A Das Haus: Der Garten: Schlick + 淤泥 +
A Die Arbeit: Der Bau: Zement + 水泥 +
B Die Arbeit: Der Bau: Betonmischmaschine + 水泥搅拌机 +
C Das Haus: Die Küchengeräte: Kartoffelstampfer + 捣泥器 +
C Der Verkehr: Das Motorrad: Schutzblech + 挡泥板 +

Häufigkeit: 5.72

B + * * ni2 mud 1. Schlamm 2. schlammartige oder breiartige Masse + +
B 水泥 + * * shui3ni2 cement Zement + +
C 泥土 + * * ni2tu3 mud/ earth/ dirt/ soil Erde, Lehm,Tonerde + +

水泥* 6 shui3 ni2 cement/ CL:袋[dai4]

abgestreifte Haut (S)Schlammgrube, Schlammloch, Morast (S) [ni2 keng1] 泥坑
Abschlämmen (S) [qing1 chu2 ni2 zha1] 清除泥渣
Asbestzement (S) [shi2 mian2 shui3 ni2] 石棉水泥
Auberginenmus mit Knoblauch (S) [suan4 rong2 qie2 ni2] 蒜茸茄泥
Bagger (S) [wa1 ni2 ji1] 挖泥机
Baggerpumpe (S) [ni2 jiang1 beng4] 泥浆泵
beflecken, beschmutzenErde (S)erdig (Adj) [ni2 tu3] 泥土
Betonpfeiler [shui3 ni2 zhu4 zi5] 水泥柱子
Bindemittel (S) [shui3 ni2 jiao1] 水泥胶
Buchmalerei (S) [ni2 jin1 zhuang1 shi4 shou3 chao1 ben3] 泥金装饰手抄本
Buchstabenglaube (S) [ju1 ni2 yu2 zi4 ju4] 拘泥于字句
Dattelmarmelade (S) [zao3 ni2] 枣泥
Devon (S, Geol)devonisch (Adj) [ni2 pen2 ji4] 泥盆纪
Drehofen, Drehrohrofen (S) [hui2 zhuan3 shui3 ni2 yao2] 回转水泥窑
ein ewig Gestriger seinhartnäckig an Altem festhalten [ni4 gu3 bu4 hua4] 泥古不化
Entschlammung (S) [tuo1 ni2] 脱泥
enzymatisch stabilisierte Schlammbildung (S, Chem) [mei2 cui1 hua4 wen3 ding4 wu1 ni2 fa3] 酶催化稳定污泥法
Erdfließen [ni2 liu2] 泥流
Erdrutsch (S, Geol) [shan1 ni2 qing1 xie4] 山泥倾泻
feinkörniger Erzschlamm (Fam) [xi4 li4 kuang4 ni2] 细粒矿泥
Formalist (S) [ju1 ni2 xing2 shi4 de5 ren2] 拘泥形式的人
formell (Adj) [ju1 ni2 xing2 shi4 de5] 拘泥形式地
förmlich (Adj) [ju1 ni2 xing2 shi4] 拘泥形式
für immer verschwinden (V)auf Nimmerwiedersehen verschwinden (Sprichw) [ni2 niu2 ru4 hai3] 泥牛入海
Futterbrei (S)Lehm, Ton (S)Pasta (S)Paste (S)Schlamm (S)einstampfen, entfleischen (V)Ni (Eig, Fam) [ni2]
Galvanikschlamm (S, Chem) [dian4 du4 ni2 jiang1] 电镀泥浆
Genarbte Archenmuschel (lat: Arca granosa) (S, Bio) [ni2 han1] 泥蚶
gipsen (V) [tu2 yi3 gao1 ni2] 涂以膏泥
Haarspalterei (S) [ju1 ni2 yu2 xi4 jie2] 拘泥于细节
hielt zurück, zurückgehalten [ni4]
Hochofenzement (S) [kuang4 zha1 shui3 ni2] 矿渣水泥
Kartoffelpüree (S) [ma3 ling2 shu3 ni2] 马铃薯泥
Kartoffelpüree (S) [shu3 ni2] 薯泥
Kitt, Laute (S) [ni2 feng1] 泥封
kitten (V)zementieren (V) [guan4 shui3 ni2] 灌水泥
Koloß auf tönernen Füßen [ni2 zu2 ju4 ren2] 泥足巨人
Kotflügel (S) [dang3 ni2 ban3] 挡泥板
Marzipan, Marzipanmasse, Marzipanrohmasse (S) [xing4 ren2 ni2] 杏仁泥
Matsch (S) [ni2 ba5] 泥巴
Maurer (S) [ni2 gong1] 泥工
Maurer (S) [ni2 wa3 jiang4] 泥瓦匠
