Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
das Bundesland German state Nhà nước Đức
die Duldung temporary suspension of deportation tạm đình chỉ trục xuất
Ich verstehe das nicht. I don't understand that. Tôi không hiểu điều đó.
die Taxifahrerin taxi driver tài xế taxi
Das dauert eine halbe Stunde. It takes half an hour. Phải mất nửa giờ.
Es dauert fünf Minuten. It takes 5 minutes. Mất 5 phút.
Ich habe einen wichtigen Termin. I have an important appointment. Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng.
Ich habe einen wichtigen Termin. I have an important appointment. Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng.
der Nahverkehr public transportation phương tiện công cộng
Ich fahre mit dem Bus. I take the bus. Tôi bắt xe buýt.
Ich nehme die U-Bahn. I take the subway. Tôi đi tàu điện ngầm.
Die Straßenbahn fährt zum Hauptbahnhof. The tram goes to the main train station. Xe điện đi đến ga tàu chính.
das Taxi taxi xe tắc xi
der Hauptbahnhof main train station ga xe lửa chính
Entschuldigung, wie komme ich zum Hauptbahnhof? Excuse me, how do I get to the main train station? Xin lỗi, làm thế nào tôi có thể đến ga xe lửa chính?
die Nudeln pasta mỳ ống
Wo finde ich Nudeln? Where do I find the pasta? Tôi tìm mì ống ở đâu?
das Gemüse vegetable(s) rau)
Ich bin Vegetarier. I'm a vegetarian. Tôi là người ăn chay.
Schmeckt es dir? Does it taste good? Nó có ngon không?
Nein, das schmeckt mir nicht! No, that doesn't taste good. Không, đó không phải là hương vị tốt.
Das schmeckt bitter. It tastes bitter. Nó có vị đắng.
das Krankenhaus hospital bệnh viện
Wir müssen Blut abnehmen. We have to take a blood sample. Chúng ta phải lấy một mẫu máu.
die Vorsorgeuntersuchung prenatal screening sàng lọc trước khi sinh
der Tisch table bàn
die Vorhänge curtains màn cửa
Kannst du den Müll bitte rausbringen? Can you take out the garbage, please? Bạn có thể đưa ra rác, xin vui lòng?
das Altglas wegbringen to take the glass to the recycling container lấy thủy tinh vào thùng chứa tái chế
der Kontoauszug bank statement tuyên bố ngân hàng
Ich fotografiere gern. I like taking pictures. Tôi thích chụp ảnh.
das Tablet tablet máy tính bảng
Ich habe ein Tablet. I have a tablet. Tôi có một viên thuốc.
Ich möchte eine App installieren. I would like to install an app. Tôi muốn cài đặt một ứng dụng.
die Kartoffel potato
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn ở khách sạn nào vậy? In which hotel are you staying? In welchem Hotel wohnen Sie?
Bạn ở bao lâu? How long will you be staying? Wie lange bleiben Sie?
Các bạn học tiếng Ý . You all learn Italian. Ihr lernt Italienisch.
Chúng tôi muốn hiểu những người khác. We want to understand people. Wir wollen Menschen verstehen.
London ở bên Anh. London is in Great Britain. London liegt in Großbritannien.
London là một thủ đô. London is a capital city. London ist eine Hauptstadt.
Madrid và Berlin cũng là thủ đô. Madrid and Berlin are also capital cities. Madrid und Berlin sind auch Hauptstädte.
Các thủ đô vừa lớn vừa ồn. Capital cities are big and noisy. Die Hauptstädte sind groß und laut.
Tôi ở nhà. I’m staying at home. Ich bleibe zu Hause.
Martha là thư ký. Martha is a secretary. Martha ist Sekretärin.
Chúng tôi thích ở trong nhà vào mùa đông. We like to stay home in winter. Im Winter bleiben wir gern zu Hause.
Có cần tôi gọt khoai tây không? Shall I peel the potatoes? Soll ich die Kartoffeln schälen?
Bạn nướng rau ở trên lò này à? Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Grillst du das Gemüse auf diesem Grill?
Tôi dọn / bầy bàn ăn. I am setting the table. Ich decke den Tisch.
Xin bạn hãy tự nhiên. Make yourself comfortable! Machen Sie es sich bequem!
Đây là đàn ghi-ta của tôi. This is my guitar. Hier ist meine Gitarre.
Có, và tôi cũng biết một chút tiếng Ý. Yes, and I also speak some Italian. Ja, und ich kann auch etwas Italienisch.
Tôi hiểu những ngôn ngữ đó tốt. I can understand them well. Ich kann sie gut verstehen.
Tôi vẫn có nhiều lỗi lắm. I still make many mistakes. Ich mache noch viele Fehler.
Bạn có tham gia một khóa học ngoại ngữ không? Are you taking a language course? Machen Sie einen Sprachkurs?
Lần sau lấy xe tắc xi đi nhé! Take a taxi next time! Nimm das nächste Mal ein Taxi!
Lần sau nhớ mang theo một cái ô / dù! Take an umbrella with you next time! Nimm das nächste Mal einen Regenschirm mit!
Chúng ta đi lên núi không? Shall we go to the mountains? Wollen wir in die Berge fahren?
Tôi muốn đến nhà ga. I would like to go to the station. Ich möchte zum Bahnhof.
Tôi đến nhà ga như thế nào? How do I get to the station? Wie komme ich zum Bahnhof?
Tôi cần một chiếc xe tắc xi. I need a taxi. Ich brauche ein Taxi.
Bạn có thấy núi ở đó không? Do you see the mountain there? Siehst du dort den Berg?
Tốt, tôi lấy căn phòng này. Fine, I’ll take the room. Gut, ich nehme das Zimmer.
Ở gần đây có quán ăn không? Is there a restaurant nearby? Gibt es hier in der Nähe ein Restaurant?
Bàn này còn trống không? Is this table taken? Ist der Tisch frei?
Tôi muốn một đĩa rau. I’d like some mixed vegetables. Ich möchte eine Gemüseplatte.
Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. I’d like something that won’t take much time. Ich möchte etwas, was nicht lange dauert.
Bạn có muốn món đó với mì không? Would you like that with pasta? Möchten Sie das mit Nudeln?
Bạn có muốn món đó với khoai tây không? Would you like that with potatoes? Möchten Sie das mit Kartoffeln?
Tôi không thích món đó. That doesn’t taste good. Das schmeckt mir nicht.
Tôi muốn một món khai vị. I would like a starter. Ich möchte eine Vorspeise.
Và ba xuất xúc xích với tương mù tạt. And three sausages with mustard. Und dreimal Bratwurst mit Senf.
Bạn có rau gì? What vegetables do you have? Was für Gemüse haben Sie?
Chuyến đi đến Berlin mất bao lâu? How long does the journey to Berlin take? Wie lange dauert die Fahrt nach Berlin?
Tôi có thể mang theo bao nhiêu hành lý? How much luggage can I take? Wie viel Gepäck kann ich mitnehmen?
Tôi phải đi tuyến xe buýt nào? Which bus do I have to take? Welche Linie muss ich nehmen?
Bạn đi lên trên bằng thang máy phải không? Do you take the ski lift to the top? Fahren Sie mit dem Skilift nach oben?
Bạn làm ơn gọi tắc xi. Please call a taxi. Rufen Sie bitte ein Taxi.
Bao nhiêu tiền đến nhà ga? What does it cost to go to the station? Was kostet es bis zum Bahnhof?
Trạm xăng tiếp sau ở đâu? Where is the next gas station? Wo ist die nächste Tankstelle?
Ở đâu có quán ăn ngon không? Is there a good restaurant around here? Wo gibt es hier ein gutes Restaurant?
Bạn rẽ trái góc đó. Take a left at the corner. Gehen Sie links um die Ecke.
Bạn cũng có thể đón xe buýt. You can also take the bus. Sie können auch den Bus nehmen.
Bạn cũng có thể đi bằng tàu điện luôn. You can also take the tram. Sie können auch die Straßenbahn nehmen.
Tôi đến sân bóng đá bằng đường nào? How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? Wie komme ich zum Fußballstadion?
Tốt nhất là bạn đi bằng tàu điện ngầm. It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). Am besten nehmen Sie die U-Bahn.
Ở đâu có thể mua tem thư? Where can one buy stamps? Wo gibt es Briefmarken zu kaufen?
Tôi muốn một người hướng dẫn nói tiếng Ý . I would like a guide who speaks Italian. Ich möchte einen Führer, der Italienisch spricht.
Được phép chụp ảnh không? Can one take photographs? Darf man fotografieren?
Ở kia có một quán ăn. There is a restaurant over there. Dort ist ein Restaurant.
Chỗ này còn trống không? Is this seat taken? Ist der Platz hier frei?
Nhớ mang theo kem chống nắng. Take some suntan lotion with you. Nimm Sonnencreme mit.
Nhớ mang theo kính râm. Take the sun-glasses with you. Nimm die Sonnenbrille mit.
Nhớ mang theo mũ. Take the sun hat with you. Nimm den Sonnenhut mit.
Bạn muốn mang theo bản đồ đường không? Do you want to take a road map? Willst du eine Straßenkarte mitnehmen?
Bạn muốn có người hướng dẫn không? Do you want to take a travel guide? Willst du einen Reiseführer mitnehmen?
Bạn muốn mang theo ô / dù không? Do you want to take an umbrella? Willst du einen Regenschirm mitnehmen?
Nhớ đến quần, áo sơ mi, tất. Remember to take pants, shirts and socks. Denk an die Hosen, die Hemden, die Socken.
Nhớ đến ca vát, thắt lưng / dây lưng, áo khoác. Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets. Denk an die Krawatten, die Gürtel, die Sakkos.
Nhớ đến quần áo ngủ và áo sơ mi. Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts. Denk an die Schlafanzüge, die Nachthemden und die T-Shirts.
Ở trong thành phố của chúng tôi có sân vận động. There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. In unserer Stadt gibt es ein Fußballstadion.
Tôi muốn đến quầy tạp hoá. I want to go to the newspaper stand. Ich will zum Kiosk.
Tôi muốn vào quầy tạp hoá để mua một tờ báo. I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper. Ich will zum Kiosk, um eine Zeitung zu kaufen.
Tôi muốn mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will Obst und Gemüse kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will zum Supermarkt, um Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen.
Tôi cần phong bì và giấy viết thư. I need envelopes and stationery. Ich brauche Briefumschläge und Briefpapier.
Tôi lấy cái này. I’ll take it. Die nehme ich.
Nhưng mà thuế cao. But taxes are high. Aber die Steuern sind hoch.
Mời bạn ngồi trong phòng đợi. Please take a seat in the waiting room. Bitte nehmen Sie im Wartezimmer Platz.
Bạn hãy nằm lên giường! Lie down on the examining table. Legen Sie sich bitte auf die Liege!
Tôi cần vài cái tem. I need a couple of stamps. Ich brauche ein paar Briefmarken.
Cước phí / Bưu phí sang Mỹ bao nhiêu tiền? How much is the postage to America? Wie teuer ist das Porto nach Amerika?
Bao nhiêu lâu mới đến? How long will it take to get there? Wie lange dauert es, bis es ankommt?
Tôi muốn lấy các phiếu ghi trương mục chuyển khoản. I want to pick up the bank statements. Ich möchte die Kontoauszüge abholen.
Tôi không hiểu từ này. I don’t understand the word. Ich verstehe das Wort nicht.
Tôi không hiểu câu này. I don’t understand the sentence. Ich verstehe den Satz nicht.
Tôi không hiểu ý nghĩa này. I don’t understand the meaning. Ich verstehe die Bedeutung nicht.
Bạn hiểu thầy giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie den Lehrer?
Vâng, tôi hiểu thầy ấy tốt. Yes, I understand him well. Ja, ich verstehe ihn gut.
Bạn hiểu cô giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie die Lehrerin?
Vâng, tôi hiểu cô ấy tốt. Yes, I understand her well. Ja, ich verstehe sie gut.
Bạn hiểu mọi người không? Do you understand the people? Verstehen Sie die Leute?
Không, tôi không hiểu mọi người mấy. No, I don’t understand them so well. Nein, ich verstehe sie nicht so gut.
Tôi muốn chụp ảnh. I want to take photographs. Ich will fotografieren.
Các bạn muốn đi tắc xi không? Do you want a taxi? Möchtet ihr ein Taxi?
Tôi muốn ở nhà. I want to stay at home. Ich will zu Hause bleiben.
Bạn muốn ở lại đây không? Do you want to stay here? Willst du hier bleiben?
Bạn muốn ở lại đến mai không? Do you want to stay till tomorrow? Wollen Sie bis morgen bleiben?
Các bạn phải chờ tắc xi. You must wait for the taxi. Ihr müsst auf das Taxi warten.
Anh ấy không được phép ngủ trong nhà ga. He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. Er darf nicht im Bahnhof schlafen.
Chúng tôi ngồi được không? May we take a seat? Dürfen wir Platz nehmen?
Tại sao bạn không ở lại? Why don’t you stay? Warum bleibst du nicht?
Tôi không ở lại, bởi vì tôi còn phải làm việc nữa. I am not staying because I still have to work. Ich bleibe nicht, weil ich noch arbeiten muss.
Tôi là người ăn chay. I am a vegetarian. Ich bin Vegetarier.
Tôi không ăn thịt, bởi vì tôi là người ăn chay. I’m not eating it because I am a vegetarian. Ich esse es nicht, weil ich Vegetarier bin.
Một chiếc xe thoải mái a comfortable car ein bequemer Wagen
Tôi cần một chiếc xe thoải mái. I need a comfortable car. Ich brauche einen bequemen Wagen.
Anh ấy ở trong khách sạn. He is staying in a hotel. Er wohnt in einem Hotel.
Anh ấy sống trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền, He is staying in a cheap hotel. Er wohnt in einem billigen Hotel.
Lấy to take nehmen
Anh ấy đã hiểu được bạn không? Anh ấy đã không hiểu được tôi. Did he understand you? He could not understand me. Verstand er dich? Er konnte mich nicht verstehen.
Tại sao bạn đã không hiểu được anh ấy? Why could you not understand him? Warum konntest du ihn nicht verstehen?
Tôi đã không hiểu được anh ấy, bởi vì nhạc ồn quá. I could not understand him because the music was so loud. Ich konnte ihn nicht verstehen, weil die Musik so laut war.
Tôi đã phải đi tắc xi. I had to take a taxi. Ich musste ein Taxi nehmen.
Tôi đã gọi điện thoại suốt. I was talking on the phone all the time. Ich habe die ganze Zeit telefoniert.
Hiểu to understand verstehen
Bạn đã bắt đầu khi nào? When did you start? Wann haben Sie begonnen?
Tại sao bạn đã đi tắc xi? Why did you take a taxi? Warum haben Sie ein Taxi genommen?
Ai đã phải đi tàu hỏa? Who had to take the train? Wer musste den Zug nehmen?
Chúng tôi đã không định ở lâu. We did not want to stay long. Wir wollten nicht lange bleiben.
Tôi đã muốn gọi tắc xi. I just wanted to call a taxi. Ich wollte ein Taxi bestellen.
Tôi đã được phép lấy cho tôi một kẹo sô cô la có nhân. I was allowed to take a chocolate. Ich durfte mir eine Praline nehmen.
Bạn đã được phép uống bia ở trong bệnh viện chưa? Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital? Durftest du im Krankenhaus Bier trinken?
Bạn đã được phép mang con chó vào khách sạn chưa? Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? Durftest du den Hund ins Hotel mitnehmen?
Mấy đứa ấy đã được phép thức khuya. They were allowed to stay up late. Sie durften lange aufbleiben.
Bạn cứ thong thả! Take your time! Nehmen Sie sich Zeit!
Bạn hãy cẩn thận / bảo trọng! Take care of yourself! Passen Sie gut auf sich auf!
Tôi đã nghe nói rằng chị ấy nằm ở bệnh viện. I heard that she is in the hospital. Ich habe gehört, dass sie im Krankenhaus liegt.
Tôi sợ rằng chúng tôi phải lấy tắc xi. I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. Ich fürchte, dass wir ein Taxi nehmen müssen.
Hãy rửa tay, trước khi bạn ngồi vào bàn ăn. Wash your hands before you sit at the table. Wasch deine Hände, bevor du dich an den Tisch setzt.
Tôi không hiểu gì nếu nhạc to quá. I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud. Ich verstehe nichts, wenn die Musik so laut ist.
Chúng tôi đón tắc xi khi trời mưa. We’ll take a taxi if it rains. Wir nehmen ein Taxi, wenn es regnet.
Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu ăn, nếu anh ấy không đến ngay. We’ll start eating if he doesn’t come soon. Wir fangen mit dem Essen an, wenn er nicht bald kommt.
Anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại, mặc dù đã muộn rồi. He stayed a while although it was late. Er ist noch geblieben, obwohl es schon spät war.
Đã muộn / trễ rồi. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. Es war schon spät. Trotzdem ist er noch geblieben.
Khách sạn tuy thoải mái, nhưng mà đắt / mắc quá. The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. Das Hotel war zwar gemütlich, aber zu teuer.
Anh ấy hoặc là đón xe buýt hoặc là đón tàu hỏa. He’ll take either the bus or the train. Er nimmt entweder den Bus oder den Zug.
Anh ấy hoặc là ở chỗ chúng tôi hoặc là ở khách sạn. He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. Er wohnt entweder bei uns oder im Hotel.
Tôi không biết chơi dương cầm mà cũng không biết chơi đàn ghi ta. I can neither play the piano nor the guitar. Ich kann weder Klavier noch Gitarre spielen.
Thủ đô nước Thụy Sĩ tên là gì? What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland? Wie heißt die Hauptstadt von der Schweiz?
Bao giờ là giờ tiếp khách của bác sĩ? What are the doctor’s consultation times? Wann sind die Sprechzeiten von dem Arzt?
Bạn còn ở đây lâu nữa không? Will you stay here a little longer? Bleiben Sie noch lange hier?
Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. No, I won’t stay here much longer. Nein, ich bleibe nicht mehr lange hier.
Tôi làm lái xe taxi. + I'm a taxi driver.
Mấy cái ghế này không đẹp, nhưng nó tiện. + These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable.
Toronto không phải ở nước Mĩ. + Toronto isn't in the United States.
Cô ấy đang ngồi trên bàn. + She's sitting on the table.
Chúng tôi đi nghỉ ở đây. Chúng tôi đang ở trong khách sạn bên bãi biển. + We're here on vacation. We're staying at a hotel on the beach.
Tara đâu? - Cô ấy đang tắm. + Where's Tara? — She's taking a shower.
Có mang theo ô đi. + Yes, take an umbrella.
Bạn cậu đang ở khách sạn à? + Are your friends staying at a hotel?
Không, họ đang ở với tôi. + No, they're staying with me.
Không, tôi đang đợi taxi. + No, I'm waiting for a taxi.
Anh ấy bắt đầu từ bảy giờ ba mươi. + He starts at seven thirty (7:30).
Cô ấy nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha, nhưng cô ấy không nói tiếng Ý. + She speaks Spanish, but she doesn't speak Italian.
Họ luôn thích đi ăn nhà hàng. + They always like to eat in restaurants.
Khách sạn này không đắt. Không phải tốn nhiều tiền để ở đây. + This hotel isn't expensive. It doesn't cost much to stay there.
Cô ấy là một người rất trầm lặng. Cô ấy không nói chuyện nhiều lắm. + She's a very quiet person. She doesn't talk very much.
Anh ấy ăn chay. Anh ấy không ăn thịt. + He's a vegetarian. He doesn't eat meat.
Anh ấy đang không chơi guitar. + He's not playing the guitar.
Nhưng Chí Vinh có một cây đàn guitar. + But Zhirong has a guitar.
Anh ấy chơi guitar nhiều và anh ấy chơi rất giỏi. + He plays guitar a lot, and he plays very well.
Chí Vinh chơi guitar. + Zhirong plays the guitar.
Nhưng bây giờ anh ấy đang không chơi guitar. + But he's not playing the guitar now.
Chí Vinh có đang chơi guitar không? Không. + Is Zhirong playing the guitar? — No, he isn't.
Chí Vinh có chơi guitar không? Có. + Does he play the guitar? — Yes, he does.
Y Đình lúc này đang tắm. + Yiting's taking a shower at the moment.
Cậu mang ô theo đi. Trời đang mưa. + Take an umbrella with you. It's raining.
Tai sao cậu ở dưới gầm bàn? Cậu đang làm gì thế? + Why are you under the table? What are you doing?
Howard sáng nào cũng tắm. + Howard takes a shower every morning.
Cậu có hiểu tôi không? + Do you understand me?
Anh ấy có chụp ảnh không? + Does he take photographs?
Anh ấy có đang chụp ảnh không? + Is he taking a photograph?
Jirou đâu? - Anh ấy đang tắm. + Where's Jirou? — He's taking a shower.
Tôi xin lỗi, tôi không hiểu. Cậu có thể nói chậm hơn không? + I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you speak more slowly?
Khách sạn thoải mái nhưng lại không đắt. + The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't expensive.
Chìa khoá của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Trước nó ở trên bàn nhưng bây giờ thì không còn ở đó nữa. + Where are my keys? — I don't know. They were on the table, but they're not there now.
Chúng tôi nhảy nhiều và nói chuyện với nhiều người. + We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people.
Bộ phim rất dài, nó bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ mười lăm và kết thúc lúc mười giờ tối. + The movie was very long. It started at seven at finished at ten pm (10:00).
Chúng tôi rất thích với kì nghỉ năm ngoái. Chúng tôi đã ở một nơi rất đẹp. + We enjoyed our vacation last year. We stayed at a very nice place.
Tôi đã để túi của tôi ở trên bàn. + I put my bag on the table. (PAST TENSE)
Cuối cùng cô ấy bắt taxi từ vịnh về khách sạn trung tâm. + Finally, she took a taxi from the airport to her hotel downtown.
Tom luôn luôn tắm vào buổi sáng. Sáng nay anh ấy có tắm. + Tom always takes a shower in the morning. > This morning he took a shower.
Tôi đã thấy Evita, nhưng tôi không thấy Fausto. + I saw Evita, but I didn't see Fausto.
Các cậu ở chỗ nào? + Where did you stay?
Chúng tôi ở với mấy người bạn. + We stayed with some friends.
Tôi đi lên núi. + I went to the mountains.
Chúng tôi về nhà bằng taxi. + We came home by taxi.
Chúng tôi thấy mệt nên chúng tôi đã không ở bữa tiệc lâu. + We were tired, so we didn't stay long at the party.
Dennis ở nhà gare đợi tàu hoả. + Dennis was at the station waiting for a train.
Cặp đôi cao tuổi, đã ở trong công viên đi dạo. + The old couple were in the park taking a walk.
Tôi bắt đầu làm việc lúc chín giờ và kết thúc lúc bốn rưỡi. Nên lúc hai rưỡi tôi đang giữa chừng công việc. + I started to ửok at nine and finished at four thỉty. So at two thirty (2:30), I was in the middle of working.
Tàu hoả đến gare và cô ấy xuống. + The train arrived at the station, and she got of .
Anh ấy đang đi đến nhà gare để bắt tàu và anh ấy đang mang một cái túi. + He was going to the station to catch a train, and he was carrying a bag.
Họ dừng lại nói chuyện mấy phút. + They stopped to talk for a few minutes.
Marta có đi làm hôm nay không? + Was Marta at work today?
Anh ấy từng là lái xe taxi. + He used to be a taxi driver.
Cậu có chơi nhạc cụ nào không? - Không, nhưng tôi đã từng chơi guitar. + Do you play any instruments? — No, I used to play guitar though.
Thông thường tôi làm việc lúc bảy giờ sáng nên tôi dậy sớm. + Normally I start work at seven am (7:00), so I get up very early.
Bộ phim yêu thích của Giải là Chiến tranh giữa các vì sao. Anh ấy đã xem nó được hai mươi lần còn tôi chưa xem bao giờ. + Gunter's favorite movie is Star Wars. He's seen it twenty (20) times, but I've never seen it.
Tôi từng đi máy bay, xe buýt và tàu hoả. Một ngày nào đó tôi muốn đi du lịch bằng thuyền. + I've traveled by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I want to take a trip by boat.
Cô ấy học tiếng Ý được bao lâu rồi? + How long has she studied Italian?
Jasmine đã bắt đầu công việc mới cách đây ba tuần. + Jasmine started her new job three (3) weeks ago.
Michel bị ốm, đã lâu. Anh ấy đã ở trong bệnh viện từ tháng mười năm ngoái. + Michel's been sick for a long time. He's been in the hospital since October of last year.
Natalie đã ở Brazil được ba ngày. + Natalie's been in Brazil for three (3) days.
Tôi đã phạm sai lầm. Tôi đã phạm sai lầm. + I made a mistake. > I've made a mistake.
Gustavo lại lấy xe đạp của tôi mà không xin phép. > Gustavo đã lấy xe đạp của tôi mà không xin phép. + Gustavo has taken my bike again without asking. > Gustavo took my bike without asking.
Zinaida đã bắt đầu công việc mới chưa? Chưa, cô ấy sẽ bắt đầu vào tuần tới. + Has Zinaida started her new job yet? - No, she's starting next week.
Stan bao giờ sẽ đến? - Anh ấy đã đến rồi. + What time is Stan arriving? — He's already arrived.
Bao giờ Yep bắt đầu công việc mới không? - Cô ấy đã bắt đầu làm rồi. + When does Hanako start her new job? — She's already started it.
Tamara đã bắt đầu công việc mới chưa? + Has Tamara started her new job yet?
Cậu không thể nói chuyện với Vladimir được vì anh ấy vừa về nhà. + You can't talk to Vladimir because he's just gone home.
Ramona vừa mới ra viện nên cô ấy không đi làm được. + Ramona's just gotten out of the hospital, so she can't go to work.
Bạn của cậu có một công việc mới. Hỏi cô ấy xem cô ấy đã bắt đầu công việc mới chưa. + Your friend has a new job. Ask her if she has started her new job yet.
Chúng tôi năm ngoái không đi nghỉ. + We didn't take a vacation last year.
Cậu đã làm gì tối hôm qua. - Tôi ở nhà. + What did you do last night? — I stayed at home.
Tôi đã bắt đầu công việc mới tuần trước. + I started my new job last week.
Năm năm về trước cô ấy làm hầu bàn trong một nhà hàng. + Five years ago she was a waitress in a restaurant.
Có hai người được đưa vào bệnh viện. + Two people were taken to the hospital.
Cậu sinh ra ở đâu? - Ở Đài Bắc. + Where were you born? — In Taipei.
Tem được bán ở bưu điện. + Stamps are sold at the post office.
Tôi thấy một vụ tai nạn hôm qua. Có hai người được đưa vào bệnh viện. + I saw an accident yesterday. Two people were taken to the hospital.
Xem và mông lớn, có đến dự đám chai không? - Không, họ không được mời. + Did Aleksey and Anastasia go to the wedding? — No, they weren't invited.
Ở Mĩ, bóng bầu dục thường được chơi vào cuối tuần, nhưng cuối tuần sau không có trận nào được chơi cả. + In the United States, football games are usually played on the weekends, but no big games are being played next weekend.
Takahiro tuần này không làm việc. Anh ấy đang nghỉ phép. + Takahiro's not working this week. He's on vacation.
Tiện đã đến chưa? + Has Konstantin arrived yet?
+ This is a very old photograph. It was taken a long time ago.
Tôi sẽ mang theo ô. Trời đang mưa. + I'm going to take an umbrella with me. It's raining.
Tôi không hiểu vấn đề. Cậu có thể giải thích lại được không? + I don't understand the problem. Can you explain it again?
Chuyến đi nghỉ của chúng tôi tốn rất nhiều tiền vì chúng tôi đã ở trong một khách sạn đắt tiền. + Our vacation cost a lot of money because we stayed in an expensive hotel.
Tôi sẽ không ra ngoài tối nay. Tôi sẽ ở nhà. + I'm not going out tonight. I'm staying at home.
Tôi sẽ ở nhà tối nay. + I'm staying at home this evening.
Buổi hòa nhạc bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ ba mươi. + The concert starts at seven thirty (7:30).
Vitale và Rosetta sẽ đi dự một bữa tiệc. + Vitale and Rosetta are going to a party.
Esteban đang học một khoá tiếng Anh trong kì này. Khoá học sẽ kết thúc vào Thứ sáu này. + Esteban's taking an English course this semester. The course is ending on Friday.
Cậu định về nhà bằng cách nào sau bữa tiệc ngày mai? Đi taxi à? + How are you getting home after the party tomorrow? By taxi?
Hôm nay đẹp trời. Tôi không muốn bắt xe bus. Tôi sẽ đi bộ. + It's a nice day. I don't want to take the bus. I'm going to walk.
Tuần sau là sinh nhật! Chúng tôi định tặng cô ấy một món quà. + It's Violetta's birthday next week. We're going to get her a present.
Mai cậu có đi thi lái xe không? + Are you going to take your driver's test tomorrow?
Tuần sau cô ấy sẽ ở Bogota. + Next week she'll be in Bogota.
Trời sẽ không mưa đâu nên cậu không cần phải mang theo ô. + It won't rain, so you don't need to take an umbrella.
Mình hãy bay sang Barcelona chứ đừng lái xe. Thế sẽ đỡ lâu hơn. + Let's fly to Barcelona instead of driving. It won't take as long.
Vài người bạn sẽ đến ở với chúng tôi. + Some friends are coming to stay with us.
Cậu có đi cùng tôi không? - Không, tôi nghĩ là không. Tôi sẽ ở đây. + Are you coming with me? — No, I don't think so. I'm staying here.
Tôi không chắc sẽ đi đâu vào kì nghỉ. Có thể tôi đi Costa Rica + I'm not sure where to go on vacation. I might go to Costa Rica.
Cầm theo ô đi. Trời có khi mưa đấy. + Take an umbrella with you. It might rain.
Cậu định đi nghỉ ở đâu? - Tôi cũng không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ đi Ý. + Where are you going for your vacation? — I'm not sure. I might go to Italy.
Cậu định ăn gì bữa tối nay? - Tôi không biết. Có thể tôi sẽ ăn món Ý. + What are you going to have for dinner? — I don't know. I might have Italian food.
Tối nay cậu định về nhà thế nào? - Tôi không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ bắt xe buýt. + How are you going to get home tonight? — I'm not sure. I might take the bus.
Tôi nghe nói cậu thắng được ít tiền. Cậu định làm gì với số tiền đấy? - Tôi chưa quyết định. Có thể tôi sẽ mở nhà hàng. + I hear you won some money. What are you going to do with it? — I haven't decided yet. I might open a restaurant.
Sao nữ hoàng biết nói tiếng Pháp và tiếng Tây Ban Nha nhưng cô ấy không biết nói tiếng Pháp. + Marisol can speak Italian and Spanish, but she can't speak French.
Trước khi Dây tới Mĩ, cô ấy không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Bây giờ gì cô ấy cũng hiểu. + Before Nuria came to the United States, she couldn't understand much English. Now she can understand everything.
Tôi thích Phong duy nhất khách sạn này. Cậu có thể nhìn thấy núi từ cửa sổ. + I like this hotel room. You can see the mountains from the window.
Bạn tôi có cùng mã bưu điện với cậu. Họ chắc chắn là sống gần cậu. + My friends have the same postal code as you. They must live near you.
Xavier đi đâu cũng bắt xe bus. Hẳn là anh ấy không có xe hơi. + Xavier takes the bus everywhere. He must not have a car.
Ở Mĩ, cậu phải mười tám tuổi mới được bầu cử. + In the United States, you must be eighteen (18) to vote.
Đấy là nhà hàng đắt độc đáo nhất thị trấn nên thức ăn chắc chắn phải ngon. + It's the most popular restaurant in town, so the food must be good.
Reneta ngày nào cũng mặc cái gì đó màu xanh lâm. Cô ấy hẳn là thích màu xanh lâm lắm. + Renata wears something blue every day. She must like the color blue.
Tôi luôn phải nhắc lại khi nói chuyện với nhật bản. Cô ấy hẳn là nghé không được tốt lắm. + I always have to repeat things when I talk to Tomoko. She must not hear very well.
Ở hầu như mọi nơi ở Mĩ, cậu phải ít nhất mười sáu tuổi mới được có bằng lái xe hơi. + In most of the United States, you must be at least sixteen (16) to get a driver's license.
Đường cao tốc này đã đóng. Lái xe phải đi một đường khác. + This highway is closed. Drivers must take another road.
Chúng ta không được quên gửi thiếp mừng sinh nhật cho Rita. + We mustn't forget to send Rita a birthday card.
Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau. + You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Valentina cần thay đổi. Tôi nghĩ cô ấy nên đi một chuyến. + Valentina needs a change. I think she should take a trip.
khách sạn đấy quá đắt cho chúng ta. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta không nên ở đó. + The hotel is too expensive for us. I don't think we should stay there.
Viết bắt đầu làm việc từ bảy giờ nên cô ấy phải dậy từ sáu giờ. + Yolanda starts work at seven [o'clock] (7:00), so she has to get up at six [o'clock] (6:00).
Ở nhiều nước, đàn ông phải thực Trung quốc nghĩa vụ quân sự. + In many countries, men must do military service.
Cuối khoá học tất cả học sinh phải làm bài thi. + At the end of the course all the students had to take a test.
Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy. + Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him.
Con tàu này không bao giờ chạy lên trung tâm. Cậu phải đổi tàu ở gare tiếp theo. + This train doesn't go all the way downtown. You have to change at the next station.
Ravi và em họ Tara của anh ấy tối nay không ra ngoài được. Họ phải trông em trai của Tara. + Ravi and his cousin Tara can't go out with us tonight. They have to take care of Tara's little brother.
Ngày nào tôi cũng phải bắt tàu điện thường đi học. + I have to take the subway to class every day.
Tuần trước tôi phải thăm ông tôi ở bệnh viện. + I had to visit my grandfather in the hospital last week.
Tôi từng phải học nhiều môn khi tôi còn bé. + I had to take a lot of classes when I was younger.
Tôi thấy mệt. Tôi muốn ở nhà tối nay. + I'm feeling tired. I'd like to stay home tonight.
Tôi không hẳn là muốn ra ngoài. Tôi thích ở nhà hơn. + I don't really want to go out. I'd rather stay at home.
Tôi muốn đứng hơn ngồi. + I'd rather stand than sit.
Tôi thích ngồi hơn đứng. + I'd prefer to sit than stand.
Tôi thích ngồi hơn đứng. + I'd prefer to sit rather than stand.
Tôi thích ra ngoài hơn ở nhà. + I'd rather go out than stay home.
Tôi muốn tối nay ở nhà hơn. Tôi thấy không ra ngoài thì hơn. + I'd rather stay home tonight. I'd prefer not to go out.
Chúng ta có nên đi bộ về nhà không, hay cậu muốn đi taxi hơn? + Should we walk home, or would you rather take a taxi?
Tôi không muốn nói chuyện với cậu. Biến đi! + I don't want to talk to you. Go away!
Xin cậu đừng đi. Có giá với tôi. + Please don't go. Stay here with me.
Tối nay chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Không, tôi mệt. Hãy ở nhà đi. + Should we go out tonight? — No, I'm tired. Let's stay home.
Trời đang lạnh. Mình đừng ra ngoài nữa. Ở nhà đi. + It's cold. Let's not go out. Let's stay home.
Cậu muốn đi bộ về nhà không? - Không, bắt xe buýt đi. + Do you want to walk home? — No, let's take the bus.
Chúng ta có nên ăn tối ở nhà không? - Không, đi ăn nhà hàng đi. + Should we have dinner at home? — No, let's go to a restaurant.
Chúng ta có nên bắt xe taxi không? - Thôi, ta bắt xe buýt đi. + Should we take a taxi? — No, let's take a bus.
Có nhà hàng nào gần giá không? - Có. Không. + Are there any restaurants near here? — Yes, there are. — No, there aren't.
Nhà hàng này rất yên tĩnh. Không có nhiều người ở đây. + This restaurant is very quiet. There aren't many people here.
Có một quyển sách trên bàn. + There's a book on the table.
Có năm mươi tiểu bang ở nước Mĩ. + There are fifty (50) states in the United States.
Có nhà hàng trong khách sạn này không? - Không, tôi e là không. + Is there a restaurant in this hotel? — No, I'm afraid not.
Chúng tôi đang ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đây. + We're staying at a very big hotel. There are one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) rooms.
Chúng tôi từng ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đó. + We stayed at a very big hotel. There were one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) rooms.
Từng có vài bông hoa trong một cái lọ để trên bàn. + There were some flowers in a vase on the table.
Chúng tôi đã ở trong một khách sạn rất tuyệt. - Thật á? Có bể bơi trong đó không. + We stayed at a very nice hotel. — Really? Was there a swimming pool?
Đường từ giá đến nhà gare bao xa? + How far is it from here to the train station?
Khoảng cách từ Đài Bắc đến Tokyo bao xa? + How far is it from Taipei to Tokyo?
Từ giá đến nhà gare gần nhất là một con đường dài. + It's a long way from here to the nearest gas station.
Tôi đã được mời đến đám chai của cấp bậc nhưng Con thì chưa. + I've been invited to Gerhard's wedding, but Evita hasn't.
Marta sẽ sớm ở đây thôi phải không? - Đúng, chắc vậy. + Marta will be here soon, won't she? — Yes, probably.
Tôi sinh ra ở Ý. Thế à? Tôi không biết đấy. + I was born in Italy. — You were? I didn't know that.
Tối qua tôi ngủ không ngon. - Vậy à? Giường không được thoải mái à? + I didn't sleep well last night. — You didn't? Was the bed uncomfortable?
+ The strike started three (3) weeks ago. It's expected that it'll end soon.
Tôi không thích để tranh của tôi bị lấy đi. + I don't like having my picture taken.
Hàng xóm của chúng tôi vừa cho lắp điều hòa nhiệt độ trong nhà họ. + Our neighbor just got air conditioning installed in their house.
Casper đã bị lấy mất bằng lái vì lại lái xe qua nhanh. + Casper had his license taken away for driving too fast again.
Tối nay tôi sẽ ra ngoài. - Thế à? Nhưng cậu đã bảo cậu sẽ ở nhà cơ mà. + I'm going out tonight. — You are? But you said you were staying home.
Bác sĩ bảo tôi ở trên giường một vài ngày. + The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
Noboru đã mất nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị nên tôi đã bảo anh ấy nhanh lên. + Noboru was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.
Liliane lo lắng về tình hình nên tôi bảo cô ấy thư giãn và nghĩ thoáng hơn. + Lilianne was nervous about the situation, so I told her to relax and take it easy.
Natalie không có xe hơi và Oliver cũng thế. + Natalie doesn't have a car, and neither does Oliver.
Bạn để ý thấy giá cả của nhà hàng rất cao. Bạn nói: "Giá đắt quá phải không?" + You notice the restaurant prices are very high. You say, "It's pretty expensive, isn't it?"
Serge có xe hơi và bạn cần chở đến nhà gare. Bạn nói: "Cậu có thể chở tôi đến nhà gare được không?" + Serge has a car and you need a ride to the station. You ask, "Could you give me a ride to the station?"
Đột nhiên mọi người ngừng nói chuyện. Có một sự yên lặng. + Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence.
Cậu vẫn tiếp tục cắt ngang khi tôi đang nói chuyện. + You keep interrupting when I'm talking.
Lúc đó muộn rồi nên chúng tôi đã quyết định bắt taxi về nhà. + It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.
Tôi thích Victoria nhưng cô ấy hay nói quá nhiều. + I like Victoria, but I think she tends to talk too much.
Ai dạy cậu lái xe như vậy? + Who taught you to drive?
Stan gợi ý cho tôi đi xin lời khuyên của cậu. + Stan suggested I ask you for advice.
Tôi không khuyến cáo việc ở khách sạn đó. > Tôi không khuyên ai khác ở khách sạn đó cả. + I wouldn't advise staying in that hotel. — I wouldn't advise anybody to stay in that hotel.
Tổng thống tiếp tục nói chuyện trong nhiều giờ. + The president went on talking for hours.
Sau khi thảo luận về kinh tế, tổng thống tiếp tục nói về chính sách đối ngoại. + After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy.
Ngày gia nhập công ti chín năm trước và đã trở thành trợ lí marketing của công ti sau hai năm. + Chandra joined the company nine (9) years ago and became assistant manager after two (2) years.
Chúng tôi đã không tìm được chỗ nào để ở. Chúng tôi đã thử mọi duy nhất khách sạn trong thị trấn nhưng tất cả đều hết chỗ. + We couldn't find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in town, but they were all full.
Tôi cần thực hành nhiều hơn. > Tôi cần bắt đầu làm ra nhiều thành phẩm hơn. + I need to get more exercise. — I need to start working out more.
Tôi cần cậu giúp một tay dịch cái bàn này đi. > Cậu thấy cậu có thể giúp tôi một tay dịch cái bàn này đi được không? + I need your help to move this table. — Do you think you could help me move this table?
Tamara thích sống ở nông thôn hơn ở thành phố. + Tamara prefers to live in the country rather than in the city.
Tôi thích ở nhà tối nay hơn là đi xem phim. > Tôi thích ở nhà tối nay hơn là đi xem phim. + I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the movies. — I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.
Tôi muốn bắt taxi hơn là đi bộ về nhà. + I'd prefer to take a taxi rather than walk home.
Chúng tôi đã nói chuyện về vấn đề đó. + We talked about the problem.
Tôi sống cách giá chỉ một quãng ngắn đi bộ nên không cần phải bắt xe taxi. + I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi.
Tôi thấy cô đơn nếu không có ai để nói chuyện. + I get lonely if there's nobody to talk to.
Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi. + I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me.
Làm ơn đến sớm để chúng ta có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp đúng giờ. + Please arrive early so that we'll be able to start the meeting on time.
Nói chuyện với Thông rất thú vị. > Cô ấy rất thú vị khi nói chuyện. + It's interesting to talk to Veda. — She's interesting to talk to.
Cậu thật tốt bụng khi đưa tôi tới vịnh. + It was nice of you to take me to the airport.
Mông lớn là một học sinh rất giỏi. Cô ấy chắc chắn sẽ qua kì thi. + Anastasia's a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam.
Tôi là thứ duy nhất hải phàn nàn với quản lí nhà hàng. + I was the second customer to complain to the restaurant manager.
Cái ghế đấy đứng lên không an toàn. + That chair is not safe to stand on.
Tôi đã rất thích thú khi ở đây. Tôi sẽ rất tiec khi rời đi. + I've enjoyed my stay here. I'll be sorry to leave.
Takahiro đang ở trong bếp pha cà phê. + Takahiro's in the kitchen making coffee.
Làm gì đi chứ! Đừng có đứng đó mà không làm gì. + Do something! Don't just stand there doing nothing.
Rút chìa khoá ra khỏi ví, anh ấy mở cái cửa. + Taking a key out of his pocket, he unlocked the door.
Là người ăn chay, Batman không ăn bất cứ loại thịt nào. + Being a vegetarian, Mitsuko doesn't eat any kind of meat.
Cảnh sát muốn nói chuyện với bất kì ai nhìn thấy vụ tai nạn. + The police want to talk to anybody who saw the accident.
Cậu có thể ở với chúng tôi. Chúng tôi có một phòng trống. + You can stay with us. We have a spare room.
Tôi nói chuyện với cậu được không? Tôi cần ít lời khuyên. + Can I talk to you? I need some advice.
Hai người được đưa đến bệnh viện sau tai nạn. + Two people were taken to the hospital after the accident.
Chúng tôi đã ngước lên ngắm sao trên trời. + We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
Có hàng triệu ngôi sao trong vũ TRỤ. + There are millions of stars in space.
+ Konstantin is a student at the college where I used to work.
Người ăn chay là người không ăn thịt. + A vegetarian is someone who doesn't eat meat.
Cậu có nghĩ rằng người giàu nên đóng thuế cao hơn không? + Do you think the rich should pay higher taxes?
Cairo là da đô Ai Cập. + Cairo's the capital of Egypt.
Mĩ nằm giữa Canada và Mexico. + The United States is between Canada and Mexico.
Andes là một dãy núi ở Nam Mĩ. + The Andes are mountains in South America.
Bangkok là da đô Thái Lan. + Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.
Trượt tuyết cá là một dãy núi ở châu Âu. + The Alps are mountains in central Europe.
Philippines là một quần đảo gần Đài Loan. + The Philippines is a group of islands near Taiwan.
Scotland, Anh và Wales đều thuộc Vương Quốc Anh. + Scotland, Britain (England), and Wales are all in the United Kingdom.
Lầu Năm Góc nằm ở Washington DC. + The Pentagon is in Washington, D.C.
Xe đạp và xe hơi là những phương tiện giao thông. + The bicycle and the car are means of transportation.
Một chuyến xe đi mất hai tiếng là một chuyến xe hai tiếng. + A drive that takes two (2) hours is a two-hour drive.
Cậu có thỉnh thoảng tự nói chuyện với bản thân không? + Do you talk to yourself sometimes?
Nếu có người tấn công cậu, cậu cần biết tự vệ. + If somebody attacks you, you need to be able to defend yourself.
Tôi muốn có vườn để tôi có thể tự trồng rau cho riêng tôi. + I'd like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables.
Cái nhà hàng mới rất tuyệt. Tôi đã đến đấy tối qua. + The new restaurant is very good. I went there last night.
Ai muốn thi thì nên bảo tôi trước ngày Thứ sáu. + Anyone who wants to take the exam should tell me by Friday.
Tôi không ra ngoài thường xuyên lắm. Tôi ở nhà gần như hàng ngày. + I don't go out very often. I stay home most days.
Cả hai nhà hàng đều rất tốt. > Cả hai nhà hàng này đều rất tốt. + Both restaurants are very good. — Both of these restaurants are very good.
Cả hai nhà hàng này đều không đắt. > Cả hai nhà hàng mà chúng tôi đến đều không đắt. + Neither restaurant is expensive. — Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive.
Chúng tôi có thể đi một trong hai nhà hàng. Tôi không quan tâm. + We can go to either restaurant. I don't care.
Cả hai nhà hàng tôi đều chưa đến. + I haven't been to either of those restaurants.
Tôi đã hỏi hai người về đường đến gare nhưng cả hai đều không biết. + I asked two (2) people the way to the station, but neither of them knew.
Cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ liên hệ với tôi nhưng cô ấy không viết thư hay gọi điện gì cả. + She said she would contact me, but she neither wrote nor called.
Cậu có thể ở một trong hai duy nhất khách sạn này. > Cậu duy nhất ở khách sạn nào cũng được. + You could stay at either of these hotels. (2) — You could stay at any of these hotels. (many)
Người đàn ông mà tôi ngồi cạnh trên máy bay nói chuyện suốt. > Người đàn ông tôi ngồi cạnh trên máy bay nói chuyện suốt. + The man that I was sitting next to on the plane talked the whole time. — The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked the whole time.
Bạn của bạn phải làm việc gì đó. Bạn muốn biết cô ấy đã xong hay chưa. > Cậu đã xong việc cậu phải làm chưa? + You stayed at a hotel. Pavel recommended it to you. — We stayed at a hotel that Pavel recommended to us.
Julius là một người cậu có thể tin tưởng. + Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant?
Cậu có biết ai nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý không? + Do you know anyone who speaks French and Italian?
Pizarro, người nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý, làm nghề hướng dẫn viên du lịch. + Valerio, who speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.
Mặt trời, một trong hàng triệu ngôi sao trong vũ TRỤ, cung cấp cho chúng ta nhiệt và ánh sáng. + The sun, which is one (1) of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light.
Giá là người bạn đến từ Ý của tôi mà tôi đã nói với cậu. + This is my friend from Italy that I was telling you about.
Mười người đã nộp đơn xin việc mà không một ai phù hợp. + Ten people applied for the job, none of whom were suitable.
Di Quyên không có điện thoại gây khó khăn cho việc liên lạc với cô ấy. + Yijuan doesn't have a phone, which makes it difficult to contact her.
Cậu bé bị thương trong vụ tai nạn đã được đưa đến bệnh viện. + The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
Tôi đã không nói chuyện nhiều với người đàn ông ngồi cạnh tôi trên máy bay. + I didn't talk much to the man sitting next to me on the plane.
Chiếc taxi đưa chúng tôi đến vịnh đã bị hỏng. + The taxi taking us to the airport broke down.
Giải thích của giáo viên rất khó hiểu. Hầu hết học sinh không hiểu nó. + The teacher's explanation was confusing. Most of the students didn't understand it.
Vitale rất giỏi kể chuyện cười. Anh ấy rất hài hước. + Vitale is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very amusing.
Anh ấy là một trong những người tẻ nhạt nhất mà tôi từng gặp. Anh ấy không bao giờ ngừng nói và anh ấy không bao giờ nói được thứ gì thú vị. + He's one of the most boring people I've ever met. He never stops talking, and he never says anything interesting.
Sữa này vị hơi lạ. + This milk tastes a little strange.
Tôi không ăn được nó. Tôi chỉ thử nó và vị nó rất ghê. + I can't eat this. I just tried it and it tastes awful!
Cho dù Rosetta vẫn mắc lỗi nhưng tiếng Anh của cô ấy vẫn rất nhuần nhuyễn. + Even though Rosetta still makes mistakes, her English is already very fluent.
Cậu đang đứng quá gần máy ảnh. Cậu lùi ra xa một tí được không? + You're standing too close to the camera. Can you move a little farther away?
Đi bằng tàu hoả lâu hơn là xe hơi. + It takes longer by train than car.
Quyết định quan trọng nhất cậu từng phải đưa ra là gì? - Đó là: chuyển sang một nước khác. + What's the most important decision you've ever had to make? — It was moving to another country.
Violetta mất việc sáu tháng trước và vẫn chưa tìm thấy việc khác. + Violetta lost her job six (6) months ago and hasn't found another job yet.
Máy bay vẫn đợi trên đường và chưa cất cánh. + The plane is still waiting on the runway and hasn't taken off yet.
Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi. + I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.
Tôi không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào miễn là phòng sạch sẽ. > Miễn là phòng sạch sẽ còn tôi thực sự không quan tâm chúng tôi ở khách sạn nào. + I don't care which hotel we stay at as long as the room is clean. — Provided that the room's clean, I don't really care which hotel we stay at.
Tôi phải đi đúng lúc buổi họp bắt đầu. + I had to leave just as the meeting was getting started.
Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản, và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó. + I couldn't contact David as he was on a business trip in Japan and his cellphone doesn't work there.
Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc. + Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager.
Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra. + After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened.
Đến khi chúng ta tới xem phim thì lm đã bắt đầu rồi. + By the time we get to the movies, it'll have already started.
Tôi mới bắt đầu làm việc ở cửa hàng bách hoá. + I just started working in the sales department.
Người ta lái xe bên trái đường ở Anh, Nhật Bản và Singapore. + They drive on the left in Britain, Japan, and Singapore.
Cậu đã bao giờ nằm bệnh viện chưa? + Have you ever been in the hospital?
Các bạn của tôi đang ở Trung Quốc. Họ sẽ trở về Ý tuần sau. + My friends are in China. They'll be going back to Italy next week.
Vì ngồi nắng quá nóng nên chúng tôi đã tìm một chiếc bàn trong bóng râm. + Since it was too hot to sit in the sun, we found a table in the shade.
Khi điền vào các mẫu đơn, đừng quên trong tên cậu bằng chữ hòa để cho dễ đọc. + When filling out forms, be sure to print your name in capital letters so it's legible.
Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best.
+ He bumped inTO me BY mistake.
Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động. + All of my contact information is on my business card, but it's easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone.
Bố tôi thường đi làm bằng xe taxi còn tôi đi làm bằng xe bus. + My father sometimes goes to work by taxi, and I go to work by bus.
Ưu điểm của sống một mình là bạn có nhiều tự do hơn. + The advantage OF living alone is that you have more freedom.
Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone.
Nhiều bạn của tôi năm nay chai. Tôi vẫn đang được nhận rất nhiều lời mời tới dự các đám chai. + A lot of my friends are getting married this year. I've been getting lots of invitations TO wedding banquets.
Thực ra, tôi buồn vì không được mời tới hội thảo quan trọng nhất. + Actually, I'm upset about not getting invited to the most important conference.
Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ. + The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes.
Nước Ý, thành phố tiếng vì nghệ thuật, ẩm thực cổ đại, lịch sử và thời trang. Nó giàu về văn hoá. + Italy is famous for its art, cuisine, architecture, history, and fashion. It's rich in culture.
Tôi không hiểu được cái này, cậu giải thích cho tôi được không? + I can't understand this, can you explain it to me?
Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta. + But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him.
Và rồi những người xem bắt đầu la hét. + And then onlookers started shouting to each other.
Ông tôi đã chín mươi tuổi và cần người chăm sóc ông. Nên chúng tôi thay phiên nhau trông ông. + My grandfather is already ninety (90) years old and needs somebody to care for him, so we take turns looking after him.
Vikram và Lakshmi đều thay phiên nhau chăm sóc bố mẹ già của họ. + Vikram and Lakshmi both take turns taking care of their elderly parents.
Tôi sẽ lo tất cả các da tục đi lại nên cậu không cần phải lo gì cả. + I'll take care of all the travel arrangements so you don't need to worry about anything.
Tôi rất vui vì cậu đã nhắc tôi về cuộc họp, vì tôi đã hoàn toàn quên mất nó. + I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting, because I'd totally forgotten about it.
Nam diễn viên thành phố ... đã chết vì nhồi máu cơ tim khi anh ấy mới chỉ năm mươi mốt tuổi. + The famous actor died OF a heart attack when he was only fifty-one (51).
Sau khi ở trọ với chủ nhà ở Anh, tôi đã cảm ơn chủ nhà vì lòng mến duy nhất của họ. + After doing a homestay in England, I thanked my hosts for their kind hospitality.
+ The misunderstanding was my fault, so I apologized. — I apologized for the misunderstanding.
Kem chống nắng bảo vệ da khỏi những tác động có hại của tia cực tím từ mặt trời. + The rock star needs a bodyguard to protect him from crazy fans.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.
Tôi muốn ở nhà nhưng bạn tôi đã nài nỉ tôi đến. + I wanted to stay home, but my friends insisted on my coming.
Hãy cởi những giày trước khi vào nhà tôi và làm ơn đừng đánh thức em bé. + Take your shoes off before coming inside my house, and please don't wake the baby up.
Cậu có thể nói Vú, ngày nào cũng thực Trung quốc tập thể hình vì cô ấy trông rất tuyệt. Cô ấy đi bộ, học lớp yoga, tập aerobic và cử tạ. + You can tell Tomoko works out at the gym every day because she looks great. She jogs, takes a yoga class, does aerobics, and lifts weights.
Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như quan hệ của Ludwig và Rita đang có vấn đề nho nhỏ, nhưng chúng tôi thực sự hi vọng họ sẽ vượt qua. + It seems that Ludwig and Rita's relationship is having trouble, but we really hope they work it out.
Tốt nhất là tìm một trạm xăng. Chúng ta đang hết xăng. + Better find a gas station. We're running out of gas.
Máy bay của chúng tôi bị trễ trên đường nhựa và chúng tôi đã không cất cánh được trong vòng một tiếng. + Our plane was delayed on the tarmac and we couldn't take off for an hour.
Thức ăn bẩn thỉu và dịch vụ không ra gì rồi họ thu của chúng tôi cái giá ngất trời! Chúng tôi hoàn toàn bị ăn chặn. + The food was lousy and the service sucked, then they charged us an arm and a leg! We totally got ripped off!
Đàm phán giữa Nga và Mĩ đã đổ vỡ. + Talks between Russia and the United States have broken down.
Cảnh sát thành lập một đội đặc vụ để điều tra các vụ giết người. + The police set up a special task force to investigate the murders.
Cảnh sát vô tình bắn chết một người đàn ông. Họ cố gắng che đậy chuyện thực tế xảy ra nhưng nó trở thành một vụ lùm xùm lớn. + The police accidentally shot and killed a man. They tried to cover up what really happened, but it became a big scandal.
Vì thế anh ấy đã kiện và được đền bù cho tổn thất về danh tiếng của anh ấy. + So he sued and was awarded compensation for damage to his reputation.
Chúng tôi vừa thắng một hợp đồng mới. Nhưng việc hoàn thành nó sẽ choán hết ba tháng tới. + We just won a new contract, but completing it will take up the next three (3) months.
Có một vụ đánh nhau trên phố và kết quả là ba người đàn ông vào bệnh viện. + There was a fight on the street and three (3) men ended up in the hospital.
Bố mẹ tôi thả tôi ở vịnh hải tiếng trước giờ chuyến bay của tôi dự các cất cánh. + My parents dropped me off at the airport two (2) hours before my flight was scheduled to take off.
Một người bạn của tôi đã bị tấn công và đánh đập vài ngày trước. Anh ấy đã nằm bệnh viện từ đó đến giờ. + A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He's been in the hospital ever since.
Ludwig và Rita, đã chia tay. > Ludwig và Rita, đã chia tay. + Ludwig and Rita broke up. — Ludwig and Rita split up.
Ludwig và Rita cuối cùng đã chia tay. > Ludwig và Rita cuối cùng đã chia tay. + Ludwig and Rita ended up breaking up. — Ludwig and Rita ended up splitting up.
Khi quá trình luyện ngôn ngữ của cậu bắt đầu gặp khó, điều đó nghĩa là cậu sắp thực Trung hoa một bước ngoặt lớn nên hãy bám chặt và đừng từ bỏ. + When your language training starts getting tough, it means you're about to make a big breakthrough, so stick with it and don't give up.
Vài người đàn ông đã tức giận với Jack trong quán rượu và Jack đã bảo họ là anh ấy không sợ đối đầu với họ. + Several men got angry with Jack in the bar and Jack told them he wasn't afraid to take them on.
Một người đàn ông đã bị một xe hơi đâm ngã khi qua đường và phải được đưa vào bệnh viện. + They took it out into the street, and Jack let them have it. Jack put them down one by one, and the spectacle really drew a crowd.
Họ điện thoại ra ngoài phố và Jack để họ nắm thế. Jack hạ gục họ từng người một và cảnh tượng thực sự đã thu hút đám đông. + A man was knocked down by a car when crossing the street and had to be taken to the hospital.
Khi cảnh sát hỏi anh ta, anh ta đã quyết định bỏ đi một chi tiết quan trọng. + When the police questioned him, he decided to leave out an important detail.
Khi nói chuyện với cảnh sát, cậu không nên dựng chuyện hoặc nói dối. + When talking with the police, you shouldn't make up stories or lie.
Khi Sara quyết định chuyển tới Ấn Độ và bắt đầu cuộc sống mới, cô ấy đã cho hết tất cả tài sản của mình. + When Sara decided to move to India and start a new life, she gave away all of her belongings.
Để nụ cười trên mặt cậu và chắc chắn cậu sẽ nhận lại nhiều nụ cười. + Put a smile on your face, and you'll certainly get lots of smiles back.

