Häufigkeit: 18.07

B + * * da1 put up/ build 1. aufstellen, aufschlagen, bauen, errichten 2.hängen, umhängen 3. anknüpfen, sich berühren 4. heben, beim Aufheben mithelfen 5 per...fahren , nehmen, + +
D 搭配 + * * da1pei4 arrange/ match kombinieren, paarweise zusammenstellen + +

* 6 da1 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train)
搭档* 6 da1 dang4 to cooperate/ partner
搭配* 6 da1 pei4 to pair up/ to match/ to arrange in pairs/ to add sth into a group

zusammenstellen, kombinieren (V) [da1 pei4] 搭配
als Vermittler dienen (S) [qian1 xian4 da1 l qiao2] 牵线搭l桥
als Vermittler dienen (S) [qian1 xian4 da1 qiao2] 牵线搭桥
anbändeln (V) [gou1 gou5 da1 da1] 勾勾搭搭
Anleger eingelegt (Druckw); Lötung (S) [da1 tou2] 搭头
antworten (V) [da1 li3] 搭理
antworten, erwidern, entgegnen, reagieren ( 接话 ) (V)miteinander sprechen ( 交谈 ) (V)antworten, beantwortensich unterhalten, sprechen, ein Gespräch führen [da1 qiang1] 搭腔
Aufschaltung (S)überlappen (V) [da1 jie1] 搭接
aufschuppen (Bogen) (V) [yin4 zhang1 da1 jie1] 印张搭接
Ausfederung (S) [mian3 fei4 da1 che1] 免费搭车
Ausfederung (S) [mian3 fei4 da1 cheng2] 免费搭乘
Bilabialer Klick (S) [shuang1 chun2 da1 zui3 yin1] 双唇搭嘴音
Chinesisches Gesundheitsprodukt mit vielen verschiedenen Vitaminen, die den Körper stärken [huang2 jin1 da1 dang4] 黄金搭档
chirurgische Behandlung mit Bypass (V, Med) [cai3 yong4 xin1 zang4 da1 qiao2 wai4 ke1 zhi4 liao2] 采用心脏搭桥外科治疗
ein Gerüst aufbauen (V, Arch)ein Schutzdach aufstellen (V, Arch)eine Theaterbühne aufbauen (V, Arch)einen Schuppen Hütte Baracke bauen (V, Arch) [da1 peng2] 搭棚
ein Gespräch suchen (S) [da1 hua4] 搭话
einander ergänzen (V) [pei4 da1] 配搭
einrasten (V) [da1 shang4] 搭上
errichten (V) [da1 jian4] 搭建
Farbkombination (S) [cai3 se4 da1 pei4] 彩色搭配
Fehlverzug (Adj) [da1 jie2 bu4 hao3] 搭结不好
Flugreise (S) [da1 cheng2 fei1 ji1 lü3 xing2] 搭乘飞机旅行
Knopf [da1 kou4] 搭扣
Komfort [da1 zui3] 搭嘴
mit einem Fahrzeug fahren ( mitfahren ) (V) [da1 cheng2 che1 liang4] 搭乘车辆
mit ÖPNV fahren (V)mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln fahren (V) [da1 cheng2 gong1 jiao1 che1] 搭乘公交车
mit … fahren, per … [da1 cheng2] 搭乘
Mitfahrgelegenheit [da1 che1 ji1 hui4] 搭车机会
Mitfahrzentrale (S) [da1 che1 jie4 shao4 zhong1 xin1] 搭车介绍中心
Partner (S)ein Team bilden (V) [da1 dang4] 搭档
Partner (vulg) [da1 dang3] 搭挡
per Anhalter fahren (V) [da1 che1] 搭车
schluchzen (V) [chou1 da5] 抽搭
tragen, befördern [da1 zai4] 搭载
trampen (V) [da1 bian4 che1 lü3 xing2] 搭便车旅行
Trittbrettfahrer (S) [da1 bian4 che1 zhe3] 搭便车者
Trittbrettfahrer (S) [mian3 fei4 da1 che1 zhe3] 免费搭车者
Trittbrettfahrerverhalten (Wirtsch) [da1 bian4 che1 wen4 ti2] 搭便车问题
überheblich, abweisend, unfreundlich (Adj) [ai4 da1 bu4 li3] 爱搭不理
Umhängetasche (S) [da1 bo2] 搭膊
verlegen reagieren, Konversation machen [da1 shan4] 搭讪
zusammenpassen (V) [da1 diao4] 搭调

