C Die Umwelt: Das Wetter: Gewitter + 暴风雨 +

Häufigkeit: 4.71

C 暴露 + * * bao4lu4 expose/ lay bare/ divulge/ undress enthüllen, offenlegen,etwas ans Tageslicht bringen + +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm + +
D 粗暴 + * * cu1bao4 wild/ ruthless roh, grob, brutal + +
D 殘暴 + * * can2bao4 atrocious/ barbarous grausam, unbarmherzig + +
D 風暴 + * * feng1bao4 storm Sturm + +
D 暴動 + * * bao4dong4 insurrection/ rebel rebellieren, Rebellion + +
D 暴風驟雨 + * * bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3 violent storm tempest heftiger Sturm + +
D 暴力 + * * bao4li4 violence Gewalt + +

风暴* 6 feng1 bao4 storm/ violent commotion/ fig. crisis (e.g. revolution; uprising; financial crisis etc)
暴力* 6 bao4 li4 violence/ (use) force/ violent
暴露* 6 bao4 lu4 to expose/ to reveal/ to lay bare

68er-Bewegung (Gesch) [wu3 yue4 feng1 bao4] 五月风暴
aufbrausen, toben (V) [bao4 tiao4 ru2 lei4] 暴跳如类
Aufruhr (S)Aufstand (S)Revolte (S) [bao4 dong4] 暴動
Auge des Sturms, Auge des Wirbelsturms (S, Met) [feng1 bao4 yan3] 风暴眼
außer sichVerrücktheit (S)garstig (Adj)lautstark (Adj)turbulent (Adj)verwirbelt (Adj) [kuang2 bao4] 狂暴
Ausschreitung (S, Pol) [bao4 luan4] 暴乱
Ausschreitungen (S) [bao4 li4 ju3 dong4] 暴力举动
Blizzard [bao4 feng1 xue3] 暴风雪
Blizzard Entertainment (Wirtsch) [bao4 xue3 yu2 le4] 暴雪娱乐
Bōsōzoku (Org) [bao4 zou3 zu2] 暴走族
brutal, grausam [qiang2 bao4] 强暴
Bulimie, Ess-Brech-Sucht (S) [bao4 shi2 zheng4] 暴食症
Das Leben der Anderen (deutscher Kinofilm) (S, Kunst) [qie4 ting1 feng1 bao4] 窃听风暴
Despot, Tyrann, Gewaltherrscher (S, Pol) [bao4 jun1] 暴君
Drache (S) [kuang2 bao4 de5 ren2] 狂暴的人
ein Orkan (S, Met)ein starker Sturm, ein orkanartiger Sturm (S) [yi1 gun3 bao4 feng1] 一股暴风
Einbruch (S, Wirtsch)Kurseinbruch (S, Wirtsch) [hang2 qing2 bao4 die2] 行情暴跌
Einbruchsmethode (S) [bao4 qie4 fang1 shi4] 暴窃方式
Empörer (S) [bao4 dong4 zhe3] 暴动者
enthüllen; offenlegen; demaskieren (V) [bao4 lu4] 暴露
Enthüllungsliteratur (S, Lit) [bao4 lu4 wen2 xue2] 暴露文学
feurig [huo3 bao4] 火暴
Filibuster (S)Verschleppungspolitik (S) [bao4 bing1] 暴兵
Fresserei (S)Völlerei (S) [bao4 shi2] 暴食
Galgenstrick (S) [li2 qun2 er2 kuang2 bao4 de5 xiang4] 离群而狂暴的象
Gammablitz (Phys) [ga1 ma3 she4 xian4 bao4] 伽玛射线暴
gausam, unbarmherzig, brutal (Adj) [can2 bao4] 残暴
Geheimnisverrat [xie4 lu4 ji1 mi4 huo4 bao4 lu4 mi4 mi4] 泄露机密或暴露秘密
Geistesblitz (S) [tou2 nao3 feng1 bao4] 头脑风暴
Geschäftemacherei (S) [tan1 tu2 bao4 li4] 贪图暴利
Gewalt (Pol) [bao4 li4] 暴力
Gewaltausbruch (S) [bao4 fa1 bao4 li4 chong1 tu1] 爆发暴力冲突
Gewaltfreiheit (S, Pol) [fei1 bao4 li4 fei1 wu3 li4] 非暴力非武力
Gewaltherrschaft (S) [bao4 nüe4 tong3 zhi4] 暴虐统治
gewaltlos (Adj) [fei1 bao4 li4] 非暴力
Gewalttaten [bao4 li4 xing2 wei2] 暴力行为
gewalttätig, heftig (Adj) [bao4]
Gewalttätigkeit (S) [cu1 bao4 de5 tai4 du4] 粗暴的态度
Gewaltverbrechen [bao4 li4 fan4 zui4] 暴力犯罪
Gewitter, Gewittersturm (S) [lei2 bao4] 雷暴
Gewitterregen (S) [lei2 bao4 yu3] 雷暴雨
Gewittersturm (Adj, Met)stürmisch (Adj) [kuang2 feng1 bao4 yu3] 狂风暴雨
Gewitterwolke (S) [lei2 bao4 yun2] 雷暴云
Greueltaten (S) [bao4 xing2] 暴行
grob, hart, unhöflich (Adj) [cu1 bao4] 粗暴
