6 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D
* *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

hide, conceal / hidden, secret
hold in mouth / cherish / contain

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
542B + + + hold in mouth / cherish / contain Mouth 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han2 +


+ 머금을 함 (머금 to retain in the mouth, to entertain [a thought])
3 NHSK word(s): 包含* 5 bao1 han2to contain/ to embody/ to include 含糊* 6 han2 hu5obscurity/ vague 含义* 6 han2 yi4meaning (implicit in a phrase)/ implied meaning/ hidden meaning/ hint/ connotation
KOREAN6000 word(s):
1 KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
包含 + bāohán 포함하다. pohamhada.
0 KOREAN Sentence(s):