B Die Umwelt: Die Tiere: Igel + 刺猬 +
B Die Gesundheit: die Verletzung: Splitter + 刺伤 +
B Die Freizeit: Das Kunsthandwerk: Stickerei + 刺绣 +

Häufigkeit: 13.13

B + * * ci4 stab 1.stechen, 2.morden, meucheln 4. reizen, irritieren 5. kritisieren + +
C 刺激 + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + +
C 諷刺 + * * feng3ci4 satirize/ ridicule/ mock Satire + +
D + * * ci4 thorn/ sting 1. Dorn, Stachel + +

讽刺* 5 feng3 ci4 to satirize/ to mock/ irony/ satire/ sarcasm
刺激* 5 ci4 ji1 to provoke/ to irritate/ to upset/ to stimulate/ to excite/ irritant
* 6 ci4 thorn/ splinter/ to stab/ to pierce/ to prick

Mordanschlag, Attentat (S) [xing2 ci4 yin1 mou2] 行刺阴谋
Afrikanischer Zwergigel, Weißbachigel (lat: Atelerix albiventris) (S, Bio) [si4 zhi3 ci4 wei4] 四趾刺猬
Akne (Org) [fen3 ci4] 粉刺
Akupunktur (S, Med)aufnadeln ( Druckw ) (V, Tech) [zhen1 ci4] 针刺
Akupunktur, Nadeltherapie (S, Med) [zhen1 ci4 liao2 fa3] 针刺疗法
Akupunkturanästhesie (S) [zhen1 ci4 ma2 zui4] 针刺麻醉
Algerischer Igel, Nordafrikanischer Igel (lat: Atelerix algirus) (S, Bio) [bei3 fei1 ci4 wei4] 北非刺猬
Amniozentese (Med)Fruchtwasseruntersuchung (S, Med) [yang2 mo2 chuan1 ci4 shu4] 羊膜穿刺术
Anschlagserie (S)Anschlagsserie (S, Rechtsw) [xi4 lie4 ci4 sha1 an4] 系列刺杀案
anspritzen, bespritzen [bo1 ci1] 拨刺
Antritt (S) [tu1 ran2 chong1 ci4] 突然冲刺
Attentat auf John F. Kennedy (Gesch) [ken3 ni2 di2 yu4 ci4] 肯尼迪遇刺
Attentäterin (S) [nü3 ci4 ke4] 女刺客
aufreizen (V)aufreizend (Adj)pikant (Adj) [you3 ci4 ji1 xing4] 有刺激性
Bajonettangriff (S) [pin1 ci4 dao1] 拼刺刀
Baluhuci (Eig, Fam) [ba1 lu3 hu1 ci4] 八鲁忽刺
bemängeln (V)nörgeln (V) [tiao3 ci4] 挑刺
Berührungsreiz [chu4 jue2 ci4 ji1] 触觉刺激
besuchen (V)seine Karte überreichen [tou2 ci4] 投刺
Blauhäher (S) [sheng1 yin1 ci4 er3] 声音刺耳
Braunbrustigel, Braunbrust-Igel (lat: Erinaceus europaeus) (S, Bio) [xi1 ou1 ci4 wei4] 西欧刺猬
Chahanzhaci'er (Eig, Fam) [cha2 han3 zha2 ci4 er2] 察罕札刺儿
Chinesischer Igel (lat: Erinaceus amurensis) (S, Bio) [hei1 long2 jiang1 ci4 wei4] 黑龙江刺猬
Dolchstoßlegende (S, Pol) [dao1 ci4 zai4 bei4 chuan2 shuo1] 刀刺在背传说
dornig (Adj) [duo1 ci4] 多刺
Dornwarze (S) [rou4 ci4] 肉刺
Drei-Linien-Grätenfleisch [san1 wen2 yu2 ci4 shen1] 三纹鱼刺身
Endspurt (S) [zui4 hou4 chong1 ci4] 最后冲刺
entgraten (V) [qing1 chu2 mao2 ci4] 清除毛刺
entgraten (V) [qu4 mao2 ci4] 去毛刺
Epigramm (S) [feng4 ci4 duan3 shi1] 讽刺短诗
erdolchen (V) [yong4 bi3 shou3 ci4] 用匕首刺
erregen (V) [you3 ci4 ji1 zuo4 yong4] 有刺激作用
fleißig und ausdauernd lernen (V, Sprichw)sehr entschlossen sein [xuan2 liang2 ci4 gu3] 悬梁刺股
Fruchtwasseruntersuchung (S, Med) [yang2 shui3 chuan1 ci4] 羊水穿刺
Gegenhaltenadel (S) [dui4 ci4 zhen1] 对刺针