großes Geld machen [mou2 qu3 bao4 li4] 牟取暴利
Gummigeschoss (S) [fang2 bao4 jing3 cha2 de5 wu3 qi4] 防暴警察的武器
Häusliche Gewalt (S) [jia1 ting2 bao4 li4] 家庭暴力
häusliche Gewalt (S) [jia1 ting2 bao4 li4 an4 jian4] 家庭暴力案件
Haymarket Riot (Gesch) [gan4 cao3 shi4 chang3 bao4 luan4] 干草市场暴乱
heftig ansteigen (V) [bao4 zhang3] 暴涨
heftiger Regen, Unwetter, Sturm, Wolkenbruch [bao4 yu3] 暴雨
heftiger Wolkenbruch (S, Met) [da4 bao4 yu3] 大暴雨
Heißsporn (S) [bao4 nu4 de5 ren2] 暴怒的人
hervorbrechen, hervorquellen (V)plötzlich beginnt etwas gewaltiges (V)plötzlich reich oder mächtig werden (V) [bao4 fa1] 暴发
Hoffnungslosigkeit (S) [zi4 bao4 zi4 qi4] 自暴自弃
in Wind und Wetter (V) [bao4 shai4 yu3 lin2] 暴晒雨淋
Intelligente mobile Geräte ('Smart Mob's') (S, Werk) [kuai4 shan3 bao4 zou3 zu2] 快闪暴走族
Ion Storm (Wirtsch) [li2 zi3 feng1 bao4] 离子风暴
jähzornig, hitzig (Adj) [bao4 zao4] 暴躁
Jugendgewalt [shao4 nian2 bao4 li4] 少年暴力
Krawalle [bao4 luan4 bao4 dong4] 暴乱暴动
Kurseinbruch ( Devisenkurs, Sortenkurs ) (S, Wirtsch) [hui4 jia4 bao4 die2] 汇价暴跌
Orkan (S, Met)tropische Wirbelstürme (S, Met) [re4 dai4 xing4 feng1 bao4] 热带性风暴
plötzlicher Reichtum (Adj) [bao4 fu4] 暴富
Pöbel (S) [bao4 min2] 暴民
Preissturz (S) [wu4 jia4 bao4 die2] 物价暴跌
Profitmacher (S) [huo4 bao4 li4 zhe3] 获暴利者
Proteststurm (S) [kang4 yi4 feng1 bao4] 抗议风暴
rabiat [xiong1 bao4] 凶暴
Raffke (S) [bao4 fa1 hu4] 暴发户
Rapex (Anti-Vergewaltigungs-Kondom) (S, Med) [fan3 qiang2 bao4 bi4 yun4 tao4] 反強暴避孕套
Rapex (S) [fan3 qiang2 bao4 bao3 xian3 tao4] 反強暴保险套
Raubein (S) [cu1 bao4 de5 ren2] 粗暴的人
reißender Strom [shan1 hong2 bao4 fa1] 山洪暴发
rücksichtslos und tyrannisch (Adj) [bao4 li4] 暴戾
sadistisch (Adj) [bao4 nüe4 kuang4] 暴虐矿
Sandsturm (S) [sha1 bao4] 沙暴
Sandsturm (S) [sha1 chen2 bao4] 沙尘暴
Schneesturm (S) [xue3 bao4] 雪暴
Schneesturm (S, Met) [bao4 xue3] 暴雪
starke Sonneneinstrahlung (S) [bao4 shai4] 暴晒
starker Tropensturm (engl: Severe Tropical Storm, STS) (S, Met) [qiang2 lie4 re4 dai4 feng1 bao4] 強烈熱帶風暴
Sturm (Met) [bao4 feng1] 暴风
Sturm (Met) [feng1 bao4] 风暴
Stürme (S)stürmen (V) [feng1 bao4 kuang2 feng1] 风暴狂风
stürmen (V) [gua1 bao4 feng1] 刮暴风
sturmfest [di3 yu4 feng1 bao4] 抵御风暴
Sturmflut (S, Gesch) [feng1 bao4 chao2] 风暴潮
stürmisch (Adj) [duo1 feng1 bao4] 多风暴
stürmisch (Adj)turbulent (Adj) [you3 bao4 feng1 yu3] 有暴风雨
Sturmschäden (S) [feng1 bao4 sun3 shi1] 风暴损失
Sturmzentrum (S) [feng1 bao4 zhong1 xin1] 风暴中心
Tropensturm (S, Met) [re4 dai4 feng1 bao4] 热带风暴
tyrannosaurus (S) [bao4 long2 huo4 jiao4 wan3 bai2 e4 shi4 kong3 long2] 暴龙或叫晚白垩世恐龙
Tyrannosaurus rex [bao4 long2] 暴龙
Überfallkommando (S)Bereitschaftspolizei (S) [fang2 bao4 jing3 cha2] 防暴警察
umwälzen (V) [yong4 bao4 li4 bian4 ge2] 用暴力变革
unleidlich (Adj) [pi2 qi4 bao4 zao4] 脾气暴躁
Unmäßigkeit (S) [bao4 yin3] 暴饮
Unwetter (S, Met) [bao4 feng1 yu3] 暴风雨
Unwetterwarnung (S) [bao4 feng1 yu3 jing3 bao4] 暴风雨警报
Vorposten der Tyrannei (Pol) [bao4 zheng4 ju4 dian3] 暴政据点
Wasserwerfer (S) [fang2 bao4 shui3 qiang1] 防暴水枪
Windfall profit tax [bao4 li4 shui4] 暴利税
Wirbelsturm (S, Met) [bao4 feng1 zhou4 yu3 ju4] 暴风骤雨飓
Zwang (S) [bao4 li4 xie2 po4] 暴力胁迫

