C Der Sport: Das Baseball: linkes Feld + 左外野 +
C Die Freizeit: Die Besichtigungstour: links + +
C Der Verkehr: Das Auto: Linkssteuerung + 左侧驾驶 +

Häufigkeit: 14.35

A + * * zuo3 the left/ the left side 1. linke Seite, links 2. seltsam, sonderbar, unorthodox, ketzerisch + +
B 左邊 + * * zuo3bian the left side/ the left linke Seite + +
B 左右 + * * zuo3you4 about/ approximate/ influence/ control ungefähr, etwa, annähernd, links und rechts + +

左边* 2 zuo3 bian5 left/ the left side/ to the left of
左右* 6 zuo3 you4 about/ approximately/ left and right/ around/ attendant

Alashan zuoqi (Ort in Ningxia) (Eig, Geo) [a1 la1 shan4 zuo3 qi2] 阿拉善左旗
angrenzend [zuo3 jin4] 左近
backbord (Adj) [chao2 zuo3 xian2] 朝左舷
backbord (Adj) [zuo3 xian2] 左舷
backbord (Adj) [zuo3 xian2 ce4] 左舷侧
backbord, backbords (Adj) [zuo3 ce4 de5] 左侧的
Balin zuoqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [ba1 lin2 zuo3 qi2] 巴林左旗
Bulldogge (S, Mil)Revolver (S, Mil) [zuo3 lun2 shou3 qiang1] 左轮手枪
Carnitin (Med) [zuo3 xuan2 rou4 jian3] 左旋肉碱
Die Linke [zuo3 dang3] 左党
die Linke (S, Pol) [zuo3 pai4 dang3] 左派党
Djoser (altägyptische Pharao) (Eig, Gesch) [zuo3 sai1 er3] 左塞尔
Dreh dich nach links,dreh dich nach rechts (V) [xiang4 zuo3 zou3 xiang4 you4 zou3] 向左走向右走
E'ergu'na zuoqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [e2 er3 gu3 na4 zuo3 qi2] 额尔古纳左旗
Émile Zola [ai1 mi3 er3 zuo3 la1] 埃米尔左拉
Erster Kammerjunker (S) [zuo3 shi4 lang2] 左侍郞
extrem links (pol.) [ji2 zuo3] 极左
gerade Seiten, linke Seiten [zuo3 ye4] 左页
in Gedankenhin und her überlegen [zuo3 si1 you4 xiang3] 左思右想
Ke'erqin zuoyi houqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 hou4 qi2] 科尔沁左翼后旗
Ke'erqin zuoyi zhongqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [ke1 er3 qin4 zuo3 yi4 zhong1 qi2] 科尔沁左翼中旗
Ketzerei, Irrlehre [pang2 men2 zuo3 dao4] 旁门左道
kontern (V) [zuo3 you4 fan3 xiang4 de5] 左右反向的
Kreis Zuoquan (Provinz Shanxi, China) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 quan2 xian4] 左权县
Kursivrechtsoderlinks [you4 xie2 huo4 zuo3 xie2 ti3] 右斜或左斜体
Linke Autonome (S, Pol) [zuo3 zi4 zhu3] 左自主
linke Maustaste (Adj, EDV) [zuo3 jian4] 左键
linke Maustaste (S) [zuo3 shu3 biao1 jian4] 左鼠标键
linke Tragfläche (S) [zuo3 ce4 ji1 yi4] 左侧机翼
linke und rechte Seite gleich entfaltet : Lishu Kalligraphie Regel [zuo3 you4 shu1 zhan3] 左右舒展
linke und rechte Seite, in etwa, ungefähr (Adj)links rechts ( Darstellung von Ausgewogenheit ) (Adj)ungefähr ( nachgestellt ) (Adj) [zuo3 you4] 左右
linken Arm entblößen (altes Zeichen der Trauer) [tan2 zuo3] 枟左
linken Arm entblößen (altes Zeichen der Trauer) [tan3 zuo3] 袒左
linken Arm entblößen (altes Zeichen der Trauer) [tan3 zuo3] 襢左
linken unteren Ecke (S)Ecke, unten links (S) [zuo3 xia4 jiao3] 左下角
linker Flügel (S, Pol)links (Adj, Pol)linksliberal (Adj) [zuo3 yi4] 左翼
linker Hand (S) [zuo3 shou3] 左手
links [zuo3 mian4] 左面
links abbiegen (V) [zuo3 guai3] 左拐
links abbiegen (V) [zuo3 zhuan3] 左转
links, linke SeiteZuo (Eig, Fam) [zuo3]