Nhà ga + the train station

Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. + The glove is at the train station.

Nhà ga, đu quay + Train station, ferris wheel

Con dê ở đu quay. + The goat is at the train station.

Nhà ga của tôi + My train station

Tôi ăn me. + I eat tamarind.

+ They are at the train station.

rau + vegetables

Tôi thích mì ăn liền. + I like instant noodles.

 mì ăn liền + instant noodles

ăn liền + instant

mì Ý + pasta

khoai tây + potato

Tôi là người ăn chay. + I am vegetarian (a vegetarian) (1).

chay + vegetarian

Tôi ăn chay. + I am a vegetarian. (2)

Chúng tôi lấy một ly nước ép. + We take a glass of juice.

Bạn bắt đầu học tiếng Việt khi nào? + When do you start to study Vietnamese?

Anh ấy đứng. + He stands.

Tôi đứng hát. + I stand and sing.

Cô ấy bắt đầu nói cảm ơn. + She starts to say thank you.

Người đàn ông đứng và người phụ nữ ngồi. + The man stands and the woman sits.

+ They start to think.

bàn + table

Bàn và ghế + The table and the chair (table and chair)

Con khỉ lấy chiếc đồng hồ của tôi! + The monkey takes my clock!

Chiếc bàn có màu nâu nhạt. + The table is light brown.

Anh ấy đọc những tờ báo quan trọng. + He reads the important newspapers.

quan trọng + important

Anh ấy mua một cái bàn cũ. + He buys an old table.

Bạn có một cái bàn xa xỉ. + You have a luxurious table.

Tôi có tổng cộng tám quyển sách. + I have eight books in total.

Cô ấy không hiểu quyển sách. + She does not understand the book.

hiểu + understand

Bạn không hiểu tiếng Việt. + You do not understand Vietnamese.

Họ đang nói về cái gì? + What are they talking about?

Họ hàng của chúng tôi đang đứngở phía trước sở thú. + Our relatives are standing in front of the zoo.

Cái ghế ở phía sau cái bàn. + The chair is behind the table.

Châu Nam Cực + Antarctica

+ rainfall (precipitation)

+ You go to Antarctica and see three bamboo trees there? Really

Vâng, thuyền trưởng! + Yes, captain!

Thư ký của tôi ở đâu? + Where is my secretary?

Tôi lấy cá từ ngư dân đó. + I take the fish from that fisherman.

Nhiều nhà sư là người ăn chay. + Many monks are vegetarians (vegans).

+ He appears and starts following us.

Cô ấy rất linh hoạt vì cô ấy là một thư ký. + She is very flexible, because she is a secretary.

Kiên nhẫn là một lợi thế. + Patience is an advantage (being patient ...)

lợi thế + advantage

Đẹp là một bất lợi. + Being beautiful is a disadvantage.

bất lợi + disadvantage

+ Do you have disadvantages?

+ My secretary is a diligent and independent person.

tắm + to take a shower

Con mèo đang dùng máy tính bảng. +  The cat is using the tablet (computer).

máy tính bảng + tablet

nhà hàng + restaurant

Tôi cần đi đến nhà ga. + I need to go to the train station

nhà ga + train station

bệnh viện + hospital

Tôi sẽ thử món mì ăn liền Indonesia. + I will try Indonesian instant noodles.

đài loan + Taiwan

Chúng tôi bắt đầu bán những tờ báo vào ngày hôm qua. + We started to sell the newspapers yesterday.

Bây giờ chuyến bay của tôi bắt đầu. + Now my flight starts.

Làm như thế nào để bắt đầu một hành trình mới? + How to start a new journey?

Họ bắt đầu nhập khẩu cá. + They start to import fish.

Anh ấy xuất hiện và bắt đầu đi theo chúng tôi. + He appears and stars following us.

Nó rất quan trọng nên tôi không thể chờ. + It It is very important so I cannot wait.

Tôi có thể liên hệ bạn như thế nào? + How can I contact you?

liên hệ + contact

Chúng ta đã được liên hệ bởi một người đàn ông nổi tiếng. + We were contacted by a famous man.

Người đàn ông có một văn bản quan trọng. + The man has an important text.

Cô ấy gửi cho tôi một văn bản quan trọng. + She sends me an inportant document.

Tôi có một bài thuyết trình. + I have a presentation.

Chúng tôi sẽ có một bài thuyết trình vào ngày mai. + We will have a presentation tomorrow.

bài thuyết trình + presentation

Bạn mà là tôi, bạn sẽ hiểu. + If you are me, you will understand.

Họ muốn tự mình nấu mì Ý. + They want to cook pasta by themselves.

Họ đang nói về mối quan hệ nào? + Which relationship are they talking about?

Uỷ ban sẽ bắt đầu làm việc vào tháng sau. + The committee will start to work next month.

Tình bạn là một mối quan hệ quan trọng. + Friendship is an important relationship.

Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? + How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket?

Tôi đã phản bội các đồng nghiệp và thư ký của mình. + I betrayed my co-workers and secretary.

Người thư ký đã nhận được quà từ các đồng nghiệp vào thứ tư. + The secretary received the gift from the co-workers on Wednesday.

Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. + They want to know the wine list in this restaurant.

Bà tôi đã viết di chúc của mình. + My grandmother wrote her testament.

di chúc + testament

Hành lý của bạn chứa rượu. + Your luggage contains alcohol.

chứa + contain

Làm ơn liên hệ ngân hàng khi thẻ tín dụng của bạn hết hạn. + Please contact the bank when your credit card expires.

Tôi cần khắc phục những bất lợi của mình. + I need to overcome my disadvantages.

Cái máy tính bảng của cô ấy nổ không? + Does her tablet explode?

Cô ấy để cậu bé thức khuya? + Does she let the little boy stay up late?

Chúng tôi không nên thức khuya. + We should not stay up late.

thức khuya + stay up late

Tôi không đại diện cho nhà hàng đó. + I do not represent that restaurant.

Động vật nào có cái đuôi dài nhất? + Which animal has the longest tail?

đuôi + tail

Có một con nhện lớn trên cái máy tính bảng. + There is a big spider on the tablet.

Họ đang lấy cái gì từ con cá mập? + What are they taking from the shark?

Báo chí có quan trọng không ? + I s the press important?

Tôi cần liên hệ anh ấy để lấy thông tin. + I need to contact him to get the information.

núi + mountain

ngôi sao + star

Ánh sáng rất quan trọng cho sự sống. + Light is very important for life

Tôi sẽ xây năm khách sạn ven biển. + I will build five coastal hotels.

ven biển + coastal

Anh ấy làm việc cho một bệnh viện công. + He works for a public hospital.

Bạn cao bao nhiêu? + How tall are you?

cao + tall

Cái bàn này thấp hơn cái bàn kia. + This table is lower than that table.

Tôi luôn cảm thấy họ không phù hợp. + I always feel they are not suitable.

phù hợp + suitable

Anh ấy không phải là người thích hợp cho nhóm của chúng tôi. + He is not the suitable person for our team.

Chúng tôi đang tìm những giải pháp thích hợp. + We are looking for suitable solutions.

thích hợp + suitable.

Tôi không hiểu vai trò của thiết bị này. + I do not understand the role of this equipment.

Đây là tượng đài của tôi. + This is my statue

tượng đà. + statue

Cô gái đó có ria mép. + That girl has a mustache.

ria mép + moustache

Tại sao chính phủ cần thuế? + Why does the government need taxes?

thuế + tax

Ai cần quân đội? + Who needs military?

quân đội + military

Họ bỏ phiếu mặc dù họ không hiểu chính trị. + They vote,although they do not understand politics.

Quốc hội đang thảo luận về sự bảo vệ môi trường. + The Congress is having a discussion about environmental protection.

Đây sẽ là một bài diễn văn quan trọng trong cuộc bầu cử này. + This will be an important speech in this election.

Họ sẽ xây một sân vận động gần công viên này. + They will build a stadium near this park.

sân vận động + stadium

Buổi hoà nhạc đã bắt đầu hai mươi phút trước. + The concert started twenty minutes ago.

Anh ấy đang nói về thiệt hại của cô ấy. + He is talking about her damage.

Cô ấy không hiểu tín hiệu của chúng tôi. + She does not understand our signal.

Ba trạng thái của nước + three states of water

Trạng thái + state

vị + CF (honorific for certain persons )

Mẹ của tôi chăm sóc tôi. + My mother takes care of me.

Thiên nhiên chăm sóc con người. + Nature takes care of humans.

chăm sóc + take care

Bạn nên chăm sóc sức khoẻ của mình. + You should take care of your health.

Khi nào cuộc hẹn của bạn bắt đầu? + When does your appointment start.

Người đàn ông suýt làm gãy cái bàn. + The man almost breaks the table.

Cái máy đó có nhiều chi tiết phức tạp. + That machine has many complicated details.

Khi nào dự án khoa học này bắt đầu? + When does this scientific project start?

Bạn lấy mẫu vật đó ở đâu? + Where do you take that sample?

Khoảng cách từ bệnh viện đến sân bay là gì? + What is the distance from the hospital and the airport.

Khoảng cách từ Trái Đất đến Mặt Trời dài không? + Is the distance from the Earth to the Sun long?

Khoảng cách + distance

Giới hạn khoảng cách + distance limit

Chất lượng quan trọng hơn số lượng. + Quality is more important than quantity.

Thị trường chứng khoán luôn chứa nhiều rủi ro. + The stock market always contains many risks.

Tôi có thể lấy hoá đơn không? + Can I take the bill?

Lệ phí khác với thuế. + Fees are different from taxes.

Cuộc phỏng vấn này rất quan trọng. + This interview is very important.

Thư ký của giám đốc rất đẹp. + The secretary of the director is so beautiful.

Bệnh viện này có một quỹ đặc biệt để giúp những người nghèo. + This hospital has a special fund to help poor people.

Chúng tôi không lấy tiền từ quỹ này. + We do not take money from this fund.

Nếu công ty của tôi không trốn thuế, thì nó sẽ phá sản. + If my company does not evade tax, it will go bankrupt.

Kinh tế thế giới không ổn định. + The world economy is not stable.

ổn định + stable

Từ ngày hôm qua, tôi đã bắt đầu cảm thấy rất lạ. + Since yesterday I have started to feel very strange.

Xin lỗi nhưng chúng tôi không thể tiếp tục duy trì sự sống trên Trái Đất. + Sorry, but we cannot continue to sustain life on Earth

Làm sao để duy trì và phát triển nó? + How to sustain and develop it?

duy trì + sustain

duy trì + maintain

Hà Nội là thủ đô của Việt Nam. + Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam.

Sài Gòn đã từng là thủ đô của Nam Việt Nam. + Saigon used to be the capital of South Vietnam.

Đây là một di sản quốc gia. + This is a national heritage

di sản quốc gia + national heritage

di sản + heritage

Chúng tôi đọc truyện Kiều. + We read the tale of Kieu.

truyện Kiều + the tale of Kieu

Tuy nhiên, nhiều người chỉ trích đạo Khổng vì nó không phù hợp với xã hội hiện đại. + However, many people criticize Confucianism because it is not suitable wit

Họ cho rằng thời gian đang tàn phá mọi thứ. + They assume that time is devastating everything.

tàn phá + devastate

Pháp là một nước tư bản. + France is a capitalist country.

tư bản + capitalist

Nước Mỹ đã có bao nhiêu thuộc địa? + How many colonies did the United States have?

Chúng tôi muốn tìm hiểu về sự bóc lột thuộc địa. + We want to learn about colonial exploitation.

Các giai cấp và sự bóc lột + the classes and the exploitation

sự bóc lột + exploitation

Nền tảng của đạo đức bắt đầu từ lương tâm. + The foundation of morality starts from conscience.

Trình độ của cô ấy không phù hợp với công ty này. + Her level is not suitable for this company.

Con mèo tấn công con chó. + The cat attacks the dog.

tấn công + attack

Chiến dịch quân sự bí mật đó rất bí mật. + That secret military operation is very secret

Chiến dịch quân sự + military operation

Chiến dịch + military

Chiến thuật quân sự + military strategy

Những người lính không thể nhắm. + The soldiers cannot take aim.

Tôi cảm thấy hạnh phúc khi mặc bộ quân phục này. + I feel happy when I wear this military uniform.

quân phục + military uniform

Chiến thuật du kích + guerrilla tactics

Những người lính đang bắt đầu đổ bộ. + The soldiers are starting to land.

Anh ấy đang hát về tiểu đoàn ba trăm lẻ bảy. + He is singing about battalion 307.

Họ gửi một tiểu đoàn để tìm con mèo của người chỉ huy. + They send a battalion to find the commander's cat.

tiểu đoàn + battalion

Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. + The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital.

Họ luôn cố thủ và không bao giờ đầu hàng. + They always stand their ground and never surrender.

cố thủ + stand one's gound

Xe thiết giáp của họ bị tấn công. + Their armored car is attacked.

Một tiểu đoàn thiết giáp + an armored battalion

Trong khi những học sinh đang đứngtrong quảng trường, những chiếc xetăng đi vào. Sau đó, không có gì + While the students are standing in the square, the tanks enter. After that

Chiến thuật phòng thủ tốt nhất là tấn công. + the best defensive tactics is to attack.

Những ngôi sao toả sáng lung linh trên bầu trời. + The stars shine sparkingly in the sky.

Tôi thấy con mèo trên một cái bàn bụi bặm. + I see the cat on a dusty table.

Những du khách thích ăn cơm bụi hơn ăn ở một nhà hàng. + The tourists like to eat meals taken from an inn more than eating in a res

Cô ấy luôn ăn cơm bụi. + She always eats meals taken from an inn.

Cơm bụi + meals taken from an inn

Cô ấy uống cà phê để thức trắng đêm. + She drinks coffee to stay up all night.

Thức trắng đêm không tốt cho sức khoẻ. + Staying up all night is not good for health.

thức trắng đêm + stay up all night

Chúng tôi không chấp nhận cái giá cắt cổ này. + We do not accept this exorbitant price.

giá cắt cổ + exorbitant price

cắt cổ + exorbitant

Họ phải bóc lịch vì công ty của họ trốn thuế. + They have to go to jail, because their comany evades tax.

Người phụ nữ đó có cửa đi Mỹ. + That woman has a chance to go to the United States.

Bạn không thể lưỡng lự vào lúc này. + You cannot hesitate at the moment.

Họ lưỡng lự và không muốn trả lời + They hesitate and do not want to answer.

lưỡng lự + hesitate

Anh ấy lưỡng lự yêu cô ấy một cách nồng nàn. + He hesitate to love her passionately.

Trước khi đi, rôi muốn chụp một ảnh với bạn? + Before leaving can I take a photo with you?

Mình rất vui khi nói chuyện với bạn + It's very nice to talk to you.

tài năng, có tài + talented

nói nhiều + talkative

dễ cảm thông + understanding

lịch thiệp + tactful

Cậu đi đến cơ quan mất bao lâu? + How long does it take you to get to work?

Mấy giờ thì cuộc họp bắt đầu? + What time does the meeting start?

Tôi không hiểu tại sao ... + I don't understand why …

Sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian đâu. + I won't take but a minute.

Tôi vừa bị tấn công + I've been attacked

Máy bay sẽ bắt đầu mở cửa 20 phút trước khi cất cánh + They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time.

Chuyến bay đi hết bao lâu? + How long does the flight take?

Tôi sẽ ở tại ... + I am staying at …

Cho tôi xin được gặp dược sĩ. + I'd like to talk the pharmacist, please.

Đay la phim tài liệu. + It's a documentary film.

Bọn mình đi xe buýt đi. + Let's take the bus.

Tôi có thể bắt xe buýt tới sân vân động Mỹ Đình ở đây được không? + Is there somewhere I can catch a bus to My Dinh Stadium?

Điểm dưng xe buýt gần đây là ở đâu? + Am I at the right station?

Anh chị phải đỏ đầy bình xăng lại khi trả xe. + You have to bring it back with a full tank.

Bạn định sống ở đay bao nhiêu lâu? + How long are you planning to stay here?

Cho mình số điện thoại của bạn được không? + Could I take your phone number?

Gân đây ở nhà tôi đã có rất nhiều thay đổi, nhưng tất cả đều được lo ổn thỏa rồi. + I had a lot of recent changes at home, but it's all taken care of.

Cậu đang không kiểm soát được việc bản thân đến muộn. + Your tardiness is getting out of hand.

Cậu nên bắt đầu quản lý thời gian buổi sáng mình tốt hơn. + You had better start managing your morning time better.

Sáng mai tôi sẽ dân con bé đi gặp bác sĩ. + I'm going to take her to see the doctor tomorrow.

Ngày mai tôi phải đưa ba mẹ tôi ra sân ba + I have to take my parents to the airport tomorrow.

Hãy thử mạo hiểm xem. + Take this risk!

Cứ cố gắng như vậy! + Stay at it!

Bố tôi thì cao và gầy - tạm gọi là hơi hơi có ít thịt + My father is tall and lean - with very little fat

Ông tôi trông cân dối với độ tuổi của mình và rất chăm tâm thể dục. + My grandfather is fit for his age and takes plenty of exercises.

Chị ấy không dễ bị bắt nắng và cẩn thận với ánh sáng măt trời. + She doesn't tan easily and has to be careful in the sun.

Bạn có biết chỗ nào có thể bắt được taxi không? + Do you know where I can get a taxi?

Bạn có số điện thoại của hàng taxi không? + Do you have a taxi number?

Tôi muốn gọi một chiếc taxi. + I'd like a taxi, please.

Tôi đang ở khách sạn Metropolitan. + I'm at the Metropolitan Hotel.

Tôi đang ở ga tàu. + I'm at a train station.

Cho tôi biết tên của anh? + Could I take your name, please.

Tôi muốn đi ga tàu Charing Cross. + I'd like to go to Charing Cross Station.

Hãy chở tôi trung tâm thành phố? + Could you take me to the city center?

Chuyến đi hết bao lâu? + How long will the journey take?

Năng quá, không xách nổi nữa! + What I'm going to take!

Trời đang mưa đó, mang theo ô đi. + It's pouring, take an umbrella.

Cứ tàn tàn vậy thôi, chẳng làm gì cả. + I've been taking it easy.

Thực sự rất tệ! + Total nightmare

Anh đi đến cơ quan mất bao lâu? + How long does it take you to get to work?

Mấy giờ thì cuộc họp bắt đầu? + What time does the meeting start?

Phạm lỗi + Make a mistake

Tận dụng + Take advantage

Nghe theo lời khuyên + Take advice

Tắm + Take a bath

Dân đâu, lãnh đạo + Take the lead

Nghĩ + Take a break

Bắt xe buýt + Take a bus

Đi máy bay + Take a plane

Bắt tàu + Take a train

Chăm sóc + Take care of

Nắm bắt cơ hội + Take a chance

Xem thường + Take someone for granted

Thi + Take an exam

Nhìn vào + Take a look

Ngủ trưa + Take a nap

Ghi chép + Take notes

Chớp lấy cơ hội + Take an opportunity

Chụp ảnh + Take a photo

Áp dụng phương pháp + Take action

Áp dụng phương pháp + Take steps

Áp dụng phương pháp + Take measures

Ngồi + Take a seat

Diễn ra + Take place

Từ tư, thong thả + Take your time

Vào khoáng thời gian đó + At this distance of time

Bế tắc + At a standstill

Gặp bất lợi + At disadvantage

Trước khi rời đi, anh có thể chụp ảnh với em không? + Before I leave, can I take a photo with you.

Trên một ngọn núi + On a mountain

Về mục tiêu + On target

Chi tiết + In detail

Hôm nay tôi sẽ nói về ... + I am gonna talk today about …

Mục đich bài thuyết trình của tôi là ... + The purpose of my presentation is …

Tôi sẽ xem xét về ... + I am gonna take a look at …

Bài thuyết trình của tôi có ba phần. + My presentation is in three parts

Tôi sẽ bắt đầu với một vài thông tin chung về tôi. + I'll start with some general information about myself.

Hãy xem cái này ... + Take a look at this …

Từ đây chúng ta có thể hiểu làm thế nào ... + From this, we can understand how …

Xin mời ngồi + Please take a seat

Tôi sẽ đo nhiệt dộ của anh + I'll have your temperature taken

Anh sẽ lấy máu ở tay của anh. + I'll take some blood from your arm

Anh phải nhập viện ngay bây giờ. + You must be hospitalized right now

Xin lỗi, làm ơn chỉ dùm tôi đường ra ga. + Excuse me, can you show me the way to the station, please?

