C Die Gesundheit: das Krankenhaus: Onkologie + 肿瘤科 +

Häufigkeit: 3.36

C + * * zhong3 swell/ bloat/ distend/ puff up/ be swollen anschwellen, Schwellung + +
D 腫瘤 + * * zhong3liu2 neoplasm/ tumor Geschwulst, Tumor + +

肿瘤* 6 zhong3 liu2 tumor

Abszess (S) [nong2 zhong3] 脓肿
Benignität (S, Med) [liang2 xing4 zhong3 liu2] 良性肿瘤
Bluterguss (S) [xue4 zhong3] 血肿
Buckel (S)Tumor (S)schwellen (V) [zhong3 kuai4] 肿块
geschwollen (V) [zhong3]
Geschwulst, Tumor (S, Med) [zhong3 liu2] 肿瘤
Geschwulstwachstum hemmend [kang4 zhong3 liu2] 抗肿瘤
Geschwulstwachstum hemmendes Medikament (S, Med) [kang4 zhong3 liu2 yao4] 抗肿瘤药
Granulom (S) [rou4 ya2 zhong3] 肉芽肿
Hydrocephalus [nao3 shui3 zhong3] 脑水肿
Krebs, Krebsgeschwulst, Karzinom (S) [ai2 zhong3] 癌肿
Krebserkrankung (S)Krebstumor (S, Med) [ai2 zheng4 zhong3 liu2] 癌症肿瘤
Krebsforschung (S) [zhong3 liu2 yan2 jiu1] 肿瘤研究
Lumpektomie, Thylektomie (brusterhaltende Operation bei Mammakarzinom) (S, Med) [zhong3 liu2 qie4 chu2 shu4] 肿瘤切除术
mit blutiger Nase und Beulen im Gesicht [bi2 qing1 lian3 zhong3] 鼻青脸肿
Mukoviszidose (S, Med) [nang2 zhong3 xing4 xian1 wei2 hua4] 囊肿性纤维化
Ödem, Gewebewassersucht (S) [fu2 zhong3] 浮肿
Onkologe (S) [zhong3 liu2 yi1 shi1] 肿瘤医师
Onkologie (S, Med) [zhong3 liu2 xue2] 肿瘤学
schwellend [zhong3 qi3] 肿起
Schwellung (S)aufblähen (V)schwellen (V)aufgeblasen (Adj)aufgedunsen (Adj) [zhong3 zhang4] 肿胀
Schwellung (S)schwellen (V) [bian4 de5 zhong3 dai4] 变得肿大
sich rot anschwellen, anschwellen (V, Med) [hong2 zhong3] 红肿
Skrofeln, Kropf (S) [jia3 zhuang4 xian4 zhong3] 甲状腺肿
Spat (S) [ma3 tui3 de5 guan1 jie2 nei4 zhong3] 马腿的关节内肿
Tumorklinik (S, Med) [zhong3 liu2 yi1 yuan4] 肿瘤医院
Wasseransammlung in Gefäßen (S, Med) [shui3 zhong3] 水肿
Wucherung (S) [xian4 zhuang4 zhong3 dai4] 腺状肿大
Zyste (S) [nang2 zhong3] 囊肿

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

swell / swollen / swelling
swell, inflate, expand

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

腫' + * * + to swell/ swelling swollen
腫塊' + 肿块* * + swelling/ growth tumor
腫大' + 肿大* * + swelling/ enlargement hypertroph
腫瘤' + 肿瘤* * + tumor/
腫瘤切除術' + 肿瘤切除术* * + lumpectomy/
腫瘤學' + 肿瘤学* * + oncology/ study of tumors
腫瘤病醫生' + 肿瘤病医生* * + oncologist (medicine)/
腫脹' + 肿胀* * + swelling/ oedema internal b
腫麼' + 肿么* * + Internet slang for 怎麼|怎么/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


3111 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

肿瘤 종양. + +

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