Band, Exemplar + +
B 幾乎 + * * ji1hu1 almost fast, beinahe + +
B 路上 + * * lu4shang on the road auf der Straße, Straßenoberfläche + +
B 石頭 + * * shi2tou stone Stein + +
B 表面 + * * biao3mian4 surface/ outside/ face/ appearance Oberfläche + +
B 大會 + * * da4hui4 plenary session/ mass meeting Kongreß + +
B 考慮 + * * kao3lv4 think over/ consider Betrachtung, überdenken, betrachten + +
B 路線 + 线* * lu4xian4 line/ route Linie, Route + +
B + * * pai2 platoon/ row/ line 1. reihen, ordnen 2. entfernen, ableiten, etw abfließen lassen 3. proben 4. Reihe 5. Zug 6. Floß 7. Zählwort Reihe + +
B 石油 + * * shi2you2 petroleum Erdöl, + +
B 表明 + * * biao3ming2 show/ evince klar + +
B 大伙兒 + * * da4huo3r everybody jeder + +
B + * * duo3 hide/ avoid 1. sich verbergen, sich verstecken 2. ausweichen, meiden + +
B + * * pai2 platoon/ row/ line 1. reihen, ordnen 2. entfernen, ableiten, etw abfließen lassen 3. proben 4. Reihe 5. Zug 6. Floß 7. Zählwort Reihe + +
B 外地 + * * wai4di4 places other than the local place Ausland, äußere Bereiche + +
B 職業 + * * zhi2ye4 occupation/ profession Beruf, Beschäftigung + +
B 明顯 + * * ming2xian3 clear/ obvious/ apparent offensichtlich + +
B 小學 + * * xiao3xue2 primary school Grundschule + +
B + * * zhuan3 1. turn, change 2. pass on, transfer 1. wenden, sich verwandeln, sich verändern 2. überbringen, weitergeben siehe zhuan4 + +
B + * * chu1 the first day of the lunar month 1. zu Beginn, am Anfang, früh 2. der, die, das Erste 3.erst, gerade, eben 4. original, ursprünglich 5 elementar, grundlegend, primär + +
B + * * duo3 measure word for flower or cloud Zählwort für Blumen oder Wolken + +
B 冠軍 + * * guan4jun1 champion Meister, Champion + +
B + * * heng1 hum/ croon/ huh 1. stöhnen, schnaufen, schnauben 2.summen, leise singen + +
B + * * lu4 record 1. abschreiben, Protokoll führen, registrieren, 2. beschäftigen, einstellen, 3. eine Tonbandaufnahme machen, etw. auf Tonband aufnehmen 4.Register, Verzeichnis + +
B + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + +
B 轉變 + * * zhuan3bian4 change/ transform ändern,verwandeln + +
B 測驗 + * * ce4yan4 test/ examination prüfen, testen,kontrollieren + +
B + * * lei4 kind/ sort 1. Art, Sorte, Typ, Kategorie 2. gleichen, ähneln + +
B 時代 + * * shi2dai4 times/ age/ era/ epoch Zeit,Ära, Epoche + +
B + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + +
B 建議 + * * jian4yi4 propose/ suggest/ proposition/ suggestion Vorschlag, vorschlagen, empfehlen + +
B 錄像 + * * lu4 xiang4 video recording Videoaufzeichnung + +
B 革命 + * * ge2ming4 rise in revolt to seize power/ revolution Revolution + +
B + * * ming2 name/ (measure word for people) 1. Zählwort Name, Benennung, persönlicher Name, Rufname, Vorname 2. Ruf, Ruhm, 3. berühmt, bekannt, angesehen, + +
B + * * zhai1 cull/ pick/ pluck/ take off 1. pflücken, abnehmen 2. auswählen, ausziehen + +
B 辦公 + * * ban4 gong1 work im Büro arbeiten, Amtsgeschaefte erledigen + +
B 大陸 + * * da4lu4 continent/ mainland Festland + +
B 建築 + * * jian4zhu4 build/ construct/ architecture/ building Gebäude, Architektur, Bauten, bauen + +
B 錄音機 + * * lu4yin1ji1 sound-recorder Tonbandgerät + +
B 善於 + * * shan4yu2 be good at/ be adept in gut sein in + +
B 外交 + * * wai4jiao1 diplomacy/ foreign affairs Diplomatie + +
B 直到 + * * zhi2dao4 until/ up to bis + +
B 轉告 + * * zhuan3gao4 pass on weitersagen, weitergeben + +
B + * * ceng2 ever/ once schon, bereits + +
B + * * e2 goose Gans + +
B 精力 + * * jing1li4 energy/ vigor Tatkraft, Energie + +
B + * * pai2 tablet/ board 1. Schild, Platte, Tafel 2. Marke, Warenzeichen 3. Spielkarten, Dominosteine etc + +
B 校長 + * * xiao4zhang3 headmaster/ schoolmaster Präsident (einer Universität, eines Kollegs), Schuldirektor + +
B + * * zhai3 narrow/ petty 1. eng, schmal 2. engherzig, kleinlich 3. sich in finanzieller Bedrängnis befinden, knapp bei Kasse sein + +
B 曾經 + * * ceng2jing1 once einstmals + +
B 機床 + * * ji1chuang2 machine tool maschinelles Werkzeug + +
B + * * shang1 hurt/ wound 1. Verletzung, Verwundung, Wunde 2. verletzen 3. traurig, schmerzlich 4. schädlich sein, schaden 5. überdrüssig, satt + +
B + * * ti4 take the place of/ replace/ for/ on behalf of 1. ersetzen, an js Stelle treten 2. für, in js Namen, um js Willen + +
B 辦事 + * * ban4 shi4 do an errand handeln, eine Sache regeln + +
B + * * ke1 division 1. Wissensgebiet, Disziplin, Lehrfach, Fach 2. Unterabteilung einer Verwaltungseinheit 3. Familie (Biologie) 4. jn (zu einer Strafe) verurteilen + +
B 血液 + * * xue4ye4 blood Blut (-flüssigkeit) + +
B 依靠 + * * yi1kao4 rely on/ depend on/ backing/ support sich auf jn/etw. verlassen, Stütze, Unterhalt,Unterstützung + +
B 時刻 + * * shi2ke4 moment Moment + +
B 笑話 + * * xiao4hua joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock Witz, Scherz + +
B 大批 + * * da4pi1 numbers of große Anzahl von + +
B 貫徹 + * * guan4che4 carry out/ implement durchühren, durchsetzen, etwas in die Tat umsetzen, verwirklichen, implementieren + +
B 機關 + * * ji1guan1 mechanism/ office Anstalt + +
B 陸續 + * * lu4xu4 one after another/ in succession nacheinander, einer nach dem anderen, aufeinanderfolgend + +
B 啟發 + * * qi3fa1 arouse/ inspire/ enlighten/ illumination 1. aufklären, belehren 2. starten, anfangen 3. öffnen, aufmachen + +
B 外面 + * * wai4mian outside draußen, außerhalb + +
B 西北 + 西* * xi1bei3 northwest Nordwest + +
B 時期 + * * shi2qi1 period Periode + +
B 幫忙 + * * bang1 mang2 help/ do a favor helfen + +
B 隔壁 + * * ge2bi4 next door nebenan, nächste Tür + +
B 傷心 + * * shang1 xin1 sad/ grievous/ brokenhearted traurig + +
B + * * yu2 at/ on 1. im Jahr 2. (siehe nach Beispielen...) in + +
B 賓館 + * * bing1guan3 guesthouse/ hotel Guesthouse, Hotel + +
B 叉子 + * * cha1zi fork Gabel + +
B + * * guang1 nothing left 1.glatt, geschliffen 2.nackt, entblößt + +
B 將要 + * * jiang1yao4 be going to/ will/ shall werden / im Begriff sein / bald + +
B 西餐 + 西* * xi1can1 Western-style food Westliche Küche, westliches Essen + +
B 於是 + * * yu2shi4 as a result/ thereupon darauf (zeitlich),deswegen,daher,folglich + +
B 榜樣 + * * bang3yang4 example/ model Beispiel, Vorbild + +
B + * * bing1 soldier 1. Waffe, Kampfgerät 2. Soldat 3. Armee, Truppe 4. Kriegswesen, Militärwesen + +
B + * * guang1 solely, only, alone nur + +
B 科學院 + * * ke1xue2yuan4 academy of science Akademie der Wissenschaften + +
B 名勝 + * * ming2sheng4 famous place/ scenic spot Szenischer Punkt + +
B 出口 + * * chu1 kou3 export exportieren, Export + +
B 旅館 + * * lv3guan3 hotel/ inn Hotel + +
B 科長 + * * ke1zhang3 section chief Abschnittleiter + +
B 旅客 + * * lv3ke4 traveler/ passenger/ hotel guest Reisender, Passagier,Gast, Hotelgast + +
B 食品 + * * shi2pin3 foodstuff/ food Nahrung + +
B 西瓜 + 西* * xi1gua1 watermelon Wassermelone + +
B 尋找 + * * xun2zhao3 look for/ seek 1. suchen, sich nach etw umsehen, etw ausfindig machen 2.zu jm kommen, jn zu sprechen wünschen , jn besuchen 3. herausgeben + +
B 個別 + * * ge4bie2 exceptional 1.einzeln,besonderer,individuell 2. ganz selten, ganz wenig + +
B 旅途 + * * lv3tu2 journey/ trip Reise + +
B 私人 + * * si1ren2 private/ personal/ one's own man/ privat, persönlich + +
B 西紅柿 + 西* * xi1hong2shi4 tomato Tomate + +
B 執行 + * * zhi2xing2 carry out/ execute Durchführung, ausführen + +
B 光輝 + * * guang1hui1 radiance/ brilliance/ brilliant/ glorious Ruhm, Strahlung, glänzend + +
B 離婚 + * * li2 hun1 divorce Scheidung + +
B 商量 + * * shang1liang consult/ discuss/ talk over konsultieren, besprechen, diskutieren + +
B 食物 + * * shi2wu4 food Nahrung + +
B 西南 + 西* * xi1nan2 southwest Südwesten + +
B + * * zhuan4 turn, rotate, revolve sich drehen, rotieren, Umdrehung siehe zhuan3 + +
B + * * ke3 (used for emphasis in a sentence)/ but/ yet 1. gutheißen, anerkennen, billigen 2. können, erlaubt sein 3. würdig, wert + +
B 命令 + * * ming4ling4 command/ order eine Anweisung geben, Befehl + +
B 商品 + * * shang1pin3 commodity/ goods Gebrauchsgut, Waren, Güter + +
B 展出 + * * zhan3chu1 put on display/ exhibit austellen, anzeigen + +
B 獎學金 + * * jiang3xue2jin1 scholarship Stipendium + +
B 可愛 + * * ke3'ai4 cute/ lovely liebenswürdig, liebenswert,hübsch + +
B 盼望 + * * pan4wang4 hope for/ look forward to sehnsüchtig erwarten,sich nach etwas sehnen + +
B 全面 + * * quan2mian4 overall/ all-round/ comprehensive komplett, total, völlig + +
B 展開 + * * zhan3 kai1 spread out/ unfold/ open up entfalten, ausbreiten, öffnen + +
B 傍晚 + * * bang4wan3 toward evening/ at nightfall gegen Abend, Dämmerung + +
B 猴子 + * * hou2zi monkey Affe + +
B 積極 + * * ji1ji2 positive/ active 1.positiv 2.aktiv + +
B + * * xi1 inhale/ breathe in/ suck up/ absorb 1. einatmen 2. saugen,aufsaugen, einsaugen, absorbieren 3. anziehen + +
B + * * yi2 move 1. bewegen, wegrücken, versetzen 2. ändern, verändern + +
B 展覽會 + * * zhan3lan3hui4 exhibition Ausstellung + +
B 值得 + * * zhi2de be worth/ deserve es wert sein, sich lohnen + +
B 莊稼 + * * zhuang1jia crops Getreide, Feldfrucht + +
B 光榮 + * * guang1rong2 glory/ honor achtbar, rühmlich,ehrenvoll, Ruhm, Ehre + +
B 商業 + * * shang1ye4 commerce/ trade business Handel, Geschäft, + +
B 壓迫 + * * ya1po4 oppress/ repress Unterdrückung, unterdrücken + +
B 移動 + * * yi2dong4 move/ remove/ shift fortbewegen / versetzen / verrücken + +
B 莊嚴 + * * zhuang1yan2 solemn/ dignified ernst, feierlich, würdevoll + +
B 電冰箱 + * * dian4bing1xiang1 refrigerator Kühlschrank, Eisschrank + +
B + * * mo1 touch/ feel 1. betasten,berühren, befühlen, streicheln 2. im Dunkeln tappen + +
B 吸收 + * * xi1shou1 absorb/ suck up/ admit/ incorporate etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren + +
B 經理 + * * jing1li3 manager/ director Manager + +
B 天真 + * * tian1zhen naïve/ innocent naiv, unschuldig, + +
B 吸煙(抽煙) + * * xi1 yan1 smoke rauchen + +
B 大衣 + * * da4yi1 overcoat/ topcoat Mantel + +
B 經歷 + * * jing1li4 undergo/ experience Erfahrung, erfahren, durchmachen + +
B 指出 + * * zhi3chu1 point out auf etwas hinweisen, anzeigen, herausstellen + +
B 病房 + * * bing4fang2 ward/ sickroom Krankenzimmer, Station + +
B 風力 + * * feng1li4 wind-force/ wind power Windkraft + +
B 理解 + * * li3jie3 understand/ comprehend/ understanding verstehen, begreifen, erfassen + +
B + * * cha4 bad/ poor 1.schlecht,minderwertig,irrig siehe:cha1 und *chai1 + +
B 可憐 + * * ke3lian2 pitiful/ poor/ pity armselig, bemitleidenswert + +
B 理論 + * * li3lun4 theory Theorie + +
B 模仿 + 仿* * mo2fang3 copy/ imitate imitieren, nachmachen + +
B 包括 + * * bao1kuo4 include/ consist of/ comprise umfassen, einschließlich + +
B 病菌 + * * bing4jun1 pathogenic bacteria Mikrobe + +
B 差不多 + * * cha4buduo1 almost mehr oder weniger, fast + +
B 出生 + * * chu1sheng1 be born Geburt + +
B 上班 + * * shang4 ban1 go to work/ be on duty arbeiten gehen + +
B 雨衣 + * * yu3yi1 raincoat Regenmantel + +
B 差点儿 + * * cha4dian3r almost fast, beinahe, nahezu + +
B 大約 + * * da4yue1 approximate/ about annähernd, etwa + +
B 疑問 + * * yi2wen4 doubt/ query/ question Zweifel,Frage (ungelöstes Problem) + +
B + * * yu3 with/ and/ together with 1. geben, anbieten, gewähren 2. helfen, unterstützen siehe *yu4= teilnehmen, sich an etw beteiligen + +
B 指揮 + * * zhi3hui1 command/ direct/ conductor befehlen, führen, leiten, Regie führen + +
B + * * lve4 omit ausrauben, berauben , Beute machen, plündern , eher, eigentlich ,verdichten, zusammen fassen + +
B + * * que1 lack of mangeln, fehlen, an etw gebrechen + +
B + * * zhuang4 collide/ bump against/ run into 1. zusammenstoßen,stoßen 2. treffen, begegnen 3. voreilig handeln + +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus + +
B 風俗 + * * feng1su2 custom Gewohnheit + +
B + * * guang4 stroll spazieren gehen, bummeln, wandern, schlendern + +
B 理由 + * * li3you2 reason Grund + +
B 缺點 + * * que1dian3 shortcoming/ defect/ weakness Fehler, schwache Seite, Angriffspunkt + +
B + * * xie3 blood Blut + +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus + +
B 規定 + * * gui1ding4 provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen + +
B 醬油 + * * jiang4you2 soy sauce Sojasoße + +
B 缺乏 + * * que1fa2 be short of/ lack unzulänglich, fehlen, mangeln an + +
B 上當 + * * shang4 dang4 be fooled/ be taken in auf den Leim gehen + +
B + * * ya2 tooth 1. Zahn 2. zahnförmiger Gegenstand 3. Elfenbein + +
B 戰鬥 + * * zhan4dou4 fight/ battle/ combat/ action Kampf, kämpfen, Krieg führen + +
B + * * jiang4 fall/ drop/ lower/ land fallen, sinken + +
B 警察 + * * jing3cha2 police/ policeman Polizei, Polizist + +
B 實行 + * * shi2xing2 put into practice/ carry out in die Praxis umsetzen, implementieren + +
B 語調 + * * yu3diao4 intonation Intonation + +
B 根本 + * * gen1ben3 root/ essence/ basic/ fundamental 1. Wurzel 2. Fuß, Ende, Basis 3. Ursprung, Ursache 4. gründlich, vollkommen, grundlegend 5.schlicht, einfach 6. Zählwort für streifenartige Dinge + +
B 降低 + * * jiang4di1 reduce/ cut down/ drop/ lower verringern, senken, + +
B 缺少 + * * que1shao3 lack/ be short of fehlen, ermangeln, mangeln an + +
B 田野 + * * tian2ye3 field/ open country Felder, offene Landschaft + +
B 戰勝 + * * zhan4sheng4 defeat/ triumph over/ overcome über etw. siegen, überwiegen + +
B 指示 + * * zhi3shi4 instruction/ order/ indicate/ point out aufzeigen, darauf hinweisen, Anweisung + +
B + * * bao3 protect 1. schützen, verteidigen 2. erhalten, bewahren, behalten 3. gewährleisten, garantieren, versichern 4. Bürge, Bürgschaft + +
B 根據 + * * gen1ju4 base on/ according to/ basis/ grounds entsprechend, auf der Basis von, + +
B 氣象 + * * qi4xiang4 meteorology Meteorologie + +
B 牙刷 + * * ya2shua1 toothbrush Zahnbürste + +
B 語氣 + * * yu3qi4 tone/ manner of speaking/ mood Tonfall, Klang, Verbmodus + +
B 戰士 + * * zhan4shi4 soldier/ fighter Soldat + +
B 出院 + * * chu1 yuan4 be discharged/ from hospital das Krankenhaus verlassen + +
B 裡面 + * * li3mian4 inside/ interior in,innen, Innenseite + +
B 實在 + * * shi2zai4 true/ real/ honest tatsächlich, wirlich, ehrlich + +
B + * * tiao1 choose/ pick 1. auswählen,aussuchen 2. (mit einer Tragestange) tragen 3. Zählwort eine Tragestange voll + +
B 保存 + * * bao3cun2 preserve/ keep/ conserve konservieren, aufbewahren + +
B 並且 + * * bing4qie3 and/ besides/ moreover und, außerdem,übrigens + +
B + * * yi3 with/ because of/ so as to/ in order to 1. mit, mittels,durch 2. gemäß, nach, laut 3. weil,wegen 4. um zu, damit 5. zu einer Zeit, am, um + +
B 發出 + * * fa1chu1 send out/ give out aussenden, ausstoßen + +
B + * * feng2 meet/ come upon treffen, sich begegnen, auf etw/jn stoßen + +
B 後天 + * * hou4tian1 the day after tomorrow übermorgen + +
B + * * pao4 big gun/ canon 1. Kanone, Geschütz, 2. Feuerwerk, Knallfrosch + +
B 語音 + * * yu3yin1 pronunciation Aussprache + +
B 狀況 + * * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition Bedingung, Zustand,Verhältnisse + +
B 保護 + * * bao3hu4 protect/ safeguard/ protection schützen, hüten, schonen + +
B 發達 + * * fa1da2 developed/ flourishing entwickelt, florierend + +
B 完整 + * * wan2zheng3 complete/ intact Vollständigkeit, vollkommen + +
B 狀態 + * * zhuang4tai4 state/ condition Bedingung, Lage, Zustand + +
B 電視臺 + * * dian4shi4tai2 TV station Fernsehstation + +
B 跟前 + * * gen1qian2 in front of/ near/ close to 1. Ferse 2. folgen, nachkommen, befolgen 3.(zusammen )mit , und + +
B 以及 + * * yi3ji2 as well as/ along with/ and sowie, einschließlich,wie, und wie + +
B 羽毛球 + * * yu3mao2qiu2 badminton Federball, Badminton + +
B + * * zhi3 stop 1. stocken, stoppen, aufhören, unterbrechen, einstellen 2. jm Einhalt gebieten, stillen 3. bis, bis zu 4. nur, allein + +
B + * * zhui1 run after/ pursue/ trace/ go after 1. nacheilen, jm nachsetzen, verfolgen, nachlaufen 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. trachten, streben, jagen 4. sich erinnern, sich etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen + +
B 保留 + * * bao3liu2 reserve/ hold back bewahren, vorbehalten + +
B 電臺 + * * dian4tai2 transceiver/ broadcasting station Sendestation + +
B 發動 + * * fa1dong4 start/ launch/ arouse anfangen, starten, moblisieren + +
B 汽油 + * * qi4you2 gasoline/ gas Benzin + +
B 上面 + * * shang4mian above/ over/ on the surface of oben + +
B 電梯 + * * dian4ti1 elevator/ lift/ escalator Aufzug, Fahrstuhl, Lift + +
B 禮貌 + * * li3mao4 courtesy/ politeness Höflichkeit + +
B 使 + 使* * shi3 use/ employ 1. schicken, senden, jnetw tun lassen 2.gebrauchen, anwenden, verwenden 3. lassen, bewirken 4. Gesander, Beauftragter 5. wenn, falls, angenommen + +
B 克服 + * * ke4fu2 overcome/ conquer überwinden + +
B 玉米 + * * yu4mi3 maize/ corn Mais + +
B 產量 + * * chan3liang4 output/ yield Produktionsmenge, Ertrag + +
B 發揮 + * * fa1hui1 bring into play/ give play to ins Spiel bringen + +
B 極其 + * * ji2qi2 most/ extremely/ exceedingly 1. sehr, äußerst, hoch + +
B 禮堂 + * * li3tang2 assembly hall/ auditorium Hörsaal + +
B + * * zhang1 chapter/ section 1. Kapitel, Abschnitt 2. Ordnung 3. Konstitution, Statut 4. Stempel, Siegel 5. Abzeichen + +
B 產品 + * * chan3pin3 product Produkt + +
B + * * dai4 generation ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie + +
B 以上 + * * yi3shang4 more than/ above/ the foregoing mehr als, über, oben, obenerwähnt + +
B 刻苦 + * * ke4ku3 assiduous/ hardworking eifrig, hart arbeitend + +
B + * * pei2 accompany 1. entschädigen, für etw Ersatz leisten, Schadensersatz zahlen 2. Kapital einbüßen, + +
B + * * song1 loose/ loosen Kiefer (Baumart), lösen + +
B 產生 + * * chan3sheng1 produce/ take place/ engender erzeugen, hervorrufen, bewirken + +
B 發明 + * * fa1ming2 invent/ invention Erfindung, erfinden + +
B + * * ji2 market/ volume 1. versammeln, sammeln 2. Dorfmarkt, Markt(platz) 3. Sammlung, Werk, Anthologie 4. Band, Teil + +
B 以外 + * * yi3wai4 beyond/ outside außerhalb, außen, außer + +
B 遇見 + * * yu4 jian4 meet/ come across treffen, begegnen + +
B 只是 + * * zhi3shi4 only/ merely/ simply/ but nur, einfach, + +
B 準/准 + * * zhun3 (準) accurate/ exact/ (准) allow/ permit 1. genehmigen, erlauben, bewilligen 2. Norm, Richtschnur, Standard 3. genau, richtig 4. bestimmt, gewiß 5. para-, quasi- + +
B + * * mou3 certain/ some einige,gewiß, bestimmt + +
B + * * qun2 group 1. Menge, Gruppe 2. Zählwort Gruppe, Herde, Schar + +
B 只要 + * * zhi3yao4 so long as/ provided solange, wenn nur + +
B + * * dian4 shop/ store Geschäft, Laden + +
B + * * pei2 compensate/ pay for begleiten, jm Gesellschaft leisten, betreuen + +
B 只有 + * * zhi3you3 alone/ only nur dann + +
B 保證 + * * bao3zheng4 ensure/ assure/ guarantee/ promise garantieren, versichern, bürgen + +
B 否則 + * * fou3ze2 otherwise Andernfalls + +
B + * * gui3 ghost 1. Geist, Gespenst, Spuk 2. in Feigling, Faulpelz, Trunkenbold, etc 3.hinterlistig, voller Arglist 4.dunkle Machenschaften, schmutzige Geschäfte 5. sehr schlecht, verdammt, miserabel 6 gescheit, gerissen, schlau + +
B + * * hu2 pot 1. Kanne, Krug, Kessel, 2. Flasche + +
B + * * luo4 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung siehe la4 + +
B 模樣 + * * mu2yang4 appearance/ look Aussehen, Erscheinung + +
B 嚴格 + * * yan2ge2 strict/ rigorous/ rigid streng, rigoros + +
B 以下 + * * yi3xia4 below/ under/ the following weniger als, unten, unter,Folgende,im folgenden + +
B 準時 + * * zhun3shi2 on time/ punctual pünktlich, rechtzeitig + +
B 集體 + * * ji2ti3 collective kollektiv, Kollektiv + +
B 交際 + * * jiao1ji4 socialize/ social intercourse Kommunikation, sozialer Austausch + +
B 客人 + * * ke4ren visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher + +
B 始終 + * * shi3zhong1 from beginning to end von Anfang bis Ende, die ganze Zeit + +
B 送行 + * * song4xing2 see sb. off/ give a send-off party jmd verabschieden + +
B 代替 + * * dai4ti4 replace/ substitute for anstelle, ersetzen + +
B + * * mu3 mother/ female/ motherly 1. Mutter 2. Anrede für ältere Frauen 3. weiblich + +
B 然而 + * * ran2r but/ however wie auch immer + +
B 更加 + * * geng4jia1 much more noch, noch mehr,weiter, außerdem siehe geng1 1. ändern, verändern, wechseln, auswechseln 2. Doppelstunde + +
B 上衣 + * * shang4yi1 coat/ upper outer garment Mantel + +
B 集中 + * * ji2zhong1 focus/ concentrate/ amass/ centralized konzentrieren, zentralisieren + +
B 鏡子 + * * jing4zi mirror Spiegel + +
B 配合 + * * pei4he2 coordinate/ cooperation/ concert kooperieren, zusammenwirken + +
B + * * dai4 sack/ bag/ pocket 1. Tasche, Beutel, Sack, Tüte 2. ein Zählwort, Tasche, Sack + +
B 課程 + * * ke4cheng2 course Kurs, Lehrplan, Stundenplan + +
B + * * xi4 play/ opera 1. Theaterspiel, Oper 2. spielen 3. Späße machen, sich über jn/etw lustig machen, scherzen + +
B + * * zhang3 go up/ rise steigen, anschwellen + +
B + * * fu2 support with the hand stützen,aufrichten, jdn unter die Arme greifen + +
B 工程 + * * gong1cheng2 engineering/ project Fabrik, Werk, Betrieb + +
B + * * mu4 wood 1. Baum 2. Holz, Nutzholz 3. hölzern, aus Holz gemacht 4. empfindungslos, erstarrt, taub, hölzern + +
B 嚴肅 + * * yan2su4 serious/ solemn/ earnest/ enforce ernst, ernsthaft, feierlich + +
B + * * zhi4 till/ to/ until 1. bis, nach, bis zu 2. äußerst, sehr + +
B 伯伯 + * * bo2bo father's elder brother Onkel + +
B 鬍子 + * * hu2zi beard/ moustache Bart + +
B 交通 + * * jiao1tong1 traffic/ transportation Transport, Verkehr, + +
B 競賽 + * * jing4sai4 contest/ competition/ race Wettkampf, Wettbewerb + +
B 嚴重 + * * yan2zhong4 grave/ critical/ serious ernst,kritisch + +
B 寶貴 + * * bao3gui4 valuable/ precious wertvoll, kostbar + +
B 伯母 + * * bo2mu3 aunt/ wife of father's elder brother Frau des Onkels,Tante + +
B + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder + +
B 至今 + * * zhi4 jin1 up to now/ to this day/ so far bis jetzt + +
B 工夫 + * * gong1fu work/ labor/ effect Zeit, Anstrengung, Fähigkeit, Können + +
B 木頭 + * * mu4tou wood/ timber Holz + +
B + * * rang3 shout laut rufen, schreien + +
B 發揚 + * * fa1yang2 develop/ carry on entwickeln, vollen Gebrauch von machen + +
B 工會 + * * gong1hui4 trade union/ labor union Gewerkschaft + +
B 糊塗 + * * hu2tu muddled/ confused/ bewildered wirrköpfig, durcheinander + +
B + * * ken3 be willing to/ will/ agree 1. in etwas einwilligen, zustimmen, sich einverstanden erklären 2. bereit sein, willens sein + +
B + * * pen2 basin/ tub/ pot Becken, Wanne, Topf + +
B 符合 + * * fu2he2 accord with/ conform to mit etwas übereinstimmen,entsprechen + +
B 工具 + * * gong1ju4 tool Werkzeug + +
B + * * gun3 roll 1. rollen, wälzen 2. sich davonscheren, sich trollen 3. kochen, sieden + +
B 肯定 + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + +
B 目標 + * * mu4biao1 objective/ target Ziel + +
B 千萬 + * * qian1wan4 must/ be sure to müssen, stelle sicher, daß + +
B 目的 + * * mu4di4 aim/ purpose Ziel, Zielsetzung, Zweck + +
B 心得 + * * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study Wissen, daß man durch Arbeit und Studium erwirbt + +
B + * * tie3 iron 1. Eisen 2. Waffen 3. eisern, eisenhart 4. unwiderlegbar, unwiderruflich, unumstößlich + +
B 延長 + * * yan2chang2 lengthen/ prolong/ extend verlängern + +
B 抱歉 + * * bao4qian4 be sorry/ apologize/ regret 1. Gefühl des Bedauerns 2. Mißernte (vgl andere Übersetzungen !) + +
B 調查 + * * diao4cha2 investigate/ survey/ investigation untersuchen + +
B 服從 + * * fu2cong2 obey/ submit befolgen, gehorchen + +
B 驕傲 + * * jiao1'ao4 arrogant/ conceited arrogant, eingebildet + +
B 簽訂 + * * qian1ding4 conclude and sign zustimmen und unterzeichnen (einen Vertrag, etc.) + +
B + * * rao4 reel/ roll 1. wickeln, aufrollen, spulen , winden , aufdrehen 2. sich im Kreis um etw bewegen, um etw kreisen, umkreisen 3. einen Umweg machen, umgehen + +
B 勺子 + * * shao2zi scoop/ spoon Schöpflöffel + +
B 招待會 + * * zhao1dai4hui4 reception Empfang, Konferenz + +
B 護照 + * * hu4zhao4 passport Paß + +
B 糾正 + * * jiu1zheng4 correct/ put right 1. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken 2. zusammenrotten, zusammentrommeln 3. verbessern, berichtigen, korrigieren + +
B 立場 + * * li4chang3 position/ stand/ standpoint Standpunkt + +
B + * * re3 cause/ provoke 1. zu Schwierigkeiten führen, Schwierigkeiten heraufbeschwören 2. reizen, necken, foppen 3. hervorrufen, veranlassen, verursachen, herbeiführen + +
B 招呼 + * * zhao1hu call/ greet/ say hello to rufen, grüßen, Gruß (winken und rufen) + +
B 補充 + * * bu3chong1 replenish/ supplement/ complement ergänzen,hinzufügen + +
B 擔任 + * * dan1ren4 assume the office of/ hold the post of eine Stelle bekleiden, + +
B 碼頭 + * * ma3tou dock/ wharf Kai, Pier,Lade-, Lande-, Anlegeplatz + +
B 鐵路 + * * tie3lu4 railway/ railroad Eisenbahn + +
B 擔心 + * * dan1 xin1 worry/ feel anxious Sorge, ängstlich, sich sorgen + +
B 熱愛 + * * re4'ai4 ardently love/ have deep love leidenschaftlich lieben + +
B 少數 + * * shao3shu4 minority/ few Minorität, Minderheit + +
B 心情 + * * xin1qing2 mood/ state of mind Stimmung + +
B 補課 + * * bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson eine vermißte Lektion ausgleichen + +
B + * * die1 fall down 1. fallen, hinfallen, umfallen, stürzen 2. (im Preis) fallen, sinken + +
B 立即 + * * li4ji2 immediately/ at once Sofort + +
B + * * peng3 hold or carry in both hands 1. etw mit beiden Händen tragen 2. lobpreisen, umschmeicheln, lobhudeln + +
B 傳播 + * * chuan2bo1 propagate/ spread verbreiten, propagieren, Übertragung/Verbreitung + +
B + * * fu2 float 1. auf der Oberfläche schwimmen, auftauchen 2. schwimmen 3. auf der Oberfläche, oberflächlich 4. übersteigen, überzählig + +
B + * * hu4 door/ family 1. (Na) Tür, Tor 2. Familie, Haushalt 3. Bankkonto 2. (Nf) + +
B 少年 + * * shao4nian2 early youth/ juvenile Jugend + +
B 意志 + * * yi4zhi4 will/ volition Wille, Absicht + +
B 補習 + * * bu3xi2 take lessons after school außerhalb des Unterrichts Ergänzungslektionen nehmen + +
B + * * dan4 alone 1. (A) (Daa) ein, einzeln, allein 2. ungerade 3. separat, allein 4. nur, bloß 5.(Na) Rechnung, Liste + +
B 制定 + * * zhi4ding4 establish/ lay down/ stipulate ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen + +
B 報到 + * * bao4 dao4 report for duty/ check in/ register sich anmelden, registrieren lassen + +
B + * * dan4 alone 1. ein, einzeln, allein 2. ungerade 3. separat, allein 4. nur, bloß + +
B 碰見 + * * peng4 jian4 meet unexpectedly/ run into (zufällig) treffen, begegnen + +
B 聽講 + * * ting1 jiang3 listen to (teacher)/ attend a lecture einer Vorlesung zuhören, einem Redner zuhören + +
B 制訂 + * * zhi4ding4 draw up/ work out/ formulate ausarbeiten, formulieren + +
B 資源 + * * zi1yuan2 resources/ natural resources Naturressourcen,Naturschätze + +
B 報道 + * * bao4dao4 report/ cover/ coverage/ story melden, berichten, Bericht + +
B 國際 + * * guo2ji4 international international + +
B 馬克 + * * ma3ke4 mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) Mark (Währung) + +
B 算了 + * * suan4 le forget it vergiß es! Genug davon ! + +
B 制度 + * * zhi4du4 system/ institution (politisches) System, Institution + +
B 長期 + * * chang2qi1 long period of time/ long term langfristig + +
B 單詞 + * * dan1ci2 word Wort + +
B 往往 + * * wang3wang3 often/ more often than not häufig, gewöhnlich + +
B 沿 + 沿* * yan2 by/ along 1. entlang, längs 2. von alters her, überliefert 3. Rand, Saum + +
B + * * zhao2 burn/touch/ be affected by erwischen, fangen + +
B 報告 + * * bao4gao4 make known/ report/ speech/ lecture Bericht, berichten, Vortrag + +
B 單調 + * * dan1diao4 monotonous/ dull monoton + +
B + * * jiao3 angle/ horn 1. Ecke, Winkel 2.Horn, Geweih 3. Horn, Jagdhorn. 4. jue2= Rolle, Darsteller, Wettspiel + +
B + * * li4 force/ power 1. Kraft, Stärke, Fähigkeit 2. Kraft (physikalisch) 3.Körperkraft 4. sich anstrengen, sich Mühe geben + +
B 事物 + * * shi4wu4 thing/ object Ding, Sache + +
B + * * wang4 watch/ look 1. blicken, in die Weite blicken 2. besuchen, aufsuchen 3. hoffen, erwarten 4. Ruf, Ansehen 5. in Richtung, zu, nach + +
B 下班 + * * xia4 ban1 get off work Feierabend machen, von der Arbeit gehen oder kommen + +
B 長途 + * * chang2tu2 long distance lange Strecke, weite Entfernung + +
B 力量 + * * li4liang power/ force Stärke + +
B 熱水瓶(暖水瓶) + * * re4shui3ping2 thermos Thermos Flasche + +
B 舌頭 + * * she2tou tongue Zunge + +
B 事先 + * * shi4xian1 in advance/ beforehand vorher,zuvor, im voraus + +
B 不必 + * * bu2bi4 need not/ not have to braucht nicht, nicht müssen + +
B 傳統 + * * chuan2tong3 tradition Tradition + +
B + * * ding3 top Spitze + +
B 忘記 + * * wang4ji4 forget vergessen + +
B + * * ding3 carry on the head auf dem Kopf tragen + +
B 力所能及 + * * li4 suo3 neng2 ji2 in one's power in js Macht, in js Reichweite + +
B 議論 + * * yi4lun4 discuss/ comment on Diskussion, Kommentar + +
B 功夫 + * * gong1fu time/ skill/ art/ workmanship Zeit, Anstrengung, Fähigkeit, Können + +
B 國民黨 + * * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) Kuomintang + +
B + * * zhao4 shine/ illuminate/ according to 1.scheinen, leuchten beleuchten erleuchten, erhellen 2. widerspiegeln, spiegeln 3. fotographieren 4. Photographie, Lichtbild, Aufnahme 5. Lizenz 6.auf jn aufpassen, sich um etw/jm kümmern, für jn sorgen 7. gegenüberstellen, vergleichen 8. verstehen, begre + +
B 批准 + * * pi1zhun3 ratify/ approve Ermächtigung, bestätigen, billigen, zusagen + +
B 前進 + * * qian2jin4 go forward Fortschritt, vorangehen, + +
B + * * sui2 with/ follow 1. folgen, zusammen mit 2. sich fügen 3. nach Belieben + +
B 停止 + * * ting1zhi3 stop stoppen, aufheben + +
B 員(服務員) + * * yuan2 -er/ -or/ etc. (waiter; waitress) 1. Person, die einer bestimmten Beschäftigung nachgeht 2. Mitglied 3. Zählwort, z. B. ein fähiger General + +
B 不大 + * * bu2da4 not very/ not often nicht sehr, nicht oft + +
B + * * hua2 1. paddle, row 2. scratch, cut the surface of 1. rudern, paddeln 2.ritzen, kratzen, aufreißen 3. sich lohnen, sich bezahlt machen siehe hua4 + +
B + * * jiu4 with regard to/ concerning/ on dann, und so + +
B + * * kong3 hole/ aperture 1. Loch, Öffnung, Höhlung, Höhle 2. Zählwort für desgleichen + +
B 隨便 + 便* * sui2bian4 informal/ random nach Belieben, ungezwungen,frei, zwanglos, unbefangen, unüberlegt, unbesonnen, willkürlich, rücksichtslos, irgend, auf irgendeine Art und Weise + +
B + * * pi1 drape over one's shoulder 1. umhängen / überwerfen 2. bersten / Risse bekommen + +
B 人家 + * * ren2jia1 others andere Menschen + +
B 異常 + * * yi4chang2 unusual/ abnormal ungewöhnlich,abnorm,äußerst,sehr, besonders + +
B 秩序 + * * zhi4xu4 order/ orderly state Ordnung + +
B 前面 + * * qian2mian ahead/ in front Frontseite, vor einem, + +
B + * * she4 shot 1. schießen, feuern 2. spritzen 3. strahlen 4. auf jn /etw anspielen, andeuten + +
B 前年 + * * qian2nian2 the year before yesteryear vorletztes Jahr + +
B + * * zi4 from/ since 1. selbst, selber, persönlich, in eigener Person 2. selbstverständlich, natürlich 3. aus, von, von ... aus, seit + +
B 不得不 + * * bu4 de2 bu4 have to müssen, nicht umhin kommen + +
B + * * hua2 slippery/ smooth 1. glatt, rutschig, glitschig, schlüpfrig, 2. rutschen, gleiten, schlittern 3. schlau, verschlagen, arglistig, raffiniert + +
B 聯歡 + * * lian2huan1 have a get-together sich treffen, zusammen kommen + +
B 下面 + * * xia4mian lower part unter, darunter, nächste, folgendes + +
B 因此 + * * yin1ci3 therefore/ thus/ consequently folglich, daher, deswegen + +
B 人口 + * * ren2kou3 population Bevölkerung, Einwohner + +
B 季節 + * * ji4jie2 season Jahreszeit + +
B 教授 + * * jiao4shou4 professor Professor + +
B 適當 + * * shi4dang4 suitable/ proper angemessen,passend, geeignet + +
B 因素 + * * yin1su4 factor/ element Faktor, Element + +
B 照片(相片) + * * zhao4pian4 photo/ photograph Lichtbild, Foto, Aufnahme, Photographie + +
B + * * zhi4 treat/ manage/ control/ govern 1. regieren, verwalten, regeln, führen 2. umgestalten, regulieren 3. heilen, ärztlich behandeln 4. strafen, bestrafen + +
B 自動 + * * zi4dong4 automatic 1. aus eigener Initiative / unaufgefordert / freiwillig 2. automatisch / selbsttätig + +
B 供給 + * * gong1ji3 provide/ furnish ausrüsten, zur Verfügung stellen + +
B 控制 + * * kong4zhi4 control/ dominate/ command kontrollieren + +
B 副食 + * * fu4shi2 non-staple food Nicht-Grundnahrungsmittel + +
B 果然 + * * guo3ran2 as expected/ really sure enough wirklich, sicher genug, wie erwartet + +
B 前天 + * * qian2tian1 the day before yesterday vorgestern + +
B + * * sui4 broken 1. zerbrechen, zersplittern 2. zerbröckelt, zerstückelt 3. redselig, schwatzhaft + +
B 信心 + * * xin4xin1 confidence Vertrauen + +
B 眼前 + * * yan3qian2 before one's eyes/ at present zur Zeit, jetzt, gegenwärtig, vor seinen Augen + +
B 自費 + * * zi4fei4 at one's own expense auf eigene Kosten / die Kosten selbst tragen + +
B 不斷 + * * bu2duan4 unceasing/ continuous fortwährend, ununterbrochen + +
B 畫報 + * * hua4bao4 pictorial Illustrierte + +
B + * * lian2 link/ join/ one after another 1. verknüpfen, vereinigen, verbinden, zusammenhängen, zusammenfügen 2. Kompanie 3. aufeinanderfolgend 4. sogar 5. einschließlich, samt, inbegriffen, mit + +
B 危害 + * * wei1hai4 endanger/ jeopardize/ harm Schaden, gefährden, schädigen + +
B 原因 + * * yuan2yin1 cause/ reason Grund + +
B 教學 + * * jiao4xue2 teaching/ education Unterricht + +
B 前途 + * * qian2tu2 prospect/ future Zukunft + +
B 人民幣 + * * ren2min2bi4 the name of China's currency Renminbi + +
B 教訓 + * * jiao4xun teach sb. a lesson/ lesson jmd eine Lektion erteilen, Lektion + +
B 口袋 + * * kou3dai pocket Tasche + +
B 繁榮 + * * fan2rong2 flourishing/ prosperous/ prosperity blühend, gedeihend,etwas gedeihen lassen + +
B 口號 + * * kou3hao4 slogan Slogan + +
B + * * yan3 act/ perform 1. sich entwickeln, verändern 2. ableiten, folgern, schließen 3. etw methodisch lösen 4. aufführen, spielen + +
B 中餐 + * * zhong1can1 Chinese food/ Chinese meal Chinesische Mahlzeit + +
B 不敢當 + * * bu4 gan3dang1 you flatter me Sie schmeicheln mir !, nicht doch ! + +
B + * * pi3 measure word for cloth 1. ebenbürtig sein, sich mit jm messen können 2.ein Zählwort für Pferde 3. Zählwort für Stoffe, ein Ballen + +
B 自覺 + * * zi4jue2 be aware of/ conscious/ conscientious bewußt, bei Bewußtsein + +
B + * * ding4 draw up/ conclude/ order 1. vereinbaren, übereinkommen, festlegen 2. abonnieren, buchen, bestellen 3. Korrekturen anbringen 4. binden, zusammenheften + +
B 計算 + * * ji4suan4 count/ computer/ calculate zählen + +
B 過程 + * * guo4cheng2 course/ process Verlauf, Prozeß + +
B 教員 + * * jiao1yuan2 teacher/ instructor Lehrer, Ausbilder + +
B 違反 + * * wei2fan3 violate/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen,gegen verstoßen + +
B + * * xian1 lift/ take off hochheben, hochziehen, abheben, aufschlagen + +
B 召開 + * * zhao4kai1 convene/ convoke einberufen + +
B 連忙 + * * lian2mang2 promptly/ at once eilends, sogleich, sofort, unverzüglich, prompt + +
B + * * shi4 room Raum,Zimmer + +
B 不管 + * * bu4guan3 no matter/ regardless of ungeachet, egal ob + +
B 自然 + * * zi3ran2 nature/ natural/ spontaneous 1. Natur 2. natürlich 3. von selbst / auf natürlichem Weg natürlich / ungekünstelt + +
B 不過 + * * bu2guo4 only/ though aber, jedoch, nur + +
B + * * kou4 upside down/ buckle/ button 1. zuknöpfen, zuschnallen jn/etw in Gewahrsam halten, jn verhaften 3. abziehen 4. Rabatt, Preisnachlaß 5. (Ball) schmettern + +
B 滿足 + * * man3zu2 satisfied/ contented befriedigen, zufrieden + +
B + * * wei2 beleaguer/ enclose/ surround 1. umgeben, einschließen, umkreisen, umzäunen 2. rings, ringsherum, rundum + +
B + * * zhe2 break/ fold/ convert into 1. brechen, zerknacken, zerbrechen 2. verlieren, einen Verlust erleiden 3. biegen, krümmen, falten 4. umkehren, zurückkehren 5. von etw überzeugt sein 6. umrechnen 7. Rabatt + +
B 悲痛 + * * bei1tong4 grieved/ sorrowful Trauer,mit großem Schmerz + +
B 公共 + * * gong1gong4 common/ public Öffentlichkeit + +
B 記錄 + * * ji4lu4 take notes/ record Aufzeichnung, aufzeichnen + +
B + * * pian1 inclined to one side 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich 3.parteiisch 4.unbedingt5.wider Erwarten + +
B + * * qian4 owe 1. schulden, verschuldet sein, schuldig sein 2. nicht genug, mangelnd 3. sich ein wenig erheben 4. gähnen + +
B 先後 + * * xian1hou4 order/ early or late/ in sequence früher oder später,nacheinander, in Reihenfolge + +
B 創造 + * * chuang4zao4 create/ creation Kreativität, schaffen, erzeugen, hervorbringen + +
B 連續 + * * lian2xu4 continually/ in succession Ununterbrochen + +
B 演員 + * * yan3yuan2 actor/ performer Schauspieler,Darsteller + +
B 創作 + * * chuang4zuo4 create/ write/ creative work Kreation, schaffen, erzeugen, hervorbringen + +
B 複印 + * * fu4yin4 duplicate/ copy photokopieren, kopieren + +
B 記憶 + * * ji4yi4 remember/ memory Gedächtnis + +
B 人物 + * * ren2wu4 figure/ personage Charakter, Person, Darsteller + +
B 哲學 + * * zhe2xue2 philosophy Philosophie + +
B + * * chao1 copy 1. abschreiben, kopieren, etw ins reine schreiben 2. plagiieren 3. durchsuchen und beschlagnahmen 4. einen kürzeren Weg nehmen, den Weg abschneiden 5.die Arme kreuzen + +
B 損失 + * * sun3shi1 lose/ damage/ loss verlieren, einbüßen,Verlust + +
B 通訊 + * * tong1xun4 communication Kommunikation + +
B 圍繞 + * * wei2rao4 round/ surround/ revolve around herum gehen, umgeben, + +
B 抄寫 + * * chao1xie3 transcribe/ copy 1. ein Plagiat begehen, plagiieren 2. Erfahrungen anderer unkritisch übernehmen + +
B 當地 + * * dang1di4 local örtlich + +
B 公開 + * * gong1kai1 in public/ overt/ open/ make public veröffentlichen + +
B 北部 + * * bei3bu4 north Nord + +
B 不僅 + * * bu4jin3 not only nicht nur + +
B 東北 + * * dong1bei3 northeast Nordost + +
B 記者 + * * ji4zhe3 reporter/ correspondent/ newsman Journalist, Korrespondent, Berichterstatter + +
B 南部 + * * nan2bu4 south Süden, südlicher Teil + +
B 人員 + * * ren2yuan2 personnel/ staff Personal + +
B 試卷 + * * shi4juan4 examination paper Prüfungsaufgaben, Test, + +
B + * * suo1 contract/ shrink/ draw back 1. schrumpfen, eingehen,sich zusammenziehen 2. zurückziehen + +
B + * * yan4 swallow Rachen, schlucken, verschlingen siehe *yan1 + +
B 自我 + * * zi4wo3 self/ oneself die eigene Person / selbst + +
B 北方 + * * bei3fang1 north Norden + +
B 局長 + * * ju2zhang3 director of a bureau Büroleiter + +
B 南方 + * * nan2fang1 south Süden, südliches Gebiet + +
B 北面 + * * bei3mian4 north Nordseite + +
B + * * ji4 though/ not only 1. schon, bereits 2. wenn...dann 3. sowohl...als auch + +
B 南面 + * * nan2mian4 south Südseite + +
B + * * qiang2 powerful/ strong 1. stark, kräftig, mächtig 2. besser 3. etwas mehr siehe qiang3= zwingen, nötigen + +
B + * * shen1 body/ measure word for clothes 1. Körper, Rumpf 2. Leben 3. selbst, persönlich 4. Hauptbestandteil, Rumpf, Stamm + +
B 引起 + * * yin3qi3 give rise to/ lead to/ cause hervorrufen, verursachen + +
B 中央 + * * zhong1yang1 center/ central authorities zentral, Zentrum + +
B 當年 + * * dang1nian2 in those years In der Vergangenheit, damals, in jenen Tagen/Jahren + +
B 反動 + * * fan3dong4 reactionary reaktionär, Reaktion + +
B 既…也… + * * ji4 ye3 both … and …/ as well as Sowohl_ als auch _ + +
B 強大 + * * qiang2da4 big and powerful/ formidable beeindruckend, groß nund mächtig, großartig + +
B 身邊 + * * shen1bian1 with one/ at one's side an seiner Seite + +
B 鮮花 + * * xian1hua1 fresh flower frische Blume, Schnittblume + +
B 強盜 + * * qiang2dao4 robber/ bandit Räuber, Bandit, Pirat + +
B 既然 + * * ji4ran2 since/ as/ now that weil , insoweit, daß... + +
B 褲子 + * * ku4zi trousers/ pants Hosen + +
B 片面 + * * pian4mian4 unilateral/ one-sided einseitig + +
B + * * suo3 used in a passive voice sentence Platz + +
B 形成 + * * xing2cheng2 take shape/ form Gestalt annehmen, bilden, formen + +
B 願望 + * * yuan4wang4 desire/ wish/ aspiration Wunsch + +
B 東南 + * * dong1nan2 southeast Südost + +
B + * * piao1 float hin und her wehen,schweben, flattern + +
B + * * suo3 used in a passive voice sentence Institut + +
B 自由 + * * zi4you2 freedom/ liberty/ free/ unrestrained frei, Freiheit + +
B 接觸 + * * jie1chu4 contact Kontakt, berühren, in Berührung sein + +
B 舉行 + * * ju3xing2 hold veranstalten, stattfinden + +
B 難道 + * * nan2dao4 could it be said that … rhetorisches Mittel zur Bekräftigung,kann man sagen + +
B 強烈 + * * qiang2lie4 intense/ strong/ violent intensiv, stark, + +
B 不論 + * * bu2lun4 whether/ regardless of ganz gleich (wie...) + +
B 公司 + * * gong1si1 corporation/ company Firma + +
B 戀愛 + * * lian4'ai4 be in love/ love sich verlieben,lieben, Liebe + +
B + * * xian2 free/ idle/ not busy 1. unbeschäftigt, müßig,frei 2. leerstehend, ungenutzt,außer Betrieb, frei 3. Freizeit + +
B 形式 + * * xing2shi4 form/ format/ shape Form + +
B + * * yuan4 courtyard/ yard 1. Hof, umzäuntes Grundstück 2.Bezeichnung für bestimmte Regierungsinstitutionen und Anstalten des öffentlichen Lebens + +
B 紀念 + * * ji4nian4 commemorate/ commemoration gedenken, Andenken + +
B 毛病 + * * mao2bing4 trouble/ breakdown/ shortcoming Problem,Ärger,Zusammenbruch + +
B 形勢 + * * xing2shi4 situation/ circumstances Situation + +
B 院長 + * * yuan4zhang3 the head of a college; institute; hospital; etc. Dekan, Präsident, Institutsleiter + +
B + * * dang3 block 1.versperren, abwehren, verhindern, abhalten 2. verbergen, abhalten 3. Gang + +
B 反抗 + * * fan3kang4 resist/ revolt revoltieren, widerstehen, Aufruhr + +
B 毛巾 + * * mao2jin1 towel Tuch + +
B 所謂 + * * suo3wei4 so called was etw.betrifft,betreffs,sogenannt + +
B 院子 + * * yuan4zi courtyard/ yard Hof,Garten + +
B 公用電話 + * * gong1yong4 dian4hua4 public phone öffentliches Telefon + +
B 筷子 + * * kuai4zi chopsticks Eßstäbchen + +
B 任務 + * * ren4wu mission/ task/ job Aufgabe, Auftrag, Pflicht + +
B 不然 + * * bu4ran2 otherwise andernfalls, nicht so + +
B 歡送 + * * huan1song4 see off/ send off jemanden verabschieden + +
B 接近 + * * jie1jin4 be close to/ near nah, in der Nähe sein, sich nähern + +
B 難過 + * * nan2guo4 feel bad/ feel sorry/ sad traurig sein, sich schlecht fühlen + +
B 深厚 + * * shen1hou4 profound 1. tief, tief verwurzelt 2. fest,fundiert + +
B 形狀 + * * xing2zhuang4 shape/ figure/ form Form + +
B + * * yue1 make an appointment/ about/ around 1. sich verabreden, vereinbaren, abmachen, eine Verabredung treffen 2. jm im voraus zu etw bitten (oder einladen) 3. Verabredung, Vereinbarung, Vertrag 4. einfach, kurzgefasst 5. etwa, ungefähr + +
C 黨委 + * * dang3wei3 Party committee Parteiausschuß + +
C 歡喜 + * * huan1xi3 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful 1. froh, erfreut 2.etwas mögen, gern haben + +
C 接連 + * * jie1lian2 one after another/ in succession/ in a row hintereinander, nacheinander, wiederholt + +
C 快餐 + * * kuai4can1 fast food/ quick meal/ snack Schnell-Imbiss, Fastfood + +
C 毛澤東思想 + * * mao2ze2dong1si1xiang3 Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Gedanke + +
C 任意 + * * ren4yi4 arbitrarily/ willfully/ at will/ at discretion beliebig,nach Belieben, willkürlich + +
C 委屈 + * * wei3qu bent-distorted/ grieved due to being mistreated Unrecht, Ungerechtigkeit, jn kränken, jm ein Unrecht antun + +
C 氧化 + * * yang3hua4 oxygen-change/ oxygenate/ oxidize oxydieren, Oxydation + +
C 字典 + * * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary Zeichenlexikon(streng !),Wörterbuch, Lexikon + +
C 車輛 + * * che1liang4 vehicles/ automobiles Fahrzeug + +
C 海軍 + * * hai3jun1 navy/ naval force Marine + +
C 夾子 + * * jia1zi clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter + +
C + * * ju4 occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to 1. besetzen, etwas in Besitz nehmen 2. gestützt auf etw, mit Hilfe von etw 3. nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge 4. Beweis, Nachweis + +
C 委托 + * * wei3tuo1 entrust-trust/ consign/ commission/ delegate/ devolve jm mit etwas betrauen, jn beauftragen + +
C 氧氣 + * * yang3qi4 oxygen-gas/ oxygen Sauerstoff, Oxygen + +
C 英鎊 + * * ying1bang4 English-pound/ pound sterling/ pound Englisches Pfund + +
C 衷心 + * * zhong1xin1 inside-heart/ wholehearted/ heartfelt/ hearty/ cordial von ganzem Herzen, herzlich, aufrichtig + +
C 字母 + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe + +
C 車廂 + * * che1xiang1 railway carriage/ railroad car Waggon + +
C 反問 + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + +
C + * * jia1 excellent/ good/ fine/ beautiful schön, gut, ausgezeichnet + +
C 茅台酒 + * * mao2tai2jiu3 maotai (liquor) Maotai (chin. Schnaps) + +
C 所在 + * * suo3zai4 where-be/ place/ location/ where sth. or sb. is Platz, Ort,darin bestehen + +
C + * * yue4 jump over/ leap over/ exceed/ overstep/ rob/ loot 1. überwinden, hinüberkommen, über etwas hinweg 2. überschreiten, überholen, übertreffen, über etw hinausgehen + +
C 收縮 + * * shou1suo1 contract/ shrink/ reduce/ concentrate one's forces zusammenziehen,reduzieren,seine Kräfte bündeln + +
C 英明 + * * ying1ming2 outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise weise, klug + +
C 真是 + * * zhen1 shi really-be/ really/ indeed/ what a shame/ too bad es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel.. + +
C 宗教 + * * zong1jiao4 god-teaching/ religion Religion + +
C 涼水 + * * liang2shui3 cold water/ un-boiled water kaltes Wasser, ungekochtes Wasser + +
C 難題 + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage + +
C 宗派 + * * zong1pai4 sect-faction/ sect/ faction Fraktion + +
C 被迫 + * * bei4 po4 be compelled/ be forced gezwungen werden + +
C 不是而是 + * * bu4shi4_ er2shi4 not … but … nicht...sondern.. + +
C + * * che4 evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen + +
C 難以 + * * nan2yi3 difficult to/ hard to schwierig zu.. + +
C 養成 + * * yang3cheng2 cultivate-succeed/ form/ acquire/ cultivate kultivieren, erlangen, formen + +
C 不是就是 + * * bu4shi4_ jiu4shi4 either … or … entweder...oder + +
C 動機 + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation + +
C 婦人 + * * fu4ren2 woman/ married woman Frau, verheiratete Frau + +
C + * * gong1 imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung + +
C 家伙 + * * jia1huo guy/ fellow/ animal/ thing/ tool/ weapon/ utensil Werkzeug, Waffe + +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend + +
C 動靜 + * * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm + +
C + * * fan3 return/ come or go back zurück, zurückkommen, zurückkehren + +
C 害蟲 + * * hai4chong2 injurious insect/ vermin/ pest Schädling, schädliches Insekt + +
C 深夜 + * * shen1ye4 late at night/ period around midnight späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, + +
C 顯示 + * * xian3shi4 reveal-displaymake it obvious and show/ manifest zeigen,demonstrieren, manifestieren + +
C 終身 + * * zhong1shen1 all-life/ life-time/ all one's life sein ganzes Leben, lebenslang + +
C 不停 + * * bu4ting2 ceaselessly/ constantly/ on and on unaufhörlich, ohne Ende + +
C + * * ci2 porcelain/ china Porzellan + +
C 檔案 + * * dang4'an4 files/ archives/ records/ dossiers Akte, Archiv + +
C 動力 + * * dong4li4 motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus Kraft,Impetus + +
C + * * gong1 bow/ bend/ arch 1. Bogen (Waffe) 2. bogenförmige Gegenstände 3. krümmen, biegen + +
C 未必 + * * wei4bi4 not-necessarily/ may not/ perhaps not wahrscheinlich nicht, wohl nicht, kaum + +
C 行人 + * * xing2ren2 walking-person/ pedestrian/ foot passenger Passant, Fußgänger + +
C 養料 + * * yang3liao4 nutritional-material/ nutriment/ nourishment Nährstoff, Nahrung + +
C 躍進 + * * yue4jin4 leap-advance/ leap forward/ make a leap/ jump nach vorn springen,ein Sprung nach vorn + +
C + * * zong3 put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief 1. zusammenfassen, zusammenstellen 2. allseitig, total 3. führend, leitend, Haupt-, General-, Chef- 4. immer, stets 5. wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls + +
C 哎喲 + * * ai1yo1 1. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or pain etc. eine Interjektion, Ach ! + +
C 奔跑 + * * ben1pao3 run/ run about laufen,rennen, eilen + +
C 寬闊 + * * kuan1kuo4 wide/ broad breit,weit + +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke + +
C 貧窮 + * * pin2qiong2 poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production arm, bedürftig + +
C + * * ai2 1. indicting a response to a call, order etc 2. indicating one´s grief, depression or akwardness Interjektion der Überraschung o. Schmerzes + +
C 改編 + * * gai3bian1 adapt/ transcribe/ revise/ reorganize/ recompose 1. umarbeiten, umschreiben 2.reorganisieren, umorganisieren, umbilden + +
C 緩緩 + * * huan3huan3 slowly langsam, gemächlich + +
C 階層 + * * jie1ceng2 social stratum Gesellschaftsschicht, soziale Leiter, Hierachie + +
C + * * ju4 from Entfernung, Distanz, Abstand + +
C 腦力 + * * naoli4 mental power/ thinking ability/ intelligence Gehirn,Geisteskraft, mental + +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden + +
C + * * xian3 dangerous/ perilous/ sinister/ vicious/ venomous 1. schwer passierbare Stelle, enger Paß, Barriere 2. Gefahr, Risiko 3. heimtückisch, boshaft 4. beinahe, fast + +
C 行駛 + * * xing2shi3 move-drive/ (of a boat; vehicle; etc.) go/ travel/ drive verkehren, fahren + +
C 針灸 + * * zhen1jiu3 acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung + +
C 總得 + * * zong3dei3 eventually-must/ must/ have to/ be obliged to müssen, auf jeden Fall, unbedingt + +
C 詞匯 + * * ci2hui4 vocabulary/ words and phrases Wortschatz, Vokabular + +
C 緩慢 + * * huan3man4 slow/ sluggish/ tardy langsam, sacht + +
C 款待 + * * kuan3dai4 entertain cordially/ treat cordially gastfreundlich aufnehmen, gastlich bewirten + +
C + * * qiao4 raise/ hold up/ curl up sich an einem Ende in die Höhe heben, sich nach oben biegen + +
C 踏實 + * * ta1shi step-solid/ down-to-earth/ anxiety-free Standhaftigkeit, standhaft, praktisch, erfahren + +
C + * * tong3 thick bamboo segment/ tube-shaped container 1. dickes Bambusrohr 2. dicker röhrenförmiger Gegenstand, Zylinder, Röhre 3. röhrenförmige Teile eines Kleidungsstücks + +
C + * * wei4 taste/ flavor/ smell/ odor/ interest/ food 1. Geschmack, Aroma 2. Geruch 3.interessant, geschmackvoll + +
C + * * xian4 appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously 1. jetzt, gegenwärtig, präsent 2. verfügbar, vorrätig 3. zeigen, erscheinen + +
C 行為 + * * xing2wei2 action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung + +
C 月光 + * * yue4guang1 moon-light/ moonlight/ moonbeam Mondlicht + +
C 種類 + * * zhong3lei4 sort-category/ kind/ type/ sort/ variety Art, Sorte, Sortiment, Gattung + +
C 不象話 + * * bu4xiang4hua4 very bad, scandalous abscheulich, empörend, unverschämt, schockierend, unvernünftig + +
C 含糊 + * * han2hu ambiguous/ vague/ unsure/ careless/ perfunctory zweideutig, vage, unklar + +
C 品德 + * * pin3de2 moral character Moral,Tugend + +
C 行星 + * * xing2xing1 moving-star/ planet Planet + +
C 含量 + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt + +
C + * * jie1 bear (fruit or seed)/ produce 1. (Früchte) tragen, halten 2. fest, stark, kräftig 3. stottern siehe: jie2 + +
C + * * kuang2 overbearing/ mad/ wild/ violent/ unconstrained 1.wahnsinnig, verrückt,toll, 2. heftig, gewalttätig 3. hemmungslos, zügellos + +
C 梅花 + * * mei2hua1 plum flower Blüte der Ume, der chinesischen Essigpflaume,Japan.Aprikose + +
C + * * ta4 step/ tread/ stamp/ stomp/ trample 1. treten, betreten, gehen 2. sich an Ort und Stelle begeben + +
C 現成 + * * xian4cheng2 now-made/ ready-made fertig, gebrauchsfertig,parat + +
C 行政 + * * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration Verwaltung, Verwaltungsabteilung + +
C 枕頭 + * * zhen3tou pillow-thing/ pillow Kissen + +
C 總而言之 + * * zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 generalize-and-say-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell kurz (gesagt) + +
C + * * ai2 cancer, carcinoma Krebsgeschwulst + +
C + * * huan4 get (a disease)/ contract/ suffer from 1. Unheil, Katastrophe, Unglück, Not 2. sich sorgen, sich kümmern 3.(an einer Krankheit)leiden , erkranken + +
C 狂風 + * * kuang2feng1 fierce wind/ gale/ force 10 gale stürmischer Wind + +
C 品質 + * * pin3zhi4 character/ quality (of a person; product; etc.) Qualität, Wesen, Eigenschaft + +
C 神話 + * * shen2hua4 mythology/ myth/ fairy tale/ preposterous theory Mythologie,Legende + +
C 統計 + * * tong3ji4 totally-count/ tally/ collect statistic data/ statistics Statistik + +
C 總共 + * * zong3gong4 overall-total/ altogether/ in all/ in the aggregate/ in total zusammengerechnet, insgesamt + +
C 沉思 + * * chen2si1 muse/ ponder/ meditate/ contemplate meditieren, Meditation, Kontemplation, + +
C 此刻 + * * ci3ke4 this moment/ at this moment nun, dieser Moment, jetzt + +
C 犯人 + * * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal Kriminell + +
C 改良 + * * gai3liang2 improve/ better/ reform/ amend/ 1. verbessern, veredeln, 2. Reform + +
C 兩旁 + * * liang3pang2 both sides/ either side beide Seiten, zu beiden Seiten + +
C 鬧笑話 + * * nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself/ make a silly mistake sich lächerlich machen + +
C 切實 + * * qie4shi2 realistic/ practical/ based on reality/ in real earnest realistisch, praktikabel + +
C 統統 + * * tong3tong3 totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly alle (total) + +
C 興高采烈 + * * xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4 spirits-high-mood-ardent/ be in high spirits/ be raptured Freude und Begeisterung + +
C + * * zhen4 shake/ shock/ vibrate/ quake/ be excited/ be shocked 1. beben,erschüttern,vibrieren 2. erchrecken, schockiert + +
C + * * zhong3 swell/ bloat/ distend/ puff up/ be swollen anschwellen, Schwellung + +
C 犯罪 + * * fan4 zui4 commit a crime Verbrechen, ein Verbrechen begehen + +
C 幻燈 + * * huan4deng1 slide/ slide presentation/ slide projector Diapositiv, Diavorführung, Projektor + +
C + * * jie2 cut/ sever/ block/ stop/ intercept/ hold up 1.zerschneiden, abschneiden,abtrennen 2. stoppen, anhalten aufhalten, abfangen 3. bis 4. Stück,Teil, (siehe auch den Ausdruck:截然) + +
C 鬧著玩兒 + * * nao4zhe wan2r frolic/ be just kidding/ tease/ act in a frivolous manner laut und albern sein + +
C 神秘 + * * shen2mi4 mysterious/ mystical geheimnisvoll + +
C 手槍 + * * shou3qiang1 handgun/ pistol Handfeuerwaffe, Pistole + +
C 幻想 + * * huan4xiang3 fantasize/ dream/ fancy/ fantasy/ illusion Illusion, Phantasie, Hirngespinst + +
C + * * ju4 theatrical work/ drama/ play/ opera 1. Schauspiel,Theater 2. heftig, stark, drastisch, akut, stürmisch + +
C + * * ying2 welcome/ greet/ go to meet/ go against/ go towards 1. entgegenkommen, abholen, empfangen, begrüßen 2. jm / etwas entgegengehen, sich auf etw hinbewegen + +
C 震動 + * * zhen4dong4 shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish erschüttern,beben + +
C + * * zhong4 hit/ be affected/ get hit/ suffer/ fall into treffen, betroffen sein, getroffen sein siehe zhong1 + +
C 本人 + * * ben3ren2 I/ me/ myself/ oneself selbst, persönlich, ich, selber + +
C + * * huan4 call out/ summon 1.laut rufen herbeirufen 2. aufrufen 3. wachrufen, erwecken, wecken + +
C 加緊 + * * jia1jin3 press on with/ step up/ speed up/ intensify intensivieren, beschleunigen + +
C + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität + +
C 神氣 + * * shen2qi4 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous/ proud/ cocky Ausdruck, Art,energisch,lebhaft + +
C 飯館 + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel + +
C 共青團 + * * gong4qing1tuan2 Communist Youth League Kommunistische Jugend-Liga + +
C + * * huang1 waste/ desolate/ barren/ unreasonable 1. öde, verlassen, brachliegen 2. wüst, verlassen 3. Mißernte, Hungersnot 4. vernachlässigen, verlernen 5. Ödland, unkultiviertes Land 6. großer Mangel, große Knappheit + +
C 侵犯 + * * qin1fan4 intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade verletzen, überfallen + +
C 日夜 + * * ri4ye4 day and night/ round the clock Tag und Nacht, rund um die Uhr + +
C 神情 + * * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien Ausdruck, Anblick, + +
C 位於 + * * wei4yu2 position-at/ lie on/ be located in/ be situated in sich befinden, liegen + +
C 幸虧 + * * xing4kui1 luckily-fortunately/ luckily/ fortunately zum Glück, glücklicherweise + +
C 陳列 + * * chen2lie4 display/ exhibit/ show Ausstellung, ausstellen + +
C 刺激 + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + +
C 劇烈 + * * ju4lie4 acute/ violent/ severe heftig, drastisch,stürmisch, intensiv,stark + +
C 日益 + * * ri4yi4 more and more each day/ increasingly von Tag zu Tag, in zunehmenden Maße,mehr und mehr + +
C 搖擺 + * * yao2bai3 rock-sway/ sway/ swing/ rock/ wigwag/ vacillate schwanken, hin- und her schwingen + +
C + * * yun1 swoon/ faint/ pass out/ lose consciousness 1. schwindelig, von Schwindel befallen 2. in Ohnmacht fallen, ohnmächtig + +
C 振動 + * * zhen4dong4 vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate Schwingung, Vibration + +
C 種植 + * * zhong4zhi2 plant-grow/ plant/ grow/ crop/ put in pflanzen, anbauen + +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen + +
C 日用 + * * ri4yong4 of daily use/ of everyday use täglicher Gebrauch, tägliche Ausgaben + +
C 神聖 + * * shen2sheng4 sacred/ holy heilig + +
C 慰問 + * * wei4wen4 comfort-ask/ express sympathy and solicitude jm seine Anteilnahme zum Ausdruck bringen + +
C 搖晃 + * * yao2huang4 rock-shake/ sway/ shake/ swing/ rock schwanken, schaukeln,rütteln + +
C + * * ci4 not good/ inferior/ second/ next 1. Reihenfolge,Rangordnung, Reihe 2. zweite, nächst, nachfolgend 3. von minderer Qualität, geringwertig 4. Zählwort + +
C 泛濫 + * * fan4lan4 flood/ overflow/ spread unchecked überfluten, sich ungehindert ausbreiten + +
C + * * gou1 hook/ crochet 1. Haken 2. einhaken 3. heften, etw lose zusammennähen 4. häkeln + +
C 喊叫 + * * han3jiao4 shout/ cry out/ scream laut rufen, schreien + +
C 加入 + * * jia1ru4 join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen + +
C 劇院 + * * ju4yuan4 theater/ playhouse/ troupe Theater, Opernhaus,Ensemble, Theatergruppe + +
C 諒解 + * * liang4jie3 renounce anger or resentment through understanding Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung + +
C 侵入 + * * qin1ru4 invade/ make incursions into/ enter by force eindringen, einfallen + +
C 性別 + * * xing4bie2 sexual-distinction/ sex/ gender Geschlecht + +
C 總算 + * * zong3suan4 totally-count/ at long last/ finally/ in the end/ on the whole letzten Endes, endlich, im allgemeinen + +
C 不由得 + * * bu4you2de can't help/ cannot but nicht umhin können, etw. zu tun + +
C 鉤子 + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken + +
C 礦石 + * * kuang4shi2 ore/ galena/ iron pyrites Erz + +
C 內科 + * * nei4ke1 internal medicine/ department of internal medicine innere Medizin + +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen + +
C 影片 + * * ying3pian4 image-film/ movie/ film Film, Filmstreifen + +
C + * * zhen4 town/ garrison post/ trading center 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt + +
C 不在乎 + * * bu4 zai4hu not mind/ not care sich nicht um etwas kümmern, sich nicht um etwas scheren + +
C + * * fang1 square/ direction/ side/ party/ place 1.Viereck,Quadrat, viereckig, quadratisch 2. Himmelsrichtung, Orientierung 3. Seite 4. Methode, Weg 5. Rezept 6. eben, gerade,erst + +
C 沒說的 + * * mei2 shuo1 de flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt wirklich gut + +
C + * * yao2 kiln/ stove/ oven/ old-style coal pit/ cave dwelling 1. Brennofen 2. Schacht, Grube, Höhle, Bordell + +
C + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for s.th. auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 + +
C 不怎麼樣 + * * bu4 zen3meyang4 not so good/ not particularly good/ pretty bad gleichgültig sein, nicht von großem Interesse + +
C 勾結 + * * gou1jie2 collude/ collaborate/ gang up sich mit jmd verschwören, mit jmd gemeinsame Sache machen + +
C + * * han4 dry/ droughty/ not related to water 1. Trockenheit, Dürre 2.trocken 3. Land- + +
C + * * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat + +
C 審查 + * * shen3cha2 check/ inspect/ examine/ investigate/ censor checken, untersuchen,überprüfen, + +
C 性能 + * * xing4neng2 property-capability/ performance/ capability/ property Funktion, Leistung + +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht + +
C 總之 + * * zong3zhi1 generalize-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell/ to sum up allgemein gesagt + +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + +
C + * * cheng1 support/ prop up/ pole/ open/ unfurl/ endure 1. stützen, abstützen, unterstützen 2. mühsam aufrechterhalten 3. etwas mit einer Stange schieben, staken 4. aufspannen, aufhalten 5. vollpfropfen, vollstopfen , etw zum Bersten füllen + +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger + +
C 蓋子 + * * gai4zi lid/ cover/ cap/ top/ shell Deckel, Verschluß, Decke, Schild, Panzer + +
C 加油 + * * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten + +
C 平凡 + * * ping2fan2 common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial gewöhnlich,einfach + +
C 榮幸 + * * rong2xing4 honored and fortunate geehrt werden, geehrt (sein) + +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand + +
C 縣城 + * * xian4cheng2 county-town/ county seat Kreisstadt + +
C + * * ying4 answer/ reply/ comply with/ respond to/ suit/ deal with antworten, erwidern, annehmen, sich anpassen, sich nach etwas richten, begegnen + +
C 鎮靜 + * * zhen4jing4 calm-tranquil/ calm/ cool/ composed/ poised/ unruffled ruhig, gelassen, gefaßt, kühl + +
C 伺候 + * * ci4hou wait upon/ serve aufwarten, bedienen + +
C 導師 + * * dao3shi1 teacher/ tutor/ supervisor/ mentor/ adviser Tutor, Lehrer + +
C + * * han4 solder/ weld löten, schweißen + +
C 況且 + * * kuang4qie3 in addition/ moreover/ besides überdies, außerdem,noch dazu + +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand + +
C 應酬 + * * ying4chou respond-toast/ be sociable/ treat with courtesy gesellschaftlichen Umgang pflegen, jn höflich bewirten, Tischgesellschaft, Gastmahl + +
C 鎮壓 + * * zhen4ya1 suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute unterdrücken + +
C 不止 + * * bu4zhi3 be not limited to/ be more than/ not stop ununterbrochen, endlos, mehr als , unbegrenzt + +
C + * * dou3 tremble/ quiver/ shake/ jerk/ expose/ rouse 1. zittern, beben, schaudern 2. schütteln, abschütteln 3. wachrütteln, aufrütteln 4. ein Emporkömmling sein, sich groß tun + +
C + * * juan3 roll/ reel/ spool einrollen,aufkrempeln,aufwirbeln, etc + +
C 應付 + * * ying4fu cope-give/ deal with/ cope with/ make do with mit etwas umgehen können, flüchtig und oberflächlich erledigen, genügen + +
C 不只 + * * bu4zhi3 not only/ not merely nicht nur + +
C 稱呼 + * * cheng1hu call/ address/ name/ term of address nennen, ansprechen, klassifizieren + +
C 導演 + * * dao3yan3 director/ direct Regisseur, Regie führen + +
C + * * dou3 steep/ precipitous 1.steil, abschüssig 2. plötzlich, jäh + +
C + * * jia3 the first of the ten Heavenly Stems/ first 1.der erste der zehn Himmelsstämme 2. das erste, das beste, erstklassig 3. Schale, Panzer 4. Nagel 5. Panzer + +
C 眉毛 + * * mei2mao eyebrow/ brow Augenbraue + +
C 溫帶 + * * wen1dai4 warm-belt/ temperate zone gemäßigte Zone + +
C 藥方 + * * yao4fang1 medicine-prescription/ recipe/ prescription Rezept, das Verschreiben eines Rezepts + +
C 應邀 + * * ying4yao1 accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation eingeladen, auf Einladung + +
C 運氣 + * * yun4qi fortune-luck/ fate/ destiny/ lot/ odds/ luck/ fortune Schicksal, Glücksfall + +
C 陣地 + * * zhen4di4 position-place/ battlefront/ front/ ground/ position Stellung, Front + +
C + * * dou4 fight/ contest with/ make animals fight/ denounce 1. kämpfen, streiten, ringen, Kampf 2. sich mit jm messen, mit jm wetteifern 3. Tierkämpfe veranstalten + +
C 乾旱 + * * gan1han4 arid/ droughty/ dry Trockenheit, trocken, ausgedörrt, wasserarm + +
C 黃昏 + * * huang2hun1 twilight/ dusk/ sundown/ sunset Abenddämmerung + +
C 眉頭 + * * mei2tou2 eyebrows/ the area where one's brows are Stelle zwischen den Augenbrauen + +
C 憲法 + * * xian4fa3 constitutional-law/ constitution Verfassung, Konstitution + +
C 藥品 + * * yao4pin3 medicine-article/ (general term for) medicines Arzneimittel, Medikamente + +
C 導致 + * * dao3zhi4 lead to/ bring about/ result in/ cause verursachen, schaffen, + +
C 竭力 + * * jie2li4 as best one can/ with all one's power and energy sich anstrengen, m. aller Kraft,alle Kräfte einsetzen, s.Bestes tun + +
C + * * jue2 sense, detect, become aware of, perceive 1. fühlen,spüren,empfinden, 2.erwachen, aufwachen 3. sich bewußt werden, zur Einsicht kommen 4.Sinn, Empfindung siehe:jiao4 + +
C + * * nen4 tender/ delicate/ rare/ underdone/ light/ pale/ callow 1. zart, weich, 2. hell, zart 3.unerfahren,jung, grün + +
C 親熱 + * * qin1re4 intimate/ warm/ affectionate/ loving warmherzig,intim,liebevoll + +
C + * * tan1 beach/ shoal 1. Strand 2. Untiefe,Sandbank + +
C 投機 + * * tou2ji1 invest-chance/ congenial/ opportunistic/ speculate übereinstimmend, zueinander passend, spekulieren, Waren verschieben + +
C + * * xian4 get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler + +
C 藥水儿 + * * yao4shui3r medicinal-liquid/ liquid medicine/ lotion flüssige Arznei + +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen + +
C 不足 + * * bu4zu2 not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate unzulänglich, nicht genug, nicht ausreichend, inadäquat + +
C 干擾 + * * gan1rao3 interfere/ disturb/ obstruct/ interference/ disturbance stören, Störung + +
C 黃色 + * * huang2se4 yellow color 1.gelb 2. obzön, pornographisch + +
C 潔白 + * * jie2bai2 pure white/ spotlessly white fleckenlos, weiß + +
C 昆蟲 + * * kun1chong2 insect/ hexapod Insekt + +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter + +
C 親人 + * * qin1ren2 family member/ relative/ someone dear Blutsverwandte, Familienangehörige + +
C 溫和 + * * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial mild, warm, gemäßigt, gütig, freundlich, zart + +
C + * * ying4 obstinately/ stubbornly/ forcibly 1. hart, fest steif 2. fest, energisch 3. etw mit Mühe vollbringen, sich mühsam zu etw überwinden 4. gut (Qualität), tüchtig (Person) + +
C 走廊 + * * zou3lang2 walking-corridor/ corridor/ passage/ passageway Korridor, Durchgang, Wandelgang + +
C + * * beng2 don't/ needn't nicht, nicht nötig, es erübrigt sich + +
C + * * jie2 1. tie, knit, knot, weave 2. congeal form 1. knüpfen, knoten, schlingen, binden 2. Knoten 3. binden, schmieden, schließen, formen 4. abschließen, abrechnen siehe: jie1 + +
C 嬸子 + * * shen3zi aunt/ wife of father's younger brother Tante, Frau des jüngeren Bruders des Vaters + +
C + * * shou3 guard/ defend/ keep watch/ observe/ be close to 1. verteidigen, schützen, behaupten 2. Wache halten, wachen, aufpassen 3. halten, einhalten, festhalten 4. beobachten, in der Nähe sein + +
C + * * xiong1 inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll + +
C 布告 + * * bu4gao4 notice/ bulletin/ edict Nachricht, Mitteilung + +
C 豆漿 + * * dou4jiang1 soya-bean milk Soyabohnenmilch + +
C + * * hang2 line/ row/ trade/ profession/ trading company 1.Linie, Zeile, Reihe 2. Geschwisterfolge 3. Beruf, Geschäftsbereich, Gewerbe, Zunft 4.Firma, Geschäft + +
C 假如 + * * jia3ru2 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen, daß + +
C 溶液 + * * rong2ye4 liquid solution/ liquor Lösung (Flüssigkeit) + +
C 凶惡 + * * xiong1'e4 ferocious-vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ fiendish/ vicious böse, boshaft + +
C + * * yao4 if/ suppose/ in case/ or 1. wichtig, Wesentliches 2. etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen 3. bitten, lassen, fordern 4. mögen, wünschen 5. müssen, sollen 6. werden 7. wenn + +
C + * * cheng2 one tenth/ one out of ten ein Zehntel 1. vollenden, glücken, gelingen, vollbringen 2. zu etw werden, sich in etw verwandeln 3. Erfolg, Ergebnis, Frucht, Resultat,4. erwachsen, ausgewachsen,ausgebildet 5. fertig, bestehend,vollendet 6. in großer Zahl,in großer Menge, in langer Ze + +
C 房屋 + * * fang2wu1 houses and rooms/ buildings Haus, Gebäude + +
C 行列 + * * hang2lie4 procession/ rows and columns/ ranks and files Reihe, Zug + +
C 假若 + * * jia3ruo4 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen + +
C 結果 + * * jie2guo3 result/ outcome/ ending Resultat,Folge, + +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene + +
C 甚至於 + * * shen4zhi4yu2 and even/ it goes so far that und sogar, so sehr,daß + +
C 投降 + * * toou3xiang2 join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken + +
C 要不 + * * yao4bu4 if-not/ otherwise/ or else/ or sonst, andernfalls + +
C + * * yo (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) oh ! + +
C 運轉 + * * yun4zhuan3 revolve-turn/ revolve/ turn round/ run/ operate/ work kreisen, sich im Kreis drehen, in Betrieb sein, laufen + +
C 蒸發 + * * zheng1fa1 evaporate-emanate/ vaporize/ evaporate Verdampfung, Evaporation + +
C 走彎路 + * * zou3 wan1lu4 walk-roundabout-way/ go in a roundabout way/ detour im Kreis gehen + +
C 成本 + * * cheng2ben3 cost Kosten + +
C 能歌善舞 + * * neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3 be good at both singing and dancing singen und tanzen können + +
C 親眼 + * * qin1yan3 (see) with one's own eyes/ (witness) personally mit eigenen Augen, persönlich + +
C 蚊子 + * * wen2zi mosquito Mücke, Moskito + +
C 要不然 + * * yao4buran2 if-not-so/ otherwise/ or else/ or anderenfalls, oder sonst + +
C 蒸汽 + * * zheng1qi4 evaporate-stream/ water vapor/ steam Dampf + +
C 辜負 + * * gu1fu4 let down/ fail to live up to/ be unworthy of/ disappoint sich einer Sache als unwürdig erweisen, etwas nicht rechtfertigen + +
C + * * huang4 wigwag/ sway/ rock/ shake blenden, grell + +
C 假使 + 使* * jia3shi3 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, im Falle, daß + +
C 美觀 + * * mei3guan1 pleasing to the eye/ artistic/ (of things) beautiful schön fürs Auge, schöner Anblick + +
C 平行 + * * ping2xing2 parallel/ simultaneous/ concurrent/ at the same level parallel + +
C 慎重 + * * shen4zhong4 careful/ cautious/ prudent/ discreet vorsichtig,umsichtig + +
C 談話 + * * tan2hua4 talk/ chat/ statement issued in the form of an interview sich unterhalten, Unterhaltung + +
C 要不是 + * * yao4bu2shi4 if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't falls nicht.. + +
C 掙扎 + * * zheng1zha2 struggle-strain/ struggle/ battle/ flounder sich abmühen, sich anstrengen + +
C 談論 + * * tan2lun4 talk-comment/ talk about/ discuss/ chat diskutieren + +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt + +
C 擁擠 + * * yong1ji3 throng-squeeze/ push/ squeeze/ press/ shove sich drängen, Gedränge + +
C + * * zheng1 open (the eyes) (die Augen) öffnen, aufschlagen + +
C 到…為止 + 为止* * dao4 wei2zhi3 up to …/ up till …/ until … zu, bis zu + +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano + +
C 容器 + * * rong2qi4 container/ vessel Gefäß, Behälter + +
C 要好 + * * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other mit jn befreundet sein, mit jm auf gutem Fuß stehen + +
C + * * za2 pound/ tamp/ break/ smash 1.schlagen, hämmern, stampfen 2. zerbrechen, zerschlagen 3. durchfallen, scheitern, verpatzen + +
C 按期 + * * an4qi1 on schedule/ on time termingerecht, fristgemäß + +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + +
C + * * hui1 ash/ dust/ lime/ grey color 1.Asche 2.grau + +
C 決口 + * * jue2 kou3 (of a dike/ dam; etc.) be breached (Deich etc.) brechen,durchbrechen, Durchbruch + +
C 烈士 + * * lie4shi4 martyr/ person of heroic ambitions Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat + +
C 售貨 + * * shou4 huo4 sell goods Waren verkaufen + +
C 線路 + 线* * xian4lu4 wire-route/ circuit/ line/ route/ path/ connection Leitung, Stromkreis,Linie, Route + +
C 征服 + * * zheng1fu2 go-conquer/ conquer/ subjugate/ subdue erobern, unterwerfen, bezwingen + +
C 周年 + * * zhou1nian2 orbit-year/ anniversary Jahrestag + +
C 比方 + * * bi3fang instance/ analogy Analogie, Unterfall + +
C 步驟 + * * bu4zhou4 step/ move/ measure Schritt,Maßnahme + +
C 孤立 + * * gu1li4 isolated/ isolate zusammenhangslos,isoliert,auf sich allein gestellt + +
C + * * ping2 rely on/ depend on/ lean on/ with 1. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 2. sich anlehnen 3.Beweis 4. ganz gleich, wie, oder was auch immer + +
C 容許 + * * rong2xu3 allow/ permit billigen, erlauben,zulassen + +
C 頭腦 + * * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit Gehirn, Verstand, Intelligenz, Kopf, Anhaltspunkt, Faden + +
C 踴躍 + * * yong3yue4 jump-leap/ vying with one another/ enthusiastic/ eager springen, hüpfen, miteinander wetteifernd, eifrig, begeistert, lebhaft + +
C + * * zu2 foot/ leg genügend, genug, ausreichend, reichlich + +
C 從容 + * * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough ruhig, in Ruhe, ohne Eile, + +
C 灰心 + * * hui1 xin1 lose heart/ be disheartened/ be discouraged entmutigt, mutlos + +
C 聲明 + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement + +
C + * * yong3 gush/ pour/ surge/ rise/ spring/ well/ emerge 1. hervorquellen, sprudeln ,fluten, strömen, 2. aufsteigen, hochsteigen, emporsteigen siehe: *chong1 + +
C + * * zu2 foot/ leg Fuß, Bein + +
C 航行 + * * hang2xing2 sail/ fly/ travel by boat; plane; or spacecraft navigieren, fliegen, segeln + +
C + * * jia4 put up/ erect/ support/ prop/ help/ fend off/ kidnap 1. aufstellen,stützen, errichten 3. abwehren, parieren 4. halten, stützen 5. verschleppen, entführen 6.Rauferei, Balgerei + +
C + * * kuo4 wide/ broad/ vast/ rich/ wealthy/ extravagant 1. breit, weit, geräumig 2. reich, wohlhabend, begütert + +
C 決議 + * * jue2yi4 resolution/ formal statement passed by an assembly Beschluß, Resolution + +
C 泥土 + * * ni2tu3 mud/ earth/ dirt/ soil Erde, Lehm,Tonerde + +
C + * * ping2 comment/ criticize/ review/ assess/ judge/ evaluate 1.kommentieren, kritisieren 2. beurteilen, abschätzen + +
C + * * rou2 knead/ roll/ crumple/ rub/ massage reiben, kneten, massieren + +
C 雜文 + * * za2wen2 extra-composition/ essay/ satirical essay Essay + +
C 成千上萬 + * * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of 10 Tausenden von + +
C 輝煌 + * * hui1huang2 splendid/ brilliant/ glorious brilliant, glorreich, hell leuchtend, prächtig + +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, + +
C 勤勞 + * * qin2lao2 hardworking/ diligent/ industrious/ assiduous fleißig, arbeitsam + +
C + * * jue2 unique/ superb/ desperate/ hopeless/ exhausted 1. abbrechen, abschneiden, unterbrechen, 2. aufgebraucht, verbraucht, alle sein 3. ausweglos, hoffnungslos 4. einzigartig, 5. äußerst, extrem 6. unbedingt 7. kommpromißlos + +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete + +
C + * * men4 stuffy/ cover tightly/ keep silent/ shut oneself in 1.schwül, drückend, stickig 2. dumpf 3. etw fest zudecken, bedecken, keine Luft durchlassen siehe men4 + +
C 柔軟 + * * rou2ruan3 soft/ supple/ lithe/ limber weich, geschmeidig + +
C + * * sheng1 life/ all one's life/ livelihood/ existence 1. Leben , Existenz 2. Schüler, Student + +
C + * * shu1 comb 1. Kamm 2. kämmen + +
C 雜質 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-record/ magazine/ journal/ random notes/ gemischte-Substanz, Unreinheit + +
C 爭奪 + * * zheng1duo2 fight-seize/ fight for/ contend for/ scrabble for ringen, sich um etwas streiten + +
C 妨礙 + * * fang2'ai4 hinder/ hamper/ obstruct/ impede/ make difficult behindern + +
C 趕上 + * * gan3 shang4 catch up with/ be in time for einholen + +
C 駕駛 + * * jia4shi3 drive/ pilot/ steer/ astrogate/ navigate lenken, fahren, steuern + +
C 梳子 + * * shu1zi comb Kamm + +
C 相對 + * * xiang1dui4 mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, + +
C + * * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble 1. pflanzen, züchten 2. aufstellen, aufpflanzen 3. jn zu etwas abstempeln, aufbürden 4. fallen, stürzen, stolpern + +
C + * * zhou1 porridge/ congee/ gruel Brei + +
C 獨特 + * * du2te4 unique/ distinctive/ original einzigartig, singulär, + +
C 鼓動 + * * gu3dong4 fan/ flap/ arouse/ agitate/ incite/ stir up 1. agitieren, aufrütteln, anstiften + +
C + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien + +
C 評价 + * * ping2jia4 evaluate/ assess/ appraise/ evaluation/ assessment bewerten, einschätzen + +
C 探索 + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + +
C + * * zhou4 crinkle/ wrinkle/ furrow/ shrivel/ frown/ knit knittern, Falten ziehen, runzlig werden + +
C 祖母 + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) + +
C 部署 + * * bu4shu3 dispose/ deploy/ deployment/ plan Disposition, Planung, anordnen + +
C 成天 + * * cheng2tian1 all day long/ all the time den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit + +
C + * * rong2 clump/ tussock/ thicket/ grove/ crowd/ collection 1. Gebüsch, Gesträuch, 2. Gedränge, Menge , Sammlung + +
C 獨自 + * * du2zi4 alone/ by oneself allein + +
C 假期 + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien + +
C 解放軍 + * * jie3fang4jun1 liberation army/ Chinese People's Liberation Army Befreiungsarmee,VBA Soldat + +
C 評論 + * * ping2lun4 comment/ remark/ review/ commentary kommentieren, kritisieren,Kommentar + +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse + +
C 生病 + * * sheng1 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden, erkranken + +
C 皺紋 + * * zhou4wen2 wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker Falte, Furche + +
C 祖先 + * * zu3xian1 ancestor-forebear/ forefather/ forebear/ ancestor Vorfahren, Ahnen + +
C + * * cou4 move close to/ gather together/ collect/ pool 1. sammeln, zusammentun, 2. zufällig, gerade, bei Gelegenheit 3. sich nähern, an etw heranrücken + +
C + * * fang3 spin/ make thread by drawing out and twisting 1.spinnen 2. dünnes Seidengewebe + +
C + * * la4 spicy/ hot/ peppery/ pungent/ vicious/ ruthless 1. beißend, scharf, (Geschmack, Geruch)brennen 2. bitter, schonunglos, unbarmherzig + +
C 青春 + * * qing1chun1 youth/ youthfulness/ youthful age Jugend, Jugendfrische + +
C 如此 + * * ru2ci3 that be like this/ that be so so, solch, auf diese Weise + +
C 阻礙 + * * zu3'ai4 hinder-stop/ impede/ hinder/ block/ obstacle/ hindrance hindern, behindern, verhindern + +
C + * * hao3 so that, so as to so daß + +
C + * * jia4 take as a husband/ (of a woman) marry (a man)/ shift 1. heiraten (einen Mann), verheiraten (eine Tochter) 2. (eine Schuld etc.) auf jd abwälzen, einem anderen etw zuschieben + +
C 均勻 + * * jun1yun2 even/ uniform/ well-distributed/ regularly-paced gleichmäßig,regelmäßig + +
C 辣椒 + * * la4jiao1 hot pepper/ chili/ chili pepper Paprika, Chilli + +
C 門診 + * * men2zhen3 outpatient service ambulante Behandlung + +
C 突破 + * * tu1po4 charge-breach/ break through/ breakthrough einen Durchbruch erzielen, durchbrechen, brechen, überschreiten + +
C 讀物 + * * du2wu4 reading material/ books; magazines; etc. Lektüre, Lesestoff, + +
C 好比 + * * hao3bi3 be just like/ may be compared to/ can be likened to gleich wie, gleichen, mit etwas vergleichbar sein + +
C 殲滅 + * * jian1mie4 wipe out/ destroy/ annihilate zerstören, vernichten + +
C + * * men4 bored/ depressed/ in low spirits/ muffled 1.gelangweilt, bedrückt, niedergeschlagen 2. luftdicht siehe men4 + +
C 青蛙 + * * qing1wa1 frog Frosch + +
C 舒暢 + * * shu1chang4 comfortable and happy/ pleased and satisfied behaglich, sorglos,froh + +
C 災難 + * * zai1nan4 disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering Not, Katastrophe + +
C + * * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen + +
C 筆試 + * * bi3shi4 written examination Schriftliche Prüfung + +
C 成語 + * * cheng2yu3 idiom/ concise and meaningful set phrase Redewendung, feste Wortgruppe, Sprichwort + +
C 修建 + * * xiu1jian4 build-construct/ build/ construct/ erect bauen, aufbauen, im Bau sein + +
C 整頓 + * * zheng3dun4 organize-arrange/ restructure/ consolidate/ reorganize konsolidieren, reorganisieren + +
C 阻力 + * * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction Widerstand,Hindernis + +
C 軍備 + * * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament Rüstung + +
C + * * lin2 sprinkle/ shower/ drench/ pour/ spray/ drizzle etwas mit Wasser begießen,durchnässen + +
C + * * meng2 cover/ blindfold/ suffer 1.bedecken, zudecken, verhüllen 2. empfangen, entgegennehmen 3. ungebildet, unkultiviert, unaufgeklärt + +
C + * * po1 splash/ spill/ sprinkle/ throw a fluid in flying masses 1. besprengen, ausschütten 2. giftig, boshaft,unvernünftig und zänkisch + +
C 聞名 + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen + +
C + * * zai4 carry/ hold/ be loaded with/ (of roads) be filled with 1. laden, mit etw. beladen sein, tragen, bringen 2. überall auf dem Weg 3. < lit > und, gleichzeitig + +
C 整風 + * * zheng3 feng1 rectify-style/ rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking den Arbeitsstil berichtigen + +
C 猜想 + * * cai1xiang3 suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung + +
C 得病 + * * de2 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden + +
C 監視 + * * jian1shi4 keep watch on/ keep a lookout over/ oversee überwachen, beaufsichtigen,beobachten + +
C 如下 + * * ru2 xia4 as follows wie folgendes, folgend + +
C + * * wen3 lips/ kiss/ touch or caress with one's lips 1. Lippe 2. Schnauze 3. küssen, Kuß + +
C 載重 + * * zai4zhong4 carry-load/ carrying capacity/ load Traglast, Tragvermögen, belasten, beladen + +
C 阻止 + * * zu3zhi3 hinder-stop/ prevent/ preclude/ stop/ arrest/ hold back verhindern, zurückhalten + +
C + * * ao2 decoct/ boil/ endure/ hold out 1. langsam kochen, abkochen, auskochen 2. durchhalten, aushalten, ertragen + +
C 彼此 + * * bi3ci3 each other/ one another gegenseitig + +
C 監獄 + * * jian1yu4 prison/ jail Gefängnis,Haftanstalt + +
C 來賓 + * * lai2bin1 visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher + +
C 零件 + * * ling2jian4 part/ component Ersatz-, Bauteil, Zubehör + +
C + * * meng3 brave/ violent/ fierce/ energetic/ vigorous wild,heftig,kräftig,plötzlich, unerwartet + +
C 圖畫 + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + +
C 修正 + * * xiu1zheng4 revise-rectify/ correct/ amend/ revise neufassen, korrigieren + +
C 裁縫 + * * cai2feng dressmaker/ tailor Schneider + +
C 放手 + * * fang4 shou3 let go/ relinquish/ give a free hand; go all out 1. loslassen, die Hand wegnehmen 2. jm freie Hand lassen + +
C 回想 + * * hui2xiang3 recall/ recollect/ think back/ reminisce zurückdenken, sich erinnern + +
C 軍官 + * * jun1guan1 military officer/ army officer Offizier + +
C 猛烈 + * * meng3lei4 fierce/ violent/ vigorous heftig, gewaltig,stürmisch, wild + +
C 輕視 + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + +
C 修築 + * * xiu1zhu4 build-construct/ (of roads; dikes/ etc.) build/ construct bauen, anlegen + +
C 組成 + * * zu3cheng2 form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make verfassen, bestehen aus + +
C 畢竟 + * * bi4jing4 after all/ when all is said and done/ in the end alles in allem,jedoch, schließlich + +
C 粗心 + * * cu1xin1 careless/ thoughtless unsorgfältig, nachlässig + +
C 得了 + * * de2 le a remark made for an all-right situation zu Ende sein, fertig sein, alles o.k, das ist genug + +
C 放鬆 + * * fang4song1 loosen/ relax/ slacken/ become less attentive lockern, etw locker machen, entspannen, nachlassen + +
C 破產 + * * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern + +
C 生理 + * * sheng1li3 physiology Physiologie + +
C 再三 + * * zai4san1 again-three/ again and again/ over and over again immer wieder, abermals + +
C 堅固 + * * jian1gu4 solid/ firm/ sturdy/ strong/ impregnable fest, solide + +
C 界線 + 线* * jie4xian4 boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line Grenze, Grenz-, Demarkationslinie + +
C 軍人 + * * jun1ren2 soldier/ serviceman Soldat, Armeeangehörige + +
C 書本 + * * shu1ben3 (general term for) book Buch (allgemeiner Ausdruck) + +
C 倘若 + * * tang3rou4 supposing/ if/ in case wenn, falls, angenommen + +
C 用品 + * * yong4pin3 use-article/ articles for use Gebrauchsartikel + +
C 組長 + * * zu3zhang3 group-leader/ team leader/ head of a group Anführer, Gruppenleiter + +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 + +
C 放學 + * * fang4 xue2 classes are over/ students leave school after classes die Schule ist aus + +
C + * * hui3 destroy/ ruin/ damage/ demolish 1. zerstören, vernichten 2. verbrennen, etw durch Feuer vernichten 3. verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen + +
C 來回 + * * lai2hui2 visitor/ guest hin und her,hin und zurück,Hin-und Rückweg + +
C 夢想 + * * meng4xiang3 dream of/ hope vainly/ dream/ wishful thinking etw. vergeblich versuchen, von etw. träumen + +
C + * * xiu4 rust/ become rusty Rost, rosten, korrodieren + +
C 再說 + * * zai4shuo1 more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus + +
C 整體 + * * zheng3ti3 whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer das Ganze, Ganzheit + +
C 得意 + * * de2 yi4 complacent/ conceited/ pleased with oneself froh, erregt,in gehobener Stimmung/selbstzufrieden + +
C 放映 + * * fang4ying4 show (a film)/ present images through projection zeigen, projezieren, vorführen + +
C 骨幹 + * * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member Rückgrat + +
C + * * mi1 narrow (one's eyes) 1. die Augen halb schließen, blinzeln 2. schlummern + +
C 用途 + * * yong4tu2 use-way/ use/ purpose/ application Verwendungszweck, Anwendungsbereich + +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt + +
C + * * cheng2 fill/ ladle/ hold/ contain 1. füllen 2. aufnehmen, fassen siehe sheng4 + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- adv. einfach müssen + +
C + * * mi1 charm/ fascinate/ be crazy about/ be lost 1. irregehen, herumirren, sich nicht orientieren können 2. für etw schwärmen, bezaubern, 3. Fan + +
C 書籍 + * * shu1ji2 (collective term for) books/ works/ literature Bücher- (Sammelbegriff) + +
C 徒弟 + * * tu2di4 apprenticing junior/ apprentice Lehrling, Schüler + +
C 囑咐 + * * zhu3fu4 enjoin-instruct/ enjoin/ exhort/ advise/ urge/ tell ermahnen, einschärfen + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- im Widerspruch mit, illegal + +
C 來客 + * * lai2ke4 back and forth/ to and fro/ round trip Gast, Besucher + +
C 迷糊 + * * mi2hu confused/ dazed/ muddle-headed/ unconscious 1. den Blick trüben, vor den Augen verschwimmen 2.konfus, benommen, nicht bei klaren Verstand sein + +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen + +
C 破爛 + * * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered 1. zerlumpt, zerfetzt, abgenutzt, schäbig 2. Kram, Trödel + +
C 途徑 + * * tu2jing4 route and path/ way/ approach/ avenue/ channel Weg, Weise + +
C + * * xiu4 embroider sticken, Stickerei + +
C 程序 + * * cheng2xu4 procedure/ process/ program Verfahren, Prozedur + +
C + * * cuan4 flee/ scurry/ change (wording) fliehen, davonlaufen, davonstürzen + +
C 敢於 + * * gan3yu2 have the courage to/ dare to/ be bold in wagen, sich trauen, sich erdreisten + +
C 傾向 + * * qing1xiang4 lean towards/ be inclined to/ tendency/ inclination 1.Tendenz, Trend, Abweichung, Neigung 2. geneigt sein, voziehen + +
C + * * gu3 strand/ stream/ burst/ section/ share/ group/ 1. Oberschenkel 2. Unterabteilung 3. Zählwort ein Faden, ein Rinnsal aus der Quelle, ein feiner Duft + +
C 堅硬 + * * jian2ying4 hard/ stony/ solid hart, fest + +
C + * * niang2 ma/ mom/ mother/ woman 1. Mutter 2. Frau, Tante 3. junge Frau + +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette + +
C 夜間 + * * ye4jian1 night-period/ at night in der Nacht, nachts + +
C 在於 + * * zai4yu2 be-at/ lie in/ consist in/ depend on/ rest with auf etw. beruhen, in etw. bestehen, von etw.,jn bestimmt sein + +
C + * * ba3 hold/ grasp/ control (VA)(VC) halten, fassen, kontrollieren + +
C 靈魂 + * * ling2hun2 soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor Seele + +
C 迷信 + * * mi2xin4 have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben + +
C 迫害 + * * po4hai4 persecute/ treat sb. with cruelty/ oppress cruelly verfolgen + +
C + * * weng1 buzz/ hum/ drone summen + +
C 嘴唇 + * * zui3chun2 mouth-lip/ lip Lippe + +
C 摧毀 + * * cui1hui3 destroy/ smash/ wreck/ knock out/ devastate zerstören, zerschmettern, zertrümmern, + +
C + * * duan1 extremity/ end/ beginning/ reason/ cause 1. Ende, Rand, Extrem, Spitze 2. Anfang, Beginn 3. Grund, Ursache, Anlaß 4. Punkt 5. aufrecht, richtig 6. waagerecht halten, tragen + +
C 謎語 + * * mi2yu3 conundrum/ riddle Rätsel + +
C 軟弱 + * * ruan3ruo4 soft and weak/ weak/ feeble/ wishy-washy/ infirm schwach, weich, sanft, kläglich, schlaff, + +
C + * * tu3 local/ indigenous/ native/ crude/ rustic/ unfashionable 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh + +
C + * * xiang1 measure word for boxes; cases; chests; trunks; etc. Kiste, Kasten, Koffer,kastenartiger Gegenstand + +
C 正當 + * * zheng4 dang1 just-when/ just when/ just as/ just the time for gerade als + +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten + +
C 必定 + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher + +
C 財產 + * * cai2chan3 property/ possessions Eigentum, Besitz, + +
C 端正 + * * duan1zheng4 upright/ regular/ balanced/ correct/ rectify regelrecht, korrekt + +
C 幹勁 + * * gan4jin4 vigor/ drive/ enthusiasm/ energy Arbeitseifer, Enthusiasmus + +
C 來往 + * * lai2wang3 come and go/ associate/ association kommen und gehen, Verkehr + +
C 清晨 + * * qing1chen2 early morning früh am Morgen, früh morgens + +
C 逃避 + * * tao2bi4 escape-avoid/ evade/ shirk ausweichen, jd aus dem Weg gehen + +
C + * * gu4 employ/ hire/ rent jn anstellen, jn einstellen, jn in Dienst nehmen, mieten + +
C + * * nie1 hold using a thumb and other fingers/ knead/ mould 1. etw zwischen den Fingern halten, mit den Fingern nehmen 2. etw zwischen den Fingern rollen, kneten, formen + +
C 清除 + * * qing1chu2 clear away/ eliminate/ get rid of/ purge/ remove beseitigen,wegschaffen,ausmerzen/ausrotten + +
C + * * hao4 cost/ consume/ use 1. verbrauchen, kosten, verausgaben 2.( Zeit ) vertrödeln, herumtrödeln, bummeln 3.schlechte Nachricht + +
C 尖子 + * * jian1zi best of its kind/ cream of the crop/ top class talent Spitze, Elite + +
C 來源 + * * lai2yuan2 source/ origin Quelle, entspringen,entstammen + +
C 土壤 + * * tu3rang3 earth-and-soil/ soil Boden + +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land + +
C 正經 + * * zheng4jing upright-normal/ decent/ respectable/ formal/ serious vernünftig,anständig,seriös (?) + +
C 必修 + * * bi4xiu1 compulsory/ required/ obligatory obligatorisch, Pflicht-, + +
C 開辦 + * * kai1ban4 set up and run/ open/ start/ operate gründen, errichten, eröffnen, beginnen + +
C 清潔 + * * qing1jie2 clean/ unpolluted sauber, rein + +
C 若干 + * * ruo4gan1 a certain number of/ some/ several/ a few einige, etliche, manche,wieviel, wie viele + +
C + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + +
C 優勝 + * * you1sheng4 superior-victorious/ winning/ victorious/ superior (im Wettkampf) stärker + +
C 正面 + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv + +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit + +
C + * * jian1 fry in shallow oil without stirring 1. etw in wenig Öl braten 2. kochen + +
C + * * xu1 must/ have to 1. müssen, etw zu tun haben, notwendig sein 2. Bart + +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit + +
C 主力 + * * zhu3li4 main-force/ main force/ main strength/ principal player Hauptmacht, Hauptkraft + +
C + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen + +
C 領會 + * * ling3hui4 understand/ comprehend/ grasp verstehen, begreifen, erfassen + +
C 財政 + * * cai2zheng4 government finance/ public economy Finanzen, öffentliche Finanzpolitik + +
C 金魚 + * * jin1yu2 goldfish Goldfisch + +
C 贊美 + * * zan4mei3 eulogize-praise/ eulogize/ praise/ glorify/ laud preisen, loben,rühmen + +
C 主權 + * * zhu3quan2 primary-right/ sovereign rights/ sovereignty Souveränität, Hoheitsrechte + +
C 承包 + * * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility 1. (VC) einen Vertrag schließen, volle Verantwwortung übernehmen 2.(Nab) Vertrag + +
C 飛躍 + * * fei1yue4 leap/ bound/ jump/ fast and great progress Sprung, springen + +
C 開動 + * * kai1dong4 start/ set in motion/ move/ march etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren + +
C 領土 + * * ling3tu3 territory Territorium, Hoheitsgebiet + +
C + * * mi4 honey Honig, süß, honigsüß + +
C 清醒 + * * qing1xing3 clear-headed/ sober/ regain consciousness/ come to nüchtern, klar im Kopf,wieder zu Bewußtsein kommen + +
C 開發 + * * kai1fa1 develop/ exploit nutzbar machen, erschließen, ausbeuten + +
C 優越 + * * you1yue4 superior-surpassing/ superior/ advantageous vorteihaft, günstig + +
C 正義 + * * zheng4yi4 righteous-justice/ righteousness/ justice/ just/ righteous Recht + +
C + * * deng2 pedal/ step on/ press with the foot 1. etwas mit dem Fuß betätigen, auf den Füßen stehend verharren + +
C 開飯 + * * kai1 fan4 it's meal time/ start to serve meals/ start to eat (meal) das Essen servieren, Mahlzeit halten, essen + +
C + * * ning3 screw/ twist/ disagree/ discord 1. drehen, schrauben 2. falsch, verkehrt 3. entgegengesetzt, uneinig siehe *ning2 siehe ning2 1. wringen, auswringen, drehen, auswinden 2. kneifen, zwicken + +
C 團體 + * * tuan2ti3 group-entity/ group/ organization/ team/ society/ circle Gemeinschaft, Organisation, Gruppe, Mannschaft + +
C + * * wu1 dirty/ filthy/ foul/ corrupt/ smeared 1. Schmutz, Dreck, 2. schmutzig, dreckig 3.verunreinigen,beschmutzen 4. bestechlich, korrupt + +
C 一帶 + * * yi2dai4 one-one/ one by one/ one after another Region, Gebiet, Zone + +
C 罪行 + * * zui4xing2 criminal-act/ crime/ guilt/ offence/ misdeed/ maleficence Verbrechen, Straftat + +
C + * * ba4 dismiss/ cease/ stop 1.(eine Tätigkeit) einstellen, mit etw aufhören 2. absetzen, entlassen 3. fertig + +
C + * * gang1 jar/ vat/ big container made of pottery; porcelain; etc. Tongefäß + +
C + * * hui4 converge/ transfer funds through a post office or bank 1. zusammenfließen, zusammenlaufen, zusammenströmen 2. sammeln 3. (Geld) anweisen, Geld überweisen 4. Sammlung, Ansammlung + +
C 今日 + * * jin1ri4 today/ this day/ present/ now heute, heutig, gegenwärtig + +
C 領域 + * * ling3yu4 field/ sphere/ domain/ realm/ area Territorium,Hoheitsgebiet, Gebiet, Bereich,Sektor + +
C 寧可 + * * ning4ke3 would rather lieber als..,würde eher.. + +
C 樹立 + * * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish aufrichten,erstellen + +
C 團員 + * * tuan2yuan2 group-member/ delegation member/ League member Delegationsmitglied, Mitglied einer Gruppe + +
C 贊揚 + * * zan4yang2 praise-show/ commend/ praise/ speak highly of loben, preisen + +
C 罷工 + * * ba4 gong1 strike/ walk out Streik, streiken + +
C 肥皂 + * * fei2zao4 soap Seife + +
C 好奇 + * * hao4qi2 curious/ inquisitive neugierig, wißbegierig + +
C 彙報 + * * hui4bao4 give an account of; report jm Bericht erstatten + +
C 艱難 + * * jian1nan2 hard/ difficult/ arduous schwer, schwierig + +
C 綱領 + * * gang1ling3 guiding principle/ program/ platform Programm, leitendes Prinzip + +
C + * * he1 oh/ ah (to express surprise) 1. hauchen, einen Atemzug hauchend ausstoßen 2. schelten, beschimpfen Interj. Oh, Ah + +
C 普及 + * * pu3ji2 popularize/ make sth. a commonplace/ prevalent popularisieren,verallgemeinern,universal, populär + +
C 樹木 + * * shu4mu4 (collective term for) trees Baum-,Bäume (Sammelbegriff) + +
C + * * te4 special/ particular/ extraordinary 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel + +
C 團長 + * * tuan2zhang3 regiment-commander/ colonel/ head of a delegation Regimentskommandeur, Delegationsleiter + +
C 響亮 + * * xiang3liang4 loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant klingend und hell, laut und klar + +
C 敘述 + * * xu4shu4 tell-state/ narrate/ relate/ recount erzählen, darstellen, schildern + +
C 政黨 + * * zheng4dang3 political-party/ political party politische Partei + +
C 挫折 + * * cuo4zhe2 setback/ reverse/ defeat/ frustration Rückschlag + +
C 匯款 + * * hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank/ remittance Geldüberweisung + +
C + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage + +
C 省得 + * * sheng3de so as to avoid/ so as to save um sich,jmd etwas zu ersparen, zur Vermeidung von etwas + +
C + * * dui1 pile/ stack/ heap/ crowd Stapel + +
C 崗位 + * * gang3wei4 post/ station Posten, Platz, Stellung + +
C 顧問 + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber + +
C + * * ling4 make/ cause/ order/ command 1. Befehl, Erlaß, Anordnung 2. Saison, Jahreszeit 3. Amtstitel in alter Zeit 4. gut 5. Ihr 6. Trinkspiel 7. lassen, veranlassen + +
C 普通話 + * * pu3tong1hua4 common speech (of the Chinese language) Putonghua, Hochchinesisch, Hochsprache + +
C 情報 + * * qing2bao4 intelligence/ information/ tip-off Information, Nachricht + +
C 束縛 + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden + +
C 政權 + * * zheng4quan2 political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime + +
C 吃虧 + * * chi1 kui1 suffer losses/ be in an unfavorable situation Schaden erleiden, zum Nachteil gereichen, benachteiligt + +
C + * * fei4 useless/ disused/ waste/ abandon/ abolish/ ruin 1. aufgeben,abschaffen 2. unbrauchbar, gebraucht, Abfall 3. invalid, körperlich behindert + +
C + * * he2 nucleus/ atomic nucleus/ pit/ stone 1.Kern, Stein, 2. Kern, Atomkern, nuklear, atomar 3. untersuchen, nachprüfen + +
C + * * liu1 slide/ glide/ slip away/ sneak off 1. gleiten, rutschen 2. fortschleichen,entschlüpfen 3. glatt + +
C 推遲 + * * tui1chi2 push-later/ put off/ postpone/ delay/ defer hinausschieben, aufschieben + +
C + * * zao1 meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ suffer/ sustain 1. auf etwas stoßen, erleiden, von etw betroffen sein 2. Zählwort Mal 3. Zählwort Runde, Kreis + +
C 尊重 + * * zun1zhong4 revere-respect/ respect/ value/ esteem/ honor respektieren, achten + +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + +
C 錯字 + * * cuo4zi4 wrong character falscher Buchstabe, Druckfehler + +
C 兌換 + * * dui4huan4 exchange/ convert (currencies) tauschen, wechseln (Geld) + +
C 廢除 + * * fei4chu2 abolish/ annul/ abrogate/ disestablish aufheben,absetzen,außer Kraft setzen + +
C 港幣 + * * gang3bi4 Hong Kong dollar/ currency of Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar + +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar + +
C 緊密 + * * jin3mi4 close and dense/ close/ inseparable eng, fest,unzertrennlich,heftig und dicht aufein.f + +
C 扭轉 + * * niu3zhuan3 turn round/ turn back/ reverse/ remedy/ rectify 1. sich umdrehen, sich wenden 2.ins Gegenteil verkehren, einen Kurs korrigieren + +
C 省長 + * * sheng3zhang3 governor of a province/ premier of a province Gouverneur einer Provinz + +
C 推辭 + * * tui1ci2 push-decline/ decline/ refuse/ turn down (an offer) ablehnen + +
C 白白 + * * bai2bai2 for nothing/ in vain/ to no purpose vergebens, für nichts, ohne Zweck + +
C 邊疆 + * * bian1jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier Grenzgebiet + +
C 廢話 + * * fei4hua4 nonsense/ superfluous words/ foolish discourse überflüssiges Gerede, Unsinn + +
C 港口 + * * gang3kou3 port/ harbor Hafen + +
C 固體 + * * gu4ti3 solid/ solid body Festkörper, fest + +
C + * * hun1 lose consciousness/ muddle/ muddled/ dark/ dim 1. Abenddämmerung 2. dunkel, finster, düster 3.verwirrt, konfus 4. ohnmächtig + +
C 開口 + * * kai1 kou3 open one's mouth/ start to talk/ make a cutting edge anfangen zu sprechen,eine Messerklinge schärfen + +
C 朗誦 + * * lang3song4 read aloud with expression/ recite/ declaim vortragen, rezitieren + +
C + * * san3 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel sich lösen,sich lockern,auseinandergehen,verstreut siehe san4 + +
C 郵包 + * * you2bao1 postal-parcel/ parcel Paket + +
C 邊界 + * * bian1jie4 bound/ boundary/ border Grenze + +
C 緊俏 + * * jin4qiao4 sought-after/ in shortage due to great demand sehr gefragt und schwer erhältlich + +
C 免得 + * * mian3de so as not to/ so as to avoid damit nicht, um etwas zu vermeiden + +
C 散文 + * * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. Prosa,literarische Werke + +
C 推翻 + * * tui1fan1 push-topple/ overthrow/ overturn/ reverse/ cancel etwas mit Gewalt umstürzen, umkippen, umstürzen + +
C 癥狀 + * * zheng4zhuang4 sick-condition/ symptom Symptom, Krankheitszeichen + +
C + * * chi2 pool/ pond/ moat 1.Teich, Weiher, Grube,Senke, Bodenvertiefung 2. durch erhöhte Ränder eingeschlossener Raum + +
C 凳子 + * * deng4zi stool/ bench Schemel + +
C + * * san4 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel 1. sich trennen, sich auflösen,auseinandergehen 2. verbreiten, ausstreuen, verteilen 3. vertreiben, zerstreuen, herauslassen siehe san3 + +
C 無比 + * * wu2bi3 nothing-compare/ incomparable/ unsurpassed unvergleichlich + +
C 遭遇 + * * zao1yu4 encounter-meet/ meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ encounter auf etwas stoßen, begegnen,Los + +
C + * * zheng4 struggle to get free/ try to break loose/ earn/ make 1.sich befreien, sich von jm/etw freimachen, abschütteln 2. verdienen, erwerben + +
C 渾身 + * * hun2shen1 from head to toe/ everywhere in one's body am ganzen Körper, von Kopf bis Fuß + +
C 散布 + * * san4bu4 scatter/ disseminate/ spread/ sow ausstreuen,verbreiten,etw. in Umlauf bringen + +
C 數目 + * * shu4mu4 number/ amount Zahl, Anzahl + +
C 推薦 + * * tui1jian4 push-commend/ recommend empfehlen + +
C 無產階級 + * * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class das Proletariat + +
C + * * zao1 rotten/ decayed/ in a wretched state/ in a mess 1.Reisweintrester, Rückstände beim Reisweinbrennen 2. mit Reisweintrester eingemacht werden 3. faul, morsch, mürbe, schlecht 4. in jämmerlichen Zustand + +
C + * * chi2 late/ slow/ tardy 1.langsam, säumig, 2. spät, verspätet + +
C 廢墟 + * * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed Ruinen, Trümmerfeld + +
C + * * gua1 melon/ gourd Kürbis, Gurke, Melone + +
C 開幕 + * * kai1mu4 begin a performance eröffnen, eine Aufführung beginnen, + +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig + +
C 推進 + * * tui1jin4 push-progress/ propel/ advance/ drive forward vorwärtstreiben, vorantreiben, vorrücken, vordringen + +
C 柱子 + * * zhu4zi pillar-thing/ pillar/ post/ column Säule, Pfahl, Pfosten + +
C 沸騰 + * * fei4teng2 boil/ reach ebullition/ seethe with excitement Überschäumen, Siedepunkt, kochen + +
C + * * jian3 alkali/ soda 1. Alkali 2. Soda + +
C 留學 + * * liu2 xue2 study abroad im Ausland studieren + +
C + * * xiang4 alley/ lane/ narrow street Gasse + +
C 編輯 + * * bian1ji2 edit/ compile/ editor/ compiler Herausgeber, Lektor, Redakteur, Verfasser, verfassen + +
C 瓜子 + * * gua1zi melon seed Melonensamen + +
C 開設 + * * kai1she4 set up/ open up/ provide/ offer gründen,errichten, eröffnen, abhalten, anbieten + +
C 相聲 + * * xiang4sheng1 comic dialogue/ cross-talk komischer Dialog + +
C 宣告 + * * xuan1gao4 propagate-declare/ declare/ proclaim proklamieren, erklären + +
C + * * zao2 chisel/ dig/ cut a hole 1. Meißel, Stechbeitel 2.meißeln, stemmen + +
C 證據 + * * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony Beweis, Beweismittel + +
C 參考 + * * can1kao3 refer to/ consult Hinweis, Referenz, befragen, konsultieren + +
C 寡婦 + * * gua3fu widow Witwe + +
C 欺負 + * * qi1fu bully/ intimidate/ bluster/ coerce/ tease/ schikanieren, tyrannisieren + +
C 無法 + * * wu2 fa3 no-way/ have no way/ be incapable/ be unable unfähig etwas zu tun + +
C 編制 + * * bian1zhi4 weave/ plait/ braid/ work out/ draw up/ size of staff flechten, weben, ausarbeiten, Herstellung + +
C 參謀 + * * can1mou2 give advice/ brain man/ advisor Rat geben, Berater, Stabsoffizier + +
C 費力 + * * fei4 li4 be strenuous/ use or need to use a lot of effort sich die Mühe machen + +
C 混亂 + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + +
C 簡便 + 便* * jian3bian4 simple and convenient/ easy einfach, handlich + +
C 開水 + * * kai1shui3 boiled water/ boiling water abgekochtes Wasser + +
C 農具 + * * nong2ju4 farm tools/ farm implements landwirtschaftliche Geräte + +
C 請教 + * * qing3jiao4 consult/ ask for advice/ seek advice um Rat fragen, zu Rate ziehen + +
C 喪失 + * * sang4shi1 lose/ forfeit verlieren, einbüßen + +
C + * * shua3 play with/ perform/ make fun of/ give full play to 1. spielen 2. vorführen, manövrieren, aufführen 3.Spaß treiben mit + +
C 宣言 + * * xuan1yan2 declare-words/ declaration/ manifesto/ statement Deklaration, Manifest + +
C 證實 + * * zheng4shi2 prove-true/ confirm/ verify/ validate/ bear out bekräftigen, bestätigen, beweisen + +
C 達成 + * * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) erzielen, erreichen + +
C + * * di1 drip/ drop 1. tropfen, in Tropfen fallen, triefen, tröpfeln 2. Zählwort Tropfen + +
C 混凝土 + * * hun4ning2tu3 concrete/ cement Beton + +
C 流傳 + * * liiu2chuan2 spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down überliefern,sich verbreiten, + +
C 面對 + * * mian4dui4 face/ confront/ meet gegenüberstehen,konfrontiert sein + +
C 農貿市場 + * * nong2mao4 shi4chang3 market of farm produce Markt für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse + +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern + +
C 證書 + * * zheng4shu1 certificate-document/ certificate/ credentials Urkunde, Zeugnis, Zertifikat + +
C + * * zhu4 cast/ found Gießen, gießen (Metall), prägen + +
C 尺寸 + * * chi3cun size/ dimensions Maß, Ausmaß,Größe + +
C 混淆 + * * hun4xiao2 confound/ confuse/ mix up verwechseln,verwischen,durcheinander bringen + +
C 流動 + * * liu2dong4 flow/ run/ circulate/ move fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil + +
C 麵粉 + * * mian4fen3 flour/ wheat flour Weizenmehl + +
C + * * xuan2 suspend/ hang/ feel anxious/ be unsettled/ disclose 1. hängen, aufhängen 2. schwebend, ungelöst 3. besorgt sein 4. weit entfernt, sehr unterschiedlich + +
C 謹慎 + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam + +
C 牢固 + * * lao2gu4 solid/ strong/ firm/ secure fest, solide, haltbar + +
C 農田 + * * nong2tian2 farmland/ cultivated land/ cropland/ field Ackerland,landwirtschaftliche Fläche + +
C 請示 + * * qing3shi4 ask for instructions um Anweisungen ersuchen + +
C 無可奈何 + * * wu2 ke3 nai4he2 nothing-could-make-what/ be helpless nichts machen können + +
C + * * zhi1 branch/ twig/ measure word for guns; pens; flowers; etc. 1. Ast, Zweig, Geäst, Astwerk 2. Zählwort, ein Gewehr, ein Blütenzweig einer Winterkirsche + +
C 赤道 + * * chi4dao4 equator Äquator + +
C + * * da3 from/ since 1.schlagen, jm/etw einen Schlag/Stoß versetzen 2. zerschlagen, zerbrechen 3. schlagen, prügeln, angreifen 4. bauen, errichten 5. herstellen 6.rühren, mischen 7. binden, zusammenbinden 8. flechten, stricken etc + +
C + * * guai1 obedient/ well-behaved/ good/ clever/ shrewd/ lovely 1. brav, artig, manierlich 2.klug, geschickt + +
C 面孔 + * * mian4kong3 face/ look/ facial expression Gesicht + +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik + +
C 向導 + * * xiang4dao3 direction-guide/ guide Führer, Wegweiser + +
C 一口氣 + * * yi1kou3qi4 all-along/ always/ consistently ein Atemzug, in einem Atemzug, ohne Pause + +
C 早期 + * * zao3qi1 early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, + +
C 擺脫 + * * bai3tuo1 free oneself from/ get rid of etwas abwerfen, etwas loswerden, sich von etwas befreien + +
C + * * can2 silkworm Seidenraupe + +
C 何必 + * * he2bi4 why is it necessary to/ there is no need to wozu denn, warum denn + +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit + +
C 面臨 + * * mian4lin2 be faced with/ be confronted with/ be up against angesichts, gegenüber + +
C 色彩 + * * se4cai3 color/ hue/ flavor/ appeal Farbe, Färbung,Tönung, Schattierung + +
C 向來 + * * xiang4lai2 from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer + +
C 懸崖 + * * xuan2ya2 hanging-cliff/ overhanging cliff/ steep cliff/ precipice Vorsprung, Überhang + +
C + * * zhi1 raise/ put up/ send away/ order about/ pay or withdraw ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc + +
C 對得起 + * * dui4deqi3 as far as … be concerned/ to … (someone) sich würdig erweisen, jemand nicht im Stich lassen + +
C 拐彎兒 + * * guai3 wan1r turn a corner/ make a turn/ change direction 1. um die Ecke biegen, eine Biegung machen 2. umschwenken + +
C + * * huo2 lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible lebend, lebendig + +
C 農作物 + * * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants Ernte, Erzeugnisse + +
C 退步 + 退* * tui4bu4 back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression einen Schritt zurück machen + +
C 一連 + * * yi1lian2 one-heart/ of one mind/ wholeheartedly/ heart and soul hintereinander + +
C 早晚 + * * zao3wan3 early-late/ morning and evening/ sooner or later Morgen und Abend, früher oder später, Zeit, eines (zukünftigen) Tages, später einmal + +
C 便利 + 便* * bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate Bequemlichkeit, bequem, einfach, erleichtern + +
C 何況 + * * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions) geschweige denn, erst recht + +
C 流氓 + * * liu2mang2 hooligan/ hoodlum/ ruffian/ gangster/ thug Rowdy, Gauner,Lump, Schurke + +
C 無論如何 + * * wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle + +
C 一路平安 + * * yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 one-mouth-breath/ in one breath/ at one go schöne Fahrt (habe eine sichere Reise !) + +
C 油田 + * * you2tian2 oil-field/ oil field Ölfeld + +
C 早已 + * * zao3yi3 early-already/ long ago/ (have done) for a long time früher, schon längst + +
C 高粱 + * * gao1liang Chinese sorghum Gaoliang, Sorghum + +
C 開夜車 + * * kai1 ye4che1 work overtime or study at night/ burn the midnight oil bis nachts arbeiten + +
C 流水 + * * liu2shui3 running water/ turnover (of a shop) fließendes Wasser,laufend, fließend + +
C + * * shuan1 tether/ tie/ fasten/ tie down/ bind up binden, anbinden + +
C 旋轉 + * * xuan2zhuan3 revolve-turn/ gyrate/ rotate/ spin/ revolve/ turn/ whirl kreisen,Kreise ziehen,kreiseln + +
C 一路順風 + * * yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1 Safe journey gute Reise ! + +
C + * * you2 swim/ rove around/ travel/ tour/ make friends with 1. schwimmen 2. herumfahren, wandern 3. < lit > Umgang, Verkehr 4. Abschnitt eines Flusses + +
C 住宅 + * * zhu4zhai2 living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling Wohnung, Behausung + +
C 作風 + * * zuo4feng1 behaving-style/ style/ way/ attitude/ behavior/ conduct Arbeitsstil, Stil, Art und Weise des Verhaltens + +
C 拜訪 + 访* * bai4fang3 pay a visit/ call on besuchen, jmd einen Besuch abstatten + +
C 便於 + 便* * bian4yu2 be easy/ be convenient vorteilhaft für, einfach zu ... + +
C 打擊 + * * da3ji1 strike/ hit/ attack/ pound/ frustrate angreifen, zuschlagen, Schläge versetzen + +
C 活該 + * * huo2gai1 deserve (sth. undesirable)/ serve one right etwas geschieht jm recht + +
C 失掉 + * * shi1diao4 lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip verlieren, z.B Gewichtverlust + +
C + * * shuang1 frost/ frost-like substance/ white color/ hoary color Frost, Reif,frostähnliches Puder,weiß, grau + +
C 無情 + * * wu2qing2 no-feeling/ unfeeling/ heartless/ merciless/ ruthless gefühllos, schonungslos, gnadenlos + +
C 象徵 + * * xiang4zheng1 symbol-sign/ symbolize/ signify/ symbol/ token symbolisieren, versinnbildlichen, Symbol, Zeichen + +
C 拜會 + * * bai4hui4 pay an official visit/ call on jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten + +
C + * * di3 support/ set off/ be equal to/ compensate/ reach 1. stützen, Halt geben 2.widerstehen,abwehren 3. Ersatz leisten, büßen 4.Pfand, verpfänden 5. ersetzen, gleichkommen, ausgleichen 6. ankommen, eintreffen + +
C 高尚 + * * gao1shang4 noble/ lofty/ sublime nobel, edel, erhaben + +
C 怪不得 + * * guai4 bu de no wonder/ so that's why/ put no blame on Kein Wunder + +
C 合唱 + * * he2chang4 sing in chorus/ chorus Chor, Chorgesang, im Chor singen + +
C 簡直 + * * jian3zhi2 simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar + +
C 流行 + * * liu2xing2 prevail/ be in vogue/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent weit verbreitet,populär, in Mode + +
C 失眠 + * * shi1mian2 lose sleep/ be unable to sleep/ suffer from insomnia Schlaflosigkeit + +
C + * * shuang1 two/ both/ twin/ dual/ double/ twofold/ even Zählwort Paar + +
C 提包 + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack + +
C + * * tun1 swallow/ devour/ gulp down/ annex 1. schlucken, verschlucken, verschlingen 2. etw in Besitz nehmen + +
C 打交道 + * * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with Umgang mit jm haben,mit jm/etw zu tun haben + +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht + +
C 合成 + * * he2cheng2 synthesize/ compound/ join to form zusammensetzen,synthetisieren + +
C 窮人 + * * qiong2ren2 poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute Arme, arme Leute + +
C 變動 + * * bian4dong4 alter/ change/ alteration Änderung, ändern + +
C 打量 + * * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye mustern, jm/etw prüfend ansehen + +
C 抵抗 + * * di3kang4 resist/ stand up to/ counteract/ withstand Widerstand leisten, Widerstand + +
C 對了 + * * dui4le by the way/ oh yes richtig, korrekt + +
C 分工 + * * fen1 gong1 division of labor/ divide up the work Arbeitsteilung + +
C 柳樹 + * * liu3shu4 willow Weide, Weidenbaum + +
C + * * nu4 angry/ raging/ forceful/ vigorous/ dynamic/ vehement Zorn, Wut + +
C 提綱 + * * ti2gang1 lifting-rope/ lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net/ outline Umriß (der wichtigsten Punkte) + +
C 一旁 + * * yi1pang2 one-group/ a group (traveling together) eine Seite + +
C 支配 + * * zhi1pei4 arrange-apportion/ control/ dominate/ arrange einteilen,einsetzen,leiten,drigieren,kontrollieren + +
C 注射 + * * zhu4she4 pour-shoot/ inject/ shoot Injektion, einspritzen + +
C 變革 + * * bian4ge2 change/ transform/ transformation Umwandlung, Änderung, transformieren + +
C 對立 + * * dui4li4 oppose/ counter/ go against Opposition, sich widersetzen + +
C + * * guan1 col/ pass/ juncture/ barrier/ difficulty/ critical part 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß + +
C 合格 + * * he2ge2 qualified/ up to standard/ up to grade der Norm entsprechen, normgerecht, qualifiziert + +
C + * * huo3 group/ gang/ crowd/ band 1. Beköstigung, Verpflegung, Kost 2.Gefährte, Partner 3. Gemeinschaft, Partnerschaft 4. Zählwort für Räuberbande + +
C 刊物 + * * kan1wu4 publication/ periodical/ journal/ magazine Zeitschrift, Magazin + +
C + * * miao2 seedling/ offspring/ (some) baby animals/ vaccine 1. junger Trieb,Sproß, Sämling, junges Tier 2. Dinge von der Form junger Pflanzenblätter + +
C 其實 + * * qi2shi2 in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact in der Tat, in Wirklichkeit + +
C 秋季 + * * qiu1ji4 autumn season/ autumn/ fall/ season of autumn Herbst + +
C 拖拉機 + * * tuo1la1ji1 hauling-pulling-machine/ tractor 1. Traktor + +
C 無所謂 + * * wu2suo3wei4 no-what-say/ be indifferent/ not care/ cannot be called 1.gleichgültig,egal2.teilnahmslos,apathisch + +
C 游戲 + * * you2xi4 tour-play/ game/ recreation spielen, Spiel + +
C 作物 + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte + +
C + * * di3 bottom/ base/ end/ background/ draft/ record 1. Boden, Sohle, Grund 2.Zuversicht, Gewißheit 3 ursprünglicher Entwurf, erste Niederschrift 4. Ende, Schluß 5.Hintergrund, Untergrund + +
C 伙伴 + * * huo3ban4 fellow/ partner/ mate/ pal/ friend Kamerad, Gefährte,Partner + +
C 游行 + * * you2xing2 move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about Demonstration, demonstrieren + +
C 注視 + * * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at verfolgen, anstarren + +
C 衝擊 + * * chong1ji1 impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen + +
C 對門 + * * dui4men2 opposite building or room Gebäude oder Zimmer gegenüber + +
C 分解 + * * fen1jie3 decompose/ resolve/ break down/ recount zersetzen, zerfallen, zerlegen, auflösen, aufschließen + +
C 關懷 + 怀* * guan1huai2 care for/ show solicitude for/ be concerned about Anteilnahme zeigen, Anteil an etw. nehmen, etw. Aufmerksamkeit schenken + +
C + * * kan1 guard/ keep under surveillance/ look after/ tend sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten + +
C 責備 + * * ze2bei4 demand-integrity/ accuse/ blame/ reproach/ criticize vorwerfen, vorhalten, tadeln + +
C 蒼蠅 + * * cang1ying fly/ housefly Fliege + +
C 高壓 + * * gao1ya1 high-pressure/ high-voltage/ oppressive 1.Hochdruck 2. Hochspannung + +
C 合金 + * * he2jin1 alloy Legierung + +
C 丘陵 + * * qiu1ling2 hills/ undulating topography Hügel + +
C 消除 + * * xiao1chu2 eliminate-remove/ clear up/ get rid of/ dispel beseitigen,entfernen,überwinden + +
C + * * zhi1 know/ realize/ be aware of/ inform/ notify/ tell 1. wissen, kennen, Bescheid wissen 2. Bescheid sagen, mitteilen, informieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis + +
C 作戰 + * * zuo4 zhan4 do-battle/ engage in a battle/ fight/ battle/ campaign Krieg führen + +
C + * * cang1 cabin/ hold gesamter Innenraum (eines Schiffes oder Flugzeugs) + +
C 衝突 + * * chong1tu1 collide/ conflict/ clash/ collision Konflikt, Kollision + +
C 分離 + * * fen1li2 dissociate/ separate/ sever/ part/ leave trennen, loslösen, ausscheiden, spalten + +
C + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze + +
C 無線電 + 线* * wu2xian4dian4 wireless-electricity/ radio Radio, Funk, (drahtlos) + +
C 消毒 + * * xiao1 du2 remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize desinfizieren + +
C 選修 + * * xuan3xiu1 elect-study/ take as an elective course etwas als fakultatives Fach lernen bzw studieren + +
C 地板 + * * di4ban3 wooden floor/ floor board Fußboden + +
C 老年 + * * lao3nian2 old age/ agedness alte (Leute) + +
C 籠子 + * * long2zi cage/ coop Käfig + +
C + * * qi2 chess/ board game/ chessman/ (chess) piece Schach, Brettspiel + +
C 倉庫 + * * cang1ku4 storehouse/ warehouse Warenhaus + +
C 打仗 + * * da3 zhang4 go to war/ make war/ fight kämpfen, in den Krieg ziehen, Kampf + +
C 地步 + * * di4bu4 condition/ plight/ extent/ degree/ Situation + +
C 高中 + * * gao1zhong1 senior high school Oberstufe der Mittelschule + +
C 關頭 + * * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point Moment, Schlüsselstelle, kritischer Augenblick + +
C 水分 + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information + +
C 無疑 + * * wu2yi2 no-doubt/ undoubted/ beyond doubt/ unquestionable ohne Zweifel, zweifelsohne + +
C 消耗 + * * xiao1hao4 reduce-expend/ consume/ deplete/ consumption verbrauchen + +
C + * * ban1 kind/ sort/ way/ -like Art, Weise, Sorte + +
C 打招呼 + * * da3zhao1hu notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello hallo sagen + +
C 分明 + * * fen1ming2 clear/ distinct/ obvious/ plain klar, offenbar, offensichtlich, eindeutig + +
C 合算 + * * he2suan4 worthwhile/ be worth the cost/ pay rentabel, lohnend, der Mühe wert + +
C 火箭 + * * huo3jian4 rocket Rakete + +
C + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen + +
C 女子 + * * nü3zi3 woman/ female Frau, Mädchen + +
C + * * tuo2 carry or bear on the back (auf dem Rücken) tragen + +
C 知識分子 + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle + +
C 祝願 + * * zhu4yuan4 wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire wünschen, Wunsch + +
C 地道 + * * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard authentisch,(vgl.: di4dao4=Tunnel) + +
C 火力 + * * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold Gefechtskraft + +
C 老人家 + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson + +
C 壟斷 + * * long3duan4 monopolize monopolisieren, Monopol + +
C 奇跡 + * * qi2ji4 miracle/ marvel/ wonder Wunder + +
C 水庫 + * * shui3ku4 reservoir Reservoir, Stausee, Staubecken + +
C + * * zhu4 halt/ stay/ be stationed/ encamp stationieren, Standort halten, sich aufhalten, bleiben,verbleiben + +
C 籠罩 + * * long3zhao4 envelop/ shroud verhüllen, bedecken + +
C 水利 + * * shui3li4 water resources/ water conservancy Wasserwirtschaft,Bewässerungsanlagen + +
C 提問 + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + +
C 一系列 + * * yi1xi4lie4 all-way-along-wind/ have a good journey eine Serie von + +
C 大半 + * * da4ban4 over half/ majority/ most likely/ probably die meisten, mehr als die Hälfte, der größte Teil + +
C 稿 + 稿* * gao3 draft/ sketch/ manuscript/ original text/ article 1. flüchtige Niederschrift, Zeichnung 2.Manuskript, Original + +
C 火焰 + * * juo4yan4 flame/ tongue of fire/ blaze Flamme + +
C 水力 + * * shui3li4 waterpower/ hydraulic power Wasserkraft + +
C 提醒 + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + +
C 妥當 + * * tuo3dang sound-appropriate/ proper/ suitable/ appropriate angemessen, geeignet,richtig + +
C 火藥 + * * huo3yao4 gunpowder/ powder Schwarzpulver, Schießpulver + +
C 樓道 + * * lou2dao4 corridor/ passageway within a storied building Korridor, Flur, Diele + +
C 滅亡 + * * mie4wang2 be destroyed/ perish/ become extinct/ die out untergehen,zugrundegehen + +
C 一下 + * * yi1xia4 one-side … one-side …/ at the same time einmal + +
C 有機 + * * you3ji1 have-organism/ organic organisch + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 操心 + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern + +
C 大便 + 便* * da4bian4 excrement/ stool/ feces/ shit Stuhlgang, scheißen + +
C 地理 + * * di4li3 geography/ the natural and social features of a place Geographie + +
C 近代 + * * jin4dai4 modern times Neuzeit + +
C 樓房 + * * lou2fang2 storied building mehrstöckiges Gebäude + +
C 民兵 + * * min2bing1 militia/ militiaman/ militia-woman Volksmiliz, Milizionär + +
C + * * o1 oh (I have just noticed/ I have just realized) Interjektion aha, soso, + +
C + * * shan1 delete/ strike out/ expunge streichen, weglassen + +
C 提議 + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 操縱 + * * cao1zong4 handle/ control/ operate/ manipulate/ rig steuern, lenken,kontrollieren (bedienen) + +
C 頓時 + * * dun4shi2 immediately/ at once/ suddenly unvermittelt, plötzlich, auf einmal + +
C + * * jian4 cheap/ inexpensive/ lowly/ humble/ despicable/ base 1. preiswert, für wenig Geld 2. von niederem Stand, von unbedeutender Herkunft 3. minderwertig, niederträchtig, gemein, verächtlich + +
C + * * o4 oh (that's why/ now I understand) Interjektion, ach so, ich verstehe + +
C 武裝 + * * wu3zhuang1 military-equipment/ weaponry/ arm forces/ arm/ equip Bewaffnung, Rüstung, bewaffnen, rüsten + +
C 學會 + * * xue2hui4 learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein + +
C 一向 + * * yi1xiang4 one-side/ aside/ on one side/ by jedes Mal, sonst + +
C 操作 + * * cao1zuo4 operate/ manipulate bedienen, an etwas arbeiten + +
C 大大 + * * da4da4 greatly/ enormously sehr, enorm + +
C + * * lou3 hug/ embrace/ hold in one's arms 1. umfassen, umarmen, lou1= 1. sammeln, ansammeln 2. aufkrempeln, aufheben, 3. zusammenraffen, etw an sich reißen + +
C 民間 + * * min2jian1 among the people nichtstaatlich,unterhalb der offiziellen Ebene, Volks- + +
C 山地 + * * shan1di4 mountainous area/ hilly topography Bergland, Gebirgsgegend + +
C 小便 + 便* * xiao3bian4 little-excrement/ urine of human beings Urin + +
C 學科 + * * xue2ke1 learning-subject/ discipline/ branch of learning/ course wissenschaftliches Fach, Wissenschaftszweig, Studienfach + +
C 增產 + * * zeng1 chan3 increase-production/ increase production die Produktion steigern + +
C + * * zhuan1 particular/ special/ narrow/ specialty/ specialization 1. spezial, nur, auf etwas konzentriert, 2. fachkundig, nur für sich allein haben 3. monopolisieren + +
C + * * chong4 1. face/ be towards/ towards/ 2. to/ because of 1.dynamisch,stark riechend, 2. nach einer Richtung liegen siehe chong1 + +
C 分數 + * * fen1shu4 score/ mark/ grade/ point/ fractional number 1. Bruch, Bruchzahl 2. Note, Zenzur + +
C 見解 + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung + +
C 旗袍 + * * qi2pao2 close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu Qipao, Cheongsam, chinesisches Etui-kleid + +
C 區域 + * * qu1yu4 region/ area/ district Zone, Region,Gebiet + +
C 山峰 + * * shan1feng1 mountain peak Berggipfel + +
C 一心 + * * yi1xin1 one-while/ a short period of time/ a burst/ a fit/ a gust mit ganzem Herzen + +
C 有兩下子 + * * you3 liang3 xia4zi have-two-feats/ know a few tricks of the trade wirklich etwas können + +
C …之類 + * * zhi1lei4 (someone or sth.)'s-sort/ and so on/ and the like und seinesgleichen , und so weiter, + +
C 大道 + * * da4dao4 wide street/ thoroughfare/ boulevard/ broad way Hauptstraße + +
C 地勢 + * * di4shi4 terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance Topographie + +
C 告辭 + * * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave Abschied nehmen, sich empfehlen + +
C 老鄉 + * * lao3xiang1 fellow-townsman/ fellow-villager/ farmer buddy Landsmann, Bauer + +
C 偶爾 + * * oou3'er3 once in a while/ occasionally/ sometimes ab und zu, gelegentlich,manchmal + +
C 旗幟 + * * qi2zhi4 flag/ banner/ streamer/ role model/ leading idea Banner, Standpunkt + +
C 濕潤 + 湿* * shi1run4 moist/ damp/ humid feucht, naß + +
C 娃娃 + * * wa2wa baby-baby/ baby/ child/ doll Baby, Säugling, kleines Kind + +
C 學年 + * * xue2nian2 academic-year/ school year Schuljahr + +
C 增進 + * * zeng1jin4 improve-advance/ enhance/ promote/ further/ improve stärken + +
C …之內 + * * zhi1nei4 (sth.)'s-interior/ inside of/ interior of/ within innerhalb von + +
C 草案 + * * cao3'an4 protocol/ draft (of a plan; decree; regulation; etc.) Entwurf + +
C 大地 + * * da4di4 earth/ mother earth/ ground Mutter Erde, Erde + +
C 觀測 + * * guan1ce4 observe and survey/ observe/ watch beobachten, Beobachtung + +
C 或多或少 + * * huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3 more or less mehr oder weniger + +
C 民用 + * * min2yong4 civil/ for civil use zivil, für die Zivilbevölkerung + +
C 偶然 + * * ou3ran2 accidental/ fortuitous/ unexpected gelegentlich, zufällig + +
C 曲折 + * * qu1zhe2 zigzag/ winding/ tortuous/ meandering/ complicated 1.gewunden,kurvenreich,krumm, 2.kompliziert, Komplikation + +
C + * * ti2 hoof Huf + +
C 增強 + * * zeng1qiang2 reinforce-strengthen/ enhance/ strengthen/ reinforce verstärken, erhöhen, steigern + +
C 大都 + * * da4du1 almost all/ mostly/ for the most part meistens, größtenteils + +
C 多半 + * * duo1ban4 most likely/ probably wahrscheinlich, Wahrscheinlichkeit, der größere Teil, hauptsächlich, die meisten + +
C + * * jin4 soak/ steep/ immerse/ seep eintauchen, eintunken, einweichen, wässern,einfeuchten, tränken, + +
C 露面 + * * lou4 mian4 show one's face/ make an appearance/ show up sich sehen lassen, öffentlich in Erscheinung treten,z. Vorschein komm + +
C + * * pa1 lie on one's stomach/ grovel/ bend over/ lean on 1. auf dem Bauch liegen, sich auf den Bauch legen 2. sich nach vorn lehnen, sich über etw beugen + +
C 山谷 + * * shan1gu3 mountain valley Tal + +
C 舞蹈 + * * wu3dao3 move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance Tanz + +
C + * * ban4 valve/ petal/ segment/ section 1. Blumenblatt 2. Scheibe 3.Scherbe, Bruchstück 4.Zählwort + +
C 大隊 + * * da4dui4 group/ production brigade/ battalion/ regiment Gruppe, Produktionbrigade + +
C 多虧 + * * duo1kui1 be lucky to/ it is fortunate that/ thanks to/ luckily glücklicherweise, dank (einer Sache oder Person) + +
C 姥姥 + * * lao3lao maternal grandmother/ grandma Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung + +
C 詩人 + * * shi1ren2 poet Poet + +
C 體操 + * * ti3cao1 body-exercise/ gymnastics Gymnastik + +
C 一一 + * * yi1yi1 one-belt/ area (nearby a place)/ (adjacent) zone einer nach dem anderen, einzeln + +
C …之外 + * * zhi1wai4 (sth.)'s-exterior/ outside of/ exterior of/ beyond außerhalb von, über + +
C 多勞多得 + * * duo1 lao2 duo1 de2 more pay for more work Arbeite mehr und verdiene mehr + +
C 盡力 + * * jin4 li4 try one's best/ do all one can sein Bestes tun (od geben), alles in seiner Macht Stehende tun, alle Kräfte mobilisieren, sein Äußerstes tun, alles tun, alles einsetzen + +
C 抗議 + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + +
C 爐子 + * * lu2zi stove/ oven/ furnace Ofen, Herd + +
C 舞臺 + * * wu3tai2 dance-platform/ stage/ arena Bühne, Arena + +
C 學時 + * * xue2shi2 study-hour/ class hour/ teaching period/ period Unterrichtstunde + +
C 一再 + * * yi1zai4 one-system-line/ a series of wieder und wieder, immer wieder + +
C 觀看 + * * guan1kan4 watch/ see/ view/ observe/ spectate sich etwas ansehen, zuschauen, + +
C + * * le4 joy/ laugh/ love to/ be happy to/ enjoy 1.fröhlich, glücklich, froh, sich freuen 2. gern, Vergnügen an etw finden 3. lachen 4. Freude, Fröhlichkeit + +
C 起初 + * * qi3chu1 at first/ in the beginning/ originally am Anfang, zu Beginn + +
C 一陣 + * * yi1zhen4 one-time/ in a short while/ all of a sudden/ all at once eine Wile, für eine kurze Zeit + +
C 有限 + * * you3xian4 have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number begrenzt, beschränkt + +
C 標語 + * * biao1yu3 slogan/ poster Slogan, Poster, politische Parole + +
C 大方 + * * da4fang1 of good taste/ generous/ natural and poised großzügig + +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände + +
C + * * fen2 tomb/ grave Grab, Grabstätte + +
C 歌唱 + * * ge1chang4 sing/ praise through singing 1. Lied, Gesang 2. singen + +
C 觀念 + * * guan1nian4 concept/ idea/ thought/ sense/ ideology Idee, Vorstellung, Konzept + +
C 貨幣 + * * huo4bi4 money/ currency Währung + +
C + * * shun4 smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to 1. in derselben Richtung, mit 2. annehmlich, gefällig sein 3. anordnen, etw in Ordnung bringen 4. gehorchen + +
C 體力 + * * ti3li4 physical-strength/ physical power/ thews Körperkraft + +
C 歪曲 + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken + +
C 侮辱 + * * wu3ru3 bully-humiliate/ insult/ affront/ humiliate/ dishonor beleidigen + +
C 學說 + * * xue2shuo1 academic-theory/ doctrine/ theory Theorie, Lehre, Doktrin + +
C 標志 + * * biao1zhi4 indicate/ mark/ sign/ symbol Zeichen, Marke, markieren, anzeigen + +
C 歌劇 + * * ge1ju4 (Western-style) opera Oper + +
C 貨物 + * * huo4wu4 cargo/ freight/ goods/ commodity/ merchandise Waren, Güter + +
C 路過 + * * lu4guo4 pass by (a place)/ pass through (a place) vorbeigehen, vorbeiziehen,passieren + +
C 學位 + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad + +
C + * * ce4 side/ turn sideways/ incline to one side 1. Seite, seitlich, seitwärts, an der Seite, auf der Seite 2. sich seitlich neigen + +
C 大哥 + * * da4ge1 eldest brother/ elder brother Ältester Bruder + +
C 多餘 + * * duo1yu2 unnecessary/ needless/ uncalled for/ surplus überflüssig, unnötig, ungefragt + +
C + * * fen3 powder/ face powder/ vermicelli made from starch 1.Pulver,Puder, pulverisieren 2. rosa 3. weißen, etwas weiß anstreichen + +
C 歌曲 + * * ge1qu3 song Lied + +
C 健全 + * * jian4quan2 healthy and complete/ sound/ perfect gesund, perfekt,vervollkommnen + +
C 考察 + * * kao3cha2 inspect/ investigate/ observe and study/ research untersuchen,beobachten und studieren + +
C 路口 + * * lu4kou3 entrance to a road/ crossing/ intersection/ crossroads Straßenkreuzung, Straßenecke + +
C 明白 + * * ming2bai clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, + +
C 拍攝 + * * pai1she4 shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren + +
C 起飛 + * * qi3fei1 (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off starten, abfliegen, + +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar + +
C 有一些 + * * you3yi4xie1 have-a-little/ somewhat/ rather/ a little etwas + +
C 扎實 + * * zha1shi2 press-solid/ sturdy/ strong/ robust/ sound/ firm fest, solide,zuverlässig + +
C 地質 + * * di4zhi4 geology Geologie + +
C 有意 + * * you3yi4 have-mind/ have a mind (to do)/ be attracted sexually etwas im Sinn haben, gewillt sein, mit Absicht, absichtlich + +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel + +
C 仇恨 + * * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor Haß, Feindschaft + +
C 地主 + * * di4zhu3 landlord/ landowner/ host Gutsbesitzer, Gastgeber + +
C 歌頌 + * * ge1song4 sing the high praises of/ extol/ eulogize lobpreisen, Lobrede + +
C 管道 + * * guan3dao4 tube/ pipe/ hose Rohr, Rohrleitung + +
C 明明 + * * ming2ming2 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly klar und deutlich,offensichtlich + +
C 順手 + * * shun4shou3 smooth and handy/ convenient/ without difficulty reibungslos,ohne Schwierigkeiten,wenn möglich,tunlichst,bei Gelegenheit, nebenbei + +
C 體溫 + * * ti3wen1 body-temperature/ body temperature Körpertemperatur + +
C + * * ce4 measure/ survey/ fathom/ test/ exam 1. messen, abmessen, vermessen, schätzen, feststellen 2. vermuten, mutmaßen, erraten + +
C 奪取 + * * duo2qu3 seize/ capture/ wrest/ strive for erobern,ergreifen, gewinnen + +
C 粉碎 + * * fen3sui4 break into pieces/ grind/ smash/ shatter/ crush zertrümmern, zerschlagen, pulverisieren + +
C 驚奇 + * * jing1qi2 amazed/ astonished/ surprised/ shocking strange sich wundern, erstaunen + +
C + * * qu3 marry (a woman)/ take a wife eine Frau heiraten, jn zur Frau nehmen + +
C 外部 + * * wai4bu4 external-part/ outside/ exterior/ surface außen,äußerlich,extern, + +
C 有益 + * * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft + +
C + * * zha2 fry in deep fat or oil/ deep-fry frittieren siehe zha4 + +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur + +
C + * * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful 1. häßlich, garstig, unansehnlich, abscheulich, scheußlich 2. anrüchig, entehrend, schimpflich 3.Clown, komische Figur + +
C 驚人 + * * jing1ren2 astonishing/ amazing/ alarming/ shocking erstaunlich, verwunderlich + +
C 體現 + * * ti3xian4 bodily-express/ embody/ incarnate verkörpern + +
C 物品 + * * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing Gegenstand, Sache + +
C 表情 + * * biao3qing2 expression, emoticon Ausdruck, Gesichtsausdruck, emoticon + +
C 管子 + * * guan3zi1 pipeline/ piping/ conduit/ tubing Rohr, Leitung, Strohhalm + +
C 基層 + * * ji1ceng2 grassroots level/ bottom level in an organization Basis, untere Ebene + +
C 驚訝 + * * jing1ya4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed beeindruckt, entzückt, überrascht + +
C + * * lu4 uncover/ expose/ reveal/ show 1.entblößen, enthüllen,entlarven 2.Tau 3. Saft, Sirup siehe lou4 + +
C 排斥 + * * pai2chi4 ostracize/ repulse/ repel/ exclude/ reject verdrängen, abstoßen,verstoßen/ausschließen + +
C 閃爍 + * * shan3shuo4 twinkle/ glimmer/ glitter/ hum and haw/ equivocate glimmern,glitzern,funkeln + +
C 說不定 + * * shuo1buding4 cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps nicht sicher sagen können, vielleicht, + +
C 物體 + * * wu4ti3 substance-object/ body/ substance/ object Gegenstand, Objekt, Körper, Substanz + +
C 學者 + * * xue2zhe3 learned-person/ person of learning/ scholar Wissenschaftler + +
C 友愛 + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft + +
C + * * zha4 1. explode, burst 2. blow up, blast, bomb 3. fly into a rage, flare up 1. platzen, bersten, explodieren 2. sprengen, bombardieren 3. vor Wut platzen, wutschnaufend siehe zha2 + +
C 鴿子 + * * ge1zi pigeon/ dove Taube + +
C 恨不得 + * * hen4 bu de hate that one cannot/ really want to darauf brennen, etwas zu tun + +
C 驚異 + * * jing1yi4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed erstaunt, verblüfft + +
C 考驗 + * * kao3yan4 test and prove/ test/ try/ trial prüfen, erproben + +
C 說法 + * * shuo1fa wording/ way to put it/ argument/ saying/ parlance Ausdrucksweise, Redensart + +
C 學制 + * * xue2zhi4 school-system/ education system/ length of schooling Erziehungssystem, Ausbildungssystem + +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter + +
C 弟兄 + * * di4xiong brothers Bruder + +
C 明信片 + * * ming1xin4pian4 postcard Postkarte + +
C 時常 + * * shi2chang2 time and again/ often/ frequently immer, mitunter, oft + +
C 說服 + * * shuo1 fu2 talk to convince/ talk over/ persuade/ convince/ überzeugen, überreden + +
C 物資 + * * wu4zi1 substance material/ goods and materials Güter und Materialien + +
C + * * guan4 pot/ jar/ pitcher/ jug Büchse, Dose, Topf, Krug + +
C 起義 + * * qi3yi4 revolt/ uprise/ rebel/ insurrection/ uprising/ rebellion Aufstand + +
C 轉播 + * * zhuan3bo1 relaying-broadcast/ relay/ rebroadcast/ broadcast live übertragen + +
C 大力 + * * da4li4 in great force/ forcefully/ vigorously energisch + +
C + * * heng2 traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 + +
C 靠近 + * * kao4jin4 get close to/ draw near/ approach nahe,in der Nähe von,neben,sich nähern,näherkommen + +
C 類似 + * * lei4si4 similar/ analogous ähneln, gleich + +
C + * * ming2 chime/ ring/ sound/ air/ express/ chirp/ cry/ sing 1. Laute von bestimmten Tieren 2. einen Ton von sich geben, etwas zum Tönen bringen 3. aussprechen,äußern,etwas zum Ausdruck bringen + +
C 排列 + * * pai2lie4 arrange/ put in order/ align/ line up ordnen, in eine Reihenfolge bringen + +
C 起源 + * * qi3yuan2 origin/ genesis/ originate/ stem/ start Quelle, Ursprung,entspringen, entstammen + +
C 小組 + * * xiao3zu3 small-team/ team/ group Gruppe + +
C 轉達 + * * zhuan3da2 relaying-reach/ pass on/ convey/ communicate übermitteln, weitergeben + +
C 初期 + * * chu1qi1 beginning period/ early days/ initial stage Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage + +
C + * * guan4 used to/ conditioned to/ habitual/ indulge/ spoil 1. an etwas gewöhnt sein, sich an jn etw gewöhnen 2. verwöhnen, verziehen, verhätscheln + +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt + +
C 建造 + * * jian4zao4 build/ construct/ make/ manufacture errichten, bauen + +
C 類型 + * * lei4xing2 type/ category Typ, Typhus + +
C 雪花 + * * xue3hua1 snow-flower/ snowflake Schneeflocken + +
C 直達 + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, wenden + +
C 初中 + * * chu1zhong1 junior middle school/ junior high school Mittlere Juniorschule + +
C 革新 + * * ge2xin1 innovate/ improve/ innovation Innovation + +
C 血管 + * * xue4guan3 blood-sweat/ sweat and toil/ industrious work Blutgefäß, Ader + +
C + * * jiang1 stiff/ rigid/ inflexible/ numb/ deadlocked 1.steif, starr 2. sich festfahren, an einem toten Punkt ankommen + +
C 扇子 + * * shan4zi fan (that can create airflow through waving) Ventilator + +
C 時機 + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment + +
C 外界 + * * wai4jie4 external-world/ outside Außenwelt + +
C 血汗 + * * xue4han4 blood-vessel/ blood vessel mühsame Arbeit, Blut und Schweiß + +
C 依舊 + * * yi1jiu4 still-before/ still like before/ unchanged as before wie früher, nach wie vor, + +
C 转化 + * * zhuan3hua4 transform sich verwandeln + +
C 辦理 + * * ban4li3 handle/ conduct/ deal with regeln, managen, + +
C + * * bie2 stick in/ fasten with a pin or clip/ leave/ part 1. verlassen, weggehen, sich trennen, scheiden 2.anderer 3. Unterschied, Unterscheidung 4 unterscheiden 5. mit einer Klammer anheften < siehe bie2 > + +
C + * * fen4 excrement/ feces/ shit/ droppings/ dung Kot, Exkrement, Ausscheidung, Dung, Mist + +
C + * * guan4 fill/ pour/ irrigate/ record 1. bewässern, berieseln 2. füllen, eingießen + +
C 牌子 + * * pai2zi billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen + +
C 權力 + * * quan2li4 power/ authority/ jurisdiction Macht, Befugnis + +
C 依據 + * * yi1ju4 rely-base/ be in line with/ base … on/ basis/ grounds auf etwas basieren, auf Grundlage, zufolge, nach, aufgrund, gemäß + +
C 別處 + * * bie2chu4 another place/ elsewhere anderenorts + +
C 豐產 + * * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully Rekordernte + +
C 機動 + * * ji1dong4 engine-driven/ power-driven/ motorized motorisiert,beweglich, + +
C 冷靜 + * * leng3jing4 quiet/ calm/ sober/ cool nüchtern, gelassen, gefaßt, ruhig, kühl + +
C 傷害 + * * shang1hai4 hurt/ harm/ damage/ injure/ wound verletzen + +
C 時節 + * * shi2jie2 season/ time Saison, Zeit + +
C 機構 + * * ji1gou4 mechanism/ setup/ organ/ government organization 1.Mechanismus, Maschinerie 2. Organisation, Institution, Organ, Gremium + +
C 科技 + * * ke1ji4 science and technology Naturwissenschaft und Technik + +
C 冷卻 + * * leng3que4 cool/ make cool/ lower temperature abkühlen + +
C 陸軍 + * * lu4jun1 ground force/ land force/ army Armee, Heer + +
C 思考 + * * si1kao3 think over/ ponder over/ reflect upon/ consider überdenken, reflektieren + +
C 格外 + * * ge2wai4 especially/ particularly/ all the more besonders + +
C 冷飲 + * * leng3yin3 cold drink Kaltgetränk + +
C 傷口 + * * shang1kou3 wound/ cut/ laceration Wunde + +
C 思念 + * * si1nian4 miss/ think of/ long for vermissen, an..denken, sich sehnen nach + +
C 笑容 + * * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile Lächeln, lächelnder Ausdruck,lächelndes Gesicht + +
C 循環 + * * xun2huan2 follow-cycle/ circle/ cycle/ circulate zirkulieren, im Kreis laufen, umlaufen + +
C 依然 + * * yi1ran2 still-so/ as before/ still noch, wie vorher, immer noch + +
C 幼兒園 + * * you4'er2yuan2 young-child-garden/ kindergarten/ nursery school Kindergarten + +
C 轉入 + * * zhuan3ru4 turning-enter/ change over to/ shift to/ transfer übergehen,überwechseln, hineingehen + +
C + * * bang1 gang/ band/ group/ secret society 1. helfen, Beistand leisten 2.Außenblätter von Gemüsepflanzen, Schuhoberteil 3.Bande, Clique 4. Zählwort + +
C 別字 + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe + +
C 惡心 + * * e3xin feel like vomiting/ feel sick/ be disgusted Übelkeit, Brechreiz,ekelhaft, abscheulich, hassen + +
C 豐收 + * * feng1shou1 reap a bumper harvest/ have a good harvest eine Rekordernte haben + +
C 將軍 + * * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer Schach bieten, General, hoher Offizier + +
C 精神 + * * jing1shen2 vigorous/ spirited/ lively/ spunky/ smart 1. Energie, Lebenskraft 2. lebhaft, munter, frisch, rüstig + +
C 科普 + * * ke1pu3 popular science/ science popularization populärwissenschaftlich + +
C + * * leng4 be startled out of one's wit/ rash/ brash/ imprudent dumpf vor sich hin starren, verdutzt innehalten + +
C + * * lv2 donkey/ ass Esel + +
C 傷腦筋 + * * shang1 nao3jin1 troublesome/ knotty/ bothersome sich das Hirn zermartern, Kopfzerbrechen + +
C 天才 + * * tian1cai2 heavenly-talent/ genius/ gift/ endowment/ gifted person Genie, Genialität, angeborenes Talent + +
C 依照 + * * yi1zhao4 comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of gemäß, entsprechend, nach + +
C 幼稚 + * * you4zhi4 young-childish/ childish/ puerile/ immature/ naive jung, klein, kindisch, naiv + +
C + * * zhan1 soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben + +
C 轉彎 + * * zhuan3 wan1 turn-corner/ turn a corner/ change one's point of view drehen, umdrehen, um eine Ecke gehen, eine Wendung machen, Ecke + +
C + * * e4 bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel + +
C + * * feng1 seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe + +
C + * * adj. bare/ be naked/ wear nothing/ glorify/ bring honor to entblößen + +
C 宏偉 + * * hong2wei3 grand/ grandiose/ magnificent herrlich, großartig + +
C 時時 + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft + +
C 思索 + * * si1suo3 think and seek solutions/ think in depth/ ponder denken und nach Lösungen suchen, nachsinnen + +
C 詢問 + * * xun2wen4 ask-question/ ask about/ inquire about/ solicit opinions nach etwas fragen, sich nach etwas erkundigen, ansprechen + +
C 伊斯蘭教 + * * yi1si1lan2jiao4 Islam religion/ Islam/ Muslim religion Islam + +
C 大嫂 + * * da4sao3 sister-in-law/ eldest brother's wife/ elder sister 1. die Frau des älteren Bruder 2. Schwägerin + +
C 洪水 + * * hong2shui3 flood/ floodwater Hochwasser, Überschwemmung + +
C 精細 + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein + +
C + * * pan1 climb/ grab/ seek connection in high places/ implicate 1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen + +
C 思維 + * * si1wei2 thinking/ thought Denken + +
C 外頭 + * * wai4tou outside-place/ outdoor space/ outside draußen, außen + +
C 殖民地 + * * zhi2min2di4 propagate-people-territory/ colony Kolonie + +
C 轉移 + * * zhuan3yi2 transferring-move/ transfer/ divert/ displace/ change einen anderen Ort wählen, ablenken, ändern + +
C 差別 + * * cha1bie2 difference/ disparity/ distinction Unterschied + +
C 惡化 + * * e4hua4 worsen/ deteriorate/ exacerbate sich verschlimmern,sich verschlechtern + +
C + * * xun2 look for/ search/ seek suchen, auf der Suche nach etw sein + +
C 愚蠢 + * * yu2chun3 foolish-stupid/ foolish/ stupid/ silly/ unintelligent/ dumb dumm, töricht, blöd + +
C + * * zhan3 measure word for lights 1. kleines Trinkgefäß 2. Zählwort für Lampen,Lichter + +
C 惡劣 + * * e4lie4 very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting abscheulich, widerwärtig, gemein, wertlos + +
C 光彩 + * * guang1cai3 luster/ splendor/ brilliance/ gloss/ honorable/ glorious Glanz ,ehrbar + +
C + * * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen + +
C 遺產 + * * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance Erbe, Hinterlassenschaft + +
C 冰棍兒 + * * bing1gun4r popsicle Eiszapfen, Eis am Stil, Eisstange + +
C 大使 + 使* * da4shi3 ambassador Botschafter, Gesandter + +
C 封鎖 + * * feng1suo3 blockade/ seal off/ cut off from the outside world Blockade, absperren, versperren + +
C 器官 + * * qi4guan1 organ/ apparatus Organ, Apparat + +
C 天然 + * * tian1ran2 naturally-formed/ naturally-developed/ natural natürlich, von Natur + +
C 外衣 + * * wai4yi1 outer-garment/ outerwear/ coat/ apparel/ jacket Jacke, Jackett, Deckmantel + +
C 出路 + * * chu1lu4 way out/ outlet Ausweg + +
C 光滑 + * * guang1hua2 smooth/ sleek/ glossy/ slippery glatt, geschliffen, glänzend + +
C 獎金 + * * jiang3jin1 monetary award/ prize/ bonus/ premium Prämie, Preis + +
C 全局 + * * quan2ju2 general or overall situation/ situation as a whole generelle Lage + +
C 天然氣 + * * tian1ran2qi4 naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas Erdgas + +
C + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb + +
C + * * zhuan4 make money/ earn/ make a profit/ profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
C + * * bing3 handle of sth. 1. Griff, Stiel 2.Stengel, (Blumen-)Stengel 3. Anlaß für Gerede + +
C 出賣 + * * chu1mai4 betray/ sell out/ sell betrügen, verraten + +
C 個兒 + * * ge4r height/ stature/ size/ physical dimensions 1. Körpermaß, Körpergröße, Höhe, Statur 2. einzeln + +
C 獎勵 + * * jiang3li4 encourage with some incentive/ reward/ award belohnen, auszeichnen + +
C + * * ming4 life/ life-span/ fate/ destiny/ order/ command/ assign 1. Leben 2. Schicksal, Los, Geschick 3. Befehl, Kommando 4. (einen Namen, Titel) zuweisen + +
C 遺留 + * * yi2liu2 leave-remain/ leave behind/ hand down/ bequeath hinterlassen, zurücklassen,vermachen + +
C 嶄新 + * * zhan3xin1 very-new/ nascent/ brand new/ completely new brandneu + +
C + * * bing3 the third of the ten Heavenly Stems/ third drittens,der 3. der Himmelsstämme + +
C 茶館 + * * cha2guan3 teahouse Teehaus + +
C 出門 + * * chu1 men2 go out/ leave home for a long journey 1. sein Haus verlassen, ausgehen 2. auf eine Reise gehen + +
C 旅游 + * * lv3you2 travel for pleasure/ tour reisen,Reisen + +
C + * * pan4 yearn for/ hope for/ expect/ look 1. sich nach etwas sehnen, nach etw verlangen,hoffen 2. blicken, schauen + +
C 私有 + * * si1you3 privately owned/ private im Privatbesitz befindlich , privat + +
C 天上 + * * tian1shang4 heavenly-above/ in the sky im Himmel, aus dem Himmel + +
C 協定 + * * xie2ding4 joint-decision/ agreement/ accord Abkommen, Vereinbarung, etwas vereinbaren, + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen + +
C + * * bang1 pound 1. Zählwort Pfund 2. Waage 3.wiegen + +
C + * * bing3 round flat cake 1. runder flacher Kuchen 2. fladenförmiger Gegenstand + +
C 典禮 + * * dian3li3 ceremony/ celebration/ ritual/ rite Zeremonie, Feier + +
C 光臨 + * * guang1lin2 visit as an honorable guest mit einem Besuch beehren + +
C 喉嚨 + * * hou2long2 throat/ pharynx and larynx Kehle, Schlund + +
C 外祖母 + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) + +
C 西醫 + 西* * xi1yi1 Western-medicine/ doctor trained in Western medicine westliche Medizin, Arzt der in westlicher Medizin ausgebildet ist + +
C 協會 + * * xie2hui4 cooperating-organization/ association/ union Verein,Gesellschaft, Verband + +
C 漁民 + * * yu2min2 fishing-person/ fisherman/ fishing people Fischer + +
C + * * zhi2 pointing-mark/ index/ target/ quota/ norm/ indicator 1. Wert 2. kosten, sich lohnen, wert sein 3. gerade, ausgerechnet, zufällig 4. Dienst haben + +
C + * * zhuang1 stake/ peg/ picket/ measure word for matters/ piece 1. Pfahl, Stange,Pfeiler, Mast 2. Zählwort z.B. ein Geschäftsabschluß, eine Kleinigkeit + +
C 典型 + * * dian3xing2 typical case/ model/ typical/ representative Vorbild, typisch + +
C 個體戶 + * * ge4ti3hu4 self-employed worker kleiner Privatbetrieb + +
C 可不是 + * * ke3 bu shi4 exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it sicher, daß + +
C 商人 + * * shang1ren2 merchant/ business person/ trader Händler, Geschäftsmann + +
C 出難題 + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + +
C 個性 + * * ge4xing4 personality/ individuality/ character Individualität, Persönlichkeit + +
C + * * hou3 roar/ howl/ shout/ yell/ generate loud sound 1. brüllen, heulen (z.B eines Löwens) 2. heulen, brausen , tosen (des Winds) + +
C 經費 + * * jing1fei4 money for regular expenses/ funds/ expenses/ outlay Mittel, Ausgaben, Fonds + +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + +
C 氣氛 + * * qi4fen4 atmosphere/ ambience Atmosphäre, Stimmung + +
C 實話 + * * shi2hua4 truthful words; truth Wahrheit + +
C 天文 + * * tian1wen2 celestial-phenomena/ astronomy Astronomie, Sternenkunde + +
C 壓力 + * * ya1li4 press-shrink/ compress/ constrict/ reduce/ cut down Druck, Zwang, Nötigung + +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + +
C 氣憤 + * * qi4fen4 angry and resentful/ indignant/ furious empört sein + +
C 天下 + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China + +
C 彎曲 + * * wan1qu1 curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung + +
C 吸取 + * * xi1qu3 absorb-get/ absorb/ draw/ assimilate/ extract aufsaugen,etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren + +
C 娛樂 + * * yu2le4 amuse-enjoy/ amuse/ entertain/ entertainment/ hobby sich vergnügen, sich amüsieren + +
C 氣概 + * * qi4gai4 mettle/ (heroic; masculine; etc.) spirit/ lofty quality geistige Haltung + +
C 司令 + * * si1ling4 commander/ commanding officer Befehlshaber + +
C 壓縮 + * * ya1suo1 oppress-control/ suppress/ stifle/ inhibit/ keep down komprimieren, kürzen, verringern + +
C 包袱 + * * bao1fu a bundle wrapped in cloth/ burden belasten, aufbürden, Bürde, eine Textilverpackung + +
C 病床 + * * bing4chuang2 hospital bed/ sickbed Krankenhausbett + +
C + 广* * guang3 wide/ broad/ vast/ extensive/ numerous 1. weit, breit, ausgedehnt 2.zahlreich 3. verbreiten + +
C 講究 + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant + +
C 可見 + * * ke3jian4 it is thus obvious that/ we can see that/ it shows that es ist ersichtlich, daß.. + +
C + * * pan4 side/ border of a river; lake; road; field; etc. Feldrand,Rain,an der Seite, dicht an + +
C 協作 + * * xie2zuo4 jointly-work/ cooperate/ coordinate zusammenarbeiten,koordinieren + +
C 指標 + * * zhi3biao1 point-direct/ instruct/ give directions/ find fault with Planziffer, Soll, Index, Ziel, Quote, Norm + +
C 兒女 + * * er2nü3 sons and daughters/ children Kinder, Söhne und Töchter + +
C 實況 + * * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation + +
C 天主教 + * * tian1zhu3jiao4 heavenly-lord-religion/ Catholicism katholische Kirche, Katholizismus + +
C 裝備 + * * zhuang1bei4 install-equip/ fit out/ equip/ furnish/ equipment/ outfit ausrüsten, ausstatten, Ausrüstung, Ausstattung + +
C 出身 + * * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background 1. Herkunft, Abstammung, stammen (aus), abstammen 2. früherer Beruf + +
C 大意 + * * da4yi4 main idea/ general idea/ gist/ main points Allgemeine Idee, Hauptgedanke, Sorglosigkeit, Unvorsicht + +
C + * * luan3 ovum/ egg/ spawn Ei, Laich,Ovum + +
C 模範 + * * mo2fan4 exemplary thing or person/ fine example/ exemplary Vorbild, Muster, Beispiel + +
C 勸告 + * * quan4gao4 persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen + +
C 絲毫 + * * si1hao2 very little/ of the slightest amount or degree im geringsten + +
C 壓制 + * * ya1zhi4 give as security/ pawn/ mortgage/ detain/ escort/ bet unterdrücken + +
C 儀式 + * * yi2shi4 ceremony-ritual/ ceremony/ ritual/ rite/ function Feier, Feierlichkeit,Zeremonie + +
C 包含 + * * bao1han2 contain/ embody/ include enthalten + +
C 風氣 + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral + +
C 實施 + * * shi2shi1 put into effect/ implement/ carry out/ enforce/ execute umsetzen, ausführen + +
C 玩笑 + * * wan2xiao4 unyielding-firm/ stubborn/ obstinate/ obdurate Scherz, Spaß + +
C + * * xi1 rare/ uncommon/ sparse/ scattered/ watery/ thin 1. selten, rar 2. dünn, spärlich, licht 3. dünn, flüssig, wässrig + +
C + * * ya1 pressure-force/ pressure/ overwhelming force/ stress 1. verpfänden, etwas als Pfand geben 2. jn in Haft nehmen 3. eskortieren, bewachen 4.unterschreiben, unterzeichnen, signieren, stempeln + +
C 指點 + * * zhi3dian3 point-south-needle/ compass/ sth. that gives guidance zeigen, hinweisen,andeuten, über jd tuscheln + +
C 裝飾 + * * zhuang1shi4 dress-adorn/ decorate/ adorn/ ornament/ accessory schmücken, dekorieren + +
C 各式各樣 + * * ge4 shi4 ge4 yang4 of all styles and types/ all kinds of alle Arten von, verschiedene + +
C 後代 + * * hou4dai4 offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation spätere Periode + +
C 玩意兒 + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung + +
C 占領 + * * zhan4ling3 occupy-administer/ seize/ occupy/ capture/ possess erobern, besetzen + +
C 包圍 + * * bao1wei2 surround/ encircle umgeben, umkreisen, umzingeln + +
C 病情 + * * bing4qing2 state of an illness/ patient's condition Befinden, Zustand eines Patienten + +
C 掠奪 + * * lue4duo2 plunder/ rob/ pillage plündern, ausrauben, sich bemächtigen + +
C 頑固 + * * wan2gu4 play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank eigensinnig, störrisch, verbissen + +
C 占有 + * * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen + +
C 裝置 + * * zhuang1zhi4 install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung + +
C 大致 + * * da4zhi4 general/ rough/ overall ungefähr, grob, mehr oder weniger + +
C 電力 + * * dian4li4 electric power elektrische Energie + +
C 後果 + * * hou4guo3 consequence/ aftermath/ (negative) outcome Folge, Nachwirkungen + +
C 經營 + * * jing1ying2 manage/ run/ operate/ plan and organize managen, führen, wirtschaften,betreiben,planen und besorgen + +
C 可巧 + * * ke3qiao3 it happened that/ by a happy coincidence zur rechten Zeit,zufällig (erweise) + +
C 模型 + * * mo2xing2 model/ mold/ matrix/ pattern/ die Modell, Form,Gußform + +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh + +
C 寫作 + * * xie3zuo4 write-create/ compose/ write Schreiben, Schriftstellerei + +
C 疑心 + * * yi2xin1 doubtful-mind/ suspicion/ doubt/ suspect/ verdächtigen, bezweifeln + +
C 大眾 + * * da4zhong4 masses/ general public/ common people Massen, Publikum + +
C + * * jiang4 jam/ spread made of nuts or fruit/ thick sauce 1. gesalzene Sojabohnen- und Weizenmehltunke 2. etw in Sojasoße einkochen, etw in Sojasoße einlegen, 3. Soße, Mus, Paste, Mark + +
C 氣體 + * * qi4ti3 gas/ substance in the gaseous state Gas + +
C 實習 + * * shi2xi2 practice/ praxis/ exercise and learn in the real world praktizieren, Feldarbeit leisten + +
C 田地 + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation + +
C + * * wan2 measure word for pills and boluses 1. Ball, Kügelchen 2.Pille + +
C + * * ya2 sprout/ bud/ shoot/ sprout-like thing Sproß, Schößling + +
C + * * yi2 aunt/ maternal aunt/ mother's sister/ wife's sister 1. Schwester der Mutter, Tante 2. Schwester der Ehefrau, Schwägerin + +
C 戰場 + * * zhan4chang3 battle-field/ battlefield/ battleground/ battlefront Schlachtfeld, Front + +
C + * * zhuang4 measure word for buildings Zählwort für Gebäude + +
C + * * pao1 throw/ toss/ leave behind/ desert/ expose/ show/ dump 1. werfen, schleudern 2. jd hinter sich lassen, jn beiseite lassen + +
C 氣味 + * * qi4wei4 smell/ odor/ favor/ taste/ reek/ smack Geruch,Beigeschmack,Beiklang + +
C + * * xie4 unload/ discharge/ remove/ take off/ unhitch/ get rid of 1. ausladen, entladen, ablegen 2. demontieren, auseinandernehmen 3. jn von etw freimachen, sich vor etw drücken, abwälzen + +
C 宇宙 + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos + +
C + * * zhuang4 strong/ robust/ magnificent/ grand/ strengthen/ augment 1. stark, kräftig 2. großartig, erhaben, kraftvoll 3. verstärken, kräftigen + +
C 出息 + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + +
C 電爐 + * * dian4lu2 electric stove/ hot plate/ electric furnace Elektrischer Ofen + +
C 激素 + * * ji1su4 hormone Hormon + +
C 可惜 + * * ke3xi1 regrettable/ it's a pity that/ it's too bad that leider, es ist schade + +
C 四處 + * * si4chu4 four places/ all around/ hither and thither/ everywhere überall, ringsrum + +
C 完備 + * * wan2bei4 whole-complete/ complete/ entire/ perfect vollständig, komplett, vollkommen + +
C 牙齒 + 齿* * ya2chi3 tooth Zahn + +
C + * * yi3 lean on or against/ rest on or against/ rely on/ count on 1. sich an etw/ jn anlehnen 2. sich auf jn/ etwas verlassen, auf etwas jn gestützt 3. parteiisch + +
C 戰略 + * * zhan4lue4 war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic Strategie + +
C 指南針 + * * zhi3nan2zhen1 compass Kompaß + +
C 壯大 + * * zhuang4da4 strengthen/ grow in strength/ expand/ thick and strong erstarken, stärker werden,verstärken + +
C 警告 + * * jing3gao4 warn/ admonish/ caution/ warning warnen, ermahnen,Verwarnung, Verweis + +
C 輪廓 + * * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation Kontur,Umriß, Silhouette + +
C 摩托車 + * * mo2tuo11che1 motorcycle/ motorbike/ motor bicycle Motorrad + +
C 上帝 + * * shang4di4 God/ the ruler in heaven Gott + +
C 牙膏 + * * ya2gao1 tooth-paste/ toothpaste Zahnpasta + +
C 出洋相 + * * chu1 yang2xiang4 make a laughing stock of oneself sich lächerlich machen, sich zum Gespött machen + +
C 電腦 + * * dian4nao3 computer Computer + +
C 規劃 + * * gui1hua4 plan/ program/ layout/ project/ blueprint planen,Plan, Planung, Entwurf + +
C 輪流 + * * lun2liu2 take turns/ do sth. in turn/ rotate/ alternate abwechselnd, der Reihe nach + +
C 規則 + * * gui1ze2 rule/ law/ regulation/ regular/ orderly Regel, Vorschrift, regelmäßig, gleichmäßig + +
C 警惕 + * * jing3ti4 be alert/ be vigilant/ be on guard against/ watch out for wachsam sein, auf der Hut sein + +
C 可笑 + * * ke3xiao4 laughable/ ridiculous/ absurd/ funny lächerlich + +
C 氣壓 + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
C 四面八方 + * * si4 mian4 ba1 fang1 four sides and eight directions/ in every direction alle Himmelsrichtungen,nah und fern + +
C + * * yi3 the second of the ten Heavenly Stems/ second der zweite der zehn Himmelsstämme, der zweite, zweitens + +
C 戰術 + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik + +
C 指頭 + * * zhi3tou be worth/ happen to/ be on duty Finger, Zeh + +
C 出租 + * * chu1zu1 hire out/ rent out/ let vermieten, verpachten + +
C 規矩 + * * gui1ju rule/ manner/ custom/ decent/ conforming to norms Gepflogenheit, anständig + +
C 裡頭 + * * li3tou inside/ interior/ within innen, darin, drinnen + +
C + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen + +
C + * * mo4 apply/ put on/ smear/ plaster/ wipe/ cross out/ erase 1. streichen, aufstreichen, bestreichen, schmieren 2. wischen, abwischen, + +
C 挑選 + * * tiao1xuan3 pick-choose/ select/ pick out wählen, auswählen + +
C 戰線 + 线* * zhan4xian4 battle-line/ battle lines/ battlefront/ battlefields/ front line Front, Kampflinie + +
C 保管 + * * bao3guan3 keep/ take care of/ storekeeper sicher, sich um etwas kümmern, sicherlich + +
C 根源 + * * gen1yuan2 origin/ root/ source Wurzel, Ursprung, Quelle + +
C + * * li3 gift/ present/ propriety/ courtesy/ etiquette/ manners 1.Zeremonie, Feier,Ritual, 2. Höflichkeit, Förmlichkeit, 3. Geschenk + +
C 四周 + * * si4zhou1 surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum + +
C 完善 + * * wan2shan4 whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve vollkommen, vollständig, vollendet, perfekt + +
C 以便 + 便* * yi3bian4 so as to make it convenient to/ so that/ in order to damit, umzu, zwecks, mit der Absicht + +
C 指引 + * * zhi3yin3 point-lead/ show the way/ direct/ lead/ guide anleiten, zeigen, weisen + +
C 剝削 + * * bo1xue1 exploit/ exploitation ausbeuten, Ausbeutung + +
C 帶兒 + * * dai4r string/ ribbon/ belt/ strap Riemen + +
C 焦急 + * * jiao1ji2 anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös + +
C 景色 + * * jing3se4 scenery/ view/ prospect/ landscape Anblick, Landschaft, Landschaftsbild, Szenerie + +
C 禮拜 + * * li3bai4 religious service/ week/ Sunday Gottesdienst, Anbetung,Woche, Wochentag, Sonntag + +
C + * * mo4 end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub + +
C 汽船 + * * qi4chuan2 steamship/ steamboat/ motorboat Dampfer,Dampfschiff, + +
C 亞軍 + * * ya4jun1 second-army/ second place (in a contest)/ runner-up zweite Stelle, zweiter Platz + +
C 戰友 + * * zhan4you3 battle-fellow/ battle companion/ comrade in arms Mitkämpfer, Kamerad + +
C + * * bo1 sow/ seed/ broadcast/ spread 1.sähen, aussähen 2.senden, verbreiten, übertragen + +
C 諷刺 + * * feng3ci4 satirize/ ridicule/ mock Satire + +
C 景物 + * * jing3wu4 objects and background seen in a view/ environment Landschaft, Szenerie + +
C 媳婦 + * * xi2fu4 daughter-woman/ son's wife/ daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter, Frau des Sohns + +
C + * * chan3 spade/ shovel 1. Schaufel, Schippe, 2. schaufeln + +
C 渴望 + * * ke3wang4 long for/ yearn for/ thirst for/ hanker for Sehnsucht, sich nach etw. sehnen + +
C + * * pao4 soak/ steep/ infuse/ hang out/ bubble/ blister 1. Blase 2. blasenförmiger Gegenstand 3. etw in Flüssigkeit legen,einweichen + +
C + * * wan3 roll up/ pull/ draw/ reverse/ retrieve 1. ziehen, spannen 2. aufrollen, hochkrempeln 3. um jm trauern + +
C 欣賞 + * * xin1shang3 love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like genießen, bewundern + +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst + +
C 播送 + * * bo1song4 broadcast/ beam senden, übertragen + +
C 呼呼 + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind + +
C 膠卷 + * * jiao1juan3 film/ roll of camera film Film, Rollfilm + +
C + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + +
C 條例 + * * tiao2li4 itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen + +
C 喜愛 + * * xi3'ai4 like-love/ like/ love/ be fond of/ be keen on favorisieren, am liebsten mögen + +
C 只得 + * * zhi3de2 only-must/ be obliged to/ have to/ have no choice but müssen, nicht anders können, nicht umhin kommen + +
C + * * chu2 besides/ in addition to/ except 1. loswerden, entfernen, ausmerzen, beseitigen 2.ausschließen, ausnehmen, ausgenommen 3. abgesehen davon, neben 4. dividieren, teilen + +
C 電線 + 线* * dian4xian4 electric wire/ electric cord Draht, Kabel + +
C + * * gui1 return/ come or go back/ give back/ belong to 1. heimkehren,zurückkehren, 2. zurückgeben, wiedergeben 3. zuammenkommen, zusammenstellen + +
C 恰當 + * * qia4dang4 suitable/ proper/ appropriate 1. passend, treffend, recht, geeignet 2. gerade, genau, das rechte Maß halten, eben + +
C 煙囪 + * * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe Kamin, Schornstein + +
C 保守 + * * bao3shou3 guard/ keep/ conservative bewahren, bewachen, konservativ + +
C + * * dai4 take the place of/ be in place of ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie + +
C 電壓 + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung + +
C 培養 + * * pei2yang3 train/ groom/ foster/ develop/ cultivate heranbilden, ausbilden, erziehen + +
C 上升 + * * shang4sheng1 rise/ go up/ ascend/ move upward steigen, ansteigen,aufsteigen + +
C 辛勤 + * * xin1qin2 hardworking-diligent/ industrious/ hardworking fleißig, arbeitsam + +
C 浴室 + * * yu4shi4 bath-room/ bathroom/ shower room/ public bathhouse Badezimmer,Dusche, Bad + +
C + * * bo1 move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen + +
C 除非 + * * chu2fei1 unless/ barring/ only if nur wenn, ausgenommen wenn + +
C + * * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation 1.Grenze 2.Gegend, Gebiet,Ort 3. Lage,Zustand,Umstände + +
C 培育 + * * pei2yu4 cultivate/ nurture/ breed/ foster züchten, kultivieren + +
C 恰好 + * * qia4hao3 happen to gerade, wie es der Zufall will + +
C 上述 + * * shang4shu4 aforementioned/ above-mentioned/ aforesaid oben erwähnt + +
C 使勁 + 使* * shi3 jin4 use strength/ exert all one's strength/ make efforts anstrengen,Kraft benutzen,Anstrengungen unternehmen + +
C 飼養 + * * si4yang3 raise/ rear (domestic animals) aufziehen , züchten (Haustiere) + +
C 追求 + * * zhui1qiu2 pursuing-seek/ pursue/ seek/ woo/ run after (a woman) verfolgen,jagen, streben, um jn werben + +
C 代辦 + * * dai4ban4 agency/ commission/ act for another für jn etwas machen,vertreten + +
C 發覺 + * * fa1jue2 become aware/ sense/ realize/ discover/ detect aufspüren, entdecken, finden + +
C + * * yan1 inundate/ flood/ submerge überschwemmen, überfluten + +
C + * * zhang1 open/ spread/ stretch/ lay out/ display/ show/ look 1. (Vc) öffnen, spannen, aufstellen, ausstellen, vergrößern, übertreiben, schauen, sehen, ein Geschäft eröffnen, 2.(Nb) Gardine 3.(Nf) Stück (Papier, Bild, Haut etc) + +
C 交代 + * * jiao1dai4 tell/ exhort/ explain/ make clear/ confess/ hand over übergeben, jm etwas einprägen,klarmachen, + +
C + * * ke4 guest/ visitor/ passenger/ customer/ client 1. Gast, Besucher 2. Reisende, Passagier 3. Kunde 4. fremd 5 jn, der einer besonderen Aufgabe nachgeht 6. objektiv + +
C 賠償 + * * pei2chang2 compensate/ pay for sb. else's damage or loss entschädigen,Schadensersatz zahlen, + +
C 喜悅 + * * xi3yue4 happy-pleased/ joyful/ joyous/ delighted/ cheerful Freude, Frohsinn, Frohmut + +
C 產物 + * * chan3wu4 outcome/ result/ product Produkt, Erzeugnis, Ergebnis + +
C 電子 + * * dian4zi3 electron Elektron + +
C 邏輯 + * * luo2ji logic/ order of thinking/ objective law Logik + +
C 上頭 + * * shang4tou the higher authorities/ foregoing/ above/ on top of höhere Autoritäten, vorangegangene, über, + +
C 張望 + * * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ herumgucken + +
C 保障 + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern + +
C 代價 + * * dai4jia4 cost/ price/ expense Preis, Kosten + +
C 軌道 + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit + +
C 忽視 + * * hu1shi4 ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard übersehen, vernachlässigen + +
C 客觀 + * * ke4guan1 objectivity/ objective Objektivität,objektiv + +
C + * * luo2 gong Gong, Tamtam + +
C 某些 + * * mou3xie1 some/ certain einige, gewisse, bestimmte + +
C 群島 + * * qun2dao3 group of scattered islands/ archipelago Inselgruppe, Archipel + +
C + * * shi3 drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen + +
C + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng + +
C 愈…愈… + * * yu4 yu4 the more … the more … je ...desto + +
C 產值 + * * chan3zhi2 output value/ value of output Ausgabewert + +
C 曆年 + * * li4nian2 over the past years alle vergangenen Jahre, Kalenderjahr + +
C 陪同 + * * pei2tong2 accompany/ sb. who accompanies/ company begleiten, Begleiter + +
C 上下 + * * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young hoch und niedrig,alt und jung,von oben bis unten + +
C 送禮 + * * song4 li3 give-gift/ give a gift/ present a gift to sb. ein Geschenk geben, Schenken + +
C 調皮 + * * tiao2pi2 playful-naughty/ mischievous/ disobedient/ tricky ungezogen, frech, unbändig, widerspenstig + +
C 惦記 + * * dian4ji4 be concerned about/ keep thinking about sich mit etwas mit Anteilnahme erinnern, sich kümmern + +
C 敬酒 + * * jing4 jiu3 propose a toast einen Toast ausbringen, zuprosten + +
C + * * pei4 make a couple/ find sth. to fit/ mix/ blend/ be worthy of 1. eine Ehe schließen 2. paaren 3. zusammenmischen,zusamnenstellen 4. zueinander passen, miteinander harmonieren 5. es verdienen, sich würdig erweisen 6. etw planmäßig verteilen + +
C 以至 + * * yi3zhi4 so-to/ up to/ down to/ so … that … so daß, als Folge von etw., folglich, daher kommt es das + +
C 博士 + * * bo2shi4 one who holds the degree of doctor Doktor + +
C + * * dian4 put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen + +
C 夫妻 + * * fu1qi1 husband and wife/ couple Ehemänner und Frauen + +
C 集團 + * * ji2tuan2 group/ clique/ circle/ bloc Gruppe, Block, Clique + +
C 客廳 + * * ke4ting1 living room/ drawing room/ parlor Empfangshalle,Besucherzimmer,Wohnzimmer + +
C + * * li4 benefit/ profit/ interest 1.scharf, spitz, 2. günstig, vorteihaft 3. Vorteil, Nutzen, 4. Profit, Gewinn 5. Nutzen bringen, nützen + +
C 上旬 + * * shang4xun2 period of the first ten days of a month die ersten 10 Tage eines Monats + +
C 萬分 + * * wan4fen1 thousands-portions/ very much/ extremely sehr, äußerst, in höchstem Grad + +
C 嚴禁 + * * yan2jin4 strictly-prohibit/ forbid/ prohibit/ strikt verbieten + +
C 奠定 + * * dian4ding4 establish/ found/ build up (a foundation) gründen, herstellen, einrichten, etablieren + +
C 發射 + * * fa1she4 launch/ discharge/ shoot/ fire/ transmit abfeuern, starten, schießen, + +
C 櫃檯 + * * gui4tai2 counter/ bar Kassentisch + +
C 萬古長青 + * * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever ewig, immergrün + +
C 新生 + * * xin1sheng1 new-life/ newborn/ new/ rebirth/ regeneration neugeboren, neues Leben + +
C 以致 + * * yi3zhi4 so-incur/ so that/ as a result/ consequently so daß, als Folge von etwas, folglich, daher kommt es, daß + +
C 寓言 + * * yu4yan2 implying-word/ fable/ allegory/ parable Fabel, Allegorie, Parabel + +
C 掌聲 + * * zhang3sheng1 palm-sound/ applause Beifall, Applaus + +
C 櫃子 + * * gui4zi cupboard/ cabinet/ closet/ dresser/ chest Schrank + +
C + * * qian1 (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils Blei (Pb) + +
C 上游 + * * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position Oberlauf eines Flusses + +
C 搜集 + * * sou1ji2 seek-gather/ collect/ hunt high and low for (things) sammeln, einsammeln,zusammentragen + +
C 新式 + * * xin1shi4 new-style/ new type/ latest type/ of a new form or rite neuer Typus,neue Mode, modern + +
C 預報 + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage + +
C 志願 + * * zhi4yuan4 aspiration-wish/ aspiration/ wish/ ideal/ will/ desire Wunsch, Ideal, freiwillig + +
C 胡說 + * * hu2shuo1 talk nonsense/ drivel Unsinn reden + +
C 交談 + * * jiao1tan2 talk/ chat/ converse/ Konversation haben, sich unterhalten + +
C + * * jing4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1.vollenden,beenden 2. endlich, schließlich 3. gegen jede Erwartung, unerwartet 4. so weit gehen, daß, sogar + +
C + * * mu4 tomb/ grave/ mausoleum 1. Vorhang 2. Akt + +
C 示威 + * * shi4wei1 demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess demonstrieren + +
C 萬歲 + * * wan4sui4 thousands-years/ long live/ Your Majesty es lebe, Kaiser, Eure Majestät + +
C 嚴密 + * * yan2mi4 close-tight/ close/ tight/ well-conceived dicht, streng, hermetisch + +
C 抑制 + * * yi4zhi4 restrain-control/ restrain/ control/ repress/ check/ bate beschränken, zurückhalten + +
C + * * bao3 precious things/ treasure 1. Schatz, Wertsachen, Kleinod 2. kostbar, wertvoll, edel 3.(alt) Anrede-Attribut für Damen + +
C 竟然 + * * jing4ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to unerwartet, überraschend, so weit gehen, daß.. + +
C 利潤 + * * li4run1 profit Profit, Gewinn + +
C + * * sou1 measure word for ships or boats ein Zählwort für Schiffe oder Boote + +
C 萬萬 + * * wan4wan4 thousands-thousandsin millions of cases/ in any case unter allen Umständen, auf jeden Fall + +
C 戲劇 + * * xi4ju4 opera-drama/ drama/ theater/ play/ play script Drama, Stück + +
C 貴賓 + * * gui4 bin1 honored guest/ distinguished guest Ehrengast + +
C 課堂 + * * ke4tang2 class/ classroom/ schoolroom Klassenzimmer, Hörsaal + +
C 木材 + * * mu4cai2 wood/ timber/ lumber Holz, Bauholz + +
C 佩服 + * * pei4fu2 admire/ have a high opinion of bewundern, hochachten + +
C 千方百計 + * * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook nichts unversucht lassen, auf jede erdenkliche W. + +
C 士兵 + * * shi4bing1 rank-and-file soldier/ private/ rank and file einfacher Soldat + +
C 跳動 + * * tiao4dong4 jump-move/ jump up and down/ beat/ pulsate sich auf und ab bewegen, schlagen, pulsieren + +
C 萬一 + * * wan4yi1 thousands-oneone in thousands/ eventuality/ in case falls, wenn, Zufall, ein Zehntausendstel + +
C 待遇 + * * dai4yu4 treatment/ compensation/ pay/ wage/ salary Bezahlung, Gehalt, Kompensation + +
C 雕刻 + * * diao1ke4 carve/ engrave/ sculpt/ work of carving schnitzen, einscheiden, bildhauern, + +
C 工地 + * * gong1di4 construction site/ building site Baustelle, Bauplatz + +
C 新型 + * * xin1xing2 new-type/ new model neuer Typ, neue Art, neues Modell + +
C 交易 + * * jiao1yi4 transaction/ deal/ trade/ business Geschäft, Handel + +
C 競爭 + * * jing4zheng1 compete/ rival/ competition/ rivalry Konkurrenz, konkurrieren + +
C 千克 + * * qian1ke4 kilogram Zählwort Kilogramm + +
C 俗話 + * * su2hua4 popular-saying/ folk adage/ colloquialism Volksmund, Sprichwort + +
C 研究生 + * * yan2jiu1sheng1 research student/ postgraduate/ graduate student Aspirant, Postgraduierte, Doktorand + +
C 預防 + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + +
C + * * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit 1. Schutzdach mit Vorhängen 2. Rechnung 3. Schulden, Kredit + +
C 著手 + * * zhuo2shou3 put-hand/ put one's hand to/ set about/ begin/ start sich an etwas machen,beginnen, + +
C 處於 + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + +
C 預告 + * * yu4gao4 fore-announce/ announce in advance/ advance notice etwas im voraus bekanntmachen, Ankündigung + +
C + * * zhang4 expand/ distend/ swell/ inflate/ bulge/ be bloated 1. sich ausdehnen 2. anschwellen, aufgeschwollen sein, Schwellung, Völlegefühl, Blähung + +
C 至於 + * * zhi4yu2 go-to/ (go) so far as to/ to such an extent/ as for/ as to was…(an)betrifft, so weit sein, so weit kommen + +
C 寶石 + * * bao3shi2 precious stone/ gem Edelstein, Juwel + +
C + * * jing4 only/ nothing but/ all/ all the time 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß + +
C 盤地 + * * pen2di4 basin/ area surrounded by land of higher elevation Becken + +
C 心愛 + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- + +
C 研製 + * * yan2zhi4 research-produce/ trail-make/ develop entwickeln + +
C 障礙 + * * zhang4'ai4 block-stop/ barrier/ obstacle/ hinder/ block/ obstruct versperren, Hindernis + +
C + * * zhi4 extend/ send/ devote/ concentrate/ achieve/ lead to 1. senden, schicken, übermitteln 2. sich widmen, sich für etw einsetzen 3.verursachen, herbeiführen 4. so daß + +
C 耽誤 + * * dan1wu fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events sich verzögern, verspäten, aufhalten + +
C 發育 + * * fa1yu4 develop/ grow (especially in puberty) Wachstum, Entwicklung + +
C + * * jiao1 water/ irrigate/ pour/ sprinkle/ cast 1.etwa mit Wasser besprengen,durchnässen, 2. gießen, begießen, bewässern + +
C + * * rao2 forgive/ spare/ let off/ throw in/ make an extra free offer 1. begnadigen, jm etw nachsehen, jm etw verzeihen 2.reich,viel,voll, + +
C 速成 + * * su4cheng2 rapidly-master/ quickly accomplish/ crash (course) schnell meistern, schnell schaffen, Crash-Course + +
C + * * wang3 net/ netting/ network/ web/ meshwork 1.Netz 2. Netzwerk 3. mit einem Netz fangen + +
C 岩石 + * * yan2shi2 rock-stone/ rock/ stone Gestein, Felsen + +
C 意識 + * * yi4shi2 think-realize/ consciousness/ be conscious of Bewußtsein, sich einer Sache bewußt sein, + +
C + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall + +
C + * * dan1 carry on a shoulder pole/ undertake/ shoulder 1. Lasten mit einer Schulterstange tragen 2. übernehmen, etw auf sich nehmen + +
C + * * fu2 take (medicine)/ obey/ be convinced/ convince 1. Kleidung, Kleid, Anzug 2. (Medizin) einnehmen 3. etw auf sich nehmen, übernehmen 4. jn überzeugen 5. sich einleben, akklimatisieren + +
C 工齡 + * * gong1ling2 years of employment/ seniority Dienstalter + +
C 棍子 + * * gun4zi stick/ rod/ wand Stange, Stock, Stab + +
C + * * hu4 protect/ guard/ shield/ be partial to 1. schützen, hüten, bewachen 2. jd gegen Tadel decken, jn in Schutz nehmen + +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös + +
C 心理 + * * xin1li3 heart-mechanism/ psychology/ mentality/ thought Psyche, psychische Verfassung, mental, psychologisch + +
C 資本 + * * zi1ben3 money-principal/ capital/ asset Kapital + +
C 工錢 + * * gong1qian pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt + +
C 目光 + * * mu4guang1 sight/ view/ vision/ gaze/ look Sicht, Blick + +
C 蓬勃 + * * peng2bo2 vigorous/ flourishing/ burgeoning blühend und gedeihend,üppig,schwungvoll,stürmisch + +
C + * * xia1 become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet + +
C 資本家 + * * zi1ben3jia1 money-principal-person/ capitalist Kapitalist + +
C 常識 + * * chang2shi2 common sense/ general knowledge Allgemeinwissen, gesunder Menschenverstand + +
C 擔負 + * * dan1fu4 shoulder/ take on/ undertake tragen, ausstehen + +
C 調動 + * * diao4dong4 transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate verlegen, bewegen, + +
C 鍋爐 + * * guo1lu2 boiler Kessel, (Dampf-) + +
C + * * keng1 pit/ hole/ hollow/ entrap/ cheat/ bury alive 1. Loch, Grube, Vertiefung, Einsenkung 2. Tunnel, Stollen 3.jn lebendig vergraben 4. jm eine Grube graben, jm eine Falle stellen, betrügen + +
C + * * peng2 cote/ shed/ shack/ makeshift shelter/ ceiling Schutzdach,Hütte,Schuppen + +
C + * * xia1 shrimp/ prawn/ lobster Garnele, Krabbe + +
C 資本主義 + * * zi1ben3zhu3yi4 money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism Kapitalismus + +
C 急躁 + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig + +
C + * * ji1 hold tight/ seize/ haul 1. ergreifen, packen, fassen, festhalten 2.heftig ziehen + +
C 意味著 + * * yi4wei4zhe mean-flavor-doing/ signify/ mean/ imply bedeuten, implizieren + +
C + * * bao4 report/ announce/ declare 1. mitteilen, Bericht erstatten, benachrichtigen 2.erwidern, belohnen,vergelten, heimzahlen 3. Botschaft, Meldung, Ankündigung 4. Telegraphie, Telegramm + +
C 事故 + * * shi4gu4 event that is unforeseen/ accident/ mishap Unglücksfall, Unfall + +
C + * * ting1 hall/ department in a large government organization 1. Halle, großer Raum 2. Büro, Dienststelle + +
C 峽谷 + * * xia2gu3 ravine-valley/ gorge/ canyon Schlucht, Canyon + +
C 資產階級 + * * zi1chan3jie1ji2 money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie Bürgertum, Bourgeoisie + +
C 工序 + * * gong1xu4 working procedure/ process Verfahren, Prozeß + +
C 互助 + * * hu4zhu4 help each other/ provide mutual help gegenseitige Hilfe + +
C 牧場 + * * mu4chang3 ranch/ livestock farm/ pastureland/ grazing land Weide,Weideland + +
C 事跡 + * * shi4ji4 praiseworthy act/ deed/ achievement/ merit Tat,Errungenschaft + +
C 心事 + * * xin1shi4 heart-thing/ a load on one's mind/ worry Herzensache, Sorge + +
C 預先 + * * yu4xian1 beforehand-before/ in advance/ beforehand im voraus, vorher + +
C + * * zhi4 make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control 1. herstellen, erzeugen, fabrizieren 2. beherrschen, einschränken, beschränken 3.System + +
C 資格 + * * zi1ge2 qualification-standard/ qualification/ condition/ seniority Eignung, höheres Dienstalter + +
C 報酬 + * * bao4 chou2 reward, renumeration, pay Belohnung + +
C 國防 + * * guo2fang2 national defense Landesverteidigung + +
C 熱帶 + * * re4dai4 torrid zone/ tropics Tropen,tropische Zone + +
C 往來 + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr + +
C 心思 + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung + +
C 招手 + * * zhao1 shou3 wave-hand/ beckon/ wave one's hand as a signal mit der Hand winken + +
C 資金 + * * zi1jin1 money-fund/ funds/ money for business use/ capital Fonds, Geldmittel, Investitionskapital + +
C 傳達 + * * chuan2da2 convey/ transmit/ communicate weitergeben, weiterleiten + +
C + * * die2 fold/ pile up 1. aufschichten, aufhäufen, 2. falten, zusammenlegen + +
C 即將 + * * ji2jiang1 soon/ right away/ in a second nahe dran, bald + +
C 空軍 + * * kong1jun1 air force Luftwaffe, Luftstreitkräfte + +
C 碰釘子 + * * peng4 ding1zi be rebuffed/ hit a snag/ encounter hostility abgewiesen werden + +
C 謙虛 + * * qian1xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ make modest remarks bescheiden + +
C 少女 + * * shao4nü3 young girl/ unmarried girl/ teenage girl junge Frau, unverheiratete Frau + +
C 國籍 + * * guo2ji2 nationality/ citizenship/ national identity Nationalität + +
C 即使 + 使* * ji2shi3 even/ even if/ even though/ though/ although selbst, selbst wenn + +
C 腳步 + * * jiao3bu4 footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking 1. Schritt 2. Gang + +
C 酒店 + * * jiu3dian4 hotel/ inn/ wine shop/ liquor store Weingeschäft,Weinschenke,Gasthaus, Wirtshaus + +
C 熱量 + * * re4liang4 quantity of heat Wärmemenge, Hitze + +
C 少先隊 + * * shao4xian1dui4 Young Pioneers Junge Pioniere + +
C 預祝 + * * yu4zhu4 beforehand-wish/ wish/ may wünschen, für etwas beten, + +
C 長久 + * * chang2jiu3 long-lasting/ long time/ prolonged langfristig + +
C 單純 + * * dan1chun2 simple/ pure/ uncomplicated einfach, bloß, rein + +
C + * * ding1 the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems/ fourth 1. Erwachsener Mann, Erwachsene, Mündiger 2. Angehörige einer Familie, Bevölkerung 3. viertens, der vierte 4. Würfelchen + +
C 法令 + * * fa3ling4 laws and decrees/ collection of statutes Gesetz, Anordnung, Dekret + +
C 狡猾 + * * jiao3hua2 sly/ cunning/ tricky/ foxy/ crafty durchtrieben, gerissen, gewieft, schlau + +
C + * * pi1 criticize/ write comments on documents submitted 1. eine Notiz oder eine Nachricht auf einen Bericht schreiben 2. kritisieren,verurteilen 3. Zählwort Menge, Gruppe + +
C 報復 + * * bao4fu4 retaliate/ revenge/ retaliation/ reprisal Vergeltung + +
C 傳染 + * * chuan2ran3 infect/ be contagious anstecken, infizieren, ansteckend + +
C + * * ding1 gaze at/ stare at/ fix one's eyes on starren, fixieren, unbeweglich blicken + +
C + * * gong1 attack/ take the offensive/ accuse/ diligently study 1. angreifen, Angriff, die Offensive ergreifen , 2. studieren sich dem Studium widmen 3. tadeln, vorwerfen, attackieren, Anklage erheben, 4.sich auf etwas spezialisieren + +
C 花朵 + * * hua1duo3 flower Blüte, Blume + +
C 義務 + * * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich + +
C 冤枉 + * * yuan1wang wrong-mistreat/ treat unjustly/ wrong/ not worthwhile jm unrecht tun, vergeblich sein, nutzlos + +
C 姿勢 + 姿* * zi1shi4 carriage-posture/ posture/ gesture/ pose/ carriage Körperhaltung + +
C + * * ding1 follow closely/ tail behind/ urge/ press 1. Nagel 2. annageln + +
C 拿…來說 + * * na2 lai2shuo1 take … for example auf jmd einreden, beschwören + +
C 算是 + * * suan4shi4 can be counted as/ can be regarded as als.. betrachtet werden + +
C 心意 + * * xin2yi4 heart-intention/ regard/ kindly feelings/ meaning freundschaftliches Empfinden, freundliches Entgegenkommen, Absicht, Vorstellung + +
C 沿兒 + 沿* * yan2r along-sea/ coast/ coastal area/ seaboard 1. entlang, längs 2. von alters her, überliefert 3. Rand, Saum + +
C 報刊 + * * bao4kan1 newspapers and periodicals/ the press Publikation + +
C 傳說 + * * chuan2shuo1 pass on (a story)/ people say/ legend/ folk tale man sagt, daß..., Legende + +
C 單獨 + * * dan1du2 alone/ lone/ solitary alleine, auf eigene Faust + +
C 事務 + * * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction (Routine-) Arbeit, allgemeine Angelegenheiten + +
C 著涼 + * * zhao2 liang2 suffer-cold/ catch a cold/ catch a chill sich erkälten + +
C 長遠 + * * chang2yuan3 long-distant/ long-term/ long-range langfristig, auf lange Dauer + +
C 攻擊 + * * gong1ji1 accuse/ vilify/ assume the offensive/ attack/ onset angreifen,Angriff + +
C 給予 + * * ji3yu3 give/ render/ offer/ present geben (ji3yu3 !) + +
C 角度 + * * jiao3du4 angle/ perspective/ point of view 1. Winkel 2. Perspektive 3. Blickwinkel + +
C 算數 + * * suan4 shu4 count-number/ count/ hold/ be valid gelten, als gültig betrachten, + +
C 攻克 + * * gong1ke4 capture/ take/ seize/ overcome einnehmen, erobern + +
C 角落 + * * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place Ecke, Winkel + +
C 力求 + * * li4qui2 make every effort to/ strive to/ try one's best to für etw. alle Kräfte einsetzen,sich n.Kräf.abmühen + +
C 前方 + * * qian2fang1 front/ in front/ ahead/ at the head/ forward vorn, Front, + +
C + * * sui1 although/ though/ even if/ even though obwohl, obschon, zwar + +
C 議會 + * * yi4hui4 discussing-assembly/ parliament/ congress Parlament, Abgeordnetenhaus + +
C 制止 + * * zhi4zhi3 control-stop/ prevent/ stop/ curb/ restrain/ check/ deter stoppen + +
C 報社 + * * bao4she4 newspaper office Zeitungsbüro, Pressebüro + +
C + * * dan3 gallbladder/ courage/ nerve/ bladder 1. Gallenblase 2. Mut, Kühnheit, Tapferkeit 3. Einsatzgefäß + +
C 法院 + * * fa3yuan4 court/ court of law/ court of justice/ tribunal Gericht + +
C 舅舅 + * * jiu4jiu4 mother's brother/ maternal uncle der Bruder der Mutter, Onkel + +
C 恐怖 + * * kong3bu4 fearful/ horrifying/ horrible/ terrifying/ terrible Schrecken, Terror + +
C 捨不得 + * * she3 bu de hate to part with; spend; or use/ grudge/ begrudge es nicht übers Herz bringen + +
C 元素 + * * yuan2xiao1 basic-element/ essential factor/ element Element + +
C 製作 + * * zhi4zuo4 make-do/ produce/ make/ build/ construct machen + +
C + * * ding3 very, most, extremely meistens, + +
C + * * fu3 bow one's head/ bend over; forward; or down ( den Kopf) neigen + +
C 舅母 + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante + +
C 前後 + * * qian2hou4 in front of and behind/ around/ about/ altogether etwa, ungefähr,gegen,von Anfang bis Ende,insgesamt + +
C 捨得 + * * she3de be willing to part with; spend; or use/ not grudge bereit sein,etwas zu tun, nicht mißgönnen + +
C 雖說 + * * sui1shuo1 although-say/ although it can be said that/ although obwohl + +
C 停留 + * * ting2liu2 stop-remain/ stay for a period of time/ stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen + +
C 下降 + * * xia4jiang4 lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall niedergehen, sinken, untergehen + +
C 掩蓋 + * * yan3gai4 cover-hide/ cover up/ conceal/ hide/ cloak decken, verhüllen + +
C 元宵 + * * yuan2su4 Yuan-night/ night of Shangyuan Festival/ rice dumpling die Nacht auf den 15. des ersten Mondes des lunaren Kalenders + +
C 智慧 + * * zhi4hui4 intelligence-wisdom/ wisdom/ wits/ brightness/ brains Weisheit, Klugheit, Intelligenz + +
C + * * ding3 measure word for caps; hats; tents; etc. Zählwort für Mützen, Hüte, Zelte etc. + +
C 法制 + * * fa3zhi4 legal system/ legal institutions Gesetzessystem + +
C 國旗 + * * guo2qi2 national flag Nationalflagge + +
C 嘩嘩 + * * hua1hua1 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser + +
C + * * jiu4 with regard to/ come near dann, und so + +
C 力爭 + * * li4zheng1 do one's best to/ strive for/ contend vigorously etwas mit allen Mitteln erreichen wollen + +
C 掩護 + * * yan3hu4 cover-protect/ shield/ cover/ screen schützen, decken, Deckung + +
C + * * zi3 child/ son/ person/ seed/ egg/ copper coin/ bead 1.Kind, Sohn 2. Samen 3. Ei 4. Frucht 5. etwas Kleines und Hartes 6. jung, zart, klein + +
C 法子 + * * fa3zi way/ method/ solution Methode + +
C 功課 + * * gong1ke4 school work/ homework/ assignment Schularbeiten + +
C 功勞 + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung + +
C 國慶節 + * * guo2qing4jie2 National Day Nationalfeiertag + +
C 技巧 + * * ji4qiao3 technique/ artifice/ knack/ acrobatic gymnastics Kunstfertigkeit, handwerkliches Können + +
C 教導 + * * jiao4dao3 teach/ indoctrinate lehren, unterweisen, Belehrung, Anleitung + +
C 攝影 + * * she4 ying3 take a photo/ shoot a film eine Aufnahme machen,fotografieren, e. Film drehen + +
C 勢力 + * * shi4li (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence Stärke, Macht, Einfluß + +
C 隨後 + * * sui2hou4 following-rear/ afterward/ shortly after/ in a minute hinterher,kurz danach + +
C 亭子 + * * ting2zi pavilion-thingpavilion/ kiosk Pavillion, Laube + +
C 下列 + * * xia4lie4 below-listed/ following/ listed below folgend, nachstehend + +
C + * * chuan4 string together/ mix up/ bunch/ cluster 1. aufreihen, aneinanderreihen, etw auf eine Schnur ziehen 2. ganz durcheinander geraten 3.sich mit jm verschwören,sich zusammentun 4. von Ort zu Ort gehen 5. Schnur + +
C 功能 + * * gong1neng2 function/ functionality/ feature Funktion + +
C 華僑 + * * hua2qiao2 overseas Chinese Auslandschinesen + +
C + * * kong4 vacate/ leave empty or blank/ vacant/ unoccupied Freizeit, Chance,Raum, Platz + +
C 人家 + * * ren2jia everyone else/ he/ him/ she/ her/ they/ them/ I/ me andere Leute + +
C 隨即 + * * sui2ji2 following-moment/ right afterward/ immediately afterward im folgenden Augenblick, sofort danach + +
C + * * ting3 straight, to straighten, erect aufrecht, sich aufrichten + +
C 信號 + * * xin4hao4 information-signal/ signal Signal, Zeichen + +
C 眼光 + * * yan3guang1 eye-sight/ eye/ vision/ foresight/ insight/ point of view Auge, Blick, Urteilsvermögen/ Einsicht + +
C 暴露 + * * bao4lu4 expose/ lay bare/ divulge/ undress enthüllen, offenlegen,etwas ans Tageslicht bringen + +
C 廠長 + * * chang3zhang3 director of a factory Werksleiter + +
C + * * fan1 time/ kind/ sort/ measure word for abstract things ein Zählwort Mal (für Handlungen) + +
C 腐蝕 + * * fu3shi2 erode/ corrode/ corrupt/ pervert chemisch zerfressen,korrumpieren + +
C 華人 + * * hua2ren2 Chinese/ Foreign citizen of Chinese descent ethnischer Chinese + +
C 教練 + * * jiao4lian4 coach/ instructor/ drill master Trainer + +
C 人間 + * * ren2jian1 human world/ this world irdische Welt + +
C 射擊 + * * she4ji1 shoot/ fire schießen, feuern + +
C 是的 + * * shi4de right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities ja richtig + +
C 威脅 + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen + +
C 照例 + * * zhao4li4 follow-rule/ as usual/ as a rule/ usually in der Regel,wie gewöhnlich + +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm + +
C 腐朽 + * * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent verfault, morsch + +
C 國務院 + * * guo2wu4yuan4 State Council, State Departement Staatsrat + +
C + * * ji4 season 1.Jahreszeit, Saison 2. das Ende einer Epoche 3. letzter Monat einer Jahreszeit + +
C 原理 + * * yuan2li3 original-reason/ theory/ principle/ principium Grundsatz, Prinzip + +
C 場地 + * * chang3di4 space/ place/ site/ ground Feld, Platz, Ort + +
C 窗口 + * * chuang1kou3 window Fenster, Verkaufsschalter + +
C 國營 + * * guo2ying2 state-run/ state-owned/ state-operated staatseigen, volkseigen, staatlich (geführt) + +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung + +
C 是否 + * * shi4fou3 yes or no/ whether or not/ if ob ..oder nicht + +
C 隨手 + * * sui2shou3 following-hand/ without extra trouble mühelos, bequem + +
C 信念 + * * xin4nian4 believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction Glaube, Überzeugung + +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen + +
C 爆發 + * * bao4fa1 erupt/ burst out/ break out Eruption, Ausbruch, Explosion + +
C 場合 + * * chang3he2 occasion/ situation Situation, Gelegenheit, Anlaß + +
C 窗簾 + * * chuang1lian2 window curtain Fenstervorhang + +
C 翻身 + * * fan1 shen1 roll over/ turn over (in bed)/ emancipate oneself übergeben, umblättern, sich emanzipieren + +
C 就是說 + * * jiu4 shi4 shuo1 even if … still …/ even though … yet … in anderen Worten + +
C 聯盟 + * * lian2meng2 alliance/ coalition/ league/ union Bündnis,Union, Liga + +
C 信任 + * * xin4ren4 believe-trust/ trust/ confide in/ depend on/ have faith in jm vertrauen + +
C 場面 + * * chang3mian4 scene/ spectacle/ occasion/ appearance Szene, Angelegenheit, Ereignis + +
C 窗臺 + * * chuang1tai2 windowsill Fensterbank + +
C 就是…也 + * * jiu4shi4 ye3 that is to say/ in other words; that means wenn auch, sogar + +
C 人力 + * * ren2li4 manpower/ physical labor/ ability of human beings Arbeitskraft + +
C 微小 + * * wei1xiao3 micro-small/ tiny/ little/ small/ minute sehr klein + +
C 信息 + * * xin4xi1 letter-message/ information/ news/ message Nachricht, Botschaft, Information + +
C 原始 + * * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive original, ursprünglich, aus erster Hand, primitiv, Ur- + +
C 爆炸 + * * bao4zha4 explode/ blow up Detonation, explodieren + +
C 教堂 + * * jiao4tang2 church/ cathedral/ temple/ synagogue Kirche, Dom, Münster + +
C 社會主義 + * * she4hui4zhu3yi4 socialism Sozialismus + +
C 适宜 + * * shi4yi2 suitable/ fit/ appropriate/ just right geeignet,angebracht, passen + +
C + * * yin1 sound/ news/ tidings/ syllable 1. Ton, Schall, Laut 3. Nachricht, Botschaft + +
C 原先 + * * yuan2xian1 original-earlier/ former/ original früher, ursprünglich, eigentlich + +
C 供應 + * * gong1ying4 supply/ provide/ accommodate versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung + +
C 前頭 + * * qian2tou in front/ ahead/ forward/ above/ proceeding/ forepart vorn, etc + +
C 社論 + * * shi4lun4 editorial Editorial + +
C 通常 + * * tong1chang2 common-frequent/ usual/ general/ normal im allgemeinen, gewöhnlich, normalerweise + +
C 下旬 + * * xia4xun2 last 10 days/ from the 21st to the last day of a month die letzten zehn Tage eines Monats + +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat + +
C 不對 + * * bu2 dui4 not right/ wrong/ incorrect eigenartig, falsch, unkorrekt, verkehrt, unnormal + +
C 誕生 + * * dan4sheng1 be born/ come into being/ be founded geboren sein, gebären + +
C 定期 + * * ding4qi1 regular schedule/ at regular intervals/ periodical regelmäßig, zu festen Zeiten + +
C + * * gong1 public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business 1. staatlich, öffentlich, 2. Amtspflicht, Dienst, Amtsgeschäfte 3. gerecht, unparteilich 4. etw bekannt machen, veröffentlichen, 5. männlich 6. metrisch, Maße und Gewichte betreffend + +
C 寂寞 + * * ji4mo4 lonely/ lonesome/ quiet/ still/ silent still, ruhig, einsam, verlassen + +
C + * * man2 hide the truth from/ keep sb. in the dark about sth. verheimlichen, verschweigen, etw für sich behalten, jn über etw. im unklaren lassen + +
C 下游 + * * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position Unterlauf eines Flußes, Zustand der Rückständigkeit + +
C 照樣 + * * zhao4yang4 follow-appearance/ in the same old way/ as before 1. nach einem Muster 2.auf die gleiche alte Weise, in derselben Weise, wie früher + +
C + * * ji4 measuring device/ idea/ plan/ consider/ count 1.rechnen, zählen, kalkulieren 2. Messer, Zähler 3. Plan, List, Intrige + +
C + * * she4 set up/ establish/ work out/ suppose 1. einrichten, errichten, gründen, aufstellen 2. ausarbeiten 3. wenn, falls + +
C 中部 + * * zhong1bu4 central-part/ central area/ central section/ middle part Mitte, Zentrale,mittlerer Teil + +
C 自豪 + * * zi4hao2 self-outstanding/ proud auf etwas stolz sein + +
C 畫蛇添足 + * * hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 ruin by adding superfluous etwas überflüssiges tun + +
C 教研室 + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich + +
C 夏季 + * * xia4ji4 summer season/ summer/ season of summer Sommer, + +
C 原子 + * * yuan2zi3 original-particle/ atom Atom, atomar + +
C 悲哀 + * * bei1'ai1 sad/ sorrowful/ grieved Trauer, traurig + +
C 公布 + * * gong1bu4 make public/ promulgate/ announce/ publicize veröffentlichen, bekannt machen, etwas zur Veröffentlichung freigeben + +
C 口氣 + * * kou3qi4 manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang + +
C 人群 + * * ren2qun2 human throng/ crowd (Menschen-)Menge,eine Masse Menschen + +
C 設法 + * * she4fa3 work out a way/ try/ do what one can versuchen, eine Methode erfinden + +
C 違背 + * * wei2bei4 violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten + +
C 陰謀 + * * yin1mou2 hidden-plot/ plot/ conspiracy/ machination Verschwörung, Komplott + +
C 原子彈 + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe + +
C + * * zhao4 envelop/ wrap/ cover/ hood/ casing/ shade/ chimney 1. bedecken, zudecken, überziehen 2. Deckel, Haube, Kappe, Schutzhülle, Ummantelung + +
C 蛋白質 + * * dan4bai2zhi4 protein Protein + +
C 繁殖 + * * fan2zhi2 propagate/ breed/ reproduce sich fortpflanzen,sich vermehren + +
C 連接 + * * lian2jie1 connect/ join/ link zusammenhängen, anschließen,verbinden, verbunden + +
C 孫女 + * * sun1nü3 grandchild-daughter/ son's daughter/ granddaughter Enkelin + +
C 陰天 + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt + +
C 召集 + * * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene zusammenrufen + +
C 中斷 + * * zhong1duan4 midway-break/ interrupt/ suspend/ break off/ intermit abbrechen, unterbrechen, aussetzen + +
C 自來水 + * * zi4lai2shui3 self-come-water/ tap water Leitungswasser + +
C 不夠 + * * bu2gou4 not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate unzureichend, nicht genug, inadäquat + +
C 計算機 + * * ji4suan4ji1 computer Computer, Rechner + +
C 口試 + * * kou3shi4 oral test/ oral examination mündliche Prüfung + +
C 滿腔 + * * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) voll von etwas sein + +
C 屁股 + * * pi4gu buttocks/ bottom/ rear/ rump/ hindquarters/ end/ butt Hintern, Arsch, Hinterteil eines Tiere,Stummel, + +
C 市長 + * * shi4zhang3 mayor Bürgermeister + +
C 孫子 + * * sun1zi grandchild-son/son's son/ grandson Enkel + +
C 援助 + * * yuan2zhu4 rescue-help/ aid/ help/ assist/ support helfen, Beistand leisten + +
C 不顧 + * * bu2gu4 have no consideration for/ have no regard for ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet + +
C 訂婚(定婚) + * * ding4 hun1 engage (to get married)/ be betrothed to Verlobung + +
C 居然 + * * ju1ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1. unerwartet, gegen jede Erwartung 2. ausgerechnet, soweit gehen + +
C 口頭 + * * kou3tou2 oral/ spoken/ verbal mündlich + +
C 譬如 + * * pi4ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as zum Beispiel + +
C + * * zhe1 cover/ screen/ conceal/ hide from view/ cloak/ hinder 1. bedecken, zudecken, verdecken 2. Schutz gegen etw. bieten, vor etw schützen + +
C 自滿 + * * zi4man3 self-satisfied/ complacent/ self-contented/ conceited selbstzufrieden, selbstgefällig + +
C 創立 + * * chuang4li4 found/ establish/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen + +
C 凡是 + * * fan2shi4 every/ any/ all/ without exception jede, alle,jegliche + +
C 過渡 + * * guo4du4 change from one state or stage to another übergehen (von einem zu einem anderen Zustand) + +
C + * * nai4 stand/ be able to bear or endure etw. ertragen können, etw aushalten können + +
C 人士 + * * ren2shi4 personage/ person with certain social influence Persönlichkeit, Kreise + +
C 設想 + * * she4xiang3 imagine/ have consideration for/ idea/ tentative plan sich etwa vorstellen,Idee + +
C 銀幕 + * * yin2mu4 silver-screen/ screen/ projection screen Bildschirm + +
C 園林 + * * yuan2lin2 garden-grove/ garden/ park Garten, Park, + +
C 超額 + * * chao1'e2 exceed the quota die Quote übersteigen + +
C 創新 + * * chuang4xin1 innovate/ innovation/ creativity/ fresh idea neue Ideen vorbringen, neue Wege bahnen, Neuerung, Innovation + +
C + * * dang1 should/ ought to/ must sollte siehe dang1(3) dang4 + +
C + * * fan2 vexed/ annoyed/ trouble/ be tired of/ be fed up 1.verdroßen, mißmutig, verärgert 2. überdrüssig 3. liebenswürdigerweise, freundlicherweise + +
C 化合 + * * hua4he2 combine/ compound/ synthesize sich (chemisch) verbinden + +
C 耐煩 + * * nai4fan2 patient/ composed geduldig, duldsam + +
C + * * pian1 inclined to one side/ off-center/ off-target/ off-standard 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich + +
C 通順 + * * tong1shun4 logical-smooth/ clear and coherent klar und verständlich + +
C 化石 + * * hua4shi2 fossil Fossil, Versteinerung + +
C 人體 + * * ren2ti3 human body/ nude menschlicher Körper, nackt + +
C 損壞 + * * sun3huai4 damage-break/ damage/ break/ spoil beschädigen + +
C 圓滿 + * * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory befriedigend,zufriedenstellend + +
C 折合 + * * zhe2he2 convert-equal/ convert into/ amount to/ be equivalent to umrechnen, ausmachen, betragen + +
C 自身 + * * zi4shen1 self-oneself/ self/ oneself selbst, eigen + +
C 不見 + * * bu2jian4 vanish/ disappear/ not see/ not meet nicht sehen, verschwinden, nicht antreffen + +
C 當初 + * * dang1chu1 in the beginning/ at that time/ originally ursprünglich, damals + +
C + * * ju2 bureau/ office/ administration/ shop/ part/ portion 1. Schachbrett 2.Partie, Satz 3. Lage, Situation 4.Intrige, Falle , Schlinge 5.Grenze, Schranke 6. Amt, Büro, Behörde 7. Geschäftshaus, Laden + +
C 歉意 + * * qian4yi4 regret/ apology/ apologetic feeling Gefühl des Bedauerns, Bedauern + +
C 申請 + * * shen1qing3 apply for/ file an application for sich bewerben um , Antrag stellen für + +
C 通信 + * * tong1 xin4 communicate-letter/ correspond/ communicate by letter brieflich verkehren, mit jm korrespondieren, + +
C 圍巾 + * * wei2jin1 enclosing-cloth/ scarf/ muffler/ shawl/ neckerchief Schal, Halstuch + +
C 折磨 + * * zhe2mo torment-trouble/ afflict/ torture/ gnaw/ suffering/ ordeal quälen, peinigen + +
C 自始至終 + * * zi1 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 from-beginning-to-end/ from start to finish von Anfang bis Ende + +
C 不見得 + * * bu4 jian4de2 not necessarily/ not likely nicht notwendigerweise, nicht wahrscheinlich + +
C 當代 + * * dang1dai4 present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit + +
C 局部 + * * ju2bu4 part/ portion Teil, teilweise, zum Teil + +
C 漫長 + * * man4chang2 very long/ endless sehr lang, endlos + +
C 猿人 + * * yuan2ren2 ape-man/ ape man/ pithecanthropus Affenmensch + +
C 自私 + * * zi4si1 self-favor/ selfish/ self-centered/ self-concerned egoistisch, eigensüchtig + +
C + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + +
C 化驗 + * * hua4yan4 chemically examine/ conduct a lab test/ assay chemische Untersuchung,Laboruntersuchung + +
C 局面 + * * ju2mian4 situation Aspekt, Phase, Situation + +
C 窟窿 + 窿* * ku1long hollow/ hole/ cavity/ loophole/ flaw Loch,Höhle,Hohlraum,Fehlbetrag, Schuld + +
C 人心 + * * ren2xin1 people's heart/ the will of the people/ popular feeling Gefühle der Massen, Volkswille + +
C 燕子 + * * yan4zi swallow/ house swallow Schwalbe + +
C 者(愛好者) + * * zhe3 one who/ -er/ -ist/ (fan/ fancier/ lover/ enthusiast) jemand, der..(Suffix) + +
C 不禁 + * * bu4jin1 cannot help/ cannot refrain from. nicht zurückzuhalten können, + +
C + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + +
C 複製 + * * fu4zhi4 reproduce/ copy/ duplicate eine Kopie machen, ein Duplikat anfertigen, imitieren + +
C 記載 + * * ji4zai3 record/ put down in writing/ chronicle 1. eintragen, aufzeichnen ,niederschreiben 2. Bericht, Aufzeichnung, Protokoll + +
C 偏偏 + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet + +
C 厭惡 + * * yan4wu4 hate-dislike/ detest/ abominate/ abhor/ be disgusted at abscheulich,Abscheu,Antipathie + +
C + * * yin3 draw/ stretch/ lead/ guide/ leave/ induce/ cause/ quote 1.ziehen, anspannen, führen, leiten 2.fortgehen 3. anlocken, anziehen 4. veranlassen, verursachen 5. anführen, zitieren + +
C 鈔票 + * * chao1piao4 bill/ note/ paper currency Banknote, Papiergeld + +
C 當家 + * * dang1 jia1 manage household matters/ keep house den Haushalt führen + +
C 引導 + * * yin3dao3 lead-guide/ lead/ guide/ show/ direct leiten, führen + +
C 緣故 + * * yuan2gu4 reason-cause/ reason/ cause Grund, Ursache + +
C 話劇 + * * hua4ju4 modern drama/ stage play Theaterstück, modernes Schauspiel + +
C 縮短 + * * suo1duan3 shrink-shorter/ shorten/ curtail/ cut short/ verkürzen, verkleinern + +
C 引進 + * * ying3jin4 lead-enter/ introduce/ import empfehlen, einführen + +
C 中旬 + * * zhong1xun2 mid-period/ period of the second ten days of a month die mittlere Dekade eines Monats + +
C 自相矛盾 + * * zi4 xiang1 mao2dun4 self-mutually-spear-shield/ self-contradiction sich selbst widersprechen + +
C 不覺 + * * bu2jue2 unknowingly/ unawares unbewußt + +
C 當面 + * * dang1 mian4 face to face/ in sb.'s presence ins Gesicht, in jms Gegenwart + +
C + * * jie1 peel off/ tear off/ uncover/ lift/ expose/ disclose/ raise 1. abnehmen, abheben, abdecken 2.aufdecken, enthüllen, entlarven, bloßlegen 3. hochhalten, hochziehen, hissen + +
C 盲目 + * * mang2mu4 blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on blind, blindlings + +
C 這會兒 + * * zhe4hui4r this-moment/ now/ at present/ at the moment nun, jetzt, in diesem Moment + +
C 自信 + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit + +
C + * * bei4 generation 1. Sorte, Menschenschlag 2. Generation, Zeitgenossen, Zählwort 3. Lebenszeit + +
C 不可 + * * bu4ke3 cannot/ should not/ must not Mögen Sie nicht + +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern + +
C + 怀* * huai2 keep in mind/ think of/ be pregnant/ bosom/ mind 1. Brust, Busen, Schoß 2. Gemüt, Herz, Sinn 3. hegen, tragen 4. sich nach jm/etw sehnen,, an jn/etw denken 5.(ein Kind) empfangen + +
C 揭露 + * * jie1lu4 uncover/ disclose/ unmask/ expose/ unveil/ lay bare an die Öffentlichkeit bringen + +
C 舉辦 + * * ju3ban4 hold/ conduct/ run/ have veranstalten, organisieren, durchführen + +
C + * * suo3 lock/ padlock Schloß + +
C 同伴 + * * tong2ban1 accompanying-partner/ companion/ mate/ comrade Gefährte, Kamerad, Begleiter + +
C 鮮明 + * * xian1ming2 with bright colors and clear/ vivid/ distinct/ distinctive strahlend (Farben) + +
C 中醫 + * * zhong1yi1 Chinese-doctor/ traditional Chinese medical science traditionelle chinesische Medizin, TCM + +
C 反而 + * * fan3'er2 on the contrary/ instead stattdessen + +
C + * * fu4 shoulder/ bear/ rely on/ suffer/ betray/ lose/ owe 1. etw auf dem Rücken tragen 2. sich verschulden 3. untreu werden 4. verlieren, besiegt werden 5.sich etw zuziehen 6.sich auf etw stützen 7.Null, negativ, minus + +
C + * * hai1 an interjection to express sadness; regret; or surprise Interj. Ausdruck des Bedauerns, Seufzens + +
C 懷念 + 怀* * huai2nian4 cherish the memory of/ think of/ miss an jemand denken,sich nach jd sehnen + +
C 忍不住 + * * ren3 bu zhu4 cannot help/ unable to bear muß einfach, unfähig, etwas zu ertragen + +
C 身分(身份) + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status + +
C + * * suo3 lock (up)/ lockstitch abschließen, sperren + +
C 同胞 + * * tong2bao4 same-afterbirth/sibling/ compatriot von den selben Eltern geboren, Landsmann + +
C 鮮血 + * * xian1xue4 fresh-blood/ blood Blut + +
C + * * yuan4 hope/ wish/ desire/ be willing 1. Wunsch, Hoffnung, Begehren 2. willens sein, bereit sein 3. Gelübde + +
C 不利 + * * bu2li4 disadvantageous/ unfavorable nachteilig + +
C 潮濕 + 湿* * chao2shi1 wet/ humid/ damp/ moist feucht, naß + +
C 負擔 + * * fu4dan1 shoulder/ bear/ carry/ burden/ load/ weight 1. übernehmen, tragen, sich etw. aufbürden 2. Bürde, Last, Belastung + +
C 懷疑 + 怀* * huai2yi2 suspect/ doubt/ be skeptical about zweifeln,Zweifel,vermuten + +
C + * * kua1 praise/ laud/ commend/ overstate/ exaggerate/ boast 1. übertreiben 2. preisen,loben + +
C 忍耐 + * * ren3nai4 forbear/ restrain oneself/ exercise patience dulden, ertragen, aushalten,gedulden + +
C 為難 + * * wei2nan2 make things difficult for sich peinlich berührt fühlen, Schwierigkeiten bereiten, + +
C 鮮艷 + * * xian1yan4 bright-colorful/ bright-colored/ gaily-colored farbenfreudig, in leuchtenden Farben + +
C 自言自語 + * * zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 self-talk-self-say/ talk to oneself mit sich selbst sprechen, vor sich hin reden + +
C 背景 + * * bei4jing3 background/ backdrop Hintergrund + +
C 繼承 + * * ji4cheng2 inherit/ succeed/ carry on/ carry forward erben, fortsetzen, weiterführen + +
C 臉色 + * * lian3se4 complexion/ look/ facial expression Gesichtsfarbe, Aussehen,Gesichtsausdruck + +
C 忍受 + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden + +
C 身子 + * * shen1zi body/ pregnancy Körper, Schwangerschaft + +
C 忠誠 + * * zhong1cheng2 loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful treu, getreu + +
C 不料 + * * bu2liao4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise unerwartet, zur eigenen Überraschung + +
C 春季 + * * chun1ji4 spring season/ spring/ season of spring/ spring time Frühling + +
C 公式 + * * gong1shi4 formula/ any established or conventional method Formel + +
C + * * kua3 collapse/ fall/ break down zusammenbrechen, einstürzen + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) zur Zufriedenheit, was auch immer, wie auch immer + +
C + * * yang2 raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known 1. heben, aufheben, hochheben, hochziehen, aufrichten 2.(sich) verbreiten, etw in Umlauf bringen + +
C + * * yuan4 complain/ blame/ resentment/ discontent/ hatred 1. Haß, Feindseligkeit, Groll 2. verübeln, sich beklagen, sich beschweren, jn verantwortlich machen, tadeln + +
C 忠實 + * * zhong1shi2 loyal-dependable/ faithful and trustworthy/ truthful treu, getreu, loyal, ergeben + +
C + * * ju4 gather/ get together/ assemble/ congregate sich versammeln, zusammenkommen,zusammentreffen + +
C 難得 + * * nan2de2 difficult to get/ hard to come by/ rare/ seldom selten, nicht leicht zu bekommen + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) 1. Amt, Verantwortung 2. ernennen, einsetzen,jm mit einem Amt betrauen etc + +
C 為止 + * * wei2zhi3 as-end/ till/ up to bis + +
C 自願 + * * zi4yuan4 self-desire/ volunteer/ be willing to freiwillig, aus eigenem Antrieb + +
C 反擊 + * * fan3ji1 counter-attack/ fight back/ strike back/ beat back zurückschlagen,Gegenangriff + +
C 壞蛋 + * * huai4dan4 villain/ bad person/ bad egg Bösewicht, üble Person + +
C + * * lian4 refine/ smelt/ burn/ try to find the best (word) schmelzen, raffinieren, kondensieren, härten,stählen + +
C 同盟 + * * tong2meng2 same-vow/alliance/ league/ ally Bündnis, Allianz, Verbündeter + +
C 維持 + * * wei2chi2 maintain-preserve/ keep/ support/ safeguard wahren, aufrechterhalten + +
C 閑話 + * * xian2hua4 idle words/ gossip/ claver/ tattle/ digression Abschweifung, Nachrede,plaudern + +
C + * * yang2 vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean + +
C 隱約 + * * yin3yue1 latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich + +
C 珍貴 + * * zhen1gui4 valuable-precious/ valuable/ precious kostbar, wertvoll + +
C 自治 + * * zi4zhi4 self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern Autodetermination, Autonomie + +
C 不免 + * * bu4mian3 inevitably/ would naturally unvermeidbar, unvermeidlich + +
C 冬季 + * * dong1ji4 winter season/ winter/ season of winter/ winter time Winter + +
C 富有 + * * fu4you3 wealthy/ rich/ affluent/ be rich in/ be full of reich + +
C 公用 + * * gong1yong4 for public use/ public/ communal/ shared gemeinsam benutzen, zur allgemeinen Verwendung + +
C 海拔 + * * hai3ba2 elevation/ altitude/ height above sea level Höhe über den Meeresspiegel + +
C 聚集 + * * ju4ji2 gather/ get together/ congregate/ convene/ collect zusammenziehen, versammeln + +
C 難怪 + * * nan2guai4 it's difficult to blame/ it's hardly a surprise/ no wonder nicht verwunderlich + +
C 強迫 + * * qiang3po4 force/ compel/ coerce zwingen + +
C 形態 + * * xing2tai4 shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology Form, Gestalt, Morphologie + +
C 自治區 + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region + +
C 歡樂 + * * huan1le4 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful freudig, fröhlich, lustig, vergnügt, + +
C 聚精會神 + * * ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration/ with rapt attention mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren + +
C 毛線 + 线* * mao2xian4 knitting wool/ woolen yarn Strickgarn, Garn + +
C 深度 + * * shen1du4 depth degree/ depth/ profundity/ higher level Tiefe + +
C 自主 + * * zi4zhu3 self-decide/ decide for oneself/ act on one's own Selbstständigkeit, sein eigener Herr sein + +
C 黨派 + * * dang3pai4 party groupings/ factions/ cliques/ clans/ Partisan, politische Partei + +
C 富裕 + * * fu4yu4 prosperous/ well-to-do/ well-off/ rich wohlhabend, in guten Verhältnissen + +
C + * * pin1 piece together/ join together/ achieve sth. at all costs 1. zusammenstückeln, zusammensetzen 2. aufs Ganze gehen, sich rückhaltlos einsetzen 3.buchstabieren + +
C 任性 + * * ren4xing4 self-willed/ self-indulgent/ headstrong/ wayward eigensinnig,eigenwillig,seiner Laune freien Lauf l + +
C 收集 + * * shou1ji2 collect/ gather sammeln, ansammeln + +
D 不容 + * * bu4rong2 not allow nicht tolerieren, nicht erlauben + +
D + * * chun3 foolish 1.dumm, einfältig, 2.schwerfällig, ungeschickt + +
D 反射 + * * fan3she4 echo/ reflect Reflex,Reflexion + +
D 公有制 + * * gong1you3zhi4 public ownership öffenliches Besitzsystem + +
D 拼搏 + * * pin1bo2 go all out in work die ganze Kraft einsetzen + +
D 收買 + * * shou1mai3 buy over einkaufen, ankaufen, aufkaufen, erkaufen, bestechen + +
D 所有權 + * * suo3you3quan2 ownership Eigentumsrechte,Titel + +
D 賢惠 + * * xian2hui4 virtuous tugendhaft, sittsam + +
D 真誠 + * * zhen1cheng2 faithful/ honor aufrichtig, ehrlich, offen, wahr + +
D 反思 + * * fan3si1 think again introspect überdenken, noch einmal bedenken + +
D 附和 + * * fu4he4 chime in with/ come to heel sich (unkritisch) anschließen + +
D 接洽 + * * jie1qia4 arrange with/ consult with konsultieren, mit jmd arrangieren + +
D 所有制 + * * suo3you3zhi4 system of ownership Eigentumssystem + +
D 同事 + * * tong2shi4 colleague in derselben Dienststelle arbeiten,Kollege, + +
D + * * xian2 hold in mouth 1. etw im Mund halten 2. hegen, etw in sich bewahren 3. Rang, Titel + +
D 接收 + * * jie1shou1 take over/ receipt empfangen (Radiowellen, Datenströme) + +
D 據點 + * * ju4dian3 stronghold beachhead Stützpunkt, Festung + +
D 難免 + * * nan2mian3 hard to avoid schwer vermeidlich + +
D 銜接 + * * xian2jie1 link up/ join verbinden, zusammenkoppeln + +
D 行程 + * * xing2cheng2 journey Reiseweg, Kilometerzahl + +
D 英俊 + * * ying1jun4 handsome intelligent, hochbegabt, schön und voller Leben + +
D 不時 + * * bu4shi2 now and then von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu + +
D 黨章 + * * dang3zhang1 party constitution Parteistatut + +
D 海外 + * * hai3wai4 abroad/ overseas überseeisch, Übersee- + +
D + * * xian3 show/ display 1. sichtbar, deutlich,offensichtlich 2. zeigen, sich offenbaren, aussehen + +
D + * * ci2 resign diction/ take leave 1.sprachlicher Ausdruck, 2.sich verabschieden 3. ablehnen 4. kündigen 5. ausweichen, sich vor etw drücken + +
D 黨中央 + * * dang3zhong1yang1 the Party Central Committee Zentalkomitee der Partei + +
D 公債 + * * gong1zhai4 government bond Staatsanleihe + +
D 據悉 + * * ju4xi1 it is reported Informationen zur Folge, wie verlautet, meines Wissens + +
D 會計 + * * kuai4ji accountant Buchhaltung, Buchführung, Buchhalter + +
D + * * pin2 poor/ be deficient in 1.arm, unbemittelt 2.schwatzhaft, geschwätzig + +
D 深情 + * * shen1qing2 deep feelings/ affectionateness tiefes Gefühl, tiefe Liebe + +
D 收益 + * * shou1yi4 income/ profit Verdienst, Gewinn, Ertrag + +
D 越冬 + * * yue4 dong1 live through the winter den Winter durchleben + +
D 公證 + * * gong1zheng4 notarization notarielle Beglaubigung + +
D 家畜 + * * jia1chu4 domestic animals Haustier + +
D 貧乏 + * * pin2fa2 poor/ lacking indigent fehlen, Mangel,arm + +
D 他人 + * * ta1ren2 others ein anderer, andere (Leute) + +
D 顯而易見 + * * xian3 er2 yi4 jian4 obviously/ stick out a mile offensichtlich + +
D 行徑 + * * xing2jing4 act/ move Tat, Aktion + +
D 越過 + * * yue4guo4 get across/ hurdle über etwas hinwegkommen + +
D 撤退 + 退* * che4tui4 haul off sich zurückziehen; zurückweichen, abziehen + +
D 反之 + * * fan3zhi1 on the contrary/ whereas im Gegenteil, umgekehrt + +
D + * * ju4 measure word 1. Gebrauchsgegenstand, Gerät, Zeug ,Werkzeug 2. Zählwort für Gerätschaften 3. haben, besitzen + +
D 寬敞 + * * kuan1chang spacious/ commodious geräumig + +
D + * * liang2 roof beam (Dach-)Balken, Querbalken, Brücke + +
D 深信 + * * shen1xin4 trust/ convince fest an etw. glauben + +
D 收支 + * * shou1zhi1 income and expenses Einnahmen und Ausgaben, Bilanz + +
D 真心 + * * zhen1xin1 sincere/ wholehearted ernsthaft + +
D 終年 + * * zhong1nian2 all year long das ganze Jahr lang + +
D 棕色 + * * zong1se4 brown braun + +
D 還原 + * * huan2 yuan2 restore in den ursprünglichen Zustand versetzen + +
D 寬大 + * * kuan1da4 spacious/ lenient geräumig, weit,nachsichtig, milde + +
D + * * liang2 fine/ good gut, fein, gute Leute, sehr + +
D 冒牌 + * * mao4pai2 impostor/ imposture Etikettenschwindel betreiben, vorgetäuscht, pseudo, falsch + +
D 貧困 + * * pin2kun4 poor elend, in Not + +
D 養活 + * * yang3huo feed/ support aushalten, nähren + +
D + * * huan3 slow 1. langsam, gemächlich 2. verzögern, verschieben 3. wieder zu sich kommen, das Bewußtsein wiedererlangen, + +
D 街坊 + * * jie1fang neighbor Nachbar, Nachbarschaft + +
D 僑胞 + * * qiao2bao1 countryman residing abroad im Ausland lebende Landsleute + +
D 顯微鏡 + * * xian3 wei1 jing4 microscope Mikroskop + +
D 動亂 + * * dong4luan4 turmoil/ disturbance Unruhe, Aufruhr, Chaos + +
D 良心 + * * liang2xin1 conscience Gewissen + +
D 手電筒 + * * shou3dian4tong3 electric torch/ flashlight Taschenlampe + +
D 童年 + * * tong2nian2 childhood Kindheit,Kinderjahre,Kinderzeit + +
D 行使 + 使* * xing2shi3 perform/ exercise ausüben, gebrauchen + +
D 養育 + * * yang3yu4 foster großziehen, ernähren + +
D 櫻花 + * * ying1hua1 cherry blossom Blütenkirsche, Tibet-Kirsche, ( viele Arten )Ziergewächs (-->Kirschblüte) + +
D 終止 + * * zhong1zhi3 stop/ end beenden, aufhören + +
D 奔騰 + * * ben1teng2 gallop/ surge forward galoppieren, brauend vorwärts strömen + +
D 不惜 + * * bu4xi1 not spare/ not hesitate nicht schonen, keine Bedenken haben + +
D 範疇 + * * fan4chou2 category Kategorie, Bereich + +
D 家務 + * * jia1wu4 housework häusliche Pflichten + +
D 良種 + * * liang2zhong3 improved variety veredeltes Saatgut, hochwertige Saatsorten, edle Rasse + +
D + * * pin3 sample, suf product 1.Gegenstand, Sache, Produkt 2. Rang, Klasse, Grad 3. Eigenschaft,Charakter 4. schmecken, probieren, kosten + +
D 未免 + * * wei4mian3 rather/ a bit too eher, vielmehr, ziemlich + +
D 月份 + * * yue4fen4 month Monat + +
D 哀悼 + * * ai1dao4 mourn, grieve over sb´s death, lament sb´s death um jmd trauern, Beileid + +
D 不相上下 + * * bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 about the same/ equally matched auf gleicher Stufe stehen, kaum einen Unterschied + +
D 玫瑰 + * * mei2gui rose Rose + +
D 偵察 + * * zhen1cha2 spy/ scout erkunden, aufklären + +
D 總督 + * * zong3du1 governor Generalgouverneur + +
D 哀求 + * * ai1qiu2 entreat, beseech, implore jmd um etwas anflehen + +
D 詞句 + * * ci2ju4 words and sentences Wörter und Sätze, Ausdrücke + +
D 刀刃 + * * dao1ren4 the edge of knife 1. Schneide, Klinge, Schärfe 2. Messer, Schwert, Säbel + +
D 家喻戶曉 + * * jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 widely known weit bekannt, landläufig + +
D + * * mei2 measure word for medal 1. (Nf) Medaille, Münze, Abzeichen, Zählwort + +
D + * * tong3 poke/ stab 1. stoßen, knuffen, puffen ,herumstochern 2.etwas ans Licht bringen, verraten, ausplaudern + +
D 現場 + * * xian4chang3 locale Tatort, Platz + +
D 種種 + * * zhong3zhong3 a variety of alle Arten von + +
D 總額 + * * zong3'e2 amount Gesamtsumme, Gesamtbetrag + +
D 沉悶 + * * chen2men4 oppressive/ withdrawn bedrückt, beklommen + +
D 犯法 + * * fan4 fa3 violate the law das Gesetz brechen + +
D 家長 + * * jia1zhang3 the parent of guardian of a child Familienoberhaupt,Hausherr, Elternteil + +
D 兩極 + * * liang3ji2 the two poles Nord- und Südpol, Kathode und Anode, beide Pole eines Magneten + +
D 品行 + * * pin3xing2 morality Benehmen + +
D 統籌 + * * tong3chou2 plan as a whole als Ganzes planen + +
D 此後 + * * ci3hou4 from then/ henceforth danach, von da an, später + +
D 動態 + * * dong4tai4 development trends Tendenz, dynamischer Zustand + +
D 含義 + * * han2yi4 signification/ meanings Sinn, Bedeutung + +
D 兩口子 + * * liang3kou3zi husband and wife/ couple Ehepaar, Mann und Frau + +
D 鬧事 + * * nao4 shi4 make trouble Unruhe stiften + +
D 診斷 + * * zhen3duan4 diagnose Diagnose + +
D 不朽 + * * bu4xiu3 immortalize unvergänglich, unsterblich + +
D 共產主義 + * * gong4chan3 zhu3yi4 communism Kommunismus + +
D 含有 + * * han2you3 contain beinhalten, haben + +
D 加班 + * * jia1 ban1 overtime work Überstunden machen + +
D 狂妄 + * * kuang2wang4 wildly arrogant/ unbridled überheblich,arrogant + +
D 總和 + * * zong3he2 summation 1.und,mit 2. mild, mäßig, gemäßigt 3.mit jm in Harmonie leben, friedlich, harmonisch 4.Patt, unentschieden + +
D 此時 + * * ci3shi2 now/ this moment in diesem Augenblick, jetzt + +
D 搗蛋 + * * dao3 dan4 make trouble stören, Unfug treiben,stänkern + +
D + * * han2 cold 1.kalt, frostig, Kälte 2. Angst haben, zittern 3. arm, armselig, bedürftig + +
D 兩手 + * * liang3shou3 two tactics, skill zwei Taktiken + +
D + * * pin4 engage/ employ 1.jn anstellen, jn bitten, einen Posten zu übernehmen 2.ein Mädchen verloben, heiraten,verheiratet werden + +
D 颱風 + * * tai2feng1 typhoon Taifun + +
D 樂曲 + * * yue4qu3 musical composition Musikstück syn:Komposition, Musikwerk, Opus, Tondichtung, Tonstück + +
D 腫瘤 + * * zhong3liu2 neoplasm/ tumor Geschwulst, Tumor + +
D 總計 + * * zong3ji4 totalize/ summed Endsumme, alles zusammengezählt + +
D 不言而喻 + * * bu4 yan2 er2 yu4 tell its own tale ohne Worte + +
D 搗亂 + * * dao3 luan4 make trouble belästigen,Unruhe stiften + +
D 改邪歸正 + * * gai3 xie2 gui1 zheng4 give up evil and return to good sich zum Besseren bekehren + +
D 共計 + * * gong4ji4 count up to/ sum to Gesamtbetrag, alles in allem,insgesamt + +
D 截止 + * * jie2zhi3 end/ cut-off beenden, schließen + +
D 聘請 + * * pin4qing3 employ/ engage jm eine Aufgabe antragen, jn anstellen + +
D 神奇 + * * shen2qi2 miraculous/ magical wunderbar, wunderwirkend, geheimnisvoll + +
D 統戰 + * * tong3zhan4 united front Einheitsfront + +
D 現錢 + * * xian4qian2 ready money Bargeld + +
D 愛戴 + * * ai4dai4 love and esteem verehren und lieben + +
D 沉著 + * * chen2zhuo2 composed/ cool headed besonnen, ruhig und sicher + +
D 動用 + * * dong4yong4 put to use anwenden, von etwas Gebrauch machen + +
D 共鳴 + * * gong4ming2 resonance 1. Resonanz 2. symphatisieren, mitfühlen, Symphatie + +
D + * * jie2 rob/ plunder 1. plündern, rauben, berauben, überfallen 2. zwingen, drohen 3. Katastrophe, Unglück,Verhängnis + +
D 劇本 + * * ju4ben3 play book Theaterstück, Drehbuch,Textbuch + +
D 礦藏 + * * kuang4cang2 mineral resources Bodenschätze + +
D 聘任 + * * pin4ren4 appoint to a position einstellen, ernennen, anstellen + +
D 幸好 + * * xing4hao3 fortunately erfreulicherweise, glücklicherweise, zum Glück + +
D 妖怪 + * * yao1guai4 genie/ bugaboo Dämon, Ungeheuer, Scheusal, Monster + +
D 震驚 + * * zhen4jing1 astound schockieren,Entrüstung verursachen + +
D 陳舊 + * * chen2jiu4 old veraltet, unmodern, aus der Mode + +
D + * * ci4 thorn/ sting 1. Dorn, Stachel + +
D 倒閉 + * * dao3bi4 close down ruiniert werden, bankrott gehen + +
D 寒暄 + * * han2xuan1 exchange of conventional greetings laut, lärmend + +
D 沒吃沒穿 + 穿* * mei2 chi1 mei2 chuan1 have no food and clothes nichts zu essen, keine Kleidung + +
D 聘用 + * * pin4yong4 employ/ engage einstellen, anstellen + +
D 迎面 + * * ying2 mian4 head-on aus entgegengesetzter Richtung + +
D 飯碗 + * * fan4wan3 position/ job/ rice bowl Reisschüssel, Eßnapf + +
D 改組 + * * gai3zu3 reorganize/ reshuffle reorganisieren + +
D 函授 + * * han2shou4 teach by correspondence Fernstudium + +
D 侵害 + * * qin1hai4 encroach on/ aggrieve/ infract beinträchtigen, schädigen + +
D 神色 + * * shen2se4 expression/ look Miene, Gesichtsausdruck + +
D 太空 + * * tai4kong1 outer space Himmelsdach, Firmament + +
D 痛恨 + * * tong4hen4 abhor/ abominate von bitteren Haß gegen jd erfüllt sein, abgrundtief hassen + +
D 總數 + * * zong3shu4 gross/ total Gesamtzahl, Gesamtbetrag + +
D 愛面子 + * * ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation das Gesicht wahren wollen + +
D 不宜 + * * bu4yi2 not suitable/ inadvisable nicht geeignet, unangebracht + +
D 陳述 + * * chen2shu4 present/ state/ mention darlegen, erklären + +
D + * * fan4 float/ flood 1. auf dem Wasser treiben, schwimmen, 2.auftauchen, hervorkommen + +
D 概況 + * * gai4kuang4 general situation Allgemeine, Überblick + +
D 荒涼 + * * huang1liang2 desolate öde und verlassen + +
D 劇團 + * * ju4tuan2 troupe Ensemble, Schauspieltruppe + +
D 贏得 + * * ying2de2 win/ bear off gewinnen, erringen, erlangen + +
D 總司令 + * * zong3si1ling4 commander in chief Oberbefehlshaber + +
D 倒爺 + * * dao3ye2 profiteer/ speculator Profiteur, Spekulant + +
D 凍結 + * * dong4jie2 freeze/ congeal einfrieren (Löhne,Preise etc) + +
D 荒謬 + * * huang1miu4 ridiculous/ nonsensical absurd, widersinnig + +
D 神態 + * * shen2tai4 expression, manner, bearing Ausdruck, Miene, Gestik + +
D 現狀 + * * xian4zhuang4 status quo/ gegenwärtige Lage + +
D 遙控 + * * yao2kong4 remote control fernsteuern, Fernsteuerung, Remote Control + +
D 盈利 + * * ying2li4 profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
D 雲彩 + * * yun2cai cloud Wolke + +
D 振興 + * * zhen4xing1 vitalize/ develop/ promote zügig vorantreiben + +
D 次品 + * * ci4pin3 defective goods mangelhafte Ware, Produkte zweiter Wahl + +
D + * * dong4 measure word for building Zählwort für Gebäude + +
D 荒唐 + * * huang1tang2 ludicrous absurd, widersinnig,unglaubwürdig,liederlich, + +
D + * * juan1 donate 1. verzichten,aufgeben, hingeben, opfern 2. spenden, stiften 3. Steuer + +
D 侵蝕 + * * qin1shi2 corrode/ encroach zerfressen,zersetzen,erodieren + +
D 神仙 + * * shen2xian1 supernatural being/ immortal/ fairy übernatürliches ( oder unsterbliches) Wesen, Unsterbliche + +
D + * * gou1 collude/ induce 1. anhaken,anstreichen, 2. abhaken, wegstreichen, 3. skizzieren, umreißen 4. wachrufen, erwecken, in Erinnerung bringen + +
D 捐款 + * * juan1 kuan3 donation/ collection Geld spenden + +
D 內幕 + * * nei4mu4 inside story/ low-down etwas hinter dem Vorhang + +
D 侵占 + * * qin1zhan4 invade and occupy etwas widerrechtlich in Besitz nehmen + +
D + * * shen3 interrogate 1.ausführlich, eingehend 2. prüfen, untersuchen 3.ausfragen, verhören, vernehmen + +
D 首創 + * * shou3chuang4 initiate/ originate etw einleiten, als erster etw. tun, die Initiative ergreifen + +
D 太陽能 + * * tai4yang2neng2 solar energy Solarenergie, Sonnenenergie + +
D 獻身 + * * xian4 shen1 devotion/ dedicate to sich widmen,ein Leben einer Sache widmen + +
D + * * zhen4 ease/ press down 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt + +
D 次序 + * * ci4xu4 order/ sequence Reihenfolge + +
D 捐獻 + * * juan1xian4 contribute/ subscribe spenden, eine Schenkung machen + +
D 旷工 + * * kuang4gong1 stay away from work without leave ohne Grund der Arbeit unentschuldigt fernbleiben + +
D 偷稅 + * * tou1 shui4 evade taxes/ tax dodging Steuern hinterziehen + +
D 鎮定 + * * zhen4ding4 cool/ calm gleichmütig,gefaßt,gelassen + +
D + * * dou1 take upon oneself/ wrap up 1. Tasche, Tüte 2. einpacken, einwickeln, einschlagen 3. für etw werben, feilbieten + +
D 旱災 + * * han4zai1 drought Dürre, Dürrekatastrophe + +
D 節育 + * * jie2yu4 birth control Geburtenkontrolle + +
D 捐贈 + * * juan1zeng4 donate spenden, schenken + +
D 曠課 + * * kuang4 ke4 cut school unentschuldigt dem Unterricht fernbleiben, schwänzen + +
D 內心 + * * nei4xin1 heart/ bosom auf dem Herzen + +
D 審定 + * * shen3ding4 examine and approve überprüfen und bestätigen + +
D 笨蛋 + * * ben4dan4 idiot Idiot, Dummkopf + +
D 不知不覺 + * * bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2 unconsciously/ unknowingly unbewußt, unbemerkt / unwissentlich / unversehens + +
D 兜兒 + * * dou1'er pocket Tasche,Tüte + +
D 方程 + * * fang1cheng2 equation Gleichung + +
D 溝通 + * * gou1tong1 communicate verbinden, verknüpfen + +
D 親筆 + * * qin1bi3 autography mit eigener Hand geschrieben, js eigene Handschrift + +
D 榮譽 + * * rong2yu4 honor/ glory Ehre, Ruhm,Ehren- + +
D 縣長 + * * xian4zhang3 the head of a county Kreisvorsteher + +
D 重心 + * * zhong4xin1 center of gravity Schwerpunkt + +
D 笨重 + * * ben4zhong4 lumpish/ ponderous plump, schwer, schwerfällig + +
D 導體 + * * dao3ti3 conductor Leiter,Leitungsstück + +
D + * * kui1 have deficit/ thanks to 1. (Geld) verlieren, Verluste haben 2. mangeln, unzureichend, unzulänglich 3. jn ungerecht behandeln 4. zum Glück, glücklicherweise 5. Abnehmen des Mondes + +
D 沒轍 + * * mei2 zhe2 have no idea keinen Ausweg wissen + +
D 親密 + * * qin1mi4 intimate/ close vertraut, intim + +
D 审美 + * * shen3mei3 appreciation of the beauty einen Sinn für Ästhetik besitzen, Schönheitssinn, Geschmack + +
D 首席 + * * shou3xi2 doyen/ chief Ehrenplatz, Chef + +
D + * * tan1 corrupt 1.korrupt, bestechlich 2. unersättlich, gierig + +
D 投標 + * * tou2 biao1 bid for sich an einer Ausschreibung beteiligen + +
D + * * xing4 apricot Aprikose + +
D 安寧 + * * an1ning2 1.peaceful, calm, tranquil 2. calm, composed, free of worry 1.friedlich, ruhig 2. unbesorgt, + +
D + * * cong1 scallion 1. Röhrenlauch,Frühlingszwiebel 2. grün + +
D 漢奸 + * * han4jian1 traitor Landesverräter (China) + +
D 傑出 + * * jie2chu1 outstanding überragend, hervorragend,außergewöhnlich + +
D 融洽 + * * rong2qia4 harmonious harmonisch, einträchtig + +
D 投產 + * * tou2chan3 put into production in Betrieb genommen werden, die Produktion aufnehmen + +
D 走訪 + 访* * zou3fang3 call on/ interview interviewen, jm einen Besuch abstatten + +
D 崩潰 + * * beng1kui4 collapse breakdown zusammenbrechen, Zerfall, Zusammenbruch + +
D 不至於 + * * bu4zhi4yu2 not to such an extent as to nicht notwendigerweise,unwahrscheinlich + +
D 導游 + * * dao3you2 tourist guide Tourguide,Führer, Begleiter + +
D 構思 + * * gou4si1 conceive/ design die Komposition entwerfen, Konzeption + +
D 漢學 + * * han4xue2 Sinology Sinologie + +
D 傑作 + * * jie2zuo4 master work Meisterwerk,Prachtstück + +
D 虧損 + * * kui1sun3 loss/ deficit Verlust, Defizit,Manko + +
D 內政 + * * nei4zheng4 interior Innenpolitik + +
D 審批 + * * shen3pi1 examine and approve etwas prüfen und genehmigen + +
D 投放 + * * tou2fang4 put in/ throw in auf den Markt werfen, (einen Köder) auswerfen + +
D + * * beng1 1.stretch (draw) tight 2. spring bounce 1. spannen, straffziehen 2. schnellen, in die Höhe fahren 3. heften, mit Steppstichen lose zusammennähen < siehe beng3, beng4 > + +
D 構想 + * * gou4xiang3 conceive ausdenken, begreifen, visualisieren, konzeptionieren + +
D 黃金 + * * huang2jin1 gold Gold + +
D 葵花 + * * kui2hua1 sunflower Sonnenblume + +
D + * * rong2 dissolve sich auflösen, in Lösung gehen + +
D 溫度計 + * * wen1du4ji4 thermometer Thermometer + +
D + * * xiong1 elder brother älterer Bruder, + +
D 陣線 + 线* * zhen4xian4 front Front, Reihen + +
D 眾多 + * * zhong4duo1 numerous sehr viel, zahlreich + +
D 平民 + * * ping2min2 the common people die einfachen Leute, der normale Bürger + +
D 溶化 + * * rong2hua4 dissolve 1.sich auflösen 2.schmelzen, auftauen, 3.kombinieren, verschmelzen + +
D 審議 + * * shen3yi4 consider/ discuss etwas überprüfen und diskutieren + +
D 首長 + * * shou3zhang3 director/ principal führender Funktionär, ranghoher Offizier + +
D 投機倒把 + * * tou2ji1 dao3ba3 engage in speculation and profiteering Spekulation, spekulieren + +
D 眾人 + * * zhong4ren2 everybody alle, jeder + +
D 安穩 + * * an1wen3 smooth and steady ruhig und gleichmäßig, ruhig und zurückhaltend + +
D 城鎮 + * * cheng2zhen4 town große und kleinere Städte + +
D 房東 + * * fang2dong1 landlord Vermieter, Hausbesitzer, Hauswirt + +
D 假冒 + * * jia3mao4 counterfeit sich für jm ausgeben,imitieren + +
D 平日 + * * ping2ri4 in normal times/ gewöhnliche Tage + +
D 親身 + * * qin1shen1 personal/ firsthand selbst, persönlich, am eigenen Leib + +
D 溶解 + * * rong2jie3 dissolve/ melt sich auflösen + +
D 壇/罈 + * * tan2 (壇) platform/ forum/ (罈) jug 1. Altar 2. erhöhtes Beet 3. Plattform, Tribüne, Podest 4.Fachgebiet, Kreis, 5.dickbäuchiges Tongefäß, Kruke + +
D 投票 + * * tou2 piao4 vote/ poll abstimmen, seine Stimme abgeben + +
D 陷入 + * * xian4ru4 plunge/ run into geraten, in etwas verfallen + +
D 正月 + * * zheng1yue4 the first month of the lunar year 1. Monat des lunaren Jahres + +
D 眾所周知 + * * zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows/ it is common knowledge that allgemein bekannt, wie allen bekannt + +
D 走漏 + * * zou3lou4 leak out auslaufen, lecken,tropfen,tröpfeln + +
D 安詳 + * * an1xiang2 serene, composed heiterer Stimmung, gelassen + +
D 親生 + * * qin1sheng1 one's own (parents; children) eigen, leiblich + +
D + * * tan2 deep pool tiefer Teich + +
D 溫柔 + * * wen1rou2 soft/ mild/ gentle sanft, voller Zärtlichkeit + +
D 眾議院 + * * zhong4yi4yuan4 house of representatives Unterhaus, Repräsentantenhaus + +
D 布局 + * * bu4ju2 distribution/ layout das generelle Schema, Anordnung, Layout + +
D 購買力 + * * gou1mai3li4 purchasing power Kaufkraft + +
D 覺醒 + * * jue2xing3 rouse/ awake erwachen, sich bewußt werden + +
D 親手 + * * qin1shou3 personally mit eigenen Händen + +
D 限度 + * * xian4du4 limit/ bound Grenze,Limit, Begrenzung,Beschränkung + +
D 凶狠 + * * xiong1hen3 fierce and malicious böse und heimtückisch + +
D + * * zhou1 boat Boot, Kahn + +
D 安置 + * * an1zhi4 find a place for, put, arrange setzen, stellen,unterbringen, arrangieren + +
D 逼近 + * * bi1jin4 approach sich nähern, vorrücken + +
D 蝗蟲 + * * huang2chong2 locust Heuschrecke + +
D 假設 + * * jia3she4 in case of voraussetzen,angenommen, Hypothese + +
D 平穩 + * * ping2wen3 steady and smooth ruhig und sicher, stabil + +
D 容積 + * * rong2ji1 volume Volumen, Rauminhalt + +
D 投擲 + * * tou2zhi4 throw/ toss werfen, schleudern + +
D 蘊藏 + * * yun4cang2 hold in store/ contain enthalten, in sich bergen + +
D 走向 + * * zou3xiang4 make for/ tend Verlauf, Lauf, Richtung, Streichen, sich in Richtung auf etw. fortbewegen + +
D 逼迫 + * * bi1po4 force/ compel zwingen,nötigen + +
D 到來 + * * dao4lai2 come ankommen, Ankunft + +
D 都市 + * * du1shi4 city/ metropolis Großstadt, Metropole + +
D 房租 + * * fang2zu1 rent (for house) Miete + +
D 甘心 + * * gan1xin1 be reconciled to willig, bereitwillig,aus eigenem Antrieb + +
D 決不 + * * jue2 bu4 in no case/ in no way in keinem Fall + +
D 列席 + * * lie4xi2 attend as a nonvoting delegate als nicht stimmberechtigter Deligierter an einer Konferenz teilnehmen + +
D 容量 + * * rong2liang4 volume/ capacity Kapazität, Fassungsvermögen,Aufnahmefähigkeit + +
D 限於 + * * xian4yu2 limit to sich auf etwas beschränken, eingeschränkt durch + +
D 鼻涕 + * * bi2ti4 nasal mucus/ snot Nasenschleim + +
D 從…看來 + * * cong2 kan4lai2 from soweit es ...betrifft + +
D 航道 + * * hang2dao4 sea-route Schifffahrtsweg + +
D 決策 + * * jue2ce4 make policy eine Taktik ausarbeiten, eine strategische Entscheidung treffen,Taktik + +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten + +
D 授予 + * * shou4yu3 award/ confer verleihen + +
D 周密 + * * zhou1mi4 thorough/ careful lückenlos, gründlich, wohldurchdacht + +
D 按勞分配 + * * an4 lao2 fen1pei4 distribution according to work Verteilung nach Arbeitsleistung + +
D 防護 + * * fang2hu4 protect/ shelter Schutz, schützen + +
D 孤單 + * * gu1dan1 lonely allein, einsam,schwach, gering + +
D 航海 + * * hang2hai3 navigation Seefahrt, Seeschiffahrt, Nautik + +
D 平整 + * * ping2zheng3 neat/ smooth eben,glatt,planieren + +
D 胸膛 + * * xiong1tang2 thoraces Brust, Brustkorb + +
D 擁有 + * * yong1you3 hold/ possess of haben, besitzen, über etwas verfügen + +
D 竿 + 竿* * gan1 pole/ rod Stange, Stab, Stock + +
D 孤獨 + * * gu1du2 lonely allein, einsam,verlassen, autistisch + +
D 洶涌 + * * xiong1yong3 surge/ popple (turbulent) in xiong1yong3 reißend, tosend, aufwallend, stürmisch + +
D 毒害 + * * du2hai4 sb's mind poison geistig vergiften,moralisch verderben + +
D 防線 + 线* * fang2xian4 line of defense Verteidigungslinie + +
D 勤奮 + * * qin2fen4 hardworking fleißig,sorgfältig + +
D 要領 + * * yao4ling3 essential/ main points Hauptpunkte, Hauptgedanke, das Wesentliche + +
D 周期 + * * zhou1qi1 period cycle Periode, Zyklus + +
D 比分 + * * bi3fen1 score Punktzahl, Spielstand + +
D 防汛 + * * fang2 xun4 flood control Hochwasserschutz + +
D 航線 + 线* * hang2xian4 sea route/ skyway Route, Flug- oder Schiffahrtslinie, Luftstraße + +
D 決算 + * * jue2suan4 final accounts Bilanz, Schlußabrechnung + +
D 擴張 + * * kuo4zhang1 expand/ outspread ausdehnen,expandieren, Expansion + +
D 勤工儉學 + * * qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2 part-work and part-study Parallel arbeiten und studieren + +
D 坦白 + * * tan3bai2 confess/ frank ehrlich, offen,offen gestehen/ eingestehen/zugeben + +
D 文憑 + * * wen2ping2 diploma Zeugnis + +
D 要麼 + * * yao4me or oder, entweder...oder + +
D 徵收 + * * zheng1shou1 assess upon (Gebühren, Zoll, Steuern u.ä) erheben, einziehen + +
D 比價 + * * bi3jia4 rate of exchange Preisverhältnis, Umtauschkurs + +
D + * * bu4 port/ pier Kai, Pier, Landungsplatz + +
D 從容不迫 + * * cong2rong2 bu4 po4 take one's time/ calm and unhurried ruhig und unübereilt + +
D 毒性 + * * du2xing4 toxicity Toxizität, Giftigkeit + +
D 防疫 + * * fang2 yi4 epidemic prevention Seuchenschutz + +
D 結算 + * * jie2suan4 settle accounts eine Rechnung zahlen, ein Konto schließen + +
D 林場 + * * lin2chang3 forestry center Forstfarm, Forstbetrieb + +
D 勤儉 + * * qin2jian3 hardworking and thrifty arbeitsam und sparsam, fleißig und genügsam + +
D + * * rong2 cloth with soft nap 1. Flaum, Flaumhaar 2. Gewebe mit haariger, wolliger Oberschicht, Florgewebe, weicher, gerauhter Stoff + +
D 聲勢 + * * sheng1shi4 impetus/ momentum Impetus,Kraft + +
D 文人 + * * wen2ren2 literati/ bookman Gelehrte, Literat + +
D 相比 + * * xiang1bi3 compare vergleichen, messen + +
D 要命 + * * yao4 ming4 confoundedly/ awfully jm ums Leben bringen, furchtbar, äußerst, zu dumm + +
D 涌現 + * * yong3xian4 come to the fore in großer Zahl auftauchen, zu Tage treten + +
D 雜亂 + * * za2luan4 disorderly durcheinander, unordentlich, chaotisch + +
D 成品 + * * cheng2pin3 finished product Fertigprodukt + +
D 悼念 + * * dao4nian4 mourn for um jn trauern, in Trauer gedenken + +
D + * * du2 alone 1.einzig, allein 2.allein, in Einsamkeit, + +
D 姑且 + * * gu1qie3 for the moment vorerst, vorläufig, im Augenblick + +
D 揮霍 + * * hui1huo4 splurge/ devour verschwenden, vergeuden + +
D 結業 + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen + +
D 林區 + * * lin2qu1 forest/ woods Forstrevier, Forstzone + +
D 美中不足 + * * mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2 a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing bloß ein kleiner Schönheitsfehler + +
D 勤懇 + * * qin2ken3 earnest and assiduous eifrig und gewissenhaft + +
D 雄壯 + * * xiong2zhuang4 sturdy/ strong kräftig, imposant,stark + +
D 永垂不朽 + * * yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal unsterblich, ewigen Ruhm genießen + +
D 周轉 + * * zhou1zhuan3 turn over Zirkulation, Umlauf, genug haben, um ein bestimmtes Bedürfnis zu erfüllen + +
D 足以 + * * zu2yi3 enough genug, ausreichend + +
D 從頭 + * * cong2tou2 from the beginning von Anfang an, von neuem + +
D 獨裁 + * * du2cai2 autocracy Diktatur, Alleinherrschaft + +
D 豪華 + * * hao2hua2 luxurious luxuriös, prächtig,prunkvoll + +
D 林業 + * * lin2ye4 forestry Forstwirtschaft + +
D 尼龍 + * * ni2long2 nylon Nylon + +
D 評比 + * * ping2bi3 appraise through comparison abschätzen und vergleichen + +
D 柔和 + * * rou2he2 soft, mild, gentle sanft, mild,lind + +
D 聲譽 + * * sheng1yu4 reputation Ruf, Reputation + +
D 文獻 + * * wen2xian4 literature/ document Dokument, Unterlagen von historischem Wert + +
D 要素 + * * yao4su4 factor/ element wesentlicher Faktor, wichtig + +
D + * * zu2 race/ nationality 1. Nationalität, Rasse 2. Stamm, Sippe 3. Klasse, Gruppe + +
D + * * lin2 phosphorus Phosphor (P) + +
D 探測 + * * tan4ce4 detect/ explore sondieren, vermessen + +
D 透明度 + * * tou4ming2du4 openness/ transparency/ diaphaneity Transparenz + +
D 相等 + * * xiang1deng3 be equal to gleich, identisch + +
D + * * zhou1 continent Kontinent, Festland + +
D 從小 + * * cong2xiao3 from childhood seit der Kindheit + +
D 獨立自主 + * * du2li4 zi4zhu3 paddle one's own canoe Selbstständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit + +
D 鼓吹 + * * gu3chui1 advocate/ preach up propagieren,predigen, anpreisen + +
D 擬定 + * * ni3ding4 study out entwerfen, ausarbeiten, erstellen + +
D 探親 + * * tan4 qin1 go home to visit one's family entfernt lebende Eltern oder Ehepartner besuchen + +
D 比喻 + * * bi3yu4 comparison/ trope Metapher, Analogie + +
D 成套 + * * cheng2 tao4 complete set ein kompletten Satz bilden + +
D 從中 + * * cong2zhong1 from among aus, zwischen + +
D 臘月 + * * la4yue4 12th month zwölfter Monat nach dem chinesischen Mondkalender + +
D 門當戶對 + * * men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 be well-matched in social and economic status von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein + +
D + * * tu1 protruding nach außen gewölbt, konvex + +
D 栽培 + * * zai1pei2 grow/ educate züchten, ziehen, erziehen,aufziehen,jn fördern + +
D 爭氣 + * * zheng1 qi4 try to make a good showing sich um einen guten Auftritt bemühen, Kampfgeist + +
D 比重 + * * bi3zhong4 specific gravity/ proportion Anteil, Proportion + +
D 回避 + * * hui2bi4 obviate/ slide over ausweichen, vermeiden, sich abwenden + +
D + * * la4 1. leave out, be missing 2. forget to bring 3. lag (or fall, drop) behind 1.auslassen, übersehen,überschlagen 2.vergessen,liegenlassen 3. zurückbleiben,aus der Reihe fallen siehe luo4 + +
D 輸出 + * * shu1chu1 export/ output exportieren + +
D 探討 + * * tan4tao3 discuss/ probe into untersuchen und diskutieren + +
D 相符 + * * xiang1fu2 tally with/ conform to entsprechen, übereinstimmen + +
D 勇士 + * * yong3shi4 warrior Kämpfer,Krieger,Held + +
D 部位 + * * bu4wei4 part/ section Lage, Position,Stelle + +
D 解雇 + * * jie3gu4 fire/ dismiss from entlassen, kündigen + +
D 門市部 + * * men2shi4bu4 salesroom Verkaufsabteilung + +
D 輸入 + * * shu1ru4 import/ input einführen, importieren + +
D 探頭探腦 + * * tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 pop one's head in and look about verstohlen den Kopf herausstrecken und Ausschau halten + +
D 相關 + * * xiang1guan1 correlate zusammenhängen, in gegenseitiger Beziehung stehen + +
D 勇於 + * * yong3yu2 have the courage to Mut zu etwas haben + +
D 爭先恐後 + * * zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 strive to be the first/ vie with each other erster sein wollen und dabei fürchten zurückzufallen + +
D 筆跡 + * * bi3ji4 a person's handwriting Handschrift, Schriftzüge + +
D 回顧 + * * hui2gu4 review/ look back zurückblicken, Rückschau halten + +
D + * * lin2 neighbor 1. Nachbar, Nachbarschaft 2. benachbart, angrenzend + +
D 評選 + * * ping2xuan3 chose through public appraisal wählen mittels öffentlicher Zustimmung + +
D 生產力 + * * sheng1chan3li4 productive forces Produktivkraft, Produktionskraft + +
D 輸送 + * * shu1song4 transport transportieren + +
D 修復 + * * xiu1fu4 repair/ restore reparieren, restaurieren, renovieren + +
D 災荒 + * * zai1huang1 famine due to crop failures Hungersnot + +
D 阻擋 + * * zu3dang3 block off/ hold up hemmen, sperren,versperren + +
D 案情 + * * an4qing2 case/ details of case Einzelheiten eines Falls + +
D 成心 + * * cheng2xin1 on purpose ehrlicher Wunsch, von Herzen + +
D 湊巧 + * * cou4qiao3 luckily/ fortunately zufällig,glücklicherweise + +
D + * * dao4 steal/ rob 1.stehlen, entwenden, rauben 2. Dieb, Räuber + +
D 感化 + * * gan3hua4 help sb; to change (by education) jn bekehren + +
D + * * jun1 mushroom/ bacterium 1. Pilze 2. Bakterie, Bakterium + +
D 鄰國 + * * lin2guo2 neighboring country Nachbarland + +
D 生產率 + * * sheng1chan3lv4 productivity Produktionstempo + +
D 相繼 + * * xiang1ji4 one after the other einer nach dem anderen, hintereinander + +
D 阻攔 + * * zu3lan2 block off halten, anhalten,verhindern + +
D 野外 + * * ye3wai4 open country offenes Land, Feld, im Freien + +
D 輕便 + 便* * qing1bian4 light/ portable leicht, bequem, handlich + +
D + * * tan4 charcoal Holzkohle + +
D 相識 + * * xiang1shi2 be acquainted with each other sich kennen, miteinander bekannt sein, Bekanntschaft, Bekannte + +
D 野心 + * * ye3xin1 ambition krankhafter Ehrgeiz + +
D 諸如此類 + * * zhu1 ru2 ci3 lei4 and all that/ and so on und dergleichen, und so weiter + +
D 阻撓 + * * zu3nao2 obstruct/ stand in the way 1. (VC) behindern, jd im Weg sein 2. (Nv)... + +
D + * * ao1 concave hohl, vertieft, nach innen gewölbt + +
D 粗糧 + * * cu1liang2 coarse food grain Getreidearten außer Weizen, Reis + +
D 感慨 + * * gan3kai3 sigh with emotion tief ergriffen seufzen, gefühlvoll + +
D 好多 + * * hao3duo1 a good deal eine große Menge,viel + +
D 萌芽 + * * meng2ya2 bud/ sprout keimen, sprossen, Keim, Spross + +
D 輸送 + * * shu1song4 transport/ feeding fördern, befördern, transportieren + +
D 修養 + * * xiu1yang3 training/ good manners Bildung in einem geisteswissenschaftlichen Fach, theoretisches Wissen, sich selbst erziehen + +
D 諸位 + * * zhu1wei4 every one meine Herrschaften + +
D + * * cai2 cut into parts 1. schneiden, zuschneiden, abschneiden, ausschneiden 2.verringern, reduzieren 3 entscheiden, urteilen, ein Urteil fällen 4. Einhalt gebieten, unter Kontrolle bringen + +
D 得不償失 + * * de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 be not worth the candle/ get more kicks than halfpence der Gewinn kann den Verlust nicht decken + +
D 好感 + * * hao3gan3 favor gute Meinung, günstiger Eindruck,Zuneigung + +
D 戒嚴 + * * jie4 yan2 enforce martial law den Ausnahmezustand verhängen, absperren + +
D 軍閥 + * * jun1fa2 warlord Militärmachthaber,Kriegsherr, Warlord + +
D 婆婆 + * * po2po (for woman) mother-in-law Schwiegermutter + +
D 輕快 + * * qing1kuai4 resilience buoyancy leicht, behende, freudig, fröhlich + +
D 如意 + * * ru2yi4 as one wish dem Wunsch entsprechen, wunschgemäß, wie gewünscht + +
D 舒展 + * * shu1zhan3 unfold/ stretch sich entfalten, strecken,entfalten + +
D + * * tang2 pool 1. Damm, Deich 2. Teich 3. Badebecken + +
D 相通 + * * xiang1tong1 communicate with each other miteinander verbunden sein, ineinander übergehen + +
D 用戶 + * * yong4hu4 user/ consumer Kundschaft, Abnehmer, Verbraucher, Konsument, User + +
D + * * ao3 coat kurze gefütterte Jacke (chinesischer Stil) + +
D 呈現 + * * cheng2xian4 show/ take on/ present darbieten, sich zeigen + +
D 粗細 + * * cu1xi4 degree of thickness Dicke + +
D + * * jie4 boundary; suf. circles 1. Grenze 2. Feld, Bereich 3. Kreise, Schichten 4. Reich, Welt + +
D 如醉如痴 + * * ru2 zui4 ru2 chi1 enjoy (the concert; etc) very much verzückt sein, gefesselt sein + +
D 杜絕 + * * du4jue2 put an end to verbieten, stoppen,unterbinden + +
D 好壞 + * * hao3huai4 stand or fall 1. gut, schön, nett 2. gesund, genesen 3. befreundet, freundlich + +
D 乘機 + * * cheng2ji1 seize the opportunity eine Gelegenheit ergreifen + +
D 古文 + * * gu3wen2 ancient prose Prosa im klassischen Stil, + +
D 來訪 + 访* * lai2fang3 come to visit zu Besuch kommen + +
D 年頭兒 + * * nian2tou2'er period/ time Jahr, Zeiten,Ernte + +
D 破除 + * * po4chu2 do away with/ break with beseitigen,ausmerzen + +
D 相應 + * * xiang1ying4 homologous/ relevant entsprechend, angemessen, passend, relevant + +
D 再生產 + * * zai3sheng1chan3 reproduction Reproduktion + +
D + * * bi4 money Geld, Währung + +
D 得以 + * * de2yi3 so that … can so daß,...kann + +
D + * * gu3 bone 1. Knochen 2. Rückgrat, Charakter + +
D 入境 + * * ru4 jing4 enter a country in ein Land einreisen + +
D 生命力 + * * sheng1ming4li4 vital force/ life Lebenskraft, Vitalität + +
D + * * cu4 urge/ promote 1.kurz,eilig, dringend, 2.fördern, antreiben, + +
D 毀壞 + * * hui3huai4 destroy/ demolish beschädigen, zerstören + +
D 軍醫 + * * jun1yi1 military surgeon Militärarzt + +
D 來回來去 + * * lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 come-and-go Kommen und Gehen + +
D + * * nian3 drive out vertreiben, verjagen, fortjagen + +
D 破獲 + * * po4huo4 solve a criminal case ein Verbrechen aufklären und den Verbrecher dingfest machen + +
D + * * qing1 hydrogen Wasserstoff + +
D 生怕 + * * sheng1pa4 for fear that/ so as not to fürchten, aus Furcht große Bedenken haben + +
D 問答 + * * wen4da2 interlocution fragen und antworten + +
D + * * zhu3 lean on a stick 1. sich auf eine Stock stützen 2. Pfahl, Pfosten + +
D 得罪 + * * de2zui4 offend bei jm Anstoß erregen, beleidigen + +
D 好說 + * * hao3 shuo1 no problem leicht zu verhandeln,einfach zu regeln + +
D 毀滅 + * * hui3mie4 destroy/ ruin vernichten, ruinieren + +
D 軍用 + * * jun1yong4 for military use für militärische Zwecke, + +
D 來看 + * * lai2kan4 according to gemäß, so gesehen, + +
D 蜻蜓 + * * qing1ting2 dragonfly (Libelle) in qing1ting2 Libelle, Wasserjungfer + +
D 閉幕式 + * * bi4mu4shi4 closing ceremony Schlußzeremonie, Abschlußfeier + +
D 堅實 + * * jian1shi2 solid solide, fest + +
D 借助 + * * jie4zhu4 with the help of mit der Hilfe von, Hilfe bekommen von + +
D 軍裝 + * * jun1zhuang1 army uniform Uniform + +
D 傾聽 + * * qing1ting1 give ear to aufmerksam zuhören + +
D 入手 + * * ru4shou3 proceed with/ start with mit etw. anfangen, von etw. ausgehen + +
D 生前 + * * sheng1qian2 before one's death zu Lebzeiten + +
D 用意 + * * yong4yi4 purpose/ intention Absicht, Vorsatz + +
D 在乎 + * * zai4hu care about sich etwas zu Herzen nehmen + +
D 鑽石 + * * zuan4shi2 diamond Diamant + +
D 閉塞/蔽塞 + * * bi4se4 close up/ unenlightened verstopfen,schwer zugänglich + +
D 堅信 + * * jian1xin4 be firmly convinced tief überzeugt sein + +
D + * * jun1 monarch/ gentleman 1. Monarch, Herrscher, Gebieter, Fürst 2. Herr + +
D 來歷 + * * lai2li4 derivation/ history Vorgeschichte + +
D 凌晨 + * * ling2chen2 before dawn in der Morgendämmerung, früh morgens + +
D 入學 + * * ru4 xue2 enrollment eingeschult werden, mit dem Schulbesuch beginnen, in die Schule kommen + +
D 滔滔不絕 + * * tao1tao1 bu4 jue2 dash along/ give it mouth unaufhörlich reden (Redensart…) + +
D 問世 + * * wen4shi4 spacious/ commodious erscheinen, herausgegeben werden + +
D 在意 + * * zai4 yi4 care about sich etwas zu Herzen nehmen, auf etwas achten + +
D + * * zhu3 owner/ host 1. Gastgeber, 2. Eigentümer, Inhaber, Besitzer 3. betreffende Person oder Partei 4. hauptsächlich, primär, 5.verantworten, leiten 6. für etw. eintreten, eine bestimmte Idee haben + +
D 非…才 + * * fei1 cai2 have got to müssen + +
D 來臨 + * * lai2lin2 come/ fall ankommen, herannahen + +
D 破碎 + * * po4sui4 fall to pieces zerbrochen, zerfetzt, zerschmettern, zerstückeln + +
D 書刊 + * * shu1kan1 books and periodicals Bücher und Zeitschriften + +
D 幽默 + * * you1mo4 humorous Humor, humoristisch, humorvoll + +
D 正比 + * * zheng4bi3 direct ratio direktes Verhältnis + +
D 主辦 + * * zhu3ban4 sponsor/ hold leiten, für etwas verantwortlich sein + +
D 嘴巴 + * * zui3ba mouth Mund + +
D 才智 + * * cai2zhi4 ability and wisdom Vermögen und Weisheit + +
D 股東 + * * gu3dong1 stockholder Aktieninhaber, (Shareholder) + +
D 來年 + * * lai2nian2 the coming year kommendes Jahr, nächstes Jahr + +
D 軟件 + * * ruan3jian4 software Software + +
D 書面 + * * shu1mian4 in written form schriftlich + +
D 桃花 + * * tao2hua1 peach blossom Pfirsichblüte + +
D 主編 + * * zhu3bian1 editor in chief eine Redaktion leiten, Chefredakteur + +
D + * * cai2 wealth/ money Vermögen, Reichtum + +
D 股份 + * * gu3fen4 stock Aktie + +
D + * * ka3 block/ calorie 1. zurückhalten, aufhalten, blockieren 2. Kalorie + +
D …來說 + * * lai2shuo1 concerning/ on betreffend + +
D 清查 + * * qing1cha2 check/ uncover prüfen, überprüfen, kontrollieren, aufdecken + +
D 生態 + * * sheng1tai4 ecology ökologisch, Ökologie + +
D 書寫 + * * shu1xie3 calligraphy/ make out/ write schreiben + +
D + * * wo1 cote/ nest 1. Nest, Bau 2. Schlupfwinkel, Höhle, Nest, Unterschlupf 3. nach innen gewölbte Stelle am menschlichenKörper 4. verbergen, hehlen 5. zurückhalten, etw bei sich behalten 6. Zählwort, ein Wurf + +
D 股票 + * * gu3piao4 shares/ stock Aktie + +
D 好在 + * * hao3zai4 fortunately zum Glück, glücklicherweise + +
D 尖端 + * * jian1duan1 top end Spitze,am höchsten entwickelt, Spitzen- + +
D 金額 + * * jin1'e2 money/ sum Geld, Geldbetrag, Geldwert, Wert + +
D 靈敏 + * * ling2min3 ingenious empfindlich, sensibel,fein + +
D 彌補 + * * mi2bu3 remedy/ offset decken, wiedergutmachen + +
D 迫使 + 使* * po4shi3 compel/ force zwingen, aufzwingen + +
D 窩囊 + * * wo1nang hopeless stupid sich beleidigt fühlen, sich über ungerechte Behandlung ärgern, unfähig und feige + +
D 虛假 + * * xu1jia3 illusive/ mendacious falsch,unecht + +
D 優惠 + * * you1hui4 preferential/ favorable / discount bevorzugt, bevorrechtigt, Ermäßigung + +
D 正規 + * * zheng4gui1 formal regelmäßig, Standard + +
D 主導 + * * zhu3dao3 leading/ dominant leitend, führend + +
D 把柄 + * * ba3bing3 handhold Griff, Henkel,Handhabe + +
D 金黃 + * * jin1huang2 golden golden + +
D 瑞雪 + * * rui4xue3 auspicious snow rechtzeitiger Schnee, glücksverheißender Schnee + +
D 生效 + * * sheng1 xiao4 become effective in Kraft treten + +
D 逃荒 + * * tao2 huang1 flee from famine wegen einer Hungersnot fliehen + +
D + * * zan3 assemble/ save money aufsparen, anhäufen, ansammeln, zurücklegen + +
D 把關 + * * ba3 guan1 hold the pass einen (berg)Paß bewachen, kontrollieren,nachprüfen + +
D 財經 + * * cai2jing1 finance and economics Finanzen und Wirtschaft + +
D 短處 + * * duan3chu4 shortcoming Schwäche, Fehler + +
D 雇傭 + * * gu4yong1 employ einstellen,jd in den Dienst nehmen + +
D 金牌 + * * jin1pai2 gold medal Goldmedaille + +
D + * * ling3 mountain 1. Bergkette, Gebirge 2.Berg + +
D 撲克 + * * pu1ke4 poker/ playing card Spielkarten + +
D 虛偽 + * * xu1wei3 hypocritical falsch,heuchlerisch,scheinheilig + +
D + * * zan4 temporarily 1. von kurzer Dauer, kurze Zeit, eine kleine Weile 2. zeitweilig, vorläufig, vorübergehend + +
D 把手 + * * ba3shou3 knob Griff,Henkel, Hebel, Lenker + +
D 雇員 + * * gu4yuan2 employee Angestellte, Arbeitnehmer + +
D 金錢 + * * jin1qian2 money Geld, Währung + +
D 撲滅 + * * pu1 mie4 put out eradicate/ tread out auslöschen, ersticken, vernichten, ausrotten + +
D 生育 + * * sheng1yu4 procreate gebären + +
D 鄉親 + * * xiang1qin1 villager/ local people Landsleute, Dorfbewohner + +
D 暫且 + * * zan4qie3 for the moment für jetzt, für den Augenblick + +
D 主管 + * * zhu3guan3 in charge of verantwortlich für etw. sein, Person in verantwortlicher (oder leitender) Stellung + +
D + * * gu4 reason/ former/ so 1. Fall, Ereignis, Vorfall 2. Ursache, Grund 3. mit Absicht, absichtlich, vorsätzlich 4. ehemalig, einstig, früher 5.Freund, Bekanntschaft 6. sterben + +
D 開采 + * * kai1cai3 exploit (mine) abbauen, fördern, ausbeuten + +
D + * * lai4 go back on one's word 1. sich auf jetw/jn stützen/verlassen , auf jn/etw verlassen/angewiesen sein 2. hartnäckig stehenbleiben 3. abstreiten,leugnen,jn falsch beschuldigen 4. jn zuzuschreiben sein + +
D 檸檬 + * * ning2meng2 lemon Zitrone + +
D 臥室 + * * wo4shi4 bedroom Schlafzimmer + +
D 正氣 + * * zheng4qi4 healthy atmosphere gesunde Atmosphäre,Tendenz + +
D 把戲 + * * ba3xi4 acrobatics/ jugglery 1.Akrobatik 2. Trick, Intrige + +
D 誠摯 + * * cheng2zhi4 sincere/ cordial/ earnest aufrichtig,herzlich + +
D 號稱 + * * hao4cheng1 be known as behaupten, angeben, als bekannt sein + +
D 蘭花 + * * lan2hua1 orchid Orchidee + +
D 生殖 + * * sheng1zhi2 procreate Fortpflanzung, Reproduktion, reproduzieren + +
D 淘汰 + * * tao2tai4 be sifted out ausscheiden, aussondern, aussortieren, + +
D 須知 + * * xu1zhi1 notice/ information etwas wissen müssen, Punkte zur Beachtung, Bekanntmachung + +
D 會同 + * * hui4tong2 jointly with other organizations concerned gemeinam mit anderen Stellen + +
D 兼任 + * * jian1ren4 hold a concurrent post gleichzeitig verschiede Ämter bekleiden, nebenber. + +
D 開刀 + * * kai1 dao1 operate eine Operation ausführen, operieren + +
D 領事 + * * ling3shi4 consulate Konsul + +
D 凝結 + * * ning2jie2 congeal/ coagulate gerinnen, fest werden, kondensieren + +
D 葡萄糖 + * * pu2taotang2 dextrose Traubenzucker + +
D 牲口 + * * sheng1kou domestic animals Vieh + +
D + * * shu3 belong to 1. Kategorie, 2. Genus 3. einer Institution unterstellt sein 4. gehören 5.Familienangehörige 6. sein 7. geboren im Jahre (eines der zwölf Tierkreiszeichen) + +
D 徐徐 + * * xu2xu2 gently/ slowly langsam, gemächlich,geruhsam + +
D 霸道 + * * ba4dao4 overbearing Tyrannei,despotisch + +
D 存款 + * * cun2 kuan3 saving deposit Geld bei einer Bank deponieren + +
D 會晤 + * * hui4wu4 contact zusammentreffen + +
D + * * jin1 tendon 1. Muskel 2. Sehne 3. adern- oder sehnenartige Dinge + +
D 牲畜 + * * sheng1chu4 livestock Haustier + +
D + * * tao3 ask for 1.eine Strafexpedition unternehmen, einen Feldzug machen 2.verurteilen, tadeln, anprangern 3. verlangen, fordern 4. sich etw zuziehen 5. diskutieren + +
D 烏鴉 + * * wu1ya1 crow Rabe, Krähe + +
D 霸權 + * * ba4quan2 hegemony Hegemonie + +
D 鋼材 + * * gang1cai2 steel products Stahlprodukte + +
D 故障 + * * gu4zhang4 malfunction/ fault/ hitch Störung, Ausfall, Defekt + +
D 浩浩蕩蕩 + * * hao4hao4 dang4dang4 go forward with great strength and vigor massenhaft,nicht abreißend, + +
D 肩膀 + * * jian1bang3 shoulder Schulter + +
D 清早 + * * qing1zao3 morning frühmorgens, früh am Morgen + +
D 烏雲 + * * wu1yun2 dark clouds dunkle Wolken + +
D 想方設法 + * * xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3 do everything possible/ try every means alles mögliche probieren + +
D 主人翁 + * * zhu3ren2weng1 master/ hero Herr + +
D 罪名 + * * zui4ming2 accusation/ charge gesetzliche Bezeichnung für einen Straftatbestand + +
D 霸占 + * * ba4zhan4 seize/ forcibly occupy unrechtmäßig Besitz ergreifen + +
D 鋼琴 + * * gang1qin2 piano Klavier,Piano + +
D 清真寺 + * * qing1zhen1si4 mosque Moschee + +
D 升學 + * * sheng1 xue2 enter a higher school in eine höhere Schule versetzt werden + +
D 樹幹 + * * shu4gan4 trunk/ stock Baumstamm + +
D 許可 + * * xu3ke3 admit/ allow billigen, einwilligen, zustimmen, erlauben, genehmigen, + +
D 磋商 + * * cuo1shang1 negotiate sich beraten, Meinungsaustausch,Konsultation + +
D 斷定 + * * duan4ding4 be sure/ figure out eine Schlußfolgerung ziehen,behaupten, feststellen + +
D 顧不得 + * * gu4 bu de have no time to attend to the matter sich nicht um etwas sorgen können + +
D 好客 + * * hao4ke4 hospitable gastfreundlich + +
D 密度 + * * mi4du4 consistency Dichte + +
D + * * xu4 store up speichern, ansammeln, wachsen lassen, hegen, etwas in sich bewahren, beabsichtigen + +
D 一旦 + * * yi1dan4 once/ in case an einem einzigen Tag, wenn, sobald,plötzlich, an einem Tag + +
D 政變 + * * zheng4bian4 coup Staatsstreich,Putsch + +
D 主食 + * * zhu3shi2 staple food Hauptnahrung + +
D 罪狀 + * * zui4zhuang4 facts about a crime Straftatbestand + +
D 鞭策 + * * bian1ce4 urge on anspornen, antreiben + +
D 採集 + * * cai3ji2 gather/ collect sammeln + +
D 斷斷續續 + * * duan4duan4 xu4xu4 off and on/ intermittently mit Unterbrechungen, ab und zu + +
D + * * gang1 outline 1.Hauptleine 2.Hauptkettenglied 3. Programm 4.Klasse + +
D 開工 + * * kai1 gong1 come into operation in Betrieb nehmen (o. setzen), mit dem Bau beginnen + +
D 領子 + * * ling3zi collar Kragen + +
D 寧肯 + * * ning4ken3 would rather than würde eher + +
D 團圓 + * * tuan2yuan2 reunion sich wiedervereinigen + +
D 酗酒 + * * xu4jiu3 keep to the bottle Alkohohlmißbrauch, saufen, unmäßig trinken + +
D 憂慮 + * * you1lv4 worry Besorgnis, Bedenken, Angst, + +
D 贊助 + * * zan4zhu4 support/ sponsor Unterstützung,Beistand, Förderung + +
D 主題 + * * zhu3ti2 topic Thema, Leitmotiv, Motiv + +
D 斷絕 + * * duan4jue2 break off/ sever abbrechen, abschneiden + +
D 匪徒 + * * fei3tu2 mobster Gangster, Bandit + +
D 彙集 + * * hui4ji2 converge/ collect sammeln, sich versammeln + +
D 艱險 + * * jian1xian3 difficult and dangerous Schwierigkeiten, Gefahren + +
D 津津有味 + * * jin1jin1 you3 wei4 with relish/ with gusto mit großem Vergnügen, mit großem Appetit / mit großem Interesse + +
D 寧願 + * * ning4yuan4 would rather würde eher + +
D 尊稱 + * * zun1 cheng1 honorific title respektvolle, Anredeform, respektvoll anreden, Ehrentitel + +
D 綱要 + * * gang1yao4 compendium Disposition,Skizze, Grundriß + +
D 顧全大局 + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen + +
D 津貼 + * * jin1tie1 allowance Zuschuß + +
D 開化 + * * kai1hua4 become civilized zivilisiert werden + +
D + * * mian2 cotton Baumwolle und Kabok,baumwollgefüttert + +
D 響聲 + * * xiang3sheng1 noise/ sound Laut, Geräusch, Schall + +
D + * * bai1 break off with fingers and thumb mit beiden Händen etwas brechen + +
D + * * jian3 cocoon 1. Kokon 2. Schwiele + +
D 省會 + * * sheng3hui4 the capital of province Provinzhauptstadt + +
D 特產 + * * te4chan3 special local product spezielles einheimisches Erzeugnis, Spezialität + +
D 序言 + * * xu4yan2 prologue Geleitwort,Vorwort,Prolog + +
D 一度 + * * yi1du4 once eine Zeitlang, einmal + +
D 狼狽 + * * lang2bei4 in sore straits/ in a tight corner in Verlegenheit geraten, in die Klemme kommen + +
D + * * pu3 compose 1.Register, Tabelle, 2. Leitfaden, Handbuch 3.Noten zu einem Musikstück, in Noten setzen, komponieren 4. eine klare Vorstellung haben, von etw überzeugt sein + +
D 情感 + * * qing2gan3 mood/ feeling Gefühl, Gemütsbewegung + +
D 省略 + * * sheng3lve4 omit/ overleap auslassen, ersparen + +
D 嗚咽 + * * wu1ye4 sob schluchzen + +
D 享福 + * * xiang3 fu2 enjoy a happy life ein glückliches Leben führen + +
D 畜產品 + * * xu4chan3pin3 livestock product Produkte aus der Viehzucht + +
D 政協 + * * zheng4xie2 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference die politische Konsultativkonferenz des chi. Volkes + +
D 邊防 + * * bian1fang2 border defense Grenzschutz, Grenzverteidigung + +
D + * * mian3 avoid/ exempt 1.jn von etwas befreien, jm etw. erlassen 2. Amtenthebung 3. vermeiden, verhüten 4. verbieten, etw. nicht erlauben + +
D 譜曲 + * * pu3 qu3 compose/ set to music in Noten setzen, komponieren + +
D 情節 + * * qing2jie2 story Handlung, Fabel, Sachlage eines Vergehens + +
D 享樂 + * * xiang3le4 enjoy/ feast Genuß suchen, nur seinen Vergnügungen leben + +
D 核武器 + * * he2wu3qi4 nuclear weapon Kernwaffe + +
D 紐扣儿 + * * niu3kou4'er button 1. Knopf 2. Band + +
D + * * sheng4 vigorous, energetic energisch, in voller Blüte, großartig siehe cheng2 + +
D 數額 + * * shu4'e2 amount Summe, Betrag + +
D 絮叨 + * * xu4dao wordy geschwätzig, langatmig, wortreich + +
D 遵循 + * * zun1xun2 follow/ keep to sich nach etwas richten, sich an etwas halten, + +
D 持續 + * * chi2xu4 persist/ last out fortsetzen, andauern + +
D 核心 + * * he2xin1 core/ kernel Kern, Zentrum + +
D 檢舉 + * * jian3ju3 inform against anzeigen, denunzieren + +
D 開闊 + * * kai1kuo4 open and wide weit,ausgedehnt,offenherzig/tolerant/erweitern + +
D 留戀 + * * liu2lian4 be reluctant to leave an etw. hängen, sich von etw.,jn nicht trennen können, sich nach etwas sehnen + +
D 盛產 + * * sheng4chan3 abound in/ teem with im Überfluß vorhanden sein + +
D 享有 + * * xiang3you3 have/ own sich erfreuen, genießen + +
D + * * xu4 continue ununterbrochen, unablässig, kontinuierlich, fortsetzen,hinzufügen, hinzutun + +
D 一概而論 + * * yi1gai4 er2 lun4 lump together al and sundry/ lump under one head als das gleiche behandeln + +
D 郵電 + * * you2dian4 post and telecommunication Post und Fernmeldewesen + +
D + * * zhu4 write/ book 1. deutlich, ausgeprägt, klar hervortretend 2. zeigen, sich erweisen 3. schreiben, verfassen 4. Werk + +
D 遵照 + * * zun1zhao4 comply/ conform to sich fügen, entsprechen, in Übereinstimmung mit etw. handeln + +
D 邊境 + * * bian1jing4 border/ frontier Grenzgebiet, Grenzland + +
D 固執 + * * gu4zhi2 stubborn hartnäckig, eigensinnig + +
D 開朗 + * * kai1lang3 optimistic klar und offen, heiter, fröhlich, zuversichtlich + +
D 免費 + * * mian3 fei4 free for charge gratis + +
D 濃度 + * * nong2du4 chroma/ consistency Konzentration, + +
D 期待 + * * qi1dai4 expect/ look forward to erwarten, erhoffen + +
D 情理 + * * qing2li3 sense/ reason Vernunft, Verstand, normale menschliche Gefühle + +
D 特區 + * * te4qu1 special zone Sonderzone + +
D 一乾二凈 + * * yi1 gan1 er4 jing4 completely/ thoroughly vollständig, völlig, gründlich + +
D 郵購 + * * you2gou4 mail order Bestellung durch die Post + +
D 琢磨 + * * zuo2mo consider/ ponder grübeln, über etw. nachdenken, überlegen + +
D 池塘 + * * chi2tang2 pool/ pond Teich,Weiher, Tümpel + +
D 和藹 + * * he2'ai3 kind/ good-tempered freundlich, liebenswürdig + +
D 留神 + * * liu2 shen2 watch out vorsichtig sein, achtgeben + +
D 勉勵 + * * mian3li4 encourage anspornen, ermutigen + +
D 盛開 + * * sheng4kai1 bloom in voller Blüte + +
D 鄭重 + * * zheng4zhong4 solemn in zheng4zhong4 feierlich, ernst + +
D 高超 + * * gao1chao1 outstanding/ superb/ excellent ausgezeichnet, hervorragend + +
D 和解 + * * he2jie3 settle compromise sich versöhnen + +
D 錦繡 + * * jin3xiu4 brocade schön + +
D 爛漫 + * * lang4man4 romantic romantisch + +
D 留心 + * * liu2 xin1 heed/ notice beachten, aufmerksam sein, aufpassen + +
D 農產品 + * * nong2chan3pin3 farm produce Agrarprodukte + +
D 期刊 + * * qi1kan1 periodical Zeitschrift + +
D 盛情 + * * sheng4qing2 boundless hospitality große Freundlichkeit,Gastfreundlichkeit + +
D 無償 + * * wu2chang2 volunteer gratis,frei + +
D 百倍 + * * bai3bei4 a hundredfold hundertfach + +
D 低級 + * * di1ji2 low-grade Elementar- + +
D 瓜分 + * * gua1fen1 carve up/ partition hartnäckig, eigensinnig, stur + +
D 和睦 + * * he2mu4 concord/ harmony Harmonie, Eintracht + +
D 宣讀 + * * xuan1du2 read out vorlesen, verlesen + +
D 一貫 + * * yi1guan4 all along/ then as now konsequent, ständig + +
D 糟蹋 + * * zao1ta4 waste/ ruin/ spoil verschwenden, verderben, verunglimpfen, beleidigen, mit Füßen treten, vergewaltigen + +
D 參軍 + * * can1 jun1 join up the army in den Militärdienst eintreten + +
D 低劣 + * * di1lie4 low-grade/ inferior/ mean minderwertig, geringer Wert + +
D 推理 + * * tui1li3 inference/ reasoning vernünftiges Erwägen, Schlußfolgern, + +
D 無從 + * * wu2cong2 have no way nicht in der Lage sein, unmöglich, nicht möglich + +
D 郵政 + * * you2zheng4 post Postwesen + +
D 百花齊放 + * * bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom laßt hundert Blumen blühen + +
D 編者按 + * * bian1zhe3 an4 editorial note redaktionelle Notiz + +
D 低溫 + * * di1wen1 low temperature Tieftemperatur, tiefe Temperatur + +
D 高檔 + * * gao1dang4 top grade erstklassig, von sehr guter Qualität + +
D 和平共處 + * * he2ping2 gong4 chu3 peaceful coexistence friedliche Koexistenz + +
D 勞動力 + * * lao2dong4li4 labor force Arbeitkraft + +
D 請柬 + * * qing3jian3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung + +
D 宣誓 + * * xuan1 shi4 swear/ take a oath ein Gelöbnis ablegen + +
D 低下 + * * di1xia4 low unter + +
D 對岸 + * * dui4'an4 the other side of the river andere Seite des Flußes + +
D 麵包車 + * * mian4bao1che1 microbus Minibus + +
D 無非 + * * wu2fei1 nothing but/ no more than nichts anderes als, nur, bloß + +
D 一會兒…一會兒 + * * yi1hui4'er yi1hui4'er now and then/ a little while in dem einem Augenblick...und in dem nächsten... + +
D 助長 + * * zhu4zhang3 foster/ encourage fördern, begünstigen, nähren + +
D 百家爭鳴 + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander + +
D 掛鉤 + * * gua4 gou1 hook up Kupplung,mit jm Kontakt aufnehmen + +
D 和尚 + * * he2shang monk buddhistischer Mönch + +
D 簡稱 + * * jian3cheng1 shortened form Abkürzung + +
D 儘快 + * * jin3kuai4 as soon as possible so schnell wie möglich + +
D 開天辟地 + * * kai1 tian1 pi4 di4 since the beginning of the history/ the creation of the world die Welt erschaffen, seit dem Beginn der Geschichte + +
D 推銷 + * * tui1xiao1 promote sales den Absatz steigern, auf den Markt werfen + +
D 無話可說 + * * wu2 hua4 ke3 shuo1 have nothing to say nichts zu sagen haben + +
D 宣揚 + * * xuan1yang2 publicize/ propagate verbreiten, propagieren + +
D 一技之長 + * * yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2 professional skill/ specially berufliche Qualifikation in einem bestimmten Fach + +
D 做工 + * * zuo4 gong1 work arbeiten, Anfertigungskosten, Kunstfertigkeit + +
D 貶義 + * * bian3yi4 derogatory sense negativer Sinn + +
D 參與 + * * can1yu4 participate in/ attach oneself to teilnehmen, mitwirken, beteiligt ein + +
D 和諧 + * * he2xie2 concordant/ harmonious Harmonie, harmonisch + +
D 牢房 + * * lao2fang2 prison house Gefängnis, Gefängniszelle, Kerker + +
D 掃除 + * * sao3chu2 clean off reinigen,säubern,beseitigen,räumen,wegräumen + +
D 無可奉告 + * * wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4 no comment kein Kommentar + +
D 像樣 + * * xiang4 yang4 up to the mark/ presentable ansehnlich, anständig, stattlich, geeignet + +
D 鑄造 + * * zhu4zao4 found gießen, Guß + +
D 參閱 + * * can1yue4 refer to/ consult konsultieren + +
D + * * di2 enemy/ appose 1.Feind, Gegner,2.feindlich, gegnerisch 3. Widerstand leisten, bekämpfen, widerstehen + +
D 對策 + * * dui4ce4 countermeasure Gegenmaßnahme + +
D 掛念 + * * gua4nian4 be concerned about sich um jm Sorgen machen, an jn denken + +
D 簡短 + * * jian3duan3 short/ curt kurz und bündig + +
D 開拓 + * * kai1tuo4 open up/ exploit urbar machen, erschließen + +
D 流寇 + * * liu2kou4 roving bandits umherschweifende Banditen (Rebellen) + +
D 七嘴八舌 + * * qi1 zui3 ba1 she2 all talking at once alle reden zur gleichen Zeit + +
D + * * teng2 gallop/ jump clear out 1. gallopieren, springen, emporschnellen 2. in die Höhe steigen, emporsteigen 3. etw frei machen, freihalten + +
D 推選 + * * tui1xuan3 elect/ choose wählen + +
D 一舉 + * * yi1ju3 at one swoop in einem Streich,mit einem Mal, + +
D 參照 + * * can1zhao4 refer to vergleichen, unter Verweis auf etw , gemäß + +
D 敵對 + * * di2dui4 antagonize feindlich, gegnerisch + +
D 高貴 + * * gao1gui4 honorable/ noble 1.edel, vornehm,nobel,gut 2. von hohem Stand, adelig + +
D 流浪 + * * liu2lang4 lead a vagrant life/ rove/ roam about vagabundieren, umherwandern, ein Vagabundenleben führen + +
D 請帖 + * * qing3tie3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung + +
D 無理 + * * wu2li3 out of reason unvernünftig, nicht zurechtfertigen, grundlos, unbegründet + +
D 懸念 + * * xuan2nian4 reader's involvement sich sorgenvoll nach jm sehnen,Spannung + +
D 凄慘 + * * qi1can3 tragic/ deplorable kläglich, traurig, elend + +
D 無聊 + * * wu2liao2 bored/ tiresome langweilig, Langeweile, geschmacklos, fade + +
D 油料 + * * you2liao4 oil plants Ölpflanzen + +
D 早日 + * * zao3ri4 early/ soon früh, bald, schnell + +
D 住房 + * * zhu4fang2 housing/ lodging Wohnhaus, Wohnung + +
D 作案 + * * zuo4 an4 commit an offence ein Verbrechen begehen + +
D + * * can2 incomplete 1.unvollständig, defekt, fragmentarisch 2.Rest, Überbleibsel, übriggeblieben 3. beschädigen, verletzen 4. grausam, brutal, barbarisch + +
D 敵視 + * * di2shi4 be hostile to/ antagonize jd als Feind ansehen + +
D 分辨 + * * fen1bian4 defend oneself against a charge unterscheiden, Auflösung + +
D 高考 + * * gao1kao3 the exam for entering universities Zulassungsprüfung der Hochschule + +
D 何等 + * * he2deng3 how/ what kind welch, was für ein + +
D 簡明 + * * jian3ming2 compendious einfach und klar, klipp und klar + +
D 進程 + * * jin4cheng2 course/ process Verlauf, Gang, Prozeß + +
D 凄涼 + * * qi1liang2 desolate/ dreary/ lonely einsam, verlassen, öde + +
D 請願 + * * qing3yuan4 petition eine Bittschrift einreichen, petitionieren + +
D 師長 + * * shi1zhang3 teacher/ division commander Lehrer, Divisionskommandeur + +
D + * * shuai4 handsome 1. Oberkommandierender 2.sehr gut , herrlich, ausgezeichnet, toll, bravo + +
D 油漆 + * * you2qi1 oil paint Lack, Anstrichfarbe, streichen, anstreichen, lackieren + +
D 住所 + * * zhu4suo3 habitation/ residence Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz + +
D 作法 + * * zuo4fa action/ practice Handlungsweise, Verfahren, Magie anwenden, zaubern + +
D 敗壞 + * * bai4huai4 defile/ rot Demoralisierung, verderben, verleiden + +
D 殘暴 + * * can2bao4 atrocious/ barbarous grausam, unbarmherzig + +
D 面面俱到 + * * mian4 mian4 ju4 dao4 reach every aspect of a matter keinen Aspekt außer Acht lassen, sich um alles kümmern wollen und sich auf nichts konzentrieren können + +
D 慶賀 + * * qing4he4 congratulate/ felicitate beglückwunschen, gratulieren, feiern + +
D + * * shi1 lose 1.verlieren, abhanden kommen 2. verpassen, versäumen 3. vom normalen Zustand abweichen 4.(ein Versprechen, eine Zusage) brechen 5. verloren, verirrt 6. mißlingen 7. Fehler + +
D 作廢 + * * zuo4fei4 cancellation/ blank out ungültig werden, canceln, + +
D + * * bai4 do obeisance 1. Ehrerbietung bezeigen 2. jn als etwas verehren 3. einen Anstandsbesuch abstatten , jn besuchen 4. mit Dankbarkeit etwas in Empfang nehmen + +
D 殘疾 + * * can2ji deformity Behinderung, behindert, verunstalten + +
D 弄虛作假 + * * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception mit Tricks hintergehen + +
D 提案 + * * ti2'an4 draft resolution/ overture/ proposal Antrag, Vorschlag + +
D 無能為力 + * * wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action/ powerless hilflos + +
D 噪音 + * * zao4yin1 noise Lärm, Geräusch + +
D 支撐 + * * zhi1cheng1 support/ crutch stützen, unterstützen + +
D 的確良 + * * di2que4liang2 Dacron Chemiefaser, Dragon (?) + +
D 分寸 + * * fen1cun4 proper limits for speech or action Sinn für Schicklichkeit, richtiges Maß + +
D 合併 + * * he2bing4 unite/ incorporate vereinigen, zusammenlegen + +
D 註冊 + * * zhu4ce4 enroll/ register sich einschreiben, sich eintragen, registrieren + +
D 對抗 + * * dui4kang4 rival/ antagonize Antagonismus,Konfrontation, sich widersetzen + +
D 分隊 + * * fen1dui4 platoon/ unit/ element Team + +
D 活力 + * * huo2li4 energy/ vigor Vitalität,Energie + +
D 面容 + * * mian4rong2 look/ face Gesicht, Aussehen, Antlitz + +
D 選拔 + * * xuan3ba2 choose/ select auslesen, auswählen + +
D 一毛不拔 + * * yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly/ very stingy/ unwilling to give up even a hair sich nicht ein Haar ausrupfen, geizig sein + +
D 游客 + * * you2ke4 tourist Besucher, Ausflügler, Tourist + +
D 支出 + * * zhi1chu1 payout/ expend zahlen, bezahlen, ausgeben, Ausgabe, Aufwendung, + +
D 註解 + * * zhu4jie3 note/ annotation erläutern, anmerken, Anmerkung, Glosse + +
D 拜年 + * * bai4 nian2 congratulate the New Year jmd einen Neujahrsbesuch machen, Wünsche zum Neuj. + +
D 棺材 + * * guan1cai coffin Sarg + +
D + * * tun2 collect/ village 1. einlagern, speichern 2. stationieren, einquartieren 3. Dorf + +
D 無窮 + * * wu2qiong2 boundless/ endless unerschöpflich, unendlich, unbegrenzt + +
D 選定 + * * xuan3ding4 make a choice of/ choose/ select auswählen, eine Wahl treffen, + +
D 造價 + * * zao4jia4 cost Baukosten, Herstellungskosten + +
D 注目 + * * zhu4mu4 fix one's eyes on den Blick auf etw. richten + +
D 剪彩 + * * jian3 cai3 cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony bei einer Einweihung das Band durchschneiden + +
D 銷毀 + * * xiao1hui3 destroy by melting or burning durch Schmelzen oder Verbrennen vernichten + +
D 選集 + * * xuan3ji2 selected works anthology gesammelte Werke, Werkauswahl + +
D 游人 + * * you2ren2 tourist Besucher, Tourist, Ausflügler + +
D 分紅 + * * fen1 hong2 share out bonus Gewinnbeteiligung, Dividende ausbezahlen + +
D 剪刀 + * * jian3dao1 scissors Schere + +
D 進取 + * * jin4qu3 keep for going ahead Fortschritte machen + +
D 爽快 + * * shuang3kuai4 outright/ frank behaglich, angenehm, frisch, offenherzig, aufrichtig, offen, ohne weiteres, ohne Bedenken + +
D 造型 + * * zao4xing2 model/ mold 1.formen, modellieren 2.Muster, Modell, Gestalt + +
D 註釋 + * * zhu4shi4 note/ annotation Anmerkung + +
D 對聯 + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen + +
D 分化 + * * fen1hua4 polarize sich spalten, sich teilen, Differenzierung + +
D 關閉 + * * guan1bi4 close/ shut schließen + +
D 合乎 + * * he2hu1 accord with entsprechen, mit etwas übereinstimmen + +
D 勘探 + * * kan1tan4 prospect for/ prove up Schürfen,Erforschung + +
D 老漢 + * * lao3han4 old man alter Mann + +
D 怒火 + * * nu4huo3 inflammation Flammen des Zorn + +
D 拖延 + * * tuo1yan2 delay/ put off verzögern,aufschieben,hinauschieben + +
D 無所作為 + * * wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2 attempt and accomplish nothing in Nichtstun versinken,Nichtstuerei + +
D 選民 + * * xuan3min2 electorate Wähler + +
D 高血壓 + * * gao1xue4ya1 hypertension erhöhter Blutdruck + +
D 合伙 + * * he2huo3 cooperate/ join hands with gemeinsam ein Unternehmen gründen + +
D 減產 + * * jian3 chan3 reduction of output Produktionssenkung, Produktion senken + +
D 描繪 + * * miao2hui4 describe/ portray schildern, beschreiben, malen + +
D 失效 + * * shi1 xiao4 lose efficacy/ be no longer in force seine Wirkung verlieren, nicht mehr wirksam sein + +
D 無微不至 + * * wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4 meticulously/ in every possible way bis ins kleinste, aufs sorfältigste + +
D + * * xiao1 disappear/ remove 1. verschwinden, sich verlieren 2. zerstreuen, vertreiben, entfernen 3. seine Zeit auf geruhsame Weise verbringen + +
D 選取 + * * xuan3qu3 choose/ select auswählen, aussuchen + +
D 支柱 + * * zhi1zhu4 mainstay/ backbone Stütze, Stützbalken + +
D 班子 + * * ban1zi organized group Theatergruppe,Team, organisierte Gruppe + +
D 變換 + * * bian4huan4 transform/ change sehr veränderlich sein, sich ständig ändern + +
D 沖破 + * * chong1po4 break through durchbrechen + +
D 分類 + * * fen1 lei4 assort/ classify/ sort klassifizieren, einordnen + +
D 減低 + * * jian3di1 reduce/ cut back on herabsetzen, verringern + +
D 龍頭 + * * long2tou2 cock/ tap Halfter, Zaumzeug + +
D 失學 + * * shi1 xue2 unable to go to school keine Schule besuchen können, nicht lernen können + +
D 水產 + * * shui3chan3 marine lives/ aquatic product Wasserprodukte + +
D 一身 + * * yi1shen1 all over the body der ganze Körper, ein Anzug, eine einzelne Person + +
D 注重 + * * zhu4zhong4 pay attention to auf etw. besonderen Nachdruck legen + +
D 老家 + * * lao3jia1 hometown Heimat, Geburtsort + +
D 提名 + * * ti2 ming2 nominate/ name nominieren, zur Wahl vorschlagen + +
D 搬運 + * * ban1yun4 carry/ convey transportieren, befördern + +
D 變形 + * * bian4 xing2 metamorphose aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden + +
D 關切 + * * guan1qie4 be deeply concerned um etwas besorgt ein, Besorgnis + +
D 合情合理 + * * he2 qing2 he2 li3 fair and reasonable gerecht, ganz vernünftig + +
D 減弱 + * * jian3ruo4 weaken/ take off nachlassen, schwächer werden + +
D 失約 + * * shi1 yue1 fail to keep an appointment eine Verabredung nicht einhalten + +
D 水電 + * * shui3dian4 hydropower hydroelektrische Energie + +
D 無效 + * * wu2xiao4 no effective außer Kraft, ungültig, unnütz + +
D 選用 + * * xuan3yong4 choose/ select auswählen + +
D 責任制 + * * ze2ren4zhi4 system of job responsibility System der Job-Verantwortung + +
D 知覺 + * * zhi1jue2 feeling/ consciousness Bewußtsein,Perzeption,Wahrnehmung + +
D 祝福 + * * zhu4fu2 bless/ benediction Segen, Segenswunsch + +
D 變質 + * * bian4 zhi4 deteriorate verderben, schlechter werden + +
D 進展 + * * jin4zhan3 evolve/ get along Entwicklung, sich entwickeln + +
D 隆重 + * * long2zhong4 ceremonious großartig, feierlich + +
D 球隊 + * * qiu2dui4 (sport) team Mannschaft (bei Ballspielen) + +
D 傻子 + * * sha3zi fool Dummkopf, Tor, Narr + +
D 脫落 + * * tuo1luo4 break off/ shed fallen, abfallen + +
D 對應 + * * dui4ying4 correspond entsprechend,übereinstimmend + +
D 晉升 + * * jin4sheng1 promote befördern, voranbringen, ein Projekt fördern + +
D 看待 + * * kan4dai4 look on behandeln, betrachten + +
D 奇花異草 + * * qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3 exotic flowers and rare herbs exotische Blumen und seltene Pflanzen + +
D 無意 + * * wu2yi4 have no intention keine Lust haben, kein Interesse zeigen, nicht vorsätzlich + +
D 頒布 + * * ban1bu4 promulgate/ issue verkünden + +
D + * * cao1 hold/ exercise 1 etwas in der Hand haben, halten, etw ind die Hand nehmen, fassen 2. sich mit etw befassen, tun, betreiben 3. (eine Sprache oder einen Dialekt) sprechen + +
D 分母 + * * fen1mu3 denominator Nenner (eines Bruchs) + +
D + * * jin4 ban/ prohibit 1.untersagen, verbieten 2. einkerkern , einsperren 3. Tabu 4. verbotener Ort + +
D + * * shi1 carry out/ execute 1.ausführen, durchführen 2. etw. für wohltätige Zwecke spenden 3. jm etw. zufügen, 4. etw geltend machen 5. auflegen, verwenden + +
D 提示 + * * ti2shi4 prompt/ clue on jmd auf etwas hinweisen + +
D 無知 + * * wu2zhi1 ignorant Unwissenheit, unwissend + +
D 一頭 + * * yi1tou2 wholeheartedly ernsthaft, rückhaltlos, mit ganzem Herzen, voll und ganz + +
D + * * zen3 how/ what warum, wie + +
D 對照 + * * dui4zhao4 compare/ collate Kontrast, Vergleich, gegenüberstellen + +
D 搞活 + * * gao3 huo2 make vigorous lebendig werden + +
D 合營 + * * he2ying2 jointly owned gemeinsame Wirtschaftsführung, gemeinsam betrieben + +
D 火山 + * * huo3shan1 volcano Vulkan + +
D 禁區 + * * jin4qu1 forbidden zone preserve verbotene Zone, + +
D 蔑視 + * * mie4shi4 disparage/ scorn 1. geringschätzen, verachten 2. verleumden, verunglimpfen + +
D 奇妙 + * * qi2miao4 wonderful wunderbar, faszinierend + +
D 施肥 + * * shi1 fei2 fertilization Dünger streuen, düngen + +
D + * * tuo3 ready/ proper 1. geeignet, angemessen, zweckmäßig 2. bereits fertig,schon beendet + +
D 梧桐 + * * wu2tong2 phoenix tree Firmiana simplex, Platanenblättrige Sterkulie, Chinesischer Schirmbaum, + +
D 靴子 + * * xue1zi boot Stiefel + +
D 駐扎 + * * zhu4zha1 be stationed stationieren + +
D 操勞 + * * cao1lao2 work hard mühsam arbeiten, sich um etwas kümmern + +
D 合資 + * * he2zi1 set up a joint venture vereintes Kapital + +
D 武力 + * * wu3li4 force Gewalt, Waffengewalt + +
D + * * ban3 printing plate/ edition 1.Druckpatte, Druckstock, Matrize 2. Auflage, Ausgabe 3. Zeitungsseite + +
D 大包大攬 + * * da4bao1 da4lan3 undertake the whole thing/ take on every thing etwas vollständig durchführen + +
D 鑒於 + * * jian4yu2 in view of in Anbetracht, angesichts, im Hinblick + +
D 看起來 + * * kan4 qi3lai2 look like es scheint, dem Anschein nach + +
D + * * nuo2 move/ shift verrücken, verlegen, rücken, verschieben + +
D 趨向 + * * qu1xiang4 tend to tendieren, neigen, Neigung, Tendenz + +
D 珊瑚 + * * shan1hu2 coral (Koralle, tugendhafte Person) in shan1hu2 Koralle + +
D 施加 + * * shi1jia1 bring to bear ausüben, etw. geltend machen + +
D 妥善 + * * tuo3shan4 proper/ appropriate geeignet, zweckmäßig,passend + +
D + * * ban4 disguise oneself as 1. schmücken, sich verkleiden 2. eine Rolle spielen, darstellen 3. das Gesicht zum Spaß verziehen, grimassieren, + +
D 崇拜 + * * chong2bai4 adore/ worship bewundern, anbeten + +
D 稿紙 + 稿* * gao3zhi3 paper for making manuscript Konzeptpapier + +
D 官方 + * * guan1fang1 by the government official offiziell, amtlich + +
D 踐踏 + * * jian4ta4 override mit den Füßen treten, zertreten + +
D 看望 + * * kan4wang4 call on/ visit/ see besuchen + +
D 老太婆 + * * lao3tai4po2 old woman alte Frau + +
D 施行 + * * shi1xing2 carry out/ dispense in Kraft treten, gültig sein, durchführen, ausführen + +
D 妥協 + * * tuo3xie2 compromise Kompromiß + +
D 有口無心 + * * you3 kou3 wu2 xin1 be sharp-tongued but not malicious eine scharfe Zunge haben, aber nicht böswillig sein + +
D 座右銘 + * * zuo4you4ming2 motto Motto, Maxime,Wahlspruch + +
D 禾苗 + * * he2miao2 seedlings of cereal crops junge Saat, Setzling + +
D 民航 + * * min2hang2 civil aviation Luftfahrt + +
D 齊全 + * * qi2quan2 complete/ all ready komplett, vollständig + +
D 施展 + * * shi1zhan3 put to good use entfalten, zeigen + +
D 水土 + * * shui3tu3 natural environment and climate Wasser und Boden + +
D 提早 + * * ti2zao3 ahead of schedule früher als vorgesehen + +
D 看作 + * * kan4zuo4 regard as/ look upon as betrachten als + +
D 老天爺 + * * lao3tian1ye2 God Gott, Himmel + +
D 水源 + * * shui3yuan2 the source of water Quelle + +
D + * * ban4 partner/ accompany 1.Gefährte, Partner, Gesellschafter 2. begleiten + +
D + * * cao2 slot/ groove 1.Futterkrippe, Becken, Trog 2.Einschnitt, Kerbe, Nut, Rinne, Rille + +
D 官員 + * * guan1yuan2 official Beamte + +
D 河道 + * * he2dao4 watercourse/ river course Flußlauf + +
D 慷慨 + * * kang1kai3 generous leidenschaftlich, inbrünstig,großzügig, freigebig + +
D 水災 + * * shui3zai1 flood Überschwemmung, Hochwasser + +
D 學歷 + * * xue2li4 educational background Bildungsgang, Bildungsabschluß, + +
D + * * guan1 look at/ watch/ see 1. schauen, sehen, beobachten, 2. Anblick, Aussehen, 3. Anschauung, Ansicht + +
D 近視 + * * jin4shi4 myopia kurzsichtig, Kurzsichtigkeit + +
D 漏稅 + * * lou4 shui4 tax evasion wörtlich: der Steuer ausweichen,Steuerbetrug + +
D 民意 + * * min2yi4 public opinion öffentliche Meinung + +
D 山岡 + * * shan1gang1 hillock/ low hill kleiner Berg, Hügel + +
D 水蒸氣 + * * shui3zheng1qi4 vapor Wasserdampf + +
D 伴隨 + * * ban4sui2 go with begleiten,folgen, unmittelbar nach + +
D 遍地 + * * bian4di4 all over überall, an allen Ecken und Kanten + +
D 告誡 + * * gao4jie4 warn/ caution jn vor etwas warnen + +
D 賀詞 + * * he4ci2 greetings/ congratulations Grüße, Glückwünsche + +
D 近似 + * * jin4si4 approximate ähneln, annähernd, sehr ähnlich + +
D 老爺 + * * lao3ye lord/ master/ grand father Euer Gnaden, gnädiger Herr, hoher Beamter, Mandarin, Großvater + +
D 學派 + * * xue2pai4 school/ school of thought wissenschaftliche Richtung, Schule + +
D 伴奏 + * * ban4zou4 accompany musikalische Begleitung + +
D 或是 + * * huo4shi or oder, vielleicht + +
D 抗旱 + * * kang4 han4 fight a drought Dürre bekämpfen, dürrebeständig + +
D 老一輩 + * * lao3yi1bei4 older generation ältere Generation + +
D 詩歌 + * * shi1ge1 poem Lyrik, Poesie + +
D + * * ti3 body/ style 1. Körper, Körperteil 2. Stoff, Substanz 3. Stil, Typ 4. etw persönlich tun oder erfahren + +
D 瓦解 + * * wa3jie3 collapse/ disorganize zerfallen, sich auflösen, zersetzen + +
D 專科 + * * zhuan1ke1 special course Spezialkurs, Fachkurs + +
D 標本 + * * biao1ben3 specimen/ demo Präperat, Musterstück + +
D 草率 + * * cao3shuai4 cursory/ jerry nachlässig, oberflächlich + +
D 或許 + * * huo4xu3 maybe/ probably vielleicht + +
D 鍵盤 + * * jian4pan2 keyboard Tastatur + +
D 驅逐 + * * qu1zhu2 drive out/ banish ausweisen, vertreiben,verjagen + +
D 山河 + * * shan1he2 the land of country Berge und Flüsse - Territorium eines Landes + +
D 躊躇 + * * chou2chu2 hesitate/ boggle zögernd, zögern + +
D 大多 + * * da4duo1 mostly meistens, größtenteils + +
D + * * lao4 water logging Überschwemmung, Überflutung + +
D 起草 + * * qi3 cao3 draft out verfassen, entwerfen + +
D 山腳 + * * shan1jiao3 the foot of the hill Bergfuß + +
D 屍體 + * * shi1ti3 body/ cadaver Leiche, Leichnam + +
D 增援 + * * zeng1yuan2 reinforce verstärken, Verstärkung + +
D 半邊天 + * * ban4bian1tian1 half of the sky die Hälfte des Himmels, Frauen,(Mao Zedong) + +
D 黑白 + * * hei1bai2 black and white/ right and wrong schwarzweiß-(film) + +
D 抗戰 + * * kang4zhan4 war of resistance against aggression Widerstandskrieg gegen eine Aggression + +
D 山嶺 + * * shan1ling3 mountain Bergkuppen + +
D 舞廳 + * * wu3ting1 ballroom Tanzsaal, Tanzboden, Tanzlokal + +
D 專人 + * * zhuan1ren2 person specially assigned for a task Spezialist, Experte + +
D 策劃 + * * ce4hua4 plan/ hatch/ plot planen, anzetteln, intrigieren + +
D 勁頭 + * * jin4tou2 energy/ vigor Kraft, Stärke,Eifer, Elan + +
D 路程 + * * lu4cheng2 distance/ journey Reise, Pfad, Wegstrecke + +
D 專題 + * * zhuan1ti2 special topic Spezialthema + +
D 策略 + * * ce4lve4 tactic/ policy Taktik, taktisch + +
D 墳墓 + * * fen2mu4 tomb Grab + +
D 健美 + * * jian4mei3 strong and handsome kraftvoll und schön + +
D 樂趣 + * * le4qu4 joy/ fun Vergnügen, Lust, Freude + +
D 十全十美 + * * shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3 be perfect in every way/ leave nothing to be desired perfekt in jeder Hinsicht, nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen + +
D 體諒 + * * ti3liang4 understand/ allow for für etwas Verständnis aufbringen + +
D 小數 + * * xiao3shu4 decimal fraction dezimal + +
D 籌建 + * * chou2jian4 prepare to construct vorbereiten zu bauen, vorbereiten zu errichten + +
D 樂意 + * * le4yi4 would like willig sein, bereit sein, zufrieden sein, erfreut + +
D 十足 + * * shi2zu2 full of rein, hundertprozentig, vollständig, ausgesprochen + +
D 小數點 + * * xiao3shu4dian3 radix point Dezimalpunkt + +
D + * * yi1 one eins (komplizierte Schreibweise) + +
D 職稱 + * * zhi2cheng1 the title of a technical post als Titel gebrauchte Rangbezeichnung + +
D 禍害 + * * huo4hai scourge/ wreck Übel, Unheil, Katastrophe + +
D 健壯 + * * jian4zhuang4 vigorous/ strong kerngesund und stark + +
D 考古 + * * kao3gu3 archeology Archäologie + +
D 路面 + * * lu4mian4 road surface Fahrbahndecke, Straßenbelag, Straßenpflaster + +
D 山頭 + * * shan1tou2 hilltop/ mountaintop Bergspitze, + +
D 石灰 + * * shi2hui1 lime/ calcareousness Kalk + +
D 體貼 + * * ti3tie1 show consideration for sich um etwas kümmern + +
D + * * yi1 cure/ doctor 1. Arzt, Doktor 2. Medizin, medizinische Wissenschaft, Gesundheitswesen 3. heilen, kurieren, jn ärztlich behandeln + +
D 專業戶 + * * zhuan1ye4hu4 specialized households spezialisierter Haushalt + +
D 大鍋飯 + * * da4guo1 fan4 meal in a big public pot Kantinenessen + +
D 粉末 + * * fen3mo4 dust/ powder Pulver + +
D 起哄 + * * qi3 hong4 kick up a row Radau machen, sich über jm lustig machen + +
D 曲子 + * * qu3zi melody Melodie + +
D 山腰 + * * shan1yao1 mountainside halbe Höhe eines Berges + +
D 外賓 + * * wai4bin1 foreign guest ausländischer Besucher oder Gast + +
D 小提琴 + * * xiao3ti2qin2 violin Violine + +
D 職能 + * * zhi2neng2 function Funktion, + +
D 專用 + * * zhuan1yong4 for a special purpose zweckgebunden, für einen speziellen Zweck + +
D 狠毒 + * * hen3du2 venomous grausam, boshaft, tückisch + +
D 起勁 + * * qi3jin4 energetic/ vigorous mit großer Begeisterung + +
D 順序 + * * shun4xu4 order/ sequence Reihenfolge, der Reihe,nach + +
D 物力 + * * wu4li4 material resources materielle Ressourcen + +
D 職權 + * * zhi2quan2 power/ authority Amtsgewalt, Befugnis, Kompetenz + +
D 管轄 + * * guan3xia2 dominate/ rule zuständig sein,verwalten + +
D 考取 + * * kao3 qu3 be admitted to school or college eine Zulassungsprüfung bestehen, zugelassen werden + +
D 路子 + * * lu4zi way/ approach Weg + +
D 外出 + * * wai4chu1 outgoing/ stay out ausgehen, nach außen tretend + +
D 職務 + * * zhi2wu4 headship/ duty/ position Amt, Amtspflicht, Posten, Verantwortungsbereich + +
D 專制 + * * zhuan1zhi4 despotism/ autarchy Autokratie + +
D 雷雨 + * * lei2yu3 thunder storm Gewittersturm + +
D 躲藏 + * * duo3cang2 take cover/ hide out/ dodge sich versteckt halten,sich verbergen + +
D 建交 + * * jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen + +
D 排除 + * * pai2chu2 eliminate/ remove/ debar entfernen,fortschaffen,sich js/etw. entledigen + +
D 外電 + * * wai4dian4 dispatches from foreign agency Meldungen ausländischer Agenturen + +
D 炸彈 + * * zha4dan4 bomb Bombe + +
D 大局 + * * da4ju2 overall situation generelle Situation + +
D 起訴 + * * qi3su4 indict/ prosecute anklagen, Anklage erheben + +
D 擅長 + * * shan4chang2 be good at gut in etw. sein, sich auf etw. gut verstehen + +
D + * * xue2 hole/ socket Höhle, Nest, Loch, Grab, Akupunkturpunkt + +
D 炸藥 + * * zha4yao4 dynamite/ detonator explosive Substanz + +
D + * * duo4 stamp (one's foot) stampfen, aufstampfen + +
D 排擠 + * * pai2ji3 elbow out/ supplant verdrängen,jn ausschließen + +
D 擅自 + * * shan4zi4 do sth; without authorization eigenmächtig + +
D + * * wu4 not (bitte) nicht + +
D 小子 + * * xiao3zi boy Junge + +
D 遞交 + * * di4jiao1 hand over/ submit überreichen, übergeben + +
D 時而 + * * shi2'er2 from time to time/ now … now … manchmal + +
D 體制 + * * ti3zhi4 physique/ constitution System + +
D 外行 + * * wai4hang2 laity/ nonprofessional unfachmännisch, laienhaft, unprofessionell, Laie + +
D 務必 + * * wu4bi4 must/ be sure to unbedingt, auf jeden Fall, unter allen Umständen + +
D 雪白 + * * xue3bai2 snow-white schneeweiß, weiß wie Schnee + +
D 直播 + * * zhi2bo1 live broadcast live senden + +
D 表彰 + * * biao3zhang1 commend/ cite auszeichnen, lobend erwähnen + +
D 墮落 + * * duo4luo4 degenerate/ corrupt sittlich verkommen, moralisch sinken + +
D 豈不 + * * qi3bu4 used to reinforce affirmation after a question bei rhetorischen Fragen verwendetes Fragewort + +
D 善良 + * * shan4liang2 kind/ virtuous gut und freundlich,ehrlich + +
D 說情 + * * shuo1 qing2 intercede for sb für jn ein gutes Wort einlegen, für jn sprechen, für jn um Nachsicht bitten + +
D 外匯 + * * wai4hui4 foreign exchange Devisen + +
D 校徽 + * * xiao4hui1 school-badge Schulabzeichen + +
D + * * yi1 depend on 1. abhängen, abhängig sein 2. sich fügen, auf jn hören 3. nach, gemäß, entsprechend, angesichts + +
D + * * bie1 hold back 1. ersticken, sich bedrückt fühlen 2. unterdrücken, zurückhalten + +
D 層次 + * * ceng2ci4 gradation/ arrangement 1.Gliederung, Anordnung von Ideen 2.administrative Ebene 3. Phase 4. Abstufung 5. Stufe + +
D 締結 + * * di4jie2 conclude eine Vereinbarung treffen ? + +
D 蛾子 + * * e2zi moth Motte + +
D 慣例 + * * guan4li4 tradition/ routine Konvention, Gepflogenheit + +
D + * * heng4 harsh and unreasonable/ perverse turbulent, ungezügelt, mit Gewalt, gewaltsam, boshaft, brutal, harsch, unerwartet, unvernünftig siehe:heng2 + +
D 精簡 + * * jing1jian3 simplify/ condense vereinfachen, verkürzen + +
D + * * ke1 knock 1. hart stoßen 2. ausklopfen, abklopfen + +
D 排長 + * * pai2zhang3 platoon leader Zugführer (Mil.) + +
D 豈有此理 + * * qi3 you3 ci3 li3 outrageous/ preposterous wo gibt es sowas,unerhört/das ist doch die Höhe + +
D + * * quan2 power/ rights 1. Recht, Berechtigung 2. Macht, Befugnis 3. günstige Position 4. wiegen + +
D 體重 + * * ti3zhong4 weight/ avoirdupois Körpergewicht + +
D + * * ge2 square form 1. Karomuster, Quadrat 2. Einteilung 3. Norm, Muster, Stil, Standard + +
D 轟動 + * * hong1dong4 make a sensation/ make a stir eine Sensation sein, Aufsehen erregen + +
D 機車 + * * ji1che1 engine/ motorcycle Lokomotive,Maschine + +
D 錄用 + * * lu4yong4 employ/ hire anstellen, jd beschäftigen + +
D 名次 + * * ming2ci4 place in a competition Rangfolge, Rang, Platz (Wettkampf) + +
D + * * ti4 razor/ shave rasieren + +
D 誤差 + * * wu4cha1 error Fehler, Abweichung + +
D 顛倒 + * * dian1dao3 reversal/ upend/ bottom up umkehren, konfus, verwirrt + +
D 格格不入 + * * ge2 ge2 bu4 ru4 incompatible with/ out of tune with völlig unpassend, nicht übereinstimmen + +
D 轟轟烈烈 + * * hong1hong1 lie4lie4 dynamic/ vigorous stürmisch, schwungvoll + +
D 冷淡 + * * leng3dan4 indifference/ unconcerned zurückhaltend, kühl behandeln + +
D 名單 + * * ming2dan1 list/ roll Namensliste + +
D 肖像 + * * xiao4xiang4 portrait Porträt, Bildnis + +
D 血壓 + * * xue4ya1 blood pressure Blutdruck + +
D + * * zhai4 stockade village 1. Lattenzaun, Pfahlwerk 2. Lager, Feldlager, Heereslager 3. Bergfeste von Banditen, befestigte Räuberhöhle in den Bergen + +
D 轉換 + * * zhuan3huan4 transform wechseln, ändern, umwandeln + +
D 出差 + * * chu1 chai1 be on a business trip Geschäftsreise, Geschäftsreise ins Ausland + +
D 顛覆 + * * dian1fu4 overthrow/ topple over umstürzen + +
D + * * e2 forehead 1.Stirn, 2. festgesetzte Zahl,Soll 3.Tafel mit Inschrift + +
D 格局 + * * ge2ju2 situation Muster,Aufbau,Struktur + +
D 轟炸 + * * hong1zha4 bomb bombardieren, eine Bombe werfen, Bombardierung, Bombardement + +
D 精密 + * * jing1mi4 exact/ close präzis, fein + +
D 名額 + * * ming2'e2 quota of people maximale Platzzahl, Höchstzahl, Zulassungsquote + +
D 權威 + * * quan2wei1 authority Autorität, Ansehen, angesehener Fachmann + +
D 思潮 + * * si1chao2 trends of thought Gedankenströmung,ideologischer Trend + +
D 替代 + * * ti4dai4 substitute/ instead of an die Stelle setzen, ersetzen + +
D 外力 + * * wai4li4 outside force Hilfe von Außen , äußere Kräfte, von außen wirkende Kraft + +
D 直轄市 + * * zhi2xia2shi4 municipality directly under the Central Government regierungsunmittelbare Stadt + +
D 轉交 + * * zhuan3jiao1 deliver to übermitteln, weitergeben, + +
D 辦學 + * * ban4 xue2 run a school eine Schule führen + +
D 出產 + * * chu1chan3 produce Ausstoß, Output, + +
D 大炮 + * * da4pao4 big gun/ cannon Artillerie,Schwätzer + +
D 額外 + * * e2wai4 extra/ additional extra,zusätzlich,hinzugefügt + +
D 格式 + * * ge2shi4 format Form, Muster,Schablone + +
D + * * hong1 dry or warm by the fire 1. etwas am Feuer trocknen oder wärmen, rösten 2. etw. hervortreten lassen, herausstreichen, + +
D 名副其實 + * * ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 be worthy of the name/ the name matches the reality der Name entspricht der Wirklichkeit, buchstäblich + +
D 啟程 + * * qi3cheng2 set out aufbrechen, abreisen + +
D 權限 + * * quan2xian4 extent of authority Machtbereich, Zuständigkeit + +
D 外流 + * * wai4liu2 drain/ outflow Abfluß + +
D + * * xun1 fume/ smoke 1. (Rauch oder Geruch) anwehen, verräuchern 2. (Fisch etc) räuchern + +
D 依賴 + * * yi1lai4 depend on/ reply on abhängen, abhängig sein + +
D + * * you4 young 1. jung, minderjährig 2.Kinder + +
D 轉讓 + * * zhuan3rang4 make over/ transfer überlassen, übertragen, Delegierung + +
D 出動 + 出动* * chu1dong4 call out/ turn out aussenden + +
D + * * e2 error/ extort 1.irrig, fehlerhaft,Irrtum, Fehler 2. erpressen, beschwindeln, bluffen + +
D + * * hong2 rainbow Regenbogen, Iris + +
D 將近 + * * jiang1jin4 near upon annähernd, nahezu, + +
D 派別 + * * pai4bie2 faction/ group Gruppe, Fraktion + +
D 時髦 + * * shi2mao2 in fashion Mode + +
D 瞻仰 + * * zhan1yang3 look at with reverence mit Respekt betrachten + +
D 直至 + * * zhi2zhi4 up to/ till bis + +
D 大氣壓 + * * da4qi4ya1 atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
D 名牌 + * * ming2pai2 famous brand berühmte Marke + +
D 派出所 + * * pai4chu1suo3 police station Polizeirevier + +
D 思前想後 + * * si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4 think over again and again immer wieder über etwas nachsinnen + +
D 外婆 + * * wai4po2 (mother's mother) grandmother Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
D 循序漸進 + * * xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 follow in order and advance step by step schrittweise vorwärtsgehen, Schritt für Schritt vorgehen + +
D + * * cha1 fork 1.Gabel 2. gabeln, aufgabeln,mit der Gabel hantieren 3. Kreuzchen + +
D 出發點 + * * chu1fa1dian3 starting point Startpunkt + +
D 名人 + * * ming2ren2 a famous man/ a man of mark berühmte Person, Prominenter + +
D 啟事 + * * qi3shi4 announcement Mitteilung, Bekanntmachung + +
D 外事 + * * wai4shi4 foreign affairs auswärtige Angelegenheiten + +
D 效力 + * * xiao4li4 affect/ force jm Dienste leisten, Effekt + +
D 沾光 + * * zhan1 guang1 benefit from association with sb profitieren von + +
D 轉向 + * * zhuan3xiang4 turn to/ veer die Richtung ändern, seinen Standpunkt ändern + +
D 出訪 + 访* * chu1fang3 visit to (foreign countries) besuchen, besichtigen + +
D 點火 + * * dian3 huo3 ignition/ inflame Feuer anzünden,aufhetzen, Zündung + +
D 名聲 + * * ming2sheng1 reputation Ruf, Name, Leumund, Reputation + +
D + * * qi4 build by laying bricks and stones 1. mauern 2. (Stein-)Treppe + +
D 傷員 + * * shang1yuan2 the wounded die Verwundeten + +
D 巡邏 + * * xun2luo2 patrol patrouillieren + +
D 出境 + * * chu1 jing4 leave the country das Land verlassen, international + +
D 大廈 + * * da4sha4 mansion/ edifice Gebäude, Wohnhaus + +
D 点名 + * * dian3ming2 call the roll die Namensliste verlesen, namentlich + +
D 封閉 + * * feng1bi4 occlude/ close down schließen + +
D 隔絕 + * * ge2jue2 isolate isolieren, abtrennen + +
D 精心 + * * jing1xin1 meticulous sehr gewissenhaft + +
D + * * li2 plough up/ plough 1. Pflug, 2.pflügen + +
D 旅店 + * * lv3dian4 hostel Hotel + +
D + * * shang1 quotient/ business 1.sich mit jmd beraten,mit jm über etw. konferieren 2.Handel und Kommerz, Geschäft, 3.Geschäfts- o. Kaufmann, Händler 4. Quotient + +
D 時裝 + * * shi2zhuang1 fashion dress modische Kleidung, neueste Mode + +
D 外向型 + * * wai4xiang4xing2 extroversion exportorientiert, nach außen orientiert, extrovertiert + +
D 衣裳 + * * yi1shang clothes 1.Kleid, Rock 2. schön + +
D 殖民主義 + * * zhi2min2 zhu3yi4 colonialism Kolonialismus + +
D 差錯 + * * cha1cuo4 error/ mistake Fehler, Irrtum, Unglücksfall + +
D + * * jiang3 oar Riemen, Paddel, Ruder + +
D 精益求精 + * * jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 keep improving sich ständig verbessern + +
D + * * shi2 eat/ food 1. essen 2. Mahlzeit, Essen 3. Eßbares, Genießbares, Nahrungsmittel 4. Futter 5. Finsternis 6. eßbar, genießbar + +
D 孝順 + * * xiao4shun4 obedient (den Eltern gegenüber) pietätvoll und gehorsam sein + +
D 愚昧 + * * yu2mei4 fatuous/ benighted beschränkt, unwissend, unaufgeklärt + +
D + * * zhuan4 biography Kommentare zu klassischen Werken, Biographie + +
D 惡性 + * * e4xing4 vicious/ malignant bösartig, boshaft + +
D 光棍兒 + * * guang1gun4'er unmarried man/ bachelor Junggeselle, Alleinstehende + +
D 機體 + * * ji1ti3 organism Organismus + +
D 名譽 + * * ming2yu4 reputation Ruhm, Ehre, Reputation + +
D 全集 + * * quan2ji2 collected edition Gesamtausgabe, gesammelte Werke + +
D 輿論 + * * yu2lun4 consensus public opinion öffentliche Meinung, Öffentlichkeit + +
D 斬草除根 + * * zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1 cut the weeds and dig up the roots etw. radikal ausmerzen, + +
D 執勤 + * * zhi2 qin2 be on duty im Dienst sein + +
D 傳記 + * * zhuan4ji4 biography Biographie + +
D 兢兢業業 + * * jing1jing1 ye4ye4 cautious and conscientious vorsichtig aber bestimmt + +
D 盤旋 + * * pan2xuan2 convolute/ hover um etwas kreisen, sich schrauben + +
D 斬釘截鐵 + * * zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3 resolute and decisive fest entschlossen, brüsk + +
D 大肆 + * * da4si4 without restraint/ wantonly rücksichtslos, heftig + +
D + * * en1 favor/ kindness Wohltat, Gunst, Güte, Gnade + +
D 蜂蜜 + * * feng1mi4 honey Bienenhonig + +
D + * * hong4 fool 1. belügen, betrügen,täuschen, 2.schmeichelnd zureden, jm durch Schmeicheln überreden, belustigen + +
D 機遇 + * * ji1yu4 opportunity glücklicher Umstand,passende Gelegenheit + +
D 全力 + * * quan2li4 all-out mit aller Kraft, mit aller Energie + +
D 私營 + * * si1ying2 privately owned privat bewirtschaftet, privat betrieben + +
D 天色 + * * tian1se4 time/ color of sky Färbung und Helligkeit des Himmels + +
D 外資 + * * wai4zi1 foreign capital ausländisches Kapital + +
D 恩愛 + * * en1'ai4 conjugal love eheliche Liebe, liebevoll + +
D + * * hong4 fool betrügen, täuschen + +
D 機智 + * * ji1zhi4 tactful/ resourceful findig, einfallsreich, + +
D 全力以赴 + * * quan2 li4 yi3 fu4 do one's level best/ go all out sein Bestes geben, alle Kräfte einsetzen / sein Letztes hergeben + +
D 遺失 + * * yi2shi1 lose verlieren, vermissen + +
D 執政 + * * zhi2 zheng4 come into power regieren, an der Macht sein + +
D 出面 + * * chu1 mian4 lend one's name/ use the name of handeln + +
D 大同小異 + * * da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference weitesgehend identisch + +
D 恩情 + * * en1qing2 loving-kindness liebevolle Fürsorge,Güte, Wohltat + +
D 旅游業 + * * lv3you2ye4 tourism Tourismusbranche,Tourismus + +
D 命名 + * * ming4 ming2 call/ nominate ernennen, nominieren + +
D 私有制 + * * si1you3zhi4 private ownership Privatbesitz, System des Privatbesitzes + +
D 遺體 + * * yi2ti3 the remains of deceased person sterbliche Überreste + +
D 出名 + * * chu1 ming2 come to the top bekannt für + +
D 恩人 + * * en1ren2 benefactor Wohltäter, Retter + +
D 風暴 + * * feng1bao4 storm Sturm + +
D 光芒 + * * guang1mang2 rays of light Lichtstrahlen, strahlender Glanz + +
D 獎狀 + * * jiang3zhuang4 diploma Verdiensturkunde + +
D 履行 + * * lv3xing2 carry out/ fulfill ausführen, erfüllen, realisieren + +
D 命題 + * * ming4 ti2 proposition jd ein Thema geben, Theorem, Behauptung, Urteil + +
D 全民 + * * quan2min2 the whole people/ all the people die gesamte Bevölkerung + +
D + * * shi2 solid 1. massiv, fest, solide 2. rechtschaffen, ehrlich, aufrichtig 3. Realität, Tatsache 4. Frucht, Samen + +
D 私自 + * * si1zi4 without permission/ privately heimlich, unerlaubt + +
D 協商 + * * xie2shang1 negotiate about/ consult with konsultieren, beraten + +
D 值班 + * * zhi2 ban1 on duty Dienst haben + +
D 可歌可泣 + * * ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4 move one to praises and tears zum Singen verleiten und zu Tränen rühren, mitreißend + +
D 屢次 + * * lv3ci4 over and over/ frequently oftmals, wiederholt + +
D 協調 + * * xie2tiao2 assort with/ correspond koordinieren, etwa auf einander abstimmen + +
D 而後 + * * er2hou4 moreover dann + +
D 可觀 + * * ke3guan1 considerable beträchtlich, ansehnlich + +
D 謬論 + * * miu4lun4 fallacy/ paralogism Unsinn, absurde Behauptung + +
D 全心全意 + * * quan2 xin1 quan2 yi4 with all one's heart mit Leib und Seele + +
D 展示 + * * zhan3shi4 lay out/ display zeigen, etwa zur Schau stellen + +
D 包辦 + * * bao1ban4 be the whole show in eigene Regie nehmen, monopolisieren, + +
D 查獲 + * * cha2huo4 hunt down and seize/ ferret out ausfindig machen und sicherstellen + +
D 積壓 + * * ji1ya1 overstock etwas zu lange auf Lager haben, anhäufen + +
D 可貴 + * * ke3gui4 worshipful/ estimable wertvoll, lobenswert + +
D 理睬 + * * li3cai3 show interest in berücksichtigen, beachten, an etwas Interesse zeigen + +
D 商議 + * * shang1yi4 consult/ discuss beraten, besprechen, mit jm konferieren + +
D 展望 + * * zhan3wang4 prospect in die Zukunft schauen, Ausblick, Erwartungen, Aussichten + +
D 查明 + * * cha2ming2 find out durch Untersuchungen beweisen, herausfinden + +
D 大雁 + * * da4yan4 wild goose Wildgans + +
D 而已 + * * er2yi3 nothing more das ist alles + +
D 各奔前程 + * * ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2 each goes his own way jeder, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig + +
D 摸索 + * * mo1suo3 fumble/ grope tappen, tasten, nach etwas suchen + +
D 氣功 + * * qi4gong1 qigong Qigong + +
D + * * quan3 dog Hund + +
D + * * shang3 enjoy/ reward 1.belobigen, auszeichnen, prämieren 2.genießen,bewundern, sich erfreuen + +
D 司令部 + * * si1ling4bu4 command/ headquarters Hauptquartier + +
D 壓抑 + * * ya1yi4 oppress/ overbear Hemmung, Inhibition, niedergedrückt, Depression, Druckgefühl + +
D 展現 + * * zhan3xian4 express/ show sich vor js Augen entfalten + +
D 包乾兒 + * * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed für einen Arbeitsauftrag die volle Verantwortung ü + +
D 查閱 + * * cha2yue4 refer/ consult nachschlagen, nachsehen + +
D 出色 + * * chu1se4 excellent/ outstanding bemerkenswert + +
D 風浪 + * * feng1lang4 stormy waves Sturm und Wogen, stürmische Welle + +
D 各別 + * * ge4bie2 individual/ idiographic unterschiedlich, eigenartig + +
D 理會 + * * li3hui4 pay attention to verstehen, begreifen,beachten + +
D 蘑菇 + * * mo2gu mushroom Pilz, jn belästigen,herumtrödeln, zögern + +
D 晌午 + * * shang3wu noon Mittag + +
D 玩具 + * * wan2ju4 toy Spielzeug + +
D 挾持 + * * xie2chi2 hold sb; under duress jn an beiden Armen packen, jn zwingen sich zu unterwerfen + +
D 各行各業 + * * ge4 hang2 ge4 ye4 all trades and professions alle Branchen und Gewerbe + +
D 可口 + * * ke3kou3 delicious schmackhaft, wohlschmeckend + +
D 氣力 + * * qi4li4 effort/ energy Kraft, Mühe + +
D 出神 + * * chu1 shen2 be lost in thought gedankenverloren, + +
D 大有可為 + * * da4 you3 ke3 wei2 be well worth doing/ have bright prospects gute Aussichten, gute Aussichten haben / über einen großen Spielraum verfügen + +
D 電動機 + * * dian4dong4ji1 electromotor Elektromotor + +
D 經受 + * * jing1shou4 endure/ go through durchmachen, erleben,erleiden + +
D 龐大 + * * pang2da4 enormous gewaltig, ungeheuer, kolossal, sehr viel + +
D 勸說 + * * quan4shuo1 reason/ persuade zureden, überreden + +
D 疑惑 + * * yi2huo4 doubt/ disbelieve Zweifel haben, unsicher sein + +
D 占據 + * * zhan4ju4 hold/ take up/ inhabit okkupieren, besetzt halten + +
D 大於 + * * da4yu2 more … than größer als, mehr als + +
D 風趣 + * * feng1qu4 humor Humor, Witz + +
D 理事 + * * li3shi4 trustee/ director Vorstandsmitglied + +
D 鴉片 + * * ya1pian4 opium Opium + +
D 指定 + * * zhi3ding4 appoint/ designate festlegen, festsetzen, bestimmen, designieren, + +
D 裝卸 + * * zhuang1xie4 load and unload etwas aufladen und abladen, etwas montieren und demontieren + +
D 出世 + * * chu1shi4 born auf die Welt kommen, geboren werden, entstehen + +
D 風沙 + * * feng1sha1 sand blown by wind Sandsturm + +
D 理所當然 + * * li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 go without saying/ of course natürlich, selbstverständlich + +
D 模式 + * * mo2shi4 mode/ style Modell, Muster + +
D 气球 + * * qi4qiu2 balloon Luftballon, Ballon + +
D 上報 + * * shang4bao4 report to the leadership in der Zeitung stehen,einer höheren Inst.vorlegen + +
D 二氧化碳 + * * er4yang3hua4tan4 carbon dioxide Kohlendioxid + +
D 風尚 + * * feng1shang4 order of the day/ fashion allgemeine Gewohnheit, Sitten + +
D 氣勢 + * * qi4shi4 vigor Stattlichkeit, Schwung + +
D 實物 + * * shi2wu4 material object/ in kind materielles Objekt + +
D 死刑 + * * si3xing2 death penalty/ execution Todesurteil, Todesstrafe + +
D 詫異 + * * cha4yi4 astonished sich wundern, überrascht, erstaunt + +
D + * * er4 two zwei (komplizierte Schreibweise) + +
D 胖子 + * * pang4zi fatso ein dicker Mensch, Fettwanst + +
D + * * xi1 extinguish/ put out löschen, erlöschen, auslöschen, verlöschen + +
D 指令 + * * zhi3ling4 order/ instruction 1. Finger 2. zeigen auf, hinweisen auf, weisen, gerichtet sein 3. auf jn/etw angewiesen sein + +
D + * * cha4 turn off/ fork 1. abzweigen, sich gabeln 2.sich seitwärts wenden, + +
D 風味 + * * feng1wei4 flavor typischer Geschack, lokale Eigenheiten + +
D 可惡 + * * ke3wu4 loathsome/ hateful abscheulich, häßlich, niederträchtig + +
D 理直氣壯 + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht + +
D 熄滅 + * * xi1mie4 crush out/ go out ausgehen, erlöschen, verlöschen + +
D 指明 + * * zhi3ming2 point out/ designate auf etwas deuten, auf etwas hinweisen + +
D 並存 + * * bing4cun2 coexist koexistieren + +
D 規範 + * * gui1fan4 criterion/ rule Norm, Regel, Standard + +
D 拋棄 + * * pao1qi4 throw over/ abandon/ discard wegwerfen, aufgeben, verlassen + +
D 上等 + * * shang4deng3 outstanding/ classy höherer Grad, erster Klasse + +
D + * * xi1 brook Bach, Flüßchen + +
D + * * xie4 have diarrhea/ rush down 1. dahinströmen, herabströmen, sich ergießen schnell abfließen 2. Durchfall, Durchfall haben + +
D 並非 + * * bing4fei1 not so wirklich nicht sein + +
D 柴油 + * * chai2you2 diesel oil Dieselöl + +
D 發病 + * * fa1 bing4 (of a disease) come on krank werden, erkranken + +
D 規格 + * * gui1ge2 standard/ format Norm, Standard, Spezifikation + +
D 四方 + * * si4fang1 all sides/ all directions die vier Himmelsrichtungen, Viereck + +
D 完畢 + * * wan2bi4 complete/ finish fertig, abgeschlossen + +
D + * * xie4 let out/ 1. entweichen, ausströmen 2. preisgeben, Luft machen, freien Lauf lassen + +
D 並列 + * * bing4lie4 appose/ juxtapose Seite an Seite stehen,auf gl. Höhe + +
D + * * chan1 mix into mischen < uneinheitliche Schreibweise > + +
D 歹徒 + * * dai3tu2 gangster/ mobster Übeltäter + +
D 發布 + * * fa1bu4 issue/ put out erlassen,erteilen,bekanntgeben + +
D 後期 + * * hou4qi1 later period späterer Zeitabschnitt + +
D 可想而知 + * * ke3 xiang3 er2zhi1 you can imagine es ist vorstellbar + +
D 魔鬼 + * * mo2gui3 devil/ demon Teufel, Dämon, Satan + +
D 四季 + * * si4ji4 the four seasons die vier Jahreszeiten + +
D 泄露 + * * xie4lou4 let out/ leak/ divulge verraten, ausplaudern, preisgeben + +
D 指手畫腳 + * * zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3 make indiscreet remarks or criticism gestikulieren, anmaßende Bemerkungen machen + +
D + * * chan1 support by the arm 1., jm den Arm zur Stütze reichen , jmd am Arm führen, siehe chan1 andere Schreibweise + +
D 電鈕 + * * dian4niu3 button (Druck-)Knopf, (Druck-)Taste + +
D 發財 + * * fa1 cai2 make a fortune/ make a pile reich werden + +
D 後勤 + * * hou4qin2 rear service/ logistics Logistik + +
D 降臨 + * * jiang4lin2 become of/ befall/ arrive ankommen, hereinbrechen,herniedersteigen + +
D 泄氣 + * * xie4 qi4 pathetic/ feel discouraged in seinen Anstrengungen nachlassen, untauglich, unfähig + +
D 壯烈 + * * zhuang4lie4 brave/ heroic heldenhaft + +
D 發愁 + * * fa1 chou2 worry/ be anxious Sorgen haben, sich Sorgen machen, besorgt + +
D 根深蒂固 + * * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain tief eingewurzelt + +
D 降落 + * * jiang4luo4 land/ put-down landen, herabfallen + +
D + * * qi4 vapor Wasserdampf + +
D 上進 + * * shang4jin4 make progress vorwärtsgehen, Fortschritte machen + +
D 四肢 + * * si4zhi1 arms and legs/ the four limbs die vier Gliedmaßen + +
D 指望 + * * zhi3wang expect/ figure on hoffen, auf jn / etw. bauen, Aussicht, Hoffnung + +
D 壯志 + * * zhuang4zhi4 lofty ideal Hoffnung, hohes Ideal + +
D 吉祥 + * * ji2xiang2 lucky/ auspicious glücksverheißend + +
D 焦點 + * * jiao1dian3 focus Brennpunkt, Fokus + +
D 抹殺 + * * mo3sha1 write off/ obliterate ausstreichen, negieren, verneinen + +
D + * * shi2 know 1. kennen 2. Kenntnis, Wissen + +
D + * * ya4 roll steel 1. rollen, walzen 2.verdrängen + +
D 饞言 + * * chan2yan2 slanderous talk Verleumdung, Diffamierung + +
D + * * si4 four 1. willkürlich, rücksichtslos, skrupellos 2. vier (komplizierte Schreibweise) + +
D 規章 + * * gui1zhang1 regulations Regeln, Vorschriften, Bestimmungen + +
D 焦炭 + * * jiao1tan4 coke Koks + +
D + * * mo4 no keiner, niemand, nicht, bitte nicht + +
D + * * shi3 history Geschichte, Historie + +
D + * * chu2 hoe 1.Hacke, 2. hacken, mit der Hacke lockern, 3. ausrotten vernichten + +
D 跟隨 + * * gen1sui2 follow folgen, nachgehen + +
D + * * gui1 silicon Silizium + +
D 禮節 + * * li3jie2 proprieties Höflichkeit, Etikette + +
D 論證 + * * lun4zheng4 demonstrate beweisen, begründen, argumentieren, Beweisführung, Argumentation + +
D 莫名其妙 + * * mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason nicht begreifen, wo die eigentliche Pointe liegt, unbegreiflich + +
D 史料 + * * shi3liao4 historical materials historische Materialien, geschichtliche Daten und Fakten + +
D 條理 + * * tiao2li3 consecution klare Struktur + +
D + * * xi3 be fond of 1.Freude, sich freuen ,sich erfreuen 2. glückliches Ereignis, fröhliche Feier, Freudentag 3.Schwangerschaft 4. etw. gern haben + +
D + * * chan3 produce 1. gebären, zur Welt bringen, 2. produzieren, erzeugen 3. Produkt, Erzeugnis 4. Eigentum, Vermögen, Besitztum + +
D + * * gui1 tortoise Schildkröte + +
D 羅嗦 + * * luo1suo1 wordy in luo1suo geschwätzig (* rar) + +
D 泡沫 + * * pao4mo4 bubble/ froth Schaum + +
D 似是而非 + * * si4 shi4 er2 fei1 specious/ apparently right but actually wrong es scheint so ist aber nicht so + +
D 欣欣向榮 + * * xin1xin1 xiang4 rong2 flourishing/ prosperous blühen und gedeihen + +
D 煙草 + * * yan1cao3 tobacco Tabak + +
D 以免 + * * yi3mian3 for fear/ lest um zu vermeiden + +
D 追悼 + * * zhui1dao4 flood/ submerge um jn trauern, + +
D 播音 + * * bo1 yin1 broadcast senden + +
D 產地 + * * chan3di4 producing area Herstellungsort, Anbaugebiet + +
D 發奮圖強 + * * fa1fen4 tu2 qiang2 work with a will to make the country strong mit festen Willen das Land zu erstarken + +
D 呼聲 + * * hu1sheng1 cry/ voice Ruf, Stimme + +
D 極力 + * * ji2li4 do one's utmost sich bis zum äußersten anstrengen + +
D 確認 + * * que4ren4 confirm bekräftigen, bestätigen + +
D 上任 + * * shang4 ren4 take a post eine Stelle bekleiden, einen Posten übernehmen + +
D 似笑非笑 + * * si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4 a faint on one's face/ with a spurious smile ein gekünseltes Lächeln + +
D 站崗 + * * zhan4 gang3 point duty Wache stehen + +
D 只顧 + * * zhi3gu4 merely/ simply/ be absorbed in sich nur um etwas,jmd kümmern + +
D 播種 + * * bo1zhong4/bo1zhong3 seed/ sow säen + +
D 鳳凰 + * * feng4huang2 phoenix Phönix + +
D + * * geng1 plough up das Land bebauen,pflügen, ackern + +
D 使節 + 使* * shi3jie2 ambassador Gesandte, diplomatische Vertreter + +
D 飼料 + * * si4liao4 feedstuff/ forage Futter + +
D 追究 + * * zhui1jiu1 find out/ investigate einer Sache auf den Grund gehen + +
D 呼嘯 + * * hu1xiao4 howl pfeifen, sausen + +
D 極限 + * * ji2xian4 limit/ utmost Grenze, Grenzwert, Limit + +
D 交叉 + * * jiao1cha1 intercross sich kreuzen, überschneiden + +
D 羅列 + * * luo2lie4 enumerate/ set out verstreut liegen, sich gruppieren, aufzählen + +
D 確信 + * * que4xin4 be certain of fest überzeugt sein, an etw. fest glauben + +
D 條子 + * * tiao2zi a brief in formal note Streifen, Zettel mit kurzer Mitteilung + +
D 煙霧 + * * yan1wu4 smoke Rauchschwaden, Nebel, Dampf + +
D 保溫 + * * bao3wen1 heat preservation Wärmehaltung, Isolation + +
D 撥款 + * * bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid/ appropriation eine Geldsumme zuweisen,Geldzuweisung + +
D 產區 + * * chan3qu1 producing area Produktionsgebiet + +
D 呼吁 + * * hu1yu4 call on/ appeal appellieren, aufrufen + +
D 境地 + * * jing4di4 condition/ circumstance Umstände, Bedingungen + +
D + * * mou2 consult 1. Einfall, Plan, Strategem, Vorhaben, List 2. beraten, besprechen 3. nach etw streben, nach etw suchen, sich um etw bemühen + +
D 使命 + 使* * shi3ming4 mission Auftrag + +
D 喜訊 + * * xi3xun4 good news freudige Nachricht + +
D 新陳代謝 + * * xin1 chen2 dai4xie4 metabolism Metabolismus, Stoffwechsel + +
D 以身作則 + * * yi3 shen1 zuo4 ze2 set oneself an example to others mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen + +
D 追問 + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen + +
D 波動 + * * bo1dong4 popple schwanken, unruhig sein + +
D 電源 + * * dian4yuan2 power supply Elektrizitätsquelle + +
D 歸納 + * * gui1na4 conclude schlußfolgern + +
D 忽略 + * * hu1lve4 ignore/ overlook vernachläsigen, übersehen + +
D 籮筐 + * * luo2kuang1 bamboo basket großer Bambuskorb, Weidenkorb + +
D 謀求 + * * mou2qiu2 buck for/ try for nach etwas trachten, erstreben + +
D 恰巧 + * * qia4qiao3 happen to/ by chance ausgerechnet, wie e der Zufall will + +
D 上臺 + * * shang4 tai2 assume the reins of government 1. die Regierung übernehmen 2. auf der Bühne erscheinen, + +
D 淹沒 + * * yan1mo4 mourn for überschwemmen, überfluten + +
D 代號 + * * dai4hao4 code name Deck- ,Tarnname, + +
D 發脾氣 + * * fa1 pi2qi get angry/ lose one's temper seine Fassung verlieren, böse werden + +
D 否決 + * * fou3jue2 veto/ reject/ overrule ablehnen, zurückweisen + +
D 交點 + * * jiao1dian3 point of intersection Verbindungspunkt,Kreuzungspunkt + +
D 歷代 + * * li4dai4 through the ages alle aufeinanderfolgenden Dynastien + +
D 賠款 + * * pei2 kuan3 reparations Schadensersatz zahlen,Reperationen leisten + +
D 恰如其分 + * * qia4 ru2 qi2 fen4 just right/ appropriate ganz so wie es sich geziemt, zutreffend + +
D + * * song3 shock/ lift 1. emporragen,hinausragen 2. Bestürzung hervorrufen, Furcht einflößen + +
D 晚年 + * * wan3nian2 old age/ remaining years Alter, Lebensabend, letzte Jahre + +
D + * * yu4 more/ recover 1. genesen, geheilt 2. besser + +
D 儲備 + * * chu3bei4 store aufbewahren,aufspeichern,Reserve, Vorrat + +
D 發票 + * * fa1piao4 invoice/ receipt Quittung + +
D 更新 + * * geng1xin1 renovate/ renew erneuern, Innovation + +
D 交付 + * * jiao1fu4 hand over/ deliver bezahlen + +
D 洽談 + * * qia4tan2 talk over with verhandeln + +
D 新郎 + * * xin1lang2 bridegroom Bräutigam + +
D 儲藏 + * * chu3cang2 store up aufbewahren, Ablagerung + +
D 店員 + * * dian4yuan2 shop assistant Ladenangstellte, Verkäufer + +
D 發起 + * * fa1qi3 initiate/ originate die Initiative ergreifen,entfesseln + +
D 更正 + * * geng1zheng4 correct korrigieren, berichtigen + +
D 敬而遠之 + * * jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 keep someone at a respectful distance in respektvollem Abstand zu jn stehen + +
D 群體 + * * qun2ti3 colony/ group Pflanzen- oder Tierkolonie, Massensport + +
D 保重 + * * bao3zhong4 take care of oneself sich schonen, auf seine Gesundheit achten + +
D 博覽會 + * * bo2lan3hui4 exhibition 1. anschauen, ansehen,besichtigen, überblicken 2. lesen, etw oberflächlich durchlesen + +
D 儲存 + * * chu3cun2 deposited store einlegen, speichern + +
D 發熱 + * * fa1 re4 have a fever/ give out heat Hitze abgeben, Fieber bekommen + +
D 夫婦 + * * fu1fu4 husband and wife/ couple Ehepaar, Mann und Frau + +
D 葫蘆 + * * hu2lu gourd/ cucurbit in hu2lu Flaschenkürbis + +
D 落成 + * * luo4cheng2 complete fertigstellen, vollenden + +
D 牽扯 + * * qian1che3 implicate/ involve hineinziehen, verwickeln + +
D 堡壘 + * * bao3lei3 fort/ stronghold Fort, Befestigungsanlage + +
D 闡述 + * * chan3shu4 expatiate/ expound erläutern, darlegen, herausarbeiten + +
D 落地 + * * luo4di4 fall to the ground zu Boden fallen, zusammenfallen + +
D 配備 + * * pei4bei4 equip/ outfit/ prepare jm etwas zuteilen, ausstatten, (Truppen) gliedern und aufstellen, Ausrüstung, Ausstattung + +
D 牽引 + * * qian1yin3 tow/ draught ziehen, schleppen + +
D + * * shi4 formula/ style 1. Typ, Stil, Art 2. Form, Muster 3. Zeremonie 4. Formel 5. Modus + +
D + * * tiao3 choose/ pick mit einem Stock hochheben, stochern,schüren + +
D 新人 + * * xin1ren2 new personality Menschen neuen Typs, neue Persönlichkeiten, + +
D 以至於 + * * yi3zhi4yu2 so that so daß + +
D 掌管 + * * zhang3guan3 in charge of verwalten, leiten, führen + +
D + * * dai4 lend/ loan 1. Kredit, Darlehen 2. einen Kredit geben bzw aufnehmen 3. abschieben, abwälzen 4. verzeihen + +
D 胡來 + * * hu2lai2 make trouble/ mess things up etwas durcheinander bringen + +
D 集郵 + * * ji2 you2 collecting stamps philately Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie + +
D 交涉 + * * jiao1she4 negotiate/ palaver verhandeln, aushandeln + +
D 配方 + * * pei4fang1 formula Anleitung zur Herstellung chem. Oder metallurgischer Produkte, ein Rezept anfertigen,quadratische Ergänzung + +
D 牽制 + * * qian1zhi4 hold down eindämmen, niederhalten, verwirren + +
D 搜查 + * * sou1cha2 search for/ forage for durchsuchen + +
D 挑撥 + * * tiao3bo1 provoke aufhetzen, Zwietracht säen + +
D 嚴峻 + * * yan2jun4 stern/ serious/ harsh hart, streng + +
D 志氣 + * * zhi4qi4 ambition/ backbone/ spirit Ehrgeiz, Ambition + +
D 處罰 + * * chu3fa2 punish for bestrafen, Bestrafung + +
D 貸款 + * * dai4 kuan3 extend credit to/ provide a loan Kredit gewähren + +
D + * * gong1 work/ labor 1. Werktätige, Arbeiter,Arbeiterklasse 2. Arbeit 3. Projekt, Bauvorhaben 4.Industrie 5.Tagesleistung, Arbeitstag + +
D 交手 + * * jiao1 shou3 fight hand to hand einander tätlich angreifen + +
D 利害 + * * li4hai4 gains and losses Gewinn und Verlust + +
D 落實 + * * luo4shi2 put into effect praktisch, in der Praxis durchführbar, verwirklichen, in die Tat umsetzen + +
D 示範 + * * shi4fan4 lead the way/ demonstrate ein Beispiel geben, demonstrieren + +
D 萬水千山 + * * wan4 shui3 qian1 shan1 the trials of a long journey ein langer Reiseweg mit vielen Hindernissen, tausend Berge und zehntausend Flüsse + +
D 處方 + * * chu3fang1 prescription ein Rezept verschreiben, Rezept + +
D + * * fu2 bend over 1.sich beugen 2. auf dem Bauch liegen 3.herab, hinab, hinunter 4. sich verbergen, sich versteckt halten + +
D 落選 + * * luo4 xuan3 lose an election eine Wahlniederlage erleiden, bei einer Wahl durchfallen + +
D 配偶 + * * pei4'ou3 consort/ mate Ehepartner + +
D + * * zhi4 throw werfen, schleudern + +
D 昌盛 + * * chang1sheng4 prosperous blühen und gedeihen + +
D 課時 + * * ke4shi2 class hour/ period Unterrichtsstunde, Lehrstunde + +
D 配套 + * * pei4 tao4 form a complete set zu einem kompletten Ganzen zusammenfügen, komplettieren + +
D 預測 + * * yu4ce4 forecast etwas im voraus schätzen, ausrechnen + +
D 寶貝 + * * bao3bei4 precious things Baby, Schatz + +
D 猖狂 + * * chang1kuang2 furious/ savage wütend, tollwütig + +
D 處境 + * * chu3jing4 plight/ situation ungünstige Situation, Lage + +
D 待業 + * * dai4 ye4 waiting for employment auf die Arbeit warten + +
D + * * diao1 hold in mouth zwischen den Lippen festhalten,im Schnabel halten + +
D 蘇醒 + * * su1xing3 come around wiederbeleben + +
D 預定 + * * yu4ding4 book/ engage festlegen, festsetzen + +
D 至多 + * * zhi4duo1 by most höchstens, maximal + +
D 酌情 + * * zhuo2 qing2 take the circumstance into consideration den Umständen entsprechend + +
D 競選 + * * jing4xuan3 run for Wahlkampf, sich als Kandidat aufstellen lassen + +
D 課題 + * * ke4ti2 a question for discussion/ task Thema eines Fachgesprächs, Problem, Aufgabe + +
D 千軍萬馬 + * * qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers ein großes Heer von Reitern und Fußsoldaten + +
D + * * shao1 take alone sth; to sb mitbringen, jm etwas bringen + +
D 侍候 + * * shi4hou4 serve/ wait upon auf jn warten, jd bedienen + +
D + * * su2 custom/ tacky 1. Sitte,Bräuche 2. volkstümlich,populär 3. spießbürgerlich, vulgär 4. Laie, Nichtgeistlicher + +
D 汪洋 + * * wang1yang2 (of a body of water) vast/ boundless endloses Meer + +
D 億萬 + 亿* * yi4wan4 hundreds of millions Hunderte Millionen + +
D 預訂 + * * yu4ding4 book/ subscribe for subscribieren, vorbestellen, reservieren, Reservation + +
D 寶劍 + * * bao3jian4 double-edged sword zweischneidiges Schwert + +
D 怠工 + * * dai4 gong1 go slow Bummelstreik, absichtlich langsam arbeiten + +
D 發炎 + * * fa1 yan2 inflammation Entzündung + +
D 貴重 + * * gui4zhong4 precious/ valued kostbar, edel, wertvoll + +
D 及早 + * * ji2zao3 as soon as possible frühzeitig, so bald wie möglich + +
D + * * ma2 fiber crops 1. allgemeine Bezeichnung für Hanf, Flachs, Jute Sisal usw 2. pockennarbig 3. prickeln, taub werden + +
D 噴射 + * * pen1she4 spout/ spray sprühen, spritzen,sprengen + +
D + * * shi4 world/ life 1. Lebenszeit, Leben 2. Generation 3. Ära, Zeit 4.Welt + +
D 新穎 + * * xin1ying3 original/ novel neu und originell + +
D + * * yi4 too/ also auch, ebenso + +
D 寶庫 + * * bao3ku4 treasure-house Schatzkammer + +
D 怠慢 + * * dai4man4 cold-shoulder jn kühl behandeln,unzureichend bewirten + +
D 符號 + * * fu2hao4 symbol Zeichen, Symbol, Kennzeichen, Marke + +
D 貴族 + * * gui4zu2 noble Adlige, Aristokraten + +
D 千瓦 + * * qian1wa3 kilowatt Kilowatt, Zählwort + +
D 世代 + * * shi4dai4 for generations von Generation zu Generation + +
D 跳遠 + * * tiao4yuan3 long jump Weitsprung + +
D 王國 + * * wang2guo2 kingdom Königreich, Reich + +
D 著想 + * * zhuo2xiang3 consider Rücksicht nehmen + +
D 處置 + * * chu3zhi4 treat/ dispose behandeln,bestrafen + +
D 發揚光大 + * * fa1yang2 guang1da4 carry forward sich in ein höheres Stadium entwickeln,etw. weiterentwickeln und zur vollen Entfaltung bringen + +
D 讓步 + * * rang4 bu4 give in/ concede to zur Seite gehen, erzielen,Kompromiß machen + +
D 跳躍 + * * tiao4yue4 jump/ hop/ skip springen, hüpfen + +
D 預計 + * * yu4ji4 foresee/ estimate vorausberechnen, schätzen + +
D 捕撈 + * * bu3lao1 fish for/ catch fangen, fischen + +
D 常規 + * * chang1gui1 routine Konvention, Regel + +
D 工具書 + * * gong1ju4shu1 reference book Nachschlagewerk, Lexikon + +
D 滾動 + * * gun3dong4 roll/ welter rollen, sich wälzen, wogen + +
D 狐狸 + * * hu2li fox Fuchs + +
D 烹飪 + * * peng1ren4 cooking Kochen, Kochkunst + +
D + * * qian1 move 1. seinen Wohnsitz wechseln, verlegen, versetzen,umziehen 2. sich wandeln, sich verändern + +
D 預見 + * * yu4jian4 foresee voraussehen, Voraussicht, Weitsicht + +
D 致詞 + * * zhi4 ci2 address/ oration eine Ansprache halten + +
D 咨詢 + * * zi1xun2 refer/ consult (nachfragen, konsultieren, diskutieren) + +
D 抱負 + * * bao4fu4 ambition Ehrgeiz + +
D 常見 + * * chang2jian4 ordinary häufig zu sehen + +
D 懇切 + * * ken3qie4 fair-spoken aufrichtig, mit großem Ernst + +
D 目睹 + * * mu4du3 witness/ see with one's eyes mit eigenen Augen sehen, Zeuge sein + +
D 烹調 + * * peng1tiao2 cook kochen, Speisen zubereiten + +
D 世界觀 + * * shi4qie4guan1 world view Weltanschauung + +
D + * * chu4 touch 1.berühren, auf etwas stoßen, 2. rühren, aufwühlen, treffen + +
D 擔保 + * * dan1bao3 assure/ hypothecate für jn,etwas bürgen + +
D + * * fa2 cut down/ strike 1. fällen,schlagen, umhauen, abholzen 2.einen Straffeldzug unternehmen, eine Expedition entsenden + +
D 急需 + * * ji2xu1 to need urgently dringend brauchen, etwas sehr nötig haben, + +
D 糾紛 + * * jiu1fen1 dissension/ tangle Streit + +
D 麻雀 + * * ma2que4 sparrow Sperling, Spatz + +
D 延緩 + * * yan2huan3 delay/ put off verzögern, verlangsamen + +
D 意圖 + * * yi4tu2 purpose/ offer Intention, Absicht, beabsichtigen + +
D 致富 + * * zhi4 fu4 become rich/ acquire wealth reich werden + +
D 抱怨 + * * bao4yuan4 complain sich beschweren, Beschwerde + +
D 補償 + * * bu3chang2 expiate/ compensate kompensieren + +
D 觸犯 + * * chu4fan4 offend/ violate verletzen,gegen etw. stoßen,beleidigen + +
D 服氣 + * * fu2qi4 be convinced überzeugt sein, etwas zugeben + +
D 急於 + * * ji2yu2 be anxious to auf etwas begierig sein, auf etwas brennen + +
D 麻醉 + * * ma2zui4 narcosis betäuben, anästhisieren, narkotisieren + +
D 目錄 + * * mu4lu4 catalog Verzeichnis, Index, Katalog, Liste + +
D 塑造 + * * su4zao4 shape/ mold/ figure 1. formen, bildhauern, skulptieren, modellieren 2. gestalten + +
D 鐵飯碗 + * * tie3 fan4wan3 iron bowl/ a secure job eiserne Reisschale + +
D 心靈 + * * xin1ling2 heart/ soul klug, gescheit, geistreich, Herz, Seele + +
D 延期 + * * yan2 qi1 put off/ defer eine Frist aufschieben + +
D 常務 + * * chang2wu4 day-to-day/ standing Routine, Alltägliches + +
D 罰款 + * * fa2 kuan3 forfeit/ amerce/ fine Geldstrafe, jm mit einer Geldstrafe bestrafen + +
D 工人階級 + * * gong1ren2 jie1ji2 working class Arbeiterklasse + +
D 國產 + * * guo2chan3 made in one's own country im eigenen Land hergestellt + +
D 簽名 + * * qian1 ming2 sign one's name unterschreiben, unterzeichnen + +
D 少量 + * * shao3liang4 a little/ a few/ a spot of eine kleine Menge, wenig + +
D 往常 + * * wang3chang2 as one used to do sonst, gewöhnlich + +
D + * * xia2 gorge Schlucht, Enge, Isthmus, Straße + +
D 招聘 + * * zhao1pin4 invite applications for a job Personal anwerben + +
D 常用 + * * chang2yong4 in common use häufig gebraucht + +
D 川流不息 + * * chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 flowing up in an endless stream Kommen u. Gehen, ununterbrochen + +
D 調換 + * * diao4huan4 exchange/ transpose wechseln, tauschen, austauschen + +
D 工事 + * * gong1shi4 work Befestigunganlage + +
D 國法 + * * guo2fa3 national law nationales Recht + +
D 空洞 + * * kong1dong4 empty/ hollow/ shallow leer,hohl,abstrakt,spekulativ, + +
D 目中無人 + * * mu4 zhong1 wu2 ren2 consider everyone beneath one's notice die Leute wie Luft behandeln, nichts gelten lassen, hochnäsig, überheblich + +
D 簽署 + * * qian1shu3 sign/ affix to/ subscribe unterzeichnen, unterschreiben + +
D 往返 + * * wang3fan3 to and from/ out and home hin und zurück, hin und her + +
D 延續 + * * yan2xu4 continue andauern, dauern + +
D 招生 + * * zhao1 sheng1 enroll new student neue Schüler oder Studenten aufnehmen + +
D 擔憂 + * * dan1you1 worry about/ be anxious for Kummer haben, besorgt sein + +
D 服裝 + * * fu2zhuang1 costume/ dress Kleidung, Kostüm + +
D 空話 + * * kong1hua4 hollow words leeres Gerede + +
D 少數民族 + * * shao3shu4 min2zu2 minority nationale Minderheit + +
D 肅清 + * * su4qing1 root up/ sweep liquidieren,ausrotten,austilgen + +
D 狹隘 + * * xia2'ai4 narrow schmal, engstirnig, engherzig, borniert, kleinlich + +
D + * * yan2 talk/ word 1. Wort 2. sagen, sprechen 3. chinesisches Schriftzeichen + +
D 補貼 + * * bu3tie1 allowance 1.aufkleben,ankleben 2. sich an etw anschmiegen, sich dicht an etw anlehnen 3. jn mit Geld unterstützen, finanzieller Zuschuß + +
D 長處 + * * chang2chu4 strongpoint Vorteil, Stärke,gute Eigenschaft/starke Seite (Wenlin chang2chu) + +
D 立交橋 + * * li4jiao1qiao2 overpass Kreuzung mit Unter- oder Überführungen + +
D 聽話 + * * ting1 hua4 persuasible/ docile auf die ältere Generation oder die Vorgesetzten hören + +
D 狹窄 + * * xia2zhai3 narrow eng, schmal, borniert, beschränkt, begrenzt + +
D 報答 + * * bao4da2 reciprocate/ pay back/ repay zurückzahlen + +
D 法規 + * * fa3gui1 laws and regulations Gesetze und Verordnungen + +
D 馬達 + * * ma3da2 motor Motor + +
D 牧區 + * * mu4qu1 pastoral area Weideland + +
D 熱淚盈眶 + * * re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 one's eyes brimming with tears heiße Tränen steigen jm in die Augen + +
D 往年 + * * wang3nian2 in former years in den früheren (od. letzten, vergangenen) Jahren + +
D + * * xia2 rosy clouds von der Sonne gefärbte Wolken, Morgenrot oder Abendrot + +
D 心疼 + * * xin1teng2 feel distressed/ love dearly innig lieben, leid tun + +
D 言語 + * * yan2yu3 word/ diction gesprochene Sprache, Rede + +
D 預約 + * * yu4yue1 make an appointment reservieren, Reservation,sich verabreden + +
D 朝氣 + * * zhao1qi4 youthful spirit Jugendfrische, Lebenskraft, Vitalität + +
D 補助 + * * bu3zhu4 allowance Unterstützungsgelder + +
D 立體 + * * li4ti3 stereo-scopic/ solid dreidimensional,kubisch, Stereo-, stereometrischer Körper + +
D 牧業 + * * mu4ye4 stock/ raising Viehzucht, Viehwirtschaft + +
D 謙遜 + * * qian1xun4 modest bescheiden und höflich + +
D 往日 + * * wang3ri4 in former days früher,zu früherer Zeit, in der Vergangenheit + +
D 毅然 + * * yi4ran2 resolutely fest entschlossen, resolut, entschieden + +
D 朝氣蓬勃 + * * zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful spirit voller Lebenskraft, voller Vitalität + +
D + * * fu2 good fortune Glück, Segen, Wohlergehen + +
D 嫉妒 + * * ji2du4 envy/ be jealous neiden, neidisch sein, eifersüchtig ein + +
D 酒會 + * * jiu3hui4 cocktail party Cocktail-Party + +
D 心血 + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) + +
D 炎熱 + * * yan2re4 fervent/ hot sehr heiß, glühend heiß + +
D 朝三暮四 + * * zhao1 san1 mu4 si4 blow hot and cold/ play fast and loose heute so, morgen so , wetterwendisch, allzu unbeständig + +
D 國際法 + * * guo2ji4fa3 international law internationales Recht + +
D 酒精 + * * jiu3jing1 alcohol Alkohohl, Spiritus + +
D 空調 + * * kong1tiao2 air conditioning Aircondition, Klimaanlage + +
D 事態 + * * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation Situation + +
D 制服 + * * zhi4fu2 tame/ overmaster Uniform + +
D 長壽 + 寿* * chang2shou4 long live Langlebigkeit, langes Leben + +
D 法人 + * * fa3ren2 juridical person juristische Person + +
D 福氣 + * * fu2qi good luck/ felicity Glück, gutes Schicksal + +
D 攻讀 + * * gong1du2 assiduously study eifrig studieren, sich auf etwas spezialisieren + +
D 國際主義 + * * guo2ji4 zhu3yi4 internationalism Internationalismus + +
D 花費 + * * hua1fei4 cost/ expend ausgeben, Ausgaben + +
D 馬力 + * * ma3li4 horsepower Pferdestärke + +
D 批發 + * * pi1fa1 wholesale/ job etwas en gros verkaufen, Engrosverkauf, Großhandel, + +
D 前輩 + * * qian2bei4 elder generations Vorfahr, ältere Generation + +
D 奢侈 + * * she1chi3 luxurious luxuriös, verschwenderisch + +
D 議案 + * * yi4'an4 proposal/ motion Antrag, Motion + +
D 製品 + * * zhi4pin3 product/ goods Produkte + +
D 不卑不亢 + * * bu4bei1bu4kang4 neither haughty not humble weder hochmütig noch demütig + +
D 法庭 + * * fa3ting2 law court Gericht, Gerichtshof + +
D 撫養 + * * fu3yang3 foster/ bring-up aufziehen, ernähren, pflegen + +
D 攻關 + * * gong1guan1 tackle key problem eine Hürde nehmen, + +
D 花色 + * * hua1se4 variety of designs/ colors Muster und Farben,Sorte, Spezies + +
D 脊梁 + * * ji2liang backbone Rücken + +
D 空心 + * * kong1 xin1 hollow hohl + +
D 馬鈴薯 + * * ma3ling2shu3 potato Kartoffel + +
D 批復 + * * pi1fu4 give a reply to a subordinate body einer untergeordneten Stelle antworten + +
D 望遠鏡 + * * wang4yuan3jing4 telescope Fernrohr, Teleskop + +
D 沿岸 + 沿* * yan2'an4 coast am Ufer, am Ufer entlang + +
D 滋味 + * * zi1wei4 flavor/ relish ( wachsen, vervielfältigen, steigen) + +
D 報考 + * * bao4kao3 enter oneself for an examination sich für eine Prüfung eintragen + +
D 叮囑 + * * ding1zhu3 urge again and again/ exhort/ warn jm immer wieder ins Gewissen reden + +
D 撫育 + * * fu3yu4 foster aufziehen, erziehen + +
D 救災 + * * jiu4 zai1 provide disaster relief Katastrophengeschädigte unterstützen, + +
D 批改 + * * pi1gai3 correct korrigieren, verbessern + +
D 前程 + * * qian2cheng2 future/ prospect Zukunft, Zukunftserwartung, Karriere + +
D 下達 + * * xia4da2 make know to lower levels an untere Ebenen weiterleiten + +
D 議定書 + * * yi4ding4shu1 protocol Protokoll + +
D 元件 + * * yuan2jian4 element/ organ (Bau-) Element + +
D 滋長 + * * zi1zhang3 grow/ develop sich entwickeln, entstehen + +
D 長征 + * * chang2zheng1 long march der Lange Marsch + +
D 國力 + * * guo2li4 national power nationale Stärke + +
D 花紋 + * * hua1wen2 decorative pattern Dekor, Muster + +
D + * * she3 abandon/ give up 1. aufgeben, auf etw. verzichten 2. Almosen geben, opfern + +
D 停泊 + * * ting2bo2 berth tie up/ anchor ankern, vor Anker gehen + +
D 下放 + * * xia4fang4 transfer a lower position etwas einer untergeordneten Organisation übertragen, (Kader) an die Basis schicken + +
D 沿途 + 沿* * yan2tu2 on the way unterwegs, auf der Reise + +
D 元首 + * * yuan2shou3 head of state Staatsoberhaupt + +
D 沼澤 + * * zhao3ze2 swamp/ morass Sumpf, Moor, Morast + +
D 前赴後繼 + * * qian2 fu4 hou4 ji4 advance wave upon wave in Wellen angreifen + +
D 忘卻 + * * wang4que4 forget/ disremember vergessen + +
D 下級 + * * xia4ji2 subordinate niedrigrangig + +
D + * * yan3 cover/ hide 1. bedecken, zudecken, zuhalten, verbergen 2. schließen, zuschließen, zumachen 3. überraschend angreifen + +
D 報銷 + * * bao4xiao1 submit and expense account sich seine Kosten erstatten lassen + +
D 不辭而別 + * * bu4 ci2 er2 bie2 leave without saying goodbye gehen ohne auf Wiedersehen zu sagen + +
D 償還 + * * chang2huan2 repay/ compensate zurückzahlen + +
D 膽量 + * * dan3liang4 courage/ spunk Mut, Courage + +
D 法則 + * * fa3ze2 principle; theorem Gesetz, Regel + +
D 幾何 + * * ji3he2 geometry wieviel, Geometrie + +
D 力圖 + * * li4tu2 strive/ try hard to sich anstrengen zu + +
D 批示 + * * pi1shi4 make comments and instructions einen Aktenvermerk anbringen, Aktennotiz + +
D 誓言 + * * shi4yan2 pledge/ parole Eid, Gelübde + +
D 議員 + * * yi4yuan2 Congressman Abgeordneter + +
D 膽怯 + * * dan3qie4 coward zaghaft, scheu + +
D 繳納 + * * jiao3na4 capture/ hand over bezahlen , zusteuern, beitragen + +
D 人格 + * * ren2ge2 personality Persönlichkeit, Charakter, moralische Eigenschaften, Menschenwürde + +
D + * * she4 take (pictures)/ absorb 1. aufnehmen, absorbieren, assimilieren 2. fotografieren, knipsen + +
D 暴動 + * * bao4dong4 insurrection/ rebel rebellieren, Rebellion + +
D 廠房 + * * chang3fang2 workshop Fabrikgebäude, Werkstatt + +
D 膽子 + * * dan3zi courage Mut, Kühnheit + +
D 腐敗 + * * fu3bai4 corrupt verfaulen, verderben,verfault, verdorben + +
D 國情 + * * guo2qing2 the situation of a country Lage der Nation + +
D + * * pi1 base/ blank/ semi-finished products Formling, Halbfertigprodukt, rohes Produkt, rohe Form + +
D 前景 + * * qian2jing3 prospect Vordergrund, Aussicht, Perspektive + +
D 威風 + * * wei1feng1 power and prestige Macht und Ansehen, mächtig und Respekt einflößend, imponierend, imposant + +
D 掩飾 + * * yan3shi4 cover up/ conceal bemänteln,kaschieren,verbergen + +
D + * * yuan2 original 1. ursprünglich, eigentlich, original 2. unverarbeitet, roh 3. entschuldigen, verzeihen 4. Ebene, Flachland + +
D 暴風驟雨 + * * bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3 violent storm tempest heftiger Sturm + +
D 廠家 + * * chang3jia1 factory Fabrikbesitzer, Eigentümer,Verantwortliche + +
D + * * dan4 nitrogen Stickstoff, Nitrogen + +
D 頂端 + * * ding3duan1 top/ peak/ apex Gipfel, Spitze + +
D 腐化 + * * fu3hua4 degenerate/ dissolute korrupt, sittlich verdorben + +
D 孔雀 + * * kong3que4 peacock Pfau + +
D + * * lian2 join/ unite 1. vereinigen, verbinden 2. paarweise an beiden Seiten eines Eingangs angebrachte Verse oder Wandsprüche + +
D 前列 + * * qian2lie4 front row erste Reihe + +
D 威力 + * * wei1li4 might/ power Macht, Gewalt + +
D 原材料 + * * yuan2cai2liao4 raw and processed materials Rohmaterialien, Ausgangsprodukt + +
D 照會 + * * zhao4hui4 memo/ note 1. eine Note überreichen 2. Note + +
D 子弟 + * * zi3di4 junior/ children Söhne und jüngere Brüder + +
D 暴力 + * * bao4li4 violence Gewalt + +
D 不當 + * * bu4dang4 improper unpassend, ungeeignet + +
D 帆船 + * * fan1chuan2 sail boat Segelschiff, Dschunke,Segelboot + +
D 腐爛 + * * fu3lan4 rot/ perish verfaulen,korrupt, verkommen + +
D 國土 + * * guo2tu3 territory Territorium,Hoheitsgebiet + +
D 聯邦 + * * lian2bang1 federation Vereingte Staaten, Föderation, Union + +
D 埋沒 + * * mai2mo4 cover up/ bury/ neglect vergraben, begraben, zudecken, nicht zur Geltung kommen lassen + +
D + * * pi1 split/ chop/ cleave 1. spalten, hauen, hacken 2.direkt gegen (das Gesicht, den Kopf) + +
D 下令 + * * xia4 ling4 order/ give order Order geben, einen Befehl erteilen + +
D 子孫 + * * zi3sun1 progeny Kinder und Enkelkinder + +
D 不得 + * * bu4de2 should not nicht dürfen, nicht gestattet + +
D 就地 + * * jiu4di4 on the spot auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle + +
D 埋頭 + * * mai2 tou2 immerse oneself in seinen Kopf tief in etw. stecken, sich in etwas versenken + +
D 下落 + * * xia4luo4 whereabouts 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung + +
D + * * yin1 cause/ reason 1.aufgrund, nach, gemäß, 2. Grund, Ursache 3. weil, wegen, infolge von, als Ergebnis von + +
D 定額 + * * ding4'e2 ration Norm, Quote, Soll + +
D 番茄 + * * fan1qie2 tomato Tomate + +
D 人均 + * * ren2jun1 personal average pro Kopf + +
D 涉及 + * * she4ji2 involve/ relate to 1. waten, durchwaten, ein Gewässer überqueren, übersetzen 2. erleben, durchmachen 3. betreffen, mit etw im Zusammenhang stehen + +
D 威信 + * * wei1xin4 authority Autorität, Ansehen, Prestige + +
D 照料 + * * zhao4liao4 take care of sich js annehmen, für jd/etw. sorgen, betreuen + +
D + * * bao4 explode/ burst 1. platzen, bersten, explodieren 2. etw schnell braten + +
D + * * fu4 go to/ attend gehen, sich begeben + +
D 季度 + * * ji4du4 three months Quartal + +
D 疲憊 + * * pi2bei4 tired out/ exhausted ermattet, erschöpft, müde + +
D 前人 + * * qian2ren2 forefathers Vorfahr, Vorgänger + +
D 涉外 + * * she4wai4 concerning foreign affairs auswärtige Angelegenheiten + +
D 微不足道 + * * wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable nicht nennenswert, ganz unbedeutend + +
D 不得已 + * * bu4de2yi3 have no alternative but to gegen seinen eigenen Willen handeln, + +
D 定居 + * * ding4ju1 settle down sich niederlassen + +
D 供不應求 + * * gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply falls short of demand das Angebot ist kleiner als die Nachfrage + +
D 國有 + * * guo2 you3 state-owned im Nationalbesitz, nationalisiert + +
D 控訴 + * * kong4su4 charge/ complain anklagen, brandmarken, Anklage erheben, sich beschweren + +
D + * * she4 organized body Gesellschaft, Vereinigung, Verein + +
D 隨意 + * * sui2yi4 random/ casual nach Wunsch + +
D + * * ting3 a light boat leichtes Boot + +
D 微觀 + * * wei1guan1 microcosmic mikrokosmisch + +
D 下臺 + * * xia4 tai2 out of power von der Bühne abtreten, abdanken, entlassen, gestürzt werden + +
D 爆破 + * * bao4po4 blow up/ blast/ dynamite in die Luft sprengen, Dynamit + +
D 不等 + * * bu4deng3 different/ various nicht gleich, unterschiedlich + +
D 淡季 + * * dan4ji4 low season Flaute, Mangelperiode + +
D 定理 + * * ding4li3 theorem Theorem, Lehrsatz + +
D 賣國 + * * mai4 guo2 betray one's country sein Land verraten + +
D 前提 + * * qian2ti2 precondition Prämisse, Voraussetzung, Vorbedingung + +
D 眼力 + * * yan3li4 vision Sehkraft, Sehfähigkeit, Urteilsvermögen + +
D 治安 + * * zhi4'an1 public order/ police öffentliche Sicherheit + +
D 自發 + * * zi4fa1 spontaneous/ unprompted spontan + +
D 不定 + * * bu4ding4 inconstantly unbestimmt + +
D 場所 + * * chang3suo3 locale/ place Platz, Ort + +
D + * * chuang1 sore/ boil 1. Geschwür, Eiterbeule 2. Wunde, Verletzung + +
D 定量 + * * ding4liang4 fixed quantity/ ration festgelegte Menge, Ration + +
D + * * fan2 numerous zahlreich,viel,kompliziert,verwickelt, umständlich + +
D 寄托 + * * ji4tuo1 place on/ consign or commit anvertrauen,auf etwas,jn setzen + +
D 聯想 + * * lian2xiang3 associate Gedankenverbindung, Assoziation + +
D 通報 + * * tong1bao4 circular/ circulate a notice ein Rundschreiben verschicken,Rundschreiben, Fachzeitung + +
D 下鄉 + * * xia4 xiang1 go to the countryside aufs Land gehen + +
D 治理 + * * zhi4li3 administer/ govern regieren, verwalten, regeln, regulieren + +
D 敞開 + * * chang3kai1 open wide weit öffnen + +
D 繁多 + * * fan2duo1 various vielfältig,mannigfaltig + +
D 教條 + * * jiao4tiao2 dogma/ creed/ doctrine Dogma, Glaubensatz, Doktrin + +
D 就業 + * * jiu4 ye4 take up an occupation Beschäftigung,(..)bekommen + +
D 音響 + * * yin1xiang3 stereo/ sound/ acoustics Laut, Schall, Klang, Akustik + +
D 自負盈虧 + * * zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1 assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses selbst für Gewinn und Verlust verantwortlich sein + +
D 繁華 + * * fan2hua2 prosperous belebt,gedeihend,blühend + +
D 就職 + * * jiu4 zhi2 accession ein Amt antreten + +
D 口岸 + * * kou3'an4 port Hafen (Fluß, See) + +
D 社員 + * * she4yuan2 commune member Mitglied einer Geellschaft,Kommunemitglied + +
D 眼神 + * * yan3shen2 expression in one's eyes in den Augen liegender Glanz, Augenausdruck, Sehfähigkeit + +
D 原油 + * * yuan2you2 base oil/ crude oil Rohöl + +
D 自古 + * * zi4 gu3 from of old seit alters her + +
D 暢通 + * * chang4tong1 unimpeded/ unblocked unbehindert + +
D + * * dan4 bomb/ pellet 1. Kugel, Kügelchen 2. Geschoß, Bombe siehe tan2 + +
D 定向 + * * ding4xiang4 directional gerichtet + +
D 覆蓋 + * * fu4gai4 overlay/ cover with bedecken, Vegetation + +
D 鞠躬 + * * ju1 gong1 bow (sich)verbeugen + +
D 埋怨 + * * man2yuan4 complain sich beschweren, murren + +
D 前往 + * * qian2wang3 go up to/ head for sich an einen Ort begeben + +
D 人情 + * * ren2qing2 human feelings/ favor/ gift menschliches Empfinden, menschliche Gefühle, Beziehungen, Güte, Gefallen, Geschenk + +
D 通風 + * * tong1 feng1 ventilate/ tip-off lüften, durchlüften, Durchlüftung, ein Geheimnis lüften, Nachrichten durchsickern lassen + +
D 彈藥 + * * dan4yao4 ammunition Munition + +
D 賦予 + * * fu4yu3 endow/ endue geben, verleihen + +
D 拘留 + * * ju1liu2 impound in Gewahrsam nehmen, inhaftieren + +
D 连队 + * * lian2dui4 company Kompanie + +
D 前線 + 线* * qian2xian4 battlefront Frontlinie, Front + +
D 通告 + * * tong1gao4 announce/ notify etwas allgemein bekanntmachen, allgemeine Bekanntmachung + +
D 陰暗 + * * yin1'an4 dark/ overcast dunkel, finster + +
D 照應 + * * zhao4ying look to pfleglich behandeln, Sorge tragen für + +
D 定義 + * * ding4yi4 definition Definition, definieren + +
D 繁體字 + * * fan2ti3zi4 the original complex of Chinese character Langzeichen + +
D 教養 + * * jiao4yang3 education/ upbringing Erziehung, Kultur, Kultiviertheit + +
D 拘束 + * * ju1shu4 constrained/ ill at ease einschränken, begrenzen,schüchtern + +
D 連滾帶爬 + * * lian2 gun3 dai4 pa2 roll and crawl/ flee in panic stolpern + +
D + * * nai3 be/ so/ therefore 1. sein 2. so, darum + +
D 演變 + * * yan3bian4 evolve entwickeln, entfalten + +
D 倡議 + * * chang4yi4 propose/ sponsor vorschlagen, + +
D 復辟 + * * fu4bi4 restoration of a dethroned monarch Restauration,restaurieren + +
D 口腔 + * * kou3qiang1 mouth/ oral cavity Mundhöhle + +
D 潛伏 + * * qian2fu2 lurk/ lie low sich verstecken, sich versteckt halten, verborgen + +
D 市民 + * * shi4min2 citizen/ townsfolk Stadtbewohner + +
D 通航 + * * tong1hang2 be open to navigation or air traffic in Schiffs- oder Luftverkehrsverbindung stehen + +
D 原子能 + * * yuan2zi3neng2 atomic energy Atomkraft, Kernenergie + +
D 訂購 + * * ding4gou4 place an order for sth abonnieren, bestellen + +
D 繁重 + * * fan2zhong4 heavy/ onerous schwer, schwierig + +
D 複合 + * * fu4he2 composite/ compound zusammengesetzt + +
D 奶粉 + * * nai3fen3 milk powder Milchpulver + +
D 潛力 + * * qian2li4 potential Potential + +
D 人身 + * * ren2shen1 person der Körper eines Menschen, Leib, Person + +
D 通紅 + * * tong1hong2 aglow tief rot + +
D 超產 + * * chao1 chan3 over fulfill a production target das Produktionsziel übertreffen + +
D 通貨膨脹 + * * tong1huo4 peng2zhang4 inflation Inflation + +
D 違犯 + * * wei2fan4 break/ disobey verletzen, gegen etwas verstoßen + +
D 掀起 + * * xian1qi3 lift (a cover) hochheben,hochziehen,schlagen, in Gang setzen + +
D + * * xing1 the smell of fish 1. Fischgestank 2. rohes Fleisch oder Fisch + +
D 超出 + * * chao1chu1 overstep/ go beyond übertreffen,übersteigen + +
D 訂貨 + * * ding4 huo4 (a newspaper or magazine) order goods (Waren) bestellen + +
D 居室 + * * ju1shi4 room/ living room Haus, Zimmer + +
D 連綿 + * * lian2mian2 uninterrupted continuous aufeinanderfolgend, andauernd + +
D 滿月 + * * man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month Vollmond, die Erfüllung des ersten Lebensmonats eines Säuglings + +
D 譴責 + * * qian3ze2 condemn/ accuse/ censure verurteilen, brandmarken, tadeln + +
D + * * shi4 look at/ watch 1. sehen, starren, anstarren 2. jn als ...ansehen, jd für etw halten 3.inspizieren + +
D 通商 + * * tong1 shang1 have trade relation Handelsbeziehungen aufnehmen oder unterhalten + +
D + * * xing1 prosper/ rise 1.gedeihen, aufblühen 2. beginnen, anfangen, starten 3.fördern, beleben,unterstützen, + +
D 折騰 + * * zhe1teng turn over/ toss about sich hin- und herwälzen + +
D 悲傷 + * * bei1shang1 heartbroken/ sorrowful traurig, trauervoll + +
D 訂閱 + * * ding4yue4 subscribe to abonnieren + +
D 人事 + * * ren2shi4 personnel Vorkommnisse,Peronalangelegenheiten, Welterfahrung + +
D 損耗 + * * sun3hao4 spoil/ waste Verlust, Abnutzung,Schaden, Abfall + +
D 先鋒 + * * xian1feng1 pioneer Vorhut,Avantgarde + +
D 演算 + * * yan3suan4 perform mathematical calculations mathematische Aufgaben lösen + +
D 淫穢 + * * yin2hui4 nasty/ obscene obzön, pornographisch + +
D 創業 + * * chuang4ye4 carve out Pionierarbeit leisten, ein Werk beginnen, ein Unternehmen gründen + +
D 當場 + * * dang1chang3 on the spot an Ort und Stelle + +
D 視覺 + * * shi4jue2 vision/ seeing Gesichtsinn, Sehvermögen + +
D 通俗 + * * tong1su2 popular populär, allgemein bekannt, volkstümlich + +
D 圍攻 + * * wei2gong1 lay siege to belagern und bestürmen, vereint gegen jn vorgehen + +
D 煩惱 + * * fan2nao3 bother/ trouble ärgerlich, besorgt, Kummer + +
D 記性 + * * ji4xing memory Gedächtnis + +
D 枯燥 + * * ku1zao4 bored eintönig, uninteressant + +
D 慢性 + * * man4xing4 chronic chronisch + +
D 偏差 + * * pian1cha1 error/ deviation Abweichung, Fehler + +
D 損人利己 + * * sun3 ren2 li4 ji3 harm others to benefit oneself sich auf Kosten anderer einen Vorteil verschaffen + +
D 興建 + * * xing1jian4 build/ construct bauen, errichten + +
D 丟人 + * * diu1 ren2 lose face das Gesicht verlieren + +
D 公關 + * * gong1guan1 public relations Public Relations + +
D 叫喊 + * * jiao4han3 cry/ clamor laut rufen, schreien, heulen + +
D 視線 + 线* * shi4xian4 the line of sight Blickrichtung + +
D 圍棋 + * * wei2qi2 the game of go Weiqi, Go (chinesisches Strategiespiel) + +
D 先前 + * * xian1qian2 anteriority vorher, zuvor,ehemals, früher + +
D 演奏 + * * yan3zou4 perform ein Instrument spielen, vortragen + +
D 飲食 + * * yin3shi2 food and drink Essen und Trinken + +
D 不解 + * * bu4jie3 not understand nicht verstehen + +
D 丟失 + * * diu1shi1 lose verlieren,verloren gehen + +
D 記憶力 + * * ji4yi4li4 memory/ retentivity Erinnerungsvermögen, Gedächtniskraft + +
D 叫喚 + * * jiao4huan cry out/ call out schreien, heulen + +
D 偏僻 + * * pian1pi4 out of the way/ devious/ outlying abgelegen,entlegen + +
D 槍斃 + * * qiang1bi4 execute by shooting erschießen, etwas beiseite legen + +
D 呻吟 + * * shen1yin2 moan stöhnen, ächzen, seufzen, Seufzer + +
D 視野 + * * shi4ye3 field of vision Gesichts- Blickfeld + +
D 興旺 + * * xing1wang4 prosperous gedeihen, aufblühen + +
D 飲水思源 + * * yin3 shui3 si1 yuan2 never forget where one's happiness comes from niemals seinen Ursprung vergessen + +
D + * * yuan2 fountain/ source 1. Quelle, Ursache, Ursprung 2. Quelle, Ursache + +
D 自私自利 + * * zi4 si1 zi4 li4 self-concern/ selfish eigensüchtig, selbstsüchtig?? + +
D 叫嚷 + * * jiao4rang3 break out/ clamor schreien, laut rufen, lärmen + +
D 局勢 + * * ju2shi4 situation Situation, Lage + +
D 蓮子 + * * lian2zi3 lotus seed Lotossamen + +
D 茫茫 + * * mang2mang2 vast/ boundless in mang2mang2 unendlich weit, endlos + +
D + * * sun3 bamboo shoot Bambussproß, Bambustrieb + +
D 吹牛 + * * chui1 niu2 brag/ boast prahlen,Prahlerei + +
D 反駁 + * * fan3bo2 retort/ contradict/ refute widerlegen, widersprechen + +
D 局限 + * * ju2xian4 limit/ confine begrenzen + +
D 苦難 + * * ku3nan4 tribulation Leiden, Elend, Not + +
D 偏向 + * * pian1xiang4 partial to Abweichung, parteiisch für jn sein + +
D 伸手 + * * shen1 shou3 stretch out die Hand austrecken + +
D 通用 + * * tong1yong4 in common use im allgemeinen Gebrauch,üblich, allgemein geltend, austauschbar + +
D 刑場 + * * xing2chang3 execution ground Hinrichtungsort + +
D 當局 + * * dang1ju2 the authorities die Behörden, der Gesetzgeber, + +
D 東奔西走 + 西* * dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3 run around here and there/ rush around geschäftig hin und her rennen + +
D 反常 + * * fan3chang2 abnormal ungewöhnlich, unnormal + +
D 付出 + * * fu4chu1 hand over/ pay bezahlen, ausgeben + +
D 苦惱 + * * ku3nao3 distressed/ worried/ tormented gequält, kummervoll, Kopfzerbrechen bereitend + +
D 廉潔 + * * lian2jie2 uncorrupted/ clean-fingered redlich, rechtschaffen + +
D 試行 + * * shi4xing2 try out probeweise ausführen + +
D + * * chui2 beat/ pound mit der Faust (oder Keule) gegen etwas schlagen, klopfen + +
D 反倒 + * * fan3dao4 on the contrary/ instead im Gegenteil, umgekehrt + +
D 過問 + * * guo4wen4 concern with sich um etwas kümmern + +
D 話題 + * * hua4ti2 topic Gesprächsthema + +
D + * * ku4 storehouse Lagerhaus, Speicher, Magazin + +
D 廉政 + * * lian2zheng4 make the government honest and clean redlich und aufrichtig + +
D 人質 + * * ren2zhi4 hostage Geisel + +
D 遠大 + * * yuan3da4 long-range weitgehend, weitreichend + +
D 過於 + * * guo4yu2 too/ excessively zu sehr, übermäßig + +
D 槐樹 + * * huai2shu4 pagoda tree Japanischer Schnurbaum + +
D 揭發 + * * jie1fa1 disclose/ expose ans Tageslicht bringen, enthüllen + +
D 庫存 + * * ku4cun2 storage Lagerbestand, Reserve, Vorrat + +
D 試用 + * * shi4yong4 on probation/ try out probeweise gebrauchen, jn auf die Probe stellen + +
D 惟獨 + * * wei2du2 alone/ only nur, allein + +
D + * * xing2 type/ model (Guß-) Form, Typ, Art + +
D 引人注目 + * * yin3 ren2 zhu4 mu4 conspicuous/ noticeable ins Auge fallen + +
D 自行 + * * zi4xing2 by oneself selbst, aus eigener Kraft, von selbst, automatisch + +
D 東道主 + * * dong1dao4zhu3 host Gastgeber + +
D 庫房 + * * ku4fang2 depot/ storeroom Lagerraum + +
D 鐮刀 + * * lian2dao1 reaphook Sichel + +
D 片刻 + * * pian4ke4 a while/ a moment Augenblick + +
D 惟一 + * * wei2yi1 only einzig, allein + +
D 型號 + * * xing2hao4 model/ type Modell, Typ + +
D 引入 + * * yin3ru4 import/ introduce importieren, einführen, hinführen, hineinführen + +
D 公然 + * * gong1ran2 to the teeth/ under one's nose unverfroren, offen, unverhüllt, dreist + +
D 舉動 + * * ju3dong4 action Handlung,Bewegung, Vorgehen + +
D + * * xing2 body/ form 1. Form, Gestalt 2. Körper, Sein 3. zum Vorschein kommen + +
D 引用 + * * yin3yong4 quote anführen, zitieren, empfehlen, einsetzen, anstellen + +
D 中游 + * * zhong1you2 middle reaches of a river Mittellauf, Mittelmäßigkeit, Durchschnittlichkeit + +
D + * * ji4 continue/ follow 1. fortsetzen, fortführen, nachfolgen 2. dann, danach + +
D 舉世聞名 + * * ju3shi4 wen2ming2 of world known/ world-famous weltberühmt, + +
D 收藏 + * * shou1cang2 collect sammeln und aufbewahren + +
D 同步 + * * tong2bu4 synchro- Synchronismus, gleichzeitiger Schritt + +
D 春耕 + * * chun1geng1 spring sloughing Frühjahrsbestellung + +
D 負傷 + * * fu4 shang1 be wounded Wunden erleiden + +
D 公社 + * * gong1she4 commune Kommune + +
D 懷孕 + 怀* * huai2 yun4 become pregnant schwanger sein, trächtig sein + +
D 接班 + * * jie1 ban1 carry on eine Arbeit von jmd übernehmen, Schicht ablösen, Schichtwechsel + +
D 舉世矚目 + * * ju3shi4 zhu3mu4 attract worldwide attention auf der ganzen Welt im Blick + +
D 為期 + * * wei2qi1 (to be completed) by a definite date festgelegter Termin, für die Dauer von, befristet bis + +
D 楊樹 + * * yang2shu4 poplar Pappel + +
D 隱蔽 + * * yin3bi4 lie up/ take cover verheimlichen, vertuschen + +
D 當心 + * * dang1xin1 watch out vorsichtig sein + +
D 反革命 + * * fan3ge2ming4 counter revolutionaries Kontrarevolutionäre, kontrarevolutionär + +
D + * * lian4 love lieben, sich verlieben, an etw. hängen, sich nach etwas sehnen + +
D 收復 + * * shou1fu4 reoccupy wiedergewinnen, zurückgewinnen, wiedererobern, zurückerobern + +
D 所得 + * * suo3de2 income/ earning Einkommen, Lohn, Gewinn + +
D 同行 + * * tong2hang2 a person of the same occupation vom gleichen Fach oder Beruf, Berufsgenosse, Fachkollege + +
D 隱藏 + * * yin3cang2 hide/ ensconce sich verstecken,sich verbergen + +
D 背叛 + * * bei4pan4 sellout/ betray verraten, Verrat + +
D 吵鬧 + * * chao3nao4 wrangle/ kick up a row laut streiten + +
D 當選 + * * dang1xuan3 be elected/ come in gewählt werden + +
D 反攻 + * * fan3gong1 counterattack Gegenangriff + +
D + * * kua4 carry on the arm 1.etw. am Arm tragen 2. etw. auf der Schulter oder an der Seite tragen + +
D + * * piao1 float im Wasser treiben, dahintreiben, von der Strömung getragen werden + +
D 強盛 + * * qiang2sheng4 powerful and prosperous mächtig und blühend + +
D 所得稅 + * * suo3de2shui4 income tax Einkommenssteuer + +
D 同類 + * * tong2lei4 congener Artverwandter, Stammverwandter, gleichartiges Ding oder Wesen, Kongener + +
D 冬瓜 + * * dong1gua1 white gourd Wintermelone + +
D 富強 + * * fu4qiang2 rich and strong reich und mächtig + +
D 海岸 + * * hai3'an4 coast Küste, Meeresufer, + +
D 聚會 + * * ju4hui4 get together/ party Zusammenkunft + +
D 強制 + * * qiang2zhi4 force/ oblige zwingen + +
D 所屬 + * * suo3shu3 what one belongs to or is affiliated with unter jmds Kommando stehen, unterstellt + +
D 忠貞 + * * zhong1zhen1 honest/ loyal and steadfast ergeben und beständig + +
D 接二連三 + * * jie1 er4 lian2 san1 one after another/ in quick succession eins nach dem anderen, ununterbrochen + +
D 任命 + * * ren4ming4 appoint/ instate ernennen + +
D + * * xian2 chord Bogensehne, Sehne, Saite,Feder, Hyphotenuse + +
D + * * yang2 sun/ positive 1. Yang, (männliches Prinzip) 2. Sonne, Gebiet südlich eines Berges, nördlich eines Flusses, konvex, plastisch hervortretend, irdisch, von dieser Welt, positiv 4. offen, äußerlich + +
D 貝殼 + * * bei4ke2 shell/ conch Muschelschale + +
D 富餘 + * * fu4yu have more than needed im Überfluß haben + +
D 海濱 + * * hai3bin1 seashore Meeresküste + +
D 嘉獎 + * * jia1jiang3 reward/ commend auszeichnen, belobigen + +
D + * * pie1 glance at/ dart a look at einen flüchtigen Blick auf jn,etw. werfen, jm einen Blick zuwerfen + +
D 鐘表 + * * zhong1biao3 clock Uhr + +
D 董事 + * * dong3shi4 director Vorstandsmitglied + +
D 反面 + * * fan3mian4 back/ opposite Rückseite,Kehrseite,Gegenteil + +
D 公有 + * * gong1you3 public-owned im öffentlichen Besitz, öffentlich + +
D 海港 + * * hai3gang3 seaport Hafen, Seehafen + +
D 搶劫 + * * qiang3jie2 rob rauben, plündern + +
D 嫌疑 + * * xian2yi2 suspicion Verdacht + +
D + * * yang3 oxygen Sauerstoff + +
D 鐘點 + * * zhong1dian3 hours/ time Stunde + +