Maurer, Maurermeister (S) [ni2 shui3 jiang4] 泥水匠
Maurermeister (S) [ni2 wa3 gong1] 泥瓦工
Mergel (S) [ni2 hui1] 泥灰
Mergel (S) [ni2 hui1 tu3] 泥灰土
Mergel (S) [ni2 hui1 yan2] 泥灰岩
Mist ! [wai1 ni2] 崴泥
Moor (S) [ni2 zhao3 de5] 泥沼地
Morast (S) [ni2 tan2] 泥潭
Mure (S)Murenabgang (S)Schlammlawine (S) [ni2 shi2 liu2] 泥石流
Ölschlamm (S) [you2 ni2] 油泥
Ostasiatischer Schlammpeitzger [ni2 qiu5] 泥鳅
Pasta (S)Paste (S) [mo2 xing2 yong4 ni2] 模型用泥
Pedant (S) [ju1 ni2 xi4 jie2 de5 ren2] 拘泥细节的人
Pestokartoffelkruste [xiang1 suan4 jiang4 kao3 tu3 dou4 ni2] 香蒜酱烤土豆泥
Pfütze (S) [he2 ni2 jiang1] 和泥浆
Portlandzement ( Zement ) (S) [bo1 te4 lan2 shui3 ni2] 波特兰水泥
Portlandzement ( Zement ) (S) [gui1 suan1 yan2 shui3 ni2] 硅酸盐水泥
Putz ( Baustoffe ) (S) [hui1 ni2] 灰泥
Schlamm (S) [lan4 ni2] 烂泥
Schlamm (S) [ni2 jiang1] 泥浆
Schlamm (S) [ni2 nao4] 泥淖
Schlamm und Sand (S)Treibsand (S) [ni2 sha1] 泥沙
Schlamm, Schnee [nin2 ng5] 泥泞
Schlamm; Schlick [yu1 ni2] 淤泥
Schlammbad (S) [ni2 yu4] 泥浴
Schlammfisch im Tontopf [sha1 guo1 ni2 qiu5] 沙锅泥鳅
Schlammvulkan (Geol) [ni2 huo3 shan1] 泥火山
schlampig [tuo1 ni2 dai4 shui3] 拖泥带水
Schlick [wu1 ni2] 污泥
Schlick (Tech) [mei2 ni2] 煤泥
Schnee (S)Sumpf (S)glitschig (Adj)kotig (Adj)schlammig (Adj)sumpfig (Adj)Schlamm (S) [ni2 ning4] 泥泞
schwarzer Schlamm (S) [hei1 ni2] 黑泥
schwerer, toniger Marschboden [jiao1 ni2] 胶泥
Schwimmbagger (S) [wa1 ni2 chuan2] 挖泥船
Spachtelmasse (S) [ni4 zi5] 泥子
Stahlbeton (S) [gang1 jin1 shui3 ni2] 钢筋水泥
Stempelkissen (S) [yin4 ni2] 印泥
Stuckateur (S, Arch) [hua4 zhuang1 hui1 ni2 xi4 gong1] 化装灰泥细工
Sumpf (S) [xiang4 ni2 zhao3 de5 di4 fang5] 像泥沼的地方
Sumpfland (S) [ni2 zhao3] 泥沼
toniges Gestein, Pelit [ni2 zhi2 yan2] 泥质岩
Torf (S) [ni2 mei2] 泥煤
Torf (S) [ni2 tan4] 泥炭
Torfmoor (S) [ni2 mei2 zhao3] 泥煤沼
Trockenbau (S) [bu4 mo3 hui1 ni2 de5 shi2 qiang2] 不抹灰泥的石墙
umständlich (Adj) [ju1 ni2 xiao3 jie2] 拘泥小节
unterschiedlich wie Tag und Nacht [pan4 ruo4 yun2 ni2] 判若云泥
vergolden (V) [ni2 jin1] 泥金
Verschrottung (S) [qie1 chu2 pi1 ti3 yu2 ni2] 切除坯体余泥
vorderer Kotflügel [qian2 dang3 ni2 ban3] 前挡泥板
Walnusskern [he2 tao2 ni2] 核桃泥
Wäschestärke (S) [ju1 ni4] 拘泥
Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis (S) [shui3 ni2 bi3 zhong4] 水泥比重
Xueni (Eig, Fam) [xue3 ni2] 雪泥
Zement ( Baustoff ) (S) [shui3 ni2] 水泥
Zement ( Baustoff ) (S) [ying1 ni2] 英泥
Zementierung (S) [shui3 ni2 jie1 he2] 水泥接合
Zementklinker (S) [shui3 ni2 shu2 liao4] 水泥熟料
Zementmörtel (S) [shui3 ni2 sha1 jiang1] 水泥砂浆
Zementmühle (S) [shui3 ni2 mo2] 水泥磨
Zementstaub (S) [shui3 ni2 fen3 chen2] 水泥粉尘

