B Die Nahrungsmittel: Das Gemüse: dicke Bohne + 蚕豆 +
C Die Nahrungsmittel: Die Getreide-und Hülsenpflanzen: Saubohne + 蚕豆 +

Häufigkeit: 0.11

C + * * can2 silkworm Seidenraupe + +

Ackerbohne, Pferdebohne, Saubohne, Favabohne, Dicke Bohne, Puffbohne, Große Bohne, Faberbohne (Vicia faba) [can2 dou4] 蚕豆
Eichenspinner (wilde Seidenraupe) (S, Bio) [shan1 can2] 山蚕
Käfig für zur Katration Verurteilte (S)Zuchtraum für Seidenraupen (S) [can2 shi4] 蚕室
Schreibregel des Querstriches in der Lishu Kalligraphiekeine 2 'Seidenraupenköpfe' anfertigen (Schreibregel des Querstriches in der Lishu Kalligraphie [can2 wu2 er4 she4] 蚕无二设
Seidenfaden (S) [can2 xian4] 蚕线
Seidenfaden (S) [you2 can2 si1 zuo4 di4 xi4 xian4] 由蚕丝做的细线
Seidenraupe, Maulbeerspinner (S) [sang1 can2] 桑蚕
Seidenraupen- und Maulbeerblätterwirtschaft (S, Wirtsch) [can2 sang1 jing1 ji4] 蚕桑经济
Seidenraupen- und Maulbeerblätterzucht, SeidenbauMaulbeerbaum zur Fütterung der Seidenraupen [can2 sang1] 蚕桑
Seidenspinner [can2]
Shi-ji 史記 [can2 shi3] 蚕史
Stück um Stück vom chinesischen Territorium Besitz ergreifen (S) [can2 shi2 zhong1 guo2 ling3 tu3] 蚕食中国领土

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

silk / fine thread / wire / strings

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

蠶' + * * + silkworm/
蠶叢' + 蚕丛* * + Can Cong, legendary creator of silk and sericulture/
蠶子' + 蚕子* * + silkworm eggs/
蠶寶寶' + 蚕宝宝* * + silkworm/
蠶山' + 蚕山* * + silkworm nest (bundle of straw etc provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons)/
蠶沙' + 蚕沙* * + silkworm guano (excrement)/
蠶眠' + 蚕眠* * + hibernation period of silkworms/
蠶眠字' + 蚕眠字* * + handwriting that resembles a hibernating silkworm/
蠶種' + 蚕种* * + silkworm eggs/
蠶箔' + 蚕箔* * + tray of straw for raising silkworms/ fig. sericulture
蠶紙' + 蚕纸* * + paper on which silkworm lays its eggs/
蠶絲' + 蚕丝* * + natural silk (secreted by silkworm)/
蠶繭' + 蚕茧* * + silkworm cocoon/
蠶繭紙' + 蚕茧纸* * + paper made from silkworm cocoons/
蠶菜' + 蚕菜* * + Malabar spinach/ Basella alba
蠶蔟' + 蚕蔟* * + silkworm nest (bundle of straw etc provided for silkworm to spin their cocoons)/
蠶薄' + 蚕薄* * + variant of 蠶箔|蚕箔/
蠶蛹' + 蚕蛹* * + silkwor pupa/
蠶蛾' + 蚕蛾* * + Chinese silkworm moth (Bombyx mori)/
蠶蟻' + 蚕蚁* * + newly hatched silkworm/
蠶豆' + 蚕豆* * + broad bean (Vicia faba)/ fava bean
蠶豆症' + 蚕豆症* * + G6PD deficiency/
蠶農' + 蚕农* * + sericulture/ raising silkworms
蠶食' + 蚕食* * + to nibble away at (as silkworm consume leaves)/ fig. to embezzle progressively

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2394 会吐丝 +
2878 虫吃 桑叶 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


+ + + + + + + +