* 1 hen3 (adverb of degree)/ quite/ very/ awfully
* 1 ai4 to love/ affection/ to be fond of/ to like
* 1 de5 of/ structural particle: used before a noun; linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive
* 1 zhe4 this/ these/ (commonly pr. zhei4 before a classifier; esp. in Beijing)
* 1 ting1 to listen/ to hear/ to obey/ a can (loanword from English "tin")/ classifier for canned beverages
桌子* 1 zhuo1 zi5 table/ desk/ CL:張|张[zhang1];套[tao4]
* 1 bu4 (negative prefix)/ not/ no
* 1 na3 how/ which
喜欢* 1 xi3 huan5 to like/ to be fond of
* 1 na4 that/ those/ then (in that case)/ commonly pr. nei4 before a classifier; esp. in Beijing
* 1 shu1 book/ letter/ CL:本[ben3];冊|册[ce4];部[bu4]/ see also 書經|书经 Book of History
* 1 kai1 to open/ to start/ to turn on/ to boil/ to write out (a medical prescription)/ to operate (vehicle)/ abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文 degrees Kelvin
学生* 1 xue2 sheng5 student/ school child
工作* 1 gong1 zuo4 job/ work/ construction/ task/ CL:個|个[ge4];份[fen4];項|项[xiang4]
同学* 1 tong2 xue2 (fellow) classmate/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4]
学习* 1 xue2 xi2 to learn/ to study
* 1 zi4 letter/ symbol/ character/ word/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
爸爸* 1 ba4 ba5 (informal) father/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
学校* 1 xue2 xiao4 school/ CL:所[suo3]
不客气* 1 bu4 ke4 qi5 you're welcome/ impolite/ rude/ blunt/ don't mention it
* 1 ling2 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither
* 1 xia4 down/ downwards/ below/ lower/ later/ next (week etc)/ second (of two parts)/ to decline/ to go down
* 1 gou3 dog/ CL:隻|只[zhi1];條|条[tiao2]
* 1 ne5 (question particle for subjects already mentioned)
下午* 1 xia4 wu3 afternoon/ p.m./ CL:個|个[ge4]
下雨* 1 xia4 yu3 to rain/ rainy
* 1 dian3 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou
商店* 1 shang1 dian4 store/ shop/ CL:家[jia1];個|个[ge4]
* 1 qian2 coin/ money/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
看见* 1 kan4 jian4 to see/ to catch sight of
* 1 neng2 to be able to/ to be capable of/ ability/ capability/ able/ capable/ can possibly/ (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of
先生* 1 xian1 sheng5 teacher/ Mister (Mr.)/ husband/ doctor (topolect)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
前面* 1 qian2 mian4 ahead/ in front/ preceding/ above
* 1 you3 to have/ there is/ there are/ to exist/ to be
电脑* 1 dian4 nao3 computer/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
* 1 ni3 you (informal; as opposed to polite 您[nin2])
电视* 1 dian4 shi4 television/ TV/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4]
电影* 1 dian4 ying3 movie/ film/ CL:部[bu4];片[pian4];幕[mu4];場|场[chang3]
上午* 1 shang4 wu3 morning/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 1 shui3 water/ river/ liquid/ beverage/ additional charges or income/ (of clothes) classifier for number of washes
睡觉* 1 shui4 jiao4 to go to bed/ to go to sleep
* 1 jiao4 to shout/ to call/ to order/ to ask/ to be called/ by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
现在* 1 xian4 zai4 now/ at present/ at the moment/ modern/ current/ nowadays
* 1 cai4 dish (type of food)/ vegetables/ vegetable/ cuisine/ CL:盤|盘[pan2];道[dao4]
说话* 1 shuo1 hua4 to speak/ to say/ to talk/ to gossip/ to tell stories/ talk/ word
* 1 hui2 to circle/ to go back/ to turn around/ to answer/ to return/ to revolve/ Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/ time/ classifier for acts of a play/ section or chapter (of a classic book)
东西* 1 dong1 xi5 thing/ stuff/ person/ CL:個|个[ge4];件[jian4]
* 1 shei2 who/ also pronounced shui2
* 1 hui4 can/ be possible/ be able to/ will/ be likely to/ be sure to/ to assemble/ to meet/ to gather/ to see/ union/ group/ association/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is hui3)
* 1 si4 four/ 4
* 1 xiang3 to think/ to believe/ to suppose/ to wish/ to want/ to miss
什么* 1 shen2 me5 what?/ who?/ something/ anything
* 1 dou1 all; both/ entirely (due to) each/ even/ already
* 1 zuo4 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a
* 1 zuo4 to sit/ to take a seat/ to take (a bus; airplane etc)/ to bear fruit/ surname Zuo
妈妈* 1 ma1 ma5 mama/ mommy/ mother/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 1 du2 to read/ to study/ reading of word (i.e. pronunciation); similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
火车站* 1 huo3 che1 zhan4 train station
* 1 ma5 (question tag)
* 1 qing3 to ask/ to invite/ please (do sth)/ to treat (to a meal etc)/ to request
北京* 1 Bei3 jing1 Beijing; capital of People's Republic of China/ Peking/ PRC government
* 1 mai3 to buy/ to purchase
* 1 yue4 moon/ month/ CL:個|个[ge4];輪|轮[lun2]
* 1 sui4 classifier for years (of age)/ year/ year (of crop harvests)
* 1 xiao3 small/ tiny/ few/ young
* 1 kuai4 lump (of earth)/ chunk/ piece/ classifier for pieces of cloth; cake; soap etc/ colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc); usually as 塊錢|块钱
小姐* 1 xiao3 jie5 young lady/ miss/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 1 ben3 roots or stems of plants/ origin/ source/ this/ the current/ root/ foundation/ basis/ classifier for books; periodicals; files etc/ originally
对不起* 1 dui4 bu5 qi3 unworthy/ to let down/ I'm sorry/ excuse me/ pardon me/ if you please/ sorry? (please repeat)
打电话* 1 da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call
今天* 1 jin1 tian1 today/ at the present/ now
* 1 yi1 one/ 1/ single/ a (article)/ as soon as/ entire/ whole/ all/ throughout/ "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1)
中国* 1 Zhong1 guo2 China/ Middle Kingdom
* 1 ta1 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another
* 1 qu4 to go/ to go to (a place)/ to cause to go or send (sb)/ to remove/ to get rid of/ (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/ to be apart from in space or time/ (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/ (us
* 1 xie1 some/ few/ several/ (a measure word)
衣服* 1 yi1 fu5 clothes/ CL:件[jian4];套[tao4]
* 1 zai4 (located) at/ (to be) in/ to exist/ in the middle of doing sth/ (indicating an action in progress)
中午* 1 zhong1 wu3 noon/ midday/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 1 mei2 (negative prefix for verbs)/ have not/ not
再见* 1 zai4 jian4 goodbye/ see you again later
* 1 tai4 highest/ greatest/ too (much)/ very/ extremely
没关系* 1 mei2 guan1 xi5 it doesn't matter
* 1 xie3 to write
* 1 da4 big/ huge/ large/ major/ great/ wide/ deep/ oldest/ eldest
* 1 duo1 many/ much/ a lot of/ numerous/ multi-
* 1 lai2 to come/ to arrive/ to come round/ ever since/ next
谢谢* 1 xie4 xie5 to thank/ thanks
多少* 1 duo1 shao3 number/ amount/ somewhat
* 1 wei4 hello (interj.; esp. on telephone)/ hey/ to feed (sb or some animal)
医生* 1 yi1 sheng1 doctor/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
医院* 1 yi1 yuan4 hospital/ CL:所[suo3];家[jia1];座[zuo4]
时候* 1 shi2 hou5 time/ length of time/ moment/ period
儿子* 1 er2 zi5 son
怎么* 1 zen3 me5 how?/ what?/ why?
怎么样* 1 zen3 me5 yang4 how?/ how about?/ how was it?/ how are things?
* 1 er4 two/ 2/ stupid (Beijing dialect)
米饭* 1 mi3 fan4 (cooked) rice
* 1 re4 heat/ to heat up/ fervent/ hot (of weather)/ warm up
高兴* 1 gao1 xing4 happy/ glad/ willing (to do sth)/ in a cheerful mood
* 1 le5 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/ (completed action marker)
* 1 hao3 good/ well/ proper/ good to/ easy to/ very/ so/ (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
椅子* 1 yi3 zi5 chair/ CL:把[ba3];套[tao4]
* 1 ren2 man/ person/ people/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 1 leng3 cold
* 1 jia1 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[
* 1 shi4 is/ are/ am/ yes/ to be
我们* 1 wo3 men5 we/ us/ ourselves/ our
* 1 zhu4 to live/ to dwell/ to stay/ to reside/ to stop
* 1 he1 to drink/ to shout (a command)/ My goodness!
* 1 he2 and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4
* 1 li3 lining/ interior/ inside/ internal/ also written 裡|里 [li3]
* 1 ge4 individual/ this/ that/ size/ classifier for people or objects in general
认识* 1 ren4 shi5 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition
明天* 1 ming2 tian1 tomorrow
* 1 chi1 to eat/ to have one's meal/ to eradicate/ to destroy/ to absorb/ to suffer/ to exhaust
名字* 1 ming2 zi5 name (of a person or thing)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 1 ri4 sun/ day/ date; day of the month/ abbr. for 日本|日本 Japan
休息* 2 xiu1 xi5 rest/ to rest
* 2 hong2 bonus/ popular/ red/ revolutionary
* 2 de5 structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb); linking it to following phrase indicating effect; degree; possibility etc
起床* 2 qi3 chuang2 to get up
公斤* 2 gong1 jin1 kilogram (kg)
* 2 zhe5 particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress; like -ing ending
西瓜* 2 xi1 gua1 watermelon/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
手机* 2 shou3 ji1 cell phone/ cellular phone/ mobile phone/ CL:部[bu4]
跳舞* 2 tiao4 wu3 to dance
准备* 2 zhun3 bei4 preparation/ prepare
房间* 2 fang2 jian1 room/ CL:間|间[jian1]
* 2 deng3 to wait for/ to await
觉得* 2 jue2 de5 to think/ to feel
希望* 2 xi1 wang4 to wish for/ to desire/ hope CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 jian4 item/ component/ classifier for events; things; clothes etc
公司* 2 gong1 si1 (business) company/ company/ firm/ corporation/ incorporated/ CL:家[jia1]
* 2 xi3 to wash/ to bathe
咖啡* 2 ka1 fei1 coffee/ CL:杯[bei1]
* 2 liang3 both/ two/ ounce/ some/ a few/ tael/ weight equal to 50 grams
* 2 chu1 to go out/ to come out/ to occur/ to produce/ to go beyond/ to rise/ to put forth/ to happen/ classifier for dramas; plays; operas etc
非常* 2 fei1 chang2 unusual/ extraordinary/ extreme/ very/ exceptional
弟弟* 2 di4 di5 younger brother/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 2 qian1 thousand
开始* 2 kai1 shi3 to begin/ beginning/ to start/ initial/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 xue3 snow/ snowfall/ CL:場|场[chang2]/ to have the appearance of snow/ to wipe away; off or out/ to clean
* 2 ba5 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/ ...right?/ ...OK?
* 2 bai2 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B
第一* 2 di4 yi1 first/ number one
* 2 bai3 hundred/ numerous/ all kinds of/ surname Bai
欢迎* 2 huan1 ying2 to welcome/ welcome
上班* 2 shang4 ban1 to go to work/ to be on duty/ to start work/ to go to the office
穿* 2 chuan1 to bore through/ pierce/ perforate/ penetrate/ pass through/ to dress/ to wear/ to put on/ to thread
* 2 chuan2 a boat/ vessel/ ship/ CL:條|条[tiao2];艘[sou1];隻|只[zhi1]
右边* 2 you4 bian5 right side/ right; to the right
帮助* 2 bang1 zhu4 assistance/ aid/ to help/ to assist
* 2 yu2 fish/ CL:條|条[tiao2];尾[wei3]
正在* 2 zheng4 zai4 in the process of (doing something or happening)/ while (doing)
* 2 nin2 you (polite; as opposed to informal 你[ni3])
* 2 zou3 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning)
颜色* 2 yan2 se4 color/ CL:個|个[ge4]
牛奶* 2 niu2 nai3 cow's milk/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1]
可能* 2 ke3 neng2 might (happen)/ possible/ probable/ possibility/ probability/ maybe/ perhaps/ CL:個|个[ge4]
教室* 2 jiao4 shi4 classroom/ CL:間|间[jian1]
* 2 lu4 road/ path/ way/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
可以* 2 ke3 yi3 can/ may/ possible/ able to
* 2 dong3 to understand/ to know
回答* 2 hui2 da2 to reply/ to answer/ the answer/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 ke4 subject/ course/ class/ lesson/ CL:堂[tang2];节|節[jie2];門|门[men2]
女人* 2 nv3 ren2 woman
* 2 zui4 most/ the most/ -est
* 2 wai4 outside/ in addition/ foreign/ external
* 2 ci4 next in sequence/ second/ the second (day; time etc)/ secondary/ vice-/ sub-/ infra-/ inferior quality/ substandard/ order/ sequence/ hypo- (chemistry)/ classifier for enumerated events: time
身体* 2 shen1 ti3 (human) body/ health/ CL:個|个[ge4]
羊肉* 2 yang2 rou4 mutton
* 2 yuan2 circle/ round/ circular/ spherical/ (of the moon) full/ unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/ tactful/ to justify
* 2 wan2 to finish/ to be over/ whole/ complete/ entire
* 2 wan2 toy/ sth used for amusement/ curio or antique (Taiwan pr. wan4)/ to play/ to have fun/ to trifle with/ to keep sth for entertainment
左边* 2 zuo3 bian5 left/ the left side/ to the left of
旅游* 2 lv3 you2 trip/ journey/ tourism/ travel/ tour
* 2 song4 to deliver/ to carry/ to give (as a present)/ to present (with)/ to see off/ to send
服务员* 2 fu2 wu4 yuan2 waiter/ waitress/ attendant/ customer service personnel/ CL:個|个[ge4]
马上* 2 ma3 shang4 at once; right away; immediately/ lit. on horseback
生病* 2 sheng1 bing4 to fall ill/ to sicken
旁边* 2 pang2 bian1 lateral/ side/ to the side/ beside
* 2 yuan3 far/ distant/ remote
姐姐* 2 jie3 jie5 older sister/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 yao4 medicine/ drug/ cure/ CL:種|种[zhong3];服[fu4]
机场* 2 ji1 chang3 airport/ airfield/ CL:家[jia1];處|处[chu4]
跑步* 2 pao3 bu4 to walk quickly/ to march/ to run
* 2 cuo4 mistake/ error/ blunder/ fault/ cross/ uneven/ wrong/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 mai4 to sell/ to betray/ to spare no effort/ to show off or flaunt
* 2 ye3 also/ too/ (in classical Chinese) final particle serving as copula
介绍* 2 jie4 shao4 to present/ to introduce/ to recommend/ to suggest/ to let know/ to brief
* 2 kuai4 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant
* 2 man4 slow
运动* 2 yun4 dong4 movement/ campaign/ CL: 場|场[chang3]/ sports
小时* 2 xiao3 shi2 hour/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 dui4 for/ to
* 2 gui4 expensive/ noble/ your (name)/ precious
* 2 chang2 length/ long/ forever/ always/ constantly
所以* 2 suo3 yi3 therefore/ as a result/ so
* 2 zai4 again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth; and not until then)
* 2 jin4 to advance/ to enter/ to come (or go) into/ to receive or admit/ to eat or drink/ to submit or present/ (used after a verb) into; in/ to score a goal
* 2 guo4 to pass (time)/ to celebrate (a holiday)/ to live/ to get along
唱歌* 2 chang4 ge1 to sing a song
* 2 bi3 (particle used for comparison and "-er than")/ to compare/ to contrast/ to gesture (with hands)/ ratio
一起* 2 yi1 qi3 in the same place/ together/ with/ altogether (in total)
便宜* 2 pian2 yi5 small advantages/ to let sb off lightly/ cheap/ inexpensive
大家* 2 da4 jia1 authority/ everyone
* 2 xin1 new/ newly/ meso- (chemistry)
妹妹* 2 mei4 mei5 younger sister/ fig. younger woman (esp. girl friend or rival)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 men2 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les
* 2 hai2 still/ still in progress/ still more/ yet/ even more/ in addition/ fairly/ passably (good)/ as early as/ even/ also/ else
* 2 piao4 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect)
早上* 2 zao3 shang5 early morning/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ Good morning!
为什么* 2 wei4 shen2 me5 why?/ for what reason?
时间* 2 shi2 jian1 time/ period/ CL:段[duan4]
* 2 gao1 high/ tall/ above average/ loud/ your (honorific)/ surname Gao
* 2 rang4 to yield/ to permit/ to let sb do sth/ to have sb do sth
好吃* 2 hao3 chi1 tasty/ delicious
告诉* 2 gao4 su5 to tell/ to inform/ to let know
* 2 wen4 to ask
* 2 hao4 day of a month/ (suffix used after) name of a ship/ (ordinal) number
踢足球* 2 ti1 zu2 qiu2 play soccer(football)
问题* 2 wen4 ti2 question/ problem/ issue/ topic/ CL:個|个[ge4]
但是* 2 dan4 shi4 but/ however
哥哥* 2 ge1 ge5 older brother/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 2 ti2 topic/ problem for discussion/ exam question/ subject/ to inscribe/ to mention/ surname Ti/ CL:個|个[ge4];道[dao4]
* 2 li2 to leave/ to part from/ to be away from/ (in giving distances) from/ without (sth)/ independent of/ one of the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes representing fire (old)
意思* 2 yi4 si5 idea/ opinion/ meaning/ wish/ desire/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 zhang1 to open up/ to spread/ sheet of paper/ classifier for flat objects; sheet/ classifier for votes
* 2 jiu4 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f
* 2 yin1 overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia
* 2 gei3 to/ for/ for the benefit of/ to give/ to allow/ to do sth (for sb)/ (passive particle)
因为* 2 yin1 wei4 because/ owing to/ on account of
* 2 bie2 to leave/ to depart/ to separate/ to distinguish/ to classify/ other/ another/ do not/ must not/ to pin
* 2 hei1 black/ dark/ abbr. for Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江 province in northeast China
* 2 zhao3 to try to find/ to look for/ to call on sb/ to find/ to seek/ to return/ to give change
* 2 dao4 to (a place)/ until (a time)/ up to/ to go/ to arrive
黑板* 3 hei1 ban3 blackboard/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];個|个[ge4]
奇怪* 3 qi2 guai4 strange/ odd
阿姨* 3 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
照顾* 3 zhao4 gu5 to take care of/ to show consideration/ to attend to/ to look after
* 3 a5 modal particle ending sentence; showing affirmation; approval; or consent
照片* 3 zhao4 pian4 photo/ photograph/ picture/ CL:張|张[zhang1];套[tao4];幅[fu2]
历史* 3 li4 shi3 history/ CL:門|门[men2];段[duan4]
* 3 tiao2 strip/ item/ article/ clause (of law or treaty)/ classifier for long thin things (ribbon; river; road; trousers etc)
* 3 ai3 low/ short (in length)
举行* 3 ju3 xing2 to hold (a meeting; ceremony etc)
其他* 3 qi2 ta1 other/ the others/ else/ other than (that person)/ in addition to the person mentioned above
应该* 3 ying1 gai1 ought to/ should/ must
爱好* 3 ai4 hao4 to like/ to take pleasure in/ keen on/ fond of/ interest/ hobby/ appetite for/ CL:個|个[ge4]
方便* 3 fang1 bian4 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet
* 3 de5 -ly/ structural particle: used before a verb or adjective; linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
检查* 3 jian3 cha2 inspection/ to examine/ to inspect/ CL:次[ci4]
简单* 3 jian3 dan1 simple/ not complicated
容易* 3 rong2 yi4 easy/ likely/ liable (to)
需要* 3 xu1 yao4 to need/ to want/ to demand/ needs/ to require
影响* 3 ying3 xiang3 an influence/ an effect/ to influence/ to affect (usually adversely)/ to disturb/ CL:股[gu3]
决定* 3 jue2 ding4 to decide (to do something)/ to resolve/ decision/ CL:個|个[ge4];項|项[xiang4]/ certainly
习惯* 3 xi2 guan4 habit/ custom/ usual practice/ to be used to/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 di1 low/ beneath/ to lower (one's head)/ to let droop/ to hang down/ to incline
* 3 fang4 to release/ to free/ to let go/ to put/ to place/ to let out/ to set off (fireworks)
* 3 na2 to hold/ to seize/ to catch/ to apprehend/ to take
* 3 san3 umbrella/ parasol/ CL:把[ba3]
洗手间* 3 xi3 shou3 jian1 toilet/ lavatory/ washroom
放心* 3 fang4 xin1 to set one's mind at rest/ to be at ease/ to rest
见面* 3 jian4 mian4 to meet/ to see sb/ CL:次[ci4]
* 3 liang4 classifier for vehicles
洗澡* 3 xi3 zao3 to bathe/ to take a shower
选择* 3 xuan3 ze2 to select/ to pick/ choice/ option/ alternative
奶奶* 3 nai3 nai5 (informal) father's mother/ paternal grandmother/ CL:位[wei4]
* 3 yong4 to use/ to employ/ to have to/ to eat or drink/ expense or outlay/ usefulness/ hence/ therefore
舒服* 3 shu1 fu5 comfortable/ feeling well
* 3 nan2 south
* 3 ba3 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle
* 3 nan2 difficult (to...)/ problem/ difficulty/ difficult/ not good
同事* 3 tong2 shi4 colleague/ co-worker/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
地方* 3 di4 fang5 region/ regional (away from the central administration)
护照* 3 hu4 zhao4 passport/ CL:本[ben3];個|个[ge4]
了解* 3 liao3 jie3 to understand/ to realize/ to find out
* 3 hua1 to spend (money; time)/ flower
同意* 3 tong2 yi4 to agree/ to consent/ to approve
花园* 3 hua1 yuan2 garden/ CL:座[zuo4];個|个[ge4]
难过* 3 nan2 guo4 feel sorry/ be grieved
邻居* 3 lin2 ju1 neighbor/ next door/ CL:個|个[ge4]
叔叔* 3 shu1 shu5 father's younger brother/ uncle/ Taiwan pr. shu2 shu5/ CL:個|个[ge4]
地铁* 3 di4 tie3 subway/ metro
字典* 3 zi4 dian3 dictionary/ character dictionary/ CL:本[ben3]
出现* 3 chu1 xian4 to appear/ to arise/ to emerge/ to show up
* 3 hua4 to draw/ picture/ painting/ CL:幅[fu2];張|张[zhang1]
头发* 3 tou2 fa5 hair (on the head)
自己* 3 zi4 ji3 self/ (reflexive pronoun)/ own
* 3 jiang3 to speak/ to explain/ to negotiate/ to emphasise/ to be particular about/ as far as sth is concerned/ speech/ lecture
* 3 fen1 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
除了* 3 chu2 le5 besides/ apart from (... also...)/ in addition to/ except (for)
* 3 kan4 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d
* 3 xian1 early/ prior/ former/ in advance/ first
* 3 ban1 to move/ to shift/ to remove/ to transport/ to apply indiscriminately/ to copy mechanically
* 3 ban1 team/ class/ squad/ work shift/ classifier for groups/ ranking/ surname Ban/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 huai4 bad/ spoiled/ broken/ to break down
* 3 jiao1 to teach
刷牙* 3 shua1 ya2 to brush teeth
* 3 ban4 half/ semi-/ incomplete/ (after a number) and a half
办法* 3 ban4 fa3 means/ method/ way (of doing sth)/ CL:條|条[tiao2];個|个[ge4]
办公室* 3 ban4 gong1 shi4 an office/ business premises/ a bureau/ CL:間|间[jian1]
环境* 3 huan2 jing4 environment/ circumstances/ surroundings/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ ambient
有名* 3 you3 ming2 famous/ well-known
电梯* 3 dian4 ti1 elevator/ CL:臺|台[tai2];部[bu4]
上网* 3 shang4 wang3 to be on the internet/ to stretch a net (in a sports game or for covering sth)/ to be netted (of fish)
* 3 cai2 ability/ talent/ endowment/ gift/ an expert/ only (then)/ only if/ just
* 3 you4 (once) again/ also/ both... and.../ again
电子邮件* 3 dian4 zi3 you2 jian4 electronic mail/ email/ CL:封[feng1]
帮忙* 3 bang1 mang2 to help/ to lend a hand/ to do a favor/ to do a good turn
* 3 shuang1 two/ double/ pair/ both
年轻* 3 nian2 qing1 young
* 3 huang2 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through
* 3 jiao3 foot/ leg/ base/ kick/ CL:雙|双[shuang1];隻|只[zhi1]
* 3 bao1 to cover/ to wrap/ to hold/ to include/ to take charge of/ package/ wrapper/ container/ bag/ to hold or embrace/ bundle/ packet/ to contract (to or for)/ surname Bao/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
* 3 jiao3 angle/ corner/ horn/ horn-shaped/ unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan/ CL:個|个[ge4]
可爱* 3 ke3 ai4 amiable/ cute/ lovely
水平* 3 shui3 ping2 level (of achievement etc)/ standard/ horizontal
* 3 tui3 leg/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
刮风* 3 gua1 feng1 to be windy
* 3 lou2 house with more than 1 story/ storied building/ floor/ CL:層|层[ceng2];座[zuo4];棟|栋[dong4]
* 3 bao3 to eat till full/ satisfied
* 3 dong1 east/ host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/ landlord/ surname Dong
参加* 3 can1 jia1 to participate/ to take part/ to join
* 3 chun1 spring (time)/ gay/ joyful/ youthful/ love/ lust/ life
* 3 guan1 mountain pass/ to close/ to shut/ to turn off/ to concern/ to involve
* 3 jie1 to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb
* 3 ke4 quarter (hour)/ moment/ to carve/ to engrave/ to cut/ oppressive/ classifier for short time intervals
遇到* 3 yu4 dao4 to meet/ to run into/ to come across
努力* 3 nu3 li4 great effort/ to strive/ to try hard
街道* 3 jie1 dao4 street/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
词语* 3 ci2 yu3 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term)/ expression
客人* 3 ke4 ren2 visitor/ guest/ customer/ client/ CL:位[wei4]
相信* 3 xiang1 xin4 be convinced (that something is true)/ believe/ to accept sth as true
关系* 3 guan1 xi4 relation/ relationship/ to concern/ to affect/ to have to do with/ guanxi/ CL:個|个[ge4]
关心* 3 guan1 xin1 to care for sth/ caring/ concerned
会议* 3 hui4 yi4 meeting/ conference/ CL:場|场[chang3];屆|届[jie4]
关于* 3 guan1 yu2 pertaining to/ concerning/ regarding/ with regards to/ about/ a matter of
最近* 3 zui4 jin4 recent/ recently/ these days/ latest/ soon/ nearest (of locations)/ shortest (of routes)
清楚* 3 qing1 chu5 clear/ clearly understood/ distinct
* 3 zhi3 only/ merely/ just/ but
爬山* 3 pa2 shan1 to climb a mountain/ to mountaineer/ hiking/ mountaineering
聪明* 3 cong1 ming5 acute (of sight and hearing)/ clever/ intelligent/ bright/ smart
* 3 cao3 grass/ straw/ manuscript/ draft (of a document)/ careless/ rough/ CL:棵[ke1];撮[zuo3];株[zhu1];根[gen1]
结婚* 3 jie2 hun1 to marry/ to get married/ CL:次[ci4]
空调* 3 kong1 tiao2 air conditioning
完成* 3 wan2 cheng2 complete/ accomplish/ perfect tense (grammar)
* 3 xiang4 direction/ orientation/ to face/ to turn toward/ to/ towards/ shortly before/ formerly/ to side with/ to be partial to/ all along (previously)/ surname Xiang
节目* 3 jie2 mu4 program/ item (on a program)/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4];套[tao4]
节日* 3 jie2 ri4 holiday/ festival/ CL:個|个[ge4]
要求* 3 yao1 qiu2 to request/ to require/ to stake a claim/ to ask/ to demand/ CL:點|点[dian3]
结束* 3 jie2 shu4 termination/ to finish/ to end/ to conclude/ to close
* 3 ceng2 layer/ stratum/ laminated/ floor (of a building)/ storey/ classifier for layers/ repeated/ sheaf (math.)
* 3 ma3 horse/ abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚
* 3 kou3 mouth/ classifier for things with mouths (people; domestic animals; cannons; wells etc)
* 3 wan3 bowl/ cup/ CL:隻|只[zhi1];個|个[ge4]
作业* 3 zuo4 ye4 school assignment/ homework/ work/ task/ operation/ to operate/ CL:個|个[ge4]
或者* 3 huo4 zhe3 or/ possibly/ maybe/ perhaps
作用* 3 zuo4 yong4 to act on/ to affect/ action/ function/ activity/ impact/ result/ effect/ purpose/ intent/ to play a role/ corresponds to English -ity; -ism; -ization/ CL:個|个[ge4]
解决* 3 jie3 jue2 to settle (a dispute)/ to resolve/ to solve
虽然* 3 sui1 ran2 although/ even though/ even if
* 3 wan4 ten thousand/ a great number
* 3 yao4 important/ vital/ to want/ will/ going to (as future auxiliary)/ may/ must
愿意* 3 yuan4 yi4 to wish/ to want/ ready/ willing (to do sth)
北方* 3 bei3 fang1 north/ the northern part a country/ China north of the Yellow River
* 3 ku1 to cry/ to weep
* 3 cha4 differ from/ short of/ to lack/ poor
* 3 duan3 short or brief/ to lack/ weak point/ fault
附近* 3 fu4 jin4 (in the) vicinity/ nearby/ neighboring/ next to
* 3 yue4 to exceed/ to climb over/ to surpass/ the more... the more
* 3 bei4 the back of a body or object/ to turn one's back/ to hide something from/ to learn by heart/ to recite from memory
* 3 jie4 to lend/ to borrow/ excuse/ pretext/ by means of/ to seize (an opportunity)/ to take (an opportunity)
裤子* 3 ku4 zi5 trousers/ pants/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
生气* 3 sheng1 qi4 angry/ mad/ offended/ animated/ to get angry/ to be enraged/ to take offense/ animation
月亮* 3 yue4 liang5 moon
* 3 duan4 paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories; periods of time; lengths of thread etc
复习* 3 fu4 xi2 to revise/ to review/ revision/ CL:次[ci4]
爷爷* 3 ye2 ye5 (informal) father's father/ paternal grandfather/ CL:個|个[ge4]
几乎* 3 ji1 hu1 almost/ nearly/ practically
* 3 yun2 cloud/ CL:朵[duo3]
机会* 3 ji1 hui4 opportunity/ chance/ occasion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
满意* 3 man3 yi4 satisfied/ pleased/ to one's satisfaction
锻炼* 3 duan4 lian4 to engage in physical exercise/ to toughen/ to temper
忘记* 3 wang4 ji4 to forget
筷子* 3 kuai4 zi5 chopsticks/ CL:對|对[dui4];根[gen1];把[ba3];雙|双[shuang1]
声音* 3 sheng1 yin1 voice/ sound/ CL:個|个[ge4]
小心* 3 xiao3 xin1 to be careful/ to take care
一般* 3 yi1 ban1 same/ ordinary/ common/ general/ generally/ in general
一边* 3 yi1 bian1 one side/ either side/ on the one hand/ on the other hand/ doing while
国家* 3 guo2 jia1 country/ nation/ state/ CL:個|个[ge4]
校长* 3 xiao4 zhang3 (college; university) president/ headmaster/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 3 ji2 extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top
打扫* 3 da3 sao3 to clean/ to sweep
* 3 jin4 near/ close to/ approximately
啤酒* 3 pi2 jiu3 beer/ CL:杯[bei1];瓶[ping2];罐[guan4];桶[tong3];缸[gang1]
* 3 xie2 shoe/ CL:雙|双[shuang1];隻|只[zhi1]
一共* 3 yi1 gong4 altogether
打算* 3 da3 suan4 to plan/ to intend/ to calculate/ plan/ intention/ calculation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
鼻子* 3 bi2 zi5 nose/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
* 3 zhong3 abbr. for 物種|物种; genus/ race/ seed/ breed/ species/ strain/ kind/ type/ has guts (i.e. courage)/ nerve/ classifier for types: kind; sort/ classifier for languages
* 3 gan3 to dare/ daring/ (polite) may I venture
比较* 3 bi3 jiao4 compare/ contrast/ fairly/ comparatively/ relatively/ quite/ rather
过去* 3 guo4 qu5 (in the) past/ former/ previous/ to go over/ to pass by
多么* 3 duo1 me5 how (wonderful etc)/ what (a great idea etc)/ however (difficult it may be etc)
* 3 wei4 because of/ for/ to
比赛* 3 bi3 sai4 competition (sports etc)/ match/ CL:場|场[chang3];次[ci4]
* 3 wei4 position/ location/ place/ seat/ classifier for people (honorific)/ classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)
感冒* 3 gan3 mao4 to catch cold/ (common) cold/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4]
重要* 3 zhong4 yao4 important/ significant/ major
* 3 lan2 blue/ indigo plant
经常* 3 jing1 chang2 day to day/ everyday/ daily/ frequently/ constantly/ regularly/ often
还是* 3 hai2 shi4 or/ still/ nevertheless
一样* 3 yi1 yang4 same/ like/ equal to/ the same as/ just like
* 3 ji3 how much/ how many/ several/ a few
饿* 3 e4 to be hungry/ hungry
为了* 3 wei4 le5 in order to/ for the purpose of/ so as to
一直* 3 yi1 zhi2 straight (in a straight line)/ continuously/ always/ from the beginning of ... up to .../ all along
经过* 3 jing1 guo4 to pass/ to go through/ process/ course/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 dai4 band/ belt/ girdle/ ribbon/ tire/ area/ zone/ region/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ to wear/ to carry/ to lead/ to bring/ to look after/ to raise
刚才* 3 gang1 cai2 just now/ a moment ago
记得* 3 ji4 de5 to remember
必须* 3 bi4 xu1 to have to/ must/ compulsory/ necessarily
害怕* 3 hai4 pa4 to be afraid/ to be scared
而且* 3 er2 qie3 (not only ...) but also/ moreover/ in addition/ furthermore
新闻* 3 xin1 wen2 news/ CL:條|条[tiao2];個|个[ge4]
新鲜* 3 xin1 xian1 fresh (experience; food etc)/ freshness
季节* 3 ji4 jie2 time/ season/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4]
经理* 3 jing1 li3 manager/ director/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
裙子* 3 qun2 zi5 skirt/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
* 3 lao3 prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/ old (of people)/ venerable (person)/ experienced/ of long standing/ always/ all the time/ of the pas
* 3 xin4 letter/ mail/ to trust/ to believe/ to profess faith in/ truthful/ confidence/ trust/ at will/ at random
衬衫* 3 chen4 shan1 shirt/ blouse/ CL:件[jian4]
文化* 3 wen2 hua4 culture/ civilization/ cultural/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
以后* 3 yi3 hou4 after/ later/ afterwards/ following/ later on/ in the future
担心* 3 dan1 xin1 anxious/ worried/ uneasy/ to worry/ to be anxious
以前* 3 yi3 qian2 before/ formerly/ previous/ ago
变化* 3 bian4 hua4 change/ variation/ to change/ to vary/ CL:個|个[ge4]
以为* 3 yi3 wei2 to believe/ to think/ to consider/ to be under the impression
热情* 3 re4 qing2 cordial/ enthusiastic/ passion/ passionate/ passionately
发烧* 3 fa1 shao1 have a high temperature (from illness)/ have a fever
使* 3 shi3 to make/ to cause/ to enable/ to use/ to employ/ to send/ to instruct sb to do sth/ envoy/ messenger
* 3 teng2 (it) hurts/ love fondly/ ache/ pain/ sore
主要* 3 zhu3 yao4 main/ principal/ major/ primary
发现* 3 fa1 xian4 to find/ to discover
面条* 3 mian4 tiao2 noodles
成绩* 3 cheng2 ji4 achievement/ performance records/ grades/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
* 3 zhan4 station/ to stand/ to halt/ to stop/ branch of a company or organisation
* 3 zhu4 invoke/ pray to/ wish/ to express good wishes/ surname Zhu
离开* 3 li2 kai1 to depart/ to leave
提高* 3 ti2 gao1 to raise/ to increase
* 3 he2 river/ CL:條|条[tiao2];道[dao4]
当然* 3 dang1 ran2 only natural/ as it should be/ certainly/ of course/ without doubt
* 3 jiu3 (long) time/ (long) duration of time
城市* 3 cheng2 shi4 city/ town/ CL:座[zuo4]
注意* 3 zhu4 yi4 to take note of/ to pay attention to
* 3 zhang3 chief/ head/ elder/ to grow/ to develop
表示* 3 biao3 shi4 to express/ to show/ to say/ to state/ to indicate/ to mean
* 3 jiu4 old/ opposite: new 新/ former/ worn (with age)
明白* 3 ming2 bai5 clear/ obvious/ unequivocal/ to understand/ to realize
世界* 3 shi4 jie4 world/ CL:個|个[ge4]
表演* 3 biao3 yan3 play/ show/ performance/ exhibition/ to perform/ to act/ to demonstrate/ CL:場|场[chang3]
普通话* 3 pu3 tong1 hua4 Mandarin (common language)/ Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ ordinary speech
* 3 gen1 heel/ to follow closely/ to go with/ to marry sb (of woman)/ with/ towards/ as (compared to)/ from (different from)/ and (in addition to)
认为* 3 ren4 wei2 to believe/ to think/ to consider/ to feel
体育* 3 ti3 yu4 sports/ physical education
兴趣* 3 xing4 qu5 interest in (something)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
根据* 3 gen1 ju4 according to/ based on/ basis/ foundation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
认真* 3 ren4 zhen1 conscientious/ earnest/ serious/ to take seriously/ to take to heart
宾馆* 3 bin1 guan3 guesthouse/ CL:個|个[ge4];家[jia1]
着急* 3 zhao2 ji2 to worry/ to feel anxious
冰箱* 3 bing1 xiang1 icebox/ freezer cabinet/ refrigerator/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4]
* 3 qi2 to ride (an animal or bike)/ to sit astride
迟到* 3 chi2 dao4 to arrive late
饼干* 4 bing3 gan1 biscuit/ cracker/ cookie/ CL:片[pian4];塊|块[kuai4]
举办* 4 ju3 ban4 to conduct/ to hold
填空* 4 tian2 kong4 to fill a job vacancy/ to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
到底* 4 dao4 di3 finally/ in the end/ when all is said and done/ after all/ to the end/ to the last
反映* 4 fan3 ying4 to mirror/ to reflect/ mirror image/ reflection/ fig. to report/ to make known/ to render/ used erroneously for 反應|反应; response or reaction
* 4 xiu1 to mend/ to repair/ to build/ to embellish/ to study
例如* 4 li4 ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as
* 4 zhuan4 earn/ make a profit
并且* 4 bing4 qie3 and/ besides/ moreover/ furthermore/ in addition
适应* 4 shi4 ying4 to suit/ to fit/ to be suitable/ to adapt/ to get used to sth
印象* 4 yin4 xiang4 impression/ reflection/ perception/ CL:個|个[ge4]
道歉* 4 dao4 qian4 to apologize/ to make an apology
* 4 shou1 to receive/ to accept/ to collect/ in care of (used on address line after name)
条件* 4 tiao2 jian4 condition/ circumstances/ term/ factor/ requirement/ prerequisite/ qualification/ CL:個|个[ge4]
误会* 4 wu4 hui4 to misunderstand/ to mistake/ misunderstanding/ CL:個|个[ge4]
范围* 4 fan4 wei2 range/ scope/ limit/ extent/ CL:個|个[ge4]
收入* 4 shou1 ru4 to take in/ income/ revenue/ CL:筆|笔[bi3];個|个[ge4]
得意* 4 de2 yi4 proud of oneself/ pleased with oneself/ complacent
其中* 4 qi2 zhong1 among/ in/ included among these
收拾* 4 shou1 shi5 to put in order/ to tidy up/ to pack/ to repair/ to punish (colloquial)/ to manage
* 4 ying2 to beat/ to win/ to profit
* 4 zhuang4 to hit/ to strike/ to meet by accident/ to run into/ to bump against/ to bump into
爱情* 4 ai4 qing2 romance/ love (romantic)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
方法* 4 fang1 fa3 method/ way/ means/ CL:個|个[ge4]
拒绝* 4 ju4 jue2 to refuse/ to decline/ to reject
* 4 dei3 to have to/ must/ ought to/ to need to
距离* 4 ju4 li2 distance/ to be apart/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 lia3 two (colloquial equivalent of 兩個|两个)/ both/ some
猴子* 4 hou2 zi5 monkey/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
* 4 lian2 to link/ to join/ to connect/ continuously/ in succession/ including/ (used with 也; 都 etc) even/ company (military)
起飞* 4 qi3 fei1 to take off (in an airplane)
博士* 4 bo2 shi4 doctor/ court academician (in feudal China)/ Ph.D.
方向* 4 fang1 xiang4 direction/ orientation/ path to follow/ CL:個|个[ge4]
工具* 4 gong1 ju4 tool/ instrument/ utensil/ means (to achieve a goal etc)
减肥* 4 jian3 fei2 to lose weight
* 4 hou4 thick/ deep or profound/ kind/ generous/ rich or strong in flavor/ to favor/ to stress
安排* 4 an1 pai2 to arrange/ to plan/ to set up
西红柿* 4 xi1 hong2 shi4 tomato/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
许多* 4 xu3 duo1 many/ a lot of/ much
* 4 ying4 hard/ stiff/ strong/ firm/ to manage to do sth with difficulty/ good (quality)/ able (person)
减少* 4 jian3 shao3 to lessen/ to decrease/ to reduce/ to lower
母亲* 4 mu3 qin1 mother/ also pr. with light tone [mu3 qin5]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
公里* 4 gong1 li3 kilometer
后悔* 4 hou4 hui3 to regret/ to repent
* 4 ruan3 soft/ flexible
首先* 4 shou3 xian1 first (of all)/ in the first place
准时* 4 zhun3 shi2 on time/ punctual/ on schedule
* 4 deng3 et cetera/ and so on/ et al. (and other authors)/ after/ as soon as/ once
目的* 4 mu4 di4 purpose/ aim/ goal/ target/ objective/ CL:個|个[ge4]
重新* 4 chong2 xin1 again/ once more/ re-
停止* 4 ting2 zhi3 to stop/ to halt/ to cease
* 4 an4 dark/ gloomy/ hidden/ secret/ muddled/ obscure/ in the dark
联系* 4 lian2 xi4 connection/ contact/ relation/ in touch with/ to integrate/ to link/ to touch
吸引* 4 xi1 yin3 to attract (interest; investment etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
忽然* 4 hu1 ran2 suddenly/ all of a sudden
* 4 ting3 to stick out/ to (physically) straighten up/ to endure or hold out/ straight/ stiff/ outstanding/ extraordinary/ rather/ quite/ very/ classifier for machine guns
访问* 4 fang3 wen4 to visit/ to call on/ to interview/ CL:次[ci4]
受不了* 4 shou4 bu4 liao3 unbearable/ unable to endure/ can't stand
按时* 4 an4 shi2 on time/ before deadline/ on schedule
不但* 4 bu4 dan4 not only (... but also...)
不得不* 4 bu4 de2 bu4 have no choice or option but to/ cannot but/ have to/ can't help it/ can't avoid
抽烟* 4 chou1 yan1 to smoke (a cigarette; tobacco)
售货员* 4 shou4 huo4 yuan2 salesperson/ CL:個|个[ge4]
通过* 4 tong1 guo4 by means of/ through/ via/ to pass through/ to get through/ to adopt/ to pass (a bill)/ to switch over
按照* 4 an4 zhao4 according to/ in accordance with/ in the light of/ on the basis of
放弃* 4 fang4 qi4 to renounce/ to abandon/ to give up
凉快* 4 liang2 kuai5 nice and cold/ pleasantly cool
勇敢* 4 yong3 gan3 brave/ courageous
气候* 4 qi4 hou4 climate/ atmosphere/ situation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
散步* 4 san4 bu4 to take a walk/ to go for a walk
* 4 di3 background/ bottom/ base/ the end of a period of time/ towards the end of (last month)
放暑假* 4 fang4 shu3 jia4 take summer vacation
通知* 4 tong1 zhi1 to notify/ to inform/ notice/ notification/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 liang4 bright/ clear/ resonant/ to shine/ to show/ to reveal
* 4 shu1 to lose/ to transport/ to donate/ to enter (a password)
永远* 4 yong3 yuan3 forever/ eternal
不管* 4 bu4 guan3 no matter (what; how)/ regardless of/ no matter
出差* 4 chu1 chai1 to go on an official or business trip
森林* 4 sen1 lin2 forest/ CL:片[pian4]
同情* 4 tong2 qing2 compassion/ relent/ sympathize/ sympathy
不过* 4 bu4 guo4 only/ merely/ no more than/ but/ however/ anyway (to get back to a previous topic)
出发* 4 chu1 fa1 to start out/ to set off
聊天* 4 liao2 tian1 to chat/ to gossip
互相* 4 hu4 xiang1 each other/ mutually/ mutual
难道* 4 nan2 dao4 don't tell me .../ could it be that...?
沙发* 4 sha1 fa1 sofa/ CL:條|条[tiao2];張|张[zhang1]
优点* 4 you1 dian3 merit/ benefit/ strong point/ advantage/ CL:個|个[ge4]
不仅* 4 bu4 jin3 not only (this one)/ not just (...) but also
仔细* 4 zi3 xi4 careful/ attentive/ cautious
共同* 4 gong4 tong2 common/ joint/ jointly/ together/ collaborative
幽默* 4 you1 mo4 humor/ humorous
出生* 4 chu1 sheng1 to be born
* 4 xue4 blood/ informal colloquial and Taiwan pr. xie3/ also pr. xue3/ CL:滴[di1];片[pian4]
开玩笑* 4 kai1 wan2 xiao4 to play a joke/ to make fun of/ to joke
熟悉* 4 shu2 xi1 to be familiar with/ to know well
优秀* 4 you1 xiu4 outstanding/ excellent
难受* 4 nan2 shou4 to feel unwell/ to suffer pain/ to be difficult to bear
* 4 gou4 to reach/ to be enough
奖金* 4 jiang3 jin1 premium/ award money/ a bonus
千万* 4 qian1 wan4 ten million/ countless/ many/ one must by all means
* 4 you2 to follow/ from/ it is for...to/ reason/ cause/ because of/ due to/ to/ to leave it (to sb)/ by (introduces passive verb)
购物* 4 gou4 wu4 shopping
* 4 nei4 inside/ inner/ internal/ within/ interior
整理* 4 zheng3 li3 to arrange/ to tidy up/ to sort out/ to straighten out/ to list systematically/ to collate (data; files)/ to pack (luggage)
孤单* 4 gu1 dan1 lone/ lonely/ loneliness
整齐* 4 zheng3 qi2 orderly/ neat/ even/ tidy
签证* 4 qian1 zheng4 visa/ certificate/ to certify/ CL:個|个[ge4]
降低* 4 jiang4 di1 to reduce/ to lower/ to bring down
内容* 4 nei4 rong2 content/ substance/ details/ CL:個|个[ge4];項|项[xiang4]
估计* 4 gu1 ji4 to estimate/ to reckon/ CL:個|个[ge4]
商量* 4 shang1 liang5 to consult/ to talk over/ to discuss
正常* 4 zheng4 chang2 regular/ normal/ ordinary
看法* 4 kan4 fa3 way of looking at a thing/ view/ opinion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
数量* 4 shu4 liang4 amount/ quantity/ CL:個|个[ge4]
怀疑* 4 huai2 yi2 to doubt/ to suspect/ doubt/ suspicion/ skeptical
* 4 jiao1 to hand over/ to deliver/ to pay (money)/ to turn over/ to make friends/ to intersect (lines)
伤心* 4 shang1 xin1 to grieve/ broken-hearted
由于* 4 you2 yu2 due to/ as a result of/ thanks to/ owing to/ since/ because
数字* 4 shu4 zi4 numeral/ digit/ number/ figure/ amount/ digital (electronics etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
正好* 4 zheng4 hao3 just (in time)/ just right/ just enough/ to happen to/ to chance to/ by chance/ it just so happens that
骄傲* 4 jiao1 ao4 arrogant/ full of oneself/ conceited/ proud of sth/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 huan2 to pay back/ to return/ surname Huan
牙膏* 4 ya2 gao1 toothpaste/ CL:管[guan3]
另外* 4 ling4 wai4 additional/ in addition/ besides/ separate/ other/ moreover/ furthermore
证明* 4 zheng4 ming2 proof/ certificate/ identification/ testimonial/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to prove/ to testify/ to confirm the truth of
考虑* 4 kao3 lv4 to think over/ to consider/ consideration
* 4 ca1 to wipe/ to erase/ rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/ to clean/ to polish
…分之…* 4 fen1 zhi1 used for fractions and percentages; e.g. 四分之一 is 1/4 and 百分之一 is 1%
* 4 liu2 to leave (eg a message)/ to retain/ to stay/ to remain/ to keep/ to preserve
* 4 ya5 (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel; expressing surprise or doubt)
* 4 cai1 to guess
* 4 shuai4 handsome/ graceful/ smart/ commander in chief
友谊* 4 you3 yi4 companionship/ fellowship/ friendship
鼓励* 4 gu3 li4 to encourage
交流* 4 jiao1 liu2 exchange/ give-and-take/ to exchange/ to alternate/ communication/ alternating current (electricity)
正确* 4 zheng4 que4 correct/ proper
总结* 4 zong3 jie2 to sum up/ to conclude/ summary/ resume/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 ke1 classifier for trees; cabbages; plants etc
流泪* 4 liu2 lei4 to shed tears
年龄* 4 nian2 ling2 (a person's) age/ CL:把[ba3];個|个[ge4]
正式* 4 zheng4 shi4 formal/ official
严格* 4 yan2 ge2 strict/ stringent/ tight/ rigorous
* 4 fen4 part/ share/ portion/ copy/ classifier for gifts; newspaper; magazine; papers; reports; contracts etc
鼓掌* 4 gu3 zhang3 to applaud/ to clap
* 4 tui1 to push/ to cut/ to refuse/ to reject/ to decline/ to shirk (responsibility)/ to put off/ to delay/ to push forward/ to nominate/ to elect
材料* 4 cai2 liao4 material/ data/ makings/ stuff/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
交通* 4 jiao1 tong1 to be connected/ traffic/ communications/ liaison
* 4 diao4 to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair)
顾客* 4 gu4 ke4 client/ customer/ CL:位[wei4]
推迟* 4 tui1 chi2 to postpone/ to put off/ to defer
科学* 4 ke1 xue2 science/ scientific knowledge/ scientific/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
现代* 4 xian4 dai4 modern times/ modern age/ modern era
研究生* 4 yan2 jiu1 sheng1 graduate student/ postgraduate student/ research student
调查* 4 diao4 cha2 investigation/ inquiry/ to investigate/ to survey/ survey/ (opinion) poll/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
咳嗽* 4 ke2 sou5 to cough/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
* 4 qiao1 extort/ knock/ to strike/ to knock (at a door)/ to hit
* 4 zhi1 (possessive particle; literary equivalent of 的)/ him/ her/ it
窗户* 4 chuang1 hu5 window/ CL:個|个[ge4];扇[shan4]
流行* 4 liu2 xing2 to spread/ to rage (of contagious disease)/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent/ (math.) manifold
* 4 qiao2 bridge/ CL:座[zuo4]
留学* 4 liu2 xue2 to study abroad
羡慕* 4 xian4 mu4 envious/ envy/ to admire
* 4 zhi1 classifier for birds and certain animals; one of a pair; some utensils; vessels etc
于是* 4 yu2 shi4 thereupon/ as a result/ consequently/ thus/ hence
故意* 4 gu4 yi4 deliberately/ on purpose
巧克力* 4 qiao3 ke4 li4 chocolate (loanword)/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
社会* 4 she4 hui4 society/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 zu1 to hire/ to rent/ to charter/ to rent out/ to lease out/ rent/ land tax
包括* 4 bao1 kuo4 to comprise/ to include/ to involve/ to incorporate/ to consist of
顺便* 4 shun4 bian4 conveniently/ in passing/ without much extra effort
支持* 4 zhi1 chi2 to be in favor of/ to support/ to back/ support/ backing/ to stand by/ CL:個|个[ge4]
饺子* 4 jiao3 zi5 dumpling/ pot-sticker/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
顺利* 4 shun4 li4 smoothly/ without a hitch
羽毛球* 4 yu3 mao2 qiu2 shuttlecock/ badminton/ CL:個|个[ge4]
顺序* 4 shun4 xu4 sequence/ order
* 4 diu1 to lose/ to put aside/ to throw
可是* 4 ke3 shi4 but/ however
限制* 4 xian4 zhi4 to restrict/ to limit/ to confine/ restriction/ limit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
组成* 4 zu3 cheng2 component/ part/ element/ constitute/ make up
* 4 gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects
* 4 tuo1 to shed/ to take off/ to escape/ to get away from
严重* 4 yan2 zhong4 grave/ serious/ severe/ critical
参观* 4 can1 guan1 to look around/ to inspect/ visit and observe
说明* 4 shuo1 ming2 to explain/ to illustrate/ explanation/ directions/ caption/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 xiang1 fragrant/ sweet smelling/ aromatic/ savory or appetizing/ (to eat) with relish/ (of sleep) sound/ perfume or spice/ joss or incense stick/ CL:根[gen1]
语言* 4 yu3 yan2 language/ CL:門|门[men2];種|种[zhong3]
教授* 4 jiao4 shou4 professor/ to instruct/ to lecture on/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
可惜* 4 ke3 xi1 it is a pity/ what a pity/ (it's) too bad
硕士* 4 shuo4 shi4 master's degree/ learned person
演出* 4 yan3 chu1 to act (in a play)/ to perform/ to put on (a performance)/ performance/ concert/ show/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4]
知识* 4 zhi1 shi5 intellectual/ knowledge-related/ knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2]
亲戚* 4 qin1 qi5 a relative (i.e. family relation)/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
教育* 4 jiao4 yu4 to educate/ to teach/ education
* 4 nong4 to do/ to manage/ to handle/ to play with/ to fool with/ to mess with/ to fix/ to toy with
组织* 4 zu3 zhi1 to organize/ organization/ organized system/ nerve/ tissue/ CL:個|个[ge4]
保护* 4 bao3 hu4 to protect/ to defend/ to safeguard/ protection/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
相反* 4 xiang1 fan3 opposite/ contrary
* 4 shen1 close/ deep/ late/ profound/ dark (of color; water etc)
词典* 4 ci2 dian3 dictionary (of Chinese compound words)/ also written 辭典|辞典[ci2 dian3]/ CL:部[bu4];本[ben3]
回忆* 4 hui2 yi4 to recall/ recollection/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 luan4 in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary
值得* 4 zhi2 de5 to be worth/ to deserve
* 4 zui3 mouth/ beak/ spout (of teapot etc)/ CL:張|张[zhang1];個|个[ge4]
直接* 4 zhi2 jie1 direct/ opposite: indirect 間接|间接/ immediate/ directly/ straightforward
袜子* 4 wa4 zi5 socks/ stockings/ CL:隻|只[zhi1];對|对[dui4];雙|双[shuang1]
关键* 4 guan1 jian4 crucial point/ crux/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ key/ crucial/ pivotal
否则* 4 fou3 ze2 if not/ otherwise/ else/ or else
* 4 qing1 light/ easy/ gentle/ soft/ reckless/ unimportant/ frivolous/ small in number/ unstressed/ neutral
演员* 4 yan3 yuan2 actor or actress/ performer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
植物* 4 zhi2 wu4 botanical/ plant/ vegetation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
申请* 4 shen1 qing3 to apply for sth/ application (form etc)/ CL:份[fen4]
预习* 4 yu4 xi2 to prepare a lesson
最好* 4 zui4 hao3 best/ (you) had better (do what we suggest)
保证* 4 bao3 zheng4 guarantee/ to guarantee/ to ensure/ to safeguard/ to pledge/ CL:個|个[ge4]
接受* 4 jie1 shou4 to accept/ to receive
偶尔* 4 ou3 er3 occasionally/ once in a while/ sometimes
* 4 si3 to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely
职业* 4 zhi2 ye4 occupation/ profession/ vocation/ professional
* 4 bao4 to hold/ to carry (in one's arms)/ to hug or embrace/ surround/ cherish
肯定* 4 ken3 ding4 to be sure/ to be certain/ sure/ certain/ definite/ to confirm/ to affirm/ affirmative
* 4 xiang3 to make a sound/ to sound/ to ring/ loud/ classifier for noises
观众* 4 guan1 zhong4 spectators/ audience/ visitors (to an exhibition etc)
管理* 4 guan3 li3 to supervise/ to manage/ to administer/ management/ administration/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 zhi3 finger/ to point at or to/ to indicate or refer to/ to depend on/ to count on/ (of hair) to stand on end
尊重* 4 zun1 zhong4 esteem/ respect/ to honor/ to value sth
报道* 4 bao4 dao4 report/ CL:篇[pian1];份[fen4]
动作* 4 dong4 zuo4 movement/ motion/ action/ CL:個|个[ge4]
符合* 4 fu2 he2 in keeping with/ in accordance with/ tallying with/ in line with/ to agree with/ to accord with/ to conform to/ to correspond with/ to manage/ to handle
空气* 4 kong1 qi4 air/ atmosphere
养成* 4 yang3 cheng2 to cultivate/ to raise/ to form (a habit)/ to acquire
只好* 4 zhi3 hao3 without any better option/ to have to/ to be forced to
活动* 4 huo2 dong4 to exercise/ to move about/ to operate/ activity/ loose/ shaky/ active/ movable/ maneuver/ to use connections/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
原来* 4 yuan2 lai2 original/ former/ originally/ formerly/ at first/ so... actually
活泼* 4 huo2 po5 lively/ vivacious/ brisk/ active
排列* 4 pai2 lie4 array/ arrangement/ permutation (i.e. ordered choice of n elements out of m)
样子* 4 yang4 zi5 manner/ air/ looks/ aspect
原谅* 4 yuan2 liang4 to excuse/ to forgive/ to pardon
* 4 zuo4 seat/ base/ stand/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ classifier for buildings; mountains and similar immovable objects
* 4 guang1 light/ ray/ CL:道[dao4]/ bright/ only/ merely/ to use up
邀请* 4 yao1 qing3 to invite/ invitation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
报名* 4 bao4 ming2 to sign up/ to enter one's name/ to apply/ to register/ to enroll/ to enlist
速度* 4 su4 du4 speed/ rate/ velocity/ CL:個|个[ge4]
只要* 4 zhi3 yao4 if only/ so long as
抱歉* 4 bao4 qian4 sorry/ We apologize!/ to feel apologetic/ to regret
恐怕* 4 kong3 pa4 fear/ to dread/ I'm afraid that.../ perhaps/ maybe
麻烦* 4 ma2 fan5 inconvenient/ troublesome/ to trouble or bother sb/ to put sb to trouble
完全* 4 wan2 quan2 complete/ whole/ totally/ entirely
粗心* 4 cu1 xin1 careless/ thoughtless
节约* 4 jie2 yue1 to economize/ to conserve (resources)/ economy/ frugal
做生意* 4 zuo4 sheng1 yi4 to do business
甚至* 4 shen4 zhi4 even/ so much so that
马虎* 4 ma3 hu5 careless/ sloppy/ negligent/ skimpy
判断* 4 pan4 duan4 to decide/ to determine/ CL:個|个[ge4]
情况* 4 qing2 kuang4 circumstances/ state of affairs/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
堵车* 4 du3 che1 traffic jam/ choking
广播* 4 guang3 bo1 broadcast/ widely spread/ CL:個|个[ge4]
获得* 4 huo4 de2 to obtain/ to receive/ to get
* 4 suan1 sour/ sore/ ache/ acid
原因* 4 yuan2 yin1 cause/ origin/ root cause/ reason/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 suan4 regard as/ to figure/ to calculate/ to compute
肚子* 4 du4 zi5 belly/ abdomen/ stomach/ CL:個|个[ge4]
广告* 4 guang3 gao4 to advertise/ a commercial/ advertisement/ CL:項|项[xiang4]
作者* 4 zuo4 zhe3 author/ writer/ CL:個|个[ge4]
基础* 4 ji1 chu3 base/ foundation/ basis/ underlying/ CL:個|个[ge4]
请假* 4 qing3 jia4 ask for time off
随便* 4 sui2 bian4 as one wishes/ as one pleases/ at random/ negligent/ casual/ wanton
约会* 4 yue1 hui4 appointment/ engagement/ date/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
* 4 guang4 to stroll/ to visit
生活* 4 sheng1 huo2 life/ activity/ to live/ livelihood
规定* 4 gui1 ding4 provision/ to fix/ to set/ to formulate/ to stipulate/ to provide/ regulation/ rule/ CL:個|个[ge4]
解释* 4 jie3 shi4 explanation/ to explain/ to interpret/ to resolve/ CL:個|个[ge4]
差不多* 4 cha4 bu5 duo1 almost/ nearly/ more or less
激动* 4 ji1 dong4 to excite/ to agitate/ exciting
* 4 ku3 bitter/ hardship/ pain/ to suffer/ painstaking
* 4 pei2 to accompany/ to keep sb company
请客* 4 qing3 ke4 give a dinner party/ entertain guests/ invite to dinner
* 4 wang3 to go (in a direction)/ to/ towards/ (of a train) bound for/ past/ previous
* 4 bei4 by (indicates passive-voice sentences or clauses)/ quilt/ to cover (literary)
阅读* 4 yue4 du2 to read/ reading
生命* 4 sheng1 ming4 life/ living/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 duan4 to break/ to snap/ to cut off/ to give up or abstain from sth/ to judge/ (usu. used in the negative) absolutely; definitely;decidedly
父亲* 4 fu4 qin1 father/ also pr. with light tone [fu4 qin5]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
随着* 4 sui2 zhe5 along with/ in the wake of/ following
消息* 4 xiao1 xi5 news/ information/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
* 4 qiong2 exhausted/ poor
至少* 4 zhi4 shao3 at least/ (to say the) least
* 4 man3 full/ filled/ packed/ fully/ completely/ quite/ to reach the limit/ to satisfy/ satisfied/ contented/ to fill/ abbr. for Manchurian
往往* 4 wang3 wang3 often/ frequently
网站* 4 wang3 zhan4 website/ network station/ node
允许* 4 yun3 xu3 to permit/ to allow
答案* 4 da2 an4 answer/ solution/ CL:個|个[ge4]
复印* 4 fu4 yin4 to photocopy/ to duplicate a document
积极* 4 ji1 ji2 active/ energetic/ vigorous/ positive (outlook)/ proactive
区别* 4 qu1 bie2 difference/ to distinguish/ to discriminate/ to make a distinction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
积累* 4 ji1 lei3 to accumulate/ accumulation/ cumulative/ cumulatively
复杂* 4 fu4 za2 complicated/ complex
小说* 4 xiao3 shuo1 novel/ fiction/ CL:本[ben3];部[bu4]
制造* 4 zhi4 zao4 to manufacture/ to make
负责* 4 fu4 ze2 to be in charge of/ to take responsibility for/ to be to blame/ conscientious
* 4 kuan1 lenient/ wide/ broad
打扮* 4 da3 ban5 to decorate/ to dress/ to make up/ to adorn/ manner of dressing/ style of dress
* 4 chang2 to taste/ flavor/ (past tense marker)/ already/ formerly/ ever/ once/ test
改变* 4 gai3 bian4 to change/ to alter/ to transform
* 4 sheng3 to save/ to economize/ to do without/ to omit/ to leave out/ province/ CL:個|个[ge4]
叶子* 4 ye4 zi5 foliage/ leaf/ CL:片[pian4]
本来* 4 ben3 lai2 original/ originally/ at first/ it goes without saying/ of course
尽管* 4 jin3 guan3 despite/ although/ even though/ in spite of/ unhesitatingly/ do not hesitate (to ask; complain etc)/ (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
* 4 qu3 to take/ to get/ to choose/ to fetch
危险* 4 wei1 xian3 danger/ dangerous
笑话* 4 xiao4 hua4 joke/ jest/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 sheng4 to remain/ to be left/ to have as remainder
所有* 4 suo3 you3 all/ to have/ to possess/ to own
对话* 4 dui4 hua4 dialog/ CL:個|个[ge4]
国际* 4 guo2 ji4 international
批评* 4 pi1 ping2 to criticize/ criticism/ CL:個|个[ge4]
毛巾* 4 mao2 jin1 towel/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
皮肤* 4 pi2 fu1 skin/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 4 ben4 stupid/ foolish/ silly/ slow-witted/ clumsy
打扰* 4 da3 rao3 to disturb/ to bother/ to trouble
对面* 4 dui4 mian4 opposite
干杯* 4 gan1 bei1 to drink a toast/ Cheers! (proposing a toast)/ Here's to you!/ Bottoms up!/ lit. dry cup
紧张* 4 jin3 zhang1 nervous/ keyed up/ intense/ tense/ strained/ in short supply/ scarce/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
* 4 kun4 to trap/ to surround/ hard-pressed/ stranded/ destitute
果然* 4 guo3 ran2 really/ sure enough/ as expected
困难* 4 kun4 nan5 (financial etc) difficulty/ problem/ issue/ CL:個|个[ge4]
失败* 4 shi1 bai4 to be defeated/ to lose/ to fail (e.g. experiments)/ failure/ defeat/ CL:次[ci4]
* 4 tai2 desk/ platform/ stage/ terrace/ stand/ support/ desk/ station/ broadcasting station/ classifier for vehicles or machines/ Taiwan (abbr.)
* 4 tai2 to lift/ to raise/ (of two or more persons) to carry
扩大* 4 kuo4 da4 to expand/ to enlarge/ to broaden one's scope
全部* 4 quan2 bu4 whole/ entire/ complete
师傅* 4 shi1 fu5 master/ qualified worker/ respectful form of address for older men/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
打印* 4 da3 yin4 to print/ to seal/ to stamp
过程* 4 guo4 cheng2 course of events/ process/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 la1 to pull/ to play (string instruments)/ to drag/ to draw
打折* 4 da3 zhe2 to give a discount
集合* 4 ji2 he2 a congregation/ to gather/ a set
湿润* 4 shi1 run4 moist
态度* 4 tai4 du5 manner/ bearing/ attitude/ approach/ CL:個|个[ge4]
打针* 4 da3 zhen1 to give or have an injection
咱们* 4 zan2 men5 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/ I or me/ you
干燥* 4 gan1 zao4 to dry (of weather; paint; cement etc)/ desiccation/ dull/ uninteresting/ arid
* 4 pian1 sheet/ piece of writing/ bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old)/ classifier for written items: chapter; article
失望* 4 shi1 wang4 disappointed/ to lose hope/ to despair
* 4 dun4 stop/ pause/ to arrange/ to lay out/ to kowtow/ to stamp/ at once/ classifier for meals; beating; tellings off etc: time; bout; spell; meal
* 4 la4 hot (spicy)/ pungent
超过* 4 chao1 guo4 to surpass/ to exceed/ to outstrip
感动* 4 gan3 dong4 to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally)/ moving
笔记本* 4 bi3 ji4 ben3 notebook/ CL:本[ben3]
大概* 4 da4 gai4 roughly/ probably/ rough/ approximate/ about
及时* 4 ji2 shi2 in time/ promptly/ without delay/ timely
暂时* 4 zan4 shi2 temporary/ provisional/ for the time being
感觉* 4 gan3 jue2 to feel/ to become aware of/ feeling/ sense/ perception/ CL:個|个[ge4]
即使* 4 ji2 shi3 even if/ even though/ given that
来不及* 4 lai2 bu5 ji2 there's not enough time (to do sth)/ it's too late (to do sth)
重点* 4 zhong4 dian3 emphasis/ focal point/ priority/ key/ with the emphasis on/ focusing on
来得及* 4 lai2 de5 ji2 there's still time/ able to do sth in time
缺点* 4 que1 dian3 weak point/ fault/ shortcoming/ CL:個|个[ge4]
进行* 4 jin4 xing2 to advance/ to conduct/ underway/ in progress/ to do/ to carry out/ to carry on/ to execute
* 4 pian4 to cheat/ to swindle/ to deceive/ to fool/ to hoodwink/ to trick
* 4 tan2 to talk
重视* 4 zhong4 shi4 to attach importance to sth/ to value
大使馆* 4 da4 shi3 guan3 embassy/ CL:座[zuo4];個|个[ge4]
弹钢琴* 4 tan2 gang1 qin2 play the piano
感情* 4 gan3 qing2 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
禁止* 4 jin4 zhi3 to prohibit/ to forbid/ to ban
缺少* 4 que1 shao3 lack/ shortage of/ shortfall/ to be short (of)/ to lack
辛苦* 4 xin1 ku3 hard/ exhausting/ with much toil/ thanks for your trouble
* 4 duo3 flower/ earlobe/ fig. item on both sides/ classifier for flowers; clouds etc
* 4 chao3 to quarrel/ to make a noise/ noisy/ to disturb by making a noise
味道* 4 wei4 dao4 flavor/ smell/ hint of
* 4 que4 but/ yet/ however/ while/ to go back/ to decline/ to retreat/ nevertheless/ even though
十分* 4 shi2 fen1 to divide into ten equal parts/ very/ hundred percent/ completely/ extremely/ utterly/ absolutely
大约* 4 da4 yue1 approximately/ about
心情* 4 xin1 qing2 mood/ frame of mind/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 ji4 to live (in a house)/ to lodge/ to mail/ to send/ to entrust/ to depend
* 4 tang1 soup/ broth/ hot water
* 4 dai4 to put on or wear (glasses; hat; gloves etc)/ to respect/ to bear/ to support
海洋* 4 hai3 yang2 ocean/ CL:個|个[ge4]
经济* 4 jing1 ji4 economy/ economic
浪费* 4 lang4 fei4 to waste/ to squander
代表* 4 dai4 biao3 representative/ delegate/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4];名[ming2]/ to represent/ to stand for/ on behalf of/ in the name of
* 4 er2 and/ as well as/ and so/ but (not)/ yet (not)/ (indicates causal relation)/ (indicates change of state)/ (indicates contrast)
计划* 4 ji4 hua4 plan/ project/ program/ to plan/ to map out/ CL:個|个[ge4];項|项[xiang4]
浪漫* 4 lang4 man4 romantic
周围* 4 zhou1 wei2 surroundings/ environment/ to encompass
毕业* 4 bi4 ye4 graduation/ to graduate/ to finish school
* 4 qun2 group/ crowd/ flock; herd; pack etc
* 4 tang3 to recline/ to lie down
大夫* 4 dai4 fu5 doctor/ minister of state (in pre-Han states)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
京剧* 4 Jing1 ju4 Beijing opera/ CL:場|场[chang3];出[chu1]
寒假* 4 han2 jia4 winter vacation
责任* 4 ze2 ren4 responsibility/ blame/ duty/ CL:個|个[ge4]
然而* 4 ran2 er2 however/ yet/ but
经历* 4 jing1 li4 experience/ CL:個|个[ge4];次[ci4]/ to experience/ to go through
食品* 4 shi2 pin3 foodstuff/ food/ provisions/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 4 zhu1 hog/ pig/ swine/ CL:口[kou3];頭|头[tou2]
增加* 4 zeng1 jia1 to raise/ to increase
代替* 4 dai4 ti4 instead/ to replace/ to substitute (X for Y; or a number in an algebraic expression)
* 4 han4 perspiration/ sweat/ CL:滴[di1];頭|头[tou2];身[shen1]/ Khan (Persian or Mongol king or emperor)/ Khan (name)/ to be speechless (out of helplessness; embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)
乒乓球* 4 ping1 pang1 qiu2 table tennis/ ping-pong/ ping pong/ table tennis ball/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 fa1 to send out/ to show (one's feeling)/ to issue/ to develop/ classifier for gunshots (rounds)
增长* 4 zeng1 zhang3 to grow/ to increase
精神* 4 jing1 shen2 spirit/ mind/ consciousness/ thought/ mental/ psychological/ essence/ gist/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 yi3 to use as/ according to/ because of
密码* 4 mi4 ma3 code/ secret code/ password/ pin number
讨论* 4 tao3 lun4 to discuss/ to talk over/ CL:個|个[ge4]
信任* 4 xin4 ren4 to trust/ to have confidence in
讨厌* 4 tao3 yan4 disgusting/ troublesome/ nuisance/ nasty/ to hate doing sth
* 4 bian4 a time/ everywhere/ turn/ all over/ one time
技术* 4 ji4 shu4 technology/ technique/ skill/ CL:門|门[men2];種|种[zhong3];項|项[xiang4]
经验* 4 jing1 yan4 to experience/ experience
信心* 4 xin4 xin1 confidence/ faith (in sb or sth)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
主动* 4 zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative/ to do sth of one's own accord/ active/ opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/ drive (of gears and shafts etc)
免费* 4 mian3 fei4 free (of charge)
* 4 zhai3 narrow/ narrow-minded/ badly off
实在* 4 shi2 zai4 in reality/ honestly/ really/ verily/ concrete
警察* 4 jing3 cha2 police/ policeman/ policewoman/ CL:個|个[ge4]
热闹* 4 re4 nao5 bustling with noise and excitement/ lively
文章* 4 wen2 zhang1 article/ essay/ literary works/ writings/ hidden meaning/ CL:篇[pian1];段[duan4];頁|页[ye4]
继续* 4 ji4 xu4 to continue/ to proceed with/ to go on with
好处* 4 hao3 chu5 benefit/ advantage/ gain/ profit/ also pronounced hao3 chu4/ CL:個|个[ge4]
平时* 4 ping2 shi2 in normal times/ in peacetime
亿* 4 yi4 a hundred million/ calculate
好像* 4 hao3 xiang4 as if/ to seem like
发生* 4 fa1 sheng1 to happen/ to occur/ to take place/ to break out
记者* 4 ji4 zhe3 reporter/ journalist/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 xing2 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do
冷静* 4 leng3 jing4 calm/ cool-headed
使用* 4 shi3 yong4 to use/ to employ/ to apply/ to make use of
成功* 4 cheng2 gong1 success/ to succeed/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
加班* 4 jia1 ban1 to work overtime
意见* 4 yi4 jian4 idea/ opinion/ suggestion/ objection/ complaint/ CL:點|点[dian3];條|条[tiao2]
主意* 4 zhu3 yi5 plan/ idea/ decision/ CL:個|个[ge4]
竟然* 4 jing4 ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ in spite of everything/ in that crazy way/ actually/ to go as far as to
瓶子* 4 ping2 zi5 bottle/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 dang1 to be/ to act as/ manage/ withstand/ when/ during/ ought/ should/ match equally/ equal/ same/ obstruct/ just at (a time or place)/ on the spot/ right/ just at
* 4 shi4 to test/ to try/ experiment/ examination/ test
握手* 4 wo4 shou3 to shake hands
家具* 4 jia1 ju4 furniture/ CL:件[jian4];套[tao4]
竞争* 4 jing4 zheng1 to compete/ competition
* 4 po4 broken/ damaged/ worn out/ to break; split or cleave/ to get rid of/ to destroy/ to break with/ to defeat/ to capture (a city etc)/ to expose the truth of
市场* 4 shi4 chang3 market place/ market (also in abstract)/ abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场 supermarket/ CL:個|个[ge4]
当地* 4 dang1 di4 local
发展* 4 fa1 zhan3 development/ growth/ to develop/ to grow/ to expand
镜子* 4 jing4 zi5 mirror/ CL:面[mian4];個|个[ge4]
艺术* 4 yi4 shu4 art/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
祝贺* 4 zhu4 he4 to congratulate/ congratulations/ CL:個|个[ge4]
提供* 4 ti2 gong1 to offer/ to supply/ to provide/ to furnish
污染* 4 wu1 ran3 pollution/ contamination/ CL:個|个[ge4]
法律* 4 fa3 lv4 law/ CL:條|条[tiao2]; 套[tao4]; 個|个[ge4]
究竟* 4 jiu1 jing4 after all (when all is said and done)/ actually/ outcome/ result
著名* 4 zhu4 ming2 famous/ noted/ well-known/ celebrated
标准* 4 biao1 zhun3 (an official) standard/ norm/ criterion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
表达* 4 biao3 da2 to voice (an opinion)/ to express/ to convey
诚实* 4 cheng2 shi2 honest/ honesty/ honorable/ truthful
提前* 4 ti2 qian2 to shift to an earlier date/ to bring forward/ to advance
* 4 wu2 -less/ not to have/ no/ none/ not/ to lack/ un-
表格* 4 biao3 ge2 form/ table/ CL:張|张[zhang1];份[fen4]
加油站* 4 jia1 you2 zhan4 gas station
民族* 4 min2 zu2 nationality/ ethnic group/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 xing3 to wake up/ to awaken/ to be awake
成熟* 4 cheng2 shu2 mature/ ripe/ Taiwan pr. cheng2 shou2
翻译* 4 fan1 yi4 to translate/ to interpret/ translator/ interpreter/ translation/ interpretation/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
合格* 4 he2 ge2 qualified/ meeting a standard/ eligible (voter)
适合* 4 shi4 he2 to fit/ to suit
提醒* 4 ti2 xing3 to remind/ to call attention to/ to warn of
成为* 4 cheng2 wei2 to become/ to turn into
理解* 4 li3 jie3 to comprehend/ to understand/ comprehension/ understanding
烦恼* 4 fan2 nao3 agonize/ agony/ annoyance/ upset/ vexation/ worries
* 4 jia3 fake/ false/ artificial/ to borrow/ if/ suppose
普遍* 4 pu3 bian4 universal/ general/ widespread/ common
礼貌* 4 li3 mao4 courtesy/ manners
性格* 4 xing4 ge2 nature/ disposition/ temperament/ character/ CL:個|个[ge4]
因此* 4 yin1 ci3 thus/ consequently/ as a result
任何* 4 ren4 he2 any/ whatever/ whichever/ whatsoever
表扬* 4 biao3 yang2 to praise/ to commend
理想* 4 li3 xiang3 a dream/ an ideal/ perfection/ ideal/ perfect/ desirable/ CL:個|个[ge4]
无聊* 4 wu2 liao2 nonsense/ bored
合适* 4 he2 shi4 suitable/ fitting/ decent/ to fit
无论* 4 wu2 lun4 no matter what or how/ regardless of whether...
任务* 4 ren4 wu5 mission/ assignment/ task/ duty/ role/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
招聘* 4 zhao1 pin4 recruitment/ to invite applications for a job
乘坐* 4 cheng2 zuo4 to ride (in a vehicle)
反对* 4 fan3 dui4 to fight against/ to oppose/ to be opposed to/ opposition
专门* 4 zhuan1 men2 specialist/ specialized/ customized
吃惊* 4 chi1 jing1 to be startled/ to be shocked/ to be amazed
导游* 4 dao3 you2 tour guide/ to conduct a tour/ a guidebook
坚持* 4 jian1 chi2 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere
厉害* 4 li4 hai5 difficult to deal with/ difficult to endure/ ferocious/ radical/ serious/ terrible/ violent/ tremendous/ awesome
* 4 reng1 to throw/ to throw away
专业* 4 zhuan1 ye4 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional
引起* 4 yin3 qi3 to give rise to/ to lead to/ to cause/ to arouse
其次* 4 qi2 ci4 next/ secondly
* 5 geng4 even more/ furthermore
艰巨* 5 jian1 ju4 arduous/ terrible (task)/ very difficult/ formidable
* 5 ju3 to lift/ to hold up/ to cite/ to enumerate/ to act/ to raise/ to choose/ to elect
武器* 5 wu3 qi4 weapon/ arms/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
转告* 5 zhuan3 gao4 to pass on/ to communicate/ to transmit
到达* 5 dao4 da2 to reach/ to arrive
更加* 5 geng4 jia1 more (than sth else)/ even more
坚决* 5 jian1 jue2 firm/ resolute/ determined
力量* 5 li4 liang5 power/ force/ strength
* 5 mo1 to feel with the hand/ to touch/ to stroke/ to grope/ to feel (one's pulse)
奇迹* 5 qi2 ji4 miracle/ miraculous/ wonder/ marvel
道德* 5 dao4 de2 virtue/ morality/ ethics/ moral/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
反应* 5 fan3 ying4 to react/ to respond/ reaction/ response/ reply/ chemical reaction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
艰苦* 5 jian1 ku3 difficult/ hard/ arduous
武术* 5 wu3 shu4 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
雄伟* 5 xiong2 wei3 grand/ imposing/ magnificent/ majestic
召开* 5 zhao4 kai1 to convene (a conference or meeting)/ to convoke/ to call together
* 5 ai1 interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes; it's me!)/ to sigh
持续* 5 chi2 xu4 to continue/ to persist/ sustainable/ preservation
公布* 5 gong1 bu4 to announce/ to make public/ to publish
田野* 5 tian2 ye3 field/ open land/ CL:片[pian4]
反正* 5 fan3 zheng4 to put things back in order/ to return to the correct path/ in any event/ come what may/ whatever happens (I'm still sure it's right)/ anyway
* 5 hen4 to hate/ to regret
坚强* 5 jian1 qiang2 staunch/ strong
池子* 5 chi2 zi5 pond/ CL:個|个[ge4]
道理* 5 dao4 li3 reason/ argument/ sense/ principle/ basis/ justification/ CL:個|个[ge4]
工厂* 5 gong1 chang3 factory/ CL:家[jia1];座[zuo4]
利润* 5 li4 run4 profits
* 5 wu4 fog/ mist/ CL:場|场[chang2];陣|阵[zhen4]
尖锐* 5 jian1 rui4 sharp/ intense/ penetrating/ pointed/ acute (illness)
模仿* 5 mo2 fang3 to imitate/ to copy/ to emulate/ to mimic/ model
修改* 5 xiu1 gai3 to amend/ to alter/ to modify
* 5 zhuang1 adornment/ to adorn/ dress/ clothing/ costume (of an actor in a play)/ to play a role/ to pretend/ to install/ to fix/ to wrap (sth in a bag)/ to load/ to pack
* 5 heng2 horizontal/ across/ (horizontal character stroke)
日用品* 5 ri4 yong4 pin3 articles for daily use/ CL:件[jian4];個|个[ge4]
融化* 5 rong2 hua4 to melt/ to thaw/ to dissolve/ to blend into/ to combine/ to fuse
英俊* 5 ying1 jun4 handsome
装饰* 5 zhuang1 shi4 to decorate/ decoration/ decorative/ ornamental
玻璃* 5 bo1 li5 glass/ nylon/ plastic/ CL:張|张[zhang1];塊|块[kuai4]
具备* 5 ju4 bei4 to possess/ to have/ equipped with/ able to fulfill (conditions or requirements)
其余* 5 qi2 yu2 the rest/ the others/ remaining/ remainder/ apart from them
* 5 chong1 (of water) to dash against/ to mix with water/ to infuse/ to rinse/ to flush/ to develop (a film)/ to rise in the air/ to clash/ to collide with
功夫* 5 gong1 fu5 skill/ art/ kung fu/ labor/ effort
休闲* 5 xiu1 xian2 leisure/ relaxation/ not working/ idle
英雄* 5 ying1 xiong2 hero/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 fang1 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s
巨大* 5 ju4 da4 huge/ immense/ very large/ tremendous/ gigantic/ enormous
利息* 5 li4 xi1 interest (on a loan)/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
爱护* 5 ai4 hu4 to cherish/ to treasure/ to take care of/ to love and protect
方案* 5 fang1 an4 plan/ program (for action etc)/ proposal/ proposed bill/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 jian3 to pick up/ to collect/ to gather
聚会* 5 ju4 hui4 party/ gathering/ to meet/ to get together
摩托车* 5 mo2 tuo1 che1 motorbike/ motorcycle/ CL:輛|辆[liang4];部[bu4]
利用* 5 li4 yong4 exploit/ make use of/ to use/ to take advantage of/ to utilize
迎接* 5 ying2 jie1 to meet/ to welcome/ to greet
哲学* 5 zhe2 xue2 philosophy/ CL:個|个[ge4]
爱惜* 5 ai4 xi1 to cherish/ to treasure/ to use sparingly
俱乐部* 5 ju4 le4 bu4 club (i.e. a group or organization)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
荣幸* 5 rong2 xing4 honored
调皮* 5 tiao2 pi2 naughty/ mischievous/ unruly
状况* 5 zhuang4 kuang4 condition/ state/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
爱心* 5 ai4 xin1 compassion/ CL:片[pian4]
充满* 5 chong1 man3 full of/ brimming with/ very full/ permeated
方式* 5 fang1 shi4 way (of life)/ pattern/ style/ mode/ manner/ CL:個|个[ge4]
启发* 5 qi3 fa1 to enlighten/ to explain and arouse interest/ to inspire/ inspiration/ heuristic (attributively)/ to teach/ CL:個|个[ge4]
剪刀* 5 jian3 dao1 scissors/ CL:把[ba3]
荣誉* 5 rong2 yu4 honor/ credit/ glory/ (honorable) reputation
调整* 5 tiao2 zheng3 adjustment/ revision/ CL:個|个[ge4]
营养* 5 ying2 yang3 nutrition/ nourishment/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
据说* 5 ju4 shuo1 it is said that/ reportedly
联合* 5 lian2 he2 to combine/ to join/ unite/ alliance
手工* 5 shou3 gong1 handwork/ manual
虚心* 5 xu1 xin1 modest
营业* 5 ying2 ye4 to do business/ to trade
针对* 5 zhen1 dui4 to be directed against/ to be aimed at/ to counter/ in the light of/ in connection with
状态* 5 zhuang4 tai4 state of affairs/ state/ mode/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
登机牌* 5 deng1 ji1 pai2 boarding pass
公开* 5 gong1 kai1 public/ to publish/ to make public
具体* 5 ju4 ti3 concrete/ definite/ specific
登记* 5 deng1 ji4 to register (one's name)
简历* 5 jian3 li4 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes
* 5 mou3 some/ a certain/ sb or sth indefinite/ such-and-such
影子* 5 ying3 zi5 shadow/ reflection/ CL:個|个[ge4]
妨碍* 5 fang2 ai4 to hinder/ to obstruct
起来* 5 qi3 lai2 beginning or continuing an action/ upward movement/ stand up
如何* 5 ru2 he2 how/ what way/ what
追求* 5 zhui1 qiu2 to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly/ to seek after/ to woo
安慰* 5 an1 wei4 to comfort/ to console/ CL:個|个[ge4]
补充* 5 bu3 chong1 to replenish/ to supplement/ to complement/ additional/ supplementary/ CL:個|个[ge4]
房东* 5 fang2 dong1 landlord
后果* 5 hou4 guo3 consequences/ aftermath
* 5 juan1 to contribute/ to donate/ contribution/ tax/ to abandon
连忙* 5 lian2 mang2 promptly/ at once
如今* 5 ru2 jin1 nowadays/ now
手术* 5 shou3 shu4 surgical operation/ operation/ surgery/ CL:個|个[ge4]
硬币* 5 ying4 bi4 a coin/ CL:枚[mei2]
重复* 5 chong2 fu4 to repeat/ to duplicate/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 juan3 to roll up
手套* 5 shou3 tao4 glove/ mitten/ CL:雙|双[shuang1];隻|只[zhi1]
目标* 5 mu4 biao1 target/ goal/ objective/ CL:個|个[ge4]
应付* 5 ying4 fu5 to deal with/ to cope
安装* 5 an1 zhuang1 install/ erect/ fix/ mount/ installation
功能* 5 gong1 neng2 function/ capability
企图* 5 qi3 tu2 attempt/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
软件* 5 ruan3 jian4 (computer) software
手续* 5 shou3 xu4 formalities/ procedures/ CL:道[dao4];個|个[ge4]
吸收* 5 xi1 shou1 to absorb/ to assimilate/ to ingest
叙述* 5 xu4 shu4 to relate (a story or information)/ to tell or talk about/ to recount/ narration/ telling/ narrative/ account
* 5 an4 bank/ shore/ beach/ coast/ CL:個|个[ge4]
等待* 5 deng3 dai4 wait for/ await
企业* 5 qi3 ye4 company/ firm/ enterprise/ corporation/ CL:家[jia1]
* 5 ruo4 weak/ feeble/ young/ inferior/ (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than
应聘* 5 ying4 pin4 to accept a job offer/ to apply for an advertised position
绝对* 5 jue2 dui4 absolute/ unconditional
宣布* 5 xuan1 bu4 to declare/ to announce/ to proclaim
* 5 bu4 cloth/ to declare/ to announce/ to spread/ to make known
宠物* 5 chong3 wu4 house pet
决赛* 5 jue2 sai4 finals (of a competition)
目录* 5 mu4 lu4 catalog/ table of contents/ directory (on computer hard drive)/ list/ contents
宣传* 5 xuan1 chuan2 to disseminate/ to give publicity to/ propaganda/ CL:個|个[ge4]
应用* 5 ying4 yong4 to use/ to apply/ application/ applicable
不安* 5 bu4 an1 unpeaceful/ unstable/ uneasy/ disturbed/ restless/ worried
等于* 5 deng3 yu2 to equal/ to be tantamount to
仿佛* 5 fang3 fu2 to seem/ as if/ alike/ similar
工人* 5 gong1 ren2 worker/ CL:個|个[ge4];名[ming2]
角色* 5 jue2 se4 persona/ character in a novel
连续剧* 5 lian2 xu4 ju4 serialized drama/ dramatic series/ show in parts
拥抱* 5 yong1 bao4 to embrace/ to hug
不必* 5 bu4 bi4 need not/ does not have to
忽视* 5 hu1 shi4 to neglect/ to ignore
木头* 5 mu4 tou5 slow-witted/ blockhead/ log (of wood; timber etc)/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];根[gen1]
* 5 sa3 to sprinkle/ to spray/ to spill/ to shed
诊断* 5 zhen3 duan4 diagnosis/ to diagnose
呼吸* 5 hu1 xi1 to breathe
恋爱* 5 lian4 ai4 (romantic) love/ in love/ to have an affair/ CL:個|个[ge4]
气氛* 5 qi4 fen1 atmosphere/ mood
受到* 5 shou4 dao4 to receive/ to suffer/ obtained/ given
通常* 5 tong1 chang2 regular/ usual/ ordinary/ normal
拥挤* 5 yong1 ji3 to crowd
枕头* 5 zhen3 tou5 pillow
* 5 di1 a drop/ to drip
决心* 5 jue2 xin1 determination/ resolution/ determined/ firm and resolute/ to make up one's mind/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 zhen4 disposition of troops/ wave/ spate/ burst/ spell/ short period of time/ classifier for events or states of short duration
不得了* 5 bu4 de2 liao3 desperately serious/ disastrous/ extremely/ exceedingly
良好* 5 liang2 hao3 good/ favorable/ well/ fine
* 5 hu2 pot/ classifier for bottled liquid
受伤* 5 shou4 shang1 to sustain injuries/ wounded (in an accident etc)/ harmed
资格* 5 zi1 ge2 qualifications
不断* 5 bu4 duan4 unceasing/ uninterrupted/ continuous/ constant
工业* 5 gong1 ye4 industry/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
粮食* 5 liang2 shi5 foodstuff/ cereals/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
哪怕* 5 na3 pa4 even/ even if/ even though/ no matter how
通讯* 5 tong1 xun4 communications/ a news story (e.g. dispatched over the wire)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
振动* 5 zhen4 dong4 vibration
* 5 chou3 clown/ surname Chou/ 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m.; 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February); year of the Ox
均匀* 5 jun1 yun2 even/ well-distributed/ homogeneous
勇气* 5 yong3 qi4 courage/ valor
资料* 5 zi1 liao4 material/ resources/ data/ information/ profile (Internet)/ CL:份[fen4];個|个[ge4]
公寓* 5 gong1 yu4 apartment building/ block of flats/ CL:套|套[tao4]
选举* 5 xuan3 ju3 to elect/ election/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
部分* 5 bu4 fen5 part/ share/ section/ piece/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 chou4 stench/ stink/ smelly/ to smell (bad)
放松* 5 fang4 song1 to loosen/ to relax
胡说* 5 hu2 shuo1 to talk nonsense/ drivel
建立* 5 jian4 li4 to build/ to establish/ to set up/ to found
嗓子* 5 sang3 zi5 throat/ voice/ CL:把[ba3]
* 5 tong2 copper (chemistry)/ see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
姿势* 5 zi1 shi4 posture/ position
胡同* 5 hu2 tong4 lane/ alley/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
蔬菜* 5 shu1 cai4 vegetables/ produce/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
出版* 5 chu1 ban3 to publish/ to come off the press/ to put out
* 5 fei1 non-/ not-/ un-/ abbr. for Africa 非洲/ wrong/ evil-doing/ insist on/ simply must
糊涂* 5 hu2 tu5 muddled/ silly/ confused
键盘* 5 jian4 pan2 keyboard
* 5 xi4 to connect/ to relate to/ to tie up/ to bind/ to be (literary)
* 5 di4 to hand over/ to pass on sth/ to gradually increase or decrease/ progressively
咨询* 5 zi1 xun2 to consult/ to seek advice/ consultation/ (sales) inquiry (formal)
建设* 5 jian4 she4 to build/ to construct/ construction/ constructive
* 5 zheng1 to open (eye)
资源* 5 zi1 yuan2 natural resource (such as water or minerals)/ resource (such as manpower or tourism)
开发* 5 kai1 fa1 exploit (a resource)/ open up (for development)/ to develop
汽油* 5 qi4 you2 gas/ gasoline/ CL:升[sheng1]
* 5 sha1 to kill/ to murder/ to fight/ to weaken or reduce/ to smart (topolect)/ to counteract/ (used after a verb) extremely
同时* 5 tong2 shi2 at the same time/ simultaneously
不好意思* 5 bu4 hao3 yi4 si5 to feel embarrassed/ to be ill at ease/ to find it embarrassing (to do sth)
初级* 5 chu1 ji2 junior/ primary
开放* 5 kai1 fang4 to lift (a ban or restriction)/ to open to the outside world (politics)/ to open for public use/ to come into bloom (of flowers)
了不起* 5 liao3 bu5 qi3 amazing/ terrific/ extraordinary
用途* 5 yong4 tu2 use/ application
不见得* 5 bu4 jian4 de5 not necessarily/ not likely
出口* 5 chu1 kou3 an exit/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to speak/ to export/ (of a ship) to leave port
* 5 zi3 purple/ violet/ amethyst/ Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/ Japanese: murasaki
地理* 5 di4 li3 geography
书架* 5 shu1 jia4 bookshelf/ CL:個|个[ge4]
优惠* 5 you1 hui4 preferential/ favorable
把握* 5 ba3 wo4 to grasp (also fig.)/ to seize/ to hold/ assurance/ certainty/ sure (of the outcome)
花生* 5 hua1 sheng1 peanut/ groundnut/ CL:粒[li4]
建议* 5 jian4 yi4 to propose/ to suggest/ to recommend/ proposal/ suggestion/ recommendation/ CL:個|个[ge4];點|点[dian3]
难怪* 5 nan2 guai4 (it's) no wonder (that...)/ (it's) not surprising (that)
学问* 5 xue2 wen4 learning/ knowledge/ CL:個|个[ge4]
悠久* 5 you1 jiu3 established/ long
争论* 5 zheng1 lun4 to argue/ to debate/ to contend/ argument/ contention/ controversy/ debate/ CL:次[ci4];場|场[chang3]
出色* 5 chu1 se4 remarkable/ outstanding
地区* 5 di4 qu1 local/ regional/ district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/ region/ area/ as suffix to city name; means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
肥皂* 5 fei2 zao4 soap/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];條|条[tiao2]
开幕式* 5 kai1 mu4 shi4 opening ceremony
输入* 5 shu1 ru4 to import/ to input
* 5 xia1 blind/ groundlessly/ foolishly/ to no purpose
滑冰* 5 hua2 bing1 to skate/ skating
* 5 sha3 foolish
舒适* 5 shu1 shi4 cozy/ snug
征求* 5 zheng1 qiu2 to solicit/ to seek/ to request (opinions; feedback etc)/ to petition
贡献* 5 gong4 xian4 to contribute/ to dedicate/ to devote/ contribution/ CL:個|个[ge4]
划船* 5 hua2 chuan2 to row a boat/ rowing boat/ rowing (sport)
建筑* 5 jian4 zhu4 building/ to construct/ Taiwan pr. jian4 zhu2/ CL:個|个[ge4]
临时* 5 lin2 shi2 at the instant sth happens/ temporary/ interim/ ad hoc
* 5 qian1 to pull (an animal on a tether)/ to lead along/ to hold hands
争取* 5 zheng1 qu3 to fight for/ to strive for/ to win over
* 5 shai4 to dry in the sun/ to sunbathe/ to share files (loan from "share")
梳子* 5 shu1 zi5 comb/ CL:把[ba3]
统一* 5 tong3 yi1 to unify/ to unite/ to integrate
优势* 5 you1 shi4 superiority/ dominance/ advantage
出席* 5 chu1 xi2 to attend/ to participate/ present
沟通* 5 gou1 tong1 communicate
删除* 5 shan1 chu2 to delete/ to cancel
熟练* 5 shu2 lian4 practiced/ proficient/ skilled/ skillful
统治* 5 tong3 zhi4 to rule (a country)/ to govern/ rule/ regime
自动* 5 zi4 dong4 automatic/ voluntarily
地位* 5 di4 wei4 position/ status/ place/ CL:個|个[ge4]
废话* 5 fei4 hua4 nonsense/ rubbish/ superfluous words/ You don't say!/ No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
华裔* 5 hua2 yi4 ethnic Chinese/ non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry
部门* 5 bu4 men2 department/ branch/ section/ division/ CL:個|个[ge4]
开心* 5 kai1 xin1 to feel happy/ to rejoice/ to have a great time/ to make fun of sb
闪电* 5 shan3 dian4 lightning/ CL:道[dao4]
痛快* 5 tong4 kuai4 overjoyed/ delighted/ happily/ heartily/ enjoying/ also pr. tong4 kuai5
* 5 xia4 to frighten/ to scare/ to intimidate/ to threaten
自豪* 5 zi4 hao2 (feel a sense of) pride/ to be proud of sth (in a good way)
* 5 bai3 to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum
不免* 5 bu4 mian3 unavoidable
鼠标* 5 shu3 biao1 mouse (computing)
费用* 5 fei4 yong4 cost/ expenditure/ expense/ CL:筆|笔[bi3];個|个[ge4]
构成* 5 gou4 cheng2 to constitute/ to form/ to compose/ to make up/ to configure (computing)
属于* 5 shu3 yu2 classified as/ to belong to/ to be part of
自觉* 5 zi4 jue2 conscious/ aware/ on one's own initiative/ conscientious
不然* 5 bu4 ran2 not so/ no/ or else/ otherwise/ if not
* 5 chu2 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including
善良* 5 shan4 liang2 good and honest/ kind-hearted
整个* 5 zheng3 ge4 whole/ entire/ total
不如* 5 bu4 ru2 not equal to/ not as good as/ inferior to/ it would be better to
讲究* 5 jiang3 jiu5 to pay particular attention to/ exquisite/ aesthetic
零件* 5 ling2 jian4 part/ component
善于* 5 shan4 yu2 be good at/ be adept in
询问* 5 xun2 wen4 to inquire
邮局* 5 you2 ju2 post office/ CL:家[jia1];個|个[ge4]
除非* 5 chu2 fei1 only if (...; or otherwise; ...)/ only when/ only in the case that/ unless
分别* 5 fen1 bie2 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually
话题* 5 hua4 ti2 subject (of a talk or conversation)/ topic
谦虚* 5 qian1 xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ to make modest remarks
游览* 5 you2 lan3 to go sight-seeing/ to tour/ to visit/ CL:次[ci4]
分布* 5 fen1 bu4 distributed/ to distribute
* 5 kan3 to chop/ to cut down/ to throw sth at sb
内科* 5 nei4 ke1 medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department
投资* 5 tou2 zi1 investment/ to invest
下载* 5 xia4 zai3 to download/ also pr. xia4 zai4
寻找* 5 xun2 zhao3 to seek/ to look for
整体* 5 zheng3 ti3 whole entity/ entire body/ synthesis/ as a whole (situation; construction; team etc)/ global/ macrocosm/ integral/ holistic/ whole
字幕* 5 zi4 mu4 caption/ subtitle
讲座* 5 jiang3 zuo4 a course of lectures/ CL:個|个[ge4]
零钱* 5 ling2 qian2 change (of money)/ small change/ pocket money
透明* 5 tou4 ming2 transparent/ open (non-secretive)
训练* 5 xun4 lian4 to train/ to drill/ training/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 zheng4 upright/ centrally located/ (of time or figure) exactly/ correct/ (of taste) pure
纷纷* 5 fen1 fen1 one after another/ in succession/ one by one/ continuously/ diverse/ in profusion/ numerous and confused/ pell-mell
看不起* 5 kan4 bu5 qi3 to look down upon/ to despise
数据* 5 shu4 ju4 data/ numbers/ digital/ also written 數據|数据
政策* 5 zheng4 ce4 policy/ CL:個|个[ge4]
点头* 5 dian3 tou2 to nod
签字* 5 qian1 zi4 to sign (a signature)
突出* 5 tu1 chu1 prominent/ outstanding/ to give prominence to/ to protrude/ to project
自信* 5 zi4 xin4 confidence/ self-confidence
点心* 5 dian3 xin5 light refreshments/ pastry/ dimsum (in Cantonese cooking)/ dessert
怀念* 5 huai2 nian4 to cherish the memory of/ to think of/ reminisce
降落* 5 jiang4 luo4 to descend/ to land
领导* 5 ling3 dao3 lead/ leading/ to lead/ leadership/ leader/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4]
* 5 nen4 tender/ soft/ delicate/ light (color)/ inexperienced/ unskilled
姑娘* 5 gu1 niang5 girl/ young woman/ young lady/ daughter/ CL:個|个[ge4]
酱油* 5 jiang4 you2 soy sauce
商品* 5 shang1 pin3 good/ commodity/ merchandise/ CL:個|个[ge4]
数码* 5 shu4 ma3 number/ numerals/ figures/ digital/ amount/ numerical code
政府* 5 zheng4 fu3 government/ CL:個|个[ge4]
自由* 5 zi4 you2 freedom/ free/ liberty/ CL:個|个[ge4]
处理* 5 chu3 li3 to handle/ to treat/ to deal with/ to process/ CL:個|个[ge4]
能干* 5 neng2 gan4 capable/ competent
自愿* 5 zi4 yuan4 voluntary
不要紧* 5 bu4 yao4 jin3 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but
古代* 5 gu3 dai4 ancient times/ olden times
* 5 jiao1 to pour liquid/ to irrigate (using waterwheel)/ to water/ to cast (molten metal)/ to mold
商业* 5 shang1 ye4 business/ trade/ commerce
犹豫* 5 you2 yu4 to hesitate
班主任* 5 ban1 zhu3 ren4 a teacher in charge of a class
* 5 shang4 on/ on top/ upon/ first (of multiple parts)/ previous/ last/ upper/ higher/ above/ to climb/ to go into/ to go up/ to attend (class or university)
鲜艳* 5 xian1 yan4 bright-colored/ gaily-colored
油炸* 5 you2 zha2 to deep fry
综合* 5 zong1 he2 comprehensive/ composite/ synthesized/ to sum up/ to integrate/ to synthesize
分配* 5 fen1 pei4 to distribute/ to assign/ to allocate
抗议* 5 kang4 yi4 protest
能源* 5 neng2 yuan2 energy/ power source/ CL:個|个[ge4]
证件* 5 zheng4 jian4 paperwork/ credentials
前途* 5 qian2 tu2 prospects/ future outlook/ journey
上当* 5 shang4 dang4 taken in (by sb's deceit)/ to be fooled/ to be duped
宗教* 5 zong1 jiao4 religion
领域* 5 ling3 yu4 domain/ sphere/ field/ territory/ area
* 5 shuai1 to throw down/ to fall/ to drop and break
土地* 5 tu3 di4 land/ territory/ soil/ local god/ Lar/ genius loci/ CL:片[pian4]
有利* 5 you3 li4 advantageous/ to have advantages/ favorable
证据* 5 zheng4 ju4 evidence/ proof/ testimony
步骤* 5 bu4 zhou4 step/ move/ measure
* 5 qian3 shallow; not deep/ superficial
土豆* 5 tu3 dou4 potato/ CL:個|个[ge4]
办理* 5 ban4 li3 to handle/ to transact/ to conduct
不足* 5 bu4 zu2 insufficient/ lacking/ deficiency/ not enough/ inadequate/ not worth/ cannot/ should not
电台* 5 dian4 tai2 transmitter-receiver/ broadcasting station/ radio station/ CL:個|个[ge4]
分析* 5 fen1 xi1 to analyze/ analysis/ CL:個|个[ge4]
交换* 5 jiao1 huan4 to exchange/ to swap/ to switch (telecom)/ commutative (math)/ to commute
总裁* 5 zong3 cai2 chairman/ director-general (of a company etc)
传播* 5 chuan2 bo1 to disseminate/ to propagate/ to spread
年代* 5 nian2 dai4 a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties)/ age/ era/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 qian4 deficient/ owe/ to lack/ yawn
* 5 shuai3 to throw/ to fling/ to swing/ to leave behind/ to throw off
* 5 tu4 to vomit/ to throw up
挣钱* 5 zheng4 qian2 to make money
古老* 5 gu3 lao3 ancient/ old/ age-old
缓解* 5 huan3 jie3 to ease/ to help relieve (a crisis)
交际* 5 jiao1 ji4 communication/ social intercourse
烤鸭* 5 kao3 ya1 roast duck
流传* 5 liu2 chuan2 to spread/ to circulate/ to hand down
总共* 5 zong3 gong4 altogether/ in sum/ in all/ in total
浏览* 5 liu2 lan3 to skim over/ to browse
* 5 tuan2 regiment/ round/ circular/ group/ society
显得* 5 xian3 de5 to seem/ to look/ to appear
财产* 5 cai2 chan3 property/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
股票* 5 gu3 piao4 share/ stock (market)
幻想* 5 huan4 xiang3 delusion/ fantasy
显然* 5 xian3 ran2 clear/ evident/ obvious(ly)
传递* 5 chuan2 di4 to transmit/ to pass on to sb else
骨头* 5 gu3 tou5 bone/ strong character/ CL:根[gen1];塊|块[kuai4]
郊区* 5 jiao1 qu1 suburban district/ outskirts/ suburbs/ CL:個|个[ge4]
强调* 5 qiang2 diao4 to emphasize (a statement)/ to stress
显示* 5 xian3 shi4 to show/ to illustrate/ to display/ to demonstrate
延长* 5 yan2 chang2 to prolong/ to extend/ to delay
幼儿园* 5 you4 er2 yuan2 kindergarten/ nursery school
传染* 5 chuan2 ran3 to infect/ contagious
鼓舞* 5 gu3 wu3 heartening (news)/ boost (morale)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 ke1 classifier for small spheres; pearls; corn grains; teeth; hearts; satellites etc
强烈* 5 qiang2 lie4 intense/ (violently) strong
* 5 nian4 to read/ to study (a degree course)/ to read aloud/ to miss (sb)/ idea/ remembrance/ twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿; 20)
双方* 5 shuang1 fang1 bilateral/ both sides/ both parties involved
* 5 xian4 county; PRC administrative division below prefecture 地區|地区[di4 qu4]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
总算* 5 zong3 suan4 at long last/ finally/ on the whole
传说* 5 chuan2 shuo1 legend/ folklore/ tradition/ it is said/ they say that...
奋斗* 5 fen4 dou4 to strive/ to struggle
* 5 qiang3 fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch
勺子* 5 shao2 zi5 scoop/ ladle/ CL:把[ba3]
总统* 5 zong3 tong3 president (of a country)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2];屆|届[jie4]
* 5 bang4 a stick/ club or cudgel/ smart/ capable/ strong/ wonderful/ classifier for legs of a relay race
传统* 5 chuan2 tong3 tradition/ traditional/ convention/ conventional/ CL:個|个[ge4]
政治* 5 zheng4 zhi4 politics/ political
总之* 5 zong3 zhi1 in a word/ in short/ in brief
* 5 diao4 to fish with a hook and bait
慌张* 5 huang1 zhang1 confused/ flustered
推辞* 5 tui1 ci2 to decline (an appointment; invitation etc)
傍晚* 5 bang4 wan3 in the evening/ when night falls/ towards evening/ at night fall/ at dusk
娱乐* 5 yu2 le4 to entertain/ to amuse/ entertainment/ recreation/ amusement/ hobby/ fun/ joy
故事* 5 gu4 shi5 story/ tale/ narrative
皇帝* 5 huang2 di4 emperor/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 she2 snake/ serpent/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
推广* 5 tui1 guang3 to extend/ to spread/ to popularize/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 cai3 to step on/ to tread/ to stamp/ to press a pedal/ to pedal (a bike)
固体* 5 gu4 ti3 solid
黄瓜* 5 huang2 gua1 cucumber/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
舌头* 5 she2 tou5 tongue/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information
推荐* 5 tui1 jian4 to recommend/ recommendation
* 5 zhi1 to support/ to sustain/ to erect/ to raise/ branch/ division/ to draw money/ surname Zhi/ classifier for rods such as pens and guns; for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ watt; classifier for power of light bulbs
采访* 5 cai3 fang3 to interview/ to gather news/ to hunt for and collect/ to cover
窗帘* 5 chuang1 lian2 window curtains
* 5 ding1 cubes of meat and vegetables/ man/ members of a family/ population/ fourth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/
皇后* 5 huang2 hou4 empress/ imperial consort
角度* 5 jiao3 du4 angle/ point of view
* 5 qiao2 look at
舍不得* 5 she3 bu5 de5 to hate to do sth/ to hate to part with/ to begrudge
宁可* 5 ning4 ke3 preferably/ one would prefer to...(or not to...)/ would rather/ (would) be better to/ (to pick) the lesser of two evils
设备* 5 she4 bei4 equipment/ facilities/ installations/ CL:個|个[ge4]
包含* 5 bao1 han2 to contain/ to embody/ to include
彩虹* 5 cai3 hong2 rainbow
* 5 chuang3 to rush/ to charge/ to dash/ to break through/ to temper oneself (through battling hardships)
黄金* 5 huang2 jin1 gold
* 5 long2 dragon/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ imperial
* 5 yu3 to give/ to help/ to get along with/ and/ with
* 5 ding3 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg)
雇佣* 5 gu4 yong1 to employ/ to hire
巧妙* 5 qiao3 miao4 ingenious/ clever
射击* 5 she4 ji1 to shoot/ to fire (a gun)
* 5 hui1 to wave/ to brandish/ to wipe away/ to command/ to conduct/ to scatter/ to disperse
退* 5 tui4 retreat/ to decline/ to move back/ to withdraw
疯狂* 5 feng1 kuang2 madness/ extreme popularity
* 5 hui1 ash/ dust/ lime/ gray/ discouraged/ dejected
牛仔裤* 5 niu2 zai3 ku4 jeans/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ also written 牛崽褲|牛崽裤
* 5 qie1 to cut/ to slice/ tangent (math)
设计* 5 she4 ji4 plan/ design/ to design/ to plan/ CL:個|个[ge4]
现象* 5 xian4 xiang4 appearance/ phenomenon/ CL:個|个[ge4]
与其* 5 yu3 qi2 rather than.../ 與其|与其 A 不如|不如 B (rather than A; better to B)
知道* 5 zhi1 dao4 to know/ to be aware of
采取* 5 cai3 qu3 to adopt or carry out (measures; policies; course of action)/ to take
创造* 5 chuang4 zao4 to create/ to bring about/ to produce/ CL:個|个[ge4]
可怕* 5 ke3 pa4 awful/ dreadful/ fearful/ formidable/ frightful/ scary/ hideous/ horrible/ terrible/ terribly
说不定* 5 shuo1 bu5 ding4 can't say for sure/ maybe
退休* 5 tui4 xiu1 retirement (from work)
严肃* 5 yan2 su4 solemn/ solemnity
语气* 5 yu3 qi4 tone/ manner of speaking/ mood/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 bao2 thin/ cold in manner/ indifferent/ weak/ light/ infertile
恢复* 5 hui1 fu4 to reinstate/ to resume/ to restore/ to recover/ to regain/ to rehabilitate
教练* 5 jiao4 lian4 instructor/ sports coach/ trainer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
说服* 5 shuo1 fu2 to persuade/ to convince/ to talk sb over/ Taiwan pr. shui4 fu2
* 5 chui1 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through
* 5 nong2 concentrated/ dense
亲爱* 5 qin1 ai4 Dear or beloved (way of starting a letter)
宝贝* 5 bao3 bei4 treasured object/ treasure/ darling/ baby/ cowry/ good-for-nothing or queer character
挂号* 5 gua4 hao4 to register (a letter etc)
* 5 lou4 to leak/ to divulge/ to leave out by mistake/ waterclock or hourglass (old)
设施* 5 she4 shi1 facilities/ installation
祖国* 5 zu3 guo2 ancestral land CL:個|个[ge4]/ homeland/ used for PRC
保持* 5 bao3 chi2 to keep/ to maintain/ to hold/ to preserve
* 5 guai1 (of a child) obedient; well-behaved/ clever/ shrewd/ alert/ perverse/ contrary to reason/ irregular/ abnormal
灰心* 5 hui1 xin1 lose heart/ be discouraged
侵略* 5 qin1 lve4 invasion/ encroachment
组合* 5 zu3 he2 to assemble/ combination/ combinatorial
保存* 5 bao3 cun2 to conserve/ to preserve/ to keep/ to save (a file etc) (computing)
参考* 5 can1 kao3 consultation/ reference/ to consult/ to refer
拐弯* 5 guai3 wan1 to go round a curve/ to turn a corner/ fig. a new direction
教训* 5 jiao4 xun5 a lesson/ a moral/ to chide sb/ to lecture sb
* 5 si1 to tear
相处* 5 xiang1 chu3 get along with each other
宇宙* 5 yu3 zhou4 universe/ cosmos
风俗* 5 feng1 su2 social custom/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 lu4 dew/ syrup/ nectar/ outdoors (not under cover)/ to show/ to reveal/ to betray/ to expose
摄影* 5 she4 ying3 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie)
丝绸* 5 si1 chou2 silk cloth/ silk
相当* 5 xiang1 dang1 equivalent to/ appropriate/ considerably/ to a certain extent/ fairly
宝贵* 5 bao3 gui4 valuable/ precious/ value/ treasure/ set store by
餐厅* 5 can1 ting1 dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1]
怪不得* 5 guai4 bu5 de5 lit. you can't blame it!/ no wonder!/ so that's why!
陆地* 5 lu4 di4 dry land (as opposed to the sea)
亲切* 5 qin1 qie4 amiable/ friendliness/ gracious/ hospitality/ intimate/ cordial/ kind/ close and dear/ familiar
祖先* 5 zu3 xian1 ancestor/ forebears
参与* 5 can1 yu4 to participate (in sth)
* 5 ke4 to be able to/ to subdue/ to restrain/ to overcome/ gram
录取* 5 lu4 qu3 to recruit/ to enroll
丝毫* 5 si1 hao2 the slightest amount or degree/ a bit
相对* 5 xiang1 dui4 relatively/ opposite/ to resist/ to oppose/ relative/ vis-a-vis
预报* 5 yu4 bao4 forecast
* 5 guan1 official/ government/ organ of body/ CL:個|个[ge4]
陆续* 5 lu4 xu4 in turn/ successively/ one after the other/ bit by bit
* 5 shen1 to stretch/ to extend
* 5 zhi2 straight/ to straighten/ fair and reasonable/ frank/ straightforward/ (indicates continuing motion or action)/ vertical/ vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
阻止* 5 zu3 zhi3 to prevent/ to block
残疾* 5 can2 ji2 disabled/ handicapped/ deformity on a person or animal
* 5 dong4 to freeze/ to feel very cold/ aspic or jelly
关闭* 5 guan1 bi4 to close/ to shut
录音* 5 lu4 yin1 to record (sound)/ sound-recording/ CL:個|个[ge4]
亲自* 5 qin1 zi4 personally
思考* 5 si1 kao3 to reflect on/ to ponder over
预订* 5 yu4 ding4 to place an order/ to book ahead
保留* 5 bao3 liu2 to retain/ to continue to have/ to preserve/ to maintain/ to reserve/ reservations/ to hold back (approval or acceptance)
观察* 5 guan1 cha2 to observe/ to watch/ to survey/ to examine/ observation/ view/ perspective/ CL:個|个[ge4]
接触* 5 jie1 chu4 to touch/ to contact/ access/ in touch with
勤奋* 5 qin2 fen4 hardworking/ diligent
相关* 5 xiang1 guan1 interrelated/ correlation/ dependence/ relevance/ mutuality
预防* 5 yu4 fang2 to prevent/ to take precautions against/ to protect/ to guard against/ precautionary/ prophylactic
* 5 dong4 cave/ hole/ zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
讽刺* 5 feng3 ci4 to satirize/ to mock/ irony/ satire/ sarcasm
观点* 5 guan1 dian3 point of view/ viewpoint/ standpoint/ CL:個|个[ge4]
接待* 5 jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter)
课程* 5 ke4 cheng2 course/ class/ CL:堂[tang2];节|節[jie2];門|门[men2]
克服* 5 ke4 fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc)/ to conquer/ to put up with/ to endure
相连* 5 xiang1 lian2 to link/ to join/ link/ connection
玉米* 5 yu4 mi3 corn/ maize/ CL:粒[li4]
动画片* 5 dong4 hua4 pian1 cartoon/ animation
否定* 5 fou3 ding4 to negate/ negative (answer)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
阶段* 5 jie1 duan4 stage/ section/ phase/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4]
客观* 5 ke4 guan1 objective/ impartial
轮流* 5 lun2 liu2 to alternate/ to take turns
勤劳* 5 qin2 lao2 hardworking/ industrious/ diligent
关怀* 5 guan1 huai2 care/ solicitude/ to show care for/ concerned about/ attentive to
* 5 qing1 nature's color/ green or blue/ greenish black/ youth/ young (of people)/ abbr. for Qinghai province 青海
身份* 5 shen1 fen4 identity/ status/ capacity/ dignity/ position/ rank
相似* 5 xiang1 si4 to resemble/ similar/ like/ resemblance/ similarity
* 5 zui4 intoxicated
保险* 5 bao3 xian3 insurance/ to insure/ safe/ secure/ be sure/ be bound to/ CL:份[fen4]
辞职* 5 ci2 zhi2 to resign
否认* 5 fou3 ren4 to declare to be untrue/ to deny
接近* 5 jie1 jin4 near/ close to
刻苦* 5 ke4 ku3 hardworking/ assiduous
深刻* 5 shen1 ke4 profound/ deep/ deep-going
* 5 wai1 askew/ at a crooked angle/ devious/ noxious
此外* 5 ci3 wai4 besides/ in addition/ moreover/ furthermore
观念* 5 guan1 nian4 notion/ thought/ concept/ sense/ views/ ideology/ general impressions
论文* 5 lun4 wen2 paper/ treatise/ thesis/ CL:篇[pian1]/ to discuss a paper or thesis (old)
思想* 5 si1 xiang3 thought/ thinking/ idea/ ideology/ CL:個|个[ge4]
客厅* 5 ke4 ting1 drawing room (room for arriving guests)/ living room/ CL:間|间[jian1]
执行* 5 zhi2 xing2 implement/ carry out/ to execute/ to run
操场* 5 cao1 chang3 playground/ sports field/ drill ground/ CL:個|个[ge4]
婚礼* 5 hun1 li3 wedding ceremony/ wedding
逻辑* 5 luo2 ji5 logic (loanword)
刺激* 5 ci4 ji1 to provoke/ to irritate/ to upset/ to stimulate/ to excite/ irritant
* 5 fu2 width/ roll/ classifier for textiles or pictures
接着* 5 jie1 zhe5 to catch and hold on/ to continue/ to go on to do sth/ to follow/ to carry on/ then/ after that/ subsequently/ to proceed/ to ensue/ in turn/ in one's turn
偶然* 5 ou3 ran2 incidentally/ occasional/ occasionally/ by chance/ randomly
外交* 5 wai4 jiao1 diplomacy/ diplomatic/ foreign affairs/ CL:個|个[ge4]
尊敬* 5 zun1 jing4 respect/ to revere
* 5 fu2 to support with hand/ to help sb up/ to help
婚姻* 5 hun1 yin1 matrimony/ wedding/ marriage/ CL:次[ci4]
* 5 jie2 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4]
青春* 5 qing1 chun1 youth/ youthfulness
神话* 5 shen2 hua4 fairy tale/ mythology/ myth
遵守* 5 zun1 shou3 to comply with/ to abide by/ to respect (an agreement)
操心* 5 cao1 xin1 to worry about
服从* 5 fu2 cong2 to obey (an order)/ to comply/ to defer
落后* 5 luo4 hou4 to fall behind/ to lag (in technology etc)/ backward/ to retrogress
清淡* 5 qing1 dan4 light (of food; not greasy or strongly flavored)/ insipid/ slack (sales)
似乎* 5 si4 hu1 apparently/ to seem/ to appear/ as if/ seemingly
次要* 5 ci4 yao4 secondary
结构* 5 jie2 gou4 structure/ composition/ makeup/ architecture/ CL:座[zuo4];個|个[ge4]
寺庙* 5 si4 miao4 temple/ monastery/ shrine
* 5 wan1 bend/ bent/ CL:道[dao4]
* 5 pai1 to pat/ to clap/ to slap/ fly-swatter/ racket/ to take (a photograph)
神秘* 5 shen2 mi4 mysterious/ mystery
想念* 5 xiang3 nian4 miss/ remember with longing/ long to see again
阳台* 5 yang2 tai2 balcony/ porch
指导* 5 zhi3 dao3 to guide/ to give directions/ to direct/ to coach/ guidance/ tuition/ CL:個|个[ge4]
结合* 5 jie2 he2 to combine/ to link/ to integrate/ binding/ CL:次[ci4]
享受* 5 xiang3 shou4 to enjoy/ to live it up/ pleasure/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 5 yang3 to itch/ to tickle
* 5 cong2 from/ via/ passing through/ through
青少年* 5 qing1 shao4 nian2 an adolescent/ a youth/ young person/ teenage/ teenager
想象* 5 xiang3 xiang4 to imagine/ to fancy/ CL:個|个[ge4]
排队* 5 pai2 dui4 to line up
轻视* 5 qing1 shi4 contempt/ contemptuous/ to despise/ to scorn/ scornful
缘故* 5 yuan2 gu4 reason/ cause
指挥* 5 zhi3 hui1 to conduct/ to command/ to direct/ conductor (of an orchestra)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
从此* 5 cong2 ci3 from now on/ since then/ henceforth
冠军* 5 guan4 jun1 champion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 xiang4 (look) like/ similar (to)/ appearance/ to appear/ to seem/ image/ portrait/ resemble/ seem
报告* 5 bao4 gao4 to inform/ report/ make known/ speech/ talk/ lecture/ CL:篇[pian1];份[fen4];個|个[ge4];通[tong4]
* 5 ce4 book/ booklet/ classifier for books
* 5 dou4 to stay/ to stop/ to pause (while reading)/ to tease (play with)
豆腐* 5 dou4 fu5 tofu/ bean curd
结论* 5 jie2 lun4 conclusion/ verdict/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to conclude/ to reach a verdict
从前* 5 cong2 qian2 previously/ formerly/ once upon a time
活跃* 5 huo2 yue4 active/ vigorous
恐怖* 5 kong3 bu4 terrible/ frightful/ frightening/ terror/ terrorist
排球* 5 pai2 qiu2 volleyball/ CL:個|个[ge4]
玩具* 5 wan2 ju4 plaything/ toy
* 5 yao1 waist/ lower back/ pocket/ middle/ loins
服装* 5 fu2 zhuang1 dress/ clothing/ costume/ clothes/ CL:身[shen1]
* 5 pai4 clique/ school/ group/ faction/ to dispatch/ to send/ to assign/ to appoint/ pi (Greek letter Ππ)/ the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
完美* 5 wan2 mei3 perfect/ perfection/ perfectly
从事* 5 cong2 shi4 to go for/ to engage in/ to undertake/ to deal with/ to handle/ to do
光滑* 5 guang1 hua5 glossy/ sleek/ smooth
伙伴* 5 huo3 ban4 partner/ companion/ comrade
节省* 5 jie2 sheng3 saving/ to save/ to use sparingly/ to cut down on
厕所* 5 ce4 suo3 toilet/ lavatory/ CL:間|间[jian1];處|处[chu4]
辅导* 5 fu3 dao3 to coach/ to tutor/ to give advice (in study)
火柴* 5 huo3 chai2 match (for lighting fire)/ CL:根[gen1];盒[he2]
* 5 yao2 shake/ to rock
测验* 5 ce4 yan4 test/ to test/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
光临* 5 guang1 lin2 (honorific) Welcome!/ You honor us with your presence./ It is an honor to have you.
宿舍* 5 su4 she4 dormitory/ dorm room/ living quarters/ hostel/ CL:間|间[jian1]
项目* 5 xiang4 mu4 item/ project/ sports event/ CL:個|个[ge4]
作品* 5 zuo4 pin3 work (of art)/ opus/ CL:部[bu4];篇[pian1]
独立* 5 du2 li4 independent/ independence/ to stand alone
完善* 5 wan2 shan4 perfect/ to make perfect/ to improve
光明* 5 guang1 ming2 light/ illumination/ radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc)/ fig. bright prospect/ openhearted
结账* 5 jie2 zhang4 to pay the bill/ to settle accounts/ also written 結帳|结帐
作为* 5 zuo4 wei2 one's conduct/ deed/ activity/ accomplishment/ achievement/ to act as/ as (in the capacity of)/ qua/ to view as/ to look upon (sth as)/ to take sth to be
促进* 5 cu4 jin4 to promote (an idea or cause)/ to advance/ boost
光盘* 5 guang1 pan2 compact disc/ CD or DVD/ CD ROM/ CL:片[pian4];張|张[zhang1]
控制* 5 kong4 zhi4 control/ to exercise control over/ to contain
完整* 5 wan2 zheng3 complete/ intact
制定* 5 zhi4 ding4 to draw up/ to formulate
曾经* 5 ceng2 jing1 once/ already/ former/ previously/ ever/ (past tense marker used before verb or clause)
促使* 5 cu4 shi3 to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development)
光荣* 5 guang1 rong2 honor and glory/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 sheng1 to raise/ to hoist/ to promote/ metric liter (also written 公升)/ measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗
象征* 5 xiang4 zheng1 emblem/ symbol/ token/ badge/ to symbolize/ to signify/ to stand for
作文* 5 zuo4 wen2 to write an essay/ composition (student essay)/ CL:篇[pian1]
* 5 cha1 to insert/ stick in/ pierce/ to take part in/ to interfere/ to interpose
制度* 5 zhi4 du4 system (e.g. political; adminstrative etc)/ institution/ CL:個|个[ge4]
差别* 5 cha1 bie2 difference/ distinction/ diversity/ disparity
* 5 cui1 to urge/ to press/ to prompt/ to rush sb/ to hasten sth/ to expedite
解放* 5 jie3 fang4 to liberate/ to emancipate/ liberation/ refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949/ CL:次[ci4]
* 5 ma4 to scold/ abuse/ CL:通[tong4];頓|顿[dun4]
盼望* 5 pan4 wang4 to hope for/ look forward to
生产* 5 sheng1 chan3 childbirth/ parturition/ to produce/ manufacture
* 5 yao3 to bite/ to nip
原则* 5 yuan2 ze2 principle/ doctrine/ CL:個|个[ge4]
广大* 5 guang3 da4 (of an area) vast or extensive/ large-scale/ widespread/ (of people) numerous
智慧* 5 zhi4 hui4 wisdom/ knowledge/ intelligent/ intelligence
叉子* 5 cha1 zi5 fork/ CL:把[ba3]
口味* 5 kou3 wei4 a person's preferences/ tastes (in food)/ flavor
情绪* 5 qing2 xu4 feeling/ sentiment/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
消费* 5 xiao1 fei4 to consume/ CL:個|个[ge4]
至今* 5 zhi4 jin1 until now
* 5 cun2 exist/ deposit/ store/ keep/ survive
声调* 5 sheng1 diao4 tone/ note/ a tone (on a Chinese syllable)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
存在* 5 cun2 zai4 to exist/ to be
消化* 5 xiao1 hua4 digest/ digestion/ digestive
要不* 5 yao4 bu4 otherwise/ or/ or else/ how about...? (one choice or the other)/ either this; or else...
万一* 5 wan4 yi1 just in case/ if by any chance/ contingency
王子* 5 wang2 zi3 prince/ son of a king
* 5 bei4 (two; three etc) -fold/ times (multiplier)/ double/ to increase or multiply
解说员* 5 jie3 shuo1 yuan2 commentator
消灭* 5 xiao1 mie4 to put an end to/ to annihilate/ to cause to perish/ to perish/ annihilation (in quantum field theory)
治疗* 5 zhi4 liao2 to treat/ to cure/ medical treatment/ cure
措施* 5 cuo4 shi1 measure/ step (to be taken)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
赔偿* 5 pei2 chang2 to compensate
消失* 5 xiao1 shi1 to disappear/ to fade away
错误* 5 cuo4 wu4 error/ mistake/ mistaken/ CL:個|个[ge4]
妇女* 5 fu4 nv3 woman
往返* 5 wang3 fan3 to go back and forth/ to go to and fro
销售* 5 xiao1 shou4 to sell/ market/ sales
* 5 chai1 to tear open/ to tear down/ to tear apart/ to open
* 5 jie4 to arrive at (place or time)/ period/ to become due/ classifier for events; meetings; elections; sporting fixtures etc
* 5 kua1 to boast/ to exaggerate/ to praise
麦克风* 5 mai4 ke4 feng1 microphone (loanword)
培养* 5 pei2 yang3 to train/ culture/ to bring up/ to groom (for a position)
馒头* 5 man2 tou5 steamed roll/ steamed bun/ steamed bread/ CL:個|个[ge4]
规矩* 5 gui1 ju5 lit. compass and set square/ fig. established standard/ rule/ customs/ practices/ fig. upright and honest/ well-behaved
* 5 sui4 to break down/ to break into pieces/ fragmentary
* 5 yun1 confused/ dizzy/ giddy/ faint/ swoon/ lose consciousness/ pass out
背景* 5 bei4 jing3 background/ backdrop/ context/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
规律* 5 gui1 lv4 rule (e.g. of science)/ law of behavior/ regular pattern/ rhythm/ discipline
借口* 5 jie4 kou3 to use as an excuse/ on the pretext
小伙子* 5 xiao3 huo3 zi5 lad/ young fellow/ youngster/ CL:個|个[ge4]
答应* 5 da1 ying5 to promise/ to agree/ to reply/ to respond
规模* 5 gui1 mo2 scale/ scope/ extent/ CL:個|个[ge4]
配合* 5 pei4 he2 matching/ fitting in with/ compatible with/ to correspond/ to fit/ to conform to/ rapport/ to coordinate with/ to act in concert with/ to cooperate/ to become man and wife/ to combine parts of machine
秩序* 5 zhi4 xu4 order (orderly)/ order (sequence)/ social order/ the state (of society)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
产品* 5 chan3 pin3 goods/ merchandise/ product/ CL:個|个[ge4]
满足* 5 man3 zu2 to satisfy/ to meet (the needs of)
球迷* 5 qiu2 mi2 soccer fan/ crazy about ball sports/ CL:個|个[ge4]
孙子* 5 sun1 zi5 grandson (paternal)
至于* 5 zhi4 yu2 as for/ as to/ to go so far as to
产生* 5 chan3 sheng1 to arise/ to come into being/ to come about/ to give rise to/ to bring into being/ to bring about/ to produce/ to engender/ to generate/ to appear/ appearance/ emergence/ generation/ production/ yield
规则* 5 gui1 ze2 rule/ regulation/ rules and regulations
戒烟* 5 jie4 yan1 to give up smoking
会计* 5 kuai4 ji4 accountant/ accountancy/ accounting
志愿者* 5 zhi4 yuan4 zhe3 volunteer
* 5 pen2 basin/ flower pot/ unit of volume equal to 12 斗 and 8 升; approx 128 liters/ CL:個|个[ge4]
损失* 5 sun3 shi1 loss/ damage/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to lose/ to damage
达到* 5 da2 dao4 to reach/ to achieve/ to attain
缩短* 5 suo1 duan3 to curtail/ to cut down
运气* 5 yun4 qi5 luck (good or bad)
运输* 5 yun4 shu1 transport/ haulage/ transit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
对比* 5 dui4 bi3 contrast/ balance/ CL:個|个[ge4]
复制* 5 fu4 zhi4 to duplicate/ to make a copy of/ to copy/ to reproduce/ to clone
* 5 suo3 actually/ place/ classifier for houses; small buildings; institutions etc/ that which/ particle introducing a relative clause or passive/ CL:個|个[ge4]
危害* 5 wei1 hai4 to jeopardize/ to harm/ to endanger/ CL:個|个[ge4]
业务* 5 ye4 wu4 business/ profession/ CL:個|个[ge4]
柜台* 5 gui4 tai2 sales counter/ front desk/ bar
金属* 5 jin1 shu3 metal/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
绳子* 5 sheng2 zi5 cord/ string/ rope/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
* 5 suo3 to lock up/ to lock/ CL:把[ba3]
* 5 zhong1 clock/ o'clock/ time as measured in hours and minutes/ bell/ CL:架[jia4];座[zuo4]
本科* 5 ben3 ke1 undergraduate course/ undergraduate (adjective)
碰见* 5 peng4 jian4 to run into/ to meet (unexpectedly)/ to bump into
运用* 5 yun4 yong4 to use/ to put to use
打工* 5 da3 gong1 to work (do manual labor for a living)/ a part time job/ to moonlight
改革* 5 gai3 ge2 to reform/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 gun3 to boil/ to roll/ get lost (imperative)/ take a hike
* 5 jin3 tight/ strict/ close at hand/ near/ urgent/ tense/ hard up/ short of money/ to tighten
* 5 pi1 to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches; lots; military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
所谓* 5 suo3 wei4 so-called/ what is called
对待* 5 dui4 dai4 to treat/ treatment
改进* 5 gai3 jin4 to improve/ to make better/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 pi1 to drape over one's shoulders/ to open/ to unroll/ to split open/ to spread out
省略* 5 sheng3 lve4 to leave out/ an omission
对方* 5 dui4 fang1 counterpart/ other person involved/ opposite side/ other side/ receiving party
* 5 guo1 pot/ pan/ boiler/ CL:口[kou3];隻|只[zhi1]
* 5 qu3 take a wife/ to marry (a woman)
一辈子* 5 yi1 bei4 zi5 (for) a lifetime
改善* 5 gai3 shan4 to make better/ to improve/ CL:個|个[ge4]
威胁* 5 wei1 xie2 to threaten/ to menace
打交道* 5 da3 jiao1 dao4 to come into contact with/ to have dealings
改正* 5 gai3 zheng4 to correct/ to amend/ to put right/ correction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
国籍* 5 guo2 ji2 nationality
* 5 mao2 hair/ feather/ down
取消* 5 qu3 xiao1 to cancel/ cancellation
中介* 5 zhong1 jie4 to act as intermediary/ to link/ intermediate/ inter-/ agency/ agent
常识* 5 chang2 shi2 common sense/ general knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2]
* 5 gai4 lid/ top/ cover/ canopy/ to build
毛病* 5 mao2 bing4 fault/ defect/ shortcomings/ CL:個|个[ge4]
一旦* 5 yi1 dan4 in case (sth happens)/ if/ once (sth happens; then...)/ when/ in a short time/ in one day
概括* 5 gai4 kuo4 to summarize/ to generalize/ briefly/ CL:個|个[ge4]
矛盾* 5 mao2 dun4 contradictory/ contradiction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
批准* 5 pi1 zhun3 to approve/ to ratify
胜利* 5 sheng4 li4 victory/ CL:個|个[ge4]
灾害* 5 zai1 hai4 disastrous damage/ scourge/ CL:個|个[ge4]
长途* 5 chang2 tu2 long distance
概念* 5 gai4 nian4 concept/ idea/ CL:個|个[ge4]
国庆节* 5 Guo2 qing4 jie2 PRC National Day (October 1st)
谨慎* 5 jin3 shen4 cautious/ prudent
打喷嚏* 5 da3 pen1 ti4 to sneeze
去世* 5 qu4 shi4 to pass away/ to die
违反* 5 wei2 fan3 to violate (a law)
* 5 xie1 to rest
* 5 shi1 poem/ CL: 首[shou3]/ poetry/ verse/ abbr. for Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[shi1 jing1]
* 5 ta3 pagoda/ tower/ minaret/ stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/ CL:座[zuo4]
维护* 5 wei2 hu4 to defend/ to safeguard/ to protect/ to uphold/ to maintain
* 5 xie2 inclined/ slanting/ oblique/ tilting
对手* 5 dui4 shou3 opponent/ adversary/ match
干脆* 5 gan1 cui4 straightforward/ clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement)/ you might as well/ simply
冒险* 5 mao4 xian3 to take risks/ to take chances/ foray/ adventure
* 5 quan1 circle/ ring/ loop/ classifier for loops; orbits; laps of race etc/ CL:個|个[ge4]
围巾* 5 wei2 jin1 scarf/ shawl/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
贸易* 5 mao4 yi4 (commercial) trade/ CL:個|个[ge4]
打听* 5 da3 ting5 to ask about/ to inquire about
进步* 5 jin4 bu4 progress/ improvement/ to improve/ to progress/ CL:個|个[ge4]
中心* 5 zhong1 xin1 center/ heart/ core/ CL:個|个[ge4]
对象* 5 dui4 xiang4 target/ object/ partner/ boyfriend/ girlfriend/ CL:個|个[ge4]
及格* 5 ji2 ge2 to pass a test
近代* 5 jin4 dai4 modern times
台阶* 5 tai2 jie1 flight of steps (leading up to a house)/ step (over obstacle)/ bench/ fig. way out of an embarrassing situation
围绕* 5 wei2 rao4 to revolve around/ to center on (an issue)
皮鞋* 5 pi2 xie2 leather shoes
失眠* 5 shi1 mian2 (suffer from) insomnia
协调* 5 xie2 tiao2 to coordinate/ to harmonize/ negotiation
中旬* 5 zhong1 xun2 middle third of a month
打招呼* 5 da3 zhao1 hu5 to greet sb by word or action/ to give prior notice
对于* 5 dui4 yu2 regarding/ as far as sth is concerned/ with regards to
* 5 pi3 ordinary person/ classifier for horses; mules etc/ classifier for cloth: bolt
权利* 5 quan2 li4 power/ right/ privilege
失去* 5 shi1 qu4 to lose
再三* 5 zai4 san1 over and over again/ again and again
权力* 5 quan2 li4 (wield) power
* 5 dun1 ton/ Taiwan pr. dun4
过分* 5 guo4 fen4 excessive/ undue/ overly
进口* 5 jin4 kou3 to import/ imported
眉毛* 5 mei2 mao5 eyebrow/ CL:根[gen1]
太极拳* 5 tai4 ji2 quan2 shadowboxing or Taiji; T'aichi or T'aichichuan/ traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation/ a martial art
唯一* 5 wei2 yi1 only/ sole
* 5 dun1 to crouch/ to squat
煤炭* 5 mei2 tan4 coal
全面* 5 quan2 mian4 all-around/ comprehensive/ total/ overall
彼此* 5 bi3 ci3 each other/ one another
* 5 chao1 to copy/ to plagiarize/ to search and seize/ to go/ to transcribe/ to take a shortcut/ to search and confiscate
尽力* 5 jin4 li4 to strive one's hardest/ to spare no effort
太太* 5 tai4 tai5 married woman/ Mrs./ Madam/ wife/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
一路平安* 5 yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 to have a pleasant journey/ Bon voyage!
赞成* 5 zan4 cheng2 approve/ endorse
过敏* 5 guo4 min3 to be allergic/ allergy
尽量* 5 jin4 liang4 to the full
辣椒* 5 la4 jiao1 hot pepper/ chili
失业* 5 shi1 ye4 unemployment
委屈* 5 wei3 qu1 to feel wronged/ to nurse a grievance/ to cause sb to feel wronged
赞美* 5 zan4 mei3 admire/ applause/ praise/ to eulogize
大方* 5 da4 fang1 expert/ scholar/ mother earth/ a type of green tea
感激* 5 gan3 ji1 to express thanks/ grateful/ moved to gratitude
过期* 5 guo4 qi1 to be overdue/ to exceed the time limit/ to expire (as in expiration date)
委托* 5 wei3 tuo1 to entrust/ to trust/ to commission
多亏* 5 duo1 kui1 thanks to/ luckily
* 5 zhong4 heavy/ serious
比例* 5 bi3 li4 proportion/ scale
* 5 quan4 to advise/ to urge/ to try to persuade/ exhort
比如* 5 bi3 ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as
集体* 5 ji2 ti3 collective/ social/ team/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 pian4 thin piece/ flake/ a slice/ film/ TV play/ to slice/ to carve thin/ partial/ incomplete/ one-sided/ classifier for slices; tablets; tract of land; area of water/ classifier for CDs; movies; DVDs etc/ used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario; scen
依然* 5 yi1 ran2 still/ as before
* 5 chao2 imperial or royal court/ government/ dynasty/ reign of a sovereign or emperor/ court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/ to make a pilgrimage to/ facing/ towards
赶快* 5 gan3 kuai4 at once/ immediately
缺乏* 5 que1 fa2 shortage/ be lacking/ to be short of/ to lack/ scarcity
朝代* 5 chao2 dai4 dynasty/ reign (of a king)
多余* 5 duo1 yu2 superfluous/ unnecessary/ surplus
美术* 5 mei3 shu4 art/ fine arts/ painting/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 5 guo5 (experienced action marker)/ to cross/ to go over
来自* 5 lai2 zi4 to come from (a place)/ From: (in email header)
魅力* 5 mei4 li4 charm/ fascination/ glamor/ charisma
谈判* 5 tan2 pan4 to negotiate/ negotiation/ talks/ conference/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 wei4 to fear
* 5 ha1 laughter/ yawn/ abbr. for Kazakhstan
* 5 lan2 cut off/ hinder
片面* 5 pian4 mian4 unilateral/ one-sided
* 5 wei4 stomach/ CL:個|个[ge4]
糟糕* 5 zao1 gao1 too bad/ how terrible/ what bad luck/ terrible/ bad
躲藏* 5 duo3 cang2 to hide oneself
感受* 5 gan3 shou4 to sense/ perception/ to feel (through the senses)/ a feeling/ an impression/ an experience
* 5 piao1 to float
时代* 5 shi2 dai4 age/ era/ epoch/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4]
未必* 5 wei4 bi4 not necessarily/ maybe not
心理* 5 xin1 li3 mental/ psychological
大型* 5 da4 xing2 large scale/ wide scale/ broad scale
感想* 5 gan3 xiang3 impressions/ reflections/ thoughts/ CL:通[tong4];個|个[ge4]
坦率* 5 tan3 shuai4 frank (discussion)/ blunt/ open
* 5 chao3 saute/ pan-fry/ to fry/ fried
集中* 5 ji2 zhong1 to concentrate/ to centralize/ to focus/ centralized/ concentrated/ to put together
毕竟* 5 bi4 jing4 after all/ all in all/ when all is said and done/ in the final analysis
吵架* 5 chao3 jia4 to quarrel/ to have a row/ CL:頓|顿[dun4]
* 5 gan4 to work/ to do/ to manage
避免* 5 bi4 mian3 to avert/ to prevent/ to avoid/ to refrain from
干活儿* 5 gan4 huo2 r5 to work/ manual labor
* 5 lan4 soft/ mushy/ well-cooked and soft/ to rot/ to decompose/ rotten/ worn out/ chaotic/ messy/ utterly/ thoroughly
确定* 5 que4 ding4 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box)
未来* 5 wei4 lai2 future/ tomorrow/ approaching/ coming/ pending/ CL:個|个[ge4]
周到* 5 zhou1 dao5 thoughtful/ considerate/ attentive/ thorough
* 5 dai1 foolish/ stupid/ expressionless/ blank/ to stay
* 5 lang2 wolf/ CL:匹[pi3];隻|只[zhi1];條|条[tiao2]
欣赏* 5 xin1 shang3 to appreciate/ to enjoy/ to admire
造成* 5 zao4 cheng2 to bring about/ to create/ to cause
彻底* 5 che4 di3 thorough/ thoroughly/ complete
恶劣* 5 e4 lie4 vile/ nasty/ of very poor quality
海关* 5 hai3 guan1 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
一致* 5 yi1 zhi4 unanimous/ identical (views or opinions)
必需* 5 bi4 xu1 to need/ to require/ essential/ indispensable
海鲜* 5 hai3 xian1 seafood
频道* 5 pin2 dao4 frequency/ (television) channel
确认* 5 que4 ren4 to confirm/ to verify/ confirmation
卫生间* 5 wei4 sheng1 jian1 bathroom/ toilet/ WC/ CL:間|间[jian1]
移动* 5 yi2 dong4 to move/ movement/ migration/ mobile/ portable
* 5 ze2 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/ standard/ norm/ rule/ to imitate/ to follow/ then/ principle/ classifier for written items (such as an official statement)
迷路* 5 mi2 lu4 to lose the way/ lost/ labyrinth/ labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)
实践* 5 shi2 jian4 to practice/ to put into practice/ to fulfill
遗憾* 5 yi2 han4 regret/ pity/ sorry
责备* 5 ze2 bei4 to blame/ to criticize sb
时刻* 5 shi2 ke4 moment/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ constantly/ always
* 5 tang4 quantifier for the number of trips or runs made
劳动* 5 lao2 dong4 work/ toil/ physical labor/ CL:次[ci4]
* 5 tang4 to scald/ to burn/ to iron/ hot
位置* 5 wei4 zhi5 position/ place/ seat/ CL:個|个[ge4]
编辑* 5 bian1 ji2 to edit/ to compile/ editor/ compiler
沉默* 5 chen2 mo4 silence/ uncommunicative
贷款* 5 dai4 kuan3 a loan/ to provide a loan (e.g. bank)/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
时髦* 5 shi2 mao2 in vogue/ fashionable
移民* 5 yi2 min2 to immigrate/ to migrate/ emigrant/ immigrant
* 5 han3 call/ cry/ to shout
系领带* 5 ji4 ling3 dai4 tie one's necktie
谜语* 5 mi2 yu3 riddle/ conundrum
燃烧* 5 ran2 shao1 combustion/ flaming/ kindle
时期* 5 shi2 qi1 a period in time or history/ period/ time (interval)/ phase/ CL:個|个[ge4]
纪录* 5 ji4 lu4 record
时尚* 5 shi2 shang4 fashion
* 5 tao2 to escape/ to run away/ to flee
鞭炮* 5 bian1 pao4 firecrackers/ a string of small firecrackers/ CL:枚[mei2]
记录* 5 ji4 lu4 record/ CL:個|个[ge4]
老百姓* 5 lao3 bai3 xing4 ordinary people/ the "person in the street"/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 rang3 blurt out/ to shout
逃避* 5 tao2 bi4 to escape/ to evade/ to avoid/ to shirk
温柔* 5 wen1 rou2 gentle and soft/ tender
疑问* 5 yi2 wen4 a question/ sth not understood/ to query/ interrogative (gramm.)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
逐步* 5 zhu2 bu4 progressively/ step by step
* 5 chen4 to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of
高档* 5 gao1 dang4 superior quality/ high grade/ top grade
老板* 5 lao3 ban3 boss/ keeper
* 5 ping2 to lean against/ to rely on/ on the basis of/ no matter (how; what etc)/ proof
* 5 wen2 to hear/ news/ well-known/ famous/ reputation/ fame/ to smell/ to sniff at/ surname Wen
信封* 5 xin4 feng1 envelope/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 yi3 second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ second in order/ letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ second party (in legal contract; usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1]; as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1])/ ethyl/ bent/ winding/ radical in Chinese charac
发表* 5 fa1 biao3 to issue (a statement)/ to publish/ to issue/ to put out
寂寞* 5 ji4 mo4 lonely/ lonesome
蜜蜂* 5 mi4 feng1 bee/ honeybee/ CL:隻|只[zhi1];群[qun2]
* 5 ping2 flat/ level/ equal/ to tie (make the same score)/ to draw (score)/ calm/ peaceful/ see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1]
单纯* 5 dan1 chun2 simple/ pure/ alone/ merely
姥姥* 5 lao3 lao5 (informal) mother's mother/ maternal grandmother
平常* 5 ping2 chang2 ordinary/ common/ usually/ ordinarily
石头* 5 shi2 tou5 stone/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
文件* 5 wen2 jian4 document/ file/ CL:份[fen4]
竹子* 5 zhu2 zi5 bamboo/ CL:棵[ke1];支[zhi1];根[gen1]
* 5 cheng1 to weigh/ to state/ to name/ name/ appellation/ to praise
单调* 5 dan1 diao4 monotonous
纪念* 5 ji4 nian4 to commemorate/ to remember/ CL:個|个[ge4]
食物* 5 shi2 wu4 food/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
文具* 5 wen2 ju4 stationery/ item of stationery (pen; pencil; eraser; pencil sharpener etc)
* 5 zhu3 to cook/ to boil
单独* 5 dan1 du2 alone/ by oneself/ on one's own
发愁* 5 fa1 chou2 to worry/ to fret/ to be anxious/ to become sad
老实* 5 lao3 shi5 honest/ sincere/ open and guileless/ naive
* 5 rao4 to wind/ to coil (thread)/ to rotate around/ to spiral/ to move around/ to go round (an obstacle)/ to by-pass/ to make a detour/ to confuse/ to perplex
实习* 5 shi2 xi2 to practice/ field work
文明* 5 wen2 ming2 civilized/ civilization/ culture/ CL:個|个[ge4]
以及* 5 yi3 ji2 as well as/ too/ and
便* 5 bian4 ordinary/ plain/ convenient/ as convenient/ when the chance arises/ handy/ easy/ informal/ simple/ so/ thus/ to relieve oneself/ to urinate/ to defecate/ equivalent to 就: then/ in that case/ even if/ soon afterwards
称呼* 5 cheng1 hu5 to call/ to address as/ appellation
担任* 5 dan1 ren4 to hold a governmental office or post/ to assume office of/ to take charge of/ to serve as
发达* 5 fa1 da2 developed (country etc)/ flourishing/ to develop
老鼠* 5 lao3 shu3 rat/ mouse/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
密切* 5 mi4 qie4 close/ familiar/ intimate/ closely (related)/ to foster close ties/ to pay close attention
平方* 5 ping2 fang1 square (as in square foot; square mile; square root)
实现* 5 shi2 xian4 to achieve/ to implement/ to realize/ to bring about
信息* 5 xin4 xi1 information/ news/ message
称赞* 5 cheng1 zan4 to praise/ to acclaim/ to commend/ to compliment
单位* 5 dan1 wei4 a unit/ unit (of measure)/ work unit (one's workplace)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
乐观* 5 le4 guan1 optimistic/ hopeful
实行* 5 shi2 xing2 to implement/ to carry out/ to put into practice
* 5 tao4 cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ)
以来* 5 yi3 lai2 since (a previous event)
主持* 5 zhu3 chi2 to take charge of/ to manage or direct/ to preside over/ to uphold/ to stand for (eg justice)/ to host (a TV or radio program etc)
* 5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
耽误* 5 dan1 wu5 delay/ hold-up/ to waste time/ to interfere with
计算* 5 ji4 suan4 to count/ to calculate/ to compute/ CL:個|个[ge4]
棉花* 5 mian2 hua5 cotton
热爱* 5 re4 ai4 to love ardently/ to adore
实验* 5 shi2 yan4 to experiment/ experiments/ CL:個|个[ge4];次[ci4]
* 5 zhai1 to take/ to borrow/ to pick (flowers; fruit etc)/ to pluck/ to select/ to remove/ to take off (glasses; hat etc)
发抖* 5 fa1 dou3 shiver/ shudder/ tremble/ tremulous
豪华* 5 hao2 hua2 luxurious
经营* 5 jing1 ying2 to engage in (business etc)/ to run/ to operate
实用* 5 shi2 yong4 practical/ functional/ pragmatic/ applied (science)
文学* 5 wen2 xue2 literature/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
单元* 5 dan1 yuan2 unit/ entrance number/ staircase (for residential buildings)
发挥* 5 fa1 hui1 to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme)
* 5 gao3 to do/ to make/ to go in for/ to set up/ to get hold of/ to take care of
评价* 5 ping2 jia4 to evaluate/ to assess
热烈* 5 re4 lie4 warm (welcome etc)
嘱咐* 5 zhu3 fu4 to tell/ to exhort/ injunction
胆小鬼* 5 dan3 xiao3 gui3 coward
告别* 5 gao4 bie2 to leave/ to bid farewell to/ to say good-bye to
* 5 dan4 insipid/ diluted/ weak/ mild/ light in color/ tasteless/ fresh/ indifferent/ nitrogen
发明* 5 fa1 ming2 to invent/ invention/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 lei4 tired/ weary/ to strain/ to wear out/ to work hard
特殊* 5 te4 shu1 special/ particular/ unusual/ extraordinary
* 5 wen3 kiss/ mouth
粘贴* 5 zhan1 tie1 to stick/ to affix/ to adhere/ to paste (as in cut; copy and paste)
辩论* 5 bian4 lun4 debate/ argument/ to argue over/ CL:場|场[chang3];次[ci4]
发票* 5 fa1 piao4 invoice/ receipt or bill for purchase
* 5 lei4 kind/ type/ class/ category/ similar/ like/ to resemble
热心* 5 re4 xin1 enthusiasm/ zeal/ zealous/ zest/ enthusiastic/ ardent/ warmhearted
特意* 5 te4 yi4 specially/ intentionally
稳定* 5 wen3 ding4 steady/ stable/ stability/ to stabilize/ to pacify
承担* 5 cheng2 dan1 to undertake/ to assume (responsibility etc)
记忆* 5 ji4 yi4 memories/ remember/ memory/ CL:個|个[ge4]
面对* 5 mian4 dui4 to confront/ to face
特征* 5 te4 zheng1 characteristic/ diagnostic property/ distinctive feature/ trait
主人* 5 zhu3 ren2 master/ host/ CL:個|个[ge4]
程度* 5 cheng2 du4 degree (level or extent)/ level/ CL:個|个[ge4]
人才* 5 ren2 cai2 a person's talent/ talented person/ distinguished person/ a talent (worth head-hunting)/ person's looks/ an attractive woman/ used interchangeably with 人材/ CL:個|个[ge4]
使劲儿* 5 shi3 jin4 r5 to exert all one's strength
问候* 5 wen4 hou4 to give one's respects/ to send a greeting
展开* 5 zhan3 kai1 to unfold/ to carry out/ to be in full swing/ to launch
敬爱* 5 jing4 ai4 respect and love
面临* 5 mian4 lin2 to face sth/ to be confronted with
疼爱* 5 teng2 ai4 to love dearly
展览* 5 zhan3 lan3 to put on display/ to exhibit/ exhibition/ show/ CL:個|个[ge4];次[ci4]
主席* 5 zhu3 xi2 chairperson/ premier/ chairman/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
成分* 5 cheng2 fen4 composition/ make-up/ ingredient/ element/ component/ one's social status/ CL:個|个[ge4]
胳膊* 5 ge1 bo5 arm/ CL:隻|只[zhi1];條|条[tiao2];雙|双[shuang1]
形成* 5 xing2 cheng2 to form/ to take shape
始终* 5 shi3 zhong1 from beginning to end/ all along
* 5 ti2 to carry/ to lift/ to raise
行动* 5 xing2 dong4 operation/ action/ to move/ mobile/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成果* 5 cheng2 guo3 result/ achievement/ gain/ profit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
嘉宾* 5 jia1 bin1 esteemed guest/ honored guest
主张* 5 zhu3 zhang1 to advocate/ to stand for/ view/ position/ stand/ proposition/ viewpoint/ assertion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
好奇* 5 hao4 qi2 inquisitive/ curious
行人* 5 xing2 ren2 pedestrian/ traveler on foot/ passer-by/ official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
鸽子* 5 ge1 zi5 pigeon/ dove/ various birds of the species Columbidae
卧室* 5 wo4 shi4 bedroom/ CL:間|间[jian1]
形容* 5 xing2 rong2 to describe/ description/ appearance/ look
议论* 5 yi4 lun4 to comment/ to talk about/ to discuss/ discussion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
标点* 5 biao1 dian3 punctuation/ a punctuation mark/ to punctuate/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成就* 5 cheng2 jiu4 accomplishment/ success/ attain a result/ achievement/ CL:個|个[ge4]
隔壁* 5 ge2 bi4 next door
描写* 5 miao2 xie3 to describe/ to depict/ to portray/ description
人口* 5 ren2 kou3 population
士兵* 5 shi4 bing1 soldier/ CL:個|个[ge4]
提倡* 5 ti2 chang4 to promote/ to advocate
形势* 5 xing2 shi4 circumstances/ situation/ terrain/ CL:個|个[ge4]
注册* 5 zhu4 ce4 to register/ to enroll
诚恳* 5 cheng2 ken3 sincere/ honest/ cordial
当代* 5 dang1 dai4 the present age/ the contemporary era
离婚* 5 li2 hun1 to divorce/ divorced from (one's spouse)
* 5 miao3 second (of time)/ unit of angle or arc equivalent to one sixtieth of a degree
提纲* 5 ti2 gang1 the key point/ outline
形式* 5 xing2 shi4 form/ shape/ situation/ circumstance/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成立* 5 cheng2 li4 to establish/ to set up/ to be tenable/ to hold water
罚款* 5 fa2 kuan3 (impose a) fine/ penalty/ fine (monetary)
破产* 5 po4 chan3 to go bankrupt/ to become impoverished/ bankruptcy
标志* 5 biao1 zhi4 sign/ mark/ symbol/ symbolize/ to indicate/ to mark
革命* 5 ge2 ming4 revolution/ revolutionary (politics)/ CL:次[ci4]
家庭* 5 jia1 ting2 family/ household/ CL:戶|户[hu4];個|个[ge4]
人事* 5 ren2 shi4 human affairs/ ways of the world/ consciousness of the world/ what is humanly possible/ personnel matters/ sexual awareness/ sexual passion/ facts of life
行为* 5 xing2 wei2 action/ conduct/ behavior/ activity
承认* 5 cheng2 ren4 to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge
何必* 5 he2 bi4 there is no need/ why should
家务* 5 jia1 wu4 household duties/ housework
破坏* 5 po4 huai4 destruction/ damage/ to wreck/ to break/ to destroy
题目* 5 ti2 mu4 subject/ title/ topic/ CL:個|个[ge4]
屋子* 5 wu1 zi5 house/ room/ CL:間|间[jian1]
形象* 5 xing2 xiang4 image/ form/ figure/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ visualization/ vivid
占线* 5 zhan4 xian4 busy (telephone)
法院* 5 fa3 yuan4 court of law/ court
家乡* 5 jia1 xiang1 hometown/ native place/ CL:個|个[ge4]
民主* 5 min2 zhu3 democracy
人物* 5 ren2 wu4 a person/ a character (in a play; novel etc)/ a protagonist/ CL:個|个[ge4]
是否* 5 shi4 fou3 whether (or not)/ if/ is or isn't
形状* 5 xing2 zhuang4 form/ shape/ CL:個|个[ge4]
义务* 5 yi4 wu4 duty/ obligation/ commitment/ volunteer duty/ CL:項|项[xiang4]/ mandatory/ voluntary
承受* 5 cheng2 shou4 to bear/ to support/ to inherit
酒吧* 5 jiu3 ba1 bar/ pub/ saloon/ CL:家[jia1]
提问* 5 ti2 wen4 to question/ to quiz/ to grill
战争* 5 zhan4 zheng1 war/ conflict/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4]
表面* 5 biao3 mian4 surface/ face/ outside/ appearance
个别* 5 ge4 bie2 individual/ specific/ respective/ just one or two
人员* 5 ren2 yuan2 staff/ crew/ personnel/ CL:個|个[ge4]
表明* 5 biao3 ming2 to make clear/ to make known/ to state clearly/ to indicate/ known
个人* 5 ge4 ren2 individual/ personal/ oneself
表情* 5 biao3 qing2 (facial) expression/ to express one's feelings/ expression
夹子* 5 jia1 zi5 clip/ clamp/ tongs/ folder/ wallet
* 5 jiu4 to save/ to assist/ to rescue
忍不住* 5 ren3 bu5 zhu4 cannot help/ unable to bear
体会* 5 ti3 hui4 know (through learning or by experience)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 dang3 to resist/ to obstruct/ to hinder/ to keep off/ to block (a blow)/ to get in the way of/ cover/ gear
理论* 5 li3 lun4 theory/ CL:個|个[ge4]
体积* 5 ti3 ji1 volume/ bulk/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 zhang3 to rise (of prices; rivers)
繁荣* 5 fan2 rong2 prosperous/ booming (economy)
个性* 5 ge4 xing4 individuality/ personality
何况* 5 he2 kuang4 much less/ let alone
* 5 jia3 first of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/ (used for an unspecified person or thing)/ first (in a list; as a party to a contract etc)/ armor plating/ shell or carapace/ (of the fingers or toes) nail/ bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ ran
表现* 5 biao3 xian4 to show/ to show off/ to display/ to manifest/ expression/ manifestation/ show/ display/ performance (at work etc)
合理* 5 he2 li3 rational/ reasonable/ fair
因而* 5 yin1 er2 therefore/ as a result/ thus/ and as a result; ...
掌握* 5 zhang3 wo4 to grasp (often fig.)/ to master/ to know well/ to understand sth well and know how to use it/ fluency/ to control/ to seize (initiative; opportunity; destiny)
朴素* 5 pu3 su4 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous
试卷* 5 shi4 juan4 examination paper/ test paper/ CL:份[fen4];張|张[zhang1]
体贴* 5 ti3 tie1 considerate (of other people's needs)
幸亏* 5 xing4 kui1 fortunately/ luckily
抓紧* 5 zhua1 jin3 to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of
程序* 5 cheng2 xu4 procedures/ sequence/ order/ computer program
* 5 dao3 island/ CL:個|个[ge4];座[zuo4]
舅舅* 5 jiu4 jiu5 mother's brother/ maternal uncle (informal)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
因素* 5 yin1 su4 element/ factor/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成语* 5 cheng2 yu3 Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4]
* 5 gen1 root/ basis/ classifier for long slender objects; e.g. cigarettes; guitar strings/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ radical (chemistry)
假装* 5 jia3 zhuang1 to feign/ to pretend
理由* 5 li3 you2 reason/ grounds/ justification/ CL:個|个[ge4]
名牌* 5 ming2 pai2 famous brand
体现* 5 ti3 xian4 to embody/ to reflect/ to incarnate
账户* 5 zhang4 hu4 a bank account
* 5 jia4 (of a woman) to marry/ to marry off a daughter/ to shift (blame etc)
体验* 5 ti3 yan4 to experience for oneself
成长* 5 cheng2 zhang3 to mature/ to grow/ growth
根本* 5 gen1 ben3 fundamental/ basic/ root/ simply/ absolutely (not)/ (not) at all/ CL:個|个[ge4]
明确* 5 ming2 que4 clear-cut/ definite/ explicit/ to clarify/ to specify/ to make definite
期待* 5 qi1 dai4 to look forward to/ to await/ expectation
招待* 5 zhao1 dai4 to receive (guests)/ to entertain/ reception
驾驶* 5 jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive
* 5 li4 grain/ granule/ classifier for small round things (peas; bullets; peanuts; pills; grains etc)
名胜古迹* 5 ming2 sheng4 gu3 ji4 historical sites and scenic spots
无奈* 5 wu2 nai4 without choice/ for lack of better option/ grudgingly/ willy-nilly/ nolens volens/ abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2]
幸运* 5 xing4 yun4 fortunate/ lucky/ fortune/ luck
* 5 yin2 silver/ silver-colored/ relating to money or currency
倒霉* 5 dao3 mei2 have bad luck/ be out of luck
合同* 5 he2 tong5 (business) contract/ CL:個|个[ge4]
价值* 5 jia4 zhi2 value/ worth/ fig. values (ethical; cultural etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
居然* 5 ju1 ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to
期间* 5 qi1 jian1 period of time/ time/ time period/ period/ CL:個|个[ge4]
反而* 5 fan3 er2 instead/ on the contrary/ contrary (to expectations)
* 5 jian1 to pan fry/ to sauté
明显* 5 ming2 xian3 clear/ distinct/ obvious
导演* 5 dao3 yan3 direct/ director (film etc)
反复* 5 fan3 fu4 repeatedly/ over and over
核心* 5 he2 xin1 core/ nucleus
肩膀* 5 jian1 bang3 shoulder
明信片* 5 ming2 xin4 pian4 postcard
无数* 5 wu2 shu4 countless/ numberless/ innumerable
* 5 xiong1 chest/ bosom/ heart/ mind/ thorax
合影* 5 he2 ying3 joint photo/ group photo
事物* 5 shi4 wu4 thing/ object/ CL:個|个[ge4]
兄弟* 5 xiong1 di4 older and younger brother/ brothers/ brotherly/ fraternal/ CL:個|个[ge4]
着凉* 5 zhao2 liang2 catch cold
专心* 5 zhuan1 xin1 to concentrate/ absorption/ concentration/ engrossed
吃亏* 5 chi1 kui1 to suffer losses/ to come to grief/ to lose out/ to get the worst of it/ to be at a disadvantage/ unfortunately
导致* 5 dao3 zhi4 to lead to/ to create/ to cause/ to bring about
合作* 5 he2 zuo4 to cooperate/ to collaborate/ to work together/ cooperation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
事先* 5 shi4 xian1 in advance/ before the event/ beforehand/ prior
* 5 dao4 to move backwards/ converse
命令* 5 ming4 ling4 order/ command/ CL:道[dao4];個|个[ge4]
转变* 5 zhuan3 bian4 change/ transform/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 bing3 third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ third in order/ letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ propyl
立刻* 5 li4 ke4 forthwith/ immediate/ prompt/ promptly/ straightway/ thereupon/ at once
天真* 5 tian1 zhen1 naive/ innocent/ artless
迟缓* 6 chi2 huan3 slow/ sluggish
反思* 6 fan3 si1 to think back over sth/ to review/ to revisit/ to rethink/ reflection/ reassessment
历来* 6 li4 lai2 always/ throughout (a period of time)/ (of) all-time
雄厚* 6 xiong2 hou4 robust/ strong and solid
饮食* 6 yin3 shi2 food and drink
并存* 6 bing4 cun2 to exist at the same time/ to coexist
持久* 6 chi2 jiu3 lasting/ enduring/ persistent/ permanent/ protracted/ endurance/ persistence/ to last long
反问* 6 fan3 wen4 to ask (a question) in reply/ to answer a question with a question/ rhetorical question
视野* 6 shi4 ye3 field of view/ horizon
侮辱* 6 wu3 ru3 to insult/ to humiliate/ dishonor
隐私* 6 yin3 si1 secrets/ sth one hopes to conceal
转让* 6 zhuan3 rang4 transfer (technology; goods etc)/ conveyancing (property)
池塘* 6 chi2 tang2 pool/ pond
举动* 6 ju3 dong4 act/ action/ activity/ move/ movement
摸索* 6 mo1 suo5 to feel about/ to grope about/ to fumble/ to do things slowly
奇妙* 6 qi2 miao4 fantastic/ wonderful
事业* 6 shi4 ye4 undertaking/ project/ activity/ (charitable; political or revolutionary) cause/ publicly funded institution; enterprise or foundation/ career/ occupation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
引用* 6 yin3 yong4 to quote/ to cite/ to recommend/ to appoint
转移* 6 zhuan3 yi2 to shift/ to divert or distract (attention etc)/ to change/ to transform/ metastasis (medicine)
狠心* 6 hen3 xin1 callous/ heartless
咀嚼* 6 ju3 jue2 to chew
旗袍* 6 qi2 pao2 Chinese-style dress/ cheongsam
适宜* 6 shi4 yi2 suitable/ appropriate
照料* 6 zhao4 liao4 to tend/ to take care of sb
转折* 6 zhuan3 zhe2 shift in the trend of events/ plot shift in a book/ twists and turns
哎哟* 6 ai1 yo1 hey/ ow/ ouch/ interjection of pain or surprise
并列* 6 bing4 lie4 to stand side by side/ to be juxtaposed
迟疑* 6 chi2 yi2 to hesitate
稻谷* 6 dao4 gu3 rice crops
供不应求* 6 gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply does not meet demand
摩擦* 6 mo2 ca1 friction/ rubbing/ chafing/ fig. disharmony/ conflict/ same as 磨擦
齐全* 6 qi2 quan2 complete
示意* 6 shi4 yi4 to hint/ to indicate (an idea to sb)
* 6 tian3 to lick/ to lap
武装* 6 wu3 zhuang1 arms/ equipment/ to arm/ military/ armed (forces)
羞耻* 6 xiu1 chi3 (a feeling of) shame
* 6 ai2 to suffer from/ to endure/ to tide over (a difficult period)/ to delay
反之* 6 fan3 zhi1 on the other hand.../ conversely...
恨不得* 6 hen4 bu5 de2 wishing one could do sth/ to hate to be unable/ itching to do sth/ can't wait for/ to wish one could do sth/ to desire strongly
坚韧* 6 jian1 ren4 tough and durable/ tenacious
举世闻名* 6 ju3 shi4 wen2 ming2 (saying) world famous
模范* 6 mo2 fan4 model/ fine example
日新月异* 6 ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4 daily renewal; monthly change (idiom)/ every day sees new developments/ rapid progress
修复* 6 xiu1 fu4 restoration
传记* 6 zhuan4 ji4 biography/ CL:篇[pian1];部[bu4]
拨打* 6 bo1 da3 to call/ to dial
范畴* 6 fan4 chou2 category
* 6 heng1 to groan/ to snort/ to hum/ to croon/ humph!
举世瞩目* 6 ju3 shi4 zhu3 mu4 attract worldwide attention
歧视* 6 qi2 shi4 to discriminate against/ discrimination
日益* 6 ri4 yi4 day by day/ more and more/ increasingly/ more and more with each passing day
* 6 wu4 do not
照样* 6 zhao4 yang4 as before/ (same) as usual
播放* 6 bo1 fang4 to broadcast/ to transmit
盗窃* 6 dao4 qie4 to steal
坚实* 6 jian1 shi2 firm and substantial/ solid
力所能及* 6 li4 suo3 neng2 ji2 as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom)/ to the best of one's ability/ within one's powers
收藏* 6 shou1 cang2 to hoard/ to collect/ collection
调和* 6 tiao2 he2 harmonious/ harmony
务必* 6 wu4 bi4 must/ to need to/ to be sure to
修建* 6 xiu1 jian4 to build/ to construct
装备* 6 zhuang1 bei4 equipment/ to equip/ to outfit
赤道* 6 chi4 dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
得不偿失* 6 de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 (saying) the gains do not make up for the losses
泛滥* 6 fan4 lan4 to be in flood/ to overflow (the banks)/ to inundate/ to spread unchecked
宫殿* 6 gong1 dian4 palace/ CL:座[zuo4]
* 6 hong1 roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd)
监视* 6 jian1 shi4 to monitor/ to oversee/ to keep a close watch over/ to spy on
举足轻重* 6 ju3 zu2 qing1 zhong4 a foot's move sways the balance (idiom)/ to hold the balance of power/ to play the decisive role
立体* 6 li4 ti3 three-dimensional/ solid/ stereoscopic
磨合* 6 mo2 he2 to break in/ to wear in
齐心协力* 6 qi2 xin1 xie2 li4 to work with a common purpose (idiom)/ to make concerted efforts/ to pull together/ to work as one
调剂* 6 tiao2 ji4 to adjust/ to balance/ to make up a medical prescription
误差* 6 wu4 cha1 difference/ error/ inaccuracy
修理* 6 xiu1 li3 to repair/ to perform maintenance/ to overhaul/ to fix/ to prune/ to trim
照应* 6 zhao4 ying4 to correlate with/ to correspond to
爱不释手* 6 ai4 bu4 shi4 shou3 to love sth too much to part with it (idiom)/ to fondle admiringly
得力* 6 de2 li4 able/ capable/ competent/ efficient
贩卖* 6 fan4 mai4 to sell/ to peddle/ to traffic
* 6 hong1 to bake/ to heat by fire
坚硬* 6 jian1 ying4 hard/ solid
力图* 6 li4 tu2 try hard to/ strive to
溶解* 6 rong2 jie3 dissolve/ solution
遮挡* 6 zhe1 dang3 to shelter from/ to keep out
装卸* 6 zhuang1 xie4 to load or unload/ to transfer/ to assemble and disassemble
爱戴* 6 ai4 dai4 to love and respect/ love and respect
波涛汹涌* 6 bo1 tao1 xiong1 yong3 tumultuous situations
得天独厚* 6 de2 tian1 du2 hou4 (of an area) rich in resources/ (of a person) gifted or able (idiom)
轰动* 6 hong1 dong4 sensation/ stir
监狱* 6 jian1 yu4 prison
剧本* 6 ju4 ben3 script for play; opera; movie etc/ screenplay
例外* 6 li4 wai4 (make an) exception
模式* 6 mo2 shi4 mode/ method
容貌* 6 rong2 mao4 one's appearance/ one's aspect/ looks/ features
调节* 6 tiao2 jie2 to adjust/ to regulate/ to harmonize/ to reconcile (accountancy etc)
误解* 6 wu4 jie3 to misunderstand/ to misread/ misunderstanding
折腾* 6 zhe1 teng5 to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/ to repeat sth over and over again/ to torment sb/ to play crazy
剥削* 6 bo1 xue1 to exploit/ exploitation
充当* 6 chong1 dang1 to serve as/ to act as/ to play the role of
公告* 6 gong1 gao4 post/ announcement
兼职* 6 jian1 zhi2 to hold concurrent posts/ part-time/ concurrent job/ moonlighting
容纳* 6 rong2 na4 to hold/ to contain/ to accommodate/ to tolerate (different opinions)
调解* 6 tiao2 jie3 to mediate/ to bring parties to an agreement
修养* 6 xiu1 yang3 accomplishment/ training/ self-cultivation
* 6 zhe2 to break/ to snap/ to suffer the loss of/ to turn/ to bend/ to admire/ to amount to/ to discoun/ to fold/ turning stroke (in Chinese character)/ booklet
庄重* 6 zhuang1 zhong4 grave/ solemn/ dignified
播种* 6 bo1 zhong4 to sow seeds/ sowing/ seed
得罪* 6 de2 zui4 to commit an offense/ to violate the law/ excuse me! (formal)/ see also 得罪|得罪[de2 zui5]
红包* 6 hong2 bao1 lit. money wrapped in red as a gift/ a bonus payment/ a kickback/ a bribe
收缩* 6 shou1 suo1 to pull back/ to shrink/ to contract
条款* 6 tiao2 kuan3 clause (of contract or law)/ CL:項|项[xiang4]
* 6 xiu4 to embroider
折磨* 6 zhe2 mo2 to persecute/ to torment
* 6 zhuang4 tents/ classifier for houses
暧昧* 6 ai4 mei4 vague/ ambiguous/ equivocal/ dubious
博大精深* 6 bo2 da4 jing1 shen1 wide-ranging and profound/ broad and deep
冲动* 6 chong1 dong4 impetus/ impulse/ emotional impulse/ impulsive
公关* 6 gong1 guan1 public relations
宏观* 6 hong2 guan1 macro-/ macroscopic/ holistic
* 6 jian3 to choose/ to pick/ to sort out/ to pick up
聚精会神* 6 ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 to concentrate one's attention (idiom)
模型* 6 mo2 xing2 model/ mould/ matrix/ pattern
启程* 6 qi3 cheng2 to set out on a journey
融洽* 6 rong2 qia4 harmonious/ friendly relations/ on good terms with one another
收益* 6 shou1 yi4 earnings/ profit
条理* 6 tiao2 li3 arrangement/ order/ tidiness
务实* 6 wu4 shi2 pragmatic/ dealing with concrete issues
嗅觉* 6 xiu4 jue2 sense of smell
搏斗* 6 bo2 dou4 to wrestle/ to fight/ to struggle
攻击* 6 gong1 ji1 to attack/ to accuse/ to charge/ an attack (terrorist or military)
洪水* 6 hong2 shui3 deluge/ flood
剪彩* 6 jian3 cai3 to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)
力争* 6 li4 zheng1 to work hard for/ to do all one can/ to contend strongly
抹杀* 6 mo3 sha1 to erase/ to cover traces/ to obliterate evidence/ to expunge/ to blot out/ to suppress
起初* 6 qi3 chu1 originally/ at first/ at the outset
容忍* 6 rong2 ren3 to put up with/ to tolerate
收音机* 6 shou1 yin1 ji1 radio/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
调料* 6 tiao2 liao4 condiment/ seasoning/ flavoring
虚假* 6 xu1 jia3 false/ phony/ pretense
盈利* 6 ying2 li4 profit/ gain
博览会* 6 bo2 lan3 hui4 exposition/ international fair
冲击* 6 chong1 ji1 an attack/ under attack/ a shock
供给* 6 gong1 ji3 to furnish/ to provide/ supply (as in supply and demand)
宏伟* 6 hong2 wei3 grand/ imposing/ magnificent
立足* 6 li4 zu2 to stand/ to have a footing/ to be established/ to base oneself on
莫名其妙* 6 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom)/ subtle and ineffable/ unable to make head or tail of it/ boring (e.g. movie)
物资* 6 wu4 zi1 goods and materials
需求* 6 xu1 qiu2 requirement/ demand (economics)
迎面* 6 ying2 mian4 directly/ head-on (collision)/ in one's face (of wind)
伯母* 6 bo2 mu3 wife of father's elder brother/ aunt/ (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
喉咙* 6 hou2 long2 throat/ larynx
默默* 6 mo4 mo4 in silence/ not speaking
荧屏* 6 ying2 ping2 fluorescent screen/ TV screen
壮丽* 6 zhuang4 li4 magnificence/ magnificent/ majestic/ glorious
充沛* 6 chong1 pei4 abundant/ plentiful/ vigorous
方位* 6 fang1 wei4 direction/ points of the compass/ bearing/ position/ azimuth
剧烈* 6 ju4 lie4 violent/ acute/ severe/ fierce
虚伪* 6 xu1 wei3 false/ hypocritical/ artificial/ sham
壮烈* 6 zhuang4 lie4 brave/ heroic
安居乐业* 6 an1 ju1 le4 ye4 live in peace and work happily (idiom)
* 6 deng1 to tread on/ to step on
* 6 hou3 roar or howl of an animal/ bellow of rage
起伏* 6 qi3 fu2 to move up and down/ to undulate/ ups and downs
* 6 rou2 to knead/ to massage/ to rub
挑拨* 6 tiao3 bo1 to incite disharmony/ to instigate
安宁* 6 an1 ning2 peaceful/ tranquil/ calm/ composed
冲突* 6 chong1 tu1 conflict/ to conflict/ clash of opposing forces/ collision (of interests)/ contention
联欢* 6 lian2 huan1 have a get-together
谋求* 6 mou2 qiu2 to seek/ to strive for
柔和* 6 rou2 he2 gentle/ soft
守护* 6 shou3 hu4 to guard/ to protect
挑衅* 6 tiao3 xin4 to provoke/ provocation
珍贵* 6 zhen1 gui4 precious
追悼* 6 zhui1 dao4 mourning/ memorial (service etc)
方针* 6 fang1 zhen1 policy/ guidelines/ CL:個|个[ge4]
功课* 6 gong1 ke4 homework/ assignment/ task/ classwork/ lesson/ study/ CL:門|门[men2]
后代* 6 hou4 dai4 posterity/ later periods/ later ages/ later generations
据悉* 6 ju4 xi1 according to reports/ it is reported (that)
廉洁* 6 lian2 jie2 honest/ not coercive/ honesty/ integrity/ incorruptible
起哄* 6 qi3 hong4 to heckle/ rowdy jeering/ to create a disturbance
须知* 6 xu1 zhi1 prerequisites/ rules that must be known before starting sth
追究* 6 zhui1 jiu1 investigate/ look into
补偿* 6 bu3 chang2 compensate/ make up
崇拜* 6 chong2 bai4 to worship/ adoration
攻克* 6 gong1 ke4 to capture/ to take
后顾之忧* 6 hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1 fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)/ family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/ worries about the future consequences/ often in negative expressions; meaning "no worries about anything"
简陋* 6 jian3 lou4 simple and crude (of a room or building)
联络* 6 lian2 luo4 communication/ to get in touch with/ to contact/ connection (math.)
模样* 6 mu2 yang4 look/ style/ appearance/ approximation/ about/ CL:個|个[ge4]
熄灭* 6 xi1 mie4 to stop burning/ to go out (of fire)/ to die out/ extinguished
重叠* 6 chong2 die2 to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll)
登陆* 6 deng1 lu4 to land/ to come ashore/ to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/ to log in
功劳* 6 gong1 lao2 contribution/ meritorious service/ credit
跳跃* 6 tiao4 yue4 to jump/ to leap/ to bound/ to skip
吸取* 6 xi1 qu3 to absorb/ to draw (a lesson; insight etc)/ to assimilate
许可* 6 xu3 ke3 to allow/ to permit
侦探* 6 zhen1 tan4 detective/ to do detective work
登录* 6 deng1 lu4 to register/ to login
检讨* 6 jian3 tao3 to examine or inspect/ self-criticism/ review
联盟* 6 lian2 meng2 alliance/ union/ coalition
母语* 6 mu3 yu3 native language/ mother language
启示* 6 qi3 shi4 enlightenment/ revelation/ apocalypse
昔日* 6 xi1 ri4 formerly/ in olden days
酗酒* 6 xu4 jiu3 heavy drinking/ to get drunk/ to drink to excess
应酬* 6 ying4 chou5 social niceties/ social interaction/ a dinner party
安置* 6 an1 zhi4 find a place for/ help settle down/ arrange for/ to get into bed/ placement
哺乳* 6 bu3 ru3 breast feeding/ to suckle/ to nurse
防守* 6 fang2 shou3 defend/ protect (against)
简体字* 6 jian3 ti3 zi4 simplified Chinese character; as opposed to traditional Chinese character 繁體字|繁体字[fan2 ti3 zi4]
决策* 6 jue2 ce4 strategic decision/ decision-making/ policy decision/ to determine policy
连年* 6 lian2 nian2 successive years/ over many years
启事* 6 qi3 shi4 announcement (written; on billboard; letter; newspaper or website)/ to post information/ a notice
停泊* 6 ting2 bo2 anchorage/ mooring (of a ship)
牺牲* 6 xi1 sheng1 to sacrifice oneself/ to lay down one's life/ to do sth at the expense of/ beast slaughtered for sacrifice/ sacrifice/ CL:個|个[ge4]
畜牧* 6 xu4 mu4 to raise animals
珍稀* 6 zhen1 xi1 rare/ precious and uncommon
补贴* 6 bu3 tie1 to subsidize/ subsidy/ allowance
崇敬* 6 chong2 jing4 to revere/ high esteem
防疫* 6 fang2 yi4 disease prevention/ protection against epidemic
检验* 6 jian3 yan4 to inspect/ to examine/ to test
真相* 6 zhen1 xiang4 the truth about sth/ the actual facts
准则* 6 zhun3 ze2 norm/ standard/ criterion
捕捉* 6 bu3 zhuo1 to catch/ to seize/ to capture
后勤* 6 hou4 qin2 logistics
简要* 6 jian3 yao4 concise/ brief
连同* 6 lian2 tong2 together with/ along with
目睹* 6 mu4 du3 to witness/ to see at first hand/ to see with one's own eyes
首要* 6 shou3 yao4 the most important/ of chief importance
序言* 6 xu4 yan2 preface/ introductory remarks/ preamble/ prelude
重阳节* 6 Chong2 yang2 jie2 Double Ninth or Yang Festival/ 9th day of 9th lunar month
防止* 6 fang2 zhi3 to prevent/ to guard against/ to take precautions
目光* 6 mu4 guang1 sight/ vision/ view/ gaze/ look
起义* 6 qi3 yi4 uprising/ insurrection/ revolt
弱点* 6 ruo4 dian3 weak point/ failing
手艺* 6 shou3 yi4 craftmanship/ workmanship/ handicraft/ trade
停滞* 6 ting2 zhi4 stagnation/ at a standstill/ bogged down
应邀* 6 ying4 yao1 at sb's invitation/ on invitation
琢磨* 6 zhuo2 mo2 to carve and polish (jade)/ to polish and refine a literary work
案件* 6 an4 jian4 law case/ legal case/ judicial case/ CL:宗[zong1];樁|桩[zhuang1];起[qi3]
防治* 6 fang2 zhi4 prevention and cure
公然* 6 gong1 ran2 openly/ publicly/ undisguised
忽略* 6 hu1 lve4 to neglect/ to overlook/ to ignore
联想* 6 lian2 xiang3 to associate with something in thinking/ abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lian2 xiang3 Ji2 tuan2]
岂有此理* 6 qi3 you3 ci3 li3 how can this be so? (idiom)/ preposterous/ ridiculous/ absurd
若干* 6 ruo4 gan1 a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much?
亭子* 6 ting2 zi5 pavilion
着手* 6 zhuo2 shou3 to put one's hand to it/ to start out on a task/ to set out
抽空* 6 chou1 kong4 to find the time to do sth
起源* 6 qi3 yuan2 origin/ to originate/ to come from
撒谎* 6 sa1 huang3 to tell lies
媳妇* 6 xi2 fu5 daughter-in-law/ wife (of a younger man)/ young married woman/ young woman
宣誓* 6 xuan1 shi4 to swear an oath (of office)/ to make a vow
斟酌* 6 zhen1 zhuo2 to consider/ to deliberate/ to fill up a cup to the brim
着想* 6 zhuo2 xiang3 to give thought (to others)/ to consider (other people's needs)
* 6 deng4 to open (one's eyes) wide/ to stare at/ to glare at
公认* 6 gong1 ren4 publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as)
鉴别* 6 jian4 bie2 to differentiate/ to distinguish
绝望* 6 jue2 wang4 desperation/ forlorn/ hopeless
宣扬* 6 xuan1 yang2 to proclaim/ to make public or well known
拥护* 6 yong1 hu4 to endorse/ to support
卓越* 6 zhuo2 yue4 distinction/ excellence/ outstanding/ surpassing/ distinguished/ splendid
公式* 6 gong1 shi4 formula
觉悟* 6 jue2 wu4 consciousness/ awareness/ Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda)
沐浴* 6 mu4 yu4 to take a bath/ to bathe/ to immerse
* 6 sai1 cheek (esp. lower cheek)/ jaw/ gills (of fish)
袭击* 6 xi2 ji1 an attack (esp. surprise attack)/ raid/ to attack
悬挂* 6 xuan2 gua4 to suspend/ to hang/ suspension (cable car)
着重* 6 zhuo2 zhong4 put emphasis on/ to stress/ to emphasize
暗示* 6 an4 shi4 to hint/ to suggest/ suggestion/ a hint
呼啸* 6 hu1 xiao4 to whistle/ to scream/ to whiz
鉴定* 6 jian4 ding4 to appraise/ to identify/ to evaluate
气概* 6 qi4 gai4 lofty quality/ mettle/ spirit
习俗* 6 xi2 su2 custom/ tradition/ local tradition/ convention
旋律* 6 xuan2 lv4 melody/ rhythm
筹备* 6 chou2 bei4 preparations/ to get ready for sth
放大* 6 fang4 da4 to enlarge/ to magnify
公务* 6 gong1 wu4 official business
呼吁* 6 hu1 yu4 to call on (sb to do sth)/ to appeal (to)/ an appeal
见多识广* 6 jian4 duo1 shi2 guang3 experienced and knowledgeable (idiom)
觉醒* 6 jue2 xing3 to awaken/ to come to realize/ awakened to the truth/ the truth dawns upon one/ scales fall from the eyes/ to become aware
拿手* 6 na2 shou3 expert in/ good at
气功* 6 qi4 gong1 qigong; a system of deep breathing exercises
通货膨胀* 6 tong1 huo4 peng2 zhang4 inflation
悬念* 6 xuan2 nian4 suspense in a movie; play etc/ concern for sb's welfare
拥有* 6 yong1 you3 to have/ to possess
阵地* 6 zhen4 di4 position/ front
资产* 6 zi1 chan3 property/ assets
昂贵* 6 ang2 gui4 expensive/ costly
不得已* 6 bu4 de2 yi3 act against one's will/ have no alternative but to/ have to/ to have no choice/ must
踌躇* 6 chou2 chu2 to hesitate
间隔* 6 jian4 ge2 compartment/ gap/ interval/ to divide
军队* 6 jun1 dui4 army troops/ CL:支[zhi1];個|个[ge4]
器官* 6 qi4 guan1 organ (part of body tissue)/ apparatus
通俗* 6 tong1 su2 common/ everyday/ average
镇定* 6 zhen4 ding4 calm/ unperturbed/ cool
凹凸* 6 ao1 tu1 bumpy/ uneven/ slotted and tabbed joint/ crenelation
放射* 6 fang4 she4 to radiate/ radioactive
散文* 6 san3 wen2 prose/ essay
授予* 6 shou4 yu3 to award/ to confer
旋转* 6 xuan2 zhuan3 to rotate/ to revolve/ to spin/ to whirl
永恒* 6 yong3 heng2 eternal/ everlasting/ fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)
* 6 ao2 (of cooking) to boil for a long time/ to endure/ to suffer
敌视* 6 di2 shi4 hostile/ malevolence/ antagonism/ to view as enemy/ to stand against
放手* 6 fang4 shou3 let go/ have a free hand/ let go one's hold
工艺品* 6 gong1 yi4 pin3 handicraft article/ handiwork/ CL:個|个[ge4]
胡乱* 6 hu2 luan4 careless/ reckless/ casually/ absent-mindedly/ at will/ at random/ any old how
见解* 6 jian4 jie3 opinion/ view/ understanding
良心* 6 liang2 xin1 conscience
迄今为止* 6 qi4 jin1 wei2 zhi3 so far/ up to now/ still (not)
受罪* 6 shou4 zui4 to endure/ to suffer/ hardships/ torments/ a hard time/ a nuisance
通用* 6 tong1 yong4 common (use)/ interchangeable
喜闻乐见* 6 xi3 wen2 le4 jian4 a delight to see (idiom)/ an attractive spectacle
选拔* 6 xuan3 ba2 to select the best
振奋* 6 zhen4 fen4 to stir oneself up/ to raise one's spirits/ to inspire
奥秘* 6 ao4 mi4 profound/ deep/ a mystery
不妨* 6 bu4 fang2 there is no harm in/ might as well
气魄* 6 qi4 po4 spirit/ boldness/ positive outlook/ imposing attitude
涌现* 6 yong3 xian4 to emerge in large numbers/ to spring up/ to emerge prominently
震惊* 6 zhen4 jing1 to shock/ to astonish
资深* 6 zi1 shen1 senior (in terms of depth of accumulated experience)/ deeply qualified
抵达* 6 di3 da2 arrive/ reach (a destination)
气色* 6 qi4 se4 complexion
喜悦* 6 xi3 yue4 happy/ joyous
选手* 6 xuan3 shou3 athlete/ contestant
勇于* 6 yong3 yu2 to dare to/ to be brave enough to
镇静* 6 zhen4 jing4 calm/ cool
* 6 ba1 to hold on to/ to cling to/ to dig up/ to rake/ to push aside/ to climb/ to pull out/ to strip off
不敢当* 6 bu4 gan3 dang1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor)/ fig. I don't deserve your praise/ you flatter me
抵抗* 6 di3 kang4 to resist/ resistance
卡通* 6 ka3 tong1 cartoon
气势* 6 qi4 shi4 momentum/ manner/ energy/ look of great force or imposing manner/ powerful
丧失* 6 sang4 shi1 to lose/ to forfeit
同胞* 6 tong2 bao1 born of the same parents/ fellow citizen or countryman
阵容* 6 zhen4 rong2 troop arrangement/ battle formation/ line-up (of a sports team etc)
姿态* 6 zi1 tai4 attitude/ posture/ stance
布告* 6 bu4 gao4 posting on a bulletin board/ notice/ bulletin/ to announce
抵制* 6 di3 zhi4 to resit/ to boycott/ to refuse (to cooperate)/ to reject/ resistance/ refusal
* 6 liang4 to dry in the air
气味* 6 qi4 wei4 odor/ scent
嫂子* 6 sao3 zi5 (informal) older brother's wife/ sister-in-law/ CL:個|个[ge4]
舒畅* 6 shu1 chang4 happy/ entirely free from worry
削弱* 6 xue1 ruo4 to weaken
踊跃* 6 yong3 yue4 to leap/ to jump/ eager/ enthusiastically
振兴* 6 Zhen4 xing1 Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4]; Liaoning
滋味* 6 zi1 wei4 taste/ flavor/ feeling
巴不得* 6 ba1 bu4 de2 to be eager for/ to long for/ to look forward to
不顾* 6 bu4 gu4 in spite of/ regardless of
公证* 6 gong1 zheng4 notarization/ notarized/ acknowledgement
健全* 6 jian4 quan2 robust/ strong
开采* 6 kai1 cai3 to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/ to exploit/ to mine
气象* 6 qi4 xiang4 meteorological feature/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ meteorology/ atmosphere or scene
色彩* 6 se4 cai3 tint/ coloring/ coloration/ character
铜矿* 6 tong2 kuang4 copper mine
细胞* 6 xi4 bao1 cell (biology)
学历* 6 xue2 li4 educational background/ academic qualifications
镇压* 6 zhen4 ya1 suppression/ repression/ to suppress/ to put down/ to quell
巴结* 6 ba1 jie5 to fawn on/ to curry favor with/ to make up to
地步* 6 di4 bu4 condition/ situation/ plight/ extent/ room for action
开除* 6 kai1 chu2 to expel
气压* 6 qi4 ya1 atmospheric pressure/ barometric pressure
用功* 6 yong4 gong1 diligent/ industrious (in one's studies)/ to study hard/ to make great effort
拔苗助长* 6 ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3 to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)
地道* 6 di4 dao5 real/ pure/ genuine/ typical/ well-done/ thorough
疏忽* 6 shu1 hu5 to neglect/ to overlook/ negligence/ carelessness
用户* 6 yong4 hu4 user/ consumer/ subscriber/ customer
争端* 6 zheng1 duan1 dispute/ controversy/ conflict
滋长* 6 zi1 zhang3 to grow (usually of abstract things)/ to yield/ to develop
飞禽走兽* 6 fei1 qin2 zou3 shou4 birds and animals/ the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
践踏* 6 jian4 ta4 to trample
* 6 qia1 to pick (flowers)/ to pinch/ to clutch/ (slang) to fight
刹车* 6 sha1 che1 to brake (when driving)/ to stop/ to switch off/ to check (bad habits)/ a brake
书籍* 6 shu1 ji2 books/ works
细菌* 6 xi4 jun1 bacterium/ germ/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
争夺* 6 zheng1 duo2 fight over/ contest/ vie over
资助* 6 zi1 zhu4 to subsidize/ to provide financial aid/ subsidy
把关* 6 ba3 guan1 to guard a pass/ to check on sth
巩固* 6 gong3 gu4 to consolidate/ consolidation/ to strengthen
开阔* 6 kai1 kuo4 wide/ open (spaces)/ to open up
恰当* 6 qia4 dang4 appropriate/ suitable
学说* 6 xue2 shuo1 theory/ doctrine
蒸发* 6 zheng1 fa1 to evaporate/ evaporation
把手* 6 ba3 shou3 handle/ grip/ knob
不禁* 6 bu4 jin1 can't help (doing sth)/ can't refrain from
出路* 6 chu1 lu4 a way out (of a difficulty etc)
飞跃* 6 fei1 yue4 to leap
见闻* 6 jian4 wen2 what one sees and hears/ knowledge/ information
开朗* 6 kai1 lang3 spacious and well-lit/ open and clear/ to open out (onto a wider vista)/ optimistic/ cheerful/ carefree/ easy-going/ open-minded
列举* 6 lie4 ju3 a list/ to list/ to enumerate
难得* 6 nan2 de2 seldom/ rare/ hard to come by
学位* 6 xue2 wei4 academic degree; e.g.: BSc 學士學位|学士学位[xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4]; MSc 碩士學位|硕士学位[shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4]; Diploma 學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1]; PhD 博士學位|博士学位[bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4]
征服* 6 zheng1 fu2 conquer/ subdue/ vanquish
出卖* 6 chu1 mai4 to offer for sale/ to sell/ to sell out or betray
共计* 6 gong4 ji4 to sum up to/ to total
开明* 6 kai1 ming2 enlightened/ open-minded/ enlightenment
* 6 lin2 to drain/ to drench/ to drip/ diseases of the bladder
恰巧* 6 qia4 qiao3 fortunately/ unexpectedly/ by coincidence
同志* 6 tong2 zhi4 comrade/ homosexual (slang)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
细致* 6 xi4 zhi4 delicate/ fine/ careful/ meticulous/ painstaking
把戏* 6 ba3 xi4 acrobatics/ jugglery/ cheap trick/ game
布局* 6 bu4 ju2 arrangement/ composition/ layout/ opening (chess jargon)
共鸣* 6 gong4 ming2 physical resonance/ sympathetic response to sth
见义勇为* 6 jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom; from Analects)/ to stand up bravely for the truth/ acting heroically in a just cause
洽谈* 6 qia4 tan2 to discuss
统筹兼顾* 6 tong3 chou2 jian1 gu4 an overall plan taking into account all factors
争气* 6 zheng1 qi4 to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement/ determined not to fall short
不堪* 6 bu4 kan1 cannot bear/ cannot stand/ utterly/ extremely
出身* 6 chu1 shen1 family background/ class origin
地势* 6 di4 shi4 terrain/ topography relief
鉴于* 6 jian4 yu2 in view of/ seeing that/ considering/ whereas
开辟* 6 kai1 pi4 to open up/ to set up/ to start/ to build
难堪* 6 nan2 kan1 hard to take/ embarrassed
统计* 6 tong3 ji4 statistics/ to count/ to add up
* 6 xia2 red clouds
自卑* 6 zi4 bei1 feeling inferior/ self-abased
霸道* 6 ba4 dao4 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent
不可思议* 6 bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 inconceivable (idiom)/ unimaginable/ unfathomable
筛选* 6 shai1 xuan3 to filter
统统* 6 tong3 tong3 totally
狭隘* 6 xia2 ai4 narrow/ tight/ narrow minded/ lacking in experience
优胜劣汰* 6 you1 sheng4 lie4 tai4 survival of the fittest
罢工* 6 ba4 gong1 a strike/ to go on strike
勾结* 6 gou1 jie2 to collude with/ to collaborate with/ to gang up with
华丽* 6 hua2 li4 gorgeous
将近* 6 jiang1 jin4 almost/ nearly/ close to
开水* 6 kai1 shui3 boiled water/ boiling water
难免* 6 nan2 mian3 hard to avoid/ difficult to escape from
峡谷* 6 xia2 gu3 canyon/ gill/ ravine
雪上加霜* 6 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom)/ one disaster on top of another/ to make things worse in a bad situation
征收* 6 zheng1 shou1 to levy (a fine)/ to impose (a tariff)
不愧* 6 bu4 kui4 be worthy of/ deserve to be called/ prove oneself to be
废除* 6 fei4 chu2 to abolish/ to abrogate/ to repeal
华侨* 6 hua2 qiao2 overseas Chinese/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
将军* 6 jiang1 jun1 (Military) admiral/ (chess) to check/ to embarrass
开拓* 6 kai1 tuo4 to break new ground (for agriculture)/ to open up (a new seam)/ to develop (border regions)/ fig. to open up (new horizons)
难能可贵* 6 nan2 neng2 ke3 gui4 rare and commendable/ estimable
牵扯* 6 qian1 che3 to involve/ to implicate
狭窄* 6 xia2 zhai3 narrow
优先* 6 you1 xian1 priority
争先恐后* 6 zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom)/ outdoing one another
* 6 bai1 to break with both hands
不料* 6 bu4 liao4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise
出息* 6 chu1 xi5 promise/ prospects/ future
钩子* 6 gou1 zi5 hook
签订* 6 qian1 ding4 to agree to and sign (a treaty etc)
山脉* 6 shan1 mai4 mountain range/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
血压* 6 xue4 ya1 blood pressure
争议* 6 zheng1 yi4 controversy/ dispute
自发* 6 zi4 fa1 spontaneous
沸腾* 6 fei4 teng2 boiling/ ebullition
凌晨* 6 ling2 chen2 early in the morning
千方百计* 6 qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 lit. thousand ways; a hundred plans (idiom)/ by every possible means
* 6 shu3 to count/ to enumerate/ to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)
熏陶* 6 xun1 tao2 nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of culture)/ seeped in
优异* 6 you1 yi4 exceptional/ outstandingly good
正月* 6 zheng1 yue4 first month of the lunar year
出洋相* 6 chu1 yang2 xiang4 to make a fool of oneself
递增* 6 di4 zeng1 to increase by degrees/ in increasing order/ incremental/ progressive
* 6 jiang3 oar/ paddle
开展* 6 kai1 zhan3 (begin to) develop/ unfold/ to start/ to launch/ to open/ to carry out
灵感* 6 ling2 gan3 inspiration/ insight/ a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
迁就* 6 qian1 jiu4 to yield/ to adapt to/ to accommodate to (sth)
循环* 6 xun2 huan2 to cycle/ to circulate/ circle/ loop
忧郁* 6 you1 yu4 sullen/ depressed/ melancholy/ dejected
挣扎* 6 zheng1 zha2 to struggle/ struggling
划分* 6 hua4 fen1 to divide
灵魂* 6 ling2 hun2 soul/ spirit
恼火* 6 nao3 huo3 to get angry/ irritated/ to annoy/ to aggravate/ annoying
签署* 6 qian1 shu3 to sign (an agreement)
擅长* 6 shan4 chang2 to be good at/ to be expert in
投机* 6 tou2 ji1 to speculate (on financial markets)/ opportunistic/ congenial/ agreeable
巡逻* 6 xun2 luo2 to patrol (police; army or navy)
优越* 6 you1 yue4 superior/ superiority
整顿* 6 zheng3 dun4 to tidy up/ to reorganize/ to consolidate/ to rectify
百分点* 6 bai3 fen1 dian3 percentage point
构思* 6 gou4 si1 to outline a story/ to make a preliminary sketch
画蛇添足* 6 hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom)/ fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous/ to overdo it
刊登* 6 kan1 deng1 to carry a story/ to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
* 6 shu4 to erect/ vertical/ vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
投票* 6 tou2 piao4 to vote/ vote
下属* 6 xia4 shu3 subordinate/ underling
寻觅* 6 xun2 mi4 to look for
自力更生* 6 zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1 regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/ self-reliance
摆脱* 6 bai3 tuo1 to break away from/ to cast off (old ideas etc)/ to get rid of/ to break away (from)/ to break out (of)/ to free oneself from/ to extricate oneself
地质* 6 di4 zhi4 geology
分辨* 6 fen1 bian4 to distinguish/ to differentiate/ to resolve/ to defend against an accusation/ to exculpate
化石* 6 hua4 shi2 fossil
勘探* 6 kan1 tan4 exploration
迁徙* 6 qian1 xi3 to migrate/ to move
* 6 shu4 to bind/ to tie/ bundle/ cluster/ restraint
投降* 6 tou2 xiang2 to surrender/ surrender
自满* 6 zi4 man3 complacent/ self-satisfied
拜访* 6 bai4 fang3 pay a visit/ call on
不时* 6 bu4 shi2 frequently/ often/ at any time
颠簸* 6 dian1 bo3 to shake/ to jolt/ to bump
奖励* 6 jiang3 li4 reward (as encouragement)
刊物* 6 kan1 wu4 publication
内涵* 6 nei4 han2 meaning/ content/ essential properties implied or reflected by a notion/ intention/ connotation/ self-possessed
擅自* 6 shan4 zi4 without permission/ of one's own initiative
投掷* 6 tou2 zhi4 to throw sth a long distance/ to hurl
循序渐进* 6 xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4 in sequence; step by step (idiom)/ to make steady progress incrementally
字母* 6 zi4 mu3 letter (of the alphabet)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
败坏* 6 bai4 huai4 to ruin/ to corrupt/ to undermine
部署* 6 bu4 shu3 to dispose/ to deploy/ deployment
颠倒* 6 dian1 dao3 to turn upside-down/ to reverse/ back-to-front/ confused/ deranged/ crazy
孤独* 6 gu1 du2 lonely/ solitary
话筒* 6 hua4 tong3 microphone
谦逊* 6 qian1 xun4 humble/ humility/ modesty
数额* 6 shu4 e2 amount/ sum of money/ fixed number
油腻* 6 you2 ni4 grease/ greasy food/ oily/ rich (of food)/ fatty/ greasy and dirty/ a slippery character
部位* 6 bu4 wei4 position/ place
分寸* 6 fen1 cun5 propriety/ appropriate behavior/ proper speech or action/ within the norms
辜负* 6 gu1 fu4 to fail to live up (to expectations)/ unworthy (of trust)/ to let down/ to betray (hopes)/ to disappoint
内幕* 6 nei4 mu4 inside story/ non-public information/ behind the scenes/ internal
商标* 6 shang1 biao1 trademark/ logo
束缚* 6 shu4 fu4 to bind/ to restrict/ to tie/ to commit/ fetters
油漆* 6 you2 qi1 oil paints/ lacquer/ to paint/ CL:層|层[ceng2]
拜托* 6 bai4 tuo1 request sb to do sth/ please!
不惜* 6 bu4 xi1 not stint/ not spare/ not hesitate (to do sth)/ not scruple (to do sth)
储备* 6 chu3 bei4 reserves/ to store up
典礼* 6 dian3 li3 celebration/ ceremony
化验* 6 hua4 yan4 laboratory test/ chemical experiment/ assay
牵制* 6 qian1 zhi4 to control/ to curb/ to restrict/ to impede/ to pin down (enemy troops)
先进* 6 xian1 jin4 advanced (technology)/ to advance
不相上下* 6 bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 equally matched/ about the same
储存* 6 chu3 cun2 stockpile/ to store/ to stockpile/ storage
吩咐* 6 fen1 fu4 to tell/ to instruct/ to command
化妆* 6 hua4 zhuang1 to put on make-up
降临* 6 jiang4 lin2 to descend to
看待* 6 kan4 dai4 to look upon/ to regard
零星* 6 ling2 xing1 fragmentary/ random/ bits and pieces/ sporadic
树立* 6 shu4 li4 to set up/ to establish
押金* 6 ya1 jin1 deposit/ cash pledge
犹如* 6 you2 ru2 similar to/ appearing to be
不像话* 6 bu4 xiang4 hua4 unreasonable/ shocking/ outrageous
处分* 6 chu3 fen4 to discipline sb/ to punish/ disciplinary action/ to deal with (a matter)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
分红* 6 fen1 hong2 a bonus/ to award a bonus
孤立* 6 gu1 li4 isolate/ isolated
伤脑筋* 6 shang1 nao3 jin1 knotty/ troublesome/ bothersome
突破* 6 tu1 po4 to break through/ to make a breakthrough/ to surmount or break the back of (a task etc)/ (of ball sports) to break through a defense
掀起* 6 xian1 qi3 to lift/ to raise in height/ to begin/ upsurge/ to set off (a campaign)
正当* 6 zheng4 dang1 honest/ reasonable/ fair/ sensible/ timely/ just (when needed)
颁布* 6 ban1 bu4 to issue/ to proclaim/ to enact (laws; decrees etc)
不屑一顾* 6 bu4 xie4 yi1 gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt
处境* 6 chu3 jing4 plight/ unfavorable situation
典型* 6 dian3 xing2 model/ typical case/ archetype/ typical/ representative
分解* 6 fen1 jie3 to resolve/ to decompose/ to break down
领会* 6 ling3 hui4 to understand/ to comprehend/ to grasp
前景* 6 qian2 jing3 foreground/ vista/ (future) prospects/ perspective
先前* 6 xian1 qian2 before/ previously
压迫* 6 ya1 po4 to oppress/ to repress/ to constrict/ oppression/ stress (physics)
颁发* 6 ban1 fa1 issue/ promulgate/ award
不言而喻* 6 bu4 yan2 er2 yu4 it goes without saying/ it is self-evident
点缀* 6 dian3 zhui4 to decorate/ an ornament/ to adorn/ only for show
分裂* 6 fen1 lie4 to split up/ to divide/ to break up/ fission
姑且* 6 gu1 qie3 temporarily/ the time being/ for the moment/ provisional/ tentatively
怀孕* 6 huai2 yun4 pregnant/ to have conceived/ gestation/ pregnancy
领事馆* 6 ling3 shi4 guan3 consulate
潜力* 6 qian2 li4 potential/ capacity
数目* 6 shu4 mu4 amount/ number
压岁钱* 6 ya1 sui4 qian2 money given to children as new year present
正负* 6 zheng4 fu4 positive and negative
储蓄* 6 chu3 xu4 to deposit money/ to save/ savings
* 6 dian4 pad/ cushion/ mat
看望* 6 kan4 wang4 to visit/ to pay a call to
领土* 6 ling3 tu3 territory
纤维* 6 xian1 wei2 fiber/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
压缩* 6 ya1 suo1 to compress/ compression
正规* 6 zheng4 gui1 regular/ according to standards
自主* 6 zi4 zhu3 to act for oneself/ autonomous
不由得* 6 bu4 you2 de5 can't help/ cannot but
处置* 6 chu3 zhi4 to handle/ to take care of/ to punish
分明* 6 fen1 ming2 clearly demarcated/ sharply contoured
欢乐* 6 huan1 le4 gaiety/ gladness/ glee/ merriment/ pleasure/ happy/ joyous/ gay
慷慨* 6 kang1 kai3 vehement/ fervent/ generous/ giving/ liberal
领悟* 6 ling3 wu4 to understand/ to comprehend
潜水* 6 qian2 shui3 to dive/ to go under water/ lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies)
压抑* 6 ya1 yi4 to constrain or repress emotions/ oppressive/ stifling/ depressing/ repression
版本* 6 ban3 ben3 version/ edition/ release
不择手段* 6 bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4 by fair means or foul/ by hook or by crook/ unscrupulously
触犯* 6 chu4 fan4 offend
奠定* 6 dian4 ding4 to establish/ to fix/ to settle
股东* 6 gu3 dong1 shareholder/ stockholder
领先* 6 ling3 xian1 to lead/ to be in front
前提* 6 qian2 ti2 premise/ precondition/ prerequisite
涂抹* 6 tu2 mo3 to paint/ to smear/ to doodle
* 6 xian2 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1]
压榨* 6 ya1 zha4 to press/ to squeeze/ to extract juice; oil etc by squeezing
踪迹* 6 zong1 ji4 tracks/ trail/ footprint/ trace/ vestige
不止* 6 bu4 zhi3 incessantly/ without end/ more than/ not limited to
惦记* 6 dian4 ji4 remember with concern/ worry about
分歧* 6 fen1 qi2 difference (of opinion; position)/ bifurcation
古董* 6 gu3 dong3 curio/ antique
交叉* 6 jiao1 cha1 to cross/ to intersect
考察* 6 kao3 cha2 to inspect/ to observe and study/ on-the-spot investigation
* 6 ńg (a groaning sound)
* 6 shua3 to play with/ to juggle
* 6 xian2 to dislike/ suspicion/ resentment/ enmity/ abbr. for 嫌犯|嫌犯[xian2 fan4]; criminal suspect
压制* 6 ya1 zhi4 to suppress/ to inhibit/ to stifle
正经* 6 zheng4 jing5 decent/ honorable/ proper/ serious/ according to standards
布置* 6 bu4 zhi4 to put in order/ to arrange/ to decorate/ to fix up/ to deploy
川流不息* 6 chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 the stream flows without stopping (idiom)/ unending flow
鼓动* 6 gu3 dong4 to agitate/ to arouse/ to instigate/ to encite
环节* 6 huan2 jie2 round segment/ segment (of annelid worms)/ connection/ link/ sector/ annular ring
交代* 6 jiao1 dai4 to hand over/ to explain/ to make clear/ to brief (sb)/ to account for/ to justify oneself/ to confess/ to finish (colloquial)
考古* 6 kao3 gu3 archaeology
潜移默化* 6 qian2 yi2 mo4 hua4 imperceptible influence/ to influence secretly
上级* 6 shang4 ji2 higher authorities/ superiors/ CL:個|个[ge4]
棕色* 6 zong1 se4 brown
穿越* 6 chuan1 yue4 to pass through/ to cross/ to overcome
分手* 6 fen1 shou3 to split up/ to break up
股份* 6 gu3 fen4 a share (in a company)/ stock
焦点* 6 jiao1 dian3 focus/ focal point
考核* 6 kao3 he2 to examine/ to check up on/ to assess/ to review/ appraisal/ review/ evaluation
拟定* 6 ni3 ding4 to draw up/ to draft/ to formulate
上进心* 6 shang4 jin4 xin1 aggressiveness/ gumption/ enterprising spirit
衰老* 6 shuai1 lao3 to age/ to deteriorate with age/ old and weak
闲话* 6 xian2 hua4 digression/ gossip/ complaint/ scandal/ CL:段[duan4]
亚军* 6 ya4 jun1 second place (in a sports contest)/ runner-up
宗旨* 6 zong1 zhi3 objective/ aim/ goal
骨干* 6 gu3 gan4 diaphysis (long segment of a bone)/ fig. backbone
还原* 6 huan2 yuan2 to restore to the original state/ reduction (chemistry)
* 6 liu1 to slip away/ to escape in stealth/ to skate
谴责* 6 qian3 ze2 to denounce/ to condemn/ to criticize/ condemnation/ criticism
上任* 6 shang4 ren4 take office
衰退* 6 shuai1 tui4 to decline/ to fall/ to drop/ to falter/ a decline/ recession (in economics)
土壤* 6 tu3 rang3 soil
贤惠* 6 xian2 hui4 chaste/ virtuous
正气* 6 zheng4 qi4 healthy environment/ healthy atmosphere/ righteousness/ vital energy (in Chinese medicine)
伴侣* 6 ban4 lv3 companion/ mate/ partner
古怪* 6 gu3 guai4 eccentric/ grotesque/ oddly/ queer
缓和* 6 huan3 he2 to ease (tension)/ to alleviate/ to moderate/ to allay/ to make more mild
焦急* 6 jiao1 ji2 anxiety/ anxious
衔接* 6 xian2 jie1 to join together/ to combine
有条不紊* 6 you3 tiao2 bu4 wen3 regular and thorough (idiom)/ methodically arranged
总而言之* 6 zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 in short/ in a word/ in brief
