3 Old HSK word(s): ** C ** C ** C
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

run fast, flee / rush about / run
sail, drive, pilot / fast, quick

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
9A76 + + + sail, drive, pilot / fast, quick Horse 史 (GESCHICHTE) shi3 +


+ 달릴 사
1 NHSK word(s): 驾驶* 5 jia4 shi3to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive
KOREAN6000 word(s):
1 KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
驾驶 + jiàshǐ (자동차•선박•비행기 등을) 운전(조종•운항)하다. (jadongcha•seonbag•bihaeng-gi deung-eul) unjeon(jojong•unhang)hada.
3 KOREAN Sentence(s):
这是我的驾驶证 / 驾照。 + 제 운전면허증이 여기 있어요. je unjeon-myeonheojeungi yeo-gi isseoyo.
到柏林要行驶多久? + 베를린까지 얼마나 걸려요? bereu-llinkkaji eolmana keollyeoyo?
请出示您的驾驶证! + 운전면허증을 주세요. unjeon-myeonheojeungeul juseyo.