A Die Nahrungsmittel: Das Fleisch: Brust + +
A Die Menschen: die Muskeln: Brustmuskel + 胸肌 +
A Die äussere Erscheinung: die Damenkleidung: Büstenhalter + 胸罩 +
B Die äussere Erscheinung: die Accessoires: Brosche + 胸针 +
B Die Menschen: das Skelett: Brustbein + 胸骨 +
B Der Sport: Die Fitness: Brustübung + 胸部tuiju +
C Die Umwelt: Die Tiere: Brustflosse + 胸鳍 +
C Die Menschen: das Skelett: Brustkorb + 胸廓 +
C Die Menschen: das Skelett: Brustwirbel + 胸椎 +
C Die äussere Erscheinung: die Damenkleidung: Sport-BH + 运动胸罩 +

Häufigkeit: 10.49

B + * * xiong1 chest 1. Brust, Busen 2. Gesinnung, Herz + +
D 胸懷 + 怀* * xiong1huai2 mind/ heart geistiger Horizont, Herz + +
D 胸膛 + * * xiong1tang2 thoraces Brust, Brustkorb + +

* 5 xiong1 chest/ bosom/ heart/ mind/ thorax
胸怀* 6 xiong1 huai2 one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/ breast/ broad-minded and open/ to think about/ to cherish
胸膛* 6 xiong1 tang2 chest

Abzeichen, (Dienst-) MarkeAnstecknadel, Button [xiong1 zhang1] 胸章
American Thoracic Society (Org)American Thoracic Society (Med) [mei3 guo2 xiong1 qiang1 xue2 hui4] 美国胸腔学会
ausgeschnittenBrust entblößendekolletiert [tan3 xiong1] 襢胸
Barbarie-Entenbrust (S, Fam) [kao3 fan1 ya1 xiong1 rou4] 烤番鸭胸肉
barbusig (Adj) [tan3 xiong1] 坦胸
barbusig (Adj) [tan3 xiong1 lu4 ru3] 坦胸露乳
beherzt (Adj) [xin1 xiong1 guang3 kuo4] 心胸广阔
Bereich vom Brust und Bauch, Torso (S, Med) [xiong1 fu4] 胸腹
Boob (S) [nü3 xing4 xiong1 bu4] 女性胸部
Braunliest (Bio)Braunliest (S) [bai2 xiong1 fei3 cui4] 白胸翡翠
Brosche (S) [xiong1 zhen1] 胸针
Brust (S) [xiong1 pu2] 胸脯
Brust (S) [xiong1 tang2] 胸膛
Brust-OPs kamen in Mode (S) [gua1 qi3 liao3 long2 xiong1 xuan2 feng1] 刮起了隆胸旋风
Brustbein (S) [xiong1 kou3] 胸口
Brüste (S)Brust (S)Thorax (S, Med)Titten (S, vulg) [xiong1 bu4] 胸部
Brustflosse (S) [xiong1 qi2] 胸鳍
Brusthaar (S, Med) [xiong1 mao2] 胸毛
Brusthöhle (S) [xiong1 qiang1] 胸腔
Brustkasten, Brustkorb, Brust, Busen (S)Herz, Sinn, Gesinnung (S) [xiong1]
Brustkorb, Thorax (S) [xiong1 kuo4] 胸廓
Brustmuskel (S) [xiong1 ji1] 胸肌
Brustpanzer (S) [xiong1 jia3] 胸甲
Brustschmerz (S) [xiong1 tong4] 胸痛
Brustschwimmen (ein Schwimmstil) (S, Sport) [xiong1 yong3] 胸泳
Brusttops sind ganz in Mode (S) [gua1 qi3 liao3 long2 xiong1 xuan2 feng1] 刮起了隆胸旋风
Brustvergrößerung (S) [long2 xiong1] 隆胸
Brustverkleinerung (S) [suo1 xiong1] 缩胸
Brustwirbel [xiong1 zhui1] 胸椎
Brustwirbelfortsatz (S) [xiong1 zhui1 ji2 tu1] 胸椎棘突
bürgen für [pai1 xiong1 pu2] 拍胸脯
Büstenhalter, BH (S) [wen2 xiong1] 文胸
Büstenhalter, BH (S) [xiong1 zhao4] 胸罩
CarolinakleiberCarolinakleiber (Bio) [bai2 xiong1 shi4 niao3] 白胸市鸟
Dickey [de5 xiong1 jin1] 的胸襟
Ductus thoracicus [xiong1 dao3 guan3] 胸导管
einen gut durchdachten Plan habenseiner Sache sicher sein, im Brustton der Überzeugung [xiong1 you3 cheng2 zhu2] 胸有成竹
engstirnig [xin1 xiong1 xia2 ai4] 心胸狭隘
geistiger Horizont, Herz, offenherzig (Adj) [xiong1 huai2] 胸怀
geistiger Horizont, weitherzig (Adj) [xiong1 jin1] 胸襟
Großmut, Tolerant (S)offen, offenherzig, großmütig (Adj) [xin1 xiong1 kai1 kuo4] 心胸开阔
Hühnerbrustfilet (S, Ess) [ji1 xiong1 rou4] 鸡胸肉
HühnerbrustHühnchenbrust (S) [ji1 xiong1] 鸡胸
Leibchen (S)Mieder (S) [jin3 shen1 xiong1 yi1] 紧身胸衣
Mieder (S) [san1 jiao3 xiong1 yi1] 三角胸衣
Musculus pectoralis major („großer Brustmuskel“) (Eig, Med) [xiong1 da4 ji1] 胸大肌
Musculus sternocleidomastoideus (S) [xiong1 suo3 ru3 tu1 ji1] 胸锁乳突肌
Namensschild (auf der Brust getragen) (S) [xiong1 pai2] 胸牌
Oberteil (S) [fu4 nü3 jin3 shen1 xiong1 yi1] 妇女紧身胸衣
Oberweite, Brustumfang (S, Bio) [xiong1 wei2] 胸围
philisterhaft (Adj) [xin1 xiong1 xia2 zhai3] 心胸狭窄
Pleura [xiong1 mo4] 胸膜
Pleura [zang1 xiong1 mo2] 脏胸膜
Pneumothorax (S, Med) [qi4 xiong1] 气胸
Push-up-BH (S) [tui1 gao1 xiong1 zhao4] 推高胸罩
Ratte (Rattus flavipectus) (S, Bio) [huang2 xiong1 shu3] 黄胸鼠
Regenpfeifer (S) [shuang1 xiong1 ban1 sha1 niao3] 双胸斑沙鸟
Rippenfellentzündung (S) [xiong1 mo4 yan2] 胸膜炎
Schultergürtel [xiong1 dai4] 胸带
sich an die Brust schlagen (S) [chui2 xiong1] 捶胸
SternumBrustbein (S)Brustbeine (S) [xiong1 gu3] 胸骨
Stethoskop (S, Med) [ting1 xiong1 qi4] 聽胸噐
Thymin [xiong1 xian4 mi4 ding4] 胸腺嘧啶
Thymus (S) [xiong1 xian4] 胸腺
tief ausgeschnitten (S) [di1 xiong1] 低胸
tolerant (Adj) [xiong1 jin1 kuan1 da4] 胸襟宽大
vollbusig [da4 xiong1 pu2] 大胸脯
Weidenammer (S) [huang2 xiong1 wu2] 黄胸鹀
weitherzig (Adj) [kai1 kuo4 xin1 xiong1] 开阔心胸
Weitherzigkeit (S) [xin1 xiong1] 心胸
Zwergwachtel (lat: Coturnix chinensis) (Eig, Bio) [lan2 xiong1 chun2] 蓝胸鹑