伴随* 6 ban4 sui2 to accompany/ to follow/ to occur together with/ attendant
船舶* 6 chuan2 bo2 shipping/ boats
年度* 6 nian2 du4 year (e.g. school year; fiscal year)
嫌疑* 6 xian2 yi2 suspicion/ (be) suspected (of)
烟花爆竹* 6 yan1 hua1 bao4 zhu2 fireworks and crackers
政权* 6 zheng4 quan2 regime/ (wield) political power
半途而废* 6 ban4 tu2 er2 fei4 to give up halfway (idiom)/ leave sth unfinished
传达* 6 chuan2 da2 to pass on/ to convey/ to relay/ to transmit/ transmission
电源* 6 dian4 yuan2 electric power source
坟墓* 6 fen2 mu4 sepulcher/ tomb
考验* 6 kao3 yan4 to test/ to put to the test
抢劫* 6 qiang1 jie2 to rob/ looting
上瘾* 6 shang4 yin3 to get into a habit/ to become addicted
率领* 6 shuai4 ling3 lead/ command/ head
淹没* 6 yan1 mo4 to submerge/ to drown/ to flood/ to drown out (also fig.)
扮演* 6 ban4 yan3 play the part of/ act
粉末* 6 fen3 mo4 fine powder/ dust
靠拢* 6 kao4 long3 to draw close to
流浪* 6 liu2 lang4 to drift about/ to wander/ to roam/ nomadic/ homeless/ unsettled (e.g. population)/ vagrant
上游* 6 shang4 you2 upper reaches/ advanced position
涮火锅* 6 shuan4 huo3 guo1 to instant-boil (mutton; beef; vegetables; etc.)
团结* 6 tuan2 jie2 a rally/ to hold a rally/ to join forces
证实* 6 zheng4 shi2 to confirm (sth to be true)/ to verify
裁缝* 6 cai2 feng5 tailor/ dressmaker
* 6 diao1 to hold in the mouth
粉色* 6 fen3 se4 white/ light pink/ erotic/ beautiful woman/ powdered (with make-up)
* 6 shao1 tip of branch
团体* 6 tuan2 ti3 group/ organization/ team/ CL:個|个[ge4]
雕刻* 6 diao1 ke4 to carve/ to engrave/ carving
荒凉* 6 huang1 liang2 desolate
交涉* 6 jiao1 she4 to negotiate/ relating to
* 6 shao1 to bring sth to sb (news etc)
团员* 6 tuan2 yuan2 member/ group member
显著* 6 xian3 zhu4 outstanding/ notable/ remarkable
诱惑* 6 you4 huo4 to entice/ to lure/ to induce/ to attract
绑架* 6 bang3 jia4 to kidnap/ to abduct/ to hijack/ a kidnapping/ abduction/ staking
才干* 6 cai2 gan4 ability/ competence
传授* 6 chuan2 shou4 to impart/ to pass on/ to teach
雕塑* 6 diao1 su4 a statue/ a Buddhist image/ sculpture/ to carve
* 6 ke1 to tap/ knock
留恋* 6 liu2 lian4 reluctant to leave/ to hate to have to go/ to recall fondly
强制* 6 qiang2 zhi4 to enforce/ enforcement/ forcibly/ compulsory
沿海* 6 yan2 hai3 coastal
幼稚* 6 you4 zhi4 young/ childish/ naive
正义* 6 zheng4 yi4 justice/ righteous/ righteousness
榜样* 6 bang3 yang4 example/ model/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 6 diao4 to suspend/ to hang up/ to hang a person
荒谬* 6 huang1 miu4 absurd/ ridiculous
颗粒* 6 ke1 li4 kernel/ granule/ granulated (sugar; chemical product)
流露* 6 liu2 lu4 to express/ to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)
爽快* 6 shuang3 kuai4 refreshed/ rejuvenated/ frank and straightforward
推测* 6 tui1 ce4 speculation/ to conjecture/ to surmise/ to speculate
现场* 6 xian4 chang3 lit. actual location/ the scene (of the incident)/ on-the-spot
严寒* 6 yan2 han2 bitter cold/ severe winter
裁判* 6 cai2 pan4 judgment/ to referee/ umpire/ judge/ referee/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
荒唐* 6 huang1 tang2 beyond belief/ preposterous/ absurd/ intemperate/ dissipated
交往* 6 jiao1 wang3 to associate/ to contact/ association/ contact
流氓* 6 liu2 mang2 rogue/ hoodlum/ gangster/ immoral behavior
* 6 nie1 to pinch (with one's fingers)/ to knead/ to make up
严禁* 6 yan2 jin4 strictly prohibit
* 6 bang4 see 磅秤 scale/ platform balance/ pound (unit of weight; about 454 grams)
顾虑* 6 gu4 lv4 misgivings/ apprehensions
交易* 6 jiao1 yi4 (business) transaction/ business deal/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
留念* 6 liu2 nian4 to keep as a souvenir/ to recall fondly
强迫* 6 qiang3 po4 to compel/ to force
郑重* 6 zheng4 zhong4 serious
纵横* 6 zong4 heng2 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
裁员* 6 cai2 yuan2 to cut staff/ to lay off employees
喘气* 6 chuan3 qi4 to breathe deeply/ to pant
风暴* 6 feng1 bao4 storm/ violent commotion/ fig. crisis (e.g. revolution; uprising; financial crisis etc)
留神* 6 liu2 shen2 to take care/ to be careful
* 6 ning2 to pinch/ wring
奢侈* 6 she1 chi3 luxurious/ extravagant/ wasteful
水利* 6 shui3 li4 water conservancy/ irrigation works
推翻* 6 tui1 fan1 overthrow
宪法* 6 xian4 fa3 constitution (of a country)
严峻* 6 yan2 jun4 grim/ severe/ rigorous
症状* 6 zheng4 zhuang4 symptom (of an illness)
* 6 chuan4 to string together/ to mix up/ to conspire/ to rove/ bunch or cluster/ string (computing)/ classifier for rows or strings
调动* 6 diao4 dong4 to transfer/ to maneuver (troops etc)
封闭* 6 feng1 bi4 to seal/ to close/ to confine/ to seal off/ to close down/ sealed/ confined/ closed/ unreceptive
流通* 6 liu2 tong1 to circulate
凝固* 6 ning2 gu4 to freeze/ to solidify/ to congeal/ fig. with rapt attention
陷害* 6 xian4 hai4 to frame (up)/ to make false charges against
舆论* 6 yu2 lun4 public opinion
走廊* 6 zou3 lang2 corridor/ aisle/ hallway/ colonnade/ passageway/ piazza/ veranda
包庇* 6 bao1 bi4 shield/ harbor/ cover up
* 6 die1 to drop/ to fall/ to tumble/ Taiwan pr. die2
风度* 6 feng1 du4 elegance (for men)/ elegant demeanor/ grace/ poise
搅拌* 6 jiao3 ban4 to stir/ to agitate
凝聚* 6 ning2 ju4 to condense/ to coagulate/ coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/ aggregation/ coherent
言论* 6 yan2 lun4 speech/ expression of opinion/ public opinion
愚昧* 6 yu2 mei4 ignorant/ uneducated
走漏* 6 zou3 lou4 to leak (of information; liquid etc)/ to divulge
包袱* 6 bao1 fu5 cloth-wrapper/ a bundle wrapped in cloth/ load/ weight/ burden
顾问* 6 gu4 wen4 adviser/ consultant
可观* 6 ke3 guan1 considerable
推理* 6 tui1 li3 reasoning/ speculative/ inference
严密* 6 yan2 mi4 strict/ tight (organization; surveillance etc)
渔民* 6 yu2 min2 fisherman/ fisher folk
走私* 6 zou3 si1 to smuggle/ to have an illicit affair
采购* 6 cai3 gou4 to procure (for an enterprise etc)/ to purchase
床单* 6 chuang2 dan1 sheet/ CL:條|条[tiao2];件[jian4];張|张[zhang1];床[chuang2]
* 6 ding1 to watch attentively/ to fix attention on/ to stare/ to gaze/ to follow/ to shadow sb
故乡* 6 gu4 xiang1 home/ homeland/ native place/ CL:個|个[ge4]
桥梁* 6 qiao2 liang2 bridge/ fig. connection between two areas
推论* 6 tui1 lun4 to infer/ a deduction/ a corollary/ a reasoned conclusion
馅儿* 6 xian4 r5 stuffing/ filling; e.g. in 包子[bao3 zi5] or 饺子[jiao3 zi5]
延期* 6 yan2 qi1 to delay/ to extend/ to postpone/ to defer
* 6 zhi1 branch/ classifier for sticks; rods; pencils etc
* 6 zou4 to beat up/ to break to pieces
叮嘱* 6 ding1 zhu3 to warn repeatedly/ to urge/ to exhort again and again
风光* 6 feng1 guang1 scene/ view/ sight/ landscape/ to be well-regarded/ to be well-off/ grand (topolect)/ impressive (topolect)
角落* 6 jiao3 luo4 nook/ corner
宁肯* 6 ning4 ken3 would rather.../ it would be better.../ would prefer
推销* 6 tui1 xiao1 to market/ to sell
陷入* 6 xian4 ru4 to sink into/ to get caught up in/ to land in (a predicament)
炎热* 6 yan2 re4 blistering hot/ sizzling hot (weather)
支撑* 6 zhi1 cheng1 to prop up/ to support/ strut/ brace
采集* 6 cai3 ji2 to gather/ to collect/ to harvest
创立* 6 chuang4 li4 to found/ establish/ originate
封建* 6 feng1 jian4 system of enfeoffment/ feudalism/ feudal/ feudalistic
恍然大悟* 6 huang3 ran2 da4 wu4 to suddenly realize/ to suddenly see the light
缴纳* 6 jiao3 na4 to pay (taxes etc)
可口* 6 ke3 kou3 tasty/ to taste good
宁愿* 6 ning4 yuan4 would rather/ better
租赁* 6 zu1 lin4 to rent/ to lease/ to hire
包围* 6 bao1 wei2 to surround/ to encircle/ to hem in
采纳* 6 cai3 na4 to accept/ to adopt
创新* 6 chuang4 xin1 innovation/ to bring forth new ideas/ to blaze new trails
固有* 6 gu4 you3 intrinsic to sth/ inherent/ native
隆重* 6 long2 zhong4 grand/ prosperous/ ceremonious/ solemn
* 6 qiao4 to raise
涉及* 6 she4 ji2 to involve/ to touch upon (a topic)
线索* 6 xian4 suo3 trail/ clues/ thread (of a story)
延伸* 6 yan2 shen1 to extend/ to spread
支出* 6 zhi1 chu1 to spend/ to pay out/ expense
足以* 6 zu2 yi3 sufficient to.../ so much so that/ so that
彩票* 6 cai3 piao4 the lottery/ lottery ticket
创业* 6 chuang4 ye4 to begin an undertaking/ to start a major task/ to initiate/ to venture/ venture
定义* 6 ding4 yi4 definition
故障* 6 gu4 zhang4 malfunction/ breakdown/ defect/ shortcoming/ fault/ failure/ impediment/ error/ bug (in software)
垄断* 6 long3 duan4 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize
岩石* 6 yan2 shi2 rock
* 6 zu3 to form/ to organize/ class/ section
锋利* 6 feng1 li4 sharp (e.g. knife blade)/ incisive/ to the point
固执* 6 gu4 zhi5 persistent/ stubborn
笼罩* 6 long3 zhao4 to envelop/ to shroud
纽扣儿* 6 niu3 kou4 r5 button
锲而不舍* 6 qie4 er2 bu4 she3 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom)/ to chisel away at sth/ to persevere/ unflagging efforts
设立* 6 she4 li4 to set up/ to establish
脂肪* 6 zhi1 fang2 body fat
阻碍* 6 zu3 ai4 to obstruct/ to hinder/ to block
创作* 6 chuang4 zuo4 to create/ to produce/ to write/ creative work/ creation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
丢人* 6 diu1 ren2 to lose face
丰满* 6 feng1 man3 plentiful/ rich/ plump/ well-rounded
扭转* 6 niu3 zhuan3 to reverse/ to turn around (an undesirable situation)
切实* 6 qie4 shi2 feasible/ earnestly/ conscientiously/ realistic/ practical
社区* 6 she4 qu1 community
吞咽* 6 tun1 yan4 to swallow/ to gulp
延续* 6 yan2 xu4 to continue/ to go on/ to last
与日俱增* 6 yu3 ri4 ju4 zeng1 to increase steadily/ to grow with each passing day
知觉* 6 zhi1 jue2 perception/ consciousness
丢三落四* 6 diu1 san1 la4 si4 forgetful/ scatterbrained
风气* 6 feng1 qi4 general mood/ atmosphere/ common practice
辉煌* 6 hui1 huang2 splendid/ glorious
较量* 6 jiao4 liang4 to have a contest with sb/ to cross swords/ to measure up against/ to compete with/ to haggle/ to quibble
渴望* 6 ke3 wang4 to thirst for/ to long for
* 6 lou3 to hold or embrace in one's arms
摄取* 6 she4 qu3 absorb (nutrition)/ take a photo
现状* 6 xian4 zhuang4 current situation
羽绒服* 6 yu3 rong2 fu2 down garment
吹牛* 6 chui1 niu2 to brag/ to chat (dialect)
风趣* 6 feng1 qu4 humor/ wit/ humorous/ witty
挥霍* 6 hui1 huo4 to squander money/ extravagant/ prodigal/ free and easy/ agile
可恶* 6 ke3 wu4 repulsive/ vile/ hateful/ abominable
侵犯* 6 qin1 fan4 to infringe on/ to encroach on/ to violate
脱离* 6 tuo1 li2 to separate oneself from/ to break away from/ diastasis (medicine)/ abscission/ abjunction (botany)
演变* 6 yan3 bian4 to develop/ to evolve
支配* 6 zhi1 pei4 to dominate/ to allocate
吹捧* 6 chui1 peng3 to flatter/ to laud sb's accomplishments/ adulation
丰盛* 6 feng1 sheng4 rich/ sumptuous
炉灶* 6 lu2 zao4 stove
浓厚* 6 nong2 hou4 dense/ thick (fog; clouds etc)/ to have a strong interest in/ deep/ fully saturated (color)
拖延* 6 tuo1 yan2 to adjourn/ to delay/ to defer/ adjournment/ procrastination
相差* 6 xiang1 cha4 to differ/ discrepancy between
予以* 6 yu3 yi3 to give/ to impose/ to apply
* 6 chui2 hammer/ to hammer into shape/ weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance)
东道主* 6 dong1 dao4 zhu3 host/ official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
可笑* 6 ke3 xiao4 funny/ ridiculous
农历* 6 nong2 li4 the traditional Chinese calendar/ the lunar calendar
钦佩* 6 qin1 pei4 to admire/ to look up to/ to respect sb greatly
设想* 6 she4 xiang3 to imagine/ to assume/ to envisage/ tentative plan/ to have consideration for
托运* 6 tuo1 yun4 to consign (goods)/ to check through (baggage)
掩盖* 6 yan3 gai4 to conceal/ to hide behind/ to cover up
阻拦* 6 zu3 lan2 to stop/ to obstruct
保管* 6 bao3 guan3 to assure/ to guarantee/ to take care of/ to safeguard/ certainly/ surely
参谋* 6 can1 mou2 staff officer/ give advice
回报* 6 hui2 bao4 (in) return/ reciprocation/ payback/ retaliation/ to report back/ to reciprocate
教养* 6 jiao4 yang3 to train/ to educate/ to bring up/ to nurture/ education/ culture/ upbringing/ early conditioning
妥当* 6 tuo3 dang5 appropriate/ proper/ ready
眼光* 6 yan3 guang1 vision
* 6 yu4 heal/ the more...the more/ to recover/ better
支援* 6 zhi1 yuan2 to provide assistance/ to support/ to back
阻挠* 6 zu3 nao2 to thwart/ to obstruct (sth)
东张西望* 6 dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4 to look in all directions (idiom)/ to glance around
封锁* 6 feng1 suo3 to blockade/ to seal off
回避* 6 hui2 bi4 to evade/ to shun/ to avoid
设置* 6 she4 zhi4 to set up/ to install
司法* 6 si1 fa3 judicial/ (administration of) justice
妥善* 6 tuo3 shan4 appropriate/ proper
掩护* 6 yan3 hu4 to screen/ to shield/ to cover/ protection/ cover/ CL:面[mian4]
* 6 yu4 reconciled/ smooth
支柱* 6 zhi1 zhu4 mainstay/ pillar/ prop/ backbone
饱和* 6 bao3 he2 saturation
风土人情* 6 feng1 tu3 ren2 qing2 local conditions and customs (idiom)
亲热* 6 qin1 re4 affectionate/ intimate/ warm-hearted
妥协* 6 tuo3 xie2 to compromise/ to reach terms/ a compromise
演讲* 6 yan3 jiang3 lecture/ to make a speech
知足常乐* 6 zhi1 zu2 chang2 le4 satisfied with what one has (idiom)
参照* 6 can1 zhao4 to consult a reference/ to refer to (another document)
纯洁* 6 chun2 jie2 pure/ clean and honest/ to purify
董事长* 6 dong3 shi4 zhang3 chairman of the board/ chairman
风味* 6 feng1 wei4 local flavor/ local style
回顾* 6 hui2 gu4 to look back/ to review
亲身* 6 qin1 shen1 personal/ oneself
椭圆* 6 tuo3 yuan2 oval/ ellipse/ elliptic
饱经沧桑* 6 bao3 jing1 cang1 sang1 having lived through many changes
回收* 6 hui2 shou1 to recycle/ to reclaim/ to retrieve/ to recover
相辅相成* 6 xiang1 fu3 xiang1 cheng2 to complement one another (idiom)
值班* 6 zhi2 ban1 to work a shift/ on duty
钻研* 6 zuan1 yan2 to study meticulously/ to delve into
* 6 dong4 classifier for houses or buildings/ ridgepole (old)
* 6 feng2 to meet by chance/ to come across/ to fawn upon
刻不容缓* 6 ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3 to brook no delay/ to demand immediate action
深奥* 6 shen1 ao4 profound/ abstruse/ recondite/ profoundly
司令* 6 si1 ling4 commanding officer
挖掘* 6 wa1 jue2 to excavate/ to dig/ to unearth
眼色* 6 yan3 se4 a wink/ to signal with one's eyes
直播* 6 zhi2 bo1 live broadcast (not recorded)/ direct internet broadcasting
钻石* 6 zuan4 shi2 diamond/ CL:顆|颗[ke1]
保密* 6 bao3 mi4 to keep sth confidential/ to maintain secrecy
词汇* 6 ci2 hui4 vocabulary/ list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes)
悔恨* 6 hui3 hen4 remorse/ repentance
轮船* 6 lun2 chuan2 steamship/ CL:艘[sou1]
* 6 nuo2 to shift/ to move
勤俭* 6 qin2 jian3 hardworking and frugal
申报* 6 shen1 bao4 to report (to the authorities)/ to declare (to customs)
思念* 6 si1 nian4 think of/ long for/ miss
娃娃* 6 wa2 wa5 baby/ small child/ doll
眼神* 6 yan3 shen2 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/ meaningful glance/ wink/ eyesight (topolect)
预料* 6 yu4 liao4 to forecast/ to anticipate/ expectation
保姆* 6 bao3 mu3 nanny/ housekeeper
残留* 6 can2 liu2 to remain/ left over/ surplus/ remnant
慈祥* 6 ci2 xiang2 kindly/ benevolent (often of older person)
动荡* 6 dong4 dang4 unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion
奉献* 6 feng4 xian4 to consecrate/ to dedicate/ to devote
官方* 6 guan1 fang1 official/ (by the) government
毁灭* 6 hui3 mie4 perish/ ruin/ destroy
轮廓* 6 lun2 kuo4 an outline/ silhouette
勤恳* 6 qin2 ken3 diligent and attentive/ assiduous/ sincere
瓦解* 6 wa3 jie3 to collapse/ to disintegrate/ to crumble
掩饰* 6 yan3 shi4 to conceal a fault/ to gloss over
保守* 6 bao3 shou3 (politically) conservative/ to guard/ to keep
观光* 6 guan1 guang1 to tour/ sightseeing/ tourism
深沉* 6 shen1 chen2 deep/ extreme/ dull/ low pitched (sound)
思索* 6 si1 suo3 think deeply/ ponder
镶嵌* 6 xiang1 qian4 to inlay/ to embed/ to set (e.g. a jewel in a ring)/ tiling/ tesselation
演习* 6 yan3 xi2 exercise/ practice/ to put on a play/ to act
殖民地* 6 zhi2 min2 di4 colony
保卫* 6 bao3 wei4 to defend/ to safeguard
灿烂* 6 can4 lan4 to glitter/ brilliant/ splendid
动机* 6 dong4 ji1 motor/ locomotive/ motive/ motivation/ intention
否决* 6 fou3 jue2 veto/ to overrule/ to veto/ to reject
汇报* 6 hui4 bao4 to report/ to give an account of/ to collect information and report back
揭发* 6 jie1 fa1 to expose/ to bring to light/ to disclose/ revelation
客户* 6 ke4 hu4 client/ customer
思维* 6 si1 wei2 (line of) thought/ thinking
* 6 wa5 Wow!/ sound of child's crying
眼下* 6 yan3 xia4 now/ at present/ subocular (medicine)
预赛* 6 yu4 sai4 preliminary competition/ to hold preliminary heats
职能* 6 zhi2 neng2 function/ role
* 6 cang1 cabin/ the hold of a ship or airplane
冻结* 6 dong4 jie2 to freeze (loan; wage; price etc)
贿赂* 6 hui4 lu4 to bribe/ a bribe
论坛* 6 lun4 tan2 forum (for discussion)
虐待* 6 nve4 dai4 to mistreat/ to maltreat/ to abuse/ mistreatment/ maltreatment
* 6 qing1 hydrogen (chemistry)
斯文* 6 si1 wen5 refined/ educate/ cultured/ intellectual/ polite/ gentle
演绎* 6 yan3 yi4 to deduce/ to infer
职位* 6 zhi2 wei4 post/ office/ position
保养* 6 bao3 yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health/ to keep in good repair/ to maintain/ maintenance
动静* 6 dong4 jing4 sound of activity or people talking/ news of activity
接连* 6 jie1 lian2 on end/ in a row/ in succession
* 6 o4 oh/ ah
深情厚谊* 6 shen1 qing2 hou4 yi4 profound friendship
歪曲* 6 wai1 qu1 to distort/ to misrepresent
欲望* 6 yu4 wang4 desire/ longing/ appetite/ craving
保障* 6 bao3 zhang4 to ensure/ to guarantee/ to safeguard
仓促* 6 cang1 cu4 all of a sudden/ hurriedly
* 6 ci4 thorn/ splinter/ to stab/ to pierce/ to prick
动力* 6 dong4 li4 power/ motion/ propulsion/ force
夫妇* 6 fu1 fu4 a (married) couple/ husband and wife/ CL:對|对[dui4]
会晤* 6 hui4 wu4 to meet/ meeting/ conference
揭露* 6 jie1 lu4 to expose/ to unmask/ to ferret out/ to disclose/ disclosure
课题* 6 ke4 ti2 task/ problem/ issue
论证* 6 lun4 zheng4 to prove a point/ proof/ to expound on/ demonstrate or prove (through argument)
殴打* 6 ou1 da3 to beat up/ to come to blows/ battery (law)
思绪* 6 si1 xu4 train of thought/ emotional state/ mood/ feeling
相应* 6 xiang1 ying4 to correspond/ answering (one another)/ to agree (among the part)/ corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate/ (modify) accordingly
演奏* 6 yan3 zou4 to play a musical instrument/ to perform music
职务* 6 zhi2 wu4 post/ position/ job/ duties
仓库* 6 cang1 ku4 depot/ storehouse/ warehouse
啰唆* 6 luo1 suo5 to grumble
欧洲* 6 Ou1 zhou1 Europe/ European
清晨* 6 qing1 chen2 early morning
私自* 6 si1 zi4 private/ personal/ secretly/ without explicit approval
外表* 6 wai4 biao3 external/ outside/ outward appearance
乡镇* 6 xiang1 zhen4 village/ township
预先* 6 yu4 xian1 beforehand/ prior
保重* 6 bao3 zhong4 take care of oneself
伺候* 6 ci4 hou4 to serve/ to act as a valet
动身* 6 dong4 shen1 go on a journey/ leave
敷衍* 6 fu1 yan3 to elaborate (on a theme)/ to expound (the classics)/ perfunctory/ to skimp/ to botch/ to do sth half-heartedly or just for show/ barely enough to get by
* 6 ken3 to gnaw/ to nibble/ to bite
清除* 6 qing1 chu2 eliminate/ get rid of
验收* 6 yan4 shou1 to check on receipt/ an inventory of received goods/ to verify and accept (a delivery)
预言* 6 yu4 yan2 to predict/ prophecy
操劳* 6 cao1 lao2 to work hard/ to look after
动手* 6 dong4 shou3 to hit with hands or fists/ to start work/ to touch
关照* 6 guan1 zhao4 to take care/ to keep an eye on/ to look after/ to tell/ to remind
昏迷* 6 hun1 mi2 to lose consciousness/ to be in a coma/ stupor/ coma/ stunned/ disoriented
呻吟* 6 shen1 yin2 to moan/ to groan
厌恶* 6 yan4 wu4 to loath/ to hate/ disgusted with sth
报仇* 6 bao4 chou2 to revenge (oneself)/ to avenge
次品* 6 ci4 pin3 substandard products/ defective/ seconds
动态* 6 dong4 tai4 development/ trend/ dynamic state/ movement/ moving
落成* 6 luo4 cheng2 to complete a construction project
呕吐* 6 ou3 tu4 to vomit
外界* 6 wai4 jie4 the outside world/ external
验证* 6 yan4 zheng4 to inspect and verify/ experimental verification
预兆* 6 yu4 zhao4 omen/ prognosis (in medicine)
报酬* 6 bao4 chou5 reward/ remuneration
次序* 6 ci4 xu4 sequence/ order
浑身* 6 hun2 shen1 all over/ from head to foot
杰出* 6 jie2 chu1 outstanding/ distinguished/ remarkable/ prominent/ illustrious
* 6 keng1 pit/ to defraud
* 6 pa1 to lie on one's stomach
外向* 6 wai4 xiang4 outward-looking/ extrovert/ extroverted (personality)/ export-oriented (economy)
想方设法* 6 xiang3 fang1 she4 fa3 to think up every possible method (idiom)/ to devise ways and means/ to try this; that and the other
冤枉* 6 yuan1 wang5 hatred/ injustice/ bad luck/ unjust treatment/ wronged/ not worthwhile
遵循* 6 zun1 xun2 to follow/ to abide by/ to comply with/ compliance
报答* 6 bao4 da2 to repay/ to requite
操纵* 6 cao1 zong4 to operate/ to control/ to rig/ to manipulate
幅度* 6 fu2 du4 width/ extent/ range/ scope
管辖* 6 guan3 xia2 to administer/ to have jurisdiction (over)
混合* 6 hun4 he2 to mix/ to blend
空洞* 6 kong1 dong4 cavity/ empty/ vacuous
落实* 6 luo4 shi2 practical/ workable/ to implement/ to carry out/ to decide
轻而易举* 6 qing1 er2 yi4 ju3 easy/ with no difficulty
响亮* 6 xiang3 liang4 loud and clear/ resounding
指标* 6 zhi3 biao1 norm/ index/ target
尊严* 6 zun1 yan2 dignity/ sanctity/ honor/ majesty
报到* 6 bao4 dao4 report for duty/ check in/ register
操作* 6 cao1 zuo4 to work/ to operate/ to manipulate
动员* 6 dong4 yuan2 mobilize/ arouse/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
符号* 6 fu2 hao4 symbol/ mark/ sign
混乱* 6 hun4 luan4 confusion/ chaos/ disorder
结果* 6 jie2 guo3 result/ outcome/ effect/ in the event/ so that
络绎不绝* 6 luo4 yi4 bu4 jue2 continuously/ in an endless stream (idiom)
肆无忌惮* 6 si4 wu2 ji4 dan4 absolutely unrestrained/ unbridled/ without the slightest scruple
嘈杂* 6 cao2 za2 noisy/ clamorous
* 6 guan4 can/ jar/ pot
混淆* 6 hun4 xiao2 to obscure/ to confuse/ to mix up/ to blur/ to mislead
排斥* 6 pai2 chi4 to reject/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to remove/ to repel
清理* 6 qing1 li3 clear/ to put in order/ to check up
神奇* 6 shen2 qi2 magical/ mystical/ miraculous
饲养* 6 si4 yang3 to raise/ to rear
指定* 6 zhi3 ding4 to appoint/ to assign/ to indicate clearly and with certainty/ designated
爆发* 6 bao4 fa1 to break out/ to erupt/ to explode/ to burst out
* 6 dou1 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old)
贯彻* 6 guan4 che4 to implement/ to put into practice/ to carry out
空前绝后* 6 kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4 unprecedented and never to be duplicated/ the first and the last/ unmatched/ unique
履行* 6 lv3 xing2 to fulfill (one's obligations)/ to carry out (a task)/ to implement (an agreement)/ to perform
排除* 6 pai2 chu2 to eliminate/ to get rid of/ to remove
神气* 6 shen2 qi4 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous
四肢* 6 si4 zhi1 the four limbs of the body
原告* 6 yuan2 gao4 complainant/ plaintiff
报复* 6 bao4 fu4 to make reprisals/ to retaliate/ revenge/ retaliation
草案* 6 cao3 an4 draft (legislation; proposal etc)
* 6 cong2 cluster/ collection/ collection of books/ thicket
灌溉* 6 guan4 gai4 to irrigate
竭尽全力* 6 jie2 jin4 quan2 li4 to spare no effort (idiom)/ to do one's utmost
神情* 6 shen2 qing2 look/ expression
* 6 song3 to excite/ to raise up/ to shrug/ high/ lofty/ towering
完备* 6 wan2 bei4 faultless/ complete/ perfect/ to leave nothing to be desired
响应* 6 xiang3 ying4 respond to/ answer/ CL:個|个[ge4]
氧气* 6 yang3 qi4 oxygen
左右* 6 zuo3 you4 about/ approximately/ left and right/ around/ attendant
抱负* 6 bao4 fu4 aspiration/ ambition
草率* 6 cao3 shuai4 careless/ negligent/ sloppy/ not serious
陡峭* 6 dou3 qiao4 precipitous
服气* 6 fu2 qi4 to be convinced/ to accept
活该* 6 huo2 gai1 (coll.) serve sb right/ deservedly/ ought/ should
结晶* 6 jie2 jing1 crystallization/ crystalline/ crystal
空想* 6 kong1 xiang3 daydream/ fantasy/ to fantasize
排放* 6 pai2 fang4 emission/ discharge/ exhaust (gas etc)
神色* 6 shen2 se4 expression/ look
完毕* 6 wan2 bi4 to finish/ to end/ to complete
福气* 6 fu2 qi5 good fortune/ to enjoy good fortune
惯例* 6 guan4 li4 conventional
活力* 6 huo2 li4 energy/ vitality/ vigor/ vital force
结局* 6 jie2 ju2 conclusion/ ending
空虚* 6 kong1 xu1 hollow/ emptiness/ meaningless
徘徊* 6 pai2 huai2 to dither/ to hesitate/ to pace back and forth/ by ext. to hover around/ to linger
倾听* 6 qing1 ting1 to listen attentively
神圣* 6 shen2 sheng4 divine/ hallow/ holy/ sacred
* 6 sou1 classifier for ships/ Taiwan pr. sao1
原理* 6 yuan2 li3 principle/ theory
指令* 6 zhi3 ling4 order/ command/ instruction
曝光* 6 bao4 guang1 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public)
策划* 6 ce4 hua4 to plot/ to scheme/ to bring about/ to engineer/ planning/ producer/ planner
辐射* 6 fu2 she4 radiation
* 6 kong3 aperture/ opening/ hole
掠夺* 6 lve4 duo2 to plunder/ to rob/ also written 略奪|略夺
神态* 6 shen2 tai4 appearance/ manner/ bearing/ deportment/ look/ expression/ mien
搜索* 6 sou1 suo3 to search/ to look for sth/ to scour (search meticulously)/ to look sth up/ internet search/ database search
顽固* 6 wan2 gu4 stubborn/ obstinate
指南针* 6 zhi3 nan2 zhen1 compass
暴力* 6 bao4 li4 violence/ (use) force/ violent
测量* 6 ce4 liang2 survey/ to measure/ to gauge/ to determine
倾向* 6 qing1 xiang4 trend/ tendency/ orientation
神仙* 6 shen2 xian1 Daoist immortal/ supernatural entity/ (in modern fiction) fairy; elf; leprechaun etc/ fig. lighthearted person/ used in advertising: Live like an immortal! 活神仙似
苏醒* 6 su1 xing3 to wake up/ to regain consciousness
指示* 6 zhi3 shi4 to point out/ to indicate/ to instruct/ directives/ instructions/ CL:個|个[ge4]
作弊* 6 zuo4 bi4 to practice fraud/ to cheat/ to engage in corrupt practices
暴露* 6 bao4 lu4 to expose/ to reveal/ to lay bare
策略* 6 ce4 lve4 tactics/ to be tactful
督促* 6 du1 cu4 to urge sb to complete a task
光彩* 6 guang1 cai3 luster/ splendor/ radiance/ brilliance
恐吓* 6 kong3 he4 to threaten/ to menace
倾斜* 6 qing1 xie2 to incline/ to lean/ to slant/ to slope/ to tilt
审查* 6 shen3 cha2 to examine/ to investigate/ to censor out/ censorship
俗话* 6 su2 hua4 common saying/ proverb
指望* 6 zhi3 wang4 to hope for sth/ to count on/ hope
做东* 6 zuo4 dong1 to act as host
侧面* 6 ce4 mian4 lateral side/ side/ aspect/ profile
都市* 6 du1 shi4 city/ metropolis
腐败* 6 fu3 bai4 corruption/ corrupt/ rotten
恐惧* 6 kong3 ju4 fear/ dread/ phobia
麻痹* 6 ma2 bi4 paralysis/ palsy/ numbness/ to benumb
派别* 6 pai4 bie2 denomination/ group/ school/ faction/ school of thought
清醒* 6 qing1 xing3 clear-headed/ sober/ awake
审理* 6 shen3 li3 to hear (a case)
玩弄* 6 wan2 nong4 to play with/ to engage in/ to resort to/ to dally with
向来* 6 xiang4 lai2 always/ all along
圆满* 6 yuan2 man3 satisfactory
作废* 6 zuo4 fei4 to become invalid/ to cancel/ to delete/ to nullify
凑合* 6 cou4 he5 to bring together/ to make do in a bad situation/ to just get by/ to improvise/ passable/ not too bad
光辉* 6 guang1 hui1 radiance/ glory/ brilliant/ magnificent
派遣* 6 pai4 qian3 to send (on a mission)/ to dispatch
清真* 6 qing1 zhen1 Islamic/ Muslim/ halal (of food)/ clean/ pure
顽强* 6 wan2 qiang2 tenacious/ hard to defeat
源泉* 6 yuan2 quan2 fountainhead/ well-spring/ water source/ fig. origin
指责* 6 zhi3 ze2 to criticize/ to find fault with/ to denounce
作风* 6 zuo4 feng1 style/ style of work/ way
报社* 6 bao4 she4 general office of a newspaper/ newspaper office/ CL:家[jia1]
粗鲁* 6 cu1 lu3 crude/ coarse/ rough
独裁* 6 du2 cai2 dictatorship
腐烂* 6 fu3 lan4 to rot/ to become gangrenous
结算* 6 jie2 suan4 to settle a bill/ to close an account
攀登* 6 pan1 deng1 to climb/ to pull oneself up/ to clamber/ to scale/ fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
审判* 6 shen3 pan4 a trial/ to try sb
摇摆* 6 yao2 bai3 to waver/ swaying (of building in an earthquake)
原始* 6 yuan2 shi3 first/ original/ primitive/ original (document etc)
治安* 6 zhi4 an1 law and order/ public security
报销* 6 bao4 xiao1 submit an expense account/ apply for reimbursement/ write-off/ wipe out
腐蚀* 6 fu3 shi2 corrosion/ to corrode (degrade chemically)/ to rot/ corruption
光芒* 6 guang1 mang2 rays of light/ brilliant rays/ radiance
火箭* 6 huo3 jian4 rocket/ CL:枚[mei2]
空隙* 6 kong4 xi4 crack/ gap between two objects/ gap in time between two events
麻醉* 6 ma2 zui4 anesthesia/ fig. to poison (sb's mind)
盘旋* 6 pan2 xuan2 to spiral/ to circle/ to go around/ to hover/ to orbit
情报* 6 qing2 bao4 (spy) intelligence/ information-gathering
渗透* 6 shen4 tou4 to permeate/ to infiltrate/ to pervade/ osmosis
摇滚* 6 yao2 gun3 to shake and boil/ rock and roll (music)
元首* 6 yuan2 shou3 head of state
制裁* 6 zhi4 cai2 to punish/ punishment/ sanctions (incl. economic)
抱怨* 6 bao4 yuan4 to complain/ to grumble
层出不穷* 6 ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 more and more emerge/ innumerable succession/ breeding like flies (idiom)
毒品* 6 du2 pin3 drugs/ narcotics/ poison
腐朽* 6 fu3 xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ decadent/ degenerate
情节* 6 qing2 jie2 plot/ circumstances
玩意儿* 6 wan2 yi4 r5 toy/ plaything/ thing/ act/ trick (in a performance; stage show; acrobatics etc)
摇晃* 6 yao2 huang4 to rock/ to shake/ to sway
元素* 6 yuan2 su4 element/ element of a set/ chemical element
致辞* 6 zhi4 ci2 to express in words or writing/ to make a speech (esp. short introduction; vote of thanks; afterword; funeral homily etc)/ to address (an audience)/ same as 致詞|致词
爆炸* 6 bao4 zha4 explosion/ to explode/ to blow up/ to detonate
层次* 6 ceng2 ci4 arrangement of ideas/ administrative level/ level/ stage/ phase
抚养* 6 fu3 yang3 to foster/ to bring up/ to raise
火药* 6 huo3 yao4 gunpowder
截至* 6 jie2 zhi4 up to (a time)/ by (a time)
慎重* 6 shen4 zhong4 cautious/ careful/ prudent
塑造* 6 su4 zao4 to model/ to mould/ plastic (arts)/ flexible/ to portray (in sculpture or in words)
向往* 6 xiang4 wang3 to yearn for/ to look forward to
遥控* 6 yao2 kong4 remote control
原先* 6 yuan2 xian1 former/ original
赌博* 6 du3 bo2 to gamble
俯仰* 6 fu3 yang3 looking up and down/ actions/ being obliging
货币* 6 huo4 bi4 currency/ monetary/ money
节奏* 6 jie2 zou4 rhythm/ tempo/ musical pulse/ cadence/ beat
素质* 6 su4 zhi4 inner quality/ basic essence/ change over time
谣言* 6 yao2 yan2 rumor
元宵节* 6 Yuan2 xiao1 jie2 Lantern festival; the final event of the Spring festival 春節|春节; on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
制订* 6 zhi4 ding4 to work out/ to formulate
悲哀* 6 bei1 ai1 grieved/ sorrowful
* 6 cuan4 to flee/ to scuttle/ to exile or banish/ to amend or edit
辅助* 6 fu3 zhu4 to assist/ to aid/ supplementary/ auxiliary/ subsidiary
解除* 6 jie3 chu2 to remove/ to sack/ to get rid of/ to relieve (sb of their duties)/ to free/ to lift (an embargo)/ to rescind (an agreement)
口气* 6 kou3 qi4 tone of voice/ the way one speaks/ manner of expression/ tone
码头* 6 ma3 tou2 dock/ pier/ wharf/ CL:個|个[ge4]
判决* 6 pan4 jue2 judgment (by a court of law)
晴朗* 6 qing2 lang3 sunny and cloudless
挽回* 6 wan3 hui2 to retrieve/ to redeem
消除* 6 xiao1 chu2 to eliminate/ to remove
遥远* 6 yao2 yuan3 distant/ remote
作息* 6 zuo4 xi1 work and rest
卑鄙* 6 bei1 bi3 base/ mean/ contemptible/ despicable
堵塞* 6 du3 se4 to block/ to stop/ blockage
口腔* 6 kou3 qiang1 oral cavity
情理* 6 qing2 li3 reason/ sense
挽救* 6 wan3 jiu4 to save/ to remedy/ to rescue
消毒* 6 xiao1 du2 to disinfect/ to sterilize
制服* 6 zhi4 fu2 to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4]
摧残* 6 cui1 can2 to ravage/ to ruin
* 6 fu4 secondary/ auxiliary/ deputy/ assistant/ vice-/ abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/ classifier for pairs
解雇* 6 jie3 gu4 to fire/ to sack/ to dismiss
口头* 6 kou3 tou2 oral/ verbal
情形* 6 qing2 xing2 circumstances/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
牲畜* 6 sheng1 chu4 domesticated animals/ livestock
算了* 6 suan4 le5 let it be/ let it pass/ forget about it
消防* 6 xiao1 fang2 fire-fighting/ fire control
咬牙切齿* 6 yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3 gnashing one's teeth (idiom)/ displaying extreme anger/ fuming with rage between gritted teeth
杜绝* 6 du4 jue2 put an end to
负担* 6 fu4 dan1 burden/ to bear a burden
* 6 ma5 (a modal particle)
庞大* 6 pang2 da4 huge/ enormous/ tremendous
生存* 6 sheng1 cun2 to exist/ to survive
算数* 6 suan4 shu4 to count numbers/ to keep to one's word/ to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/ to count (i.e. to be important)
惋惜* 6 wan3 xi1 to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened
座右铭* 6 zuo4 you4 ming2 motto/ maxim
覆盖* 6 fu4 gai4 to cover
消耗* 6 xiao1 hao4 to use up/ to consume
治理* 6 zhi4 li3 to govern/ to administer/ to manage/ to control
查获* 6 cha2 huo4 to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out/ to hunt down and arrest
* 6 duan1 end/ extremity/ item/ port/ to hold sth level with both hands/ to carry/ regular
附和* 6 fu4 he4 to parrot/ to crib/ to copy sb's action or words/ to trail sb's footsteps/ copy-cat
解剖* 6 jie3 pou1 to dissect (an animal)/ to analyze/ anatomy
埋没* 6 mai2 mo4 oblivion
抛弃* 6 pao1 qi4 discard/ dump/ abandon
万分* 6 wan4 fen1 very much/ extremely/ one ten thousandth part
做主* 6 zuo4 zhu3 make the decision/ take charge of/ back up/ support/ be host
北极* 6 bei3 ji2 the North Pole/ the Arctic Pole/ the north magnetic pole
* 6 cha4 fork in road/ bifurcation/ branch in road; river; mountain range etc/ to branch off/ to turn off/ to diverge/ to stray (from the path)/ to change the subject/ to interrupt/ to stagger (times)
* 6 cuo1 to rub or roll between the hands or fingers/ to twist
端午节* 6 duan1 wu3 jie2 The Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
复活* 6 fu4 huo2 to bring back to life/ to revive/ resurrection
解散* 6 jie3 san4 dissolve/ disband
枯竭* 6 ku1 jie2 used up/ dried up/ exhausted (of resources)
埋葬* 6 mai2 zang4 to bury
请柬* 6 qing3 jian3 invitation card/ written invitation
随即* 6 sui2 ji2 immediately/ presently/ following which
销毁* 6 xiao1 hui3 to destroy (by melting or burning)/ to obliterate
要不然* 6 yao4 bu4 ran2 otherwise/ or else/ or
约束* 6 yue1 shu4 to restrict/ to limit to/ to constrain/ restriction/ constraint
致力于* 6 zhi4 li4 yu2 to devote to/ to dedicate to
磋商* 6 cuo1 shang1 to consult/ to discuss seriously/ to negotiate/ to confer/ negotiations/ consultations
端正* 6 duan1 zheng4 upright/ regular/ proper/ correct
附件* 6 fu4 jian4 enclosure/ attachment (email)/ appendix
基地* 6 ji1 di4 base (of operations)/ industrial or military base/ al-Qaeda
泡沫* 6 pao4 mo4 foam/ (soap) bubble/ (economic) bubble
请教* 6 qing3 jiao4 consult
生机* 6 sheng1 ji1 opportunity to live/ to reprieve from death/ life force/ vitality
随身* 6 sui2 shen1 to (carry) on one's person/ to (take) with one
要点* 6 yao4 dian3 main point/ essential
规范* 6 gui1 fan4 norm/ standard/ specification/ regulation/ rule/ within the rules/ to fix rules/ to regulate/ to specify
生理* 6 sheng1 li3 physiology
要命* 6 yao4 ming4 to cause sb's death/ very/ extremely/ frightening/ annoying
刹那* 6 cha4 na4 an instant (Sanskrit: ksana)/ split second/ the twinkling of an eye
短促* 6 duan3 cu4 short in time/ fleeting/ brief
规格* 6 gui1 ge2 standard/ norm/ specification
机动* 6 ji1 dong4 locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc)
解体* 6 jie3 ti3 to break up into components/ to disintegrate/ to collapse/ to crumble
苦尽甘来* 6 ku3 jin4 gan1 lai2 bitterness finishes; sweetness begins (idiom)/ the hard times are over; the good times just beginning
声明* 6 sheng1 ming2 statement/ declaration/ CL:項|项[xiang4];份[fen4]
随手* 6 sui2 shou3 conveniently/ without extra trouble/ while doing it/ in passing
往常* 6 wang3 chang2 habitually in the past/ as one used to do formerly/ as it used to be
滞留* 6 zhi4 liu2 to detain/ retention
诧异* 6 cha4 yi4 flabbergasted/ astonished
归根到底* 6 gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 (saying) to sum it up...
饥饿* 6 ji1 e4 hunger/ starvation/ famine
脉搏* 6 mai4 bo2 a pulse (both medical and figurative)
培训* 6 pei2 xun4 to cultivate/ to train/ to groom/ training
请示* 6 qing3 shi4 ask for instructions
随意* 6 sui2 yi4 as one wishes/ according to one's wishes/ at will/ voluntary/ conscious
智能* 6 zhi4 neng2 intelligent/ able/ smart (phone; system; bomb etc)
挫折* 6 cuo4 zhe2 setback/ reverse/ check/ defeat/ frustration/ disappointment/ to frustrate/ to discourage/ to set sb back/ to blunt/ to subdue
规划* 6 gui1 hua4 plan/ program
激发* 6 ji1 fa1 to arouse/ to excite
请帖* 6 qing3 tie3 invitation card/ written invitation
网络* 6 wang3 luo4 network (computing; telecommunications; transport etc)/ Internet
要素* 6 yao4 su4 essential factor/ key constituent
志气* 6 zhi4 qi4 ambition/ resolve/ backbone/ drive/ spirit
* 6 da1 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train)
附属* 6 fu4 shu3 subsidiary/ auxiliary/ attached/ affiliated/ subordinate/ subordinating
归还* 6 gui1 huan2 to return sth/ to revert
机构* 6 ji1 gou4 mechanism/ structure/ organization/ agency/ institution/ CL:所[suo3]
戒备* 6 jie4 bei4 to take precautions/ to guard against (emergency)
* 6 kua4 to carry (esp. slung over the arm; shoulder or side)
培育* 6 pei2 yu4 to train/ to breed
耀眼* 6 yao4 yan3 to dazzle/ dazzling
乐谱* 6 yue4 pu3 a musical score/ sheet music
智商* 6 zhi4 shang1 IQ (intelligence quotient)
* 6 chan1 to assist by the arm/ to mix/ to support/ to sustain
搭档* 6 da1 dang4 to cooperate/ partner
断定* 6 duan4 ding4 to conclude/ to determine/ to come to a judgment
机关* 6 ji1 guan1 mechanism/ gear/ machine-operated/ office/ agency/ organ/ organization/ establishment/ institution/ body/ strategum/ scheme/ intrigue/ plot/ trick/ CL:個|个[ge4]
借鉴* 6 jie4 jian4 to use other people's experience/ to borrow from a source/ to use as reference
* 6 kua4 to step across/ to stride over/ to straddle/ to span
埋怨* 6 man2 yuan4 to complain
配备* 6 pei4 bei4 to allocate/ to provide/ to outfit with
声势* 6 sheng1 shi4 momentum
往事* 6 wang3 shi4 past events/ former happenings
* 6 chan2 slander/ defame/ misrepresent/ to speak maliciously
搭配* 6 da1 pei4 to pair up/ to match/ to arrange in pairs/ to add sth into a group
断断续续* 6 duan4 duan4 xu4 xu4 intermittent/ off and on/ discontinuous/ stop-go/ stammering/ disjointed/ inarticulate
腹泻* 6 fu4 xie4 diarrhea/ to have the runs
生疏* 6 sheng1 shu1 unfamiliar/ strange/ out of practice/ not accustomed
致使* 6 zhi4 shi3 to cause/ to result in
贝壳* 6 bei4 ke2 shell/ conch/ cowry/ mother of pearl/ hard outer skin/ alternative reading bei4 qiao4; mostly written
缠绕* 6 chan2 rao4 twisting/ to twine/ to wind/ to pester/ to bother
断绝* 6 duan4 jue2 to sever/ to break off
复兴* 6 fu4 xing1 to revive/ rebirth
生态* 6 sheng1 tai4 way of life/ ecology
岁月* 6 sui4 yue4 years/ passing of time
野蛮* 6 ye3 man2 barbarous/ uncivilized
背叛* 6 bei4 pan4 to betray
归纳* 6 gui1 na4 to sum up/ to summarize/ to conclude from facts/ induction (method of deduction in logic)
界限* 6 jie4 xian4 boundary/ marginal
配偶* 6 pei4 ou3 consort/ mate/ spouse
生物* 6 sheng1 wu4 organism/ living creature/ life form/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4]
野心* 6 ye3 xin1 ambition/ wild schemes/ careerism
蕴藏* 6 yun4 cang2 to hold in store/ to contain (untapped reserves etc)
背诵* 6 bei4 song4 recite/ repeat from memory
答辩* 6 da2 bian4 to reply (to an accusation)
赋予* 6 fu4 yu3 to assign/ to entrust (a task)/ to give/ to bestow
配套* 6 pei4 tao4 to form a complete set/ coherent
生效* 6 sheng1 xiao4 to take effect/ to go into effect
损坏* 6 sun3 huai4 to damage/ to injure
妄想* 6 wang4 xiang3 to attempt vainly/ a vain attempt
小气* 6 xiao3 qi5 stingy/ petty/ miserly/ narrow-minded
备忘录* 6 bei4 wang4 lu4 memorandum/ aide-memoire/ memorandum book
阐述* 6 chan3 shu4 to expound (a position)/ to elaborate (on a topic)/ to treat (a subject)
达成* 6 da2 cheng2 to reach (an agreement)/ to accomplish
堆积* 6 dui1 ji1 to pile up/ to heap/ accumulation
规章* 6 gui1 zhang1 rule/ regulation
漫长* 6 man4 chang2 very long/ endless
区分* 6 qu1 fen1 to differentiate/ to find differing aspects
生锈* 6 sheng1 xiu4 to rust/ to grow rusty/ to corrode/ oxidization
酝酿* 6 yun4 niang4 (of alcohol) to ferment/ (of a crisis) to be brewing/ to mull over (an issue)/ to hold exploratory discussions
制约* 6 zhi4 yue1 to restrict/ condition
产业* 6 chan3 ye4 industry/ estate/ property/ industrial
轨道* 6 gui3 dao4 orbit/ railway or tram line/ fig. conventional way of thinking
激励* 6 ji1 li4 to encourage/ to urge/ motivation/ incentive
借助* 6 jie4 zhu4 to draw support from/ with the help of
漫画* 6 man4 hua4 caricature/ cartoon/ Japanese manga
盆地* 6 pen2 di4 basin (low-lying geographical feature)/ depression
屈服* 6 qu1 fu2 to surrender/ to yield
威风* 6 wei1 feng1 might/ awe-inspiring authority/ impressive
奔波* 6 ben1 bo1 rush about/ be busy running about
颤抖* 6 chan4 dou3 to shudder/ to shiver/ to shake/ to tremble
答复* 6 da2 fu4 to answer/ to reply/ Reply to: (in email header)
津津有味* 6 jin1 jin1 you3 wei4 with keen interest pleasure (idiom)/ with gusto/ to relish/ eagerly/ with great interest
慢性* 6 man4 xing4 slow and patient/ chronic (disease)/ slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
烹饪* 6 peng1 ren4 cooking/ culinary arts
生育* 6 sheng1 yu4 to bear/ to give birth/ to grow/ to rear/ to bring up (children)
微观* 6 wei1 guan1 micro-/ sub-atomic
制止* 6 zhi4 zhi3 to curb/ to put a stop to/ to stop/ to check/ to limit
奔驰* 6 ben1 chi2 to run quickly/ to travel quickly/ to move fast/ Mercedes-Benz; German car make
猖狂* 6 chang1 kuang2 savage/ furious
宽敞* 6 kuan1 chang5 spacious/ wide
蔓延* 6 man4 yan2 to extend/ to spread
区域* 6 qu1 yu4 area/ region/ district
声誉* 6 sheng1 yu4 reputation/ fame
运算* 6 yun4 suan4 (mathematical) operation
昌盛* 6 chang1 sheng4 prosperous
打包* 6 da3 bao1 to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant)
机密* 6 ji1 mi4 secret/ classified (information)
* 6 peng3 to clasp/ to cup the hands/ to hold up with both hands/ to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/ to praise/ to flatter
曲折* 6 qu1 zhe2 complicated/ winding
小心翼翼* 6 xiao3 xin1 yi4 yi4 cautious and solemn (idiom)/ very carefully/ prudent/ gently and cautiously
运行* 6 yun4 xing2 be in motion/ to move/ to run
对策* 6 dui4 ce4 countermeasure for dealing with a situation
贵族* 6 gui4 zu2 lord/ nobility/ nobleman/ noblewoman/ aristocrat/ aristocracy
款式* 6 kuan3 shi4 pattern/ style/ design/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
驱逐* 6 qu1 zhu2 to expel/ to deport/ banishment
索赔* 6 suo3 pei2 to ask for compensation/ to claim damages/ claim for damages
威力* 6 wei1 li4 might/ formidable power
忠诚* 6 zhong1 cheng2 devoted/ fidelity/ loyal/ loyalty
激情* 6 ji1 qing2 passion/ fervor/ enthusiasm/ strong emotion
茫茫* 6 mang2 mang2 boundless/ vast and obscure
渠道* 6 qu2 dao4 irrigation ditch/ medium or channel of communication
省会* 6 sheng3 hui4 provincial capital
孕育* 6 yun4 yu4 to be pregnant/ to produce offspring/ to nurture (a development; school of thought; artwork etc)/ fig. replete with (culture etc)
终点* 6 zhong1 dian3 the end/ end point/ finishing line (in a race)/ destination/ terminus/ CL:個|个[ge4]
打官司* 6 da3 guan1 si5 to file a lawsuit/ to sue/ to dispute
框架* 6 kuang4 jia4 frame/ framework/ fig. pattern/ outline/ organizing plan
索性* 6 suo3 xing4 you might as well (do it)/ simply/ just
* 6 za2 smash/ smashed/ to fail/ to get it wrong
中断* 6 zhong1 duan4 to cut short/ to break off/ to discontinue
偿还* 6 chang2 huan2 to repay/ to reimburse
打击* 6 da3 ji1 to hit/ to strike/ to attack/ to crack down on sth/ a setback/ a blow/ percussion (music)
改良* 6 gai3 liang2 improve
讥笑* 6 ji1 xiao4 to sneer
旷课* 6 kuang4 ke4 to play truant/ to cut classes
茫然* 6 mang2 ran2 ignorant/ to have no knowledge of sth
* 6 pi1 to hack/ to chop/ to split open/ see 噼啪|劈啪; onomat. for crack; slap; clap; clatter etc
杂技* 6 za2 ji4 acrobatics/ CL:場|场[chang3]
打架* 6 da3 jia4 to fight/ to scuffle/ to come to blows/ CL:場|场[chang2]
对付* 6 dui4 fu5 to handle/ to deal with/ to cope/ to get by with
国防* 6 guo2 fang2 national defense
尽快* 6 jin3 kuai4 as quickly as possible/ as soon as possible/ with all speed/ also written 盡快|尽快
况且* 6 kuang4 qie3 moreover/ besides/ in addition/ furthermore
批发* 6 pi1 fa1 wholesale/ bulk trade/ distribution
取缔* 6 qu3 di4 to ban/ to prohibit (publications; customs etc)/ to outlaw/ to suppress (violators)
盛产* 6 sheng4 chan3 superabundant/ to teem with/ to produce in abundance/ to abound in
孝顺* 6 xiao4 shun5 filial piety/ to be obedient to one's parents
本人* 6 ben3 ren2 the person himself/ I (humble form used in speeches)/ oneself/ myself/ in person/ personal
常年* 6 chang2 nian2 a whole year/ average year
基因* 6 ji1 yin1 gene (loanword)
尽量* 6 jin3 liang4 as much as possible/ to the greatest extent
胜负* 6 sheng4 fu4 victory or defeat/ the outcome of a battle
威信* 6 wei1 xin4 (of a government; etc.) prestige and public reliance
肖像* 6 xiao4 xiang4 portrait
依次* 6 yi1 ci4 in order/ in succession
兑换* 6 dui4 huan4 to convert/ to exchange
机遇* 6 ji1 yu4 opportunity/ favorable circumstance/ stroke of luck
紧密* 6 jin3 mi4 inseparably close
亏待* 6 kui1 dai4 to treat sb unfairly
曲子* 6 qu3 zi5 poem for singing/ tune/ music/ CL:支[zhi1]
盛开* 6 sheng4 kai1 blooming/ in full flower
违背* 6 wei2 bei4 to violate/ to be contrary to
* 6 za3 (dialect) why/ how/ what
终究* 6 zhong1 jiu1 in the end/ after all is said and done
本事* 6 ben3 shi5 ability/ skill/ source material/ original story
尝试* 6 chang2 shi4 to try/ to attempt/ CL:次[ci4]
打量* 6 da3 liang5 to size sb up/ to take measure of/ to suppose/ to reckon
对抗* 6 dui4 kang4 to withstand/ to resist/ to stand off/ antagonism/ confrontation
机智* 6 ji1 zhi4 quick-witted/ tact/ witty/ resourceful
亏损* 6 kui1 sun3 deficit/ (financial) loss
维持* 6 wei2 chi2 to keep/ to maintain/ to preserve
本着* 6 ben3 zhe5 based on.../ in conformance with../ taking as one's main principle
打猎* 6 da3 lie4 to go hunting
对立* 6 dui4 li4 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical
盛情* 6 sheng4 qing2 great kindness/ magnificent hospitality
* 6 ta1 collapse
唯独* 6 wei2 du2 only/ just (i.e. it is only that...)/ all except/ unique
一度* 6 yi1 du4 for a time/ at one time/ one time/ once
灾难* 6 zai1 nan4 disaster/ catastrophe
终年* 6 zhong1 nian2 entire year/ throughout the year/ age at death
常务* 6 chang2 wu4 routine/ everyday business/ daily operation (of a company)
对联* 6 dui4 lian2 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2]
盖章* 6 gai4 zhang1 to affix a seal (to sth)
国务院* 6 Guo2 Wu4 Yuan4 State Council (PRC)/ State Department (USA)
即便* 6 ji2 bian4 even if/ even though/ right away/ immediately
锦绣前程* 6 jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2 a bright future/ a rosy future/ brilliant prospects
捆绑* 6 kun3 bang3 to bind
冒充* 6 mao4 chong1 to feign/ to pretend to be/ to pass oneself off as
盛行* 6 sheng4 xing2 to be in vogue/ to be prevalent
踏实* 6 ta1 shi5 practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety
一帆风顺* 6 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 single sail; gentle wind (idiom)/ plain sailing/ to go smoothly
栽培* 6 zai1 pei2 to grow/ to cultivate
终身* 6 zhong1 shen1 lifelong/ all one's life/ marriage
* 6 chang3 threshing floor/ classifier for events and happenings: spell; episode; bout
* 6 zai3 to slaughter livestock/ to govern or rule/ to cheat customers/ Imperial official in dynastic China
场合* 6 chang3 he2 situation/ occasion
崩溃* 6 beng1 kui4 to collapse/ to crumble/ to fall apart
敞开* 6 chang3 kai1 wide open/ to open up
队伍* 6 dui4 wu5 ranks/ troops/ CL:個|个[ge4]
嫉妒* 6 ji2 du4 to be jealous/ to envy/ to hate
扩充* 6 kuo4 chong1 to expand
疲倦* 6 pi2 juan4 to tire/ tired
师范* 6 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
为难* 6 wei2 nan2 feel embarrassed or awkward/ to make things difficult (for someone)/ to find things difficult (to do or manage)
携带* 6 xie2 dai4 to carry (on one's person)/ to support (old)/ Taiwan pr. xi1 dai4
一贯* 6 yi1 guan4 consistent/ constant/ from start to finish/ all along/ persistent
* 6 beng2 need not/ (contraction of 不 and 用)
场面* 6 chang3 mian4 scene/ occasion
兑现* 6 dui4 xian4 (of a cheque etc) to cash/ to honor a commitment
干旱* 6 gan1 han4 drought/ arid/ dry
台风* 6 tai2 feng1 hurricane/ typhoon
为期* 6 wei2 qi1 (to be done) by (a certain date)/ lasting (a certain time)
协会* 6 xie2 hui4 an association/ a society/ CL:個|个[ge4];家[jia1]
在乎* 6 zai4 hu5 determined by/ to care about/ to mind
* 6 beng4 to jump/ to bounce/ to hop
场所* 6 chang3 suo3 location/ place
扩散* 6 kuo4 san4 to spread/ to proliferate/ to diffuse/ spread/ proliferation/ diffusion
脾气* 6 pi2 qi5 temperament/ disposition/ temper/ CL:個|个[ge4]
权衡* 6 quan2 heng2 to weigh/ to consider/ to assess/ to balance/ to trade-off
施加* 6 shi1 jia1 to exert (effort or pressure)
协商* 6 xie2 shang1 to consult with/ to talk things over/ agreement
依旧* 6 yi1 jiu4 as before/ still
衷心* 6 zhong1 xin1 heartfelt/ wholehearted/ cordial
迸发* 6 beng4 fa1 to burst out/ to gush/ to spurt
倡导* 6 chang4 dao3 to advocate/ to initiate/ to propose/ to be a proponent of (an idea or school of thought)
打仗* 6 da3 zhang4 to fight a battle/ to go to war
对应* 6 dui4 ying4 to correspond/ a correspondence/ corresponding/ homologous/ matching with sth/ counterpart
干扰* 6 gan1 rao3 to interfere/ obstruction
急功近利* 6 ji2 gong1 jin4 li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom)/ shortsighted vision; looking only for fast return
进而* 6 jin4 er2 and then (what follows next)
扩张* 6 kuo4 zhang1 expansion/ dilation/ to expand (e.g. one's power or influence)/ to broaden
* 6 mei2 classifier for coins; rings; badges; pearls; sporting medals; rockets; satellites etc
全局* 6 quan2 ju2 overall situation
一举两得* 6 yi1 ju3 liang3 de2 one move; two gains (idiom)/ two birds with one stone
再接再厉* 6 zai4 jie1 zai4 li4 to continue the struggle (idiom)/ to persist/ unremitting efforts
逼迫* 6 bi1 po4 to force/ to compel/ to coerce
干涉* 6 gan1 she4 to interfere/ to meddle/ interference
过度* 6 guo4 du4 excessive/ over-/ excess/ going too far/ extravagant/ intemperate/ overdue
籍贯* 6 ji2 guan4 one's native place/ place of ancestry/ registered birthplace
进攻* 6 jin4 gong1 to attack/ to assault/ to go on the offensive/ attack/ assault/ offense (sports)
泰斗* 6 tai4 dou3 leading scholar of his time/ magnate
协议* 6 xie2 yi4 agreement/ pact/ protocol/ CL:項|项[xiang4]
依据* 6 yi1 ju4 according to/ basis/ foundation
中央* 6 zhong1 yang1 central/ middle/ center/ central authorities (of a state)
畅通* 6 chang4 tong1 unimpeded/ free-flowing/ straight path/ unclogged/ move without obstruction
对照* 6 dui4 zhao4 to contrast/ to compare/ to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/ to check
甘心* 6 gan1 xin1 to be willing to/ to resign oneself to
过渡* 6 guo4 du4 to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration)
进化* 6 jin4 hua4 evolution/ CL:個|个[ge4]
屁股* 6 pi4 gu5 buttocks/ bottom/ ass
维修* 6 wei2 xiu1 maintenance (of equipment)/ to protect and maintain
协助* 6 xie2 zhu4 provide assistance/ aid
依靠* 6 yi1 kao4 to rely on sth (for support etc)/ to depend on
在意* 6 zai4 yi4 to care about/ to mind
畅销* 6 chang4 xiao1 best seller/ chart-topping
干预* 6 gan1 yu4 to meddle/ to intervene/ intervention
即将* 6 ji2 jiang1 on the eve of/ to be about to/ to be on the verge of
譬如* 6 pi4 ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as
全力以赴* 6 quan2 li4 yi3 fu4 do at all costs/ make an all-out effort
尸体* 6 shi1 ti3 dead body/ corpse/ carcass/ CL:具[ju4]
依赖* 6 yi1 lai4 to depend on/ to be dependent on
终止* 6 zhong1 zhi3 to stop/ to terminate (law)
倡议* 6 chang4 yi4 to suggest/ to initiate/ proposal/ initiative
过奖* 6 guo4 jiang3 to over-praise/ to flatter
喇叭* 6 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
太空* 6 tai4 kong1 outer space
写作* 6 xie3 zuo4 writing/ written works
一流* 6 yi1 liu2 top quality/ front ranking
* 6 zan3 to accumulate/ to amass/ to hoard/ to save
大不了* 6 da4 bu4 liao3 at worst/ if worst comes to worst/ serious/ alarming
过滤* 6 guo4 lv4 to filter/ filter
偏差* 6 pian1 cha1 bias/ deviation
拳头* 6 quan2 tou5 fist/ clenched fist/ competitive (product)/ superior quality/ CL: 個|个
失误* 6 shi1 wu4 lapse/ mistake/ to make a mistake/ fault/ service fault (in volleyball; tennis etc)
* 6 xie4 crumbs/ filings/ worthwhile
肿瘤* 6 zhong3 liu2 tumor
比方* 6 bi3 fang5 analogy/ instance
大臣* 6 da4 chen2 minister (of a monarchy)
顿时* 6 dun4 shi2 at once/ immediately/ forthwith
没辙* 6 mei2 zhe2 (idiom) unable to solve/ no way to escape a problem
权威* 6 quan2 wei1 authority/ authoritative/ power and prestige
谢绝* 6 xie4 jue2 to refuse politely
一律* 6 yi1 lv4 same/ uniformly/ all/ without exception
浸泡* 6 jin4 pao4 to steep/ to soak/ to immerse
偏僻* 6 pian1 pi4 remote/ desolate/ far from the city
施展* 6 shi1 zhan3 to use fully/ to put to use
泄露* 6 xie4 lu4 to leak (information)/ to divulge
一目了然* 6 yi1 mu4 liao3 ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom)
暂且* 6 zan4 qie3 for now/ for the time being/ temporarily
钞票* 6 chao1 piao4 paper money/ a bill (e.g. 100 yuan)/ CL:張|张[zhang1];扎[za1]
晋升* 6 jin4 sheng1 to promote to a higher position
美观* 6 mei3 guan1 pleasing to the eye/ beautiful/ artistic
偏偏* 6 pian1 pian1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/ unfortunately/ against expectations
* 6 quan3 dog
狮子* 6 shi1 zi5 lion
贪婪* 6 tan1 lan2 avaricious/ greedy/ rapacious/ insatiable/ avid
委员* 6 wei3 yuan2 committee member/ committee/ council/ CL:個|个[ge4]
泄气* 6 xie4 qi4 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre)
大伙儿* 6 da4 huo3 r5 everybody/ everyone/ we all
近视* 6 jin4 shi4 shortsighted/ nearsighted/ myopia
失踪* 6 shi1 zong1 missing/ lost/ unaccounted for
摊儿* 6 tan1 r5 street vendor's stall or stand
伪造* 6 wei3 zao4 to forge/ to fake/ to counterfeit
赞叹* 6 zan4 tan4 to sigh or gasp in admiration/ high praise
超越* 6 chao1 yue4 to surpass/ to exceed/ to transcend
感慨* 6 gan3 kai3 lament/ with a tinge of emotion or regret
过问* 6 guo4 wen4 to show an interest in/ to get involved with
劲头* 6 jin4 tou2 enthusiasm/ zeal/ vigor/ strength
贪污* 6 tan1 wu1 corruption
赞同* 6 zan4 tong2 to approve of/ to endorse/ (vote) in favor/ trad. also written 贊同
大厦* 6 da4 sha4 large building/ edifice/ mansion/ CL:座[zuo4]
哆嗦* 6 duo1 suo5 to tremble/ to shiver/ uncontrolled shaking of the body
过瘾* 6 guo4 yin3 to satisfy a craving/ to get a kick out of sth/ gratifying/ immensely enjoyable/ satisfying/ fulfilling
集团* 6 ji2 tuan2 group/ bloc/ corporation/ conglomerate
来历* 6 lai2 li4 history/ antecedents/ origin
美妙* 6 mei3 miao4 beautiful/ wonderful/ splendid
* 6 shi2 to pick up/ to collate or arrange/ ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
新陈代谢* 6 xin1 chen2 dai4 xie4 metabolism (biology)/ the new replaces the old (idiom)
一如既往* 6 yi1 ru2 ji4 wang3 just as in the past (idiom)/ as before/ continuing as always
赞扬* 6 zan4 yang2 to praise/ to approve of/ to show approval
比喻* 6 bi3 yu4 metaphor/ analogy/ figure of speech/ figuratively
过于* 6 guo4 yu2 too much/ excessively
极限* 6 ji2 xian4 limit/ extreme boundary
进展* 6 jin4 zhan3 to make headway/ to make progress
来源* 6 lai2 yuan2 source (of information etc)/ origin
片段* 6 pian4 duan4 fragment (of speech etc)/ extract (from book etc)/ episode (of story etc)
缺口* 6 que1 kou3 nick/ jag/ gap/ shortfall
识别* 6 shi2 bie2 to distinguish/ to discern
心得* 6 xin1 de2 knowledge gained/ CL:個|个[ge4]
衣裳* 6 yi1 shang5 clothes
赞助* 6 zan4 zhu4 to support/ to assist/ sponsor
众所周知* 6 zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows (idiom)
比重* 6 bi3 zhong4 proportion/ specific gravity
大肆* 6 da4 si4 wantonly/ without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/ unbridled
多元化* 6 duo1 yuan2 hua4 diversification/ pluralism/ to diversify
吉祥* 6 ji2 xiang2 lucky/ auspicious/ propitious
片刻* 6 pian4 ke4 short period of time/ a moment
重心* 6 zhong4 xin1 center of gravity/ central core/ main part
潮湿* 6 chao2 shi1 damp/ moist
大体* 6 da4 ti3 in general/ more or less/ in rough terms/ basically/ on the whole
感染* 6 gan3 ran3 infection/ to infect/ to influence
急于求成* 6 ji2 yu2 qiu2 cheng2 anxious for quick results (idiom)/ to demand instant success/ impatient for result/ impetuous
* 6 jing1 stalk/ stem/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
时常* 6 shi2 chang2 often/ frequently
新郎* 6 xin1 lang2 bridegroom/ groom
一丝不苟* 6 yi1 si1 bu4 gou3 not one thread loose (idiom)/ strictly according to the rules/ meticulous/ not one hair out of place
嘲笑* 6 chao2 xiao4 jeer/ mockery/ scoff/ sneer/ make fun of/ laugh at (derogatory)
* 6 hai1 oh alas/ hey!/ hi! (loanword)
及早* 6 ji2 zao3 at the earliest possible time/ as soon as possible
坦白* 6 tan3 bai2 honest/ forthcoming/ to confess
依托* 6 yi1 tuo1 to rely on/ to depend on
遭受* 6 zao1 shou4 to suffer/ to sustain (loss; misfortune)
* 6 zhou1 prefecture/ state (e.g. of US)/ province (old)/ administrative division (old)
必定* 6 bi4 ding4 be bound to/ be sure to
堕落* 6 duo4 luo4 to morally degenerate/ to become depraved/ a fall from grace/ a fall into sin or depravity
急躁* 6 ji2 zao4 irritable/ irascible/ impetuous
栏目* 6 lan2 mu4 a column (in a newspaper or on a news website)
门诊* 6 men2 zhen3 outpatient service
漂浮* 6 piao1 fu2 to float/ to hover/ to drift (also fig.; to lead a wandering life)/ to rove/ showy/ superficial
时而* 6 shi2 er2 occasionally/ from time to time
心灵* 6 xin1 ling2 bright/ smart/ quick-witted/ heart/ thoughts/ spirit
一向* 6 yi1 xiang4 all along/ the whole time/ constantly/ earlier/ lately
糟蹋* 6 zao1 ta4 to waste/ to wreck/ to despoil/ to abuse/ to slander/ to insult/ to defile/ to trample on
* 6 zhou1 boat
弊端* 6 bi4 duan1 malpractice/ abuse/ corrupt practice
额外* 6 e2 wai4 extra/ added/ additional
精打细算* 6 jing1 da3 xi4 suan4 (saying) meticulous planning and careful accounting
探测* 6 tan4 ce4 to probe/ to take readings/ to explore/ exploration
畏惧* 6 wei4 ju4 to fear/ to dread/ foreboding
遭殃* 6 zao1 yang1 to suffer a calamity
* 6 zhou1 porridge (of rice or millet)
恶心* 6 e3 xin5 nausea/ to feel sick/ disgust/ nauseating
萌芽* 6 meng2 ya2 sprout/ germ of a plant
确保* 6 que4 bao3 to ensure/ to guarantee
时光* 6 shi2 guang1 time/ era/ period of time
叹气* 6 tan4 qi4 to sigh/ to heave a sigh
辛勤* 6 xin1 qin2 hardworking/ industrious
遭遇* 6 zao1 yu4 to meet with/ to encounter/ (bitter) experience
大致* 6 da4 zhi4 more or less/ roughly/ approximately
海拔* 6 hai3 ba2 height above sea level/ elevation
给予* 6 ji3 yu3 to accord/ to give/ to show (respect)
猛烈* 6 meng3 lie4 fierce/ violent (criticism etc)
探索* 6 tan4 suo3 to explore/ to probe/ commonly used in names of publications or documentaries
恶化* 6 e4 hua4 worsen
干劲* 6 gan4 jin4 enthusiasm for doing sth
海滨* 6 hai3 bin1 shore/ seaside
拼搏* 6 pin1 bo2 to struggle/ to wrestle
确立* 6 que4 li4 to establish/ to institute
探讨* 6 tan4 tao3 to investigate/ to probe
周密* 6 zhou1 mi4 careful/ thorough
闭塞* 6 bi4 se4 stop up/ close up/ hard to get to/ out of the way/ inaccessible/ unenlightened/ blocking
歹徒* 6 dai3 tu2 evil-doer/ malefactor/ gangster/ hoodlum
* 6 gang1 to raise aloft with both hands
继承* 6 ji4 cheng2 to inherit/ to carry on/ to succeed
狼狈* 6 lang2 bei4 in a difficult situation/ to cut a sorry figure/ scoundrel! (derogatory)
梦想* 6 meng4 xiang3 to dream of/ to hope in vain
拼命* 6 pin1 ming4 to do one's utmost/ with all one's might/ at all costs/ (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
实惠* 6 shi2 hui4 tangible benefit/ material advantages/ advantageous (deal)/ substantial (discount)
探望* 6 tan4 wang4 to visit
未免* 6 wei4 mian3 unavoidable/ a bit too much/ over the top (you exaggerate)
造反* 6 zao4 fan3 rebel/ revolt
遏制* 6 e4 zhi4 to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain
精华* 6 jing1 hua2 best feature/ most important part of an object/ quintessence/ essence/ soul
朗读* 6 lang3 du2 read aloud/ read loudly and clearly
* 6 mi1 to narrow one's eyes/ (Dialect) to nap/ to take a nap
时机* 6 shi2 ji1 fortunate timing/ occasion/ opportunity
心态* 6 xin1 tai4 attitude (of the heart)/ state of one's psyche/ way of thinking/ mentality
造型* 6 zao4 xing2 modeling/ mold-making/ model or mold/ molding
撤销* 6 che4 xiao1 to repeal/ to revoke/ to undo (computing)
恩怨* 6 en1 yuan4 (feeling of) resentment/ (longstanding) grudge
刚刚* 6 gang1 gang1 just recently/ just a moment ago
季度* 6 ji4 du4 quarter (finance; publishing; schools etc)/ season (sports)/ period of three months
弥补* 6 mi2 bu3 to complement/ to make up for a deficiency
贫乏* 6 pin2 fa2 lack/ incomplete
心疼* 6 xin1 teng2 to love dearly/ the pain of love
遗传* 6 yi2 chuan2 heredity/ inheritance/ to transmit
噪音* 6 zao4 yin1 rumble/ noise/ static
周期* 6 zhou1 qi1 period/ cycle
沉淀* 6 chen2 dian4 to settle/ to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)
纲领* 6 gang1 ling3 program/ guiding principle
精简* 6 jing1 jian3 to simplify/ to reduce
迷惑* 6 mi2 huo5 to puzzle/ to confuse/ to baffle
频繁* 6 pin2 fan2 frequently/ often
确信* 6 que4 xin4 to be convinced/ to be sure/ to firmly believe/ to be positive that/ definite news
糖葫芦* 6 tang2 hu2 lu5 sugar coated Chinese hawthorn fruit on a stick/ tanghulu
慰问* 6 wei4 wen4 to express sympathy; greetings; consolation etc
欣慰* 6 xin1 wei4 to be gratified
陈旧* 6 chen2 jiu4 old-fashioned
逮捕* 6 dai4 bu3 to arrest/ to apprehend/ an arrest
忌讳* 6 ji4 hui4 taboo/ to avoid as taboo/ to abstain from
兢兢业业* 6 jing1 jing1 ye4 ye4 cautious and conscientious
* 6 lao1 to fish up/ to dredge up
贫困* 6 pin2 kun4 impoverished/ poverty
周折* 6 zhou1 zhe2 complication/ twists and turns/ problem/ setback
陈列* 6 chen2 lie4 to display/ to exhibit
港口* 6 gang3 kou3 port/ harbor
含糊* 6 han2 hu5 obscurity/ vague
计较* 6 ji4 jiao4 to haggle/ to bicker/ to argue
唠叨* 6 lao2 dao5 to prattle/ to chatter/ talkative/ garrulous/ to nag
弥漫* 6 mi2 man4 to pervade/ to fill the air/ diffuse/ everywhere present/ about to inundate (water)/ permeated by (smoke)/ filled with (dust)/ to saturate (the air with fog; smoke etc)
位于* 6 wei4 yu2 to be located at/ to be situated at/ to lie
疑惑* 6 yi2 huo4 to doubt/ to distrust/ unconvincing/ to puzzle over/ misgivings/ suspicions
责怪* 6 ze2 guai4 to blame/ to rebuke
周转* 6 zhou1 zhuan3 turnover (in cash or personnel)/ to have enough resources to cover a need
鞭策* 6 bian1 ce4 to spur on/ to urge on/ to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress)
沉闷* 6 chen2 men4 oppressive (of weather)/ heavy/ depressed/ not happy
代价* 6 dai4 jia4 price/ cost/ consideration (in share dealing)
而已* 6 er2 yi3 that's all/ nothing more
港湾* 6 gang3 wan1 natural harbor/ bay serving as harbor
品尝* 6 pin3 chang2 to taste a small amount/ to sample
欣欣向荣* 6 xin1 xin1 xiang4 rong2 luxuriant growth (idiom)/ flourishing/ thriving
遗留* 6 yi2 liu2 (leave or be a) legacy/ left over/ hand down (to next generation)
皱纹* 6 zhou4 wen2 wrinkle/ CL:道[dao4]
岗位* 6 gang3 wei4 a post/ a job
寒暄* 6 han2 xuan1 exchanging conventional greetings/ to talk about the weather
迷失* 6 mi2 shi1 lost/ not knowing one's location
品德* 6 pin3 de2 moral character
* 6 tao1 to fish out (from pocket)/ to scoop
温带* 6 wen1 dai4 temperate zone
心血* 6 xin1 xue4 heart's blood/ expenditure (for some project)/ meticulous care
昼夜* 6 zhou4 ye4 day and night/ period of 24 hours/ continuously; without stop
边疆* 6 bian1 jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier/ frontier region
陈述* 6 chen2 shu4 an assertion/ to declare/ to state
代理* 6 dai4 li3 to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/ to act as an agent or proxy/ surrogate
杠杆* 6 gang4 gan3 lever/ pry bar/ crowbar/ financial leverage
含义* 6 han2 yi4 meaning (implicit in a phrase)/ implied meaning/ hidden meaning/ hint/ connotation
季军* 6 ji4 jun1 third in a race/ bronze medalist
迷信* 6 mi2 xin4 superstition
品行* 6 pin3 xing2 behavior/ moral conduct
滔滔不绝* 6 tao1 tao1 bu4 jue2 unceasing torrent (idiom)/ talking non-stop/ gabbling forty to the dozen
心眼儿* 6 xin1 yan3 r5 one's thoughts/ mind/ intention/ willingness to accept new ideas/ baseless suspicions
边界* 6 bian1 jie4 boundary/ border
沉思* 6 chen2 si1 contemplate/ contemplation/ meditation/ ponder
带领* 6 dai4 ling3 to guide/ to lead
牢骚* 6 lao2 sao1 discontent/ complaint
温和* 6 wen1 he2 moderate (policy etc)
新颖* 6 xin1 ying3 lit. new bud/ fig. new and original
遗失* 6 yi2 shi1 to lose/ lost
* 6 zhu1 tree trunk/ stump (tree root)/ a plant/ classifier for trees or plants/ to involve others (in shady business)
边境* 6 bian1 jing4 frontier/ border
沉重* 6 chen2 zhong4 heavy/ hard/ serious/ critical
怠慢* 6 dai4 man4 to slight/ to neglect
惊奇* 6 jing1 qi2 to be amazed/ to be surprised/ to wonder
* 6 ran3 to dye/ to catch (a disease)/ to acquire (bad habits etc)/ to contaminate/ to add colour washes to a painting
仪式* 6 yi2 shi4 ceremony
诸位* 6 zhu1 wei4 (pron) everyone/ Ladies and Gentlemen/ Sirs
沉着* 6 chen2 zhuo2 steady/ calm and collected/ not nervous
二氧化碳* 6 er4 yang3 hua4 tan4 carbon dioxide CO2
高潮* 6 gao1 chao2 high tide/ high water/ upsurge/ climax/ orgasm/ chorus (part of a song)
实施* 6 shi2 shi1 to implement/ to carry out
增添* 6 zeng1 tian1 add to/ increase
边缘* 6 bian1 yuan2 edge/ fringe/ verge/ brink/ periphery/ marginal/ borderline
捍卫* 6 han4 wei4 defend/ uphold/ safeguard
经商* 6 jing1 shang1 to trade/ to carry out commercial activities/ in business
时事* 6 shi2 shi4 current trends/ the present situation/ how things are going
陶瓷* 6 tao2 ci2 pottery and porcelain/ ceramics
编织* 6 bian1 zhi1 to weave/ to knit/ to plait/ to braid
担保* 6 dan1 bao3 to guarantee/ to vouch for
让步* 6 rang4 bu4 to concede/ to give in/ to yield/ a concession
实事求是* 6 shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 to seek truth from facts (idiom)/ to be practical and realistic
逐年* 6 zhu2 nian2 year after year/ with each passing year/ over the years
* 6 bian3 flat/ (old form of character 匾; horizontal tablet with inscription)
称心如意* 6 chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4 after one's heart (idiom)/ gratifying and satisfactory/ everything one could wish
发布* 6 fa1 bu4 to release/ to issue/ to announce/ to distribute/ also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]
精通* 6 jing1 tong1 proficient
饶恕* 6 rao2 shu4 forgiveness/ spare
淘汰* 6 tao2 tai4 to wash out/ elimination (by selection)/ natural selection/ to knock out (in a competition)/ to die out/ to phase out
信赖* 6 xin4 lai4 to trust/ to have confidence in/ to have faith in/ to rely on
以便* 6 yi3 bian4 so that/ so as to/ in order to
* 6 zha1 slag (in mining or smelting)/ dregs
贬低* 6 bian3 di1 to belittle/ to disparage/ to play down/ to demean/ to degrade/ to devalue
发财* 6 fa1 cai2 to get rich
高考* 6 gao1 kao3 college entrance exam/ abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[pu3 tong1 gao1 deng3 xue2 xiao4 zhao1 sheng1 quan2 guo2 tong3 yi1 kao3 shi4]
航空* 6 hang2 kong1 aviation
经纬* 6 jing1 wei3 warp and woof/ longitude and latitude/ main points
扰乱* 6 rao3 luan4 to disturb/ to perturb/ to harass
讨价还价* 6 tao3 jia4 huan2 jia4 haggle over price
信念* 6 xin4 nian4 faith/ belief/ conviction
* 6 zha1 to prick/ to run or stick (a needle etc) into/ jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer)
贬义* 6 bian3 yi4 derogatory sense/ negative connotation
称号* 6 cheng1 hao4 name/ term of address/ title
高明* 6 gao1 ming2 wise/ brilliant/ superior
行列* 6 hang2 lie4 procession
精心* 6 jing1 xin1 with utmost care/ fine/ meticulous/ detailed
平凡* 6 ping2 fan2 commonplace/ ordinary/ mediocre
扎实* 6 zha1 shi5 strong/ solid/ sturdy/ firm/ practical
* 6 zhu3 to lean on/ to prop on
高尚* 6 gao1 shang4 nobly/ lofty
惊讶* 6 jing1 ya4 amazed/ astonished/ to surprise/ amazing/ astonishment/ awe
惹祸* 6 re3 huo4 stirring up trouble/ to invite disaster
文凭* 6 wen2 ping2 diploma
主办* 6 zhu3 ban4 to organize/ to host (a conference or sports event)
发呆* 6 fa1 dai1 to daydream/ lost in thought
航行* 6 hang2 xing2 to sail/ to fly/ to navigate
评估* 6 ping2 gu1 to evaluate/ to assess/ assessment/ evaluation
文物* 6 wen2 wu4 cultural relic/ historical relic/ CL:件[jian4];個|个[ge4]
诈骗* 6 zha4 pian4 to defraud/ to swindle/ to blackmail
遍布* 6 bian4 bu4 to cover the whole (area)/ to be found throughout
发动* 6 fa1 dong4 to start/ to launch/ to unleash/ to mobilize/ to arouse
精益求精* 6 jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom)/ constantly improving
乐趣* 6 le4 qu4 delight/ pleasure/ joy
文献* 6 wen2 xian4 document
信仰* 6 xin4 yang3 to believe in (a religion)/ firm belief/ conviction
以免* 6 yi3 mian3 in order to avoid/ so as not to
主导* 6 zhu3 dao3 to lead/ to manage
变故* 6 bian4 gu4 an unforeseen event/ accident/ misfortune
* 6 cheng2 orange tree/ orange (color)
高涨* 6 gao1 zhang3 upsurge/ (tensions etc) run high
寄托* 6 ji4 tuo1 to have sb look after sb/ to entrust the care of sb/ to place (hope etc) on
乐意* 6 le4 yi4 to be willing to do sth/ to be ready to do sth/ to be happy to do sth/ content/ satisfied
免得* 6 mian3 de5 so as not to/ so as to avoid
热泪盈眶* 6 re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/ extremely moved
特长* 6 te4 chang2 personal strength/ one's special ability or strong points
辩护* 6 bian4 hu4 to speak in defense of/ to argue in favor of/ to defend/ to plead
* 6 cheng2 to hold/ contain/ to ladle/ pick up with a utensil
豪迈* 6 hao2 mai4 bold/ open-minded/ heroic
继往开来* 6 ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2 to follow the past and herald the future (idiom)/ part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
石油* 6 shi2 you2 oil/ petroleum
信誉* 6 xin4 yu4 prestige/ distinction/ reputation/ trust
以往* 6 yi3 wang3 in the past/ formerly
承办* 6 cheng2 ban4 to undertake/ to accept a contract
胆怯* 6 dan3 qie4 timid/ cowardly
发火* 6 fa1 huo3 to catch fire/ to ignite/ to detonate/ to get angry
稿件* 6 gao3 jian4 rough draft/ material contributing to a final document
迹象* 6 ji4 xiang4 mark/ indication/ sign/ indicator
* 6 jing3 warn/ well/ surname Jing/ CL:口[kou3]
勉励* 6 mian3 li4 to encourage
热门* 6 re4 men2 popular/ hot/ in vogue
债券* 6 zhai4 quan4 bond/ debenture
辩解* 6 bian4 jie3 to explain/ to justify/ to defend (a point of view etc)/ to provide an explanation/ to try to defend oneself
承包* 6 cheng2 bao1 to contract/ to undertake (a job)
发觉* 6 fa1 jue2 to find/ to detect/ to discover
毫无* 6 hao2 wu2 not in the least/ none whatsoever/ completely without
记性* 6 ji4 xing5 memory/ recall
雷达* 6 lei2 da2 radar (loanword)
勉强* 6 mian3 qiang3 to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough
特色* 6 te4 se4 characteristic/ distinguishing feature or quality
以至* 6 yi3 zhi4 down to/ up to/ to such an extent as to ... (also written 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2])
沾光* 6 zhan1 guang1 to bask in the light/ fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth/ reflected glory
主管* 6 zhu3 guan3 in charge/ responsible for
便利* 6 bian4 li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate
城堡* 6 cheng2 bao3 castle/ rook (chess piece)
告辞* 6 gao4 ci2 to take leave
警告* 6 jing3 gao4 to warn/ to admonish
免疫* 6 mian3 yi4 immunity (to disease)
评论* 6 ping2 lun4 to comment on/ to discuss/ comment/ commentary/ CL: 篇[pian1]
时装* 6 shi2 zhuang1 the latest fashion in clothes/ fashionable
兴高采烈* 6 xing1 gao1 cai3 lie4 happy and excited (idiom)/ in high spirits/ in great delight
以致* 6 yi3 zhi4 to such an extent as to/ down to/ up to
主流* 6 zhu3 liu2 main stream (of a river)/ fig. the essential point/ main viewpoint of a matter
成本* 6 cheng2 ben3 (manufacturing; production etc) costs
蛋白质* 6 dan4 bai2 zhi4 protein
告诫* 6 gao4 jie4 to warn/ to admonish
纪要* 6 ji4 yao4 minutes/ written summary of a meeting
十足* 6 shi2 zu2 ample/ complete/ hundred percent/ a pure shade (of some color)
兴隆* 6 Xing1 long2 Xinglong county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2]; Hebei
瞻仰* 6 zhan1 yang3 to revere/ to admire
主权* 6 zhu3 quan2 sovereignty
警惕* 6 jing3 ti4 to be on the alert/ vigilant/ alert/ on guard/ to warn
类似* 6 lei4 si4 similar/ analogous
斩钉截铁* 6 zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3 to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/ resolute and decisive/ unhesitating/ definitely/ without any doubt
辨认* 6 bian4 ren4 to recognize/ to identify
发射* 6 fa1 she4 to shoot (a projectile)/ to fire (a rocket)/ to launch/ to emit (a particle)/ to discharge/ emanation/ emission
* 6 ge1 to cut/ to cut apart
记载* 6 ji4 zai3 write down/ record/ written account
颈椎* 6 jing3 zhui1 cervical vertebra/ the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals
平坦* 6 ping2 tan3 level/ even/ smooth/ flat
兴旺* 6 xing1 wang4 prosperous/ thriving/ to prosper/ to flourish
* 6 yi4 also
便条* 6 bian4 tiao2 (informal) note/ CL:張|张[zhang1];個|个[ge4]
惩罚* 6 cheng2 fa2 penalty/ punishment/ to punish
淡季* 6 dan4 ji4 off season/ slow business season/ (see also 旺季)
* 6 ge1 to place/ to put aside/ to shelve
冷淡* 6 leng3 dan4 cold/ indifferent
平行* 6 ping2 xing2 parallel/ of equal rank/ simultaneous
仁慈* 6 ren2 ci2 benevolent/ charitable/ kind/ kindly/ kindness/ merciful
使命* 6 shi3 ming4 mission (diplomatic or other)/ set task
问世* 6 wen4 shi4 to be published/ to come out
便于* 6 bian4 yu2 easy to/ convenient for
诞生* 6 dan4 sheng1 to be born
发誓* 6 fa1 shi4 to vow/ to pledge/ to swear
耗费* 6 hao4 fei4 to waste/ to spend/ to consume/ to squander
境界* 6 jing4 jie4 boundary/ state/ realm
人道* 6 ren2 dao4 human sympathy/ humanitarianism/ humane/ the "human way"; one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)/ sexual intercourse
异常* 6 yi4 chang2 exceptional/ abnormal/ an anomaly
展示* 6 zhan3 shi4 to reveal/ to display/ to show/ to exhibit sth
疙瘩* 6 ge1 da5 swelling or lump on skin/ pimple/ knot/ preoccupation/ problem
好客* 6 hao4 ke4 hospitality/ to treat guests well/ to enjoy having guests/ hospitable/ friendly
冷酷* 6 leng3 ku4 grim/ unfeeling/ callous
屏障* 6 ping2 zhang4 protective screen
人格* 6 ren2 ge2 personality/ integrity/ dignity
* 6 wo1 nest/ pit or hollow on the human body/ lair/ den/ place/ to harbor or shelter/ to hold in check/ to bend/ classifier for litters and broods
展望* 6 zhan3 wang4 outlook/ prospect/ to look ahead/ to look forward to
变质* 6 bian4 zhi4 to degenerate/ to go bad/ to deteriorate/ metamorphosis
淡水* 6 dan4 shui3 potable water (water with low salt content)/ fresh water
发行* 6 fa1 xing2 to publish/ to issue (stocks; currency etc)/ to release/ to distribute (a film)
冷却* 6 leng3 que4 to cool off/ cooling
面子* 6 mian4 zi5 outer surface/ outside/ honor/ reputation/ face (as in "losing face")/ self-respect/ feelings/ (medicinal) powder
人工* 6 ren2 gong1 artificial/ manpower/ manual work
毅力* 6 yi4 li4 perseverance/ willpower
展现* 6 zhan3 xian4 to come out/ to emerge
辫子* 6 bian4 zi5 plait/ braid/ pigtail/ a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/ handle/ CL:根[gen1];條|条[tiao2]
歌颂* 6 ge1 song4 sing the praises of/ extol/ eulogize
家常* 6 jia1 chang2 the daily life of a family
竞赛* 6 jing4 sai4 race/ competition/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 6 leng4 to look distracted/ to stare blankly/ distracted/ blank/ (coll.) unexpectedly
描绘* 6 miao2 hui4 to describe/ to portray
* 6 po1 slope/ CL:個|个[ge4]
人家* 6 ren2 jia5 other/ other people/ him(her; them)/ I
提拔* 6 ti2 ba2 to promote to a higher job/ to select for promotion
意料* 6 yi4 liao4 to anticipate/ to expect/ to reckon ahead
标本* 6 biao1 ben3 specimen/ sample/ the root cause and symptoms of a disease
成交* 6 cheng2 jiao1 to complete a contract/ to reach a deal
当场* 6 dang1 chang3 at the scene/ on the spot
发炎* 6 fa1 yan2 inflamed from infection or injury/ inflammation
号召* 6 hao4 zhao4 to call/ to appeal
加工* 6 jia1 gong1 to process/ processing/ working (of machinery)
镜头* 6 jing4 tou2 camera shot (in a movie etc)/ scene
* 6 po1 to splash/ to spill/ rough and coarse/ brutish
人间* 6 ren2 jian1 man's world/ the world
势必* 6 shi4 bi4 is bound to (happen)
当初* 6 dang1 chu1 at that time/ originally
发扬* 6 fa1 yang2 to develop/ to make full use of
家伙* 6 jia1 huo5 household dish; implement or furniture/ domestic animal/ guy (slang)/ chap
竞选* 6 jing4 xuan3 to take part in an election/ to run for office
* 6 po1 very/ considerably
毅然* 6 yi4 ran2 firmly/ resolutely/ without hesitation
战斗* 6 zhan4 dou4 to fight/ to battle/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4]
标记* 6 biao1 ji4 sign/ mark/ symbol/ to mark up
发育* 6 fa1 yu4 to develop/ growth/ development
* 6 he1 to scold in a loud voice/ to yawn
意识* 6 yi4 shi2 consciousness/ awareness/ consciously (i.e. deliberately)/ to be aware
占据* 6 zhan4 ju4 to occupy/ to hold
飙升* 6 biao1 sheng1 to rise rapidly/ to soar
格局* 6 ge2 ju2 structure/ pattern/ layout
加剧* 6 jia1 ju4 to intensify/ to sharpen/ to accelerate/ to aggravate/ to exacerbate/ to embitter
迫不及待* 6 po4 bu4 ji2 dai4 impatient (idiom)/ in a hurry/ itching to get on with it
世代* 6 shi4 dai4 generation/ an era/ accumulation of years/ passing on from generation to generation
占领* 6 zhan4 ling3 to occupy (a territory)/ to hold
标题* 6 biao1 ti2 title/ heading/ headline/ caption/ subject
承诺* 6 cheng2 nuo4 to promise/ to undertake to do something/ commitment
当面* 6 dang1 mian4 to sb's face/ in sb's presence
隔离* 6 ge2 li2 to separate/ to isolate
蔑视* 6 mie4 shi4 to loathe/ to despise/ contempt
形态* 6 xing2 tai4 shape/ form/ pattern/ morphology
澄清* 6 cheng2 qing1 clear (of liquid)/ limpid/ to clarify/ to make sth clear/ to be clear (about the facts)
当前* 6 dang1 qian2 current/ today's/ modern/ present/ to be facing (us)
灭亡* 6 mie4 wang2 to be destroyed/ to become extinct/ to perish/ to die out/ to destroy/ to exterminate
迫害* 6 po4 hai4 to persecute/ persecution
示范* 6 shi4 fan4 to demonstrate/ to show how to do sth/ demonstration/ a model example
提炼* 6 ti2 lian4 to extract (ore; minerals etc)/ to refine/ to purify/ to process
诬陷* 6 wu1 xian4 to entrap/ to frame/ to plant false evidence against sb
意图* 6 yi4 tu2 intent/ intention/ intend/ schematic diagram
法人* 6 fa3 ren2 legal person/ corporation/ see also 自然人|自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2]
格式* 6 ge2 shi4 form/ specification/ format
纠正* 6 jiu1 zheng4 to correct/ to make right
民间* 6 min2 jian1 among the people/ popular/ folk/ non-governmental/ involving people rather than governments
人士* 6 ren2 shi4 person/ figure/ public figure
释放* 6 shi4 fang4 to release/ to set free/ to liberate (a prisoner)/ to discharge
注射* 6 zhu4 she4 injection/ to inject
合并* 6 he2 bing4 to merge/ to annex
民用* 6 min2 yong4 (for) civilian use
破例* 6 po4 li4 to make an exception
人为* 6 ren2 wei2 artificial/ man-made/ having human cause or origin/ human attempt or effort
是非* 6 shi4 fei1 right and wrong/ quarrel
行政* 6 xing2 zheng4 administration/ administrative
意味着* 6 yi4 wei4 zhe5 to signify/ to mean/ to imply
注视* 6 zhu4 shi4 to watch attentively/ to gaze
当事人* 6 dang1 shi4 ren2 persons involved or implicated/ party (to an affair)
* 6 fan1 to take turns/ order in series/ time/ a kind of/ barbarians
合成* 6 he2 cheng2 to compose/ to constitute/ compound/ synthesis/ mixture/ synthetic
佳肴* 6 jia1 yao2 fine food/ delicacies/ delicious food
理睬* 6 li3 cai3 to heed/ to pay attention to
魄力* 6 po4 li4 courage/ daring/ boldness/ resolution/ drive
提示* 6 ti2 shi4 to prompt/ to present/ to point out/ to draw attention to sth/ hint/ brief/ cue
占有* 6 zhan4 you3 to have/ to own/ to hold/ to possess
注释* 6 zhu4 shi4 marginal notes/ annotation/ to annotate/ to add comments to text
表决* 6 biao3 jue2 decide by vote/ vote
当务之急* 6 dang1 wu4 zhi1 ji2 top priority job/ matter of vital importance
* 6 fan1 to turn over/ to flip over/ to overturn/ to translate/ to decode
里程碑* 6 li3 cheng2 bei1 milestone
人性* 6 ren2 xing4 human nature/ humanity/ human/ the totality of human attributes
无偿* 6 wu2 chang2 free/ no charge/ at no cost
意向* 6 yi4 xiang4 disposition
当心* 6 dang1 xin1 to take care/ to look out
家喻户晓* 6 jia1 yu4 hu4 xiao3 understood by everyone (idiom)/ well known/ a household name
酒精* 6 jiu3 jing1 alcohol/ ethanol CH3CH2OH/ ethyl alcohol/ also written 乙醇/ grain alcohol
敏感* 6 min3 gan3 sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship)
* 6 pu1 to assault/ to pounce/ to rush at sth/ to throw oneself on
无耻* 6 wu2 chi3 without any sense of shame/ unembarrassed/ shameless
成天* 6 cheng2 tian1 (coll.) all day long/ all the time
繁华* 6 fan2 hua2 flourishing/ bustling
合乎* 6 he2 hu1 to accord with/ conforming to
夹杂* 6 jia1 za2 to mix together (disparate substances)/ to mingle/ a mix/ to be tangled up with
* 6 pu1 to spread/ to extend/ to pave/ to lay
人质* 6 ren2 zhi4 hostage
提议* 6 ti2 yi4 proposal/ suggestion/ to propose/ to suggest
无从* 6 wu2 cong2 not to have access/ beyond one's authority or capability/ sth one has no way of doing
意志* 6 yi4 zhi4 will/ willpower/ determination/ CL:個|个[ge4]
章程* 6 zhang1 cheng2 rules/ regulations/ constitution/ statute/ articles of association (of company)/ articles of incorporation/ charter (of a corporation)/ by-laws
铸造* 6 zhu4 zao4 to cast (pour metal into a mold)
* 6 dang3 party/ association/ club/ society/ surname Dang/ CL:個|个[ge4]
各抒己见* 6 ge4 shu1 ji3 jian4 everyone gives their own view
合伙* 6 he2 huo3 to act jointly/ to form a partnership
事迹* 6 shi4 ji4 deed/ past achievement/ important event of the past
无动于衷* 6 wu2 dong4 yu2 zhong1 aloof/ indifferent/ unconcerned
抑制* 6 yi4 zhi4 to inhibit/ to keep down/ to suppress
驻扎* 6 zhu4 zha1 to station/ to garrison (troops)
乘务员* 6 cheng2 wu4 yuan2 attendant on an airplane; train; boat etc
和解* 6 he2 jie3 to settle (a dispute out of court)/ to reconcile/ settlement/ conciliation/ to become reconciled
忍耐* 6 ren3 nai4 to show restraint/ to repress (anger etc)/ to exercise patience
无非* 6 wu2 fei1 only/ nothing else
性感* 6 xing4 gan3 sex appeal/ eroticism/ sexuality/ sexy
表态* 6 biao3 tai4 to declare one's position/ to say where one stands
呈现* 6 cheng2 xian4 to appear/ to emerge/ present (a certain appearance)/ demonstrate
档案* 6 dang4 an4 file/ record/ archive/ Taiwan pr. dang3 an4
名次* 6 ming2 ci4 position in a ranking of names
普及* 6 pu3 ji2 popular/ to popularize/ universal/ ubiquitous/ pervasive
忍受* 6 ren3 shou4 to bear/ to endure
体谅* 6 ti3 liang4 to empathize/ to allow (for something)/ to show understanding/ to appreciate
无精打采* 6 wu2 jing1 da3 cai3 dispirited and downcast (idiom)/ listless/ in low spirits/ washed out
长辈* 6 zhang3 bei4 elder generation
注重* 6 zhu4 zhong4 to pay attention to/ to emphasize
救济* 6 jiu4 ji4 emergency relief/ to help the needy with cash or goods
理所当然* 6 li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 as it should be by rights (idiom)/ proper and to be expected as a matter of course/ inevitable and right
名额* 6 ming2 e2 fixed number of people/ quota
朴实* 6 pu3 shi2 plain/ simple/ guileless/ down-to-earth/ sincere and honest
认定* 6 ren4 ding4 to maintain (that sth is true)/ to determine (a fact)/ determination (of an amount)/ of the firm opinion/ to believe firmly/ to set one's mind on/ to identify with
世界观* 6 shi4 jie4 guan1 worldview/ world outlook/ Weltanschauung
体面* 6 ti3 mian4 dignity/ face (as in "losing face")/ honorable/ creditable/ pretty
无可奉告* 6 wu2 ke3 feng4 gao4 (idiom) "no comment"
幸好* 6 xing4 hao3 fortunately
著作* 6 zhu4 zuo4 to write/ literary work/ book/ article/ writings/ CL:部[bu4]
成心* 6 cheng2 xin1 intentional/ deliberate/ on purpose
繁体字* 6 fan2 ti3 zi4 traditional Chinese character
和睦* 6 he2 mu4 peaceful relations/ harmonious
假设* 6 jia3 she4 suppose that.../ hypothesis/ conjecture
就近* 6 jiu4 jin4 nearby/ in a close neighborhood
名副其实* 6 ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 not just in name only; but also in reality (idiom)
无可奈何* 6 wu2 ke3 nai4 he2 have no way out/ have no alternative/ abbr. to 無奈|无奈 [wu2 nai4]
阴谋* 6 yin1 mou2 plot/ conspiracy
障碍* 6 zhang4 ai4 barrier/ obstruction/ hindrance/ impediment/ obstacle
繁殖* 6 fan2 zhi2 to breed/ to reproduce/ to propagate
假使* 6 jia3 shi3 if/ in case/ suppose/ given ...
明明* 6 ming2 ming2 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly/ definitely
认可* 6 ren4 ke3 to approve/ approval/ acknowledgment/ OK
视力* 6 shi4 li4 vision/ eyesight
无赖* 6 wu2 lai4 hoodlum/ rascal/ rogue/ rascally/ scoundrelly
* 6 zhuai4 to drag/ to haul
表彰* 6 biao3 zhang1 cite (in dispatches)/ commend
倒闭* 6 dao3 bi4 to go bankrupt/ to close down
反驳* 6 fan3 bo2 to retort/ to refute
和气* 6 he2 qi5 friendly/ polite/ amiable
就业* 6 jiu4 ye4 looking for employment/ getting a job/ to start a career
任命* 6 ren4 ming4 to appoint and nominate
势力* 6 shi4 li5 power/ (ability to) influence
无理取闹* 6 wu2 li3 qu3 nao4 to make trouble without reason (idiom)/ deliberately awkward/ pointless provocation/ willful trouble maker
性能* 6 xing4 neng2 function/ performance
专长* 6 zhuan1 chang2 specialty/ special knowledge or ability
* 6 bie1 to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath)
反常* 6 fan3 chang2 unusual/ abnormal
合身* 6 he2 shen1 well-fitting (of clothes)
就职* 6 jiu4 zhi2 take office/ assume a post
理直气壮* 6 li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 in the right and self-confident (idiom)/ bold and confident with justice on one's side/ to have the courage of one's convictions/ just and forceful
音响* 6 yin1 xiang3 speakers or speaker (electronic)/ acoustics/ sound field (in a room or theater)
帐篷* 6 zhang4 peng5 tent/ CL:頂|顶[ding3];座[zuo4]
专程* 6 zhuan1 cheng2 special-purpose trip
导航* 6 dao3 hang2 navigation
反倒* 6 fan3 dao4 but on the contrary/ but expectedly
鞠躬* 6 ju1 gong1 to bow
理智* 6 li3 zhi4 reason/ intellect/ rationality
别人* 6 bie2 ren5 other people/ others/ other person
诚挚* 6 cheng2 zhi4 sincere/ cordial
捣乱* 6 dao3 luan4 to disturb/ to look for trouble/ to stir up a row/ to bother sb intentionally
反动* 6 fan3 dong4 reaction/ reactionary
合算* 6 he2 suan4 worthwhile/ be a good deal/ be a bargain/ reckon up/ calculate
拘留* 6 ju1 liu2 to detain (a prisoner)/ to keep sb in custody
欺负* 6 qi1 fu5 to bully
逝世* 6 shi4 shi4 to pass away/ to die
专科* 6 zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school
别墅* 6 bie2 shu4 villa/ CL:幢[zhuang4];座[zuo4]
跟前* 6 gen1 qian2 in front of/ close to/ nearby/ the time just before
立场* 6 li4 chang3 position/ standpoint/ CL:個|个[ge4]
任性* 6 ren4 xing4 willful/ headstrong/ uninhibited
事态* 6 shi4 tai4 situation/ existing state of affairs
无能为力* 6 wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 impotent (idiom)/ powerless/ helpless
朝气蓬勃* 6 zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful energy (idiom)/ vigorous/ energetic/ a bright spark
* 6 cheng4 steelyard/ Roman balance/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
导向* 6 dao3 xiang4 to be oriented towards/ orientation
根深蒂固* 6 gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 deep-rooted (problem etc)
和谐* 6 he2 xie2 harmonious
拘束* 6 ju1 shu4 to restrict/ to restrain/ constrained/ awkward/ ill at ease/ uncomfortable/ reticent
历代* 6 li4 dai4 successive generations/ successive dynasties/ past dynasties
凄凉* 6 qi1 liang2 desolate
任意* 6 ren4 yi4 arbitrary/ at will/ at random
试图* 6 shi4 tu2 to attempt/ to try
天伦之乐* 6 tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4 pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom)/ family love and joy/ domestic bliss
无穷无尽* 6 wu2 qiong2 wu2 jin4 vast and limitless (idiom)/ endless span of time/ no vestige of a beginning; no prospect of an end
兴致勃勃* 6 xing4 zhi4 bo2 bo2 to become exhilarated (idiom)/ in high spirits/ full of zest
隐蔽* 6 yin3 bi4 to conceal/ to hide/ covert/ under cover
招收* 6 zhao1 shou1 to hire/ to recruit
别扭* 6 bie4 niu5 awkward/ difficult/ uncomfortable/ not agreeing/ at loggerheads/ gauche/ awkward (writing or speech)
跟随* 6 gen1 sui2 to follow
居住* 6 ju1 zhu4 to reside/ to dwell/ to live in a place/ resident in
欺骗* 6 qi1 pian4 to deceive/ to cheat
示威* 6 shi4 wei1 to demonstrate (as a protest)/ a demonstration/ a military show of force
引导* 6 yin3 dao3 to guide/ to lead/ to conduct/ introduction
专题* 6 zhuan1 ti2 special topic
反感* 6 fan3 gan3 to be disgusted with/ to dislike/ bad reaction/ antipathy
根源* 6 gen1 yuan2 origin/ root (cause)
局部* 6 ju2 bu4 part/ local
利害* 6 li4 hai4 pros and cons/ advantages and disadvantages/ gains and losses
期望* 6 qi1 wang4 hope/ expectation
任重道远* 6 ren4 zhong4 dao4 yuan3 a heavy load and a long road/ fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects; 8.7)
无微不至* 6 wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4 in every possible way (idiom)/ meticulous
隐患* 6 yin3 huan4 a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage/ misfortune not visible from the surface
濒临* 6 bin1 lin2 on the verge of/ close to
吃苦* 6 chi1 ku3 to bear/ hardships
反抗* 6 fan3 kang4 to resist/ to rebel
跟踪* 6 gen1 zong1 to follow sb's tracks/ to tail/ to shadow
坚定* 6 jian1 ding4 firm/ steady/ staunch/ resolute
局面* 6 ju2 mian4 aspect/ phase/ situation
名誉* 6 ming2 yu4 fame/ reputation/ honor/ honorary/ emeritus (of retired professor)
期限* 6 qi1 xian4 time limit/ deadline/ allotted time
事务* 6 shi4 wu4 (political; economic etc) affairs/ work
无忧无虑* 6 wu2 you1 wu2 lv4 carefree and without worries (idiom)
凶恶* 6 xiong1 e4 fierce/ ferocious/ fiendish/ frightening
冰雹* 6 bing1 bao2 hail/ hailstone/ CL:場|场[chang2];粒[li4]
反馈* 6 fan3 kui4 to send back information/ feedback
耕地* 6 geng1 di4 arable land/ to plow land
监督* 6 jian1 du1 to control/ to supervise/ to inspect
局势* 6 ju2 shi4 situation/ state (of affairs)
仍旧* 6 reng2 jiu4 still (remaining)/ to remain (the same)/ yet
无知* 6 wu2 zhi1 ignorance
胸怀* 6 xiong1 huai2 one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/ breast/ broad-minded and open/ to think about/ to cherish
隐瞒* 6 yin3 man2 to conceal/ to hide (a taboo subject)/ to cover up the truth
着迷* 6 zhao2 mi2 to be fascinated/ to be captivated
吃力* 6 chi1 li4 entail strenuous effort/ be a strain
反面* 6 fan3 mian4 reverse side of sth/ opposite side of some topic/ the other side
更新* 6 geng1 xin1 to replace the old with new/ to renew/ to renovate/ to upgrade/ to update/ to regenerate
尖端* 6 jian1 duan1 sharp pointed end/ the tip/ the cusp/ tip-top/ most advanced and sophisticated/ highest peak/ the best
立交桥* 6 li4 jiao1 qiao2 overpass/ flyover
视线* 6 shi4 xian4 line of sight
天文* 6 tian1 wen2 astronomy
反射* 6 fan3 she4 to reflect/ reflection (from a mirror etc)/ reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
更正* 6 geng1 zheng4 to correct/ to make a correction
命名* 6 ming4 ming2 to give a name to/ to dub/ to christen/ to designate/ named after/ naming
引擎* 6 yin3 qing2 engine (transliteration)
转达* 6 zhuan3 da2 to pass on/ to convey/ to communicate

