A Das Haus: Das Esszimmer: essen + +
B Auswärts essen: Die Bar: Knabberei + 酒吧小吃 +
C Der Verkehr: Das Schiff: Höchstlademarke + 吃水线 +
C Auswärts essen: Das Restaurant: Kaffeelöffel + 咖啡吃 +

Häufigkeit: 82.57

A 好吃 + * * hao3chi1 delicious/ tasty/ good to eat lecker + +
A + * * chi1 eat/ live on/ annihilate 1. essen, verzehren 2. speisen, eine Mahlzeit einnehmen 3. seinen Lebensunterhalt bestreiten 4. bekommen, erhalten, kriegen 5.mit etw viel Mühe haben 6. vernichten, tilgen 7. aufsaugen, absorbieren + +
B 吃驚 + * * chi1 jing1 be startled/ be shocked erschrecken, erstaunt sein, erschüttert sein + +
C 吃苦 + * * chi1 ku3 bear hardships/ suffer Not leiden, Schweres ertragen + +
C 吃虧 + * * chi1 kui1 suffer losses/ be in an unfavorable situation Schaden erleiden, zum Nachteil gereichen, benachteiligt + +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + +
D 沒吃沒穿 + 穿* * mei2 chi1 mei2 chuan1 have no food and clothes nichts zu essen, keine Kleidung + +

* 1 chi1 to eat/ to have one's meal/ to eradicate/ to destroy/ to absorb/ to suffer/ to exhaust
好吃* 2 hao3 chi1 tasty/ delicious
吃惊* 4 chi1 jing1 to be startled/ to be shocked/ to be amazed
小吃* 5 xiao3 chi1 snack/ refreshments/ CL:家[jia1]
吃亏* 5 chi1 kui1 to suffer losses/ to come to grief/ to lose out/ to get the worst of it/ to be at a disadvantage/ unfortunately
吃苦* 6 chi1 ku3 to bear/ hardships
吃力* 6 chi1 li4 entail strenuous effort/ be a strain

