C 黨委 + * * dang3wei3 Party committee Parteiausschuß + +
C 歡喜 + * * huan1xi3 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful 1. froh, erfreut 2.etwas mögen, gern haben + +
C 接連 + * * jie1lian2 one after another/ in succession/ in a row hintereinander, nacheinander, wiederholt + +
C 快餐 + * * kuai4can1 fast food/ quick meal/ snack Schnell-Imbiss, Fastfood + +
C 毛澤東思想 + * * mao2ze2dong1si1xiang3 Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Gedanke + +
C 任意 + * * ren4yi4 arbitrarily/ willfully/ at will/ at discretion beliebig,nach Belieben, willkürlich + +
C 委屈 + * * wei3qu bent-distorted/ grieved due to being mistreated Unrecht, Ungerechtigkeit, jn kränken, jm ein Unrecht antun + +
C 氧化 + * * yang3hua4 oxygen-change/ oxygenate/ oxidize oxydieren, Oxydation + +
C 字典 + * * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary Zeichenlexikon(streng !),Wörterbuch, Lexikon + +
C 車輛 + * * che1liang4 vehicles/ automobiles Fahrzeug + +
C 海軍 + * * hai3jun1 navy/ naval force Marine + +
C 夾子 + * * jia1zi clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter + +
C + * * ju4 occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to 1. besetzen, etwas in Besitz nehmen 2. gestützt auf etw, mit Hilfe von etw 3. nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge 4. Beweis, Nachweis + +
C 快活 + * * kuai4huo cheerful/ happy/ merry glücklich + +
C 委托 + * * wei3tuo1 entrust-trust/ consign/ commission/ delegate/ devolve jm mit etwas betrauen, jn beauftragen + +
C 氧氣 + * * yang3qi4 oxygen-gas/ oxygen Sauerstoff, Oxygen + +
C 英鎊 + * * ying1bang4 English-pound/ pound sterling/ pound Englisches Pfund + +
C 衷心 + * * zhong1xin1 inside-heart/ wholehearted/ heartfelt/ hearty/ cordial von ganzem Herzen, herzlich, aufrichtig + +
C 字母 + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe + +
C 車廂 + * * che1xiang1 railway carriage/ railroad car Waggon + +
C 懂事 + * * dong3 shi4 be intelligent/ be sensible/ be understanding intelligent, einsichtsvoll + +
C 反問 + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + +
C 海面 + * * hai3mian4 sea surface Meeresoberfläche + +
C + * * jia1 excellent/ good/ fine/ beautiful schön, gut, ausgezeichnet + +
C 茅台酒 + * * mao2tai2jiu3 maotai (liquor) Maotai (chin. Schnaps) + +
C 所在 + * * suo3zai4 where-be/ place/ location/ where sth. or sb. is Platz, Ort,darin bestehen + +
C + * * yue4 jump over/ leap over/ exceed/ overstep/ rob/ loot 1. überwinden, hinüberkommen, über etwas hinweg 2. überschreiten, überholen, übertreffen, über etw hinausgehen + +
C 被動 + * * bei4dong4 passive passiv + +
C 收縮 + * * shou1suo1 contract/ shrink/ reduce/ concentrate one's forces zusammenziehen,reduzieren,seine Kräfte bündeln + +
C 英明 + * * ying1ming2 outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise weise, klug + +
C 真是 + * * zhen1 shi really-be/ really/ indeed/ what a shame/ too bad es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel.. + +
C 宗教 + * * zong1jiao4 god-teaching/ religion Religion + +
C 不是 + * * bu4shi4_er2shi4_ mistake/ fault/ blame Fehler, Schuld + +
C + * * che3 tear/ pull/ drag/ chat/ chitchat 1.ziehen, zerren, 2.reißen, abreißen, aufziehen, 3. (Stoff) kaufen, 4. plaudern, schwatzen + +
C 海峽 + * * hai3xia2 strait/ channel Seestraße, Kanal + +
C 涼水 + * * liang2shui3 cold water/ un-boiled water kaltes Wasser, ungekochtes Wasser + +
C 難題 + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage + +
C 宗派 + * * zong1pai4 sect-faction/ sect/ faction Fraktion + +
C 被迫 + * * bei4 po4 be compelled/ be forced gezwungen werden + +
C 不是而是 + * * bu4shi4_ er2shi4 not … but … nicht...sondern.. + +
C + * * che4 evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen + +
C 難以 + * * nan2yi3 difficult to/ hard to schwierig zu.. + +
C 養成 + * * yang3cheng2 cultivate-succeed/ form/ acquire/ cultivate kultivieren, erlangen, formen + +
C 不是就是 + * * bu4shi4_ jiu4shi4 either … or … entweder...oder + +
C 動機 + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation + +
C 婦人 + * * fu4ren2 woman/ married woman Frau, verheiratete Frau + +
C + * * gong1 imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung + +
C 家伙 + * * jia1huo guy/ fellow/ animal/ thing/ tool/ weapon/ utensil Werkzeug, Waffe + +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend + +
C + * * ben1 1. run quickly, hurry, rush 1. schnell laufen, rennen 2. eilen 3. fliehen siehe: ben4 + +
C 動靜 + * * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm + +
C + * * fan3 return/ come or go back zurück, zurückkommen, zurückkehren + +
C 宮殿 + 殿* * gong1dian4 imperial palace Palast, Schloß + +
C 害蟲 + * * hai4chong2 injurious insect/ vermin/ pest Schädling, schädliches Insekt + +
C 深夜 + * * shen1ye4 late at night/ period around midnight späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, + +
C 顯示 + * * xian3shi4 reveal-displaymake it obvious and show/ manifest zeigen,demonstrieren, manifestieren + +
C 嬰兒 + * * ying1'er2 baby-child/ baby/ infant/ babe Säugling, Baby, Kleinkind + +
C 終身 + * * zhong1shen1 all-life/ life-time/ all one's life sein ganzes Leben, lebenslang + +
C 不停 + * * bu4ting2 ceaselessly/ constantly/ on and on unaufhörlich, ohne Ende + +
C + * * ci2 porcelain/ china Porzellan + +
C 檔案 + * * dang4'an4 files/ archives/ records/ dossiers Akte, Archiv + +
C 動力 + * * dong4li4 motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus Kraft,Impetus + +
C + * * gong1 bow/ bend/ arch 1. Bogen (Waffe) 2. bogenförmige Gegenstände 3. krümmen, biegen + +
C 家屬 + * * jia1shu3 family member/ (family) dependent Familienangehörige + +
C 未必 + * * wei4bi4 not-necessarily/ may not/ perhaps not wahrscheinlich nicht, wohl nicht, kaum + +
C 行人 + * * xing2ren2 walking-person/ pedestrian/ foot passenger Passant, Fußgänger + +
C 養料 + * * yang3liao4 nutritional-material/ nutriment/ nourishment Nährstoff, Nahrung + +
C 躍進 + * * yue4jin4 leap-advance/ leap forward/ make a leap/ jump nach vorn springen,ein Sprung nach vorn + +
C + * * zong3 put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief 1. zusammenfassen, zusammenstellen 2. allseitig, total 3. führend, leitend, Haupt-, General-, Chef- 4. immer, stets 5. wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls + +
C 哎喲 + * * ai1yo1 1. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or pain etc. eine Interjektion, Ach ! + +
C 奔跑 + * * ben1pao3 run/ run about laufen,rennen, eilen + +
C 塵土 + * * chen2tu3 dust Staub + +
C 緩和 + * * huan3he2 assuage/ ease up/ mitigated/ relaxed entspannen, mildern, lindern, Entspannung + +
C 寬闊 + * * kuan1kuo4 wide/ broad breit,weit + +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke + +
C 貧窮 + * * pin2qiong2 poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production arm, bedürftig + +
C + * * ai2 1. indicting a response to a call, order etc 2. indicating one´s grief, depression or akwardness Interjektion der Überraschung o. Schmerzes + +
C + * * chen2 sink/ heavy 1. versinken, sinken, untergehen 2.versenken, zum Sinken bringen, unterdrücken 3. tief, sehr 4. schwer von Gewicht, drückend + +
C 改編 + * * gai3bian1 adapt/ transcribe/ revise/ reorganize/ recompose 1. umarbeiten, umschreiben 2.reorganisieren, umorganisieren, umbilden + +
C 緩緩 + * * huan3huan3 slowly langsam, gemächlich + +
C 階層 + * * jie1ceng2 social stratum Gesellschaftsschicht, soziale Leiter, Hierachie + +
C + * * ju4 from Entfernung, Distanz, Abstand + +
C 腦力 + * * naoli4 mental power/ thinking ability/ intelligence Gehirn,Geisteskraft, mental + +
C 仍舊 + * * reng2jiu4 still/ yet beim alten bleiben,wie immer,wie sonst,weiterhin + +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden + +
C + * * xian3 dangerous/ perilous/ sinister/ vicious/ venomous 1. schwer passierbare Stelle, enger Paß, Barriere 2. Gefahr, Risiko 3. heimtückisch, boshaft 4. beinahe, fast + +
C 行駛 + * * xing2shi3 move-drive/ (of a boat; vehicle; etc.) go/ travel/ drive verkehren, fahren + +
C 針灸 + * * zhen1jiu3 acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung + +
C 總得 + * * zong3dei3 eventually-must/ must/ have to/ be obliged to müssen, auf jeden Fall, unbedingt + +
C 詞匯 + * * ci2hui4 vocabulary/ words and phrases Wortschatz, Vokabular + +
C 緩慢 + * * huan3man4 slow/ sluggish/ tardy langsam, sacht + +
C 款待 + * * kuan3dai4 entertain cordially/ treat cordially gastfreundlich aufnehmen, gastlich bewirten + +
C + * * qiao4 raise/ hold up/ curl up sich an einem Ende in die Höhe heben, sich nach oben biegen + +
C 踏實 + * * ta1shi step-solid/ down-to-earth/ anxiety-free Standhaftigkeit, standhaft, praktisch, erfahren + +
C + * * tong3 thick bamboo segment/ tube-shaped container 1. dickes Bambusrohr 2. dicker röhrenförmiger Gegenstand, Zylinder, Röhre 3. röhrenförmige Teile eines Kleidungsstücks + +
C + * * wei4 taste/ flavor/ smell/ odor/ interest/ food 1. Geschmack, Aroma 2. Geruch 3.interessant, geschmackvoll + +
C + * * xian4 appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously 1. jetzt, gegenwärtig, präsent 2. verfügbar, vorrätig 3. zeigen, erscheinen + +
C 行為 + * * xing2wei2 action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung + +
C 月光 + * * yue4guang1 moon-light/ moonlight/ moonbeam Mondlicht + +
C 種類 + * * zhong3lei4 sort-category/ kind/ type/ sort/ variety Art, Sorte, Sortiment, Gattung + +
C 不象話 + * * bu4xiang4hua4 very bad, scandalous abscheulich, empörend, unverschämt, schockierend, unvernünftig + +
C 含糊 + * * han2hu ambiguous/ vague/ unsure/ careless/ perfunctory zweideutig, vage, unklar + +
C + * * kuang1 basket Korb + +
C 品德 + * * pin3de2 moral character Moral,Tugend + +
C 行星 + * * xing2xing1 moving-star/ planet Planet + +
C + * * ai2 suffer, endure 1. erleiden, ertragen 2. verspäten siehe ai1 + +
C 含量 + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt + +
C + * * jie1 bear (fruit or seed)/ produce 1. (Früchte) tragen, halten 2. fest, stark, kräftig 3. stottern siehe: jie2 + +
C + * * kuang2 overbearing/ mad/ wild/ violent/ unconstrained 1.wahnsinnig, verrückt,toll, 2. heftig, gewalttätig 3. hemmungslos, zügellos + +
C 梅花 + * * mei2hua1 plum flower Blüte der Ume, der chinesischen Essigpflaume,Japan.Aprikose + +
C 日報 + * * ri4bao4 daily paper/ daily Tageszeitung + +
C + * * ta4 step/ tread/ stamp/ stomp/ trample 1. treten, betreten, gehen 2. sich an Ort und Stelle begeben + +
C 現成 + * * xian4cheng2 now-made/ ready-made fertig, gebrauchsfertig,parat + +
C 行政 + * * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration Verwaltung, Verwaltungsabteilung + +
C 枕頭 + * * zhen3tou pillow-thing/ pillow Kissen + +
C 總而言之 + * * zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 generalize-and-say-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell kurz (gesagt) + +
C + * * ai2 cancer, carcinoma Krebsgeschwulst + +
C + * * huan4 get (a disease)/ contract/ suffer from 1. Unheil, Katastrophe, Unglück, Not 2. sich sorgen, sich kümmern 3.(an einer Krankheit)leiden , erkranken + +
C 狂風 + * * kuang2feng1 fierce wind/ gale/ force 10 gale stürmischer Wind + +
C 品質 + * * pin3zhi4 character/ quality (of a person; product; etc.) Qualität, Wesen, Eigenschaft + +
C 神話 + * * shen2hua4 mythology/ myth/ fairy tale/ preposterous theory Mythologie,Legende + +
C 統計 + * * tong3ji4 totally-count/ tally/ collect statistic data/ statistics Statistik + +
C 總共 + * * zong3gong4 overall-total/ altogether/ in all/ in the aggregate/ in total zusammengerechnet, insgesamt + +
C 沉思 + * * chen2si1 muse/ ponder/ meditate/ contemplate meditieren, Meditation, Kontemplation, + +
C 此刻 + * * ci3ke4 this moment/ at this moment nun, dieser Moment, jetzt + +
C 犯人 + * * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal Kriminell + +
C 改良 + * * gai3liang2 improve/ better/ reform/ amend/ 1. verbessern, veredeln, 2. Reform + +
C 兩旁 + * * liang3pang2 both sides/ either side beide Seiten, zu beiden Seiten + +
C 鬧笑話 + * * nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself/ make a silly mistake sich lächerlich machen + +
C 切實 + * * qie4shi2 realistic/ practical/ based on reality/ in real earnest realistisch, praktikabel + +
C 統統 + * * tong3tong3 totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly alle (total) + +
C 興高采烈 + * * xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4 spirits-high-mood-ardent/ be in high spirits/ be raptured Freude und Begeisterung + +
C 樂器 + * * yue3qi4 musical-instrument/ musical instrument Musikinstrument + +
C + * * zhen4 shake/ shock/ vibrate/ quake/ be excited/ be shocked 1. beben,erschüttern,vibrieren 2. erchrecken, schockiert + +
C + * * zhong3 swell/ bloat/ distend/ puff up/ be swollen anschwellen, Schwellung + +
C 犯罪 + * * fan4 zui4 commit a crime Verbrechen, ein Verbrechen begehen + +
C 共和國 + * * gong4he2guo2 republic Republik + +
C 幻燈 + * * huan4deng1 slide/ slide presentation/ slide projector Diapositiv, Diavorführung, Projektor + +
C + * * jie2 cut/ sever/ block/ stop/ intercept/ hold up 1.zerschneiden, abschneiden,abtrennen 2. stoppen, anhalten aufhalten, abfangen 3. bis 4. Stück,Teil, (siehe auch den Ausdruck:截然) + +
C 鬧著玩兒 + * * nao4zhe wan2r frolic/ be just kidding/ tease/ act in a frivolous manner laut und albern sein + +
C 神秘 + * * shen2mi4 mysterious/ mystical geheimnisvoll + +
C 手槍 + * * shou3qiang1 handgun/ pistol Handfeuerwaffe, Pistole + +
C 沉重 + * * chen2zhong4 heavy schwer (Gewicht), ernst, kritisch + +
C 動搖 + * * dong4yao2 waver/ vacillate/ shake schütteln,schwanken,erschüttern, unentschlosssen sein + +
C 幻想 + * * huan4xiang3 fantasize/ dream/ fancy/ fantasy/ illusion Illusion, Phantasie, Hirngespinst + +
C + * * ju4 theatrical work/ drama/ play/ opera 1. Schauspiel,Theater 2. heftig, stark, drastisch, akut, stürmisch + +
C 手勢 + * * shou3shi4 gesture/ sign/ signal Gebärde, Geste + +
C + * * ying2 welcome/ greet/ go to meet/ go against/ go towards 1. entgegenkommen, abholen, empfangen, begrüßen 2. jm / etwas entgegengehen, sich auf etw hinbewegen + +
C 震動 + * * zhen4dong4 shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish erschüttern,beben + +
C + * * zhong4 hit/ be affected/ get hit/ suffer/ fall into treffen, betroffen sein, getroffen sein siehe zhong1 + +
C 本人 + * * ben3ren2 I/ me/ myself/ oneself selbst, persönlich, ich, selber + +
C + * * huan4 call out/ summon 1.laut rufen herbeirufen 2. aufrufen 3. wachrufen, erwecken, wecken + +
C 加緊 + * * jia1jin3 press on with/ step up/ speed up/ intensify intensivieren, beschleunigen + +
C + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität + +
C 神氣 + * * shen2qi4 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous/ proud/ cocky Ausdruck, Art,energisch,lebhaft + +
C 本身 + * * ben3shen1 itself/ in itself selbst, sich selbst (eine Sache, ein Ding, es selbst) + +
C 飯館 + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel + +
C 共青團 + * * gong4qing1tuan2 Communist Youth League Kommunistische Jugend-Liga + +
C + * * huang1 waste/ desolate/ barren/ unreasonable 1. öde, verlassen, brachliegen 2. wüst, verlassen 3. Mißernte, Hungersnot 4. vernachlässigen, verlernen 5. Ödland, unkultiviertes Land 6. großer Mangel, große Knappheit + +
C 侵犯 + * * qin1fan4 intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade verletzen, überfallen + +
C 日夜 + * * ri4ye4 day and night/ round the clock Tag und Nacht, rund um die Uhr + +
C 神情 + * * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien Ausdruck, Anblick, + +
C 位於 + * * wei4yu2 position-at/ lie on/ be located in/ be situated in sich befinden, liegen + +
C 幸虧 + * * xing4kui1 luckily-fortunately/ luckily/ fortunately zum Glück, glücklicherweise + +
C 陳列 + * * chen2lie4 display/ exhibit/ show Ausstellung, ausstellen + +
C 刺激 + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + +
C 倒霉 + * * dao3 mei2 be unlucky/ have bad luck Unglück erfahren, eine Pechsträne haben + +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + +
C 劇烈 + * * ju4lie4 acute/ violent/ severe heftig, drastisch,stürmisch, intensiv,stark + +
C 日益 + * * ri4yi4 more and more each day/ increasingly von Tag zu Tag, in zunehmenden Maße,mehr und mehr + +
C 搖擺 + * * yao2bai3 rock-sway/ sway/ swing/ rock/ wigwag/ vacillate schwanken, hin- und her schwingen + +
C + * * yun1 swoon/ faint/ pass out/ lose consciousness 1. schwindelig, von Schwindel befallen 2. in Ohnmacht fallen, ohnmächtig + +
C 振動 + * * zhen4dong4 vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate Schwingung, Vibration + +
C 種植 + * * zhong4zhi2 plant-grow/ plant/ grow/ crop/ put in pflanzen, anbauen + +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen + +
C 日用 + * * ri4yong4 of daily use/ of everyday use täglicher Gebrauch, tägliche Ausgaben + +
C 神聖 + * * shen2sheng4 sacred/ holy heilig + +
C 慰問 + * * wei4wen4 comfort-ask/ express sympathy and solicitude jm seine Anteilnahme zum Ausdruck bringen + +
C 搖晃 + * * yao2huang4 rock-shake/ sway/ shake/ swing/ rock schwanken, schaukeln,rütteln + +
C + * * ci4 not good/ inferior/ second/ next 1. Reihenfolge,Rangordnung, Reihe 2. zweite, nächst, nachfolgend 3. von minderer Qualität, geringwertig 4. Zählwort + +
C 泛濫 + * * fan4lan4 flood/ overflow/ spread unchecked überfluten, sich ungehindert ausbreiten + +
C + * * gou1 hook/ crochet 1. Haken 2. einhaken 3. heften, etw lose zusammennähen 4. häkeln + +
C 喊叫 + * * han3jiao4 shout/ cry out/ scream laut rufen, schreien + +
C 加入 + * * jia1ru4 join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen + +
C 劇院 + * * ju4yuan4 theater/ playhouse/ troupe Theater, Opernhaus,Ensemble, Theatergruppe + +
C 諒解 + * * liang4jie3 renounce anger or resentment through understanding Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung + +
C 侵入 + * * qin1ru4 invade/ make incursions into/ enter by force eindringen, einfallen + +
C 性別 + * * xing4bie2 sexual-distinction/ sex/ gender Geschlecht + +
C 總算 + * * zong3suan4 totally-count/ at long last/ finally/ in the end/ on the whole letzten Endes, endlich, im allgemeinen + +
C 不由得 + * * bu4you2de can't help/ cannot but nicht umhin können, etw. zu tun + +
C 鉤子 + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken + +
C 礦石 + * * kuang4shi2 ore/ galena/ iron pyrites Erz + +
C 內科 + * * nei4ke1 internal medicine/ department of internal medicine innere Medizin + +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen + +
C 影片 + * * ying3pian4 image-film/ movie/ film Film, Filmstreifen + +
C + * * zhen4 town/ garrison post/ trading center 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt + +
C 不在乎 + * * bu4 zai4hu not mind/ not care sich nicht um etwas kümmern, sich nicht um etwas scheren + +
C 島嶼 + 屿* * dao3yu3 islands and islets Inseln + +
C + * * fang1 square/ direction/ side/ party/ place 1.Viereck,Quadrat, viereckig, quadratisch 2. Himmelsrichtung, Orientierung 3. Seite 4. Methode, Weg 5. Rezept 6. eben, gerade,erst + +
C 加速 + * * jia1su4 speed up/ quicken/ expedite/ accelerate beschleunigen, forcieren + +
C 沒說的 + * * mei2 shuo1 de flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt wirklich gut + +
C + * * yao2 kiln/ stove/ oven/ old-style coal pit/ cave dwelling 1. Brennofen 2. Schacht, Grube, Höhle, Bordell + +
C + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for s.th. auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 + +
C 不怎麼樣 + * * bu4 zen3meyang4 not so good/ not particularly good/ pretty bad gleichgültig sein, nicht von großem Interesse + +
C 導彈 + * * dao3dan4 guided missile Flugkörper, Marschflugkörper, Rakete + +
C 勾結 + * * gou1jie2 collude/ collaborate/ gang up sich mit jmd verschwören, mit jmd gemeinsame Sache machen + +
C + * * han4 dry/ droughty/ not related to water 1. Trockenheit, Dürre 2.trocken 3. Land- + +
C + * * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat + +
C 審查 + * * shen3cha2 check/ inspect/ examine/ investigate/ censor checken, untersuchen,überprüfen, + +
C 性能 + * * xing4neng2 property-capability/ performance/ capability/ property Funktion, Leistung + +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht + +
C 總之 + * * zong3zhi1 generalize-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell/ to sum up allgemein gesagt + +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + +
C + * * cheng1 support/ prop up/ pole/ open/ unfurl/ endure 1. stützen, abstützen, unterstützen 2. mühsam aufrechterhalten 3. etwas mit einer Stange schieben, staken 4. aufspannen, aufhalten 5. vollpfropfen, vollstopfen , etw zum Bersten füllen + +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger + +
C 蓋子 + * * gai4zi lid/ cover/ cap/ top/ shell Deckel, Verschluß, Decke, Schild, Panzer + +
C + * * gou1 ditch/ channel/ trench/ rut/ waterway/ gully/ ravine 1. Graben, Schützengraben 2. Furche, Rinne, Rille 3. Felsenschlucht + +
C 慌忙 + * * huang1mang2 hurried/ hasty/ rash/ flustered and busy eilig, hastig + +
C 加油 + * * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten + +
C 平凡 + * * ping2fan2 common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial gewöhnlich,einfach + +
C 榮幸 + * * rong2xing4 honored and fortunate geehrt werden, geehrt (sein) + +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand + +
C 縣城 + * * xian4cheng2 county-town/ county seat Kreisstadt + +
C + * * ying4 answer/ reply/ comply with/ respond to/ suit/ deal with antworten, erwidern, annehmen, sich anpassen, sich nach etwas richten, begegnen + +
C 鎮靜 + * * zhen4jing4 calm-tranquil/ calm/ cool/ composed/ poised/ unruffled ruhig, gelassen, gefaßt, kühl + +
C 安定 + * * an1ding4 1. stable, settled 2. stabilize, maintain stabil,ruhig,aufrechterhalten + +
C 伺候 + * * ci4hou wait upon/ serve aufwarten, bedienen + +
C 導師 + * * dao3shi1 teacher/ tutor/ supervisor/ mentor/ adviser Tutor, Lehrer + +
C + * * han4 solder/ weld löten, schweißen + +
C 況且 + * * kuang4qie3 in addition/ moreover/ besides überdies, außerdem,noch dazu + +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand + +
C 應酬 + * * ying4chou respond-toast/ be sociable/ treat with courtesy gesellschaftlichen Umgang pflegen, jn höflich bewirten, Tischgesellschaft, Gastmahl + +
C 鎮壓 + * * zhen4ya1 suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute unterdrücken + +
C 不止 + * * bu4zhi3 be not limited to/ be more than/ not stop ununterbrochen, endlos, mehr als , unbegrenzt + +
C + * * dou3 tremble/ quiver/ shake/ jerk/ expose/ rouse 1. zittern, beben, schaudern 2. schütteln, abschütteln 3. wachrütteln, aufrütteln 4. ein Emporkömmling sein, sich groß tun + +
C + * * juan3 roll/ reel/ spool einrollen,aufkrempeln,aufwirbeln, etc + +
C 平衡 + * * ping2heng2 balanced/ balance/ equilibrium ausgewogen, Balance + +
C + * * wen1 warm/ lukewarm/ mild/ gentle/ warm up/ review 1. lauwarm, warm 2. Temperatur 3. erwärmen, aufwärmen 4. auffrischen, wiederholen + +
C 應付 + * * ying4fu cope-give/ deal with/ cope with/ make do with mit etwas umgehen können, flüchtig und oberflächlich erledigen, genügen + +
C 不只 + * * bu4zhi3 not only/ not merely nicht nur + +
C 稱呼 + * * cheng1hu call/ address/ name/ term of address nennen, ansprechen, klassifizieren + +
C 導演 + * * dao3yan3 director/ direct Regisseur, Regie führen + +
C + * * dou3 steep/ precipitous 1.steil, abschüssig 2. plötzlich, jäh + +
C + * * jia3 the first of the ten Heavenly Stems/ first 1.der erste der zehn Himmelsstämme 2. das erste, das beste, erstklassig 3. Schale, Panzer 4. Nagel 5. Panzer + +
C 眉毛 + * * mei2mao eyebrow/ brow Augenbraue + +
C 溫帶 + * * wen1dai4 warm-belt/ temperate zone gemäßigte Zone + +
C 藥方 + * * yao4fang1 medicine-prescription/ recipe/ prescription Rezept, das Verschreiben eines Rezepts + +
C 應邀 + * * ying4yao1 accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation eingeladen, auf Einladung + +
C 運氣 + * * yun4qi fortune-luck/ fate/ destiny/ lot/ odds/ luck/ fortune Schicksal, Glücksfall + +
C 陣地 + * * zhen4di4 position-place/ battlefront/ front/ ground/ position Stellung, Front + +
C + * * dou4 fight/ contest with/ make animals fight/ denounce 1. kämpfen, streiten, ringen, Kampf 2. sich mit jm messen, mit jm wetteifern 3. Tierkämpfe veranstalten + +
C 乾旱 + * * gan1han4 arid/ droughty/ dry Trockenheit, trocken, ausgedörrt, wasserarm + +
C 黃昏 + * * huang2hun1 twilight/ dusk/ sundown/ sunset Abenddämmerung + +
C 眉頭 + * * mei2tou2 eyebrows/ the area where one's brows are Stelle zwischen den Augenbrauen + +
C 憲法 + * * xian4fa3 constitutional-law/ constitution Verfassung, Konstitution + +
C 藥品 + * * yao4pin3 medicine-article/ (general term for) medicines Arzneimittel, Medikamente + +
C 匆忙 + * * cong1mang2 hurried/ hasty eilig + +
C 導致 + * * dao3zhi4 lead to/ bring about/ result in/ cause verursachen, schaffen, + +
C 竭力 + * * jie2li4 as best one can/ with all one's power and energy sich anstrengen, m. aller Kraft,alle Kräfte einsetzen, s.Bestes tun + +
C + * * jue2 sense, detect, become aware of, perceive 1. fühlen,spüren,empfinden, 2.erwachen, aufwachen 3. sich bewußt werden, zur Einsicht kommen 4.Sinn, Empfindung siehe:jiao4 + +
C + * * nen4 tender/ delicate/ rare/ underdone/ light/ pale/ callow 1. zart, weich, 2. hell, zart 3.unerfahren,jung, grün + +
C 親熱 + * * qin1re4 intimate/ warm/ affectionate/ loving warmherzig,intim,liebevoll + +
C + * * tan1 beach/ shoal 1. Strand 2. Untiefe,Sandbank + +
C 投機 + * * tou2ji1 invest-chance/ congenial/ opportunistic/ speculate übereinstimmend, zueinander passend, spekulieren, Waren verschieben + +
C + * * xian4 get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler + +
C 藥水儿 + * * yao4shui3r medicinal-liquid/ liquid medicine/ lotion flüssige Arznei + +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen + +
C 不足 + * * bu4zu2 not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate unzulänglich, nicht genug, nicht ausreichend, inadäquat + +
C 干擾 + * * gan1rao3 interfere/ disturb/ obstruct/ interference/ disturbance stören, Störung + +
C 黃色 + * * huang2se4 yellow color 1.gelb 2. obzön, pornographisch + +
C 潔白 + * * jie2bai2 pure white/ spotlessly white fleckenlos, weiß + +
C 昆蟲 + * * kun1chong2 insect/ hexapod Insekt + +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter + +
C 親人 + * * qin1ren2 family member/ relative/ someone dear Blutsverwandte, Familienangehörige + +
C 溫和 + * * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial mild, warm, gemäßigt, gütig, freundlich, zart + +
C 藥物 + * * yao4wu4 medicine-substance/ medicines/ pharmaceuticals Arzneimittel, Arznei, Medizin + +
C + * * ying4 obstinately/ stubbornly/ forcibly 1. hart, fest steif 2. fest, energisch 3. etw mit Mühe vollbringen, sich mühsam zu etw überwinden 4. gut (Qualität), tüchtig (Person) + +
C 走廊 + * * zou3lang2 walking-corridor/ corridor/ passage/ passageway Korridor, Durchgang, Wandelgang + +
C + * * beng2 don't/ needn't nicht, nicht nötig, es erübrigt sich + +
C 干涉 + * * gan1she4 interfere/ intervene/ intermeddle eingreifen, sich einmischen, intervenieren, + +
C + * * gou4 buy/ purchase kaufen, ankaufen + +
C + * * jie2 1. tie, knit, knot, weave 2. congeal form 1. knüpfen, knoten, schlingen, binden 2. Knoten 3. binden, schmieden, schließen, formen 4. abschließen, abrechnen siehe: jie1 + +
C + * * neng2 energy/ gift/ ability/ faculty können + +
C 嬸子 + * * shen3zi aunt/ wife of father's younger brother Tante, Frau des jüngeren Bruders des Vaters + +
C + * * shou3 guard/ defend/ keep watch/ observe/ be close to 1. verteidigen, schützen, behaupten 2. Wache halten, wachen, aufpassen 3. halten, einhalten, festhalten 4. beobachten, in der Nähe sein + +
C + * * xiong1 inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll + +
C 布告 + * * bu4gao4 notice/ bulletin/ edict Nachricht, Mitteilung + +
C 豆漿 + * * dou4jiang1 soya-bean milk Soyabohnenmilch + +
C 購買 + * * gou4mai3 buy/ purchase kaufen, einkaufen, ankaufen + +
C + * * hang2 line/ row/ trade/ profession/ trading company 1.Linie, Zeile, Reihe 2. Geschwisterfolge 3. Beruf, Geschäftsbereich, Gewerbe, Zunft 4.Firma, Geschäft + +
C 假如 + * * jia3ru2 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen, daß + +
C 列車 + * * lie4che1 train Zug + +
C + * * neng2 capable/ able können + +
C 溶液 + * * rong2ye4 liquid solution/ liquor Lösung (Flüssigkeit) + +
C 甚至 + * * shen4zhi4 even/ and even sogar, und sogar + +
C 凶惡 + * * xiong1'e4 ferocious-vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ fiendish/ vicious böse, boshaft + +
C + * * yao4 if/ suppose/ in case/ or 1. wichtig, Wesentliches 2. etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen 3. bitten, lassen, fordern 4. mögen, wünschen 5. müssen, sollen 6. werden 7. wenn + +
C + * * cheng2 one tenth/ one out of ten ein Zehntel 1. vollenden, glücken, gelingen, vollbringen 2. zu etw werden, sich in etw verwandeln 3. Erfolg, Ergebnis, Frucht, Resultat,4. erwachsen, ausgewachsen,ausgebildet 5. fertig, bestehend,vollendet 6. in großer Zahl,in großer Menge, in langer Ze + +
C 豆子 + * * dou4zi bean/ pea/ pulse/ legume Bohne + +
C 房屋 + * * fang2wu1 houses and rooms/ buildings Haus, Gebäude + +
C 行列 + * * hang2lie4 procession/ rows and columns/ ranks and files Reihe, Zug + +
C 假若 + * * jia3ruo4 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen + +
C 結果 + * * jie2guo3 result/ outcome/ ending Resultat,Folge, + +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene + +
C 甚至於 + * * shen4zhi4yu2 and even/ it goes so far that und sogar, so sehr,daß + +
C 投降 + * * toou3xiang2 join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken + +
C 要不 + * * yao4bu4 if-not/ otherwise/ or else/ or sonst, andernfalls + +
C + * * yo (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) oh ! + +
C 運轉 + * * yun4zhuan3 revolve-turn/ revolve/ turn round/ run/ operate/ work kreisen, sich im Kreis drehen, in Betrieb sein, laufen + +
C 蒸發 + * * zheng1fa1 evaporate-emanate/ vaporize/ evaporate Verdampfung, Evaporation + +
C 走彎路 + * * zou3 wan1lu4 walk-roundabout-way/ go in a roundabout way/ detour im Kreis gehen + +
C 成本 + * * cheng2ben3 cost Kosten + +
C + * * gan1 sweet/ pleasant 1. gefällig, wohltuend, süß 2. willig, freiwillig, aus eigenem Antrieb + +
C 行業 + * * hang2ye4 trade/ business/ industry Beruf, Branche + +
C 能歌善舞 + * * neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3 be good at both singing and dancing singen und tanzen können + +
C 親眼 + * * qin1yan3 (see) with one's own eyes/ (witness) personally mit eigenen Augen, persönlich + +
C 壽命 + 寿* * shou4ming4 life-span/ life/ life time Lebensspanne + +
C 蚊子 + * * wen2zi mosquito Mücke, Moskito + +
C 要不然 + * * yao4buran2 if-not-so/ otherwise/ or else/ or anderenfalls, oder sonst + +
C 蒸汽 + * * zheng1qi4 evaporate-stream/ water vapor/ steam Dampf + +
C 安裝 + * * an1zhuang1 install/ erect montieren, installieren, aufstellen + +
C 辜負 + * * gu1fu4 let down/ fail to live up to/ be unworthy of/ disappoint sich einer Sache als unwürdig erweisen, etwas nicht rechtfertigen + +
C + * * huang4 wigwag/ sway/ rock/ shake blenden, grell + +
C 假使 + 使* * jia3shi3 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, im Falle, daß + +
C 美觀 + * * mei3guan1 pleasing to the eye/ artistic/ (of things) beautiful schön fürs Auge, schöner Anblick + +
C 平行 + * * ping2xing2 parallel/ simultaneous/ concurrent/ at the same level parallel + +
C 慎重 + * * shen4zhong4 careful/ cautious/ prudent/ discreet vorsichtig,umsichtig + +
C 談話 + * * tan2hua4 talk/ chat/ statement issued in the form of an interview sich unterhalten, Unterhaltung + +
C 要不是 + * * yao4bu2shi4 if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't falls nicht.. + +
C 掙扎 + * * zheng1zha2 struggle-strain/ struggle/ battle/ flounder sich abmühen, sich anstrengen + +
C + * * lie4 split/ crack/ break up spalten, zerfallen, sich spalten,platzen,Ritze, Fissur, Risse bekommen + +
C 談論 + * * tan2lun4 talk-comment/ talk about/ discuss/ chat diskutieren + +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt + +
C 擁擠 + * * yong1ji3 throng-squeeze/ push/ squeeze/ press/ shove sich drängen, Gedränge + +
C + * * zheng1 open (the eyes) (die Augen) öffnen, aufschlagen + +
C 到…為止 + 为止* * dao4 wei2zhi3 up to …/ up till …/ until … zu, bis zu + +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + +
C + * * jia4 price/ value/ valence 1.Preis, 2.Wert, 3. Valenz jie=? + +
C 能量 + * * neng2liang4 energy/ ability/ capacity/ capability Energie + +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano + +
C 容器 + * * rong2qi4 container/ vessel Gefäß, Behälter + +
C + * * shou4 sell 1. verkaufen, absetzen 2. (von einer List, Plan,Kniffen ) Gebrauch machen, in die Tat umsetzen, sich bedienen + +
C 要好 + * * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other mit jn befreundet sein, mit jm auf gutem Fuß stehen + +
C + * * za2 pound/ tamp/ break/ smash 1.schlagen, hämmern, stampfen 2. zerbrechen, zerschlagen 3. durchfallen, scheitern, verpatzen + +
C 周末 + * * zhou1mo4 week-end/ weekend Wochenende + +
C + * * zu1 charter/ let/ lease/ hire/ rent/ 1. mieten, pachten 2. vermieten, verpachten + +
C 按期 + * * an4qi1 on schedule/ on time termingerecht, fristgemäß + +
C + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + +
C 防守 + * * fang2shou3 defend and keep/ guard verteidigen, schützen (gegen) + +
C + * * hui1 ash/ dust/ lime/ grey color 1.Asche 2.grau + +
C 決口 + * * jue2 kou3 (of a dike/ dam; etc.) be breached (Deich etc.) brechen,durchbrechen, Durchbruch + +
C 烈士 + * * lie4shi4 martyr/ person of heroic ambitions Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat + +
C 售貨 + * * shou4 huo4 sell goods Waren verkaufen + +
C 線路 + 线* * xian4lu4 wire-route/ circuit/ line/ route/ path/ connection Leitung, Stromkreis,Linie, Route + +
C 征服 + * * zheng1fu2 go-conquer/ conquer/ subjugate/ subdue erobern, unterwerfen, bezwingen + +
C 周年 + * * zhou1nian2 orbit-year/ anniversary Jahrestag + +
C 比方 + * * bi3fang instance/ analogy Analogie, Unterfall + +
C 步驟 + * * bu4zhou4 step/ move/ measure Schritt,Maßnahme + +
C 孤立 + * * gu1li4 isolated/ isolate zusammenhangslos,isoliert,auf sich allein gestellt + +
C 灰塵 + * * hui1chen2 dust/ dirt Staub + +
C 價錢 + * * jia4qian price Preis + +
C + * * ping2 rely on/ depend on/ lean on/ with 1. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 2. sich anlehnen 3.Beweis 4. ganz gleich, wie, oder was auch immer + +
C 容許 + * * rong2xu3 allow/ permit billigen, erlauben,zulassen + +
C 頭腦 + * * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit Gehirn, Verstand, Intelligenz, Kopf, Anhaltspunkt, Faden + +
C 踴躍 + * * yong3yue4 jump-leap/ vying with one another/ enthusiastic/ eager springen, hüpfen, miteinander wetteifernd, eifrig, begeistert, lebhaft + +
C + * * zu2 foot/ leg genügend, genug, ausreichend, reichlich + +
C 從容 + * * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough ruhig, in Ruhe, ohne Eile, + +
C 灰心 + * * hui1 xin1 lose heart/ be disheartened/ be discouraged entmutigt, mutlos + +
C 獵人 + * * lie4ren2 hunter/ huntsman Jäger + +
C 聲明 + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement + +
C + * * yong3 gush/ pour/ surge/ rise/ spring/ well/ emerge 1. hervorquellen, sprudeln ,fluten, strömen, 2. aufsteigen, hochsteigen, emporsteigen siehe: *chong1 + +
C + * * zu2 foot/ leg Fuß, Bein + +
C 航行 + * * hang2xing2 sail/ fly/ travel by boat; plane; or spacecraft navigieren, fliegen, segeln + +
C + * * jia4 put up/ erect/ support/ prop/ help/ fend off/ kidnap 1. aufstellen,stützen, errichten 3. abwehren, parieren 4. halten, stützen 5. verschleppen, entführen 6.Rauferei, Balgerei + +
C + * * kuo4 wide/ broad/ vast/ rich/ wealthy/ extravagant 1. breit, weit, geräumig 2. reich, wohlhabend, begütert + +
C 坦克 + * * tan3ke4 tank Panzer + +
C 暗暗 + * * an4'an4 secretly geheim + +
C 防禦 + * * fang2yu4 defend and resist/ guard Verteidigung + +
C 決議 + * * jue2yi4 resolution/ formal statement passed by an assembly Beschluß, Resolution + +
C 泥土 + * * ni2tu3 mud/ earth/ dirt/ soil Erde, Lehm,Tonerde + +
C + * * ping2 comment/ criticize/ review/ assess/ judge/ evaluate 1.kommentieren, kritisieren 2. beurteilen, abschätzen + +
C + * * rou2 knead/ roll/ crumple/ rub/ massage reiben, kneten, massieren + +
C 雜文 + * * za2wen2 extra-composition/ essay/ satirical essay Essay + +
C 成千上萬 + * * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of 10 Tausenden von + +
C 輝煌 + * * hui1huang2 splendid/ brilliant/ glorious brilliant, glorreich, hell leuchtend, prächtig + +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, + +
C 勤勞 + * * qin2lao2 hardworking/ diligent/ industrious/ assiduous fleißig, arbeitsam + +
C 透明 + * * tou4ming2 penetrating-brightness/transparent/ lucid durchsichtig, transparent, lichtdurchlässig + +
C 雜志 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-substance/ impurity Zeitschrift + +
C 防治 + * * fang2zhi4 prevent and treat (diseases) bekämpfen und behandeln (von Krankheiten) + +
C 趕忙 + * * gan3mang2 hurriedly/ hastily eilen, hasten,sich beeilen, eilends + +
C + * * jue2 unique/ superb/ desperate/ hopeless/ exhausted 1. abbrechen, abschneiden, unterbrechen, 2. aufgebraucht, verbraucht, alle sein 3. ausweglos, hoffnungslos 4. einzigartig, 5. äußerst, extrem 6. unbedingt 7. kommpromißlos + +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete + +
C + * * men4 stuffy/ cover tightly/ keep silent/ shut oneself in 1.schwül, drückend, stickig 2. dumpf 3. etw fest zudecken, bedecken, keine Luft durchlassen siehe men4 + +
C 柔軟 + * * rou2ruan3 soft/ supple/ lithe/ limber weich, geschmeidig + +
C + * * sheng1 life/ all one's life/ livelihood/ existence 1. Leben , Existenz 2. Schüler, Student + +
C + * * shu1 comb 1. Kamm 2. kämmen + +
C 鑰匙 + * * yao4shi key Schlüssel + +
C 雜質 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-record/ magazine/ journal/ random notes/ gemischte-Substanz, Unreinheit + +
C 爭奪 + * * zheng1duo2 fight-seize/ fight for/ contend for/ scrabble for ringen, sich um etwas streiten + +
C 祖父 + * * zu3fu4 grandparent-father/ (paternal) grandfather Großvater (väterlicherseits) + +
C 妨礙 + * * fang2'ai4 hinder/ hamper/ obstruct/ impede/ make difficult behindern + +
C 趕上 + * * gan3 shang4 catch up with/ be in time for einholen + +
C 毫米 + * * hao2mi3 millimeter Zählwort Zentimeter + +
C 駕駛 + * * jia4shi3 drive/ pilot/ steer/ astrogate/ navigate lenken, fahren, steuern + +
C 蠟燭 + * * la4zhu2 candle Kerze + +
C 梳子 + * * shu1zi comb Kamm + +
C 相對 + * * xiang1dui4 mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, + +
C + * * zai1 grow/ plant/ erect/ insert/ plant (stolen goods)/ tumble 1. pflanzen, züchten 2. aufstellen, aufpflanzen 3. jn zu etwas abstempeln, aufbürden 4. fallen, stürzen, stolpern + +
C + * * zhou1 porridge/ congee/ gruel Brei + +
C 獨特 + * * du2te4 unique/ distinctive/ original einzigartig, singulär, + +
C 鼓動 + * * gu3dong4 fan/ flap/ arouse/ agitate/ incite/ stir up 1. agitieren, aufrütteln, anstiften + +
C + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien + +
C 評价 + * * ping2jia4 evaluate/ assess/ appraise/ evaluation/ assessment bewerten, einschätzen + +
C 探索 + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + +
C + * * zhou4 crinkle/ wrinkle/ furrow/ shrivel/ frown/ knit knittern, Falten ziehen, runzlig werden + +
C 祖母 + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) + +
C 部署 + * * bu4shu3 dispose/ deploy/ deployment/ plan Disposition, Planung, anordnen + +
C 成天 + * * cheng2tian1 all day long/ all the time den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit + +
C + * * rong2 clump/ tussock/ thicket/ grove/ crowd/ collection 1. Gebüsch, Gesträuch, 2. Gedränge, Menge , Sammlung + +
C 獨自 + * * du2zi4 alone/ by oneself allein + +
C 假期 + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien + +
C 解放軍 + * * jie3fang4jun1 liberation army/ Chinese People's Liberation Army Befreiungsarmee,VBA Soldat + +
C 評論 + * * ping2lun4 comment/ remark/ review/ commentary kommentieren, kritisieren,Kommentar + +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse + +
C 生病 + * * sheng1 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden, erkranken + +
C 皺紋 + * * zhou4wen2 wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker Falte, Furche + +
C 祖先 + * * zu3xian1 ancestor-forebear/ forefather/ forebear/ ancestor Vorfahren, Ahnen + +
C + * * cou4 move close to/ gather together/ collect/ pool 1. sammeln, zusammentun, 2. zufällig, gerade, bei Gelegenheit 3. sich nähern, an etw heranrücken + +
C + * * fang3 spin/ make thread by drawing out and twisting 1.spinnen 2. dünnes Seidengewebe + +
C + * * jun1 equal/ even 1. gleich, gleichmäßig, ausgewogen 2. all, ganz, ohne Ausnahme + +
C + * * la4 spicy/ hot/ peppery/ pungent/ vicious/ ruthless 1. beißend, scharf, (Geschmack, Geruch)brennen 2. bitter, schonunglos, unbarmherzig + +
C 青春 + * * qing1chun1 youth/ youthfulness/ youthful age Jugend, Jugendfrische + +
C 如此 + * * ru2ci3 that be like this/ that be so so, solch, auf diese Weise + +
C 阻礙 + * * zu3'ai4 hinder-stop/ impede/ hinder/ block/ obstacle/ hindrance hindern, behindern, verhindern + +
C + * * hao3 so that, so as to so daß + +
C + * * jia4 take as a husband/ (of a woman) marry (a man)/ shift 1. heiraten (einen Mann), verheiraten (eine Tochter) 2. (eine Schuld etc.) auf jd abwälzen, einem anderen etw zuschieben + +
C 均勻 + * * jun1yun2 even/ uniform/ well-distributed/ regularly-paced gleichmäßig,regelmäßig + +
C 辣椒 + * * la4jiao1 hot pepper/ chili/ chili pepper Paprika, Chilli + +
C 門診 + * * men2zhen3 outpatient service ambulante Behandlung + +
C 突破 + * * tu1po4 charge-breach/ break through/ breakthrough einen Durchbruch erzielen, durchbrechen, brechen, überschreiten + +
C 讀物 + * * du2wu4 reading material/ books; magazines; etc. Lektüre, Lesestoff, + +
C 好比 + * * hao3bi3 be just like/ may be compared to/ can be likened to gleich wie, gleichen, mit etwas vergleichbar sein + +
C 殲滅 + * * jian1mie4 wipe out/ destroy/ annihilate zerstören, vernichten + +
C 解剖 + * * jie3pou1 dissect/ analyze/ criticize sezieren, Sektion,Obduktion + +
C + * * men4 bored/ depressed/ in low spirits/ muffled 1.gelangweilt, bedrückt, niedergeschlagen 2. luftdicht siehe men4 + +
C 青蛙 + * * qing1wa1 frog Frosch + +
C 舒暢 + * * shu1chang4 comfortable and happy/ pleased and satisfied behaglich, sorglos,froh + +
C 野獸 + * * ye3shou4 wild-beast/ wild animal wildes Tier, Bestie + +
C 災難 + * * zai1nan4 disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering Not, Katastrophe + +
C + * * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen + +
C 筆試 + * * bi3shi4 written examination Schriftliche Prüfung + +
C 成語 + * * cheng2yu3 idiom/ concise and meaningful set phrase Redewendung, feste Wortgruppe, Sprichwort + +
C 嘆氣 + * * tan4 qi4 sigh (a breath)/ sigh/ have a sigh seufzen, Seufzer austoßen + +
C 修建 + * * xiu1jian4 build-construct/ build/ construct/ erect bauen, aufbauen, im Bau sein + +
C 整頓 + * * zheng3dun4 organize-arrange/ restructure/ consolidate/ reorganize konsolidieren, reorganisieren + +
C 阻力 + * * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction Widerstand,Hindernis + +
C 成員 + * * cheng2yuan2 member Mitglied + +
C 古典 + * * gu3dian3 classical klassisch + +
C 監督 + * * jian1du1 supervise/ superintend überwachen, beaufsichtigen,Kontrolleur + +
C 軍備 + * * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament Rüstung + +
C + * * lin2 sprinkle/ shower/ drench/ pour/ spray/ drizzle etwas mit Wasser begießen,durchnässen + +
C + * * meng2 cover/ blindfold/ suffer 1.bedecken, zudecken, verhüllen 2. empfangen, entgegennehmen 3. ungebildet, unkultiviert, unaufgeklärt + +
C + * * po1 splash/ spill/ sprinkle/ throw a fluid in flying masses 1. besprengen, ausschütten 2. giftig, boshaft,unvernünftig und zänkisch + +
C 如同 + * * ru2tong2 be like/ be the same as wie, gleich wie + +
C 生存 + * * sheng1cun2 live and persist/ subsist/ exist/ survive überstehen, überleben,existieren + +
C 聞名 + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen + +
C + * * zai4 carry/ hold/ be loaded with/ (of roads) be filled with 1. laden, mit etw. beladen sein, tragen, bringen 2. überall auf dem Weg 3. < lit > und, gleichzeitig + +
C 整風 + * * zheng3 feng1 rectify-style/ rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking den Arbeitsstil berichtigen + +
C 猜想 + * * cai1xiang3 suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung + +
C 得病 + * * de2 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden + +
C 監視 + * * jian1shi4 keep watch on/ keep a lookout over/ oversee überwachen, beaufsichtigen,beobachten + +
C 如下 + * * ru2 xia4 as follows wie folgendes, folgend + +
C + * * wen3 lips/ kiss/ touch or caress with one's lips 1. Lippe 2. Schnauze 3. küssen, Kuß + +
C 冶金 + * * ye3jin1 smelt-metal/ metallurgy verhütten, Metallurgie + +
C 載重 + * * zai4zhong4 carry-load/ carrying capacity/ load Traglast, Tragvermögen, belasten, beladen + +
C 阻止 + * * zu3zhi3 hinder-stop/ prevent/ preclude/ stop/ arrest/ hold back verhindern, zurückhalten + +
C + * * ao2 decoct/ boil/ endure/ hold out 1. langsam kochen, abkochen, auskochen 2. durchhalten, aushalten, ertragen + +
C 彼此 + * * bi3ci3 each other/ one another gegenseitig + +
C 監獄 + * * jian1yu4 prison/ jail Gefängnis,Haftanstalt + +
C 來賓 + * * lai2bin1 visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher + +
C 零件 + * * ling2jian4 part/ component Ersatz-, Bauteil, Zubehör + +
C + * * meng3 brave/ violent/ fierce/ energetic/ vigorous wild,heftig,kräftig,plötzlich, unerwartet + +
C 圖畫 + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + +
C 修正 + * * xiu1zheng4 revise-rectify/ correct/ amend/ revise neufassen, korrigieren + +
C 裁縫 + * * cai2feng dressmaker/ tailor Schneider + +
C 放手 + * * fang4 shou3 let go/ relinquish/ give a free hand; go all out 1. loslassen, die Hand wegnehmen 2. jm freie Hand lassen + +
C 回想 + * * hui2xiang3 recall/ recollect/ think back/ reminisce zurückdenken, sich erinnern + +
C 軍官 + * * jun1guan1 military officer/ army officer Offizier + +
C 猛烈 + * * meng3lei4 fierce/ violent/ vigorous heftig, gewaltig,stürmisch, wild + +
C 輕視 + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + +
C 修築 + * * xiu1zhu4 build-construct/ (of roads; dikes/ etc.) build/ construct bauen, anlegen + +
C 組成 + * * zu3cheng2 form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make verfassen, bestehen aus + +
C 奧秘 + * * ao4mi4 mystery/ enigma schwer zu ergründendes Geheimnis, Rätsel + +
C 畢竟 + * * bi4jing4 after all/ when all is said and done/ in the end alles in allem,jedoch, schließlich + +
C 粗心 + * * cu1xin1 careless/ thoughtless unsorgfältig, nachlässig + +
C 得了 + * * de2 le a remark made for an all-right situation zu Ende sein, fertig sein, alles o.k, das ist genug + +
C 放鬆 + * * fang4song1 loosen/ relax/ slacken/ become less attentive lockern, etw locker machen, entspannen, nachlassen + +
C 軍艦 + * * jun1jian4 warship/ naval vessel Kriegsschiff + +
C 猛然 + * * meng3ran2 suddenly/ abruptly plötzlich, jäh + +
C 破產 + * * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern + +
C 生理 + * * sheng1li3 physiology Physiologie + +
C 再三 + * * zai4san1 again-three/ again and again/ over and over again immer wieder, abermals + +
C 粗心大意 + * * cu1xin1 da4yi4 careless/ inadvertent/ negligent lässig, nachlässig,unachtsam + +
C 感受 + * * gan3shou4 be affected by/ taste/ feel/ experience/ feeling 1. sich etw zuziehen, von etw befallen sein, angesteckt sein 2. empfinden, spüren, fühlen, Eindruck + +
C 堅固 + * * jian1gu4 solid/ firm/ sturdy/ strong/ impregnable fest, solide + +
C 界線 + 线* * jie4xian4 boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line Grenze, Grenz-, Demarkationslinie + +
C 軍人 + * * jun1ren2 soldier/ serviceman Soldat, Armeeangehörige + +
C 書本 + * * shu1ben3 (general term for) book Buch (allgemeiner Ausdruck) + +
C 倘若 + * * tang3rou4 supposing/ if/ in case wenn, falls, angenommen + +
C 用品 + * * yong4pin3 use-article/ articles for use Gebrauchsartikel + +
C 組長 + * * zu3zhang3 group-leader/ team leader/ head of a group Anführer, Gruppenleiter + +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 + +
C 裁判 + * * cai2pan4 judge/ umpire/ act as referee/ referee schiedsrichtern, Schiedsrichter + +
C 乘客 + * * cheng2ke4 passenger Fahrgast, Passagier + +
C 放學 + * * fang4 xue2 classes are over/ students leave school after classes die Schule ist aus + +
C + * * hui3 destroy/ ruin/ damage/ demolish 1. zerstören, vernichten 2. verbrennen, etw durch Feuer vernichten 3. verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen + +
C 來回 + * * lai2hui2 visitor/ guest hin und her,hin und zurück,Hin-und Rückweg + +
C 夢想 + * * meng4xiang3 dream of/ hope vainly/ dream/ wishful thinking etw. vergeblich versuchen, von etw. träumen + +
C 輕易 + * * qing1yi4 lightly and easily/ lightly/ easily leicht, mühelos, leichthin, unbesonnen + +
C + * * xiu4 rust/ become rusty Rost, rosten, korrodieren + +
C 再說 + * * zai4shuo1 more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus + +
C 整體 + * * zheng3ti3 whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer das Ganze, Ganzheit + +
C 得意 + * * de2 yi4 complacent/ conceited/ pleased with oneself froh, erregt,in gehobener Stimmung/selbstzufrieden + +
C 放映 + * * fang4ying4 show (a film)/ present images through projection zeigen, projezieren, vorführen + +
C 骨幹 + * * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member Rückgrat + +
C + * * mi1 narrow (one's eyes) 1. die Augen halb schließen, blinzeln 2. schlummern + +
C 用途 + * * yong4tu2 use-way/ use/ purpose/ application Verwendungszweck, Anwendungsbereich + +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt + +
C + * * cai2 talent/ ability 1. Befähigung, Begabung 2. Mensch bestimmter Eigenart + +
C + * * cheng2 fill/ ladle/ hold/ contain 1. füllen 2. aufnehmen, fassen siehe sheng4 + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- adv. einfach müssen + +
C 借口 + * * jie4kou3 excuse/ pretext/ alibi/ pretense etw. zum Vorwand nehmen,Vorwand, Ausrede + +
C + * * mi1 charm/ fascinate/ be crazy about/ be lost 1. irregehen, herumirren, sich nicht orientieren können 2. für etw schwärmen, bezaubern, 3. Fan + +
C 書籍 + * * shu1ji2 (collective term for) books/ works/ literature Bücher- (Sammelbegriff) + +
C 徒弟 + * * tu2di4 apprenticing junior/ apprentice Lehrling, Schüler + +
C 用心 + * * yong4 xin1 use-heart/ attentively/ intently/ diligently mit konzentrierter Aufmerksamkeit, aufmerksam, Motiv, Absicht + +
C 囑咐 + * * zhu3fu4 enjoin-instruct/ enjoin/ exhort/ advise/ urge/ tell ermahnen, einschärfen + +
C 促使 + 使* * cu4shi3 urge/ impel/ push/ spur antreiben, veranlassen,drängen (zu) + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- im Widerspruch mit, illegal + +
C 來客 + * * lai2ke4 back and forth/ to and fro/ round trip Gast, Besucher + +
C 迷糊 + * * mi2hu confused/ dazed/ muddle-headed/ unconscious 1. den Blick trüben, vor den Augen verschwimmen 2.konfus, benommen, nicht bei klaren Verstand sein + +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen + +
C 破爛 + * * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered 1. zerlumpt, zerfetzt, abgenutzt, schäbig 2. Kram, Trödel + +
C 途徑 + * * tu2jing4 route and path/ way/ approach/ avenue/ channel Weg, Weise + +
C + * * xiu4 embroider sticken, Stickerei + +
C 程序 + * * cheng2xu4 procedure/ process/ program Verfahren, Prozedur + +
C + * * cuan4 flee/ scurry/ change (wording) fliehen, davonlaufen, davonstürzen + +
C 敢於 + * * gan3yu2 have the courage to/ dare to/ be bold in wagen, sich trauen, sich erdreisten + +
C 穀子 + * * gu3zi millet 1. Hirse 2. ungeschälter Reis + +
C 傾向 + * * qing1xiang4 lean towards/ be inclined to/ tendency/ inclination 1.Tendenz, Trend, Abweichung, Neigung 2. geneigt sein, voziehen + +
C + * * xu1 need/ want/ require 1. brauchen, bedürfen, etw nötig haben 2. Bedarf, Bedarfsartikel, Gebrauchsartikel + +
C 才能 + * * cai2neng2 talent/ ability/ capacity Fähigkeit, Talent + +
C + * * gu3 strand/ stream/ burst/ section/ share/ group/ 1. Oberschenkel 2. Unterabteilung 3. Zählwort ein Faden, ein Rinnsal aus der Quelle, ein feiner Duft + +
C 堅硬 + * * jian2ying4 hard/ stony/ solid hart, fest + +
C + * * niang2 ma/ mom/ mother/ woman 1. Mutter 2. Frau, Tante 3. junge Frau + +
C + * * tao2 peach/ sth. resembling a peach/ walnut 1. Pfirsich 2. pfirsichähnlicher Gegenstand + +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette + +
C 夜間 + * * ye4jian1 night-period/ at night in der Nacht, nachts + +
C 在於 + * * zai4yu2 be-at/ lie in/ consist in/ depend on/ rest with auf etw. beruhen, in etw. bestehen, von etw.,jn bestimmt sein + +
C + * * ba3 hold/ grasp/ control (VA)(VC) halten, fassen, kontrollieren + +
C 靈魂 + * * ling2hun2 soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor Seele + +
C 迷信 + * * mi2xin4 have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben + +
C 迫害 + * * po4hai4 persecute/ treat sb. with cruelty/ oppress cruelly verfolgen + +
C + * * weng1 buzz/ hum/ drone summen + +
C 在座 + * * zai4zuo4 be-seated/ be present (at a meeting; banquet; etc.) anwesend, zugegen (bei Versammlungen, Banketts etc.) + +
C 嘴唇 + * * zui3chun2 mouth-lip/ lip Lippe + +
C + * * bi4 certainly/ surely/ definitely/ necessarily 1. sicher, bestimmt, unbedingt 2. müssen + +
C 摧毀 + * * cui1hui3 destroy/ smash/ wreck/ knock out/ devastate zerstören, zerschmettern, zertrümmern, + +
C + * * duan1 extremity/ end/ beginning/ reason/ cause 1. Ende, Rand, Extrem, Spitze 2. Anfang, Beginn 3. Grund, Ursache, Anlaß 4. Punkt 5. aufrecht, richtig 6. waagerecht halten, tragen + +
C 謎語 + * * mi2yu3 conundrum/ riddle Rätsel + +
C 軟弱 + * * ruan3ruo4 soft and weak/ weak/ feeble/ wishy-washy/ infirm schwach, weich, sanft, kläglich, schlaff, + +
C + * * tu3 local/ indigenous/ native/ crude/ rustic/ unfashionable 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh + +
C + * * xiang1 measure word for boxes; cases; chests; trunks; etc. Kiste, Kasten, Koffer,kastenartiger Gegenstand + +
C 正當 + * * zheng4 dang1 just-when/ just when/ just as/ just the time for gerade als + +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten + +
C 必定 + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher + +
C 財產 + * * cai2chan3 property/ possessions Eigentum, Besitz, + +
C 端正 + * * duan1zheng4 upright/ regular/ balanced/ correct/ rectify regelrecht, korrekt + +
C 幹勁 + * * gan4jin4 vigor/ drive/ enthusiasm/ energy Arbeitseifer, Enthusiasmus + +
C 來往 + * * lai2wang3 come and go/ associate/ association kommen und gehen, Verkehr + +
C 清晨 + * * qing1chen2 early morning früh am Morgen, früh morgens + +
C 逃避 + * * tao2bi4 escape-avoid/ evade/ shirk ausweichen, jd aus dem Weg gehen + +
C 財富 + * * cai2fu4 riches/ wealth Reichtum, Wohlstand + +
C + * * gu4 employ/ hire/ rent jn anstellen, jn einstellen, jn in Dienst nehmen, mieten + +
C + * * nie1 hold using a thumb and other fingers/ knead/ mould 1. etw zwischen den Fingern halten, mit den Fingern nehmen 2. etw zwischen den Fingern rollen, kneten, formen + +
C 清除 + * * qing1chu2 clear away/ eliminate/ get rid of/ purge/ remove beseitigen,wegschaffen,ausmerzen/ausrotten + +
C 液體 + * * ye4ti3 liquid-substance/ liquid Flüssigkeit + +
C + * * hao4 cost/ consume/ use 1. verbrauchen, kosten, verausgaben 2.( Zeit ) vertrödeln, herumtrödeln, bummeln 3.schlechte Nachricht + +
C 尖子 + * * jian1zi best of its kind/ cream of the crop/ top class talent Spitze, Elite + +
C 來源 + * * lai2yuan2 source/ origin Quelle, entspringen,entstammen + +
C + * * ruo4 if 1. wie, als ob 2. scheinen 3. wenn, falls + +
C 土壤 + * * tu3rang3 earth-and-soil/ soil Boden + +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land + +
C 正經 + * * zheng4jing upright-normal/ decent/ respectable/ formal/ serious vernünftig,anständig,seriös (?) + +
C 必修 + * * bi4xiu1 compulsory/ required/ obligatory obligatorisch, Pflicht-, + +
C 村莊 + * * cun1zhuang1 village/ hamlet Dorf, kleine ländliche Siedlung + +
C 燈火 + * * deng1huo3 lights Lichter + +
C 飛快 + * * fei1kuai4 swiftly/ very fast/ rapid/ extremely sharp sehr schnell + +
C 開辦 + * * kai1ban4 set up and run/ open/ start/ operate gründen, errichten, eröffnen, beginnen + +
C 清潔 + * * qing1jie2 clean/ unpolluted sauber, rein + +
C 若干 + * * ruo4gan1 a certain number of/ some/ several/ a few einige, etliche, manche,wieviel, wie viele + +
C + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + +
C 優勝 + * * you1sheng4 superior-victorious/ winning/ victorious/ superior (im Wettkampf) stärker + +
C 正面 + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv + +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit + +
C 必需 + * * bi4xu1 necessarily need/ be essential wesentlich, unabdingbar + +
C 村子 + * * cun1zi village/ hamlet Dorf + +
C 燈籠 + * * deng1long lantern Laterne + +
C + * * jian1 fry in shallow oil without stirring 1. etw in wenig Öl braten 2. kochen + +
C + * * xu1 must/ have to 1. müssen, etw zu tun haben, notwendig sein 2. Bart + +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit + +
C 主力 + * * zhu3li4 main-force/ main force/ main strength/ principal player Hauptmacht, Hauptkraft + +
C + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen + +
C 開除 + * * kai1chu2 dismiss/ discharge/ expel ausschließen,ausstoßen,entlassen + +
C 領會 + * * ling3hui4 understand/ comprehend/ grasp verstehen, begreifen, erfassen + +
C 葡萄 + * * pu2tao2 grape Weintraube + +
C 清晰 + * * qing1xi1 clear/ distinct klar, deutlich + +
C + * * zui4 crime/ guilt/ sin/ fault/ blame/ suffering/ pain/ hardship 1. Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld, 2. Fehler, Schuld 3. Leid, Kummer, Schmerzen 4. jm die Schuld geben + +
C + * * ba4 dam/ dyke/ embankment 1. Staudamm,Talsperre 2. Damm, Deich 3. Sandbank + +
C 財政 + * * cai2zheng4 government finance/ public economy Finanzen, öffentliche Finanzpolitik + +
C 飛行 + * * fei1xing2 fly (a plane; a spacecraft; etc.)/ travel by air fliegen, Flug, Luftfahrt + +
C 金魚 + * * jin1yu2 goldfish Goldfisch + +
C 秘書 + * * mi4shu1 secretary Sekretärin + +
C 贊美 + * * zan4mei3 eulogize-praise/ eulogize/ praise/ glorify/ laud preisen, loben,rühmen + +
C 主權 + * * zhu3quan2 primary-right/ sovereign rights/ sovereignty Souveränität, Hoheitsrechte + +
C 罪惡 + * * zui4'e4 crime-evil/ crime/ evil/ sin/ villainy/ maleficence/ vice Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld + +
C + * * bi4 wall 1.Wand, Mauer 2. Dinge von der Form oder Funktion einer Wand, wandartig + +
C 承包 + * * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility 1. (VC) einen Vertrag schließen, volle Verantwwortung übernehmen 2.(Nab) Vertrag + +
C 飛躍 + * * fei1yue4 leap/ bound/ jump/ fast and great progress Sprung, springen + +
C 開動 + * * kai1dong4 start/ set in motion/ move/ march etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren + +
C 領土 + * * ling3tu3 territory Territorium, Hoheitsgebiet + +
C + * * mi4 honey Honig, süß, honigsüß + +
C 清醒 + * * qing1xing3 clear-headed/ sober/ regain consciousness/ come to nüchtern, klar im Kopf,wieder zu Bewußtsein kommen + +
C 承擔 + * * cheng2dan1 undertake/ bear 1. (VC) etw. auf sich nehmen, tragen 2. (Nad) Verantwortung + +
C 開發 + * * kai1fa1 develop/ exploit nutzbar machen, erschließen, ausbeuten + +
C 優越 + * * you1yue4 superior-surpassing/ superior/ advantageous vorteihaft, günstig + +
C 正義 + * * zheng4yi4 righteous-justice/ righteousness/ justice/ just/ righteous Recht + +
C + * * deng2 pedal/ step on/ press with the foot 1. etwas mit dem Fuß betätigen, auf den Füßen stehend verharren + +
C 肥料 + * * fei2liao4 fertilizer/ manure Düngemittel, Dünger, Dung, Kompost + +
C 開飯 + * * kai1 fan4 it's meal time/ start to serve meals/ start to eat (meal) das Essen servieren, Mahlzeit halten, essen + +
C + * * ning3 screw/ twist/ disagree/ discord 1. drehen, schrauben 2. falsch, verkehrt 3. entgegengesetzt, uneinig siehe *ning2 siehe ning2 1. wringen, auswringen, drehen, auswinden 2. kneifen, zwicken + +
C 團體 + * * tuan2ti3 group-entity/ group/ organization/ team/ society/ circle Gemeinschaft, Organisation, Gruppe, Mannschaft + +
C + * * wu1 dirty/ filthy/ foul/ corrupt/ smeared 1. Schmutz, Dreck, 2. schmutzig, dreckig 3.verunreinigen,beschmutzen 4. bestechlich, korrupt + +
C 一帶 + * * yi2dai4 one-one/ one by one/ one after another Region, Gebiet, Zone + +
C 罪行 + * * zui4xing2 criminal-act/ crime/ guilt/ offence/ misdeed/ maleficence Verbrechen, Straftat + +
C + * * ba4 dismiss/ cease/ stop 1.(eine Tätigkeit) einstellen, mit etw aufhören 2. absetzen, entlassen 3. fertig + +
C + * * gang1 jar/ vat/ big container made of pottery; porcelain; etc. Tongefäß + +
C + * * hui4 converge/ transfer funds through a post office or bank 1. zusammenfließen, zusammenlaufen, zusammenströmen 2. sammeln 3. (Geld) anweisen, Geld überweisen 4. Sammlung, Ansammlung + +
C 今日 + * * jin1ri4 today/ this day/ present/ now heute, heutig, gegenwärtig + +
C 籃子 + * * lan2zi basket Korb + +
C 領域 + * * ling3yu4 field/ sphere/ domain/ realm/ area Territorium,Hoheitsgebiet, Gebiet, Bereich,Sektor + +
C 寧可 + * * ning4ke3 would rather lieber als..,würde eher.. + +
C + * * sai1 fill in/ stuff 1. hineinstecken, hineinpressen, hineinzwängen 2. verstopfen, zustopfen 3. Verschluß, Stöpsel sai4= strategisch wichtiger Punkt an einer Grenze + +
C 樹立 + * * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish aufrichten,erstellen + +
C 團員 + * * tuan2yuan2 group-member/ delegation member/ League member Delegationsmitglied, Mitglied einer Gruppe + +
C 贊揚 + * * zan4yang2 praise-show/ commend/ praise/ speak highly of loben, preisen + +
C 罷工 + * * ba4 gong1 strike/ walk out Streik, streiken + +
C + * * cuo1 twist/ twine/ rub/ scrub etw mit den Händen reiben + +
C 肥皂 + * * fei2zao4 soap Seife + +
C 好奇 + * * hao4qi2 curious/ inquisitive neugierig, wißbegierig + +
C 彙報 + * * hui4bao4 give an account of; report jm Bericht erstatten + +
C 艱難 + * * jian1nan2 hard/ difficult/ arduous schwer, schwierig + +
C 綱領 + * * gang1ling3 guiding principle/ program/ platform Programm, leitendes Prinzip + +
C + * * he1 oh/ ah (to express surprise) 1. hauchen, einen Atemzug hauchend ausstoßen 2. schelten, beschimpfen Interj. Oh, Ah + +
C 普及 + * * pu3ji2 popularize/ make sth. a commonplace/ prevalent popularisieren,verallgemeinern,universal, populär + +
C 晴天 + * * qing2tian1 sunny day/ fine day sonnig + +
C 樹木 + * * shu4mu4 (collective term for) trees Baum-,Bäume (Sammelbegriff) + +
C + * * te4 special/ particular/ extraordinary 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel + +
C 團長 + * * tuan2zhang3 regiment-commander/ colonel/ head of a delegation Regimentskommandeur, Delegationsleiter + +
C 響亮 + * * xiang3liang4 loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant klingend und hell, laut und klar + +
C 敘述 + * * xu4shu4 tell-state/ narrate/ relate/ recount erzählen, darstellen, schildern + +
C 政黨 + * * zheng4dang3 political-party/ political party politische Partei + +
C 挫折 + * * cuo4zhe2 setback/ reverse/ defeat/ frustration Rückschlag + +
C 匯款 + * * hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank/ remittance Geldüberweisung + +
C + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage + +
C 省得 + * * sheng3de so as to avoid/ so as to save um sich,jmd etwas zu ersparen, zur Vermeidung von etwas + +
C + * * shu4 bunch/ bundle/ sheaf 1. binden, schnüren 2. Zählwort Bündel, z.B ein Strauß Blumen 3. binden, beherrschen, zügeln, einschränken + +
C 誣蔑 + * * wu1mie4 slander-smear/ slander/ smear/ vilify/ libel verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen + +
C 吃苦 + * * chi1 ku3 bear hardships/ suffer Not leiden, Schweres ertragen + +
C 等到 + * * deng3dao4 by the time/ when warten bis, bis zu der Zeit (wenn etwas fertig ist) + +
C + * * dui1 pile/ stack/ heap/ crowd Stapel + +
C 崗位 + * * gang3wei4 post/ station Posten, Platz, Stellung + +
C 顧問 + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber + +
C + * * ling4 make/ cause/ order/ command 1. Befehl, Erlaß, Anordnung 2. Saison, Jahreszeit 3. Amtstitel in alter Zeit 4. gut 5. Ihr 6. Trinkspiel 7. lassen, veranlassen + +
C 普通話 + * * pu3tong1hua4 common speech (of the Chinese language) Putonghua, Hochchinesisch, Hochsprache + +
C 情報 + * * qing2bao4 intelligence/ information/ tip-off Information, Nachricht + +
C 束縛 + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden + +
C 政權 + * * zheng4quan2 political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime + +
C 吃虧 + * * chi1 kui1 suffer losses/ be in an unfavorable situation Schaden erleiden, zum Nachteil gereichen, benachteiligt + +
C 等候 + * * deng3hou4 wait/ await/ expect Warten + +
C 堆積 + * * dui1ji1 pile up/ heap up/ accumulate sich ansammeln + +
C + * * fei4 useless/ disused/ waste/ abandon/ abolish/ ruin 1. aufgeben,abschaffen 2. unbrauchbar, gebraucht, Abfall 3. invalid, körperlich behindert + +
C 固定 + * * gu4ding4 fixed/ regular/ predetermined/ fix/ fasten/ regularize fest, feststehend,befestigen,festlegen + +
C + * * he2 nucleus/ atomic nucleus/ pit/ stone 1.Kern, Stein, 2. Kern, Atomkern, nuklear, atomar 3. untersuchen, nachprüfen + +
C 緊急 + * * jin3ji2 urgent/ pressing/ exigent dringend, kritisch,eilig, akut + +
C + * * liu1 slide/ glide/ slip away/ sneak off 1. gleiten, rutschen 2. fortschleichen,entschlüpfen 3. glatt + +
C 推遲 + * * tui1chi2 push-later/ put off/ postpone/ delay/ defer hinausschieben, aufschieben + +
C + * * zao1 meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ suffer/ sustain 1. auf etwas stoßen, erleiden, von etw betroffen sein 2. Zählwort Mal 3. Zählwort Runde, Kreis + +
C 尊重 + * * zun1zhong4 revere-respect/ respect/ value/ esteem/ honor respektieren, achten + +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + +
C 錯字 + * * cuo4zi4 wrong character falscher Buchstabe, Druckfehler + +
C 兌換 + * * dui4huan4 exchange/ convert (currencies) tauschen, wechseln (Geld) + +
C 廢除 + * * fei4chu2 abolish/ annul/ abrogate/ disestablish aufheben,absetzen,außer Kraft setzen + +
C 港幣 + * * gang3bi4 Hong Kong dollar/ currency of Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar + +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar + +
C 緊密 + * * jin3mi4 close and dense/ close/ inseparable eng, fest,unzertrennlich,heftig und dicht aufein.f + +
C 扭轉 + * * niu3zhuan3 turn round/ turn back/ reverse/ remedy/ rectify 1. sich umdrehen, sich wenden 2.ins Gegenteil verkehren, einen Kurs korrigieren + +
C 省長 + * * sheng3zhang3 governor of a province/ premier of a province Gouverneur einer Provinz + +
C 推辭 + * * tui1ci2 push-decline/ decline/ refuse/ turn down (an offer) ablehnen + +
C 白白 + * * bai2bai2 for nothing/ in vain/ to no purpose vergebens, für nichts, ohne Zweck + +
C 邊疆 + * * bian1jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier Grenzgebiet + +
C 持久 + * * chi2jiu3 enduring/ lasting/ persistent dauern, lang dauernd, langwierig, dauerhaft, Dauer + +
C 廢話 + * * fei4hua4 nonsense/ superfluous words/ foolish discourse überflüssiges Gerede, Unsinn + +
C 港口 + * * gang3kou3 port/ harbor Hafen + +
C 固體 + * * gu4ti3 solid/ solid body Festkörper, fest + +
C + * * hun1 lose consciousness/ muddle/ muddled/ dark/ dim 1. Abenddämmerung 2. dunkel, finster, düster 3.verwirrt, konfus 4. ohnmächtig + +
C 開口 + * * kai1 kou3 open one's mouth/ start to talk/ make a cutting edge anfangen zu sprechen,eine Messerklinge schärfen + +
C 朗誦 + * * lang3song4 read aloud with expression/ recite/ declaim vortragen, rezitieren + +
C + * * san3 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel sich lösen,sich lockern,auseinandergehen,verstreut siehe san4 + +
C 郵包 + * * you2bao1 postal-parcel/ parcel Paket + +
C 邊界 + * * bian1jie4 bound/ boundary/ border Grenze + +
C + * * deng4 stare/ glare with displeasure die Augen weit aufmachen, auf etw starren + +
C 緊俏 + * * jin4qiao4 sought-after/ in shortage due to great demand sehr gefragt und schwer erhältlich + +
C 免得 + * * mian3de so as not to/ so as to avoid damit nicht, um etwas zu vermeiden + +
C 散文 + * * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. Prosa,literarische Werke + +
C 數據 + * * shu4ju4 data Daten + +
C 推翻 + * * tui1fan1 push-topple/ overthrow/ overturn/ reverse/ cancel etwas mit Gewalt umstürzen, umkippen, umstürzen + +
C 癥狀 + * * zheng4zhuang4 sick-condition/ symptom Symptom, Krankheitszeichen + +
C 餐車 + * * can1che1 dinning car/ restaurant car Speisewagen + +
C + * * chi2 pool/ pond/ moat 1.Teich, Weiher, Grube,Senke, Bodenvertiefung 2. durch erhöhte Ränder eingeschlossener Raum + +
C 凳子 + * * deng4zi stool/ bench Schemel + +
C 檢討 + * * jian3tao3 make a self-criticism/ self-criticism Selbstkritik + +
C + * * san4 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel 1. sich trennen, sich auflösen,auseinandergehen 2. verbreiten, ausstreuen, verteilen 3. vertreiben, zerstreuen, herauslassen siehe san3 + +
C 無比 + * * wu2bi3 nothing-compare/ incomparable/ unsurpassed unvergleichlich + +
C 遭遇 + * * zao1yu4 encounter-meet/ meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ encounter auf etwas stoßen, begegnen,Los + +
C + * * zheng4 struggle to get free/ try to break loose/ earn/ make 1.sich befreien, sich von jm/etw freimachen, abschütteln 2. verdienen, erwerben + +
C 邊緣 + * * bian1yuan2 edge/ fringe/ brink Rand + +
C + * * di1 dike/ embankment Damm, Deich + +
C 隊員 + * * dui4yuan2 team member Mitglied + +
C 渾身 + * * hun2shen1 from head to toe/ everywhere in one's body am ganzen Körper, von Kopf bis Fuß + +
C 散布 + * * san4bu4 scatter/ disseminate/ spread/ sow ausstreuen,verbreiten,etw. in Umlauf bringen + +
C 數目 + * * shu4mu4 number/ amount Zahl, Anzahl + +
C 推薦 + * * tui1jian4 push-commend/ recommend empfehlen + +
C 無產階級 + * * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class das Proletariat + +
C + * * zao1 rotten/ decayed/ in a wretched state/ in a mess 1.Reisweintrester, Rückstände beim Reisweinbrennen 2. mit Reisweintrester eingemacht werden 3. faul, morsch, mürbe, schlecht 4. in jämmerlichen Zustand + +
C + * * chi2 late/ slow/ tardy 1.langsam, säumig, 2. spät, verspätet + +
C 廢墟 + * * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed Ruinen, Trümmerfeld + +
C + * * gua1 melon/ gourd Kürbis, Gurke, Melone + +
C 檢驗 + * * jian3yan4 check/ test/ examine/ inspect testen, erproben,prüfen + +
C 開幕 + * * kai1mu4 begin a performance eröffnen, eine Aufführung beginnen, + +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig + +
C 推進 + * * tui1jin4 push-progress/ propel/ advance/ drive forward vorwärtstreiben, vorantreiben, vorrücken, vordringen + +
C 柱子 + * * zhu4zi pillar-thing/ pillar/ post/ column Säule, Pfahl, Pfosten + +
C 沸騰 + * * fei4teng2 boil/ reach ebullition/ seethe with excitement Überschäumen, Siedepunkt, kochen + +
C 高潮 + * * gao1chao2 high tide/ upsurge/ climax 1.Hochwasser 2. Aufschwung, Höhepunkt,Klimax + +
C + * * jian3 alkali/ soda 1. Alkali 2. Soda + +
C 留學 + * * liu2 xue2 study abroad im Ausland studieren + +
C 農場 + * * nong2chang3 farm Bauernhof,landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb + +
C + * * xiang4 alley/ lane/ narrow street Gasse + +
C 證件 + * * zheng4jian4 certificate-paper/ credentials/ certificate/ papers Papiere, Ausweis, Bescheinigung + +
C + * * zhu4 help/ assist/ aid helfen, beistehen, unterstützen + +
C 編輯 + * * bian1ji2 edit/ compile/ editor/ compiler Herausgeber, Lektor, Redakteur, Verfasser, verfassen + +
C 答復 + * * da2fu4 reply/ answer Antwort + +
C 瓜子 + * * gua1zi melon seed Melonensamen + +
C 混合 + * * hun4he2 mix/ blend/ mingle mischen, vermengen,zusammenmischen, dahinleben + +
C 開設 + * * kai1she4 set up/ open up/ provide/ offer gründen,errichten, eröffnen, abhalten, anbieten + +
C 聖誕節 + * * sheng4dan4jie2 Christmas/ Christmas Day Weihnachten + +
C 特務 + * * te4wu special-task/ special-task agent/ secret agent/ spy Geheimagent, Spion, Spitzel + +
C 相聲 + * * xiang4sheng1 comic dialogue/ cross-talk komischer Dialog + +
C 宣告 + * * xuan1gao4 propagate-declare/ declare/ proclaim proklamieren, erklären + +
C + * * zao2 chisel/ dig/ cut a hole 1. Meißel, Stechbeitel 2.meißeln, stemmen + +
C 證據 + * * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony Beweis, Beweismittel + +
C 參考 + * * can1kao3 refer to/ consult Hinweis, Referenz, befragen, konsultieren + +
C 寡婦 + * * gua3fu widow Witwe + +
C 欺負 + * * qi1fu bully/ intimidate/ bluster/ coerce/ tease/ schikanieren, tyrannisieren + +
C 刷子 + * * shua1zi brush Bürste + +
C 無法 + * * wu2 fa3 no-way/ have no way/ be incapable/ be unable unfähig etwas zu tun + +
C 助手 + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent + +
C 百貨 + * * bai3huo4 general merchandise verschiedene Waren + +
C 編制 + * * bian1zhi4 weave/ plait/ braid/ work out/ draw up/ size of staff flechten, weben, ausarbeiten, Herstellung + +
C 參謀 + * * can1mou2 give advice/ brain man/ advisor Rat geben, Berater, Stabsoffizier + +
C + * * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express 1. reichen, gelangen 2. erreichen, sich belaufen 3. völlig verstehen 4. mitteilen, ausdrücken + +
C 費力 + * * fei4 li4 be strenuous/ use or need to use a lot of effort sich die Mühe machen + +
C 高等 + * * gao1deng3 higher/ advanced höher, hochrangig, auf hoher Stufe + +
C 混亂 + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + +
C 簡便 + 便* * jian3bian4 simple and convenient/ easy einfach, handlich + +
C 開水 + * * kai1shui3 boiled water/ boiling water abgekochtes Wasser + +
C 農具 + * * nong2ju4 farm tools/ farm implements landwirtschaftliche Geräte + +
C 請教 + * * qing3jiao4 consult/ ask for advice/ seek advice um Rat fragen, zu Rate ziehen + +
C 喪失 + * * sang4shi1 lose/ forfeit verlieren, einbüßen + +
C 剩餘 + * * sheng4yu2 remain/ have a surplus/ surplus/ remainder/ residue Rest, Überschuß + +
C + * * shua3 play with/ perform/ make fun of/ give full play to 1. spielen 2. vorführen, manövrieren, aufführen 3.Spaß treiben mit + +
C 宣言 + * * xuan1yan2 declare-words/ declaration/ manifesto/ statement Deklaration, Manifest + +
C 證實 + * * zheng4shi2 prove-true/ confirm/ verify/ validate/ bear out bekräftigen, bestätigen, beweisen + +
C 達成 + * * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) erzielen, erreichen + +
C + * * di1 drip/ drop 1. tropfen, in Tropfen fallen, triefen, tröpfeln 2. Zählwort Tropfen + +
C 混凝土 + * * hun4ning2tu3 concrete/ cement Beton + +
C + * * lao2 firm/ fast/ durable/ secure 1. Gehege, Pferch, Viehhürde 2. Opfertier 3. Gefängnis 4. dauerhaft, fest, haltbar,solide + +
C 流傳 + * * liiu2chuan2 spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down überliefern,sich verbreiten, + +
C 面對 + * * mian4dui4 face/ confront/ meet gegenüberstehen,konfrontiert sein + +
C 農貿市場 + * * nong2mao4 shi4chang3 market of farm produce Markt für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse + +
C 特徵 + * * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait Merkmal, Kennzeichen, Charakterzug + +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern + +
C 證書 + * * zheng4shu1 certificate-document/ certificate/ credentials Urkunde, Zeugnis, Zertifikat + +
C + * * zhu4 cast/ found Gießen, gießen (Metall), prägen + +
C 柏樹 + * * bai3shu4 cypress Zypresse + +
C 尺寸 + * * chi3cun size/ dimensions Maß, Ausmaß,Größe + +
C 混淆 + * * hun4xiao2 confound/ confuse/ mix up verwechseln,verwischen,durcheinander bringen + +
C 流動 + * * liu2dong4 flow/ run/ circulate/ move fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil + +
C 麵粉 + * * mian4fen3 flour/ wheat flour Weizenmehl + +
C + * * xuan2 suspend/ hang/ feel anxious/ be unsettled/ disclose 1. hängen, aufhängen 2. schwebend, ungelöst 3. besorgt sein 4. weit entfernt, sehr unterschiedlich + +
C 尺子 + * * chi3zi ruler/ rule Lineal + +
C 高峰 + * * gao1feng1 peak/ pinnacle/ acme/ apex/ zenith Gipfel,Bergspitze, Höhe,Spitze, Höhepunkt + +
C 謹慎 + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam + +
C 牢固 + * * lao2gu4 solid/ strong/ firm/ secure fest, solide, haltbar + +
C 農田 + * * nong2tian2 farmland/ cultivated land/ cropland/ field Ackerland,landwirtschaftliche Fläche + +
C 請示 + * * qing3shi4 ask for instructions um Anweisungen ersuchen + +
C 衰弱 + * * shuai1ruo4 weak/ feeble/ weakened schwach, Schwächezustand, Abgespanntheit + +
C 無可奈何 + * * wu2 ke3 nai4he2 nothing-could-make-what/ be helpless nichts machen können + +
C + * * zhi1 branch/ twig/ measure word for guns; pens; flowers; etc. 1. Ast, Zweig, Geäst, Astwerk 2. Zählwort, ein Gewehr, ein Blütenzweig einer Winterkirsche + +
C 赤道 + * * chi4dao4 equator Äquator + +
C + * * da3 from/ since 1.schlagen, jm/etw einen Schlag/Stoß versetzen 2. zerschlagen, zerbrechen 3. schlagen, prügeln, angreifen 4. bauen, errichten 5. herstellen 6.rühren, mischen 7. binden, zusammenbinden 8. flechten, stricken etc + +
C + * * guai1 obedient/ well-behaved/ good/ clever/ shrewd/ lovely 1. brav, artig, manierlich 2.klug, geschickt + +
C 面孔 + * * mian4kong3 face/ look/ facial expression Gesicht + +
C 農藥 + * * nong2yao4 agricultural chemicals/ farming chemicals/ pesticide landwirtschaftliches Schädlingbekämpungsmittel, Pestizid + +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik + +
C 向導 + * * xiang4dao3 direction-guide/ guide Führer, Wegweiser + +
C 一口氣 + * * yi1kou3qi4 all-along/ always/ consistently ein Atemzug, in einem Atemzug, ohne Pause + +
C 早期 + * * zao3qi1 early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, + +
C 擺脫 + * * bai3tuo1 free oneself from/ get rid of etwas abwerfen, etwas loswerden, sich von etwas befreien + +
C + * * can2 silkworm Seidenraupe + +
C 打敗 + * * da3 bai4 defeat/ beat/ be defeated 1. besiegen, bezwingen, überwältigen 2.besiegt werden, eine Niederlage einstecken, unterliegen + +
C 高級 + * * gao1ji2 higher-grade/ high-quality/ advanced/ high-ranking 1. hoch, hochrangig, auf höherer Stufe 2. erstklassig, hochwertig + +
C 何必 + * * he2bi4 why is it necessary to/ there is no need to wozu denn, warum denn + +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit + +
C 面臨 + * * mian4lin2 be faced with/ be confronted with/ be up against angesichts, gegenüber + +
C 色彩 + * * se4cai3 color/ hue/ flavor/ appeal Farbe, Färbung,Tönung, Schattierung + +
C 向來 + * * xiang4lai2 from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer + +
C 懸崖 + * * xuan2ya2 hanging-cliff/ overhanging cliff/ steep cliff/ precipice Vorsprung, Überhang + +
C + * * zhi1 raise/ put up/ send away/ order about/ pay or withdraw ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc + +
C 對得起 + * * dui4deqi3 as far as … be concerned/ to … (someone) sich würdig erweisen, jemand nicht im Stich lassen + +
C 拐彎兒 + * * guai3 wan1r turn a corner/ make a turn/ change direction 1. um die Ecke biegen, eine Biegung machen 2. umschwenken + +
C + * * huo2 lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible lebend, lebendig + +
C 農作物 + * * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants Ernte, Erzeugnisse + +
C 退步 + 退* * tui4bu4 back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression einen Schritt zurück machen + +
C 一連 + * * yi1lian2 one-heart/ of one mind/ wholeheartedly/ heart and soul hintereinander + +
C 早晚 + * * zao3wan3 early-late/ morning and evening/ sooner or later Morgen und Abend, früher oder später, Zeit, eines (zukünftigen) Tages, später einmal + +
C 便利 + 便* * bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate Bequemlichkeit, bequem, einfach, erleichtern + +
C 何況 + * * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions) geschweige denn, erst recht + +
C 流氓 + * * liu2mang2 hooligan/ hoodlum/ ruffian/ gangster/ thug Rowdy, Gauner,Lump, Schurke + +
C + * * qi1 paint/ lacquer 1. Lack, Anstrichfarbe 2. lackieren, streichen + +
C 無論如何 + * * wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle + +
C 一路平安 + * * yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 one-mouth-breath/ in one breath/ at one go schöne Fahrt (habe eine sichere Reise !) + +
C 油田 + * * you2tian2 oil-field/ oil field Ölfeld + +
C 早已 + * * zao3yi3 early-already/ long ago/ (have done) for a long time früher, schon längst + +
C 分布 + * * fen1bu4 be distributed/ be scattered/ be dispersed verteilen, verteilt sein + +
C 高粱 + * * gao1liang Chinese sorghum Gaoliang, Sorghum + +
C + * * guai4 quite/ rather/ very 1. (VH) merkwürdig, seltsam, sonderbar, wunderlich 2. (VK) jm die Schuld geben, jm etw vorwerfen 3. (Dfa) eher, ziemlich 1. Dämon, Monster, finstere Kräfte + +
C 開夜車 + * * kai1 ye4che1 work overtime or study at night/ burn the midnight oil bis nachts arbeiten + +
C 流水 + * * liu2shui3 running water/ turnover (of a shop) fließendes Wasser,laufend, fließend + +
C + * * shuan1 tether/ tie/ fasten/ tie down/ bind up binden, anbinden + +
C 旋轉 + * * xuan2zhuan3 revolve-turn/ gyrate/ rotate/ spin/ revolve/ turn/ whirl kreisen,Kreise ziehen,kreiseln + +
C 一路順風 + * * yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1 Safe journey gute Reise ! + +
C + * * you2 swim/ rove around/ travel/ tour/ make friends with 1. schwimmen 2. herumfahren, wandern 3. < lit > Umgang, Verkehr 4. Abschnitt eines Flusses + +
C 住宅 + * * zhu4zhai2 living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling Wohnung, Behausung + +
C 作風 + * * zuo4feng1 behaving-style/ style/ way/ attitude/ behavior/ conduct Arbeitsstil, Stil, Art und Weise des Verhaltens + +
C 拜訪 + 访* * bai4fang3 pay a visit/ call on besuchen, jmd einen Besuch abstatten + +
C 便於 + 便* * bian4yu2 be easy/ be convenient vorteilhaft für, einfach zu ... + +
C 殘酷 + * * can2ku4 cruel/ brutal grausam, brutal + +
C 打擊 + * * da3ji1 strike/ hit/ attack/ pound/ frustrate angreifen, zuschlagen, Schläge versetzen + +
C + * * guai4 quite/ rather/ very 1. (VH) merkwürdig, seltsam, sonderbar, wunderlich 2. (VK) jm die Schuld geben, jm etw vorwerfen 3. (Dfa) eher, ziemlich 1. Dämon, Monster, finstere Kräfte + +
C 活該 + * * huo2gai1 deserve (sth. undesirable)/ serve one right etwas geschieht jm recht + +
C 奴隸 + * * nu2li4 slave Sklave + +
C 失掉 + * * shi1diao4 lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip verlieren, z.B Gewichtverlust + +
C + * * shuang1 frost/ frost-like substance/ white color/ hoary color Frost, Reif,frostähnliches Puder,weiß, grau + +
C 退休 + 退* * tui4xiu1 withdraw-rest/ retire in den Ruhestand treten + +
C 無情 + * * wu2qing2 no-feeling/ unfeeling/ heartless/ merciless/ ruthless gefühllos, schonungslos, gnadenlos + +
C 象徵 + * * xiang4zheng1 symbol-sign/ symbolize/ signify/ symbol/ token symbolisieren, versinnbildlichen, Symbol, Zeichen + +
C 拜會 + * * bai4hui4 pay an official visit/ call on jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten + +
C 打架 + * * da3 jia4 fight/ scuffle/ fistfight/ tussle kämpfen,raufen, sich balgen, Schlägerei, Handgemenge + +
C + * * di3 support/ set off/ be equal to/ compensate/ reach 1. stützen, Halt geben 2.widerstehen,abwehren 3. Ersatz leisten, büßen 4.Pfand, verpfänden 5. ersetzen, gleichkommen, ausgleichen 6. ankommen, eintreffen + +
C 高尚 + * * gao1shang4 noble/ lofty/ sublime nobel, edel, erhaben + +
C 怪不得 + * * guai4 bu de no wonder/ so that's why/ put no blame on Kein Wunder + +
C 合唱 + * * he2chang4 sing in chorus/ chorus Chor, Chorgesang, im Chor singen + +
C 簡直 + * * jian3zhi2 simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar + +
C 進軍 + * * jin4jun1 march/ advance marschieren, Feldzug, Vormarsch + +
C 流行 + * * liu2xing2 prevail/ be in vogue/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent weit verbreitet,populär, in Mode + +
C + * * qi2 it/ they/ she/ he/ its/ their/ her/ his/ that/ such 1.er, sie, es 2. sein, ihr 3. dies, solches + +
C 失眠 + * * shi1mian2 lose sleep/ be unable to sleep/ suffer from insomnia Schlaflosigkeit + +
C + * * shuang1 two/ both/ twin/ dual/ double/ twofold/ even Zählwort Paar + +
C 提包 + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack + +
C + * * tun1 swallow/ devour/ gulp down/ annex 1. schlucken, verschlucken, verschlingen 2. etw in Besitz nehmen + +
C + * * xiao1 pare/ skive/ peel (with a knife)/ cut 1.etwas mit einem Messer schälen, schnitzen 2. schneiden, Schneiden + +
C 充實 + * * chong1shi2 substantial/ rich/ substantiate/ enrich/ fill 1. reichlich 2.bereichern, kräftigen + +
C 打交道 + * * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with Umgang mit jm haben,mit jm/etw zu tun haben + +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht + +
C 分割 + * * fen1ge1 separate/ cut apart/ carve up/ divide up abtrennen, abspalten + +
C 合成 + * * he2cheng2 synthesize/ compound/ join to form zusammensetzen,synthetisieren + +
C 流域 + * * liu2yu4 river valley/ river basin/ drainage area Einzugsgebiet eines Flusses, Stromgebiet, (Fluß-) Tal + +
C 窮人 + * * qiong2ren2 poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute Arme, arme Leute + +
C 一面…一面 + * * yi1mian4_ yi1mian4 all-way-peace-safe/ have a safe trip zur gleichen Zeit…und… + +
C 變動 + * * bian4dong4 alter/ change/ alteration Änderung, ändern + +
C 慚愧 + * * can2kui4 ashamed beschämt sein + +
C 打量 + * * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye mustern, jm/etw prüfend ansehen + +
C 抵抗 + * * di3kang4 resist/ stand up to/ counteract/ withstand Widerstand leisten, Widerstand + +
C 對了 + * * dui4le by the way/ oh yes richtig, korrekt + +
C 分工 + * * fen1 gong1 division of labor/ divide up the work Arbeitsteilung + +
C 高速 + * * gao1su4 high-speed/ express/ rapid große Geschwindigkeit, schnelles Tempo, sehr schnell + +
C 合法 + * * he2fa3 legal/ lawful/ legitimate/ rightful legal, legitim, rechtens, gesetzlich, rechtmäßig + +
C 柳樹 + * * liu3shu4 willow Weide, Weidenbaum + +
C + * * nu4 angry/ raging/ forceful/ vigorous/ dynamic/ vehement Zorn, Wut + +
C 提綱 + * * ti2gang1 lifting-rope/ lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net/ outline Umriß (der wichtigsten Punkte) + +
C 一旁 + * * yi1pang2 one-group/ a group (traveling together) eine Seite + +
C 支配 + * * zhi1pei4 arrange-apportion/ control/ dominate/ arrange einteilen,einsetzen,leiten,drigieren,kontrollieren + +
C 注射 + * * zhu4she4 pour-shoot/ inject/ shoot Injektion, einspritzen + +
C 變革 + * * bian4ge2 change/ transform/ transformation Umwandlung, Änderung, transformieren + +
C + * * can3 miserable/ tragic/ cruel/ inhumane traurig, jämmerlich, tragisch, entsetzlich + +
C 對立 + * * dui4li4 oppose/ counter/ go against Opposition, sich widersetzen + +
C + * * guan1 col/ pass/ juncture/ barrier/ difficulty/ critical part 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß + +
C 合格 + * * he2ge2 qualified/ up to standard/ up to grade der Norm entsprechen, normgerecht, qualifiziert + +
C + * * huo3 group/ gang/ crowd/ band 1. Beköstigung, Verpflegung, Kost 2.Gefährte, Partner 3. Gemeinschaft, Partnerschaft 4. Zählwort für Räuberbande + +
C 刊物 + * * kan1wu4 publication/ periodical/ journal/ magazine Zeitschrift, Magazin + +
C + * * miao2 seedling/ offspring/ (some) baby animals/ vaccine 1. junger Trieb,Sproß, Sämling, junges Tier 2. Dinge von der Form junger Pflanzenblätter + +
C 其實 + * * qi2shi2 in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact in der Tat, in Wirklichkeit + +
C 秋季 + * * qiu1ji4 autumn season/ autumn/ fall/ season of autumn Herbst + +
C 拖拉機 + * * tuo1la1ji1 hauling-pulling-machine/ tractor 1. Traktor + +
C 無所謂 + * * wu2suo3wei4 no-what-say/ be indifferent/ not care/ cannot be called 1.gleichgültig,egal2.teilnahmslos,apathisch + +
C 游戲 + * * you2xi4 tour-play/ game/ recreation spielen, Spiel + +
C 作物 + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte + +
C 燦爛 + * * can4lan4 bright/ splendid/ brilliant/ magnificent glänzend, strahlend ,herrlich + +
C 打破 + * * da3 po4 break/ smash brechen, zerbrechen, zerschlagen + +
C + * * di3 bottom/ base/ end/ background/ draft/ record 1. Boden, Sohle, Grund 2.Zuversicht, Gewißheit 3 ursprünglicher Entwurf, erste Niederschrift 4. Ende, Schluß 5.Hintergrund, Untergrund + +
C 伙伴 + * * huo3ban4 fellow/ partner/ mate/ pal/ friend Kamerad, Gefährte,Partner + +
C 游行 + * * you2xing2 move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about Demonstration, demonstrieren + +
C 注視 + * * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at verfolgen, anstarren + +
C 蒼白 + * * cang1bai2 pale/ wan/ pallid blaß, bleich, ohne Lebenskraft + +
C 衝擊 + * * chong1ji1 impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen + +
C 底片 + * * di3pian4 negative Negativ + +
C 對門 + * * dui4men2 opposite building or room Gebäude oder Zimmer gegenüber + +
C 分解 + * * fen1jie3 decompose/ resolve/ break down/ recount zersetzen, zerfallen, zerlegen, auflösen, aufschließen + +
C 關懷 + 怀* * guan1huai2 care for/ show solicitude for/ be concerned about Anteilnahme zeigen, Anteil an etw. nehmen, etw. Aufmerksamkeit schenken + +
C + * * kan1 guard/ keep under surveillance/ look after/ tend sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten + +
C 責備 + * * ze2bei4 demand-integrity/ accuse/ blame/ reproach/ criticize vorwerfen, vorhalten, tadeln + +
C 蒼蠅 + * * cang1ying fly/ housefly Fliege + +
C 打掃 + * * da3sao3 clean/ sweep fegen, ausfegen, säubern, reinigen + +
C 高壓 + * * gao1ya1 high-pressure/ high-voltage/ oppressive 1.Hochdruck 2. Hochspannung + +
C 合金 + * * he2jin1 alloy Legierung + +
C 丘陵 + * * qiu1ling2 hills/ undulating topography Hügel + +
C 托兒所 + * * tuo1'er2suo3 entrust-child-place/ nursery/ child care center Kindertagesstätte, Krippe + +
C 消除 + * * xiao1chu2 eliminate-remove/ clear up/ get rid of/ dispel beseitigen,entfernen,überwinden + +
C + * * zhi1 know/ realize/ be aware of/ inform/ notify/ tell 1. wissen, kennen, Bescheid wissen 2. Bescheid sagen, mitteilen, informieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis + +
C 作戰 + * * zuo4 zhan4 do-battle/ engage in a battle/ fight/ battle/ campaign Krieg führen + +
C + * * cang1 cabin/ hold gesamter Innenraum (eines Schiffes oder Flugzeugs) + +
C 衝突 + * * chong1tu1 collide/ conflict/ clash/ collision Konflikt, Kollision + +
C 分離 + * * fen1li2 dissociate/ separate/ sever/ part/ leave trennen, loslösen, ausscheiden, spalten + +
C + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze + +
C 無線電 + 线* * wu2xian4dian4 wireless-electricity/ radio Radio, Funk, (drahtlos) + +
C 消毒 + * * xiao1 du2 remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize desinfizieren + +
C 選修 + * * xuan3xiu1 elect-study/ take as an elective course etwas als fakultatives Fach lernen bzw studieren + +
C 地板 + * * di4ban3 wooden floor/ floor board Fußboden + +
C 分裂 + * * fen1lie4 split/ break up/ divide/ separate 1.spalten, zerspalten, zersplittern, zerfallen 2. Spaltung, Teilung + +
C 老年 + * * lao3nian2 old age/ agedness alte (Leute) + +
C 籠子 + * * long2zi cage/ coop Käfig + +
C + * * qi2 chess/ board game/ chessman/ (chess) piece Schach, Brettspiel + +
C 倉庫 + * * cang1ku4 storehouse/ warehouse Warenhaus + +
C 打仗 + * * da3 zhang4 go to war/ make war/ fight kämpfen, in den Krieg ziehen, Kampf + +
C 地步 + * * di4bu4 condition/ plight/ extent/ degree/ Situation + +
C 分泌 + * * fen1mi4 secrete absondern, Absonderung, Sekretion + +
C 高中 + * * gao1zhong1 senior high school Oberstufe der Mittelschule + +
C 關頭 + * * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point Moment, Schlüsselstelle, kritischer Augenblick + +
C 老婆 + * * lao3po wife Frau, Weib + +
C 水分 + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information + +
C 無疑 + * * wu2yi2 no-doubt/ undoubted/ beyond doubt/ unquestionable ohne Zweifel, zweifelsohne + +
C 消耗 + * * xiao1hao4 reduce-expend/ consume/ deplete/ consumption verbrauchen + +
C + * * ban1 kind/ sort/ way/ -like Art, Weise, Sorte + +
C 打招呼 + * * da3zhao1hu notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello hallo sagen + +
C 分明 + * * fen1ming2 clear/ distinct/ obvious/ plain klar, offenbar, offensichtlich, eindeutig + +
C 合算 + * * he2suan4 worthwhile/ be worth the cost/ pay rentabel, lohnend, der Mühe wert + +
C 火箭 + * * huo3jian4 rocket Rakete + +
C + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen + +
C 女子 + * * nü3zi3 woman/ female Frau, Mädchen + +
C + * * tuo2 carry or bear on the back (auf dem Rücken) tragen + +
C 知識分子 + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle + +
C 祝願 + * * zhu4yuan4 wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire wünschen, Wunsch + +
C 地道 + * * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard authentisch,(vgl.: di4dao4=Tunnel) + +
C 火力 + * * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold Gefechtskraft + +
C 老人家 + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson + +
C 壟斷 + * * long3duan4 monopolize monopolisieren, Monopol + +
C 奇跡 + * * qi2ji4 miracle/ marvel/ wonder Wunder + +
C 水庫 + * * shui3ku4 reservoir Reservoir, Stausee, Staubecken + +
C 消極 + * * xiao1ji2 eliminate-urgency/ negative/ passive/ inactive negativ, passiv, inaktiv + +
C + * * zhu4 halt/ stay/ be stationed/ encamp stationieren, Standort halten, sich aufhalten, bleiben,verbleiben + +
C 籠罩 + * * long3zhao4 envelop/ shroud verhüllen, bedecken + +
C 水利 + * * shui3li4 water resources/ water conservancy Wasserwirtschaft,Bewässerungsanlagen + +
C 提問 + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + +
C 一系列 + * * yi1xi4lie4 all-way-along-wind/ have a good journey eine Serie von + +
C 座兒 + * * zuo4r seat/ place/ stand/ pedestal/ base Sitz, Platz, Sockel, Podest + +
C 大半 + * * da4ban4 over half/ majority/ most likely/ probably die meisten, mehr als die Hälfte, der größte Teil + +
C 稿 + 稿* * gao3 draft/ sketch/ manuscript/ original text/ article 1. flüchtige Niederschrift, Zeichnung 2.Manuskript, Original + +
C 火焰 + * * juo4yan4 flame/ tongue of fire/ blaze Flamme + +
C 鑒定 + * * jian4ding4 authenticate/ appraise/ identify/ determine Gutachten, Beurteilung, begutachten + +
C 水力 + * * shui3li4 waterpower/ hydraulic power Wasserkraft + +
C 提醒 + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + +
C 妥當 + * * tuo3dang sound-appropriate/ proper/ suitable/ appropriate angemessen, geeignet,richtig + +
C 辯論 + * * bian4lun4 argue/ debate/ argument Debatte, debattieren + +
C 火藥 + * * huo3yao4 gunpowder/ powder Schwarzpulver, Schießpulver + +
C 樓道 + * * lou2dao4 corridor/ passageway within a storied building Korridor, Flur, Diele + +
C 滅亡 + * * mie4wang2 be destroyed/ perish/ become extinct/ die out untergehen,zugrundegehen + +
C 一下 + * * yi1xia4 one-side … one-side …/ at the same time einmal + +
C 有機 + * * you3ji1 have-organism/ organic organisch + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 操心 + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern + +
C 大便 + 便* * da4bian4 excrement/ stool/ feces/ shit Stuhlgang, scheißen + +
C 地理 + * * di4li3 geography/ the natural and social features of a place Geographie + +
C 近代 + * * jin4dai4 modern times Neuzeit + +
C 樓房 + * * lou2fang2 storied building mehrstöckiges Gebäude + +
C 民兵 + * * min2bing1 militia/ militiaman/ militia-woman Volksmiliz, Milizionär + +
C + * * o1 oh (I have just noticed/ I have just realized) Interjektion aha, soso, + +
C + * * shan1 delete/ strike out/ expunge streichen, weglassen + +
C 提議 + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 操縱 + * * cao1zong4 handle/ control/ operate/ manipulate/ rig steuern, lenken,kontrollieren (bedienen) + +
C 頓時 + * * dun4shi2 immediately/ at once/ suddenly unvermittelt, plötzlich, auf einmal + +
C 獲/穫 + * * huo4 seize/ catch/ get/ gain/ acquire/ harvest/ reap 1. fangen, gefangennehmen, erbeuten 2. bekommen, erlangen, erringen, erreichen, gewinnen 3. ernten + +
C + * * jian4 cheap/ inexpensive/ lowly/ humble/ despicable/ base 1. preiswert, für wenig Geld 2. von niederem Stand, von unbedeutender Herkunft 3. minderwertig, niederträchtig, gemein, verächtlich + +
C + * * o4 oh (that's why/ now I understand) Interjektion, ach so, ich verstehe + +
C 武裝 + * * wu3zhuang1 military-equipment/ weaponry/ arm forces/ arm/ equip Bewaffnung, Rüstung, bewaffnen, rüsten + +
C 學會 + * * xue2hui4 learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein + +
C 一向 + * * yi1xiang4 one-side/ aside/ on one side/ by jedes Mal, sonst + +
C 操作 + * * cao1zuo4 operate/ manipulate bedienen, an etwas arbeiten + +
C 大大 + * * da4da4 greatly/ enormously sehr, enorm + +
C 哆嗦 + * * duo1suo shiver/ tremble/ quiver zittern + +
C 分散 + * * fen1san4 distract/ divert/ decentralize/ disperse/ distribute verstreuen, zerstreuen, dezentralisieren + +
C 官僚主義 + * * guan1liao2zhu3yi4 bureaucracy Bürokratie + +
C + * * lou3 hug/ embrace/ hold in one's arms 1. umfassen, umarmen, lou1= 1. sammeln, ansammeln 2. aufkrempeln, aufheben, 3. zusammenraffen, etw an sich reißen + +
C 民間 + * * min2jian1 among the people nichtstaatlich,unterhalb der offiziellen Ebene, Volks- + +
C 山地 + * * shan1di4 mountainous area/ hilly topography Bergland, Gebirgsgegend + +
C 小便 + 便* * xiao3bian4 little-excrement/ urine of human beings Urin + +
C 學科 + * * xue2ke1 learning-subject/ discipline/ branch of learning/ course wissenschaftliches Fach, Wissenschaftszweig, Studienfach + +
C 增產 + * * zeng1 chan3 increase-production/ increase production die Produktion steigern + +
C + * * zhuan1 particular/ special/ narrow/ specialty/ specialization 1. spezial, nur, auf etwas konzentriert, 2. fachkundig, nur für sich allein haben 3. monopolisieren + +
C + * * chong4 1. face/ be towards/ towards/ 2. to/ because of 1.dynamisch,stark riechend, 2. nach einer Richtung liegen siehe chong1 + +
C 分數 + * * fen1shu4 score/ mark/ grade/ point/ fractional number 1. Bruch, Bruchzahl 2. Note, Zenzur + +
C 見解 + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung + +
C 旗袍 + * * qi2pao2 close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu Qipao, Cheongsam, chinesisches Etui-kleid + +
C 區域 + * * qu1yu4 region/ area/ district Zone, Region,Gebiet + +
C 山峰 + * * shan1feng1 mountain peak Berggipfel + +
C 一心 + * * yi1xin1 one-while/ a short period of time/ a burst/ a fit/ a gust mit ganzem Herzen + +
C 有兩下子 + * * you3 liang3 xia4zi have-two-feats/ know a few tricks of the trade wirklich etwas können + +
C …之類 + * * zhi1lei4 (someone or sth.)'s-sort/ and so on/ and the like und seinesgleichen , und so weiter, + +
C 大道 + * * da4dao4 wide street/ thoroughfare/ boulevard/ broad way Hauptstraße + +
C 地勢 + * * di4shi4 terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance Topographie + +
C 告辭 + * * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave Abschied nehmen, sich empfehlen + +
C 河流 + * * he2liu2 rivers (in general) Fluß, Flusslauf + +
C 老鄉 + * * lao3xiang1 fellow-townsman/ fellow-villager/ farmer buddy Landsmann, Bauer + +
C 偶爾 + * * oou3'er3 once in a while/ occasionally/ sometimes ab und zu, gelegentlich,manchmal + +
C 旗幟 + * * qi2zhi4 flag/ banner/ streamer/ role model/ leading idea Banner, Standpunkt + +
C 濕潤 + 湿* * shi1run4 moist/ damp/ humid feucht, naß + +
C 娃娃 + * * wa2wa baby-baby/ baby/ child/ doll Baby, Säugling, kleines Kind + +
C 學年 + * * xue2nian2 academic-year/ school year Schuljahr + +
C 一行 + * * yi1xing2 always-again/ time and again/ again and again Reisegesellschaft + +
C 增進 + * * zeng1jin4 improve-advance/ enhance/ promote/ further/ improve stärken + +
C …之內 + * * zhi1nei4 (sth.)'s-interior/ inside of/ interior of/ within innerhalb von + +
C 草案 + * * cao3'an4 protocol/ draft (of a plan; decree; regulation; etc.) Entwurf + +
C 大地 + * * da4di4 earth/ mother earth/ ground Mutter Erde, Erde + +
C 地毯 + * * di4tan3 carpet/ rug Teppich, Läufer + +
C 觀測 + * * guan1ce4 observe and survey/ observe/ watch beobachten, Beobachtung + +
C 或多或少 + * * huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3 more or less mehr oder weniger + +
C 民用 + * * min2yong4 civil/ for civil use zivil, für die Zivilbevölkerung + +
C 偶然 + * * ou3ran2 accidental/ fortuitous/ unexpected gelegentlich, zufällig + +
C 曲折 + * * qu1zhe2 zigzag/ winding/ tortuous/ meandering/ complicated 1.gewunden,kurvenreich,krumm, 2.kompliziert, Komplikation + +
C + * * ti2 hoof Huf + +
C + * * wa3 tile 1. Dachziegel 2. tönern 3. Watt (Strom) + +
C 增強 + * * zeng1qiang2 reinforce-strengthen/ enhance/ strengthen/ reinforce verstärken, erhöhen, steigern + +
C 大都 + * * da4du1 almost all/ mostly/ for the most part meistens, größtenteils + +
C 多半 + * * duo1ban4 most likely/ probably wahrscheinlich, Wahrscheinlichkeit, der größere Teil, hauptsächlich, die meisten + +
C + * * jin4 soak/ steep/ immerse/ seep eintauchen, eintunken, einweichen, wässern,einfeuchten, tränken, + +
C 露面 + * * lou4 mian4 show one's face/ make an appearance/ show up sich sehen lassen, öffentlich in Erscheinung treten,z. Vorschein komm + +
C + * * pa1 lie on one's stomach/ grovel/ bend over/ lean on 1. auf dem Bauch liegen, sich auf den Bauch legen 2. sich nach vorn lehnen, sich über etw beugen + +
C 山谷 + * * shan1gu3 mountain valley Tal + +
C 舞蹈 + * * wu3dao3 move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance Tanz + +
C + * * ban4 valve/ petal/ segment/ section 1. Blumenblatt 2. Scheibe 3.Scherbe, Bruchstück 4.Zählwort + +
C 大隊 + * * da4dui4 group/ production brigade/ battalion/ regiment Gruppe, Produktionbrigade + +
C 多虧 + * * duo1kui1 be lucky to/ it is fortunate that/ thanks to/ luckily glücklicherweise, dank (einer Sache oder Person) + +
C 分子 + * * fen4zi3 member/ element 1. Zähler 2. Molekül + +
C 姥姥 + * * lao3lao maternal grandmother/ grandma Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung + +
C 詩人 + * * shi1ren2 poet Poet + +
C 睡眠 + * * shui4mian2 sleep Schlaf + +
C 體操 + * * ti3cao1 body-exercise/ gymnastics Gymnastik + +
C 舞會 + * * wu4hui4 dance-party/ dance/ ball Tanzabend, Tanzparty, Ball + +
C 一一 + * * yi1yi1 one-belt/ area (nearby a place)/ (adjacent) zone einer nach dem anderen, einzeln + +
C …之外 + * * zhi1wai4 (sth.)'s-exterior/ outside of/ exterior of/ beyond außerhalb von, über + +
C 多勞多得 + * * duo1 lao2 duo1 de2 more pay for more work Arbeite mehr und verdiene mehr + +
C 盡力 + * * jin4 li4 try one's best/ do all one can sein Bestes tun (od geben), alles in seiner Macht Stehende tun, alle Kräfte mobilisieren, sein Äußerstes tun, alles tun, alles einsetzen + +
C 抗議 + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + +
C 爐子 + * * lu2zi stove/ oven/ furnace Ofen, Herd + +
C + * * shui4 tax/ duty/ tariff Steuer, Steuerabgabe + +
C 舞臺 + * * wu3tai2 dance-platform/ stage/ arena Bühne, Arena + +
C 學時 + * * xue2shi2 study-hour/ class hour/ teaching period/ period Unterrichtstunde + +
C 一再 + * * yi1zai4 one-system-line/ a series of wieder und wieder, immer wieder + +
C 觀看 + * * guan1kan4 watch/ see/ view/ observe/ spectate sich etwas ansehen, zuschauen, + +
C + * * le4 joy/ laugh/ love to/ be happy to/ enjoy 1.fröhlich, glücklich, froh, sich freuen 2. gern, Vergnügen an etw finden 3. lachen 4. Freude, Fröhlichkeit + +
C 起初 + * * qi3chu1 at first/ in the beginning/ originally am Anfang, zu Beginn + +
C 渠道 + * * qu2dao4 ditch/ trench/ channel/ way/ means Kanal, Medium,Weg + +
C 一陣 + * * yi1zhen4 one-time/ in a short while/ all of a sudden/ all at once eine Wile, für eine kurze Zeit + +
C 有限 + * * you3xian4 have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number begrenzt, beschränkt + +
C 半島 + * * ban4dao3 peninsula Halbinsel + +
C 標語 + * * biao1yu3 slogan/ poster Slogan, Poster, politische Parole + +
C 大方 + * * da4fang1 of good taste/ generous/ natural and poised großzügig + +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände + +
C + * * fen2 tomb/ grave Grab, Grabstätte + +
C 歌唱 + * * ge1chang4 sing/ praise through singing 1. Lied, Gesang 2. singen + +
C 觀念 + * * guan1nian4 concept/ idea/ thought/ sense/ ideology Idee, Vorstellung, Konzept + +
C 貨幣 + * * huo4bi4 money/ currency Währung + +
C 敏捷 + * * min3jie2 quick/ nimble/ agile flink, behend + +
C + * * shun4 smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to 1. in derselben Richtung, mit 2. annehmlich, gefällig sein 3. anordnen, etw in Ordnung bringen 4. gehorchen + +
C 體力 + * * ti3li4 physical-strength/ physical power/ thews Körperkraft + +
C 歪曲 + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken + +
C 侮辱 + * * wu3ru3 bully-humiliate/ insult/ affront/ humiliate/ dishonor beleidigen + +
C 學說 + * * xue2shuo1 academic-theory/ doctrine/ theory Theorie, Lehre, Doktrin + +
C 贈送 + * * zeng4song4 present-give/ present as a gift/ give as a gift 1. senden, schicken, bringen 2. geben, schenken 3. begleiten 4. verabschieden + +
C 標志 + * * biao1zhi4 indicate/ mark/ sign/ symbol Zeichen, Marke, markieren, anzeigen + +
C 地震 + * * di4zhen4 earthquake/ seism Erdbeben + +
C 歌劇 + * * ge1ju4 (Western-style) opera Oper + +
C 黑夜 + * * hei1ye4 night/ dark night Nacht + +
C 貨物 + * * huo4wu4 cargo/ freight/ goods/ commodity/ merchandise Waren, Güter + +
C 路過 + * * lu4guo4 pass by (a place)/ pass through (a place) vorbeigehen, vorbeiziehen,passieren + +
C 學位 + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad + +
C + * * ce4 side/ turn sideways/ incline to one side 1. Seite, seitlich, seitwärts, an der Seite, auf der Seite 2. sich seitlich neigen + +
C 大哥 + * * da4ge1 eldest brother/ elder brother Ältester Bruder + +
C 多餘 + * * duo1yu2 unnecessary/ needless/ uncalled for/ surplus überflüssig, unnötig, ungefragt + +
C + * * fen3 powder/ face powder/ vermicelli made from starch 1.Pulver,Puder, pulverisieren 2. rosa 3. weißen, etwas weiß anstreichen + +
C 歌曲 + * * ge1qu3 song Lied + +
C 痕跡 + * * hen2ji4 trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige 1. Spur, Fährte, Stapfen 2. Überbleibsel, Überrest, Ruine + +
C 健全 + * * jian4quan2 healthy and complete/ sound/ perfect gesund, perfekt,vervollkommnen + +
C + * * jing1 be frightened/ start/ startle/ alarm/ stampede/ shy 1. erschrecken,bestürzt sein 2. bestürzen, schockieren, aufschrecken 3. scheuen, durchgehen + +
C 考察 + * * kao3cha2 inspect/ investigate/ observe and study/ research untersuchen,beobachten und studieren + +
C 路口 + * * lu4kou3 entrance to a road/ crossing/ intersection/ crossroads Straßenkreuzung, Straßenecke + +
C 明白 + * * ming2bai clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, + +
C 拍攝 + * * pai1she4 shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren + +
C 起飛 + * * qi3fei1 (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off starten, abfliegen, + +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar + +
C 有一些 + * * you3yi4xie1 have-a-little/ somewhat/ rather/ a little etwas + +
C 扎實 + * * zha1shi2 press-solid/ sturdy/ strong/ robust/ sound/ firm fest, solide,zuverlässig + +
C + * * chou2 hatred/ enmity 1.Feind, Erzfeind 2.Haß, Feinschaft + +
C 地質 + * * di4zhi4 geology Geologie + +
C 驚動 + * * jing1dong4 alarm/ alert/ disturb/ interrupt stören, erschrecken, in Unruhe versetzen + +
C 有意 + * * you3yi4 have-mind/ have a mind (to do)/ be attracted sexually etwas im Sinn haben, gewillt sein, mit Absicht, absichtlich + +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel + +
C 仇恨 + * * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor Haß, Feindschaft + +
C 地主 + * * di4zhu3 landlord/ landowner/ host Gutsbesitzer, Gastgeber + +
C 歌頌 + * * ge1song4 sing the high praises of/ extol/ eulogize lobpreisen, Lobrede + +
C 管道 + * * guan3dao4 tube/ pipe/ hose Rohr, Rohrleitung + +
C + * * hen3 ruthless/ cruel/ savage 1. grausam, brutal, unbarmherzig, 2. sich überwinden, sich ein Herz fassen 3. energisch, entschlossen + +
C + * * jian4 gradually/ little by little/ by degrees allmählich, nach und nach, zunehmend + +
C 明明 + * * ming2ming2 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly klar und deutlich,offensichtlich + +
C 拍子 + * * pai1zi bat/ racket/ swatter/ beat/ time/ rhythm Schläger, Takt + +
C 順手 + * * shun4shou3 smooth and handy/ convenient/ without difficulty reibungslos,ohne Schwierigkeiten,wenn möglich,tunlichst,bei Gelegenheit, nebenbei + +
C 體溫 + * * ti3wen1 body-temperature/ body temperature Körpertemperatur + +
C 醫療 + * * yi1liao2 cure-heal/ medical treatment ärztliche Behandlung + +
C + * * ce4 measure/ survey/ fathom/ test/ exam 1. messen, abmessen, vermessen, schätzen, feststellen 2. vermuten, mutmaßen, erraten + +
C 奪取 + * * duo2qu3 seize/ capture/ wrest/ strive for erobern,ergreifen, gewinnen + +
C 粉碎 + * * fen3sui4 break into pieces/ grind/ smash/ shatter/ crush zertrümmern, zerschlagen, pulverisieren + +
C 驚奇 + * * jing1qi2 amazed/ astonished/ surprised/ shocking strange sich wundern, erstaunen + +
C + * * qu3 marry (a woman)/ take a wife eine Frau heiraten, jn zur Frau nehmen + +
C 外部 + * * wai4bu4 external-part/ outside/ exterior/ surface außen,äußerlich,extern, + +
C 有益 + * * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft + +
C + * * zha2 fry in deep fat or oil/ deep-fry frittieren siehe zha4 + +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur + +
C + * * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful 1. häßlich, garstig, unansehnlich, abscheulich, scheußlich 2. anrüchig, entehrend, schimpflich 3.Clown, komische Figur + +
C 分量 + * * fen4liang4 weight Gewicht + +
C + * * jian4 spatter/ splash sprühen, spritzen + +
C 驚人 + * * jing1ren2 astonishing/ amazing/ alarming/ shocking erstaunlich, verwunderlich + +
C 趣味 + * * qu4wei4 interest/ delight/ fun/ palate/ taste Interesse,Vergnügen,interessant,Vorliebe, Hang, + +
C 閃電 + * * shan3dian4 lightning Blitz + +
C 體現 + * * ti3xian4 bodily-express/ embody/ incarnate verkörpern + +
C 物品 + * * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing Gegenstand, Sache + +
C 表情 + * * biao3qing2 expression, emoticon Ausdruck, Gesichtsausdruck, emoticon + +
C 測量 + * * ce4liang2 measure/ survey/ gauge messen, vermessen,Vermessung + +
C 管子 + * * guan3zi1 pipeline/ piping/ conduit/ tubing Rohr, Leitung, Strohhalm + +
C 基層 + * * ji1ceng2 grassroots level/ bottom level in an organization Basis, untere Ebene + +
C 驚訝 + * * jing1ya4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed beeindruckt, entzückt, überrascht + +
C + * * lu4 uncover/ expose/ reveal/ show 1.entblößen, enthüllen,entlarven 2.Tau 3. Saft, Sirup siehe lou4 + +
C 排斥 + * * pai2chi4 ostracize/ repulse/ repel/ exclude/ reject verdrängen, abstoßen,verstoßen/ausschließen + +
C 閃爍 + * * shan3shuo4 twinkle/ glimmer/ glitter/ hum and haw/ equivocate glimmern,glitzern,funkeln + +
C 說不定 + * * shuo1buding4 cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps nicht sicher sagen können, vielleicht, + +
C 物體 + * * wu4ti3 substance-object/ body/ substance/ object Gegenstand, Objekt, Körper, Substanz + +
C 學者 + * * xue2zhe3 learned-person/ person of learning/ scholar Wissenschaftler + +
C 友愛 + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft + +
C + * * zha4 1. explode, burst 2. blow up, blast, bomb 3. fly into a rage, flare up 1. platzen, bersten, explodieren 2. sprengen, bombardieren 3. vor Wut platzen, wutschnaufend siehe zha2 + +
C + * * zhuan1 brick/ sth. shaped like a brick Ziegel, Ziegelstein + +
C 測試 + * * ce4shi4 test/ examine/ trial/ testing Test, testen,Prüfung + +
C 分子 + * * fen4zi3 member/ element Mitglied + +
C 鴿子 + * * ge1zi pigeon/ dove Taube + +
C 恨不得 + * * hen4 bu de hate that one cannot/ really want to darauf brennen, etwas zu tun + +
C 驚異 + * * jing1yi4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed erstaunt, verblüfft + +
C 考驗 + * * kao3yan4 test and prove/ test/ try/ trial prüfen, erproben + +
C 說法 + * * shuo1fa wording/ way to put it/ argument/ saying/ parlance Ausdrucksweise, Redensart + +
C 學制 + * * xue2zhi4 school-system/ education system/ length of schooling Erziehungssystem, Ausbildungssystem + +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter + +
C 弟兄 + * * di4xiong brothers Bruder + +
C 基地 + * * ji1di4 base Basis,Stützpunkt + +
C + * * jing1 perfect/ excellent/ refined/ selected/ smart/ intensive 1.raffiniert, verfeinert, erlesen,ausgesucht 2. Extrakt, Essenz 3. vorzüglich, vortrefflich 4. fein, präzis, genau 5. raffiniert, klug 6. gewandt, bewandert 7. Geist, Energie 8. Sperma 9. Geist, Dämon + +
C 明信片 + * * ming1xin4pian4 postcard Postkarte + +
C 時常 + * * shi2chang2 time and again/ often/ frequently immer, mitunter, oft + +
C 說服 + * * shuo1 fu2 talk to convince/ talk over/ persuade/ convince/ überzeugen, überreden + +
C 物資 + * * wu4zi1 substance material/ goods and materials Güter und Materialien + +
C + * * guan4 pot/ jar/ pitcher/ jug Büchse, Dose, Topf, Krug + +
C 起義 + * * qi3yi4 revolt/ uprise/ rebel/ insurrection/ uprising/ rebellion Aufstand + +
C 轉播 + * * zhuan3bo1 relaying-broadcast/ relay/ rebroadcast/ broadcast live übertragen + +
C 大力 + * * da4li4 in great force/ forcefully/ vigorously energisch + +
C + * * heng2 traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 + +
C 靠近 + * * kao4jin4 get close to/ draw near/ approach nahe,in der Nähe von,neben,sich nähern,näherkommen + +
C 類似 + * * lei4si4 similar/ analogous ähneln, gleich + +
C + * * ming2 chime/ ring/ sound/ air/ express/ chirp/ cry/ sing 1. Laute von bestimmten Tieren 2. einen Ton von sich geben, etwas zum Tönen bringen 3. aussprechen,äußern,etwas zum Ausdruck bringen + +
C 排列 + * * pai2lie4 arrange/ put in order/ align/ line up ordnen, in eine Reihenfolge bringen + +
C 起源 + * * qi3yuan2 origin/ genesis/ originate/ stem/ start Quelle, Ursprung,entspringen, entstammen + +
C 小組 + * * xiao3zu3 small-team/ team/ group Gruppe + +
C 轉達 + * * zhuan3da2 relaying-reach/ pass on/ convey/ communicate übermitteln, weitergeben + +
C 初期 + * * chu1qi1 beginning period/ early days/ initial stage Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage + +
C + * * guan4 used to/ conditioned to/ habitual/ indulge/ spoil 1. an etwas gewöhnt sein, sich an jn etw gewöhnen 2. verwöhnen, verziehen, verhätscheln + +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt + +
C 建造 + * * jian4zao4 build/ construct/ make/ manufacture errichten, bauen + +
C 類型 + * * lei4xing2 type/ category Typ, Typhus + +
C 圈子 + * * quan1zi circle/ ring/ clique Zirkel, Ring, Kreis + +
C 雪花 + * * xue3hua1 snow-flower/ snowflake Schneeflocken + +
C 直達 + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, wenden + +
C 初中 + * * chu1zhong1 junior middle school/ junior high school Mittlere Juniorschule + +
C 革新 + * * ge2xin1 innovate/ improve/ innovation Innovation + +
C + * * wu4 by mistake/ by accident/ miss/ delay/ harm/ damage 1. fälschlich, irrig, Fehler, Irrtum 2. versäumen, verpassen, 3. benachteiligen, beeinträchtigen, schädigen 4. unabsichtlich, versehentlich + +
C 血管 + * * xue4guan3 blood-sweat/ sweat and toil/ industrious work Blutgefäß, Ader + +
C + * * jiang1 stiff/ rigid/ inflexible/ numb/ deadlocked 1.steif, starr 2. sich festfahren, an einem toten Punkt ankommen + +
C 權利 + * * quan2li4 right Recht + +
C 扇子 + * * shan4zi fan (that can create airflow through waving) Ventilator + +
C 時機 + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment + +
C 外界 + * * wai4jie4 external-world/ outside Außenwelt + +
C 血汗 + * * xue4han4 blood-vessel/ blood vessel mühsame Arbeit, Blut und Schweiß + +
C 依舊 + * * yi1jiu4 still-before/ still like before/ unchanged as before wie früher, nach wie vor, + +
C 转化 + * * zhuan3hua4 transform sich verwandeln + +
C 辦理 + * * ban4li3 handle/ conduct/ deal with regeln, managen, + +
C + * * bie2 stick in/ fasten with a pin or clip/ leave/ part 1. verlassen, weggehen, sich trennen, scheiden 2.anderer 3. Unterschied, Unterscheidung 4 unterscheiden 5. mit einer Klammer anheften < siehe bie2 > + +
C 俄語(俄文) + * * e2yu3 Russian language Russisch + +
C + * * fen4 excrement/ feces/ shit/ droppings/ dung Kot, Exkrement, Ausscheidung, Dung, Mist + +
C + * * guan4 fill/ pour/ irrigate/ record 1. bewässern, berieseln 2. füllen, eingießen + +
C 牌子 + * * pai2zi billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen + +
C 權力 + * * quan2li4 power/ authority/ jurisdiction Macht, Befugnis + +
C 外科 + * * wai4ke1 external-department/ surgical department chirurgische Abteilung, Chirugie + +
C 依據 + * * yi1ju4 rely-base/ be in line with/ base … on/ basis/ grounds auf etwas basieren, auf Grundlage, zufolge, nach, aufgrund, gemäß + +
C 直徑 + * * zhi2jing4 straight-diameter/ diameter Durchmesser, Diameter + +
C 別處 + * * bie2chu4 another place/ elsewhere anderenorts + +
C 大腦 + * * da4nao3 cerebrum Gehirn, Cerebrum + +
C 豐產 + * * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully Rekordernte + +
C 灌溉 + * * guan4gai4 irrigate bewässern + +
C 機動 + * * ji1dong4 engine-driven/ power-driven/ motorized motorisiert,beweglich, + +
C 冷靜 + * * leng3jing4 quiet/ calm/ sober/ cool nüchtern, gelassen, gefaßt, ruhig, kühl + +
C 陸地 + * * lu4di4 land/ dry land Festland + +
C 傷害 + * * shang1hai4 hurt/ harm/ damage/ injure/ wound verletzen + +
C 時節 + * * shi2jie2 season/ time Saison, Zeit + +
C + * * zhai4 debt Schulden + +
C 機構 + * * ji1gou4 mechanism/ setup/ organ/ government organization 1.Mechanismus, Maschinerie 2. Organisation, Institution, Organ, Gremium + +
C 科技 + * * ke1ji4 science and technology Naturwissenschaft und Technik + +
C 冷卻 + * * leng3que4 cool/ make cool/ lower temperature abkühlen + +
C 陸軍 + * * lu4jun1 ground force/ land force/ army Armee, Heer + +
C 思考 + * * si1kao3 think over/ ponder over/ reflect upon/ consider überdenken, reflektieren + +
C 插秧 + * * cha1 yang1 transplant rice seedlings Reissetzlinge pflanzen + +
C 格外 + * * ge2wai4 especially/ particularly/ all the more besonders + +
C 冷飲 + * * leng3yin3 cold drink Kaltgetränk + +
C 傷口 + * * shang1kou3 wound/ cut/ laceration Wunde + +
C 思念 + * * si1nian4 miss/ think of/ long for vermissen, an..denken, sich sehnen nach + +
C 笑容 + * * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile Lächeln, lächelnder Ausdruck,lächelndes Gesicht + +
C 循環 + * * xun2huan2 follow-cycle/ circle/ cycle/ circulate zirkulieren, im Kreis laufen, umlaufen + +
C 依然 + * * yi1ran2 still-so/ as before/ still noch, wie vorher, immer noch + +
C 幼兒園 + * * you4'er2yuan2 young-child-garden/ kindergarten/ nursery school Kindergarten + +
C 轉入 + * * zhuan3ru4 turning-enter/ change over to/ shift to/ transfer übergehen,überwechseln, hineingehen + +
C + * * bang1 gang/ band/ group/ secret society 1. helfen, Beistand leisten 2.Außenblätter von Gemüsepflanzen, Schuhoberteil 3.Bande, Clique 4. Zählwort + +
C 別字 + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe + +
C 惡心 + * * e3xin feel like vomiting/ feel sick/ be disgusted Übelkeit, Brechreiz,ekelhaft, abscheulich, hassen + +
C 豐收 + * * feng1shou1 reap a bumper harvest/ have a good harvest eine Rekordernte haben + +
C 將軍 + * * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer Schach bieten, General, hoher Offizier + +
C 精神 + * * jing1shen2 vigorous/ spirited/ lively/ spunky/ smart 1. Energie, Lebenskraft 2. lebhaft, munter, frisch, rüstig + +
C 科普 + * * ke1pu3 popular science/ science popularization populärwissenschaftlich + +
C + * * leng4 be startled out of one's wit/ rash/ brash/ imprudent dumpf vor sich hin starren, verdutzt innehalten + +
C + * * lv2 donkey/ ass Esel + +
C 傷腦筋 + * * shang1 nao3jin1 troublesome/ knotty/ bothersome sich das Hirn zermartern, Kopfzerbrechen + +
C 天才 + * * tian1cai2 heavenly-talent/ genius/ gift/ endowment/ gifted person Genie, Genialität, angeborenes Talent + +
C 依照 + * * yi1zhao4 comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of gemäß, entsprechend, nach + +
C 幼稚 + * * you4zhi4 young-childish/ childish/ puerile/ immature/ naive jung, klein, kindisch, naiv + +
C + * * zhan1 soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben + +
C 轉彎 + * * zhuan3 wan1 turn-corner/ turn a corner/ change one's point of view drehen, umdrehen, um eine Ecke gehen, eine Wendung machen, Ecke + +
C + * * e4 bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel + +
C + * * feng1 seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe + +
C + * * adj. bare/ be naked/ wear nothing/ glorify/ bring honor to entblößen + +
C 宏偉 + * * hong2wei3 grand/ grandiose/ magnificent herrlich, großartig + +
C + * * lv3 aluminum Aluminium + +
C 時時 + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft + +
C 思索 + * * si1suo3 think and seek solutions/ think in depth/ ponder denken und nach Lösungen suchen, nachsinnen + +
C 詢問 + * * xun2wen4 ask-question/ ask about/ inquire about/ solicit opinions nach etwas fragen, sich nach etwas erkundigen, ansprechen + +
C 伊斯蘭教 + * * yi1si1lan2jiao4 Islam religion/ Islam/ Muslim religion Islam + +
C 大嫂 + * * da4sao3 sister-in-law/ eldest brother's wife/ elder sister 1. die Frau des älteren Bruder 2. Schwägerin + +
C 隔閡 + * * ge2he2 estrangement/ misunderstanding/ gulf/ barrier 1. Barriere, 2. Sprachbarriere + +
C 洪水 + * * hong2shui3 flood/ floodwater Hochwasser, Überschwemmung + +
C 精細 + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein + +
C + * * pan1 climb/ grab/ seek connection in high places/ implicate 1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen + +
C 思維 + * * si1wei2 thinking/ thought Denken + +
C 外頭 + * * wai4tou outside-place/ outdoor space/ outside draußen, außen + +
C 殖民地 + * * zhi2min2di4 propagate-people-territory/ colony Kolonie + +
C 轉移 + * * zhuan3yi2 transferring-move/ transfer/ divert/ displace/ change einen anderen Ort wählen, ablenken, ändern + +
C 差別 + * * cha1bie2 difference/ disparity/ distinction Unterschied + +
C 惡化 + * * e4hua4 worsen/ deteriorate/ exacerbate sich verschlimmern,sich verschlechtern + +
C 攀登 + * * pan1deng1 climb/ clamber/ scale emporklettern, erklimmen + +
C 天空 + * * tian1kong1 sky-space/ sky/ heavens Himmel + +
C + * * xun2 look for/ search/ seek suchen, auf der Suche nach etw sein + +
C 愚蠢 + * * yu2chun3 foolish-stupid/ foolish/ stupid/ silly/ unintelligent/ dumb dumm, töricht, blöd + +
C + * * zhan3 measure word for lights 1. kleines Trinkgefäß 2. Zählwort für Lampen,Lichter + +
C + * * bang3 bind/ tie up 1. binden, festbinden 2. jn die Hände auf dem Rücken zusammenbinden + +
C 惡劣 + * * e4lie4 very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting abscheulich, widerwärtig, gemein, wertlos + +
C 光彩 + * * guang1cai3 luster/ splendor/ brilliance/ gloss/ honorable/ glorious Glanz ,ehrbar + +
C 黎明 + * * li2ming2 dawn/ daybreak Tagesanbruch, Morgendämmerung + +
C + * * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen + +
C 器材 + * * qi4cai2 equipment and material Geräte,Materialien + +
C 西服 + 西* * xi1fu2 Western-garment/ Western-style garment/ suit Anzug, Hosenanzug + +
C 遺產 + * * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance Erbe, Hinterlassenschaft + +
C 冰棍兒 + * * bing1gun4r popsicle Eiszapfen, Eis am Stil, Eisstange + +
C 大使 + 使* * da4shi3 ambassador Botschafter, Gesandter + +
C 封鎖 + * * feng1suo3 blockade/ seal off/ cut off from the outside world Blockade, absperren, versperren + +
C 精緻 + * * jing1zhi4 fine/ exquisite/ delicate/ refined fein, exquisit + +
C 器官 + * * qi4guan1 organ/ apparatus Organ, Apparat + +
C 天然 + * * tian1ran2 naturally-formed/ naturally-developed/ natural natürlich, von Natur + +
C 外衣 + * * wai4yi1 outer-garment/ outerwear/ coat/ apparel/ jacket Jacke, Jackett, Deckmantel + +
C + * * bang4 bar/ stick/ club bestens, prima + +
C 出路 + * * chu1lu4 way out/ outlet Ausweg + +
C 光滑 + * * guang1hua2 smooth/ sleek/ glossy/ slippery glatt, geschliffen, glänzend + +
C 獎金 + * * jiang3jin1 monetary award/ prize/ bonus/ premium Prämie, Preis + +
C + * * ke2 shell/ hull/ carapace/ shuck Schale, Hülse,Decke,Gehäuse,Hülle, Mantel + +
C 全局 + * * quan2ju2 general or overall situation/ situation as a whole generelle Lage + +
C 天然氣 + * * tian1ran2qi4 naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas Erdgas + +
C 遺憾 + * * yi2han4 remaining-regret/ pity/ regret Bedauern, jm leid tun + +
C + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb + +
C + * * zhuan4 make money/ earn/ make a profit/ profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
C + * * bang4 bar/ stick/ club bestens, prima + +
C + * * bing3 handle of sth. 1. Griff, Stiel 2.Stengel, (Blumen-)Stengel 3. Anlaß für Gerede + +
C 出賣 + * * chu1mai4 betray/ sell out/ sell betrügen, verraten + +
C 個兒 + * * ge4r height/ stature/ size/ physical dimensions 1. Körpermaß, Körpergröße, Höhe, Statur 2. einzeln + +
C 獎勵 + * * jiang3li4 encourage with some incentive/ reward/ award belohnen, auszeichnen + +
C 鯨魚 + * * jing1yu2 whale Walfisch + +
C + * * ming4 life/ life-span/ fate/ destiny/ order/ command/ assign 1. Leben 2. Schicksal, Los, Geschick 3. Befehl, Kommando 4. (einen Namen, Titel) zuweisen + +
C 遺留 + * * yi2liu2 leave-remain/ leave behind/ hand down/ bequeath hinterlassen, zurücklassen,vermachen + +
C 嶄新 + * * zhan3xin1 very-new/ nascent/ brand new/ completely new brandneu + +
C + * * bing3 the third of the ten Heavenly Stems/ third drittens,der 3. der Himmelsstämme + +
C 茶館 + * * cha2guan3 teahouse Teehaus + +
C 出門 + * * chu1 men2 go out/ leave home for a long journey 1. sein Haus verlassen, ausgehen 2. auf eine Reise gehen + +
C 旅游 + * * lv3you2 travel for pleasure/ tour reisen,Reisen + +
C + * * pan4 yearn for/ hope for/ expect/ look 1. sich nach etwas sehnen, nach etw verlangen,hoffen 2. blicken, schauen + +
C + * * qi4 gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult 1. Luft 2.Gas 3. Atem 4. Geruch 5. Manier 6. Moral 7. ärgern 8. tyrannisieren + +
C 私有 + * * si1you3 privately owned/ private im Privatbesitz befindlich , privat + +
C 天上 + * * tian1shang4 heavenly-above/ in the sky im Himmel, aus dem Himmel + +
C 外祖父 + * * wai4zu3fu4 external-grandfather/ maternal grandfather Großvater (Mutter´s Vater) + +
C 協定 + * * xie2ding4 joint-decision/ agreement/ accord Abkommen, Vereinbarung, etwas vereinbaren, + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen + +
C + * * bang1 pound 1. Zählwort Pfund 2. Waage 3.wiegen + +
C + * * bing3 round flat cake 1. runder flacher Kuchen 2. fladenförmiger Gegenstand + +
C 茶話會 + * * cha2hua4hui4 tea party Teeparty + +
C 典禮 + * * dian3li3 ceremony/ celebration/ ritual/ rite Zeremonie, Feier + +
C 光臨 + * * guang1lin2 visit as an honorable guest mit einem Besuch beehren + +
C 喉嚨 + * * hou2long2 throat/ pharynx and larynx Kehle, Schlund + +
C 外祖母 + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) + +
C 西醫 + 西* * xi1yi1 Western-medicine/ doctor trained in Western medicine westliche Medizin, Arzt der in westlicher Medizin ausgebildet ist + +
C 協會 + * * xie2hui4 cooperating-organization/ association/ union Verein,Gesellschaft, Verband + +
C 漁民 + * * yu2min2 fishing-person/ fisherman/ fishing people Fischer + +
C + * * zhi2 pointing-mark/ index/ target/ quota/ norm/ indicator 1. Wert 2. kosten, sich lohnen, wert sein 3. gerade, ausgerechnet, zufällig 4. Dienst haben + +
C + * * zhuang1 stake/ peg/ picket/ measure word for matters/ piece 1. Pfahl, Stange,Pfeiler, Mast 2. Zählwort z.B. ein Geschäftsabschluß, eine Kleinigkeit + +
C 茶葉 + * * cha2ye4 tea leaf/ tea Teeblatt + +
C 典型 + * * dian3xing2 typical case/ model/ typical/ representative Vorbild, typisch + +
C 個體戶 + * * ge4ti3hu4 self-employed worker kleiner Privatbetrieb + +
C 可不是 + * * ke3 bu shi4 exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it sicher, daß + +
C 商人 + * * shang1ren2 merchant/ business person/ trader Händler, Geschäftsmann + +
C 出難題 + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + +
C 個性 + * * ge4xing4 personality/ individuality/ character Individualität, Persönlichkeit + +
C + * * hou3 roar/ howl/ shout/ yell/ generate loud sound 1. brüllen, heulen (z.B eines Löwens) 2. heulen, brausen , tosen (des Winds) + +
C 經費 + * * jing1fei4 money for regular expenses/ funds/ expenses/ outlay Mittel, Ausgaben, Fonds + +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + +
C 氣氛 + * * qi4fen4 atmosphere/ ambience Atmosphäre, Stimmung + +
C 實話 + * * shi2hua4 truthful words; truth Wahrheit + +
C 天文 + * * tian1wen2 celestial-phenomena/ astronomy Astronomie, Sternenkunde + +
C 壓力 + * * ya1li4 press-shrink/ compress/ constrict/ reduce/ cut down Druck, Zwang, Nötigung + +
C 風格 + * * feng1ge2 style/ character/ integrity Stil, Kunststil + +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + +
C 氣憤 + * * qi4fen4 angry and resentful/ indignant/ furious empört sein + +
C 天下 + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China + +
C 彎曲 + * * wan1qu1 curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung + +
C 吸取 + * * xi1qu3 absorb-get/ absorb/ draw/ assimilate/ extract aufsaugen,etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren + +
C 娛樂 + * * yu2le4 amuse-enjoy/ amuse/ entertain/ entertainment/ hobby sich vergnügen, sich amüsieren + +
C 氣概 + * * qi4gai4 mettle/ (heroic; masculine; etc.) spirit/ lofty quality geistige Haltung + +
C 拳頭 + * * quan2tou fist Faust + +
C 司令 + * * si1ling4 commander/ commanding officer Befehlshaber + +
C 協助 + * * xie2zhu4 assist-help/ lend a hand/ assist/ help helfen, assistieren,Hilfe leisten + +
C 壓縮 + * * ya1suo1 oppress-control/ suppress/ stifle/ inhibit/ keep down komprimieren, kürzen, verringern + +
C 包袱 + * * bao1fu a bundle wrapped in cloth/ burden belasten, aufbürden, Bürde, eine Textilverpackung + +
C 病床 + * * bing4chuang2 hospital bed/ sickbed Krankenhausbett + +
C + 广* * guang3 wide/ broad/ vast/ extensive/ numerous 1. weit, breit, ausgedehnt 2.zahlreich 3. verbreiten + +
C 肌肉 + * * ji1rou4 muscle Muskel + +
C 講究 + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant + +
C 可見 + * * ke3jian4 it is thus obvious that/ we can see that/ it shows that es ist ersichtlich, daß.. + +
C + * * pan4 side/ border of a river; lake; road; field; etc. Feldrand,Rain,an der Seite, dicht an + +
C 協作 + * * xie2zuo4 jointly-work/ cooperate/ coordinate zusammenarbeiten,koordinieren + +
C 儀表 + * * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance Aussehen, Haltung,Meßinstrument + +
C 指標 + * * zhi3biao1 point-direct/ instruct/ give directions/ find fault with Planziffer, Soll, Index, Ziel, Quote, Norm + +
C 電池 + * * dian4chi2 battery/ electric cell Batterie + +
C 兒女 + * * er2nü3 sons and daughters/ children Kinder, Söhne und Töchter + +
C 飢餓 + 饿* * ji1'e4 hungry/ starving hungrig, hungern, Hunger + +
C 講課 + * * jiang3 ke4 teach/ lecture/ prelect unterrichten, Vorlesungen halten + +
C 實況 + * * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation + +
C 天主教 + * * tian1zhu3jiao4 heavenly-lord-religion/ Catholicism katholische Kirche, Katholizismus + +
C 裝備 + * * zhuang1bei4 install-equip/ fit out/ equip/ furnish/ equipment/ outfit ausrüsten, ausstatten, Ausrüstung, Ausstattung + +
C 出身 + * * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background 1. Herkunft, Abstammung, stammen (aus), abstammen 2. früherer Beruf + +
C 大意 + * * da4yi4 main idea/ general idea/ gist/ main points Allgemeine Idee, Hauptgedanke, Sorglosigkeit, Unvorsicht + +
C + * * luan3 ovum/ egg/ spawn Ei, Laich,Ovum + +
C 模範 + * * mo2fan4 exemplary thing or person/ fine example/ exemplary Vorbild, Muster, Beispiel + +
C 勸告 + * * quan4gao4 persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen + +
C 絲毫 + * * si1hao2 very little/ of the slightest amount or degree im geringsten + +
C 壓制 + * * ya1zhi4 give as security/ pawn/ mortgage/ detain/ escort/ bet unterdrücken + +
C 儀式 + * * yi2shi4 ceremony-ritual/ ceremony/ ritual/ rite/ function Feier, Feierlichkeit,Zeremonie + +
C 包含 + * * bao1han2 contain/ embody/ include enthalten + +
C 風氣 + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral + +
C 實施 + * * shi2shi1 put into effect/ implement/ carry out/ enforce/ execute umsetzen, ausführen + +
C 玩笑 + * * wan2xiao4 unyielding-firm/ stubborn/ obstinate/ obdurate Scherz, Spaß + +
C + * * xi1 rare/ uncommon/ sparse/ scattered/ watery/ thin 1. selten, rar 2. dünn, spärlich, licht 3. dünn, flüssig, wässrig + +
C + * * ya1 pressure-force/ pressure/ overwhelming force/ stress 1. verpfänden, etwas als Pfand geben 2. jn in Haft nehmen 3. eskortieren, bewachen 4.unterschreiben, unterzeichnen, signieren, stempeln + +
C 指點 + * * zhi3dian3 point-south-needle/ compass/ sth. that gives guidance zeigen, hinweisen,andeuten, über jd tuscheln + +
C 裝飾 + * * zhuang1shi4 dress-adorn/ decorate/ adorn/ ornament/ accessory schmücken, dekorieren + +
C 各式各樣 + * * ge4 shi4 ge4 yang4 of all styles and types/ all kinds of alle Arten von, verschiedene + +
C 後代 + * * hou4dai4 offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation spätere Periode + +
C 模糊 + * * mo2hu blurred/ indistinct/ dim/ vague/ unclear unklar, undeutlich,verwechseln, verwischen + +
C + * * si3 dead/ fixed/ rigid/ deadly/ implacable/ impassable sterben + +
C 玩意兒 + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung + +
C + * * xi1 tin/ stannum (Sn) Zinn + +
C 占領 + * * zhan4ling3 occupy-administer/ seize/ occupy/ capture/ possess erobern, besetzen + +
C 包圍 + * * bao1wei2 surround/ encircle umgeben, umkreisen, umzingeln + +
C 病情 + * * bing4qing2 state of an illness/ patient's condition Befinden, Zustand eines Patienten + +
C 後方 + * * hou4fang1 rear/ rearward Etappe, Hinterland, hinten + +
C 講義 + * * jiang3yi4 teaching materials/ lecture sheets Lehrmaterial, Lehrstoff + +
C 掠奪 + * * lue4duo2 plunder/ rob/ pillage plündern, ausrauben, sich bemächtigen + +
C 死亡 + * * si3wang2 die/ expire sterben, auslaufen + +
C 頑固 + * * wan2gu4 play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank eigensinnig, störrisch, verbissen + +
C 鴨子 + * * ya1zi duck/ drake/ duckling Ente + +
C 占有 + * * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen + +
C 裝置 + * * zhuang1zhi4 install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung + +
C 出事 + * * chu1 shi4 have an accident/ meet with a mishap Unfall, Unglück + +
C 大致 + * * da4zhi4 general/ rough/ overall ungefähr, grob, mehr oder weniger + +
C 電力 + * * dian4li4 electric power elektrische Energie + +
C 各自 + * * ge4zi4 each/ respective jeder, jeweilig, jeder selbst, jeder einzelne + +
C 後果 + * * hou4guo3 consequence/ aftermath/ (negative) outcome Folge, Nachwirkungen + +
C 經營 + * * jing1ying2 manage/ run/ operate/ plan and organize managen, führen, wirtschaften,betreiben,planen und besorgen + +
C 可巧 + * * ke3qiao3 it happened that/ by a happy coincidence zur rechten Zeit,zufällig (erweise) + +
C 模型 + * * mo2xing2 model/ mold/ matrix/ pattern/ die Modell, Form,Gußform + +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh + +
C 寫作 + * * xie3zuo4 write-create/ compose/ write Schreiben, Schriftstellerei + +
C 疑心 + * * yi2xin1 doubtful-mind/ suspicion/ doubt/ suspect/ verdächtigen, bezweifeln + +
C 大眾 + * * da4zhong4 masses/ general public/ common people Massen, Publikum + +
C 電鈴 + * * dian4ling2 electric bell Klingel + +
C + * * jiang4 jam/ spread made of nuts or fruit/ thick sauce 1. gesalzene Sojabohnen- und Weizenmehltunke 2. etw in Sojasoße einkochen, etw in Sojasoße einlegen, 3. Soße, Mus, Paste, Mark + +
C 氣體 + * * qi4ti3 gas/ substance in the gaseous state Gas + +
C 實習 + * * shi2xi2 practice/ praxis/ exercise and learn in the real world praktizieren, Feldarbeit leisten + +
C 田地 + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation + +
C + * * wan2 measure word for pills and boluses 1. Ball, Kügelchen 2.Pille + +
C + * * ya2 sprout/ bud/ shoot/ sprout-like thing Sproß, Schößling + +
C + * * yi2 aunt/ maternal aunt/ mother's sister/ wife's sister 1. Schwester der Mutter, Tante 2. Schwester der Ehefrau, Schwägerin + +
C 與其 + * * yu3qi2 with-such/ rather than/ better than eher als, besser als + +
C 戰場 + * * zhan4chang3 battle-field/ battlefield/ battleground/ battlefront Schlachtfeld, Front + +
C + * * zhuang4 measure word for buildings Zählwort für Gebäude + +
C + * * bao1 shell/ peel/ skin schälen, enthülsen siehe bo1 abstreifen, abschälen, abrinden + +
C 大自然 + * * da3zi4ran2 nature Natur + +
C 電流 + * * dian4liu2 electric current/ electric current intensity Elektrischer Strom + +
C 給以 + * * gei3yi3 give (sth.)/ grant (sth.) geben + +
C + * * pao1 throw/ toss/ leave behind/ desert/ expose/ show/ dump 1. werfen, schleudern 2. jd hinter sich lassen, jn beiseite lassen + +
C 氣味 + * * qi4wei4 smell/ odor/ favor/ taste/ reek/ smack Geruch,Beigeschmack,Beiklang + +
C + * * xie4 unload/ discharge/ remove/ take off/ unhitch/ get rid of 1. ausladen, entladen, ablegen 2. demontieren, auseinandernehmen 3. jn von etw freimachen, sich vor etw drücken, abwälzen + +
C 宇宙 + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos + +
C + * * zhuang4 strong/ robust/ magnificent/ grand/ strengthen/ augment 1. stark, kräftig 2. großartig, erhaben, kraftvoll 3. verstärken, kräftigen + +
C 出息 + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + +
C 電爐 + * * dian4lu2 electric stove/ hot plate/ electric furnace Elektrischer Ofen + +
C 激素 + * * ji1su4 hormone Hormon + +
C 可惜 + * * ke3xi1 regrettable/ it's a pity that/ it's too bad that leider, es ist schade + +
C 四處 + * * si4chu4 four places/ all around/ hither and thither/ everywhere überall, ringsrum + +
C 完備 + * * wan2bei4 whole-complete/ complete/ entire/ perfect vollständig, komplett, vollkommen + +
C 牙齒 + 齿* * ya2chi3 tooth Zahn + +
C + * * yi3 lean on or against/ rest on or against/ rely on/ count on 1. sich an etw/ jn anlehnen 2. sich auf jn/ etwas verlassen, auf etwas jn gestützt 3. parteiisch + +
C 戰略 + * * zhan4lue4 war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic Strategie + +
C 指南針 + * * zhi3nan2zhen1 compass Kompaß + +
C 壯大 + * * zhuang4da4 strengthen/ grow in strength/ expand/ thick and strong erstarken, stärker werden,verstärken + +
C 警告 + * * jing3gao4 warn/ admonish/ caution/ warning warnen, ermahnen,Verwarnung, Verweis + +
C 輪廓 + * * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation Kontur,Umriß, Silhouette + +
C 摩托車 + * * mo2tuo11che1 motorcycle/ motorbike/ motor bicycle Motorrad + +
C 上帝 + * * shang4di4 God/ the ruler in heaven Gott + +
C 襲擊 + * * xi2ji1 raid-attack/ assault by surprise/ attack by surprise Überraschungsangriff, überraschend angreifen + +
C 牙膏 + * * ya2gao1 tooth-paste/ toothpaste Zahnpasta + +
C 出洋相 + * * chu1 yang2xiang4 make a laughing stock of oneself sich lächerlich machen, sich zum Gespött machen + +
C 電腦 + * * dian4nao3 computer Computer + +
C + * * feng1 crazy/ mad/ insane/ deranged geisteskrank, verrückt, irrsinnig + +
C 規劃 + * * gui1hua4 plan/ program/ layout/ project/ blueprint planen,Plan, Planung, Entwurf + +
C 輪流 + * * lun2liu2 take turns/ do sth. in turn/ rotate/ alternate abwechselnd, der Reihe nach + +
C 壯麗 + * * zhuang4li4 magnificent-beautiful/ majestic/ splendid/ magnificent grandios,großartig,eindrucksvoll + +
C 瘋狂 + * * feng1kuang2 crazy/ maniac/ mad/ wild/ frenzied/ unbridled verrückt, Verrücktheit + +
C 規則 + * * gui1ze2 rule/ law/ regulation/ regular/ orderly Regel, Vorschrift, regelmäßig, gleichmäßig + +
C 警惕 + * * jing3ti4 be alert/ be vigilant/ be on guard against/ watch out for wachsam sein, auf der Hut sein + +
C 可笑 + * * ke3xiao4 laughable/ ridiculous/ absurd/ funny lächerlich + +
C 輪子 + * * lun2zi wheel Rad + +
C 氣壓 + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
C 四面八方 + * * si4 mian4 ba1 fang1 four sides and eight directions/ in every direction alle Himmelsrichtungen,nah und fern + +
C + * * yi3 the second of the ten Heavenly Stems/ second der zweite der zehn Himmelsstämme, der zweite, zweitens + +
C 語文 + * * yu3wen2 speech-writing/ language and literature/ Chinese Sprache und Schrift, Sprache und Literatur + +
C 戰術 + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik + +
C 指頭 + * * zhi3tou be worth/ happen to/ be on duty Finger, Zeh + +
C 出租 + * * chu1zu1 hire out/ rent out/ let vermieten, verpachten + +
C 電器 + * * dian4qi4 electric appliance/ electric device Elektrisches Gerät + +
C 規矩 + * * gui1ju rule/ manner/ custom/ decent/ conforming to norms Gepflogenheit, anständig + +
C 可行 + * * ke3xing4 be practicable/ be feasible/ be viable praktikabel, möglich, duchführbar + +
C 裡頭 + * * li3tou inside/ interior/ within innen, darin, drinnen + +
C + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen + +
C + * * mo4 apply/ put on/ smear/ plaster/ wipe/ cross out/ erase 1. streichen, aufstreichen, bestreichen, schmieren 2. wischen, abwischen, + +
C 實質 + * * shi2zhi4 essence/ substance/ gist Substanz, Essenz + +
C 挑選 + * * tiao1xuan3 pick-choose/ select/ pick out wählen, auswählen + +
C 戰線 + 线* * zhan4xian4 battle-line/ battle lines/ battlefront/ battlefields/ front line Front, Kampflinie + +
C 保管 + * * bao3guan3 keep/ take care of/ storekeeper sicher, sich um etwas kümmern, sicherlich + +
C 根源 + * * gen1yuan2 origin/ root/ source Wurzel, Ursprung, Quelle + +
C + * * li3 gift/ present/ propriety/ courtesy/ etiquette/ manners 1.Zeremonie, Feier,Ritual, 2. Höflichkeit, Förmlichkeit, 3. Geschenk + +
C 四周 + * * si4zhou1 surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum + +
C 完善 + * * wan2shan4 whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve vollkommen, vollständig, vollendet, perfekt + +
C 以便 + 便* * yi3bian4 so as to make it convenient to/ so that/ in order to damit, umzu, zwecks, mit der Absicht + +
C 指引 + * * zhi3yin3 point-lead/ show the way/ direct/ lead/ guide anleiten, zeigen, weisen + +
C 剝削 + * * bo1xue1 exploit/ exploitation ausbeuten, Ausbeutung + +
C 帶兒 + * * dai4r string/ ribbon/ belt/ strap Riemen + +
C + * * feng2 sew/ stitch Naht + +
C 後頭 + * * hou4tou at the back/ in the rear/ behind/ later hinten, Rückeite, später + +
C 焦急 + * * jiao1ji2 anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös + +
C 景色 + * * jing3se4 scenery/ view/ prospect/ landscape Anblick, Landschaft, Landschaftsbild, Szenerie + +
