Häufigkeit: 2.39

C 勤勞 + * * qin2lao2 hardworking/ diligent/ industrious/ assiduous fleißig, arbeitsam + +
C 辛勤 + * * xin1qin2 hardworking-diligent/ industrious/ hardworking fleißig, arbeitsam + +
D + * * qin2 diligent 1.fleißig, arbeitsam, emsig, unermüdlich 2. oft, öfters häufig 3. Dienst + +
D 勤奮 + * * qin2fen4 hardworking fleißig,sorgfältig + +
D 勤工儉學 + * * qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2 part-work and part-study Parallel arbeiten und studieren + +
D 勤儉 + * * qin2jian3 hardworking and thrifty arbeitsam und sparsam, fleißig und genügsam + +
D 勤懇 + * * qin2ken3 earnest and assiduous eifrig und gewissenhaft + +
D 執勤 + * * zhi2 qin2 be on duty im Dienst sein + +
D 後勤 + * * hou4qin2 rear service/ logistics Logistik + +

勤奋* 5 qin2 fen4 hardworking/ diligent
勤劳* 5 qin2 lao2 hardworking/ industrious/ diligent
后勤* 6 hou4 qin2 logistics
勤俭* 6 qin2 jian3 hardworking and frugal
勤恳* 6 qin2 ken3 diligent and attentive/ assiduous/ sincere
辛勤* 6 xin1 qin2 hardworking/ industrious

Bogendruckmaschinenlogistik (Tech) [dan1 zhang1 zhi3 yin4 shua1 ji1 de5 hou4 qin2] 单张纸印刷机的后勤
Absenz, Arbeitabsenz (S, Wirtsch)der Arbeit fernbleiben (V) [que1 qin2] 缺勤
Anwesenheit (S) [kao3 qin2] 考勤
Appleton-Schicht (S, Phys)Appletonschicht (S, Phys) [a1 pu3 qin2 ceng2] 阿普勤层
arbeitsam [qin2 ku3] 勤苦
arbeitsam und sparsam, fleißig und genügsam (Adj) [qin2 jian3] 勤俭
arbeitsam, eifrig, fleissig (Adj) [xin1 qin2] 辛勤
Arbeitstier (S) [xin1 qin2 gong1 zuo4 de5 ren2] 辛勤工作的人
aufmerksam (Adj)entgegenkommend (Adj)freundschaftlich (Adj)gefällig (Adj)höflich (Adj)verbindlich (Adj)zuvorkommend (Adj) [yin1 qin2] 殷勤
aufmerksam und freundlich empfangen werden (V) [shou4 dao4 yin1 qin2 de5 jie1 dai4] 受到殷勤的接待
aufrichtig [qin2 qin2] 勤勤
Außendienst (S) [wai4 qin2] 外勤
Außendienstmitarbeiter (S) [wai4 qin2 zhi2 gong1] 外勤职工
Berufsverkehr (S) [tong1 qin2] 通勤
Betrieb [qin2 wu4] 勤务
Cuoqin (Ort in Tibet) (Eig, Geo) [cuo4 qin2] 措勤
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu [de2 qin2] 德勤
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Org) [de2 qin2 kuai4 ji4 shi1 shi4 wu4 suo3] 德勤会计师事务所
eifrig, fleißig (S) [qin2 fen4] 勤奋
emsig, fleißig, oft, Dienst... (Adj) [qin2]
emsigarbeitsam (Adj)diensteifrig (Adj) [qin2 lao2] 勤劳
Emsigkeit (S)Fleiß (S)Postkutsche (S)diensteifrig (Adj)dienstfertig (Adj) [qin2 mian3] 勤勉
Fahrdienst (S)die Aufsicht haben (über), Dienst haben (V)diensthabend (Adj) [zhi2 qin2] 执勤
fleißig und beharrlich ( mit großer Beharrlichkeit und Fleiß, meistert die Bitterkeit ) (Adj, Sprichw) [qin2 fen4 ke4 ku3] 勤奋刻苦
fleißig und gründlich, eifrig und gewissenhaft (Adj) [qin2 ken3] 勤恳
fleißig und sparsam (Adj) [qin2 lao2 jie2 jian3] 勤劳节俭
fleißig und sparsam (Adj, Sprichw) [ke4 qin2 ke4 jian3] 克勤克俭
flink (Adj) [shou3 jiao3 qin2 kuai4] 手脚勤快
gastfreundlich (Adj) [yin1 qin2 zhao1 dai4] 殷勤招待
geschäftig (Adj) [qin2 kuai4] 勤快
kluges und fleißiges Volk (S) [qin2 lao2 zhi4 hui4 de5 ren2 min2] 勤劳智慧的人民
Krankenpfleger (S)Offiziersbursche (S) [qin2 wu4 bing1] 勤务兵
Krankenstand (S, Med) [que1 qin2 lü4] 缺勤率
Kreis Minqin (Provinz Gansu, China) (Eig, Geo) [min2 qin2 xian4] 民勤县
Logistik (Adj) [hou4 qin2 xue2] 后勤学
Logistik (S) [qin2 wu4 xi4 tong3] 勤务系统
Logistik (S)logistisch (Adj) [hou4 qin2] 后勤
Logistik (S, Wirtsch) [hou4 qin2 zhi1 yuan2 xi4 tong3] 后勤支援系统
Logistik (S, Wirtsch) [qin2 xue2] 勤学
Logistik, logistischer Transport (S, Mil) [hou4 qin2 yun4 shu1] 后勤运输
Logistik, Materiallogistik (S) [hou4 qin2 zhi1 yuan2] 后勤支援
man kann nur mit Fleiß zum Erfolg kommen (V, Sprichw)wörtl : das Meer des Wissens kennt keine Grenzen nur der Fleiß ist der Ufer (V, Sprichw) [xue2 hai3 wu2 ya2 qin2 shi4 an4] 学海无涯勤是岸
Minqin (Ort in Gansu) (Eig, Geo) [min2 qin2] 民勤
Pendler (S) [tong1 qin2 zhe3] 通勤者
Rollendruckmaschinenlogistik [juan3 tong3 zhi3 yin4 shua1 ji1 de5 hou4 qin2] 卷筒纸印刷机的后勤
Schwerenöter (S) [dui4 fu4 nü3 xian4 yin1 qin2 zhe3] 对妇女献殷勤者
Sondereinheit [te4 qin2 dui4] 特勤队
sparen (V) [qin2 jian3 jie2 yue1] 勤俭节约
Stechkarte (S) [kao3 qin2 ka3] 考勤卡
Stechuhr (S) [kao3 qin2 ji1] 考勤机
Stechuhr (S) [zhi2 qin2 ji4 lu4 qi4] 值勤记录器
Tsutomu Takebe (Eig, Pers, 1941 - ) [wu3 bu4 qin2] 武部勤
Wang Liqin (Eig, Pers, 1978 - ) [wang2 li4 qin2] 王励勤

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

industrious, diligent, attentive
mixed, blended / mix, mingle
labor, work / worker, laborer

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

勤' + * * + diligen industrious/ hardworking frequent
勤儉' + 勤俭* * + hardworking and frugal/
勤儉務實' + 勤俭务实* * + hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic/
勤儉建國' + 勤俭建国* * + to build up the country through thrift and hard work (idiom)/
勤儉持家' + 勤俭持家* * + hardworking and thrifty in running one's household/
勤儉樸實' + 勤俭朴实* * + hardworking, thrifty, plain, and honest (idiom)/
勤儉樸素' + 勤俭朴素* * + hardworking, thrifty, plain, and simple (idiom)/
勤儉為服務之本' + 勤俭为服务之本* * + hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)/
勤儉節約' + 勤俭节约* * + diligent and thrifty (idiom)/
勤儉耐勞' + 勤俭耐劳* * + diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom)/
勤儉起家' + 勤俭起家* * + to rise up by thrift and hard work (idiom)/
勤儉辦企業' + 勤俭办企业* * + to run an enterprise diligently and thriftily/
勤儉辦學' + 勤俭办学* * + to run a school diligently and thriftily/
勤儉辦社' + 勤俭办社* * + to run an organization diligently and thriftily/
勤則不匱' + 勤则不匮* * + If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom)/
勤力' + 勤力* * + hardworking/ diligent
勤勉' + 勤勉* * + diligence/ diligent industriou
勤務' + 勤务* * + service/ duties an orderly
勤務兵' + 勤务兵* * + army orderly/
勤務員' + 勤务员* * + odd job man/ army orderly
勤勞' + 勤劳* * + hardworking/ industrious diligent
勤勞不虞匱乏' + 勤劳不虞匮乏* * + Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom)/
勤勞者' + 勤劳者* * + worker/
勤勞致富' + 勤劳致富* * + to become rich by one's own efforts/ self-made
勤勤' + 勤勤* * + attentive/ solicitous earnest
勤勤懇懇' + 勤勤恳恳* * + industrious and conscientious/ assiduous
勤奮' + 勤奋* * + hardworking/ diligent
勤奮刻苦' + 勤奋刻苦* * + diligent/ assiduous
勤學苦練' + 勤学苦练* * + to study diligently/ to train assiduously
勤密' + 勤密* * + often/ frequently
勤工儉學' + 勤工俭学* * + to work part time while studying/ work-study program
勤快' + 勤快* * + diligent/ hardworking
勤懇' + 勤恳* * + diligent and attentive/ assiduous sincere
勤政廉政' + 勤政廉政* * + honest and industrious government functionaries (idiom)/
勤樸' + 勤朴* * + simple and industrious/ hardworking and frugal
勤王' + 勤王* * + to serve the king diligently/ to save the country in times of danger to send tr
勤苦' + 勤苦* * + hardworking/ assiduous
勤謹' + 勤谨* * + diligent and painstaking/
勤雜' + 勤杂* * + odd jobs/ servant or army orderly doing odd jobs
懃' + * * + variant of 勤/

attendance Teilnahme การดูแลรักษา fréquentation asistencia partecipazione läsnäolo

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


977 他们 辛勤 劳动 +
2372 工作 勤奋 +
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

勤奋 꾸준하다. 부지런하다. 열심히하다. + + 勤劳 (고생을 마다 않고) 열심히 일하다. 부지런히 일하다. + + 后勤 후방 근무. 병참 보급 업무. + + 勤俭 근검하다. 부지런하고 알뜰하다. + + 勤恳 근면 성실하다. + + 辛勤 부지런하다. 근면하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +