A 寒假 + * * han2jia4 winter vacation Winterferien + +
B 寒冷 + * * han2leng3 frigid/ cold kalt + +
D + * * han2 cold 1.kalt, frostig, Kälte 2. Angst haben, zittern 3. arm, armselig, bedürftig + +
D 寒暄 + * * han2xuan1 exchange of conventional greetings laut, lärmend + +
D 嚴寒 + * * yan2han2 freezing bitter kalt, strenge Kälte + +

auf Gedeih und Verderb aufeinander angewiesen (Sprichw) [chun2 wang2 chi3 han2]
bitterkalt (V) [tian1 han2 di4 dong4]
Abschreckwirkung (S, Rechtsw) [han2 chan2 xiao4 ying4] 寒蝉效应
Anorak (V) [fang2 han2 fu2] 防寒服
Anrede (S) [han2 xuan1] 寒喧
ärmlich (S) [han2 suan1] 寒酸
Bambus, Pflaumenbaum, Kiefer [sui4 han2 san1 you3] 岁寒三友
bitter enttäuscht [xin1 han2] 心寒
bitterkalt (Adv) [ku4 han2] 酷寒
Dohle (S) [han2 ya1] 寒鸦
dürftig (Adj) [qing1 han2] 清寒
einsetzendes, aber noch kühles Frühlingswetter (V) [chun1 han2 liao4 qiao4] 春寒料峭
eisiger Wind [han2 feng1] 寒风
Elsterdohle [da2 wu1 li3 han2 ya1] 达乌里寒鸦
frostbeständig (Adj)kältebeständig (Adj) [nai4 han2 de5] 耐寒的
Große Kälte (um den 20. Januar) (S, Sprachw) [da4 han2] 大寒
Han-Shan [han2 shan1] 寒山
Hanting (Gegend in Shandong) (Eig, Geo) [han2 ting2 qu1] 寒亭区
häßlich, schäbig, bespötteln (Adj) [han2 chen5] 寒碜
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (EDV) [han2 chan2 qi4 ming2 zhi1 shi2] 寒蝉泣鸣之时
Höflichkeitsfloskeln [han2 xuan1] 寒暄
Humboldtstrom [bi4 lu3 han2 liu2] 秘鲁寒流
kalt [han2 zhan4] 寒战
kalt [shou4 han2] 受寒
kalt (Adv) [han2]
Kälte (S)eiskalt, frostig (Adj)kalt (Adj) [han2 leng3] 寒冷
kältebeständig [kang4 han2] 抗寒
Kalter Tau (17. von 24 Stationen des Jahres - 8. - 9. Okt.) [han2 lu4] 寒露
Kälteschutz [fang2 han2] 防寒
Kaltluft (S) [han2 qi4] 寒气
Kaltlufteinbruch [han2 liu2] 寒流
Kaltwelle, Kältewelle (S, Met) [han2 chao2] 寒潮
Kambrische Explosion (Gesch) [han2 wu3 ji4 da4 bao4 fa1] 寒武纪大爆发
Kambrische Explosion (S) [han2 wu3 ji4 sheng1 ming4 da4 bao4 zha4] 寒武纪生命大爆炸
Kambrische Explosion (S, Gesch) [han2 wu3 ji4 sheng1 ming4 da4 bao4 fa1] 寒武纪生命大爆发
Kambrium [han2 wu3 ji4] 寒武纪
Kleine Kälte (23. von 24 Stationen des Jahres - 5. - 7. Jan.) (S) [xiao3 han2] 小寒
notleidend [han2 ku3] 寒苦
PolarklimaPolarzone [han2 dai4] 寒带
Rattenfleckfieber (Med) [shu3 xing2 ban1 zhen3 shang1 han2] 鼠型斑疹伤寒
schlottern (V) [han2 jin4] 寒噤
Schüttelfrost (S) [han2 re4] 寒热
Schüttelfrost (S) [han2 re4 fa1 zuo4] 寒热发作
strenge od. grimmige Kälte, bitter kalt [yan2 han2] 严寒
Tag der kalten Speisen (der Tag vor dem Qingming-Totengedenktag) [han2 shi2 jie2] 寒食节
Thermometer (S, Tech) [han2 shu3 biao3] 寒暑表
Typhus (S, Med) [shang1 han2] 伤寒
über das Wetter reden [xu4 han2 wen1] 叙寒温
von niedriger Abstammung (S) [han2 wei1] 寒微
Wind und Kälte abwehren (V) [dang3 feng1 yu4 han2] 挡风御寒
Windchill; Windauskühlung (Met) [feng1 han2 zhi3 shu4] 风寒指数
Winterferien (S) [han2 jia3] 寒假
winterlich [han2 dong1] 寒冬

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

寒' + * * + cold poor/ to tremble
寒亭' + 寒亭* * + Hanting district of Weifang city 濰坊市|潍坊市/
寒亭區' + 寒亭区* * + Hanting /
寒假' + 寒假* * + winter /
寒傖' + 寒伧* * + variant of 寒磣|寒碜/
寒光閃閃' + 寒光闪闪* * + to glit /
寒冬' + 寒冬* * + wintry/
寒冷' + 寒冷* * + cold (climate)/ frigid very cold
寒喧' + 寒喧* * + to exchange conventional greetings/ to exchange pleasantries
寒喧語' + 寒喧语* * + polite set phrase/ salutation pleasantri
寒噤' + 寒噤* * + a shiver/
寒天' + 寒天* * + chilly weather/ (loanword from Japanese) agar-agar
寒帶' + 寒带* * + polar climate/
寒微' + 寒微* * + of humble origin/
寒心' + 寒心* * + disillusioned/ bitterly disappointed terrified
寒意' + 寒意* * + a nip in the air/ chilliness
寒戰' + 寒战* * + shiver/
寒暄' + 寒暄* * + to exchange conventional greetings/ to talk about the weather
寒武' + 寒武* * + Cambrian (geological period 545-495m years ago)/
寒武爆發' + 寒武爆发* * + the Cambrian explosion/
寒武紀' + 寒武纪* * + Cambrian geological period (545-495m years ago)/
寒武紀大爆發' + 寒武纪大爆发* * + the Cambrian explosion/
寒武紀生命大爆發' + 寒武纪生命大爆发* * + the Cambrian explosion/
寒毛' + 寒毛* * + fine hair on the human body/
寒氣' + 寒气* * + cold air/
寒流' + 寒流* * + cold stream/
寒潮' + 寒潮* * + cold wave/ CL:股
寒磣' + 寒碜* * + ugly shameful/ to ridicule
寒窗' + 寒窗* * + a life of strenuous studies (idiom)/
寒舍' + 寒舍* * + my humble home/
寒荊' + 寒荆* * + (polite) my wife (old)/
寒蟬' + 寒蝉* * + cicada in winter/ fig. mournful sound
寒衣' + 寒衣* * + winter clothing/
寒酸' + 寒酸* * + wretched/ poverty-stricken unpresenta
寒門' + 寒门* * + poor and humble family/ my family (humble)
寒露' + 寒露* * + Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 8th-22nd October/
寒風刺骨' + 寒风刺骨* * + bone chilling wind (idiom)/
寒食' + 寒食* * + cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festiva/ the Qingming festival
寒鴉' + 寒鸦* * + (Chinese bird species) Eurasian jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


735 寒冷 寒战 +
1704 室外 寒冷 +
1705 他们 家境 贫寒 +
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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