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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breast, bosom, chest / thorax
needle / pin / tack / acupuncture

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

胷' + * * + variant of 胸/
胸' + * * + chest bosom/ heart mind
胸中' + 胸中* * + one's mind/
胸中無數' + 胸中无数* * + see 心中無數|心中无数/
胸前' + 胸前* * + (on the bosom/
胸口' + 胸口* * + pit of the stomach/
胸噎' + 胸噎* * + thoracic choke (animal harness)/
胸圍' + 胸围* * + chest measurement/ bust
胸大無腦' + 胸大无脑* * + (having) big boobs but no brain/ bimbo
胸大肌' + 胸大肌* * + pectoralis major muscle (across the top of the chest)/
胸寬' + 胸宽* * + width of chest/
胸廓' + 胸廓* * + thorax/
胸廓切開術' + 胸廓切开术* * + thoracotomy (medicine)/
胸悶' + 胸闷* * + chest pain/ chest distress
胸懷' + 胸怀* * + one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/ breast broad-mind
胸懷坦蕩' + 胸怀坦荡* * + open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ ingenuous open heart
胸推' + 胸推* * + massage using one's breasts/
胸有丘壑' + 胸有丘壑* * + far-sighted/ astute
胸有城府' + 胸有城府* * + subtle way of thinking (idiom); hard to fathom/ deep and shrewd
胸有成略' + 胸有成略* * + the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to have plans ready in advance/ forewarned is forearmed
胸有成竹' + 胸有成竹* * + to plan in advance (idiom)/ a card up one's sleeve forewarned
胸有成算' + 胸有成算* * + the hero has plans already laid (idiom); to have plans ready in advance/ forewarned is forearmed
胸椎' + 胸椎* * + thoracic vertebra/ the twelve thoracic vertebras behind the ribcage of humans and most mammals
胸槽' + 胸槽* * + cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)/
胸無城府' + 胸无城府* * + open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ ingenuous
胸無大志' + 胸无大志* * + to have no aspirations (idiom)/ unambitious
胸無宿物' + 胸无宿物* * + open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ ingenuous
胸牆' + 胸墙* * + parapet/ defensive wall breastwork
胸甲' + 胸甲* * + breastplate/
胸章' + 胸章* * + lapel badge/ CL:枚
胸罩' + 胸罩* * + brassie bra/
胸肉' + 胸肉* * + breast meat (brisket, chicken breast etc)/
胸肌' + 胸肌* * + pectoral muscles/
胸脅' + 胸胁* * + chest and hypochondrium/ upper part of the body
胸脯' + 胸脯* * + chest/
胸腔' + 胸腔* * + thoracic cavity/
胸腺' + 胸腺* * + thymus/
胸腺嘧啶' + 胸腺嘧啶* * + thymine nucleotide (T, pairs with adenine A 腺嘌呤 in DNA)/
胸膛' + 胸膛* * + chest/
胸膜' + 胸膜* * + pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs)/
胸膜炎' + 胸膜炎* * + pleurisy/
胸臆' + 胸臆* * + inner feelings/ what is deep in one's heart
胸花' + 胸花* * + corsage/ boutonnière
胸襟' + 胸襟* * + lapel of jacket/ heart aspiration
胸透' + 胸透* * + chest X-ray/
胸部' + 胸部* * + chest/ bosom
胸針' + 胸针* * + brooch/
胸靶' + 胸靶* * + chest silhouette (used as a target in shooting practice)/
胸音' + 胸音* * + chest voice/
胸骨' + 胸骨* * + sternum/ breastbone
胸鰭' + 胸鳍* * + pectoral fin/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2056 胸口 有点 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +
가슴. 흉부. + + 胸怀 가슴. 흉부. + + 胸膛 가슴. 흉부. + +

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