Trụ sở công an ở đâu? + Where is the police station?

Đi đường này + Take this road

Rẽ trái ở ngã rẽ đầu tiên + Take the first on the left

Rẽ phải ở ngã rẽ thứ hai + Take the second on the right

Tiếp tục đi qua trạm cưu hỏa + Continue past the fire station

Đi bộ từ đây tới nhà sách đó bao xa? + How long does it take to go on foot from here to the bookshop?

Đến chỗ bùng binh thì đi theo lối ra thứ 2 + Take the second exit at the roundabout

Bạn có thế hỏi tài xế tãi / một ai khác + You could ask the taxi driver / someone else

Tôi thích chụp ảnh. + I enjoy taking pictures.

Ông già Noel + Santa Claus

Nhà hàng còn bàn trống không? + Do you have any free tables?

Đặt một bàn cho một người + A table for one, please.

Tôi muốn đặt một bàn. + I'd like to book a table, please.

Tôi ăn chay. + I'm a vegetarian.

Tôi gọi món súp cho món khai vị. + For my starter I'll have the soup.

Sẽ mất bao lâu? + How long will it take?

Mât khoáng 20 phút. + It'll take about twenty minutes.

Quý khách muốn thứ rượu không ạ? + Would you like to taste the wine?

Nhà hàng có nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng không? + Do you take credit cards?

Phải mất bao lâu thì séc mới được thanh toán? + How many days will it take for the cheques to clear?

Cho tôi xin bảng sao kê? + Could I have a statement, please?

Tôi muốn huỷ lệnh chờ này. + I'd like to cancel this standing order.

Tôi muốn gặp ai đó để bàn vể việc thế chấp. + I'd like to talk to someone about a mortgage.

Một con tem giá bao nhiêu tiền? + How much is a stamp?

Tôi cần tem để gửi 8 tâ + I need stamps to send eight postcards.

Tôi có thể mua tem ở đây được không? + Can I buy stamps here?

Gửi thư này đến Mỹ hết bao nhiêu tiền? + How much will it cost to send this letter to the United States?

Nói cho tôi biết bưu phí hết bao nhiêu nhé. + Please tell me the postage.

Mất khoảng bao lâu? + How long will it take?

Cho hỏi gửi bưu điện tới New York mất bao nhiêu cước phí? + What's the postage on this parcel to New York.

Thư của tôi gửi đến nơi nhận mất bao lâu? + How long will it take for my letter to reach its destination?

Tôi phải dán loại tem nào? + Which stamp must I put on?

Tôi là người tỉ mỉ. + I pay attention to details.

Tôi hiểu khách hàng cần gì. + I understand my customer's needs.

Tôi tiếp thu nhanh và tự tin vào những gì mình làm được. + I learn quickly and I take pride in my work.

Tôi đảm bảo việc duy trì chất lượng chăm sóc khách hàng. + I ensure that high standard aof customer service is maintained.

+ I ensure that high standard of customer care is maintained.

+ I have worked as a Sales representative for several years.

+ I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger picture. I'm learning how to focus on the overall progress as well.

+ I can start immediately.

+ I have to give three weeks notice to my current employer, so the earliest I can start is the first of February.

+ How soon can I start?

Sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian đâu. + I won't take but a minute.

Chịu thì lấy, không chịu thì thôi! + Take it or leave it!

Cho mình thêm thời gian! + Give me a certain time!

Cậu có thuốc paracetamol không? + Have you got any paracetamol?

Cứ từ từ + Take it easy

Cứ từ từ + Take your time!

Không quan trọng đâu + It's not important

Kế toán + Accountant

Thư kí + Secretary

Nhân viên bán hàng + Shop assistant

Thợ may + Tailor

Tài xế taxi + Taxi driver

Khế + Star fruit

Mãng Cẩu (Na) + Custard-apple

Vú sữa + Star apple

Chôm chôm + Rambutan

Anh thực sự yêu em + I'm totally into you

Anh thực sự đã yêu em rồi + I've totally fallen for you

Đau tim + Heart attack

Mất bò mới lo làm chuồng + It's too late to lock the stable when the horse is stolen

Ăn miếng trả miếng + Tit for tat

Đoàn kết là sống, chia rẽ là chết + United we stand, divided we fall

Được voi đòi tiên + To give him an inch, he will take a yard

Có tiền mua tiên cũng được + Money talks

Không ai hoàn háo + Every man has his mistakes

Giữ liên lạc nhé + Stay in touch

Nói chuyện sau nhé + Talk to you later

Bàn uống nước + Coffee table

Khăn trải bàn + Tablecloth

Bàn trang điểm + dressing table

màn tắm + shower curtain

Tôi sơ ý quên mất. + I forget it by mistake.

Ăn tại nhà hàng. + Eat in a restaurant

Đắt bàn cho 6 người. + Reserve a table for six.

Yêu cầu bàn hai người. + Ask for table for two.

Dẫn ai đến bàn của họ. + Show someone to their table.

Nhà hàng có thực đơn set 3 món. + The restaurant has a three-course set menu.

Nếm thử rượu + Taste the wine.

Bồi bàn nhận yêu cầu của bạn. + The waiter takes your order.

Tôi không thể tin được anh ta đã nói sau lưng tôi. + I can't believe he was talking behind my back.

Tôi rất tức giận. Roger đã đâm sau lưng tôi. + I'm so pissed. Roger just stabbed me in the back.

Anh ngĩ anh đang nói chuyện với ai? + Who do you think you're are talking to?
GNOT Existential • occurrence, non-occurrence to take place +
• location to stand đứng +
GNOT Spatial • distance distant +
GNOT Spatial • motion to stand still +
GNOT Spatial • motion to start bắt đầu +
GNOT Spatial • direction to take +
GNOT Spatial • direction to take away +
GNOT Spatial • size tall +
GNOT Spatial • volume to contain +
GNOT Temporal • duration to take mất +
to take time mất +
How long does it take to go by bus from Saigon to Mui Ne? +
How long does it take to travel by plane from Saigon to Danang? Từ Sài Gòn đến Đà Nẵng đi (bằng) máy bay mất bao lâu? +
GNOT Temporal • simultaneousness instant(ly) +
GNOT Temporal • commencement to begin/start +
GNOT Temporal • commencement start +
GNOT Temporal • stability to stay +
to imitate phỏng theo +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners total +
GNOT Qualitative • shape rectangular +
GNOT Qualitative • shape rectangle +
GNOT Qualitative • taste to taste +
GNOT Qualitative • taste taste +
GNOT Qualitative • material metal +
GNOT Qualitative • genuineness imitation +
GNOT Qualitative • quality outstanding +
advantage lợi ích +
profitable lợi ích +
make advantage of lợi ích +
GNOT Qualitative • quality outstandingly +
acceptable chấp nhận được  +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance important quan trọng +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance not important không quan trọng +
GNOT Qualitative • Importance/unimportance unimportant không quan trọng +
GNOT Qualitative • generality, specificity detail +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to be certain +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to take into account +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition certainty +
GNOT Qualitative • expression to talk nói chuyện +
GNOT Qualitative • expression statement +
GNOT Qualitative • ownership to obtain +
SNOT Bai 6: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu dê,dế / dưa,dừa / có, cọ / vó, võ / +
Bai 11: Ôn tập b, v, l, h, c / e, ê, o, ô, ơ +
Bai 11: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / bê (6) vo (6) bê, vo / vo, vò, vó, vọ, vỏ, võ +
Bai 15: to tỏ ta to, tơ, ta +
Bai 16: Ôn tập n, m, d, đ, t, th /ô, ơ, i, a +
Bai 16: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / mơ (6) mơ, mờ, mớ, mở, mỡ, mợ +
Bai 16: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / ta (6) ta, tà, tá, tả, tã, tạ +
Bai 17: cá thu, thứ tự, đu đủ, cử tạ cá thu, thứ tự, đu đủ, cử tạ +
to take action hành động +
SNOT Personal identification • religion Protestant +
SNOT Personal identification • physical appearance tall +
SNOT House and home, environment • accommodation/rooms stairs +
SNOT House and home, environment • accommodation/rooms downstairs +
SNOT House and home, environment • accommodation/rooms upstairs +
SNOT House and home, environment • region mountain +
SNOT Daily life • at home to take a bath +
SNOT Daily life • at home to take a shower +
SNOT Daily life • at work to start work +
SNOT Daily life • income tax(es) +
SNOT • hobbies and interests collecting stamps +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., current affairs, comedy, documentary +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., tape recorder +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., tape +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., videotape +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre names of places for public entertainment e.g. +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre flute, piano, violin, guitar +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • sports stadium +
SNOT Travel • public transport (railway) station ga +
train station ga xe lửa +
SNOT • public transport station bến xe +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi/cab tắc xi +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi rank/can rank +
SNOT Travel • public transport taxi driver, cab driver +
SNOT Travel • public transport timetable +
When will the bus leave the station? Khi nảo xe rổi bến? +
The bus will leave the station at 8 o'clock. Xe sễ rời bến lúc 8 giờ. +
SNOT Travel • public transport restaurant nhà hàng +
restaurant tiệm ăn +
gas station trạm xăng +
SNOT Travel • traffic distance +
• accommodation five-star hotel khách sạn năm sao +
SNOT Relations with other people • relationship acquaintance +
SNOT Relations with other people • invitations invitation +
accidental bất ngờ +
SNOT Relations with other people • invitations to talk +
SNOT Relations with other people • correspondence stamp +
SNOT Relations with other people • government and politics state +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice to take drugs +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice police station +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace attack +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace to attack +
SNOT Health and body care • personal comfort comfortable +
SNOT • personal comfort to take an afternoon nap ngủ trưa +
• personal comfort to stay up late thức khuya +
SNOT Health and body care • hygiene sanitary towel +
• ailments– accidents accidentally vô tình +
SNOT Health and body care • medical services tablet +
SNOT Health and body care • medical services hospital bệnh viện +
SNOT Education • education to take a course +
SNOT to take an examination thi +
SNOT Shopping • clothes to take off (clothes) +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink vegetables +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink names of vegetables e.g. +
SNOT • types of food and drink mustard greens +
vegetable pickles dưa món +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink potatoes khoai tây +
SNOT • types of food and drink sweet potato khoai lang +
SNOT • types of food and drink taro root +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink tart +
SNOT • types of food and drink cantaloupe dưa bở +
SNOT • types of food and drink custard apple bình bát +
SNOT • types of food and drink rambutan chôm chôm +
SNOT • types of food and drink Siamese custard apple mãng cầu xiêm +
SNOT • types of food and drink star-apple vú sữa +
SNOT • types of food and drink starfruit khế +
SNOT • types of food and drink sugar apple, custard apple Na / Mãng cầu +
SNOT • types of food and drink tamarind me +
SNOT • types of food and drink tangerine quýt +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink mustard +
SNOT Food and drink • eating and drinking out to take away +
SNOT Services • post postage +
SNOT Services • post poste-restante +
SNOT Services • diplomatic service hospital, surgery etc +
SNOT Services • petrol station petrol station +
SNOT Language • ability, understanding, expression to understand +
SNOT Language • ability, understanding, expression mistake +
SNOT Language • ability, understanding, expression Italian +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-1 Anrede 1. address, 2. title, 3. salutation
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-2 Familienstand marital status
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-5 Märchen fairy tale
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-8 stammen to come (from), to descend   (stammt, stammte, hat gestammt)
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-13 zuverlässig 1. reliable, 2. dependable, 3. trustworthy, 4. steady, 5. solid, 6. certain, 7. authentic
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-15 verrückt 1. mad, mentally ill, 2. weird
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-1 Kontakt contact
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-2 Bekannte acquaintance   (Adj. Dekl.)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-3 Einladung invitation
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-5 warten 1. to wait, 2. to maintain   (wartet, wartete, hat gewartet)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-9 aufstehen 1. to get up, 2. to stand up, 3. to stand open   (steht auf, stand auf, ist aufgestanden)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-10 sterben to die   (stirbt, starb, ist gestorben)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-11 auffallen to stand out, notice   (fällt auf, fiel auf, ist aufgefallen)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-13 tödlich fatal
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Krankenhaus hospital
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Klinik hospital
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-8 weh tun to hurt   (tut weh, tat weh, hat weh getan)
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-9 betreuen to look after, to take care   (betreut, betreute, hat betreut)
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-10 einnehmen 1. to take, 2. to earn, 3. to take one's seat, 4. to gain someone's favour   (nimmt ein, nahm ein, hat eingenommen)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Unglück 1. disaster, catastrophe, 2. bad luck
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Katastrophe catastrophe
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-3 Fehler 1. mistake, 2. fault
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-3 stattfinden to happen, to take place   (findet statt, fand statt, hat stattgefunden)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-3 entstehen to come into being   (entsteht, entstand, ist entstanden)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-4 tun to do   (tut, tat, hat getan)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-5 bleiben 1. to stay, 2. to remain, 3. to stay away   (bleibt, blieb, ist geblieben)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-7 stehen to stand   (steht, stand, hat gestanden)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-7 hängen 1. to hang, 2. to be attached to, 3. to be tied to   (hängt, hing/hängte, hat gehangen/gehängt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-8 drehen 1. to turn, 2. to rotate, 3. to centre around   (dreht, drehte, hat gedreht)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-9 greifen 1. to reach for, 2. to take, 3. to grasp   (greift, griff, hat gegriffen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-10 abgeben 1. to hand in something, 2. to issue a statement, 3. to have to do with, 4. to emit   (gibt ab, gab ab, hat abgegeben)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-10 bieten 1. to offer, 2. to stand something from someone, 3. to be on offer   (bietet, bot, hat geboten)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-11 nehmen to take   (nimmt, nahm, hat genommen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-11 übernehmen 1. to take over, 2. to take on too much   (übernimmt, übernahm, hat übernommen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-11 bringen 1. to bring, to take, 2. to make something of oneself, 3. to print, to broadcast, 4. to manage   (bringt, brachte, hat gebracht)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-12 anfangen 1. to begin, 2. to start doing something   (fängt an, fing an, hat angefangen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-12 dauern 1. to last, 2. to take a long time   (dauert, dauerte, hat gedauert)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 reden 1. to talk, 2. to make a speech   (redet, redete, hat geredet)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-5 buchstabieren to spell   (buchstabiert, buchstabierte, hat buchstabiert)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-6 markieren 1. to mark, 2. to tag, 3. to brand, 4. to assign   (markiert, markierte, hat markiert)
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-1 Anfang start, beginning
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-9 ständig constant
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-2 Bewohner inhabitants, occupants
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-5 Treppe stairs
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-6 Obergeschoss upstairs
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-10 ausziehen 1. to take off, to undress, 2. to move out, 3. to extend   (zieht aus, zog aus, hat/ist ausgezogen)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 total total, complete
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 gemütlich 1. comfortable, 2. leisurely
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 bequem 1. comfortable, 2. easy to reach, 3. lazy
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-1 Tisch table
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-3 Vorhang curtain
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-7 installieren to install   (installiert, installierte, hat installiert)
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-2 Fleck stain
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-4 Metall metal
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-9 waagerecht level, horizontal
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-2 Stern star
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-5 Hauptstadt capital
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-5 Einwohner inhabitant
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-1 Land 1. state, 2. country, 3. (piece of) land
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-2 Berg mountain
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-2 Gebirge mountains
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Sturm 1. storm, strong wind, 2. attack
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-1 Verkehr 1. traffic, 2. contact, intercourse
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-1 Transport transportation
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Taxi taxi
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-6 Entfernung distance
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Tankstelle petrol station
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Strecke 1. distance, 2. track, 3. line
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-11 Tarif tariff, rate
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-11 Fahrplan 1. schedule 2. timetable
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-12 Anschluss 1. contact, 2. connection
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-12 Aufenthalt 1. stay, 2. stopover, 3. sojourn
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-12 Station station
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-13 Bahnhof station
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-13 Hauptbahnhof 1. central station, 2. main station
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-15 Start start
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-16 fahren 1. to drive, 2. to ride, 3. to take someone to   (fährt, fuhr, hat/ist gefahren)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-17 starten  to start   (startet, startete, hat/ist gestartet)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-17 überholen to overtake   (überholt, überholte, hat überholt)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-18 tanken to refuel   (tankt, tankte, hat getankt)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-20 fern distant
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-3 Übernachtung overnight stay
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-6 übernachten to stay overnight   (übernachtet, übernachtete, hat übernachtet)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-1 Geschmack taste
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-2 Vorspeise starter
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-3 Scheibe 1. target, 2. pane, 3. slice
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Restaurant restaurant
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Gasthaus inn, restaurant
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-4 Gaststätte 1. inn, 2. public house, 3. tavern
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-6 Vitamin vitamin
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-7 Gemüse vegetables
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-10 Kartoffel potato
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-11 Nudel 1. pasta, 2. noodles
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 abnehmen 1. to take something off something, 2. to examine, 3. to relieve, 4. to lose weight, 5. to reduce, to slim   (nimmt ab, nahm ab, hat abgenommen)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-15 enthalten to contain   (enthält, enthielt, hat enthalten)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-16 schmecken to taste   (schmeckt, schmeckte, hat geschmeckt)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-16 probieren 1. to taste, 2. to try on, 3. to try   (probiert, probierte, hat probiert)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-16 stinken to stink   (stinkt, stank, hat gestunken)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-18 vegetarisch vegetarian
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-18 ganz 1. whole, 2. total
Exercise 9-1-3 Verkäufer sales assistant
Exercise 9-1-3 Händler trader, dealer, retailer
Exercise 9-1-5 Katalog catalog
Exercise 9-1-7 Summe 1. total, 2. sum
Exercise 9-1-8 Mehrwertsteuer value added tax
Exercise 9-1-10 sich eignen to be suitable   (eignet, eignete, hat geeignet)
Exercise 9-1-10 schaffen 1. to manage, 2. to reach, 3. to take to, to carry   (schafft, schuf/schaffte, hat geschaffen/geschafft)
Exercise 9-1-10 erledigen to settle, to take care   (erledigt, erledigte, hat erledigt)
Exercise 9-1-11 kosten 1. to cost, 2. to sample, to taste   (kostet, kostete, hat gekostet)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-1 Farbe 1. colour, 2. tan
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 tragen 1. to carry, 2. to take something somewhere, 3. to wear, 4. to bear   (trägt, trug, hat getragen)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 umtauschen to change   (tauscht um, tauschte um, hat umgetauscht)
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-1 Beratung 1. advice, 2. consultation
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-3 Briefmarke stamp
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-4 Stempel 1. stamp, 2. postmark, 3. pistil
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-5 Überweisung 1. assignment, 2. remittance, 3. transfer
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-8 eröffnen to open, to start   (eröffnet, eröffnete, hat eröffnet)
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-3 Sender broadcasting station
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-4 Datei data file
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-4 Angabe 1. declaration, 2. indication, 3. specification, 4. detail
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-7 digital digital
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-6 Tafel 1. blackboard, 2. bar, 3. table
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-7 Abschluss 1. end, conclusion, 2. final certificate from educational establishment
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-10 Darstellung presentation, description
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-12 teilnehmen to take part   (nimmt teil, nahm teil, hat teilgenommen)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-15 bestehen 1. to comprise, 2. to be made of, 3. to pass, 4. to insist, 5. to remain   (besteht, bestand, hat bestanden)
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-4 Sekretärin secretary
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-5 Lebenslauf 1. résumé, 2. curriculum vitae
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-6 Aufgabe 1. task, 2. abandonment
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-9 Personal staff
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-10 Vertreter 1. sales representative, 2. replacement, locum, 3. delegate, 4. representative
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-11 Tabelle table, chart
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-14 vertreten 1. to stand in for, 2. to hold a view, 3. to represent   (vertritt, vertrat, hat vertreten)
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-15 anstrengend hard, taxing
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-1 Wirtschaft 1. economy, 2. restaurant, pub
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Anlage 1. (public) park, 2. installation, 3. disposition, 4. enclosure
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-4 Kapital capital
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-4 Steuer 1. tax, 2. duty
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-5 unterhalten 1. to talk about, 2. to run, 3. to entertain; to amuse (oneself), chat   (unterhält, unterhielt, hat unterhalten)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-5 unternehmen to undertake   (unternimmt, unternahm, hat unternommen)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-7 fotografieren to photograph, to take a photo   (fotografiert, fotografierte, hat fotografiert)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-7 aufnehmen 1. to receive, 2. to record, 3. to ingest, to absorb, 4. to incorporate, to admit, 5. to take a photograph   (nimmt auf, nahm auf, hat aufgenommen)
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-1 Stadion, Stadien stadium
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-2 Zuschauer spectator
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-2 Unterhaltung 1. talk, 2. entertainment, 3. upkeep
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Gitarre guitar
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Star star, starling
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-7 Veranstaltung 1. event, 2. activity, 3. presentation
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-9 tanzen to dance   (tanzt, tanzte, hat getanzt)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-3 Aussage 1. statement, 2. testimony, 3. conclusion, 4. declaration, 5. information, 6. giving of evidence
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-5 stehlen to steal   (stiehlt, stahl, hat gestohlen)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-6 festnehmen to arrest, to detain   (nimmt fest, nahm fest, hat festgenommen)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-7 bestätigen to confirm, to endorse   (bestätigt, bestätigte, hat bestätigt)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-8 gerecht 1. just, 2. fair, 3. suitable, 4. deserved, 5. equitable
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-5 Staat state
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-9 staatlich state, government, national
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-10 freiwillig voluntary
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-6 kümmern to take care of, to be concerned   (kümmert, kümmerte, hat gekümmert)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-6 täuschen to deceive, be mistaken   (täuscht, täuschte, hat getäuscht)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-6 enttäuschen to disappoint   (enttäuscht, enttäuschte, hat enttäuscht)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-1 Standpunkt standpoint
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-1 Ziel 1. finish, 2. aim, 3. target
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-2 Plan 1. timetable, 2. plan
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-3 Fantasie imagination, fantasy
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Nachteil 1. disadvantage, 2. detriment, 3. disprofit, 4. loss, 5. harm
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Vorteil advantage
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-4 Einzelheit detail
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-7 abhängen 1. to depend on, 2. to shake off (pursuers), 3. to take down a picture   (hängt ab, hing ab, hat abgehangen)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-9 wichtig important
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-10 grundsätzlich fundamental
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-12 bestimmt 1. set, 2. certain, 3. definite
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-13 zufällig accidental, by chance
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-2 Verständnis understanding
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-2 Missverständnis misunderstanding
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 verstehen 1. to be able to hear, 2. to understand, 3. to know   (versteht, verstand, hat verstanden)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 missverstehen to misunderstand   (missversteht, missverstand, hat missverstanden)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 irren 1. to be mistaken, 2. to wander aimlessly   (irrt, irrte, hat geirrt)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-7 überreden to talk someone into something   (überredet, überredete, hat überredet)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 gründen to establish, to found   (gründet, gründete, hat gegründet)
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-4 netto net, after tax
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Wie kommt man von hier zum Bahnhof?  + kommen* How do you get to the station from here?  Làm thế nào để bạn nhận được để các trạm từ đây?
Exercise 1-1 Ich habe noch mit dir zu sprechen.  + sprechen* I still have to talk to you.  Tôi vẫn phải nói chuyện với bạn.
Exercise 1-1 Darüber müssen wir noch sprechen.  + sprechen* We still have to talk about that.  Chúng ta vẫn phải nói về điều đó.
Exercise 1-1 Ich möchte nicht darüber sprechen.  + sprechen* I don't want to talk about it.  Tôi không muốn nói về nó.
Exercise 1-1 Hast du mit ihm schon darüber gesprochen?  + sprechen* Have you talked to him about this yet?  Bạn đã nói với anh ta về điều này chưa?
Exercise 1-1 Sie sprechen nur noch über ihre Arbeit.  + sprechen* They only talk about their work.  Họ chỉ nói về công việc của họ.
Exercise 1-1 Wir haben gerade von dir gesprochen.  + sprechen* We were just talking about you.  Chúng tôi chỉ nói về bạn.
Exercise 1-1 Sprechen wir von etwas anderem!  + sprechen* Let's talk about something else!  Hãy nói về những điều khác!
Exercise 1-1 Der Zug ist gerade eben abgefahren. Warum kommst du auch so spät?  + auch The train just left the station. Why are you so late?  Xe lửa vừa rời khỏi ga. Sao bạn lại trễ?
Exercise 1-2 Den letzten Satz verstehe ich nicht.  + Satz I don't understand the last sentence.  Tôi không hiểu câu cuối cùng.
Exercise 1-2 Sätze beginnen mit einem Großbuchstaben.  + Satz Sentences begin with a capital letter.  Các câu bắt đầu bằng một chữ in hoa.
Exercise 1-2 Was machst du, um in Form zu bleiben?  + Form What are you doing to stay in shape?  Bạn đang làm gì để giữ được hình dạng?
Exercise 1-2 Welchen Kurs hast du gemacht?  + welch What course did you take?  Bạn đã làm khóa học gì?
Exercise 1-3 Vielleicht bleiben wir ein paar Tage länger, das hängt vom Wetter ab.  + abhängen* Maybe we'll stay a few more days, depending on the weather.  Có lẽ chúng ta sẽ ở thêm vài ngày nữa, tùy thuộc vào thời tiết.
Exercise 1-3 In diesem Bericht sind einige Fehler.  + einige There are some mistakes in this report.  Có một số sai lầm trong báo cáo này.
Exercise 1-3 Das wird noch einige Zeit dauern.  + einige This will take some time.  Điều này sẽ mất một thời gian.
Exercise 1-4 Er liegt schon seit drei Wochen im Krankenhaus.  + liegen* He's been in the hospital for three weeks.  Anh ấy đã ở trong bệnh viện trong ba tuần.
Exercise 1-4 In den Bergen liegt schon Schnee.  + liegen* There's already snow in the mountains.  Đã có tuyết rơi trên núi.
Exercise 1-4 Das Spiel findet auch bei Regen statt.  + stattfinden* The game also takes place in the rain.  Trò chơi cũng diễn ra trong mưa.
Exercise 1-4 Das Konzert findet nächste Woche statt.  + stattfinden* The concert will take place next week.  Buổi hòa nhạc sẽ diễn ra vào tuần tới.
Exercise 1-4 Der Prozess hat noch nicht stattgefunden.  + stattfinden* The trial has not yet taken place.  Phiên tòa chưa diễn ra.
Exercise 1-5 z. B. Ostbahnhof, Osteuropa, Ostseite, Ostwind, ... + Osten e. g. East Railway Station, Eastern Europe, East Side, East Wind,... e. g. Ga Đông, Đông Âu, Phía Đông, Đông Gió, ...
Exercise 1-5 Berlin ist die Hauptstadt von Deutschland.  + Hauptstadt Berlin is the capital of Germany.  Berlin là thủ đô của Đức.
Exercise 1-5 Paris ist die Hauptstadt von Frankreich. + Hauptstadt Paris is the capital of France. Paris là thủ đô của Pháp.
Exercise 1-6 Den Schrank stellen wir ans Fenster, den Tisch in die Mitte.  + Mitte We put the cupboard by the window, the table in the middle.  Chúng tôi đặt tủ bên cạnh cửa sổ, cái bàn ở giữa.
Exercise 1-7 Ich habe gehört, dass Herr Müller im Krankenhaus liegt.  + hören I hear Mr. Müller is in the hospital.  Tôi nghe ông Müller đang ở trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 1-7 Ich habe Ihre Frage leider nicht verstanden.  + Frage I regret to say I did not understand your question.  Tôi rất tiếc phải nói rằng tôi không hiểu câu hỏi của bạn.
Exercise 1-8 Sie können mit dem Bus zum Bahnhof fahren.  + können* You can take the bus to the train station.  Bạn có thể đi xe buýt đến nhà ga xe lửa.
Exercise 1-8 Die Linie 8 fährt nur bis zum Hauptbahnhof.  + bis Line 8 only runs to the main station.  Đường 8 chỉ chạy đến ga chính.
Exercise 1-8 Bis wann können Sie bleiben?  + bis How long can you stay?  Bao lâu bạn có thể ở lại?
Exercise 1-8 Für die Renovierung brauchen wir drei bis vier Tage.  + bis The renovation takes three to four days.  Việc cải tạo mất ba đến bốn ngày.
Exercise 1-9 Dauert es lange? – Eine Stunde oder so kann es schon dauern.  + so Will it take long? It could take an hour or so.  Sẽ mất lâu? Có thể mất một giờ.
Exercise 1-9 Meine Frau ist so groß wie ich.  + so My wife is as tall as me.  Vợ tôi cao như tôi.
Exercise 2-1 Du kannst dich jederzeit bei mir aussprechen.  + aussprechen* You can talk to me anytime you want.  Bạn có thể nói chuyện với tôi bất cứ lúc nào bạn muốn.
Exercise 2-1 Sie hat sich nicht näher darüber ausgesprochen.  + aussprechen* She didn't talk more about it.  Cô ấy không nói nhiều về nó.
Exercise 2-1 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit. Ich zeige Ihnen den Weg.  + zeigen The train station is not far away. I'll show you the way.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa. Tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách.
Exercise 2-2 Es gehört viel Mut dazu, so etwas zu wagen.  + gehören  It takes a lot of courage to dare to do that.  Phải can đảm để dám làm điều đó.
Exercise 2-2 Kann ich Sie bitte mal sprechen? – Worum handelt es sich denn?  + handeln Can I talk to you, please? What is this about?  Tôi có thể nói chuyện với bạn được không? Về việc này là gì?
Exercise 2-2 Natascha hat unter anderem Chinesisch und Spanisch gelernt.  + andere Natascha has studied Chinese and Spanish among others.  Natascha đã học tiếng Trung và tiếng Tây Ban Nha trong số những người khác.
Exercise 2-2 Der Kurs findet jeweils montags und donnerstags um 18 Uhr statt.  + jeweils The course takes place on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 pm.  Khóa học diễn ra vào các ngày thứ Hai và thứ Năm lúc 6 giờ chiều.
Exercise 2-3 Nächste Woche fängt die Schule wieder an.  + Schule School starts again next week.  Trường bắt đầu lại vào tuần tới.
Exercise 2-3 Wie groß ist er?  + groß How tall is he?  Anh ấy cao bao nhiêu?
Exercise 2-3 Er ist fast zwei Meter groß.  + groß He's almost six feet tall.  Anh ta cao gần sáu feet.
Exercise 2-3 Kopf oder Zahl?  + oder Heads or tails?  Đầu hoặc đuôi?
Exercise 2-4 Das Auto ist sehr gepflegt. Man sieht ihm sein Alter nicht an.  + ansehen* The car is very well maintained. You can't tell his age.  Chiếc xe được duy trì tốt. Bạn không thể nói tuổi tác của mình.
Exercise 2-4 Fahren Sie die erste Straße links.  + Straße Take the first left.  Đi đầu tiên trái.
Exercise 2-5 In zwei Wochen beginnen die Sommerferien.  + beginnen* Summer holidays start in two weeks.  Các kỳ nghỉ hè bắt đầu trong hai tuần.
Exercise 2-5 Die Vorstellung beginnt um 18 Uhr.  + beginnen* The show starts at 6 pm.  Chương trình bắt đầu lúc 6 giờ chiều.
Exercise 2-5 Es beginnt zu regnen.  + beginnen* It's starting to rain.  Trời bắt đầu mưa.
Exercise 2-5 Nach dem Essen könnten wir mit dem Aufräumen beginnen.  + beginnen* After dinner, we could start cleaning up.  Sau bữa tối, chúng tôi có thể bắt đầu làm sạch.
Exercise 2-5 Er begann mit der Arbeit.  + beginnen* He started work.  Ông bắt đầu làm việc.
Exercise 2-6 Sie müssen bis Montag zusagen, wenn Sie die Stelle nehmen.  + Montag You have to promise by Monday when you take the job.  Bạn phải hứa trước thứ hai khi bạn đảm nhiệm công việc.
Exercise 2-6 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Samstag Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện.
Exercise 2-6 Ich möchte am Samstag ins Stadion gehen. Da spielt meine Mannschaft. + Samstag I want to go to the stadium on Saturday. That's my team playing. Tôi muốn đến sân vận động vào thứ Bảy. Đó là đội của tôi chơi.
Exercise 2-6 Wir machen am Sonntag einen kleinen Ausflug.  + Sonntag We'll take a little trip on Sunday.  Chúng ta sẽ đi một chuyến đi ít ngày Chủ Nhật.
Exercise 2-6 Wir fahren jeden Sonntag in die Berge.  + Sonntag We go to the mountains every Sunday.  Chúng tôi đi đến các ngọn núi mỗi Chủ nhật.
Exercise 2-6 Er durfte erst vorige Woche aus dem Krankenhaus.  + Woche He was only allowed out of the hospital last week.  Anh ta chỉ được phép ra khỏi bệnh viện vào tuần trước.
Exercise 2-7 Erzähle keine Märchen!  + erzählen Don't tell fairy tales!  Đừng nói truyện cổ tích!
Exercise 2-7 Mein Kollege liegt immer noch im Krankenhaus.  + immer My colleague's still in the hospital.  Đồng nghiệp của tôi vẫn ở trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 2-8 Sie ist gestern gekommen, bleibt heute und morgen, und fährt übermorgen weiter.  + morgen She arrived yesterday, stayed today and tomorrow, and left the day after tomorrow.  Cô ấy đến ngày hôm qua, ở lại ngày hôm nay và ngày mai, và để lại một ngày sau khi ngày mai.
Exercise 2-8 Wissen Sie, wann der Kurs beginnt?  + wann Do you know when the course starts?  Bạn có biết khi nào khóa học bắt đầu?
Exercise 2-8 Von wann an bist du dort zu erreichen?  + wann How long will it take you to get there?  Bao lâu bạn sẽ đến đó?
Exercise 2-9 Das macht zusammen 20 Euro. + machen  That's a total of 20 euros. Đó là tổng cộng 20 euro.
Exercise 2-9 Das ist schwer zu verstehen.  + sein* That's hard to understand.  Thật khó hiểu.
Exercise 2-9 Ist das Essen schon fertig? – Nein, es dauert noch ein paar Minuten.  + noch  Is dinner ready yet? No, it'll take a few more minutes.  Bữa tối đã sẵn sàng chưa? Không, sẽ mất vài phút nữa.
Exercise 3-1 Ich habe gelesen, dass es ab heute Sonderangebote gibt.  + lesen* I read that there are special offers starting today.  Tôi đọc rằng có những đề nghị đặc biệt bắt đầu từ ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 3-1 Er schreibt an seiner Dissertation.  + schreiben* He is writing his dissertation.  Anh ta đang viết luận án của mình.
Exercise 3-1 Übers Wochenende fahren wir in die Berge.  + über  Over the weekend we go to the mountains.  Vào cuối tuần chúng tôi đi đến những ngọn núi.
Exercise 3-3 Anna arbeitet als Krankenschwester im Krankenhaus.  + arbeiten Anna works as a nurse in the hospital.  Anna làm việc như một y tá trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 3-4 Fehler zu machen ist menschlich.  + menschlich Making mistakes is human.  Sai lầm là con người.
Exercise 3-4 Wie weit ist es bis zum Bahnhof? Nicht weit, ungefähr zehn Minuten zu Fuß.  + ungefähr How far is it to the station? Not far, about ten minutes on foot.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Không xa, khoảng mười phút đi bộ.
Exercise 3-6 Der Zug braucht drei Stunden bis Köln.  + brauchen The train takes three hours to Cologne.  Tàu mất ba tiếng đồng hồ đến Cologne.
Exercise 3-6 Die Prüfung ist sehr wichtig für mich.  + wichtig The exam is very important to me.  Kỳ thi rất quan trọng đối với tôi.
Exercise 3-6 Morgen habe ich einen wichtigen Termin.  + wichtig I have an important appointment tomorrow.  Tôi có một cuộc hẹn quan trọng vào ngày mai.
Exercise 3-6 Vergiss es, es ist nicht wichtig!  + wichtig Forget it, it's not important!  Hãy quên đi, điều đó không quan trọng!
Exercise 3-6 Ich habe noch etwas Wichtiges zu erledigen.  + wichtig I have something important to do.  Tôi có một cái gì đó quan trọng để làm.
Exercise 3-7 Ich begegne ihm täglich auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof.  + begegnen I meet him every day on the way to the station.  Tôi gặp anh ấy mỗi ngày trên đường đến ga.
Exercise 3-7 Sie ist eine entfernte Verwandte von mir. + Verwandte She's a distant relative of mine. Cô ấy là một người họ hàng xa của tôi.
Exercise 3-7 Du darfst im Brief die Anrede nicht vergessen.  + Anrede You mustn't forget the salutation in the letter.  Bạn không được quên lời chào trong bức thư.
Exercise 3-9 Das Kind konnte den Text nicht verstehen. + Text The child could not understand the text. Đứa trẻ không thể hiểu được văn bản.
Exercise 4-1 Mein Vater arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Vater My father works in a restaurant.  Bố tôi làm việc trong một nhà hàng.
Exercise 4-1 Ich fühle mich in seiner Nähe nicht wohl. + Nähe I don't feel comfortable around him. Tôi không cảm thấy thoải mái xung quanh anh ta.
Exercise 4-1 Wir machen am Sonntag einen kleinen Ausflug.  + klein We'll take a little trip on Sunday.  Chúng ta sẽ đi một chuyến đi ít ngày Chủ Nhật.
Exercise 4-2 Kann ich Sie kurz sprechen?  + kurz  Can I talk to you for a second?  Tôi có thể nói chuyện với bạn được không?
Exercise 4-2 Du kannst mit einer Regionalbahn fahren. Das ist billiger.  + regional You can take a regional train. That's cheaper.  Bạn có thể tham gia một chuyến tàu khu vực. Đó là rẻ hơn.
Exercise 4-6 Würden Sie bitte ein Foto von uns machen? + Foto Would you mind taking a picture of us, please? Bạn có nhớ chụp một bức ảnh của chúng tôi không?
Exercise 4-7 Mein Kollege hatte einen tödlichen Unfall.  + tödlich My colleague had a fatal accident.  Đồng nghiệp của tôi đã có một tai nạn gây tử vong.
Exercise 4-7 Bei dem Unfall wurde er tödlich verletzt.  + tödlich He was fatally injured in the accident.  Anh ta đã bị thương trong tai nạn.
Exercise 4-7 Der Schuss war tödlich.  + tödlich The shot was fatal.  Bắn súng đã gây tử vong.
Exercise 4-8 Gehen Sie die nächste Straße links.  + links Take the next left.  Đi sang bên trái.
Exercise 4-8 Ich mag keine Kartoffeln. Und du? – Ich schon.  + schon I don't like potatoes. And you? - I do.  Tôi không thích khoai tây. Còn bạn? - Tôi làm.
Exercise 4-8 Ich verstehe schon.  + schon Yeah, I understand.  Vâng, tôi hiểu.
Exercise 4-9 Worüber habt ihr gesprochen?  + worüber What were you talking about?  Bạn đang nói về cái gì
Exercise 5-1 Meine Mutter ist jung geblieben.  + jung My mother stayed young.  Mẹ tôi vẫn còn trẻ.
Exercise 5-2 Welche Bluse nehmen Sie? – Ich nehme beide.  + beide What blouse are you wearing? I'll take both.  Bạn mặc áo gì? Tôi sẽ lấy cả hai.
Exercise 5-3 So ein Zufall, dass ich dich hier treffe.  + Zufall It's so coincidental that I meet you here.  Thật trùng hợp khi tôi gặp bạn ở đây.
Exercise 5-4 Sie müssen bis Montag zusagen, wenn Sie die Stelle nehmen.  + zusagen You have to promise by Monday when you take the job.  Bạn phải hứa trước thứ hai khi bạn đảm nhiệm công việc.
Exercise 5-4 Ich habe ihm eine Einladung zu meiner Party geschickt.  + Einladung I sent him an invitation to my party.  Tôi đã gửi cho anh ấy một lời mời đến bữa tiệc của tôi.
Exercise 5-4 Ich nehme deine Einladung gerne an.  + Einladung I gladly accept your invitation.  Tôi vui lòng chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 5-4 Er hat unsere Einladung angenommen.  + Einladung He accepted our invitation.  Anh ấy chấp nhận lời mời của chúng tôi.
Exercise 5-4 Sie lehnten unsere Einladung ab.  + Einladung They refused our invitation.  Họ từ chối lời mời của chúng tôi.
Exercise 5-4 Leider kann ich deine Einladung nicht annehmen.  + Einladung Unfortunately, I cannot accept your invitation.  Thật không may, tôi không thể chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 5-5 Es fängt an zu schneien.  + schneien It's starting to snow.  Nó bắt đầu tuyết.
Exercise 5-5 Hast du das Foto mit Blitz gemacht?  + Blitz Did you take the photo with lightning?  Bạn đã chụp ảnh với sét?
Exercise 5-5 Ich vertrage die Sonne nicht.  + Sonne I can't stand the sun.  Tôi không thể chịu được ánh mặt trời.
Exercise 5-6 Ich bin bis zu einem gewissen Grad einverstanden. + Grad I agree to a certain extent. Tôi đồng ý với một mức độ nhất định.
Exercise 5-6 Die Sitzung findet voraussichtlich in der nächsten Woche statt.  + voraussichtlich The meeting is expected to take place next week.  Cuộc họp dự kiến ​​sẽ diễn ra vào tuần tới.
Exercise 5-7 Es kann jede Minute anfangen zu regnen.  + regnen It can start raining any minute.  Nó có thể bắt đầu mưa bất kỳ phút.
Exercise 5-7 Der Berg ist mit Schnee bedeckt.  + Schnee The mountain is covered with snow.  Núi được phủ tuyết.
Exercise 5-7 Soviel ich weiß, hat dieses Restaurant heute Ruhetag.  + soviel I understand this restaurant's closed for the day.  Tôi hiểu rằng nhà hàng này đã đóng cửa trong ngày.
Exercise 5-7 Der Teppich liegt unter dem Tisch.  + unter The carpet is under the table.  Thảm nằm dưới bàn.
Exercise 5-8 Über Weihnachten fahren wir ins Gebirge.  + Weihnachten Over Christmas we go to the mountains.  Trong dịp Giáng sinh, chúng tôi lên núi.
Exercise 5-9 Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt in Kiel.  + schön We wish you a pleasant stay in Kiel.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn một kỳ nghỉ thú vị ở Kiel.
Exercise 5-9 Ich muss noch arbeiten. – Schön, dann bleiben wir zu Hause.  + schön I have work to do. Fine, then we'll stay home.  Tôi có việc phải làm. Được rồi, chúng ta sẽ ở nhà.
Exercise 6-1 Welche Aussage ist richtig?  + Aussage Which statement is correct?  Câu phát biểu nào đúng?
Exercise 6-1 Würden Sie bitte eine klare Aussage machen?  + Aussage Would you please make a clear statement?  Bạn có vui lòng làm một tuyên bố rõ ràng?
Exercise 6-1 Sie nahm ihre erste Aussage zurück.  + Aussage She withdrew her first statement.  Cô rút lại tuyên bố đầu tiên của mình.
Exercise 6-1 Du kannst nicht über Nacht bleiben.  + Nacht You can't stay overnight.  Bạn không thể ở lại qua đêm.
Exercise 6-1 Wie lange braucht ein Brief? – Maximal zwei Tage.  + maximal How long does a letter take? Maximum two days.  Một lá thư mất bao lâu? Tối đa hai ngày.
Exercise 6-1 Er hat die Gelegenheit maximal ausgenutzt.  + maximal He took advantage of the opportunity.  Anh lợi dụng cơ hội.
Exercise 6-2 Gleich hinterm Haus beginnt der Wald.  + gleich The forest starts right behind the house.  Rừng bắt đầu ngay sau nhà.
Exercise 6-3 Die Klasse macht einen Ausflug.  + Klasse Class is taking a trip.  Lớp học đang đi du lịch.
Exercise 6-3 Wie ist Ihr Familienstand? – Ledig.  + ledig What's your marital status? Single.  Tình trạng hôn nhân của bạn là gì? Độc thân.
Exercise 6-3 Im Bahnhofsrestaurant isst man wirklich sehr gut.  + wirklich In the station restaurant you really eat very well.  Trong nhà hàng nhà ga bạn thực sự ăn rất ngon.
Exercise 6-3 Wir waren pünktlich am Bahnhof. Aber dann hatte der Zug Verspätung.  + dann  We arrived at the station on time. But then the train was late.  Chúng tôi đến trạm đúng giờ. Nhưng rồi chuyến tàu đã trễ.
Exercise 6-3 Ob dieser Bus zum Bahnhof fährt, weiß ich nicht.  + ob I don't know if this bus is going to the station.  Tôi không biết chiếc xe buýt này có tới trạm hay không.
Exercise 6-5 Obst ist reich an Vitaminen.  + reich Fruit is rich in vitamins.  Trái cây giàu vitamin.
Exercise 6-6 Wir wollten eigentlich Freunde besuchen, aber dann sind wir doch zu Hause geblieben.  + eigentlich We were supposed to visit friends, but then we stayed at home.  Chúng tôi phải đến thăm bạn bè, nhưng rồi chúng tôi ở nhà.
Exercise 6-7 Sie brauchen nicht aufzustehen. Sie können sitzen bleiben.  + aufstehen* You don't have to get up. You can stay in your seats.  Bạn không phải đứng dậy. Bạn có thể ở lại trong chỗ của bạn.
Exercise 6-7 Solange Sie Fieber haben, dürfen Sie auf keinen Fall aufstehen.  + aufstehen* As long as you have a fever, don't stand up.  Miễn là bạn bị sốt, đừng đứng dậy.
Exercise 6-7 Seine Aufgabe besteht in der Annahme der Warenbestellungen.  + bestehen* Its task is to accept orders for goods.  Nhiệm vụ của nó là chấp nhận đơn đặt hàng.
Exercise 6-7 Sie hat ihre Mutter zum Bahnhof gefahren.  + fahren* She drove her mother to the station.  Cô đã lái xe mẹ đến ga.
Exercise 6-7 Die Kugel hat genau ins Ziel getroffen.  + treffen* The bullet hit the target.  Đạn bắn trúng đích.
Exercise 6-7 Für mich ist das ein schwerer Fehler.  + für This is a serious mistake for me.  Đây là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng đối với tôi.
Exercise 6-9 Es dauert nur eine Sekunde.  + Sekunde It'll only take a second.  Nó sẽ mất một giây.
Exercise 6-9 Du musst spätestens um 5 Uhr am Bahnhof sein.  + spätestens You must be at the station by 5:00 a. m. at the latest.  Bạn phải ở trạm trước 5:00 a. m. vào lúc muộn nhất.
Exercise 7-1 Sie bekommen von uns eine offizielle Einladung.  + offiziell We will send you an official invitation.  Chúng tôi sẽ gửi cho bạn lời mời chính thức.
Exercise 7-1 Nimm das Medikament stündlich ein.  + stündlich Take the medicine every hour.  Uống thuốc mỗi giờ.
Exercise 7-1 Ich würde eher in die Berge als ans Meer fahren.  + eher I'd rather go to the mountains than the sea.  Tôi thích đi đến những ngọn núi hơn biển.
Exercise 7-2 Zu Mittag esse ich am liebsten Fleisch und Kartoffeln.  + Mittag I prefer to eat meat and potatoes at lunch.  Tôi thích ăn thịt và khoai tây vào buổi trưa.
Exercise 7-2 Sprechen Sie bitte miteinander.  + miteinander Talk to each other, please.  Nói chuyện với nhau, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 7-2 Wir sprechen nicht miteinander.  + miteinander We don't talk to each other.  Chúng tôi không nói chuyện với nhau.
Exercise 7-3 Alle Krankenschwestern in diesem Krankenhaus sind sehr nett. + Krankenschwester All the nurses in this hospital are very nice. Tất cả y tá tại bệnh viện này đều rất tốt.
Exercise 7-3 Meistens verstehe ich gar nicht, was er sagt.  + meistens Most of the time, I don't understand what he's saying.  Hầu hết thời gian, tôi không hiểu những gì ông nói.
Exercise 7-4 Meine Freundin hat mich vom Bahnhof abgeholt.  + abholen My girlfriend picked me up at the station.  Bạn gái tôi đã đưa tôi lên trạm.
Exercise 7-4 Ich hole dich vom Bahnhof ab.  + abholen I'll pick you up at the station.  Tôi sẽ đón bạn tại nhà ga.
Exercise 7-4 Mein Onkel musste ins Krankenhaus.  + Krankenhaus My uncle had to go to the hospital.  Chú tôi phải đến bệnh viện.
Exercise 7-4 Er ist erst vorige Woche aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden.  + Krankenhaus He was discharged from the hospital last week.  Anh ta đã được xuất viện từ tuần trước.
Exercise 7-4 Früher oder später wird er bestimmt einen Fehler machen. + früh Sooner or later, he's bound to make a mistake. Sớm hay muộn, anh ta sẽ mắc phải sai lầm.
Exercise 7-4 Die Veranstaltung findet jeweils dienstags abends statt.  + abends  The event takes place every Tuesday evening.  Sự kiện diễn ra vào mỗi tối thứ ba.
Exercise 7-5 Ich bringe dich nach Hause.  + bringen* I'll take you home.  Tôi sẽ đưa bạn về nhà.
Exercise 7-5 Wir gehen sonntags immer spazieren.  + spazieren gehen* We take a walk every Sunday.  Chúng tôi đi bộ mỗi Chủ Nhật.
Exercise 7-5 Morgens bringe ich Jan in die Schule und Julia in den Kindergarten.  + Kindergarten In the morning I take Jan to school and Julia to kindergarten.  Vào buổi sáng, tôi đưa Jan đến trường và Julia đến lớp mẫu giáo.
Exercise 7-6 Wir machen zehn Minuten Pause.  + Pause We'll take a ten-minute break.  Chúng tôi sẽ nghỉ giải lao 10 phút.
Exercise 7-6 Lasst uns eine Pause machen.  + Pause Let's take a break.  Hãy tạm nghỉ.
Exercise 7-7 Wir essen heute im Restaurant.  + Restaurant We're having dinner at the restaurant today.  Chúng tôi đang ăn tối tại nhà hàng hôm nay.
Exercise 7-7 Wann öffnet das Restaurant?  + Restaurant When does the restaurant open?  Khi nào thì nhà hàng mở cửa?
Exercise 7-7 Kennen Sie ein gutes Restaurant hier in der Nähe?  + Restaurant Do you know a good restaurant near here?  Bạn có biết một nhà hàng tốt gần đây không?
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann es mir nicht leisten, in einem so teuren Restaurant zu essen.  + Restaurant I can't afford to eat in a restaurant that expensive.  Tôi không có khả năng ăn trong một nhà hàng đắt tiền.
Exercise 7-7 Ich kann dieses Restaurant empfehlen. + Restaurant I can recommend this restaurant. Tôi có thể giới thiệu nhà hàng này.
Exercise 7-7 Ab nächster Woche bleibt unser Geschäft samstags geschlossen.  + ab Starting next week, our shop will be closed on Saturdays.  Bắt đầu từ tuần tới, cửa hàng của chúng tôi sẽ đóng cửa vào Thứ 7.
Exercise 7-7 Zahlen bitte. – Das macht zusammen 10 Euro 80.  + zusammen Pay up, please. That makes a total of 10 Euro 80.  Trả tiền, làm ơn. Điều đó tạo ra tổng cộng 10 Euro 80.
Exercise 7-8 Früher war dort drüben einmal ein Restaurant. + drüben There used to be a restaurant over there once. Đã từng có một nhà hàng ở đó một lần.
Exercise 8-1 Der Film ist für Kinder geeignet.  + Film The film is suitable for children.  Bộ phim phù hợp với trẻ em.
Exercise 8-1 Die Ausstellung eines neuen Passes dauert zwei Wochen.  + Ausstellung The issuing of a new passport takes two weeks.  Việc cấp hộ chiếu mới mất hai tuần.
Exercise 8-1 Kannst du mich um 8 Uhr vom Bahnhof abholen? – Okay, mach’ ich.  + okay Can you pick me up at the station at 8:00? Okay, I will.  Bạn có thể đón tôi tại ga lúc 8:00 không? Được rồi, tôi sẽ.
Exercise 8-2 Der Intensivkurs findet täglich von 9 bis 12 Uhr statt.  + Intensivkurs The intensive course takes place daily from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.  Khóa học chuyên sâu diễn ra hàng ngày từ 9 giờ a. m. đến 12 giờ trưa.
Exercise 8-2 Ich habe guten Kontakt zu meinen Kollegen.  + Kollege I have good contacts with my colleagues.  Tôi có mối liên lạc tốt với các đồng nghiệp của mình.
Exercise 8-3 Ich nehme die nächste Bahn.  + Bahn I'll take the next train.  Tôi sẽ đi tàu tiếp theo.
Exercise 8-3 Sie müssen an der nächsten Station aussteigen.  + Station You must get off at the next station.  Bạn phải xuống xe tại trạm tiếp theo.
Exercise 8-3 Ich fahre mit der U-Bahn.  + U-Bahn I'm taking the subway.  Tôi đang dùng tàu điện ngầm.
Exercise 8-3 Wir nahmen die U-Bahn zum Stadion.  + U-Bahn We took the subway to the stadium.  Chúng tôi đưa tàu điện ngầm đến sân vận động.
Exercise 8-3 Zum Bahnhof ist es nicht weit.  + weit The train station is not far away.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa.
Exercise 8-4 Wir haben einen herrlichen Urlaub in Italien verbracht.  + verbringen* We spent a wonderful holiday in Italy.  Chúng tôi đã trải qua một kỳ nghỉ tuyệt vời ở Ý.
Exercise 8-4 Die Zugspitze ist der höchste Berg in Deutschland.  + Berg The Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany.  Zugspitze là ngọn núi cao nhất nước Đức.
Exercise 8-4 Wir fahren jeden Sonntag in die Berge.  + Berg We go to the mountains every Sunday.  Chúng tôi đi đến các ngọn núi mỗi Chủ nhật.
Exercise 8-4 Auf dem Berg haben wir ein Picknick gemacht. + Berg We had a picnic on the mountain. Chúng tôi đã có một bữa ăn ngoài trời trên núi.
Exercise 8-4 Hallo? – Ja, bitte? Wer spricht denn da?  + ja Hello? Yes, please? Who's talking?  Xin chào? Vâng làm ơn? Ai đang nói vậy?
Exercise 8-5 Ich habe mir diese Daten aus dem Internet heruntergeladen.  + Internet I have downloaded this data from the Internet.  Tôi đã tải xuống dữ liệu này từ Internet.
Exercise 8-6 Egal was passiert, bleiben Sie ruhig.  + ruhig No matter what happens, stay calm.  Không có vấn đề gì xảy ra, giữ bình tĩnh.
Exercise 8-6 Bleib draußen!  + draußen Stay outside!  Ở bên ngoài!
Exercise 8-6 Wir wohnen oben im 4. Stock.  + oben We're upstairs on the fourth floor.  Chúng tôi lên lầu trên tầng bốn.
Exercise 8-6 Ich sorge dafür, dass er das Gepäck nach oben trägt.  + oben I'll make sure he carries the luggage upstairs.  Tôi chắc chắn rằng anh ta mang hành lý lên lầu.
Exercise 8-7 Lasst uns in den Bergen wandern gehen.  + wandern Let's go hiking in the mountains.  Hãy đi leo núi trên núi.
Exercise 8-7 Ich gehe gern in den Bergen wandern.  + wandern I like hiking in the mountains.  Tôi thích đi bộ đường dài trên núi.
Exercise 8-7 Ich mache einen Besuch im Krankenhaus.  + Besuch I'm visiting the hospital.  Tôi đến bệnh viện.
Exercise 8-8 Ich verstehe das nicht. Kannst du das bitte einfacher sagen?  + einfach I don't understand. easier for you to say?  Tôi không hiểu. dễ dàng hơn cho bạn để nói?
Exercise 8-8 Ich verstehe einfach nicht, was er will.  + einfach I just don't understand what he wants.  Tôi chỉ không hiểu anh ta muốn gì.
Exercise 8-8 Wir haben eine sehr gemütliche Wohnung.  + gemütlich We have a very comfortable apartment.  Chúng tôi có một căn hộ rất thoải mái.
Exercise 8-8 Es ist sehr gemütlich bei dir.  + gemütlich It's very comfortable with you.  Nó rất thoải mái với bạn.
Exercise 8-8 Hier finde ich es recht gemütlich.  + gemütlich I find it quite comfortable here.  Tôi thấy khá thoải mái ở đây.
Exercise 8-8 Mach es dir gemütlich!  + gemütlich Make yourself comfortable!  Làm cho bản thân bạn thấy thoải mái!
Exercise 8-8 Er machte es sich auf dem Sofa gemütlich.  + gemütlich He made himself comfortable on the sofa.  Anh tự làm mình thoải mái trên ghế sofa.
Exercise 8-8 Mein Onkel hat uns zum Essen eingeladen. Danach hat er uns sogarzum Bahnhof gebracht.  + sogar My uncle invited us to dinner. Then he took us to the station.  Chú tôi mời chúng tôi ăn tối. Sau đó, ông đưa chúng tôi đến trạm.
Exercise 8-8 Sogar ein Kind kann das verstehen. + sogar Even a child can understand that. Ngay cả một đứa trẻ có thể hiểu điều đó.
Exercise 8-9 Nehmen Sie die Tabletten vor dem Essen!  + nehmen* Take the tablets before eating!  Lấy viên trước khi ăn!
Exercise 8-9 Sollen wir ein Taxi nehmen?  + nehmen* Shall we take a taxi?  Chúng ta nên đi taxi à?
Exercise 8-9 In diesem Jahr kann ich meinen Urlaub erst im Oktober nehmen.  + nehmen* This year I can't take my vacation until October.  Năm nay tôi không thể đi nghỉ hè cho đến tháng 10.
Exercise 8-9 Sie nimmt dich nicht ernst. + nehmen* She doesn't take you seriously. Cô ấy không coi trọng bạn.
Exercise 8-9 Lass mich mal einen Blick auf das Bild werfen. + werfen* Let me take a look at that picture. Hãy để tôi xem bức tranh đó.
Exercise 8-9 Entschuldigung, wo geht es hier zum Bahnhof?  + Entschuldigung Excuse me, where are we going to the station?  Xin lỗi, chúng ta đang đi đến ga nào?
Exercise 9-2 Können Sie mir den Weg zum Bahnhof erklären?  + Weg Can you explain how to get to the station?  Bạn có thể giải thích làm thế nào để đến trạm?
Exercise 9-2 Das ist ein häufiger Fehler.  + häufig That's a common mistake.  Đó là một sai lầm phổ biến.
Exercise 9-4 Nimm die Dinge etwas ernster.  + Ding Take things a little more seriously.  Nghiêm túc hơn một chút.
Exercise 9-5 Sie hat einen Cocktail gemischt.  + mischen She mixed a cocktail.  Cô pha lẫn một ly cocktail.
Exercise 9-5 Diese Schokolade schmeckt wunderbar.  + wunderbar This chocolate tastes wonderful.  Sôcôla này có hương vị tuyệt vời.
Exercise 9-8 Ich nehme im September Urlaub.  + Urlaub I'm taking a vacation in September.  Tôi đang nghỉ hè vào tháng Chín.
Exercise 9-8 Praktische Erfahrung ist oft sehr wichtig.  + praktisch Practical experience is often very important.  Kinh nghiệm thực tế thường rất quan trọng.
Exercise 9-9 In manchen Farben sind giftige Stoffe.  + Stoff In some colors are toxic substances.  Trong một số màu sắc là các chất độc hại.
Exercise 9-9 Wann findet die Party statt?  + Party When does the party take place?  Khi nào bữa tiệc diễn ra?
Exercise 9-9 Kannst du bitte die Bluse in die Reinigung bringen?  + Reinigung Can you please take the blouse to the cleaners?  Bạn có thể mang áo cho người làm sạch không?
Exercise 9-9 Ich muss den Anzug in die Reinigung bringen. + Reinigung I have to take the suit to the dry-cleaning room. Tôi phải đi bộ đến phòng giặt khô.
Exercise 9-9 Ich mag bequeme und sportliche Kleidung.  + sportlich I like comfortable and sporty clothes.  Tôi thích quần áo thoải mái và thể thao.
Exercise 10-1 Der neue Esstisch war ein guter Kauf.  + Kauf The new dining table was a good purchase.  Bàn ăn mới là một sự mua sắm tốt.
Exercise 10-1 Ich suche ein bestimmtes Buch.  + bestimmt I'm looking for a certain book.  Tôi đang tìm kiếm một cuốn sách nhất định.
Exercise 10-2 Ich muss dich dringend sprechen.  + dringend I really need to talk to you.  Tôi thực sự cần nói chuyện với bạn.
Exercise 10-2 Der Tisch hat nur knapp 50 Euro gekostet.  + knapp The table cost only about 50 euros.  Bảng giá chỉ khoảng 50 euro.
Exercise 10-2 Du musst nicht bleiben, wenn dir langweilig ist.  + langweilig You don't have to stay if you're bored.  Bạn không phải ở lại nếu bạn đang chán.
Exercise 10-2 Je länger ich Deutsch lerne, desto besser kann ich verstehen.  + je The longer I learn German, the better I can understand it.  Tôi học tiếng Đức lâu hơn, tôi càng hiểu nó hơn.
Exercise 10-3 Er suchte nach einem passenden Wort.  + suchen He was looking for a suitable word.  Anh ấy đang tìm một từ thích hợp.
Exercise 10-7 Sie lachten immer über die Fehler der anderen.  + lachen They always laughed at each other's mistakes.  Họ luôn cười nhạo những sai lầm của nhau.
Exercise 10-9 Ich fühle mich wohl hier.  + fühlen I'm comfortable here.  Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái ở đây.
Exercise 11-1 Wir machen Anfang Juli Ferien.  +  Anfang We're taking a vacation in early July.  Chúng tôi đang nghỉ hè vào đầu tháng 7.
Exercise 11-2 Sie müssen die Tabletten regelmäßig nehmen.  + regelmäßig You must take the tablets regularly.  Bạn phải uống thuốc viên thường xuyên.
Exercise 11-2 Nimmst du regelmäßig Medikamente?  + regelmäßig Do you take medication regularly?  Bạn có dùng thuốc thường xuyên?
Exercise 11-2 Wir haben gerade über dich gesprochen. Da bist du ja.  + da We were just talking about you. Oh, there you are.  Chúng tôi chỉ nói về bạn. Ôi bạn đây rôi.
Exercise 11-3 Wann fängst du mit der Arbeit an?  + anfangen* When do you start work?  Khi nào bạn bắt đầu công việc?
Exercise 11-3 Wann haben Sie angefangen, Deutsch zu lernen?  + anfangen* When did you start learning German?  Khi nào bạn bắt đầu học tiếng Đức?
Exercise 11-3 Jetzt muss ich noch mal von vorn anfangen.  + anfangen* Now I have to start all over again.  Bây giờ tôi phải bắt đầu lại từ đầu.
Exercise 11-3 Jetzt fängt das wieder an.  + anfangen* Now it's starting again.  Bây giờ nó bắt đầu lại.
Exercise 11-3 Ich spreche solange nicht mehr mit ihm, bis er sich entschuldigt hat.  + solange I won't talk to him until he apologizes.  Tôi sẽ không nói chuyện với anh ta cho đến khi anh ta xin lỗi.
Exercise 11-4 Sie kann keinen Widerspruch leiden.  + leiden* She can't stand a contradiction.  Cô không thể đứng một mâu thuẫn.
Exercise 11-5 Ich fahre gern mit dem Zug.  + Zug I like to take the train.  Tôi thích đi tàu.
Exercise 11-5 Welchen Zug nimmst du?  + Zug What train do you take?  Bạn làm những gì đào tạo?
Exercise 11-5 Ich muss unbedingt mit dir sprechen.  + unbedingt I really need to talk to you.  Tôi thực sự cần nói chuyện với bạn.
Exercise 11-6 Aus dieser Entfernung kann ich die Zahlen nicht erkennen.  + erkennen* I can't see the numbers from that distance.  Tôi không thể nhìn thấy những con số từ khoảng cách đó.
Exercise 11-6 Ich habe erkannt, dass es ein Fehler war, den Kurs nicht fertigzumachen.  + erkennen* I realized it was a mistake not to finish the course.  Tôi nhận ra đó là một sai lầm không hoàn thành khóa học.
Exercise 11-6 An deiner Stelle würde ich ihrem Rat folgen.  + folgen If I were you, I'd take her advice.  Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ lấy lời khuyên của cô.
Exercise 11-7 Wir blieben gern länger, jedoch fehlt uns die Zeit.  + jedoch We liked to stay longer, but we don't have time.  Chúng tôi thích ở lại lâu hơn, nhưng chúng tôi không có thời gian.
Exercise 11-8 Ich möchte billig Urlaub machen. Was raten Sie mir?  + raten* I want to take a cheap vacation. What's your advice?  Tôi muốn đi nghỉ mát giá rẻ. Lời khuyên của bạn là gì?
Exercise 11-8 Massenmedien werden nicht vom Staat kontrolliert.  + Staat Mass media are not controlled by the state.  Phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng không được nhà nước kiểm soát.
Exercise 11-8 Die Studenten erhalten Ausbildungsförderung vom Staat.  + Staat The students receive educational support from the state.  Các sinh viên nhận được hỗ trợ giáo dục từ tiểu bang.
Exercise 11-8 Er ist beim Staat angestellt.  + Staat He works for the state.  Ông làm việc cho nhà nước.
Exercise 11-8 Kauf ist vorteilhafter als Miete.  + Miete Purchase is more advantageous than rent.  Việc mua hàng là thuận lợi hơn so với thuê.
Exercise 11-9 Ich nehme das Paket an.  + annehmen* I'll take the package.  Tôi sẽ lấy gói.
Exercise 11-9 Ich nehme Ihre Einladung gern an.  + annehmen* I gladly accept your invitation.  Tôi vui lòng chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 11-9 An deiner Stelle würde ich sein Angebot annehmen. + annehmen* If I were you, I'd take his offer. Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ lấy lời đề nghị của anh ta.
Exercise 11-9 Familienstand: verwitwet.  + verwitwet Marital status: widowed.  Tình trạng hôn nhân: góa bụa.
Exercise 11-9 Wir blieben zu Hause, denn das Wetter war schlecht.  + denn We stayed at home because the weather was bad.  Chúng tôi ở nhà vì thời tiết xấu.
Exercise 11-9 Sie müssen gut Deutsch können. Denn bei der Arbeit müssen Sie mit deutschen Kunden sprechen.  + denn You must be good at German. Because at work you have to talk to German customers.  Bạn phải giỏi tiếng Đức. Vì ở nơi làm việc, bạn phải nói chuyện với khách hàng Đức.
Exercise 11-9 Die nächste Tankstelle ist nicht weit weg von hier.  + weg The nearest gas station is not far from here.  Trạm xăng gần nhất không xa đây.
Exercise 12-1 Ich möchte gern deine neue Wohnung anschauen.  + anschauen I'd like to take a look at your new apartment.  Tôi muốn xem căn hộ mới của bạn.
Exercise 12-1 Wir haben unsere Wohnung über einen Makler bekommen.  + Makler We got our apartment through a real estate agent.  Chúng tôi có căn hộ của chúng tôi thông qua một đại lý bất động sản.
Exercise 12-1 Bei der Wohnungssuche werden sie einen Makler einschalten.  + Makler They'll call in a real estate agent when they find a place to live.  Họ sẽ gọi cho đại lý bất động sản khi họ tìm một nơi để sinh sống.
Exercise 12-2 Wann können wir den Mietvertrag schließen?  + schließen* When can we conclude the rental agreement?  Khi nào chúng ta có thể kết luận hợp đồng thuê?
Exercise 12-3 Er konnte bei den Gesprächen nicht viel ausrichten.  + ausrichten He couldn't do much good in the talks.  Anh ấy không thể làm tốt trong cuộc đàm phán.
Exercise 12-3 Klaus geht ins Kino. Danach spricht er mit seinen Freunden über den Film.  + danach Klaus goes to the movies. Afterwards he talks to his friends about the film.  Klaus đi xem phim. Sau đó ông nói chuyện với bạn bè về bộ phim.
Exercise 12-3 Während der Fahrt darf man nicht mit dem Fahrer sprechen.  + während Do not talk to the driver while driving.  Không nói chuyện với tài xế khi lái xe.
Exercise 12-4 Wir müssen noch genau besprechen, wann wir losfahren und was wir mitnehmen.  + besprechen* We still have to discuss exactly when we're leaving and what we're taking with us.  Chúng tôi vẫn phải thảo luận chính xác khi nào chúng tôi rời khỏi và những gì chúng tôi đang mang theo với chúng tôi.
Exercise 12-4 Lass uns diese Angelegenheit nach dem Mittagessen noch einmal besprechen.  + besprechen* Let's talk about this after lunch.  Hãy nói về điều này sau giờ ăn trưa.
Exercise 12-4 Ich möchte mit dir etwas besprechen.  + besprechen* I want to talk to you about something.  Tôi muốn nói chuyện với bạn về một cái gì đó.
Exercise 12-4 Wir haben noch etwas zu besprechen. + besprechen* We have something to talk about. Chúng ta có một cái gì đó để nói về.
Exercise 12-4 Über meine Probleme möchte ich nicht sprechen. Das ist privat.  + privat I don't want to talk about my problems. This is private.  Tôi không muốn nói về những vấn đề của mình. Đây là thông tin cá nhân.
Exercise 12-4 Er sprach über private Dinge.  + privat He was talking about personal things.  Anh ấy đang nói về những điều cá nhân.
Exercise 12-5 Ich habe wenig Kontakt zu meinen Kollegen.  + Kontakt I have little contact with my colleagues.  Tôi có rất ít liên lạc với đồng nghiệp.
Exercise 12-5 Er hat den Kontakt zu ihr verloren. + Kontakt He's lost contact with her. Anh ấy đã mất liên lạc với cô ấy.
Exercise 12-5 Sprich erst mit dem Arzt.  + erst Talk to the doctor first.  Nói chuyện với bác sĩ trước.
Exercise 12-6 Das Theater beginnt um 19 Uhr.  + Theater The theatre starts at 7 pm.  Nhà hát bắt đầu lúc 7 giờ chiều.
Exercise 12-6 Nach dem Theater gehen wir in ein Restaurant. + Theater After the theatre we go to a restaurant. Sau khi đi nhà hát chúng tôi đi đến nhà hàng.
Exercise 12-6 Ich nehme das ernst.  + ernst I'm taking this seriously.  Tôi đang thực hiện nghiêm túc này.
Exercise 12-6 Ich nehme meine Gesundheit ernst.  + ernst I take my health seriously.  Tôi coi trọng sức khoẻ của mình.
Exercise 12-6 Sie bemühte sich, ernst zu bleiben. + ernst She tried to stay serious. Cô cố gắng giữ nghiêm túc.
Exercise 12-7 Er bot ihr an, sie nach Hause zu fahren.  + anbieten* He offered to take her home.  Anh ta đề nghị đưa cô về nhà.
Exercise 12-7 Den Humor des Komikers verstehe ich nicht.  + Humor I don't understand the comedian's sense of humor.  Tôi không hiểu ý nghĩa hài hước của hài hước.
Exercise 12-8 Nächste Woche beginnt eine neue Serie.  + Serie A new series starts next week.  Một loạt phim mới bắt đầu vào tuần tới.
Exercise 13-1 Was ist das Thema Ihres Vortrags?  + Vortrag What is the topic of your presentation?  Chủ đề của bài trình bày của bạn là gì?
Exercise 13-1 Der Vortrag findet in der Halle statt.  + Vortrag The lecture will take place in the hall.  Bài giảng sẽ được tổ chức tại hội trường.
Exercise 13-1 Die nächste Führung beginnt um 15 Uhr.  + Führung The next tour starts at 3 pm.  Chuyến đi tiếp theo bắt đầu lúc 3 giờ.
Exercise 13-1 Täglich finden Führungen durch den Dom statt.  + Führung Guided tours of the cathedral take place daily.  Các chuyến tham quan có hướng dẫn của nhà thờ được tổ chức hàng ngày.
Exercise 13-1 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Veranstaltung Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện.
Exercise 13-1 Die Veranstaltung findet im Freien statt.  + Veranstaltung The event takes place in the open air.  Sự kiện diễn ra trong không khí mở.
Exercise 13-1 Bei schlechtem Wetter findet die Veranstaltung nicht im Freien, sondern in der Aula statt.  + Veranstaltung In case of bad weather, the event will not take place outdoors, but in the auditorium.  Trong trường hợp thời tiết xấu, sự kiện sẽ không diễn ra ngoài trời, nhưng ở thính phòng.
Exercise 13-2 In Hannover wohnen Bekannte von mir.  + Bekannte Some of my acquaintances live in Hanover.  Một số người quen của tôi sống ở Hanover.
Exercise 13-2 Ein Bekannter von mir heißt Klaus.  + Bekannte An acquaintance of mine is Klaus.  Một người quen của tôi là Klaus.
Exercise 13-2 Er hat viele Bekannte in der Geschäftswelt. + Bekannte He has many acquaintances in the business world. Ông có nhiều người quen trong thế giới kinh doanh.
Exercise 13-2 Ich nehme auf alle Fälle Bargeld mit.  + Fall I definitely take cash with me.  Tôi chắc chắn lấy tiền mặt với tôi.
Exercise 13-2 Für den Fall, dass meine Mutter aus dem Krankenhaus kommt, bleibe ich zu Hause.  + Fall In case my mother comes from the hospital, I'll stay at home.  Trong trường hợp mẹ tôi đến từ bệnh viện, tôi sẽ ở nhà.
Exercise 13-2 In diesem Restaurant gibt es sehr guten Wein.  + Wein There is very good wine in this restaurant.  Có rất tốt rượu vang trong nhà hàng này.
Exercise 13-3 Ich fühle mich hier wohl. Das ist mein Zuhause.  + Zuhause I'm comfortable here. This is my home.  Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái ở đây. Đây là nhà tôi.
Exercise 13-4 Du mußt dein jährliches Einkommen im Steuerformular angeben.  + angeben* You must state your annual income in the tax form.  Bạn phải ghi rõ thu nhập hàng năm của bạn trong mẫu thuế.
Exercise 13-4 Zeitungen bekommst du am Kiosk. + Kiosk You can get newspapers at the newsstand. Bạn có thể lấy báo tại quầy báo.
Exercise 13-4 Aus dieser Entfernung ist das nicht zu erkennen.  + Entfernung This is not visible from this distance.  Điều này không thể nhìn thấy từ khoảng cách này.
Exercise 13-4 Die Entfernung zwischen den beiden Städten beträgt 90 Kilometer. + Entfernung The distance between the two cities is 90 kilometres. Khoảng cách giữa hai thành phố là 90 km.
Exercise 13-4 Der Automat nimmt nur Münzen.  + Münze The vending machine only takes coins.  Máy bán hàng tự động chỉ mất tiền xu.
Exercise 13-5 Er forderte mich zu einem Spaziergang auf.  + auffordern He asked me to take a walk.  Anh ta bảo tôi đi dạo.
Exercise 13-5 Er hat ihm den Hergang des Unfalls genau berichtet.  + berichten He gave him a detailed account of the accident.  Anh ta đưa cho anh một bản tường trình chi tiết về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 13-7 Sie ist für diese Stelle sehr geeignet.  + Stelle It is very suitable for this position.  Nó rất phù hợp với vị trí này.
Exercise 13-8 Die Auskunft befindet sich in der Bahnhofshalle.  + Auskunft The information desk is located in the station concourse.  Bàn thông tin nằm trong khu vực ga.
Exercise 13-8 Kannst du Gitarre spielen?  + Gitarre Can you play guitar?  Bạn có thể chơi ghi ta không?
Exercise 13-8 Ich spiele Gitarre. + Gitarre I play guitar. Tôi chơi guitar.
Exercise 13-8 Du musst noch deine Medizin nehmen. + Medizin You need to take your medicine. Bạn cần uống thuốc.
Exercise 14-1 Ich brauche nicht viel. Ich nehme nur meinen Rucksack mit.  + Rucksack I don't need much. I'm just taking my backpack.  Tôi không cần nhiều. Tôi chỉ dùng ba lô thôi.
Exercise 14-1 Solange Sie Fieber haben, müssen Sie im Bett bleiben.  + Bett As long as you have a fever, you need to stay in bed.  Miễn là bạn bị sốt, bạn cần phải ở trên giường.
Exercise 14-2 Ich hätte gern einen Sack Kartoffeln.  + Sack I'd like a sack of potatoes.  Tôi muốn một cái khoai tây.
Exercise 14-2 Nimm es nicht so schwer!  + schwer Don't take it so hard!  Đừng để nó quá khó!
Exercise 14-2 Das ist ein schwerer Fehler. + schwer This is a serious mistake. Đây là một sai lầm nghiêm trọng.
Exercise 14-2 Bei schlechtem Wetter wird die Veranstaltung nicht draußen, sondern drinnen stattfinden.  + drinnen  In case of bad weather the event will not take place outside, but inside.  Trong trường hợp thời tiết xấu sự kiện sẽ không diễn ra bên ngoài, nhưng bên trong.
Exercise 14-2 Bei der Hitze ist es drinnen viel angenehmer.  + drinnen  It's much more comfortable in the heat.  Nó dễ chịu hơn nhiều trong cái nóng.
Exercise 14-3 Ich muss zu Hause bleiben und auf die Kinder aufpassen.  + aufpassen I have to stay home and look after the kids.  Tôi phải ở nhà và chăm sóc những đứa trẻ.
Exercise 14-3 Pass auf dich auf!  + aufpassen Take care of yourself!  Chăm soc bản thân!
Exercise 14-3 Ich kann auf mich selbst aufpassen.  + aufpassen I can take care of myself.  Tôi có thể chăm sóc bản thân mình.
Exercise 14-3 Mein Geburtsort liegt im Süden, aber ich wohne, seit ich zur Schule gehe, in der Hauptstadt.  + Ort My birthplace is in the south, but I've been living in the capital since I went to school.  Nơi sinh của tôi ở phía Nam, nhưng tôi đã sống ở thủ đô kể từ khi tôi đi học.
Exercise 14-3 Das Lehrbuch enthält viele Abbildungen. + Abbildung The textbook contains many illustrations. Sách giáo khoa có nhiều minh hoạ.
Exercise 14-4 Seine Aufgabe ist es, Produkte auf Fehler zu testen.  + testen Its task is to test products for defects.  Nhiệm vụ của nó là để kiểm tra các sản phẩm cho các khuyết tật.
Exercise 14-4 Zu jedem Text gibt es eine Aufgabe.  + Aufgabe There is a task for each text.  Có một nhiệm vụ cho mỗi văn bản.
Exercise 14-4 Wir brauchten drei Stunden, um die Aufgabe fertigzustellen.  + Aufgabe It took us three hours to complete the task.  Phải mất ba giờ để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ.
Exercise 14-5 Sie können die Prüfung nächsten Monat nachholen.  + nachholen You can take the exam next month.  Bạn có thể làm bài kiểm tra vào tháng tới.
Exercise 14-5 Wenn Sie zum Bahnhof gehen, kommen Sie durch die Goethestraße.  + durch When you get to the station, you'll come through Goethestraße.  Khi bạn đến ga, bạn sẽ đi qua Goethestraße.
Exercise 14-5 Wir haben unsere Wohnung durch einen Makler bekommen. + durch We got our apartment through a real estate agent. Chúng tôi có căn hộ của chúng tôi thông qua một đại lý bất động sản.
Exercise 14-6 Ich bleibe heute zu Hause.  + bleiben* I'm staying home tonight.  Tôi sẽ ở nhà đêm nay.
Exercise 14-6 Wir bleiben nur bis morgen.  + bleiben* We'll just stay till tomorrow.  Chúng ta sẽ ở lại cho đến ngày mai.
Exercise 14-6 Ich bleibe bei meiner Meinung.  + bleiben* I stand by my opinion.  Tôi đứng bởi ý kiến ​​của tôi.
Exercise 14-6 Es ist mir völlig egal, ob du gehst oder bleibst.  + bleiben* I don't care if you go or stay.  Tôi không quan tâm nếu bạn đi hoặc ở lại.
Exercise 14-7 Möchten Sie zum Fleisch Kartoffeln oder Klöße? – Klöße, bitte.  + Kloß Would you like potatoes or dumplings with the meat? Dumplings, please.  Bạn có muốn khoai tây hoặc bánh bao với thịt? Bánh bao, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 14-8 Martin ist 6 Jahre alt. Nächstes Jahr kommt er in die Grundschule.  + Grundschule  Martin is 6 years old. Next year he'll go to elementary school.  Martin 6 tuổi. Năm tới anh sẽ đi học tiểu học.
Exercise 14-8 Sie wurden Freunde an der Grundschule. + Grundschule  They became friends at elementary school. Họ đã trở thành bạn bè ở trường tiểu học.
Exercise 14-8 Ich gehe nie wieder in dieses Restaurant.  + nie I'm never going to that restaurant again.  Tôi sẽ không bao giờ đi đến nhà hàng đó.
Exercise 14-9 Nehmen Sie diese Medizin dreimal täglich ein.  + täglich Take this medicine three times a day.  Uống thuốc này ba lần một ngày.
Exercise 15-1 Was bekommen Sie? – 5 kg Kartoffeln.  + bekommen* What do you get? 5 kg of potatoes.  Bạn được những gì? 5 kg khoai tây.
Exercise 15-2 Daniel spricht nicht gern über seine Probleme.  + Problem Daniel doesn't like to talk about his problems.  Daniel không thích nói về những vấn đề của mình.
Exercise 15-2 Das neue Semester beginnt im April.  + Semester The new semester starts in April.  Học kỳ mới bắt đầu vào tháng Tư.
Exercise 15-2 Eine technische Revolution ist erfolgt.  + technisch A technical revolution has taken place.  Một cuộc cách mạng kỹ thuật đã diễn ra.
Exercise 15-4 Wir haben doch kürzlich darüber gesprochen und du hast es schon wieder vergessen?  + vergessen* We talked about it recently, and you forgot already?  Gần đây chúng tôi đã nói về nó, và bạn đã quên rồi?
Exercise 15-4 Ich gehe morgens unter die Dusche.  + Dusche I'm taking a shower in the morning.  Tôi đang tắm vào buổi sáng.
Exercise 15-5 Er fing an zu rennen.  + rennen* He started running.  Anh ta bắt đầu chạy.
Exercise 15-5 Wir haben im Kurs viel über das Thema Umwelt gesprochen.  + Thema We talked a lot about the environment during the course.  Chúng tôi đã nói chuyện rất nhiều về môi trường trong quá trình học.
Exercise 15-5 Ich würde gerne mit Ihnen über dieses Thema reden.  + Thema I'd like to talk to you about this.  Tôi muốn nói với bạn về điều này.
Exercise 15-5 Dieses Thema ist tabu.  + Thema This subject is taboo.  Chủ đề này là điều cấm k tab.
Exercise 15-5 Über dieses Thema möchte ich nicht sprechen.  + Thema I do not want to talk about this subject.  Tôi không muốn nói về chủ đề này.
Exercise 15-7 In meinem Beruf muss ich viel stehen.  + stehen* I have to stand a lot in my profession.  Tôi phải đứng rất nhiều trong nghề nghiệp của mình.
Exercise 15-7 Als wir kamen, stand das Essen schon auf dem Tisch.  + stehen* By the time we got here, the food was already on the table.  Bởi thời gian chúng tôi đến đây, thức ăn đã được trên bàn.
Exercise 15-7 Auf diesem Boden wächst Gemüse besonders gut.  + Boden Vegetables grow particularly well on this soil.  Rau quả phát triển rất tốt trên đất này.
Exercise 15-7 Warum kommst du so spät? Das Essen steht schon auf dem Tisch.  + Tisch Why are you so late? The food's already on the table.  Sao bạn lại trễ? Thức ăn đã có trên bàn.
Exercise 15-7 Haben Sie einen Tisch für fünf Personen?  + Tisch Do you have a table for five people?  Bạn có một bảng cho năm người?
Exercise 15-7 Sie saßen um den Tisch.  + Tisch They were sitting around the table.  Họ ngồi quanh bàn.
Exercise 15-7 Würdest du bitte den Tisch abräumen? + Tisch Would you clear the table, please? Bạn có thể dọn bàn không?
Exercise 15-8 Beschreiben Sie den Unfall detailliert.  + beschreiben Describe the accident in detail.  Mô tả tai nạn cụ thể.
Exercise 15-8 Bitte achten Sie auch auf die Lautsprecher-Ansagen am Bahnhof.  + Lautsprecher Please also pay attention to the loudspeaker announcements at the station.  Hãy chú ý đến các thông báo loa ở trạm.
Exercise 15-8 Ziehen Sie bitte einen waagerechten Strich.  + waagerecht Please draw a horizontal line.  Hãy vẽ một đường ngang.
Exercise 15-8 Das Brett liegt genau waagerecht.  + waagerecht The board lies exactly horizontal.  Ban nằm chính xác theo chiều ngang.
Exercise 16-1 Wenn du die genaue Ankunft wissen willst, musst du im Fahrplan nachschlagen.  + nachschlagen* If you want to know the exact arrival time, you have to look in the timetable.  Nếu bạn muốn biết thời gian đến chính xác, bạn phải xem lịch biểu.
Exercise 16-2 Schließlich hat er seinen Fehler bemerkt.  + schließlich After all, he noticed his mistake.  Rốt cuộc, ông nhận thấy sai lầm của mình.
Exercise 16-3 Den Satz verstehe ich nicht.  + verstehen* I don't understand that sentence.  Tôi không hiểu câu đó.
Exercise 16-3 Ich verstehe nicht, wie das funktioniert.  + verstehen* I don't understand how this works.  Tôi không hiểu cách làm việc này.
Exercise 16-3 Das verstehst du noch nicht.  + verstehen* You don't understand that yet.  Bạn không hiểu điều đó.
Exercise 16-4 Die Wohnung hat eine geschmackvolle Einrichtung.  + Einrichtung The apartment has a tasteful furnishing.  Căn hộ có nội thất trang nhã.
Exercise 16-4 Das Restaurant ist im Erdgeschoss.  + Erdgeschoss The restaurant is on the ground floor.  Nhà hàng nằm ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 16-5 Missverstehen Sie mich nicht!  + missverstehen* Don't misunderstand me!  Đừng hiểu lầm tôi!
Exercise 16-5 Sie missversteht mich absichtlich.  + missverstehen* She misunderstands me on purpose.  Cô hiểu lầm tôi về mục đích.
Exercise 16-5 Du hast mich völlig missverstanden.  + missverstehen* You totally misunderstood me.  Bạn hoàn toàn hiểu lầm tôi.
Exercise 16-5 Das Restaurant war fast leer.  + leer The restaurant was almost empty.  Nhà hàng gần như trống rỗng.
Exercise 16-5 Der Tank ist leer. + leer The tank's empty. Cái thùng trống rỗng.
Exercise 16-6 In allen Wohnheimen ist mindestens ein Hausmeister beschäftigt.  + Hausmeister At least one caretaker is employed in all dormitories.  Ít nhất một người trông nom được thuê trong tất cả các ký túc xá.
Exercise 16-6 Wahrscheinlich mache ich im Herbst noch einen Deutschkurs.  + wahrscheinlich I will probably take another German course in autumn.  Tôi có lẽ sẽ tham dự một khóa học tiếng Đức vào mùa thu.
Exercise 16-7 Willst du baden oder duschen?  + baden You want to take a bath or shower?  Bạn muốn tắm hoặc tắm?
Exercise 16-7 Wenn du baden möchtest: Das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + baden If you want to take a bath, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn tắm, phòng tắm của bạn ở bên trái.
Exercise 16-7 Ich bade nicht so gern, ich dusche lieber.  + duschen I don't like baths so much. I'd rather take a shower.  Tôi không thích tắm quá nhiều. Tôi thích đi tắm.
Exercise 16-7 Wenn Sie duschen wollen, das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + duschen If you want to take a shower, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn đi tắm, phòng tắm ở phía bên trái.
Exercise 16-8 Die Zahl der Bewohner unserer Erde wächst ständig.  + Bewohner The number of inhabitants of our planet is constantly growing.  Số lượng cư dân của hành tinh chúng ta đang tăng lên liên tục.
Exercise 16-9 Ich hätte gern einen bequemen Sessel.  + Sessel I'd like a comfortable armchair.  Tôi muốn một chiếc ghế bành thoải mái.
Exercise 16-9 Der Berg ist fast 3000 m hoch.  + hoch The mountain is almost 3000 m high.  Núi có chiều cao gần 3000 m.
Exercise 17-1 Tragen Sie die richtige Information in die Tabelle ein.  + Tabelle Enter the correct information in the table.  Nhập thông tin chính xác vào bảng.
Exercise 17-1 Öffnen Sie das Programm und fügen Sie eine Tabelle mit 4 Spalten und 6 Zeilen ein. + Tabelle Open the program and insert a table with 4 columns and 6 lines. Mở chương trình và chèn một bảng với 4 cột và 6 dòng.
Exercise 17-1 Dort drüben ist der Bahnhof.  + dort  There's the train station over there.  Có ga xe lửa ở đó.
Exercise 17-1 Das Restaurant hat jeden Tag geöffnet.  + jeder The restaurant is open every day.  Nhà hàng mở cửa hàng ngày.
Exercise 17-3 In der Anlage finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf.  + Anlage Attached you will find my curriculum vitae.  Kèm theo bạn sẽ tìm thấy sơ yếu lý lịch của tôi.
Exercise 17-5 Darum kann ich das nicht verstehen.  + darum That's why I can't understand it.  Đó là lý do tại sao tôi không thể hiểu nó.
Exercise 17-5 Ich werde mich darum kümmern.  + darum I'll take care of it.  Tôi sẽ chăm sóc nó.
Exercise 17-5 Wie lange dauert die Fahrt von Hamburg nach Berlin?  + lange How long does the journey from Hamburg to Berlin take?  Chuyến đi từ Hamburg đến Berlin mất bao lâu?
Exercise 17-5 Ich komme gleich. Es dauert nicht lange.  + lange I'll be right there. It won't take long.  Tôi sẽ tới đó ngay. Nó sẽ không mất nhiều thời gian.
Exercise 17-5 Ich komme gleich. Es dauert nur ein paar Minuten.  + paar I'll be right there. It'll only take a few minutes.  Tôi sẽ tới đó ngay. Sẽ chỉ mất vài phút.
Exercise 17-6 Sie legt das Paket auf den Tisch.  + legen She puts the package on the table.  Cô đặt gói lên bàn.
Exercise 17-7 Ich kann diesen Lärm nicht mehr ertragen.  + Lärm I can't take this noise anymore.  Tôi không thể chịu đựng tiếng ồn nữa.
Exercise 17-8 Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt?  + Einwohner How many inhabitants does this city have?  Có bao nhiêu cư dân thành phố này?
Exercise 17-8 Berlin hat über drei Millionen Einwohner.  + Einwohner Berlin has over three million inhabitants.  Berlin có hơn ba triệu cư dân.
Exercise 17-9 Das Auto hat bequeme Sitze.  + Sitz The car has comfortable seats.  Chiếc xe có chỗ ngồi thoải mái.
Exercise 17-9 Die Steuererklärung müssen Sie bis Ende Mai abgeben.  + Erklärung You must submit your tax return by the end of May.  Bạn phải nộp tờ khai thuế vào cuối tháng 5.
Exercise 17-9 Die Regierung gibt eine Erklärung ab.  + Erklärung The government makes a statement.  Chính phủ đưa ra một tuyên bố.
Exercise 18-1 Sprechen Sie bitte mit der Hausverwaltung. + Verwaltung Please contact the property manager. Vui lòng liên hệ với người quản lý tài sản.
Exercise 18-1 Das deutsche Parlament ist der Bundestag.  + Parlament The German parliament is the Bundestag.  Quốc hội Đức là Bundestag.
Exercise 18-2 Von Geburt ist er Italiener. + Geburt He was born in Italy. Ông sinh ra ở Ý.
Exercise 18-2 Über meine politische Meinung möchte ich nicht sprechen.  + politisch I do not want to talk about my political opinion.  Tôi không muốn nói về quan điểm chính trị của tôi.
Exercise 18-3 Werden wir rechtzeitig zum Beginn der Party kommen?  + Beginn Are we gonna be in time for the party to start?  Liệu chúng ta có đủ thời gian để bữa tiệc bắt đầu?
Exercise 18-3 Sie fühlte sich in ihrer Rolle als Lehrerin nicht wohl.  + Rolle She was not comfortable in her role as a teacher.  Cô không thoải mái trong vai trò của một giáo viên.
Exercise 18-3 Glück spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Leben.  + Rolle Happiness plays an important role in life.  Hạnh phúc đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống.
Exercise 18-4 Beide Partner kümmern sich um die Kinder.  + Partner Both partners take care of the children.  Cả hai đối tác chăm sóc trẻ em.
Exercise 18-4 Er ist ihr ständiger Partner.  + Partner He's your constant partner.  Anh ấy là bạn đời của bạn.
Exercise 18-4 Bevor der Kurs anfängt, gibt es eine kurze Einführung. + Einführung Before the course starts, there is a short introduction. Trước khi khóa học bắt đầu, có một giới thiệu ngắn.
Exercise 18-4 Das ist eine Frage von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung.  + grundsätzlich This is a matter of fundamental importance.  Đây là vấn đề quan trọng cơ bản.
Exercise 18-4 Wir müssen noch einige grundsätzliche Fragen diskutieren. + grundsätzlich We still have some fundamental issues to discuss. Chúng tôi vẫn có một số vấn đề cơ bản cần thảo luận.
Exercise 18-5 Ich bedankte mich höflich bei ihr für die Einladung. + sich bedanken I politely thanked her for the invitation. Tôi lịch sự cảm ơn cô ấy vì lời mời.
Exercise 18-5 Dieser Apfel schmeckt süß.  + Apfel This apple tastes sweet.  Táo này có vị ngọt.
Exercise 18-6 Dieser Salat schmeckt nach Zitrone. + Zitrone This lettuce tastes like lemon. Xà lách này có mùi vị như chanh.
Exercise 18-6 Wir kaufen das Gemüse direkt beim Bauern.  + Gemüse We buy the vegetables directly from the farmer.  Chúng tôi mua rau trực tiếp từ nông dân.
Exercise 18-6 Wir ziehen Gemüse in unserem Garten.  + Gemüse We grow vegetables in our garden.  Chúng tôi trồng rau trong vườn.
Exercise 18-6 Frisches Obst und Gemüse sind gut für eure Gesundheit. + Gemüse Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for your health. Trái cây tươi và rau cải rất tốt cho sức khoẻ của bạn.
Exercise 18-7 Such dir etwas Schönes aus! Ich lade dich ein.  + aussuchen Take your pick! I'll buy you a drink.  Bạn chọn đi! Tôi sẽ mua cho bạn đồ uống.
Exercise 18-7 Für die Aufgabe können Sie unter drei Themen auswählen.  + auswählen You can choose from three topics for the task.  Bạn có thể chọn từ ba chủ đề cho nhiệm vụ.
Exercise 18-7 Die Suppe schmeckt ein bisschen fad. Du solltest sie noch etwas salzen. + Suppe The soup tastes a little bland. You should add a little salt. Súp có mùi vị nhạt nhẽo. Bạn nên thêm một ít muối.
Exercise 18-7 Er ist für diese Aufgabe noch nicht reif.  + reif He is not yet ready for this task.  Anh ta vẫn chưa sẵn sàng cho nhiệm vụ này.
Exercise 18-8 Dieser Kuchen schmeckt nach Käse. + Käse This cake tastes like cheese. Bánh này có mùi phô mai.
Exercise 18-8 Kann ich bitte noch Kartoffeln bekommen?  + Kartoffel Can I get some more potatoes, please?  Tôi có thể lấy thêm một ít khoai tây không?
Exercise 18-8 Die Kartoffeln wurden gekocht.  + Kartoffel The potatoes were boiled.  Khoai tây đã được luộc.
Exercise 18-9 Diese Milch hat einen seltsamen Geschmack.  + Milch This milk has a strange taste.  Sữa này có hương vị lạ.
Exercise 18-9 Nimm noch ein paar belegte Brote für die Fahrt mit. + Brot Take some sandwiches for the ride. Ăn bánh sandwich cho chuyến đi.
Exercise 19-1 Hast du keinen größeren Topf? Ich möchte Kartoffeln kochen.  + Topf Don't you have a bigger pot? I want to make potatoes.  Bạn không có một cái nồi lớn hơn? Tôi muốn làm khoai tây.
Exercise 19-1 Sie kochte die Kartoffeln in einem großen Topf.  + Topf She cooked the potatoes in a large pot.  Cô nấu khoai tây trong một nồi lớn.
Exercise 19-1 Eine der wichtigsten Nutzpflanzen ist die Sojabohne. + Bohne One of the most important crops is the soybean. Một trong những cây trồng quan trọng nhất là đậu nành.
Exercise 19-2 Möchten Sie Nudeln oder Reis? – Lieber Nudeln.  + Nudel Would you like some noodles or rice? Dear pasta.  Bạn có muốn ăn mì hoặc cơm không? Mì ống thân mến.
Exercise 19-2 Ich nehme die Suppe und danach Nudeln mit Soße. + Nudel I'll take the soup and pasta with sauce. Tôi sẽ ăn súp và mì ống với nước sốt.
Exercise 19-2 Dieses Medikament dürfen Sie nach dem Verfallsdatum nicht mehr nehmen. + Verfallsdatum  Do not take this medicine after the expiration date. Không dùng thuốc này sau ngày hết hạn.
Exercise 19-3 Diese Theorie ist bestimmt nicht haltbar. + haltbar This theory is certainly not tenable. Lý thuyết này chắc chắn không có giá trị.
Exercise 19-4 Er isst das Gemüse roh.  + roh He eats the vegetables raw.  Anh ta ăn rau sống.
Exercise 19-5 Kann man den Aufenthalt um einen Tag verlängern?  + verlängern Can I extend my stay by one day?  Tôi có thể kéo dài thời gian lưu lại của tôi vào một ngày nào không?
Exercise 19-5 Bei „Familienstand“ musst du „ledig“ ankreuzen.  + Familienstand  In "Marital status" you have to check "single".  Trong "Tình trạng hôn nhân", bạn phải kiểm tra "đơn".
Exercise 19-5 Bitte geben Sie Ihren Familienstand an!  + Familienstand  Please enter your marital status!  Hãy nhập địa vị hôn nhân của bạn!
Exercise 19-5 Sie bemüht sich um die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit. + Staatsangehörigkeit She tries to obtain German nationality. Cô ấy cố gắng để có quốc tịch Đức.
Exercise 19-6 Dafür übernehme ich die Verantwortung.  + übernehmen*  I take full responsibility for that.  Tôi chịu hoàn toàn trách nhiệm về điều đó.
Exercise 19-6 Wir machen eine Umfrage zum Thema Umweltschutz.  + Umfrage We conduct a survey on the subject of environmental protection.  Chúng tôi tiến hành khảo sát về đối tượng bảo vệ môi trường.
Exercise 19-6 Wir werden eine eine repräsentative Umfrage durchführen.  + Umfrage We will conduct a representative survey.  Chúng tôi sẽ tiến hành khảo sát đại diện.
Exercise 19-7 Das ist eine dankbare Aufgabe.  + dankbar That's a rewarding task.  Đó là một nhiệm vụ bổ ích.
Exercise 19-8 Die Suppe schmeckt nach Knoblauch.  + schmecken The soup tastes like garlic.  Súp có vị như tỏi.
Exercise 19-8 Diese Äpfel schmecken gut. + schmecken These apples taste good. Những quả táo này ngon miệng.
Exercise 19-8 Zitronen haben einen sauren Geschmack.  + Geschmack Lemons have an acid taste.  Cytam có hương vị axit.
Exercise 19-8 Ich mag den Geschmack von Schokolade.  + Geschmack I like the taste of chocolate.  Tôi thích hương vị của chocolate.
Exercise 19-8 Ich hoffe, dass der Wein deinem Geschmack entspricht.  + Geschmack I hope the wine suits your taste.  Tôi hy vọng rượu vang phù hợp với khẩu vị của bạn.
Exercise 19-8 Sie hat ihre Wohnung mit viel Geschmack eingerichtet.  + Geschmack She has furnished her apartment with great taste.  Cô đã trang bị căn hộ của cô với hương vị tuyệt vời.
Exercise 19-8 Sie kleidet sich immer mit viel Geschmack.  + Geschmack She always dresses with great taste.  Cô ấy luôn ăn mặc với hương vị tuyệt vời.
Exercise 19-8 Das ist nicht mein Geschmack.  + Geschmack That's not my taste.  Đó không phải là sở thích của tôi.
Exercise 19-8 Über Geschmack lässt sich nicht streiten. + Geschmack Taste can't be disputed. Hương vị không thể bị tranh cãi.
Exercise 20-1 Bei Reklamationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an den Hersteller.  + Hersteller If you have any complaints, please contact the manufacturer directly.  Nếu bạn có khiếu nại, vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp với nhà sản xuất.
Exercise 20-1 Er ist nach seiner Herkunft Italiener.  + Herkunft He's Italian by his origins.  Anh ấy là người Ý theo nguồn gốc của mình.
Exercise 20-1 Welche Maßnahmen hat man gegen das Hochwasser getroffen?  + Maßnahme What measures have been taken to combat the flooding?  Những biện pháp nào đã được thực hiện để chống lại lũ lụt?
Exercise 20-3 Bitte ein Schnitzel mit Kartoffeln und Salat.  + Schnitzel A schnitzel with potatoes and salad, please.  Một schnitzel với khoai tây và salad, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 20-4 Diese Schokolade enthält nur sehr wenig Zucker.  + enthalten*  This chocolate contains very little sugar.  Sô cô la này chứa rất ít đường.
Exercise 20-4 Die Flasche enthält einen Liter Wein.  + enthalten*  The bottle contains one litre of wine.  Chai chứa một lít rượu.
Exercise 20-4 Dieses Buch enthält zahlreiche Bilder.  + enthalten*  This book contains many pictures.  Cuốn sách này có nhiều hình ảnh.
Exercise 20-4 Die Mehrwertsteuer ist im Preis enthalten.  + enthalten*  Value added tax is included in the price.  Thuế giá trị gia tăng được bao gồm trong giá.
Exercise 20-4 Wir haben für unser Wohnzimmer einen runden Tisch gekauft.  + rund  We bought a round table for our living room.  Chúng tôi mua một bàn tròn cho phòng khách của chúng tôi.
Exercise 20-4 Bis Berlin sind es noch rund 40 Kilometer.  + rund  The distance to Berlin is still about 40 kilometres.  Khoảng cách đến Berlin vẫn khoảng 40 km.
Exercise 20-5 Deiner Darstellung muss ich entschieden widersprechen.  + Darstellung I strongly disagree with your presentation.  Tôi rất không đồng ý với bài trình bày của bạn.
Exercise 20-5 Ihr Buch enthält eine klare Darstellung dieser Probleme.  + Darstellung Your book contains a clear description of these problems.  Cuốn sách của bạn có mô tả rõ ràng về những vấn đề này.
Exercise 20-5 Die graphische Darstellung gibt das System in vereinfachter Form wieder. + Darstellung The graphical representation shows the system in simplified form. Các đại diện đồ họa cho thấy hệ thống trong hình thức đơn giản.
Exercise 20-5 Ich finde eine gesunde Ernährung wichtig.  + Ernährung I find a healthy diet important.  Tôi tìm thấy một chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh quan trọng.
Exercise 20-5 Wir bevorzugen eine vegetarische Ernährung. + Ernährung We prefer a vegetarian diet. Chúng tôi thích chế độ ăn chay.
