4 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** B ** D
* * * * * *

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

blind, reckless / rash
finger, toe / point, indicate
direct / wipe away / squander

Hsk Characters: *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
6325 + + + direct / wipe away / squander 手, 扌 Hand1 军 (ARMEE) hui1 +


+ 휘두를휘 (휘두르다 to brandish, wave about)
4 NHSK word(s): * 5 hui1to wave/ to brandish/ to wipe away/ to command/ to conduct/ to scatter/ to disperse 指挥* 5 zhi3 hui1to conduct/ to command/ to direct/ conductor (of an orchestra)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 发挥* 5 fa1 hui1to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme) 挥霍* 6 hui1 huo4to squander money/ extravagant/ prodigal/ free and easy/ agile
KOREAN6000 word(s):
3 KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
发挥 + fāhuī 발휘하다. balhwihada.
+ huī 휘두르다. 흔들다. 내두르다. hwiduleuda. heundeulda. naeduleuda.
指挥 + zhǐhuī 지휘하다. jihwihada.
0 KOREAN Sentence(s):