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OK. a: Emotion_directed +

October. n: Calendric_unit +

oasis. n: Biological_area +

oath. n: Commitment +

obedient. a: Compliance +

obese. a: Body_description_holistic +

obey. v: Compliance +

obituary. n: Text +

object. n: Purpose +

object. n: Entity +

objective. n: Purpose +

obligate. v: Imposing_obligation +

obligated. a: Being_obligated +

obligation. n: Being_obligated +

obligatory. a: Being_obligatory +

obliterate. v: Destroying +

obliteration. n: Destroying +

obscure. a: Obscurity +

obscure. v: Eclipse +

obscured. a: Eclipse +

observance. n: Compliance +

observant. a: Compliance +

observation. n: Perception_active +

observe. v: Compliance +

observe. v: Becoming_aware +

observe. v: Statement +

observe. v: Condition_symptom_relation +

obsess. v: Emotion_active +

obsession. n: Emotion_active +

obstetrician. n: Medical_professionals +

obstetrics. n: Medical_specialties +

obstruct. v: Hindering +

obstruct. v: Eclipse +

obstruction [act]. n: Hindering +

obstruction [entity]. n: Hindering +

obstructive. a: Hindering +

obtain. v: Getting +

obviate. v: Preventing +

obvious. a: Obviousness +

obviously. adv: Obviousness +

occasional. a: Frequency +

occasionally. adv: Frequency +

occlude. v: Eclipse +

occlusion. n: Eclipse +

occultation. n: Eclipse +

occupant. n: Residence +

occupy. v: Residence +

occur. v: Event +

occur. v: Circumscribed_existence +

occur. v: Condition_symptom_relation +

ocean. n: Natural_features +

odd. a: Typicality +

odd. a: Proportional_quantity +

oddity. n: Idiosyncrasy +

odds. n: Probability +

ode. n: Text +

odor. n: Sensation +

odor. n: Chemical-sense_description +

odyssey. n: Travel +

oeuvre. n: Labor_product +

of a mind. a: Inclination +

of late. adv: Temporal_collocation +

of. prep: Partitive +

of. prep: Origin +

of. prep: Age +

off and on. adv: Frequency +

off the beaten path. adv: Isolated_places +

off. prep: Being_in_operation +

off. prep: Accuracy +

off. prep: Spatial_contact +

offend. v: Experiencer_obj +

offend. v: Cause_emotion +

offended. a: Emotion_directed +

offense. n: Cause_emotion +

offensive. a: Stimulus_focus +

offensive. a: Attack +

offensive. a: Cause_emotion +

offensive. n: Attack +

offer. v: Offering +

office. n: Building_subparts +

officer. n: Leadership +

officer. n: Attention_getting +

officer. n: Appellations +

officer. n: People_by_vocation +

official. n: Leadership +

official. n: Appellations +

offshore. a: Locative_relation +

offspring. n: Kinship +

often. adv: Frequency +

oil. n: Food +

oil. n: Substance +

oilman. n: People_by_vocation +

okay. a: Desirability +

okay. v: Grant_permission +

old-fashioned. a: Stage_of_progress +

old. a: Age +

oldish. a: Age +

omen. n: Omen +

ominous. a: Omen +

on and off. adv: Frequency +

on authority. idio: Attributed_information +

on board. a: Transportation_status +

on call. a: Standing_by +

on fire. a: Fire_burning +

on foot. adv: Transportation_status +

on station. a: Standing_by +

on the lam. a: Fugitive +

on the loose. a: Fugitive +

on the run. a: Fugitive +

on the side. a: Hedging +

on time. adv: Relative_time +

on top. of: prep +

on. adv: Process_continue +

on. prep: Being_in_operation +

on. prep: Topic +

on. prep: Temporal_collocation +

on. prep: Accuracy +

on. prep: Means +

on. prep: Spatial_contact +

on. prep: Non-gradable_proximity +

once in a while. adv: Frequency +

once-over. n: Scrutiny +

once. adv: Event_instance +

oncologist. n: Medical_professionals +

oncology. n: Medical_specialties +

one and only. a: Sole_instance +

one day. n: Calendric_unit +

one-piece. n: Clothing +

one. num: Cardinal_numbers +

ongoing. a: Process_continue +

only. a: Sole_instance +

onset. n: Process_start +

onset. n: Attack +

onslaught. n: Attack +

oodles. n: Quantified_mass +

ooze. v: Fluidic_motion +

open space. a: Locale_by_use +

open. a: Candidness +

open. a: Secrecy_status +

open. a: Openness +

open. v: Closure +

open. v: Body_movement +

open. v: Activity_start +

operate. v: Using +

operate. v: Operating_a_system +

operate. v: Being_in_operation +

operate. v: Military_operation +

operation. n: Businesses +

operation. n: Using +

operation. n: Military_operation +

operational. a: Using +

operational. a: Being_operational +

operational. a: Being_in_operation +

ophthalmologist. n: Medical_professionals +

ophthalmoscope. n: Medical_instruments +

opinion. n: Documents +

opinion. n: Opinion +

opinion. n: Regard +

opium. n: Intoxicants +

opponent. n: Taking_sides +

opportune. a: Opportunity +

opportunity. n: Opportunity +

oppose. v: Taking_sides +

opposite. a: Non-gradable_proximity +

opposite. prep: Locative_relation +

opposite. prep: Non-gradable_proximity +

opposition [act]. n: Taking_sides +

opposition [entity]. n: Taking_sides +

opt. v: Choosing +

optimistic. a: Attitude_description +

option. n: Alternatives +

or so. adv: Proportional_quantity +

orange. a: Color +

orbit. n: Path_traveled +

ordain. v: Rite +

order [physical object]. n: Request_entity +

order. n: Request +

order. n: Sequence +

order. n: Rank +

order. n: Organization +

order. n: Artistic_style +

order. n: Request_entity +

order. n: Law +

order. n: Biological_classification +

order. n: Chaos +

order. v: Request +

order. v: Bail_decision +

order. v: Sentencing +

order. v: Arranging +

order. v: Rite +

order. v: Request_entity +

orders. n: Documents +

ordinarily. adv: Frequency +

ordinary. a: Typicality +

ordinary. a: Capital_stock +

ordination. n: Rite +

ordnance. n: Weapon +

ordnance. n: Ammunition +

ore. n: Substance +

organism. n: Biological_entity +

organization. n: Organization +

organize. v: Making_arrangements +

oriented. a: Emphasizing +

origin. n: Origin +

originate. v: Achieving_first +

originate. v: Origin +

originator. n: Achieving_first +

ornamented. a: Abounding_with +

orthopaedics. n: Medical_specialties +

orthopaedist. n: Medical_professionals +

oscilloscope. n: Medical_instruments +

ostensible. a: Unattributed_information +

ostensibly. adv: Unattributed_information +

other. a: Increment +

other. n: Increment +

otherwise. adv: Negative_conditional +

otoscope. n: Medical_instruments +

ottoman. a: Origin +

ottoman. n: People_by_origin +

ought to. v: Desirable_event +

ought to. v: Required_event +

oughta. v: Required_event +

ounce. n: Measure_mass +

ounce. n: Quantified_mass +

oust. v: Removing +

oust. v: Change_of_leadership +

out like a light. a: Sleep +

out of. prep: Partitive +

out-of-the-way. a: Isolated_places +

out. a: Sleep +

out. prep: Expected_location_of_person +

out. prep: Locative_relation +

outback. n: Isolated_places +

outbuilding. n: Buildings +

outcrop. n: Natural_features +

outdo. v: Surpassing +

outer. a: Part_inner_outer +

outfit. n: Clothing +

outfit. v: Supply +

outgoing. a: Sociability +

outhouse. n: Buildings +

outlaw. v: Prohibiting +

outlaw. v: Deny_permission +

outline. v: Summarizing +

outlying. a: Locative_relation +

output. n: Labor_product +

outrage. n: Emotion_directed +

outrage. v: Experiencer_obj +

outset. n: Temporal_subregion +

outshine. v: Surpassing +

outside the wire. adv: Interior_profile_relation +

outside. a: Part_inner_outer +

outside. n: Part_inner_outer +

outside. prep: Interior_profile_relation +

outspoken. a: Candidness +

outstanding. a: Desirability +

outstanding. a: Expertise +

outstanding. a: Usefulness +

outstrip. v: Surpassing +

outward. adv: Direction +

oval. n: Shapes +

over. a: Process_completed_state +

over. prep: Locative_relation +

over. prep: Proportional_quantity +

over. prep: Non-gradable_proximity +

over. prep: Distributed_position +

overall. n: Clothing +

overcoat. n: Clothing +

overcrowded. a: Abounding_with +

overdue. a: Relative_time +

overfilled. a: Abounding_with +

overhaul. n: Reforming_a_system +

overhaul. v: Reforming_a_system +

overhear. v: Perception_experience +

overheat. v: Cause_temperature_change +

overjoyed. a: Emotion_directed +

overlord. n: Leadership +

overnight. adv: Temporal_collocation +

overnight. v: Temporary_stay +

overnighter. n: Containers +

overpass. n: Roadways +

overpriced. a: Expensiveness +

overrun. v: Invading +

overthrow. n: Change_of_leadership +

overthrow. v: Change_of_leadership +

overwrought. a: Emotion_directed +

own. v: Possession +

owner. n: Possession +

ownership. n: Possession +

oxidize. v: Corroding_caused +

oxidize. v: Corroding +

oxygen. n: Substance +


1 +
2 老师 机场 +
3 +
4 哥哥 +
8 西瓜 好吃 +
9 +
10 中文 +
12 厕所 +
13 他们 女儿 可爱 +
14 谢绝 鲜花 +
15 谢谢 +
16 儿子 +
17 我们 周末 +
18 很多 外国 朋友 +
19 +
20 三明治 +
21 汤姆 +
22 我们 正在 开会 +
24 他们 什么 +
25 筷子 寿司 +
26 他们 全家 野外 用餐 +
27 当作 好朋友 +
30 孩子们 +
31 游泳 +
32 +
34 宝宝 走路 +
36 衣服 +
37 +
38 问好 +
39 路人 问路 +
40 妹妹 +
42 钱包 没有 +
44 有趣 +
45 +
46 什么 +
47 哪儿 +
48 地毯 +
49 +
50 +
52 迟到 怎么办 +
53 夫妻 公园 散步 +
54 +
55 美国 +
56 +
57 +
59 母亲 +
60 弟弟 +
61 妈妈 疼爱 +
62 足球 +
64 大家 午饭 +
66 报告 +
68 可爱 +
69 天安门 广场 位于 北京市 中心 +
70 花园 游泳池 +
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话 +
73 桌子 咖啡 +
74 上学 +
75 +
76 他们 山坡 滑下来 +
77 开车 纽约 +
79 终于 到达 山顶 +
80 捡到 钱包 +
81 屋子 +
83 喜欢 +
84 欢迎 光临 +
85 歌迷 台下 欢呼 +
86 妈妈 超市 +
87 鸽子 象征 和平 +
88 地上 +
89 我们 爱护 地球 +
90 起床 时间 +
91 中国 医生 大夫 +
93 孩子 +
95 太阳 出来 +
97 为了 健康 锻炼 身体 +
98 火车 +
99 要是 分手 +
100 喜欢 饺子 +
101 咖啡 +
102 开车 不可以 +
103 记事本 记录 以便 记忆 +
104 得奖 +
106 这里 不可以 钓鱼 +
107 过错 +
108 红灯 不要 马路 +
109 什么 +
110 谢谢 +
112 长城 奇迹 之一 +
113 房子 前面 +
116 儿子 走路 +
118 他们 外国 留学生 +
119 外面 下雨 +
120 病人 今天 +
121 街上 很多 +
122 衣服 多少 +
123 路上 行人 很少 +
124 今天 早餐 面包 +
125 一共 +
126 妈妈 医院 工作 +
128 桔子 分成 +
129 我们 冰淇淋 +
130 他们 努力 +
131 每天 慢跑 +
132 客厅 方桌 +
134 街上 聚集 很多 民众 +
135 这里 人民 热情 +
136 我们 海边 日出 +
137 今天 几月 几日 +
138 他们 儿子 +
139 比赛 结束 +
140 每天 经过 +
141 经常 外地 出差 +
142 她们 穿着 相同 衣服 +
143 男朋友 一起 旅行 +
144 起床 +
145 他们 +
146 她们 +
148 东京 日本 中心 +
149 心跳 正常 +
151 太阳 出现 地平线 +
152 现在 几点 +
153 +
154 篮球 +
155 开门 看看 +
156 新郎 新娘 +
157 老师 +
160 桌上 +
161 二月 +
162 苹果 +
163 小孩 +
164 已经 五点 +
165 弟弟 +
166 七点 起床 +
167 妹妹 +
168 现在 九点 +
169 美元 +
170 弟弟 +
171 面包 一半 +
175 我们 必须 遵守 法律 +
176 什么 方法 可以 变瘦 +
177 闹钟 但是 +
178 一些 苹果 +
179 没有 只好 走路 +
180 爷爷 树林 散步 +
181 +
182 擅长 滑雪 +
183 几月 +
184 今晚 月亮 +
185 道路 两旁 很多 +
186 他们 孩子 +
187 英文 +
188 作文 +
190 机会 +
191 出门 +
192 把握 每次 面试 机会 +
193 +
194 现在 10点 +
196 那里 +
198 因为 感冒 +
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 +
200 大家 公车 +
202 他们 房子 +
203 什么 名字 +
204 确定 我们 已经 迷路 +
206 回头 +
207 我们 回家 +
208 今天 生日 +
209 明白 +
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 +
211 吃饭 洗手 +
212 +
213 几个 苹果 +
214 拿给 司机 +
215 中华 人民 共和国 简称 中国 +
216 小路 不平 +
219 开车 上班 +
220 迷失 方向 +
221 他们 树林 走去 +
222 身体 强壮 +
224 看见 什么 +
225 这里 常常 下雨 +
226 体温 正常 +
228 棉被 暖和 +
229 朋友们 依次 排队 上车 +
230 他去 伦敦 +
233 小镇 人口 +
234 公路 汽车 太多 +
235 报道 新闻 +
237 我们 学校 很多 海外 留学生 +
239 电视台 工作 +
241 担心 +
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 +
243 学校 +
244 当然 可以 +
245 喜欢 爬山 +
247 朋友 写信 +
248 纽约市 +
250 一百 +
251 一千 美金 +
252 一万 美金 +
253 下雨 +
254 小女孩 上车 +
255 数学题 +
257 老师 我们 英文 +
258 文件 桌上 +
259 放学 +
260 作业 +
261 健身 教练 +
262 这里 国家 边境 +
263 很多 +
265 +
266 钥匙 交给 房东 +
267 我们 来自 东方 +
268 南边 饭店 +
269 住在 美国 西部 +
270 北方 下雪 +
272 我们 到达 目的地 +
273 汽车 方便 +
274 这里 一共 +
275 喜欢 什么 颜色 气球 +
276 +
277 天黑 +
279 喜欢 玫瑰 +
280 喜欢 颜色 +
282 香港 国际 都市 +
283 今天 很多 +
284 这些 漂亮 +
285 儿子 必须 八点 起床 +
286 今晚 必定 下雨 +
287 北京 +
288 学校 +
290 蜗牛 慢慢 +
291 电脑 用途 广 +
293 儿子 +
294 那里 儿童 乐园 +
295 作业 做完 +
297 一直 等到 中午 +
300 他们 救火 英雄 +
301 伦敦 英国 首都 +
304 这些 衣服 女儿 +
305 很多 +
306 认识 汉字 +
308 他们 +
310 电话 号码 +
312 农夫 喂食 +
313 有名 电影 明星 +
316 起床 +
317 图书馆 +
320 地上 很多 +
321 +
322 我们 踢球 +
324 我们 +
325 对待 客人 友好 +
327 喜欢 衣服 +
328 药片 糖衣 +
329 蛋糕 +
332 桌上 银色 餐具 +
335 桌上 很多 +
336 我们 超市 买菜 +
337 妈妈 +
340 年长 女士 奶奶 +
341 儿子 +
344 电视机 +
346 认为 怎么样 +
348 房屋 着火 +
349 水稻 主要 农作物 +
350 来自 英国 +
351 儿子 自己 洗衣服 +
352 成为 护士 +
353 如果 超人 好了 +
354 街上 行人 很多 +
355 每天 步行 学校 +
356 咖啡 +
357 等于 +
358 大家 面对 镜头 +
359 面部 皮肤 +
361 电灯 +
362 撒麦种 +
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜 +
365 失业 +
367 公园 老者 +
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥 +
369 +
371 空房 +
374 实验 部分 重要 +
375 他们 人事 部门 员工 +
376 附近 +
377 这些 房子 样式 相同 +
378 地毯 样品 +
379 你们 明白 意思 +
380 有人 进去 +
381 年轻 美丽 +
383 附近 公共汽车站 +
384 力气 +
385 这里 +
387 车站 前方 +
388 知识 阅读 积累 +
389 知道 +
390 他们 感情 不错 +
391 地铁 间隔 分钟 +
392 公司 生产 汽车 +
393 顺利 儿子 +
394 野外 空气 +
395 上气 接下 +
396 重做 +
397 填写 申请表 +
398 地球 表面 +
399 由于 下雨 比赛 取消 +
400 冰雪 开始 融化 +
402 奖杯 代表 胜利 +
404 他们 相互 拥抱 +
405 果汁 或者 咖啡 +
406 工人 社会 服务 +
407 +
409 这里 空位 +
410 军队 国家 服务 +
411 办公室 宽敞 并且 明亮 +
412 并不 喜欢 汉堡 +
413 房间 +
417 商店 关门 +
418 他们 总共 孩子 +
419 公司 总经理 +
420 成员 团结 +
421 超市 各种各样 水果 +
422 男孩 打架 +
425 学生 应该 认真 学习 +
426 剪刀 +
427 今年 股票 获利 +
428 知道 选举 结果 +
430 蛋糕 好吃 +
431 钻石 真的 +
432 站立 +
433 大声 一点 +
434 衣服 +
435 文件 +
437 一生 +
438 他们 研究 世界 地图 +
439 超重 +
440 体重 减轻 +
441 工作 进展 顺利 +
442 他们 地图 展开 +
444 受不了 +
445 警察 分界线 +
446 世界 +
447 许诺 一生 +
448 这里 不许 吸烟 +
449 开车 注意 安全 +
450 办公室 安装 电话 +
451 礼盒 蝴蝶结 +
453 今晚 月光 +
456 明天 就是 元旦 +
457 大量 照片 +
458 衣服 便宜 +
460 一下 电话 +
461 单词 +
462 黄金 +
463 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
465 气球 吹走 +
466 叶子 变黄 +
467 直接 走向 卧室 +
468 道路 +
471 妈妈 医院 看望 奶奶 +
472 他们 认识 +
473 皮带 +
474 他们 儿子 公园 +
476 爱好 收集 模型 +
477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆 +
478 正在 音乐 +
479 门票 +
480 张开 +
481 医生 治疗 牙病 +
482 喜欢 政治 新闻 +
483 数到 +
486 正在 检查 电脑 服务 系统 +
488 模特儿 形体 优美 +
489 钻戒 形状 特别 +
490 住客 不得 入内 +
491 这里 办公 +
492 怎么办 +
493 强壮 +
495 大家 月台 等候 上车 +
497 警方 控告 犯罪 +
498 告诉 +
499 作业 做完 +
500 照片 想起 往事 +
501 学校 +
503 他们 接力棒 +
504 我们 老师 +
506 她们 感动 流下 眼泪 +
507 草地 +
508 火车 +
509 工厂 生产 产品 +
510 学校 +
511 ATM 取款 +
512 发言 清楚 +
514 +
515 圣诞节 +
516 膝关节 有点 +
517 管理 部门 +
518 桌子 很多 试管 +
520 酒瓶 +
521 回答 问题 +
522 +
523 这里 法院 +
524 院子 很多 +
525 认识 字母 D +
526 车站 这儿 只有 +
527 数学 +
528 算一算 钱包 多少 现金 +
529 越过 障碍 +
531 盘子 面包 +
532 他们 商量 工作 +
533 这里 树林 +
534 语言 +
535 不善 言语 +
536 妹妹 海边 石头 +
537 铁路 城市 连起来 +
538 大桥 连接 两岸 交通 +
539 他们 什么 +
540 卧室 单人床 +
541 名单 +
543 广州 广东省 首府 +
544 这里 政府 办公厅 +
545 朋友们 在一起 照相 +
546 阳光 树叶 +
547 公园 青草地 +
548 今天 天气 好极了 +
549 北极熊 生活 北极 +
550 离开 学校 +
551 球场 可以 容纳 几万 +
552 +
553 长城 历史 悠久 +
554 她们 故事书 热门 +
555 +
556 妈妈 包装 圣诞 礼物 +
557 我们 打包 东西 +
558 音乐 +
559 已经 没有 收到 音信 +
560 +
561 士兵 正在 操练 +
563 这些 漂亮 +
569 工厂 制造 产品 +
570 拉开 +
572 房子 漂亮 +
573 教师 平易近人 +
574 数学题 容易 +
576 他们 差不多 一样 +
577 十二点 +
579 店主 零钱 +
580 图书馆 资料 +
581 学校 读书 +
582 发火 +
583 这里 发生 火灾 +
584 出示 护照 +
585 工作 能力 不亚于 其他 +
586 亚洲 一共 国家 +
587 身体 情况 良好 +
589 挑选 李子 +
591 烹饪 兴趣 +
593 他们 +
594 我们 明天 长城 +
595 城市 有名 +
597 +
598 +
600 今年 +
601 前方 施工 注意 +
603 苹果 健康 食品 +
604 她们 提供 电话 服务 +
605 口舌 油滑 +
607 鸽子 空中 +
608 比萨 +
609 拥有 公司 很多 股份 +
610 愿意 +
611 希望 愿望 实现 +
612 虽然 但是 很多 没有 放弃 +
613 礼物 +
615 裤子 +
616 金子 希奇 +
617 希望 原谅 +
619 长笛 悦耳 乐器 +
620 音乐 好听 +
621 大家 +
622 到站 +
623 出口 左边 +
624 喜欢 米饭 +
625 你们 故事 +
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 +
627 练习 弹钢琴 +
628 习惯 晨跑 +
629 地铁 上班 +
631 小学 年级 +
632 +
633 鞋跟 +
634 +
635 +
636 英文 句子 什么 意思 +
637 已经 +
638 谢谢 帮助 +
639 铁塔 巴黎 有名 地标 +
640 前面 路口 +
643 +
644 +
645 港口 很多 +
646 这些 房子 结构 简单 +
648 门铃 +
649 告诉 电话 号码 +
650 浴室 干净 +
651 +
652 主食 +
655 超过 所有 选手 +
657 它们 外表 什么 差别 +
658 这里 差错 +
660 洛杉矶 位于 加州 +
661 蒸汽 +
662 +
663 桌上 +
665 +
666 商店 打折 +
667 书店 看书 +
668 +
671 这些 生活 +
672 靠在 女朋友 +
673 医生 预防针 +
674 今天 天气 +
675 +
676 人类 陆地 生活 +
677 最近 怎么样 +
679 街上 没有 +
680 住在 二楼 +
681 我们 需要 互相 帮助 +
682 我们 开车 旅行 +
683 新家 装修 完毕 +
686 孩子们 玩具 +
687 妈妈 孩子们 一起 +
688 喜欢 +
690 牧场 很多 +
691 英国 大使馆 签证 +
692 旅馆 便宜 +
695 他们 结婚 +
696 +
698 大家 桌子 旁边 +
699 贵姓 +
701 右手 餐刀 +
702 城市 适宜 居住 +
703 这里 环境 宜人 +
704 咖啡 +
706 想念 +
707 中国 古代 周朝 秦朝 几百年 +
708 房子 周围 草地 +
709 问题 解决 +
710 头发 +
711 政府 资助 他们 研究 +
712 援助 非洲 需要 大量 资金 +
714 支持 蓝队 +
715 排队 买票 +
716 汉字 什么 含义 +
717 法律 维护 正义 +
718 检查 电脑 系统 +
719 外语系 学生 +
720 说明 自己 理论 +
721 同事 讨论 方案 +
723 远处 风景 +
724 +
725 如何 解决 难题 +
727 玫瑰 联想 爱情 +
728 皮包 使用 上好 皮革 +
729 群众 要求 政府 进行 改革 +
730 建议 +
731 他们 正在 建造 房子 +
732 可以 朋友 +
734 战争 爆发 +
735 寒冷 寒战 +
736 卡车 用来 运送 货物 +
737 坚持 每天 运动 +
739 双方 业务 开展 顺利 +
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济 +
741 飞机 抵达 机场 +
742 士兵 保卫 国家 +
743 了解 +
744 合同 商议 一下 +
745 建议 一下 交通 规则 +
746 我们 马上 就要 启程 +
747 宪法 国家 最基本 章程 +
748 很多 追求 金钱 +
749 他们 设宴 庆祝 +
751 男孩 地上 观察 昆虫 +
752 化学 属于 理科 +
753 艺术品 +
754 衣领 口红印 +
755 导游 我们 前走 +
757 导游 前面 带路 +
758 我们 基础 开始 学习 +
759 公司 权者 +
760 我们 合影 +
761 影子 沙滩 +
762 购物车 装满 礼品 +
763 我们 小组 成员 +
764 他们 组成 团队 +
765 祷告 +
766 持有 大量 外汇 +
767 转身 道别 +
768 钥匙 转交 我们 +
769 咖啡豆 研磨 +
770 科学家 专心 研究 +
771 今年 大学 年级 +
774 比赛 双方 竞争 激烈 +
775 进行 视力 测验 +
776 +
777 工作 经历 丰富 +
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 +
779 要求 道歉 +
780 艾菲尔 铁塔 位于 巴黎 +
781 哥伦布 1492 发现 美洲 +
782 我们 发财 +
783 准备 朋友 邮件 +
784 妈妈 整理 房间 +
785 什么 理由 +
786 铅球 实心 +
787 政府 即将 推出 政策 +
788 华盛顿 美国 政治 中心 +
790 飞机 将要 起飞 +
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 +
793 开销 超出 限制 +
794 制造 面包 +
795 测量 木板 长度 +
796 室外 温度 +
797 收入 不错 +
798 那里 地铁 入口。 +
799 俱乐部 会员 +
800 售货员 输入 密码 +
801 及时 赶到 车站 +
802 少年 活泼 +
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 +
804 答应 对方 合作 +
805 上书 准备 离开 +
806 我们 合作 愉快 +
807 反传统 +
808 NO 表示 反对 +
809 垃圾箱 装满 废物 +
810 拿破仑 著名 历史 人物 +
811 广场 很多 鸽子 +
812 电话 打通 +
813 小路 通往 山顶 +
814 我们 爱护 生命 +
816 游泳 水平 提高 +
818 喜欢 游戏 孩子 天性 +
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 +
821 原创 作品 +
822 超市 食品 可以 顾客 挑选 +
823 小学 任教 +
824 城市 历史 悠久 +
825 这儿 衣服 款式 很多 +
827 德国 +
828 品德 问题 +
829 我们 根据 合同 办事 +
830 未必 能够 戒烟 +
831 油漆 +
832 大海 漫无边际 +
833 出示 有效 证件 +
834 电脑 记录 证明 想法 +
836 他们 团结 +
837 装扮成 水手 +
838 电脑 安装 什么 +
839 我们 客户 进行 问卷 调查 +
840 调到 人事 部门 +
841 农业 重要 +
842 体操 动作 标准 +
844 辣椒 洋葱 胡萝蔔 属于 蔬菜类 +
845 男孩 大约 +
846 朋友 这里 见面 +
847 老师 学生 相处 +
848 集市 热闹 +
849 大家 聚集 在一起 +
850 钻石 +
851 参加 选美 比赛 +
852 挑选 番茄 +
853 现在 六点 +
854 书架 摆放 整齐 +
858 钱包 遗失 板凳 +
859 婴儿 喜欢 妈妈 气息 +
860 听到 惊人 消息 +
861 木头 建筑 材料 +
864 觉得 委屈 +
865 他们 接受 委托 +
866 工厂 +
867 发言 得到 热烈 回响 +
868 喇叭 +
869 朋友们 参加 今晚 舞会 +
870 准备好 +
873 完成 大学 教育 +
874 外贸局 工作 +
875 派发 资料 +
876 这里 筷子 +
877 +
878 技术 全面 +
879 总统 美国 政府 首脑 +
881 今天 油价 多少 +
882 老板 工作 要求 严格 +
883 妈妈 把门 关严 +
884 完整 演奏 曲子 +
885 他们 球队 支持 +
886 地上 很多 落叶 +
887 大众 集聚 街上 +
888 看台 挤满 观众 +
889 化学 研究 +
891 男孩 跟随 父亲 +
892 身体 康复 +
893 朋友 答复 +
894 工程师 使用 圆规 画图 +
895 马路 遵守 交通 规则 +
897 少数 民族 +
898 在家 看书 消磨 时间 +
899 太阳 消失 云层 后面 +
900 咖啡 有点 +
901 花费 很少 +
902 不能 浪费 食物 +
903 购物 女人 满足 +
904 足球 +
905 他们 网上 资料 +
906 考试 测验 没有 结束 +
907 正在 实验 +
908 好像 下雨 +
909 姐妹 俩长 +
910 产品 包装 +
911 报告 批示 +
912 +
913 举手 回答 问题 +
914 他们 足球 +
915 年轻 艺术家 +
916 球艺 +
917 必须 眼镜 清楚 +
918 妈妈 正在 除草 +
919 正在 +
920 公司 收益 增加 +
921 桌子 很多 工具 +
922 我们 具有 必胜 信心 +
923 草地 +
925 由于 下雨 比赛 中断 +
926 它们 之间 存在 明显 差别 +
927 儿子 每天 +
929 温习 功课 +
931 一般 美丽 +
932 +
933 作文 一段 +
934 我们 继续 工作 +
935 连续 打喷嚏 +
936 警察 维持 社会 治安 +
937 同意 我们 提案 +
939 军人 服从 命令 +
940 士兵 +
941 离开 公司 +
942 股票 上涨 趋势 +
943 他们 生活 规律 +
944 认识 他们 之中 +
945 恐龙 已经 灭绝 +
947 春天 +
948 今晚 芭蕾舞 演出 +
949 地球 不断 演变 +
950 居住 纽约 +
951 态度 亲切 +
952 跳舞 姿态 +
953 箱子 +
954 例题 +
955 小朋友 一起 种树 +
956 房子 周围 草地 +
957 鼻子 流血 +
959 我们 推销 保险 +
960 有事 留言 +
961 房间 安排好 +
962 排队 上车 +
963 动物 保护 子女 天性 +
964 爱护 大自然 +
965 初冬 时节 坚持 晨跑 +
966 他们 初中生 +
967 职务 部门 主管 +
969 +
973 爬山虎 墙上 +
974 他们 今天 休假 +
975 纽约 +
976 乡下 空气 +
977 他们 辛勤 劳动 +
978 投票 +
983 钻戒 值得 收藏 +
984 钻石 价值 +
986 +
990 拐角处 电话亭 +
993 摇滚乐 西洋 音乐 +
994 我们 喜欢 海洋 +
995 创造 纪录 +
996 第一 +
997 天边 白云 +
998 沙滩 留下 脚印 +
1000 建筑 工人 正在 修路 +
1001 修理 空调机 +
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别 +
1003 这些 丝绸 品质 +
1004 医生 研究 大脑 +
1005 鸡蛋 +
1006 害怕 什么 +
1007 吸烟 损害 健康 +
1008 手枪 +
1009 中国 官方 语言 汉语 +
1010 七月 四日 美国 独立日 +
1011 儿子 独自 +
1012 主持人 宣布 会议 开始 +
1013 他们 讨论 项目 +
1014 士兵 执行 任务 +
1016 +
1017 老师 我们 背诵 单词 +
1018 目前 为止 北京 +
1019 战争 停止 +
1020 实验 取得 突破 +
1021 突然 摔倒 +
1022 回答 问题 +
1024 法官 依据 法律 审判 +
1026 池子 充满 +
1027 手机 充电 +
1029 美军 占领 这里 +
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数 +
1031 房子 陈旧 +
1032 商店 陈列 很多 商品 +
1033 负责 管理 团队 +
1034 做错 +
1035 夏天 +
1037 牙痛 +
1039 拥有 很多 财富 +
1040 企图 偷车 +
1041 他们 全家 公园 散步 +
1044 纽约 夜景 +
1046 前方 雪山 +
1047 眼镜 +
1048 我们 公司 副经理 +
1049 观察 昆虫 +
1051 国境线 +
1052 包括 我们 +
1054 他们 签订 合同 +
1055 网上 机票 +
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 +
1057 假钞 +
1058 门卫 负责 +
1059 中国 武术 +
1060 武器 +
1061 周围 环绕 很多 +
1062 耳环 漂亮 +
1064 学生 下课 +
1065 +
1066 收银台 付钱 +
1067 摄影 兴趣 +
1068 今天 零下 +
1069 小朋友 什么 +
1071 冬天 +
1072 今天 工作 特别 +
1075 你们 什么 关系 ? +
1076 妈妈 准许 他们 冰淇淋 +
1079 项目 利益 可观 +
1081 挑战 自身 极限 +
1083 考试 开始 +
1084 核桃 坚果 +
1085 坚持 自己 观点 +
1086 钻石 代表 永恒 +
1087 我们 一家人 永远 分离 +
1088 车子 +
1089 医院 检查 身体 +
1090 喜欢 冰淇淋 味道 +
1092 中国人 普遍 包子 +
1093 大家 表现 优秀 +
1094 货船 +
1095 国家 货币 +
1096 多少 +
1097 国旗 升起来 +
1098 练习 射击 +
1099 儿子 喜欢 沙子 +
1100 我们 生活 幸福 +
1101 发达 国家 社会 福利 +
1102 守时 短处 +
1103 短发 +
1104 衣服 颜色 +
1106 女儿 房间 杂乱 +
1107 空气 夹杂 花儿 芳香 +
1108 礼服 款式 漂亮 +
1109 大家 应该 遵守 法律 条款 +
1111 孩子们 草地 +
1112 喜欢 +
1113 香港 中国 领土 部分 +
1114 终点 跑去 +
1115 路上 积雪 +
1116 录音 +
1117 很多 铁锅 +
1119 这里 延伸 沙洲 +
1120 山脚 村庄 +
1121 受伤 +
1122 刷卡 东西 +
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 +
1124 没有 预料 到来 这么 朋友 +
1125 善于 别人 交流 +
1128 纸箱 +
1129 信封 邮票 +
1130 拳击 剧烈 运动 +
1133 喜欢 文学 名著 +
1134 著名 公司 应聘 +
1135 他们 礼堂 开会 +
1136 老师 孩子们 +
1138 正在 +
1139 毛色 雪白 +
1140 继承 家业 +
1141 承受 工作 压力 +
1142 制作 飞机 模型 +
1143 他们 研究 目前 状况 +
1144 这些 石头 形状 不同 +
1145 +
1146 股票 风险 +
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 +
1149 准备 更新 电脑 设备 +
1151 他们 信仰 什么 宗教 +
1152 家庭 教师 +
1154 人人 遵守 交通 规则 +
1155 爸爸 安慰 开心 +
1156 我们 立即 出发 +
1157 毛线 围巾 +
1159 调节 音频 设备 +
1160 考试 合格 +
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 +
1163 现在 时兴 染发 +
1164 这里 花草 兴旺 +
1165 正确 答案 +
1166 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样 +
1167 仅有 +
1169 发现 万有引力 +
1171 老板 +
1172 铜版 刻有 +
1174 球场 白线 +
1175 明星 人群 显眼 +
1176 电脑 显示 操作 +
1177 病人 苏醒 +
1179 选择 否定 答案 +
1180 士兵 列队 操练 +
1181 玫瑰 属于 蔷薇科 植物 +
1184 一些 +
1185 核桃 压碎 +
1186 树苗 长大 +
1188 儿女 责任 赡养 父母 +
1189 受到 太太 责问 +
1190 报纸 刊登 旅游 资讯 +
1191 尽力 +
1192 体力 用尽 +
1193 激动 甚至 出来 +
1194 深呼吸 +
1196 飞机 模型 +
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 +
1198 运动 减肥 效果 +
1199 她们 获胜 +
1200 临终 儿女 身边 +
1201 跑到 终点 +
1202 竟然 打电话 +
1203 获得 机会 +
1204 他们 通过 协商 解决 问题 +
1205 协助 完成 工作 +
1206 阳光 若隐若现 +
1208 我们 应该 保护 历史 资源 +
1209 源头 +
1210 深深地 一口气 +
1211 海绵 吸收 水分 +
1212 现场 营救 工作 困难 +
1213 商店 正在 营业 +
1214 爸爸 赚钱 养家 +
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 +
1217 广场 中央 喷水池 +
1218 央求 妻子 原谅 +
1219 顾客 介绍 +
1220 照顾 +
1221 台阶 看书 +
1222 杂志 编辑 +
1224 工作 之余 顺便 巴黎 游玩 +
1225 薪水 剩余 +
1226 房子 木造 结构 +
1228 生活 开支 减少 +
1229 狮子 杀死 斑马 +
1230 药店 +
1231 守门员 +
1232 小女孩 怀 美好 愿望 +
1233 弟弟 怀 +
1234 既是 音乐家 指挥家 +
1235 闹钟 起床 +
1236 姐姐 +
1237 叶子 露水 +
1238 介意 我们 采访 一下 +
1239 不要 怪罪 +
1240 犯罪 +
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 +
1243 警方 街上 设置 路障 +
1244 礼物 头顶 +
1245 翻译成 英语 +
1246 翻到 +
1247 家庭 主妇 +
1248 夫妇 恩爱 +
1249 相信 上帝 +
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 +
1253 木头 可以 建筑 材料 +
1254 邮局 寄信 +
1255 不少 寄生虫 +
1258 他们 讨论 问题 +
1259 抽烟 +
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 +
1261 礼物 +
1262 墙上 画有 +
1264 这里 没有 异常 事故 发生 +
1265 这里 人家 +
1266 银行 私人 帐户 +
1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 +
1269 他们 准备 敌人 发起 攻击 +
1270 工作 犯错 +
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问 +
1272 回国 探亲 访友 +
1273 路上 +
1275 追求 +
1276 追上 前面 +
1278 树叶 地上 +
1279 移民局 申请 签证 +
1280 货物 仓库 +
1281 招手 +
1282 招聘 员工 +
1284 河水 水位 大概 +
1285 周围 环境 宁静 +
1286 天边 布满 朝霞 +
1287 朝阳 时分 出发 +
1288 祖父母 +
1289 身体 情况 良好 +
1291 这里 落叶 +
1292 率领 球队 获胜 +
1294 今天 幸运 +
1295 超市里 水果 品种 丰富 +
1296 火灾 已经 得到 控制 +
1297 游泳 +
1299 舞蹈 动作 标准 +
1300 告诉 私人 秘密 +
1301 蜡烛 顺次 排列 +
1302 走。 +
1303 苹果 +
1305 摩托车 危险 +
1307 铁架 牢固 +
1308 那里 警察 +
1310 一下 +
1311 遇到 老朋友 +
1312 公司 待遇 不错 +
1313 电影 正在 放映 +
1314 海面 落日 映照 金色 +
1315 何谓 人造卫星 +
1316 无所谓 +
1317 +
1318 航海 运输 重要 +
1319 法院 执行 法律 +
1320 新书 序言 执笔 +
1321 签名 +
1322 双方 会议厅 签约 +
1324 飞机 着陆 +
1325 要求 退职 +
1326 我们 后退 +
1327 橘子 +
1328 公司 缺少 人手 +
1332 股票 交易所 +
1333 减肥 计划 失败 +
1336 孩子们 草地 互相 追逐 +
1337 驱逐 出境 +
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密 +
1339 面临 工作 压力 +
1340 弟弟 +
1341 小朋友 喜欢 马戏 表演 +
1342 学生 课堂 戏弄 老师 +
1344 他们 屋子 前面 +
1345 恐怖份子 喜欢 杀人 +
1346 恐怖 +
1347 鼻子 +
1348 语言 交流 基础 +
1349 山顶 风景 +
1350 顶级 酒店 +
1351 中国 13 亿 人口 +
1352 大使馆 申请 签证 +
1354 阳光 透过 大树 地上 +
1355 地球 环境 不断 恶化 +
1356 刚刚 阵雨 +
1357 士兵 坚守 阵地 +
1358 这块 手表 看起来 档次 +
1359 她们 拍照 +
1360 部分 航班 延误 +
1361 计算 错误 +
1362 妈妈 额头 +
1363 收入 总额 多少 +
1365 介绍 一下 汤姆 +
1366 车子 超载 +
1367 今天 风和日丽 +
1368 年轻 美丽 +
1369 大英 博物馆 世界 宏伟 博物馆 +
1370 林肯 伟大 政治家 +
1371 火灾 危险 +
1372 女儿 迎面 走来 +
1373 欢迎 光临 +
1375 这些 郁金香 颜色 鲜艳 +
1376 木板 27 毫米 +
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 +
1378 正在 外套 +
1379 古代 皇帝 曾经 住在 这里 +
1381 寿司 味道 正宗 +
1382 中国人 拜祭 祖宗 习俗 +
1383 这里 很多 彩色 铅笔 +
1384 法官 证词 疑问 +
1385 怀疑 事情 问题 +
1386 用力 抓住 绳子 +
1387 抓痒 +
1388 我们 轮流 开车 +
1389 路上 留下 车轮 +
1390 欧洲 旅行 +
1391 论文 合格 +
1392 飞往 美国 航班 +
1394 掌握 公司 大权 +
1396 他们 救火 英雄 +
1397 金门大桥 雄伟 +
1398 悬崖 感到 恐慌 +
1399 收入 交税 +
1402 香港 已经 回归 中国 +
1403 +
1404 正在 节目 +
1405 播种 +
1406 房间 光线 +
1407 图书馆 +
1408 末了 +
1410 古玉 珍贵 +
1412 右边 先生 +
1413 她们 +
1414 正在 回家 途中 +
1415 商店 休业 +
1416 他们 草地 休息 +
1417 甜食 唯一 嗜好 +
1421 房间 +
1422 啤酒 走过来 +
1423 被迫 投降 +
1424 男朋友 玫瑰花 +
1425 妹妹 +
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 +
1430 朋友 遍布 世界 +
1431 曾经 军人 +
1432 运动员 努力 前冲 +
1433 喜欢 拳击 打斗 +
1434 复杂 +
1435 她们 什么 +
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 +
1437 小河 这里 汇合 +
1438 尽快 修改 地方 +
1439 今晚 酒席 热闹 +
1440 地上 席子 +
1441 她们 喜欢 海岛 旅游 +
1442 交游 广 朋友 很多 +
1443 帐单 逾期 利息 +
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革 +
1445 地球 太阳 +
1446 行李 笨重 +
1447 老板 认为 +
1449 +
1452 +
1453 今天 美元 人民币 汇率 多少 +
1454 好了 +
1456 地球 太阳系 行星 +
1457 新娘 今天 漂亮 +
1459 看起来 斯文 +
1460 俄罗斯 +
1461 丝绸 便宜 +
1462 今晚 登台 献艺 +
1463 献花 妈妈 +
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路 +
1465 他们 房子 +
1466 生产 顺序 进行 +
1467 公路 交通 次序 良好 +
1468 园丁 正在 浇花 +
1469 他们 紧紧 在一起 +
1470 她们 迷路 +
1471 很多 +
1472 鸡蛋 面粉 在一起 +
1473 清楚 +
1474 房屋 火势 +
1475 树林 茂盛 +
1477 地上 潮湿 +
1479 栏杆 树圈 起来 +
1480 沙滩 圆圈 +
1481 书架 抽出 +
1482 政府 官员 人民 监督 +
1485 把握 +
1486 今年 粮食 丰收 +
1487 太阳 西 +
1488 避开 +
1489 夫妻 应该 避免 争吵 +
1490 姐姐 早晨 跑步 +
1491 出门 忽然 大雨 +
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问 +
1493 电话 掛上 +
1495 墙上 幅画 +
1496 士兵 正在 进行 军事 训练 +
1497 +
1498 享受 自然 空气 +
1499 水坝 非常 坚固 +
1501 城堡 看起来 庄严 +
1504 大家 兴奋 欢呼起来 +
1505 继承 父亲 遗产 +
1506 钱包 遗失 +
1507 煤炭 燃烧 +
1508 机器 可以 代替 工作 +
1509 这里 禁止 出入 +
1510 考虑 一下 +
1513 这里 遭受 水灾 +
1514 残疾 不幸 遭遇 +
1515 西藏 位于 中国 西南方 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1517 朋友 商场 购物 +
1518 强烈 金钱 欲望 +
1519 会议 大家 畅所欲言 +
1520 骨折 +
1521 喜欢 骨头 +
1522 暴雨 +
1523 他们 +
1524 +
1525 正在 监视 系统 状态 +
1526 试图 逃亡 +
1528 马路 人行 横道 +
1529 热烈 参与 讨论 +
1530 邱吉尔 英国 首相 +
1531 长相 兇恶 +
1532 父母 给予 支持 +
1534 如果 不要 勉强 +
1535 急切 盼望 回家(Nv)。 +
1536 母女 俩长 相似 +
1538 节省 +
1539 主角 +
1541 观察 微生物 +
1542 +
1544 黑板 写字 +
1545 树林 茂密 +
1546 情绪 激动 +
1547 写诗 +
1548 喜欢 吃素 +
1550 免税店 +
1552 权威 脑科 专家 +
1553 原子弹 爆炸 +
1554 消息 登出来 +
1555 朋友们 登山 +
1556 裤子 宽松 +
1558 警方 投降 +
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 +
1560 挥手 告别 +
1561 大家 高兴 扬手 欢呼 +
1562 他们 房子 +
1563 手套 +
1564 沾满 巧克力 +
1565 海浪 岸边 +
1566 不要 浪费 资源 +
1567 这些 +
1568 告诉 秘密 +
1570 输入 密码 +
1571 电话 号码 +
1574 他们 喜欢 探险 +
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友 +
1576 +
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 +
1579 伊人 花丛 +
1580 减肥 方式 奏效 +
1584 树林 沼泽地 +
1585 +
1586 学校 伙食 不错 +
1587 树枝 +
1588 年轻人 追求 时尚 +
1589 儿子 尚未 断奶 +
1590 上海市 经济 繁荣 +
1591 他们 谈判 圆满 成功 +
1592 地球 +
1593 洪水 影响 范围 +
1594 孩子们 儿童 玩具 +
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 +
1596 +
1597 故事 有趣 +
1598 结冰 +
1599 喜欢 冰淇淋 +
1600 拔牙 +
1601 前方 道路 曲折 +
1602 树干 折断 +
1603 喜欢 炸鸡 +
1604 早餐 喜欢 麦片 +
1606 野生动物 +
1607 他们 野外 露营 +
1608 老师 我们 单词 +
1610 蜘蛛 +
1611 瓶子 毒药 +
1613 早日 康复 +
1617 喜欢 收藏 邮票 +
1620 城市 道路 +
1621 闹钟 吵醒 +
1622 病人 意识 没有 清醒 +
1623 +
1624 石头 +
1625 钻石 非常 坚硬 +
1626 客人 推销 商品 +
1627 银行 注销 帐户 +
1628 狗仔队 喜欢 偷拍 明星 私生活 +
1629 +
1630 纸币 散开 +
1631 绳索 保护 自己 +
1632 警察 搜索 逃犯 +
1634 得奖 +
1637 妈妈 洗头 +
1638 摇摆 +
1639 摆在 桌子 +
1640 圣经 +
1642 小孩 冰淇淋 +
1643 蛋糕 量高 +
1644 寻找 参考书 +
1645 公司 召开 新品 发布 +
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 +
1648 如何 选择 +
1650 医生 检查 耳朵 +
1651 耳机 音乐 +
1652 小镇 安静 +
1653 军队 镇压 暴乱 +
1654 观察 敌人 活动 +
1655 双方 谋求 合作 +
1656 血压 +
1657 累计 选票 +
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司 +
1660 扩散 +
1661 丰盛 +
1662 课桌 睡着 +
1663 火灾 造成 损失 严重 +
1665 老板 赞成 意见 +
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助 +
1667 孩子们 健康 成长 +
1668 沿 公路 前走 +
1669 他们 结婚 典礼 +
1670 书架 很多 字典 +
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 +
1672 美国 加拿大 邻邦 +
1673 这些 咖啡豆 来自 巴西 +
1675 桌上 摆有 +
1676 朋友们 在一起 +
1677 千万 不要 挑拨 夫妻 关系 +
1678 接受 挑战 +
1679 男朋友 吹了 +
1680 男孩 吹气球 +
1682 唐人街 热闹 +
1684 联合国 大会 开幕 +
1685 办公室 分隔成 +
1686 住在 隔壁 +
1687 万事 大吉 +
1689 诚实 从来 说谎 +
1690 他们 恩爱 +
1692 味道 有点 +
1693 路面 平坦 +
1694 看起来 悲伤 +
1695 医生 打针 +
1696 奶奶 喜欢 针线活 +
1697 镜子 +
1698 眼镜 +
1699 平凡 +
1700 美国 国旗 +
1701 很多 公园 樱花 +
1702 明天 返校 +
1704 室外 寒冷 +
1705 他们 家境 贫寒 +
1706 他们 舞姿 优雅 +
1707 小心 针尖 +
1708 她们 害怕 尖叫 起来 +
1709 手指甲 +
1710 类似 英文 A +
1712 枕头 +
1713 天气 阴沉 +
1714 他们 愈来愈 恩爱 +
1717 妈妈 宝宝 餵奶 +
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 +
1719 译成 英文 +
1720 中国 经济 发展 迅速 +
1722 变得 强壮 +
1724 出国 旅行 护照 麻烦 +
1725 +
1728 男孩 勇敢 +
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑 +
1730 孩子 惯坏 +
1731 乌龟 缓慢 +
1732 判处 无期徒刑 +
1733 从事 贸易 工作 +
1734 碰触 一下 鼻子 +
1735 开心 伸开 双手 +
1736 丈夫 妻子 道歉 +
1737 姐姐 丈量 身高 +
1738 杏仁 +
1739 仁慈 表现 +
1742 衣袖 +
1744 中国人 过年 饺子 风俗 +
1745 汉字 繁体字 +
1747 埃及 很多 文化 古迹 +
1748 沙滩 留下 足迹 +
1750 东京 铁路网 发达 +
1751 +
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣 +
1755 面包 面粉 +
1759 乘以 等于 +
1761 +
1763 挑选 水果 +
1764 木板 +
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 +
1766 一些 硬币 +
1767 欣赏 作品 +
1769 先生 您好 +
1770 法官 审讯 犯人 +
1771 现在 通讯 工具 发达 +
1772 玫瑰 +
1773 足球 比赛 刺激 +
1774 火山 爆发 +
1776 泪珠 +
1777 小心 +
1778 正在 操作 电脑 +
1780 学习 不能 半途而废 +
1782 青蛙 捕捉 昆虫 +
1783 空间 时候 他们 郊游 +
1785 皮箱 塞满 衣服 +
1786 发狂 +
1788 图书馆 书籍 +
1790 他们 放弃 努力 +
1791 他们 兄弟 +
1792 赌博 倾家荡产 +
1793 他们 街上 游荡 +
1794 沙发 朱红色 +
1796 桌子 金属 +
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重 +
1799 得到 公司 奖励 +
1801 积雪 阻碍 交通 +
1802 今天 廿八日 +
1805 报纸 媒介 +
1806 玫瑰 漂亮 +
1807 今天 卅一日 +
1808 台风 +
1809 空气 汙染 +
1810 汙渍 +
1811 我们 保持 联系 +
1812 炸弹 爆炸 +
1813 这里 荒凉 +
1814 夏天 洗澡 凉快 +
1815 背负 沉重 房屋 贷款 +
1816 背上 背包 爬山 +
1817 冷冻 食品 方便 +
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 +
1819 地上 堆满 行李 +
1820 +
1822 家人 坟墓 +
1823 今天 逛街 购物 +
1824 雪地 +
1825 检查 硅片 +
1826 +
1827 高尔夫球 滚进 +
1828 胡说 +
1829 +
1832 就是 我们 方案 +
1833 方案 +
1834 +
1837 陕西 悠久 历史 +
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 +
1839 街上 碰到 老同学 +
1840 墙上 裂缝 +
1842 雨天 道路 湿 +
1843 这里 发生 水灾 +
1844 同事 裁员 幸灾乐祸 +
1847 他们 拒绝 和好 +
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 +
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 +
1851 工作 没有 头绪 +
1854 学生 毕业 +
1856 耐穿 +
1857 动物园 老虎 +
1858 仰慕 上司 +
1859 大家 地上 仰望 天空 +
1861 房间 暖和 +
1862 轻松 越过 障碍 +
1863 沙滩 很多 贝壳 +
1864 沙漠 荒凉 +
1865 喜欢 南瓜汤 +
1866 仪仗队 正在 接受 检阅 +
1868 棉花 柔软 +
1869 柠檬 +
1870 责骂 儿子 +
1871 墙壁 +
1872 宝塔 +
1873 好学 +
1874 宫殿 豪华 +
1875 恐怖 分子 侵佔 +
1876 身体 恢复 +
1877 晓得 什么 +
1879 山坡 +
1880 房间 整洁 +
1881 纵容 自己 甜食 +
1882 城市 道路 纵横 交错 +
1883 获得 短跑 比赛 冠军 +
1884 估计 晚上 下雨 +
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 +
1886 允许 丈夫 出门 +
1888 生日快乐 +
1889 蒋介石 纪念堂 +
1890 钱包 +
1891 爱因斯坦 人类 做出 巨大 贡献 +
1893 讲解 详细 +
1894 酒店 住宿 +
1895 餐厅 兼职 +
1896 我们 彼此 相爱 +
1897 傑出 建筑师 +
1898 雕塑 有名 +
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 +
1900 我们 同辈 +
1901 他们 表情 严肃 +
1902 军人 国家 忠心 +
1903 爸爸 忠厚 正直 军人 +
1905 最近 频繁 出差 +
1906 邀请 参加 派对 +
1908 当作 自己 亲生 儿子 +
1910 年轻人 喜欢 酒吧 +
1911 他们 回家 省亲 +
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 +
1913 工作 编织 地毯 +
1914 今天 波浪 +
1918 弹琴 +
1919 +
1920 这儿 麻绳 +
1921 喜欢 麻婆豆腐 +
1923 伤心 +
1924 大雪 纷纷 +
1925 大炮 古老 +
1926 家人 给予 支持 +
1928 正在 打孔 +
1929 他用 尺子 画图 +
1930 原稿 +
1934 学习 成绩 优秀 +
1935 手臂 有劲 +
1936 倾斜 +
1937 生活 补贴 +
1938 瓷砖 +
1939 喜欢 徒步 旅行 +
1940 擅长 徒手 格斗 +
1941 奔跑 +
1942 警察 举起 盾牌 +
1943 蒙古 中国 北方 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
1946 太阳 发出 耀眼 光辉 +
1947 这些 颇重 +
1949 题目 深奥 不会 +
1950 2008年 奥运会 北京 举行 +
1951 学生 尊敬 老师 +
1952 跃过 沟渠 +
1953 ATM +
1954 土豆 +
1955 路上 很多 +
1956 路滑 小心 +
1957 滑梯 +
1958 慈祥 老婆婆 +
1959 房产 抵押 贷款 +
1960 飞机 抵达 目的地 +
1961 鸡蛋 +
1962 着眼 +
1963 宇宙 到底 +
1964 日本 京都 庙宇 出名 +
1965 士兵 长矛 +
1969 这些 箱子 +
1970 黄色 帽子 +
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 +
1972 裤子 口袋 +
1973 他们 分析 实验 结果 +
1975 喜欢 冒险 +
1976 烟囱 正在 冒烟 +
1977 男厕所 左侧 +
1978 咱们 +
1982 仓库 +
1983 明天 俄罗斯 +
1984 客厅 干净 +
1985 利润 上升 +
1986 她们 俩长 +
1987 我们俩 好朋友 +
1991 珍惜 盒子 +
1993 房间 积满 灰尘 +
1994 不能 插队 +
1995 她们 进行 彻底 大扫除 +
1997 女朋友 面前 感到 心虚 +
1998 沙发 舒服 +
1999 崇拜 +
2000 拜访 老师 +
2001 搬进 学生 宿舍 +
2002 生活 贫穷 +
2003 天气 他们 很多 +
2005 他们 亲密 拥抱 在一起 +
2006 出色 哲学家 +
2007 成绩 优秀 +
2008 队伍 整齐 +
2009 应征 入伍 +
2010 政府 官员 腐败 +
2011 苹果 腐烂 +
2012 工厂 工人 罢工 +
2013 天气 下雨 +
2014 小孩子 扮鬼 +
2015 他们 结婚 仪式 户外 举行 +
2016 正在 仪器 实验 +
2017 +
2020 宾馆 非常 豪华 +
2021 总是 和颜悦色 +
2022 喜欢 什么 颜色 +
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题 +
2025 +
2027 不要 拖延 时间 +
2028 用力 绳子 +
2029 机械 故障 +
2030 工作 辛苦 +
2032 案件 涉及到 很多 +
2034 孩子们 进行 启蒙 教育 +
2036 +
2037 医生 尊敬 +
2038 孩子 面前 争吵 明智 +
2039 游戏 帮助 孩子 智力 成长 +
2040 +
2041 桌上 多空 碗盘 +
2042 丝瓜 可以 用来 洗澡 +
2043 距离 车站 公里 +
2044 医生 进行 腿部 治疗 +
2046 多少 +
2047 摇头摆尾 +
2048 支付 汽车 租金 +
2049 公寓 +
2050 +
2051 洪水 泛滥 +
2052 贯穿 城市 南北 +
2053 熊猫 珍贵 动物 +
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 +
2055 房子 烧毁 +
2057 摄影 感兴趣 +
2058 遇见 久违 朋友 +
2059 违背 诺言 +
2061 纽扣 +
2062 山腰 田地 +
2063 +
2064 森林 可以 阻挡 风沙 +
2065 羊群 阻碍 交通 +
2066 妈妈 +
2067 悬崖 边缘 +
2068 他们 争吵 缘由 +
2069 他们 争辩 什么 +
2070 邮局 营业 几点 +
2071 刚刚 收到 邮件 +
2072 树枝 很多 +
2073 儿子 喜欢 油炸 食品 +
2074 咖啡 +
2075 +
2076 +
2077 钱包 +
2080 没有 +
2081 +
2082 玉米糊 +
2083 小字 模糊 清楚 +
2084 女儿 最爱 糖果 +
2085 咖啡 +
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 +
2087 夥伴 +
2088 他用 剪刀 裁纸 +
2089 地址簿 +
2090 人类 想要 揭开 宇宙 奥秘 +
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 +
2093 医生 询问 病情 +
2094 警察 询问 +
2095 她们 彼此 熟悉 +
2096 宪法 神圣 +
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩 +
2098 恰巧 遇到 朋友 +
2099 熊猫 喜欢 竹子 +
2100 核电站 +
2102 自由 女神 挺立 港口 +
2103 树林 小径 +
2104 不知所措 +
2107 打扫 房间 +
2108 皮肤 粗糙 +
2109 柱子 +
2110 符合 他们 要求 +
2111 符号 +
2112 男孩 胞兄弟 +
2113 我们 同胞 +
2114 体重 大概 125 +
2115 漫过 公路 +
2116 拼图 +
2117 喜欢 诸如 果汁 汽水 这样 饮料 +
2118 出版社 编辑 +
2119 钻戒 +
2121 觉得 孤单 +
2122 孤儿 +
2124 政府 学校 +
2125 电话 号码 +
2127 我们 森林 探险 +
2128 妈妈 读书 +
2130 虫子 落入 陷阱 +
2131 邻居 +
2132 迟到 +
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 +
2134 上佳 苹果 +
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象 +
2138 他们 正在 渡河 +
2139 妈妈 东西 +
2140 他们 今天 搬家 +
2141 爸爸 只是 暂时 离开 +
2142 他们 旅途 短暂 休息 +
2144 台风 +
2145 翻到 +
2146 显得 气愤 +
2147 峡谷 +
2148 他们 正在 搬迁 +
2149 医生 +
2150 装扮成 +
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 +
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 +
2154 大家 衷心 祝福 新娘 新郎 +
2155 指出 房子 结构 弊端 +
2156 孕妇 户外 走走 +
2158 厕所 干净 +
2159 不要 迟到 藉口 +
2160 仿制品 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2162 他们 相互 干涉 对方 业务 +
2163 今年 稻谷 丰收 +
2164 津津有味 +
2165 图纸 捲起来 +
2166 卫生纸 +
2167 +
2168 需要 别人 施舍 +
2169 白云 衬托 天空 +
2171 朋友 泄露 秘密 +
2172 进口 商品 征收 进口税 +
2173 新兵 已经 应征 入伍 +
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗 +
2176 眼药水 +
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 +
2178 他们 这儿 逗留 +
2179 牛奶 钙量 +
2180 拉弓 +
2181 女儿 +
2182 喜欢 罐头 食品 +
2183 抽筋 +
2184 狡猾 +
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 +
2190 天空 雪花 +
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市 +
2192 象群 迁徙 地方 +
2193 今天 +
2194 龙舟 运动 起源于 中国 +
2195 夫妻 双方 应该 同舟共济 +
2196 打算 讬运 行李 +
2197 大树 截成 +
2198 眼镜 摘下来 +
2200 女朋友 辞别 +
2201 辞职 +
2202 裤子 +
2203 沿海 地区 水患 严重 +
2204 重感冒 +
2205 妈妈 一起 装饰 圣诞树 +
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告 +
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉 +
2209 许多 +
2210 花粉 过敏 症状 +
2211 踢球 动作 敏捷 +
2212 涂掉 +
2215 准备 赴约 +
2217 制作 陶器 +
2218 雨季 洪水 氾滥 河水 上涨 +
2220 记帐 +
2221 记帐 +
2223 牲口 +
2224 军人 为国 牺牲 +
2226 笔夹 记事本 +
2227 灯泡 +
2228 屋顶 瓦片 +
2229 肥胖 容易 引起 疾病 +
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都 +
2232 他们 结成 同盟 +
2233 他们 相逢 +
2234 悟出 问题 答案 +
2236 外貌 类似 +
2238 敲门 +
2239 +
2241 遵从 医生 忠告 +
2242 应该 遵守 法律 +
2243 股票 上涨 趋势 +
2245 这里 撒网 打鱼 +
2246 今天 新郎 +
2247 做错 不要 别人 +
2248 孩子 依赖 父母 +
2249 草地 +
2250 慢跑 +
2251 崇高 卫士 致敬 +
2253 脉搏 正常 +
2255 医生 仔细 检查 身体 +
2257 意思 +
2258 感到 茫然 +
2259 帆船 茫茫大海 航行 +
2260 健康 长寿 +
2261 获得 大家 讚誉 +
2262 获得 很多 荣誉 勳章 +
2263 喷泉 好看 +
2264 喜欢 温泉 +
2265 锁住 +
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝 +
2269 出去 外头 台风 +
2270 差点儿 帽子 +
2271 我们 会计 +
2272 爸爸 看管 行李 +
2273 朋友 孩子 +
2274 历史 传记 +
2275 伯父 游泳 +
2276 外语 很多 词彙 +
2277 挣扎 +
2278 昏倒 +
2279 灯光 昏暗 +
2281 甘愿 义工 +
2282 市场 +
2283 牙膏 准备 刷牙 +
2284 玻璃 打碎 +
2285 医生 +
2286 服药 掌握好 剂量 +
2287 小孩 靠在 栏杆 +
2288 喜欢 体育 专栏 +
2289 炫耀 +
2290 钻石 光芒 耀眼 +
2291 二手车 价格 优惠 +
2292 填写 姓氏 +
2294 宝宝 稀饭 +
2295 小女孩 泡泡 +
2296 海面 +
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息 +
2298 同事 先生 +
2299 扎进 泳池 +
2300 玫瑰花 扎手 +
2301 他们 柜子 上车 +
2302 男孩 水面 +
2304 澳门 +
2305 饮酒 适量 +
2306 象重 +
2307 学生 努力 老师 欣慰 +
2308 妈妈 安慰 孩子 +
2310 儿子 幼稚园 +
2311 幼苗 长出来 +
2312 文件 递给 +
2313 工厂 排放 汙水 +
2314 洗去 盘子 汙垢 +
2315 恐吓 +
2317 觉得 寂寞 +
2319 企鹅 球队 吉祥物 +
2320 提纲 +
2321 肩膀 有点 +
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 +
2324 只有 坚持 才能 巩固 健身 效果 +
2325 火山 喷发 +
2326 喜欢 木偶 表演 +
2327 感到 委屈 +
2328 期待 幸福 婚姻 +
2329 纽约 很多 摩天大楼 +
2330 磁铁 互相 吸引 +
2332 我们 正在 灾区 筹款 +
2334 生意 带来 巨大 利润 +
2335 土地 显得 湿润 +
2336 地上 苹果 +
2337 肉燉 +
2338 +
2339 火车 +
2341 罪犯 关进 监狱 +
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 +
2343 草地 乌鸦 +
2344 天空 布满 乌云 +
2345 泰式 房屋 特色 +
2347 参赛 队员 他们 当中 选拔 +
2348 拔掉 插头 +
2350 孩子们 西瓜 +
2351 +
2352 这里 +
2353 平衡 能力 +
2354 他们 遵守 诺言 +
2355 他们 钻研 问题 +
2356 小孩儿 水泥 管子 +
2357 综合性 医院 +
2358 渔民 每天 出海 捕鱼 +
2359 港湾 很多 渔船 +
2360 凝结成 +
2361 怜悯 +
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 +
2364 今天 天气 晴朗 +
2365 喜欢 潜水 +
2366 现在 衣服 折扣 +
2367 西装 扣子 +
2368 破案 关键 证人 找到 +
2369 敲打 键盘 +
2370 这里 储藏 很多 +
2371 军人 踏步 前走 +
2372 工作 勤奋 +
2373 小鸟 树枝 +
2374 学校 截止 报名 +
2375 山路 弯曲 +
2376 压弯 +
2377 得奖 感到 骄傲 +
2378 燃料 +
2380 绳子 纠缠 在一起 +
2381 他们 贷款 买房 +
2382 月球 地球 +
2383 为了 避免 塞车 我们 打算 绕道 +
2384 这里 耗子 +
2386 公司 终于 赢利 +
2387 赛马 比赛 +
2388 珍珠 +
2391 我们 驾车 旅游 +
2392 柱子 牢固 +
2393 男朋友 吐露 心声 +
2394 会吐丝 +
2395 孩子 魔术 +
2397 他们 信奉 基督教 +
2398 高兴 文件 +
2399 抢劫 犯罪 +
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫 +
2401 草地 吃草 +
2402 打开 盒子 +
2403 树林 水沟 +
2405 他们 合作 +
2406 流浪 生活 悲惨 +
2407 油漆 已经 剥落 +
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 +
2409 他们 桌子 摊开 地图 +
2411 游行 队伍 声势 浩大 +
2412 +
2414 考试 答案 +
2415 妈妈 薄饼 +
2416 正在 饼干 +
2417 口红 +
2420 雷声 轰轰 作响 +
2421 爸爸 戒烟 +
2423 一直 叫唤 +
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 +
2427 +
2428 10 +
2429 屋顶 大雪 掩盖 +
2430 口罩 掩住 +
2432 +
2435 圣诞树 悬掛 彩球 +
2436 +
2437 海滩 很多 +
2438 看起来 有点 +
2439 他们 相处 愉快 +
2442 烤鸭 知名 北京 美食 +
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 +
2445 模特 摆好 姿势 +
2446 姿势 容易 +
2447 不要 打扰 工作 +
2448 问题 困扰 +
2449 血液 循环 +
2450 教徒 遵循 神父 教导 +
2451 喝醉 +
2453 他们 之间 建立 深厚 友谊 +
2454 盼望 梦想 早日 实现 +
2455 +
2456 大概 13 +
2460 祝贺 毕业 +
2461 +
2463 警察 附近 巡逻 +
2464 他们 牛群 驱赶 上山 +
2465 他们 驱车 前往 华盛顿 +
2466 工作 岗位 +
2467 鲨鱼 口腔 +
2468 做错 了事 后悔 +
2469 相信 +
2470 很多 惧怕 闪电 +
2471 抱怨 工作 +
2472 他们 互相 怨恨 对方 +
2473 妈妈 担忧 孩子 健康 +
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 +
2475 比萨斜塔 +
2476 先生 电脑 +
2477 医生 病人 前走 +
2478 挡住 +
2479 狠狠地 +
2480 +
2481 围巾 +
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 +
2484 觉得 肚子 有点 +
2485 气球 +
2486 盗取 别人 隐私 +
2487 盲文 +
2489 派遣 出差 +
2490 反驳 观点 +
2491 绳子 捆住 +
2493 不能 禁忌 +
2494 赔偿 +
2495 气球 膨胀 起来 +
2496 中国菜 趁热 +
2497 请求 女朋友 原谅 +
2498 他们 +
2500 +
2502 恭喜 发财 +
2503 他们 开拓 土地 +
2504 打搅 一下 +
2505 面粉 搅拌 一下 +
2507 性格 叛逆 +
2508 仲夏 不停 +
2509 狠狠地 挫败 对手 +
2510 电影 排行榜 +
2511 懊恼 自己 愚蠢 行为 +
2512 愚弄 +
2513 要是 不要 勉强 +
2514 国家 颁布 法令 +
2517 机器 正在 掘土 +
2518 他们 正在 互相 讽刺 +
2519 努力 攀登 +
2520 天气 骤然 +
2521 绳子 柱子 +
2522 这些 汽车 滞销品 +
2523 计画 暂时 停滞 下来 +
2524 丈夫 妻子 道歉 +
2525 蔬菜 +
2526 警察 歹徒 +
2528 天色 逼近 黄昏 +
2529 不能 孩子 学习 +
2530 玻璃 +
2531 他们 工作 夥伴 +
2533 说服 他们 +
2534 倘若 天使 好了 +
2535 儿子 喜欢 小鸡仔 +
2536 查字典 注解 +
2537 批注 +
2538 他用 钻石 戒指 求婚 +
2539 宝宝 梯子 +
2540 爸爸 +
2541 公园 荷花池 +
2542 儿童 游泳池 +
2543 感情 脆弱 +
2544 饼干 +
2545 他们 相互 切磋 球艺 +
2546 哥哥 喜欢 钓鱼 +
2547 宠物 乌龟 +
2548 学生 哄堂大笑 +
2549 左手 门铃 +
2550 鹿 温顺 +
2551 郁闷 +
2552 显微镜 观察 细胞膜 +
2553 高兴 大声 呐喊 +
2555 泼水 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2558 小女孩 玩具 +
2559 忍不住 呕吐 +
2560 玩具 +
2563 天空 烟雾 笼罩 +
2564 自己 鞋带 +
2565 爷爷 慈祥 +
2566 看起来 有点 郁闷 +
2568 生活 感到 无奈 +
2569 老鼠 偷吃 面包 +
2570 乐谱 弹琴 +
2572 超市 水果 一应俱全 +
2573 痛斥 下属 无能 +
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机 +
2577 称为 贤人 +
2578 贤慧 妻子 +
2579 沙滩 踪迹 +
2580 我们 跟踪 +
2581 颜色 均匀 +
2583 穷人 遭到 歧视 +
2584 他们 意见 分歧 +
2585 买到 球赛 入场券 +
2586 今天 天气 恶劣 +
2587 高档 汽车 +
2588 这里 存放 很多 档案 +
2589 眼泪汪汪 +
2590 驶入 汪洋大海 +
2592 股市 下跌 +
2593 跌倒 +
2594 秦朝 强大 +
2597 决心 戒烟 +
2598 烦恼 +
2599 斑马 全身 黑白 相间 +
2600 奴隶 没有 人身 自由 +
2601 相框 没有 照片 +
2603 香港 回归 英国 殖民地 +
2604 我们 草地 踢球 +
2606 他们 砖墙 画画 +
2607 他们 服兵役 +
2608 正在 雕刻 作品 +
2609 病逝 +
2610 有毒 +
2611 辣椒 +
2612 堡垒 坚固 +
2613 性格 叛逆 +
2614 橡皮 颠簸 +
2615 莲藕 营养 食物 +
2616 伸出 舌头 +
2619 学校 提倡 穿 校服 +
2621 小姨 看书 +
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 +
2624 小孩 溜冰 +
2626 树苗 长大 +
2627 幼苗 长出来 +
2628 他们 +
2629 公司 聘用 +
2631 高兴 握紧 双拳 +
2633 医生 病情 诊断 +
2635 这里 道路 弯曲 +
2636 议员 首次 公开 露面 +
2638 日记 记载 日常 生活 +
2639 咖啡豆 +
2641 胆量 领导 +
2642 匆忙 上班 +
2643 帐单 犹如 晴天霹雳 +
2644 过去 记忆犹新 +
2646 气球 腾空 飞起 +
2647 沙发 柔软 +
2648 很多 +
2649 他们 挣脱 绳子 +
2650 她们 正在 灌唱片 +
2654 玩具 可爱 +
2655 长高 厘米 +
2656 贪吃 +
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 +
2658 水清 +
2659 雇用 +
2660 喜欢 自夸 +
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 +
2662 内心 压抑 +
2664 生气 +
2665 凤凰 传说 动物 +
2666 身体 衰弱 +
2667 埃及 人民 智慧 创造 金字塔 +
2668 笔记 +
2669 他用 微波炉 热菜 +
2672 他用 现金 偿还 贷款 +
2674 梯子 +
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯 +
2676 王位 世袭 +
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击 +
2678 +
2679 我们 沙漠 旅行 +
2680 衬衫 +
2681 鸟笼 鹦鹉 +
2682 已经 进入 酷暑 +
2683 发型 +
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 +
2687 火星 地球 遥远 +
2689 银行 可以 储蓄 存款 +
2690 他们 在一起 叙家常 +
2691 今天 出嫁 +
2692 秋日 呈现出 迷人 景色 +
2693 海边 夕阳 +
2694 中国 除夕 放烟火 +
2699 这里 动物 尸体 +
2701 城市 道路 畅通 +
2703 娃娃 +
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城 +
2705 郊外 空气 +
2706 大雪 复(b)盖 大地 +
2707 想要 政府 +
2708 战士 牺牲 战友 送行 +
2710 警察 搜查 罪犯 +
2711 仓库 +
2712 经济 萧条 导致 失业 问题 +
2713 我们 董事长 +
2714 股票 赚钱 +
2715 跨过 障碍 +
2716 客厅 阁楼 +
2717 政府 改选 内阁 +
2718 报刊亭 +
2719 他们 恋爱 +
2720 昂头 +
2721 队员 斗志 昂扬 +
2723 欺骗 +
2724 偷懒 +
2725 药丸 吞下去 +
2726 洪水 吞没 农田 +
2727 弟弟 花盆 +
2729 顽固 老头 +
2730 孩子 顽皮 +
2731 发现 张伪钞 +
2732 护照 伪造 +
2733 边境 正在 打仗 +
2734 能源 供给 依仗 石油 开采 +
2737 港口 停泊 舰艇 +
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 +
2739 牧场 +
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 +
2741 讨厌 菜花 +
2742 宴会 食物 丰盛 +
2743 警方 现场 展开 侦查 +
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 +
2745 品尝 滋味 +
2746 卫生 习惯 滋生 病菌 +
2748 狮子 森林 霸主 +
2749 岂敢 这么 +
2750 下面 +
2751 工人 水渠 +
2752 挣扎 到岸 +
2753 觉得 有点 爸爸 牙医 +
2754 爸爸 牙医 诊所 +
2756 领带 +
2758 我们 同僚 +
2759 表示 第三 意思 +
2760 妈妈 起床 +
2761 他们 通过 实践 学习 +
2763 幼鸟 羽翼 渐渐 丰满 +
2764 孔雀 羽毛 漂亮 +
2765 这些 蔬菜 物美价廉 +
2766 官廉洁 +
2767 他们 海边 晒太阳 +
2768 墙上 相框 +
2770 指挥棒 +
2771 分辨 哥哥 +
2772 人类 宇宙 从未 停止 探索 +
2773 儒雅 +
2774 公司 前途 +
2776 高速 公路 堵车 +
2777 华侨 +
2778 今天 晴天 +
2779 准备 晚餐 +
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 +
2782 小艇 +
2783 +
2784 不要 冤枉 +
2785 飞机 体积 庞大 +
2786 妈妈 毛巾 婴儿 起来 +
2787 包裹 签收 +
2788 金钱 诱惑 +
2789 酱油 调味料 +
2792 水汽 不停 蒸发 +
2793 表格 打勾 +
2794 这些 照片 勾起 回忆 +
2797 保存 已经 +
2798 儿女 应该 孝敬 父母 +
2800 婚礼 砸了 +
2801 电脑 砸了 +
2802 +
2803 心眼 容不下 别人 +
2805 学习 成绩 感到 羞耻 +
2806 戳穿 谎言 +
2808 新郎 +
2809 广场 元帅 雕像 +
2814 现在 一月 上旬 +
2815 河水 泛滥 +
2816 得了 癌症 +
2817 爸爸 打猎 +
2818 匪徒 打劫 银行 +
2823 这里 杭州 西湖 +
2824 国家 乌鸦 不详 象征 +
2825 妈妈 宝宝 童谣 +
2826 告诉 谣言 +
2827 表示 轻蔑 +
2828 服务 态度 诚恳 +
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 +
2830 日蚀 罕见 +
2831 宠爱 儿子 +
2832 烹调 食物 +
2833 表情 僵硬 +
2834 通过 考试 觉得 遗憾 +
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 +
2836 警察 缉拿 罪犯 +
2837 贿赂 政府 官员 +
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区 +
2839 水坝 可以 用来 发电 +
2840 今年 旱灾 严重 +
2842 钱包 英镑 +
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 +
2844 正在 纽约 出差 +
2845 小孩 喜欢 看小 表演 +
2847 今天 收获 不错 +
2848 问题 棘手 +
2852 桌上 日历 +
2853 贿赂 主管 +
2855 魅力 +
2856 他们 家庭 和睦 +
2857 亲娘 +
2858 新郎 新娘 匹配 +
2861 法官 赦免 +
2862 松树 +
2863 官员 下榻 酒店 +
2865 挑衅 +
2866 水晶球 占卜 吉凶 +
2867 博得 大家 掌声 讚美 +
2868 学生 受到 老师 称讚。 +
2869 政府 提供 赈灾 援助 +
2870 公司 甄选 面试 人员 +
2871 花粉 过敏 症状 +
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 +
2873 节约 能源 关系 人类 福祉 +
2874 燕子 屋簷 筑巢 +
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 +
2876 他们 球门 +
2877 爷爷 即将 六十 +
2878 虫吃 桑叶 +
2880 神庙 柱子 支撑 +
2881 债务 发愁 +
2882 孩子们 在一起 玩耍 +
2883 父子俩 河堤 休息 +
2885 有点 咳嗽 +
2886 +
2887 (please parse) +
2888 剪刀 头发 +
2890 身体 有益 +
2891 母鸡 孵卵 +
2892 小鸟 树枝 鸣叫 +
2893 消防员 扑灭 大火 +
2894 牛奶 洒出 +
2896 竖立 电线杆 +
2898 树林 小溪 +
2899 额头 有点 +
2900 一口 饼干 +
2901 棉花糖 比较 +
2902 粘贴 纸条 +
2903 睁开 双眼 +
2904 遮住 +
2905 耕田 +
2907 这里 堆放 很多 垃圾 +
2908 抽泣 +
2909 男孩 淘气 +
2911 父亲 嘱咐 孩子 注意 安全 +
2912 医生 叮嘱 病人 按时 +
2913 烤鸡 +
2914 洗衣店 可以 浆洗 衣服 +
2915 煎饼 糖浆 +
2916 不要 喇叭 说话 +
2917 水壶 没有 +
2918 这里 +
2919 婴儿 可爱 +
2920 老板 马屁 +
2921 放屁 +
2922 沾满 肥皂沫 +
2923 姐弟俩 一些 大动 干戈 +
2924 寂寞 +
2925 一年 万事 亨通 +
2926 准备 生日 蜡烛 +
2927 非常 谦虚 +
2929 京剧 中国 国粹 +
2930 纯粹 一派胡言 +
2931 通宵 工作 +
2932 国家 严惩 贪官污吏 +
2933 乒乓球 +
2934 他们 练习 搏斗 +
2935 溶化成 +
2936 刹住 +
2938 朋友们 一起 拜祭 故人 +
2940 囚犯 +
2941 树枝 坠弯 +
2942 飞机 快要 坠落 +
2943 主宰 自己 命运 +
2945 雪山 非常 +
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 +
2947 我们 搬进 公寓 +
2948 哎呀 什么 ? +
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 +
2950 汽车 辐条 撞坏 +
2951 美国 人民 悼念 林肯 总统 +
2952 希望 人类 远离 瘟疫 +
2953 医生 防疫 +
2955 参加 募捐 +
2957 糖醋 排骨 +
2958 邱吉尔 英国 家喻户晓 +
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳 +
2962 美籍 华裔 +
2963 越南 移民 后裔 +
2964 我们 遏止 资源 浪费 +
2965 奢望 温暖 +
2966 他们 游戏 上瘾 +
2967 烟瘾 +
2968 艺妓 日本 传统 文化 +
2969 家门 钥匙 +
2971 胜任 工作 +
2972 可恶 +
2973 蟑螂 厌恶 +
2974 他们 参加 探险队 南极 +
2975 满怀 信心 他们 踏上 征程 +
2976 妈妈 摇椅 +
2977 老虎 悄悄 走过来 +
2978 硬币 +
2979 塞外 风光 优美 +
2980 洛阳 中国 古城 +
2981 +
2982 纱布 包紮 伤口 +
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 +
2984 浑身 湿 +
2986 这里 景色 好像 仙境 +
2987 仙女 +
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 +
2990 涂抹 胭脂 +
2991 脂肪 减少 +
2992 羡慕 好朋友 幸福 婚姻 +
2993 停泊 港口 +
2994 柜台 付款 +
2995 卧室 柜子 +
2996 树林 雾气 弥漫 +
2997 地区 名声 显赫 +
2998 这里 危险 他们 必须 谨慎 +
2999 卧室 舒适 +
3001 我们 今年 盈利 状况 +
3002 今天 刮大风 +
3004 我们 生活 平庸 快乐 +
3005 觉得 电视 节目 内容 庸俗 +
3006 左边 嫂子 +
3007 破旧 +
3008 扇子 +
3009 象棋 遂心 应手 +
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 +
3012 圣诞节 相互 赠送 礼物 +
3013 购买 指定 商品 赠品 +
3014 不要 妨碍 比赛 +
3015 工作 +
3016 每天 硬币 +
3017 摔倒 +
3019 歌声 悦耳 +
3020 毕业 大家 充满 成功 喜悦 +
3021 警官 犯人 +
3022 房屋 抵押 合同 +
3023 海面 波涛 汹湧 +
3024 警察 认为 嫌疑 +
3025 妈妈 囉嗦 +
3026 这里 北京 天坛 +
3027 发言 逻辑 清晰 +
3028 士兵 巡逻 +
3030 凡尔赛宫 金碧辉煌 +
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 +
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 +
3034 警察 拘留 +
3035 狂妄 +
3036 +
3037 宫廷 豪华 +
3038 垃圾 +
3039 敦厚 老实 +
3040 教师 值得 人们 歌颂 +
3041 小树 +
3042 葡萄 可以 用来 酿酒 +
3044 沾满 巧克力 +
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 +
3046 双方 防御 能力 +
3048 攀岩 需要 毅力 +
3049 警察 现场 维护 秩序 +
3050 葡萄 可以 酿酒 +
3051 古代 中国 皇帝 命令 就是 旨令 +
3052 服务 宗旨 顾客 第一 +
3053 巷子 空间 狭小 +
3054 道路 狭窄 +
3055 狮子 百兽 +
3056 桌上 报纸 +
3057 被子 叠好 +
3059 篮子 +
3061 公司 赋予 权力 +
3062 车厢 宽敞 +
3063 盗窃 国家 机密 +
3064 地球 资源 正在 慢慢 枯竭 +
3066 现在 旅游 旺季 +
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子 +
3068 民众 容易 舆论 影响 +
3069 猪肝 +
3070 妈妈 这里 +
3071 他们 亲人 举行 葬礼 +
3072 举手 发誓 +
3073 他们 履行 合同 +
3074 射箭 +
3075 契约 成立 +
3076 正在 +
3077 打赌 今天 不会 下雨 +
3078 轿车 豪华 +
3079 中国 古代 花轿 +
3080 不能 闯红灯 +
3081 我们 100 农田 +
3082 这里 可以 兑换 外币 +
3083 挽起 袖子 +
3084 男朋友 +
3085 +
3086 小桶 装满 沙子 +
3088 吉他 +
3089 孩子们 喜欢 游泳 +
3090 拦球 +
3091 +
3092 植物 需要 土壤 +
3097 生活 淒凉 +
3098 海里 掀起 巨浪 +
3100 他们 生活 宽裕 +
3103 闪电 瞬间 照亮 天空 +
3104 +
3105 喉咙 发炎 +
3106 账本 数目 好像 出错 +
3107 网上 申请 账号 +
3108 我们 一起 蜡烛 +
3109 沙漠 气候 干燥 +
3110 蜜蜂 正在 花蜜 +
3111 +
3112 渔翁 +
3113 任何 瓜葛 +
3115 酬劳 +
3116 惟独 数学 +
3117 性格 爽快 +
3118 今天 天气 爽朗 +
3119 一直 瞎忙 +
3122 钞票 +
3123 总是 沉默 寡言 +
3124 柏林 +
3125 老年人 喜欢 回忆 往昔 +
3126 使用 手机 +
3128 蜂蜜 +
3129 一会儿 +
3130 楼梯 栽倒 下来 +
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走 +
3133 感到 敬畏 +
3134 警察 逮捕 小偷 +
3136 +
3137 她们 犹豫 +
3139 医生 按摩 颈椎 +
3140 撕开 +
3141 原始人 野兽 +
3142 乳酪 好吃 +
3143 渗出来 +
3144 几乎 崩溃 +
3145 东西 扔到 垃圾箱 +
3146 花上 +
3147 桌上 乒乓球 +
3148 天都 淋浴 +
3149 浴室 +
3150 耶稣 基督徒 救世主 +
3151 喜欢 蛋糕 +
3152 缴付 欠款 +
3154 他们 屡次 打架 +
3155 团队 气氛 和谐 +
3156 他们 谈吐 诙谐 +
3158 住在 洞穴 +
3159 他们 取得 卓越 成果 +
3160 可以 遮挡 阳光 +
3161 拷贝 资料 +
3162 诽谤 +
3163 孩子 受到 父母 庇护 +
3164 生活 奢侈 +
3165 总理 犯罪 遭到 罢黜 +
3166 辍学 +
3167 工作 担子 +
3168 总统 官邸 +
3169 厄运 降临 +
3171 选美 皇后 +
3172 医生 针灸 治病 +
3174 房子 竣工 +
3175 背包 爬山 累赘 +
3177 处于 人生 转捩点 +
3179 不要 欺凌 弱者 +
3180 害怕 蒙住 眼睛 +
3181 呛到 +
3183 拉萨 +
3185 天边 出现 曙光 +
3186 长城 历史 可以 追溯到 秦朝 +
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 +
3189 收到 请帖 +
3190 他们 相互 推诿 责任 +
3191 他们 谈判 进行 斡旋 +
3192 冬天 大雁 迁徙 南方 +
3193 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 +
3194 对于 公式 混淆不清 +
3195 枭雄 +
3196 他们 偕同 妻子 参加 聚会 +
3197 经常 酗酒 +
3198 殉职 同伴 敬礼 +
3199 在一块 岩石 +
3200 天然 石灰 岩洞 非常 壮观 +
3201 贪官 祸国殃民 +
3202 山火 村庄 遭殃 +
3204 罂粟花 +
3205 人群 湧入 车站 +
3206 汹湧 海浪 颠簸 +
3207 大家 会上 踊跃 举手 发言 +
3208 幽暗 房间 空无一人 +
3209 这里 环境 幽静 +
3210 新郎 新娘 岳父母 合影 +
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 +
3212 他们 野外 紮营 +
3213 占卜 大师 +
3214 雪地 留下 车辙 +
3215 对于 浅尝辄止 +
3216 棉花糖 蔗糖 制作 +
3218 警方 暴徒 展开 对峙 +
3219 自由 女神 像是 纽约 标誌 +
3220 他们 谘询 保险 方面 问题 +
3221 宣读 政府 咨文 +
3222 纪念碑 城市 地标 +
3223 +
3226 妈妈 洋葱 +
3227 他们 只有 钓鱼 竿 +
3228 竹竿 +
3229 划船 +
3230 她们 沙滩 东西 +
3231 胶水 粘纸 +
3232 轮胎 橡胶 +
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成 +
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 +
3235 捡到 贝壳 +
3236 小提琴 +
3237 他们 相互 叫嚷 +
3238 他们 胳膊 +
3239 准备 出手 榴弹 +
3240 笔筒 许多 +
3241 茶杯 竹筒 +
3242 妈妈 孩子 +
3244 树枝 发芽 +
3245 上面 水闸 +
3246 案板 面包 +
3247 豆腐 烹饪 原料 +
3248 标枪 +
3249 吃粥 +
3250 广州市 广东省 管辖 +
3251 警察 辖区 巡视 +
3253 不要 诬告 +
3254 双方 开始 正式 会晤 +
3255 没钱 尴尬 +
3256 尴尬 知道 什么 +
3257 办理 出国 手续 繁琐 +
3258 有情人 眷属 +
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 +
3260 见面 双方 高兴 +
3261 乍冷乍热 舒服 +
3264 运动员 高擎 火炬 +
3265 士兵 警惕 +
3266 我们 包揽 项目 奖牌 +
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 +
3268 他们 关系 融洽 +
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐 +
3270 良好 饮食 习惯 缔造 健康 人生 +
3271 田地 公顷 +
3272 擅长 足球 运动 +
3273 蚊子 +
3275 穿着 白色 袜子 +
3276 豁达 +
3277 警官 训练 警犬 +
3278 喜欢 大蒜 +
3279 短发 现在 风靡 一时 +
3280 放射性 金属 +
3281 生活 淫乱 +
3282 删除 电脑 档案 +
3283 相中 +
3285 打扮 时髦 +
3286 不要 +
3288 医生 一丝不苟 +
3289 人人 应当 捍卫 世界 和平 +
3290 憎恨 老板 +
3291 金刚石 组成 +
3292 常春藤 属于 蔓生 植物 +
3293 害怕 蜘蛛 +
3296 朋友 斟茶 +
3298 数学 练习簿 +
3300 绷直 脚尖 +
3301 婶婶 医生 +
3302 镜子 +
3303 硫磺 +
3305 发言 简明 扼要 +
3306 希望 双方 诚挚 合作 +
3307 揣测 不会 +
3308 其他 对手 淘汰 +
3310 法官 案件 酌情 判决 +
3311 栖息 +
3312 士兵 藏匿 后面 +
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 +
3314 嗜好 吸烟 +
3315 挑剔 +
3317 厨师 +
3318 什锦 水果 漂亮 +
3319 倔强 +
3323 外婆 很多 皱纹 +
3325 口袋 掏出 +
3326 古诗 韵味 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +
3328 肖像画 +
3329 中国 腊肠 +
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著 +
3331 大家 挥舞 旗帜 +
3332 华山 之一 +
3333 这些 照片 拍得 清晰 +
3334 橡树 高大 +
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 +
3336 走廊 +
3338 受伤 晕倒 +
3339 敌军 溃败 撤出 城市 +
3342 毛线 +
3343 钩子 掛满 厨具 +
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来 +
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 +
3346 卸妆 +
3347 化妆 +
3348 红薯 新鲜 +
3349 每天 马铃薯 +
3351 什么 事情 气魄 +
3352 这里 山路 险峻 +
3354 火焰 吞没 屋子 +
3355 上司 求饶 +
3356 笑嘻嘻 表情 可爱 +
3357 他们 祈祷 +
3358 想要 斩断 树枝 +
3359 骑士 +
3361 头发 干枯 烦躁 +
3362 衣服 +
3363 +
3365 大家 站拢 拍照 +
3366 淹没 +
3367 妈妈 +
3368 洪水 肆虐 城市 +
3369 房门 钥匙 +
3370 筷子 吃饭 +
3372 公司 垄断 世界 电脑 市场 +
3374 山顶 光秃秃 +
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 +
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰 +
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 +
3378 流氓 +
3379 水库 屯满 +
3381 这里 卸货 码头 +
3382 喜欢 咖啡 +
3383 咖啡 +
3384 公司 +
3386 学习 愚昧 无知 +
3388 我们 新房 +
3389 书架 +
3391 手腕 蜘蛛 +
3392 煤炭 黑色 +
3394 忌讳 别人 +
3395 我们 谴责 家庭 暴力 +
3396 海里 珊瑚 +
3397 卑鄙 +
3398 铅笔 作业 +
3400 诉讼 律师 +
3402 玫瑰 +
3403 这里 电信 中枢 +
3404 手臂 睡着 +
3405 枕头 舒服 +
3406 倒塌 +
3408 荒谬 +
3409 当心 扒手 +
3410 警察 击毙 歹徒 +
3411 枉法 +
3412 生命 蕴含 母爱 +
3413 蜘蛛 有毒 +
3414 公司 雇佣 +
3417 群众 慷慨 灾区 捐款 +
3418 女婿 +
3420 木桩 劈柴 +
3421 他们 隶属于 人事部 +
3423 飞碟 人类 还是 +
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 +
3426 尼亚加 拉大 瀑布 +
3427 啤酒 +
3428 汛情 严峻 +
3429 海啸 破坏力 +
3432 毒品 沉沦 +
3433 我们 照顾 不周 包涵 +
3436 医生 受伤 敷药 +
3437 比赛 结果 震撼 人心 +
3438 进球 奠定 比赛 胜利 +
3439 孩子 觉得 自己 无辜 +
3441 大火 焚烧 房屋 +
3442 妈妈 说话 囉嗦 +
3444 得到 表彰 +
3445 爱滋病 无法 治癒 +
3446 打扮 妖豔 +
3447 扮演 妖精 +
3448 身材 魁梧 +
3449 什么 诡计 +
3451 流水 形成 漩涡 +
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32 +
3453 地图 标有 经纬度 +
3456 枯萎 +
3458 抨击 时政 +
3459 工作 态度 松懈 +
3460 坚持 不懈 跑完 全程 +
3461 冬天 喜欢 澡堂 洗澡 +
3462 他们 洗澡 +
3463 大象 皮肤 粗糙 +
3464 健康 食品 +
3465 四川 简称 +
3467 政府 官员 俸禄 不错 +
3469 列宁 制成 雕像 人们 瞻仰 +
3471 大象 身体 硕大 +
3472 绑匪 索取 赎金 +
3473 祈求 宽恕 +
3474 喜欢 +
3475 熏黑 +
3477 家禽 +
3479 毋庸置疑 最好 学生 +
3480 煽动 工人 罢工 +
3482 可爱 小妞 +
3483 体恤 自己 父亲 +
3484 他们 准备 分赃 +
3485 赃款 全部 +
3487 暴风雨 正在 酝酿 +
3488 经过 烈日 曝晒 皮肤 变黑 +
3489 丑闻 曝光 +
3490 今天 菜肴 丰富 +
3491 +
3493 车门 撞凹 +
3494 妈妈 母乳 哺育 婴儿 +
3496 汤匙 +
3498 皇帝 女儿 丈夫 驸马 +
3499 他们 憧憬 美好 未来 +
3500 长城 可以 用来 防止 外寇 入侵 +
3501 医生 通过 把脉 揆度 病情 +
3502 螳螂 树叶 +
3506 他们 虔诚 祷告 +
3507 价目 标籤 +
3508 酒杯 牙籤 +
3509 掌握 攀岩 窍门 +
3512 赛马 霎时 跑过去 +
3513 鲨鱼 兇猛 +
3514 赡养 父母 +
3515 小店 可以 赊账 +
3516 怂恿 他们 赌博 +
3517 帑(b)在 古语 钱财 意思 +
3518 喷嚏 +
3519 火灾 过后 剩下 &# 38973 (SEMICOLONCATEGORY) +
3521 蝌蚪 蜕变成 青蛙 +
3522 臀部 线条 漂亮 +
3523 感到 惘然 +
3524 注射 疫苗 防止 瘟疫 +
3525 蟋蟀 叫声 响亮 +
3526 言辞 犀利 +
3527 犀牛 生活 非洲 +
3528 瓷器 瑕疵 +
3529 战场 硝烟 弥漫 +
3530 态度 嚣张 +
3531 螃蟹 +
3532 侥倖 没有 受伤 +
3533 猩猩 树叶 +
3534 樱桃 猩红色 +
3536 树丫上 +
3537 丫头 喜欢 音乐 +
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 +
3539 村庄 屋舍 俨然 +
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭 +
3541 中国 泱泱大国 +
3542 弟弟 小幺 +
3543 摩托车 汽车 迂回 前进 +
3544 责备 迂腐 固执 +
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 +
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 +
3547 清理 灶台 +
3548 肥皂 洗手 +
3549 海边 生长 大量 水藻 +
3550 欧洲 客栈 别有 风味 +
3551 蟑螂 讨厌 +
3552 扫帚 扫地 +
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 +
3554 他们 车窗 +
3555 树枝 水面 +
3556 看起来 有点 +
3557 草丛 +
3558 正在 搓洗 衣服 +
3559 快乐 曲子 +
3560 出现 彩虹 +
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 +
3562 含有 +
3563 妈妈 煎锅 做菜 +
3564 妈妈 煎鱼 +
3568 雨伞 +
3569 医生 清除 耳屎 +
3570 地上 拉屎 +
3571 院子 铲子 +
3572 喜欢 盪鞦韆 +
3573 人际 关系 单纯 +
3574 理论 知识 单调 +
3575 儿童 单独 乘坐 飞机 +
3576 爸爸 单位 食堂 肉包子 好吃 +
3577 +
3579 北京 成都 +
3580 +
3581 +
3582 +
3584 我们 推翻 合同 +
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 +
3586 推测 没有 下决心 +
3587 推理 能力 适合 侦探 +
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 +
3589 怠慢 +
3590 要不 看书 要不 睡觉. +
3591 冲动 这样 紧急 时刻 冷静 +
3592 公主 气坏 抓住 青蛙 使劲儿地 地上 +
3593 中文 不够 流利 中文 广播 费劲 +
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 +
3595 完美 搭档 曾经 获得 11 冠军 +
3597 黄金 周出 旅游 简直 受罪 到处 +
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 +
3601 我们 讨论 要点 归纳 一下 +
3602 达到 极限 +
3603 谢谢 你们 周到 招待 我们 愉快 +
3604 有人 通知 司令部 报到 +
3605 反对 现阶段 废除 死刑 +
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题 +
3607 不择手段 +
3608 昨晚 听到 音乐 几个 片段 不断地 萦绕 在他的 脑际 +
3609 剩饭 倒进 垃圾桶 +
3610 一个 优秀 领袖 国民 团结 起来 +
3611 细胞 生长 细胞壁 必然 扩张 +
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头 +
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动 +
3614 无动于衷 +
3615 经常 走入 社区 倾听 普通 民众 心声 +
3616 报社 实习 +
3623 原因 移民 倾向 +
3624 目前 生意 清淡 +
3625 现在 淡季 +
3627 主人 态度 冷淡 +
3628 会议 推迟 明天 举行 +
3629 邀请 推辞 +
3631 作出 此时 已经 死亡 推论 正确 +
3632 这个 卡通 形象 可爱 +
3633 形容 +
3634 不能 注重 形式 +
3635 现在 情形 不同 +
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态 +
3637 今年 石油 供应 形势 不好 +
3638 我们 他们 提供 大量 食品 +
3639 夏天 西瓜 经常 供不应求 +
3640 专门 麻烦 +
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易 +
3642 专程 +
3643 过敏症 专家 过敏症 诊断 治疗 专科 医生 +
3644 专利 期限 3 +
3645 杂志 下周 发表 一篇 关于 教育 专题 文章 +
3646 没关系 +
3647 关心 觉得 重要 事物 +
3648 除非 我们 得到 更多 资金 我们 不得不 关闭 这家 商店 +
3649 感谢 关怀 +
3650 每个 国家 自己 独立 海关 +
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关 +
3652 好像 认识 公关 小姐 +
3653 多谢 关照 +
3654 议会 政府 主要 机关 +
3655 大猩猩 素食生仪者 +
3656 大猩猩 合群 动物 +
3657 反正 知道 这些 东西. +
3658 丈夫 一个 非常 英俊 年轻人 +
3659 大猩猩 最大 体形 人猴 +
3660 主要 生活 非洲 赤道区 +
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 +
3662 这么 明天 精神 +
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 +
3664 我们 精打细算 汽车 +
3665 这种 药草 提炼 出来 精华 治疗 高血压 有效 +
3666 公司 正在 精简 人员 +
3667 精密 仪器 提高 分析 质量 +
3668 手表 走时 精确 +
3669 精通 好几 国语言 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3671 精益求精 +
3672 这个 草编 花篮 十分 精致 +
3673 白酒 品质 分档 酿造 时间 酒精度 有关 +
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 +
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采 +
3676 抱憾 错过 精彩 比赛 +
3677 歪打正着 中了 彩票 头彩 +
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目 +
3679 市长 开幕式 剪彩 +
3680 彩色电视 色彩 输出 主要 彩色 显像管 作用 +
3681 运气 不好 摸奖 从来 中过 +
3682 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 +
3683 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 +
3684 东西 携带 起来 方便 所以 它们 托运到学校 +
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 +
3686 革命 催迫 皇帝 退位 +
3687 特殊 材料 堆焊 制成 零件 使用 寿命 +
3688 命名 英雄 +
3689 歹徒 拼命 转身 掉了 +
3690 任命 部门经理 +
3691 不辱使命 +
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。 +
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 +
3695 为人 忠厚 朴实 大家 信任 +
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 +
3697 共计 30 +
3698 木吉 共鸣 用于 放大 声音 +
3699 幼儿园 老师 告诉 小朋友们 互敬 互爱 +
3701 崇敬 光明磊落 的人 痛恨 势利 小人 +
3702 老师 非常 恭敬 +
3703 同学 之间 互相 尊重, 相互 贬称 +
3704 尊严 +
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌 +
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3708 城市 面貌 改观 许多 +
3709 这个 女人 容貌 曼丽 婀娜 多姿 +
3712 大米 已经 冒尖 一个 容器 +
3713 不能 容忍 孩子 懒惰 +
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目 +
3715 那场 洪水 大家 意识 重新 筑堤 重要性 迫切性 +
3716 有些 东西 给与 不是 一件 轻而易举 +
3717 农村 白事 也是 这么 热闹 +
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 +
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去 +
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 +
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 +
3722 仰望 碧天 心情 豁然 开朗 +
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 +
3724 这种 制度 效率 暗耗 一定 改进 +
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽 +
3726 秘书 收据 +
3727 商业 发票 一种 单证 +
3728 有了 复印机 之后 用过 这些 复写纸 +
3729 我们 必须 避免 无谓 重复 劳动 +
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 +
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 +
3734 这件 工艺品 经过 修复 已经 完好 如初 +
3735 随着 复活节 来临 冬天 结束 春天 +
3736 不在 这儿 可能 干活儿 +
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 +
3738 脑筋 灵活 +
3739 就是 眼浅 现在 活该 +
3740 年轻人 老年人 活力 +
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 +
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病 +
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉 +
3746 对不起 错怪 +
3747 不料 下午 下雨 +
3748 边城 出差 星期 才能 回来 +
3749 再见 +
3750 这种 情况 不能 任凭 一人 做主 +
3752 波罗蜜 果实 重量 大于 10 公斤 +
3753 教室 欢闹 实在 适宜 学习 +
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 +
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 +
3756 口味 羊肉 莫若 烤鸭 +
3757 大风 过后 帮忙 扶苗 +
3758 这些 存贮 冰箱 +
3760 时候 一个 除了 本名 还有 表字 +
3761 如果 一个 词语 词语 就要 词典 +
3762 打印 使 +
3763 一名 化妆品 推销员 当地 妇女 喜欢 +
3764 这个 办法 保准 不行 +
3765 为了 保证 安全 驾驶 摩托车 一定 帽盔 +
3766 抱歉 对于 实在 无能为力 +
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白 +
3768 一台 笔记本 电脑 +
3769 中国人 表达 感情 方式 比较 +
3770 这个 杯盖 这个 杯子 有些 不合 +
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 +
3773 不管 什么 矛盾 不能 诉诸 武力 +
3774 明白 什么 不过 同意 +
3775 不仅 学校 问题 +
3776 我们 城市 护栏 干净 +
3777 长江 人民 为了 三峡大坝 修建 作出 巨大 牺牲 +
3778 [ ] 盖子 +
3779 叉子 土豆 +
3781 拿着 一个 水罐 +
3782 一把 勺子 马铃薯 糊状 +
3783 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋 平底锅 两个 鸡蛋 +
3784 烤面包 放到 早餐 托盘 +
3787 泄气 一次 +
3788 糊涂 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[absolute] perfect or complete
[aloof] distant
[ambiguous] equivocal
[arrogant] self-important
[astonishing] astounding, staggering
[automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
[blonde] light-haired
[bloody] covered with blood
[bold] fearless and daring
[broken] physically separated into pieces
[brown] having a brown color
[close] close in relevance or relationship
[close] near
[closed] shut, unopen
[cold] physically cold
[cold] without human warmth or emotion
[color-blind] unable to distinguish colors
[colorful] vivid in color
[comfortable] comfy
[common] average or ordinary or usual
[common] belonging to a community
[common] mutual
[complete] having every necessary part
[complex] complicated
[comprehensive] all-including
[concrete] material
[conscious] aware
[conservative] resistant to change
[constant] steadfast, unwavering
[constant] unending, incessant
[constitutional] relating to a/the constitution
[content] contented
[continental] relating to a continent
[continuous] uninterrupted
[conventional] following accepted customs
[cool] neither warm or very cold in temperature
[cool] unenthusiastic, unfriendly, unresponsive
[cooperative] co-operative
[dangerous] unsafe
[decorative] cosmetic, ornamental
[democratic] based upon the principles of democracy
[diplomatic] diplomatical, suave
[domestic] concerning the internal affairs of a nation
[domestic] relating to the home
[dominant] exercising influence or control
[economic] relating to economics
[environmental] relating to the external surroundings
[exotic] foreign, alien
[exotic] unusual, strikingly strange
[fashionable] stylish
[fastidious] finicky
[favorable] encouraging, approving
[formal] adhering to traditional standards
[forward] at, near or directed toward the front
[frozen] unthawed
[functional] designed for or capable of a particular function
[good] beneficial, salutary
[good] just, upright, virtuous
[gregarious] sociable
[hilarious] uproarious
[homosexual] gay
[honest] sincere
[hostile] characterized by enmity or ill will
[hot] being of high temperature
[hot] marked by intensity, vehemence, passion
[ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
[important] significant
[inappropriate] not suitable
[incongruous] discrepant
[indoor] inside
[innocent] guiltless, clean-handed
[jealous] covetous, envious
[joint] united or combined
[junior] younger or lower in rank
[lonely] alone, lone, solitary
[long] of great spatial extension
[long] of relatively great duration
[loose] not tight, constrained or constricted
[lost] no longer in your possession or control
[lost] spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed
[loud] characterized by sound of great volume
[low] being at small elevation
[major] greater in scope or effect
[major] of full legal age
[minor] lesser in scope or effect
[mobile] moving or capable of moving readily
[modest] not offensive to sexual mores
[monstrous] atrocious, heinous
[monstrous] grotesque
[moral] relating to principles of right and wrong
[moving] arousing deep emotion
[narrow] not wide spatially
[narrow] narrow-minded
[national] relating to a nation or country
[nervous] neural
[nervous] skittish
[noble] having elevated character
[noble] belonging to hereditary aristocracy
[normal] conforming with a norm or standard
[notorious] ill-famed, infamous
[obese] overweight
[objective] nonsubjective
[obscure] unknown
[offensive] unpleasant or disgusting
[offensive] for the purpose of attack
[official] having official authority
[old] elderly, having lived for a relatively long time
[open] affording free passage
[open] overt
[operational] pertaining to a process
[opposed] being in opposition
[oral] of or involving the mouth
[ordinary] not exceptional
[original] fresh, unusual, first
[orthodox] adhering to what is commonly accepted
[other] not the same
[outer] being on the outside
[outside] outdoor, out-of-door
[personal] concerning a particular person
[polite] courteous
[poor] characterized by poverty
[popular] regarded with great favor, approval, or affection
[positive] accepting, confirming
[possible] potential
[productive] generative
[profound] deep
[progressive] favoring or promoting progress
[proper] suitable
[proud] feeling self-respect
[provincial] characteristic of the provinces
[random] arbitrary
[rational] based on reasoning
[reasonable] sensible
[responsible] held accountable, worthy of trust
[revolutionary] advocating or engaged in revolution
[romantic] amatory, amorous
[rotten] decayed, rotted
[rotten] crappy, lousy, shitty, stinking, stinky
[rough] unsmooth
[round] circular
[seasonal] occurring at a particular season
[seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
[senior] older or higher in rank
[serious] sober
[shallow] lacking physical depth
[shallow] lacking depth of intellect or knowledge or feeling
[short] having little length
[short] of limited duration
[slow] not moving quickly
[smooth] having a surface free from roughness
[social] living together or enjoying life in communities
[socialist] socialistic
[soft] lacking in hardness
[soft] relatively low in volume
[soft] nonalcoholic
[solid] neither liquid nor gaseous
[solid] entirely of one substance with no holes inside
[sound] in good condition
[sour] having a sharp biting taste
[spontaneous] self-generated
[strong] potent
[strong] hard, having a high alcoholic content
[strong] firm
[strong] secure, unattackable
[stubborn] obstinate
[superior] of high or superior quality
[temporary] impermanent
[thoughtful] considerate, showing concern
[tolerant] respecting others
[tough] tough, hard, rough
[tough] not given to gentleness or sentimentality
[tropical] typical of the tropics
[unanimous] in complete agreement
[unfortunate] not favored by fortune
[uniform] unvarying
[global] universal, worldwide
[vigorous] strong physically or mentally
[whole] including all components
[wrong] contrary to conscience or morality or law
[wrong] based on error
[young] youthful
[abortion] termination pregnancy
[absorption] preoccupation, engrossment
[absorption] soaking up
[absorption] social assimilation
[account] explanation
[account] accounting, account statement
[accountant] comptroller, controller
[accumulation] accretion
[acquisition] possession
[action] legal action
[action] military action
[action] series of events that form a plot
[addition] summation, plus
[addition] add-on, improver
[administration] presidency
[admiration] esteem
[admission] acknowledgment
[admission] entrance fee
[adoption] child adoption
[advocate] proponent
[old age] years
[agony] torment
[alcohol] alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant
[allocation] allotment, share
[allowance] money allowed or granted
[ambition] ambitiousness
[announcement] proclamation, declaration
[anticipation] expectancy
[apology] expression of regret
[application] practical application
[application] verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission
[appointment] job, post
[approval] blessing
[arrow] projectile
[arrow] pointer, indicator
[association] mental connection
[association] formal organization of people
[association] affiliation
[assumption] premise, premiss
[atmosphere] envelope of gases
[atmosphere] ambiance, ambience
[attention] faculty or power of mental concentration
[attraction] attractiveness
[attraction] entertainment offered to the public
[attraction] physical force
[auction] auction sale
[auditor] student
[authority] expert whose views are taken as definitive
[authority] persons who exercise administrative control
[autonomy] self-sufficiency, personal independence
[aviation] operation of aircraft
[background] social heritage
[background] ground, part of a scene behind objects
[background] setting context
[bacon] pork
[ballot] voting document
[bathroom] bath, toilet, lavatory
[bedroom] sleeping room
[behavior] conduct
[motorcycle] motorbike, bike
[biography] life story
[biology] plant and animal life
[bishop] clergyman
[block] city block
[block] cube
[bloodshed] gore
[blow] powerful stroke
[blow] reversal, setback
[board] gameboard
[board] committee having supervisory powers
[board] plank, stout length of sawn timber
[boat] a small vessel for travel on water
[body] organic structure, physical structure
[body] torso, trunk
[body] dead body
[bolt] type of screw that screws into a nut
[bolt] thunderbolt, bolt of lightning
[bomb] explosive device
[bomber] military aircraft
[bomber] person who plants bombs
[bond] shackle, hamper
[bond] bail
[bond] alliance
[bone] body part
[book] volume
[book] written work
[boom] economic prosperity
[boot] footwear
[border] boundary line, borderline, delimitation
[bottle] vessel
[bottom] underside, undersurface
[bow] arrow launcher
[bow] interlaced ribbons
[bowel] intestine, gut
[bowl] vessel
[box] container
[boy] young male, male child
[breakdown] equipment failure
[breakdown] mental or physical crack-up
[broadcast] transmitted message
[broccoli] vegetable
[bronze] sculpture made of bronze
[brother] sibling, brother by blood or adoption
[brother] Brother, monk
[brother] comrade
[button] round fastener for clothes
[button] push button
[calculation] computation, figuring, reckoning
[calculation] deliberation, planning
[calorie] kilocalorie, nutritionist's calorie
[carbon] C, atomic number 6
[concern] fear, anxious feeling
[posture] bearing, carriage
[carrot] deep orange edible root
[catalogue] catalog
[category] general concept
[celebration] festivity
[cell phone] cellular telephone
[censorship] deletion of material in art works
[ceremony] ceremonial occasion
[champion] champ, title-holder
[chaos] pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvyness
[chocolate] sweet food
[choice] option, alternative
[chord] combination of notes
[chorus] choir, singing group
[circulation] movement through a circuit
[civilization] society in an advanced state
[classroom] schoolroom
[corpse] cadaver, remains
[salesperson] salesclerk, shop clerk
[clock] timepiece
[clothes] apparel, wearing apparel, dress
[coach] private instructor, tutor
[coal] fossil fuel
[coalition] coalescence, conglutination
[coast] seashore, seacoast, sea-coast
[coat] garment
[coat] coating, thin layer
[code] coding system for brief or secret messages
[code] computer code
[coffee] beverage
[coffin] casket
[coin] money
[coincidence] happenstance
[cold] coldness, low temperature
[cold] common cold
[collar] harness
[colleague] co-worker, fellow worker
[collection] aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
[college] institution of higher education
[colon] part of the large intestine
[colon] punctuation mark
[colony] politically controlled country
[color] hue
[column] pillar, support
[column] linear array of numbers
[coma] deep unconsciousness
[combination] things occurring together
[comedy] humorous drama
[comfort] consolation, solace
[comfort] comfortableness
[comfort] ease, financial freedom
[command] control, mastery
[command] authoritative instruction
[comment] remark
[gossip] scuttlebutt
[commerce] commercialism, mercantilism
[commission] deputation, delegation
[commission] fee
[commitment] allegiance, loyalty, dedication
[committee] commission
[communication] something communicated between people
[communist] Marxist
[community] residential district, residential area
[compact] compact car
[company] troupe
[company] companionship, fellowship, society
[compartment] small space or subdivision for storage
[compensation] recompense, payment
[competence] competency
[competition] contention, rivalry
[competition] contest
[compliance] conformity, abidance
[complication] complex situation
[composer] music composer
[compound] chemical compound
[compromise] allowance, accommodation with concessions
[computer] computing machine
[computing] computer science
[concentration] strength of solution
[concentration] engrossment, absorption, immersion
[concept] conception, construct
[conception] fertilization
[concern] interest
[concern] feeling of sympathy
[concert] musical performance
[concession] point conceded
[conclusion] ending, finish
[concrete] strong building material
[condition] circumstance
[condition] precondition, stipulation
[condition] status, state
[conductor] person who collects fares
[conductor] substance that readily transmits electricity or heat
[conference] meeting
[confession] admission of misdeeds
[confidence] feeling of trust
[conflict] incompatibility of dates or events
[conflict] state of opposition between persons or ideas
[confrontation] clash
[confusion] mix-up
[conglomerate] empire, group of companies
[congress] national legislative assembly
[connection] shifting from one transportation to another
[connection] person who is influential
[connection] link, connectedness
[conscience] scruples, moral sense
[consciousness] alert cognitive state
[consensus] agreement
[conservation] preservation, environmental management
[consideration] thoughtfulness
[consideration] careful thought
[conspiracy] cabal, plot
[constellation] configuration of stars
[constituency] body of voters
[constitution] composition, makeup
[constitution] fundamental law
[constraint] restraint, physical constraint
[consultation] discussion to consider a point
[consumer] person who uses goods or services
[consumption] ingestion
[contact] close interaction
[contact] touch
[contact] middleman
[contemporary] coeval
[contempt] disdain, scorn, despite, lack of respect
[content] capacity
[context] linguistic context, context of use
[continuation] lengthiness, prolongation, extension
[contract] binding agreement between two or more persons
[contraction] muscular contraction
[contradiction] contradiction in terms
[contrary] exact opposition
[contrast] opposition or dissimilarity
[contribution] donation
[control] restraint, discipline in personal activities
[control] dominance
[convenience] appliance, contraption, gadget, gizmo
[convention] custom
[convention] large formal assembly
[conversation] talk
[conviction] strong belief
[cooperation] group action, collaboration
[copper] Cu, metal
[copy] secondary representation of an original
[copyright] right of publication
[cord] corduroy, fabric
[core] center of an object
[corn] edible corn
[corner] point where three areas or surfaces meet
[corner] recess, recession, niche
[correction] rectification
[correspondence] exchange of letters
[corruption] bribery
[costume] attire for special occasions
[cottage] bungalow, small house
[cotton] cotton cloth, fabric
[council] administrative body
[counter] business table
[country] state, nation, land
[country] rural area
[countryside] rural regions
[coup] coup d'etat, putsch, takeover
[couple] twosome, duo, duet
[courage] bravery, braveness
[course] course of action
[course] course of study, course of instruction, class
[course] path, track
[court] courtyard
[court] tribunal, judicature
[court] royal court
[courtesy] considerate act
[cousin] first cousin
[cover] blanket
[cover] screen, concealment
[coverage] reporting, reportage
[coverage] insurance coverage
[cow] bovine
[creation] creative activity
[crop] harvest
[cross] hybrid
[cross] wooden structure
[crosswalk] crossing, crossover
[crossing] intersection, crossroad
[crowd] large number of things or people
[crown] diadem, jewelled headdress
[cupboard] closet
[custody] holding by the police
[customer] client, patron
[declaration] statement
[decoration] ornament, ornamentation
[nonremittal] default, nonpayment
[definition] concise explanation
[demonstration] public display
[demonstration] demo
[demonstrator] protester
[deposit] sediment
[deposit] down payment
[deposit] bank deposit
[depression] natural depression, geological formation
[depression] low, low pressure
[depression] slump, economic crisis
[depression] depressive disorder, clinical depression
[deprivation] want, neediness
[destruction] demolition, wipeout
[detector] sensor
[development] land developed for some purpose
[development] growth, growing, maturation
[deviation] diversion, digression, deflection
[dialogue] lines spoken in drama or fiction
[dialogue] dialog, conversation
[diamond] gem
[dictionary] lexicon
[dimension] magnitude
[diplomat] official engaged in international negotiations
[direction] course, orientation
[direction] guidance, counsel
[director] conductor, music director
[director] member of a board of directors
[directory] alphabetical list of names and addresses
[disappointment] letdown
[disco] discotheque
[discount] price reduction, deduction
[sermon] preaching, discourse
[discovery] breakthrough, find
[discrimination] unfair treatment
[disorder] disorderliness, mess
[disposition] temperament
[distortion] misrepresenting
[distortion] optical aberration
[distributor] marketing company
[division] arithmetic operation
[division] army unit
[division] administrative unit
[doctor] doc, physician, MD
[doctor] Dr., person who holds Ph.D. degree
[document] written document, papers
[dog] domestic dog
[hotdog] frankfurter
[doll] toy
[dollar] dollar bill, buck
[dome] hemispherical roof
[domination] mastery
[donor] organ donor
[door] swinging or sliding barrier
[dose] portion of medicine
[double] twice the quantity
[double] stunt man, stand-in per person
[doubt] question, dubiousness, doubtfulness
[doubt] uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety, doubtfulness
[dough] flour mixture
[dozen] twelve
[dragon] mythical creature
[drop] cliff, drop-off
[drop] bead, pearl
[echo] reverberation, sound reflection
[economics] economic science
[economist] economic expert
[economy] thriftiness, frugality
[economy] economic system
[edition] publication
[education] instruction, teaching, pedagogy
[education] knowledge acquired by learning
[effort] attempt, endeavor
[ego] egotism, self-importance
[elbow] elbow joint
[election] vote
[electron] elementary particle
[electronics] branch of physics
[embryo] conceptus, fertilized egg
[emotion] strong feeling
[employee] worker
[environment] environs, surroundings
[episode] installment, part of a broadcast serial
[equation] mathematical statement
[error] mistake, fault
[error] erroneous belief
[Europe] continent
[evolution] phylogeny, phylogenesis
[examination] test
[excavation] dig, archeological site
[exception] instance that does not conform to a rule
[execution] capital punishment, death penalty
[exemption] immunity
[exhibition] exposition, expo
[expansion] enlargement
[expectation] anticipation
[exploration] geographic expedition
[explosion] detonation, blowup
[exposure] vulnerability to the elements
[expression] saying, locution
[extension] wing, annex, addition to a building
[extension] telephone extension
[extension] delay of deadline
[eyebrow] brow
[factor] anything that contributes causally to a result
[factory] mill, manufacturing plant, manufactory
[fashion] latest style, rage, fad
[favor] kind act, gracious act
[favour] act of gracious kindness
[favourite] darling, favorite, pet
[federation] confederation, confederacy, political union
[fiction] literary work
[convulsion] fit, paroxysm
[flavor] savor, smack, tang, taste experience
[flock] group of animals
[flood] inundation
[floor] flooring
[flour] powdery foodstuff
[flower] plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
[fluctuation] wavering, instability
[fog] daze, haze, confusion
[fog] water vapor
[fold] crease, crimp
[folk music] ethnic music
[folk] folks, common people
[folklore] unwritten literature or songs
[food] nutrient
[fool] moron
[fool] clown, jester
[foot] human foot
[foot] ft, linear unit of length equal to 12 inches
[football] football game
[force] violence, act of aggression
[force] forcefulness, strength, physical energy, intensity
[force] military unit, military force, military group
[forecast] prognosis
[foreigner] alien, noncitizen
[forest] woodland, timberland, timber
[forestry] science of planting and caring for forests
[fork] cutlery
[form] shape, pattern
[form] printed document with spaces in which to write
[form] variant, strain
[format] formatting, data format, data formatting
[formation] spatial arrangement
[formula] statement of a fundamental principle
[fortune] luck
[fortune] wealth, prosperity
[forum] public meeting
[fossil] plant or animal remains
[foundation] institution supported by an endowment
[foundation] basis
[fountain] water dispenser, font
[fox] animal
[fraction] quotient
[skeleton] frame, bones and cartilages
[imposter] pretender, fake, faker, sham, fraud
[freedom] condition of being free
[refrigerator] fridge
[frog] toad, toad frog
[front] the side that is seen or that goes first
[front] battlefront, front line
[front] atmospheric phenomenon at the boundary between two air masses
[function] affair, occasion, social occasion
[function] mathematical function
[gallon] gal, liquid unit
[generation] coevals, contemporaries
[ghost] visible disembodied soul
[ghostwriter] ghost
[gloom] gloominess, glumness, atmosphere of depression
[glory] prestige
[glove] handwear
[glow] steady even light
[goal] successful attempt at scoring
[goal] sports equipment
[goal] finish, destination
[goalkeeper] goalie, goaltender
[goat] domestic animal
[god] deity, divinity
[gold] Au, atomic number 79
[golf] golf game
[good] commodity, trade good
[good] goodness, moral excellence
[government] authorities, regime
[governor] head of a state
[gown] robe for ceremonial occasions
[grandmother] grandma
[traction] grip, adhesive friction
[ground] land, dry land, earth, solid ground, terra firma
[grounds] evidence, basis for belief or disbelief
[growth] vegetation that has grown
[growth] increase, increment
[growth] abnormal proliferation of tissue
[dorm] dormitory, residence hall
[harbor] seaport
[harmony] concord, harmoniousness, compatibility
[harmony] musical harmony
[helicopter] chopper
[hero] person with exceptional courage
[heroin] drug
[history] discipline that interprets past events
[history] account, chronicle, story
[history] the aggregate of past events
[custody] detention, detainment, hold
[hole] opening into or through something
[holiday] vacation
[holiday] day on which work is suspended
[home] dwelling, domicile, abode, habitation
[home] nursing home, rest home
[honey] sweet food
[honor] honorableness
[honor] laurels
[hook] bent implement
[hope] wish, desire and expectancy
[horizon] skyline
[horn] bony outgrowths on the head
[horn] car horn
[horoscope] prediction of the future
[horror] repugnance, repulsion, revulsion
[horse] animal
[horse] knight, chessman
[hospital] infirmary
[hospitality] cordial reception, kindness in welcoming guests or strangers
[host] master of ceremonies, emcee
[host] inviter
[hostage] prisoner held for ransom
[hostility] aggression
[hostility] enmity, antagonism
[hour] hr, 60 minutes, period of time
[hour] time of day, clock time
[house] dwelling
[house] legislature
[houseplant] plant for indoor use
[housewife] homemaker
[housing] lodging, living accommodations
[human body] physical body
[humor] sense of humor
[hypothesis] guess, conjecture, surmise, speculation
[identification] identity papers
[ideology] political theory
[ignorance] lack of knowledge
[illusion] false mental representation
[implication] logical implication
[import] importation
[improvement] condition superior to an earlier one
[momentum] impulse, force
[indication] suggestion
[infection] contagion, transmission
[inflation] rising prices
[information] info
[inhibition] suppression, conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
[injection] shot
[innovation] invention
[brainstorm] sudden insight
[inspector] examiner
[inspiration] sudden intuition
[institution] mental hospital
[institution] establishment
[instruction] teaching, pedagogy
[integration] desegregation
[intention] volition
[intervention] interference
[introduction] first section of a communication
[introduction] presentation, intro
[introduction] basic instructional text
[invasion] encroachment, intrusion
[investigation] probe
[iron] ferrous metal
[irony] sarcasm, satire
[isolation] state of separation
[offspring] progeny, issue
[ivory] tusk
[job] task, chore
[job] workplace
[jockey] rider
[joint] disreputable place of entertainment
[joint] body part
[joke] gag, laugh, jest
[journal] periodical
[journal] diary
[joy] joyousness, joyfulness
[jurisdiction] legal power
[kingdom] monarchy
[knot] fastening formed by looping and tying
[knowledge] cognition, result of perception, learning, or reasoning
[Koran] Quran, al-Qur'an, Islam Holy Book
[laboratory] lab, research lab
[labour] toil
[labour] working class, proletariat
[laborer] manual laborer
[landowner] landholder, property owner
[layout] plan, design
[leftovers] leftover food
[legislation] legislating, lawmaking
[lemon] defective artifact
[lemon] fruit
[lesson] unit of instruction
[lion] king of beasts
[litigation] judicial proceeding
[load] burden, weight
[loan] temporary provision of money
[lobby] vestibule, foyer, entrance hall
[lobby] pressure group
[location] point in space
[lock] fastener fitted to a door
[lock] curl, ringlet, whorl
[log] logarithm
[log] tree trunk
[look] physical appearance
[look] spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor
[loop] iteration
[loop] round or oval shape
[loss] red ink, financial loss
[loss] something that is lost
[lot] parcel of land having fixed boundaries
[lot] deal, flock, good deal, great deal, heap
[lounge] waiting room, waiting area
[sofa] couch
[love] passion
[love] beloved, dear, dearest, loved one, honey
[lover] significant other
[loyalty] trueness
[majority] absolute majority
[majority] legal age
[marathon] footrace of 26 miles
[mayor] city manager
[meadow] hayfield
[memorandum] memo
[memorial] monument
[memorial] commemoration, remembrance
[memory] computer memory, storage
[memory] capacity to remember
[memory] something that is remembered
[method] way of doing something
[microphone] mike
[migration] movement from one country to another
[minority] smaller in number
[mirror] reflector
[model] simulation
[model] framework
[model] poser for a photographer or painter or sculptor
[model] role model
[model] fashion model
[module] component
[mole] small velvety-furred burrowing mammal
[mole] pigmented spot on the skin
[mole] counterspy
[moment] here and now, present moment
[monarch] sovereign, crowned head
[money] currency
[money] wealth
[monk] inhabitant of a monastery
[monkey] long-tailed primate
[monopoly] exclusive control
[monster] freak
[month] calendar month
[mood] temper, humor
[moon] satellite of the Earth
[morale] team spirit
[morale] individual psychological well-being
[morning] morn, morning time, forenoon
[morsel] bit, bit
[mosaic] colored stone or glass art
[mosque] place of worship
[mosquito] blood-sucking insect
[mother] female parent
[motif] design
[motivation] motive, need
[motorist] automobilist
[mold] fungus, mould
[mountain] mount, land mass projecting above its surroundings
[mourning] bereavement
[mouse] rodent
[mouse] computer mouse
[mouth] oral cavity
[move] relocation, changing your residence or business
[move] player's turn to move a piece or act
[movement] motion, move, change of position
[movement] social movement, front, people with a common ideology
[mushroom] fungus
[mutation] genetic mutation
[nationalism] patriotism, love of country
[nationalist] patriot
[negotiation] dialogue, talks
[neighbour] neighbor, person living nearby
[neighborhood] vicinity, neck of the woods
[network] communication system with a group of broadcasting stations
[network] web, interconnected system
[node] connecting point
[noise] randomness, haphazardness
[noise] sound
[nomination] naming a candidate
[nonsense] bunk, hokum
[norm] standard
[north] due north, N, direction
[nose] olfactory organ
[note] annotation
[note] short letter, line, billet
[note] musical note, tone
[note] bill, banknote
[notebook] notebook computer
[notebook] book with blank pages
[notice] announcement
[notice] advance notification
[notion] concept
[novel] fictional work
[crackpot] crank, nut, nutcase, fruitcake
[oak] oak tree
[object] physical object, tangible and visible entity
[object] aim, objective, target
[obligation] duty, responsibility
[observation] facts learned by observing
[observer] perceiver, beholder
[obstacle] block
[occasion] time of a particular event
[occupation] military control
[offense] offensive, attack
[offense] misdemeanor, infraction, violation
[offense] discourtesy, offence
[offender] wrongdoer
[offer] offering, verbal act of offering
[office] business office, workplace
[officer] policeman, police officer
[official] functionary
[offspring] young
[oil] cooking oil, vegetable oil
[oil] viscous liquid
[omission] skip, mistake resulting from neglect
[onion] edible bulb
[opera] drama set to music
[operation] surgery
[operation] military operation
[operation] business especially one run on a large scale
[operation] functioning, performance
[opinion] public opinion, popular opinion
[opinion] legal opinion, judgment, judgement
[opponent] adversary, antagonist
[opposite] reverse, contrary
[opposition] resistance
[opposition] political party opposed
[opposition] enemy, foe
[option] right to buy or sell property
[orange] orangeness, color between red and yellow
[orange] citrus fruit
[orbit] celestial orbit
[orchestra] musical group
[order] decree, edict
[order] request for food or refreshment
[order] orderliness
[organ] pipe organ
[organ] body part
[organisation] group of people who work together
[orientation] position, alignment
[origin] descent, extraction, background, provenance
[outfit] getup, clothing
[outlet] retail store, sales outlet
[outlet] wall socket, electric outlet
[outlet] wall socket, wall plug, electric outlet
[outline] abstract, precis
[outline] lineation, linear boundary
[outlook] mentality, mindset
[output] end product
[outside] exterior, outer side or surface
[oven] kitchen appliance
[overall] clothing
[overview] summary
[owl] nocturnal bird
[owner] proprietor someone who owns a business
[paradox] self-contradiction
[pardon] amnesty
[passion] passionateness, strong emotion
[password] watchword, word
[patrol] security detachment
[pension] payment during retirement
[perception] process of perceiving
[performance] execution, carrying out
[performance] act of presenting a play or a piece
[performer] performing artist
[period] point, full stop, stop, full point
[period] time period
[period] interval taken to complete one cycle
[period] historic period
[permission] approval to do something
[person] individual
[personality] personal attributes
[philosophy] investigation of existence, knowledge, ethics
[philosophy] doctrine, school of thought, set of beliefs
[photograph] photo
[photography] picture taking
[piano] keyboard instrument
[movie] film
[policeman] cop
[pigeon] wild and domesticated bird
[pillow] cushion
[pilot] airplane pilot
[pioneer] innovator, trailblazer, groundbreaker
[platform] horizontal surface
[plot] secret plan, game, secret scheme
[plot] story
[plot] chart
[pneumonia] respiratory disease
[pocket] pouch inside a garment
[poem] verse form
[poetry] poesy, verse
[point] detail, item
[point] tip, peak, V-shape
[point] dot
[poison] poisonous substance
[pole] long rod
[pole] Earth's antipodal point
[policy] insurance policy
[poll] counting of votes
[poll] opinion poll
[pollution] contamination
[pony] small horse
[pool] puddle
[pop] pop music
[pop] soda, soda pop
[pop] dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa
[population] people who inhabit a territory
[porter] person employed to carry luggage and supplies
[portion] helping, serving
[portrait] portrayal, likeness
[position] placement, location
[position] stance, posture
[position] status
[possession] ownership
[possibility] possible action
[post] mail, mail service, postal service
[post] stake
[pot] cooking vessel
[pot] flowerpot
[potential] potentiality
[pottery] clayware
[pound] dog pound
[pound] lb, 16 ounces
[powder] fine-grained substance
[power] world power, major power, great power, superpower
[power] force, might
[precision] preciseness
[predator] predatory animal
[preoccupation] idea that preoccupies the mind
[preparation] readiness, preparedness
[prescription] prescription drug
[prescription] physician's instructions
[presentation] making publicly available or known
[priority] precedence
[prison] prison house, correctional institution
[prisoner] captive
[loot] booty, pillage, plunder, dirty money, prize
[problem] trouble
[problem] question
[process] procedure
[produce] green goods, green groceries
[producer] film or play producer
[product] merchandise, ware
[product] mathematical product obtained by multiplication
[product] consequence of someone's efforts
[production] act or process of producing something
[production] presentation for the stage or screen or radio or TV
[production] output, yield
[profession] occupation
[professional] professional person
[professor] prof
[profile] side view
[profit] gain
[program] plan, series of steps to be carried
[program] announcement of a theatrical event
[program] broadcast
[program] computer program
[progress] advancement, gain
[project] undertaking, task, enterprise
[prediction] projection
[projection] image projection
[promise] verbal commitment
[promotion] rising in rank
[promotion] publicity
[proof] cogent evidence
[proof] mathematical proofs
[property] attribute, dimension
[property] belongings, holding, material possession
[proportion] dimension
[proportion] quotient of magnitude of a part and magnitude of the whole
[proposal] proposition
[proposal] marriage proposal
[proposition] statement
[prosecution] criminal prosecution
[prospect] expectation, outlook
[prosperity] economic prosperity
[protection] protecting someone or something
[protest] objection, dissent
[provision] supply, supplying
[psychology] psychological science
[publication] issue
[publication] printed work
[purpose] intent, intention, aim, design
[hobby] pursuit, by-line, hobby, sideline, spare-time activity
[qualification] reservation, limitation
[question] inquiry, query, interrogation
[quota] proportional share
[quotation] quote, citation, words
[quotation] price quotation
[radiation] radioactivity
[radiation sickness] radiation syndrome
[radio] radiocommunication, wireless, medium
[radio] radio receiver, receiving set, radio set
[railroad] railroad line, railway system
[rainbow] colored light in the sky
[ratio] relative magnitude
[reaction] equal and opposite force
[reaction] response revealing a person's feelings or attitude
[reaction] chemical reaction
[reactor] nuclear reactor
[reason] explanation of the cause
[reason] rationality
[rebellion] insurrection, revolt, rising, uprising
[reception] broadcast reception
[reception] formal party
[recession] declining economy
[recognition] acknowledgment
[recommendation] testimonial, good word
[record] extreme attainment, the best/worst performance ever
[record] criminal record
[record] document serving as legal evidence of a transaction
[record] number of wins versus losses and ties
[recording] information storage device
[recovery] retrieval, regaining
[recovery] convalescence, recuperation
[reduction] decrease, diminution
[reflection] reflexion, mirror image
[reform] change for the better
[registration] enrollment, enrolment
[regulation] authoritative rule
[rehabilitation] treatment of physical disabilities
[rehabilitation] vindication of character, exoneration
[relation] relative, person related by blood or marriage
[relationship] state of connectedness between people
[relaxation] easiness, absence of tension
[repetition] repeat
[report] news report, story, account
[report] study, written report, evaluation
[reporter] journalist, newsperson
[reproduction] replica, replication, copy
[reputation] notoriety for some characteristic
[reservoir] artificial lake
[resignation] giving notice
[resignation] surrender
[resolution] decision to do something
[resort] holiday resort
[resource] source of aid or support
[response] answer, reply
[response] reaction
[responsibility] duty, obligation
[restoration] renovation, refurbishment
[restriction] limitation
[revolution] overthrow of government
[revolution] rotation, gyration
[rhetoric] technique for speaking
[ribbon] strip of material
[riot] public violence
[orgy] orgy, debauchery, saturnalia, bacchanal, riot
[road] route, open way for travel or transportation
[looting] plundering
[robot] automaton
[rock] rock 'n' roll
[rocket] vehicle propelled by a rocket engine
[role] normal or customary activity of a person
[role] character, theatrical role, part
[roll] cylindrical form
[roll] roster, list of names
[roll] drum roll, sound of a drum
[roll] bun, bread
[roof] top of a building
[room] area within a building
[ancestor] ancestor
[root] part of plant
[rose] flower
[rotation] rotary motion
[route] path, itinerary
[routine] modus operandi
[row] arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line
[royalty] royal family, royal line, royal house
[royalty] payment for a patent or copyright
[rumor] hearsay
[sailor] crewman
[salmon] fish
[salon] beauty salon, beauty parlor
[salvation] being saved from harm
[satisfaction] contentment
[scenario] sequence of possible events
[scholar] scholarly person, student, learned person
[school] schoolhouse
[school] educational institution
[score] game score
[season] time of year
[buttocks] butt, bum, tush
[second] following the first
[second] sec, 1/60 of a minute
[secretion] glandular substance
[section] segment, one of several parts
[sector] sphere, particular aspect of life or activity
[selection] excerpt, excerption, extract
[selection] assortment of things from which to choose
[selection] survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection
[senior] student
[sensation] public excitement
[separation] disassociation, division
[session] meeting
[session] school term, academic term
[shadow] shade
[shareholder] stockholder
[shock] electric shock
[shock] daze, stupor, feeling of distress and disbelief
[shoe] footwear
[horseshoe] shoe for horses
[shop] store
[shop] workshop
[short circuit] short
[shortage] dearth, famine
[shorts] short pants
[shot] shooting, act of firing a projectile
[shot] injection
[shoulder] berm, edge of a road
[shoulder] part of the body
[show] public exhibition or entertainment
[shower] plumbing fixture
[shower] rain shower
[situation] state of affairs
[slogan] motto, catchword
[slot] small slit
[slot] time slot
[smoke] fumes
[snow] snowfall
[soap] cleansing agent
[society] extended social group
[sock] stocking, hosiery
[sodium] Na
[software] computer software
[soil] territory
[soil] dirt, earth's surface
[soldier] enlisted man or woman
[solo] activity performed alone
[solution] successful action of solving a problem
[solution] mixture of two or more substances
[soprano] voice range
[soul] psyche
[sound] auditory event
[soup] liquid food
[source] documentary reference
[source] beginning, origin, root
[source] informant, person who supplies information
[south] Confederacy, Confederate States
[south] due south, S
[spoon] cutlery
[sport] athletics
[spot] smudge, blot, daub, smear
[station] post
[joystick] control stick
[stimulation] act of arousing an organism to action
[stock] livestock, farm animal
[stock] inventory
[stock] shares
[stomach] tummy, tum
[stone] rock
[stool] simple seat
[stop] stopover, layover
[storage] repositing, warehousing
[storm] weather condition
[story] fib, trivial lie
[story] narrative, narration
[comic strip]
[stroke] apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident
[studio] workplace for teaching or practice of an art
[suggestion] proposition
[courtship] wooing, courting, suit
[support] aiding the cause or policy or interests of
[support] documentation, documentary validation
[support] device that bears the weight of another thing
[support] keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenance
[surgeon] operating surgeon
[survivor] one who outlives another
[survivor] survivor of a disaster
[suspicion] misgiving, mistrust, distrust
[suspicion] intuition, hunch
[sword] blade, weapon
[symbol] sign
[symptom] medical symptom
[syndrome] pattern of symptoms
[technology] engineering
[telephone] phone, telephone set
[television] television system, telecommunication system
[television] television receiver, T.V. set
[temptation] enticement
[tension] latent hostility
[tension] tautness
[theorist] theoretician, theorizer
[theory] hypothesis
[thought] thinking, cerebration
[threshold] doorsill, doorstep
[throat] pharynx, passage to the stomach and lungs
[throne] chair of a monarch
[toast] bread
[toll] fee for the use of roads or bridges
[ton] unit of weight
[tone] tone of voice
[tongue] body part
[tongue] natural language
[tool] implement
[tooth] projection on a gear
[tooth] bonelike structure in the jaws
[top] garment that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips
[top] spinning top
[top] top side, upper side, upside
[top] peak, crown, crest, tip, summit
[torch] lit stick carried in one's hand
[torture] torturing
[touch] sense of touch
[tourist] visitor on holiday
[tournament] tourney, sporting competition
[tower] structure
[toy] plaything
[tradition] custom, practice of long standing
[transaction] commercial dealing
[transition] conversion, changeover
[transmission] automobile transmission
[transport] transportation, shipping
[trolley] streetcar, tram
[troop] group of soldiers
[trouble] event causing distress or pain
[trouble] worry
[trouser] pants
[tumour] tumor, neoplasm
[tycoon] baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul
[uniform] professional clothing
[union] labor union, trade union
[variation] fluctuation
[vegetation] flora, botany
[version] interpretation from a certain viewpoint
[version] adaptation
[victory] triumph
[video] video recording
[violation] infringement
[computer virus] virus
[vision] vivid mental image
[voice] ability to speak
[spokesperson] interpreter, representative
[volcano] mountain
[volume] loudness, intensity
[volume] publication
[volume] 3-dimensional space
[volunteer] unpaid worker
[vote] ballot, voting, balloting
[vote] right to vote, suffrage
[voter] elector
[voucher] coupon
[voyage] journey to some distant place
[wagon] wheeled vehicle
[wardrobe] collection of clothing
[weapon] arm
[welcome] greeting, reception
[willpower] self-control
[window] opening in the wall of a building
[wolf] canine mammal
[woman] adult female
[wonder] marvel
[wood] hard substance under the bark of trees
[wool] fabric
[word] unit of language
[word] parole, word of honor
[wording] phrasing, choice of words
[work] employment
[work] workplace
[work] oeuvre, body of work
[worker] person who works at a specific occupation
[workshop] brief intensive course
[world] reality
[world] populace, public
[world] Earth, globe
[world] universe, existence, cosmos, macrocosm
[worm] animal
[worm] software program
[worth] value
[wound] lesion
[youth] young people
[youth] time of life between childhood and maturity
[zero] 0, naught
[zone] geographical region
[abandon] forsake, desert
[abolish] get rid of
[absorb] take in, suck up
[accompany] go or come with
[adopt] take in as a child
[adopt] borrow, take over, take up
[afford] have the financial means
[allow] permit, let
[appoint] name, nominate
[approach] near, draw near, draw close, come near
[approve] O.K., okay, sanction
[impound] confiscate, seize
[authorise] empower
[endorse] second, back, support
[ostracize] shun, blackball, expel from a community
[belong] be owned by
[bond] create social or emotional ties
[block] obstruct, hinder, stymie
[board] get on
[bomb] bombard
[borrow] obtain temporarily
[bother] annoy, irritate
[bounce] move up and down repeatedly
[bow] bend the head or the upper body in respect or greeting
[disclose] bring out, reveal, expose, divulge
[wear out] bust, fall apart, break
[choke] gag, suffocate
[choke] strangle
[chop] chop up
[close] shut
[close] finish, terminate, conclude, end
[coincide] concur, happen simultaneously
[collapse] crumble, crumple, tumble
[collect] pick up
[combine] blend, mix, conflate, commingle, fuse, merge
[comfort] soothe, console
[compete] vie, contend
[complain] express discontent
[compromise] make a compromise
[concede] acknowledge defeat
[conceive] become pregnant
[concentrate] focus, focus one's attention
[confine] detain
[confront] come face to face with
[consider] debate, think about
[consolidate] unite into one
[construct] manufacture, fabricate
[contain] incorporate, comprise
[control] operate, handle
[command] control
[convert] change religious beliefs
[convict] find guilty
[convince] convert, win over
[cooperate] collaborate, join forces
[cope] get by, make do, manage
[copy] imitate, simulate
[copy] re-create, replicate
[correspond] exchange messages
[count] number, enumerate
[cover] provide with a covering
[cower] fawn, cringe, grovel, show submission or fear
[crop] cut short
[cross] traverse
[crouch] squat
[deport] extradite, hand over to the authorities of another country
[demolish] destroy
[demonstrate] march, march in protest
[deteriorate] become worse, disintegrate
[modernize] develop
[develop] make something new, invent
[devote] dedicate, commit to a specific cause or function
[break down] die, conk out
[disappoint] let down
[discourage] deter
[discover] come upon, chance upon, come across
[distort] falsify
[divorce] split up
[document] record in detail
[dominate] be in control
[double] increase twofold, duplicate
[doubt] consider unlikely
[deteriorate] degenerate, grow worse
[drop] let fall
[drown] die in water
[eavesdrop] listen in
[choose] elect to do
[employ] hire, engage
[encourage] spur on
[prosper] boom, thrive, flourish
[elaborate] expand, expatiate, enlarge, flesh out
[explode] detonate, blow up
[explode] show a violent emotional reaction
[exploit] manipulate to one's advantage
[export] sell abroad
[expose] debunk
[confront] face, face up to
[flood] inundate, fill quickly beyond capacity
[flourish] thrive, prosper
[fold] fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other
[follow] go behind
[follow] comply
[follow] succeed, come after
[fool around] horse around, fool
[forbid] prohibit, interdict
[force] move something forcibly
[coerce] pressure, force, compel
[forge] fake, counterfeit
[forget] block, blank out, draw a blank, fail to remember
[form] shape, give shape to
[organize] form
[formulate] word, phrase, articulate
[foster] nurture
[glow] emit light
[go] move
[groan] moan
[grow] mature, maturate
[support] hold, sustain, hold up
[hold] reserve, book
[hold] bear, carry, contain
[hook] fasten with a hook
[host] be the host
[hover] levitate
[offend] wound, hurt
[hypnothize] mesmerize
[ignore] neglect, disregard
[import] bring in from abroad
[improve] better, amend, ameliorate
[introduce] inaugurate, usher in
[introduce] present, acquaint
[introduce] bring in
[knock] rap, strike with the knuckles
[know] be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
[know] be aware of the truth of something
[know] know how to do or perform something
[revoke] lift, annul, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind
[load] place on a surface or a conveyance
[locate] situate, determine the location
[lock] fasten with a lock
[lodge] stay temporarily
[look] appear, seem
[look] search
[lose] fail to win
[love] be in love with
[enjoy] enjoy doing, love to do
[frown] glower, look angry or sullen
[cook] fix, ready, prepare
[mention] note, observe, remark
[model] simulate
[move] be active
[move] arouse sympathy or compassion
[move] change position
[move] change residence, affiliation, or employment
[nominate] put up, put forward, propose
[notice] note, perceive
[object] raise an objection
[obscure] make less visible
[occupy] fill, occupy the whole space of
[offend] cause to feel resentment
[offer] bid, propose to pay
[offer] volunteer to do
[offset] countervail, compensate, counterbalance, make up for
[open] open up
[oppose] be against
[organize] bring order and organization to
[overlook] fail to notice
[overwhelm] overpower
[owe] be obliged to pay
[perforate] pass in or through
[perform] give a performance
[photocopy] xerox, run off
[plot] plan secretly
[plot] diagram
[poison] administer poison to
[polish] refine
[pop] burst open with a sharp, explosive sound
[post] publicize with, or as if with, a poster
[pour] cause to flow
[proclaim] exclaim, promulgate, state, announce
[produce] grow, raise, farm, cultivate
[profit] turn a profit
[prosecute] bring a criminal action against
[protect] shield from danger
[prove] show, demonstrate, establish
[provide] supply, render, furnish
[provoke] arouse, evoke an emotion or response
[question] interrogate
[quote] cite
[promote] upgrade, advance, kick upstairs
[recognize] perceive to be the same
[recognize] accredit, grant credentials
[recommend] commend
[record] tape, register electronically
[recover] recuperate, convalesce
[reform] improve by alteration or correction
[reinforce] reward, support with rewards
[commemorate] remember
[reproduce] make a copy
[command] compel
[roar] bellow, make a loud noise
[rob] deprive somebody of something
[rock] sway, move back and forth
[roll] turn over, turn over or rotate
[row] propel with oars
[flow] run
[broadcast] air, send
[reconcile] make up
[rock] sway
[polish] shine
[shock] offend, scandalize, outrage
[shoot] spud, germinate, sprout
[shoot] fire a shot
[shout] speak loudly
[show] indicate, point
[show] exhibit, present, demonstrate
[show] reveal, display
[smoke] inhale a plant derivative
[soak] submerge in liquid
[overcharge] surcharge, fleece, rip off
[soar] fly upwards
[solve] work out, figure out, puzzle out
[sow] place seeds into the ground
[spoil] rot, go bad, become unfit for consumption
[spoil] impair, make imperfect
[spoil] pamper, coddle, mollycoddle, indulge
[extort] gouge
[stereotype] pigeonhole
[stop] halt, come to a halt, stop moving
[stop] discontinue, cease doing
[store] lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away
[storm] rain, hail, or snow hard
[stroke] fondle, caress
[stroll] saunter
[overeat] gorge
[evoke] suggest
[support] confirm, corroborate, substantiate
[hypothesize] speculate, theorize, conjecture
[surround] encircle, circle, round
[swallow] believe or accept without questioning
[swallow] pass through the esophagus
[float] be afloat, fail to sink
[swop] switch, trade, swap, exchange
[confuse] throw, befuddle, confound
[throw] project through the air
[tiptoe] tippytoe
[topple] tip, cause to fall over
[tolerate] recognize, respect others' rights
[toss] flip, pitch, throw
[total] damage beyond the point of repair
[touch] make physical contact with
[transform] transmute, metamorphose
[trouble] perturb, distract, make uneasy
[rotate] turn
[vote] cast a vote in an election
[wonder] question, want to know
[work] do work
[work out] exercise
[worry] be worried
[compose] write music