Linksaußen (S) [zuo3 bian1 feng1] 左边锋
linksbündig (排版) (V) [zuo3 qi2 xing2] 左齐行
linksbündig setzen (S, Sprachw) [xiang4 zuo3 diao4 zheng3 wen2 zi4] 向左调整文字
linksdrehend (Adj, Chem)linksseitig (Adj, Bio) [zuo3 xuan2] 左旋
Linksdrehfeld (S, Bio) [zuo3 xuan2 ci2 chang3] 左旋磁场
Linksgewinde (S) [zuo3 luo2 wen2] 左螺纹
Linkshänder (S) [yong4 zuo3 shou3 de5 yun4 dong4 yuan2] 用左手的运动员
Linkshänder (S, Med) [zuo3 pie3 zi5] 左撇子
Linkshändertag [guo2 ji4 zuo3 pie3 zi3 ri4] 国际左撇子日
Linkskurve (S) [zuo3 zhuan3 wan1] 左转弯
linksliberal (Adj) [zuo3 yi4 jie3 fang4 yun4 dong4] 左翼解放运动
linksliberal (Adj) [zuo3 yi4 jie3 fang4 zu3 zhi1] 左翼解放组织
Linksradikalismus (S, Pol) [ji2 zuo3 pai4] 极左派
linksseitig, auf der linken Seite [zuo3 bian1] 左边
linksseitig, mit der linken Hand, mit der linken Hälfte (Adv) [yong4 zuo3 shou3] 用左手
Malcolm mittendrin (Geo) [zuo3 you4 zuo4 ren2 nan2] 左右做人难
Mitte-links (Pol) [zhong1 jian1 pian1 zuo3] 中间偏左
Mitte-Links-Koalition (S, Pol) [zhong1 zuo3 pai4 lian2 meng2] 中左派联盟
nach links [xiang4 zuo3] 向左
nach links abbiegen (V) [wang4 zuo3 guai3] 往左拐
nach links abbiegen (V)nach links einbiegen (V) [xiang4 zuo3 guai3] 向左拐
nach links abbiegen (V)nach links einbiegen (V) [xiang4 zuo3 zhuan3] 向左转
nach rechts und links ausweichen (V) [zuo3 duo3 you4 shan3] 左躲右闪
Nachbarn [zuo3 lin2 you4 she4] 左邻右舍
nahe [zai4 zuo3 ce4] 在左侧
Neue Linke [xin1 zuo3 pai4] 新左派
politisch fortschrittlich, revolutionär eingestellt (Adj) [zuo3 qing1] 左倾
politisch linker Partei (S, Pol)links (Adj, Pol) [zuo3 pai4] 左派
Postillion (S)Postkutscher (S) [zuo3 ma3 yu4 zhe3] 左马御者
Rive Gauche [zuo3 an4] 左岸
schwänzeln (V) [zuo3 you4 bai3 dong4] 左右摆动
Sunite zuoqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [su1 ni2 te4 zuo3 qi2] 苏尼特左旗
Synaspismos (Pol) [zuo3 yi4 sheng1 tai4 lian2 meng2] 左翼生态联盟
Tsochen (Dorf in Taiwan) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 zhen4 xiang1] 左镇乡
Tsoying-Distrikt (Stadtbezirk von Kaohsiung, Taiwan) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 ying2 qu1] 左营区
Tumote zuoqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [tu3 mo4 te4 zuo3 qi2] 土默特左旗
vom Kurs abkommend [zuo3 you4 yao2 bai3] 左右摇摆
von links beginnend, von links nach rechts, von links [zuo3 qi3] 左起
wie komme ich (Fam) [dao4 ‥ . zen3 me5 zuo3] 到‥.怎么左
Xinba'erhu zuoqi (Ort in Inner Mongolia) (Eig, Geo) [xin1 ba1 er3 hu3 zuo3 qi2] 新巴尔虎左旗
Zogang (Geo) [zuo3 gong4 xian4] 左贡县
Zola (S) [zuo3 la1] 左拉
Zuo Qiuming (Eig, Pers, 556 - 451 v.Chr.) [zuo3 qiu1 ming2] 左丘明
Zuo Zongtang (Pers) [zuo3 zong1 tang2] 左宗棠
Zuogong (Ort in Tibet) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 gong4] 左贡
Zuoqiu (Eig, Fam) [zuo3 qiu1] 左邱
Zuoquan (Ort in Shanxi) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 quan2] 左权
Zuoren (Eig, Fam) [zuo3 ren2] 左人
Zuoyun (Kreis in Shanxi, China) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 yun2 xian4] 左云县
Zuoyun (Ort in Shanxi) (Eig, Geo) [zuo3 yun2] 左云
zwischen Hammer und Amboss sein (Sprichw) [zuo3 you4 wei2 nan2] 左右为难

