C Die Gesundheit: Die Alternativtherapien: Hypnotherapie + 催眠疗法 +

Häufigkeit: 3.99

B + * * cui1 press/ urge drängen, antreiben, auf Eile dringen + +

* 5 cui1 to urge/ to press/ to prompt/ to rush sb/ to hasten sth/ to expedite

Mahnung zum Zahlungsverzug [dui4 yan2 chi2 zhi1 fu4 de5 cui1 kuan3 xin4] 对延迟支付的催款信
3-Wege-Katalysator (S) [san1 yuan2 cui1 hua4 qi4] 三元催化器
antreiben, (auf Eile) drängenjdm. Druck machen [cui1 cu4] 催促
Biokatalysator (S) [sheng1 wu4 cui1 hua4 ji4] 生物催化剂
enzymatisch stabilisierte Schlammbildung (S, Chem) [mei2 cui1 hua4 wen3 ding4 wu1 ni2 fa3] 酶催化稳定污泥法
Fahrzeugkatalysator (S) [cui1 hua4 zhuan3 huan4 qi4] 催化转换器
hochtreiben (S) [cui1 gu3] 催谷
Hypnose (S) [cui1 mian2 zhuang4 tai4] 催眠状态
Hypnose (S, Psych) [cui1 mian2] 催眠
jemanden zu einer Antwort bewegen [cui1 ren2 da2 fu4] 催人答复
Katalysator (S) [cui1 hua4 zhuan3 hua4 qi4] 催化转化器
Katalysator (S, Chem) [cui1 hua4 ji4] 催化剂
Katalyse (S)Katalyse (S) [cui1 hua4 zuo4 yong4] 催化作用
katalysieren (S, Chem) [cui1 hua4] 催化
katalytische Wirksamkeit (S) [cui1 hua4 huo2 xing4] 催化活性
mahnen, drängen (V) [cui1]
Mahnung (S) [cui1 kuan3] 催款
Mahnung zum Lieferungsverzug [dui4 yan2 chi2 jiao1 dai4 de5 cui1 jiao1 han2] 对延迟交贷的催交函
Mahnung, Zahlungsaufforderung (S) [cui1 gao4 han2] 催告函
Oxytocin (ein Peptidhormon) (S, Chem) [cui1 sheng1 su4] 催生素
Papaya (S) [ke3 yi3 cui1 ru3] 可以催乳
Platinkatalysator (S, Chem) [bo2 cui1 hua4 ji4] 铂催化剂
Prolaktin (Bio) [cui1 ru3 su4] 催乳素
Selbsthypnose (S) [zi4 wo3 cui1 mian2] 自我催眠
Sikkativ (S) [cui1 gan1 ji4] 催干剂
Tränengas (Chem) [cui1 lei4 dan4] 催泪弹
Tränengas (S) [cui1 lei4 wa3 si1] 催泪瓦斯
Tränengas (S, Chem) [cui1 lei4 qi4 ti3] 催泪气体
Zahlungsaufforderung (S) [cui1 kuan3 dan1] 催款单

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
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* * + +
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* * + +

press, urge
life / destiny, fate, luck / an order, instruction
ghost / spirit of dead / devil

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

催' + * * + to urge/ to press to prompt
催乳' + 催乳* * + to promote lactation/ to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)
催乳激素' + 催乳激素* * + prolactin/
催促' + 催促* * + to urge/
催化' + 催化* * + catalysis/ to catalyze (a reaction)
催化作用' + 催化作用* * + catalysis/
催化劑' + 催化剂* * + catalyst/
催吐' + 催吐* * + emetic/
催吐劑' + 催吐剂* * + an emetic/
催命' + 催命* * + to press sb to death/ fig. to pressurize sb continually
催奶' + 催奶* * + to promote lactation/ to stimulate lactation (e.g. with drug)
催情' + 催情* * + to promote estrus/ to bring an animal to heat by artificial means
催淚' + 催泪* * + to move to tears (of a story)/ tear-provoking (gas) lacrimogen
催淚劑' + 催泪剂* * + lachrymator/
催淚大片' + 催泪大片* * + tear-jerker (movie)/
催淚彈' + 催泪弹* * + tear bomb/ tear-gas grenade
催淚瓦斯' + 催泪瓦斯* * + tear gas/
催熟' + 催熟* * + to promote ripening of fruit/
催生' + 催生* * + to induce labor/ to expedite childbirth
催生婆' + 催生婆* * + midwife who induces labor/
催生素' + 催生素* * + oxytocin/
催產' + 催产* * + to induce labor/ to expedite childbirth
催眠' + 催眠* * + hypnosis/
催眠曲' + 催眠曲* * + lullaby/
催眠狀態' + 催眠状态* * + hypnosis/
催眠藥' + 催眠药* * + soporific drug/
催眠術' + 催眠术* * + hypnotism/ hypnotherapy mesmerism
催肥' + 催肥* * + to fatten (animal before slaughter)/
催肥劑' + 催肥剂* * + (animal) fattening preparation/
催芽' + 催芽* * + to promote germination/
催討' + 催讨* * + to demand repayment of debt/
催證' + 催证* * + to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade)/
催谷' + 催谷* * + to boost/ to propel
催逼' + 催逼* * + to press (for a payment)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2760 妈妈 起床 +
3686 革命 催迫 皇帝 退位 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

재촉하다. 독촉하다. 다그치다. + +

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