Exercise 20-5 In dieser Gegend wachsen Obst, Gemüse und Getreide.  + Getreide In this area there are fruit, vegetables and cereals.  Trong khu vực này có trái cây, rau và ngũ cốc.
Exercise 20-6 Mein Bruder arbeitet als Krankenpfleger im Krankenhaus. + Krankenpfleger My brother works as a nurse in the hospital. Anh tôi làm y tá trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 20-7 Das erledigt sich von selbst. + erledigen It'll take care of itself. Nó sẽ chăm sóc bản thân.
Exercise 20-7 Mit wem hast du telefoniert?  + telefonieren Who were you talking to?  Bạn đang nói chuyện với ai?
Exercise 20-8 Ich kümmere mich um den Haushalt, d. h. ich putze, wasche, koche etc.  + Haushalt I take care of the household, i. e. I clean, wash, cook etc.  Tôi chăm sóc gia đình, i. e. Tôi rửa sạch, rửa, nấu ăn vv
Exercise 20-9 Die Konferenz findet in Raum 19 statt.  + Konferenz The conference will take place in room 19.  Hội nghị sẽ diễn ra trong phòng 19.
Exercise 20-9 Die Reparatur wird einige Tage dauern.  + Reparatur The repair will take several days.  Việc sửa chữa sẽ mất vài ngày.
Exercise 20-9 Meine Schwester arbeitet als Sekretärin in einer Bank.  + Sekretärin My sister works as a secretary in a bank.  Chị tôi làm thư ký trong ngân hàng.
Exercise 20-9 Die Sekretärin trug unsere Namen ein. + Sekretärin The secretary entered our names. Thư ký nhập tên của chúng tôi.
Exercise 20-9 Die Sitzung des Bundestages wird im Fernsehen übertragen.  + Sitzung The session of the Bundestag will be broadcast on television.  Phiên họp của Bundestag sẽ được phát sóng trên truyền hình.
Exercise 20-9 Die nächste Sitzung findet am 18. Januar statt.  + Sitzung The next meeting will take place on 18 January.  Cuộc họp tiếp theo sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 18 tháng 1.
Exercise 21-1 Du verdienst es eigentlich nicht, dass wir dich mitnehmen.  + verdienen You don't really deserve to be taken away.  Bạn không thực sự xứng đáng để được lấy đi.
Exercise 21-1 Rita hat den Urlaub wirklich verdient.  + verdienen Rita really deserves this vacation.  Rita thực sự xứng đáng với kỳ nghỉ này.
Exercise 21-2 Haben Sie einen Kurs für Erste Hilfe gemacht? Das müssen Sie, wenn Sie den Führerschein machen wollen.  + Hilfe Did you take a course in first aid? You'll have to if you want to get your license.  Bạn có tham gia khoá học cấp cứu không? Bạn sẽ phải làm nếu bạn muốn có được giấy phép của bạn.
Exercise 21-3 Es kommt darauf an, dass Sie alle Fragen im Test beantworten.  + ankommen* It is important that you answer all questions in the test.  Điều quan trọng là bạn trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi trong bài kiểm tra.
Exercise 21-3 Die Sekretärin trug unsere Namen in die Teilnehmerliste ein.  + eintragen* The secretary entered our names in the list of participants.  Thư ký đã nhập tên của chúng tôi vào danh sách những người tham gia.
Exercise 21-3 Eine Sprache zu lernen kostet viel Zeit.  + kosten Learning a language takes a lot of time.  Học một ngôn ngữ mất rất nhiều thời gian.
Exercise 21-3 Koste es, was es wolle.  + kosten No matter what it takes.  Không có vấn đề gì cần.
Exercise 21-3 Dieser Fehler kann dich die Stellung kosten. + kosten This mistake can cost you your position. Sai lầm này có thể làm bạn mất vị trí của mình.
Exercise 21-3 Ich würde gerne einen Tisch für zwei Personen reservieren.  + reservieren I'd like to reserve a table for two people.  Tôi muốn đặt một cái bàn cho hai người.
Exercise 21-3 Wir haben auf dem Campingplatz übernachtet.  + übernachten We stayed overnight at the campsite.  Chúng tôi nghỉ qua đêm tại khu cắm trại.
Exercise 21-3 Wir übernachteten im besten Hotel der Stadt.  + übernachten We stayed at the best hotel in town.  Chúng tôi vẫn ở khách sạn tốt nhất trong thị trấn.
Exercise 21-3 Du kannst bei mir auf dem Sofa übernachten.  + übernachten You can stay at my place on the sofa.  Bạn có thể ở lại nơi tôi trên ghế sofa.
Exercise 21-3 Du kannst bei uns übernachten.  + übernachten You can stay overnight with us.  Bạn có thể ở lại qua đêm với chúng tôi.
Exercise 21-3 Wir nehmen nur Halbpension. + Halbpension We only take half board. Chúng tôi chỉ ăn bữa sáng.
Exercise 21-3 Ich muss mich um meine kranke Großmutter kümmern.  + krank I have to take care of my sick grandmother.  Tôi phải chăm sóc bà ngoại bệnh hoạn của tôi.
Exercise 21-4 In diesem Hotel kostet die Übernachtung mit Frühstück 90 Euro.  + Übernachtung In this hotel the overnight stay with breakfast costs 90 Euro.  Trong khách sạn này nghỉ qua đêm với bữa ăn sáng với giá 90 Euro.
Exercise 21-4 Er hat nur Übernachtung mit Frühstück gebucht. + Übernachtung He only booked overnight stay with breakfast. Anh chỉ đi ngủ đêm với bữa sáng.
Exercise 21-4 Im Urlaub sind wir in einem Hotel am Meer.  + Hotel On vacation we are staying in a hotel by the sea.  Vào kỳ nghỉ chúng tôi đang ở trong khách sạn bên bờ biển.
Exercise 21-5 Dr. Müller hat nachmittags keine Sprechstunde.  + Sprechstunde Dr. Müller doesn't have a consultation in the afternoon.  Tiến sĩ Müller không có buổi tư vấn vào buổi chiều.
Exercise 21-5 Der Arzt hat montags bis freitags von neun bis zwölf Sprechstunde.  + Sprechstunde The doctor has from Monday to Friday from nine to twelve consultation hours.  Bác sĩ có từ thứ Hai đến Thứ Sáu từ chín đến mười hai giờ tư vấn.
Exercise 21-5 Ihre Lohnsteuerkarte bekommen Sie automatisch zugeschickt. + automatisch Your income tax card will be sent to you automatically. Thẻ thuế thu nhập của bạn sẽ được gửi đến cho bạn một cách tự động.
Exercise 21-7 Meine Nerven halten das nicht aus. + Nerv My nerves can't take it. Thần kinh của tôi không thể lấy nó.
Exercise 21-7 Er ist jederzeit bereit, in Aktion zu treten.  + Aktion He is always ready to take action.  Anh ta luôn sẵn sàng hành động.
Exercise 21-7 Sie kann keine Kritik vertragen.  + Kritik She can't take criticism.  Cô ấy không thể chỉ trích.
Exercise 21-7 Ich nehme wenig Notiz von ihr.  + Notiz I take little notice of her.  Tôi ít chú ý đến cô ấy.
Exercise 21-8 Der Kranke befindet sich in einem kritischen Zustand.  + kritisch The patient is in a critical state.  Bệnh nhân đang trong tình trạng nguy kịch.
Exercise 21-8 Sie lebt in ständiger Angst.  + ständig She lives in constant fear.  Cô ấy sống trong nỗi sợ hãi liên tục.
Exercise 21-8 Ich habe noch keine Wohnung. Ich wohne vorläufig bei einem Freund.  + vorläufig  I don't have an apartment yet. I'm staying with a friend for the time being.  Tôi chưa có căn hộ. Tôi đang ở với một người bạn cho thời gian được.
Exercise 21-9 Er kann das strenge Training nicht aushalten. + Training He can't stand the rigorous training. Anh ta không thể chịu đựng được sự huấn luyện nghiêm ngặt.
Exercise 22-1 Ihre Produkte entsprechen nicht dem internationalen Standard.  + entsprechen* Your products do not comply with international standards.  Sản phẩm của bạn không tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn quốc tế.
Exercise 22-1 Der Bewerber entspricht nicht ganz unseren Erwartungen.  + entsprechen* The candidate does not quite meet our expectations.  Các ứng cử viên không hoàn toàn đáp ứng mong đợi của chúng tôi.
Exercise 22-1 Wir haben uns über das Fußballspiel unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  We talked about the soccer game.  Chúng tôi đã nói về trò chơi bóng đá.
Exercise 22-1 Er wollte sich mit ihm unter vier Augen unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  He wanted to talk to him in private.  Anh muốn nói chuyện riêng với anh.
Exercise 22-1 Wir unterhalten uns immer seltener.  + unterhalten*  We don't talk so often.  Chúng tôi không thường xuyên nói chuyện.
Exercise 22-1 Er hat eine große Familie zu unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  He has a big family to entertain.  Anh ấy có một gia đình lớn để giải trí.
Exercise 22-1 Er hat seine Gäste mit spannenden Erzählungen unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  He entertained his guests with exciting stories.  Anh giải trí cho khách của mình với những câu chuyện thú vị.
Exercise 22-1 Sie hat die Kinder mit Märchen unterhalten.  + unterhalten*  She entertained the children with fairy tales.  Cô giải trí cho trẻ em với câu chuyện cổ tích.
Exercise 22-1 Sie spricht ungern über ihre Vergangenheit.  + Vergangenheit  She doesn't like to talk about her past.  Cô ấy không thích nói về quá khứ của mình.
Exercise 22-1 Die Prüfung war sehr schwierig.  + schwierig The stage was very difficult.  Giai đoạn rất khó khăn.
Exercise 22-2 Ich ging zum Bahnhof, um meinen Freund zu verabschieden. + verabschieden I went to the station to say goodbye to my friend. Tôi đến nhà ga để nói lời tạm biệt với bạn tôi.
Exercise 22-2 Der Laden befindet sich genau gegenüber dem Bahnhof.  + gegenüber The shop is located directly opposite the station.  Cửa hàng nằm ngay phía đối diện ga.
Exercise 22-3 Das Finanzamt hat seine schwierige Lage weitgehend berücksichtigt.  + berücksichtigen The tax office has largely taken its difficult situation into account.  Cơ quan thuế phần lớn đã tính đến tình hình khó khăn.
Exercise 22-3 Du musst die Tatsache berücksichtigen, dass er zu jung ist.  + berücksichtigen You have to take into account the fact that he's too young.  Bạn phải tính đến thực tế là anh ta còn quá trẻ.
Exercise 22-3 Wir müssen auch sein Alter berücksichtigen. + berücksichtigen We must also take account of his age. Chúng ta cũng phải tính đến tuổi tác của mình.
Exercise 22-3 Der Flug wird drei Stunden dauern.  + Flug The flight will take three hours.  Chuyến bay sẽ mất ba giờ.
Exercise 22-3 Ich habe mir ein Kleid aus dem Katalog bestellt.  + Katalog I ordered a dress from the catalogue.  Tôi ra lệnh cho một bộ trang phục từ cửa hàng.
Exercise 22-3 Könnten Sie mir bitte einen Katalog per Post schicken?  + Katalog Could you send me a catalogue by post, please?  Bạn có thể gửi cho tôi một danh mục qua đường bưu điện, xin vui lòng?
Exercise 22-4 Können Sie mir ein gutes Restaurant empfehlen?  + empfehlen* Can you recommend a good restaurant?  Bạn có thể giới thiệu một nhà hàng tốt?
Exercise 22-4 Heute sieht man viele Sterne am Himmel.  + Stern Today you can see many stars in the sky.  Hôm nay bạn có thể nhìn thấy nhiều ngôi sao trên bầu trời.
Exercise 22-4 Er hat einen neuen Stern entdeckt. + Stern He has discovered a new star. Anh ấy đã khám phá ra một ngôi sao mới.
Exercise 22-4 Es gibt kaum Parkplätze. Sie sollten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmittelnfahren.  + Verkehrsmittel There are hardly any parking spaces. You should take public transport.  Hầu như không có chỗ đỗ xe nào. Bạn nên đi phương tiện công cộng.
Exercise 22-5 Sie befolgte meinen Rat nicht. + Rat She didn't take my advice. Cô ấy đã không theo lời khuyên của tôi.
Exercise 22-5 Gentechnik ist ein rotes Tuch für viele Umweltschützer.  + Tuch Genetic engineering is a red rag for many environmentalists.  Kỹ thuật di truyền là một giọt đỏ cho nhiều nhà môi trường.
Exercise 22-5 Wir machen Camping-Urlaub und nehmen ein Zelt mit.  + Zelt We take a camping holiday and take a tent with us.  Chúng tôi có một kỳ nghỉ cắm trại và có một lều với chúng tôi.
Exercise 22-7 Verzeihen Sie, wo geht es hier zum Bahnhof?  + verzeihen* Excuse me, where are we going to the station?  Xin lỗi, chúng ta đang đi đến ga nào?
Exercise 22-7 Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt.  + Aufenthalt We wish you a pleasant stay.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn một kỳ nghỉ vui vẻ.
Exercise 22-7 Achtung, Achtung, eine wichtige Durchsage!  + Durchsage Attention, attention, an important announcement!  Chú ý, chú ý, một thông báo quan trọng!
Exercise 22-8 Wenn jeder seine Pflicht tut, wird das Projekt sicher ein Erfolg.  + Pflicht If everyone does their duty, the project will certainly be a success.  Nếu mọi người làm nhiệm vụ, dự án chắc chắn sẽ thành công.
Exercise 22-8 Lass uns in Verbindung bleiben.  + Verbindung Let's stay in touch.  Hãy giữ liên lạc.
Exercise 22-8 Wir haben die Verbindung mit ihm verloren.  + Verbindung We lost contact with him.  Chúng tôi đã mất liên lạc với anh ta.
Exercise 22-8 Ich werde mich so bald wie möglich mit ihm in Verbindung setzen.  + Verbindung I will contact him as soon as possible.  Tôi sẽ liên lạc với anh ta càng sớm càng tốt.
Exercise 22-9 Welche Maße hat der Tisch? – Länge: 1 m, Breite: 80 cm, Höhe: 1,20 m.  + Breite What are the dimensions of the table? Length: 1 m, width: 80 cm, height: 1.20 m.  Kích thước của bảng là gì? Chiều dài: 1 m, chiều rộng: 80 cm, chiều cao: 1,20 m.
Exercise 22-9 Wir mussten wieder ganz von vorn anfangen.  + vorn  We had to start all over again.  Chúng tôi phải bắt đầu lại từ đầu.
Exercise 23-1 Im Urlaub haben wir in einer kleinen Pension gewohnt.  + Pension On vacation we stayed in a small guesthouse.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, chúng tôi ở trong một nhà khách nhỏ.
Exercise 23-1 Wir machen gern Camping-Urlaub, weil das nicht so teuer ist.  + Camping We like to take camping holidays because it's not so expensive.  Chúng tôi thích đi cắm trại bởi vì nó không quá đắt.
Exercise 23-1 In diesem Sommer fahren wir zum Camping nach Italien.  + Camping This summer we are going to the camping site in Italy.  Mùa hè này chúng tôi sẽ đến khu cắm trại ở Ý.
Exercise 23-2 Kannst du mich zum Flughafen bringen? + Flughafen Can you take me to the airport? Bạn có thể đưa tôi đến sân bay?
Exercise 23-2 Auf dieser Ware liegt ein hoher Zoll.  + Zoll There's a high tariff on this product.  Có một mức thuế cao đối với sản phẩm này.
Exercise 23-2 Nächste Woche beginnen wir mit der Prüfungsvorbereitung.  + Vorbereitung Next week we will start with the exam preparation.  Tuần tới chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu với việc chuẩn bị bài kiểm tra.
Exercise 23-3 Wir nehmen die Fähre über den Bodensee.  + Fähre We take the ferry across Lake Constance.  Chúng tôi đưa phà qua Hồ Constance.
Exercise 23-3 Wie lange hat die Fahrt gedauert?  + Fahrt How long did the trip take?  Chuyến đi kéo dài bao lâu?
Exercise 23-3 Die Fahrt nach Köln dauert etwa drei Stunden.  + Fahrt The trip to Cologne takes about three hours.  Chuyến đi đến Cologne mất khoảng ba giờ.
Exercise 23-4 Die Preise für Milch und Gemüse steigen.  + steigen* Prices for milk and vegetables are rising.  Giá sữa và rau cải đang tăng.
Exercise 23-4 Gegen Abend ist das Fieber wieder gestiegen.  + steigen* Towards evening the fever started to rise again.  Vào buổi tối sốt đã bắt đầu tăng trở lại.
Exercise 23-4 Am Wochenende machen wir mit Freunden einen Ausflug nach Heidelberg.  + Ausflug On weekends we take a trip with friends to Heidelberg.  Vào cuối tuần, chúng tôi cùng đi với bạn bè đến Heidelberg.
Exercise 23-4 Letztes Wochenende habe ich einen Ausflug in die Berge gemacht.  + Ausflug Last weekend I made a trip to the mountains.  Cuối tuần qua tôi đã đi du lịch đến những ngọn núi.
Exercise 23-4 Die Fahrt hat nicht lange gedauert. Kaum 20 Minuten.  + kaum The trip didn't take long. Barely 20 minutes.  Chuyến đi không mất nhiều thời gian. Chỉ khoảng 20 phút.
Exercise 23-4 Die Lage hat sich nun stabilisiert.  + nun The situation has now stabilised.  Tình hình đã ổn định.
Exercise 23-5 Ich habe meinen Freunden eine Einladung zur Hochzeit geschickt.  + schicken I sent my friends an invitation to the wedding.  Tôi đã gửi cho bạn bè của tôi một lời mời đám cưới.
Exercise 23-5 Sie brauchen mehr Bewegung. Sie müssen regelmäßig spazieren gehen.  + Bewegung They need more exercise. You have to take regular walks.  Họ cần tập thể dục nhiều hơn. Bạn phải đi thường xuyên.
Exercise 23-5 Wo ist der Bahnhof? In welche Richtung muss ich fahren?  + Richtung Where's the station? Which way do I have to go?  Trạm này ở đâu? Tôi phải đi theo cách nào?
Exercise 23-7 Wir sollen alle wichtigen Wörter unterstreichen.  + unterstreichen* We're supposed to underline all the important words.  Chúng ta phải nhấn mạnh tất cả những từ quan trọng.
Exercise 23-7 Er hat die Fehler mit Rotstift unterstrichen.  + unterstreichen* He underlined the mistakes with red pencil.  Ông đã nhấn mạnh những sai lầm bằng bút chì màu đỏ.
Exercise 23-8 Umweltschutz ist ein aktuelles Thema.  + aktuell Environmental protection is a topical issue.  Bảo vệ môi trường là vấn đề thời sự.
Exercise 23-9 Kannst du mir den Satz erklären? Ich verstehe ihn nur teilweise.  + teilweise Can you explain the sentence? I understand only in part.  Bạn có thể giải thích câu không? Tôi chỉ hiểu một phần.
Exercise 24-1 Ich kann diesen Schmerz nicht mehr aushalten.  + Schmerz I can't stand this pain anymore.  Tôi không thể chịu đựng nỗi đau này nữa.
Exercise 24-1 Ich nehme keinen Kredit auf. Das Risiko ist mir zu hoch.  + Risiko I'm not taking credit. The risk is too high for me.  Tôi không lấy tín dụng. Rủi ro quá cao đối với tôi.
Exercise 24-1 Ich will kein Risiko eingehen.  + Risiko I don't want to take any chances.  Tôi không muốn mất bất kỳ cơ hội.
Exercise 24-1 Warum gehst du ein solches Risiko ein?  + Risiko Why are you taking such a risk?  Tại sao bạn lại có nguy cơ như vậy?
Exercise 24-1 Wir haben nur über allgemeine Probleme gesprochen.  + allgemein We only talked about general problems.  Chúng tôi chỉ nói về các vấn đề chung.
Exercise 24-2 Ich habe schon einen Käufer für den alten Tisch.  + Käufer I already have a buyer for the old table.  Tôi đã có một người mua cho bảng cũ.
Exercise 24-2 Für mich ist nicht nur der Preis wichtig, sondern auch die Qualität.  + Qualität For me, not only price is important, but also quality.  Đối với tôi, không chỉ giá cả là quan trọng, mà còn chất lượng.
Exercise 24-3 Die Straße führt direkt zum Bahnhof.  + führen The road leads directly to the railway station.  Con đường dẫn trực tiếp đến ga đường sắt.
Exercise 24-4 Insgesamt haben sich 20 Teilnehmer für die Prüfung angemeldet.  + insgesamt A total of 20 participants have registered for the exam.  Tổng cộng 20 người tham gia đã đăng ký tham dự kỳ thi.
Exercise 24-4 Es waren insgesamt zwanzig. + insgesamt There were a total of twenty. Có tổng cộng hai mươi.
Exercise 24-5 Sie haben Ihr Feuerzeug auf dem Tisch liegen gelassen.  + Feuerzeug You left your lighter on the table.  Bạn bỏ nhẹ trên bàn.
Exercise 24-7 Stell bitte schon mal die Teller auf den Tisch!  + Teller Put the plates on the table, please!  Đặt các tấm trên bàn, xin vui lòng!
Exercise 24-8 Der Katalog ist gratis.  + gratis The catalogue is free of charge.  Danh mục này miễn phí.
Exercise 24-9 Er wird deinen Fehler sicher bemerken.  + bemerken I'm sure he'll notice your mistake.  Tôi chắc chắn anh ta sẽ nhận thấy lỗi của bạn.
Exercise 24-9 Die Bedienungsanleitung verstehe ich nicht.  + Bedienungsanleitung I don't understand the manual.  Tôi không hiểu hướng dẫn sử dụng.
Exercise 24-9 Ich habe wenig Zeit. Ich kann höchstens eine Viertelstunde bleiben.  + höchstens I don't have much time. I can't stay for more than a quarter of an hour.  Tôi không có nhiều thời gian. Tôi không thể ở lại được hơn một phần tư giờ.
Exercise 25-1 Sie ist etwas näher an den Tisch gerückt.  + rücken She's a little closer to the table.  Cô ấy gần một chút gần bàn.
Exercise 25-1 Er hat den Tisch zur Seite gerückt.  + rücken He moved the table aside.  Anh đưa bàn sang một bên.
Exercise 25-1 Wir haben uns am Bahnhof getrennt.  + trennen We broke up at the station.  Chúng tôi chia tay tại nhà ga.
Exercise 25-3 Wie lange wird es dauern?  + dauern How long will it take?  Nó sẽ mất bao lâu?
Exercise 25-3 Dauert es noch lange?  + dauern Will it take much longer?  Nó sẽ mất nhiều thời gian hơn?
Exercise 25-3 Es wird noch etwas dauern, bis er es versteht.  + dauern It's gonna be a while before he understands.  Sẽ có một lúc trước khi anh ấy hiểu.
Exercise 25-3 Das dauert mir zu lange.  + dauern This is taking too long.  Việc này mất quá nhiều thời gian.
Exercise 25-3 Ich will die Prüfung unbedingt schaffen. Das ist mein Ziel.  +  Ziel I really want to pass the exam. That's my target.  Tôi thực sự muốn vượt qua kỳ thi. Đó là mục tiêu của tôi.
Exercise 25-3 Das Ziel war in Sicht.  +  Ziel The target was in sight.  Mục tiêu đã được nhìn thấy.
Exercise 25-3 Was hast du jetzt vor? Hast du ein Ziel?  +  Ziel What are you going to do now? Do you have a target?  bạn sẽ làm gì bây giờ? Bạn có một mục tiêu?
Exercise 25-3 Wie weit ist es zum Bahnhof? – Das ist ganz nah, nur zwei Minuten von hier.  + nah How far is it to the station? It's only two minutes from here.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Chỉ cách đó hai phút.
Exercise 25-4 Wo genau hat sich das Unglück ereignet?  + sich ereignen Where exactly did the disaster take place?  Chính xác thì thiên tai diễn ra ở đâu?
Exercise 25-4 Einen Nachteil hat die Wohnung. Sie liegt nicht zentral.  + Nachteil One disadvantage is the apartment. It is not centrally located.  Một điều bất lợi là căn hộ. Nó không nằm ở trung tâm.
Exercise 25-4 Dieses Haus hat den Nachteil, dass es zu klein ist.  + Nachteil This house has the disadvantage of being too small.  Ngôi nhà này có bất lợi là quá nhỏ.
Exercise 25-4 Das Stadtleben hat Vor- und Nachteile.  + Nachteil City life has advantages and disadvantages.  Cuộc sống thành phố có những thuận lợi và bất lợi.
Exercise 25-4 Sie ist im Nachteil.  + Nachteil She's at a disadvantage.  Cô ấy là một bất lợi.
Exercise 25-4 Der Vorteil von dieser Wohnung ist, dass sie direkt im Zentrum liegt.  + Vorteil The advantage of this apartment is that it is located directly in the centre.  Ưu điểm của căn hộ này là nó nằm ngay trung tâm.
Exercise 25-4 Ein Vorteil dieser Wohnung ist ihre gute Verkehrslage.  + Vorteil One advantage of this apartment is its good traffic situation.  Một lợi thế của căn hộ này là tình trạng giao thông tốt của nó.
Exercise 25-4 Er hat davon viele Vorteile.  + Vorteil It has many advantages.  Nó có nhiều ưu điểm.
Exercise 25-4 Er ist in Vorteil. + Vorteil He's an advantage. Anh ấy là một lợi thế.
Exercise 25-5 Wollen wir uns in die Bar setzen oder ins Restaurant?  + Bar Shall we sit down at the bar or at the restaurant?  Chúng ta có ngồi xuống quầy bar hay ở nhà hàng không?
Exercise 25-5 Wollen wir uns an die Bar setzen oder lieber an einen Tisch? + Bar Shall we sit down at the bar or should we sit at a table? Chúng ta sẽ ngồi xuống quầy bar hay chúng ta nên ngồi ở bàn ăn?
Exercise 25-5 Was waren die wichtigsten Ereignisse im letzten Jahr? + Ereignis What were the most important events last year? Các sự kiện quan trọng nhất năm ngoái là gì?
Exercise 25-7 Entschuldigung, hält dieser Zug auch in Darmstadt?  + halten* Excuse me, is this train also stopping in Darmstadt?  Xin lỗi, là chuyến đi này cũng dừng lại ở Darmstadt?
Exercise 25-7 Die Entfernung beträgt 50 Kilometer.  + Kilometer The distance is 50 kilometers.  Khoảng cách là 50 km.
Exercise 25-7 Wie viele Kilometer sind es von hier bis zum Bahnhof? + Kilometer How many kilometers are there from here to the station? Có bao nhiêu cây số từ đây đến ga?
Exercise 25-8 Nächste Woche tritt in der Stadthalle eine berühmte Musikgruppe auf.  + auftreten* Next week a famous music group will perform in the Stadthalle.  Tuần tới sẽ tổ chức một nhóm nhạc nổi tiếng tại Stadthalle.
Exercise 25-8 In diesem Haus kann man nichts machen, ohne dass die Nachbarn darüber reden. + ohne There's nothing you can do in this house without the neighbors talking about it. Không có gì bạn có thể làm trong căn nhà này mà không có những người hàng xóm nói về nó.
Exercise 25-9 Mein Sohn ist sehr gewachsen. Er ist jetzt schon größer als ich.  + wachsen* My son has grown a lot. He's already taller than me now.  Con trai tôi đã phát triển rất nhiều. Anh ấy đã cao hơn tôi bây giờ.
Exercise 25-9 Er spricht selten darüber.  + selten He rarely talks about it.  Ông hiếm khi nói về nó.
Exercise 26-1 Keine zehn Pferde würden mich dahin bringen. + Pferd No ten horses would take me there. Không có mười ngựa sẽ đưa tôi đến đó.
Exercise 26-2 Wir kaufen unser Gemüse beim Bauern.  + Bauer We buy our vegetables from the farmer.  Chúng tôi mua rau của chúng tôi từ nông dân.
Exercise 26-3 Ich muss im Schatten bleiben.  + Schatten I have to stay in the shadows.  Tôi phải ở trong bóng tối.
Exercise 26-3 Der Bodensee ist der größte See in Deutschland.  + See Lake Constance is the largest lake in Germany.  Hồ Constance là hồ lớn nhất ở Đức.
Exercise 26-3 In dieser Hitze ist es nicht auszuhalten.  + Hitze I can't stand it in this heat.  Tôi không thể đứng trong nhiệt này.
Exercise 26-3 Die städtischen Verkehrsbetriebe wollen die Tarife erhöhen.  + städtisch The municipal transport companies want to increase the tariffs.  Các công ty vận tải thành phố muốn tăng thuế.
Exercise 26-4 Wo gibt es hier in der Umgebung ein Restaurant? + Umgebung Where is there a restaurant in the area? Ở đâu có nhà hàng trong khu vực?
Exercise 26-4 Ich fahre lieber in die Berge als ans Meer. + Meer I'd rather go to the mountains than the sea. Tôi thích đi đến những ngọn núi hơn biển.
Exercise 26-4 Das habe ich total vergessen!  + total I totally forgot!  Tôi hoàn toàn quên!
Exercise 26-7 Die Wanderer sind vor dem Unwetter in die Berghütte geflohen.  + fliehen* The hikers have fled from the storm into the mountain hut.  Những người leo núi đã chạy trốn khỏi cơn bão vào chòi núi.
Exercise 26-7 Wie hat sie auf die Einladung reagiert? + reagieren How did she react to the invitation? Cô ấy phản ứng thế nào với lời mời?
Exercise 26-7 Ihre Angabe stimmt.  + stimmen Your statement is correct.  Tuyên bố của bạn là chính xác.
Exercise 26-7 Wann ist dieser Krieg ausgebrochen?  + Krieg When did this war start?  Cuộc chiến này bắt đầu khi nào?
Exercise 26-7 Ich bin ganz deiner Meinung.  + Meinung I totally agree with you.  Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn.
Exercise 26-7 Fehler zu machen ist doch ganz normal.  + normal Making mistakes is quite normal.  Sai lầm là khá bình thường.
Exercise 26-7 Unter normalen Umständen wäre sie jetzt schon hier.  + normal Under normal circumstances, she'd be here by now.  Trong hoàn cảnh bình thường, cô ấy sẽ ở đây ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 26-9 Ich habe mein Gepäck am Bahnhof gelassen.  + lassen* I left my luggage at the station.  Tôi để lại hành lý của mình tại nhà ga.
Exercise 27-3 Ich fotografiere gern.  + fotografieren I like taking pictures.  Tôi thích chụp ảnh.
Exercise 27-3 Dürfen wir hier fotografieren?  + fotografieren Can we take pictures here?  Chúng ta có thể chụp hình ở đây không?
Exercise 27-3 Es ist verboten, in der Ausstellung zu fotografieren!  + fotografieren It is forbidden to take photographs in the exhibition!  Không được chụp ảnh trong triển lãm!
Exercise 27-3 Wir haben uns von ihm fotografieren lassen.  + fotografieren We let him take pictures of us.  Chúng tôi để anh ấy chụp ảnh chúng tôi.
Exercise 27-3 Ich fürchte, wir müssen wieder von vorn anfangen.  + fürchten I'm afraid we'll have to start all over again.  Tôi e rằng chúng ta sẽ phải bắt đầu lại từ đầu.
Exercise 27-3 Meine Cousine heiratet nächsten Monat in Italien.  + heiraten My cousin's getting married in Italy next month.  Anh em họ của tôi đang kết hôn ở Ý vào tháng tới.
Exercise 27-3 Ich mache eine Fotografie von dir. + Fotografie I'll take a picture of you. Tôi sẽ chụp ảnh bạn.
Exercise 27-4 Bitte wirf einen Blick auf dieses Foto. + Blick Please take a look at this photo. Hãy xem ảnh này.
Exercise 27-4 Im mittleren Wagen ist das Zugrestaurant.  + Wagen In the middle car is the restaurant.  Ở giữa xe là nhà hàng.
Exercise 27-5 Die Agentur schickte Ersatz für die Sekretärin, die gekündigt hatte.  + Ersatz The agency sent replacements for the secretary who quit.  Cơ quan đã gửi thư thay cho thư ký bỏ thuốc lá.
Exercise 27-6 Wo ist die nächste Tankstelle?  + Tankstelle Where's the nearest gas station?  Trạm xăng gần nhất ở đâu?
Exercise 27-6 Lass uns an der nächsten Tankstelle anhalten. + Tankstelle Let's stop at the next gas station. Hãy dừng lại ở trạm xăng tiếp theo.
Exercise 27-8 Hier ist ein Krankenhaus. Hier darfst du nicht hupen.  + hupen Here's a hospital. You can't honk here.  Đây là bệnh viện. Bạn không thể cạo ở đây.
Exercise 27-8 Was sagst du dazu wenn wir jetzt eine Ausfahrt machen? + Ausfahrt What do you say we take a driveway now? Bạn nói gì khi đi xe điện?
Exercise 27-9 Er wurde mit dem Krankenwagen ins Krankenhaus gebracht.  + Krankenwagen He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.  Anh ta bị đưa đến bệnh viện trong xe cứu thương.
Exercise 27-9 Der Notausgang ist gleich hier bei der Treppe.  + Notausgang Emergency exit is right here by the stairs.  Thoát khẩn cấp là ngay bên dưới cầu thang.
Exercise 28-1 Im Notfall kannst du bei uns übernachten. + Notfall In case of emergency you can stay overnight with us. Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, bạn có thể ở lại qua đêm với chúng tôi.
Exercise 28-2 Der Bankräuber brachte mehrere Geiseln in seine Gewalt.  + Gewalt The bank robber has taken several hostages.  Cướp ngân hàng đã bắt vài con tin.
Exercise 28-5 Die Sonne ist hinter den Bergen verschwunden.  + verschwinden* The sun has disappeared behind the mountains.  Mặt trời đã biến mất sau những ngọn núi.
Exercise 28-5 Ich verstehe nicht, weshalb er das getan hat. + weshalb I don't understand why he did this. Tôi không hiểu tại sao ông lại làm thế.
Exercise 28-6 Kleben Sie eine Briefmarke auf den Umschlag.  + kleben Stick a stamp on the envelope.  Dán tem vào phong bì.
Exercise 28-6 Hier ist unser Hotel. Ich markiere Ihnen auf dem Plan den Weg zum Bahnhof.  + markieren Here's our hotel. I'll mark the way to the station on the map.  Đây là khách sạn của chúng tôi. Tôi sẽ đánh dấu đường đi đến trạm trên bản đồ.
Exercise 28-6 Er hat die wichtigen Stellen markiert.  + markieren He's marked the important points.  Ông đã đánh dấu những điểm quan trọng.
Exercise 28-6 Briefmarken bekommen Sie am Schalter 7.  + Briefmarke Stamps are available at counter 7.  Tem có tại quầy 7.
Exercise 28-6 Kleben Sie eine Briefmarke auf den Briefumschlag.  + Briefmarke Stick a stamp on the envelope.  Dán tem vào phong bì.
Exercise 28-6 Die Postleitzahl gehört zur Adresse.  + Postleitzahl The postal code belongs to the address.  Mã bưu chính thuộc địa chỉ.
Exercise 28-7 Besonders wichtige Dinge sollte man als Einschreiben versenden.  + Einschreiben Particularly important things should be sent as registered mail.  Những điều đặc biệt quan trọng cần được gửi bằng thư bảo đảm.
Exercise 28-7 Hast du das Paket zur Post gebracht?  + Paket Did you take the package to the post office?  Bạn đã mang gói hàng đến bưu điện chưa?
Exercise 28-8 Sie setzten sich um einen Tisch.  + um They sat around a table.  Họ ngồi quanh bàn.
Exercise 28-8 Ich bitte um Verständnis.  + um I ask for your understanding.  Tôi yêu cầu sự hiểu biết của bạn.
Exercise 28-9 Sie begann allmählich zu verstehen.  + allmählich She began to understand.  Cô bắt đầu hiểu.
Exercise 29-1 Ich fahre meistens mit dem Bus.  + Bus I usually take the bus.  Tôi thường đi xe buýt.
Exercise 29-1 Es war zuerst so schön. Plötzlich hat es angefangen zu regnen.  + plötzlich At first it was so beautiful. Suddenly it started raining.  Ban đầu nó thật đẹp. Đột nhiên nó bắt đầu mưa.
Exercise 29-2 Die Elternvertreter treffen sich morgen Abend in der Schule.  + Vertreter Parents' representatives are meeting tomorrow night at school.  Các đại diện của cha mẹ đang họp mặt vào tối mai tại trường.
Exercise 29-2 Er nahm an der Sitzung teil als Vertreter der Firma.  + Vertreter He attended the meeting as a representative of the company.  Ông đã tham dự cuộc họp như một đại diện của công ty.
Exercise 29-2 Er ist ein Vertreter für Staubsauger.  + Vertreter He's a representative for vacuum cleaners.  Anh ấy là đại diện cho máy hút bụi.
Exercise 29-2 Haben Sie Zeugen, die diese Aussage bestätigen können?  + Zeuge Do you have any witnesses who can confirm that statement?  Bạn có bất kỳ nhân chứng nào có thể xác nhận tuyên bố đó không?
Exercise 29-3 Wir müssen im nächsten Jahr mehr Steuern zahlen.  + zahlen We have to pay more taxes next year.  Chúng ta phải nộp thêm thuế vào năm tới.
Exercise 29-3 Die Nachfrage nach Computern steigt ständig.  + Nachfrage The demand for computers is constantly increasing.  Nhu cầu máy tính ngày càng tăng.
Exercise 29-3 Der Arzt hat zurzeit eine Vertretung. + Vertretung The doctor is currently on standby. Bác sĩ hiện đang ở chế độ chờ.
Exercise 29-3 Im Frühjahr wird das Vieh auf die Alm getrieben. + Vieh In spring the cattle are driven to the mountain pasture. Vào mùa xuân gia súc được đưa tới đồng cỏ núi.
Exercise 29-4 Ursprünglich wollte ich in einem Restaurant arbeiten. Aber dann bin ich Busfahrerin geworden.  + ursprünglich I was originally planning to work in a restaurant. But then I became a bus driver.  Ban đầu tôi đã lên kế hoạch làm việc trong một nhà hàng. Nhưng rồi tôi trở thành tài xế xe buýt.
Exercise 29-4 Manche Kinder mögen kein Gemüse. + manche Some kids don't like vegetables. Một số trẻ không thích rau.
Exercise 29-6 Sie setzte sich hinter das Steuer und startete den Wagen.  + Steuer She sat behind the wheel and started the car.  Cô ngồi sau bánh xe và bắt đầu xe.
Exercise 29-6 Sie redeten alle gleichzeitig.  + gleichzeitig They all talked at the same time.  Tất cả họ đều nói chuyện cùng một lúc.
Exercise 29-6 Wenn alle gleichzeitig sprechen, verstehe ich überhaupt nichts. + gleichzeitig If everyone talks at once, I don't understand anything. Nếu mọi người nói chuyện ngay lập tức, tôi không hiểu gì.
Exercise 29-6 Bitte jetzt tief einatmen!  + tief  Now take a deep breath, please!  Bây giờ hãy hít một hơi thật sâu, làm ơn!
Exercise 29-7 Dieses Sofa nimmt zu viel Platz in Anspruch.  + Anspruch This sofa takes up too much space.  Bộ sofa này chiếm quá nhiều không gian.
Exercise 29-8 Er macht einen riesigen Fehler.  + riesig He's making a huge mistake.  Anh ta mắc một sai lầm lớn.
Exercise 29-9 Das Wohl seiner Familie ist ihm sehr wichtig.  + Wohl The welfare of his family is very important to him.  Phúc lợi của gia đình ông rất quan trọng đối với ông.
Exercise 30-1 Ganz ruhig! Bitte regen Sie sich nicht auf.  + aufregen Take it easy! Please don't get upset.  Mang nó dễ dàng! Xin đừng buồn.
Exercise 30-1 Für den Geburtstagstisch brauchen wir viele Blumen und Kerzen.  + Kerze For the birthday table we need many flowers and candles.  Đối với bàn sinh nhật chúng ta cần nhiều hoa và nến.
Exercise 30-2 Meinst du, es wird regnen? Ich nehme jedenfalls einen Schirm mit.  + jedenfalls  Do you think it's gonna rain? I'm taking an umbrella anyway.  Bạn có nghĩ rằng nó sẽ mưa? Tôi vẫn đang mặc dù một cái ô.
Exercise 30-3 Meine Mutter ist sehr krank. Ich muss sie pflegen.  + pflegen My mother is very sick. I have to take care of her.  Mẹ tôi rất ốm. Tôi phải chăm sóc cô ấy.
Exercise 30-3 Ich werde ein Bad nehmen. + Bad I'm gonna take a bath. Tôi sẽ tắm rửa.
Exercise 30-3 Wie lange willst du noch wach bleiben?  + wach How long are you going to stay awake?  Bao lâu bạn sẽ ở lại tỉnh táo?
Exercise 30-5 Das Thema soll genauer untersucht werden. + untersuchen The topic will be examined in more detail. Chủ đề sẽ được xem xét chi tiết hơn.
Exercise 30-5 Dieses Bild verletzt den guten Geschmack.  + verletzen This picture violates good taste.  Hình ảnh này vi phạm khẩu vị tốt.
Exercise 30-6 Er fährt zur Erholung ins Gebirge.  + Erholung He drives to the mountains for recovery.  Anh lái xe đến những ngọn núi để phục hồi.
Exercise 30-7 Reich mir bitte das Gemüse.  + reichen  Pass the vegetables, please.  Đi qua rau, vui lòng.
Exercise 30-8 Meine Tochter nimmt meine Ratschläge nicht an.  + Ratschlag My daughter won't take my advice.  Con gái tôi sẽ không lấy lời khuyên của tôi.
Exercise 30-9 Ihre Art zu reden macht mich nervös.  + Art Her way of talking makes me nervous.  Cách nói chuyện của cô làm cho tôi lo lắng.
Exercise 30-9 Die Tropfen bitte immer nach den Mahlzeiten einnehmen.  + Mahlzeit Always take the drops after meals.  Luôn uống thuốc sau bữa ăn.
Exercise 30-9 Die Alpen sind das bekannteste Gebirge Europas.  + Gebirge The Alps are the most famous mountains in Europe.  Dãy Alps là những ngọn núi nổi tiếng nhất ở Châu Âu.
Exercise 30-9 Wir fahren dieses Jahr nicht ans Meer, sondern ins Gebirge.  + Gebirge This year we're not going to the sea, but to the mountains.  Năm nay chúng ta sẽ không ra biển, nhưng đến những ngọn núi.
Exercise 30-9 Wir haben unseren Urlaub im Gebirge verbracht.  + Gebirge We spent our holidays in the mountains.  Chúng tôi đã trải qua những ngày nghỉ ở vùng núi.
Exercise 30-9 Wir wandern gern im Gebirge.  + Gebirge We like to hike in the mountains.  Chúng tôi thích đi bộ trên núi.
Exercise 31-1 Man braucht viel Mut, um in einem fremden Land ganz neu anzufangen.  + Mut It takes a lot of courage to start from scratch in a foreign country.  Phải mất rất nhiều can đảm để bắt đầu từ đầu ở nước ngoài.
Exercise 31-1 Es gehört viel Mut dazu.  + Mut It takes a lot of courage.  Phải mất rất nhiều can đảm.
Exercise 31-1 Stell dich dorthin!  + dorthin Stand over there!  Đứng ở đó!
Exercise 31-4 Wie muss ich die Tropfen einnehmen?  + einnehmen* How should I take the drops?  Tôi nên dùng thuốc nhỏ giọt như thế nào?
Exercise 31-4 Wie viel Geld haben wir insgesamt eingenommen?  + einnehmen* How much money have we made in total?  Chúng ta đã tổng cộng bao nhiêu tiền?
Exercise 31-4 Bitte nehmen Sie Ihre Plätze ein!  + einnehmen* Please take your seats!  Hãy ngồi chỗ của bạn!
Exercise 31-4 Alle waren von ihr eingenommen. + einnehmen* Everyone was taken in by her. Mọi người đều bị cô ấy bắt.
Exercise 31-5 Der Tanker hat eine kleine Mannschaft. + Mannschaft The tanker has a small crew. Tàu chở dầu có một phi hành đoàn nhỏ.
Exercise 31-6 Ich schlage vor, dass wir eine Pause machen.  + vorschlagen* I suggest we take a break.  Tôi đề nghị chúng tôi nghỉ ngơi.
Exercise 31-6 Ich würde Ihnen einen geeigneten Termin vorschlagen.  + vorschlagen* I would suggest a suitable date.  Tôi sẽ đề nghị một ngày thích hợp.
Exercise 31-7 Liebe Zuschauer, wir wünschen Ihnen gute Unterhaltung.  + Zuschauer Dear viewers, we wish you good entertainment.  Kính thính giả, chúng tôi muốn bạn giải trí tốt.
Exercise 31-7 Die Zuschauer waren zufrieden mit der Vorstellung.  + Zuschauer The spectators were satisfied with the performance.  Các khán giả hài lòng với buổi trình diễn.
Exercise 31-7 Die Veranstaltung findet in der großen Halle im ersten Stock statt.  + Halle The event will take place in the large hall on the first floor.  Sự kiện sẽ diễn ra tại hội trường lớn ở tầng một.
Exercise 31-7 Ich bin total erschöpft.  + erschöpft  I'm totally exhausted.  Tôi hoàn toàn kiệt sức.
Exercise 31-8 Ich bin nicht in der Stimmung, spazieren zu gehen.  + Stimmung I'm not in the mood to take a walk.  Tôi không muốn đi dạo.
Exercise 32-1 Das Lokal ist bekannt für seine Spezialitäten.  + Lokal The restaurant is famous for its specialties.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món đặc sản.
Exercise 32-1 Machen Sie bitte das Preisschild ab.  + Schild Please remove the price tag.  Vui lòng xóa giá.
Exercise 32-2 Ich warte am Bahnhof auf dich.  + an I'll wait for you at the station.  Tôi sẽ chờ bạn ở nhà ga.
Exercise 32-3 Wollen Sie auch an diesem Kurs teilnehmen?  + Kurs Do you want to take part in this course?  Bạn có muốn tham gia khóa học này không?
Exercise 32-3 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit entfernt von unserem Hotel.  + entfernt The train station is not far from our hotel.  Ga xe lửa không xa khách sạn của chúng tôi.
Exercise 32-3 Ihr Haus ist weit entfernt vom Bahnhof.  + entfernt Your house is far from the train station.  Ngôi nhà của bạn cách xa nhà ga xe lửa.
Exercise 32-3 Er ist entfernt mit mir verwandt.  + entfernt He is distantly related to me.  Anh ta liên quan tới tôi.
Exercise 32-4 Er hat Angst, Fehler zu machen.  + Angst He's afraid to make mistakes.  Anh ta sợ mắc sai lầm.
Exercise 32-4 Die Zimmervermittlung ist am Bahnhof.  + Vermittlung Rooms are available at the station.  Phòng có tại ga.
Exercise 32-6 Ich werde mich bei deinem Vater für dich einsetzen.  + einsetzen I'll stand up for you with your father.  Tôi sẽ đứng lên với bạn với cha của bạn.
Exercise 32-6 Gegen die Demonstranten wurde Polizei eingesetzt.  + einsetzen The demonstrators were attacked by police.  Những người biểu tình bị cảnh sát tấn công.
Exercise 32-6 Welchen Sender hast du eingestellt?  + einstellen What station did you hire?  Bạn thuê trạm gì?
Exercise 32-6 Wir wohnen im 3. Stock, meine Eltern unten im 1. Stock.  + unten We live on the third floor, my parents downstairs on the first floor.  Chúng tôi sống trên tầng ba, bố mẹ tôi ở tầng trên tầng một.
Exercise 32-7 Er hat gute Kontakte zur Presse.  + Presse He has good contacts to the press.  Anh ấy có mối liên hệ tốt với báo chí.
Exercise 32-7 Die Reise wird mindestens fünf Tage dauern.  + mindestens The journey will take at least five days.  Hành trình sẽ mất ít nhất năm ngày.
Exercise 32-7 Lass uns nochmals von vorne beginnen!  + nochmals Let's start all over again!  Hãy bắt đầu lại từ đầu!
Exercise 32-8 Wer betreut bei Ihnen die Kinder?  + betreuen  Who takes care of the children?  Ai chăm sóc trẻ?
Exercise 32-8 Eine Reiseleiterin betreut die Gruppe.  + betreuen  A tour guide takes care of the group.  Một hướng dẫn viên sẽ chăm sóc cho nhóm.
Exercise 32-8 Dieser Vertreter der Firma betreut das Projekt.  + betreuen  This representative of the company is in charge of the project.  Đại diện của công ty này phụ trách dự án.
Exercise 32-8 Bitte redet nicht alle durcheinander. Sonst verstehe ich nichts.  + durcheinander Please don't confuse everyone. That's all I understand.  Xin đừng gây nhầm lẫn cho mọi người. Đó là tất cả những gì tôi hiểu.
Exercise 32-9 Meine Kinder ziehen am liebsten bequeme Sachen an.  + bequem My children prefer to wear comfortable clothes.  Con tôi thích mặc quần áo thoải mái.
Exercise 32-9 Diesen Sessel finde ich sehr bequem.  + bequem I find this chair very comfortable.  Tôi thấy chiếc ghế này rất thoải mái.
Exercise 32-9 Mache es dir bequem.  + bequem Make yourself comfortable.  Làm cho bản thân bạn thấy thoải mái.
Exercise 32-9 Bitte, machen Sie es sich doch bequem! + bequem Please, make yourself comfortable! Xin vui lòng, làm cho mình thoải mái!
Exercise 33-1 Die Hausbewohner klagten über ständigen Lärm.  + klagen The residents complained of constant noise.  Các cư dân phàn nàn về tiếng ồn liên tục.
Exercise 33-1 Das ist eine glatte Lüge!  + Lüge That's a blatant lie!  Đó là một lời nói dối trắng trợn!
Exercise 33-1 Komm bloß nicht zu spät. Wir müssen pünktlich am Bahnhof sein.  + bloß Don't you be late. We have to get to the station on time.  Đừng trễ. Chúng ta phải đến trạm đúng giờ.
Exercise 33-2 Es liegt an ihr, den ersten Schritt zu tun. + Schritt It's up to her to take the first step. Nó phụ thuộc vào cô ấy để thực hiện bước đầu tiên.
Exercise 33-3 Dieser Gedanke liegt mir fern.  + Gedanke That's a distant thought.  Đó là một tư tưởng xa vời.
Exercise 33-3 Die fünf Sinne sind: das Hören, das Sehen, das Riechen, das Schmecken und das Tasten.  + Sinn  The five senses are: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching.  Năm giác quan là: nghe, nhìn, ngửi, nếm và đụng.
Exercise 33-3 Ich sehe keinen Sinn, darüber zu sprechen.  + Sinn  I don't see any point in talking about it.  Tôi không thấy bất cứ điểm nào trong việc nói về nó.
Exercise 33-3 Die Kosten für die Zahnbehandlung zahlt die Krankenkasse.  + Kosten The costs for dental treatment are paid by the health insurance company.  Các chi phí cho việc điều trị nha khoa được trả bởi công ty bảo hiểm y tế.
Exercise 33-3 Diese Lebensweise geht auf Kosten der Gesundheit.  + Kosten This way of life is detrimental to health.  Cách sống này gây bất lợi cho sức khoẻ.
Exercise 33-3 Die nächste Prüfung findet Ende August statt.  + Ende The next examination will take place at the end of August.  Cuộc kiểm tra tiếp theo sẽ diễn ra vào cuối tháng Tám.
Exercise 33-4 Der Tank fasst 60 Liter. + fassen The tank holds 60 litres. Bồn chứa 60 lít.
Exercise 33-5 Er wurde an der Grenze festgehalten.  + festhalten* He was detained at the border.  Anh ta bị giam tại biên giới.
Exercise 33-5 Weißt du ein gutes Rezept für Gemüsesuppe?  + Rezept Do you know a good recipe for vegetable soup?  Bạn có biết một công thức nấu súp rau không?
Exercise 33-6 Hier ist Vorsicht geboten.  + Vorsicht Care must be taken here.  Cần lưu ý ở đây.
Exercise 33-6 Er ist circa 1,70 m groß.  + circa He's about six feet tall.  Anh ấy cao khoảng sáu bộ.
Exercise 33-6 Die Fahrt dauert circa drei Stunden.  + circa The journey takes about three hours.  Hành trình mất khoảng ba tiếng đồng hồ.
Exercise 33-7 Morgen können wir den Verband abnehmen.  + abnehmen* We can take off the bandage tomorrow.  Chúng ta có thể cởi băng vào ngày mai.
Exercise 33-7 Die Birnen sind reif. Wir müssen sie noch heute abnehmen.  + abnehmen* The pears are ripe. We have to take them off today.  Lợn chín. Chúng ta phải đưa họ đi hôm nay.
Exercise 33-7 Die Polizei hat ihm den Führerschein abgenommen.  + abnehmen* The police have taken his license away.  Cảnh sát đã lấy giấy phép của mình đi.
Exercise 33-7 Der Händler will uns das Fahrrad abnehmen.  + abnehmen* The dealer wants to take our bike.  Người bán hàng muốn lấy xe của chúng tôi.
Exercise 33-8 Sie ärgert sich über seine ständige Unpünktlichkeit.  + ärgern She's annoyed at his constant unpunctuality.  Cô ấy khó chịu vì sự không liên tục của anh ấy.
Exercise 33-8 Die Zahl der Studenten nimmt ständig zu.  + zunehmen* The number of students is constantly increasing.  Số sinh viên ngày càng tăng.
Exercise 33-9 Als Vorspeise gibt es heute Tomatensuppe. + Vorspeise Today, we serve tomato soup as a starter. Ngày nay, chúng tôi phục vụ súp cà chua như một người khởi đầu.
Exercise 34-1 Willst du den Mantel nicht ausziehen?  + ausziehen* Don't you want to take off your coat?  Bạn không muốn cởi áo khoác của bạn?
Exercise 34-1 Der Arzt möchte Sie untersuchen. Bitte ziehen Sie sich aus.  + ausziehen* The doctor wants to examine you. Please take your clothes off.  Bác sĩ muốn kiểm tra bạn. Xin hãy cởi quần áo đi.
Exercise 34-1 Du musst deine Schuhe nicht ausziehen.  + ausziehen* You don't have to take off your shoes.  Bạn không phải cởi đôi giày của bạn.
Exercise 34-1 Dieser Platz ist besetzt.  + besetzen This seat is taken.  Ghế này được lấy.
Exercise 34-1 Ich arbeite seit einem Monat in einer Gaststätte.  + Gaststätte I've been working in a restaurant for a month.  Tôi đã làm việc trong một nhà hàng trong một tháng.
Exercise 34-1 Hast du gut gegessen in dieser Gaststätte?  + Gaststätte Have you eaten well in this restaurant?  Bạn đã ăn trong nhà hàng này chưa?
Exercise 34-2 Sie nimmt einen Zettel und schreibt darauf.  + Zettel She takes a note and writes on it.  Cô lưu ý và viết về nó.
Exercise 34-2 Ist dieser Platz frei? – Nein, er ist schon besetzt.  + besetzt Is this seat taken? No, it's already busy.  Ghế này đã có ai ngồi chưa? Không, nó đã bận.
Exercise 34-3 Rechne mal aus, wie lange das dauert.  + ausrechnen Calculate how long it'll take.  Tính toán nó mất bao lâu.
Exercise 34-3 Die Entfernung beträgt 10 Kilometer.  + betragen* The distance is 10 kilometres.  Khoảng cách là 10 km.
Exercise 34-3 Die Reisegruppe sammelte sich auf dem Bahnhof.  + sammeln The group gathered at the station.  Nhóm tụ tập tại nhà ga.