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
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* * + +
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left / east / unorthodox, improper
right / west / right-wing
do, handle, govern, act / be
difficult, arduous, hard / unable
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

左' + * * + surname Zuo/
左' + * * + left/ the Left (politics) east
左上' + 左上* * + upper l /
左下' + 左下* * + lower left/
左不過' + 左不过* * + anyhow/ in any event just
左丘明' + 左丘明* * + Zuo Qiuming or Zuoqiu Ming (556-451), famous blind historian from Lu 魯國|鲁国 to whom/
左側' + 左侧* * + left side/
左傳' + 左传* * + Zuo Zhuan or Tsochuan, Mr Zuo's Annals or Mr Zuo's commentary on 春秋/
左傾' + 左倾* * + left-le progressive/
左傾機會主義' + 左倾机会主义* * + leftist opportunism (blamed for failures of Chinese communists from 1927)/ left adventurism cf Mao's p
左券' + 左券* * + a sure a certainty/ copy of a contract held by a creditor
左券在握' + 左券在握* * + to be assured of success (idiom)/
左前衛' + 左前卫* * + left forward (soccer position)/
左右' + 左右* * + left and right/ nearby approximat
左右兩難' + 左右两难* * + dilemma/ quandary Scylla and
左右共利' + 左右共利* * + ambidextrous/
左右勾拳' + 左右勾拳* * + left hook and right hook (boxing)/ the old one-two
左右手' + 左右手* * + left and right hands/ (fig.) capable assistant right-hand
左右袒' + 左右袒* * + to take sides with/ to be partial to to be bias
左右逢源' + 左右逢源* * + lit. to strike water right and left (idiom)/ fig. to turn everything into gold to have ev
左右開弓' + 左右开弓* * + lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)/ fig. to display ambidexterity to slap wi
左嗓子' + 左嗓子* * + off-key singing voice/ sb who sings off-key
左字頭' + 左字头* * + top of 左 character component in Chinese characters/
左對齊' + 左对齐* * + to left justify (typography)/
左岸' + 左岸* * + Left Bank (in Paris)/
左思' + 左思* * + Zuo Si (3rd century), Jin dynasty writer and poet/
左思右想' + 左思右想* * + to turn over in one's mind (idiom); to think through from different angles/ to ponder
左手' + 左手* * + left hand/ left-hand side
左拉' + 左拉* * + Zola (name)/ Émile Zola (1840-1902), French naturalist novelist
左撇子' + 左撇子* * + left-handed/
左支右絀' + 左支右绌* * + to be in straitened circumstances/
左權' + 左权* * + Zuoquan county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中/
左權縣' + 左权县* * + Zuoquan /
左氏春秋' + 左氏春秋* * + Mr Zuo' /
左派' + 左派* * + (politi left wing/ leftist
左營' + 左营* * + Zuoying or Tsoying district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市/
左營區' + 左营区* * + Zuoying /
左箭頭' + 左箭头* * + left-po /
左箭頭鍵' + 左箭头键* * + left arrow key (on keyboard)/
左翼' + 左翼* * + left-wing (political)/
左聯' + 左联* * + the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in/ abbr. for 中國左翼作家聯盟|中国左翼作家联盟
左至右' + 左至右* * + left-to /
左舵' + 左舵* * + left rudder/
左舷' + 左舷* * + port (side of a ship)/
左袒' + 左袒* * + to take sides with/ to be partial to to be bias
左貢' + 左贡* * + Zogang county, Tibetan: Mdzo sgang rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区/
左貢縣' + 左贡县* * + Zogang /
左輪手槍' + 左轮手枪* * + revolve /
左轉' + 左转* * + to turn left/
左近' + 左近* * + near by/
左道惑眾' + 左道惑众* * + to delude the masses with heretical doctrines (idiom)/
左邊' + 左边* * + left/ the left side to the lef
左邊兒' + 左边儿* * + erhua variant of 左邊|左边/
左鄰右舍' + 左邻右舍* * + neighbo next-door neighbors/ related work units colleagues
左鄰右里' + 左邻右里* * + see 左鄰右舍|左邻右舍/
左鎮' + 左镇* * + Tsochen /
左鎮鄉' + 左镇乡* * + Tsochen /
左雲' + 左云* * + Zuoyun /
左雲縣' + 左云县* * + Zuoyun /
左面' + 左面* * + left si /
左顧右盼' + 左顾右盼* * + glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around/
左首' + 左首* * + left-hand side/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


623 出口 左边 +
1977 男厕所 左侧 +
2549 左手 门铃 +
3006 左边 嫂子 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

左边 좌(측). 왼쪽. 왼편. + + 左右 좌와 우. 왼쪽과 오른쪽. + +

+ + + + + + + +