'All you can eat' [chi1 dao4 bao3] 吃到饱
Beilage (S)Imbiss (S) [xiao3 chi1] 小吃
belastbar (Adj) [neng2 chi1 ku3 nai4 lao2] 能吃苦耐劳
belastungsfähig (Adj) [neng2 chi1 ku3] 能吃苦
Berühr es nicht! (V) [bu5 jiao5 dun5] 没管吃
Bohnenkraut (S) [wei4 xiang1 hao3 chi1] 味香好吃
chinesisches Essen auf europäische Art servieren (V) [zhong1 can1 xi1 chi1] 中餐西吃
Deficit spending [yin2 chi1 mao3 liang2] 寅吃卯粮
Dessert (S) [can1 hou4 xiao3 chi1] 餐后小吃
durch nichts weichzukriegen (Sprichw) [ruan3 ying4 bu4 chi1] 软硬不吃
eifersüchtig sein (V) [chi1 cu4] 吃醋
eintauchen, Einschnitt (V, Tech) [chi1 dao1] 吃刀
Ellenbogengebrauch (dog-eat-dog) (S, Werk, Autor: Shanghai Daily) [hei1 chi1 hei1] 黑吃黑
erschrecken (V) [ling4 ren2 chi1 jing1 di2] 令人吃惊的
erstaunen (V)befremdlich (Adj)verwunderlich (Adj) [ling4 ren2 chi1 jing1] 令人吃惊
Es sägt niemand gern den Ast ab, auf dem er sitzt. [tu4 zi5 bu4 chi1 wo1 bian1 cao3] 兔子不吃窝边草
essbar [ke3 chi1] 可吃
essbar [ke3 yi3 chi1] 可以吃
essen (V) [chi1]
Essen gehen [qu4 chi1 fan4] 去吃饭
Essen sie langsam ! (Int, Ess)Guten Appetit ! (Int, Ess) [man4 man4 chi1] 慢慢吃
essen, solange das Essen noch warm ist (S) [chen4 re4 chi1] 趁熱吃
etw. geniessen, sich etw. schmecken lassen (V) [man2 chi1] 馒吃
Etwas schlechtreden, weil man es selber nicht erreichen kann (Adj) [chi1 bu5 dao4 pu2 tao2 shuo1 pu2 tao2 suan1] 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸
Fahrgasteinrichtung (S) [cheng2 ke4 chi1 zhu4 an1 pai2] 乘客吃住安排
garstig (Adj) [nan2 chi1] 难吃
Gekicher (S)kichern (V) [chi1 chi1 xiao4] 吃吃笑
greif zu! (Ess) [zai4 chi1 yi4 dian5] 再吃一点
grosser Esser (V) [zhen1 neng2 chi1] 真能吃
gut schmecken; köstlich, lecker (V) [hao4 chi1] 好吃
Guten Appetit ! (Int) [qing3 duo1 chi1 a5] 请多吃啊
Guten Appetit! (sagt man zu mitessenden Personen) [kai1 chi1 ba1] 开吃吧
Hallo! Wie geht es Dir? ('Hast Du schon gegessen', Gruß in Taiwan) (Int) [ni3 chi1 bao3 le5 ma5] 你吃饱了吗
Hast Du schon gegessen? [ni3 chi1 liao3 ma5] 你吃了吗
Imbissbude, Imbissstube (S)Pausenraum (S) [xiao3 chi1 dian4] 小吃店
Iss etwas mehr! [duo1 chi1 yi1 dian3] 多吃一点
jemandem einen Korb geben [qing3 ta1 chi1 ning2 meng2] 请他吃柠檬
Königsweg, Wunderwaffe (Eig, Werk) [tong1 chi1] 通吃
nach schwierigkeiten suchen (V) [zi4 tao3 ku3 chi1] 自讨苦吃
naschen (V) [tou1 tou1 di4 chi1] 偷偷地吃
naschen, heimlich essen (V) [tou1 chi1] 偷吃
roh essen [sheng1 chi1] 生吃
roher Fisch auf zweierlei Art [sheng1 yu2 er4 chi1] 生鱼二吃
Schlange dreifach [yi1 she2 san1 chi1] 一蛇三吃
Schmankerl (S) [hao3 chi1 de5 dong1 xi5] 好吃的东西
schockiert sein (V) [da3 chi1 yi1 jing1] 打吃一惊
sehr sparsam leben [sheng3 chi1 jian3 yong4] 省吃简用
sehr sparsam leben (V) [sheng3 chi1 jian3 yong4] 省吃俭用
sehr überrascht sein [da4 chi1 yi1 jing1] 大吃一惊
sich das Essen nicht leisten können (V)sich die Mahlzeit nicht leisten können (V) [chi1 bu5 qi3] 吃不起
sich freihalten lassen (V) [bai2 chi1] 白吃
sich satt essen (V)satt (Adj)Bin satt ! (Int) [chi1 bao3] 吃饱
stottern (V, Psych) [kou3 chi1] 口吃
Straßenessensstand (S) [xiao3 chi1 tan1] 小吃摊
überraschen [shi3 chi1 jing1] 使吃惊
unschmackhaft [bu4 hao3 chi1] 不好吃
verschlingen (V) [tun1 chi1] 吞吃
verschlingen, hinunterschlingen [da4 chi1] 大吃
voll fressen (V)vollfressen (V)unersättlich (Adj)verfressen (Adj) [tan1 chi1] 贪吃
weiden (V) [chi1 cao3] 吃草
zögern (V) [kou3 ji2 de5] 口吃地
zu seinem Wort stehen [hao3 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3] 好马不吃回头草

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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eat / drink / suffer, endure, bear
vegetarian diet / study