Gegenschlag (S) [fan3 ci4] 反刺
Gegenschlag (S) [min3 jie2 de5 hai2 ci4] 敏捷地还刺
Gegenschlag (S) [xun4 su4 hai2 ci4] 迅速还刺
Grat (Geo) [ke4 ci4] 刻刺
Grat (S, Tech)kleiner Dorn, kleiner Stachel (S, Bio) [xiao3 ci4] 小刺
Grat (S, Tech)winziger Dorn, winziger Stachel (S, Bio) [mao2 ci4] 毛刺
Gräte, Fischgräte (S) [yu2 ci4] 鱼刺
Hacijidadai (Eig, Fam) [ha1 ci4 ji2 da2 dai3] 哈刺吉答歹
häkeln (V) [qian2 ci4] 前刺
Investitionsanreiz (S) [tou2 zi1 ci4 ji1] 投资刺激
Ironie (S)Satire (S)Hohn (V)spötten, verhöhnen (V) [feng4 ci4] 讽刺
ironisch, satirisch (Adj) [feng4 ci4 de5] 讽刺的
Kapigel, Kap-Igel (lat: Atelerix frontalis) (S, Bio) [nan2 fei1 ci4 wei4] 南非刺猬
Karikatur (S) [feng3 ci4 man4 hua4] 讽刺漫画
Karikatur (S, Kunst) [feng4 ci4 hua4] 讽刺画
Karikaturist, Karikaturenzeichner (S) [feng4 ci4 zhe3] 讽刺者
Knochensporn, Knochenauswuchs, Osteophyt (S, Med) [gu3 ci4] 骨刺
Konjunkturpaket (S, Wirtsch)Konjunkturprogramm (S, Wirtsch) [jing1 ji4 ci4 ji1 fang1 an4] 经济刺激方案
Konjunkturpaket (S, Wirtsch)Konjunkturprogramm (S, Wirtsch) [jing1 ji4 ci4 ji1 ji4 hua4] 经济刺激计划
Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen [jian1 bing4 jian1 di4 chong1 ci4] 肩并肩地冲刺
Krimi (S) [jing1 xian3 ci4 ji1 du2 wu4] 惊险刺激读物
Messerstich (S) [dao1 ci4] 刀刺
Nadeltherapie (S) [zhen1 ci4 liao2 fa3] 真刺疗法
Paletten-Doktorfisch [ni3 ci4 wei3 diao1] 拟刺尾鲷
parodieren (V) [feng4 ci4 de5 mo2 fang3] 讽刺地模仿
reizbar (Adj) [yi4 shou4 ci4 ji1] 易受刺激
Reizbarkeit (S) [gan3 shou4 ci4 ji1 xing4] 感受刺激性
San Antonio Spurs [sheng4 an1 dong1 ni2 ao4 ma3 ci4] 圣安东尼奥马刺
San Antonio Spurs [sheng4 an1 dong1 ni2 ao4 ma3 ci4 dui4] 圣安东尼奥马刺队
sarkastisch (Adj) [dai4 ci4] 带刺
Satire (S)Schmähschrift (S) [feng4 ci4 wen2] 讽刺文
Satiriker (S) [feng4 ci4 jia1] 讽刺家
Satiriker (S) [feng4 ci4 shi1 zuo2 zhe3] 讽刺诗作者
Schlüsselreiz [yao4 shi5 ci4 ji1] 钥匙刺激
schrill und ohrenbetäubend [jian1 rui4 ci4 er3] 尖锐刺耳
Sexuelle Erregung (S) [xing4 ci4 ji1] 性刺激
Somalischer Igel (lat: Atelerix sclateri) (S, Bio) [suo3 ma3 li4 ya4 ci4 wei4] 索马利亚刺猬
Sporn ( Reitsport ) (S, Sport) [ma3 ci4] 马刺
Tottenham Hotspur (Sport) [tuo1 te4 na4 mu3 re4 ci4 zu2 qiu2 ju4 le4 bu4] 托特纳姆热刺足球俱乐部
unbewaffnet [wu2 ci4] 无刺
verhöhnen [ji1 ci4] 讥刺
verspotten (V) [feng3 ci4] 讽刺
von einem Attentat betroffen sein, Opfer eines Anschlags werden (V) [yu4 ci4] 遇刺
Wachstumsstimulator (S) [sheng1 cheng2 ci4 ji1 ji4] 生成刺激剂
Weißbrustigel, Weißbrust-Igel (lat: Erinaceus concolor) (S, Bio) [dong1 ou1 ci4 wei4] 东欧刺猬
wie auf heißen Nadeln sitzen (Sprichw) [mang2 ci4 zai4 bei4] 芒刺在背
Wollkrabben (Pilumnidae) (S) [mao2 ci4 xie4 ke1] 毛刺蟹科
Yekemoheci (Eig, Fam) [ye3 ke3 mo3 he2 ci4] 也可抹合刺
Zhaoci (Eig, Fam) [zhao1 ci4] 昭刺