C 禮拜 + * * li3bai4 religious service/ week/ Sunday Gottesdienst, Anbetung,Woche, Wochentag, Sonntag + +
C + * * mo4 end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub + +
C 炮彈 + * * pao4dan4 (artillery) shell Geschoß + +
C 汽船 + * * qi4chuan2 steamship/ steamboat/ motorboat Dampfer,Dampfschiff, + +
C 亞軍 + * * ya4jun1 second-army/ second place (in a contest)/ runner-up zweite Stelle, zweiter Platz + +
C 戰友 + * * zhan4you3 battle-fellow/ battle companion/ comrade in arms Mitkämpfer, Kamerad + +
C + * * bo1 sow/ seed/ broadcast/ spread 1.sähen, aussähen 2.senden, verbreiten, übertragen + +
C 帶動 + * * dai4dong4 lead/ drive antreiben, anspornen, lenken + +
C 發電 + * * fa1 dian4 generate electricity Elektrizität erzeugen + +
C 諷刺 + * * feng3ci4 satirize/ ridicule/ mock Satire + +
C 後退 + 退* * hou4tui4 back up/ draw back/ fall back/ retreat sich zurückziehen + +
C 景物 + * * jing3wu4 objects and background seen in a view/ environment Landschaft, Szenerie + +
C 媳婦 + * * xi2fu4 daughter-woman/ son's wife/ daughter-in-law Schwiegertochter, Frau des Sohns + +
C + * * chan3 spade/ shovel 1. Schaufel, Schippe, 2. schaufeln + +
C 極端 + * * ji2duan1 utter/ extreme/ extremity Extrem, extrem + +
C 景象 + * * jing3xiang4 scene/ sight/ picture Szene, Anblick, Bild + +
C 渴望 + * * ke3wang4 long for/ yearn for/ thirst for/ hanker for Sehnsucht, sich nach etw. sehnen + +
C + * * pao4 soak/ steep/ infuse/ hang out/ bubble/ blister 1. Blase 2. blasenförmiger Gegenstand 3. etw in Flüssigkeit legen,einweichen + +
C + * * wan3 roll up/ pull/ draw/ reverse/ retrieve 1. ziehen, spannen 2. aufrollen, hochkrempeln 3. um jm trauern + +
C 欣賞 + * * xin1shang3 love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like genießen, bewundern + +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst + +
C 保密 + * * bao3 mi4 keep secret/ maintain secrecy geheim halten, ein Geheimnis bewahren + +
C 播送 + * * bo1song4 broadcast/ beam senden, übertragen + +
C 帶領 + * * dai4ling3 lead/ guide/ direct führen, leiten, dirigieren + +
C 呼呼 + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind + +
C 膠卷 + * * jiao1juan3 film/ roll of camera film Film, Rollfilm + +
C + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + +
C 條例 + * * tiao2li4 itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen + +
C 挽救 + * * wan3jiu4 retrieve-save/ get back and save/ rescue/ remedy retten, abwenden, abhelfen + +
C 喜愛 + * * xi3'ai4 like-love/ like/ love/ be fond of/ be keen on favorisieren, am liebsten mögen + +
C 只得 + * * zhi3de2 only-must/ be obliged to/ have to/ have no choice but müssen, nicht anders können, nicht umhin kommen + +
C + * * chu2 besides/ in addition to/ except 1. loswerden, entfernen, ausmerzen, beseitigen 2.ausschließen, ausnehmen, ausgenommen 3. abgesehen davon, neben 4. dividieren, teilen + +
C 帶頭 + * * dai4 tou2 be the first/ take the lead die Führung übernehmen, erster sein, ein Beispiel setzen + +
C 電線 + 线* * dian4xian4 electric wire/ electric cord Draht, Kabel + +
C + * * gui1 return/ come or go back/ give back/ belong to 1. heimkehren,zurückkehren, 2. zurückgeben, wiedergeben 3. zuammenkommen, zusammenstellen + +
C 恰當 + * * qia4dang4 suitable/ proper/ appropriate 1. passend, treffend, recht, geeignet 2. gerade, genau, das rechte Maß halten, eben + +
C 使得 + 使* * shi3de cause/ render/ make verursachen, machen,bewirken + +
C 煙囪 + * * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe Kamin, Schornstein + +
C 保守 + * * bao3shou3 guard/ keep/ conservative bewahren, bewachen, konservativ + +
C + * * dai4 take the place of/ be in place of ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie + +
C 電壓 + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung + +
C 培養 + * * pei2yang3 train/ groom/ foster/ develop/ cultivate heranbilden, ausbilden, erziehen + +
C 上升 + * * shang4sheng1 rise/ go up/ ascend/ move upward steigen, ansteigen,aufsteigen + +
C 晚報 + * * wan3bao4 evening-newspaperevening newspaper Abendblatt + +
C 辛勤 + * * xin1qin2 hardworking-diligent/ industrious/ hardworking fleißig, arbeitsam + +
C 浴室 + * * yu4shi4 bath-room/ bathroom/ shower room/ public bathhouse Badezimmer,Dusche, Bad + +
C + * * bo1 move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen + +
C 除非 + * * chu2fei1 unless/ barring/ only if nur wenn, ausgenommen wenn + +
C 佛教 + * * fo2jiao4 Buddhism Buddhismus + +
C 耕地 + * * geng1di4 arable land/ cultivated land 1. pflügen, bewirtschaften 2. bebautes Land, Ackerland + +
C + * * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation 1.Grenze 2.Gegend, Gebiet,Ort 3. Lage,Zustand,Umstände + +
C 陌生 + * * mo4sheng1 strange/ unfamiliar fremd + +
C 培育 + * * pei2yu4 cultivate/ nurture/ breed/ foster züchten, kultivieren + +
C 恰好 + * * qia4hao3 happen to gerade, wie es der Zufall will + +
C 上述 + * * shang4shu4 aforementioned/ above-mentioned/ aforesaid oben erwähnt + +
C 使勁 + 使* * shi3 jin4 use strength/ exert all one's strength/ make efforts anstrengen,Kraft benutzen,Anstrengungen unternehmen + +
C 飼養 + * * si4yang3 raise/ rear (domestic animals) aufziehen , züchten (Haustiere) + +
C 追求 + * * zhui1qiu2 pursuing-seek/ pursue/ seek/ woo/ run after (a woman) verfolgen,jagen, streben, um jn werben + +
C 代辦 + * * dai4ban4 agency/ commission/ act for another für jn etwas machen,vertreten + +
C 發覺 + * * fa1jue2 become aware/ sense/ realize/ discover/ detect aufspüren, entdecken, finden + +
C 恰恰 + * * qia4qia4 just/ exactly/ precisely gerade, ausgerechnet + +
C + * * yan1 inundate/ flood/ submerge überschwemmen, überfluten + +
C + * * zhang1 open/ spread/ stretch/ lay out/ display/ show/ look 1. (Vc) öffnen, spannen, aufstellen, ausstellen, vergrößern, übertreiben, schauen, sehen, ein Geschäft eröffnen, 2.(Nb) Gardine 3.(Nf) Stück (Papier, Bild, Haut etc) + +
C 保險 + * * bao3xian3 safe/ be sure/ insurance Versicherung, sicher, + +
C 交代 + * * jiao1dai4 tell/ exhort/ explain/ make clear/ confess/ hand over übergeben, jm etwas einprägen,klarmachen, + +
C + * * ke4 guest/ visitor/ passenger/ customer/ client 1. Gast, Besucher 2. Reisende, Passagier 3. Kunde 4. fremd 5 jn, der einer besonderen Aufgabe nachgeht 6. objektiv + +
C 賠償 + * * pei2chang2 compensate/ pay for sb. else's damage or loss entschädigen,Schadensersatz zahlen, + +
C 松樹 + * * song1shu4 pine-tree/ pine tree/ pine Kiefer + +
C 喜悅 + * * xi3yue4 happy-pleased/ joyful/ joyous/ delighted/ cheerful Freude, Frohsinn, Frohmut + +
C 波浪 + * * bo1lang4 water wave Welle + +
C 產物 + * * chan3wu4 outcome/ result/ product Produkt, Erzeugnis, Ergebnis + +
C 電子 + * * dian4zi3 electron Elektron + +
C 邏輯 + * * luo2ji logic/ order of thinking/ objective law Logik + +
C 上頭 + * * shang4tou the higher authorities/ foregoing/ above/ on top of höhere Autoritäten, vorangegangene, über, + +
C 調節 + * * tiao2jie2 adjust-regulate/ adjust/ regulate einstellen, regulieren + +
C 張望 + * * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ herumgucken + +
C 保障 + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern + +
C 代價 + * * dai4jia4 cost/ price/ expense Preis, Kosten + +
C 軌道 + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit + +
C 忽視 + * * hu1shi4 ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard übersehen, vernachlässigen + +
C 客觀 + * * ke4guan1 objectivity/ objective Objektivität,objektiv + +
C + * * luo2 gong Gong, Tamtam + +
C 某些 + * * mou3xie1 some/ certain einige, gewisse, bestimmte + +
C 群島 + * * qun2dao3 group of scattered islands/ archipelago Inselgruppe, Archipel + +
C + * * shi3 drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen + +
C + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng + +
C 愈…愈… + * * yu4 yu4 the more … the more … je ...desto + +
C 菠菜 + * * bo1cai4 spinach Spinat + +
C 產值 + * * chan3zhi2 output value/ value of output Ausgabewert + +
C 代理 + * * dai4li3 act as an agent/ deputize als Vertreter handeln + +
C 曆年 + * * li4nian2 over the past years alle vergangenen Jahre, Kalenderjahr + +
C 陪同 + * * pei2tong2 accompany/ sb. who accompanies/ company begleiten, Begleiter + +
C 上下 + * * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young hoch und niedrig,alt und jung,von oben bis unten + +
C 送禮 + * * song4 li3 give-gift/ give a gift/ present a gift to sb. ein Geschenk geben, Schenken + +
C 調皮 + * * tiao2pi2 playful-naughty/ mischievous/ disobedient/ tricky ungezogen, frech, unbändig, widerspenstig + +
C + * * zhang3 chief/ head/ chief (secretary-general) (Subst.) Leiter + +
C 惦記 + * * dian4ji4 be concerned about/ keep thinking about sich mit etwas mit Anteilnahme erinnern, sich kümmern + +
C 敬酒 + * * jing4 jiu3 propose a toast einen Toast ausbringen, zuprosten + +
C + * * pei4 make a couple/ find sth. to fit/ mix/ blend/ be worthy of 1. eine Ehe schließen 2. paaren 3. zusammenmischen,zusamnenstellen 4. zueinander passen, miteinander harmonieren 5. es verdienen, sich würdig erweisen 6. etw planmäßig verteilen + +
C 以至 + * * yi3zhi4 so-to/ up to/ down to/ so … that … so daß, als Folge von etw., folglich, daher kommt es das + +
C 博士 + * * bo2shi4 one who holds the degree of doctor Doktor + +
C + * * dian4 put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen + +
C 夫妻 + * * fu1qi1 husband and wife/ couple Ehemänner und Frauen + +
C 集團 + * * ji2tuan2 group/ clique/ circle/ bloc Gruppe, Block, Clique + +
C 客廳 + * * ke4ting1 living room/ drawing room/ parlor Empfangshalle,Besucherzimmer,Wohnzimmer + +
C + * * li4 benefit/ profit/ interest 1.scharf, spitz, 2. günstig, vorteihaft 3. Vorteil, Nutzen, 4. Profit, Gewinn 5. Nutzen bringen, nützen + +
C 上旬 + * * shang4xun2 period of the first ten days of a month die ersten 10 Tage eines Monats + +
C 萬分 + * * wan4fen1 thousands-portions/ very much/ extremely sehr, äußerst, in höchstem Grad + +
C 嚴禁 + * * yan2jin4 strictly-prohibit/ forbid/ prohibit/ strikt verbieten + +
C 博物館 + * * bo2wu4guan3 museum Museum + +
C 奠定 + * * dian4ding4 establish/ found/ build up (a foundation) gründen, herstellen, einrichten, etablieren + +
C 發射 + * * fa1she4 launch/ discharge/ shoot/ fire/ transmit abfeuern, starten, schießen, + +
C 櫃檯 + * * gui4tai2 counter/ bar Kassentisch + +
C 萬古長青 + * * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever ewig, immergrün + +
C 新生 + * * xin1sheng1 new-life/ newborn/ new/ rebirth/ regeneration neugeboren, neues Leben + +
C 以致 + * * yi3zhi4 so-incur/ so that/ as a result/ consequently so daß, als Folge von etwas, folglich, daher kommt es, daß + +
C 寓言 + * * yu4yan2 implying-word/ fable/ allegory/ parable Fabel, Allegorie, Parabel + +
C 掌聲 + * * zhang3sheng1 palm-sound/ applause Beifall, Applaus + +
C 顫動 + * * chan4dong4 vibrate/ quiver/ shake vibrieren, zittern + +
C 櫃子 + * * gui4zi cupboard/ cabinet/ closet/ dresser/ chest Schrank + +
C + * * mu4 act/ curtain/ veil/ screen Grab, Grabstätte, Mausoleum + +
C + * * qian1 (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils Blei (Pb) + +
C 上游 + * * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position Oberlauf eines Flusses + +
C 搜集 + * * sou1ji2 seek-gather/ collect/ hunt high and low for (things) sammeln, einsammeln,zusammentragen + +
C 新式 + * * xin1shi4 new-style/ new type/ latest type/ of a new form or rite neuer Typus,neue Mode, modern + +
C 嚴厲 + * * yan2li4 strict-severe/ stern/ severe/ harsh/ austere/ stringent hart, streng + +
C 預報 + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage + +
C 志願 + * * zhi4yuan4 aspiration-wish/ aspiration/ wish/ ideal/ will/ desire Wunsch, Ideal, freiwillig + +
C 薄弱 + * * bo2ruo4 weak/ frail schwach, gebrechlich, schwächlich, zerbrechlich + +
C 顫抖 + * * chan4dou3 tremble/ shiver/ shake zittern, sich schütteln, beben + +
C 胡說 + * * hu2shuo1 talk nonsense/ drivel Unsinn reden + +
C 交談 + * * jiao1tan2 talk/ chat/ converse/ Konversation haben, sich unterhalten + +
C + * * jing4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1.vollenden,beenden 2. endlich, schließlich 3. gegen jede Erwartung, unerwartet 4. so weit gehen, daß, sogar + +
C + * * mu4 tomb/ grave/ mausoleum 1. Vorhang 2. Akt + +
C 燃料 + * * ran2liao4 inflammable material/ fuel Brenn-,Kraftstoff, Brennmaterial + +
C 示威 + * * shi4wei1 demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess demonstrieren + +
C 萬歲 + * * wan4sui4 thousands-years/ long live/ Your Majesty es lebe, Kaiser, Eure Majestät + +
C 嚴密 + * * yan2mi4 close-tight/ close/ tight/ well-conceived dicht, streng, hermetisch + +
C 抑制 + * * yi4zhi4 restrain-control/ restrain/ control/ repress/ check/ bate beschränken, zurückhalten + +
C + * * bao3 precious things/ treasure 1. Schatz, Wertsachen, Kleinod 2. kostbar, wertvoll, edel 3.(alt) Anrede-Attribut für Damen + +
C 衚衕 + * * hu2tong4 alley/ lane Gasse, Allee + +
C 竟然 + * * jing4ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to unerwartet, überraschend, so weit gehen, daß.. + +
C 利潤 + * * li4run1 profit Profit, Gewinn + +
C 駱駝 + * * luo4tuo camel Kamel + +
C + * * sou1 measure word for ships or boats ein Zählwort für Schiffe oder Boote + +
C 萬萬 + * * wan4wan4 thousands-thousandsin millions of cases/ in any case unter allen Umständen, auf jeden Fall + +
C 戲劇 + * * xi4ju4 opera-drama/ drama/ theater/ play/ play script Drama, Stück + +
C + * * yi4 easy/ amiable 1. leicht 2. freundlich, liebenswürdig 3. wechseln 4. austauschen + +
C 發行 + * * fa1xing2 distribute/ publish/ issue/ release ausgeben, etwas in Umlauf bringen + +
C 貴賓 + * * gui4 bin1 honored guest/ distinguished guest Ehrengast + +
C 課堂 + * * ke4tang2 class/ classroom/ schoolroom Klassenzimmer, Hörsaal + +
C 木材 + * * mu4cai2 wood/ timber/ lumber Holz, Bauholz + +
C 佩服 + * * pei4fu2 admire/ have a high opinion of bewundern, hochachten + +
C 千方百計 + * * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook nichts unversucht lassen, auf jede erdenkliche W. + +
C 士兵 + * * shi4bing1 rank-and-file soldier/ private/ rank and file einfacher Soldat + +
C 跳動 + * * tiao4dong4 jump-move/ jump up and down/ beat/ pulsate sich auf und ab bewegen, schlagen, pulsieren + +
C 萬一 + * * wan4yi1 thousands-oneone in thousands/ eventuality/ in case falls, wenn, Zufall, ein Zehntausendstel + +
C 待遇 + * * dai4yu4 treatment/ compensation/ pay/ wage/ salary Bezahlung, Gehalt, Kompensation + +
C 雕刻 + * * diao1ke4 carve/ engrave/ sculpt/ work of carving schnitzen, einscheiden, bildhauern, + +
C 工地 + * * gong1di4 construction site/ building site Baustelle, Bauplatz + +
C 蝴蝶 + * * hu2die2 butterfly Schmetterling + +
C 染料 + * * ran3liao4 dye/ dyestuff Farbstoff + +
C 細胞 + * * xi4bao1 tiny-cell/ cell Zelle + +
C 新型 + * * xin1xing2 new-type/ new model neuer Typ, neue Art, neues Modell + +
C 交易 + * * jiao1yi4 transaction/ deal/ trade/ business Geschäft, Handel + +
C 競爭 + * * jing4zheng1 compete/ rival/ competition/ rivalry Konkurrenz, konkurrieren + +
C 千克 + * * qian1ke4 kilogram Zählwort Kilogramm + +
C 俗話 + * * su2hua4 popular-saying/ folk adage/ colloquialism Volksmund, Sprichwort + +
C 研究生 + * * yan2jiu1sheng1 research student/ postgraduate/ graduate student Aspirant, Postgraduierte, Doktorand + +
C 預防 + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + +
C + * * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit 1. Schutzdach mit Vorhängen 2. Rechnung 3. Schulden, Kredit + +
C 著手 + * * zhuo2shou3 put-hand/ put one's hand to/ set about/ begin/ start sich an etwas machen,beginnen, + +
C 處於 + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + +
C + * * jing4 clean/ net 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß + +
C 預告 + * * yu4gao4 fore-announce/ announce in advance/ advance notice etwas im voraus bekanntmachen, Ankündigung + +
C + * * zhang4 expand/ distend/ swell/ inflate/ bulge/ be bloated 1. sich ausdehnen 2. anschwellen, aufgeschwollen sein, Schwellung, Völlegefühl, Blähung + +
C 至於 + * * zhi4yu2 go-to/ (go) so far as to/ to such an extent/ as for/ as to was…(an)betrifft, so weit sein, so weit kommen + +
C 寶石 + * * bao3shi2 precious stone/ gem Edelstein, Juwel + +
C 逮捕 + * * dai4bu3 arrest/ apprehend/ capture/ nab inhaftieren + +
C + * * jing4 only/ nothing but/ all/ all the time 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß + +
C 盤地 + * * pen2di4 basin/ area surrounded by land of higher elevation Becken + +
C 心愛 + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- + +
C 研製 + * * yan2zhi4 research-produce/ trail-make/ develop entwickeln + +
C 障礙 + * * zhang4'ai4 block-stop/ barrier/ obstacle/ hinder/ block/ obstruct versperren, Hindernis + +
C + * * zhi4 extend/ send/ devote/ concentrate/ achieve/ lead to 1. senden, schicken, übermitteln 2. sich widmen, sich für etw einsetzen 3.verursachen, herbeiführen 4. so daß + +
C 著重 + * * zhuo2zhong4 place-weight/ emphasize/ stress/ underline/ highlight hervorheben, unterstreichen + +
C 耽誤 + * * dan1wu fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events sich verzögern, verspäten, aufhalten + +
C 發育 + * * fa1yu4 develop/ grow (especially in puberty) Wachstum, Entwicklung + +
C + * * jiao1 water/ irrigate/ pour/ sprinkle/ cast 1.etwa mit Wasser besprengen,durchnässen, 2. gießen, begießen, bewässern + +
C + * * rao2 forgive/ spare/ let off/ throw in/ make an extra free offer 1. begnadigen, jm etw nachsehen, jm etw verzeihen 2.reich,viel,voll, + +
C 速成 + * * su4cheng2 rapidly-master/ quickly accomplish/ crash (course) schnell meistern, schnell schaffen, Crash-Course + +
C + * * wang3 net/ netting/ network/ web/ meshwork 1.Netz 2. Netzwerk 3. mit einem Netz fangen + +
C 岩石 + * * yan2shi2 rock-stone/ rock/ stone Gestein, Felsen + +
C 意識 + * * yi4shi2 think-realize/ consciousness/ be conscious of Bewußtsein, sich einer Sache bewußt sein, + +
C + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall + +
C 處處 + * * chu4chu4 everywhere/ in all respects überall, in jeder Hinsicht + +
C + * * dan1 carry on a shoulder pole/ undertake/ shoulder 1. Lasten mit einer Schulterstange tragen 2. übernehmen, etw auf sich nehmen + +
C + * * fu2 take (medicine)/ obey/ be convinced/ convince 1. Kleidung, Kleid, Anzug 2. (Medizin) einnehmen 3. etw auf sich nehmen, übernehmen 4. jn überzeugen 5. sich einleben, akklimatisieren + +
C 工齡 + * * gong1ling2 years of employment/ seniority Dienstalter + +
C 棍子 + * * gun4zi stick/ rod/ wand Stange, Stock, Stab + +
C + * * hu4 protect/ guard/ shield/ be partial to 1. schützen, hüten, bewachen 2. jd gegen Tadel decken, jn in Schutz nehmen + +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös + +
C 心理 + * * xin1li3 heart-mechanism/ psychology/ mentality/ thought Psyche, psychische Verfassung, mental, psychologisch + +
C 資本 + * * zi1ben3 money-principal/ capital/ asset Kapital + +
C 工錢 + * * gong1qian pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt + +
C 目光 + * * mu4guang1 sight/ view/ vision/ gaze/ look Sicht, Blick + +
C 蓬勃 + * * peng2bo2 vigorous/ flourishing/ burgeoning blühend und gedeihend,üppig,schwungvoll,stürmisch + +
C …似的 + * * shi4de as if/ -like/ as … as als ob + +
C + * * xia1 become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet + +
C 資本家 + * * zi1ben3jia1 money-principal-person/ capitalist Kapitalist + +
C 常識 + * * chang2shi2 common sense/ general knowledge Allgemeinwissen, gesunder Menschenverstand + +
C 擔負 + * * dan1fu4 shoulder/ take on/ undertake tragen, ausstehen + +
C 調動 + * * diao4dong4 transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate verlegen, bewegen, + +
C + * * fa2 punish/ penalize/ discipline strafen, rügen, Strafe + +
C 鍋爐 + * * guo1lu2 boiler Kessel, (Dampf-) + +
C + * * keng1 pit/ hole/ hollow/ entrap/ cheat/ bury alive 1. Loch, Grube, Vertiefung, Einsenkung 2. Tunnel, Stollen 3.jn lebendig vergraben 4. jm eine Grube graben, jm eine Falle stellen, betrügen + +
C + * * peng2 cote/ shed/ shack/ makeshift shelter/ ceiling Schutzdach,Hütte,Schuppen + +
C + * * xia1 shrimp/ prawn/ lobster Garnele, Krabbe + +
C 資本主義 + * * zi1ben3zhu3yi4 money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism Kapitalismus + +
C 急躁 + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig + +
C + * * ji1 hold tight/ seize/ haul 1. ergreifen, packen, fassen, festhalten 2.heftig ziehen + +
C 膨脹 + * * peng2zhang4 expand/ extend in length/ swell in size/ inflate sich ausdehnen, ausbreiten, expandieren + +
C 意味著 + * * yi4wei4zhe mean-flavor-doing/ signify/ mean/ imply bedeuten, implizieren + +
C + * * bao4 report/ announce/ declare 1. mitteilen, Bericht erstatten, benachrichtigen 2.erwidern, belohnen,vergelten, heimzahlen 3. Botschaft, Meldung, Ankündigung 4. Telegraphie, Telegramm + +
C 疾病 + * * ji2bing4 illness/ sickness/ disease Krankheit + +
C 事故 + * * shi4gu4 event that is unforeseen/ accident/ mishap Unglücksfall, Unfall + +
C + * * ting1 hall/ department in a large government organization 1. Halle, großer Raum 2. Büro, Dienststelle + +
C 峽谷 + * * xia2gu3 ravine-valley/ gorge/ canyon Schlucht, Canyon + +
C 資產階級 + * * zi1chan3jie1ji2 money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie Bürgertum, Bourgeoisie + +
C 報仇 + * * bao4chou2 reward/ pay sich rächen + +
C 工序 + * * gong1xu4 working procedure/ process Verfahren, Prozeß + +
C 互助 + * * hu4zhu4 help each other/ provide mutual help gegenseitige Hilfe + +
C + * * jiao3 mix/ stir/ disturb/ mess up 1. umrühren, mischen 2.stören, belästigen + +
C 牧場 + * * mu4chang3 ranch/ livestock farm/ pastureland/ grazing land Weide,Weideland + +
C 事跡 + * * shi4ji4 praiseworthy act/ deed/ achievement/ merit Tat,Errungenschaft + +
C 心事 + * * xin1shi4 heart-thing/ a load on one's mind/ worry Herzensache, Sorge + +
C 預先 + * * yu4xian1 beforehand-before/ in advance/ beforehand im voraus, vorher + +
C + * * zhi4 make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control 1. herstellen, erzeugen, fabrizieren 2. beherrschen, einschränken, beschränken 3.System + +
C 資格 + * * zi1ge2 qualification-standard/ qualification/ condition/ seniority Eignung, höheres Dienstalter + +
C 報酬 + * * bao4 chou2 reward, renumeration, pay Belohnung + +
C + * * die1 dad/ daddy/ pa/ father Vater, Vati, Papa + +
C 國防 + * * guo2fang2 national defense Landesverteidigung + +
C 牧民 + * * mu4min2 herdsman/ herder Hirte, Viehhüter + +
C 熱帶 + * * re4dai4 torrid zone/ tropics Tropen,tropische Zone + +
C 往來 + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr + +
C 心思 + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung + +
C 招手 + * * zhao1 shou3 wave-hand/ beckon/ wave one's hand as a signal mit der Hand winken + +
C 資金 + * * zi1jin1 money-fund/ funds/ money for business use/ capital Fonds, Geldmittel, Investitionskapital + +
C 長度 + * * chang2du4 length Länge + +
C 傳達 + * * chuan2da2 convey/ transmit/ communicate weitergeben, weiterleiten + +
C + * * die2 fold/ pile up 1. aufschichten, aufhäufen, 2. falten, zusammenlegen + +
C 即將 + * * ji2jiang1 soon/ right away/ in a second nahe dran, bald + +
C 空軍 + * * kong1jun1 air force Luftwaffe, Luftstreitkräfte + +
C 碰釘子 + * * peng4 ding1zi be rebuffed/ hit a snag/ encounter hostility abgewiesen werden + +
C 謙虛 + * * qian1xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ make modest remarks bescheiden + +
C 少女 + * * shao4nü3 young girl/ unmarried girl/ teenage girl junge Frau, unverheiratete Frau + +
C 毅力 + * * yi4li4 perseverance Willensstärke, Wille, Standhaftigkeit + +
C 國籍 + * * guo2ji2 nationality/ citizenship/ national identity Nationalität + +
C 即使 + 使* * ji2shi3 even/ even if/ even though/ though/ although selbst, selbst wenn + +
C 腳步 + * * jiao3bu4 footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking 1. Schritt 2. Gang + +
C 酒店 + * * jiu3dian4 hotel/ inn/ wine shop/ liquor store Weingeschäft,Weinschenke,Gasthaus, Wirtshaus + +
C 熱量 + * * re4liang4 quantity of heat Wärmemenge, Hitze + +
C 少先隊 + * * shao4xian1dui4 Young Pioneers Junge Pioniere + +
C 預祝 + * * yu4zhu4 beforehand-wish/ wish/ may wünschen, für etwas beten, + +
C 長久 + * * chang2jiu3 long-lasting/ long time/ prolonged langfristig + +
C 單純 + * * dan1chun2 simple/ pure/ uncomplicated einfach, bloß, rein + +
C + * * ding1 the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems/ fourth 1. Erwachsener Mann, Erwachsene, Mündiger 2. Angehörige einer Familie, Bevölkerung 3. viertens, der vierte 4. Würfelchen + +
C 法令 + * * fa3ling4 laws and decrees/ collection of statutes Gesetz, Anordnung, Dekret + +
C 狡猾 + * * jiao3hua2 sly/ cunning/ tricky/ foxy/ crafty durchtrieben, gerissen, gewieft, schlau + +
C + * * pi1 criticize/ write comments on documents submitted 1. eine Notiz oder eine Nachricht auf einen Bericht schreiben 2. kritisieren,verurteilen 3. Zählwort Menge, Gruppe + +
C 報復 + * * bao4fu4 retaliate/ revenge/ retaliation/ reprisal Vergeltung + +
C 傳染 + * * chuan2ran3 infect/ be contagious anstecken, infizieren, ansteckend + +
C + * * ding1 gaze at/ stare at/ fix one's eyes on starren, fixieren, unbeweglich blicken + +
C + * * gong1 attack/ take the offensive/ accuse/ diligently study 1. angreifen, Angriff, die Offensive ergreifen , 2. studieren sich dem Studium widmen 3. tadeln, vorwerfen, attackieren, Anklage erheben, 4.sich auf etwas spezialisieren + +
C 花朵 + * * hua1duo3 flower Blüte, Blume + +
C 馬克思主義 + * * ma3ke4si1zhu3yi4 Marxism Marxismus + +
C 哨兵 + * * shao4bing1 sentinel/ sentry/ guard Wächter,Wachtposten + +
C 義務 + * * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich + +
C 冤枉 + * * yuan1wang wrong-mistreat/ treat unjustly/ wrong/ not worthwhile jm unrecht tun, vergeblich sein, nutzlos + +
C 姿勢 + 姿* * zi1shi4 carriage-posture/ posture/ gesture/ pose/ carriage Körperhaltung + +
C 不安 + * * bu4'an1 uneasy/ disturbed rastlos, unruhig, unwohl, + +
C + * * ding1 follow closely/ tail behind/ urge/ press 1. Nagel 2. annageln + +
C 級別 + * * ji2bie2 rank/ level/ grade/ class Rang (militärischer Rang) + +
C 拿…來說 + * * na2 lai2shuo1 take … for example auf jmd einreden, beschwören + +
C 算是 + * * suan4shi4 can be counted as/ can be regarded as als.. betrachtet werden + +
C 心意 + * * xin2yi4 heart-intention/ regard/ kindly feelings/ meaning freundschaftliches Empfinden, freundliches Entgegenkommen, Absicht, Vorstellung + +
C 沿兒 + 沿* * yan2r along-sea/ coast/ coastal area/ seaboard 1. entlang, längs 2. von alters her, überliefert 3. Rand, Saum + +
C 姿態 + 姿* * zi1tai4 carriage-attitude/ carriage/ bearing/ attitude/ gesture Haltung, Positur + +
C 報刊 + * * bao4kan1 newspapers and periodicals/ the press Publikation + +
C 傳說 + * * chuan2shuo1 pass on (a story)/ people say/ legend/ folk tale man sagt, daß..., Legende + +
C 單獨 + * * dan1du2 alone/ lone/ solitary alleine, auf eigene Faust + +
C 釘子 + * * ding1zi nail Nagel + +
C 事務 + * * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction (Routine-) Arbeit, allgemeine Angelegenheiten + +
C 元旦 + * * yuan2dan4 first-day/ New Year' s Day Neujahr, erster Tag des neuen Jahres + +
C 著涼 + * * zhao2 liang2 suffer-cold/ catch a cold/ catch a chill sich erkälten + +
C 不比 + * * bu4bi3 be unlike ungleich sein + +
C 長遠 + * * chang2yuan3 long-distant/ long-term/ long-range langfristig, auf lange Dauer + +
C 攻擊 + * * gong1ji1 accuse/ vilify/ assume the offensive/ attack/ onset angreifen,Angriff + +
C 花生 + * * hua1sheng1 peanut Erdnuß + +
C 給予 + * * ji3yu3 give/ render/ offer/ present geben (ji3yu3 !) + +
C 角度 + * * jiao3du4 angle/ perspective/ point of view 1. Winkel 2. Perspektive 3. Blickwinkel + +
C 算數 + * * suan4 shu4 count-number/ count/ hold/ be valid gelten, als gültig betrachten, + +
C 沿海 + 沿* * yan2hai3 edge die Küste entlang, an der Küste + +
C 攻克 + * * gong1ke4 capture/ take/ seize/ overcome einnehmen, erobern + +
C 角落 + * * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place Ecke, Winkel + +
C 力求 + * * li4qui2 make every effort to/ strive to/ try one's best to für etw. alle Kräfte einsetzen,sich n.Kräf.abmühen + +
C 前方 + * * qian2fang1 front/ in front/ ahead/ at the head/ forward vorn, Front, + +
C + * * sui1 although/ though/ even if/ even though obwohl, obschon, zwar + +
C 議會 + * * yi4hui4 discussing-assembly/ parliament/ congress Parlament, Abgeordnetenhaus + +
C 制止 + * * zhi4zhi3 control-stop/ prevent/ stop/ curb/ restrain/ check/ deter stoppen + +
C 報社 + * * bao4she4 newspaper office Zeitungsbüro, Pressebüro + +
C 不曾 + * * bu4ceng2 never niemals + +
C + * * dan3 gallbladder/ courage/ nerve/ bladder 1. Gallenblase 2. Mut, Kühnheit, Tapferkeit 3. Einsatzgefäß + +
C 法院 + * * fa3yuan4 court/ court of law/ court of justice/ tribunal Gericht + +
C 舅舅 + * * jiu4jiu4 mother's brother/ maternal uncle der Bruder der Mutter, Onkel + +
C 恐怖 + * * kong3bu4 fearful/ horrifying/ horrible/ terrifying/ terrible Schrecken, Terror + +
C 捨不得 + * * she3 bu de hate to part with; spend; or use/ grudge/ begrudge es nicht übers Herz bringen + +
C 元素 + * * yuan2xiao1 basic-element/ essential factor/ element Element + +
C 製作 + * * zhi4zuo4 make-do/ produce/ make/ build/ construct machen + +
C + * * ding3 very, most, extremely meistens, + +
C + * * fu3 bow one's head/ bend over; forward; or down ( den Kopf) neigen + +
C 舅母 + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante + +
C 前後 + * * qian2hou4 in front of and behind/ around/ about/ altogether etwa, ungefähr,gegen,von Anfang bis Ende,insgesamt + +
C 捨得 + * * she3de be willing to part with; spend; or use/ not grudge bereit sein,etwas zu tun, nicht mißgönnen + +
C 雖說 + * * sui1shuo1 although-say/ although it can be said that/ although obwohl + +
C 停留 + * * ting2liu2 stop-remain/ stay for a period of time/ stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen + +
C 下降 + * * xia4jiang4 lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall niedergehen, sinken, untergehen + +
C 掩蓋 + * * yan3gai4 cover-hide/ cover up/ conceal/ hide/ cloak decken, verhüllen + +
C 元宵 + * * yuan2su4 Yuan-night/ night of Shangyuan Festival/ rice dumpling die Nacht auf den 15. des ersten Mondes des lunaren Kalenders + +
C 智慧 + * * zhi4hui4 intelligence-wisdom/ wisdom/ wits/ brightness/ brains Weisheit, Klugheit, Intelligenz + +
C + * * chang2 intestine/ sausage Darm + +
C + * * ding3 measure word for caps; hats; tents; etc. Zählwort für Mützen, Hüte, Zelte etc. + +
C 法制 + * * fa3zhi4 legal system/ legal institutions Gesetzessystem + +
C 國旗 + * * guo2qi2 national flag Nationalflagge + +
C 嘩嘩 + * * hua1hua1 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser + +
C + * * jiu4 with regard to/ come near dann, und so + +
C 力爭 + * * li4zheng1 do one's best to/ strive for/ contend vigorously etwas mit allen Mitteln erreichen wollen + +
C 逝世 + * * shi4shi4 pass away/ die ableben, versterben + +
C 掩護 + * * yan3hu4 cover-protect/ shield/ cover/ screen schützen, decken, Deckung + +
C + * * zi3 child/ son/ person/ seed/ egg/ copper coin/ bead 1.Kind, Sohn 2. Samen 3. Ei 4. Frucht 5. etwas Kleines und Hartes 6. jung, zart, klein + +
C 法子 + * * fa3zi way/ method/ solution Methode + +
C 功課 + * * gong1ke4 school work/ homework/ assignment Schularbeiten + +
C 技能 + * * ji4neng2 skill/ technical ability technische Fähigkeit, Geschicklichkeit + +
C 攝氏 + * * she4shi4 Celsius/ centigrade Celsius, Centigrad + +
C 子彈 + * * zi3dan4 ball-bullet/ bullet/ cartridge Patrone, Kugel + +
C + * * chuan3 pant/ breathe heavily 1. schwer atmen, um Luft ringen, nach Luft schnappen 2. Asthma + +
C 功勞 + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung + +
C 國慶節 + * * guo2qing4jie2 National Day Nationalfeiertag + +
C 技巧 + * * ji4qiao3 technique/ artifice/ knack/ acrobatic gymnastics Kunstfertigkeit, handwerkliches Können + +
C 教導 + * * jiao4dao3 teach/ indoctrinate lehren, unterweisen, Belehrung, Anleitung + +
C 攝影 + * * she4 ying3 take a photo/ shoot a film eine Aufnahme machen,fotografieren, e. Film drehen + +
C 勢力 + * * shi4li (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence Stärke, Macht, Einfluß + +
C 隨後 + * * sui2hou4 following-rear/ afterward/ shortly after/ in a minute hinterher,kurz danach + +
C 亭子 + * * ting2zi pavilion-thingpavilion/ kiosk Pavillion, Laube + +
C 下列 + * * xia4lie4 below-listed/ following/ listed below folgend, nachstehend + +
C + * * chuan4 string together/ mix up/ bunch/ cluster 1. aufreihen, aneinanderreihen, etw auf eine Schnur ziehen 2. ganz durcheinander geraten 3.sich mit jm verschwören,sich zusammentun 4. von Ort zu Ort gehen 5. Schnur + +
C 功能 + * * gong1neng2 function/ functionality/ feature Funktion + +
C 華僑 + * * hua2qiao2 overseas Chinese Auslandschinesen + +
C + * * kong4 vacate/ leave empty or blank/ vacant/ unoccupied Freizeit, Chance,Raum, Platz + +
C 人家 + * * ren2jia everyone else/ he/ him/ she/ her/ they/ them/ I/ me andere Leute + +
C 隨即 + * * sui2ji2 following-moment/ right afterward/ immediately afterward im folgenden Augenblick, sofort danach + +
C + * * ting3 straight, to straighten, erect aufrecht, sich aufrichten + +
C 信號 + * * xin4hao4 information-signal/ signal Signal, Zeichen + +
C 眼光 + * * yan3guang1 eye-sight/ eye/ vision/ foresight/ insight/ point of view Auge, Blick, Urteilsvermögen/ Einsicht + +
C + * * zhi4 quality/ character/ nature/ matter/ substance/ material 1. Natur, Eigenschaft, Charakter, Wesen 2. Qualität 3. Material, Stoff, Substanz 4. fragen, anfragen, ausfragen + +
C 暴露 + * * bao4lu4 expose/ lay bare/ divulge/ undress enthüllen, offenlegen,etwas ans Tageslicht bringen + +
C 廠長 + * * chang3zhang3 director of a factory Werksleiter + +
C + * * fan1 time/ kind/ sort/ measure word for abstract things ein Zählwort Mal (für Handlungen) + +
C 腐蝕 + * * fu3shi2 erode/ corrode/ corrupt/ pervert chemisch zerfressen,korrumpieren + +
C 華人 + * * hua2ren2 Chinese/ Foreign citizen of Chinese descent ethnischer Chinese + +
C 教練 + * * jiao4lian4 coach/ instructor/ drill master Trainer + +
C 人間 + * * ren2jian1 human world/ this world irdische Welt + +
C 射擊 + * * she4ji1 shoot/ fire schießen, feuern + +
C 是的 + * * shi4de right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities ja richtig + +
C 威脅 + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen + +
C 照例 + * * zhao4li4 follow-rule/ as usual/ as a rule/ usually in der Regel,wie gewöhnlich + +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm + +
C 腐朽 + * * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent verfault, morsch + +
C 國務院 + * * guo2wu4yuan4 State Council, State Departement Staatsrat + +
C + * * ji4 season 1.Jahreszeit, Saison 2. das Ende einer Epoche 3. letzter Monat einer Jahreszeit + +
C 是非 + * * shi4fei1 yes/ right/ that's it richtig oder falsch,recht oder unrecht + +
C 原理 + * * yuan2li3 original-reason/ theory/ principle/ principium Grundsatz, Prinzip + +
C 場地 + * * chang3di4 space/ place/ site/ ground Feld, Platz, Ort + +
C 窗口 + * * chuang1kou3 window Fenster, Verkaufsschalter + +
C 國營 + * * guo2ying2 state-run/ state-owned/ state-operated staatseigen, volkseigen, staatlich (geführt) + +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung + +
C 是否 + * * shi4fou3 yes or no/ whether or not/ if ob ..oder nicht + +
C 隨手 + * * sui2shou3 following-hand/ without extra trouble mühelos, bequem + +
C 信念 + * * xin4nian4 believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction Glaube, Überzeugung + +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen + +
C 爆發 + * * bao4fa1 erupt/ burst out/ break out Eruption, Ausbruch, Explosion + +
C 場合 + * * chang3he2 occasion/ situation Situation, Gelegenheit, Anlaß + +
C 窗簾 + * * chuang1lian2 window curtain Fenstervorhang + +
C 翻身 + * * fan1 shen1 roll over/ turn over (in bed)/ emancipate oneself übergeben, umblättern, sich emanzipieren + +
C 滑雪 + * * hua2 xue3 ski Ski laufen + +
C 就是說 + * * jiu4 shi4 shuo1 even if … still …/ even though … yet … in anderen Worten + +
C 聯盟 + * * lian2meng2 alliance/ coalition/ league/ union Bündnis,Union, Liga + +
C 信任 + * * xin4ren4 believe-trust/ trust/ confide in/ depend on/ have faith in jm vertrauen + +
C 場面 + * * chang3mian4 scene/ spectacle/ occasion/ appearance Szene, Angelegenheit, Ereignis + +
C 窗臺 + * * chuang1tai2 windowsill Fensterbank + +
C 就是…也 + * * jiu4shi4 ye3 that is to say/ in other words; that means wenn auch, sogar + +
C 疲倦 + * * pi2juan4 tired and sleepy/ weary/ fatigued müde + +
C 人力 + * * ren2li4 manpower/ physical labor/ ability of human beings Arbeitskraft + +
C 微小 + * * wei1xiao3 micro-small/ tiny/ little/ small/ minute sehr klein + +
C 信息 + * * xin4xi1 letter-message/ information/ news/ message Nachricht, Botschaft, Information + +
C 原始 + * * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive original, ursprünglich, aus erster Hand, primitiv, Ur- + +
C 爆炸 + * * bao4zha4 explode/ blow up Detonation, explodieren + +
C 教堂 + * * jiao4tang2 church/ cathedral/ temple/ synagogue Kirche, Dom, Münster + +
C 社會主義 + * * she4hui4zhu3yi4 socialism Sozialismus + +
C 适宜 + * * shi4yi2 suitable/ fit/ appropriate/ just right geeignet,angebracht, passen + +
C + * * yin1 sound/ news/ tidings/ syllable 1. Ton, Schall, Laut 3. Nachricht, Botschaft + +
C 原先 + * * yuan2xian1 original-earlier/ former/ original früher, ursprünglich, eigentlich + +
C 供應 + * * gong1ying4 supply/ provide/ accommodate versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung + +
C 果實 + * * guo3shi2 fruit/ fruits/ gains Frucht, Früchte, Gewinn + +
C 前頭 + * * qian2tou in front/ ahead/ forward/ above/ proceeding/ forepart vorn, etc + +
C 社論 + * * shi4lun4 editorial Editorial + +
C 通常 + * * tong1chang2 common-frequent/ usual/ general/ normal im allgemeinen, gewöhnlich, normalerweise + +
C 下旬 + * * xia4xun2 last 10 days/ from the 21st to the last day of a month die letzten zehn Tage eines Monats + +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat + +
C 治療 + * * zhi4liao2 cure-heal/ treat/ cure/ heal kurieren, behandeln + +
C 不對 + * * bu2 dui4 not right/ wrong/ incorrect eigenartig, falsch, unkorrekt, verkehrt, unnormal + +
C 床單 + * * chuang2dan1 bed sheet Betttuch, Laken + +
C 誕生 + * * dan4sheng1 be born/ come into being/ be founded geboren sein, gebären + +
C 定期 + * * ding4qi1 regular schedule/ at regular intervals/ periodical regelmäßig, zu festen Zeiten + +
C + * * gong1 public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business 1. staatlich, öffentlich, 2. Amtspflicht, Dienst, Amtsgeschäfte 3. gerecht, unparteilich 4. etw bekannt machen, veröffentlichen, 5. männlich 6. metrisch, Maße und Gewichte betreffend + +
C 果樹 + * * guo3shu4 fruit tree Obstbaum + +
C 畫家 + * * hua4jia1 painter/ artist Maler + +
C 寂寞 + * * ji4mo4 lonely/ lonesome/ quiet/ still/ silent still, ruhig, einsam, verlassen + +
C + * * man2 hide the truth from/ keep sb. in the dark about sth. verheimlichen, verschweigen, etw für sich behalten, jn über etw. im unklaren lassen + +
C 歲數 + * * sui4shu4 age-figure/ age/ years Alter, Jahre + +
C 下游 + * * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position Unterlauf eines Flußes, Zustand der Rückständigkeit + +
C 照樣 + * * zhao4yang4 follow-appearance/ in the same old way/ as before 1. nach einem Muster 2.auf die gleiche alte Weise, in derselben Weise, wie früher + +
C 公安 + * * gong1'an1 public security allgemeine Sicherheit + +
C + * * guo3 wrap/ bind/ mix and carry einwickeln, einhüllen, verbinden, umwickeln + +
C + * * ji4 measuring device/ idea/ plan/ consider/ count 1.rechnen, zählen, kalkulieren 2. Messer, Zähler 3. Plan, List, Intrige + +
C + * * she4 set up/ establish/ work out/ suppose 1. einrichten, errichten, gründen, aufstellen 2. ausarbeiten 3. wenn, falls + +
C 照耀 + 耀* * zhao4yao4 shine-illuminate/ shine/ illuminate/ radiate/ blaze scheinen,erleuchten + +
C 中部 + * * zhong1bu4 central-part/ central area/ central section/ middle part Mitte, Zentrale,mittlerer Teil + +
C 自豪 + * * zi4hao2 self-outstanding/ proud auf etwas stolz sein + +
C 畫蛇添足 + * * hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 ruin by adding superfluous etwas überflüssiges tun + +
C 教研室 + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich + +
C 夏季 + * * xia4ji4 summer season/ summer/ season of summer Sommer, + +
C 原子 + * * yuan2zi3 original-particle/ atom Atom, atomar + +
C 悲哀 + * * bei1'ai1 sad/ sorrowful/ grieved Trauer, traurig + +
C 公布 + * * gong1bu4 make public/ promulgate/ announce/ publicize veröffentlichen, bekannt machen, etwas zur Veröffentlichung freigeben + +
C + * * guo4 exceedingly/ unduly/ excessively (Adverb Partikel) signalisiert die Vollendung einer Handlung + +
C 口氣 + * * kou3qi4 manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang + +
C 人群 + * * ren2qun2 human throng/ crowd (Menschen-)Menge,eine Masse Menschen + +
C 設法 + * * she4fa3 work out a way/ try/ do what one can versuchen, eine Methode erfinden + +
C 違背 + * * wei2bei4 violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten + +
C 陰謀 + * * yin1mou2 hidden-plot/ plot/ conspiracy/ machination Verschwörung, Komplott + +
C 原子彈 + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe + +
C + * * zhao4 envelop/ wrap/ cover/ hood/ casing/ shade/ chimney 1. bedecken, zudecken, überziehen 2. Deckel, Haube, Kappe, Schutzhülle, Ummantelung + +
C 蛋白質 + * * dan4bai2zhi4 protein Protein + +
C 繁殖 + * * fan2zhi2 propagate/ breed/ reproduce sich fortpflanzen,sich vermehren + +
C 連接 + * * lian2jie1 connect/ join/ link zusammenhängen, anschließen,verbinden, verbunden + +
C + * * nai3 milk/ breast 1.Brüste 2. Milch 3. stillen + +
C 孫女 + * * sun1nü3 grandchild-daughter/ son's daughter/ granddaughter Enkelin + +
C 陰天 + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt + +
C 召集 + * * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene zusammenrufen + +
C 中斷 + * * zhong1duan4 midway-break/ interrupt/ suspend/ break off/ intermit abbrechen, unterbrechen, aussetzen + +
C 自來水 + * * zi4lai2shui3 self-come-water/ tap water Leitungswasser + +
C 不夠 + * * bu2gou4 not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate unzureichend, nicht genug, inadäquat + +
C 計算機 + * * ji4suan4ji1 computer Computer, Rechner + +
C 居民 + * * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant Bewohner, Einwohner + +
C 口試 + * * kou3shi4 oral test/ oral examination mündliche Prüfung + +
C 滿腔 + * * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) voll von etwas sein + +
C 屁股 + * * pi4gu buttocks/ bottom/ rear/ rump/ hindquarters/ end/ butt Hintern, Arsch, Hinterteil eines Tiere,Stummel, + +
C 市長 + * * shi4zhang3 mayor Bürgermeister + +
C 孫子 + * * sun1zi grandchild-son/son's son/ grandson Enkel + +
C 援助 + * * yuan2zhu4 rescue-help/ aid/ help/ assist/ support helfen, Beistand leisten + +
C 悲觀 + * * bei1guan1 pessimistic pessimistisch + +
C 不顧 + * * bu2gu4 have no consideration for/ have no regard for ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet + +
C 訂婚(定婚) + * * ding4 hun1 engage (to get married)/ be betrothed to Verlobung + +
C 居然 + * * ju1ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1. unerwartet, gegen jede Erwartung 2. ausgerechnet, soweit gehen + +
C 口頭 + * * kou3tou2 oral/ spoken/ verbal mündlich + +
C 譬如 + * * pi4ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as zum Beispiel + +
C + * * zhe1 cover/ screen/ conceal/ hide from view/ cloak/ hinder 1. bedecken, zudecken, verdecken 2. Schutz gegen etw. bieten, vor etw schützen + +
C 自滿 + * * zi4man3 self-satisfied/ complacent/ self-contented/ conceited selbstzufrieden, selbstgefällig + +
C 創立 + * * chuang4li4 found/ establish/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen + +
C 凡是 + * * fan2shi4 every/ any/ all/ without exception jede, alle,jegliche + +
C 復活節 + * * fu4huo2jie2 Easter Ostern + +
C 過渡 + * * guo4du4 change from one state or stage to another übergehen (von einem zu einem anderen Zustand) + +
C 化工 + * * hua4gong1 chemical industry chemische Industrie + +
C + * * nai4 stand/ be able to bear or endure etw. ertragen können, etw aushalten können + +
C 人士 + * * ren2shi4 personage/ person with certain social influence Persönlichkeit, Kreise + +
C 設想 + * * she4xiang3 imagine/ have consideration for/ idea/ tentative plan sich etwa vorstellen,Idee + +
C 損害 + * * sun3hai4 damage-harm/ harm/ injure/ hurt 1. vermindern,abnehmen 2. schaden, beeinträchtigen, verletzen + +
C 演說 + * * yan3shuo1 present-speech/ make a speech/ address/ speech eine Rede halten, vortragen + +
C 銀幕 + * * yin2mu4 silver-screen/ screen/ projection screen Bildschirm + +
C 園林 + * * yuan2lin2 garden-grove/ garden/ park Garten, Park, + +
C 中年 + * * zhong1nian2 middle-age/ middle age/ mid-life mittleres Lebensalter + +
C 超額 + * * chao1'e2 exceed the quota die Quote übersteigen + +
C 創新 + * * chuang4xin1 innovate/ innovation/ creativity/ fresh idea neue Ideen vorbringen, neue Wege bahnen, Neuerung, Innovation + +
C + * * dang1 should/ ought to/ must sollte siehe dang1(3) dang4 + +
C + * * fan2 vexed/ annoyed/ trouble/ be tired of/ be fed up 1.verdroßen, mißmutig, verärgert 2. überdrüssig 3. liebenswürdigerweise, freundlicherweise + +
C 過分 + * * guo4fen4 excessive/ undue/ extravagant exzessiv, unangemessen, extravagant + +
C 化合 + * * hua4he2 combine/ compound/ synthesize sich (chemisch) verbinden + +
C 居住 + * * ju1zhu4 live/ reside/ dwell leben, wohnen, + +
C 耐煩 + * * nai4fan2 patient/ composed geduldig, duldsam + +
C + * * pian1 inclined to one side/ off-center/ off-target/ off-standard 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich + +
C 通順 + * * tong1shun4 logical-smooth/ clear and coherent klar und verständlich + +
C 化石 + * * hua4shi2 fossil Fossil, Versteinerung + +
C + * * ku1 withered/ shriveled/ faded/ wilted/ dried-up 1.welk, verwelkt, ausgetrocknet, 2.versiegt, ausgetrocknet, vertrocknet + +
C 人體 + * * ren2ti3 human body/ nude menschlicher Körper, nackt + +
C 損壞 + * * sun3huai4 damage-break/ damage/ break/ spoil beschädigen + +
C 圓滿 + * * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory befriedigend,zufriedenstellend + +
C 折合 + * * zhe2he2 convert-equal/ convert into/ amount to/ be equivalent to umrechnen, ausmachen, betragen + +
C 自身 + * * zi4shen1 self-oneself/ self/ oneself selbst, eigen + +
C 不見 + * * bu2jian4 vanish/ disappear/ not see/ not meet nicht sehen, verschwinden, nicht antreffen + +
C 當初 + * * dang1chu1 in the beginning/ at that time/ originally ursprünglich, damals + +
C + * * ju2 bureau/ office/ administration/ shop/ part/ portion 1. Schachbrett 2.Partie, Satz 3. Lage, Situation 4.Intrige, Falle , Schlinge 5.Grenze, Schranke 6. Amt, Büro, Behörde 7. Geschäftshaus, Laden + +
C 歉意 + * * qian4yi4 regret/ apology/ apologetic feeling Gefühl des Bedauerns, Bedauern + +
C 申請 + * * shen1qing3 apply for/ file an application for sich bewerben um , Antrag stellen für + +
C 通信 + * * tong1 xin4 communicate-letter/ correspond/ communicate by letter brieflich verkehren, mit jm korrespondieren, + +
C 圍巾 + * * wei2jin1 enclosing-cloth/ scarf/ muffler/ shawl/ neckerchief Schal, Halstuch + +
C 飲料 + * * yin3liao4 drinking-stuff/ drink/ beverage Getränk, Trank + +
C 折磨 + * * zhe2mo torment-trouble/ afflict/ torture/ gnaw/ suffering/ ordeal quälen, peinigen + +
C 自始至終 + * * zi1 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 from-beginning-to-end/ from start to finish von Anfang bis Ende + +
C 不見得 + * * bu4 jian4de2 not necessarily/ not likely nicht notwendigerweise, nicht wahrscheinlich + +
C 當代 + * * dang1dai4 present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit + +
C 局部 + * * ju2bu4 part/ portion Teil, teilweise, zum Teil + +
C 漫長 + * * man4chang2 very long/ endless sehr lang, endlos + +
C 猿人 + * * yuan2ren2 ape-man/ ape man/ pithecanthropus Affenmensch + +
C 自私 + * * zi4si1 self-favor/ selfish/ self-centered/ self-concerned egoistisch, eigensüchtig + +
C + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + +
C 化驗 + * * hua4yan4 chemically examine/ conduct a lab test/ assay chemische Untersuchung,Laboruntersuchung + +
C 局面 + * * ju2mian4 situation Aspekt, Phase, Situation + +
C 窟窿 + 窿* * ku1long hollow/ hole/ cavity/ loophole/ flaw Loch,Höhle,Hohlraum,Fehlbetrag, Schuld + +
C 人心 + * * ren2xin1 people's heart/ the will of the people/ popular feeling Gefühle der Massen, Volkswille + +
C 燕子 + * * yan4zi swallow/ house swallow Schwalbe + +
C 者(愛好者) + * * zhe3 one who/ -er/ -ist/ (fan/ fancier/ lover/ enthusiast) jemand, der..(Suffix) + +
C 不禁 + * * bu4jin1 cannot help/ cannot refrain from. nicht zurückzuhalten können, + +
C + * * fan3 on the contrary/ instead 1. umwenden, umdrehen 2. im Gegenteil, auf die Gegenseite, umgekehrt 3. zurück, Rück-, Gegen-, 4. rebellieren 5. gegen, wider, anti- + +
C 複製 + * * fu4zhi4 reproduce/ copy/ duplicate eine Kopie machen, ein Duplikat anfertigen, imitieren + +
C 記載 + * * ji4zai3 record/ put down in writing/ chronicle 1. eintragen, aufzeichnen ,niederschreiben 2. Bericht, Aufzeichnung, Protokoll + +
C 偏偏 + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet + +
C 厭惡 + * * yan4wu4 hate-dislike/ detest/ abominate/ abhor/ be disgusted at abscheulich,Abscheu,Antipathie + +
C + * * yin3 draw/ stretch/ lead/ guide/ leave/ induce/ cause/ quote 1.ziehen, anspannen, führen, leiten 2.fortgehen 3. anlocken, anziehen 4. veranlassen, verursachen 5. anführen, zitieren + +
C 鈔票 + * * chao1piao4 bill/ note/ paper currency Banknote, Papiergeld + +
C 當家 + * * dang1 jia1 manage household matters/ keep house den Haushalt führen + +
C 引導 + * * yin3dao3 lead-guide/ lead/ guide/ show/ direct leiten, führen + +
C 緣故 + * * yuan2gu4 reason-cause/ reason/ cause Grund, Ursache + +
C 話劇 + * * hua4ju4 modern drama/ stage play Theaterstück, modernes Schauspiel + +
C + * * jiao4 sleep Schlaf siehe: jue2 + +
C 牆壁 + * * qiang2bi4 wall Wand, Mauer + +
C 縮短 + * * suo1duan3 shrink-shorter/ shorten/ curtail/ cut short/ verkürzen, verkleinern + +
C 引進 + * * ying3jin4 lead-enter/ introduce/ import empfehlen, einführen + +
C 中旬 + * * zhong1xun2 mid-period/ period of the second ten days of a month die mittlere Dekade eines Monats + +
C 自相矛盾 + * * zi4 xiang1 mao2dun4 self-mutually-spear-shield/ self-contradiction sich selbst widersprechen + +
C 不覺 + * * bu2jue2 unknowingly/ unawares unbewußt + +
C 當面 + * * dang1 mian4 face to face/ in sb.'s presence ins Gesicht, in jms Gegenwart + +
C 公民 + * * gong1min2 citizen Bürger + +
C + * * jie1 peel off/ tear off/ uncover/ lift/ expose/ disclose/ raise 1. abnehmen, abheben, abdecken 2.aufdecken, enthüllen, entlarven, bloßlegen 3. hochhalten, hochziehen, hissen + +
C 盲目 + * * mang2mu4 blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on blind, blindlings + +
C 縮小 + * * suo1xiao3 shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate verkleinern,verringern,reduzieren + +
C 這會兒 + * * zhe4hui4r this-moment/ now/ at present/ at the moment nun, jetzt, in diesem Moment + +
C 自信 + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit + +
C + * * bei4 generation 1. Sorte, Menschenschlag 2. Generation, Zeitgenossen, Zählwort 3. Lebenszeit + +
C 不可 + * * bu4ke3 cannot/ should not/ must not Mögen Sie nicht + +
C + * * chao2 tide/ tidewater/ upheaval/ current 1. Gezeiten,Ebbe und Flut 2. Strömung, (soziale) Bewegung 3. feucht, naß + +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern + +
C 公頃 + * * gong1qing3 hectare Zählwort Hektar + +
C + 怀* * huai2 keep in mind/ think of/ be pregnant/ bosom/ mind 1. Brust, Busen, Schoß 2. Gemüt, Herz, Sinn 3. hegen, tragen 4. sich nach jm/etw sehnen,, an jn/etw denken 5.(ein Kind) empfangen + +
C 揭露 + * * jie1lu4 uncover/ disclose/ unmask/ expose/ unveil/ lay bare an die Öffentlichkeit bringen + +
C 舉辦 + * * ju3ban4 hold/ conduct/ run/ have veranstalten, organisieren, durchführen + +
C 身材 + * * shen1cai2 stature/ figure Statur, Wuchs, Figur + +
C + * * suo3 lock/ padlock Schloß + +
C 同伴 + * * tong2ban1 accompanying-partner/ companion/ mate/ comrade Gefährte, Kamerad, Begleiter + +
C 鮮明 + * * xian1ming2 with bright colors and clear/ vivid/ distinct/ distinctive strahlend (Farben) + +
C 中醫 + * * zhong1yi1 Chinese-doctor/ traditional Chinese medical science traditionelle chinesische Medizin, TCM + +
C 背包 + * * bei1bao1 knapsack/ backpack/ rucksack Rucksack + +
C 垂直 + * * chui2zhi2 be vertical/ be perpendicular senkrecht, vertikal + +
C 反而 + * * fan3'er2 on the contrary/ instead stattdessen + +
C + * * fu4 shoulder/ bear/ rely on/ suffer/ betray/ lose/ owe 1. etw auf dem Rücken tragen 2. sich verschulden 3. untreu werden 4. verlieren, besiegt werden 5.sich etw zuziehen 6.sich auf etw stützen 7.Null, negativ, minus + +
C + * * hai1 an interjection to express sadness; regret; or surprise Interj. Ausdruck des Bedauerns, Seufzens + +
C 懷念 + 怀* * huai2nian4 cherish the memory of/ think of/ miss an jemand denken,sich nach jd sehnen + +
C 忍不住 + * * ren3 bu zhu4 cannot help/ unable to bear muß einfach, unfähig, etwas zu ertragen + +
C 身分(身份) + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status + +
C + * * suo3 lock (up)/ lockstitch abschließen, sperren + +
C 同胞 + * * tong2bao4 same-afterbirth/sibling/ compatriot von den selben Eltern geboren, Landsmann + +
C 鮮血 + * * xian1xue4 fresh-blood/ blood Blut + +
C + * * yuan4 hope/ wish/ desire/ be willing 1. Wunsch, Hoffnung, Begehren 2. willens sein, bereit sein 3. Gelübde + +
C 不利 + * * bu2li4 disadvantageous/ unfavorable nachteilig + +
C 潮濕 + 湿* * chao2shi1 wet/ humid/ damp/ moist feucht, naß + +
C 負擔 + * * fu4dan1 shoulder/ bear/ carry/ burden/ load/ weight 1. übernehmen, tragen, sich etw. aufbürden 2. Bürde, Last, Belastung + +
C 懷疑 + 怀* * huai2yi2 suspect/ doubt/ be skeptical about zweifeln,Zweifel,vermuten + +
C + * * kua1 praise/ laud/ commend/ overstate/ exaggerate/ boast 1. übertreiben 2. preisen,loben + +
C 男子 + * * nan2zi3 man/ male Mann, männlich + +
C 忍耐 + * * ren3nai4 forbear/ restrain oneself/ exercise patience dulden, ertragen, aushalten,gedulden + +
C 為難 + * * wei2nan2 make things difficult for sich peinlich berührt fühlen, Schwierigkeiten bereiten, + +
C 鮮艷 + * * xian1yan4 bright-colorful/ bright-colored/ gaily-colored farbenfreudig, in leuchtenden Farben + +
C 自言自語 + * * zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 self-talk-self-say/ talk to oneself mit sich selbst sprechen, vor sich hin reden + +
C 背景 + * * bei4jing3 background/ backdrop Hintergrund + +
C 繼承 + * * ji4cheng2 inherit/ succeed/ carry on/ carry forward erben, fortsetzen, weiterführen + +
C 臉色 + * * lian3se4 complexion/ look/ facial expression Gesichtsfarbe, Aussehen,Gesichtsausdruck + +
C 忍受 + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden + +
C 身子 + * * shen1zi body/ pregnancy Körper, Schwangerschaft + +
C 忠誠 + * * zhong1cheng2 loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful treu, getreu + +
C 不料 + * * bu2liao4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise unerwartet, zur eigenen Überraschung + +
C 吵架 + * * chao3 jia4 quarrel/ wrangle/ bicker/ squabble sich zanken, streiten + +
C 春季 + * * chun1ji4 spring season/ spring/ season of spring/ spring time Frühling + +
C 公式 + * * gong1shi4 formula/ any established or conventional method Formel + +
C + * * kua3 collapse/ fall/ break down zusammenbrechen, einstürzen + +
C 飄揚 + * * piao1yang2 wave in the wind/ flutter in the wind/ fly wehen, flattern + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) zur Zufriedenheit, was auch immer, wie auch immer + +
C 為首 + * * wei2shou3 as-head/ be headed by/ be led by mit jm an der Spitze + +
C + * * xian2 salty/ salted salzig, gesalzen, alle (Hexagramm 31 咸 xián = Einfluss nehmen) + +
C + * * yang2 raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known 1. heben, aufheben, hochheben, hochziehen, aufrichten 2.(sich) verbreiten, etw in Umlauf bringen + +
C + * * yuan4 complain/ blame/ resentment/ discontent/ hatred 1. Haß, Feindseligkeit, Groll 2. verübeln, sich beklagen, sich beschweren, jn verantwortlich machen, tadeln + +
C 這樣一來 + * * zhe4yang4 yi1 lai2 this-way-ever-since/ in this way/ in such a case/ thus in dieser Art, in so einem Fall, + +
C 忠實 + * * zhong1shi2 loyal-dependable/ faithful and trustworthy/ truthful treu, getreu, loyal, ergeben + +
C + * * ju4 gather/ get together/ assemble/ congregate sich versammeln, zusammenkommen,zusammentreffen + +
C 毛筆 + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel + +
C 難得 + * * nan2de2 difficult to get/ hard to come by/ rare/ seldom selten, nicht leicht zu bekommen + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) 1. Amt, Verantwortung 2. ernennen, einsetzen,jm mit einem Amt betrauen etc + +
C 收割 + * * shou1ge1 gather and cut/ reap/ harvest ernten, mähen,die Ernte + +
C 為止 + * * wei2zhi3 as-end/ till/ up to bis + +
C 自願 + * * zi4yuan4 self-desire/ volunteer/ be willing to freiwillig, aus eigenem Antrieb + +
C 背誦 + * * bei4song4 recite rezitieren + +
C 不滿 + * * bu4man3 be dissatisfied/ be unsatisfied/ unsatisfied unzufrieden, unbefriedigt,Unzufriedenheit + +
C 當中 + * * dang1zhong1 (in the) center/ (in the) middle unter, mitten unter + +
C 反擊 + * * fan3ji1 counter-attack/ fight back/ strike back/ beat back zurückschlagen,Gegenangriff + +
C 壞蛋 + * * huai4dan4 villain/ bad person/ bad egg Bösewicht, üble Person + +
C + * * lian4 refine/ smelt/ burn/ try to find the best (word) schmelzen, raffinieren, kondensieren, härten,stählen + +
C 同盟 + * * tong2meng2 same-vow/alliance/ league/ ally Bündnis, Allianz, Verbündeter + +
C 維持 + * * wei2chi2 maintain-preserve/ keep/ support/ safeguard wahren, aufrechterhalten + +
C 閑話 + * * xian2hua4 idle words/ gossip/ claver/ tattle/ digression Abschweifung, Nachrede,plaudern + +
C + * * yang2 vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean + +
C 隱約 + * * yin3yue1 latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich + +
C 珍貴 + * * zhen1gui4 valuable-precious/ valuable/ precious kostbar, wertvoll + +
C 自治 + * * zi4zhi4 self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern Autodetermination, Autonomie + +
C 背心 + * * bei4xin1 vest/ jersey/ tank Weste, ein ärmelloses Bekleidungsstück + +
C 不免 + * * bu4mian3 inevitably/ would naturally unvermeidbar, unvermeidlich + +
C + * * chao3 stir-fry/ fry/ sauté/ speculate illegally etwas in der Pfanne kurz braten, sautieren + +
C + * * chun2 pure/ unmixed 1. rein, lauter, unvermischt 2. ganz und gar , nur, einfach + +
C 冬季 + * * dong1ji4 winter season/ winter/ season of winter/ winter time Winter + +
C 富有 + * * fu4you3 wealthy/ rich/ affluent/ be rich in/ be full of reich + +
C 公用 + * * gong1yong4 for public use/ public/ communal/ shared gemeinsam benutzen, zur allgemeinen Verwendung + +
C 海拔 + * * hai3ba2 elevation/ altitude/ height above sea level Höhe über den Meeresspiegel + +
C 歡呼 + * * huan1hu1 hail/ cheer/ acclaim jubeln, Jubel + +
C 聚集 + * * ju4ji2 gather/ get together/ congregate/ convene/ collect zusammenziehen, versammeln + +
C 難怪 + * * nan2guai4 it's difficult to blame/ it's hardly a surprise/ no wonder nicht verwunderlich + +
C 強迫 + * * qiang3po4 force/ compel/ coerce zwingen + +
C 形態 + * * xing2tai4 shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology Form, Gestalt, Morphologie + +
C 珍惜 + * * zhen1xi1 value-cherish/ treasure/ value/ cherish hochschätzen, achten + +
C 自治區 + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region + +
C 歡樂 + * * huan1le4 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful freudig, fröhlich, lustig, vergnügt, + +
C 聚精會神 + * * ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration/ with rapt attention mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren + +
C 毛線 + 线* * mao2xian4 knitting wool/ woolen yarn Strickgarn, Garn + +
C 深度 + * * shen1du4 depth degree/ depth/ profundity/ higher level Tiefe + +
C 維生素 + * * wei2sheng1su4 maintain-life-element/ vitamin Vitamin + +
C + * * xian2 dislike/ mind 1. Verdacht 2.Groll, Kränkung 3.gegen jn/etw Abneigung hegen, nicht mögen, verabscheuen, einer Sache überdrüssig sein + +
C 印染 + * * yin4ran3 print-dye/ print and dye Drucken und Färben von Textilien + +
C 珍珠 + * * zhen1zhu1 valuable-pearl/ pearl/ genuine pearl Perle + +
C 自主 + * * zi4zhu3 self-decide/ decide for oneself/ act on one's own Selbstständigkeit, sein eigener Herr sein + +
C 純潔 + * * chun2jie2 pure/ unadulterated/ purify/ cleanse rein, sauber, unschuldig,rein erhalten + +
C 黨派 + * * dang3pai4 party groupings/ factions/ cliques/ clans/ Partisan, politische Partei + +
C 富裕 + * * fu4yu4 prosperous/ well-to-do/ well-off/ rich wohlhabend, in guten Verhältnissen + +
C + * * pin1 piece together/ join together/ achieve sth. at all costs 1. zusammenstückeln, zusammensetzen 2. aufs Ganze gehen, sich rückhaltlos einsetzen 3.buchstabieren + +
C 任性 + * * ren4xing4 self-willed/ self-indulgent/ headstrong/ wayward eigensinnig,eigenwillig,seiner Laune freien Lauf l + +
C 收集 + * * shou1ji2 collect/ gather sammeln, ansammeln + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
gather together, collect / harvest
assemble, collect together

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

그러다 (and so, and then, well) + + 그러다 (and so, and then, well) + + 정부 (Government) + + 새롭다 (To be new,novel) + + 과정 (Process or course) + + (Life) + + 생명 (Life) + + 사건 (An event,incident) + + 작품 (A work of art) + + 상황 (State of things) + + 상태 (condition,state) + + 당시 (At that time) + + 더욱 (More and more) + + (As it is, no change) + + 현실 (Actuality, reality) + + 기업 (An enterprise or business) + + 선거 (An election) + + 현상 (The present situation, state) + + (To be like something) + + 구조 (Construction or structure) + + 오히려 (Rather,preferably) + + (Others, other people) + + 알아보다 ( To investigate, examine, search) + + 산업 (Industry) + + 형태 (Form, shape) + + 작업 (Work) + + (A thing, what) + + (Poetry, lines of verse) + + 비하다 (Compare to) + + 기관 (An engine or a machine) + + 입장 (A position, situation) + + 만하다 (Be of the extent of) + + 방식 (A form, method, process) + + 영향 (Influence, consequences) + + (Inside) + + 단계 (A step, phase) + + 올리다 (Raise, lift up) + + 교사 (Instructor) + + 지니다 (Carry with, hold, possess) + + 의원 (A member) + + 주민 (inhabitants,dwellers) + + 존재 (Existence) + + 분야 (Field) + + 행위 (An act, deed, behavior) + + 수준 (Level) + + (Era, period) + + 기능 (Function or functionality) + + 연극 (drama,a play) + + 노동 (Labor, work) + + 가치 (Price) + + 집단 (A group, a collective body) + + 장관 (A government cabinet minister) + + 대로 (Like, according to) + + 우주 (The universe) + + 시기 (An opportunity,chance) + + 생산 (1) production 2)birth) + + 농민 (A farmer) + + 자세 (Position, posture) + + (Side) + + 원인 (A cause,a factor) + + 언어 (language,speech) + + 감독 (The director) + + 당하다 (Have, encounter) + + 삼다 (Make a thing of) + + 일단 (Temporarily) + + 조직 (Organization (composition, structure)) + + 달리 (Differently) + + 인물 (A man, a person) + + (all,every) + + 다만 (Only, merely) + + 대다 (Put, place up to) + + 무대 (Stage) + + 주장 (assertion,insistance) + + 인하다 (To be due to, caused by) + + 잇다 (Join, connect) + + 대책 (Countermeasure) + + 결코 (Never or by no means) + + 경쟁 (Competition or rivalry) + + (A time, an inning, a round in a game) + + 실시하다 ( To enforce,put into effect) + + 규모 (Scale or scope or structure) + + (An intention,design,purpose) + + 갖추다 (Make or get ready or prepare) + + 현장 (on site, on location, at the site in question) + + 건설 (Construction) + + 존재하다 ( To exist) + + 한마디 (One word) + + 유지하다 ( To preserve, maintain) + + 이데올로기 (Ideology) + + (As many as, full, complete) + + 피하다 (avoid,keep away) + + 거치다 (Pass or go through) + + 나아가다 ( Advance, go forward) + + 지식 (Knowledge, information) + + 여전히 (As it used to be, as before ; still, persistently, even still) + + (A line, a route) + + 인류 (The human race) + + 형식 (A form, formality, mold) + + 걸치다 (1) put a thing over or across 2) to range from A to B) + + 겪다 (Experience or undergo or suffer) + + 관점 (A point of view or a standpoint/outlook) + + (A fellow) + + 구성 (Organization or constitution , the framework of something) + + 실제로 (In reality) + + 비롯하다 ( begin,start) + + 과연 (Just as one thought) + + 인정하다 ( To acknowledge,authorize) + + (A person) + + 중앙 (The middle and the heart) + + 불구하다 ( Deformity, malformation) + + 평가 (Evaluation, appraisal) + + 비다 (To be empty, vacant) + + 삼국 (Three countries) + + (The number of sth) + + 물질 (matter,material) + + 살아가다 ( Lead a life, get along) + + (Times, x-fold) + + 제시하다 ( To present) + + 불과하다 ( Nothing more than) + + 엄청나다 ( To be absurd,wild,terribly large) + + (Direction, way (the wind is blowing that ~)) + + 파악하다 ( Grasp, seize, understand) + + 실천 (Practice) + + 방안 (A plan, scheme) + + 분명하다 ( To be clear/obvious) + + 분석 (Analysis) + + (order,sequence,degree) + + 관계자 (The interested or affected parties) + + 이어지다 ( Get joined, be connected) + + 요구 (A demand, claim, request) + + 차다 (To be full) + + 한계 (Boundary, limits) + + 바탕 (Natural disposition ; to go all out in a fight, 아주 크게 싸우다 ; the background) + + 갈등 (Conflict or troubles) + + 의지 (will,volition) + + 초기 (The early days, the initial period) + + 쓴 맛 (see 6000) + + (beauty,grace) + + 시선 (one’s line of vision) + + 아무런 (No sort of) + + 언론 (A speech, discussion) + + 투자 (Investment) + + 지원 (helping, supporting, aiding) + + 성장 (Growth) + + 피해 (Damage) + + (A limit) + + 여기다 (Think, consider as) + + (this,this thing) + + 작용 (Application) + + (Goal) + + 공업 (The industry or manufacturing industry) + + 출신 (A native, place one is from) + + 경향 (Tendency or trend) + + 기록 (A record or a document) + + 나름 (Depending on) + + 반면 (One side) + + 움직임 (movement,motion,activity) + + 터지다 (Break, be torn, get away from) + + 특성 (A special/unique characteristic (individuality making, peculiarity)) + + 교장 (Principal) + + 입시 (An entrance examination) + + 다루다 (Treat, deal with) + + 업체 (A business enterprise) + + 국회 (The National Assembly) + + 세월 (The times, things) + + 깨닫다 (to realize sth) + + (God) + + 거리 (Distance) + + 부정 (injustice,wrongfulness) + + 사정 (Circumstances) + + 도대체 (In the world, on earth) + + 처리 (handling,treatment) + + (Shape or form or appearance) + + 그리하여 ( And then or and so or and now) + + 내부 (The inside) + + 다소 (1) Large and small, 2) more or less) + + 그저 (1) still or all the time 2) easily or with no effort) + + (Degrees (temperature)) + + 부담 (A burden,responsibility) + + 위원 (A member of a committee) + + 법칙 (A law, a rule) + + 오염 (Contamination, pollution) + + 참여하다 ( To participate in, take part in) + + (fault,blame) + + 범죄 (A crime) + + (Position, grade, rank) + + 논리 (Logic) + + 감각 (Sense or sensation or feeling) + + 기구 (Structure or framework) + + 후보 (candidature,candidacy) + + 근거 (Basis or foundation) + + 시각 (angle/point of view. 