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
便* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

join together, attach to / add to
load / carry / transport, convey

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

搭' + * * + to put up/ to build (scaffolding) to hang (c
搭乘' + 搭乘* * + to ride to travel by (car, plane etc)/
搭伙' + 搭伙* * + to join up with sb/ to become partner to take me
搭伴' + 搭伴* * + travel with another/ accompany another
搭便' + 搭便* * + at one's convenience/ in passing
搭便車' + 搭便车* * + to hitch a ride/
搭咕' + 搭咕* * + to connect/ to discuss
搭嘴' + 搭嘴* * + to answer/
搭坐' + 搭坐* * + to travel by/ to ride on
搭幫' + 搭帮* * + to travel together/ thanks to
搭建' + 搭建* * + to build (esp. with simple materials)/ to knock together (a temporary shed) to rig up
搭扣' + 搭扣* * + a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole (e.g. /
搭把手' + 搭把手* * + to help out/
搭把手兒' + 搭把手儿* * + erhua variant of 搭把手/
搭拉' + 搭拉* * + variant /
搭接' + 搭接* * + to join to connect up/
搭接片' + 搭接片* * + buckle/ connector overlappin
搭擋' + 搭挡* * + variant of 搭檔|搭档/
搭救' + 搭救* * + to resc /
搭架子' + 搭架子* * + to put up scaffolding/ to build a framework to launch
搭桌' + 搭桌* * + charity performance (theater in former times)/
搭檔' + 搭档* * + to cooperate/ partner
搭理' + 搭理* * + variant of 答理/
搭界' + 搭界* * + an inte to relate with/ to affiliate
搭當' + 搭当* * + variant of 搭檔|搭档/
搭白' + 搭白* * + to answ /
搭縫' + 搭缝* * + overlaid seam/
搭肩' + 搭肩* * + to help lift up onto one's shoulders/ to stand on sb's shoulder
搭背' + 搭背* * + harness pad (on draught animal)/
搭腔' + 搭腔* * + to answer/ to respond to convers
搭腰' + 搭腰* * + harness pad (on draught animal)/
搭腳手架' + 搭脚手架* * + to put up scaffolding/
搭膊' + 搭膊* * + shoulder bag/
搭茬' + 搭茬* * + to respond/
搭茬兒' + 搭茬儿* * + erhua variant of 搭茬/
搭蓋' + 搭盖* * + to buil to knock together (a temporary shed)/ to rig up
搭街坊' + 搭街坊* * + to become neighbors/
搭補' + 搭补* * + to subsidize/ to make up (deficit)
搭褳' + 搭裢* * + variant of 褡褳|褡裢/
搭訕' + 搭讪* * + to hit to strike up a conversation/ to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation
搭話' + 搭话* * + to talk/ to get into conversation with to send wo
搭調' + 搭调* * + to match/ in tune reasonable
搭赸' + 搭赸* * + variant of 搭訕|搭讪/
搭車' + 搭车* * + to ride to get a lift/ to hitch-hike
搭載' + 搭载* * + to transport (people, a payload etc)/
搭輕鐵' + 搭轻铁* * + Hong Kong LRT/
搭連' + 搭连* * + to bridge over/ colligation (linguistics)
搭連' + 搭连* * + variant of 褡褳|褡裢/
搭配' + 搭配* * + to pair to match/ to arrange in pairs to add sth
搭鉤' + 搭钩* * + a hook/ to make contact with sb

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2339 火车 +
2340 帐篷 +
3595 完美 搭档 曾经 获得 11 冠军 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

널다. 걸치다. 걸다. + + 搭档 협력〔협업·협동〕하다. 짝이 되다. + + 搭配 (일정한 기준이나 요구에 따라) 배합하다. 조합하다. 안배하다. 조절하다. ... + +

+ + + + + + + +