Häufigkeit: 8.73

B 巧妙 + * * qiao3miao4 clever/ ingenious scharfsinnig, intelligent + +
B + * * miao4 wonderful 1. wunderbar,ausgezeichnet 2. geschickt,gewandt + +
D 美妙 + * * mei3miao4 dulcet/ great wunderschön, wunderbar,herrlich + +
D 奇妙 + * * qi2miao4 wonderful wunderbar, faszinierend + +
D 莫名其妙 + * * mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 without rhyme or reason nicht begreifen, wo die eigentliche Pointe liegt, unbegreiflich + +

巧妙* 5 qiao3 miao4 ingenious/ clever
奇妙* 6 qi2 miao4 fantastic/ wonderful
莫名其妙* 6 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom)/ subtle and ineffable/ unable to make head or tail of it/ boring (e.g. movie)
美妙* 6 mei3 miao4 beautiful/ wonderful/ splendid

auserlesen, vorzüglich, exquisit (Adj) [jue2 miao4] 绝妙
Barbapapa [qi2 miao4 jia1 ting2 bian4 xing2 dou4] 奇妙家庭变形豆
Basil, der große Mäusedetektiv [miao4 miao4 tan4] 妙妙探
Cluedo [miao4 tan4 xun2 xiong1] 妙探寻凶
Coup (S)Winkelzug (S) [miao4 ji4] 妙计
dufte (Adj)fantastisch (Adj)grazil (Adj)schön (Adj)wunderbar (Adj)wundervoll (Adj) [mei3 miao4] 美妙
fantastisch (Adj) [ji2 miao4] 极妙
fromme Wünsche (V) [mei3 miao4 de5 chong1 jing3] 美妙的憧憬
Geheimmittel (S) [miao4 fang1] 妙方
geheimnisvoll (Adj)okkult (Adj) [xuan2 miao4] 玄妙
geistreich, humorvoll (Adj) [miao4 qu4 heng2 sheng1] 妙趣横生
genialen Weitblick haben [shen2 ji1 miao4 suan4] 神机妙算
geschickt, clever, raffiniert [qiao3 miao4] 巧妙
gute Fügung (S) [qiao3 miao4 de5 ming4 yun4 an1 pai2] 巧妙的命运安排
Hermine Granger (Eig, Pers) [miao4 li4 ge2 lan2 jie2] 妙丽格兰杰
himmlisch (Adj)märchenhaft (Adj)wundervoll (Adj) [qi2 miao4] 奇妙
im attraktiven Alter ( meist. weibl. Personen ) (S)im besten Alter ( meist. weibl. Personen ) (S) [miao4 ling2] 妙龄
kapital (Adj) [ji2 miao4 de5] 极妙地
kein gutes Gefühl haben (Adj) [gan3 jue2 bu4 miao4] 感觉不妙
Kniff (S) [miao4 jue2] 妙诀
kunstvoll, exquisit (S) [jing1 miao4] 精妙
lebensecht, lebensnah (Adj) [wei2 miao4 wei2 xiao4] 唯妙唯肖
meisterhaft, geschickt, ingeniös (Adj) [gao1 miao4] 高妙
Mission: Impossible [hu3 dan3 miao4 suan4] 虎胆妙算
miteinander ausgekommen [wei2 miao4 wei2 xiao4] 惟妙惟肖
Muffin (S) [miao4 fu2] 妙芙
Myohyang-san [miao4 xiang1 shan1] 妙香山
rätselhaft [mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4] 莫明其妙
rätselhaft (Adj) [mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 de5] 莫名其妙的
rätselhaft, seltsam (Adj) [mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4] 莫名其妙
Rosenknospe (S) [miao4 ling2 mei3 nü3] 妙龄美女
scharf, hintergründigFeinheiten (S)grazil (Adj) [wei2 miao4] 微妙
Tempel der Weißen Pagode (Eig, Buddh) [miao4 ying1 si4] 妙应寺
Undefinierbarkeit (S) [qiao3 miao4 tao2 bi4] 巧妙逃避
unsagbar schön (Adj) [miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2] 妙不可言
wie toll! (Adv)Ausgezeichnet!, Wunderbar!, Fantastisch! (Int) [miao4 ji2 le5] 妙极了
wunderbar (Adj) [shen2 miao4] 神妙
wunderbar (Adj)ausgezeichnet [miao4]
wundervoll (Adj) [miao4 ji2] 妙极

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +

mysterious, subtle / exquisite
make move, take action
beckon, summon / recruit, levy
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

妙' + * * + clever/ wonderful
妙不可言' + 妙不可言* * + too wonderful for words/
妙品' + 妙品* * + a fine work of art/
妙在不言中' + 妙在不言中* * + the charm lies in what is left unsaid (idiom)/
妙妙熊歷險記' + 妙妙熊历险记* * + Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Disney animated series)/
妙手' + 妙手* * + miraculous hands of a healer/ highly skilled person brilliant
妙手回春' + 妙手回春* * + magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/ brilliant doctor
妙手空空' + 妙手空空* * + petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish)/ empty-handed having not
妙探尋兇' + 妙探寻凶* * + Cluedo (board game)/
妙智慧' + 妙智慧* * + wondrous wisdom and knowledge (Buddhism)/
妙法蓮華經' + 妙法莲华经* * + The Lotus Sutra/
妙筆' + 妙笔* * + talented, gifted or ingenious writing/
妙筆生花' + 妙笔生花* * + gifted or skillful writing/
妙處' + 妙处* * + ideal place/ suitable location merit
妙計' + 妙计* * + excellent plan/ brilliant scheme
妙語如珠' + 妙语如珠* * + smart words like a string of pearl/ scintillating witticisms
妙語橫生' + 妙语横生* * + to be full of wit and humor/
妙趣' + 妙趣* * + witty/ clever amusing
妙趣橫生' + 妙趣横生* * + endlessly interesting (idiom)/ very witty
妙齡' + 妙龄* * + (of a girl) in the prime of youth/
玅' + * * + variant of 妙/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1932 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

巧妙 교묘하다. + + 美妙 아름답다. 훌륭하다. 더없이 좋다. + + 莫名其妙 영문을 알 수 없다. 어리둥절하게 하다. 괜히. 공연히. 이유〔까닭〕 없이. + + 奇妙 기묘하다. 신기하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +