B Der Sport: Der Kampfsport: Judo + 柔道 +
C Das Haus: Der Allzweckraum: Weichspüler + 织物柔顺剂 +

Häufigkeit: 1.22

C 柔軟 + * * rou2ruan3 soft/ supple/ lithe/ limber weich, geschmeidig + +
D 溫柔 + * * wen1rou2 soft/ mild/ gentle sanft, voller Zärtlichkeit + +
D 柔和 + * * rou2he2 soft, mild, gentle sanft, mild,lind + +

温柔* 5 wen1 rou2 gentle and soft/ tender
柔和* 6 rou2 he2 gentle/ soft

Abtönen (Kunst) [shi3 se4 diao4 rou2 he2] 使色调柔和
Adagio (S) [rou2 ban3] 柔板
BAZ, flexibles Bearbeitungszentrum (S, Tech) [rou2 xing4 jia1 gong1 zhong1 xin1] 柔性加工中心
Biegsamkeit (S) [rou2 ren4 xing4] 柔韧性
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu [ba1 xi1 rou2 shu4] 巴西柔术
Einzylinderflexodruckmaschine (S) [wei4 xing1 shi4 rou2 xing4 ban3 yin4 shua4 ji1] 卫星式柔性版印刷机
Entmannung (S)Gebrechlichkeit (S)Zartheit (S)effeminiert (Adj) [rou2 ruo4] 柔弱
Flaum (S) [rou2 mao2] 柔毛
Flaumeiche (lat: Quercus pubescens) (Eig, Bio) [rou2 mao2 li4] 柔毛栎
flaumig (Adj) [mian2 hua5 ban1 rou2 ruan3] 棉花般柔软
flexibel (Adj)geschmeidig und zäh (Adj) [rou2 ren4] 柔韧
flexibel, elastisch [rou2 xing4] 柔性
Flexibilität (S) [rou2 ruan3 xing4] 柔软性
flexible Automatisierung (S, Tech) [rou2 xing4 zi4 dong4 hua4] 柔性自动化
flexibles Bearbeitungssystem [rou2 xing2 jia1 gong1 zhong1 xin1] 柔型加工中心
flexibles Fertigungssystem, FMS [rou2 xing4 jia1 gong1 xi4 tong3] 柔性加工系统
flexibles Maschinensystem, FMS (S) [rou2 xing4 sheng1 chan3 xian4] 柔性生产线
Flexodruck [rou2 xing4 ban3 yin4 shua4] 柔性版印刷
Flexodruckform [rou2 xing4 ban3] 柔性版
Flexograf [rou2 xing4 ban3 yin4 shua4 ji4 gong1] 柔性版印刷技工
Freiübung (S) [rou2 ruan3 ti3 cao1] 柔软体操
gedämpftes Licht [rou2 he2 de5 guang1 xian4] 柔和的光线
Gefälligkeit (S)Nachgiebigkeit (S)nachgeben (V)anschmiegsam (Adj) [rou2 shun4] 柔顺
Geflüster (S) [rou2 he2 de5 shuo1 hua4] 柔和地说话
gerade Tage [rou2 ri4] 柔日
geschmeidig, weich [rou2 ruan3] 柔软
Härte und Milde ergänzen einanderhart und mild zugleich (Adj) [gang1 rou2 xiang1 ji4] 刚柔相济
Huairou (Ort in Beijing) (Eig, Geo) [huai2 rou2] 怀柔
Huairou-Bezirk (Stadtbezirk von Peking, China) (Eig, Geo) [huai2 rou2 qu1] 怀柔区
Jiu-Jitsu (Sport) [rou2 shu4] 柔术
Johor (früher Johore, Bundesstaat von Malaysia) (Eig, Geo) [rou2 fu2 zhou1] 柔佛州
Judo (S, Sport) [rou2 dao4] 柔道
Kätzchen (S) [rou2 yi2 hua1] 柔荑花
Knetanlage (S) [rou2 he2 she4 bei4] 柔和设备
leicht und weich, zärtlich (Adj) [wen1 rou2] 温柔
lindern (V) [rou2 ruan3 ji4] 柔软剂
Mezzotinto (S)Schabkunst (S)Schabtechnik (S) [mei3 rou2 ting1 fa3] 美柔汀法
Nachgiebigkeit (S)Sanftheit (S)Zartheit (S)milde (Adj)mildernd (Adj)sanft (Adj) [rou2 he2] 柔和
Nereus [nie4 rou2 si1] 涅柔斯
Pastell (S) [qing1 rou2 de5 yan2 se4] 轻柔的颜色
Pastell (S) [rou2 bi3] 柔笔
Pianissimo (S) [rou2 diao4] 柔调
Rouran [rou2 ran2] 柔然
sanft [rou2 he2 de5] 柔和地
sanft und liebreizend [rou2 mei4] 柔媚
schwammig (Adj) [rou2 ruan3 duo1 kong3] 柔软多孔
unerbitterlich (Adj) [bu4 rou2 shun4] 不柔顺
Unschlüssigkeit (S)unentschieden (Adj)unentschlossen (Adj) [you1 rou2 gua3 duan4] 优柔寡断
weich, glatt [rou2 hua2] 柔滑
womanly and gentle [yin1 rou2] 阴柔
zart (Adj) [qing1 rou2] 轻柔
zart (Adj) [rou2 nen4] 柔嫩
zärtlich, mild, (angenehm) warm, warmherzig (Adj) [jiao1 rou2] 娇柔
Zärtlichkeit (S, Pers)zärtlich (Adj) [rou2 qing2] 柔情

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

soft / gentle, pliant
obey, submit to, go along with

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

柔' + * * + soft/ flexible supple
柔佛' + 柔佛* * + Johor (state of Malaysia at south of Malayan peninsula)/
柔佛州' + 柔佛州* * + Johor (state in Malaysia)/
柔佛海峽' + 柔佛海峡* * + Straits of Johor (between Malaysia and Singapore)/
柔和' + 柔和* * + gentle/ soft
柔媚' + 柔媚* * + gentle and lovely/ charming
柔嫩' + 柔嫩* * + tender/ delicate (texture)
柔弱' + 柔弱* * + weak/ delicate
柔性' + 柔性* * + flexibility/
柔情' + 柔情* * + gentle feelings/ tender sentiments
柔情似水' + 柔情似水* * + tender and soft as water/ deeply attached to sb
柔情俠骨' + 柔情侠骨* * + gentle feelings and chivalrous disposition (idiom)/
柔情脈脈' + 柔情脉脉* * + full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted/
柔曼' + 柔曼* * + soft/ gentle
柔美' + 柔美* * + gentle and beautiful/
柔能克剛' + 柔能克刚* * + lit. the soft can subdue the hard/
柔腸寸斷' + 柔肠寸断* * + lit. to feel as if one's intestines have been cut short/ broken-hearted (idiom)
柔膚水' + 柔肤水* * + balancing lotion/
柔術' + 柔术* * + contortion/ jūjutsu
柔軟' + 柔软* * + soft/
柔軟劑' + 柔软剂* * + emollient/
柔道' + 柔道* * + (the sport of) judo/
柔韌' + 柔韧* * + pliable and tough/ supple and strong flexible
柔順' + 柔顺* * + gentle and agreeable/ supple yielding
柔順劑' + 柔顺剂* * + fabric softener/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1868 棉花 柔软 +
2647 沙发 柔软 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

温柔 (주로 여성에 대해) 온유하다. 부드럽고 상냥하다. + + 柔和 연하고 부드럽다. 보드랍다. + +

+ + + + + + + +