A 不要 + * * bu4yao4 don't/ don't want to nicht dürfen + +
A + * * shu2 ripe/ cooked/ done/ soft-boiled / familiar 1. reif 2. gar, zubereitet,gekocht 3.bearbeitet, behandelt 4. bekannt,vertraut 5. geübt,erfahren, geschickt 6. tief, fest + +
A + * * bie2 don't Nicht tun ! siehe bie4 + +
A 原諒 + * * yuan2liang4 excuse/ forgive/ pardon verzeihen,entschuldigen + +
B 放棄 + * * fang4qi4 abandon/ give up/ renounce verlassen, aufgeben, preisgeben, auf etw verzichten + +
C 毛澤東思想 + * * mao2ze2dong1si1xiang3 Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Gedanke + +
C + * * nen4 tender/ delicate/ rare/ underdone/ light/ pale/ callow 1. zart, weich, 2. hell, zart 3.unerfahren,jung, grün + +
C + * * beng2 don't/ needn't nicht, nicht nötig, es erübrigt sich + +
C 畢竟 + * * bi4jing4 after all/ when all is said and done/ in the end alles in allem,jedoch, schließlich + +
C + * * fei4 useless/ disused/ waste/ abandon/ abolish/ ruin 1. aufgeben,abschaffen 2. unbrauchbar, gebraucht, Abfall 3. invalid, körperlich behindert + +
C 早已 + * * zao3yi3 early-already/ long ago/ (have done) for a long time früher, schon längst + +
C + * * lv2 donkey/ ass Esel + +
D + * * juan1 donate 1. verzichten,aufgeben, hingeben, opfern 2. spenden, stiften 3. Steuer + +
D 捐款 + * * juan1 kuan3 donation/ collection Geld spenden + +
D 捐贈 + * * juan1zeng4 donate spenden, schenken + +
D + * * jin1 tendon 1. Muskel 2. Sehne 3. adern- oder sehnenartige Dinge + +
D 拋棄 + * * pao1qi4 throw over/ abandon/ discard wegwerfen, aufgeben, verlassen + +
D + * * she3 abandon/ give up 1. aufgeben, auf etw. verzichten 2. Almosen geben, opfern + +

不客气* 1 bu4 ke4 qi5 you're welcome/ impolite/ rude/ blunt/ don't mention it
对不起* 1 dui4 bu5 qi3 unworthy/ to let down/ I'm sorry/ excuse me/ pardon me/ if you please/ sorry? (please repeat)
* 3 lou2 house with more than 1 story/ storied building/ floor/ CL:層|层[ceng2];座[zuo4];棟|栋[dong4]
* 3 dong1 east/ host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/ landlord/ surname Dong
到底* 4 dao4 di3 finally/ in the end/ when all is said and done/ after all/ to the end/ to the last
放弃* 4 fang4 qi4 to renounce/ to abandon/ to give up
* 4 shu1 to lose/ to transport/ to donate/ to enter (a password)
难道* 4 nan2 dao4 don't tell me .../ could it be that...?
原谅* 4 yuan2 liang4 to excuse/ to forgive/ to pardon
主动* 4 zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative/ to do sth of one's own accord/ active/ opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/ drive (of gears and shafts etc)
究竟* 4 jiu1 jing4 after all (when all is said and done)/ actually/ outcome/ result
* 5 juan1 to contribute/ to donate/ contribution/ tax/ to abandon
废话* 5 fei4 hua4 nonsense/ rubbish/ superfluous words/ You don't say!/ No kidding! (gently sarcastic)
毕竟* 5 bi4 jing4 after all/ all in all/ when all is said and done/ in the final analysis
不敢当* 6 bu4 gan3 dang1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor)/ fig. I don't deserve your praise/ you flatter me
振兴* 6 Zhen4 xing1 Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4]; Liaoning
地道* 6 di4 dao5 real/ pure/ genuine/ typical/ well-done/ thorough
锲而不舍* 6 qie4 er2 bu4 she3 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom)/ to chisel away at sth/ to persevere/ unflagging efforts
抛弃* 6 pao1 qi4 discard/ dump/ abandon
终究* 6 zhong1 jiu1 in the end/ after all is said and done
为期* 6 wei2 qi1 (to be done) by (a certain date)/ lasting (a certain time)

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

don. v: Dressing +

donate. v: Giving +

donation. n: Giving +

done. a: Activity_done_state +

done. a: Process_completed_state +

donnybrook. n: Fighting_activity +

donor. n: Giving +


9 +
10 中文 +
54 +
99 要是 分手 +
102 开车 不可以 +
108 红灯 不要 马路 +
230 他去 伦敦 +
241 担心 +
301 伦敦 英国 首都 +
412 并不 喜欢 汉堡 +
428 知道 选举 结果 +
445 警察 分界线 +
499 作业 做完 +
543 广州 广东省 首府 +
902 不能 浪费 食物 +
1104 衣服 颜色 +
1239 不要 怪罪 +
1316 无所谓 +
1534 如果 不要 勉强 +
1566 不要 浪费 资源 +
1730 孩子 惯坏 +
1877 晓得 什么 +
1923 伤心 +
1994 不能 插队 +
2027 不要 拖延 时间 +
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 +
2159 不要 迟到 藉口 +
2247 做错 不要 别人 +
2269 出去 外头 台风 +
2447 不要 打扰 工作 +
2468 做错 了事 后悔 +
2469 相信 +
2513 要是 不要 勉强 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2600 奴隶 没有 人身 自由 +
2664 生气 +
2756 领带 +
2784 不要 冤枉 +
2861 法官 赦免 +
2916 不要 喇叭 说话 +
3069 猪肝 +
3113 任何 瓜葛 +
3179 不要 欺凌 弱者 +
3250 广州市 广东省 管辖 +
3253 不要 诬告 +
3278 喜欢 大蒜 +
3286 不要 +
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰 +
3417 群众 慷慨 灾区 捐款 +
3591 冲动 这样 紧急 时刻 冷静 +
3657 反正 知道 这些 东西. +
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3787 泄气 一次 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[donor] organ donor
[pardon] amnesty
[abandon] forsake, desert

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

don + Don + Don + Don + Don + don + don +

포기하다 ( To give up, to abandon) + + 왠지 (I don’t know why, there is no reason for it) + + 고생하다 ( To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것) + + 끊어지다 ( To break off or expire or be done with) + + 신규 (A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew) + + 용서하다 ( To pardon, to forgive) + + 밀리다 (to be left undone, to be late in making a payment (to fall into arrears) (2) to be pushed, shoved) + + 용서 (pardon,forgiveness) + + 안동 (간고등어 fish common in this city, ANDONG) + +
+ + + + + + + +