Exercise 34-4 Manchmal bleibe ich freiwillig länger im Büro.  + freiwillig Sometimes I volunteer to stay in the office longer.  Đôi khi tôi tình nguyện ở lại văn phòng lâu hơn.
Exercise 34-4 Die Teilnahme ist freiwillig und kostenlos.  + freiwillig Participation is voluntary and free of charge.  Sự tham gia là tự nguyện và miễn phí.
Exercise 34-4 z. B. Gesamtgewicht, Gesamtsumme, ...  + gesamt e. g. total weight, total sum,....  e. g. tổng trọng lượng, tổng số tiền, ....
Exercise 34-5 Sie legen großen Wert darauf. + Wert They attach great importance to it. Họ chú trọng đến nó.
Exercise 34-5 Kommen Sie einfach am Mittwoch in die Beratung.  + Beratung Just come to the consultation on Wednesday.  Chỉ cần đến tham vấn vào Thứ Tư.
Exercise 34-5 Sie sitzen schon seit Stunden in einer Beratung. + Beratung You've been sitting in a consultation room for hours. Bạn đã ngồi trong phòng tư vấn hàng giờ.
Exercise 34-8 Bloß nicht auffallen!  + auffallen* Just don't stand out!  Chỉ cần không nổi bật!
Exercise 34-8 Meine Tochter ist groß und schlank.  + schlank My daughter is tall and thin.  Con gái tôi cao và gầy.
Exercise 34-9 Er hat die Entfernung gut geschätzt.  + schätzen He estimated the distance well.  Anh ước tính khoảng cách tốt.
Exercise 34-9 Ich kann das Auto nicht starten.  + starten I can't start the car.  Tôi không thể bắt đầu xe.
Exercise 34-9 Drücken Sie auf diesen Knopf, um die Maschine zu starten.  + starten Press this button to start the machine.  Nhấn nút này để khởi động máy.
Exercise 34-9 Er hat den Motor gestartet. + starten He started the engine. Anh ta bắt đầu động cơ.
Exercise 34-9 Ich vermute, ihr werdet meine Einladung annehmen.  + vermuten I suppose you'll accept my invitation.  Tôi cho rằng bạn sẽ chấp nhận lời mời của tôi.
Exercise 34-9 Der Zug hält nicht an diesem Bahnhof.  + Bahnhof The train is not stopping at this station.  Tàu không dừng ở ga này.
Exercise 34-9 Ich bringe Sie zum Bahnhof.  + Bahnhof I'll take you to the station.  Tôi sẽ đưa bạn đến nhà ga.
Exercise 34-9 Wo ist der Bahnhof?  + Bahnhof Where's the station?  Trạm này ở đâu?
Exercise 35-1 Wenden Sie sich an meinen Kollegen. + wenden* Please contact my colleague. Xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi.
Exercise 35-1 Der Fahrplan hat sich geändert.  + Fahrplan The timetable has changed.  Thời khóa biểu đã thay đổi.
Exercise 35-1 Haben Sie schon den neuen Sommerfahrplan?  + Fahrplan Do you already have the new summer timetable?  Bạn đã có thời khóa biểu mùa hè mới chưa?
Exercise 35-1 Der Bus hat seinen Fahrplan nicht eingehalten. + Fahrplan The bus has not kept to its timetable. Xe buýt đã không giữ đúng thời khóa biểu.
Exercise 35-2 Der Betrieb musst seine Abfälle umweltgerecht entsorgen.  + entsorgen The company must dispose of its waste in an environmentally friendly manner.  Công ty phải xử lý chất thải theo cách thân thiện với môi trường.
Exercise 35-2 Diese Erklärung erleichtert ihr das Verständnis.  + erleichtern This explanation makes it easier for her to understand.  Lời giải thích này làm cho nó dễ hiểu hơn.
Exercise 35-2 Wer sorgt denn für die Kinder?  + sorgen Who takes care of the children?  Ai chăm sóc trẻ?
Exercise 35-2 Wir müssen immer mehr Steuern zahlen.  + Steuer We have to pay more and more taxes.  Chúng ta phải trả thuế nhiều hơn và nhiều hơn nữa.
Exercise 35-2 Haben Sie Ihre Lohnsteuerkarte dabei?  + Steuer Do you have your income tax card with you?  Bạn có thẻ thuế thu nhập với bạn?
Exercise 35-2 Er kann die Unkosten von der Steuer absetzen. + Steuer He can deduct the expenses from the tax. Anh ta có thể khấu trừ các chi phí từ thuế.
Exercise 35-3 Auf dem Formular fehlt noch der Stempel.  + Stempel The stamp is still missing on the form.  Con tem vẫn còn thiếu trên mẫu đơn.
Exercise 35-5 Kannst du mal den Topf abheben?  + abheben* Can you take the pot off?  Bạn có thể lấy nồi ra không?
Exercise 35-5 Die Miete wird per Dauerauftrag auf sein Girokonto überwiesen.  + überweisen* The rent is transferred by standing order to his current account.  Tiền thuê được chuyển bằng lệnh tạm thời vào tài khoản hiện tại của anh ta.
Exercise 35-5 Der Arzt hat mich ins Krankenhaus überwiesen.  + überweisen* The doctor referred me to the hospital.  Bác sĩ đưa tôi đến bệnh viện.
Exercise 35-5 Wir mussten einen Kredit aufnehmen.  + Kredit We had to take out a loan.  Chúng tôi phải vay tiền.
Exercise 35-5 Das Gemüse ist noch nicht weich.  + weich The vegetables are not yet soft.  Rau quả không mềm.
Exercise 35-6 Der Hausarzt hat mir eine Überweisung fürs Krankenhaus gegeben.  + Überweisung The family doctor gave me a referral for the hospital.  Bác sĩ gia đình đã cho tôi một giấy giới thiệu cho bệnh viện.
Exercise 35-8 Die Katze ist auf den Tisch gesprungen.  + springen* The cat jumped on the table.  Con mèo nhảy lên bàn.
Exercise 35-8 Wenn Sie ein geringes Einkommen haben, zahlen Sie nur wenig Steuern.  + gering If you have a low income, you pay little tax.  Nếu bạn có thu nhập thấp, bạn phải trả ít thuế.
Exercise 35-9 Ich habe in deinem Brief noch ein paar Fehler entdeckt.  + entdecken  I found a few mistakes in your letter.  Tôi tìm thấy một vài sai lầm trong thư của bạn.
Exercise 35-9 In dieser Arbeit ist kein Fehler zu entdecken.  + entdecken  No mistakes can be found in this work.  Không có sai lầm nào có thể tìm thấy trong tác phẩm này.
Exercise 35-9 In diesem Gebiet wurden wichtige Naturschätze entdeckt.  + entdecken  Important natural resources have been discovered in this area.  Các tài nguyên thiên nhiên quan trọng đã được phát hiện trong khu vực này.
Exercise 35-9 Du hast einen Fleck auf der Bluse.  + Fleck You have a stain on your blouse.  Bạn có một vết bẩn trên áo của bạn.
Exercise 35-9 Ich entfernte die Flecken aus dem Teppich.  + Fleck I removed the stains from the carpet.  Tôi gỡ bỏ vết bẩn khỏi thảm.
Exercise 35-9 Die Kartoffeln sind noch nicht gar.  + gar The potatoes aren't cooked yet.  Khoai tây không được nấu chín.
Exercise 35-9 Gehen Sie diese Straße entlang. Dann kommen Sie direkt zum Bahnhof.  + entlang Walk along this street. Then you come directly to the station.  Đi dọc phố này. Sau đó bạn đi thẳng đến ga.
Exercise 36-1 Mit den Vertretern wird monatlich abgerechnet.  + abrechnen The representatives are billed monthly.  Các đại diện được tính hóa đơn hàng tháng.
Exercise 36-2 Die neue Aufgabe erfüllte sie ganz.  + erfüllen She fulfilled the new task entirely.  Cô hoàn toàn hoàn thành nhiệm vụ mới.
Exercise 36-2 Er konnte ihre Erwartungen nicht erfüllen.  + erfüllen He couldn't live up to their expectations.  Anh ấy không thể sống theo sự mong đợi của họ.
Exercise 36-2 Diese wichtige Entscheidung möchte ich zuerst mit meinem Mann besprechen.  + Entscheidung I would like to discuss this important decision first with my husband.  Tôi muốn thảo luận về quyết định quan trọng đầu tiên này với chồng tôi.
Exercise 36-4 Heftiges Herzklopfen behinderte mich zu sprechen.  + behindern Fierce palpitations interfered with my ability to speak.  Kẹt cứng dữ dội đã can thiệp vào khả năng nói của tôi.
Exercise 36-5 Entgegen meinen Erwartungen kam er doch noch.  + entgegen Contrary to my expectations, he came after all.  Trái với những gì tôi mong đợi, anh ấy đã đến.
Exercise 36-5 Sie können sich jederzeit an mich wenden.  + jederzeit  You can contact me at any time.  Bạn có thể liên hệ với tôi bất cứ lúc nào.
Exercise 36-6 Der Sessel ist herrlich bequem.  + herrlich The armchair is wonderfully comfortable.  Ghế ngồi thoải mái.
Exercise 36-7 Sie winkte ihm schon von weitem.  + winken She waved at him from a distance.  Cô vẫy tay chào anh từ xa.
Exercise 36-7 Sie winkte einem Taxi.  + winken She waved to a taxi.  Cô vẫy tay chào taxi.
Exercise 36-7 Kommt ihr mit den Aufgaben zurecht?  + zurechtkommen* Are you guys okay with the tasks?  Bạn có ổn với các nhiệm vụ không?
Exercise 36-9 Das Flugzeug rollt langsam zum Start.  + Start The plane rolls slowly to take-off.  Chiếc máy bay lăn từ từ để cất cánh.
Exercise 36-9 Bleiben Sie bitte während des Starts auf Ihren Sitzen.  + Start Please remain seated during take-off.  Vui lòng ngồi lại trong khi cất cánh.
Exercise 36-9 Er hatte einen guten Start ins Berufsleben.  + Start He had a good start to his career.  Ông đã có một khởi đầu tốt đẹp cho sự nghiệp của mình.
Exercise 36-9 Unsere Maschine soll um 7 Uhr 10 starten.  + Maschine I want our plane to take off at 7:10.  Tôi muốn máy bay của chúng tôi cất cánh lúc 7:10.
Exercise 37-1 Hier dürfen LKWs nicht überholen.  + überholen Trucks are not allowed to overtake here.  Xe tải không được vượt quá ở đây.
Exercise 37-1 Er hat versucht, mich in der Kurve zu überholen.  + überholen He tried to overtake me in the corner.  Anh ta cố gắng vượt qua tôi ở góc.
Exercise 37-1 Ich musste sehr schnell gehen, um dich zu überholen.  + überholen I had to leave very quickly to overtake you.  Tôi đã phải rời khỏi rất nhanh để vượt qua bạn.
Exercise 37-1 Kurz vor dem Ziel wurde sie doch noch überholt.  + überholen Shortly before the finish, it was overtaken.  Ngay trước khi kết thúc, nó đã được vượt qua.
Exercise 37-1 Sie fahren mit der Eisenbahn.  + Eisenbahn They're taking the train.  Họ đang đi tàu.
Exercise 37-1 Zum Hauptbahnhof können Sie mit der Linie 8 fahren.  + Linie You can take line 8 to the main station.  Bạn có thể đi đường 8 đến ga chính.
Exercise 37-2 Wir wollen einen neuen Verein gründen.  + gründen We want to start a new association.  Chúng tôi muốn bắt đầu một hiệp hội mới.
Exercise 37-2 Mein Onkel hat eine eigene Firma gegründet.  + gründen My uncle started his own company.  Chú tôi bắt đầu công ty riêng của mình.
Exercise 37-2 Sie überlegen sich, eine Familie zu gründen.  + gründen They're thinking about starting a family.  Họ đang nghĩ đến việc bắt đầu một gia đình.
Exercise 37-2 Eisen ist ein sehr nützliches Metall.  + Eisen Iron is a very useful metal.  Sắt là một kim loại rất hữu ích.
Exercise 37-3 Diese Sängerin ist ein großer Star in Deutschland.  + Star This singer is a great star in Germany.  Ca sĩ này là một ngôi sao nổi tiếng ở Đức.
Exercise 37-3 Die Versammlung findet morgen Abend um 18 Uhr statt.  + Versammlung The meeting will take place tomorrow night at 6:00 p. m.  Cuộc họp sẽ diễn ra vào đêm mai vào lúc 6:00. m.
Exercise 37-3 Die Abgeordneten sind die gewählten Vertreter des Volkes.  + Volk The deputies are elected representatives of the people.  Đại biểu được bầu làm đại diện của nhân dân.
Exercise 37-4 Ich kann nicht arbeiten. Ich muss mich um die Kinder kümmern.  + kümmern I can't work. I have to take care of the children.  Tôi không thể làm việc. Tôi phải chăm sóc các em.
Exercise 37-4 Ich habe keine Zeit. Ich muss mich um das Essen kümmern.  + kümmern I don't have time. I have to take care of the food.  Tôi không có thời gian. Tôi phải chăm sóc thức ăn.
Exercise 37-4 Die Universität ist ein wichtiger Arbeitgeber in der Gegend.  + Arbeitgeber The university is an important employer in the area.  Trường đại học này là một nhà tuyển dụng quan trọng trong khu vực.
Exercise 37-6 Der Import von Zigaretten ist nur bis zu einer bestimmten Menge erlaubt. + Import The import of cigarettes is only allowed up to a certain quantity. Việc nhập khẩu thuốc lá chỉ được phép cho đến một số lượng nhất định.
Exercise 37-6 Es ist schwer, ein Geschäft aufzumachen. Die Konkurrenz ist groß.  + Konkurrenz It's hard to start a business. Competition is fierce.  Thật khó để bắt đầu một doanh nghiệp. Cạnh tranh gay gắt.
Exercise 37-7 Der Konzern hat sein Kapital erhöht.  + Kapital The Group has increased its capital.  Tập đoàn đã tăng vốn.
Exercise 37-7 Er hat sein Kapital in Immobilien angelegt + Kapital He has invested his capital in real estate Ông đã đầu tư vốn vào bất động sản
Exercise 37-7 Dieser Tisch hier ist ganz aus Metall.  + Metall This table here is all metal.  Bảng này ở đây là tất cả các kim loại.
Exercise 37-7 Er arbeitet in der Metall verarbeitende Industrie.  + Metall He works in the metalworking industry.  Ông làm việc trong ngành công nghiệp luyện kim.
Exercise 37-7 Metalle leiten Strom.  + Metall Metals conduct electricity.  Kim loại điện.
Exercise 37-7 Wir suchen eine Sekretärin, die selbstständig arbeiten kann.  + selbstständig We are looking for a secretary who can work independently.  Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một thư ký có thể làm việc độc lập.
Exercise 37-7 Du sollst die Aufgabe selbstständig lösen.  + selbstständig I want you to solve the task on your own.  Tôi muốn bạn giải quyết công việc một mình.
Exercise 37-8 Ohne Steuerkarte zu arbeiten ist illegal. Wenn es herauskommt, musst du Strafe zahlen.  + illegal Working without a tax card is illegal. If it comes out, you'll have to pay the fine.  Làm việc mà không có thẻ thuế là bất hợp pháp. Nếu nó đi ra, bạn sẽ phải trả tiền phạt.
Exercise 38-2 Jahrelang hat er als Taxifahrer gejobbt. + jobben  For years he's been working as a taxi driver. Trong nhiều năm ông đã làm việc như một lái xe taxi.
Exercise 38-2 Wir haben unser Geld in Sicherheit gebracht.  + Sicherheit We've taken our money to safety.  Chúng tôi đã lấy tiền của chúng tôi để an toàn.
Exercise 38-2 Sicherheit ist für mich sehr wichtig.  + Sicherheit Security is very important to me.  An ninh là rất quan trọng với tôi.
Exercise 38-2 Um den Kredit zu erhalten, muss er der Bank Sicherheiten bieten.  + Sicherheit In order to obtain the loan, he must provide the bank with collateral.  Để có được khoản vay, anh ta phải cung cấp tài sản bảo đảm cho ngân hàng.
Exercise 38-3 Das Personal trägt Uniform.  + Personal The staff wear uniform.  Nhân viên mặc đồng phục.
Exercise 38-3 Der Staat fördert dieses neue Umweltprojekt.  + Projekt The state supports this new environmental project.  Nhà nước hỗ trợ dự án môi trường mới này.
Exercise 38-3 Er spielte in diesem Projekt eine wichtige Rolle. + Projekt He played an important role in this project. Ông đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong dự án này.
Exercise 38-4 Das hat bei ihm sicherlich einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen.  + Eindruck That certainly made a good impression on him.  Điều đó chắc chắn tạo ấn tượng tốt cho anh ta.
Exercise 38-5 Wir könnten einen Kredit gegen Sicherheit aufnehmen.  + aufnehmen* We could take out a loan against collateral.  Chúng tôi có thể đưa ra một khoản vay đối với tài sản thế chấp.
Exercise 38-5 Die Regierung wird sicher bald wieder die Steuern erhöhen.  + erhöhen The government will no doubt soon raise taxes again.  Chính phủ sẽ không nghi ngờ gì nữa lại tăng thuế.
Exercise 38-5 Die Kosten erhöhen sich ständig.  + erhöhen Costs are constantly increasing.  Chi phí liên tục gia tăng.
Exercise 38-6 Es geht allmählich auf Mitternacht zu.  + zugehen* It's starting to get close to midnight.  Nó bắt đầu đến gần nửa đêm.
Exercise 38-6 Katarina sieht genauso aus wie ihre Schwester.  + genauso  Katarina looks exactly like her sister.  Katarina trông giống hệt chị gái cô.
Exercise 38-6 Du bist genauso groß wie ich.  + genauso  You're as tall as me.  Bạn cao như tôi.
Exercise 38-6 Das dauert genauso lange.  + genauso  This will take just as long.  Việc này sẽ mất nhiều thời gian.
Exercise 38-8 Gestern hat mich die neue Mieterin im Treppenhaus angesprochen.  + ansprechen* Yesterday, the new tenant in the stairwell approached me.  Hôm qua, người thuê nhà mới ở cầu thang tiếp cận tôi.
Exercise 38-8 Er hat mich einfach auf der Straße angesprochen. + ansprechen* He just talked to me on the street. Anh ấy chỉ nói chuyện với tôi trên đường phố.
Exercise 38-8 Für mich ist das Wichtigste die Liebe zu meiner Familie und zu meinen Kindern.  + Liebe For me, the most important thing is the love for my family and my children.  Đối với tôi, điều quan trọng nhất là tình yêu đối với gia đình và con cái của tôi.
Exercise 38-9 Die sechs Kontinente sind Afrika, Amerika, Asien, Australien, Europa und die Antarktis.  + Kontinent The six continents are Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Antarctic.  Sáu châu lục là châu Phi, Mỹ, Châu Á, Úc, Châu Âu và Nam Cực.
Exercise 38-9 An der Konferenz nehmen Vertreter aus fast allen Ländern der Erdeteil. + Erde Representatives from almost all countries of the world will take part in the conference. Đại diện của hầu hết các quốc gia trên thế giới sẽ tham gia hội nghị.
Exercise 38-9 Meine Großmutter hat uns viele Märchen erzählt.  + Märchen My grandmother told us many fairy tales.  Bà tôi kể cho chúng ta nhiều câu chuyện cổ tích.
Exercise 38-9 Das klingt wie ein Märchen.  + Märchen That sounds like a fairy tale.  Nghe có vẻ như một câu chuyện cổ tích.
Exercise 38-9 Erzähl mir doch keine Märchen!  + Märchen Don't tell me any fairy tales!  Đừng nói với tôi bất kỳ câu chuyện cổ tích nào!
Exercise 39-4 Der Stein rollte den Berg hinunter.  + rollen The stone rolled down the mountain.  Đá rơi xuống núi.
Exercise 39-4 Die ökologische Landwirtschaft ist wichtig für die Umwelt.  + ökologisch Organic farming is important for the environment.  Nông nghiệp hữu cơ rất quan trọng đối với môi trường.
Exercise 39-4 Er ist daran gewöhnt, nachts lange aufzubleiben.  + nachts He's used to staying up late at night.  Anh ấy thường ở lại muộn vào ban đêm.
Exercise 39-5 Das Restaurant war schrecklich voll.  + schrecklich The restaurant was awfully crowded.  Các nhà hàng đã được awfully đông đúc.
Exercise 39-5 Als wir am Bahnhof ankamen, war unser Zug schon fort.  + fort When we arrived at the station, our train was already gone.  Khi chúng tôi đến ga, đoàn tàu của chúng tôi đã đi rồi.
Exercise 39-6 Der Tisch hat eine glatte Oberfläche.  + glatt The table has a smooth surface.  Bàn có bề mặt nhẵn.
Exercise 39-8 Haben Sie schon eine Unfallversicherung abgeschlossen?  + abschließen Have you already taken out accident insurance?  Bạn đã thực hiện bảo hiểm tai nạn?
Exercise 39-8 Wo ist die Toilette? – Die Treppe hoch und dann links.  + Treppe Where's the bathroom? Up the stairs and turn left.  Nhà tắm ở đâu? Lên cầu thang và rẽ trái.
Exercise 39-8 Meine Oma kann nicht gut Treppen steigen.  + Treppe My grandmother can't climb stairs well.  Bà tôi không thể leo lên cầu thang tốt.
Exercise 39-8 Die Treppe führt in den Keller.  + Treppe The stairs lead to the cellar.  Các bậc thang dẫn đến hầm rượu.
Exercise 39-8 Sie rannte die Treppe hoch.  + Treppe She ran up the stairs.  Cô ấy chạy lên cầu thang.
Exercise 39-8 Möchten Sie ein Regal aus Holz oder aus Metall?  + Holz Would you like a wooden or metal shelf?  Bạn có muốn một kệ gỗ hoặc kim loại?
Exercise 39-9 Die Abfahrt von der Autobahn bei Arnstadt ist gesperrt.  + Abfahrt The exit from the motorway at Arnstadt is closed.  Lối ra khỏi đường cao tốc tại Arnstadt đã đóng cửa.
Exercise 39-9 Sie redeten offen über ihre Pläne. + offen They talked openly about their plans. Họ nói chuyện cởi mở về kế hoạch của họ.
Exercise 40-1 Nehmen wir den Aufzug oder die Treppe? + Aufzug Are we taking the elevator or the stairs? Chúng ta đi thang máy hoặc cầu thang?
Exercise 40-2 Kannst du den Vorhang bitte vorziehen?  + vorziehen* Can you bring the curtain forward, please?  Bạn có thể mang tấm màn về phía trước được không?
Exercise 40-2 Ab 1. Juli übernimmt Herr Meier die Leitung der Abteilung.  + Leitung Mr. Meier will take over the management of the department on 1 July.  Ông Meier sẽ tiếp quản bộ phận của Bộ vào ngày 1 tháng 7.
Exercise 40-3 Man sollte miteinander reden, statt die Probleme unter den Teppich zu kehren.  + Teppich We should talk to each other instead of sweeping the problems under the carpet.  Chúng ta nên nói chuyện với nhau thay vì quét các vấn đề dưới thảm.
Exercise 40-3 Wann findet der Umzug statt?  + Umzug When does the move take place?  Khi nào di chuyển diễn ra?
Exercise 40-3 Sie kaufte Vorhänge für das Wohnzimmer.  + Vorhang She bought curtains for the living room.  Cô mua rèm cho phòng khách.
Exercise 40-3 Der Vorhang fiel und das Publikum klatschte. + Vorhang The curtain fell and the audience clapped. Rèm rơi và khán giả vỗ tay.
Exercise 40-5 Seine Ehegattin arbeitet in einem Restaurant.  + Ehegattin His wife works in a restaurant.  Vợ ông làm việc trong một nhà hàng.
Exercise 40-5 Darauf kann ich leider keine Rücksicht nehmen. + Rücksicht I'm afraid I can't take that into account. Tôi e rằng tôi không thể tính đến điều đó.
Exercise 40-5 Das dauert ja mal wieder ewig, bis du fertig bist!  + ewig It'll take forever to finish!  Sẽ mất mãi mãi để kết thúc!
Exercise 40-6 Diese Aufgabe erfordert viel Sachkenntnis.  + erfordern This task requires a great deal of expertise.  Nhiệm vụ này đòi hỏi nhiều kiến ​​thức chuyên môn.
Exercise 40-6 Es ist wichtig, die Fragen aufmerksam zu lesen.  + aufmerksam It is important to read the questions carefully.  Điều quan trọng là phải đọc kỹ các câu hỏi.
Exercise 40-7 Zum Frühstück esse ich gerne Quark mit Früchten.  + Quark For breakfast I like to eat cottage cheese with fruits.  Đối với bữa ăn sáng, tôi thích ăn phô mai với hoa quả.
Exercise 40-8 Nimm dir doch ein Buch vor.  + vornehmen*  Why don't you take a book?  Tại sao bạn không lấy một cuốn sách?
Exercise 40-8 Nimm dir nicht zu viel vor!  + vornehmen*  Don't take on too much!  Đừng mất quá nhiều!
Exercise 40-9 Unser Treffpunkt ist um 17 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof.  + Treffpunkt Our meeting point is at 17:00 at the main station.  Điểm họp của chúng tôi là lúc 17:00 tại nhà ga chính.
Exercise 40-9 Wir haben am Bahnhof einen Treffpunkt vereinbart.  + Treffpunkt We've arranged a meeting point at the station.  Chúng tôi đã sắp xếp một điểm gặp mặt tại nhà ga.
Exercise 40-9 Ich mag kein Fleisch. Ich esse am liebsten vegetarisch.  + vegetarisch I don't like meat. I prefer vegetarian food.  Tôi không thích thịt. Tôi thích ăn chay.
Exercise 40-9 Haben Sie auch vegetarische Gerichte?  + vegetarisch Do you also have vegetarian dishes?  Bạn có ăn chay không?
Exercise 40-9 Sie ernährt sich vegetarisch.  + vegetarisch She's a vegetarian.  Cô ấy là người ăn chay.
Exercise 41-1 Er hat den Bewerber zu einer persönlichen Vorstellung eingeladen.  + Vorstellung He invited the applicant to a personal presentation.  Ông đã mời người nộp đơn trình bày cá nhân.
Exercise 41-2 Die Missverständnisse haben sich aufgeklärt.  + aufklären The misunderstandings have been cleared up.  Sự hiểu lầm đã được giải quyết.
Exercise 41-2 Du irrst dich. Das Auto war nicht grün, sondern rot.  + irren You're mistaken. The car wasn't green, it was red.  Bạn đang nhầm lẫn. Chiếc xe không xanh, màu đỏ.
Exercise 41-2 Sie ist die neue Kollegin, wenn ich nicht irre.  + irren She is the new colleague, if I am not mistaken.  Cô ấy là đồng nghiệp mới, nếu tôi không nhầm.
Exercise 41-2 Ich habe mich getäuscht. Es war doch eine andere Hausnummer.  + täuschen I was mistaken. It was a different house number.  Tôi đã lầm. Đó là một số nhà khác.
Exercise 41-2 Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht, war ihr Name Anna.  + täuschen If I'm not mistaken, her name was Anna.  Nếu tôi không lầm, tên cô ấy là Anna.
Exercise 41-2 Da täuschst du dich!  + täuschen You're mistaken!  Bạn đang nhầm lẫn!
Exercise 41-2 Ich kann mich natürlich täuschen.  + täuschen I can be mistaken, of course.  Tôi có thể bị nhầm lẫn, tất nhiên.
Exercise 41-2 Das ist ein Missverständnis. Das habe ich nicht gesagt.  + Missverständnis This is a misunderstanding. I didn't say that.  Đây là một sự hiểu lầm. Tôi không nói thế.
Exercise 41-2 Das muss ein Missverständnis sein.  + Missverständnis There must be some misunderstanding.  Phải có một số hiểu lầm.
Exercise 41-2 Ich möchte dieses Missverständnis aufklären.  + Missverständnis I want to clear up this misunderstanding.  Tôi muốn làm sáng tỏ sự hiểu lầm này.
Exercise 41-2 Hier liegt ein Missverständnis vor.  + Missverständnis There's been a misunderstanding.  Có một sự hiểu lầm.
Exercise 41-2 Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.  + Verständnis Thank you for your understanding.  Cảm ơn sự thông cảm của bạn.
Exercise 41-2 Dafür fehlt mir jedes Verständnis.  + Verständnis I lack any understanding of that.  Tôi thiếu hiểu biết về điều đó.
Exercise 41-3 Die Tablette bitte in Wasser auflösen.  + auflösen Dissolve the tablet in water.  Hòa tan viên thuốc trong nước.
Exercise 41-3 Nehmen Sie dreimal täglich eine Tablette.  + Tablette Take one tablet three times a day.  Dùng một viên ba lần một ngày.
Exercise 41-4 Ich habe morgen eine Untersuchung im Krankenhaus.  + Untersuchung I have an examination tomorrow at the hospital.  Tôi sẽ khám sức khoẻ vào ngày mai tại bệnh viện.
Exercise 41-5 Ich melde meinen Mann krank. Er liegt im Krankenhaus.  + krankmelden I report my husband sick. He's in the hospital.  Tôi báo cáo chồng tôi bị ốm. Anh ta đang ở trong bệnh viện.
Exercise 41-5 Soll ich ein Taxi für Sie bestellen?  + Taxi Shall I book you a taxi?  Tôi có nên đặt taxi cho bạn không?
Exercise 41-5 Wir haben uns zufällig am Bahnhof getroffen.  + zufällig We ran into each other at the station.  Chúng tôi chạy vào nhau tại nhà ga.
Exercise 41-6 Hast du die Tropfen schon genommen?  + Tropfen Have you taken the drops yet?  Bạn đã lấy giọt chưa?
Exercise 41-7 Wir sprachen gerade vorhin davon.  + vorhin We were just talking about it earlier.  Chúng tôi chỉ nói về nó trước đó.
Exercise 41-8 Rede nicht solchen Unsinn!  + solch Don't talk such nonsense!  Đừng nói vô nghĩa như vậy!
Exercise 41-8 Ich kann noch einen solchen Tag nicht ertragen.  + solch I can't stand another day like this.  Tôi không thể chịu được một ngày nào khác như thế này.
Exercise 41-9 Selbst Fachleute verstehen diesen unglaublichen Unfall nicht.  + Fachleute Even professionals don't understand this incredible accident.  Ngay cả các chuyên gia cũng không hiểu được tai nạn đáng kinh ngạc này.
Exercise 41-9 Dieses Medikament muss man mit viel Flüssigkeit einnehmen.  + Flüssigkeit This medicine should be taken with plenty of liquid.  Thuốc này nên dùng với nhiều chất lỏng.
Exercise 41-9 Es ist gefährlich, gleichzeitig zu telefonieren und zu fahren.  + gefährlich It's dangerous to talk on the phone and drive at the same time.  Thật nguy hiểm khi nói chuyện điện thoại và lái xe vào cùng một thời điểm.
Exercise 42-1 Hier können Sie sich aufhalten, bis Sie an der Reihe sind.  + aufhalten* You can stay here until it's your turn.  Bạn có thể ở lại đây cho tới lượt của bạn.
Exercise 42-1 Ich halte mich gern in meinem Garten auf. + aufhalten* I like staying in my garden. Tôi thích ở trong vườn của tôi.
Exercise 42-1 Sie haben eine Infektion. Sie müssen Tabletten nehmen.  + Infektion You have an infection. You need to take pills.  Bạn bị nhiễm trùng. Bạn cần uống thuốc.
Exercise 42-1 Der Arzt sagt, ich soll viele Vitamine essen.  + Vitamin The doctor says I should eat a lot of vitamins.  Bác sĩ nói tôi nên ăn nhiều vitamin.
Exercise 42-1 Orangen sind reich an Vitamin C.  + Vitamin Oranges are rich in vitamin C.  Cam có nhiều vitamin C.
Exercise 42-2 Können Sie mir helfen, meinen Computer zu installieren?  + installieren Can you help me install my computer?  Bạn có thể giúp tôi cài đặt máy tính của tôi?
Exercise 42-2 Die Handwerker installieren gerade die Heizung.  + installieren Craftsmen are installing the heating.  Thủ công mỹ nghệ đang lắp đặt hệ thống sưởi ấm.
Exercise 42-2 Er wird eine Klimaanlage im Haus installieren.  + installieren He will install an air conditioning system in the house.  Anh ta sẽ lắp đặt một hệ thống điều hòa không khí trong nhà.
Exercise 42-2 Für Anrufe ins Festnetz gibt es einen günstigen Tarif.  + Festnetz For calls to landlines there is a cheap tariff.  Đối với các cuộc gọi đến đường dây cố định, có một mức giá rẻ.
Exercise 42-2 Ich habe eine Digitaluhr gekauft. Die geht genauer als die anderen.  + digital I bought a digital watch. It's more accurate than the others.  Tôi đã mua đồng hồ kỹ thuật số. Nó chính xác hơn những người khác.
Exercise 42-3 Die Rede ist von allen Sendern übertragen worden.  + übertragen* The speech was broadcast on all stations.  Bài phát biểu được phát trên tất cả các đài.
Exercise 42-3 Sie hat eine schwere seelische Krise durchgemacht. + Krise She's been through a serious mental crisis. Cô đã trải qua một cuộc khủng hoảng tinh thần nghiêm trọng.
Exercise 42-4 Wir unterbrechen die Sendung für eine wichtige Nachricht.  + unterbrechen* We interrupt the show for an important message.  Chúng tôi ngắt chương trình cho một thông điệp quan trọng.
Exercise 42-4 Welchen Sender siehst du am liebsten?  + Sender Which station do you prefer to watch?  Bạn thích xem đài nào?
Exercise 42-4 Ich fühle mich in Gesellschaft am wohlsten.  + Gesellschaft I feel most comfortable in company.  Tôi cảm thấy thoải mái nhất trong công ty.
Exercise 42-4 Genau darüber habe ich neulich ein längeres Gespräch mit meiner Frau geführt.  + neulich That's exactly what I was talking to my wife about the other day.  Đó là chính xác những gì tôi đang nói chuyện với vợ tôi vào một ngày khác.
Exercise 42-5 Wir wünschen Ihnen gute Unterhaltung.  + Unterhaltung We wish you good entertainment.  Chúng tôi chúc bạn vui chơi giải trí tốt.
Exercise 42-5 Sie begann eine Unterhaltung mit ihren Nachbarn.  + Unterhaltung She started a conversation with her neighbors.  Cô bắt đầu cuộc trò chuyện với hàng xóm của cô.
Exercise 42-5 Der Termin liegt noch in ferner Zukunft.  + fern The date is still in the distant future.  Ngày vẫn còn trong tương lai xa.
Exercise 42-5 Ich verbringe meinen Urlaub gern in fernen Ländern.  + fern I like to spend my holidays in distant lands.  Tôi thích nghỉ hè ở những vùng xa xôi.
Exercise 42-5 Dieses Problem lässt sich erst in ferner Zukunft lösen.  + fern This problem can only be solved in the distant future.  Vấn đề này chỉ có thể được giải quyết trong tương lai xa.
Exercise 42-5 Viele Veränderungen haben seitdem stattgefunden.  + seitdem Many changes have taken place since then.  Nhiều thay đổi đã xảy ra kể từ đó.
Exercise 42-6 Das ist reine Fantasie. + Fantasie It's pure fantasy. Đó là ảo tưởng tinh khiết.
Exercise 42-6 Ich möchte am Samstag ins Stadion gehen. Da spielt meine Mannschaft.  + Stadion I want to go to the stadium on Saturday. That's my team playing.  Tôi muốn đến sân vận động vào thứ Bảy. Đó là đội của tôi chơi.
Exercise 42-7 Worüber habt ihr gestern geredet?  + reden What were you guys talking about yesterday?  Các bạn đã nói gì về ngày hôm qua?
Exercise 42-7 Wir haben über ihre Pläne geredet.  + reden We talked about their plans.  Chúng tôi đã nói chuyện về kế hoạch của họ.
Exercise 42-7 Er muss dauernd reden.  + reden He has to talk all the time.  Anh ấy luôn phải nói chuyện.
Exercise 42-7 Kann ich mal kurz mit dir reden?  + reden Can I talk to you for a second?  Tôi có thể nói chuyện với bạn được không?
Exercise 42-7 Lass uns nicht mehr darüber reden.  + reden Let's not talk about this anymore.  Chúng ta không nói về điều này nữa.
Exercise 42-7 Reden wir von etwas anderem!  + reden Let's talk about something else!  Hãy nói về những điều khác!
Exercise 42-7 Lass die Leute reden.  + reden Let people talk.  Hãy để mọi người nói chuyện.
Exercise 42-7 Mein Bruder hat mich überredet, einen Englischkurs zu machen.  + überreden My brother persuaded me to take an English course.  Anh trai tôi đã thuyết phục tôi học tiếng Anh.
Exercise 42-7 Er hat mich zu diesem Urlaub überredet.  + überreden He talked me into this vacation.  Anh ta nói tôi vào kỳ nghỉ này.
Exercise 42-7 Das Essen schmeckt komisch. Probier mal.  + komisch The food tastes funny. Try some.  Các món ăn có vị hài hước. Hãy thử một số.
Exercise 42-7 Wenn es nötig ist, nehmen Sie noch eine Tablette.  + nötig If necessary, take another pill.  Nếu cần thiết, uống một viên thuốc khác.
Exercise 42-8 Wir müssen unbedingt tanken. Wir haben fast kein Benzin mehr.  + tanken We gotta get some gas. We're almost out of gas.  Chúng ta phải lấy một ít khí. Chúng ta gần hết xăng.
Exercise 42-8 Bei der nächsten Tankstelle müssen wir tanken. + tanken We'll have to refuel at the next gas station. Chúng tôi sẽ phải tiếp nhiên liệu tại trạm xăng tiếp theo.
Exercise 42-8 Bekommen Sie eine staatliche Unterstützung?  + Unterstützung Do you receive state support?  Bạn có nhận được hỗ trợ của nhà nước?
Exercise 42-9 Deutschland ist eine parlamentarische Demokratie. + Demokratie Germany is a parliamentary democracy. Đức là một nền dân chủ của nghị viện.
Exercise 42-9 Ich bin Mitglied im Elternbeirat. Wenn es Probleme mit der Schule gibt, sprechen wir mit dem Direktor. + Mitglied I'm a member of the PTA. If there are any problems with the school, we'll talk to the principal. Tôi là một thành viên của PTA. Nếu có vấn đề gì với nhà trường, chúng tôi sẽ nói chuyện với hiệu trưởng.
Exercise 43-1 Er lehnte es ab, mit ihr zu sprechen.  + ablehnen He refused to talk to her.  Anh ấy từ chối nói chuyện với cô ấy.
Exercise 43-1 Dieses Hotel eignet sich besonders für Familien mit Kindern.  + sich eignen This hotel is particularly suitable for families with children.  Khách sạn này đặc biệt thích hợp cho các gia đình có trẻ em.
Exercise 43-1 Das Buch eignet sich zum Geschenk.  + sich eignen The book is suitable as a gift.  Cuốn sách phù hợp như một món quà.
Exercise 43-1 Er hat ihn in seiner Arbeit wesentlich gefördert.  + fördern He has given him substantial support in his work.  Ông đã cho ông sự hỗ trợ đáng kể trong công việc của ông.
Exercise 43-2 Was du da redest, ist Quatsch! Die Ampel war grün, nicht rot.  + Quatsch What you're talking about is bullshit! The light was green, not red.  Những gì bạn đang nói về là bullshit! Ánh sáng có màu xanh lá cây, không màu đỏ.
Exercise 43-2 Erzähl keinen Quatsch!  + Quatsch Don't talk nonsense!  Đừng nói vô nghĩa!
Exercise 43-2 Er steht auf dem Standpunkt, dass ...  + Standpunkt He takes the view that...  Anh ấy có quan điểm rằng ...
Exercise 43-2 Ich bin ganz Ihrer Ansicht.  + Ansicht I totally agree with you.  Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý với bạn.
Exercise 43-2 Du musst mir das in allen Einzelheiten erzählen.  + Einzelheit I need you to give me all the details.  Tôi cần bạn cho tôi tất cả các chi tiết.
Exercise 43-2 Ich erinnere mich nicht an die Einzelheiten.  + Einzelheit I don't remember the details.  Tôi không nhớ chi tiết.
Exercise 43-2 Informieren Sie mich über die Einzelheiten.  + Einzelheit Notify me of the details.  Thông báo cho tôi biết chi tiết.
Exercise 43-2 Dein Urteil ist für mich sehr wichtig.  + Urteil Your judgment is very important to me.  Sự phán xét của bạn rất quan trọng đối với tôi.
Exercise 43-2 Ich kann sein Verhalten nicht verstehen.  + Verhalten I can't understand his behavior.  Tôi không thể hiểu hành vi của mình.
Exercise 43-3 Ich hatte mein Geld vergessen. Das war mir furchtbar unangenehm.  + furchtbar I forgot my money. I was terribly uncomfortable.  Tôi quên tiền của tôi. Tôi đã rất khó chịu.
Exercise 43-3 Ich würde lieber rausgehen, statt drinnen zu bleiben. + statt  I'd rather go outside than stay inside. Tôi thà đi ra ngoài chứ không ở bên trong.
Exercise 43-4 Die Medizin schmeckt bitter.  + bitter The medicine tastes bitter.  Thuốc có vị đắng.
Exercise 43-5 Die Operation ist gut gelaufen. Wir können Sie nächste Woche aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen.  + entlassen*  Surgery went well. We can release you from the hospital next week.  Phẫu thuật tốt. Chúng tôi có thể giải phóng bạn khỏi bệnh viện vào tuần tới.
Exercise 43-5 Ich will mit meinem Rechtsanwalt sprechen.  + Rechtsanwalt I want to talk to my lawyer.  Tôi muốn nói chuyện với luật sư của mình.
Exercise 43-5 Die Bevölkerung nimmt ständig zu. + Bevölkerung The population is constantly increasing. Dân số ngày càng tăng.
Exercise 43-5 Im Vortrag wurden ausführliche und eindeutige Demonstrationengegeben.  + Demonstration In the lecture, detailed and clear demonstrations were given.  Trong bài giảng, đã trình bày chi tiết và rõ ràng.
Exercise 43-5 Genug Schlaf ist wichtig für die Entwicklung Ihres Kindes.  + Entwicklung Enough sleep is important for your child's development.  Đủ giấc ngủ là điều quan trọng cho sự phát triển của con bạn.
Exercise 43-5 Die Regierung plant für nächstes Jahr eine Steuerreform.  + Reform The government is planning a tax reform next year.  Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch cải cách thuế vào năm tới.
Exercise 43-6 Ein guter Schulabschluss ist sehr wichtig.  + Abschluss A good school leaving certificate is very important.  Giấy chứng nhận tốt nghiệp của trường rất quan trọng.
Exercise 43-7 Ich möchte nächstes Jahr in meinem Beruf eine Fortbildung machen.  + Fortbildung I would like to take part in a training next year in my profession.  Tôi muốn tham gia đào tạo trong năm tới trong nghề của tôi.
Exercise 43-8 Ich glaube, da haben Sie einen Fehler gemacht.  + Fehler I think you made a mistake.  Tôi nghĩ bạn đã làm sai.
Exercise 43-9 Um die Aufgaben zu lösen, brauchst du eine gute Arbeitstechnik.  + Technik To solve the tasks, you need a good working technique.  Để giải quyết các nhiệm vụ, bạn cần một kỹ thuật làm việc tốt.
Exercise 43-9 Dieses Spiel ist nicht für sehr kleine Kinder geeignet.  + geeignet This game is not suitable for very small children.  Trò chơi này không phù hợp với trẻ nhỏ.
Exercise 43-9 Sie ist für schwere Arbeit nicht geeignet.  + geeignet It is not suitable for heavy work.  Nó không thích hợp cho công việc nặng nhọc.
Exercise 44-1 Wie kann ich den Kontakt zu ihnen herstellen?  + herstellen How can I make contact with them?  Làm thế nào tôi có thể liên lạc với họ?
Exercise 44-1 Du musst immer alle Daten im Computer sichern.  + sichern You always have to back up all the data in your computer.  Bạn luôn phải sao lưu tất cả dữ liệu trong máy tính của mình.
Exercise 44-1 Er hat seine wichtigsten Dateien auf der Festplatte gespeichert.  + Festplatte He has saved his most important files on the hard disk.  Ông đã lưu các tập tin quan trọng nhất của mình trên đĩa cứng.
Exercise 44-2 Nutzen Sie unser Angebot.  + nutzen Take advantage of our offer.  Tận dụng ưu đãi của chúng tôi.
Exercise 44-2 Das Angebot sollten wir nutzen.  + nutzen We should take advantage of the offer.  Chúng ta nên tận dụng ưu đãi.
Exercise 44-2 Du solltest diese Gelegenheit nutzen. + nutzen You should take this opportunity. Bạn nên lấy cơ hội này.
Exercise 44-2 Bei einem höheren Einkommen muss man mehr Steuern zahlen. + Einkommen With a higher income, you have to pay more taxes. Với thu nhập cao hơn, bạn phải nộp thêm thuế.
Exercise 44-2 Das ist von den Umständen abhängig.  + abhängig It depends on the circumstances.  Nó phụ thuộc vào hoàn cảnh.
Exercise 44-3 Das Restaurant ist bekannt für seine feine Küche.  + fein The restaurant is known for its fine cuisine.  Nhà hàng nổi tiếng với các món ăn ngon.
Exercise 44-4 Der Lehrer hat meine Fehler korrigiert. + korrigieren The teacher fixed my mistakes. Giáo viên cố định những sai lầm của tôi.
Exercise 44-4 Für bestimmte Berufe ist ein Zeugnis erforderlich.  + Zeugnis A certificate is required for certain professions.  Giấy chứng nhận là bắt buộc đối với một số ngành nhất định.
Exercise 44-5 Schau mal unter „Sonstiges“.  + sonstig Take a look at "Miscellaneous".  Hãy xem "Linh tinh".
Exercise 44-5 Bei sonstigen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Auskunft.  + sonstig If you have any other questions, please contact the information desk.  Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào khác, vui lòng liên hệ với bàn thông tin.
Exercise 44-6 Die Teilnahme an dem Kurs ist freiwillig.  + Teilnahme Participation in the course is voluntary.  Sự tham gia trong khóa học là tự nguyện.
Exercise 44-6 Für dieses Projekt gibt es staatliche Unterstützung.  + staatlich There is state support for this project.  Có sự hỗ trợ của nhà nước cho dự án này.
Exercise 44-6 Das Institut steht unter staatlicher Verwaltung.  + staatlich The institute is under state administration.  Viện này nằm dưới sự quản lý của nhà nước.
Exercise 44-6 Das ist ein ganz wesentlicher Punkt.  + wesentlich That is a very important point.  Đó là một điểm rất quan trọng.
Exercise 44-7 Mit dir kann man kein vernünftiges Wort reden!  + vernünftig You're not a sensible word to talk to!  Bạn không phải là một từ thông minh để nói chuyện với!
Exercise 44-8 Treffen wir uns am Hauptbahnhof?  + Hauptbahnhof Shall we meet at the main station?  Chúng ta có gặp nhau ở ga chính không?
Exercise 44-8 Der Zug kommt um 9 Uhr am Hauptbahnhof an. + Hauptbahnhof The train arrives at 9:00 a. m. at the main station. Xe lửa khởi hành lúc 9:00 a. m. tại nhà ga chính.
Exercise 44-9 Der Prozess findet hinter verschlossenen Türen statt.  + Prozess The trial takes place behind closed doors.  Phiên tòa diễn ra sau những cánh cửa đóng kín.
Exercise 44-9 Sie wurde mit inneren Verletzungen ins Krankenhaus gebracht.  + Verletzung She was taken to hospital with internal injuries.  Cô đã được đưa đến bệnh viện với thương tích nội bộ.
Exercise 45-1 Bringen Sie bitte Ihre Röntgenaufnahmen zur nächsten Sprechstunde mit.  + Aufnahme Please bring your radiographs to the next consultation.  Hãy mang bức xạ của bạn tới cuộc tư vấn tiếp theo.
Exercise 45-1 Wie viele Aufnahmen soll ich machen?  + Aufnahme How many shots should I take?  Tôi nên chụp bao nhiêu lần?
Exercise 45-1 Mein Tisch hat die Maße: Länge: 1,20 m, Breite: 0,60 m, Höhe: 0,80 m.  + Höhe My table measures: length: 1,20 m, width: 0,60 m, height: 0,80 m.  Bàn của tôi đo: chiều dài: 1,20 m, chiều rộng: 0,60 m, chiều cao: 0,80 m.
Exercise 45-2 Seine Schwester besorgt ihm jetzt den Haushalt.  + besorgen His sister's taking care of his household now.  Chị gái chăm sóc hộ gia đình bây giờ.
Exercise 45-2 Die Krankenschwester versorgt den Patienten.  + versorgen  The nurse takes care of the patient.  Y tá chăm sóc bệnh nhân.
Exercise 45-2 Der Hausmeister versorgt den Aufzug.  + versorgen  The janitor takes care of the elevator.  Người chăm sóc chăm sóc thang máy.
Exercise 45-2 Ich versorge meine Familie.  + versorgen  I'm taking care of my family.  Tôi đang chăm sóc gia đình của tôi.
Exercise 45-2 Ich bin ständig unter Druck.  + Druck I'm under constant pressure.  Tôi chịu áp lực liên tục.
Exercise 45-3 Der Betreuer hat meiner Großmutter sehr viel geholfen.  + Betreuer The caretaker helped my grandmother a lot.  Người chăm sóc đã giúp bà tôi rất nhiều.
Exercise 45-4 Das Unternehmen konnte seine gute Position am Weltmarkt behaupten.  + behaupten The company was able to maintain its good position on the world market.  Công ty đã có thể duy trì được vị trí tốt trên thị trường thế giới.
Exercise 45-4 Reduzieren Sie den Bericht auf die wichtigsten Punkte.  + reduzieren Reduce the report to the most important points.  Giảm báo cáo tới những điểm quan trọng nhất.
Exercise 45-5 Wir haben beschlossen, dieses Jahr nach Italien zu reisen.  + beschließen* We have decided to travel to Italy this year.  Chúng tôi đã quyết định đi du lịch tới Italy trong năm nay.
Exercise 45-8 Ich bin absolut dagegen.  + absolut I am totally against it.  Tôi hoàn toàn chống lại nó.
Exercise 45-8 Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis absolut nicht zufrieden.  + absolut I am totally dissatisfied with the result.  Tôi hoàn toàn không hài lòng với kết quả.
Exercise 45-8 Ich habe versucht, eventuelle Probleme zu berücksichtigen. + eventuell I have tried to take account of possible problems. Tôi đã cố gắng xem xét các vấn đề có thể xảy ra.
Exercise 45-9 Bitte fangen Sie erst an, wenn ich Ihnen ein Zeichen gebe.  + Zeichen Please don't start until I give you a sign.  Xin vui lòng không bắt đầu cho đến khi tôi cho bạn một dấu hiệu.
Exercise 45-9 Was bedeutet dieses Zeichen?  + Zeichen What does this sign stand for?  Dấu hiệu này là gì?
Exercise 45-9 Nach acht Stunden Schule haben die Kinder keine Lust mehr zu den Hausaufgaben. Ich finde das verständlich.  + verständlich After eight hours of school, the children don't feel like doing their homework. I find that understandable.  Sau 8 giờ học, các em không cảm thấy thích làm bài tập ở nhà. Tôi thấy điều đó dễ hiểu.
Exercise 45-9 Das ist doch eine verständliche Reaktion!  + verständlich That's an understandable reaction!  Đó là một phản ứng dễ hiểu!
Exercise 45-9 Sie erklärte es in verständlichen Worten.  + verständlich She explained it in understandable words.  Cô giải thích nó bằng những từ dễ hiểu.
Exercise 45-9 Er spricht klar und verständlich.  + verständlich He speaks clearly and understandably.  Anh ấy nói rõ ràng và dễ hiểu.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Hauptstadt + capital city + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns U-Bahn-Station + underground/tube station + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Public buildings and gardens Polizeirevier + police station + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Public buildings and gardens Feuerwache + fire station + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Public buildings and gardens Krankenhaus + hospital + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Shops Restaurant + restaurant + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Einfamilienhaus + detached house + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Doppelhaus + semi-detached house + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Treppe + staircase, flight of stairs + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Stufe + step, stair + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Mietvertrag + rental agreement + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Brunnen + fountain, well + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Friedhof + cemetary + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Anlage + park, facility, installation, plant + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Shops Schreibwarengeschäft + stationary shop + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings freistehend + detached + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Einwohner(in) + inhabitant + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Einheimische(r) + local inhabitant + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Treppenhaus + stairwell + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Buntglasfenster + stained glass window + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Portal + portal + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Immobilien + property, real estate + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Notar(in) + solicitor (dealing with conveyancing); notary public + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property eine Hypothek aufnehmen + to take out a mortgage + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Tisch + table + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Nachttisch + bedside table + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Couchtisch + coffee table + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Esstisch + dining table + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Schirmständer + umbrella stand + A
+ + 103 Household Soft furnishings Vorhang + curtain + A
+ + 103 Household Soft furnishings Gardine + (sheer) curtain + A
+ + 103 Household Soft furnishings Store + net curtain + A
+ + 103 Household Soft furnishings Tischtuch + tablecloth, table linen + A