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

mud, mire / earth, clay / plaster
tile / earthenware pottery / girl
craftsman, artisan / workman

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

泥' + * * + mud/ clay paste
泥' + * * + restrained/
泥刀' + 泥刀* * + trowel/
泥古' + 泥古* * + stick-in-the-mud/ to stick to old ways stubbornly
泥古不化' + 泥古不化* * + conservative and unable to adapt (idiom)/
泥土' + 泥土* * + earth/ soil mud
泥坑' + 泥坑* * + mud pit/ mire morass
泥垢' + 泥垢* * + dirt/ grime
泥塑' + 泥塑* * + clay modeling/ clay figurine or statue
泥塗軒冕' + 泥涂轩冕* * + to despise titles and high offices/
泥子' + 泥子* * + putty (used by plumbers and glaziers)/
泥孩' + 泥孩* * + clay doll/
泥守' + 泥守* * + stubborn and conservative/
泥封' + 泥封* * + to seal jars etc with mud, clay or lute/ lute luting
泥岩' + 泥岩* * + mudstone/ shale
泥工' + 泥工* * + mason/ masonry work
泥巴' + 泥巴* * + mud/
泥水' + 泥水* * + muddy water/ mud masonry (c
泥水匠' + 泥水匠* * + mason/
泥沙' + 泥沙* * + silt/
泥沙俱下' + 泥沙俱下* * + mud and sand flow together (idiom)/ good and bad mingle
泥沼' + 泥沼* * + swamp/
泥淖' + 泥淖* * + mud/ muddy swamp sump
泥漿' + 泥浆* * + slurry/ mud
泥潭' + 泥潭* * + quagmire/
泥濘' + 泥泞* * + muddy/ mud
泥灰' + 泥灰* * + lime plaster (construction)/
泥炭' + 泥炭* * + peat/
泥炭蘚' + 泥炭藓* * + matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre)/
泥煤' + 泥煤* * + peat/
泥牛入海' + 泥牛入海* * + lit. a clay ox enters the sea (idiom); fig. to disappear with no hope of returning/
泥瓦匠' + 泥瓦匠* * + bricklayer/ tiler mason
泥盆紀' + 泥盆纪* * + Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago)/
泥石流' + 泥石流* * + landslide/ torrent of mud and stones mudslide
泥胎' + 泥胎* * + clay idol/
泥腿' + 泥腿* * + peasant/ yokel
泥腿子' + 泥腿子* * + peasant/ yokel
泥菩薩' + 泥菩萨* * + clay Bodhisattva/
泥菩薩過江,自身難保' + 泥菩萨过江,自身难保* * + like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety/ unable to save oneself, let alone others
泥質' + 泥质* * + muddy/
泥質岩' + 泥质岩* * + mudstone (geology)/
泥質頁岩' + 泥质页岩* * + mudstone/
泥醉' + 泥醉* * + blind drunk/ drunk as drunk can be
泥金' + 泥金* * + to gild/ gilt
泥鏟' + 泥铲* * + trowel/
泥鰍' + 泥鳅* * + loach/ mud fish CL:條|条

soil Boden ดิน sol suelo terreno maaperä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1954 土豆 +
1955 路上 很多 +
2356 小孩儿 水泥 管子 +
3321 泥墙 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

水泥 시멘트(cement). + +

+ + + + + + + +