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

O + O + o + O +

(A thing or an object) + + 하다 (To do) + + 있다 (To be) + + (way,method) + + 하다 (To do) + + 없다 (Do not exist, absent) + + 않다 (To not be, to not do) + + 사람 (Person) + + 우리 (we,our) + + 아니다 (To not be) + + 보다 (To try) + + 보다 (To see) + + 같다 (To be similar) + + 주다 (To give, to do for a person) + + 대하다 (Face, confront) + + 가다 (To go) + + (One, a single) + + (words,speaking) + + (Work) + + (A person, a man/woman) + + 위하다 (To do for the sake of) + + 그러나 (However or but still) + + 오다 (To come) + + 알다 (To know) + + 그렇다 (That is right or yes.) + + 크다 (To be big, large) + + (One day) + + 사회 (culture,society) + + (~ not ~ + VERB) + + 좋다 (To be good) + + (More) + + (House) + + 나오다 (Come out) + + 그리고 (And or and then) + + 문제 (question,problem) + + 살다 (To live) + + 못하다 (Be impossible) + + 생각하다 ( To think) + + 모르다 (To not know) + + 만들다 (To make) + + (Place, point, instance) + + (In front of, before) + + 경우 (A case or an instance) + + 어떤 (What kind of, what sort of) + + 먹다 (Eat, chow down on) + + 자신 (one’s own self, one\'s own body) + + (A unit of south korean money, KRW) + + 생각 (Thought) + + 어떻다 (how,what.. do you think of) + + (Person counter) + + 통하다 (Run, lead; flow; go through) + + 그러다 (and so, and then, well) + + 그러다 (and so, and then, well) + + 소리 (A sound,noise) + + 여자 (woman,female) + + (Unit or piece) + + 싶다 (want,hope) + + 보이다 (see,catch sight of) + + 가지다 (To have or take or hold) + + 함께 (Together, with) + + 지나다 (pass,elapse,go on) + + 많이 (A lot) + + (You) + + 인간 (A person, a human being) + + 나다 (To be born) + + 어머니 (Mom) + + (Huh? (2) something) + + (Store) + + 의하다 (To be due to, owing to) + + 시대 (An age,period) + + 이러하다 ( Be this way, be like follows) + + 누구 (Who) + + 여러 (many,various) + + 하나 (One) + + 세계 (World) + + 버리다 ((following a verb) the verb\'s action is over, perhaps in a sad way) + + (The upper part, above) + + 운동 (Motion, movement) + + 학교 (School) + + 자기 (Oneself, number one, numerouno, self) + + 가장 (Most) + + 가지 (One of the kind or a sort) + + 시작하다 ( To start,begin) + + 바로 (Right, correctly) + + 어느 (Some, a certain) + + 그래서 (And so accordingly) + + 정부 (Government) + + 모든 (Every one) + + (Number, how many times) + + (Money) + + 국가 (A state or a nation) + + 그런데 (But or however) + + 여기 (A hobby) + + 모두 (Everybody) + + 관계 (Connection or relation) + + 남자 (Boy) + + (body,physique) + + 나타나다 ( Come out, appear) + + 지역 (An area, region) + + 모습 (shape,body) + + 내다 (produce something) + + 보이다 (show,let see) + + 쓰다 (To write) + + 없이 (Without) + + (Road) + + 생활 (lifestyle,livelihood) + + (only,alone,merely) + + 사이 (space between 2 points; the relationship between 2 people) + + 방법 (Way, method) + + 새롭다 (To be new,novel) + + 내다 (to see through, to make it through sth) + + 앉다 (To sit down) + + 그때 (Then or at that time) + + 과정 (Process or course) + + 갖다 (To hold) + + 찾다 (seek,look for) + + 이상 (More than, above) + + 지금 (Now) + + 나가다 (To go out) + + 이야기 (Conversation, talk) + + 교육 (Education) + + 사다 (To buy, purchase) + + 경제 (Economy) + + 같이 (Together) + + 서다 (To stand) + + (Cannot) + + 역사 (History) + + 읽다 (To read) + + 내용 (Contents) + + 물론 (Of course) + + (A book) + + 일어나다 ( To rise, get up) + + 당신 (Formal you) + + 중요하다 ( To be important,weighty) + + 무슨 (What, what kind of) + + 느끼다 (To feel) + + 어렵다 (To be hard, difficult) + + (Power) + + 너무 (Too much) + + 나라 (A country) + + 부르다 (To call) + + 자리 (seat,spot) + + 밝히다 (To light up) + + (Way, direction) + + 정치 (Politics) + + 국민 (The people or a nationality) + + 얘기 (Story) + + 하나 (One) + + 쉽다 (To be easy) + + 짓다 (To make, build ; to form a line (a group)) + + 이유 (Reason) + + 필요하다 ( To need) + + (words, a verse) + + 생기다 (arise,occur,happen) + + 사용하다 ( To use) + + (The outside) + + 세상 (The world,society) + + 작품 (A work of art) + + 상황 (State of things) + + (namely,that is to say) + + 상태 (condition,state) + + 더욱 (More and more) + + 지방 (A locality, district) + + (As it is, no change) + + 환경 (Environment) + + 컴퓨터 (Computer) + + 다니다 (Go to and from a aplace) + + 얼마나 (How many, how much) + + 자체 (one’s own body) + + 열다 (Open) + + 묻다 (to Ask) + + 남다 (Remain, be left over) + + 부분 (part,portion) + + 기업 (An enterprise or business) + + 변화 (Change, transformation) + + 아들 (son,baby) + + (Oh dear) + + 선거 (An election) + + 관하다 (Refer to or be about) + + 그냥 (Just because or in that condition) + + 나누다 (To divide) + + 이용하다 ( To use, make use of) + + 거의 (Almost or nearly) + + (Soon) + + 중심 (The nucleus, the focus, the heart) + + 오늘 (Today) + + 서로 (mutually,one another) + + 관심 (Concern or interest) + + (A baby, or a slightly derogative word for person) + + 나다 (To come out, grow, spring up) + + (A room) + + 이르다 (To reach, arrive, get at) + + 이루다 (Accomplish, complete) + + 아침 (Morning) + + 웃다 (To laugh, smile) + + 현상 (The present situation, state) + + 기술 (Art or technique or ability) + + 전체 (The whole, the entire section) + + 그래 (So or yes or that’s right) + + 얻다 (Get, obtain) + + 아름답다 ( To be beautiful) + + 민족 (race,nation,people) + + 조사 (investigation,inquiry) + + (To be like something) + + (Mouth) + + (Huh? (2) something) + + 영화 (A movie) + + (way,method) + + 구조 (Construction or structure) + + 결국 (After all or in the end) + + 입다 (To wear) + + 프로그램 ( Program) + + 이루어지다 (Get accomplished, achieved) + + (Others, other people) + + (The time,the occasion,when) + + (one’s status, one’s lot) + + 마시다 (To drink) + + 치다 (to attack, assault) + + 혼자 (Alone) + + 나가다 (To advance, proceed, go forward) + + 이제 (Now) + + 교수 (Teaching or instruction) + + (Alcohol) + + 사랑 (Love) + + 전화 (Telephone) + + 끝나다 (To draw to a close or to end) + + 맞다 (Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for) + + 걸리다 (To be hung up or suspended) + + 지키다 (Protect, maintain) + + 한번 (Once) + + 커피 (Coffee) + + 길다 (To be long) + + 바라보다 ( Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for) + + 알아보다 ( To investigate, examine, search) + + (Flavor) + + 대부분 (Most) + + 오르다 (Go up, climb, ascend) + + 음식 (Food) + + 표정 (Facial expression, look) + + (For sure) + + 일부 (A part, a portion) + + 요즘 (Recently, nowadays) + + 계획 (A plan or a project) + + 느낌 (Touch, feel) + + 얼마 (How many, how much) + + 고개 (The nape of the neck) + + 성격 (Personality ; character, nature) + + 계속 (Continuously) + + 현재 (The present time, now, at present) + + 발전 (Development) + + (A vehicle, train/auto car) + + 놀다 (Play, amuse oneself) + + 향하다 (To face, look out on) + + 관련 (Relation or connection or reference) + + 형태 (Form, shape) + + (Each or every) + + 작업 (Work) + + 분위기 (atmosphere,surroundings) + + 그러하다 ( To be so or right) + + 우선 (First of all, before everything) + + 낳다 (To give birth) + + 정보 (information,intelligence) + + 열리다 (Open, be opened, be unlocked) + + 좋아하다 ( To like, be fond of) + + 그리다 (Picture or draw a picture) + + 만큼 (Of that amount) + + 배우다 (To learn) + + (Poetry, lines of verse) + + 역할 (A part, a role) + + (Next to) + + 행동 (Action, behavior) + + (Oh, well, why) + + 국내 (Inside the country) + + 비하다 (Compare to) + + 기관 (An engine or a machine) + + 입장 (A position, situation) + + 만하다 (Be of the extent of) + + 아래 (The bottom, the lower part) + + 방식 (A form, method, process) + + 영향 (Influence, consequences) + + 그럼 (Certainly or of course.) + + 나서다 (Come out, come forth) + + 흐르다 (Flow, stream) + + (A boat (boating)) + + 모양 (A shape, form) + + (A mountain) + + 조건 (condition,stipulation) + + (Door) + + (Flower) + + 교사 (Instructor) + + 넘다 (Cross or go across) + + 지니다 (Carry with, hold, possess) + + 잘하다 (To do well) + + 마을 (Town) + + 어리다 (To be very young, juvenile) + + 가능성 (Possibility) + + 방향 (Direction) + + 목소리 (Voice) + + 노래 (Song) + + 힘들다 (To be hard, difficult) + + 움직이다 ( To move, stir) + + 노력 (Effort) + + 전혀 (entirely,utterly,completely) + + 언니 (Older sister) + + 단체 (A corps, a group) + + (One part) + + 알려지다 ( To become known) + + 가능하다 ( To be possible) + + 능력 (Ability, capability, how much and how well) + + 주장하다 ( To assert,maintain) + + 자식 (one’s children) + + 모으다 (gather,get together) + + 학년 (A school year) + + 가지다 (Entertain or hold or have) + + 이해하다 ( To understand) + + 제품 (Manufactured goods) + + 행위 (An act, deed, behavior) + + 표현 (Verbal expression, representation, manifestation) + + 기분 (Mood) + + (Era, period) + + 젊다 (To be young,youthful) + + (Clothes) + + 기능 (Function or functionality) + + 순간 (A moment,a second) + + (Before) + + 할머니 (Grandmother) + + 회의 (A meeting, a conference) + + 방송 (Broadcast) + + 이야기하다 (To talk) + + 자다 (To sleep) + + 걷다 (To walk) + + 노동 (Labor, work) + + 이때 (At this time, moment) + + 시간 (a Length of time (한시간 동안)) + + 집단 (A group, a collective body) + + 살펴보다 ( Watch closely) + + 장관 (A government cabinet minister) + + 풀다 (Untie, loosen ; to melt into) + + 시절 (season,time,occasion) + + 개인 (Private or individual) + + 근데 (But or however) + + (Foot) + + 작가 (writer,author) + + 대로 (Like, according to) + + 시작되다 ( To begin,start) + + 설명하다 ( To explain) + + 시기 (An opportunity,chance) + + 마치 (As though, as if) + + (Years old) + + 생산 (1) production 2)birth) + + 바라다 (Wish, hope) + + 강하다 (To be strong or powerful) + + 경험 (Experience or undergo or suffer) + + 나타내다 ( Show, display) + + 아프다 (To hurt) + + 적다 (To be small, few in number) + + 고향 (Hometown) + + 다양하다 ( To be various, diverse) + + 울다 (To cry, weep) + + 지내다 (To pass, spend time) + + 소설 (A novel, fiction story) + + 오후 (The afternoon) + + 질서 (Order, system) + + 담다 (Put in a bottle) + + 시민 (Residents of a city) + + 스스로 (On its own, of its own free will) + + 아저씨 (Sir, calling an unknown male) + + 이날 (Today, this day) + + 제대로 (As properly is suitable) + + (The moon) + + 던지다 (To throw) + + 공간 (Space or room) + + 벌이다 ((1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game) + + 병원 (Hospital) + + 자세 (Position, posture) + + 강조하다 ( Place empasis upon) + + 경찰 (The police) + + 맡다 (Take charge of) + + 한편 (One side, one way) + + 그러면 (If so or if that is the case) + + 기자 (A journalist) + + 넓다 (Broad) + + 훨씬 (By far, very much so) + + 통일 (Unification) + + 가깝다 (Close) + + 시설 (establishment,institution) + + 외국 (A foreign country) + + (The bottom) + + 대신 (Instead of) + + 원인 (A cause,a factor) + + 팔다 (To sell) + + 차례 ((1) order,precedence (2) one time, one round) + + 일하다 (To work, labor) + + 재산 (property,fortune, assets, possessions) + + 약간 (Somewhat) + + 요구하다 ( To demand,claim,request) + + 올라가다 ( To go up, ascend) + + 감독 (The director) + + 그날 (That day or that same day) + + 자주 (Always, constantly) + + 당하다 (Have, encounter) + + 삼다 (Make a thing of) + + (About, approximately) + + 기간 (A period or a time or) + + 담배 (Tobacco) + + 일으키다 ( Riase, get up; start, commence) + + 일단 (Temporarily) + + 조직 (Organization (composition, structure)) + + 태어나다 ( To be born, see the light of day) + + 공장 (Construction site) + + 즐기다 (Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight) + + (since,from) + + 아무리 (However much) + + (Uncooked rice) + + 일반 (universal,common,usual) + + 가르치다 ( To teach) + + 대화 (Conversation) + + 막다 (Stop, obstruct) + + (An elder brother) + + 버리다 (Throw away) + + 붙이다 (affix,put on) + + 인물 (A man, a person) + + 전국 (The whole country) + + 마치다 (Finish, complete) + + 다만 (Only, merely) + + 걸다 (Hang up or suspend) + + 빠지다 (To fall into) + + 멀다 (To be far) + + 오늘날 (These days, nowadays) + + 잠시 (For a little while) + + 대다 (Put, place up to) + + (form,style) + + 의견 (An opinion,a suggestion) + + 주장 (assertion,insistance) + + 표현하다 ( To express, make known by saying) + + 인하다 (To be due to, caused by) + + 이상하다 ( To be strange,queer) + + 붙다 (Stick, adhere to) + + 아마 (Probably) + + 얘기하다 ( To tell a story) + + 잇다 (Join, connect) + + 경기 (Race or match or contest) + + 목적 (goal,purpose) + + 태도 (attitude,comportment) + + 대책 (Countermeasure) + + 그만 (That much or a little amount) + + 발생하다 ( Originate, come from) + + 아무 (anybody,everybody) + + 결코 (Never or by no means) + + 옮기다 (Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to) + + 잃다 (To lose, to miss, to be deprived) + + 자유 (Freedom) + + 책임 (Responsibility) + + 비슷하다 ( To resemble) + + 심하다 (To be extreme,intense) + + 경쟁 (Competition or rivalry) + + 사랑하다 ( To love) + + 아니 (No!) + + 자라다 (To grow up) + + (A time, an inning, a round in a game) + + 구체적 (Concretely) + + 기회 (An opportunity) + + 실시하다 ( To enforce,put into effect) + + 번째 (How many times) + + 소비자 (A consumer) + + 싫다 (To not like, to hate) + + 규모 (Scale or scope or structure) + + 기준 (A standard or basis) + + 반드시 (Most certainly) + + (An intention,design,purpose) + + 갖추다 (Make or get ready or prepare) + + 그러니까 ( And so it is that) + + 현장 (on site, on location, at the site in question) + + 건설 (Construction) + + 꺼내다 (To get out or draw out) + + 노동자 (Laborer, worker) + + 완전히 (completely,perfectly) + + 전하다 (To transmit,convey) + + 존재하다 ( To exist) + + 개월 (Each and every month) + + 맞다 (receive,welcome (note, usually this is 맞히다)) + + 어린이 (A youngster, a child) + + 정하다 (To set,determine) + + 한마디 (One word) + + 유지하다 ( To preserve, maintain) + + 이데올로기 (Ideology) + + 공부하다 ( To study) + + 늘어나다 ( Grow longer) + + 닦다 (Wipe clean, polish) + + (As many as, full, complete) + + 괜찮다 (To be okay) + + 각종 (All sorts or varieties) + + 아니 (Not) + + 피하다 (avoid,keep away) + + 거치다 (Pass or go through) + + 나아가다 ( Advance, go forward) + + ((Word to get somebody’s attention) Hey!! (2) impolite speech for 이다, to be) + + 지식 (Knowledge, information) + + 여전히 (As it used to be, as before ; still, persistently, even still) + + 주인 (The head of a family,the owner) + + 발견하다 ( To discover) + + (A line, a route) + + 형식 (A form, formality, mold) + + 마련하다 ( To plan, arrange) + + 발표하다 ( To announce) + + 주제 (Subject, theme, topic) + + 걸치다 (1) put a thing over or across 2) to range from A to B) + + 겪다 (Experience or undergo or suffer) + + 관점 (A point of view or a standpoint/outlook) + + 기본 (A foundation) + + 사라지다 ( To disappear) + + 어떠하다 ( To be how) + + 기억 (A memory) + + (A fellow) + + 인기 (Popularity) + + (Abdomen) + + 가끔 (Sometimes) + + 구성 (Organization or constitution , the framework of something) + + (Spoonful) + + 짧다 (Short, brief) + + 고맙다 (To thank) + + 관리 (Management or administration) + + 보다 (More than, greater than ....) + + 과연 (Just as one thought) + + 달리다 (run, make do fast) + + 이전 (Former days/times) + + 인정하다 ( To acknowledge,authorize) + + (A person) + + 나쁘다 (To be bad) + + 불구하다 ( Deformity, malformation) + + 시키다 (To make) + + 국제 (International) + + 그룹 (Group) + + 전통 (tradition,convention) + + 기르다 (Educate or train or cultivate) + + 조사하다 ( To examine,investigate) + + 커다랗다 ( To be very big/large) + + 있다 (To be) + + 시인 (A poet) + + (Except, save for) + + 평가 (Evaluation, appraisal) + + 내려오다 ( Come down) + + 위치 (A position, a location) + + 달라지다 ( To change, vary) + + 비다 (To be empty, vacant) + + 삼국 (Three countries) + + 손님 (Customer) + + 원하다 (To want) + + 통신 (communications,correspondance) + + 확인하다 ( To confirm,corroborate) + + 모임 (A group, a party) + + (The number of sth) + + 기계 (An instrument or a machine) + + 모양 (signs,indications) + + 아나운서 ( Announcer) + + 살아가다 ( Lead a life, get along) + + 펴다 (Spread out, unfold) + + (Times, x-fold) + + 수업 (school,teaching) + + 종교 (religion,a faith) + + (floor,grade,class) + + 자연스럽다 (To be natural) + + (One piece of sth flat) + + 안다 (To hold, embrace) + + 잊다 (To forget) + + 제시하다 ( To present) + + (Group, company, party) + + 불과하다 ( Nothing more than) + + 혹은 (If that’s not the case) + + 엄청나다 ( To be absurd,wild,terribly large) + + (Direction, way (the wind is blowing that ~)) + + 텔레비전 ( Television) + + (Compilation, editing) + + 노력하다 ( To try hard, strive) + + 보호 (protection,shelter) + + 씻다 (To wash,cleanse) + + 늦다 (To be late (time)) + + 이웃 (The neighborhood) + + 공동 (Association or union or collaboration) + + 까닭 (Reason) + + 분명하다 ( To be clear/obvious) + + 소녀 (A young girl) + + 지나가다 ( To pass, elapse) + + (order,sequence,degree) + + 상품 (Product) + + 설명 (Explanation) + + 훌륭하다 ( To be excellent) + + 관계자 (The interested or affected parties) + + 이어지다 ( Get joined, be connected) + + 종류 (kind,sort,species) + + 낮다 (Be low) + + 어깨 (Shoulder) + + 오래 (Long, for a long time) + + 키우다 (To raise, bring up, rear) + + 눕다 (Lie down) + + 발전하다 ( To develop, grow) + + 고통 (Suffering or agony) + + 어울리다 ( To be becoming, suiting) + + 쉬다 (to relax, take a break) + + 알리다 (To inform, tell a person) + + 차다 (To be full) + + (A lesson or a section or a department) + + 빼다 (Pull out, extract) + + 예정 (A program, schedule) + + 오빠 (Older brother) + + 한계 (Boundary, limits) + + 흔히 (Generally, commonly ; often) + + 바탕 (Natural disposition ; to go all out in a fight, 아주 크게 싸우다 ; the background) + + 싸우다 (To fight) + + 예쁘다 (Pretty, lovely) + + 갈등 (Conflict or troubles) + + 의지 (will,volition) + + 정확하다 ( To be exact) + + 초기 (The early days, the initial period) + + 맛있다 (Delicious) + + 며칠 (How many days) + + 찾아오다 ( To go meet somebody, to go get sth) + + 시선 (one’s line of vision) + + 아무런 (No sort of) + + 언론 (A speech, discussion) + + 지원 (helping, supporting, aiding) + + 결정하다 ( To decide) + + 경영 (Management or administration) + + 목표 (goal,object) + + 성장 (Growth) + + (Forest) + + 없어지다 ( To lose, get lost) + + 내려가다 ( To go down) + + 미치다 (To reach) + + 직장 (one’s work place) + + 크기 (Size, dimensions) + + 남기다 (To leave behind) + + 서양 (The Western countries) + + 주요 (The major, the chief thing) + + 가져오다 ( To bring or get) + + 부드럽다 ( soft,tender) + + 여기다 (Think, consider as) + + 공연 (A public performance) + + 남녀 (Man and woman) + + 내놓다 (Put out, take out) + + 심각하다 ( seriousness,gravity) + + 준비 (Preparation) + + 계속되다 ( To continue) + + 소년 (A boy) + + 소식 (News, information) + + 작용 (Application) + + 허리 (The waist, the small of the back) + + (Goal) + + 공업 (The industry or manufacturing industry) + + 그중 (Among the rest of them) + + 노인 (Old person) + + 벌다 (To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself) + + 살리다 (1) revive, bring around, restore to life 2) save,spare,rescue) + + 출신 (A native, place one is from) + + 결정 (A decision or determination) + + 경향 (Tendency or trend) + + 기록 (A record or a document) + + 나름 (Depending on) + + 대답하다 ( To answer, reply) + + 반면 (One side) + + 움직임 (movement,motion,activity) + + 터지다 (Break, be torn, get away from) + + 벗다 (Take off, remove) + + 입시 (An entrance examination) + + 준비하다 ( To prepare) + + 청소년 (Young boys and girls, teenagers) + + 이기다 (To win) + + 찾아보다 ( To go meet somebody) + + 취하다 (To adopt, assume, take) + + (The moon) + + 사장 (Company boss) + + 그렇지만 ( But or however) + + 선배 (one’s senior) + + 구하다 (1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want) + + 국회 (The National Assembly) + + 그러므로 ( So or hence or therefore) + + 포함하다 ( To include,contain) + + 걱정 (Worry) + + 바르다 (Be straight; be honest) + + 행사 (An event, a function) + + 깨닫다 (to realize sth) + + 누나 (Older sister) + + (God) + + 점점 (More and more, by degrees) + + 질문 (A question, a query) + + 특별 (Be special, extraordinary) + + 판단 (A judgment, a conclusion) + + 해결하다 ( To fix a problem, solve a question) + + 계속하다 ( To continue) + + 그치다 (Stop or cease or halt) + + 근처 (Nearby or the vicinity) + + 부정 (injustice,wrongfulness) + + 도대체 (In the world, on earth) + + (Carelessly, at random) + + 수출 (Exporting sth) + + 계시다 ((someone esteemed) to stay or be located) + + 자르다 (cut,chop) + + 데리다 (Be accompanied by) + + 마리 (Number of animals) + + 옳다 (To be right, correct) + + 원래 (originally,primarily) + + (Shape or form or appearance) + + 뿌리 (A root) + + 수입 (Importing sth) + + 그리하여 ( And then or and so or and now) + + 찍다 (Stamp with a dojang) + + 다소 (1) Large and small, 2) more or less) + + 상대 (counterpart,companion,rival) + + 오전 (Morning) + + 가게 (Store) + + 그저 (1) still or all the time 2) easily or with no effort) + + 부담 (A burden,responsibility) + + 약속 (A promise) + + (Line, row, chord) + + 쳐다보다 ( To look up at) + + 충분히 (Enough, sufficiently) + + 신체 (The body) + + 위원 (A member of a committee) + + 정리하다 ( To adjust) + + 집안 (Inside the house) + + 배경 (Background) + + 죽이다 (To kill) + + 반대 (Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to)) + + 빠지다 (To indulge in, be addicted to) + + 오염 (Contamination, pollution) + + 참여하다 ( To participate in, take part in) + + 푸르다 (To be blue, to be green) + + 그래 (Yes or that’s right) + + 발표 (Announcement) + + (Position, grade, rank) + + 기초 (The foundation) + + 논리 (Logic) + + 뽑다 (Pull out, draw) + + 피우다 (To make, build, kindle) + + 감각 (Sense or sensation or feeling) + + 미리 (Beforehand) + + 부족하다 ( Be short of, lack) + + 진행되다 ( To have progressed, be advanced) + + 교통 (Traffic or transportation) + + 기구 (Structure or framework) + + (A way, a method) + + 오랜 (For a long time) + + 젊은이 (Young person) + + 거리 (A road or street) + + 과제 (A subject or a thesis or homework; an exercise/a problem) + + 근거 (Basis or foundation) + + 기록하다 ( To record and write down) + + 다가오다 ( Approach) + + 불다 (Blow) + + 시각 (angle/point of view. 관점.) + + 이끌다 (To guide,lead) + + 한글 (Korean writing system) + + 가을 (Autumn or fall) + + 개발하다 ( Develop or exploit or open up to development) + + 내일 (Tomorrow) + + 자유롭다 ( To be free) + + 적극적 (Positively) + + 형성 (Formation) + + 기울이다 ( Tip or slant or incline) + + 길이 (Length or extent) + + 장면 (A scene, situation) + + (A ton) + + 관련되다 ( Be connected or related to) + + (Class or grade or rank) + + 나머지 (The rest, the remainder ; as a result of the excess of, as a result) + + 더불다 (Join in, do together) + + 의사 (A doctor, a physician) + + 개방 (Open or throw open) + + 건강하다 ( To be healthy) + + 앞서 (Before, previously 2) in anticipation,beforehand) + + 여러분 (You (plural, to address a group at speech time)) + + 인구 (Population) + + 기대하다 ( To expect or look forward to) + + (You) + + 도착하다 ( To arrive) + + 소프트웨어 (Software) + + 흘리다 (spill,shed (tears,blood)) + + 반응 (Reaction) + + 주인공 (The head of a family, the hero/heroine) + + 당연하다 ( Be natural, be no wonder) + + 비판 (criticism,a comment) + + 빌리다 (To lend) + + 세대 (Generation) + + 축구 (Football) + + 형님 (The respectful, proper way a man refers to an older friend) + + 놓이다 (Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful) + + 당장 (On the spot, immediately) + + 밝다 (To be promising) + + 사물 (objects,things) + + 바닥 (Floor) + + 생각되다 ( To come to think sth) + + 선택하다 ( To choose) + + 심다 (plant,sow (a tree)) + + 적다 (Write down) + + (The nose) + + 간단하다 ( To be simple) + + 고등학교 ( A senior high school) + + 공개 (opening to the public, making public) + + 교실 (Classroom) + + 스스로 (By oneself, do it alone) + + 견디다 (Endure or bear) + + 기사 (An article or an account) + + 막히다 (Be stopped up) + + 복잡하다 ( Be complicated) + + 영역 (Territory) + + 구속 (To arrest or put in detention) + + 어쩌면 ((1) it is possible that 아마도 2) how on earth, how the hell) + + 극복하다 ( To overcome or surmount) + + (Color) + + 쓰이다 (To be used, to be utilized/employed) + + 일정하다 ( To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)) + + 다지다 (Make sure, to harden oneself, firm up one\\`s will) + + 아까 (A little while ago) + + 알맞다 (To fit, be fitting, suitable) + + 이념 (An idea, a doctrine, ideology) + + 가리키다 ( Point to or indicate) + + 모시다 (Attend on) + + 발달 (Development, growth) + + 치르다 (Pay off, pay one’s bill) + + 공사 (Construction work or engineering work) + + 박사 (Doctor) + + (a sex (male or female), a sexual gender) + + 불리다 (To be called) + + 자꾸 (Constantly, repeatedly) + + 해외 (Abroad, foreign countries) + + 그리 (So or to that extent) + + 보통 (The normal) + + 의미하다 ( To mean, signify) + + 체육 (Physical education) + + 구성되다 ( To be organized) + + 소개하다 ( To introduce,present) + + 잘되다 (To turn out well) + + 추진하다 ( To propel, drive forward) + + 칠월 (Month of July) + + (A frame, framework; mold) + + 흐름 (Flowing, a stream/current) + + 이익 (Profit) + + 쥐다 (To hold,seize) + + 게다가 (In addition) + + 끓이다 (Boil or heat or make hot) + + 논문 (Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2 separate meanings)) + + 멈추다 (Stop) + + 사용되다 ( Be used, be employed) + + 오랫동안 ( For a long time) + + 위기 (A crisis,an emergency situation) + + 정당 (A political party) + + 찾아가다 ( To go to a place to meet somebody) + + 폭력 (voilent,brute force) + + 혹시 (Sometimes) + + (quantity,volume) + + 절차 (process,formalities; 수속) + + 계시다 ((honorofic) to stay or reside) + + 닿다 (To reach, get to) + + 속하다 (Belong to, be affiliated with) + + 올림픽 (Olympic) + + 이외 (Except, apart from) + + 재미 (amusement,enjoyment) + + 제공하다 ( offer,proffer) + + 증가하다 ( increase,rise,grow) + + 기대 (Expectation) + + 식물 (food,provisions) + + (Old, ancient) + + 외치다 (To shout,scream) + + 편하다 (Untroubled from cares) + + (a Pyeong, a square area about 2 square meters) + + 권리 (A right or a claim to) + + 끝내다 (To end) + + 일주일 (One whole day) + + 자원 (Resources) + + 넘기다 (Pass over, send across) + + 물체 (A material body) + + 분명히 (Obviously) + + 시위 (A demonstration) + + (All, whole, entire) + + 젖다 (To be wet, soaked) + + 제외하다 ( To exclude) + + 평소 (Ordinary times, ordinarily) + + 견해 (An opinion or view. Same as 의견) + + 깨끗하다 ( To be clean or pure) + + 어둡다 (To be dark, dim, gloomy) + + 어쨌든 (In any case, anyhow) + + 주택 (A house) + + 고장 (A district or producing area) + + 관련하다 ( To be related to or connected to) + + 눈길 (Line of vision) + + 미안하다 ( To be sorry) + + 밀다 (push,shove) + + (Sound you make to express doubt,worry) + + 인사 (People, men of society) + + 주어지다 ( To offer, proffer (conditions)) + + 고려하다 ( Regard or respect) + + 올라오다 ( Come up) + + 챙기다 (gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection)) + + 고르다 (Choose or select) + + 벌어지다 ( To get serious, enlarge) + + 전망 (A view,prospect) + + 포기하다 ( To give up, to abandon) + + 형성되다 ( To be formed, made up) + + 고치다 (To fix, amend, change) + + 그림자 (A shadow or a sillheoute or an image) + + (Snow) + + 다하다 (Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of) + + 비교하다 ( To compare) + + 시월 (October) + + 커지다 (To become bigger) + + 한쪽 (On one side) + + 검사 (Investigation or inspection or examination or audit) + + 결론 (A conclusion) + + 소문 (A rumor) + + 싣다 (To load,take (passengers)) + + 쌓다 (To pile up) + + 자녀 (one’s children) + + (Something you do) + + 판결 (A judgment (from a judge)) + + 희망 (Hope, wish) + + 군대 (Troops or an army) + + 그만큼 (That much or to that extent) + + 비로소 (For the first time) + + 상대방 (Conversation partner) + + 서구 (Western Europe) + + 소유 (Possession) + + 시골 (Countryside) + + 잘못되다 ( To turn out wrong) + + 내밀다 (To Push out) + + 부문 (A section,department) + + 잡히다 (To be caught ; to extinguish a fire) + + 규정 (Provision or stipulation) + + 분석하다 ( To analyze) + + 식구 (Members of a family, your immediate family members (those you live with, preferably)) + + 아예 (From the very first, from the very beginning) + + 어찌 (How, in what way, by what means) + + 울리다 (To ring (a bell)) + + 작용하다 ( To apply , use) + + 확실하다 ( To be sure, certain) + + 개선 (Renovation or improvement or betterment) + + 그릇 (A vessel or receptacle) + + 글자 (A letter or a character) + + 바람직하다 (Be desirable, advisable, to be appropriate, good) + + 연구하다 ( To research, investigate) + + 착하다 (To be nice) + + (A dog) + + (a spot, a blemish) + + 직업 (An occupation, calling) + + 거두다 (Collect or gather up) + + 방학 (School holidays) + + 조상 (Ancestors) + + 철학 (Philosophy) + + 검다 (Black or dark) + + (Neighborhood or vicinity) + + 근본적 (foundational, fundamental) + + 너희 (You guys) + + 문제점 (The point at issue) + + 불가능하다 (Impossible) + + 충격 (An impact, a shock) + + 퍼지다 (Spread out, get broader) + + 금방 (Just now or a moment ago) + + 남쪽 (South side) + + 누르다 (Press or push down) + + 백성 (The common people) + + 상당히 (fairly,considerably) + + 색깔 (Color) + + 요리 (Cooking) + + 유명하다 ( To be famous) + + 자네 (You) + + 기13 (1) energy 2) breath or wind) + + (Fairly or considerably) + + 외국인 (A foreigner, a foreign national) + + 한참 (For some time, for a while) + + 끊다 (Cut off or sever) + + 넘어가다 ( Cross or go over) + + 담기다 (Be put food in a bottle or for pickling) + + 부인 (A woman) + + 서두르다 ( To hurry up) + + 지적 (Pointing out, indication) + + (One pair, one couple) + + 충분하다 ( To be sufficient, ample) + + 기쁘다 (To be happy) + + 숙제 (Homework) + + 온갖 (All kinds, all sorts) + + 우려 (worry,anxiety,fear) + + 기쁨 (Joy or delight) + + 꾸미다 (Decorate) + + 발견되다 ( Be discovered) + + 보호하다 ( protect,shelter,guard) + + 이용 (To use) + + 지난달 (Last month) + + 지르다 (Holler, yell, scream) + + 참여 (Participation) + + 걸음 (Walking or stepping or a step) + + 겨우 (Barely or narrowly. 간신히) + + 마르다 (Become dry) + + 비교적 (Comparatively) + + 애쓰다 (Make efforts/pains to do sth) + + 올바르다 ( Be honest, straightforward) + + 책상 (On the desk) + + 춥다 (To be cold) + + 흔하다 (To be everywhere) + + 높아지다 ( Become high) + + 늙다 (Grow old) + + 단위 (A unit, a monad) + + 무겁다 (Heavy ; a stuffy atmosphere) + + 바람 (As a result,by the influence of) + + 상상 (Imagination) + + 소득 (An income,earnings) + + 수도 (the capital city, e.g. Seoul, of a country) + + (A part, a role) + + 인식하다 ( recognition,cognizance) + + (A volume or a book) + + 맺다 (form,tie) + + 시계 (clock, timekeeper, timepiece) + + 천천히 (Slowly) + + 구성하다 ( To organize or makeup) + + 대체로 (Generally, on the whole) + + 스포츠 (Sports) + + 위원장 (A chairman of a committee) + + 특별하다 ( To be special, extraordinary) + + 가까이 (Close) + + 낫다 (Superior) + + 넘어서다 ( Pass over) + + 볶다 (fry,roast) + + 생산하다 ( To produce,make) + + 언젠가 (One of these days, at some time in the future) + + 의도 (An intention, an aim) + + 저지르다 ( do,commit,spoil) + + 가만히 (Quietly or softly) + + (A matter or an object or a case) + + 교회 (Preach or moral instruction) + + 외부 (The exterior, the outside) + + 한두 (One or two) + + 한때 (For a while, temporarily) + + (earth,the soil) + + 가난하다 ( Poor) + + 고객 (Customer) + + 관광 (Sightseeing or tourism) + + 살아오다 ( To come out alive) + + 상대적 (relatively,correlatively) + + 식품 (Groceries) + + 연기 (performance,acting) + + 회원 (A member of a society) + + 들려오다 ( To echo (sound)) + + 조미료 (seasoning,condiment) + + 풀리다 (To come loose) + + 강력하다 ( To be strong or powerful) + + 아주머니 ( An aunt, a respectable word for a married, older woman) + + 지하 (Underground) + + 활용하다 ( Utilize, make practical use of) + + 가꾸다 (1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up) + + 고민 (Worry or anguish) + + 상처 (Wound) + + 좁다 (Narrow) + + 만일 (If, suppose) + + 사회적 (Socially) + + 생겨나다 ( To begin, germinate) + + 틀림없다 ( No mistaking it) + + 프로 (Professional) + + 피다 (To bloom ( a flower ~)) + + 공급 (Supply or provision) + + 도로 (A road, way) + + 잘못 (wrong,mistake) + + 지다 (Carry (on the back)) + + 채우다 (To fill up, complete, fulfill) + + 균형 (Balance or equilibrium) + + 기본적 (Fundamental or basic) + + 사무실 (Office) + + 접근 (Proximity) + + 지켜보다 ( Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)) + + 개성 (Individuality or personality) + + 더하다 (Get worse) + + 무너지다 ( Collapse) + + 쓰다 (To wear (a hat)) + + 이러다 (do/say think this way) + + 일어서다 ( To rise to one’s feet, stand up) + + 총장 (The president, the chancellor (university’s)) + + 핵심 (The kernel, the core) + + 후반 (The latter/second half) + + 불만 (Dissatisfaction) + + 불편하다 ( To be unpleasant) + + (A sort,kind,species) + + (Blood (is flowing)) + + 관객 (Spectator) + + (Just now) + + 비싸다 (To be expensive) + + 통합 (Unity,unification) + + 계산 (Calculation) + + 놀랍다 (To be surprising) + + 양식 (A mode, a style, an order, amodality) + + 예전 (Old days, former days) + + 주식 (Stock) + + 틀리다 (To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken) + + 끊임없이 ( Constantly or unceasingly) + + 모델 (Model) + + 붓다 (to pour (water, liquid)) + + 상식 (Common sense) + + 시원하다 ( Be cool,refreshing) + + 아니하다 ( To be/do not) + + 의식하다 ( Be conscious of, be aware of) + + 궁금하다 ( To wonder or be curious about) + + 민주화 (Democratization) + + 보도 (news,report) + + 살피다 (Take a good look at) + + 약하다 (To be weak) + + 잘못하다 ( To make a mistake) + + 거부하다 ( Deny or reject or disapprove) + + 그만두다 ( Stop or discontinue) + + (You and your family) + + 실시 (execution,enforcement) + + 운명 (fate,fortune) + + 재정 (finances,economy) + + 학자 (Scholar) + + 다녀오다 ( Drop in for a short visit) + + 달다 (to attach, fix) + + 대규모 (On a large scale) + + 법원 (Court of justice) + + 비디오 (Video) + + 이쪽 (This side, our way) + + 지대 (Zone, belt, district) + + 판단하다 ( To make a conclusion) + + 행복하다 ( To be happy) + + 굽다 (To roast or bake) + + 기름 (Oil or fat) + + 실천하다 ( To practice,put in theory) + + 쏟아지다 ( To pour out) + + 용어 (Technical terminology) + + 익히다 (Habituate oneself to) + + 지위 (Position, status) + + 풍부하다 ( To be abundant, copious, plentiful) + + 화장실 (Bathroom) + + 기억하다 ( To recall or remember) + + 식량 (food,provisions) + + 토론 (A debate, discussion) + + (A nucleus, core) + + 고급 (High rank or first class) + + 고생 (A hard life or privation) + + 밟다 (Step on) + + 상당하다 ( Be proper,suitable) + + 수석 (The top seat) + + 없애다 (Remove, get rid of, do away with) + + 이뤄지다 ( To make something for a specific purpose) + + 적절하다 ( Appropriateness) + + 정상 (The top, summit) + + 제사 (A holiday ceremony) + + 지혜 (Wisdom, wits) + + 참새 (A sparrow) + + 화장품 (Makup, cosmetics) + + 굵다 (Be thick or fat) + + 깨끗이 (Clean or neatly) + + 농산물 (Agricultural products) + + 눈앞 (Before one’s eyes) + + 방문하다 ( To visit) + + 사고 (thought,contemplation) + + 순서 (sytem,order,sequence) + + 아무래도 ( Never on any account, no matter what) + + 위대하다 ( To be great,mighty,grand) + + 이사 (House-moving) + + 지배하다 ( Control, direct) + + (A crack, gap, opening) + + 가령 (1) For example 2) supposing or admitting) + + 거대하다 ( Huge or gigantic or enormous) + + 닫다 (To close) + + 매달리다 ( Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere) + + 이하 (Less than, below) + + 참석하다 ( To attend, take part in) + + 토대 (A foundation, a base) + + 해결 (Solution, settlement) + + 걸어가다 ( To go on foot or walk) + + 근로자 (Laborer) + + 글쎄 (Now or well or let me see) + + 백화점 (Department store) + + 변화하다 ( To change,vary) + + (A bottle) + + 빠져나가다 (Get/go out of here) + + 안녕하다 ( To say hello) + + 여론 (Public opinion, public sentiment towards sth) + + 의복 (Clothes, garments) + + 출발하다 ( To depart, leave) + + 현실적 (Down to earth, Realistic) + + 화제 (Subject of conversation) + + 결정되다 ( To become decided) + + 물가 (Prices of products) + + 민주주의 ( Democracy) + + 소중하다 ( To be important,valuable) + + 의문 (A question, a doubt) + + 중학교 (Middle school) + + 킬로미터 ( Kilometer) + + 파도 (Waves, billows) + + 흰색 (gray,ash color) + + (Only one, alone) + + 방송국 (Broadcasting station) + + 숨다 (To be in hiding, to hide oneself) + + 실리다 (To be printed,recorded; to be loaded onto a truck (luggage)) + + 예금 (Deposit money) + + 예상되다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 입학 (Admission into school) + + 증권 (securities,document,deed) + + 물다 (bite,put in the mouth) + + 선진국 (A developed country) + + 어느새 (In no time, quickly) + + 저쪽 (Over there, in that direction) + + 창문 (A window) + + (A second) + + 회복 (Recovery, recuperation) + + 구역 (A zone or district) + + 대응 (Confrontation, opposition) + + 반대하다 ( Be opposed to) + + 소비 (Consumption) + + 아이고 (Oh my god!) + + 필자 (The writer, author) + + 협력 (Cooperation, cooperate with) + + 계층 (A class or social stratum) + + 구멍 (A hole) + + 만화 (Cartoons) + + 먹이다 (support,feed) + + 무시하다 ( disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe) + + 보도하다 ( To report,inform) + + 살짝 ((1) softly,lightly,just a little (2) furtively, stealthily) + + 생각나다 ( To remember) + + 차갑다 (Cold) + + 철저하다 ( thoroughness,cleanliness) + + 태아 (A fetus, an unborn child) + + 관찰하다 ( Observe or view or watch) + + 괜히 (In vain or useless or fruitless, for a stupid reason) + + 끼다 (To put on or wear, to wear (a ring)) + + 녀석 (Fellow) + + 눈빛 (The glitter of one’s eyes) + + 단지 (A public apt complex) + + 민주 (Democracy) + + 성공하다 ( To succeed) + + 평가하다 ( To evaluate, estimate, judge) + + (A marker, indication) + + 감추다 (Hide or conceal) + + 머무르다 ( Stay overnight) + + 부위 (A region,part) + + 설치하다 ( To found,establish,create) + + 십일월 (November) + + 아울러 (And, both together) + + 지시 (Directions, orders) + + 형성하다 ( To form, make, take shape) + + 형제 (Brothers and sisters) + + 화려하다 ( Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look) + + 거울 (1) mirror 2) a pattern or model or exemplar) + + 무기 (Weapon) + + 세계적 (International) + + 양파 (An onion) + + 이상 (Indisposition, abnormal) + + 일종 (A kind, a sort, a species) + + 처지 (A situation,circumstances) + + 촬영 (Photographing, taking pictures/films) + + 타다 (Burn, blaze (firewood)) + + 틀다 (To twist, wind) + + 형편 (The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)) + + 감다 (Close) + + 규칙 (Rules or regulations) + + 서서히 (Slowly, little by little) + + 신분 (Social position) + + 실시되다 ( To be enforced) + + 아마도 (Probably) + + 안방 (The inner room) + + 앓다 (To be ill, sick with sth) + + 오직 (Only, merely, solely) + + 위험하다 ( To be dangerous) + + 자신 (Self-confidence) + + 잠시 (For a little while) + + 졸업하다 ( To graduate) + + 증거 (evidence,proof) + + 초점 (A focus, a focal point) + + 포함되다 ( To be included in) + + 공포 (Fear or dread) + + 권위 (1) Authority or power 2) dignity or prestige) + + (Less, incompletely) + + 미루다 (Postpone ; (2) to guess, infer and make an educated guess) + + 본래 (originally,primarily) + + 실정 (The actual situation) + + 영양 (Nutrition) + + 육체 (The flesh, the body) + + 잔뜩 (extremely,to the utmost) + + 적극 (The positive) + + 경험하다 ( To experience or go through) + + 그이 (That person or he or him / she or her) + + 넘치다 (Overflow) + + 대기 (The atmosphere) + + 머릿속 (Inside one’s head) + + 북쪽 (The north direction) + + 불안하다 ( To be uneasy, anxious) + + 위반 (Violation, infringment) + + 해당하다 ( To be applied/applicable under) + + 관념 (An idea or notion) + + 굉장히 (Very very much or greatly) + + 단어 (Word) + + 덮다 (To cover, veil) + + 도와주다 ( To help) + + 도입 (introduction, invitation) + + 배우 (Actor) + + 비추다 ((1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror) + + 신발 (shoes,footwear) + + 앞서다 (To go before, precede) + + 여건 (A postulate, a given condition) + + 오래전 (Since a long time before) + + 자격 (Qualification) + + 통제 (control,regulation) + + 계단 (A staircase or a set of stairs) + + 끄덕이다 ( Nod) + + 낯설다 (To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a person)) + + 높이 (Height (noun)) + + 마음속 (Deep in one’s heart) + + 못지않다 ( Be just as good as) + + (A bone) + + 성장하다 ( To grow,be brought up) + + 소속 (Belong to, attached to) + + 연결되다 ( Connect, attach) + + 제작 (manufacture,production) + + 제한 (limits,bounds) + + 차다 (to kick) + + 추진 (Propulsion, drive) + + 취하다 (To be drunk) + + 헤어지다 ( Part from, part company with) + + 구입하다 ( Purchase or buying) + + 날다 (To fly) + + 너머 (Beyond, on the other side) + + 마련 (planning, making arrangements ; provisions, preparations) + + 순수하다 ( To be pure) + + 시점 (Point in time) + + 의사 (An intention, a purpose) + + 집중 (Concentration) + + 코드 (Code) + + 큰일 (An important affair, a serious matter) + + 거짓말 (A lie or falsehood) + + 대단하다 ( Considerable, grand) + + 마주 (Face to face) + + 세계관 (A worldview) + + 온통 (Wholly, entirely) + + 의존하다 ( To depend on, rely on) + + 청년 (A young man, a youth) + + (The tongue) + + 확대하다 ( To enlarge,magnify) + + 후춧가루 ( Ground pepper) + + 건설하다 ( To construct or erect) + + 경쟁력 (Competitiveness) + + 신용 (confidence,trust) + + 연락 (Connection, communication) + + 온몸 (The whole body) + + (Feeling of attachment) + + 증상 (Symptoms) + + 출연하다 ( Appear on stage, act, sing) + + 한꺼번에 ( All at once) + + 강제 (Compulsion or coercion) + + 건너다 (Go over or go across) + + 깨다 (Wake up from sleep) + + 다가가다 ( To get near to) + + 묻다 (to Stain) + + 비롯되다 ( To be begun, to have started) + + 슬프다 (To be sad,sorrowful) + + 여겨지다 ( To look, appear, think of sth as) + + 용돈 (Pocket money, money for expenses) + + 위주 (Put first in importance) + + 전자 (An electron) + + 전해지다 ( To be transmitted) + + 전환 (To exchange, convert, change) + + 지경 (A boundary,situation,state) + + 진행 (Progress, advance) + + 편리하다 ( To be convenient, handy) + + 하천 (A river, watercourse) + + 현금 (Cash, ready funds, not a credit card) + + 가리다 (Pile up or stack up or heap up) + + 거칠다 (Coarse (texture) or wild (behavior) or (rain and wind) rough or wild) + + 그나마 (Even though or nevertheless) + + 껍질 (Skin or nutshell) + + 남부 (The south part) + + 명령 (An order,command) + + 무조건 (Unconditional) + + 부근 (neighborhood,vicinity) + + 선택 (A choice) + + 역사가 (Historian) + + 연기자 (A performer, an actor) + + 찾아내다 ( To find out, discover) + + 경찰관 (a policeman) + + 권하다 (1) advise or persuade 2) recommend) + + 극장 (Theater or playhouse) + + 더욱이 (Besides, moreover) + + (joy,delight) + + 실내 (In the room) + + 쏟다 (To pour . 붓다) + + 연결하다 ( Connect, attach) + + 외교 (Diplomacy) + + 주머니 (Pocket) + + 계약 (Contract) + + 과장 (The department/section head) + + (Drama or play) + + 나란히 (In a line, row) + + 다방 (Tea room) + + 수행하다 ( Accomplishment) + + 신청 (application,request) + + 알아듣다 ( To listen and comprehend) + + 약간 (Some, a little) + + 연기 (Smoke, fume) + + 이동 (movement,migration,drift) + + 인연 (Cause and occasion) + + 일행 (A party, a troupe; a row, a line) + + 지도 (Instruction, guidance) + + 진지하다 ( To be serious, earnest) + + 치다 (to count, reckon, calculate) + + 호흡 (Respiration, breath) + + 흔들리다 ( Shake, swing,rock,tremble) + + 날아가다 ( To fly away) + + 많아지다 ( Become a lot) + + 바위 (A rock, a crag) + + 비판하다 ( To criticize) + + 빨갛다 (deep-red,crimson) + + 세워지다 ( To become erected) + + 술집 (Bar of some kind) + + 쉬다 (to breathe) + + 오랜만 (After a long time) + + 일부러 (On purpose, intentionally) + + 접근하다 ( approach,get near) + + 편안하다 ( To be peaceful) + + 확실히 (certainly,for sure) + + 흩어지다 ( Scatter about) + + 갈다 (1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer) + + 기후 (Climate or weather) + + 내내 (All along, the entire time) + + 대응하다 ( Cope or correspond to) + + 도구 (Tool, instrument) + + 매력 (fascination,charm, bewitchery) + + (Hundreds of) + + 부장 (Head of a department) + + 섞이다 (To be mixed,blended) + + (A cow) + + 심정 (one’s heart, one’s feelings) + + 쏘다 ((1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal)) + + 아줌마 (Old or married lady) + + 위치하다 ( To be located) + + 이틀 (Two days) + + 전달하다 ( To deliver) + + 추다 (To dance) + + 켜다 (To light, turn on, kindle) + + 코너 (Corner) + + 행동하다 ( To act, behave) + + 감동 (Agitate or stir up the emotions) + + 공항 (Airport) + + 굳이 (Firmly or admanantly) + + 그늘 (1) shade 2)parental prodection) + + 급하다 (Be urgent or pressing or iminent) + + 대중문화 ( Pop culture) + + 마련되다 ( To be planned and arranged) + + 마루 (A wooden floor, floor, flooring) + + 물기 (Moisture) + + 시도하다 ( To try,attempt) + + 아니요 (No, that’s not the case) + + 예절 (propriety,decorum) + + 인상 (Impression, imprint) + + 적용하다 ( To apply (sth to sth else)) + + 전통적 (Traditional) + + 참가하다 ( To take part in, join) + + 호텔 (Hotel) + + 경계 (Boundary) + + 공식 (A formula or formality) + + 그다지 (So much or to that extent) + + 긴장 (Tension) + + 깎다 (Cut or trim) + + 머물다 (Stay overnight) + + 명예 (Honor) + + 뱃사람 (A seaman, sailor) + + 숙이다 (Lower one’s head) + + 아가씨 (Mis, young lady) + + 이마 (Forehead) + + 절대로 (Absolutely) + + 지붕 (A roof) + + 지원하다 ( To desire, aspire, hence to apply for [e.g. a job] or volunteer for sth) + + 창밖 (Outside the window) + + 표면 (Front, surface, exterior) + + 햇살 (The rays of the sun) + + 객관적 (Objective) + + 걱정하다 ( To worry or be anxious) + + 경제적 (Economical) + + 구름 (A cloud or the clouds) + + 구석 (1) a corner 2) an out of the way place) + + 끄다 (Put out or extinguish) + + 담당하다 ( Take charge of) + + 벗기다 (Unclothe, undress) + + 엄격하다 ( To be strict, serious) + + 완전하다 ( To be perfect and faultless) + + 증가 (An increase,augmentation) + + 출연 (Going on stage) + + 학기 (An educational term) + + 한동안 (For quite a while) + + 후기 (The latter term/period) + + 계절 (Season) + + 만지다 (To touch) + + 목사 (A pastor) + + 버티다 (Endure, tolerate) + + 분포하다 ( Distribution) + + 수입 (Income) + + 양쪽 (Both sides) + + 예컨대 (For example, such as) + + 운동장 (Stadium, playground) + + 전개 (unfolding,development,expansion) + + 접촉 (contact,touch) + + (Luggage ; what is on a person) + + 후배 (one’s junior) + + 휴가 (holidays,vacation) + + 계곡 (A valley or gorge) + + 국회의원 ( A member of the national Assembly) + + 도저히 ((도저히 + negative (지 않다/없다))Absolutely impossible ; by all means) + + 뻗다 (Stretch out, extend beyond) + + 생활하다 ( To live, make a living) + + 안타깝다 ( To be heart-breaking) + + 앞장서다 ( To be in the lead/ at the head) + + 요청하다 ( To ask for, to request) + + 일치하다 ( Agree with, to be in accord with) + + 젓다 (To make a sign,gesticulate) + + 정치권 (Political rights) + + 처녀 (A virgin, a young maiden) + + 터뜨리다 ( Break, burst,explode) + + 학습 (Learning, education) + + 개발되다 ( To be developed or exploited) + + 높이 (High, aloft (adverb)) + + 당연히 (Of course) + + 대비하다 ( Provide for, prepare onself for) + + 마구 (continuously, without pause) + + 복도 (A corridor) + + 쓰러지다 ( Fall, collapse) + + 영상 (An image [picture], reflection (moving pictures, movies)) + + 영혼 (A soul, a spirit) + + 운전사 (The driver (of a taxi)) + + 자랑스럽다 (To be proud) + + 잠깐 (For a little while) + + 적당하다 ( To be appropriate) + + 적용되다 ( To be applied) + + (One week) + + 지속적 (Continuous) + + 진행하다 ( Advance, proceed) + + 차별 (distinction,differentiation) + + 구분 (A division or section) + + 금지 (Forbidden or prohibitted) + + 내지 (From A to B) + + 달려오다 ( Come running) + + 비교 (A comparison) + + 소위 (What is called for) + + 역사적 (Historical) + + 요즈음 (Recently, nowadays) + + 유난히 (uncommon,exceptional) + + 의무 (A duty, an obligation) + + 잃어버리다 (To lose) + + 잠깐 (For a little while) + + 정식 (Formality, due form) + + 조용하다 ( To be quiet,still) + + 즉시 (At once,immediately) + + 최선 (The best, one’s best) + + (A tower) + + 한복 (Korean traditional clothing) + + 활동하다 ( To be active, lead an active life) + + 건축 (Construction or building or erection) + + 귀엽다 (To be cute) + + 답답하다 ( Feel anxious) + + 당황하다 ( Be confused) + + (Horse) + + 밀가루 (Flour) + + 바깥 (Outside) + + 벌리다 (Open, wide) + + 보고서 (Report) + + 보관하다 ( Keep in one’s custody) + + 부딪치다 ( Collide with, bump against) + + 설치 (establisment,institution) + + 식용유 (Food oil) + + 싫어하다 ( To dislike, be reluctant (to do)) + + 업종 (Types of industry) + + 연출 (Production, presentation) + + 트이다 (Get cleared out, open up) + + 피곤하다 ( To be very tired, exhausted) + + 한국어 (Korean (language)) + + 한자 (Korean character, derived from chinese) + + (Fear or fright) + + 관리 (A government official) + + 국제화 (Internationalization) + + 깔리다 (To be spread or overspread) + + 사전 (beforehand,in advance) + + 산소 (Oxygen) + + 석유 (Petroleum) + + 소리치다 ( To shout, yell) + + 약속하다 ( To make a promise) + + 연합 (Combination, federacy, union) + + 인격 (Personality, character) + + (A chapter in a book) + + 조심하다 ( To be careful) + + 책임자 (Person responsible) + + (all,entire,whole) + + 취미 (Hobby) + + (A marker, indication) + + 품목 (The name of an article, a list of articles) + + 확대되다 ( To be magnified) + + 거실 (Living room) + + 덥다 (Be hot, heated) + + 바보 (Ignorant) + + 보람 (worth,result) + + 부작용 (reaction,side effect) + + 비난 (Criticism, reproach) + + 신고 (A statement,declaration) + + 어떡하다 ( To take some measures, to manage somehow) + + 예상 (Expectation, anticipation; forecast, preconception, prenotion) + + 위협 (Menace, threat, intimidation) + + (A tooth) + + 이상 (An ideal, a goal) + + 지지 (support,backing) + + 털다 (To shake off, brush up) + + 공개하다 ( Open to the public) + + 과목 (A subject or a lesson) + + 구경 (An enjoyable sight or spectacle) + + 그분 (That person (respectful)) + + 근무 (Duty or service or work) + + 논쟁 (Controversy, argument) + + 성명 (A declaration,statement) + + 수십 (Tens of sth) + + 신다 (Put on, wear) + + 우리말 (Korean (language)) + + 유교 (Confucianism) + + 이불 (Bedding, bed clothes) + + 이성 (Reason, reasoning) + + 일상 (Everyday, usual, ordinary) + + 자동 (self-acting, self-moving, automatic) + + 전개되다 ( To be unfolded,spread out) + + 죄송하다 ( regret,be sorry for) + + 중요성 (importance,gravity) + + 크다 (To be big, large) + + 품질 (The quality of the article ( but not the article itself)) + + 훔치다 (To steal) + + 구분하다 ( To divide or to classify) + + 그럼 (Interjection: “yeh or that’s right”) + + 봉투 (Envelope) + + 분명 (Obviousness) + + 사설 (An editorial) + + 승리 (A victory) + + (one’s master, ones employer) + + 추억 (Memory) + + 함부로 (Indiscriminately, at random) + + 향기 (fragrance,aroma,perfume) + + 현지 (The actual place, the very spot) + + 가늘다 (Thin or fine or slender) + + 개인적 (Private or personal) + + (The outer surface) + + 굽히다 (Bend or stoop) + + 근무하다 ( Work or labor) + + (1) Versus 2)a pair, counterpart) + + 발생 (1) Birth 2) development) + + 소주 (Korean sake) + + 어색하다 ( To be awkward, shy with words, speechless) + + 얹다 (Put on, place, lay, set) + + 장점 (A merit,strong point) + + 적당히 (suitable,proper) + + 창조 (Creation) + + 킬로그램 ( Kilogram) + + 프로 (Program) + + 홍보 (Public information, public relations) + + 확인 (A check,confirmation) + + 가루 (Powder or flour; meal) + + 건지다 (Take or bring out of the water or 2) rescue a person from danger) + + 깨지다 (To break) + + 내다보다 ( Look out for) + + 마땅하다 ( Be right, approppriate) + + 방금 (Just now) + + 슬픔 (Sorrow) + + 이용되다 ( To be used) + + 이튿날 (The second day after) + + 임시 (Temporary, special) + + 제거하다 ( exclusion,removal) + + 지구 (A district,region) + + 지우다 (To erase) + + 참기름 (Sesame oil) + + 합치다 (combine,unite) + + 호기심 (Curiousity) + + 골목 (A side street or alley) + + 기운 (Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day)) + + 대충 (Almost, nearly, about) + + 맞서다 (Stand opposite) + + 모자라다 ( To be insufficient) + + 본성 (Original nature or character) + + 생산력 (Productive capacity) + + 안전하다 ( To be safe) + + 유학 (Studying abroad) + + 이르다 (Inform, report, tell) + + 정치인 (Politician) + + 정치적 (Political) + + 졸업 (Graduation) + + 카페 (Cafe (place to drink coffee)) + + 콤플렉스 ( Complex) + + 검토 (An examination or investigation or study) + + 끓다 (Boil or simmer) + + 날아오다 ( Come flying) + + 농담 (A joke) + + 도중 (On the way) + + 성질 (naure,disposition) + + 아버님 (Father (respectful word)) + + 의심하다 ( To be suspicious, to doubt) + + (A person) + + 잇따르다 ( Follow one after another) + + 자랑하다 ( To be proud) + + 자판 (Keyboard) + + 적용 (Application) + + 전기 (the former period/term) + + 중반 (At the middle stage (of a game or contest, or otherwise)) + + 지시하다 ( To direct, instruct) + + 출발 (To start (a journey,trip)) + + 허용하다 ( To permit, approve, grant, allow) + + 가르침 (Teaching or an instruction) + + 각국 (Each country) + + 교과서 (Textbook) + + 무리 (Be unreasonable) + + 물음 (A question) + + 썩다 (Go bad, rot) + + 어머님 (Mother (respectful word)) + + 엉뚱하다 ( Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s attention) + + 여보 (Spouse (term of affection)) + + 잊어버리다 (To forget) + + 정면 (The front, the facade) + + 태우다 (Burn, commit to flames) + + 해석 (Interpretation, a comment) + + 가리다 (Choose or select) + + 개국 (The foundation of a country) + + 계산하다 ( To calculate) + + 근원 (The origin or root or source) + + 담그다 (Soak in water) + + 마음대로 ( As you wish) + + 발견 (Discovery) + + 보고 (report,information) + + 부탁하다 ( Ask sb a favor) + + 사용자 (A user,consumer,employer) + + 사회주의 ( Socialism) + + 설치되다 ( To be established) + + 수도권 (The Metropolitan area) + + 실패하다 ( To fail) + + 영원하다 ( To be eternal) + + 정해지다 ( To be determined, settled) + + 총리 (General overseeing, presiding over) + + 칭찬 (Praide, admiration) + + 튼튼하다 ( Solid, compact, firm) + + 긍정적 (Affirmation or admission) + + 논의하다 ( Discussion) + + (Virtue, morality) + + 바치다 (Give, offer) + + 반하다 (To be contrary to) + + 발표되다 ( Be announced) + + 불러일으키다 (rouse,stir up) + + 사원 (Company employee) + + 소유자 (Possessor) + + 씹다 (To chew) + + 안되다 (Must not, should not) + + 액수 (A sum, an amount) + + 왠지 (I don’t know why, there is no reason for it) + + 제출하다 ( To submit,tender) + + 조심스럽다 (Cautious) + + 직전 (Just immediately before) + + 짐작하다 ( To guess, infer) + + 택하다 (Choose, select) + + 피시 (PC, personal computer) + + 흘러나오다 (Flow out, run, effuse) + + 궁극적 (Finally or in the end, 마지막으로) + + 극히 (Exceedingly or extremely) + + 기여하다 ( Contribute or add much to) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 대륙 (A continent) + + 모니터 (Monitor) + + 변동 (Change, flucutation) + + 불가피하다 (Inevitable, unavoidable) + + 삶다 (boil,cook (eggs)) + + 서류 (documents,papers) + + 숨지다 (Breathe one’s last breath) + + 아유 (Good heavens!) + + (Fortune, luck, fate) + + 자존심 (Self-confidence) + + 주저앉다 ( Sit down, plump down) + + 증권사 (Securities corporation) + + 회복하다 ( To recover, get better, get well again) + + 흘러가다 ( flow,run,drift along) + + 검사 (A public prosecutor) + + 그쪽 (Those people) + + 꾸다 (Borrow or loan) + + 내려다보다 (Overlook) + + 눈썹 (The eyebrow) + + 대신하다 ( Relieve, replace another) + + 마디 (A word, a tune, a song, a paragraph) + + 미처 (To that extent) + + 비닐 (a thin sheet of plastic, vinyl) + + 비율 (ratio,percentage) + + 소음 (A noise,cacaphony) + + 양국 (Both countries) + + 얼핏 (at a momentary glance or intermittently appearing (e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of)) + + 오래되다 ( To last for a long time) + + (What sort of, what kind of) + + 판매하다 ( To sell) + + 항의 (A protest) + + 해당 (Come/fall under the purview of) + + 환경오염 ( Environmental pollution) + + 가치관 (one’s values or sense of values, a value system) + + 검은색 (Black or dark) + + 고생하다 ( To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것) + + 기타 (The others or the rest) + + 꺾다 (Break off or snap off) + + 꿈꾸다 (To dream) + + 무려 (As many as, no less than) + + 실태 (The actual conditions,reality) + + 아쉽다 (To miss, feel the loss of) + + 애정 (Love for a person, affection) + + (Sonny, you there) + + 어머 (Oh my god!) + + 여보세요 ( Telephone HELLO) + + 일정 (To be fixed, settled, regular) + + 접하다 (adjoin,be adjacent to) + + 정성 (True heart,devotion) + + 제약 (A condition,restriction) + + 쫓다 (Drive away, chase off) + + 추가 (An addition) + + (Width; bosom, breast (the clothes have a big ~)) + + 확인되다 ( To be confirmed) + + 가하다 (To add) + + 간장 (Soy sauce) + + 강의 (A lecture or discourse) + + 고민하다 ( Be in anguish or worried) + + (1) A course or branch of study 2) a department or a faculty) + + 국어 (1) The national language or 2) Korean) + + 노랗다 (Be yellow) + + 다치다 (To hurt) + + 연말 (The end, close of the year) + + 올려놓다 ( Put a thing on a place) + + 외면하다 ( Outward appearance) + + 줄곧 (All the time, all through, repeatedly, constantly) + + 치우다 (Straighten up, tidy, remove) + + 피로 (Fatigue, exhaustion) + + 개선하다 ( To renovate or to improve) + + 계좌 (Account) + + 들다 (Means continuing the main verb’s action ; to enter/go into) + + 말기 (The end, final period) + + 말없이 (At a loss for words) + + 망하다 (Go to ruin) + + 문서 (A document) + + 부자 (A rich person) + + 성립되다 ( To be concluded, formed) + + 손자 (Grandson) + + 신랑 (A bridegroom) + + 자율 (self-control,autonomy) + + 제법 (quite,fairly,considerably) + + 집중되다 ( To concentrate) + + 파다 (To dig) + + 하긴 (Indeed, though, nevertheless) + + 해결되다 ( To be settled, resolved) + + 향상 (Improve; elevation,rise) + + 가라앉다 ( To sink (calm,settle,subside)) + + 감싸다 (1) wrap up or tuck in 2) to protect or defend) + + 고작 (To be at the highest or the best) + + 구경하다 ( To watch or enjoy watching) + + 국물 (soup or broth or gravy) + + 기구 (A utensil or tool) + + 깔다 (to pave (a road), lay down a floor, spread a blanket etc.) + + 다짐하다 ( Pledge, vow, swear) + + 대합실 (A waiting room) + + 말씀드리다 (Speak (honor.)) + + 매장 (A store, shop) + + 멀어지다 ( Become distant to) + + 불쌍하다 ( To be deplorable) + + 상업 (commerce,trade) + + 생산되다 ( To be produced) + + 숨기다 (To hide) + + 실력 (one’s real ability,talent) + + 엉덩이 (The buttocks) + + 이달 (This month) + + 인체 (The human body) + + 저고리 (A coat, korean jacket) + + 지다 (To lose (at war, a game)) + + 진단 (Diagnosis) + + 짜다 (Form, organize) + + 친하다 (To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly) + + 헤아리다 ( Consider, weigh, ponder, consider) + + 각기 (Each or severally or respectively) + + 경찰서 (A police station) + + 곧바로 (At once or straight away) + + 관찰 (Observation or survey) + + 구두 (Shoes or boots) + + 군사 (A soldier or a private) + + 귀신 (A ghost) + + 귀하다 (1) noble or high 2) dear 3) lovable or precious) + + 그토록 (So much or to such an extent) + + 기초하다 ( Make the basis for) + + 낫다 (to get better (from an illness)) + + 대가 (A price, cost, charge, consideration, purchase money, value) + + 무덤 (A grave,tomb) + + 보장하다 ( To secure,guarantee) + + 서너 (About three, three or four) + + 솟다 (rise,soar,tower above) + + 예상하다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 예외 (An exception) + + 완전 (Perfection, completeness) + + 웃기다 (To be funny) + + 절대적 (absolute,unconditional) + + 제작하다 ( To produce,manufacture) + + (Mouse) + + 최대한 (At the most, at the maximum) + + 팔리다 (To be in demand, to be sold) + + 품다 (To hold, embrace) + + 형부 (A husband of a girl’s older sister) + + 굳다 (Harden or become hard) + + 굳어지다 ( Become hard) + + 굶다 (To starve or go hungry) + + 기기13 (Machinery and tools) + + 나침반 (A compass) + + 대학원 (Graduate school) + + 더럽다 (Foul, dirty) + + 문장 (writing,composition) + + 묻다 (to Bury) + + 상상력 (Imaginative powers) + + 영업 (business, doing business) + + (Old days, days gone by) + + 예방 (Prevention, protection) + + 완성 (completion,accomplishment) + + 유리하다 ( To be profitable, favorable) + + 자연환경 ( Natural surroundings) + + 증명하다 ( To prove,show,bear) + + 지적되다 ( To be pointed out to) + + 지점 (A spot, point) + + 철저히 (Thoroughly) + + 코스 (Course) + + 학부모 (Mothers of the students) + + 합리적 (Rational) + + 해석하다 ( To intrepret, construe) + + 힘쓰다 (To try really hard) + + 거듭 (Again or over and over) + + 귀국하다 ( To return to one’s home country) + + 기뻐하다 ( Be pleased or delighted with) + + 날리다 (To send flying) + + 내려놓다 ( Set or put down) + + 당근 (A carrot) + + 마누라 (one’s wife) + + 맞이하다 ( Go to greet) + + 불행하다 ( Do not permit) + + 신고하다 ( To state, declare) + + 연속 (continuity,succession) + + 외롭다 (To be lonely, lonesome) + + 원장 (The chief/head (of a 학원)) + + 저절로 (Of itself, on its own accord) + + (Bow in salutation) + + 정비 (maintaining equipment in good working order) + + 주의 (attention,notice) + + (A match, game, contest) + + 학용품 (School things, supplies) + + 화분 (Flower pot) + + 환하다 (To be clear, unobstructed ; to be light, bright (opp. 어둡다)) + + 갈색 (Brown) + + 감기 (A cold) + + 강남 (South of a river) + + 구속되다 ( To be arrested) + + 반발 (Repulsion, a backlash) + + 방지 (Prevention, check) + + 배다 (Soak into) + + 빠져나오다 (Come out of somewhere) + + 새다 (leak,escape from) + + 소개되다 ( To be introduced,presented) + + (Seeds (sow)) + + 억울하다 ( To be regrettable, disappointing) + + 오가다 (Come and go, keep going and coming) + + 요구되다 ( To be requested, claimed) + + 음성 (A voice) + + 이윽고 (After a while, shortly) + + 장식 (Decoration) + + 전개하다 ( To unfold,evolve,spread out) + + 전날 (The day before, the day prior) + + 전반적 (over-all,all) + + 풍습 (customs,manners,practices ; a ritual, rituals) + + 한정되다 ( To be limiited, qualified) + + 해내다 (To accomplish, achieve, carry through) + + 흉내 (Imitation, mimicry) + + 감옥 (Prison) + + 갚다 (Pay back a loan) + + 건전하다 ( Health or soundness or vitality) + + 계산기 (Calculator) + + 광장 (An open space or a plaza or public square) + + 그렇지 (So it is or that is right) + + 깨다 (Break or crack) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 끼우다 (To put between or insert) + + 노래하다 ( To sing) + + 다름없다 ( Be similar, not different) + + 모처럼 (At long last) + + 부정적 (negative, contradicting sth else, not positive) + + 북부 (The north part) + + 분리 (separation,segration) + + 상당 (proper,fit,suitable) + + 세다 (To be strong, mighty) + + 소개 (Introduction) + + 수화기 (Telephone receiver) + + 애인 (A lover) + + 얇다 (To be thin) + + 양념 (Spices and condiments) + + (at/in/on) + + 오염되다 ( To be polluted, contaminated) + + 웬일 (What cause, what reason) + + 의식 (A ceremony) + + 의지하다 ( To look to, depend on, rely on) + + 일기 (A diary, journal) + + 절대 (Absoluteness) + + 제한하다 ( To restrict,limit) + + 창고 (A warehouse,storehouse) + + (Still, not yet) + + 책임지다 ( Take responsibility) + + 청춘 (youth,the springtime of life) + + 초반 (The opening part (of a game of baduk)) + + (Onions) + + 폭넓다 (To be broad) + + 표현되다 ( To have been expressed) + + 학번 (Year of graduation) + + 허가 (Permission, grant, leave) + + 헤매다 (Wander about, roam about) + + 가장 (Head of a household) + + (A tune or an air) + + 곡식 (Cereals or grain) + + 꽂다 (Be stuck in or insert) + + 무리 (A company, a band) + + 별다르다 ( Be of a peculiar kind) + + 부품 (Parts, accessories) + + 뻔하다 (almost,nearly) + + 뽑히다 (Be taken out, pulled out) + + 상담 (Consultation) + + 속담 (A proverb,saying) + + 심사 (judgment,examination) + + 아이 (Oh my god!) + + 앞세우다 ( Make a person go) + + 유사하다 ( To be similar, to resemble) + + 의욕 (volition,will,desire) + + 인근 (The neighborhood) + + 일반인 (Of the general public) + + 작성하다 ( To edit or compose, write up) + + 정기 (A fixed time period) + + 제의 (A proposal,an offer) + + 종일 (All day, throughout the whole day) + + 좋아지다 ( To become better) + + 차림 (Appearance of clothes or worn objecs) + + 추위 (Cold) + + 토마토 (Tomato) + + 파랗다 (To be blue) + + 펴내다 (Publish, bring out in print) + + 가져가다 ( To take or carry) + + 감자 (Potato) + + 강렬하다 ( Intense or strong or severe) + + 갖다 (Possess) + + 괴롭다 (Be painful or distressing) + + 군데 (A place or spot) + + 면하다 (escape,avoid) + + 빛깔 (A color,shade,hue) + + 사방 (The four directions) + + 살림 (living,livelihood) + + 실현 (realization,materialization) + + 아냐 (No, that’s not the case) + + 연예인 (A performer, an entertainer) + + 영원히 (Forever) + + 월급 (Monthly salary) + + 유행 (Fashion, vogue) + + 이내 (soon,right away) + + 이리 (This way, this direction) + + 투표 (vote,voting) + + 파괴하다 ( Destruction, demolition) + + 하느님 (God) + + 해당되다 ( To be applied/applicable under) + + 홀로 (Alone, by oneself) + + 가까이 (Close) + + 가득하다 ( To fill) + + 각자 (Each one or every one) + + 감히 (Daringly or boldly) + + 강요하다 ( Insist on) + + 관습 (Custom or usage) + + 광경 (A spectacle or a sight) + + 금세 (In a moment or at once) + + 낮추다 (Lower, make low) + + 내주다 (Take out and give away) + + 물러나다 ( Fall off) + + 밀접하다 ( Be close,intimate with) + + 부탁 (request,favor) + + 불과 (Only, not more than) + + 상자 (A box,case) + + 소박하다 ( simple, naive, ingenuous) + + 수없이 (Be unable to do) + + 승진 (promotion,advancement) + + (Both, two) + + 적히다 (To be recorded,written down) + + 점수 (marks,the number of marks) + + 제한되다 ( To be restricted,limited) + + 지속되다 ( Be lasting a long time, be continous) + + 쫓기다 (To be chased, be driven) + + 통장 (A bankbook (check register)) + + 평가되다 ( To be appraised) + + 하도 (Too much, excessively) + + 한창 (The height, summit , the top) + + 해안 (The seashore, the coast) + + 흑인 (A Negro) + + 갇히다 (Be confined or shut up) + + 결심하다 ( To resolve or be determined) + + 경기장 (Sports stadium or a sports field) + + 고장 (Broken) + + 근로 (Labor or exertion) + + 늦다 (Be late, overdue) + + 닥치다 (Shut the mouth!) + + 도시락 (Lunchbox lunch) + + 부담하다 ( bear,shoulder a responsibility) + + 빼앗다 (Snach, take away from) + + 삼키다 (Swallow) + + 스튜디오 ( Studio) + + 이상적 (Abnormal) + + 일체 (All, everything,the whole) + + 절망 (despair,hopelessness) + + 접다 (Fold up) + + 제시되다 ( To be presented) + + 주방 (A kitchen, a cookroom) + + 진출하다 ( Penetrate into, advance) + + 짜증 (Annoyance) + + 통과하다 ( Passage through) + + 투명하다 ( To be transparent, clear) + + 확산되다 ( To get diffused) + + 경력 (one’s personal history) + + 고통스럽다 (Be painful or torment) + + 곤란하다 ( Difficulty or trouble) + + 공중 (The air or the sky) + + 공해 (Environmental pollution) + + 귀찮다 (Annoying irksome) + + 기대다 (1) To rely upon or lean upon 2) lean against) + + 깨어나다 ( Return to consciousness) + + 꼽히다 (To be elected) + + 대다수 (A large majority) + + 듯싶다 (To be like something, i guess) + + 먹이 (Food) + + 상징하다 ( Symbolize) + + 실현하다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 안정되다 ( To be stable) + + 어리석다 ( juvenile,foolish) + + 엎드리다 ( Prostrate oneself, lie on the ground) + + 여럿 (many,many people) + + 염려 (anxiety,worry) + + 우습다 (To be funny, amusing) + + 익숙하다 ( To become accustomed to) + + 일자 (A date, the number of days) + + 전달되다 ( To be delivered) + + 차다 (cold,chilly) + + 치료하다 ( To cure, heal, treat a patient) + + (A grudge, rancor) + + 갈수록 (As one goes aong) + + 갖가지 (A variety of or all sorts) + + 거절하다 ( Refuse or reject) + + 관광객 (A tourist) + + 구별하다 ( To distinguish between A and B) + + (Soup or broth) + + 다행 (Good luck) + + 마무리 (Finish, completion) + + 마주치다 ( Collide with) + + 몸통 (The trunk,body) + + 묘사하다 ( To describe) + + 베다 (Cut, chop) + + 불고기 (Roast meat) + + 불리다 (soak,steep) + + 시각 (The time of day) + + 안개 (Fog) + + 오로지 (Only, solely, exclusively) + + 완성하다 ( To accomplish, to end successfully) + + 이런저런 ( This and that, one and another) + + 임무 (A duty, an office, a task) + + 저런 (Such a, that sort of) + + 전용 (Exclusive or private use) + + 확정 (decision,settlement) + + 가상 (Imagination) + + 각자 (Each one or every one) + + 간혹 (Occasionally or at times) + + 개방하다 ( To open or to throw open) + + 관계되다 ( Be affected or influenced by) + + 국산 (A country’s product) + + 꺼지다 (To go or die out) + + 꼭대기 (The top) + + 끊어지다 ( To break off or expire or be done with) + + (Road) + + 메우다 (To carry,attach;put on) + + 면적 (area,dimensions) + + 반성 (Reflection) + + 보상 (Compensation) + + 분리되다 ( To be segregated) + + 새기다 (To sculpt,engrave) + + 서민 (Common people) + + 선정하다 ( select,choose) + + 세다 (Count) + + (Show) + + 시어머니 ( one’s husband’s mother) + + 시집 (one’s husband’s home/family) + + 연간 (For a year) + + 영화제 (Movie festival) + + 예측하다 ( To predict, forecast) + + 의심 (A doubt) + + 이동하다 ( To move,migrate,travel) + + 자극하다 ( To stimulate) + + 전화번호 ( Telephone number) + + 조절하다 ( To regulate,tune) + + 조정 (regulation,control,coordination) + + 중얼거리다 (Mutter to oneself) + + 지급하다 ( To pay,allow,furnish sth) + + 확장 (expansion, enlargement) + + 힘차다 (Be forcible,powerful) + + 건조 (Dryness or aridity) + + 고요하다 ( Be quiet or silent or still) + + 그대 (You or thou) + + 그립다 (Beloved or sweet or affectionate) + + 긋다 (1) draw or mark 2) strike) + + 긴장하다 ( To become tense) + + 느리다 (Be slow, tardy) + + 도덕 (Immorality) + + 뒷모습 (The features of the back side) + + 만만하다 ( Be soft, tender ; to be easy to handle, deal with) + + 못되다 (To go wrong) + + 보고하다 ( Report to a person) + + 사무소 (Office) + + 사촌 (a cousin) + + 선언하다 ( declare,proclaim,announce) + + 소원 (one’s desire) + + 수입하다 ( To import) + + 식다 (To get cold, cool off) + + 엿보다 (Wait for an opportunity) + + 완성되다 ( To be accomplished) + + 일생 (one’s lifetime) + + 입히다 (Clothe, dress) + + 정보화 (Change to an information orientation) + + 종종 (A variety of things) + + 차다 (Put on, fasten,wear) + + 창작 (Creation, origination) + + 축소 (Reduction, a cutback) + + 취향 (Taste, liking, one’s inclinations) + + 친절하다 ( To be kind, to be nice) + + 카운터 (Counter, where you pay) + + 탄생하다 ( To be born) + + 하숙집 (Dormitory, boarding house) + + 학급 (A class (school)) + + 효율적 (The utility factor, efficiency) + + 가슴속 (one’s heart feelings) + + (A salty taste or saltiness) + + 간판 (A signboard) + + 건드리다 ( 1) touch or jog 2) irritate or vex) + + 관리하다 ( To manage or control or supervise or manage) + + 괴로움 (Trouble or annoyance or distress) + + 근거하다 ( To base sth on sth) + + 금액 (Amount ofmoney) + + 다행히 (Fortunately) + + 달래다 (Calm down) + + 말리다 (Make stop) + + 먹다 (VST + 먹다 , adds no meaning) + + 못하다 (Be inferior, worse than) + + 바이올린 ( Violin) + + 밝혀내다 ( To find out) + + 부서지다 ( Break, be broken) + + 비행 (Flying, aviation) + + 상관없다 ( To not be of concern) + + 성립하다 ( To exist, to come into being) + + 시즌 (Season) + + 신기하다 ( To be marvelous,astounding) + + 업다 (To carry on one’s back, to shoulder sth) + + 예감 (A presentiment, a premonition) + + 음식물 (Anything to eat or drink) + + 자신감 (Self-confidence) + + 주의하다 ( Pay attention to) + + 준비물 (Stuff that needs to be prepared) + + (Cloth, woven stuff) + + 출입 (Coming and going) + + 쾌감 (A pleasant sensation, a good feeling) + + 튀다 (Spring, bound, jump) + + 하필 (Why necessarily? Why of all things?) + + 거액 (A large sum of money) + + 고교 (High school) + + 고집하다 ( To be stubborn or persistent) + + 곧잘 (1) fairly or pretty well 2) frequently or too often) + + 골짜기 (A valley or gorge) + + 교훈 (Edification or giving instructions to) + + 구르다 (Roll over) + + 글씨 (1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character) + + 노래방 (Singing room) + + 대처하다 ( Disposal, treatment) + + 생산자 (A producer) + + 선진 (seniority,advance) + + 신규 (A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew) + + 신청하다 ( To apply (for)) + + 실은 (In reality, to tell the truth) + + 안기다 (to be embraced by sb (in their arms)) + + 양심 (Conscience) + + 이사장 (A director) + + 익숙해지다 (To become accustomed to) + + 저거 (That thing over there) + + 제비 (A swallow) + + 제안 (A proposal,suggestion) + + 제안하다 ( To propose,make a suggestion) + + 증세 (Symptoms, a patient’s condition) + + 지난날 (Old days, old times) + + 진급 (Promotion) + + 콩나물 (Bean soup) + + 튀어나오다 (Jump out, spring out) + + 표준 (A standard, norm, criteria) + + 항구 (A port, a harbor) + + 허용 (Permission, allowance) + + 헬기 (Helicopter) + + 간신히 (Narrowly or barely. 겨우) + + 갈아입다 ( Change one’s clothes) + + 같이하다 ( To do together or to share) + + 거짓 (Fabrication or fiction) + + 걸어오다 ( Come on foot or walk) + + 공군 (The air force) + + 년생80 (Year of birth) + + (Subdivision of a county) + + 불리하다 ( to be disadvantageous,unfavorable to/for) + + 불편 (Inconvenience) + + 사과 (An apology) + + 살아나다 ( revive,be brought back to life) + + 소파 (Sofa) + + 수천 (Thousands) + + 승부 (A contest,match) + + 시기 (The time, the season) + + 어린아이 ( A youngster, a child) + + 어쩐지 ((1) somehow, in a strange way ; (2) in combination with an ending giving a reason to place stress on the action of the verb) + + 여간 (Some, a little (여간 ~지 않다 means very very ~다)) + + (A railroad station/depot) + + 연락하다 ( To contact, get in touch with) + + 영향력 (Influence, power to influence) + + 예의 (Courtesy, politeness) + + 인간적 (Personal) + + 인사하다 ( To greet, say hello) + + 임금 (A king, ruler,sovereign) + + 잘나다 (To be handsome,excellent) + + 지불하다 ( To pay) + + 파출소 (Small, local police box) + + (Board) + + 건네주다 ( To pass over or to put on the other side (of a river)) + + 결승 (The decision of the final round of a contest) + + 공공 (The public or the common) + + 교양 (Culture or education) + + 국왕 (A king or a monarch) + + 규칙적 (Be regular or systematic) + + 극복 (Conquest or subjugation) + + 글쎄요 (Now or well or let me see) + + 내려지다 ( To become lower) + + 냉동 (Refrigeration) + + 녹다 (To melt) + + 대개 (Mostly, for the most part) + + 수집하다 ( To collect) + + 싱싱하다 ( Be fresh, full of life) + + 아아 (Oh-oh!) + + 어리다 (one’s eyes dim with tears) + + 여권 (A passport) + + 열쇠 (Lock) + + 오렌지 (Orange) + + 외모 (Outward appearance) + + 장남 (The eldest son) + + 저마다 (Each one, everyone) + + 전국적 (National) + + 전반 (The whole, all, general) + + 제자리 (The proper/original place) + + 지루하다 ( Be tedious) + + 학술 (Science, learning, scolarship) + + 혈액 (Blood) + + 화살 (An arrow) + + 가르다 (1) split or divide 2) distribute or share 3) distinguish or separate) + + 간격 (A space or interval) + + 고함 (A shout or yell) + + 공격하다 ( To attack) + + 그놈 (That person or that guy) + + 기록되다 ( To be recorded or written down) + + 끝없다 (Endless or unfathomable) + + 노선 (Route) + + 대사 (Speech, dialogue) + + 도망치다 ( To make an escape) + + 땅속 (In the soil) + + 부서 (one’s post,duty) + + (castle,fortress) + + 안내 (Guidance, conducting) + + 앞뒤 (Before and behind) + + 열정 (Passion) + + 오페라 (An opera) + + 적응하다 ( Be suited to, adapted to) + + 절대 (Absoluteness) + + 제공 (An offer) + + 지나치다 ( Go too far, to go to extremes) + + 참가 (participation,joining) + + 체중 (Body weight) + + 추석 (Korean thanksgiving) + + 충돌 (A collision, clash; discord) + + 해소 (Dissolution, disorganization) + + 현관 (The porch, the entrance) + + 현대인 (A modern person) + + 혜택 (A favor, benefit) + + 건너가다 ( To cross or go over (river or street)) + + 골고루 (Evenly or among all indiscriminately) + + 구석구석 ( Every nook and corner) + + 막내 (The lastborn) + + 반복되다 ( To be repeated) + + 방해 (An obstacle, hindrance) + + 본인 (Person in question) + + 상점 (A shop,store) + + 실장 (boss,president) + + 쓸쓸하다 ( Be lonely,lonesome) + + (Troubles, worries) + + 어지럽다 ( To be dizzy 2) to be in chaos, disorganized) + + 어찌하다 ( Be subject to an attack of vertigo (figuratively), to not know what the hell is going on or what to do.) + + 예정되다 ( Make a program, set a schedule) + + 이중 (duplication,double) + + 인원 (The number of persons) + + 인정받다 ( To receive recognition) + + 입학하다 ( To enter/be admitted into a school) + + 저것 (That thing over there) + + 정문 (The front gate,main entrance) + + 착각 (Hallucination, illusion) + + (Window) + + 친정 (A woman’s maiden home and family) + + 켜지다 (To become turned on) + + 표시하다 ( To make a sign, display) + + 행하다 (To do, act, behave) + + 감상하다 ( To show appreciation) + + 개별 (An individual or a particular case) + + 공식적 (Formal or procedural) + + 그런대로 ( Such as it is or anyways) + + 깨달음 (Realization) + + 끼다 (To smoke) + + 넘어지다 ( Fall down, collapse) + + 눈부시다 ( To be dazzling) + + 단점 (A weak point) + + 마음먹다 ( Be determined to) + + 목록 (Catalogue) + + 반복하다 ( To repeat) + + 반성하다 ( Examine oneself) + + 보전 (ingegrity,preservation) + + 불어오다 ( Call to come) + + 소유하다 ( To possess,hold) + + 수박 (Watermelon) + + 신세 (indebtedness,obligation) + + 알아내다 ( To find out (e.g. the answer)) + + 야단 (A clamro, uproar 2) a scolding) + + 연결 (Connection, linking) + + 연관 (a connection, a grouping together, relationships) + + 용서하다 ( To pardon, to forgive) + + 우정 (Feeling of friendship) + + 의논하다 ( To consult,confer with, talk over a matter) + + 인분 (How many people counter for at restaurants) + + 주요하다 ( To be chief,principal,leading) + + (Rice porridge) + + 차마 (For all the world) + + 참조 (reference,comparison) + + 타고나다 ( Be born, gifted/endowed with) + + 태우다 (To take in a car, give a ride to) + + 허용되다 ( To be permitted, approved) + + 가정 (Supposition) + + 과자 (A snack or pastries or candy) + + 교체 (Shift or change or alternate) + + 끝없이 (Boundlessly) + + 나르다 (to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport) + + 늘어놓다 ( (1) Scatter about haphazardly ; (2) 으로 늘어놓다 to arrange, place in order) + + 닫히다 (To shut, be closed) + + 도로 (Back, same as ever, same as it was before) + + 막걸리 (A slightly bitter soju drink) + + 밀리다 (to be left undone, to be late in making a payment (to fall into arrears) (2) to be pushed, shoved) + + 밥그릇 (A rice bown) + + 방문 (A door of a room) + + 부러지다 ( Break, get broken) + + 설문 (questions like those on a questionnaire) + + 소설가 (Novelist) + + 안팎 (The interior and exterior, both sides) + + 예방하다 ( To protect, prevent, fend off) + + (Coming (year, week)) + + 유의하다 ( To bear in mind, be heedful of) + + 유학 (Confucianism) + + 이해되다 ( To be understood) + + 인하 (reduction,lowering) + + 작성 (editing,composition) + + 잘리다 (Be snapped,broken,cut off) + + 전시회 (An exhibition, show, display) + + 전화하다 ( To call) + + 전환하다 ( To exchange, to convert, to change over) + + 정치학 (Political science) + + 주문 (An order, a request) + + 집안일 (Housework) + + 체계적 (Systematic, organizational) + + 출근 (Going to work) + + 탁월하다 ( Be excellent, prominished) + + (Hollow) + + 토하다 (To vomit) + + (Completely, entirely) + + 한순간 (One fleeting moment) + + 가사 (Words or lyrics) + + 가입자 (Member or subscriber) + + 감소하다 ( To reduce or diminish) + + 개구리 (Frog) + + 괴롭히다 ( Afflict or worry) + + 구별 (A distinction or a separation) + + 깨우다 (To wake up or awaken) + + (A string or a cord) + + 끊기다 (To be cut off or severed) + + 끊임없다 ( To not end) + + 넉넉하다 ( To be enough) + + 두어 (About two, a couple) + + 밑바닥 (The bottom,base) + + 보도되다 ( To be reported) + + 성숙하다 ( to ripen, to mature) + + 시집 (A collection of poems) + + 아무개 (Mr. so-and-so) + + 약점 (A weak point, a vulnerable point) + + 양복 (Western European style clothing) + + 어째서 (For what reason, why is that) + + 얼다 (Freeze, be frozen) + + (A woman, a girl) + + 연령 (Age, years of age) + + 예비 (Preparation, reserve) + + 울음소리 ( Sound of crying) + + 이력서 (Curriculum vitae, a resume (for a job)) + + 인정되다 ( To be recognized) + + 젓가락 (A pair of chopsticks) + + 주년 (One whole year) + + 중단하다 ( To interrupt, to stop) + + 중대하다 ( importance,gravity) + + 집중적 (Related to the concentration) + + 참되다 (To be true, honest, faithful) + + 초청 (An invitation) + + 출판사 (A publishing company) + + 풍속 (Manners, customs, morals) + + 한층 (More, still more) + + 행운 (Good luck, good fortune) + + 가로막다 ( Interrupt or obstruct) + + 간섭 (Interfere or meddle) + + 갑작스럽다 (All of a sudden) + + 교환하다 ( To exchange) + + 그래야 (And so or and then) + + 기원 (Origin) + + 길가 (The roadside) + + 난리 (A war, revolt) + + 남매 (Brother and sister) + + 내버리다 ( Throw away) + + 발가락 (A toe) + + 보존 (Preservation) + + 보호되다 ( To be protected) + + 부치다 (to send, to post) + + 상관 (Concern, relation) + + 설명되다 ( To be explained) + + 섭섭하다 ( Be sorry,disappointed) + + (A generation,age,epoch) + + 세련되다 ( To be polished,refined) + + 안주 (Appetizers for alcohol) + + 어린애 (A youngster, a child) + + 열기 (Heat, hot air) + + 옷차림 (Dress, one’s way of dressing) + + 위로하다 ( To console, soothe somebody) + + 이같이 (Like this, like so) + + 인형 (A doll) + + 일치 (Agreement, accord) + + 재생 (revival,restoration to life) + + 찢어지다 ( To be torn, rent) + + 철학자 (Philosopher) + + 축하하다 ( To Congratulate sb) + + 컬러 (Color) + + 통화 (Conversation by telephone) + + 하룻밤 (One night, a single night) + + 흘러내리다 (Run (stream,pour) down) + + 강도 (Intensity or strength) + + 급히 (Fast or quickly or in a hurry) + + 기념 (Commemoration) + + 나아지다 ( Become better, be improved) + + 넘어오다 ( Fall, come down) + + 민속 (Folk-customs) + + 버려지다 ( Take away, throw away to somewhere) + + 사위 (environment,surroundings) + + 설득하다 ( Persuasion) + + 외로움 (Loneliness) + + 외우다 (Recite from memory) + + 유리창 (A window which uses glass) + + 입대 (Enlistment, enrollment) + + 전망하다 ( Have a view of, observe) + + 집단적 (Collectively (of people)) + + 차이점 (A point of difference) + + 찬물 (Cold water) + + 철도 (Railroad) + + 총각 (A bachelor, an unmarried man) + + 태풍 (Typhoon) + + 한눈 (A look, glampse, look) + + 홍수 (A flood, inundation) + + 가뭄 (A drought) + + 강력히 (With great strengh or or might) + + 개선되다 ( To be renovated or to get improved) + + 건네다 (Speak to a person or address) + + 결심 (Determination or resolution) + + 곧장 (Directly or straightforwardly ; to do something straight away) + + 교직 (The teaching profession) + + 구속하다 ( To arrest or restrain) + + 귀중하다 ( To be precious) + + 긁다 (Scratch or scrape) + + 금지하다 ( To restrain or prohibit) + + 기숙사 (A hostel or residence hall) + + 마음껏 (As much as you want) + + 몰려들다 ( Be driven into) + + 발자국 (Footprint) + + 보너스 (Bonus) + + 산책 (A walk,stroll) + + 생기 (animation,life) + + 서적 (books,publications) + + 소화 (Digestion) + + 수험생 (A student preparing for an examination) + + 시끄럽다 ( To be noisy,boisterous) + + 신세대 (The new generation) + + 안기다 ((1) To fix on a person, lay the blame on a person) + + 어기다 (Run counter to, go against) + + 어때 (What do you think?) + + 엘리베이터 (Elevator) + + 연애 (Love, tender, passion) + + 연휴 (Consecutive holidays) + + 요약하다 ( summary,condense,abridge) + + 운동하다 ( To do exercise) + + 월요일 (Monday) + + 제시 (Presentation) + + 제외되다 ( To be excluded) + + 취직 (Employment, getting a job) + + 타락 (depravity,corruption,degradation) + + 통화 (Currency, the unit of circulation) + + 틀림없이 ( No mistaking it) + + 계획하다 ( Plan or make a project) + + 공연장 (Auditorium) + + 국적 (Nationality or citizenship) + + 근래 (Of late or recently) + + 낱말 (A word) + + 내외 (Men and woman, husband and wife) + + 냄비 (A pot) + + 늑대 (Wolf) + + 늘어서다 ( Stand in a row) + + 다정하다 ( To be affectionate, warm-hearted) + + 달다 (to be sweet) + + 망원경 (Telescope) + + 모범 (model,example) + + 무리하다 ( Be impossible) + + 묶이다 (Be fastened together) + + (Set (of clothes)) + + 뵈다 (Contraction of 보이다) + + (Three (in 3 months)) + + 선명하다 ( To be clear,distinct) + + 선호하다 ( To prefer) + + 수시로 (On demand, per the demand of the occasion ; all the time, at any time) + + 실현되다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 아니야 (No, that’s not the case) + + 어느덧 (Before one knows it) + + 오르내리다 (Go up and down, rise and fall) + + 우수하다 ( to be superior,excellent) + + 으레 (customarily,habitually) + + 일상적 (Daily, of the everyday things) + + 일일이 (One by one, individually) + + 전공하다 ( To major in something) + + 전후 (sequence,order,front and rear) + + 정상 (normalcy,normality) + + 정상적 (normal,like usual) + + (To appear or look as) + + (Season (the 4)) + + 청소하다 ( To clean) + + 충격적 (Shocking) + + 치아 (A tooth) + + 편의 (Convenience, expediency) + + 폐지 (Abolition, to not use, to do away with) + + 해설 (Explanation, elucidation) + + (Old, shabby, worn-out) + + 가까워지다 (Get closer) + + 감사하다 ( To thank) + + 강도 (A robber or burglar) + + 경비 (Expenses or outlay) + + 경제력 (Economic power) + + 금하다 (1) suppress or restraint 2) abstain from or restrain from) + + 기대되다 ( To be expected) + + 깊숙이 (Deep or far) + + (Honey or nectar) + + 넘어뜨리다 (Throw down) + + 농사짓다 ( To do farming) + + 단단하다 ( Be hard, solid) + + 담당자 (Person in charge) + + 대비 (Provision, preparation) + + 대체 (An outline, summary) + + 더욱더 (More and more and more) + + 도심 (The heart of the city) + + 만족 (Satisfaction) + + 모금 (Money raising) + + 묘사 (Description) + + 묻히다 (Have smeared,be covered with) + + 발전되다 ( Be advanced, prospering) + + 방송사 (Broadcasting company) + + 방지하다 ( To prevent, check) + + 사표 (A written resignation) + + 삼가다 (Be discreet,take care of ; to abstain (refrain) o.s. from doing) + + 생방송 (A live broadcast) + + 손발 (Hand and foot; the limbs) + + 안내하다 ( To lead the way) + + 앉히다 (To place a person in a set) + + 영하 (Below zero) + + 외교관 (A diplomat) + + 외국어 (A foreign language; sometimes, only means English) + + 웬만하다 ( To be just only barely passable, fairly good) + + 유행하다 ( To be in fashion, to be popular) + + 자장면 (Black chinese noodles) + + 중학생 (Middle school student) + + 짜다 (Squeeze, press out) + + (At the point of, when) + + (House counter) + + 최후 (The last, the end, the conclusion) + + 취재 (Selection, picking out of news articles (by a reporter)) + + 테러 (Terror) + + 토론회 (A debating society/contest) + + 한잔 (A drink of liquor) + + 호주머니 ( A pocket) + + 휴일 (A day off of work, a holiday) + + 가난 (Poor) + + 가죽 (The skin or hide or leather) + + 관계없이 ( Without any relation) + + (A county or district) + + 기다 (Crawl or creep) + + (One piece) + + 대낮 (Broad daylight) + + 도자기 (Porcelain) + + 모조리 (One and all, wholly) + + 변경 (Change, alteration) + + 삼촌 (An uncle (usually on the father\'s side)(외삼촌 a brother of the wife, an uncle on the mother\'s side)) + + 상당수 (plenty/a lot of) + + 손실 (Loss) + + 슬쩍 (Secretly, on the sly, stealthily) + + 시나리오 ( Scenario) + + 실컷 (To one’s satisfaction) + + 양보하다 ( To make a concession, recede) + + (A dragon) + + 운행 (movement,revolution) + + 자라나다 ( To grow up) + + 전시 (exhibition,display) + + 주차장 (Parking lot) + + 주한 (Residing in korea) + + 지다 (To fade away, come off) + + 찌꺼기 (drugs,sediments,remnants (tea grounds)) + + 춤추다 (To dance) + + 포스터 (Poster) + + 포함 (inclusion,comprehension) + + 형식적 (Related to the form) + + 후회하다 ( To regret) + + 가입하다 ( Join) + + 감소 (Decrease or dimunition) + + 고르다 (Flat or even) + + 고속도로 ( Freeway or highway with no street lights) + + 공책 (Notebook for taking notes and studying) + + 구분되다 ( To be put into sections) + + 구입 (Purchase or buying) + + 기여 (Contribution or service) + + 기호 (Taste or likes) + + 꾸리다 (Pack up or bundle up) + + 내외 (The interior and exterior) + + 대략 (an outline, summary (2) generally, on the whole) + + 덮이다 (Be covered) + + 도리어 (On the contrary) + + 멸치 (Anchovy) + + 바람 (A wish, hope) + + 방울 (A drop) + + 보관 (custody,deposit) + + 보살피다 ( Take care of) + + 보완하다 ( to supplement and make complete, to complement sth) + + 보존하다 ( preserve,conserve) + + 빼놓다 (exclude,leave out) + + 사상 (In history) + + 사춘기 (adolescence,puberty) + + 서점 (A bookstore) + + 선전 (Propaganda) + + 설립하다 ( found,establish) + + 수집 (Collection) + + 신기하다 ( To be novel,original) + + 신설 (A new theory) + + 실망 (Disappointment) + + 쓰다듬다 ( Stroke one’s beard) + + 알아주다 ( acknowledge,recognize, appreciate) + + 양말 (A sock) + + 여우 (Fox) + + (Holy cow!) + + 외출 (Going out, an outing) + + 용기 (A container, a vessel) + + 유발하다 ( To induce, bring about, cause) + + 유지되다 ( To be maintained, preserved) + + 자가용 (For personal/family use) + + 점검 (inspection,examination) + + 조기 (An early stage,period) + + 종소리 (The sound of a bell) + + 중순 (The second 10 days in a month) + + 지각 (perception,consciousness) + + 참외 (A melon) + + 체험하다 ( To experience, to undergo) + + 초대하다 ( To invide) + + 칭찬하다 ( To praise somebody) + + 코치 (Coach) + + 통일하다 ( To unify, consolidate) + + 패션 (Fashion) + + 회의 (Doubt, skepticism) + + 개개인 (Individuals or every person) + + 걷다 (1) Roll back /up one’s sleeves 2)fold or furl up 3) finish work) + + 고집 (Persistence or stubborness) + + (Gold) + + 급격히 (Be rapid or sudden) + + 기능 (Ability or capacity or skill) + + 기막히다 ( Be at a loss for words) + + 나누어지다 (To become divided) + + 넘겨주다 ( Hand over) + + 논리적 (Logical) + + 다가서다 ( Step up, go near to, come closer) + + 대기하다 ( Be ready for the opportunity) + + 말다 (Roll up, convolve) + + 맞은편 (The other side of THIS IS ONE WORD) + + (Cotton) + + 변명 (Explanation, vindication) + + 부상 (A wound,injury) + + 분리하다 ( To separate, break away from) + + 상관없이 ( Without anything to do with) + + 새우 (lobster,shrimp) + + 선원 (A crew, a ship’s company) + + 실망하다 ( To disappoint) + + 심해지다 ( Become deep and serious) + + 아쉬움 (Sense of missing) + + 앞길 (The road ahead, outlook) + + 약해지다 ( To become weak) + + 여관 (A hotel, an inn) + + 여쭈다 (Tell a superior, inform) + + 연습하다 ( To practice,exercise) + + 연출하다 ( Produce, present (a play)) + + 영웅 (A hero, a great man) + + (Oh, ah!) + + 유산 (An inheritence, property left behind) + + 의도적 (Purposefully) + + 이따금 (From time to time) + + 임신부 (An expectant mother) + + 장기적 (Long-term) + + 전설 (A tradition, a legend) + + 조르다 (To tease, urge sb) + + 주문하다 ( To order, to request) + + 주사 (A shot, an injection) + + 지겹다 (To be tedious,tiring) + + 짐작 (guess,conjecture) + + 쫓겨나다 ( Chase away ; to fire from your job) + + 출근하다 ( To go to work) + + 취소하다 ( To cancel, calloff) + + 취업 (Employment, finding a job) + + 칠하다 (Paint, coat) + + 평화롭다 ( To be peaceful) + + 하반기 (The second half of the year) + + 한구석 (A corner, a nook) + + 해답 (A solution to a problem, an answer to a question) + + 해소하다 ( To be dissolved, disorganized) + + 허락하다 ( Consent, agree to) + + 확신하다 ( To be confident of) + + 흥분 (excitement,excitation) + + 흥분하다 ( be/grow excited) + + 힘겹다 (To be not strong enough to do) + + 감수성 (Receptivity or susceptibility) + + 거들다 (Help or assist or lend) + + 건너편 (The opposite side) + + 경치 (A scene or scenery) + + 급속히 (Rapidly or swiftly) + + 급증하다 ( Surge or sudden rapid increase) + + 꼼꼼하다 ( very careful or meticulous, doing it in a very detailed manner) + + 낮아지다 ( Become lower) + + 대사 (an ambassador) + + 두세 (Two or three (months)) + + (whip,rod,cane) + + 먹고살다 ( Make one’s living) + + 멎다 (Stop) + + 모집 (Collection) + + 모퉁이 (Corner) + + 바싹 (Completely) + + 발달되다 ( Be developed) + + 발음 (Pronunciation) + + 부딪히다 ( Be bumped into) + + 뿌리치다 ( Shake off, refuse) + + 상대편 (The other party) + + 소망 (desire,wish,hope) + + 술잔 (A glass for alcohol) + + 시장 (Mayor) + + 시청률 (Popularity rating) + + 신문사 (Newspaper company) + + 여군 (A woman soldier) + + 연장 (Extension, prolongation) + + 예선 (A preliminary match/election) + + 옥수수 (Corn) + + 은행나무 ( A ginko tree) + + 이웃집 (The neighbor’s house) + + 장차 (In the future, someday) + + 재미없다 ( Boring) + + 저편 (That side,direction) + + 조절 (regulation,adjustment) + + 준비되다 ( To be ready) + + 중단되다 ( To be suspended,stopped) + + 중요시하다 (Attach great importance to) + + 지점 (Branch store) + + 진단하다 ( To diagnose) + + 콜라 (Cola) + + 타다 (Get, receive, take your share of the money (회사에서 월급을 타다)) + + 환율 (The exchange rate (money)) + + 활기 (Vigor, life, vitality) + + 강사 (Instructor or teacher) + + 강수량 (How much rainfall) + + 교대 (Alternation or change) + + 구청 (A ward or district office) + + 국내외 (The inside and outside of a country or home and abroad) + + 금지되다 ( To be forbidden or prohibited) + + 기도하다 ( To pray) + + 기성08 (To be already existing or established) + + 깨뜨리다 ( To break or crush) + + 꼼짝 (Cannot move) + + 농장 (A farm, plantation) + + (A certain person, mr. Jones) + + 바퀴 (Cockroach) + + 변화되다 ( To be changed) + + 부러워하다 (envy,be envious of) + + (1) raw,uncooked 2)living) + + 서늘하다 ( Be cool,refreshing) + + 소화하다 ( To digest) + + 순간적 (instanteous,momentary) + + 시집가다 ( To take a husband) + + 싶어지다 ( To come to want) + + 씌우다 (Put a hat on somebody) + + 엇갈리다 ( Cross, miss eachother) + + 우아하다 ( To be elegant,refined) + + 이것저것 ( This and that, one thing and another) + + 이슬 (Dew, dewdrops) + + 인간관계 ( Human relations) + + 장기간 (For a long period) + + 저자 (A writer,author) + + 정지 (stop,an interruption) + + 제의하다 ( Make a suggestion) + + 조명 (lighting,illumination) + + 조화되다 ( harmony,agreement) + + 중단 (interruption,suspension) + + 착각하다 ( To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations) + + 초상화 (A portrait, a picture) + + 쿠데타 (Coup d’etat (overthrow of the government)) + + 퇴근 (Leaving one’s office, coming home from work) + + 회화 (Conversations, talk) + + 흥미롭다 ( To be interesting) + + 가져다주다 (Take something to someone) + + 각오 (Readiness or preparation) + + 개방되다 ( To be opened) + + 경고하다 ( To warn) + + 경제학 (Economics) + + 골프 (Golf) + + 관심사 (A matter of concern and interest) + + 구별되다 ( To be separated andistinguished) + + 국사 (The history of a country) + + 굳히다 (Harden or make hard) + + 귀국 (Returning to one’s home country) + + 그간 (The while or during tha time) + + 그럴듯하다 (Be plausible or specious or likely) + + 기23 (A flag or a banner) + + 기울다 (To tilt or lean) + + 끌리다 (To be drawn or pulled or dragged) + + 내보내다 ( Let out, let go out) + + 말투 (One’s way of talking) + + 목욕탕 (A bathhouse) + + 변신 (Disguise, transformation) + + 사무 (Office work) + + 손길 (An outstretched hand) + + 순위 (order,ranking) + + 식사하다 ( To eat a meal) + + (A pair,couple) + + 썰렁하다 ( chilly,feel cold) + + 암시 (A hint, suggestion) + + 역사상 (In history) + + 연주 (A musical performance) + + 우울하다 ( To be melancholy, gloomy) + + 우체국 (A post office) + + 울리다 (To make (a baby) cry) + + 육상 (On land, on the ground) + + 음주 (Drinking (alcohol)) + + 이별 (Parting, separation; divorce) + + 인재 (A man of ability) + + 일시적 (Of a day) + + 전문적 (Of a specialist nature) + + 젊음 (Youth) + + 점잖다 (To be dignified,well-bred) + + 주무시다 ( To sleep (respectful word)) + + 중계방송 ( A relay, a hookup) + + 중독 (Poison) + + 차창 (car/train window) + + 초청하다 ( To invite) + + 출발점 (The starting point of a trip) + + 출판 (Publication, publishing) + + 출현하다 ( Appearance, turning out) + + 탈출하다 ( To escape, get away from) + + 허락 (Consent, assent, approval) + + 확신 (Conviction, firm belief) + + 흐리다 (Cloudy (weather)) + + 걱정스럽다 (Anxious or uneasy) + + 건설되다 ( To become constructed) + + 고개 (the peak or crest (of a hill)) + + 고프다 (Hungry or famished) + + 그제야 (For the first time or not ... until) + + 금연 (Prohibition of smoking) + + 기성세대 ( Old people) + + 기술하다 ( To describe or give an account of) + + 남북 (North and south) + + 납득하다 ( To convince, persuade oneself) + + (A grade or class) + + 독창적 (Original) + + 만점 (Perfect score) + + 매달 (Every month) + + 모여들다 ( gather,flock) + + 묵다 (Get old) + + 바깥쪽 (The outside) + + 배고프다 ( To be hungry) + + 버섯 (Mushroom) + + 보수 (Conservation) + + 보안 (Preservation of the public peace) + + 뵈다 (See (polite)) + + 비키다 (Move aside) + + 사모님 (Older more respected ajuma) + + 상징적 (symbolic,emblematic) + + 색다르다 ( Be different,novel) + + 시합 (A contest,match) + + 신제품 (A new product) + + 신중하다 ( To be prudent,cautious) + + 여행하다 ( To travel) + + 예고하다 ( Warn, give advance notice) + + 위반하다 ( To violate (the law)) + + 윗몸 (The upper body) + + 은은하다 ( To be distant,faint,indistinct) + + 익히다 (cook,boil) + + 일대 (One great/large) + + 입력 (Power input) + + 자연현상 ( Natural phenomena) + + 정류장 (stop,a station,bus-stop) + + 정직하다 ( honesty,uprightness) + + 조정하다 ( To regulate,adjust,coordinate) + + 중요 (importance,consequence) + + 챔피언 (Champion) + + 축하 (Congratulation, celebration) + + 취소 (Cancellation, anulment) + + 해롭다 (To be harmful, injurious) + + 현관문 (The front door) + + 활발해지다 (To become lively) + + 회복되다 ( To be recovered) + + 희생하다 ( To sacrifice) + + 가능해지다 (To become possible) + + 겨울철 (The winter season) + + 골프장 (Golf course) + + 공연히 (Futile or vain or useless) + + 과정 (A course or curriculum) + + 국수 (Noodles) + + 국제적 (International) + + 그루 (1) a root 2) stubble) + + 그전 (Former days or the past) + + 금고 (A safe or strongbox) + + 꾸중 (Scolding, a rebuke) + + 끌어당기다 (To draw near) + + (A meal or a repast) + + 능동적 (Activity ; voluntary, of its own nature) + + 달빛 (Moonlight) + + 당분간 (For the present) + + 도움말 (Helping words) + + 뒷산 (The back side of a mountain) + + 만족하다 ( To be content) + + 메다 (Put on one’s shoulder) + + 몰려오다 ( Come in crowds) + + 믿어지다 ( Become believable) + + 반죽 (Kneading; dough) + + 본사 (Main office) + + 부르다 (To be full) + + 빠뜨리다 ( Throw into (a river); entice, entrap) + + 산속 (The heart of a mountain) + + 소지품 (one’s things) + + (Iron) + + 수컷 (A male of the species) + + 승리하다 ( To win) + + 야외 (The fields, the outskirts) + + 얻어먹다 ( Go about begging) + + 엄숙하다 ( Seriousness, solemnity ; being grave, serious) + + 여동생 (Younger sister) + + 연상하다 ( Association of ideas) + + 옆집 (The house next door) + + 오래간만 ( After a long time) + + 오래도록 ( For long, a long while) + + 올려다보다 (Look up) + + 외다 (To repeat back (an order)) + + 외침 (A shout, a cry) + + 이빨 (A tooth) + + 일손 (Work in hand) + + 장학금 (Scholarship) + + 지도하다 ( To lead, instruct) + + 진로 (A course,direction,path) + + 진행자 (Leader of the performance) + + (A side, direction) + + 찾아다니다 (To go around to meet somebody or see places) + + 책임감 (Feeling of responsibility) + + 체온 (Body temperature) + + 출입문 (Door for exiting and entering) + + 포장마차 ( A wheeled snack bar on the street) + + 푸다 (Dip out, bail out) + + 피망 (A pimento) + + 한결 (Stands out conspicuously, especially) + + 한여름 (Midsummer, the middle of summer) + + 항공 (An airport) + + 호선 (The track number for a train) + + 회전 (Revolution, rotation) + + 휴지 (Toilet paper) + + 가위 (Scissors) + + 곧다 (Be straight or upright or erect) + + 골치 (Worry or anxiety) + + 구하다 (Rescue a person) + + 내달 (Next month) + + 넷째 (Fourth) + + 늦어지다 ( To become late) + + 도망가다 ( Make a go for it, escape) + + 독하다 (Be poison) + + (To be of sufficient quantity) + + 명단 (List of names) + + 무의미하다 (Be nonsense) + + 미만 (under,below ; less than) + + 사기 (morale,fighting spirit) + + 사망하다 ( To decease,pass away) + + 사무직 (Working in the office not in the factory) + + (Cotton) + + 시디롬 (Cd-rom) + + 신혼여행 ( the honeymoon (the trip after the wedding)) + + (Thread (to wind thread)) + + 연구실 (A laboratory) + + 월드컵 (World cup) + + 유머 (Humor) + + 의류 (Clothes, dresses; clothing) + + 입원 (Hospitalization) + + 잊혀지다 ( To become forgotten) + + 잘살다 (To be affluent, well-off) + + 장가 (To get married) + + 적응 (Adaptation) + + 정리되다 ( To be adjusted) + + (A company,group) + + 죽다 (Lose your spirit) + + 창피하다 ( To be ashamed) + + 친절 (Kindness, goodness) + + 침실 (Bedroom) + + 태권도 (Tae kwon do) + + 토론하다 ( To debate, discuss) + + 합하다 (Harmonize with, be in accord with) + + 가정교사 ( Private tutor) + + 공통적 (Commonly) + + 교육자 (An educator) + + 교재 (Teaching material or insruction materials) + + 길어지다 ( To become long) + + 깨소금 (Powdered sesame mixed with salt) + + 나빠지다 ( To become worse) + + 무궁화 (The rose of Sharon) + + 방바닥 (room’s floor) + + 번거롭다 ( Be troublesome. 할 일이 많아서 아주 바쁘다) + + 사회생활 ( Social life) + + 수출하다 ( To export) + + 숙소 (one’s address) + + 심리적 (Psychological) + + 연기 (postponement,deferment) + + 위로 (consolation,solace) + + 이용자 (A user; visitor) + + 입력하다 ( To input (data into the computer)) + + 자격증 (A qualification certificate) + + 진료 (Medical examination and treatment) + + 창가 (Next to a window, or, the window’s edge) + + 타다 (Put in, mix, dissolve) + + 한잔하다 ( To drink a glass of liquor) + + 함께하다 ( To do it together, with somebody) + + 합격하다 ( To pass an exam) + + 화장지 (Soft paper used when applying makeup) + + 힘껏 (With all one’s might) + + 가요 (A song) + + 감상 (Appreciation) + + 공통되다 ( To be common) + + 그만하다 ( Be about the same or be neither better nor worse) + + 나들이 (Going out, an outing ; making a short visit to sb or somewhere) + + 녹이다 (Melt, dissolve) + + 모기 (A mosquito) + + 방면 (Direction) + + 비누 (Soap) + + 빗줄기 (Great streaks of rain) + + 사회학 (Social science) + + 순진하다 ( To be naive,pure) + + 심심하다 ( Be deep and profound) + + 어려워지다 (To become difficult) + + 유학생 (A foreign student) + + 자리 (A spot at a table) + + 잘생기다 ( To be handsome) + + 장애인 (A handicapped person) + + 재활용품 ( A recycled product) + + 절약하다 ( To economize) + + 정반대 (Direct opposition, the exact reverse) + + 진동 (vibration,shake) + + 찌개 (A pot stew) + + 추천 (A recommendation) + + 학점 (A unit, a point, a credit) + + 한가하다 ( To be free, not busy) + + 합격 (Success in an examination) + + 환영하다 ( To welcome) + + 간접적 (Indirect or mediate) + + 갈다 (Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다) + + 경영하다 ( To manage or adminster) + + 그리움 (Yearning or affection) + + 그사이 (The while or the meantime) + + 기념하다 ( Commemorate) + + 독립하다 ( To become independent) + + 문밖 (Outside the door) + + 방송하다 ( Broadcast) + + 불완전하다 (To be imerfect) + + 불평 (Dissatisfaction) + + 붐비다 (Be congested,crowded ; to be full of) + + 생활환경 ( Life environment) + + 서명 (signing,autographing) + + 손등 (The back of the hand) + + 역사학 (The study of history) + + (Really, totally) + + 요리사 (A chef, a cook) + + (Goodness! Gracious!) + + 원서 (An application, a written request) + + (A month) + + 이론적 (Theoretical) + + 임신하다 ( To be pregnant) + + 입원하다 ( To enter a hospital) + + 잠그다 (To lock) + + 장난감 (A toy) + + 전기밥솥 ( Electric rice cooker) + + 지금껏 (So far, till now) + + 지름길 (A shortcut) + + 참석자 (Persons present) + + 창구 (A window) + + 최저 (The lowest, the minimum/lowest price) + + 코미디 (Comedy) + + 튀기다 (To fry; splash, splatter) + + 한국말 (Korean (language)) + + 횟수 (The number of times, the frequency) + + 흐리다 (Be muddy, cloudy ; with a tint of) + + 가능 (Possibility) + + 값싸다 (Cheap or low-priced) + + 교문 (A school gate) + + 권투 (Boxing or K1) + + 긴장감 (Feeling of tension) + + (1) Steam 2) scent, aroma) + + 문제되다 ( Become a problem) + + 받침 (Support, prop) + + (North) + + 불필요하다 (To be unnecessary) + + 산부인과 ( Obstetrics and gynecology) + + 서명하다 ( To sign) + + (way,method) + + 수고하다 ( To work hard) + + 수학 (Pursuit of knowledge) + + 신부 (A holy father,priest) + + 쓸데없다 ( To be useless) + + 아뇨 (No, nay) + + 아래쪽 (The lower part, the bottom) + + 아하 (Dear me! Goodness!) + + 알코올 (Alcohol) + + 액세서리 ( Accessory) + + 에어컨 (Air conditioner) + + 염려하다 ( To worry, be anxious about) + + 외삼촌 (An uncle on one’s mother’s side) + + 웃음소리 ( The sound of laughing) + + 위쪽 (The upper direction) + + 인쇄 (printing,typography) + + 전세 (renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month) + + 조깅 (Jogging) + + 초대 (An invitation) + + 치다 ((a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit) + + (Counters for letters) + + 환갑 (one’s 60th anniversary) + + 가만있다 ( Remain still or motionless) + + 간편하다 ( Simplicity or convenience) + + 감동적 (Sensational) + + 건너오다 ( To come across to this side of something) + + 관광지 (Tourist area) + + 교복 (School uniform) + + 교포 (A Korean living abroad) + + 귀가하다 ( To return home) + + 날아다니다 (Fly about) + + 마음씨 (Disposition, nature) + + 메모 (Memo) + + 몸매 (one’s figure) + + 몸무게 (Body weight) + + 무관심 (Indifference, unconcern) + + 번역 (Translation) + + 분주하다 ( Be busy,crowded) + + 사전 (Dictionary) + + 소나기 (A sudden rain shower) + + 소중히 (seriously,with care) + + 손잡이 (A handle,knob) + + 실례 (rudeness,impolite) + + 싸구려 (cheap,inferior (a bargain)) + + 안녕 (hello/goodbye) + + 안되다 (To refuse to accept) + + 연하다 (Tender, soft, mild) + + 원숭이 (A monkey) + + 위법 (illegality,a breach of the law) + + 육체적 (Corporeal, of the flesh) + + 이혼 (Divorce) + + 일회용 (For one time use) + + 저기 (“hey,look here,now”) + + 전문직 (Specialty job) + + 전화기 (Telephone receiver) + + 제출 (presentation,submission) + + (A portion, a side) + + 찌다 (chop,hack) + + 차남 (one’s second eldest son) + + 채점 (marking,grading,scoring) + + 침착하다 ( Self-possession, composure) + + 캄캄하다 ( To be pitch-black) + + 편히 (Easily, comfortably) + + 포인트 (Point) + + 포크 (Fork) + + 개나리 (A forsythia or a golden-bell tree) + + 고등학생 ( High school student) + + 귀가 (Returning home) + + 그리워하다 (Yearn or be attached to) + + 기억나다 ( To memorize) + + 기침 (Coughing) + + 노랫소리 ( A singing voice) + + 닭고기 (Chicken meat for eating) + + 대학교수 ( University professor) + + 바가지 (A gourd dipper) + + 발끝 (On tiptoes) + + 사랑스럽다 (Lovely) + + 숟가락 (A spoon) + + 술병 (A bottle of alcohol) + + 습기 (moisture,humidity) + + 엽서 (A postcard) + + 예보 (forecast,predict) + + 요일 (A day of the week not the weekend) + + 욕실 (A bathroom,a bath) + + 용감하다 ( To be brave, courageous) + + 위험성 (riskiness,jeapordy) + + (One) + + 재학 (To be in school, be attending school) + + 전기 (a biography) + + 전시하다 ( To display) + + 종교적 (Of religions) + + 직장인 (A worker) + + 진심 (The whole heart, sincerity) + + 질문하다 ( Ask a person a question) + + 짧아지다 ( To become short) + + 찌다 (To put on weight) + + 책가방 (Bookbag) + + 치약 (Toothpaste) + + 큰절 (A deep bow) + + 학과 (A department in a college) + + 강조 (Emphasis or stress) + + 게시판 (A notice board or a bulletin board) + + 공통점 (A common point or a common feature) + + 과외 (Extracurricular work) + + 교내 (Inside the school) + + 구15 (Ward or district) + + 김밥 (Roll of rice and vegetables) + + 놀이터 (Playground) + + 다녀가다 ( Drop in for a short visit) + + 마라톤 (Marathon) + + 매스컴 (Mass communication) + + (nothing,nil) + + 묵다 (Stay overnight s.w.) + + 발등 (The instep of the foot) + + 블라우스 ( Blouse) + + 사이좋다 ( Be on good terms with) + + 세상에 (In the world) + + 수고 (toil,labor,pains) + + 슬퍼하다 ( sorrow,feel sad) + + 신청서 (Application, application form) + + 아랫사람 ( Subordinate) + + 앞쪽 (The front, the fore part) + + 여전하다 ( Be unchanged, the same as before) + + 영남 (The southeastern part of Korea) + + 옥상 (On the roof) + + 왼발 (The right foot) + + 운전하다 ( To drive) + + (The stomach) + + 일자리 (A job, position) + + 저번 (Last time, the other day) + + 전시장 (An exhibition hall) + + 절약 (thrift,savings,economy) + + 정오 (Noon) + + 제대하다 ( Be discharged from the military) + + 졸다 (doze,take a nap) + + 즉석 (instantly,impromptu) + + 추측 (Guess, conjecture) + + 충고 (Advice, counsel, suggestion) + + 코피 (A nose bleed) + + (Reason, grounds) + + 한낮 (Noon) + + 할인 (A discount) + + 간호 (Nursing or care) + + (1) The first 2) the former) + + 건너 (The other or opposite side) + + 걷다 (Walk on or tread on) + + 겁나다 (Be frightened or scared) + + 고구마 (Sweet potato) + + 국기 (The national flag) + + 금메달 (Gold medal) + + 노트 (A note) + + 눈감다 (Close the eyes) + + 눈뜨다 (Open one’s eyes) + + 대화하다 ( To converse) + + 도마 (A chopping board) + + 모집하다 ( Call/appeal for) + + 밤색 (Chestnut color, maroon) + + 복사 (Reproduction) + + 성별 (Sex distinction) + + 소문나다 ( A rumor starts) + + 소용없다 ( To be useless) + + 송아지 (A calf,baby cow) + + 수만 (Tens of thousands) + + 수입되다 ( To be imported) + + 수입품 (An imported product) + + 싼값 (A low price) + + (A plan,proposal,suggestion) + + 양주 (Foreign wine/liquors) + + 영화배우 ( Movie actor) + + 오른발 (The right foot) + + 용서 (pardon,forgiveness) + + 우편 (post,mail) + + 이사하다 ( To move house) + + 작아지다 ( Become smaller) + + 정장 (Full dress, uniform) + + 좁히다 (Make narrow,restrict) + + 좋아 (“That’s good”) + + (In a very straight line, in a row) + + 지워지다 ( To be erased) + + 지저분하다 (Be messy, soiled, dirty) + + 진통 (Labor pains, travail) + + 찬성하다 ( To approve, support (a plan)) + + 참석 (Attendance, participation) + + 초콜릿 (Chocolate) + + 최악 (The worst) + + 출국 (Leaving a country) + + 친해지다 ( To get close, to get friendly) + + 코끝 (The tip of one’s nose) + + 한국적 (Korean (adjective)) + + 환영 (Welcome) + + 가로수 (A roadside tree) + + (Persimmon) + + 개다 (To clear up or become clear (weather)) + + 고급스럽다 (To be high-class) + + 고소하다 ( Taste of sesame oil or taste of a nut) + + 공주 (A royal princess) + + 깨어지다 ( To waken) + + (The south) + + 네거리 (Crossroads) + + 노란색 (Yellow) + + 녹음하다 ( To record) + + 달러 (Dollar) + + 대여섯 (About five or six) + + 되돌아보다 (To look back on) + + 먹히다 (to be eaten,swallowed) + + 박스 (Box) + + 반기다 (Rejoice, be glad of) + + 밥솥 (Pressure cooker for rice) + + 베개 (A pillow) + + 복사하다 ( reproduce,copy) + + 붓다 (to be swollen) + + (A monument) + + 사계절 (The four seasons) + + 사과하다 ( To apologize) + + 상금 (Prize money) + + 수저 (A spoon) + + 앞바다 (The offing sea) + + 얄밉다 (Be offensive, mean) + + 여대생 (Female college student) + + 연기하다 ( To be put off, postponed) + + 온라인 (Online) + + 외갓집 (one’s mother’s maiden home) + + 외할머니 ( A maternal grandmother) + + 유능하다 ( To be competent,talented) + + 유적지 (Place where remains/cultural-historical remnants are) + + 이롭다 (Be good for) + + 이분 (Divide into two) + + 인상 (Look, personal appearance) + + 입사 (enter/join a company) + + 점원 (A shop-assistant) + + 제삿날 (Day of the ceremony) + + 참고하다 ( To refer, consult) + + 철학적 (Philosophical) + + 초대 (The first generation, the founder) + + 추천하다 ( To recommend, say a good word for) + + 칫솔 (A toothbrush) + + 큰길 (main/principal road) + + 판매되다 ( To be sold) + + 포근하다 ( To be soft and comfortable, downy) + + 하나님 (God) + + 학력 (Academic background, formal schooling) + + 한정하다 ( To limit, restrict) + + 향상되다 ( To be impoved, advanced) + + 홈페이지 ( Homepage) + + 횡단보도 ( Crossing) + + 가톨릭 (Catholic) + + 건조하다 ( Ry or arid or become dry) + + 고모부 (The husband of one’s paternal aunt) + + 공중전화 ( A public payphone) + + 공통 (Commonness) + + 과거 (The state examination) + + 국가적 (National or state) + + 기초적 (Fundamental or basic) + + 녹음 (Recording) + + 떠나오다 ( 미국으로부터 to come back from the US) + + 마중 (Meeting, reception) + + 밝다 (To be bright) + + 배드민턴 ( Badminton) + + 배부르다 ( To be full) + + 버튼 (Button) + + 보수적 (Conservative) + + 비만 (Fatness, corpulence) + + 빗방울 (Raindrops) + + 샤워 (Shower) + + 손뼉 (The flat of one’s hand) + + 손수 (With one’s own hands, personally) + + 송편 (Rice cake steemed over pine needles) + + 시들다 (To wither,die,fade) + + 싱겁다 (Taste flat, have no flavor) + + 쓸데없이 ( To have no use) + + 야하다 (To be gaudy,garish) + + 어쩌다가 ( By chance, accident ; sometimes) + + 옛날이야기 (An old story) + + 오븐 (Oven) + + 온종일 (All day long, the whole day) + + 우승하다 ( To take first place) + + 운반 (conveyance,transport) + + 웃어른 (one’s elders) + + 인사말 (Words of greeting) + + 장모님 (A man’s mother in law) + + 적어지다 ( To become smaller) + + 지폐 (Paper money) + + 진실로 (Truly, honestly) + + 출퇴근 (Go to and come from the office) + + 퇴근하다 ( To go home from work) + + 표시하다 ( To make a sign, display) + + 피로하다 ( To be fatigued, weary) + + (Below, underneath) + + 한데 (The open air, outside, the exterior) + + 혼잣말 (Talking to oneself) + + 효도하다 ( To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents) + + 가로 (Width or breadth) + + 갈아타다 ( Transfer (bus or subway)) + + 건넌방 (The room opposite the main living room) + + 곧이어 (Soon hereafter) + + 공기 (Public institution) + + 굉장하다 ( Be grand or magnificent or splendor) + + 그래서 (So or therefore) + + 긴장되다 ( Be under tension) + + 깨끗해지다 (Become clean) + + 낚싯대 (A fishing rod) + + 남동생 (Younger brother) + + 냇물 (A stream, brook) + + 단골 (Custom, connection) + + 데우다 (to warm, to heat up) + + 동그랗다 ( To be circular) + + 안동 (간고등어 fish common in this city, ANDONG) + + (What (implicit directobject)?) + + 반대편 (The opposite side) + + 발바닥 (The sole of the foot) + + 발톱 (A toenail) + + 밝아지다 ( Become bright) + + 밤새다 (To stay up all night) + + 부잣집 (Rich man’s house) + + 분명해지다 (To become clear) + + 산길 (A mountain path,road) + + 쇼핑 (Shopping) + + 수업 (Completing an education course) + + 시외 (Outside the city, suberbs) + + 심각해지다 (To become serious) + + (A bud,sprout) + + 씻기다 (To be carried away, washed away) + + (Get angry,take offense) + + 양보 (concession,compromise) + + 양옆 (On both sides) + + 얕다 (To be shallow, superficial) + + 어두워지다 (become/get dark) + + 엊그제 (The day before yesterday, a few days ago) + + 여고생 (Female high school student) + + 연기되다 ( To be put off, postponed) + + 예약 (Pre-engagement, reservation) + + 올라타다 ( Board (a plane), get into) + + 운동화 (Sports shoes) + + 일회용품 ( A product to be used only once) + + 읽히다 (To get a person to read, to get a person to learn) + + 즐거워하다 (To enjoy it) + + 집중하다 ( To concentrate) + + 짜다 (To be salty) + + 짜증스럽다 (To be annoying) + + 초등학교 ( Elementary school) + + 충돌하다 ( Collide, clash with) + + 코트 (Court) + + 피곤 (fatigue,exhaustion) + + 학비 (Tuition) + + 해외여행 ( Foreign travel) + + 효자 (A dutiful son) + + 감소되다 ( To be reduced or diminished) + + 공연되다 ( To give a public performance) + + 공휴일 (A legal holiday) + + 괴로워하다 (To distress or trouble) + + 교시 (Teach or instruct or enlighten) + + 그리로 (Over there) + + 까먹다 (Crack or peel and eat) + + 깜빡 (With a flash or twinkle) + + 꾸다 (Dream or have a dream) + + 다양해지다 (To be various) + + 대중교통 ( Mass transportation) + + 데려오다 ( Go with) + + 마요네즈 ( Mayonnaise) + + 마흔 (Forty) + + 만화가 (Cartoon artist) + + 맘대로 (As you want) + + 몸속 (In one’s body) + + 무책임하다 (Not responsible) + + 번지 (Area of land) + + 빨간색 (deep-red,crimson) + + 사이사이 ( Every now and then) + + 사자 (A lion) + + 새소리 (Bird voice,”chirp”) + + 생활수준 ( The standard of living) + + 서툴다 (poor,awkward) + + 손잡다 (Take a person by the hand) + + 순하다 (Be gentle,docile) + + 시댁 (one’s husband’s family/house) + + 시부모 (one’s husband’s parents) + + 실수하다 ( To make a mistake) + + 쓴맛 (A bitter flavor) + + 야옹 (Mewing, meowing) + + 얼마간 (Some, somewhat) + + 외제 (Of foreign manufacture) + + 외출하다 ( To go out (of doors)) + + 욕하다 (To insult, to say bad words) + + 위아래 (Up and down) + + 음반 (A phonograph record) + + 의논 (consultation,conference) + + (Two) + + 이래서 (This way, this direction, here) + + 이발소 (barber’s shop) + + 자살하다 ( Commit suicide) + + 재수 (luck,fortune) + + 재작년 (The year before last) + + 전문점 (Exclusive store) + + 전통문화 ( Traditional culture) + + 정거장 (A railroad station) + + 지우다 (Put a thing on a person’s back) + + 찬성 (approval,assent) + + 초보자 (A beginner, neophyte) + + 초청장 (An invitation (card)) + + 촌스럽다 ( Unfashionable) + + 컨디션 (Condition) + + 코스모스 ( Cosmos) + + 킬로 (Kilo) + + 토론자 (A debator, a disputant) + + 튼튼히 (Strongly, firmly) + + 평상시 (Normally) + + 한둘 (One or two) + + 해물 (Marine products) + + (Shape, form) + + 가만 (Quietly or softly) + + 감정적 (Emotional) + + 강북 (North of the river) + + 고무신 (Rubber shoes) + + 고춧가루 ( Red pepper powder) + + 관람 (Inspection or viewing) + + 교외 (Outside the school or extramural) + + 교육비 (Tuition or the cost of a school education) + + 국립 (Government established) + + 기억되다 ( To be remembered) + + 까다 (Peel or husk) + + 꽃씨 (Flower seed) + + 꾸준하다 ( Be steady or unflagging) + + 난방 (A heated room) + + 내용물 (Contents) + + 달다 (To hang) + + 먹다 (Go deaf) + + 무관심하다 (Be indifferent to) + + 배구 (Volleyball) + + 번역하다 ( To translate) + + 비기다 (End in a tie, to be even-even. Same as 무승부를 기록하다) + + 생활용품 ( Necessities for daily life) + + 섹시하다 ( To be sexy) + + 소비하다 ( Consumption) + + 식료품 (Articles for food) + + 식히다 (To cool, let cool. 차게 하다) + + 싫어지다 ( To become distasteful) + + 여직원 (Female employee) + + 열리다 (To bear fruit) + + 옆방 (The room next door) + + 오피스텔 ( Office hotel (studio apt)) + + 원피스 ((one-piece) a dress) + + 윗사람 (A superior, one’s older somebody) + + 이민 (Emigration) + + 이성 (The opposite sex) + + 이혼하다 ( To get divorced) + + 인제 (Now) + + 입사하다 ( To join/enter a company) + + 재우다 (Put to sleep) + + 전시되다 ( To be exhibited,ddisplayed) + + 졸리다 (Feel sleepy,drowsy) + + 졸음 (sleepiness,drowsiness) + + 주문 (An incantation, a spell) + + 쩔쩔매다 ( To be at a loss, be confused) + + (Discretion, prudence (Become sensible, wise)) + + 추가되다 ( To be added) + + 치우다 (VST + Do away with, get rid of) + + 콘서트 (Concert) + + 큰소리 (A loud voice, loudly) + + 큰아들 (Oldest son) + + 풀어지다 ( To get loose; to turn soft (noodles)) + + 한겨울 (Midwinter, the dead of winter) + + 핸드폰 (Cell phone) + + 호실 (Tells you the room number) + + 흐려지다 ( Get cloudy, overcast) + + 희망하다 ( Hope) + + 힘들어하다 (To be exacting, tolling) + + 강의하다 ( To give a lecture) + + 걱정되다 ( To become worried) + + 공연하다 ( Offer a performance) + + (A Jeju orange) + + 넷째 (Fourth) + + 무지개 (A rainbow) + + 볶음 (Roasted sth) + + 볼링 (Bowling) + + 비둘기 (Pigeon) + + 생활비 (Cost of living) + + 스키장 (Place to ski) + + 시대적 (Of the times) + + 앞문 (The front gate) + + 책방 (Reading room) + + 추가하다 ( To add sth, to supplement) + + 칠판 (The blackboard) + + 탁구 (ping-pong,table tennis) + + 현대적 (Modern (adj)) + + 나흘 (Four days) + + 영화관 (Movie theater) + + 장모 (A man’s mother in law) + + 지하도 (Underground road) + + 튀김 (Batter-fried food) + + 고속버스 ( Bus for the freeway) + + 단추 (A button) + + 대중적 (Of the masses) + + 미역 (Brown seaweed) + + 분홍색 (Pink color) + + (four,the fourth) + + 수영장 (Swimming pool) + + 아래층 (Lower floor) + + 작은아버지 (An uncle younger than your father) + + 장갑 (A pair of gloves) + + 초순 (The first third of a month) + + 퇴원하다 ( To leave the hospital) + + 하순 (The final third of the month) + + 모레 (The day after tomorrow) + + 삼계탕 (Chicken soup) + + 예약하다 ( To book in advance, pledge) + + 우표 (A postage stamp) + + 장미 (A rose) + + 퇴원 (Leaving the hospital) + + 기념품 (A momento) + + 냉면 (Cold noodles soup) + + 단풍 (Fall foliage) + + 미끄럽다 ( To be slippery) + + 비빔밥 (Vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables) + + 외아들 (The only son) + + 요리하다 ( To cook (food)) + + 입국 (Entering a country) + + 칼국수 (Knife-cut noodles) + + 큰아버지 ( Uncle older than one’s father) + + 국민적 (National or for citizens) + + 국제선 (International airline) + + 맛없다 (Bad flavor) + + (One hundred) + + 안과 (Ophthalmology) + + 연락처 (a way to make contact (usually means a phone number)) + + 연세 (Age, years of age) + + 예식장 (A ceremony hall) + + 월세 (Monthly rent) + + 위층 (The upper floor) + + 진찰 (A medical diagnosis, investigation) + + 축구공 (A soccer ball) + + 큰딸 (Oldest daughter) + + 김치찌개 ( Spicy cabbage soup) + + 발음하다 ( Pronounce) + + 복습하다 ( To review) + + 실례하다 ( To be impolite) + + 그렇게 (And so. like that) + + 온돌 (The korean under-floor heating system) + + 출입국 (Entry into a country) + + 팝송 (Pop song) + + 국내선 (Domestic airline) + + 성함 (Your (his) esteemed name) + + 세탁소 (Laundromat) + + 운동복 (Exercise clothes) + + 작은아들 ( Younger son) + + 잠자리 (Dragonfly) + + 주차하다 ( To park) + + 학생증 (Student identification) + + 형수 (The wife of one’s older brother) + + 경상도 (Kyung-San-Do province (ulsan or kyungju)) + + 공항버스 ( Bus to the airport) + + 관광버스 ( Tourist bus) + + 그저께 (The day before yesterday) + + 냉방 (A cold or unheated room) + + 색연필 (Colored pencil) + + 양력 (The solar calendar) + + 작은어머니 (An aunt younger than your mother) + + 축구장 (Soccer field) + + 한글날 (Korean writing system national holiday) + + 한식 (Korean food) + + 세종대왕 ( King sejong, who invented Hangul) + + (The fourth) + + 복사기 (Memeograph) + + (A comb) + + 설렁탕 (Beef soup with rice) + + 종로 (Famous street in Seoul) + + 신라 (One dynasty in ancient korea) + + 아드님 (Your esteemed son) + + (Thousand) + + 결석하다 ( To be absent) + + 기념일 (Commemoration day) + + 시아버지 ( one’s husband’s father) + + 식품점 (Grocery store) + + 약혼녀 (A girl who is engaged) + + 영상 (Above zero) + + 예습 (Preparation of lessons) + + 예습하다 ( To prepare lessons, rehearse) + + 큰어머니 ( The wife of the elder brother of one’s father) + + 약혼자 (A fiance, an engaged person) + + (One hundred million) + + 제과점 (Confectionary store) + + 중식 (Chinese food) + + 편의점 (Convenient store) + + 갈비탕 (Beef-rib soup) + + 검정색 (A large sum of money) + + 미용실 (Beauty salon) + + 충청도 (Area around daejon city) + + 설악산 (Famous mountain) + + 조선 (Name for ancient korea culture) + + 거꾸로 (Backwards or bottom up or the wrong way) + + 인천공항 ( Incheon international airport) + + 대전 (Daejon city) + + 뉴욕 (New york) + + 근본 (The foundation or basis) + + 정리 (arrangment,regulation,adjustment) + + 도쿄(동경) (Tokyo) + + 워낙 (By nature, primarily, by constitution) + + 발달하다 ( To advance) + + 지적하다 ( To indicate, point out) + + 회사 (A company) + + 유럽 (Europe) + + 의식 (Consciuosness, awareness) + + 기다리다 ( To wait) + + 인천 (Incheon city) + + 거기 (There (location)) + + 일식 (Japanese food) + + 작은딸 (Younger daughter) + + 저곳 (That place over there) + + 초등학생 ( An elementary school student) + + 남미 (South america) + + 금강산 (The Diamond Mountains) + + 전라도 (South-western region of south korea) + + 북한 (North korea) + + 부산 (Busan, city in SE Korea, with largest beach in S.Korea) + + 백두산 (Korean mountain) + + 백제 (Historical Korean government) + + 우리나라 (Korea) + + 대한민국 (Korea) + + 한국 (Korea) + + 강원도 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 경기도 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 경복궁 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 경주 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 고구려 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 고려 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 광주 (Region surrounding seoul) + + 김포공항 ( KimPo Domestic (sometimes international) airport) + + 울산 (Ulsan, home of hyundai car company and hyundai shipbuilding in kyungsamnamdo) + + 호남 (The HONAM district, which is CHOLLA-DO in S.W south korea) + + 지리산 (Chili mountain, very beautiful) + + 제주도 (Tourist island off south S.Korea) + + 서울 (Seoul) + + 서울역 (Seoul train station) + + 남대문 (Seoul’s old south gate) + + 한강 (The han river, runs through Seoul) + + 한라산 (Halla-san mountain) + + 한반도 (The korean peninsula) + + 평양 (Capital of north korea) + + 남대문시장 (Shopping center in seoul) + + 남산 (Mountain in south central seoul) + +
+ + + + + + + +