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

吃' + * * + to eat/ to consume to eat at
吃一塹,長一智' + 吃一堑,长一智* * + Fall in /
吃不上' + 吃不上* * + unable to get anything to eat/ to miss a meal
吃不下' + 吃不下* * + not feel like eating/ be unable to eat any more
吃不了兜著走' + 吃不了兜着走* * + lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom)/ fig. you'll have to take the consequences
吃不住' + 吃不住* * + to be unable to bear or support/
吃不來' + 吃不来* * + not be fond of certain food/
吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸' + 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸* * + sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop)/ lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them
吃不服' + 吃不服* * + not be accustomed to eating sth/ not be used to certain food
吃不消' + 吃不消* * + to be unable to tolerate or endure/ to find sth difficult to manage
吃不開' + 吃不开* * + be unpopular/ won't work
吃乾飯' + 吃干饭* * + (coll.) to be incompetent/ useless good-for-n
吃了定心丸' + 吃了定心丸* * + to feel reassured/
吃人' + 吃人* * + exploitative/ oppressive
吃人不吐骨頭' + 吃人不吐骨头* * + ruthless/ vicious and greedy
吃人家的嘴軟,拿人家的手短' + 吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短* * + lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doe/ fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
吃刀' + 吃刀* * + penetration of a cutting tool/
吃到飽' + 吃到饱* * + all-you-can-eat (buffet) (Tw)/
吃力' + 吃力* * + to entail strenuous effort/ to toil at a task strenuous
吃力不討好' + 吃力不讨好* * + arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuous and unrewarding/
吃味' + 吃味* * + to be jealous/ to envy
吃啞巴虧' + 吃哑巴亏* * + to be forced to suffer in silence/ unable to speak of one's bitter suffering
吃喝' + 吃喝* * + to eat and drink/ food and drink
吃喝嫖賭' + 吃喝嫖赌* * + to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling/ to lead a life of dissipation
吃喝拉撒睡' + 吃喝拉撒睡* * + to eat, drink, shit, piss, and sleep/ (fig.) the ordinary daily routine
吃喝玩樂' + 吃喝玩乐* * + to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/ to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure
吃壞' + 吃坏* * + to get sick because of bad food/
吃大戶' + 吃大户* * + mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before liberation/
吃大虧' + 吃大亏* * + to cost one dearly/ to end disastrously to pay bit
吃奶' + 吃奶* * + to suck the breast (for milk)/
吃奶之力' + 吃奶之力* * + all one's strength/
吃奶的力氣' + 吃奶的力气* * + all one's strength/
吃奶的氣力' + 吃奶的气力* * + utmost effort/
吃完' + 吃完* * + to finish eating/
吃官司' + 吃官司* * + to face legal action/ to get sued
吃布' + 吃布* * + to catch on cloth (e.g. of a zip fastener)/
吃後悔藥' + 吃后悔药* * + (fig.) to regret (doing sth)/
吃得住' + 吃得住* * + to be able to bear/ to be able to support
吃得消' + 吃得消* * + to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc)/ to be able to afford
吃得苦中苦,方為人上人' + 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人* * + one cannot achieve glory and wealth without having been through trials and tribula/ no pain, no gain
吃得開' + 吃得开* * + to be popular/ to be getting on well much in de
吃拿卡要' + 吃拿卡要* * + dinner invitations, grabbing, obstructing and demanding bribes/ all kinds of abuse of power
吃掉' + 吃掉* * + to eat up/ to consume
吃槍藥' + 吃枪药* * + (lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder/ (fig.) to be ablaze with anger ornery
吃水' + 吃水* * + drinking water/ to obtain water (for daily needs) to absorb
吃水不忘挖井人' + 吃水不忘挖井人* * + see 吃水不忘掘井人/
吃水不忘掘井人' + 吃水不忘掘井人* * + Drinkin /
吃油' + 吃油* * + (of food) to absorb oil/ (of a vehicle) to guzzle fuel
吃法' + 吃法* * + way of eating/ how something is eaten how a dish
吃熊心豹子膽' + 吃熊心豹子胆* * + to eat bear heart and leopard gall (idiom)/ to pluck up some courage
吃牢飯' + 吃牢饭* * + to do prison time (Tw)/
吃白食' + 吃白食* * + to eat without paying/ to freeload
吃皇糧' + 吃皇粮* * + lit. to eat from government coffers/ to serve as a government employee to live of
吃相' + 吃相* * + table manners/
吃空額' + 吃空额* * + to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/
吃空餉' + 吃空饷* * + to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/
吃穿' + 吃穿* * + food and clothing/
吃糧不管事' + 吃粮不管事* * + to eat without working (idiom)/ to take one's pay and not care about the rest
吃素' + 吃素* * + to be a vegetarian/
吃緊' + 吃紧* * + in short supply/ dire tense
吃苦' + 吃苦* * + to bear hardships/
吃苦耐勞' + 吃苦耐劳* * + hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)/
吃苦頭' + 吃苦头* * + to suffer/ to suffer for one's actions to pay dea
吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡' + 吃着碗里,看着锅里* * + lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom)/ not content with what one already has (of men, t
吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡' + 吃着碗里,瞧着锅里* * + see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里/
吃藥' + 吃药* * + to take /
吃虧' + 吃亏* * + to suffer losses/ to come to grief to lose ou
吃虧上當' + 吃亏上当* * + to be taken advantage of/
吃螺絲' + 吃螺丝* * + (of an actor, announcer etc) to stumble over words (Tw)/
吃裡爬外' + 吃里爬外* * + to work against the interests of sb one derives support from/ to double-cross one's employer to bite th
吃角子老虎' + 吃角子老虎* * + slot machine/
吃請' + 吃请* * + to be a guest at a dinner party/ to be wined and dined (as a bribe)
吃豆人' + 吃豆人* * + Pac-Man (computer game)/
吃豆腐' + 吃豆腐* * + to eat tofu/ to flirt to tease
吃豆豆' + 吃豆豆* * + see 吃豆人/
吃貨' + 吃货* * + chowhou foodie/ a good-for-nothing
吃軟不吃硬' + 吃软不吃硬* * + lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food (idiom)/ amenable to coaxing but not coercion
吃軟飯' + 吃软饭* * + to live off a woman/
吃醋' + 吃醋* * + to feel jealous/
吃錯藥' + 吃错药* * + (lit.) to have taken the wrong medicine/ (fig.) (of one's behavior etc) different than usual abnormal
吃閉門羹' + 吃闭门羹* * + to be refused entrance (idiom)/ to find the door closed
吃閒飯' + 吃闲饭* * + to live as a parasite/ doing nothing to earn one's keep
吃霸王餐' + 吃霸王餐* * + to dine and dash/ to leave without paying
吃食' + 吃食* * + to eat (of bird or animal)/ to feed
吃食' + 吃食* * + food/ edibles
吃飯' + 吃饭* * + to have a meal/ to eat to make a
吃飽' + 吃饱* * + to eat one's fill/
吃飽了飯撐的' + 吃饱了饭撑的* * + having nothing better to do/ see 吃飽撐著|吃饱撑着
吃飽撐著' + 吃饱撑着* * + having nothing better to do/
吃館子' + 吃馆子* * + to eat out/ to eat at a restaurant
吃香' + 吃香* * + very popular/
吃香喝辣' + 吃香喝辣* * + lit. to eat delicious food and drink hard liquor (idiom)/ fig. to live well
吃驚' + 吃惊* * + to be startled/ to be shocked to be amaz
吃齋' + 吃斋* * + to abstain from eating meat/ to be a vegetarian
喫' + * * + variant of 吃/

eat essen กิน manger comer mangiare syödä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


8 西瓜 好吃 +
25 筷子 寿司 +
30 孩子们 +
51 什么 +
64 大家 午饭 +
100 喜欢 饺子 +
129 我们 冰淇淋 +
171 面包 一半 +
211 吃饭 洗手 +
296 早餐 +
299 我们 晚餐 +
372 喜欢 义大利面 +
412 并不 喜欢 汉堡 +
430 蛋糕 好吃 +
454 午餐 吃光 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
624 喜欢 米饭 +
637 已经 +
688 喜欢 +
1076 妈妈 准许 他们 冰淇淋 +
1092 中国人 普遍 包子 +
1132 丰盛 早餐 +
1521 喜欢 骨头 +
1534 如果 不要 勉强 +
1548 喜欢 吃素 +
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 +
1599 喜欢 冰淇淋 +
1603 喜欢 炸鸡 +
1604 早餐 喜欢 麦片 +
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司 +
1674 喜欢 吃豆腐 +
1703 早餐 +
1738 杏仁 +
1744 中国人 过年 饺子 风俗 +
1830 吃饱 +
1881 纵容 自己 甜食 +
1921 喜欢 麻婆豆腐 +
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 +
1954 土豆 +
2040 +
2073 儿子 喜欢 油炸 食品 +
2084 女儿 最爱 糖果 +
2099 熊猫 喜欢 竹子 +
2101 桃核 不能 +
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 +
2164 津津有味 +
2182 喜欢 罐头 食品 +
2294 宝宝 稀饭 +
2350 孩子们 西瓜 +
2401 草地 吃草 +
2416 正在 饼干 +
2427 +
2496 中国菜 趁热 +
2513 要是 不要 勉强 +
2525 蔬菜 +
2569 老鼠 偷吃 面包 +
2656 贪吃 +
2741 讨厌 菜花 +
2790 喜欢 果酱 +
2821 苹果 +
2878 虫吃 桑叶 +
2890 身体 有益 +
2912 医生 叮嘱 病人 按时 +
3031 葡萄 +
3043 吃饭 +
3069 猪肝 +
3104 +
3142 乳酪 好吃 +
3151 喜欢 蛋糕 +
3249 吃粥 +
3278 喜欢 大蒜 +
3329 中国 腊肠 +
3349 每天 马铃薯 +
3370 筷子 吃饭 +
3393 药丸 +
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 +
3474 喜欢 +
3481 贪婪 着意粉 +
3531 螃蟹 +
3533 猩猩 树叶 +
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 +
3576 爸爸 单位 食堂 肉包子 好吃 +
3756 口味 羊肉 莫若 烤鸭 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

먹다. 마시다. 빨다. 피우다. + + 好吃 맛있다. 맛나다. + + 吃惊 놀라다. + + 吃亏 손해를 보다. 손실을 입다. + + 小吃 간단한 음식. 가벼운 식사. 양이 적고 값싼 요리. + + 吃苦 고생하다. 고통을 맛보다〔당하다〕. + + 吃力 힘들다. 고달프다. + +

+ + + + + + + +