A Das Haus: Das Badezimmer: Deo + 除臭剂 +
C Der Einkauf: Die Apotheke: Deo + 除臭剂 +
C Die Umwelt: Das Wetter: Ozonschicht + 臭氧层 +

Häufigkeit: 22.01

B + * * chou4 smelly 1. übelriechend, stinkend 2. abscheulich, abstoßend + +

* 5 chou4 stench/ stink/ smelly/ to smell (bad)

aasig, Gestank (S) [e3 chou4] 恶臭
Achselgeruch [ye4 chou4] 腋臭
angeben (V)prahlen (V)protzen (V) [chou4 mei3] 臭美
Anrüchigkeit (S) [xing1 chou4] 腥臭
berüchtigt [chou4 ming2 zhao1 zhuo2] 臭名昭着
Deo, Deodorant, desodorierendes Mittel, Körperspray (S) [chu2 chou4 ji4] 除臭剂
Deodorant (S) [chu2 chou4 yao4] 除臭药
Deodorant (S) [fang2 chou4 ji4] 防臭剂
der Gestank des Geldes, Gewinn geht über alles, Geldmentalität [tong2 xiu4] 铜臭
desodorieren, Geruch beseitigen (V) [chu2 chou4] 除臭
desodorierend (Adj)geruchtilgend (Adj) [fang2 chou4] 防臭
desodorierend (Adj)geruchtilgend (Adj) [zhi3 chou4] 止臭
Die Person stinkt ! (Int)Es stinkt ! Es reicht übel ! (Int) [chou4 qi4 xun1 ren2] 臭氣熏人
Drei einfache chinesische Schuster sind schlauer als ein Zhuge Liang. (Adj, Sprichw) [san1 ge4 zhong1 guo2 chou4 pi2 jiang4 chao1 guo4 yi1 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4] 三个中国臭皮匠超过一个诸葛亮
Es stinkt ! Es riecht übel ! (Int)Es stinkt zum Himmel ! (Int) [chou4 qi4 chong1 tian1] 臭氣沖天
geruchlos [bu4 chou4] 不臭
geruchlos (Adj) [wu2 chou4] 无臭
geruchlos (Adj) [yi2 chou4 yi3 xiao1 shi1] 遗臭已消失
Gestank verbreiten, stinken (V) [fa1 chou4] 发臭
Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern. (auch abwertend) (Sprichw) [chou4 wei4 xiang1 tou2] 臭味相投
Lausbub; Göre (S) [chou4 xiao3 zi5] 臭小子
moderig, modrig (Adj) [mei2 chou4 de5] 霉臭的
Mundgeruch (S) [kou3 chou4] 口臭
noch nicht trocken hinter den Ohren sein; noch die Eierschalen hinter den Ohren haben; jung und unerfahren [ru3 chou4 wei4 gan1] 乳臭未干
Ozon (S, Chem) [chou4 yang3] 臭氧
Ozon abbauende Substanzen (S) [wei2 hai4 chou4 yang3 ceng2 wu4 zhi4] 危害臭氧层物质
Ozonbelastung (S) [dui4 liu2 ceng2 chou4 yang3] 对流层臭氧
Ozongehalt (S) [chou4 yang3 nong2 du4] 臭氧浓度
Ozonloch (S) [chou4 yang3 ceng2 kong1 dong4] 臭氧层空洞
Ozonloch (S) [chou4 yang3 dong4] 臭氧洞
Ozonloch (S) [chou4 yang3 kong1 dong4] 臭氧空洞
Ozonolyse (S, Chem) [chou4 yang3 hua4 fan3 ying4] 臭氧化反应
Ozonschicht (S) [chou4 yang3 ceng2] 臭氧层
Schlampe (Int, vulg) [chou4 san1 ba1] 臭三八
schlecht riechend, stinkend (Adj) [chou4]
Skatol (S, Chem) [fen4 chou4 su4] 粪臭素
stinken, müffeln (V) [chou4 hu1 hu1] 臭乎乎
Textilerfrischer (S) [yi1 wu4 chu2 chou4 ji4] 衣物除臭剂
übelrichend (Adj)stinkend (Adj) [chou4 de5] 臭的
übelriechend werden (V) [bian4 chou4] 变臭
übler Geruch, Gestank (S) [chou4 wei4] 臭味
unangenehmer Körpergeruch (S) [hu2 chou4] 狐臭
Wanze [chou4 chong2] 臭虫
Wiener Übereinkommen zum Schutz der Ozonschicht (Rechtsw) [bao3 hu4 chou4 yang3 ceng2 wei2 ye3 na4 gong1 yue1] 保护臭氧层维也纳公约

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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smell, stink, emit foul odor
traces, impressions, footprints

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

臭' + * * + stench/ smelly to smell (
臭' + * * + sense of smell/ smell bad
臭不可聞' + 臭不可闻* * + unbearable stink/ fig. notorious
臭名昭彰' + 臭名昭彰* * + notorious for his misdeeds (idiom)/ infamous
臭名昭著' + 臭名昭著* * + notorious/ infamous egregious
臭名遠揚' + 臭名远扬* * + stinking reputation/ notorious far and wide
臭味' + 臭味* * + stink/ fumes
臭味相投' + 臭味相投* * + to share vile habits/ partners in notoriety birds of a
臭子兒' + 臭子儿* * + dead bullet (one that does not fire)/ a bad move (in a game of chess)
臭屁' + 臭屁* * + smelly fart/ arrogant
臭屁蟲' + 臭屁虫* * + stink bug/
臭彈' + 臭弹* * + dead bomb (i.e. not exploding on impact)/
臭架子' + 臭架子* * + stinking pretension/ to give oneself airs and offend others hateful ar
臭棋' + 臭棋* * + blunder (in chess)/
臭氣' + 臭气* * + stench/
臭氣熏天' + 臭气熏天* * + overwhelming stench (idiom)/
臭氧' + 臭氧* * + ozone (O3)/
臭氧層' + 臭氧层* * + ozone layer/
臭烘烘' + 臭烘烘* * + stinking/
臭燻燻' + 臭熏熏* * + stinking/
臭皮囊' + 臭皮囊* * + this mortal flesh/
臭罵' + 臭骂* * + tongue-lashing/ to chew out CL:頓|顿
臭美' + 臭美* * + to show /
臭老九' + 臭老九* * + stinking intellectual (contemptuous term for educated people during the Cultural R/
臭臉' + 臭脸* * + sour face/ scowling face CL:張|张
臭蓋' + 臭盖* * + to driv /
臭蟲' + 臭虫* * + bedbug (Cimex lectularius)/ tick
臭豆腐' + 臭豆腐* * + stinky tofu/ strong-smelling preserved beancurd fig. rough
臭貨' + 臭货* * + low-quality goods/ scumbag bitch
臭跡' + 臭迹* * + scent (smell of person or animal used for tracking)/
臭錢' + 臭钱* * + dirty money/
臭鼬' + 臭鼬* * + skunk/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2796 +
2797 保存 已经 +
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

(냄새가) 지독하다. 구리다. 역겹다. + +

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