관점.) + + 이끌다 (To guide,lead) + + 수단 (means,way) + + 형성 (Formation) + + 기울이다 ( Tip or slant or incline) + + 장면 (A scene, situation) + + 더불다 (Join in, do together) + + 개방 (Open or throw open) + + 앞서 (Before, previously 2) in anticipation,beforehand) + + 소프트웨어 (Software) + + 반응 (Reaction) + + 비판 (criticism,a comment) + + 세대 (Generation) + + 공개 (opening to the public, making public) + + 매체 (A medium,medias) + + 영역 (Territory) + + 체험 (An experience) + + 구속 (To arrest or put in detention) + + 극복하다 ( To overcome or surmount) + + 불법 (Illegal) + + 쓰이다 (To be used, to be utilized/employed) + + 일정하다 ( To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)) + + 다지다 (Make sure, to harden oneself, firm up one\\`s will) + + 이념 (An idea, a doctrine, ideology) + + 치르다 (Pay off, pay one’s bill) + + (a sex (male or female), a sexual gender) + + 문화재 (Cultural assets) + + 이래 (Since, after that, hereafter) + + 구성되다 ( To be organized) + + 독특하다 ( Unique, characteristic, distinctive, peculiar, specific) + + 사례 (thanks,gratitude) + + 추진하다 ( To propel, drive forward) + + (A frame, framework; mold) + + 평균 (Average) + + 훈련 (Training) + + 흐름 (Flowing, a stream/current) + + 위기 (A crisis,an emergency situation) + + 정당 (A political party) + + 폭력 (voilent,brute force) + + 혹시 (Sometimes) + + 절차 (process,formalities; 수속) + + 증가하다 ( increase,rise,grow) + + 외치다 (To shout,scream) + + (a Pyeong, a square area about 2 square meters) + + 권리 (A right or a claim to) + + 자원 (Resources) + + 넘기다 (Pass over, send across) + + 물체 (A material body) + + 시위 (A demonstration) + + 제외하다 ( To exclude) + + 견해 (An opinion or view. Same as 의견) + + 안정 (Stability) + + 어쨌든 (In any case, anyhow) + + 눈길 (Line of vision) + + 주어지다 ( To offer, proffer (conditions)) + + 널리 (Widely) + + 소재 (material, subject matter) + + 전망 (A view,prospect) + + 형성되다 ( To be formed, made up) + + 결론 (A conclusion) + + 자녀 (one’s children) + + 판결 (A judgment (from a judge)) + + 비로소 (For the first time) + + 서구 (Western Europe) + + 소유 (Possession) + + 부문 (A section,department) + + 규정 (Provision or stipulation) + + 아예 (From the very first, from the very beginning) + + 어찌 (How, in what way, by what means) + + 작용하다 ( To apply , use) + + 개선 (Renovation or improvement or betterment) + + 바람직하다 (Be desirable, advisable, to be appropriate, good) + + 신화 (A myth) + + (Miss ~) + + 거두다 (Collect or gather up) + + 범위 (Range, area) + + 철학 (Philosophy) + + 근본적 (foundational, fundamental) + + 대형 (Large, full-sized) + + 본격적 (Exemplary) + + 퍼지다 (Spread out, get broader) + + 백성 (The common people) + + 상당히 (fairly,considerably) + + 자네 (You) + + 기13 (1) energy 2) breath or wind) + + 군사 (Military affairs) + + 마당 (Garden) + + 지적 (Pointing out, indication) + + (One pair, one couple) + + 참으로 (really,indeed) + + 앞두다 (Have a distance ahead) + + 예산 (An estimate, budget) + + 온갖 (All kinds, all sorts) + + 우려 (worry,anxiety,fear) + + 보호하다 ( protect,shelter,guard) + + 시스템 (System) + + 참여 (Participation) + + 애쓰다 (Make efforts/pains to do sth) + + 올바르다 ( Be honest, straightforward) + + 흔하다 (To be everywhere) + + 단위 (A unit, a monad) + + 소득 (An income,earnings) + + 수도 (the capital city, e.g. Seoul, of a country) + + (A part, a role) + + 인식하다 ( recognition,cognizance) + + (A chinese character) + + 맺다 (form,tie) + + 수요 (demand,requirement) + + 지도자 (Leader) + + 구성하다 ( To organize or makeup) + + 대체로 (Generally, on the whole) + + 문득 (Suddenly) + + 위원장 (A chairman of a committee) + + 효과적 (Effective) + + 생산하다 ( To produce,make) + + 의도 (An intention, an aim) + + 저지르다 ( do,commit,spoil) + + 줄어들다 ( Dwindle away) + + (A matter or an object or a case) + + 외부 (The exterior, the outside) + + 한때 (For a while, temporarily) + + 살아오다 ( To come out alive) + + 상대적 (relatively,correlatively) + + (article,clause) + + 조미료 (seasoning,condiment) + + 강력하다 ( To be strong or powerful) + + 법률 (A law, statute) + + (The present, the existence, actuality) + + 화면 (Screen) + + 이어 (vulgarity,slang) + + 진리 (A truth, a fact) + + 공급 (Supply or provision) + + 균형 (Balance or equilibrium) + + 기본적 (Fundamental or basic) + + 접근 (Proximity) + + 지켜보다 ( Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)) + + 개성 (Individuality or personality) + + 무너지다 ( Collapse) + + 이러다 (do/say think this way) + + 일어서다 ( To rise to one’s feet, stand up) + + (A crime, a sin) + + 핵심 (The kernel, the core) + + 후반 (The latter/second half) + + 중세 (The middle ages) + + 통합 (Unity,unification) + + 꼬리 (Tail) + + 양식 (A mode, a style, an order, amodality) + + 주식 (Stock) + + 끊임없이 ( Constantly or unceasingly) + + 상식 (Common sense) + + 상표 (trademark,brand) + + 아니하다 ( To be/do not) + + 의식하다 ( Be conscious of, be aware of) + + 민주화 (Democratization) + + 보도 (news,report) + + 살피다 (Take a good look at) + + 거부하다 ( Deny or reject or disapprove) + + 실시 (execution,enforcement) + + 운명 (fate,fortune) + + 재정 (finances,economy) + + 차라리 (rather,preferably) + + 학자 (Scholar) + + 대규모 (On a large scale) + + (the same) + + 민간 (civil,private) + + 법원 (Court of justice) + + 사실상 (Actually, in truth) + + 아끼다 (grudge,spare) + + 지대 (Zone, belt, district) + + 판단하다 ( To make a conclusion) + + 실천하다 ( To practice,put in theory) + + 용어 (Technical terminology) + + 익히다 (Habituate oneself to) + + 지위 (Position, status) + + 풍부하다 ( To be abundant, copious, plentiful) + + 식량 (food,provisions) + + 실험 (An experiment,test) + + 용기 (Bravery) + + (A nucleus, core) + + 상당하다 ( Be proper,suitable) + + 수석 (The top seat) + + 적절하다 ( Appropriateness) + + 제사 (A holiday ceremony) + + 지혜 (Wisdom, wits) + + 참새 (A sparrow) + + 농산물 (Agricultural products) + + 사고 (thought,contemplation) + + (This year) + + 위대하다 ( To be great,mighty,grand) + + 지배하다 ( Control, direct) + + (A crack, gap, opening) + + 가령 (1) For example 2) supposing or admitting) + + 거대하다 ( Huge or gigantic or enormous) + + 매달리다 ( Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere) + + 토대 (A foundation, a base) + + 목숨 (Life) + + 빠져나가다 (Get/go out of here) + + 여론 (Public opinion, public sentiment towards sth) + + 의복 (Clothes, garments) + + 체조 (Gymnastics) + + 현실적 (Down to earth, Realistic) + + 화제 (Subject of conversation) + + 공격 (Attack) + + 물가 (Prices of products) + + 민주주의 ( Democracy) + + 소중하다 ( To be important,valuable) + + 의문 (A question, a doubt) + + 빛나다 (shine,glitter) + + 실리다 (To be printed,recorded; to be loaded onto a truck (luggage)) + + 압력 (pressure,stress) + + 예상되다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 증권 (securities,document,deed) + + 직후 (Immediately after) + + 차량 (vehicles,cars) + + 출산 (Child birth) + + 선진국 (A developed country) + + 재판 (A trial) + + 제자 (A disciple) + + 회복 (Recovery, recuperation) + + 구역 (A zone or district) + + 대응 (Confrontation, opposition) + + 발휘하다 ( Display, exhibit) + + 소비 (Consumption) + + 심장 (The heart) + + 중소기업 ( Small and medium enterprises) + + 직접적 (Directly, immediately) + + 진실 (Truth, sincerity) + + 필자 (The writer, author) + + 협력 (Cooperation, cooperate with) + + 계층 (A class or social stratum) + + 담당 (Charge, undertaking) + + 보도하다 ( To report,inform) + + 인상 (pulling/drawing up) + + 철저하다 ( thoroughness,cleanliness) + + 태아 (A fetus, an unborn child) + + 민주 (Democracy) + + 여인 (beauty,belle) + + 운영하다 ( manage,administer) + + 평가하다 ( To evaluate, estimate, judge) + + 필요성 (Necessity) + + 감추다 (Hide or conceal) + + 부위 (A region,part) + + 비우다 (empty,vacate) + + 설치하다 ( To found,establish,create) + + 아울러 (And, both together) + + 지시 (Directions, orders) + + 형성하다 ( To form, make, take shape) + + 덧붙이다 ( Add a thing, append) + + 무기 (Weapon) + + 일종 (A kind, a sort, a species) + + 처지 (A situation,circumstances) + + 타다 (Burn, blaze (firewood)) + + 형편 (The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)) + + 본질 (True nature,essence) + + 비치다 (Shine) + + 서서히 (Slowly, little by little) + + 스승 (A teacher,master) + + 신분 (Social position) + + 실시되다 ( To be enforced) + + 증거 (evidence,proof) + + 초점 (A focus, a focal point) + + 강화하다 ( Strengthen) + + 공포 (Fear or dread) + + 권위 (1) Authority or power 2) dignity or prestige) + + 미루다 (Postpone ; (2) to guess, infer and make an educated guess) + + 실정 (The actual situation) + + 영양 (Nutrition) + + 육체 (The flesh, the body) + + 그이 (That person or he or him / she or her) + + 대기 (The atmosphere) + + 독립 (Independence) + + 해당하다 ( To be applied/applicable under) + + 간부 (The leaders (cadre, exec, executive, management)) + + 관념 (An idea or notion) + + 도입 (introduction, invitation) + + 비추다 ((1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror) + + 여건 (A postulate, a given condition) + + 통제 (control,regulation) + + 못지않다 ( Be just as good as) + + 반영하다 ( Reflect, be reflected) + + 성장하다 ( To grow,be brought up) + + 소속 (Belong to, attached to) + + 제작 (manufacture,production) + + 추진 (Propulsion, drive) + + 구입하다 ( Purchase or buying) + + 여간 (just, a little. 여간 ~지 않다 means very very ~다) + + 마련 (planning, making arrangements ; provisions, preparations) + + 선장 (A captain) + + 시점 (Point in time) + + 의사 (An intention, a purpose) + + 코드 (Code) + + 세계관 (A worldview) + + 의존하다 ( To depend on, rely on) + + 건설하다 ( To construct or erect) + + 경쟁력 (Competitiveness) + + 연락 (Connection, communication) + + 문자 (letters,character) + + 비롯되다 ( To be begun, to have started) + + 여겨지다 ( To look, appear, think of sth as) + + 위주 (Put first in importance) + + 전환 (To exchange, convert, change) + + 지경 (A boundary,situation,state) + + 진행 (Progress, advance) + + 통증 (An ache, pain) + + 하천 (A river, watercourse) + + 화학 (Chemistry) + + 거칠다 (Coarse (texture) or wild (behavior) or (rain and wind) rough or wild) + + 그나마 (Even though or nevertheless) + + 남부 (The south part) + + 연기자 (A performer, an actor) + + 더욱이 (Besides, moreover) + + 별도 (A separate way) + + 비극 (A tragedy) + + 솜씨 (skill,ability) + + (Drama or play) + + 나란히 (In a line, row) + + 다방 (Tea room) + + 수행하다 ( Accomplishment) + + 실로 (really,indeed) + + 인연 (Cause and occasion) + + 일행 (A party, a troupe; a row, a line) + + 지도 (Instruction, guidance) + + 지식인 (An intellectual) + + 진지하다 ( To be serious, earnest) + + 치다 (to count, reckon, calculate) + + 호흡 (Respiration, breath) + + 흔들리다 ( Shake, swing,rock,tremble) + + 일부러 (On purpose, intentionally) + + 접근하다 ( approach,get near) + + 흩어지다 ( Scatter about) + + 기후 (Climate or weather) + + 대응하다 ( Cope or correspond to) + + 심정 (one’s heart, one’s feelings) + + 이룩하다 ( Erect, build) + + 형사 (A criminal, penal case) + + 희곡 (A drama, a play) + + 물기 (Moisture) + + 특정하다 ( Specify) + + 경계 (Boundary) + + 공식 (A formula or formality) + + 머물다 (Stay overnight) + + 명예 (Honor) + + 뱃사람 (A seaman, sailor) + + 지원하다 ( To desire, aspire, hence to apply for [e.g. a job] or volunteer for sth) + + 침묵 (Silence) + + 텍스트 (Text) + + 표면 (Front, surface, exterior) + + 객관적 (Objective) + + 구석 (1) a corner 2) an out of the way place) + + 부대 (A detachment, squad) + + 서클 (Circle) + + 실체 (substance,essence) + + 엄격하다 ( To be strict, serious) + + 완전하다 ( To be perfect and faultless) + + 증가 (An increase,augmentation) + + 출연 (Going on stage) + + 후기 (The latter term/period) + + 버티다 (Endure, tolerate) + + 분포하다 ( Distribution) + + 비중 (Specific gravity) + + 아이디어 ( Idea) + + 예컨대 (For example, such as) + + 전개 (unfolding,development,expansion) + + 접촉 (contact,touch) + + 경기 (The business market’s state) + + 계곡 (A valley or gorge) + + 다투다 (Quarrel) + + 도저히 ((도저히 + negative (지 않다/없다))Absolutely impossible ; by all means) + + 앞장서다 ( To be in the lead/ at the head) + + 요청하다 ( To ask for, to request) + + 일치하다 ( Agree with, to be in accord with) + + 정치권 (Political rights) + + 처녀 (A virgin, a young maiden) + + 개발되다 ( To be developed or exploited) + + 대비하다 ( Provide for, prepare onself for) + + 쓰러지다 ( Fall, collapse) + + 영상 (An image [picture], reflection (moving pictures, movies)) + + 영혼 (A soul, a spirit) + + 운전사 (The driver (of a taxi)) + + 적용되다 ( To be applied) + + 지속적 (Continuous) + + 차별 (distinction,differentiation) + + 구분 (A division or section) + + 분노 (rage,anger) + + 소위 (What is called for) + + 스치다 (Graze past) + + 의무 (A duty, an obligation) + + 설치 (establisment,institution) + + 업종 (Types of industry) + + 연출 (Production, presentation) + + 트이다 (Get cleared out, open up) + + 관리 (A government official) + + 국제화 (Internationalization) + + 근육 (Muscles) + + 깔리다 (To be spread or overspread) + + 사전 (beforehand,in advance) + + 연합 (Combination, federacy, union) + + 인격 (Personality, character) + + (all,entire,whole) + + (A marker, indication) + + 품목 (The name of an article, a list of articles) + + (A rice field) + + 비난 (Criticism, reproach) + + 위협 (Menace, threat, intimidation) + + 잠기다 (Sink in water) + + 주고받다 ( Give and receive, exchange) + + 지지 (support,backing) + + 경고 (Warning) + + 공개하다 ( Open to the public) + + 논쟁 (Controversy, argument) + + 성명 (A declaration,statement) + + 수십 (Tens of sth) + + 전개되다 ( To be unfolded,spread out) + + 품질 (The quality of the article ( but not the article itself)) + + 회견 (An interview, a meeting) + + 훔치다 (To steal) + + 흔적 (traces,signs,evidences) + + 고전 (A classic in literature) + + 구분하다 ( To divide or to classify) + + (Brains) + + 사설 (An editorial) + + 승리 (A victory) + + 좌우 (Left and right) + + (one’s master, ones employer) + + 굽히다 (Bend or stoop) + + 의학 (Medical science) + + 창조 (Creation) + + 홍보 (Public information, public relations) + + 내다보다 ( Look out for) + + 대량 (A large quantity) + + 마땅하다 ( Be right, approppriate) + + 바로잡다 ( Straighten) + + 박히다 (Be nailed in) + + 제거하다 ( exclusion,removal) + + 특수 (characteristic,distinct,unique) + + 호기심 (Curiousity) + + 기획 (Planning) + + 대충 (Almost, nearly, about) + + 박다 (Drive,hammer in) + + 본성 (Original nature or character) + + 생산력 (Productive capacity) + + 이르다 (Inform, report, tell) + + 장비 (equipment,fittings) + + 정치인 (Politician) + + 처벌 (punishment,penalty) + + 검토 (An examination or investigation or study) + + 기법 (Techniques) + + 살아남다 ( Survive) + + 살인 (Murder) + + 성질 (naure,disposition) + + (A person) + + 잇따르다 ( Follow one after another) + + 자판 (Keyboard) + + 적용 (Application) + + 전기 (the former period/term) + + 중반 (At the middle stage (of a game or contest, or otherwise)) + + 지시하다 ( To direct, instruct) + + 가르침 (Teaching or an instruction) + + 무리 (Be unreasonable) + + 정면 (The front, the facade) + + 개국 (The foundation of a country) + + 근원 (The origin or root or source) + + 사회주의 ( Socialism) + + 설치되다 ( To be established) + + 수도권 (The Metropolitan area) + + 자극 (A stimulus) + + 짚다 (Feel, examine) + + 총리 (General overseeing, presiding over) + + 대출 (Lending) + + (Virtue, morality) + + 바치다 (Give, offer) + + 발표되다 ( Be announced) + + 부정하다 ( Be uncertain,irregular) + + 불러일으키다 (rouse,stir up) + + 소유자 (Possessor) + + 액수 (A sum, an amount) + + 직전 (Just immediately before) + + 짐작하다 ( To guess, infer) + + 택하다 (Choose, select) + + (A site, place) + + 가구 (Family) + + 궁극적 (Finally or in the end, 마지막으로) + + 극히 (Exceedingly or extremely) + + 기여하다 ( Contribute or add much to) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 대륙 (A continent) + + 범인 (A criminal) + + 변동 (Change, flucutation) + + 불가피하다 (Inevitable, unavoidable) + + 손해 (damage,injury) + + 숨지다 (Breathe one’s last breath) + + 아유 (Good heavens!) + + 자존심 (Self-confidence) + + 주저앉다 ( Sit down, plump down) + + 증권사 (Securities corporation) + + 초원 (A plain, a prarie) + + 최종 (last,final,terminal) + + 검사 (A public prosecutor) + + 대신하다 ( Relieve, replace another) + + 마디 (A word, a tune, a song, a paragraph) + + 미처 (To that extent) + + 비율 (ratio,percentage) + + 생물 (A living thing) + + 소음 (A noise,cacaphony) + + 양국 (Both countries) + + 얼핏 (at a momentary glance or intermittently appearing (e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of)) + + (What sort of, what kind of) + + 조각 (A piece,scrap,fragment) + + 중부 (The center, middle part) + + (Spit) + + 항의 (A protest) + + 해당 (Come/fall under the purview of) + + 확보 (security,insurance) + + 환경오염 ( Environmental pollution) + + 가치관 (one’s values or sense of values, a value system) + + 기원전 (B.C.) + + 기타 (The others or the rest) + + 긴급 (Emergency) + + 꺾다 (Break off or snap off) + + 무려 (As many as, no less than) + + 묻히다 (Get buried) + + 실태 (The actual conditions,reality) + + 아쉽다 (To miss, feel the loss of) + + 애정 (Love for a person, affection) + + 장르 (Genre) + + 접하다 (adjoin,be adjacent to) + + 정성 (True heart,devotion) + + 제약 (A condition,restriction) + + 쫓다 (Drive away, chase off) + + 추가 (An addition) + + (Width; bosom, breast (the clothes have a big ~)) + + 해석 (Analysis, analytical research) + + 확인되다 ( To be confirmed) + + 가하다 (To add) + + 강의 (A lecture or discourse) + + (1) A course or branch of study 2) a department or a faculty) + + (Upper) + + (An interval) + + 외면하다 ( Outward appearance) + + 원고 (A manuscript) + + 줄곧 (All the time, all through, repeatedly, constantly) + + 지출 (Expenses, expenditure) + + (difference,margin) + + (perfume,incense) + + 개선하다 ( To renovate or to improve) + + 계좌 (Account) + + 말기 (The end, final period) + + 말없이 (At a loss for words) + + 망하다 (Go to ruin) + + 문서 (A document) + + 사흘 (Three days) + + 성립되다 ( To be concluded, formed) + + 실습 (Actual training,practice) + + 일찍이 (Early) + + 자율 (self-control,autonomy) + + 집중되다 ( To concentrate) + + 창조적 (Creatively) + + 천장 (The ceiling) + + 파다 (To dig) + + 하긴 (Indeed, though, nevertheless) + + 해결되다 ( To be settled, resolved) + + 향상 (Improve; elevation,rise) + + 가라앉다 ( To sink (calm,settle,subside)) + + 감싸다 (1) wrap up or tuck in 2) to protect or defend) + + 고작 (To be at the highest or the best) + + 기구 (A utensil or tool) + + 깔다 (to pave (a road), lay down a floor, spread a blanket etc.) + + 다짐하다 ( Pledge, vow, swear) + + 대합실 (A waiting room) + + 매장 (A store, shop) + + 명칭 (A name,title) + + 상업 (commerce,trade) + + 생산되다 ( To be produced) + + 숨기다 (To hide) + + 엉덩이 (The buttocks) + + 이달 (This month) + + 인체 (The human body) + + 저고리 (A coat, korean jacket) + + 진단 (Diagnosis) + + 질병 (A disease, sickness) + + 짜다 (Form, organize) + + 체력 (Physical strength) + + 헤아리다 ( Consider, weigh, ponder, consider) + + 각기 (Each or severally or respectively) + + 관찰 (Observation or survey) + + 군사 (A soldier or a private) + + 귀신 (A ghost) + + 귀하다 (1) noble or high 2) dear 3) lovable or precious) + + 그토록 (So much or to such an extent) + + 기초하다 ( Make the basis for) + + 대가 (A price, cost, charge, consideration, purchase money, value) + + 말리다 (Dry sth) + + 무덤 (A grave,tomb) + + 물결 (A wave) + + 밥상 (Dinner table) + + 보장하다 ( To secure,guarantee) + + 사귀다 (Make friends with) + + 솟다 (rise,soar,tower above) + + 예상하다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 예외 (An exception) + + 완전 (Perfection, completeness) + + 절대적 (absolute,unconditional) + + 제작하다 ( To produce,manufacture) + + 최대한 (At the most, at the maximum) + + 품다 (To hold, embrace) + + 휴식 (Rest, take a rest) + + 굳다 (Harden or become hard) + + 굳어지다 ( Become hard) + + 굶다 (To starve or go hungry) + + 기기13 (Machinery and tools) + + 나침반 (A compass) + + 농부 (A farmer) + + 도달하다 ( Arrival) + + 맛보다 (Taste) + + 묻다 (to Bury) + + (A statue,a figure) + + 상상력 (Imaginative powers) + + 영업 (business, doing business) + + (Old days, days gone by) + + 예방 (Prevention, protection) + + 완성 (completion,accomplishment) + + 유리하다 ( To be profitable, favorable) + + 자연환경 ( Natural surroundings) + + 증명하다 ( To prove,show,bear) + + 지적되다 ( To be pointed out to) + + 철저히 (Thoroughly) + + 코스 (Course) + + 학부모 (Mothers of the students) + + 합리적 (Rational) + + 해석하다 ( To intrepret, construe) + + 힘쓰다 (To try really hard) + + 거듭 (Again or over and over) + + 날리다 (To send flying) + + 덜다 (Save, lighten) + + 마누라 (one’s wife) + + 맞이하다 ( Go to greet) + + 신고하다 ( To state, declare) + + 연속 (continuity,succession) + + (An insult) + + 원장 (The chief/head (of a 학원)) + + 유물 (A relic, cultural remains) + + 저절로 (Of itself, on its own accord) + + 정비 (maintaining equipment in good working order) + + 주의 (attention,notice) + + 집어넣다 ( Put in) + + 통계 (Statistics) + + (A match, game, contest) + + 피해자 (A sufferer, the injured party) + + 필수적 (necessary,indispensable) + + 학용품 (School things, supplies) + + 환하다 (To be clear, unobstructed ; to be light, bright (opp. 어둡다)) + + 강남 (South of a river) + + 구속되다 ( To be arrested) + + 멋지다 (Be splendid) + + 반발 (Repulsion, a backlash) + + 방지 (Prevention, check) + + 배다 (Soak into) + + 보장 (guarantee,security) + + 빠져나오다 (Come out of somewhere) + + 새다 (leak,escape from) + + 억울하다 ( To be regrettable, disappointing) + + 요구되다 ( To be requested, claimed) + + 음성 (A voice) + + 이윽고 (After a while, shortly) + + 장식 (Decoration) + + 전개하다 ( To unfold,evolve,spread out) + + 전반적 (over-all,all) + + 척하다 (The preceding verb is a lie) + + 풍습 (customs,manners,practices ; a ritual, rituals) + + 한가운데 ( The very middle, the center) + + 한정되다 ( To be limiited, qualified) + + 해내다 (To accomplish, achieve, carry through) + + 흉내 (Imitation, mimicry) + + 감옥 (Prison) + + 갚다 (Pay back a loan) + + 건전하다 ( Health or soundness or vitality) + + 광장 (An open space or a plaza or public square) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 끼우다 (To put between or insert) + + 다듬다 (Trim, shave) + + 다름없다 ( Be similar, not different) + + 당당하다 ( Dignified) + + (Dam) + + 덩어리 (A lump, a cluster) + + 모처럼 (At long last) + + 물리학 (Physics) + + (Punishment) + + 부정적 (negative, contradicting sth else, not positive) + + 북부 (The north part) + + 분리 (separation,segration) + + 상당 (proper,fit,suitable) + + 애초 (The first, the beginning) + + (at/in/on) + + 오염되다 ( To be polluted, contaminated) + + 오해 (Misunderstanding) + + 의식 (A ceremony) + + 의지하다 ( To look to, depend on, rely on) + + 제한하다 ( To restrict,limit) + + 존중하다 ( appreciate,esteem,value) + + (Still, not yet) + + 책임지다 ( Take responsibility) + + 청춘 (youth,the springtime of life) + + 초반 (The opening part (of a game of baduk)) + + 트럭 (Truck) + + 폭넓다 (To be broad) + + 표현되다 ( To have been expressed) + + 학번 (Year of graduation) + + 허가 (Permission, grant, leave) + + 헤매다 (Wander about, roam about) + + 가장 (Head of a household) + + (A tune or an air) + + 곡식 (Cereals or grain) + + 꽂다 (Be stuck in or insert) + + 망설이다 ( Hesitate) + + 무리 (A company, a band) + + 별다르다 ( Be of a peculiar kind) + + 보편적 (Universal) + + 부품 (Parts, accessories) + + 뻔하다 (almost,nearly) + + 뽑히다 (Be taken out, pulled out) + + 상담 (Consultation) + + 서부 (The western part) + + 속담 (A proverb,saying) + + 시중 (In the city) + + 심사 (judgment,examination) + + 앞세우다 ( Make a person go) + + 유사하다 ( To be similar, to resemble) + + 의욕 (volition,will,desire) + + 인근 (The neighborhood) + + 일반인 (Of the general public) + + 작성하다 ( To edit or compose, write up) + + 정기 (A fixed time period) + + 제의 (A proposal,an offer) + + 차림 (Appearance of clothes or worn objecs) + + 창조하다 ( Create) + + 펴내다 (Publish, bring out in print) + + 하드웨어 ( Hardwaer) + + 화장 (Makeup) + + 강렬하다 ( Intense or strong or severe) + + 면하다 (escape,avoid) + + 모색하다 ( Evening twilight) + + 붙잡다 (seize,catch) + + 빛깔 (A color,shade,hue) + + 사방 (The four directions) + + 살림 (living,livelihood) + + 실현 (realization,materialization) + + 아냐 (No, that’s not the case) + + 연예인 (A performer, an entertainer) + + 이내 (soon,right away) + + 차츰 (gradually,step by step) + + 투표 (vote,voting) + + 파괴하다 ( Destruction, demolition) + + 하느님 (God) + + 해당되다 ( To be applied/applicable under) + + 홀로 (Alone, by oneself) + + 감히 (Daringly or boldly) + + 강요하다 ( Insist on) + + 개미 (Ant) + + 관습 (Custom or usage) + + 광경 (A spectacle or a sight) + + 금세 (In a moment or at once) + + 낮추다 (Lower, make low) + + 내주다 (Take out and give away) + + 명의 (name,title) + + 물러나다 ( Fall off) + + 밀접하다 ( Be close,intimate with) + + 분량 (quantity,measure) + + 불과 (Only, not more than) + + 뻔하다 (Be clear,evident) + + 소박하다 ( simple, naive, ingenuous) + + 수없이 (Be unable to do) + + 승진 (promotion,advancement) + + (Both, two) + + 열매 (Fruit) + + 적히다 (To be recorded,written down) + + 제한되다 ( To be restricted,limited) + + 지속되다 ( Be lasting a long time, be continous) + + 쫓기다 (To be chased, be driven) + + (All the time) + + 평가되다 ( To be appraised) + + 하도 (Too much, excessively) + + 한창 (The height, summit , the top) + + 해안 (The seashore, the coast) + + 호박 (Pumpkin) + + 흑인 (A Negro) + + (Liver) + + 갇히다 (Be confined or shut up) + + 근로 (Labor or exertion) + + 눈동자 (The pupil) + + 닥치다 (Shut the mouth!) + + 몸짓 (A gesture) + + 부담하다 ( bear,shoulder a responsibility) + + 부회장 (A vice president) + + 빼앗다 (Snach, take away from) + + 삼키다 (Swallow) + + 성실하다 ( Be ripe) + + 스튜디오 ( Studio) + + 실제 (The truth, a fact) + + 이상적 (Abnormal) + + 일쑤 (Habitual practice) + + 일체 (All, everything,the whole) + + 잦다 (Be frequent, incessant) + + 절망 (despair,hopelessness) + + 접다 (Fold up) + + 제시되다 ( To be presented) + + 주방 (A kitchen, a cookroom) + + 진출하다 ( Penetrate into, advance) + + 통과하다 ( Passage through) + + 투명하다 ( To be transparent, clear) + + 확산되다 ( To get diffused) + + 경력 (one’s personal history) + + 고통스럽다 (Be painful or torment) + + 곤란하다 ( Difficulty or trouble) + + 공중 (The air or the sky) + + 공해 (Environmental pollution) + + 귀찮다 (Annoying irksome) + + 기대다 (1) To rely upon or lean upon 2) lean against) + + 깨어나다 ( Return to consciousness) + + 꼽히다 (To be elected) + + 대다수 (A large majority) + + 듯싶다 (To be like something, i guess) + + 먹이 (Food) + + 무료 (Free) + + 발레 (Ballet) + + 상징하다 ( Symbolize) + + 실현하다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 아깝다 (regrettable,pitiful) + + 안정되다 ( To be stable) + + 어리석다 ( juvenile,foolish) + + 엎드리다 ( Prostrate oneself, lie on the ground) + + 여럿 (many,many people) + + 연설 (A public speech) + + 염려 (anxiety,worry) + + 우습다 (To be funny, amusing) + + 일자 (A date, the number of days) + + 전달되다 ( To be delivered) + + (Blank space) + + (A grudge, rancor) + + 갈수록 (As one goes aong) + + 갖가지 (A variety of or all sorts) + + 거절하다 ( Refuse or reject) + + 구별하다 ( To distinguish between A and B) + + 다행 (Good luck) + + 마무리 (Finish, completion) + + 마주치다 ( Collide with) + + 막상 (Really, actually) + + 몸통 (The trunk,body) + + (A nail) + + 묘사하다 ( To describe) + + 베다 (Cut, chop) + + 보장되다 ( Be secured) + + (Cheek) + + 부분적 (Departmental) + + 불리다 (soak,steep) + + 불행 (Unhappiness) + + 비명 (A scream) + + 순수 (purity,genuineness) + + 시각 (The time of day) + + 실질적 (substantial,essential) + + 안개 (Fog) + + 오로지 (Only, solely, exclusively) + + 완성하다 ( To accomplish, to end successfully) + + 이런저런 ( This and that, one and another) + + 임무 (A duty, an office, a task) + + 자연히 (Naturally) + + 장난 (A game,playing) + + 전용 (Exclusive or private use) + + 지극히 (very,extremely) + + 청하다 (ask,request) + + 확정 (decision,settlement) + + 가상 (Imagination) + + 간혹 (Occasionally or at times) + + 개방하다 ( To open or to throw open) + + 관계되다 ( Be affected or influenced by) + + 국산 (A country’s product) + + (Road) + + 마이크 (Mike) + + 메우다 (To carry,attach;put on) + + 면적 (area,dimensions) + + 반성 (Reflection) + + 벌떡 (Suddenly, abruptly) + + 보상 (Compensation) + + 분리되다 ( To be segregated) + + (Debt) + + 새기다 (To sculpt,engrave) + + 서민 (Common people) + + (A seat,sitting place) + + 선정하다 ( select,choose) + + 세다 (Count) + + 소수 (A small number, a few) + + 연간 (For a year) + + 영화제 (Movie festival) + + 예측하다 ( To predict, forecast) + + 용도 (use,service) + + 의심 (A doubt) + + 이동하다 ( To move,migrate,travel) + + 자극하다 ( To stimulate) + + 재빨리 (quickly,rapidly) + + 적합하다 ( suitability,fitness) + + 조절하다 ( To regulate,tune) + + 조정 (regulation,control,coordination) + + 중얼거리다 (Mutter to oneself) + + 지급하다 ( To pay,allow,furnish sth) + + 확장 (expansion, enlargement) + + 힘차다 (Be forcible,powerful) + + 건조 (Dryness or aridity) + + 고요하다 ( Be quiet or silent or still) + + 그대 (You or thou) + + 긋다 (1) draw or mark 2) strike) + + 기둥 (A pillar) + + 날카롭다 ( Sharp) + + 논하다 (Argue, discuss,debate) + + 도덕 (Immorality) + + 뒷모습 (The features of the back side) + + 만만하다 ( Be soft, tender ; to be easy to handle, deal with) + + 못되다 (To go wrong) + + 보고하다 ( Report to a person) + + 사무소 (Office) + + 상인 (merchant,trader) + + 선언하다 ( declare,proclaim,announce) + + 소원 (one’s desire) + + 엿보다 (Wait for an opportunity) + + 완성되다 ( To be accomplished) + + 유적 (Remains, relics,ruins) + + 일생 (one’s lifetime) + + 입히다 (Clothe, dress) + + 잡아먹다 ( Slaughter and eat) + + 정보화 (Change to an information orientation) + + 종종 (A variety of things) + + 차다 (Put on, fasten,wear) + + 창작 (Creation, origination) + + 축소 (Reduction, a cutback) + + 취향 (Taste, liking, one’s inclinations) + + 탄생하다 ( To be born) + + 학급 (A class (school)) + + 해군 (The navy) + + 효율적 (The utility factor, efficiency) + + (A salty taste or saltiness) + + 간판 (A signboard) + + 건드리다 ( 1) touch or jog 2) irritate or vex) + + 관리하다 ( To manage or control or supervise or manage) + + 괴로움 (Trouble or annoyance or distress) + + 근거하다 ( To base sth on sth) + + 금액 (Amount ofmoney) + + 달래다 (Calm down) + + 말리다 (Make stop) + + (Heart) + + 못하다 (Be inferior, worse than) + + 밝혀내다 ( To find out) + + 부서지다 ( Break, be broken) + + 비행 (Flying, aviation) + + 상관없다 ( To not be of concern) + + 성립하다 ( To exist, to come into being) + + 수명 (Life span) + + 시즌 (Season) + + 신기하다 ( To be marvelous,astounding) + + 업다 (To carry on one’s back, to shoulder sth) + + 예감 (A presentiment, a premonition) + + 음식물 (Anything to eat or drink) + + 자신감 (Self-confidence) + + 죄인 (A criminal) + + 주의하다 ( Pay attention to) + + (Cloth, woven stuff) + + 쾌감 (A pleasant sensation, a good feeling) + + 탄생 (Birth) + + 튀다 (Spring, bound, jump) + + 하필 (Why necessarily? Why of all things?) + + 활용 (Practical use) + + 거액 (A large sum of money) + + 고집하다 ( To be stubborn or persistent) + + 곧잘 (1) fairly or pretty well 2) frequently or too often) + + 골짜기 (A valley or gorge) + + 교훈 (Edification or giving instructions to) + + 구르다 (Roll over) + + 단편 (A piece, fragment) + + 대처하다 ( Disposal, treatment) + + 명확하다 ( clear,precise) + + 발걸음 (Gait, step) + + 발길 (A kick; walking pace, steps) + + 빼앗기다 ( A thing be taken away) + + 생산자 (A producer) + + 선진 (seniority,advance) + + 소매 (1)a sleeve 2) a retail sale) + + 시멘트 (Cement) + + 신규 (A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew) + + 신청하다 ( To apply (for)) + + 실은 (In reality, to tell the truth) + + 심판 (referencing,umpireship) + + 안기다 (to be embraced by sb (in their arms)) + + 양심 (Conscience) + + 이사장 (A director) + + 이자 (Interest) + + 자세하다 ( Be detailed) + + 제비 (A swallow) + + 제안 (A proposal,suggestion) + + 제안하다 ( To propose,make a suggestion) + + 지난날 (Old days, old times) + + 진급 (Promotion) + + 튀어나오다 (Jump out, spring out) + + 표준 (A standard, norm, criteria) + + 항구 (A port, a harbor) + + 허용 (Permission, allowance) + + 헬기 (Helicopter) + + 간신히 (Narrowly or barely. 겨우) + + 감다 (Wind up) + + 같이하다 ( To do together or to share) + + 거품 (Bubble) + + 공군 (The air force) + + 기술자 (Technician) + + 년생80 (Year of birth) + + 달리기 (A run, a spin) + + 도전 (Challenge, defiance) + + (Subdivision of a county) + + 보조 (assistance,aid) + + 불리하다 ( to be disadvantageous,unfavorable to/for) + + 불편 (Inconvenience) + + 비비다 (rub,chafe) + + 사과 (An apology) + + 살아나다 ( revive,be brought back to life) + + 속이다 (deceive,cheat) + + 수면 (sleep,slumber) + + 수천 (Thousands) + + 승부 (A contest,match) + + 시기 (The time, the season) + + 신념 (belief,faith) + + 여간 (Some, a little (여간 ~지 않다 means very very ~다)) + + 영향력 (Influence, power to influence) + + 예의 (Courtesy, politeness) + + 이내 (within,less than) + + 이리저리 ( This way and that, here and there) + + 인간적 (Personal) + + 임금 (A king, ruler,sovereign) + + 잘나다 (To be handsome,excellent) + + 재능 (talent,ability) + + 지불하다 ( To pay) + + 파출소 (Small, local police box) + + (Board) + + 한문 (Chinese writing, chinese classics) + + 건네주다 ( To pass over or to put on the other side (of a river)) + + 결승 (The decision of the final round of a contest) + + 공공 (The public or the common) + + 교양 (Culture or education) + + 국왕 (A king or a monarch) + + 극복 (Conquest or subjugation) + + 내려지다 ( To become lower) + + 냉동 (Refrigeration) + + 녹다 (To melt) + + 대개 (Mostly, for the most part) + + 수집하다 ( To collect) + + 승객 (Passenger) + + 싱싱하다 ( Be fresh, full of life) + + 외모 (Outward appearance) + + 인공 (Art, human skill) + + 잠자리 (Bed) + + 저마다 (Each one, everyone) + + 전국적 (National) + + 전반 (The whole, all, general) + + 제자리 (The proper/original place) + + 지루하다 ( Be tedious) + + (A few ships (vessels)) + + 학술 (Science, learning, scolarship) + + 혈액 (Blood) + + 화살 (An arrow) + + 화재 (A fire, a blaze) + + 가르다 (1) split or divide 2) distribute or share 3) distinguish or separate) + + 간격 (A space or interval) + + 고함 (A shout or yell) + + 공격하다 ( To attack) + + 그놈 (That person or that guy) + + 기록되다 ( To be recorded or written down) + + 끝없다 (Endless or unfathomable) + + 끼어들다 ( Interrupt) + + 노선 (Route) + + (Answer) + + 대사 (Speech, dialogue) + + 도망치다 ( To make an escape) + + 땅속 (In the soil) + + 벌금 (A fine) + + (luck,happiness) + + 봉사 (service,attendance) + + 부서 (one’s post,duty) + + (castle,fortress) + + 소형 (Small size) + + 신인 (A new man) + + 악몽 (Nightmare) + + 안내 (Guidance, conducting) + + 언덕 (A hill) + + 열정 (Passion) + + 오페라 (An opera) + + 입맛 (Appetite, taste, palate) + + 재즈 (Jazz) + + 적응하다 ( Be suited to, adapted to) + + 절대 (Absoluteness) + + 제공 (An offer) + + 지나치다 ( Go too far, to go to extremes) + + 참가 (participation,joining) + + 추석 (Korean thanksgiving) + + 충돌 (A collision, clash; discord) + + 통로 (A passage, a way, an aisle) + + 해소 (Dissolution, disorganization) + + 현대인 (A modern person) + + 혜택 (A favor, benefit) + + (With a burst, great puff) + + 골고루 (Evenly or among all indiscriminately) + + 구석구석 ( Every nook and corner) + + 그제서야 ( Then) + + 반복되다 ( To be repeated) + + 발전 (Generate electricity) + + 방해 (An obstacle, hindrance) + + (A rice plant) + + 본인 (Person in question) + + 상점 (A shop,store) + + 수백 (Hundreds) + + 실장 (boss,president) + + 쓸쓸하다 ( Be lonely,lonesome) + + (Troubles, worries) + + 어지럽다 ( To be dizzy 2) to be in chaos, disorganized) + + 어찌하다 ( Be subject to an attack of vertigo (figuratively), to not know what the hell is going on or what to do.) + + 예정되다 ( Make a program, set a schedule) + + 이중 (duplication,double) + + 인정받다 ( To receive recognition) + + 자랑 (Pride) + + 착각 (Hallucination, illusion) + + (Window) + + 친정 (A woman’s maiden home and family) + + 타입 (Type) + + 행하다 (To do, act, behave) + + 활짝 (extensively,widely) + + 개별 (An individual or a particular case) + + 공식적 (Formal or procedural) + + 그런대로 ( Such as it is or anyways) + + 기독교 (Christianity) + + 깨달음 (Realization) + + 눈부시다 ( To be dazzling) + + 마음먹다 ( Be determined to) + + 목록 (Catalogue) + + 반성하다 ( Examine oneself) + + 별명 (nickname,alias) + + 보전 (ingegrity,preservation) + + 불어오다 ( Call to come) + + 소유하다 ( To possess,hold) + + 스위치 (Switch) + + 신세 (indebtedness,obligation) + + 알아내다 ( To find out (e.g. the answer)) + + 야단 (A clamro, uproar 2) a scolding) + + (Yes.) + + 연결 (Connection, linking) + + 연관 (a connection, a grouping together, relationships) + + 용서하다 ( To pardon, to forgive) + + 우정 (Feeling of friendship) + + 육군 (The army) + + 음식점 (Restaurant) + + 의논하다 ( To consult,confer with, talk over a matter) + + 주요하다 ( To be chief,principal,leading) + + 차마 (For all the world) + + 참조 (reference,comparison) + + 타고나다 ( Be born, gifted/endowed with) + + 행사 (Use, exercise) + + 허용되다 ( To be permitted, approved) + + 가입 (Entrance) + + 가정 (Supposition) + + 교체 (Shift or change or alternate) + + 꼬마 (A dwarf) + + 끝없이 (Boundlessly) + + 나르다 (to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport) + + 놀리다 (Banter, tease) + + 늘어놓다 ( (1) Scatter about haphazardly ; (2) 으로 늘어놓다 to arrange, place in order) + + 대표하다 ( Represent) + + 막걸리 (A slightly bitter soju drink) + + 맡다 (Smell) + + 미스 (Miss) + + 밀리다 (to be left undone, to be late in making a payment (to fall into arrears) (2) to be pushed, shoved) + + 부러지다 ( Break, get broken) + + 상대성 (Relativity) + + 설문 (questions like those on a questionnaire) + + 쓸다 (brush, sweep perhaps lightly) + + 안팎 (The interior and exterior, both sides) + + 예방하다 ( To protect, prevent, fend off) + + (Coming (year, week)) + + 유의하다 ( To bear in mind, be heedful of) + + 이해되다 ( To be understood) + + 인하 (reduction,lowering) + + 작성 (editing,composition) + + 잘리다 (Be snapped,broken,cut off) + + 전달 (Delivery) + + 전시회 (An exhibition, show, display) + + 전환하다 ( To exchange, to convert, to change over) + + 정치학 (Political science) + + 주문 (An order, a request) + + 집안일 (Housework) + + 체계적 (Systematic, organizational) + + 크림 (Cream) + + 탁월하다 ( Be excellent, prominished) + + (Hollow) + + 토하다 (To vomit) + + 한순간 (One fleeting moment) + + 가사 (Words or lyrics) + + 가입자 (Member or subscriber) + + 감소하다 ( To reduce or diminish) + + 결과적 (Resultative) + + 괴롭히다 ( Afflict or worry) + + 구별 (A distinction or a separation) + + 깨우다 (To wake up or awaken) + + (A string or a cord) + + 끊기다 (To be cut off or severed) + + 끊임없다 ( To not end) + + 넉넉하다 ( To be enough) + + 두어 (About two, a couple) + + 마약 (A drug) + + 밑바닥 (The bottom,base) + + 보도되다 ( To be reported) + + 보리 (Barley) + + 본부 (The headquarters) + + (wealth,riches) + + 성숙하다 ( to ripen, to mature) + + 소극적 (Passivity,passiveness) + + 소용 (use,usefulness) + + 손질하다 ( Handle with care) + + 순식간 (A brief instant) + + 시도 (An attempt,test) + + 시집 (A collection of poems) + + 아무개 (Mr. so-and-so) + + 약점 (A weak point, a vulnerable point) + + 어째서 (For what reason, why is that) + + 연령 (Age, years of age) + + 예비 (Preparation, reserve) + + 울음소리 ( Sound of crying) + + 이놈 (That rascal!) + + 이력서 (Curriculum vitae, a resume (for a job)) + + 인정되다 ( To be recognized) + + 주년 (One whole year) + + 중단하다 ( To interrupt, to stop) + + 중대하다 ( importance,gravity) + + 중심지 (A central place) + + 집중적 (Related to the concentration) + + 참되다 (To be true, honest, faithful) + + 초청 (An invitation) + + 출판사 (A publishing company) + + 탁자 (A table, desk) + + (Very, very much) + + 풍속 (Manners, customs, morals) + + 핑계 (Excuse) + + 한층 (More, still more) + + 행운 (Good luck, good fortune) + + 가로막다 ( Interrupt or obstruct) + + 간섭 (Interfere or meddle) + + 갈증 (Thirst) + + 갑작스럽다 (All of a sudden) + + 교환하다 ( To exchange) + + 그래야 (And so or and then) + + 기원 (Origin) + + 난리 (A war, revolt) + + 내버리다 ( Throw away) + + 미사일 (Missile) + + 보존 (Preservation) + + 보호되다 ( To be protected) + + 상관 (Concern, relation) + + 설명되다 ( To be explained) + + 섭섭하다 ( Be sorry,disappointed) + + (A generation,age,epoch) + + 세련되다 ( To be polished,refined) + + 손쉽다 (Be easy, simple) + + 열기 (Heat, hot air) + + 옷차림 (Dress, one’s way of dressing) + + 위로하다 ( To console, soothe somebody) + + 이같이 (Like this, like so) + + 일치 (Agreement, accord) + + 재생 (revival,restoration to life) + + 찢어지다 ( To be torn, rent) + + 철학자 (Philosopher) + + 컬러 (Color) + + 통화 (Conversation by telephone) + + 특이하다 ( Be peculiar, special, unique) + + 필연적 (Necessity, necessary) + + 하룻밤 (One night, a single night) + + 흘러내리다 (Run (stream,pour) down) + + 강도 (Intensity or strength) + + 급히 (Fast or quickly or in a hurry) + + 기념 (Commemoration) + + 나아지다 ( Become better, be improved) + + 넘어오다 ( Fall, come down) + + 매너 (Manner) + + 민속 (Folk-customs) + + 버려지다 ( Take away, throw away to somewhere) + + 설득하다 ( Persuasion) + + 손질 (handling,care) + + 아르바이트 (Part time) + + 외로움 (Loneliness) + + 입대 (Enlistment, enrollment) + + 적성 (Aptitude) + + 전망하다 ( Have a view of, observe) + + 집단적 (Collectively (of people)) + + 차이점 (A point of difference) + + 철도 (Railroad) + + 총각 (A bachelor, an unmarried man) + + 캠페인 (Campaign) + + 한눈 (A look, glampse, look) + + 홍수 (A flood, inundation) + + 가뭄 (A drought) + + 간접 (Indirectness) + + 강력히 (With great strengh or or might) + + 개선되다 ( To be renovated or to get improved) + + 건네다 (Speak to a person or address) + + (A crab) + + 결심 (Determination or resolution) + + 곧장 (Directly or straightforwardly ; to do something straight away) + + 교직 (The teaching profession) + + 구속하다 ( To arrest or restrain) + + 귀중하다 ( To be precious) + + 긁다 (Scratch or scrape) + + 내쉬다 (Exhale) + + 늘어지다 ( Be lengthened) + + 단독 (Independence) + + 마당 (An instance, case) + + 마음껏 (As much as you want) + + 몰려들다 ( Be driven into) + + (Bar) + + 바퀴 (Wheel) + + 발자국 (Footprint) + + 뱉다 (Spit) + + 벌어지다 ( Widen, get wider) + + 보너스 (Bonus) + + 생기 (animation,life) + + 서적 (books,publications) + + 소화 (Digestion) + + 수험생 (A student preparing for an examination) + + 신세대 (The new generation) + + 안기다 ((1) To fix on a person, lay the blame on a person) + + 어기다 (Run counter to, go against) + + 연구원 (Researcher) + + 연애 (Love, tender, passion) + + 요약하다 ( summary,condense,abridge) + + 위성 (A satellite) + + 의외로 (unexpectedly,surprisingly) + + 자살 (Suicide) + + 제시 (Presentation) + + 제외되다 ( To be excluded) + + 찍히다 (Get sealed, stamped) + + (Steel) + + 타락 (depravity,corruption,degradation) + + 통화 (Currency, the unit of circulation) + + 틀림없이 ( No mistaking it) + + 회관 (An assembly hall) + + 공연장 (Auditorium) + + 국적 (Nationality or citizenship) + + 근래 (Of late or recently) + + 나뉘다 (Divide) + + 낱말 (A word) + + 내외 (Men and woman, husband and wife) + + 늑대 (Wolf) + + 늘어서다 ( Stand in a row) + + 다정하다 ( To be affectionate, warm-hearted) + + 달려들다 ( Run, rush, jump at) + + 망원경 (Telescope) + + 모범 (model,example) + + 무리하다 ( Be impossible) + + 묶이다 (Be fastened together) + + 방해하다 ( Interrupt, interfere) + + (Set (of clothes)) + + 상류 (The upper classes,upstream) + + (Three (in 3 months)) + + 선명하다 ( To be clear,distinct) + + 선호하다 ( To prefer) + + 성공적 (Successfully) + + 소규모 (Small scale) + + 수시로 (On demand, per the demand of the occasion ; all the time, at any time) + + 시야 (Visual field) + + 실현되다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 어느덧 (Before one knows it) + + 오르내리다 (Go up and down, rise and fall) + + 왕자 (Prince) + + 유형 (A similar type) + + 으레 (customarily,habitually) + + 일상적 (Daily, of the everyday things) + + 일일이 (One by one, individually) + + 전공하다 ( To major in something) + + 전후 (sequence,order,front and rear) + + 정상 (normalcy,normality) + + 정상적 (normal,like usual) + + 질적 (Qualitative) + + (To appear or look as) + + 충격적 (Shocking) + + 치아 (A tooth) + + 편의 (Convenience, expediency) + + 폐지 (Abolition, to not use, to do away with) + + 해설 (Explanation, elucidation) + + 흑백 (Black and white) + + 희생 (A sacrifice) + + 경비 (Expenses or outlay) + + 경제력 (Economic power) + + 금하다 (1) suppress or restraint 2) abstain from or restrain from) + + 기대되다 ( To be expected) + + 깊숙이 (Deep or far) + + 넘어뜨리다 (Throw down) + + 농사짓다 ( To do farming) + + 단단하다 ( Be hard, solid) + + 담당자 (Person in charge) + + 답변 (An answer) + + 대비 (Provision, preparation) + + 대체 (An outline, summary) + + 더욱더 (More and more and more) + + 도심 (The heart of the city) + + 마찰 (Rubbing, chafing) + + 마크 (Mark) + + 만족 (Satisfaction) + + 망치다 (Ruin) + + 모금 (Money raising) + + 묘사 (Description) + + 문화적 (Cultural) + + 묻히다 (Have smeared,be covered with) + + 미혼 (Unmarried) + + 발전되다 ( Be advanced, prospering) + + 방송사 (Broadcasting company) + + 방지하다 ( To prevent, check) + + 사표 (A written resignation) + + 삼가다 (Be discreet,take care of ; to abstain (refrain) o.s. from doing) + + 생방송 (A live broadcast) + + 소홀히 (carelessly,indifferently,neglectfully) + + 쌍둥이 (Twins) + + 앉히다 (To place a person in a set) + + 옆구리 (The side, the flank) + + 웬만하다 ( To be just only barely passable, fairly good) + + 이어서 (Subsequently) + + 자정 (Midnight) + + 종합하다 ( synthesize,integrate) + + 짜다 (Squeeze, press out) + + (At the point of, when) + + (House counter) + + 최후 (The last, the end, the conclusion) + + 취재 (Selection, picking out of news articles (by a reporter)) + + 테러 (Terror) + + 토론회 (A debating society/contest) + + 호주머니 ( A pocket) + + 가난 (Poor) + + 관계없이 ( Without any relation) + + (A county or district) + + 기다 (Crawl or creep) + + 다툼 (A quarrel) + + (One piece) + + 대낮 (Broad daylight) + + 모조리 (One and all, wholly) + + 변경 (Change, alteration) + + 부지런히 ( Diligently) + + 사슴 (Deer) + + 상당수 (plenty/a lot of) + + 손실 (Loss) + + 슬쩍 (Secretly, on the sly, stealthily) + + 시나리오 ( Scenario) + + 실컷 (To one’s satisfaction) + + 엔진 (Engine) + + (A dragon) + + 운행 (movement,revolution) + + 이대로 (As it is) + + 인간성 (Human nature) + + 인상적 (Impressive) + + 전시 (exhibition,display) + + 조그마하다 (Be tiny,small) + + 주한 (Residing in korea) + + 중년 (Middle-aged) + + 지다 (To fade away, come off) + + 찌꺼기 (drugs,sediments,remnants (tea grounds)) + + 포함 (inclusion,comprehension) + + 형식적 (Related to the form) + + 가입하다 ( Join) + + 감소 (Decrease or dimunition) + + 구분되다 ( To be put into sections) + + 구입 (Purchase or buying) + + 기여 (Contribution or service) + + 기호 (Taste or likes) + + 꾸리다 (Pack up or bundle up) + + 낭비 (Waste) + + 내외 (The interior and exterior) + + 대략 (an outline, summary (2) generally, on the whole) + + 덮이다 (Be covered) + + 도리어 (On the contrary) + + 멸치 (Anchovy) + + 바람 (A wish, hope) + + 방울 (A drop) + + (A bee) + + 보관 (custody,deposit) + + 보살피다 ( Take care of) + + 보완하다 ( to supplement and make complete, to complement sth) + + 보존하다 ( preserve,conserve) + + 빨다 (sip,suck) + + 빼놓다 (exclude,leave out) + + 사상 (In history) + + 사춘기 (adolescence,puberty) + + 상반기 (The first,upper half) + + 선전 (Propaganda) + + 설립하다 ( found,establish) + + 수집 (Collection) + + 수필 (An essay) + + 신기하다 ( To be novel,original) + + 신비 (Mystery) + + 신설 (A new theory) + + 실감 (Actual feeling) + + 실망 (Disappointment) + + 쓰다듬다 ( Stroke one’s beard) + + 알루미늄 ( Aluminum) + + 알아주다 ( acknowledge,recognize, appreciate) + + 용기 (A container, a vessel) + + 유발하다 ( To induce, bring about, cause) + + 유지되다 ( To be maintained, preserved) + + 잡아당기다 (Pull) + + 점검 (inspection,examination) + + 조기 (An early stage,period) + + 존경하다 ( Respect) + + (A bell) + + 종소리 (The sound of a bell) + + 중순 (The second 10 days in a month) + + 지각 (perception,consciousness) + + 직선 (A straight line) + + 참외 (A melon) + + 체하다 (pretend,feign) + + 체험하다 ( To experience, to undergo) + + (A gun) + + 칭찬하다 ( To praise somebody) + + 코치 (Coach) + + 통일하다 ( To unify, consolidate) + + 프린터 (Printer) + + 피디 (PD – a newspaper article) + + 하나하나 ( Each individual piece) + + 학위 (Academic rank) + + 회의 (Doubt, skepticism) + + 가로등 (A street light) + + (Feelings) + + 개개인 (Individuals or every person) + + 걷다 (1) Roll back /up one’s sleeves 2)fold or furl up 3) finish work) + + 고집 (Persistence or stubborness) + + 급격히 (Be rapid or sudden) + + 기능 (Ability or capacity or skill) + + 기막히다 ( Be at a loss for words) + + 나누어지다 (To become divided) + + 넘겨주다 ( Hand over) + + 논리적 (Logical) + + 다가서다 ( Step up, go near to, come closer) + + 대기하다 ( Be ready for the opportunity) + + 대접 (Treatment) + + 말다 (Roll up, convolve) + + (Cotton) + + (Staying the night) + + 밤하늘 (Night sky) + + 변명 (Explanation, vindication) + + 보자기 (A diver) + + 부상 (A wound,injury) + + 분리하다 ( To separate, break away from) + + 붙들다 (catch,seize,grasp) + + 사들이다 ( buy,purchase) + + 상관없이 ( Without anything to do with) + + 선원 (A crew, a ship’s company) + + 설사 (Diarrhea) + + 실망하다 ( To disappoint) + + 아쉬움 (Sense of missing) + + 약해지다 ( To become weak) + + 엉망 (A mess, in bad shape) + + 연출하다 ( Produce, present (a play)) + + 열중하다 ( Enthusiasm, zeal) + + 영웅 (A hero, a great man) + + 유산 (An inheritence, property left behind) + + 의도적 (Purposefully) + + 이따금 (From time to time) + + 임신부 (An expectant mother) + + 장기적 (Long-term) + + 재주 (ability,talent) + + 전설 (A tradition, a legend) + + (clause,paragraph) + + (The breasts) + + 조르다 (To tease, urge sb) + + 지겹다 (To be tedious,tiring) + + 짐작 (guess,conjecture) + + 쫓겨나다 ( Chase away ; to fire from your job) + + 찢다 (Tear, rend, split) + + 취업 (Employment, finding a job) + + 칠하다 (Paint, coat) + + 타오르다 ( Blaze, light up) + + (With a bang, with a snap) + + (A criticism) + + 평화롭다 ( To be peaceful) + + 표시 (A sign,signal) + + 표시 (A sign, signal) + + 하반기 (The second half of the year) + + 한구석 (A corner, a nook) + + 한하다 (Limit, restrict) + + 해답 (A solution to a problem, an answer to a question) + + 해소하다 ( To be dissolved, disorganized) + + 허락하다 ( Consent, agree to) + + 확립하다 ( establish,settle,fix) + + 확신하다 ( To be confident of) + + 흥분 (excitement,excitation) + + 흥분하다 ( be/grow excited) + + 힘겹다 (To be not strong enough to do) + + 감수성 (Receptivity or susceptibility) + + 거들다 (Help or assist or lend) + + 급속히 (Rapidly or swiftly) + + 급증하다 ( Surge or sudden rapid increase) + + 깔끔하다 ( Be sleek and smart) + + 꼼꼼하다 ( very careful or meticulous, doing it in a very detailed manner) + + 낮아지다 ( Become lower) + + 단순 (Simplicity) + + 대사 (an ambassador) + + (whip,rod,cane) + + 먹고살다 ( Make one’s living) + + 멎다 (Stop) + + 면담 (An interview) + + 모집 (Collection) + + 모퉁이 (Corner) + + 바구니 (Basket) + + 바싹 (Completely) + + 발달되다 ( Be developed) + + 방울 (A bell) + + 보름 (15days,the 15th day) + + 부딪히다 ( Be bumped into) + + 비상 (Emergency) + + 뿌리치다 ( Shake off, refuse) + + 사업자 (Businessman) + + 상대편 (The other party) + + 세트 (Set) + + 소망 (desire,wish,hope) + + 수동적 (Passively) + + 슬그머니 ( Furtively) + + 시장 (Mayor) + + 시청률 (Popularity rating) + + 여군 (A woman soldier) + + 연인 (A sweetheart) + + 연장 (Extension, prolongation) + + 예선 (A preliminary match/election) + + (A circle) + + 은행나무 ( A ginko tree) + + 자부심 (Pride) + + 장차 (In the future, someday) + + 저편 (That side,direction) + + 정신과 (Psychiatry) + + 제도적 (Systematic) + + 조절 (regulation,adjustment) + + 주거 (residing,dwelling) + + 중단되다 ( To be suspended,stopped) + + 중요시하다 (Attach great importance to) + + 지점 (Branch store) + + 진단하다 ( To diagnose) + + 타다 (Get, receive, take your share of the money (회사에서 월급을 타다)) + + 편견 (A prejudice, a bias) + + 환율 (The exchange rate (money)) + + 활기 (Vigor, life, vitality) + + 강사 (Instructor or teacher) + + 강수량 (How much rainfall) + + 교대 (Alternation or change) + + 구청 (A ward or district office) + + 국내외 (The inside and outside of a country or home and abroad) + + 금지되다 ( To be forbidden or prohibited) + + 기도하다 ( To pray) + + 기성08 (To be already existing or established) + + 깨뜨리다 ( To break or crush) + + 꼼짝 (Cannot move) + + 농사일 (Farming) + + 농장 (A farm, plantation) + + 데이트 (Date) + + 마음가짐 ( Mental attitude) + + 머리칼 (Hair) + + (A certain person, mr. Jones) + + 바퀴 (Cockroach) + + 번개 (Lightning) + + 변화되다 ( To be changed) + + 부재 (Absence) + + 사망 (Death) + + (1) raw,uncooked 2)living) + + 서늘하다 ( Be cool,refreshing) + + 성경 (The Bible) + + 소요되다 ( Be needed) + + 소화하다 ( To digest) + + 순간적 (instanteous,momentary) + + 시집가다 ( To take a husband) + + 싶어지다 ( To come to want) + + 씌우다 (Put a hat on somebody) + + 야간 (The night time) + + 엇갈리다 ( Cross, miss eachother) + + 엷다 (Be thin, light) + + 오락 (Entertainment) + + 우아하다 ( To be elegant,refined) + + 이슬 (Dew, dewdrops) + + 인간관계 ( Human relations) + + 장기간 (For a long period) + + 전선 (The battle line) + + 정지 (stop,an interruption) + + 제의하다 ( Make a suggestion) + + 조명 (lighting,illumination) + + 조화되다 ( harmony,agreement) + + 줄거리 (A stalk, a stem) + + 중단 (interruption,suspension) + + 차선 (A traffic lane) + + 착각하다 ( To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations) + + 초상화 (A portrait, a picture) + + 쿠데타 (Coup d’etat (overthrow of the government)) + + 특수성 (Particularity, distinctiveness) + + 항공기 (An aircraft) + + 활발히 (briskly,actively) + + 흥미롭다 ( To be interesting) + + 각오 (Readiness or preparation) + + 개방되다 ( To be opened) + + 겨자 (Mustard) + + 경고하다 ( To warn) + + 경제학 (Economics) + + 관심사 (A matter of concern and interest) + + 구별되다 ( To be separated andistinguished) + + 국사 (The history of a country) + + 굳히다 (Harden or make hard) + + 그간 (The while or during tha time) + + 그럴듯하다 (Be plausible or specious or likely) + + 극작가 (A dramatist) + + 기23 (A flag or a banner) + + 기울다 (To tilt or lean) + + 기적 (A miracle) + + 끌리다 (To be drawn or pulled or dragged) + + 내보내다 ( Let out, let go out) + + (A wall, fence) + + 따스하다 ( Feel warm) + + 말투 (One’s way of talking) + + 명령어 (Directive) + + 미끄러지다 (Slippery) + + 변신 (Disguise, transformation) + + 부친 (A father) + + 붙잡히다 ( Be caught) + + 브랜드 (Brand) + + 사소하다 ( Be trifling,insignificant) + + (A table,small desk) + + 상쾌하다 ( Be refreshing,exhilirating) + + 손길 (An outstretched hand) + + 순위 (order,ranking) + + (A pair,couple) + + 썰렁하다 ( chilly,feel cold) + + 암시 (A hint, suggestion) + + 앞날 (The futre, the days ahead) + + 역사상 (In history) + + 연주 (A musical performance) + + 울리다 (To make (a baby) cry) + + 육상 (On land, on the ground) + + 음주 (Drinking (alcohol)) + + 이별 (Parting, separation; divorce) + + 인재 (A man of ability) + + 인종 (A human race) + + 일시적 (Of a day) + + 재밌다 (interesting,fun) + + 전문적 (Of a specialist nature) + + 젊음 (Youth) + + 점잖다 (To be dignified,well-bred) + + 조개 (shellfish,clam) + + 중계방송 ( A relay, a hookup) + + 중독 (Poison) + + 지급 (supply,pay) + + 진실하다 ( Be true, truthful) + + 차창 (car/train window) + + 초청하다 ( To invite) + + 출발점 (The starting point of a trip) + + 출판 (Publication, publishing) + + 출현하다 ( Appearance, turning out) + + 클럽 (Club) + + 키스 (Kiss) + + 탈출하다 ( To escape, get away from) + + 판사 (A judge) + + 허락 (Consent, assent, approval) + + 확신 (Conviction, firm belief) + + 건설되다 ( To become constructed) + + 고개 (the peak or crest (of a hill)) + + 그제야 (For the first time or not ... until) + + 기성세대 ( Old people) + + 기술하다 ( To describe or give an account of) + + 까치 (Magpie) + + 남북 (North and south) + + 납득하다 ( To convince, persuade oneself) + + (A grade or class) + + 독창적 (Original) + + 만점 (Perfect score) + + 매달 (Every month) + + 모여들다 ( gather,flock) + + 묵다 (Get old) + + 바깥쪽 (The outside) + + 보수 (Conservation) + + 보안 (Preservation of the public peace) + + (assistant,deputy) + + 비웃다 (Laugh at, ridicule) + + 사나이 (A man, a male) + + 사모님 (Older more respected ajuma) + + 상징적 (symbolic,emblematic) + + 색다르다 ( Be different,novel) + + 세미나 (Seminar) + + 세제 (detergent,cleaning material) + + 속삭이다 ( Whisper) + + 시일 (time,days) + + 시합 (A contest,match) + + 신속하다 ( Be quick,rapid,speedy) + + 신제품 (A new product) + + 신중하다 ( To be prudent,cautious) + + (Very much,greatly) + + 암컷 (A female,a she) + + 예고하다 ( Warn, give advance notice) + + 위반하다 ( To violate (the law)) + + 윗몸 (The upper body) + + 은은하다 ( To be distant,faint,indistinct) + + 이해관계 ( Mutual understanding) + + 익히다 (cook,boil) + + 일대 (One great/large) + + 입력 (Power input) + + 자연현상 ( Natural phenomena) + + 정신없이 ( Feel distracted and scatter-brained) + + 정직하다 ( honesty,uprightness) + + 조정하다 ( To regulate,adjust,coordinate) + + 주름 (Wrinkles) + + 최신 (Newest, the latest) + + 캐릭터 (Character) + + 해롭다 (To be harmful, injurious) + + 현관문 (The front door) + + 활발해지다 (To become lively) + + 회복되다 ( To be recovered) + + 희생하다 ( To sacrifice) + + 가능해지다 (To become possible) + + 공연히 (Futile or vain or useless) + + 과정 (A course or curriculum) + + 국제적 (International) + + 그루 (1) a root 2) stubble) + + 그전 (Former days or the past) + + 금고 (A safe or strongbox) + + 꾸중 (Scolding, a rebuke) + + 끌어당기다 (To draw near) + + (A meal or a repast) + + 능동적 (Activity ; voluntary, of its own nature) + + 당분간 (For the present) + + 도움말 (Helping words) + + 몰려오다 ( Come in crowds) + + 물질적 (Material) + + 믿어지다 ( Become believable) + + 반죽 (Kneading; dough) + + 배치 (Arrangement) + + 백인 (Caucasian) + + (An example) + + 본사 (Main office) + + 불평등하다 (Inequality) + + 빠뜨리다 ( Throw into (a river); entice, entrap) + + 새로이 (newly,afresh) + + 서양인 (A Westerner) + + 소지품 (one’s things) + + (Iron) + + 수컷 (A male of the species) + + 승리하다 ( To win) + + 씨앗 (Seeds) + + 얻어먹다 ( Go about begging) + + 엄숙하다 ( Seriousness, solemnity ; being grave, serious) + + 여가 (leisure,spare time) + + 연상하다 ( Association of ideas) + + 올려다보다 (Look up) + + 외다 (To repeat back (an order)) + + 외침 (A shout, a cry) + + 이해 (interests,gains) + + 일손 (Work in hand) + + 잠바 (Jumper) + + 잠수함 (Submarine) + + 장수 (A tradesman,merchant) + + 재다 (measure,guage) + + 지도하다 ( To lead, instruct) + + 지적 (Intellectual, brainy) + + 진로 (A course,direction,path) + + 진행자 (Leader of the performance) + + 찾아다니다 (To go around to meet somebody or see places) + + 책임감 (Feeling of responsibility) + + 체온 (Body temperature) + + 통과 (Passage) + + 포장마차 ( A wheeled snack bar on the street) + + 푸다 (Dip out, bail out) + + 피망 (A pimento) + + 한결 (Stands out conspicuously, especially) + + 한여름 (Midsummer, the middle of summer) + + 항공 (An airport) + + 회전 (Revolution, rotation) + + 곧다 (Be straight or upright or erect) + + 골치 (Worry or anxiety) + + 내달 (Next month) + + 놔두다 (Leave as it is, let it be) + + 늦어지다 ( To become late) + + 독하다 (Be poison) + + (To be of sufficient quantity) + + 명단 (List of names) + + 무의미하다 (Be nonsense) + + 문구 (passage,paragraph) + + (What (thing)?) + + 미만 (under,below ; less than) + + 백색 (White) + + 비바람 (Rain and wind) + + 사기 (morale,fighting spirit) + + 사망하다 ( To decease,pass away) + + 사무직 (Working in the office not in the factory) + + 소질 (temperament,character) + + (Cotton) + + 시디롬 (Cd-rom) + + 식생활 (Dietary life) + + (Thread (to wind thread)) + + 연구실 (A laboratory) + + 유머 (Humor) + + 의류 (Clothes, dresses; clothing) + + 잊혀지다 ( To become forgotten) + + 적응 (Adaptation) + + 정리되다 ( To be adjusted) + + (A company,group) + + 창피하다 ( To be ashamed) + + 토론하다 ( To debate, discuss) + + 하나하나 ( Each individual piece) + + 합하다 (Harmonize with, be in accord with) + + 핸드백 (Handbag) + + 가정교사 ( Private tutor) + + 공통적 (Commonly) + + 교육자 (An educator) + + 교재 (Teaching material or insruction materials) + + 길어지다 ( To become long) + + 깨소금 (Powdered sesame mixed with salt) + + 놓아두다 ( Leave as it is, let it be) + + 대접하다 ( Treatment) + + 무궁화 (The rose of Sharon) + + 바이러스 ( Virus) + + 방바닥 (room’s floor) + + 번거롭다 ( Be troublesome. 할 일이 많아서 아주 바쁘다) + + 사냥 (Hunting, a hunt) + + 사회생활 ( Social life) + + 심리적 (Psychological) + + 연기 (postponement,deferment) + + 위로 (consolation,solace) + + 이용자 (A user; visitor) + + 입력하다 ( To input (data into the computer)) + + 자격증 (A qualification certificate) + + 진료 (Medical examination and treatment) + + 창가 (Next to a window, or, the window’s edge) + + 초조하다 ( Be impatient, irritated) + + 타다 (Put in, mix, dissolve) + + 함께하다 ( To do it together, with somebody) + + 합격하다 ( To pass an exam) + + 화장지 (Soft paper used when applying makeup) + + 힘껏 (With all one’s might) + + 공통되다 ( To be common) + + 나들이 (Going out, an outing ; making a short visit to sb or somewhere) + + 녹이다 (Melt, dissolve) + + 눈가 (The eye rims) + + 도망 (Escape) + + 미니 (Mini) + + 방면 (Direction) + + 법적 (Legal) + + 벤치 (Bench) + + 보수 (mending,repair) + + 비행 (An irregularity) + + 빗줄기 (Great streaks of rain) + + 사회학 (Social science) + + 성적 (Sexual) + + 순진하다 ( To be naive,pure) + + 심심하다 ( Be deep and profound) + + 어려워지다 (To become difficult) + + 올라서다 ( Stand up) + + (Silver) + + 자리 (A spot at a table) + + 장애인 (A handicapped person) + + 재활용품 ( A recycled product) + + 저러다 (Like that) + + 정반대 (Direct opposition, the exact reverse) + + 진동 (vibration,shake) + + 추천 (A recommendation) + + 학점 (A unit, a point, a credit) + + 한가하다 ( To be free, not busy) + + 환영하다 ( To welcome) + + 간접적 (Indirect or mediate) + + 경영하다 ( To manage or adminster) + + 그리움 (Yearning or affection) + + 그사이 (The while or the meantime) + + 기념하다 ( Commemorate) + + 대강 (General principles) + + 독립하다 ( To become independent) + + 문밖 (Outside the door) + + 방송하다 ( Broadcast) + + 보충하다 ( replenish,replace,fillup) + + 불완전하다 (To be imerfect) + + 불평 (Dissatisfaction) + + 붐비다 (Be congested,crowded ; to be full of) + + 서명 (signing,autographing) + + 손등 (The back of the hand) + + 역사학 (The study of history) + + (Really, totally) + + 요리사 (A chef, a cook) + + (Goodness! Gracious!) + + 원서 (An application, a written request) + + 이론적 (Theoretical) + + 이제야 (These days) + + 임신하다 ( To be pregnant) + + 자취 (A trace,vestige) + + 잠그다 (To lock) + + 장례 (A funeral) + + 지금껏 (So far, till now) + + 지름길 (A shortcut) + + 지진 (Earthquake) + + 참석자 (Persons present) + + 창구 (A window) + + 최저 (The lowest, the minimum/lowest price) + + 코미디 (Comedy) + + 튀기다 (To fry; splash, splatter) + + 필수 (necessary,indispensable) + + 횟수 (The number of times, the frequency) + + 흐리다 (Be muddy, cloudy ; with a tint of) + + 가능 (Possibility) + + 값싸다 (Cheap or low-priced) + + 긴장감 (Feeling of tension) + + (1) Steam 2) scent, aroma) + + 매달다 (Bind up, hang: 묶어서 드리우거나 걸다.) + + 매주 (Every week) + + 문제되다 ( Become a problem) + + 불이익 (disadvantage,drawback) + + 불필요하다 (To be unnecessary) + + 산부인과 ( Obstetrics and gynecology) + + 새우다 (Sit up all night) + + 서명하다 ( To sign) + + (way,method) + + 신부 (A holy father,priest) + + 쓸데없다 ( To be useless) + + 아스팔트 ( Asphalt) + + 아하 (Dear me! Goodness!) + + 알코올 (Alcohol) + + (Right near at hand) + + 웃음소리 ( The sound of laughing) + + 인쇄 (printing,typography) + + 잔디 (Lawn) + + 전세 (renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month) + + 조깅 (Jogging) + + 치다 ((a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit) + + 퇴직금 (Retirement grants) + + 가만있다 ( Remain still or motionless) + + 간편하다 ( Simplicity or convenience) + + 감동적 (Sensational) + + 교복 (School uniform) + + 귀가하다 ( To return home) + + 날아다니다 (Fly about) + + 마음씨 (Disposition, nature) + + 몸매 (one’s figure) + + 무관심 (Indifference, unconcern) + + 반짝이다 ( Shine, glitter) + + 부인 (Wife) + + 분주하다 ( Be busy,crowded) + + 비판적 (Critical) + + 뺏다 (Straight) + + 소중히 (seriously,with care) + + 수도꼭지 ( A faucet,tap) + + 싸구려 (cheap,inferior (a bargain)) + + 어찌나 (extremely,quite,awfully) + + 엉터리 (Fake, sham) + + 위법 (illegality,a breach of the law) + + 육체적 (Corporeal, of the flesh) + + 음력 (The lunar calendar) + + 잔디밭 (lawn,grass) + + 저기 (“hey,look here,now”) + + 전문직 (Specialty job) + + 제출 (presentation,submission) + + (A portion, a side) + + 찌다 (chop,hack) + + 채점 (marking,grading,scoring) + + 침착하다 ( Self-possession, composure) + + 캄캄하다 ( To be pitch-black) + + 타자기 (A typewriter) + + 포인트 (Point) + + 포크 (Fork) + + 한밤중 (Midnight) + + 효도 (Filial piety) + + 귀가 (Returning home) + + 그리워하다 (Yearn or be attached to) + + 딸아이 (Daughter) + + 만족스럽다 (Satisfied) + + 미움 (Hatred) + + 바가지 (A gourd dipper) + + 발끝 (On tiptoes) + + 병실 (An infirmary) + + 봉사하다 ( serve,render service) + + 비행장 (An airfield) + + 습기 (moisture,humidity) + + 예보 (forecast,predict) + + 용감하다 ( To be brave, courageous) + + 위험성 (riskiness,jeapordy) + + 익다 (Get familiar with, experienced with) + + 재학 (To be in school, be attending school) + + 전기 (a biography) + + 전시하다 ( To display) + + 정기적 (fixed,regular (time sth)) + + 종교적 (Of religions) + + 주관적 (Subjective) + + 직장인 (A worker) + + 진심 (The whole heart, sincerity) + + 천국 (Heaven) + + 큰절 (A deep bow) + + 학과 (A department in a college) + + 후회 (repentance,regret) + + 강조 (Emphasis or stress) + + 게시판 (A notice board or a bulletin board) + + 공통점 (A common point or a common feature) + + 과외 (Extracurricular work) + + 교내 (Inside the school) + + 구15 (Ward or district) + + 내적 (Internal) + + 마라톤 (Marathon) + + 매스컴 (Mass communication) + + (nothing,nil) + + 묵다 (Stay overnight s.w.) + + 밤새 (All night) + + 별일 (A particular thing) + + 보내오다 ( 받다 receive) + + 부채 (A debt,liabilities) + + 불법 (Buddhism) + + 사업가 (Businessman) + + 세상에 (In the world) + + 수고 (toil,labor,pains) + + 시금치 (Spinach) + + 신청서 (Application, application form) + + 아랫사람 ( Subordinate) + + 앨범 (Album) + + (A sheep, ram) + + 여전하다 ( Be unchanged, the same as before) + + 영남 (The southeastern part of Korea) + + 옥상 (On the roof) + + (The stomach) + + 일자리 (A job, position) + + 자매 (Sisters) + + 전시장 (An exhibition hall) + + 절약 (thrift,savings,economy) + + 정오 (Noon) + + 제대하다 ( Be discharged from the military) + + 즉석 (instantly,impromptu) + + 지방 (Fat, grease, lard) + + 차차 (Gradually) + + 추측 (Guess, conjecture) + + 충고 (Advice, counsel, suggestion) + + (Reason, grounds) + + 팩시밀리 ( Facximile, fax) + + 한낮 (Noon) + + 가득히 (Full) + + 간호 (Nursing or care) + + (1) The first 2) the former) + + 건너 (The other or opposite side) + + 걷다 (Walk on or tread on) + + 겁나다 (Be frightened or scared) + + 금메달 (Gold medal) + + 눈감다 (Close the eyes) + + 눈뜨다 (Open one’s eyes) + + 도마 (A chopping board) + + 동화책 (A fairy tale) + + 모집하다 ( Call/appeal for) + + 밤색 (Chestnut color, maroon) + + 배우자 (A mate, life partner) + + 속상하다 ( Be distressing) + + 수만 (Tens of thousands) + + 수입되다 ( To be imported) + + 수입품 (An imported product) + + 식기 (An eating vessel) + + 싼값 (A low price) + + (A plan,proposal,suggestion) + + 안부 (safety,welfare) + + 양주 (Foreign wine/liquors) + + 영화배우 ( Movie actor) + + 용서 (pardon,forgiveness) + + 우편 (post,mail) + + 정장 (Full dress, uniform) + + 좁히다 (Make narrow,restrict) + + 좋아 (“That’s good”) + + (In a very straight line, in a row) + + 지워지다 ( To be erased) + + 지저분하다 (Be messy, soiled, dirty) + + 진통 (Labor pains, travail) + + 찬성하다 ( To approve, support (a plan)) + + 참석 (Attendance, participation) + + 최고급 (The highest grade/class) + + 최상 (The best, the finest) + + 최악 (The worst) + + 출국 (Leaving a country) + + 친해지다 ( To get close, to get friendly) + + 코끝 (The tip of one’s nose) + + (Ham) + + 가로수 (A roadside tree) + + 개다 (To clear up or become clear (weather)) + + 고급스럽다 (To be high-class) + + 고소하다 ( Taste of sesame oil or taste of a nut) + + 공주 (A royal princess) + + 깨어지다 ( To waken) + + 대여섯 (About five or six) + + 되돌아보다 (To look back on) + + 무용가 (Dancer) + + 반기다 (Rejoice, be glad of) + + 붓다 (to be swollen) + + (A monument) + + 사투리 (A dialect) + + 상금 (Prize money) + + 수저 (A spoon) + + 식욕 (appetite,desire) + + 앞바다 (The offing sea) + + 얄밉다 (Be offensive, mean) + + 양상추 (Lettuce) + + 연기하다 ( To be put off, postponed) + + 온라인 (Online) + + 외갓집 (one’s mother’s maiden home) + + 유능하다 ( To be competent,talented) + + 유적지 (Place where remains/cultural-historical remnants are) + + 응답하다 ( An answer, a reply) + + 이롭다 (Be good for) + + 입사 (enter/join a company) + + (A ruler) + + 재활용 (Recycling) + + 제삿날 (Day of the ceremony) + + 주름살 (Wrinkles) + + 참고하다 ( To refer, consult) + + 철학적 (Philosophical) + + 초대 (The first generation, the founder) + + 추천하다 ( To recommend, say a good word for) + + 판매되다 ( To be sold) + + (Facilities, services) + + 포근하다 ( To be soft and comfortable, downy) + + 하나님 (God) + + 학력 (Academic background, formal schooling) + + 한정하다 ( To limit, restrict) + + 향상되다 ( To be impoved, advanced) + + 가톨릭 (Catholic) + + 건조하다 ( Ry or arid or become dry) + + 걷기 (Walking) + + 공통 (Commonness) + + 과거 (The state examination) + + 국가적 (National or state) + + 귓속 (The inner ear) + + 그래픽 (Graphic) + + 근교 (Suberbs) + + 기초적 (Fundamental or basic) + + 다양성 (Variety) + + 떠나오다 ( 미국으로부터 to come back from the US) + + 보수적 (Conservative) + + 불확실하다 (Be uncertain) + + 비만 (Fatness, corpulence) + + 빗방울 (Raindrops) + + 사회자 (President) + + 손수 (With one’s own hands, personally) + + 시들다 (To wither,die,fade) + + 시디 (C.D.) + + 신사 (A gentleman) + + 쓸데없이 ( To have no use) + + 야하다 (To be gaudy,garish) + + 어쩌다가 ( By chance, accident ; sometimes) + + 온종일 (All day long, the whole day) + + 왕비 (Queen) + + 운반 (conveyance,transport) + + 장모님 (A man’s mother in law) + + 저울 (A balance) + + 지폐 (Paper money) + + 진실로 (Truly, honestly) + + 촛불 (Candle-light) + + 출퇴근 (Go to and come from the office) + + 통역 (Interpreting) + + 표시하다 ( To make a sign, display) + + (Below, underneath) + + 한데 (The open air, outside, the exterior) + + 혼잣말 (Talking to oneself) + + 효도하다 ( To be a good son/daughter to one’s parents) + + 힘없이 (feebly,weekly) + + 건넌방 (The room opposite the main living room) + + 곧이어 (Soon hereafter) + + 공기 (Public institution) + + 굉장하다 ( Be grand or magnificent or splendor) + + 기업인 (Businessman) + + 긴장되다 ( Be under tension) + + 깨끗해지다 (Become clean) + + 낚싯대 (A fishing rod) + + 냇물 (A stream, brook) + + 단골 (Custom, connection) + + (A stem, stalk) + + 더러워지다 (Get dirty) + + 데우다 (to warm, to heat up) + + 동그랗다 ( To be circular) + + 무덥다 (sultry,sweltering) + + (What (implicit directobject)?) + + 반대편 (The opposite side) + + 발바닥 (The sole of the foot) + + 발톱 (A toenail) + + 밝아지다 ( Become bright) + + 분명해지다 (To become clear) + + 산길 (A mountain path,road) + + 수업 (Completing an education course) + + 심각해지다 (To become serious) + + (A bud,sprout) + + 씻기다 (To be carried away, washed away) + + 안심하다 ( security,assuredness,relief) + + (Get angry,take offense) + + 약수 (Medicinal water, mineral water) + + 약품 (Medicines, medical supplies) + + 양보 (concession,compromise) + + 양옆 (On both sides) + + 어쩜 (Well, I guess that, is extremely.....) + + 여왕 (Queen) + + 연기되다 ( To be put off, postponed) + + 올라타다 ( Board (a plane), get into) + + 이다음 (Next) + + 잡수다 (eat,drink) + + 장사꾼 (A trader,merchant,dealer) + + 주일 (A week) + + 집중하다 ( To concentrate) + + 짜증스럽다 (To be annoying) + + 천재 (genius,talent) + + 초여름 (Early summer) + + 초저녁 (Early in the evening) + + 충돌하다 ( Collide, clash with) + + 코트 (Court) + + 피곤 (fatigue,exhaustion) + + 학비 (Tuition) + + (Damage, injury) + + 효자 (A dutiful son) + + 감소되다 ( To be reduced or diminished) + + 강변 (A riverside) + + 공연되다 ( To give a public performance) + + 괴로워하다 (To distress or trouble) + + 교시 (Teach or instruct or enlighten) + + 그리로 (Over there) + + 까먹다 (Crack or peel and eat) + + 깡패 (Gangster) + + 꾸다 (Dream or have a dream) + + 낚시꾼 (An angler) + + 다양해지다 (To be various) + + 마요네즈 ( Mayonnaise) + + 만세 (10,000 years) + + 만화가 (Cartoon artist) + + 맘대로 (As you want) + + 머리말 (A preface) + + 면접 (Interview) + + 몸속 (In one’s body) + + 무책임하다 (Not responsible) + + 반짝거리다 (Twinkle-twinkle (stars)) + + 밤새우다 ( Sit up all night) + + 번지 (Area of land) + + 사립 (Private) + + 사생활 (Private life) + + 사이사이 ( Every now and then) + + 생활수준 ( The standard of living) + + 서툴다 (poor,awkward) + + 석사 (Master) + + 성당 (A church) + + 속마음 (Inner heart,feeling) + + 손잡다 (Take a person by the hand) + + 숙녀 (A lady) + + 순하다 (Be gentle,docile) + + 시댁 (one’s husband’s family/house) + + 신체적 (Physical) + + 쓴맛 (A bitter flavor) + + 야옹 (Mewing, meowing) + + 얼마간 (Some, somewhat) + + 올여름 (This summer) + + 외제 (Of foreign manufacture) + + 욕하다 (To insult, to say bad words) + + 음반 (A phonograph record) + + 의논 (consultation,conference) + + 이래서 (This way, this direction, here) + + 자살하다 ( Commit suicide) + + 자연적 (Natural) + + 장례식 (A funeral) + + 재수 (luck,fortune) + + 전구 (An electric bulb) + + 전문점 (Exclusive store) + + 전통문화 ( Traditional culture) + + 주전자 (A kettle, teakettle) + + 지우다 (Put a thing on a person’s back) + + 찬성 (approval,assent) + + 촌스럽다 ( Unfashionable) + + 컨디션 (Condition) + + 코스모스 ( Cosmos) + + 토론자 (A debator, a disputant) + + 튼튼히 (Strongly, firmly) + + 페인트 (Paint) + + 평상시 (Normally) + + 학교생활 ( Student) + + 해물 (Marine products) + + (Shape, form) + + 혼나다 (Get frightened, scared) + + 가만 (Quietly or softly) + + 감정적 (Emotional) + + 강북 (North of the river) + + 고무신 (Rubber shoes) + + 관람 (Inspection or viewing) + + 교외 (Outside the school or extramural) + + 교육비 (Tuition or the cost of a school education) + + (A line (draw)) + + 기억되다 ( To be remembered) + + 까다 (Peel or husk) + + 꽃씨 (Flower seed) + + 꾸준하다 ( Be steady or unflagging) + + 난방 (A heated room) + + 내용물 (Contents) + + 녹화 (Tree-planting) + + 달다 (To hang) + + 매번 (Every time) + + 먹다 (Go deaf) + + 무관심하다 (Be indifferent to) + + 무사하다 ( Be safe, peaceful) + + 번역하다 ( To translate) + + 병아리 (Chick, baby chicken) + + 부피 (bulk,size) + + 비기다 (End in a tie, to be even-even. Same as 무승부를 기록하다) + + 생활용품 ( Necessities for daily life) + + 섹시하다 ( To be sexy) + + 소비하다 ( Consumption) + + 수리하다 ( repair,mending) + + 식료품 (Articles for food) + + 식히다 (To cool, let cool. 차게 하다) + + 씻기다 (wash,be washed) + + 얼리다 (Freeze, make ice) + + 올가을 (This fall) + + 와이셔츠 ( A white dress shirt) + + 윗사람 (A superior, one’s older somebody) + + 이민 (Emigration) + + 이성 (The opposite sex) + + 인제 (Now) + + 입사하다 ( To join/enter a company) + + 재우다 (Put to sleep) + + 전시되다 ( To be exhibited,ddisplayed) + + 졸리다 (Feel sleepy,drowsy) + + 졸음 (sleepiness,drowsiness) + + 주문 (An incantation, a spell) + + 지능 (intelligence,intellect, raw intelligence) + + 쩔쩔매다 ( To be at a loss, be confused) + + (Discretion, prudence (Become sensible, wise)) + + 추가되다 ( To be added) + + 치료법 (A curative means) + + 치우다 (VST + Do away with, get rid of) + + 큰아들 (Oldest son) + + 특급 (In a special class) + + 풀어지다 ( To get loose; to turn soft (noodles)) + + 한겨울 (Midwinter, the dead of winter) + + 한평생 (A lifetime) + + 해수욕장 ( A swimming beach) + + 허허 (Ha-ha, with a laugh) + + 호실 (Tells you the room number) + + 흐려지다 ( Get cloudy, overcast) + + 희망하다 ( Hope) + + 힘들어하다 (To be exacting, tolling) + + 강의하다 ( To give a lecture) + + 공연하다 ( Offer a performance) + + (A Jeju orange) + + 내과 (Internal medicine) + + 무지개 (A rainbow) + + 문법 (Grammar) + + 볶음 (Roasted sth) + + 볼링 (Bowling) + + 비둘기 (Pigeon) + + 생활비 (Cost of living) + + 시대적 (Of the times) + + 앞문 (The front gate) + + 인도 (pavement,sidewalk) + + 추가하다 ( To add sth, to supplement) + + 탁구 (ping-pong,table tennis) + + 현대적 (Modern (adj)) + + 늦가을 (Late autumn) + + 못생기다 ( Ugly) + + 영화관 (Movie theater) + + 예술적 (Artistic) + + 장모 (A man’s mother in law) + + 튀김 (Batter-fried food) + + 고궁 (An ancient palace) + + 단추 (A button) + + 대중적 (Of the masses) + + 미역 (Brown seaweed) + + 반말 (Crude language) + + 분홍색 (Pink color) + + 작은아버지 (An uncle younger than your father) + + 초순 (The first third of a month) + + 퇴원하다 ( To leave the hospital) + + 하순 (The final third of the month) + + 기혼 (Married) + + 대장 (A seal, stamp) + + 삼계탕 (Chicken soup) + + 예약하다 ( To book in advance, pledge) + + 천둥 (Thunder) + + 퇴원 (Leaving the hospital) + + 게으르다 ( Lazy) + + 기념품 (A momento) + + 단풍 (Fall foliage) + + 문학적 (Literary) + + 미끄럽다 ( To be slippery) + + 복숭아 (Peach) + + 외아들 (The only son) + + 장인 (A man’s father in law, the wife\\`s father) + + 외할아버지 (A maternal grandfather) + + 입국 (Entering a country) + + 체육관 (Gymnasium) + + 최소 (At the least, the minimum) + + 칼국수 (Knife-cut noodles) + + 큰아버지 ( Uncle older than one’s father) + + 국민적 (National or for citizens) + + 국제선 (International airline) + + 안과 (Ophthalmology) + + 예식장 (A ceremony hall) + + 월세 (Monthly rent) + + 진찰 (A medical diagnosis, investigation) + + 큰딸 (Oldest daughter) + + 결석 (Absent) + + 독감 (Influenza) + + 보라색 (Purple) + + 연두색 (Light green) + + 온돌 (The korean under-floor heating system) + + 출입국 (Entry into a country) + + 클래식 (Classic) + + 팝송 (Pop song) + + 팩스 (Fax) + + 깍두기 (Sliced white radish kimchee) + + 국내선 (Domestic airline) + + 시외버스 ( Inter-city bus) + + 야구장 (Baseball field) + + 작은아들 ( Younger son) + + 잠자리 (Dragonfly) + + 형수 (The wife of one’s older brother) + + 관광버스 ( Tourist bus) + + 그저께 (The day before yesterday) + + 냉방 (A cold or unheated room) + + 눈병 (An eye disease) + + 배추김치 ( Pickled cabbage) + + 색연필 (Colored pencil) + + 소아과 (Pediatrics) + + 양력 (The solar calendar) + + 작은어머니 (An aunt younger than your mother) + + 축구장 (Soccer field) + + 한글날 (Korean writing system national holiday) + + 한식 (Korean food) + + 세종대왕 ( King sejong, who invented Hangul) + + (The fourth) + + 복사기 (Memeograph) + + 신라 (One dynasty in ancient korea) + + 아드님 (Your esteemed son) + + 결석하다 ( To be absent) + + 기념일 (Commemoration day) + + 내후년 (The year after next year) + + 식품점 (Grocery store) + + 약혼녀 (A girl who is engaged) + + 어저께 (Yesterday) + + 예습 (Preparation of lessons) + + 예습하다 ( To prepare lessons, rehearse) + + 출석하다 ( attendance,presence) + + 큰어머니 ( The wife of the elder brother of one’s father) + + 멍멍 (A bruise) + + 분필 (Chalk) + + 약혼자 (A fiance, an engaged person) + + 양식 (raising,farming,culture) + + 외과 (Surgery) + + 제과점 (Confectionary store) + + 중식 (Chinese food) + + 케첩 (Ketchup) + + 편의점 (Convenient store) + + 미용실 (Beauty salon) + + 조선 (Name for ancient korea culture) + + 거꾸로 (Backwards or bottom up or the wrong way) + + 근본 (The foundation or basis) + + 워낙 (By nature, primarily, by constitution) + + 지적하다 ( To indicate, point out) + + 의식 (Consciuosness, awareness) + + 일식 (Japanese food) + + 작은딸 (Younger daughter) + + 초등학생 ( An elementary school student) + + 금강산 (The Diamond Mountains) + +
+ + + + + + + +