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
穿* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

stab / prick, irritate / prod
needle / pin / tack / acupuncture

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

刺' + * * + (onom.) whoosh/
刺' + * * + thorn/ sting thrust
刺中' + 刺中* * + to hit with a piercing blow/
刺五加' + 刺五加* * + manyprickle (Acanthopanax senticosus), root used in TCM/
刺傷' + 刺伤* * + to stab/
刺兒' + 刺儿* * + a thorn/ fig. to ridicule sb fig. sth w
刺兒李' + 刺儿李* * + gooseberry/
刺兒話' + 刺儿话* * + biting words/ stinging words
刺兒頭' + 刺儿头* * + an awkward person/ a difficult person to deal with
刺刀' + 刺刀* * + bayonet/
刺刺不休' + 刺刺不休* * + to talk incessantly/ to chatter on and on
刺史' + 刺史* * + provincial governor (old)/
刺字' + 刺字* * + to tattoo/
刺客' + 刺客* * + assassin/ murderer
刺戟' + 刺戟* * + variant of 刺激/
刺戳' + 刺戳* * + to punc to pierce/
刺探' + 刺探* * + to pry into/ to spy on to probe i
刺柏' + 刺柏* * + Chinese juniper/
刺桐' + 刺桐* * + Indian coral tree/ sunshine tree tiger's cl
刺槐' + 刺槐* * + false acacia/ Robinia pseudoacacia
刺死' + 刺死* * + to stab to death/
刺殺' + 刺杀* * + to assassinate/ (military) to fight with a bayonet (baseball)
刺激' + 刺激* * + to provoke/ to irritate to upset
刺激劑' + 刺激剂* * + irritant agent/
刺激性' + 刺激性* * + thrilling/ exciting stimulatin
刺激物' + 刺激物* * + stimulus/
刺激素' + 刺激素* * + growth hormone/
刺痛' + 刺痛* * + stab of pain/ sting fig. stimu
刺目' + 刺目* * + gaudy/ glaring unpleasant
刺眼' + 刺眼* * + to dazzle/ to offend the eyes dazzling
刺破' + 刺破* * + to puncture/ to pierce
刺穿' + 刺穿* * + to skewer/ to impale to pierce
刺絲囊' + 刺丝囊* * + nematocyst/ capsule of nettle cells of medusa or anemone
刺絲胞' + 刺丝胞* * + cnidocyte/ nettle cell of medusa or anemone
刺絲胞動物' + 刺丝胞动物* * + Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/
刺繡' + 刺绣* * + to embroider/ embroidery
刺繡品' + 刺绣品* * + embroidery/
刺耳' + 刺耳* * + ear-piercing/
刺胞' + 刺胞* * + cnidocyte/ nettle cell of medusa
刺胞動物' + 刺胞动物* * + Cnidaria (animal phylum including jellyfish and sessile polyps)/
刺芹菇' + 刺芹菇* * + king trumpet mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)/
刺莧' + 刺苋* * + prickly amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus)/
刺蝟' + 刺猬* * + hedgehog/
刺身' + 刺身* * + sashimi/
刺鋼絲' + 刺钢丝* * + barbed wire/
刺青' + 刺青* * + tattoo/
刺骨' + 刺骨* * + piercing/ cutting bone-chill

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1772 玫瑰 +
1773 足球 比赛 刺激 +
2300 玫瑰花 扎手 +
2518 他们 正在 互相 讽刺 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
刺激 자극하다. 고무하다. 북돋우다. 흥분시키다. + + 讽刺 (비유·과장 등의 수법으로) 풍자하다. + + (뾰족한 물건으로) 찌르다. 뚫다. + +

+ + + + + + + +