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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violent, brutal, tyrannical
government, political affairs

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

暴' + * * + surname Bao/
暴' + * * + sudden/ violent cruel
暴亂' + 暴乱* * + riot/ rebellion revolt
暴光' + 暴光* * + exposure/
暴利' + 暴利* * + sudden huge profits/
暴利稅' + 暴利税* * + windfall profit tax/
暴力' + 暴力* * + violence/ force violent
暴力法' + 暴力法* * + violent method/ brute force
暴力犯罪' + 暴力犯罪* * + violent crime/
暴動' + 暴动* * + insurrection/ rebellion
暴卒' + 暴卒* * + die of sudden illness/ die suddenly
暴君' + 暴君* * + tyrant/ despot
暴富' + 暴富* * + to get rich quick/
暴徒' + 暴徒* * + bandit/ thug ruffian
暴怒' + 暴怒* * + violent rage/ fury
暴恐' + 暴恐* * + (attributive) terrorist/
暴戾' + 暴戾* * + ruthless/
暴扣' + 暴扣* * + slam dunk (basketball)/
暴政' + 暴政* * + tyranny/ despotic rule
暴斂' + 暴敛* * + to overtax/ to extort
暴斃' + 暴毙* * + to die suddenly/
暴曬' + 暴晒* * + (of the sun) to scorch/ to expose to a scorching sun
暴殄天物' + 暴殄天物* * + to waste natural resources recklessly/ not to know how to use things sparingly
暴民' + 暴民* * + a mob of people/
暴洪' + 暴洪* * + a sudden, violent flood/ flash flood
暴漫' + 暴漫* * + rage comic/
暴漲' + 暴涨* * + to increase sharply/ to rise dramatically
暴烈' + 暴烈* * + violent/ fierce
暴熱' + 暴热* * + to trend/ to get popular quickly a sudden h
暴燥' + 暴燥* * + variant of 暴躁/
暴病' + 暴病* * + sudden /
暴發' + 暴发* * + to break out (of disease etc)/ to suddenly get rich (or prominent)
暴發戶' + 暴发户* * + newly rich/ parvenu upstart
暴虎馮河' + 暴虎冯河* * + lit. fight tiger bare handed and wade rivers (idiom); fig. bull-headed heroism/
暴虐' + 暴虐* * + brutal/ tyrannical
暴行' + 暴行* * + savage act/ outrage atrocity
暴走漫畫' + 暴走漫画* * + rage comic/
暴跌' + 暴跌* * + steep fall (in price)/ slump
暴跳如雷' + 暴跳如雷* * + stamp with fury/ fly into a rage
暴躁' + 暴躁* * + irascible/ irritable violent
暴雨' + 暴雨* * + torrential rain/ rainstorm CL:場|场
暴雪鸌' + 暴雪鹱* * + (Chines /
暴露' + 暴露* * + to expose/ to reveal to lay bar
暴露無遺' + 暴露无遗* * + to lay to come to light/
暴露狂' + 暴露狂* * + exhibitionist/
暴露癖' + 暴露癖* * + exhibitionism/
暴風' + 暴风* * + storm wind/ storm (force 11 wind)
暴風雨' + 暴风雨* * + rainstorm/ storm tempest
暴風雪' + 暴风雪* * + snowstorm/ blizzard CL:場|场
暴風驟雨' + 暴风骤雨* * + violent hurricane/ tempest
暴食' + 暴食* * + to eat too much/ to binge
暴食症' + 暴食症* * + bulimia/
暴飲暴食' + 暴饮暴食* * + to eat and drink unreasonably/
暴龍' + 暴龙* * + Tyrannosaurus spp./ esp. T. rex
暴龍屬' + 暴龙属* * + genus Tyrannosaurus/
暴龍科' + 暴龙科* * + Tyrannosauridae, the dinosaur family containing Tyrannosaurus/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1522 暴雨 +
1653 军队 镇压 暴乱 +
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题 +
3218 警方 暴徒 展开 对峙 +
3395 我们 谴责 家庭 暴力 +
3487 暴风雨 正在 酝酿 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

暴力 폭력. + + 暴露 폭로하다. 드러내다. 표면화하다. + + 风暴 폭풍. 폭풍우. + +

+ + + + + + + +