B Die Freizeit: Das Konzert: Saite + +
C Die Freizeit: Das Konzert: Bund + 弦枕 +
C Die Umwelt: Der Weltraum: Mondsichel + 弦乐 +
C Die Freizeit: Das Orchester: Saiteninstrument + 弦乐器 +

Häufigkeit: 1.51

D + * * xian2 chord Bogensehne, Sehne, Saite,Feder, Hyphotenuse + +

* 6 xian2 bow string/ string of musical instrument/ watchspring/ chord (segment of curve)/ hypotenuse/ CL:根[gen1]

(eheliche) Bande (S)Band (S)fadendünner Puls (S, Med)Saite von Musikinstrumenten (S)Sehne eines Bogens (S) [xian2]
Abbesche Sinusbedingung (S) [a1 bei4 zheng4 xian2 tiao2 jian4] 阿贝正弦条件
abnehmender Mond (S) [xia4 xian2 yue4] 下弦月
abspulen (V) [shang4 xian2] 上弦
abspulen, aufspulen [shang4 xian2] 上弦
Aeolsharfe (S, Mus) [feng1 xian2 qin2] 风弦琴
Akkord (S, Mus) [he2 xian2] 和弦
Akkord, Blatttiefe (eines Propeller- bzw. Rotorblatts) (S)Saite (S) [qin2 xian2] 琴弦
anregen, erregenerregen, durchdringenspannendfesseln (V)packen (V)dramatisch (Adj)spannungsgeladen (Adj) [kou4 ren2 xin1 xian2] 扣人心弦
Arcuscosinus, Arkuskosinus (arccos, acos) (S, Math) [fan3 yu2 xian2] 反余弦
Arcussinus, Arkussinus (arcsin, asin) (S, Math) [fan3 zheng4 xian2] 反正弦
Berliner Philharmoniker (S, Mus) [bo2 lin2 ai4 le4 guan3 xian2 le4 tuan2] 柏林爱乐管弦乐团
bespannen (V) [you3 xian2] 有弦
Bogenmacher (S, Mus) [xian2 le4 qi4 gong1 zhi4 zao4 ji4 gong1] 弦乐器弓制造技工
Cleveland Orchestra (Mus) [ke4 li4 fu1 lan2 guan3 xian2 yue4 tuan2] 克利夫兰管弦乐团
Cosinus, Kosinus (cos) (S, Math) [yu2 xian2] 余弦
Diskrete Kosinustransformation (S, Math) [li2 san3 yu2 xian2 bian4 huan4] 离散余弦变换
ein Saiteninstrument stimmen (V, Mus)eine Saite stimmen (V, Mus) [tiao2 xian2] 调弦
Erxian (zweisaitiges chinesisches Streichinstrument) (Eig, Mus) [er4 xian2] 二弦
Fallstrick (S) [xiang3 xian2] 响弦
Gattin (S)Halbmond (S)Mondviertel (S)Sprungfeder (S) [xuan2]
Gitarre (S) [liu4 xian2 qin2] 六弦琴
Halbmond (S) [xian2 yue4] 弦月
Kosinussatz [yu2 xian2 ding4 li3] 余弦定理
Kosinussatz [yu2 xian2 ding4 li3] 余弦定理
Marutei Tsurunen (Eig, Pers, 1940 - ) [xian2 nian4 wan2 cheng2] 弦念丸呈
Musikgruppe (S) [guan3 xian2 yue4 dui4] 管弦乐队
nach dem Tod der Ehefrau wieder heiraten (V) [xu4 xian2] 续弦
Orchester (S, Mus) [guan3 xian2 yue4 tuan2] 管弦乐团
Orchestermusik (S) [guan3 xian2 yue4] 管弦乐
Philadelphia Orchestra [fei4 cheng2 guan3 xian2 yue4 tuan2] 费城管弦乐团
Philharmonia (Mus) [ai4 le4 guan3 xian2 le4 tuan2] 爱乐管弦乐团
Russisches Nationalorchester (Mus) [e2 luo2 si1 guo2 jia1 guan3 xian2 le4 tuan2] 俄罗斯国家管弦乐团
Saite (S)bespannen (V)Xian (Eig, Fam) [xian2]
Saite im Herzen (S)tiefste Gefühle (S) [xin1 xian2] 心弦
Saiteninstrument (S) [bo1 xian2] 拨弦
Saiteninstrument (S, Mus) [xian2 yue4 qi4] 弦乐器
Saiteninstrument stimmen [diao4 xian2] 调弦
Sanxian (Mus) [san1 xian2] 三弦
schlussakkord (S, Mus) [zui4 zhong1 de5 he2 xian2] 最终的和弦
Sinus (sin) (S, Math) [zheng4 xian2] 正弦
Sinusoid [zheng4 xian2 qu1 xian4] 正弦曲线
Sinussatz [zheng4 xian2 ding4 li3] 正弦定理
Streichinstrument (Mus) [gong1 xian2 yue4 qi4] 弓弦乐器
Streichquartett (S) [xian2 le4 si4 chong2 zou4] 弦乐四重奏
Stringtheorie [xian2 li3 lun4] 弦理论
Stringtheorie (S) [chao1 xian2 li3 lun4] 超弦理论
Tod der Gattin (S) [duan4 xian2] 断弦
Ukulele (S) [xia4 wei1 yi2 de5 si4 xian2 qin2] 夏威夷的四弦琴
Untergurt (S) [xia4 xian2] 下弦
Walk the Line (Mus) [xian2 tu2 you3 ni3] 弦途有你
Wiener Philharmoniker (S, Mus) [wei2 ye3 na4 ai4 le4 guan3 xian2 le4 tuan2] 维也纳爱乐管弦乐团
Zupfinstrument (Mus) [bo1 xian2 yue4 qi4] 拨弦乐器

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +

string / hypotenuse, crescent
happy, glad / enjoyable / music

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

弦' + * * + bow string/ string of musical instrument watchsprin
弦切角' + 弦切角* * + chord a /
弦外之意' + 弦外之意* * + see 弦外之音/
弦外之音' + 弦外之音* * + overton (fig.) connotation/ implied meaning
弦外之響' + 弦外之响* * + see 弦外之音/
弦數' + 弦数* * + number /
弦月' + 弦月* * + half-moon/ the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month
弦月窗' + 弦月窗* * + a narrow slit window/ a lunette
弦樂' + 弦乐* * + string music/
弦樂器' + 弦乐器* * + string instrument/
弦樂隊' + 弦乐队* * + string orchestra/
弦歌' + 弦歌* * + to sing to a string accompaniment/ education (a reference to teaching the people Confucian values by means of song in ancient times)
弦理論' + 弦理论* * + string theory (physics)/
弦而鼓之' + 弦而鼓之* * + lit. to tune one's zither then play it; fig. to live by the consequences of one's / to make one's bed then lie on it
弦誦不綴' + 弦诵不缀* * + variant of 弦誦不輟|弦诵不辍/
弦誦不輟' + 弦诵不辍* * + incessa /
弦論' + 弦论* * + string theory (in theoretical physics)/
弦貝斯' + 弦贝斯* * + acoustic bass (guitar)/
弦鳴樂器' + 弦鸣乐器* * + string instrument/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


3088 吉他 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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활시위. + +

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