B Das Haus: Das Esszimmer: satt + +

Häufigkeit: 5.77

A + * * bao3 be full 1.satt, gesättigt 2.voll,prall,reichlich 3. erfüllt von, prall 4. befriedigen, genügen, zufriedenstellen + +
D 飽和 + * * bao3he2 saturated Sättigung, satt sein + +
D 飽滿 + * * bao3man3 full/ plump voll, dick, übergenug + +

* 3 bao3 to eat till full/ satisfied
饱和* 6 bao3 he2 saturation
饱经沧桑* 6 bao3 jing1 cang1 sang1 having lived through many changes

Farbe (S) [bao3 man3 mo4 se4] 饱满墨色
'All you can eat' [chi1 dao4 bao3] 吃到饱
(Versorgung mit) Nahrung und Kleidung gesichert (S) [wen1 bao3] 温饱
durch eine harte Schule gegangen seinviel Mühsal im Leben erlitten haben, leidgeprüft, viel durchgemacht haben (Sprichw)von Wind und Wetter gegerbt (Sprichw) [bao3 jing1 feng1 shuang1] 饱经风霜
etwas durchmacht haben (V) [bao3 chang2] 饱尝
Farbsättigung (S, Phys) [se4 bao3 he2 du4] 色饱和度
gefüllt sein mit; durchsetzt von [bao3 han2] 饱含
Gelehrte [bao3 xue2 zhi1 shi4] 饱学之士
gesättigt [bao3 he2] 饱和
gesättigte Fettsäure [bao3 he2 zhi1 fang2 suan1] 饱和脂肪酸
gesättigtes Fett (S, Chem) [bao3 he2 zhi1 fang3] 饱和脂肪
Hallo! Wie geht es Dir? ('Hast Du schon gegessen', Gruß in Taiwan) (Int) [ni3 chi1 bao3 le5 ma5] 你吃饱了吗
immer noch hungrig [ban4 ji1 ban4 bao3] 半饥半饱
leibliche Versorgung mit Essen (S) [bao3 shi2] 饱食
nicht ganz satt, halb satt [ban4 bao3] 半饱
Rülpser (S) [bao3 ge2] 饱嗝
satt [bao3 zu2] 饱足
satt sein vor Wut (sich extrem ärgern) (Sprichw) [qi4 du1 qi4 bao3] 气都气饱
satt und zufrieden (Adj) [da4 bao3 kou3 fu2] 大饱口福
satt, gesättigt (Adj)befriedigen, genügen, zufriedenstellen (V)reichlich, ausreichend, hinlänglich (Adj)voll, prall (Adj) [bao3]
Sättigungsdampfdruck [bao3 he2 zheng1 qi4 ya1] 饱和蒸气压
seine Augen an etw. weiden (V) [bao3 lan3] 饱览
sich an etw. nicht sattsehen können (V) [yi1 bao3 yan3 fu2] 一饱眼福
sich an etw. satt sehen (V) [da4 bao3 yan3 fu2] 大饱眼福
sich satt essen [bao3 can1 yi1 dun4] 饱餐一顿
sich satt essen (V)satt (Adj)Bin satt ! (Int) [chi1 bao3] 吃饱
übersättigen (V) [shi3 guo4 du4 bao3 he2] 使过度饱和
übersättigen (V)übersättigt (Adj) [guo4 du4 bao3 he2] 过度饱和
Übersättigung (S) [guo4 bao3 he2] 过饱和
ungesättigt [bu4 bao3 he2] 不饱和
ungesättigt [wei4 bao3 he2] 未饱和
ungesättigte Fettsäure (S, Chem) [bu4 bao3 he2 zhi1 fang2 suan1] 不饱和脂肪酸
ungesättigter Polyester (S) [bu4 bao3 he2 ju4 zhi1] 不饱和聚脂
unterschlagen (V) [zhong1 bao3] 中饱
voller Bauch weiß nichts vom Hungerleiden (Sprichw) [bao3 han4 bu4 zhi1 e4 han4 ji1] 饱汉不知饿汉饥

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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eat heartily / eat one's fill
eye / eyelet, hole, opening
happiness, good fortune, blessing
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

飽' + * * + to eat till full/ satisfied
飽人不知餓人飢' + 饱人不知饿人饥* * + The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom)./
飽以老拳' + 饱以老拳* * + to thump repeatedly with one's fist/
飽受' + 饱受* * + to endure/ to suffer to be subj
飽含' + 饱含* * + to be full of (emotion)/ to brim with (love, tears etc)
飽和' + 饱和* * + saturation/
飽和脂肪' + 饱和脂肪* * + saturated fat/
飽和脂肪酸' + 饱和脂肪酸* * + saturated fatty acid (SFA)/
飽嗝兒' + 饱嗝儿* * + to belch (on a full stomach)/
飽嘗' + 饱尝* * + to enjoy fully/ to experience to the full over a long period
飽學' + 饱学* * + learned/ erudite scholarly
飽暖思淫欲,飢寒起盜心' + 饱暖思淫欲,饥寒起盗心* * + lechery springs from warmth and nourishment, kleptomania springs from hunger and c/
飽滿' + 饱满* * + full/ plump
飽漢不知餓漢飢' + 饱汉不知饿汉饥* * + The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom)./
飽眼福' + 饱眼福* * + to feast one's eyes on (idiom)/
飽私囊' + 饱私囊* * + to stuff one's pockets/ to enrich oneself dishonestly
飽經憂患' + 饱经忧患* * + having experienced much suffering/
飽經滄桑' + 饱经沧桑* * + having lived through many changes/
飽經風霜' + 饱经风霜* * + weather-beaten/ having experienced the hard ship of life
飽綻' + 饱绽* * + to swell to bursting (after having eaten too much)/
飽覽' + 饱览* * + to look intensively/ to feast one's eyes on
飽讀' + 饱读* * + to read intensively/
飽足' + 饱足* * + to be full (after eating)/
飽食終日' + 饱食终日* * + to spend the whole day eating (i.e. not doing any work)/
飽食終日,無所用心' + 饱食终日,无所用心* * + to eat three square meals a day and do no work (idiom)/ to be sated with food and remain idle
飽餐' + 饱餐* * + to eat and eat/ to stuff oneself
飽餐一頓' + 饱餐一顿* * + to eat one's fill/ to be full
飽餐戰飯' + 饱餐战饭* * + to fill one's belly before the battle (idiom)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1830 吃饱 +
2143 +
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

배부르다. + + 饱和 (사물의 상태가) 최고조에 달하다. 포화 상태에 이르다. + + 饱经沧桑 세상만사의 변화를 실컷 경험하다. + +

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