+ + 103 Household Lighting Stehlampe + standard lamp, floor lamp + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Frisierkommode + dressing table + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Klapptisch + folding table + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Stapelstuhl + stacking chair + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Esslöffel + soup spoon, dessert spoon, tablespoon + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Tortenform + gateau/tart/pie tin + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Kartoffelstampfer + potato masher + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Fleckenentferner + stain remover + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Biotonne + bio-waste container + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Ausziehtisch + extending table + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Satz Tische + nest of tables + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Beistelltisch + occasional table + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Orientteppich + Oriental rug + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Wasserhahn + tap, faucet + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Warmwassergriff + hot tap + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Kaltwassergriff + cold tap + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Mischbatterie + (mixer) tap + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Wasserkasten + water tank + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Handdusche + shower attachment + C
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Mörser + mortar + C
+ + 103 Gardens Garden parts and features Gemüsegarten + vegetable garden, kitchen garden + A
+ + 103 Gardens Garden parts and features Pflanzentisch + potting table, bench + B
+ + 103 Gardens Gardening Stiel + stem, stalk + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Funkie + hosta + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Herzlilie + hosta + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Prachtscharte + blazing star + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Ziergras + ornamental grass + C
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Berg + mountain + A
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Gebirge + mountain range, mountains + A
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Bergkette + mountain range + A
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Mittelgebirge + low mountains + A
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Hochgebirge + high mountains + A
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains gebirgig + mountainous + A
+ + 103 The physical world Water Brunnen + well, fountain, spring water + A
+ + 103 The physical world Water Nebenfluss + tributary + B
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Bergrücken + mountain ridge + C
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Tafelberg + mesa, flat-topped mountain + C
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Geröll + scree, talus + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals zahm + tame + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals etw zähmen + to tame sth + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Hirsch + deer, red deer, stag + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Nilpferd + hippopotamus + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Schwanz + tail + A
+ + 103 The animal world Reptiles and amphibians Kaulquappe + tadpole + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Gepard + cheetah + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Puma + mountain lion + B
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Star + starling + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krebstier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krustentier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Seestern + starfish + B
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Schwalbenschwanz + swallowtail + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals getigerte Katze + tabby cat + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Orang-Utan + orangutan + C
+ + 103 The animal world Fish Schwanzflosse + tail fin + C
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Fühler + tentacle, feeler + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour sich in etw verwandeln + to metamorphose into sth + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour sich an etw krallen + to dig claws/talons into sth [cat, bird] + C
+ + 103 Weather General Niederschlag + precipitation + B
+ + 103 Weather General Niederschlagsgebiet + area of precipitation + B
+ + 103 Weather Rain niederschlagsarm + with low precipitation + C
+ + 103 Weather Rain niederschlagsfrei + without precipitation + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzanfall + heart attack + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzinfarkt + heart attack, cardiac infarction + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses ansteckend + infectious, contagious + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Geisteskrankheit + mental illness + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses geisteskrank + mentally ill + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Head Schnurrbart + mustache + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Stießbein + tailbone (coccyx) + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Senses Geschmackssinn + sense of taste + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses ein stechender Schmerz + a stab of pain + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Lebensgefahr + critical condition, mortal danger + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Wundstarrkrampf + tetanus + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Mittelhandknochen + metacarpal bone + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Fußwurzelknochen + tarsal bone + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Vorfußknochen + metatarsal bone + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Sexual organs Vorsteherdrüse + prostate gland + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses grauer Star + cataract + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilities Krankenhaus + hospital + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Tablette + tablet, pill + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment etw einnehmen + to take sth orally [medicine] + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmds Temperatur messen + to take sb's temperature + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmdm den Puls fühlen + to take sb's pulse + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment tief Atem holen + to take a deep breath + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment eine Urinprobe nehmen + to take a urine specimen + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmdn wiederbeleben + to resuscitate sb + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung + mouth-to-mouth resuscitation + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Untersuchungstisch + examining table + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnarzt + dentist, dental surgeon + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnarzthelfer(in) + dental assistant + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahntechniker(in) + dental technician + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Arzthelfer(in) + doctor's assistant + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmdn ins Krankenhaus einliefern + to admit sb to the hospital + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment etw amputieren + to amputate sth + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment abschwellendes Mittel + decongestant + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Ausschabung + curettage + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnstein + tartar + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build groß + big, large, great, tall + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture eine bequeme Haltung + a comfortable posture + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build verhungert aussehen + to look half-starved + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein braungebranntes/gebräuntes Gesicht + a tanned face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair Pferdeschwanz + ponytail + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair sein Haar hinten zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammenbinden + to tie one's hair back in a ponytail + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein undurchdringliches Gesicht + an inscrutable face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair wirres Haar + tangled hair + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair ihr stehen die Haare zu Berge + her hair is standing on end + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair ihr sträuben sich die Haare + her hair is standing on end + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards aufstehen + to stand up, get up + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn in die Arme nehmen + to take sb in one's arms + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn an die/bei der Hand nehmen + to take sb by the hand + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw greifen + to take hold of/grasp sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw anfassen + to touch/feel/take hold of sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn anfassen + to take sb's hand + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs herumstehen + to stand around + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General aufbrechen + to set off, start out + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement die Beine unter den Arm nehmen + to take to one's heels + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement die Beine in die Hand nehmen + to take to one's heels + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit dem Fuß stampfen + to stamp one's foot + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards drei Schritte vortreten + to take three steps forward + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards aufschrecken + to start + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards von seinem Stuhl hoch fahren + to start from one's chair + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn in die Arme schließen (elev.) + to take sb in one's arms + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Balance and imbalance torkeln + to stagger, reel + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Balance and imbalance taumeln + to stagger, sway + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Balance and imbalance wanken + to stagger, sway, totter + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Gait stelzen + to strut, stalk + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Insidious movement etw beschleichen + to creep up on/to sth; steal up to sth, stalk sth + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity anständig + respectable, well behaved + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust taktlos + tactless, indelicate + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Taktlosigkeit + tactlessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust taktvoll + tactful + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust gerade + honest, upright, upstanding + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Bekannte(r) + acquaintance + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness jmds Bekanntschaft machen + to make sb's acquaintance + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Kontakt + contact + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness mit jmdm Kontakt aufnehmen + to make contact with sb + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Amiability beleidigt sein + to take offence + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour amüsant + amusing, entertaining + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability aufgeregt + excited, nervous, flustered, agitated + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability durcheinander sein + to be confused, be in a state + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability launenhaft + moody, temperamental + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning begabt + talented, gifted + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning Begabung + talent, gift + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning Talent + talent + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning talentiert + talented, gifted + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning untalentiert + untalented + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy spontan + spontaneous + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy denkfaul + mentally lazy + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower Entschiedenheit + determination, staunchness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower unschlüssig + irresolute, hesitant + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower Unschlüssigkeit + irresoluteness, hesitancy + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness distanziert + distant + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Distanz + distance, detachment + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability beständig + constant, steadfast + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability geisteskrank + mentally ill + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability geistesgestört + mentally disturbed + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment einsichtig + reasonable, understanding + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning zurückgeblieben + retarded + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice Mut schöpfen + to take heart + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice schreckhaft + easily startled, jumpy + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Modesty and pride aufgeblasen + puffed up, self-important + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity ehrenhaft + honourable, respectable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity verdienstvoll + of outstanding merit + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity verdient + of outstanding merit + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity verabscheuenswert + detestable, loathsome + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity übel/gut beleumdet sein + to have a bad/good reputation + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness karitativ + charitable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness mildtätig + charitable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness wohltätig + charitable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness unverbindlich + detached, impersonal + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness wortkarg + taciturn + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness schweigsam + silent, taciturn + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour wehmütig + melancholically nostalgic + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability gesetzt + staid + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability geistig umnachtet (elev.) + mentally deranged + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment unberechenbar + unpredictable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice Angsthase + scaredy-cat, cowardy custard + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments etw ausziehen + to take sth off + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Fleck + stain, spot + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming (sich) duschen + to take a shower + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Binde + sanitary towel + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Tampon + tampon + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Frack + tail coat + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning etw enger machen + to take sth in + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Zentimetermaß + tape measure + C
+ + 103 Food and drink General (jmdm) (irgendwie) schmecken + to taste (somehow) (to sb) + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General etw schmecken + to taste sth + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General Geschmack + taste + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Gemüse + vegetable + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffel + potato + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Erdapfel + potato + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Nudel + noodle; pasta + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Pastries, desserts and sweets Torte + gateau; tart; pie + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General Essen/Getränke zum Mitnehmen + takeaway food/drinks + B
+ + 103 Food and drink General vegetarisch + vegetarian + B
+ + 103 Food and drink General Rohkost + raw fruits, nuts and vegetables + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Bratkartoffeln + fried potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Geröstete + fried potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Rösti + fried potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffelbrei + mashed potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffelmus + mashed potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Salzkartoffeln + boiled potatoes + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Pellkartoffel + potato cooked in its skin/jacket + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables in der Schale gebackene Kartoffel + baked/jacket potato + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffelkloß + potato dumpling + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffelknödel + potato dumpling + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Kartoffelchips + potato crisps + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Soups Suppengrün + herbs and vegetables for soup + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Soups Gemüsesuppe + vegetable soup + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Soups Ochsenschwanzsuppe + oxtail soup + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Dairy Hüttenkäse + cottage cheese + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Teigwaren + pasta + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta altbacken + stale + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Nuts Pistazie + pistachio + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Herbs, spices and condiments Senf + mustard + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Pulverkaffee + instant coffee + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Süßkartoffel + sweet potato + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Spätzle + spaetzle (kind of pasta) + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Spätzli + spaetzle (kind of pasta) + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Stärkemehl + corn starch + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Herbs, spices and condiments Estragon + tarragon + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Spätlese + late vintage + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight starren + to stare + A
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn/etw anstarren + to stare at sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste Geschmack + taste, flavour + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste (gut) schmecken + to taste good + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste etw schmecken + to taste sth + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste nach etw schmecken + to taste of sth + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste ohne Geschmack + tasteless + A
+ + 103 Perception Sight klebrig + sticky, tacky + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn (feindselig) fixieren + to stare sb in the face + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight die Augen von etw nicht abwenden können + not to be able to take one's eyes off sth + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight kein Auge von jmdm/etw lassen + not to take one's eyes off sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight keinen Blick von jmdm/etw wenden + not to take one's eyes off sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Perception Taste schmackhaft + tasty + B
+ + 103 Perception Taste geschmacklos + tasteless + B
+ + 103 Perception Taste fade + tasteless, insipid + B
+ + 103 Perception Touch Berührung + touch, contact + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn/etw in Augenschein nehmen + to take a close look at sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn/etw anstieren (coll.) + to stare at sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight Stielaugen machen + to stare goggle-eyed + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste deliziös + delectable + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste wohlschmeckend (elev.) + palatable + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste herb + sharp, tangy, dry [wine] + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste Geschmacksknospe + taste bud + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste einen üblen Nachgeschmack hinterlassen + to leave a bad taste in the mouth + C
+ + 103 Perception Smell muffig + musty, stuffy, stale + C
+ + 103 Perception Smell herb + sharp, tangy + C
+ + 103 Perception Touch leimig + gluey, tacky + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs bräunen + to tan, go brown + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours taupe + taupe + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours senffarben + mustard(-coloured) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs anbräunen + to tan lightly + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions schwarzarbeiten + to moonlight; do work without paying taxes + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions in grauer Vorzeit/Ferne + in the dim and distant past/future + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions etw durch eine rosa(rote) Brille sehen + to see sth through rose-coloured spectacles + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Metall + metal + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal metallartig + metallic + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal rostfreier Stahl + stainless steel + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Blech + (sheet) metal + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Walzblech + sheet metal + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Kunstleder + imitation leather + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Tesafilm + Scotch tape ®, Sellotape ® + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Klebeband + adhesive tape, sticky tape + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials Teer + tar + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials etw teeren + to tar sth + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials teerig + tarry + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials Makadam + tarmac + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials etw makadamisieren + to tarmac sth + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Edelmetall + precious metal + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Metallermüdung + metal fatigue + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Schrott + scrap metal, old iron + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Rechteck + rectangle, oblong + A
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines rechteckig + rectangular, oblong + A
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Stern + star + A
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines waagerecht + horizontal + B
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Patterns quer/horizontal gestreift + diagonally/horizontally striped + B
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines David(s)stern + Star of David + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Patterns mit Blumen/Sternen übersät + studded with flowers/stars + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Patterns Schottenmuster + tartan pattern + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General groß + big, large, tall + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General hoch + high, tall + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Bandmaß + tape measure + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity Gesamtzahl + total number + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Entfernung + distance + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures an/bei jmdm Maß nehmen + to take sb's measurements + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Stapel + stack, pile + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw (auf)stapeln + to pile up/stack sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Stoß + pile, stack + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw türmen + to stack/pile sth up + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Strecke + distance, way + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance fern + distant, a long way away + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance entfernt + distant, far, away + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Abstand + distance + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity General etw versetzt anordnen + to stagger sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Maßstab + scale, standard, ruler + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures Hektar + hectare + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity unzahlbar + uncountable + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion Prozentsatz + percentage + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion bruchstückhaft + fragmentary + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion fragmentarisch + fragmentary + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion Fetzen + shred, tatter, scrap + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw aufschichten + to stack/build/pile sth up + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Aufschichtung + stacking, piling up, building + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Abstand zu jmdm/etw wahren + to keep one's distance from sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Ferne + distance + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Weite + distance + C
+ + 103 Containers Dishes and pots Bierkrug + beer mug, tankard + A
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Kessel + tank + A
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Tank + tank + A
+ + 103 Containers General Behälter + container + B
+ + 103 Containers General Container + container + B
+ + 103 Containers General Gefäß + container, vessel + B
+ + 103 Containers General etw enthalten + to contain sth + B
+ + 103 Containers General in etw enthalten sein + to be contained in sth + B
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Wasserkasten + water tank + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Ständer + stand + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Kleiderständer + coat stand + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Schirmständer + umbrella stand + B
+ + 103 Containers Dishes and pots Bierseidel + beer mug, tankard + C
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Faul- + septic tank + C
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Entwicklerschale + developing tank + C
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Wasserspeicher + tank, reservoir + C
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Sauerstoffbehälter + oxygen tank + C
+ + 103 Time Time phrases dauernd + continual, constant + B
+ + 103 Time Time phrases ständig + continual, constant + B
+ + 103 Time Time phrases gleichzeitig + at the same time, simultaneous + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Glasmalerei + stained glass + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Standbild + statue + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Darstellung + representation, portrayal, depiction + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Einzelheit + detail + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Solistenkonzert + recital + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Gitarre + guitar + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Gitarrist(in) + guitarist + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Heavymetal (Heavy Metal) + heavy metal + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühne + stage + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Staatstheater + state theatre + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre etw aufführen + to perform, put on, stage sth + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Star + star + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Dokumentarfilm + documentary + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Kulturfilm + documentary + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Ausstattungsfilm + spectacular (film) + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography (etw) fotografieren + to photograph sth; take photographs + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture gegenständlich + representational + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Lautenist(in) + lutanist + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Tango + tango + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Inspizient(in) + stage manager + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenarbeiter(in) + stagehand + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenbild + (stage) set + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenbildner(in) + stage or set designer + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Parkett + stalls, parquet + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Operette + operetta, comic opera + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Vorhang + curtain; curtain call + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre einen Vorhang bekommen + to get a curtain call + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre vor den Vorhang treten + to take a curtain call + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Leinwandgröße + famous film star + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Frontalperspektive + frontal depiction, frontal perspective + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Betrachtungspunkt + viewpoint, point of station + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Metall + metal + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture metallen + (made of) metal + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Notenständer + music stand + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Oktave + octave + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Trikot + leotard + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Stepptanz + tap dance + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance steppen + to tap dance + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Steppeisen + tap + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Kastagnette + castanet + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenanweisung + stage direction + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Auftritt + entrance (on stage); scene + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre auftreten + to appear on stage, enter + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abgang + exit (off stage) + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre rechts vom Schauspieler + stage right + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre links vom Schauspieler + stage left + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre nach vorn + downstage + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre nach hinten + upstage + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre hinter der Bühne + backstage + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Bühnenausstattung + stage property, props + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre der eiserne Vorhang + safety curtain + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Lampenfieber + stage fright + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Tonfilm + sound film; talkie + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Verschnitt + outtake + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography digitale Kamera + digital camera + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Reportage + reportage + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Kiosk + newsstand + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Videokassette + video (cassette tape) + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Videothek + video rental store + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Sender + (radio) station; (television) channel + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Wiederholung + instant replay + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media das Radio auf einen Sender einstellen + to tune the radio to a station + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Rundfunk + radio broadcasting; radio station + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Redaktionsmitglied + staffer + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media eine Presseerklärung herausgeben + to release a press statement + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Talkshow + talk show + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Stubenhocker + couch potato + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Kommentar + commentary + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Advertising auf etw zielen + to target sth + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Sendersuchlauf + (automatic) station search + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Piratensender + pirate radio station + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Live-Reportage + live/running commentary + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Filmmaterial + footage + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Erzählung + tale, story + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Märchen + fairy tale + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Strophe + verse, stanza + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Entwicklungsroman + developmental novel + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Dissertation + dissertation + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Zitat + quotation + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style Metapher + metaphor + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Schwank + low burlesque, comic tale + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Katastrophe + catastrophe + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure erregendes Moment + exciting force, catalyst + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure retardierendes Moment + retardation, moment of final suspense + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style Parataxe + parataxis + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style parataktisch + paratactic + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style Hypotaxe + hypotaxis + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style hypotaktisch + hypotactic + C
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing sprechen + to speak, talk + A
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing reden + to speak, talk + A
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying Behauptung + statement, assertion + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering schwatzen + to chatter, talk, blab + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering schwatzhaft (pej.) + talkative, garrulous + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering gesprächig + talkative + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering Blödsinn reden + to talk rubbish + A
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous etw zurücknehmen + to take sth back + A
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing sich unterhalten + to talk, converse + B
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing Unterredung + discussion, talk + B
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing etw ansprechen + to broach/talk about sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Explaining auf Einzelheiten/ins Detail gehen + to go into detail + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing etw angreifen + to attack sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing streitlustig, streitsüchtig + argumentative + B
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing gegen jmdn/etw hetzen + to smear sb/agitate against sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering jmdn beschwatzen + to sweet-talk sb + B
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering Verkaufsargumentation + sales talk + B
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous stammeln + to stammer + B
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering parlieren (elev.) + to talk away + C
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous kauderwelschen + to talk gibberish; talk jargon; talk a mishmash of languages or dialects + C
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous das Wort ergreifen + to take the floor + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing Schreibfehler + spelling mistake + A
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing Kursivschrift + italics + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing kursiv (gedruckt) + in italics + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Füllfederhalter + fountain pen + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Füller + (fountain) pen + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Stempel + stamp, mark + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation Gänsefüßchen + quotation mark + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation Anführungszeichen + quotation mark + C
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies Briefmarkensammler(in) + stamp collector, philatelist + A
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies Briefmarkenalbum + stamp album + A
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Jahrmarktsbude + booth/stall at a fairground + A
+ + 103 Leisure Relaxation relaxen + to take it easy, relax + B
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Musikpavillon + bandstand + B
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies Schneiderpuppe + tailor's dummy + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games Einsatz + stake + C
+ + 103 Sport Sports Tischtennis + table tennis + A
+ + 103 Sport Premises Stadion + stadium + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Zielscheibe + target + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Schießscheibe + target + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition jmdn angreifen + to tackle sb + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Angriff + tackle + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Tackling + tackle + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Bergsteigen + climbing, mountaineering + B
+ + 103 Sport Athletes Bergsteiger(in) + climber, mountaineer + B
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Zielband + tape + B
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Gymnastikanzug + leotard + B
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Reck + horizontal bar + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Fünfkampf + pentathlon + C
+ + 103 Sport Premises Tribüne + stand + C
+ + 103 Sport Premises auf der Tribüne + in the stands + C
+ + 103 Sport Athletes Alpinist(in) + mountaineer + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Angelgeräte + fishing tackle + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Zielpfahl + stake + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition in Führung gehen + to take the lead + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Bantamgewicht + bantamweight + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Doping + drug-taking + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Dopingsünder(in) + drug-taker + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition verbotene Substanzen + banned substances + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Fastfoodrestaurant + fast food restaurant + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Fischrestaurant + seafood restaurant + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Taxi + taxi + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Benzintank + petrol tank + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Tankstelle + service station + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport tanken + to fill the tank, tank up + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport etw starten + to start sth + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Speisewagen + restaurant car + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Bahnhof + train station + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Hauptbahnhof + main railway station + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Station + station + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Stand-by-Ticket + stand-by ticket + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Kapitän(in) + captain [also naut.] + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport starten + to take off + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Start + takeoff + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Tanker + tanker + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Öltanker + oil tanker + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Aufenthalt + stay + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Fahrplan + timetable + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Seebad + seaside/coastal resort + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Unterkunft + lodging, place to stay, accommodation + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities übernachten + to stay, spend the night + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Übernachtung + overnight stay + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Gaststätte + restaurant + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Restaurantkette + restaurant chain + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Entertainment + entertainment + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Unterhaltung + entertainment + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Luxusrestaurant + first-class restaurant + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Restaurantführer + restaurant guide + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gastwirt(in) + restaurant owner/manager + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport etw anlassen + to start sth [engine] + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Kursbuch + timetable + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Abflug + takeoff, departure + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport abfliegen + to take off, leave, depart + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Containerschiff + container ship + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Kofferanhänger + luggage label/tag + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism die landschaftlich schöne Strecke nehmen + to take the scenic route + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Kabine + stateroom + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining gutbürgerlich + solid, respectable; good + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Personal + personnel, staff + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gastronom(in) + restaurateur + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Kombiwagen + station wagon + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Katalysator + catalytic converter + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport etw überholen + to pass/overtake sth + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Bodenpersonal + ground staff + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Schornstein + funnel, smokestack + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Anlegesteg + jetty, landing stage + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Landesteg + landing stage + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Lebensgefahr + mortal danger + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth werdende Mutter + expectant mother + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Tote(r) + dead person, fatality, casualty + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death tödlich + fatal + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Grabinschrift + epitaph + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Nachlass + estate + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce eheliche Pflichten + marital duties + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death sterbliche Überreste + (mortal) remains + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Staatsbegräbnis + state funeral + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce Herrenabend + stag party + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Satan + Satan + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Abendmahl + communion [Protestant], Lord's Supper + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice das Abendmahl nehmen/empfangen + to take/receive communion + A
+ + 103 Religion Religious buildings and architecture Altar + altar + A
+ + 103 Religion General Kirchensteuer + church tax + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions Protestantismus + Protestantism + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions protestantisch + Protestant + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions evangelisch + Protestant, Evangelical + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions Protestant(in) + Protestant + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions Taoismus + Taoism + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrine Todsünde + mortal/deadly sin + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrine der Alte/Neue Bund + the Old/New Testament or Covenant + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrine das Alte/Neue Testament + the Old/New Testament + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Reue + repentance, penitence + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice reuevoll + repentant + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Buße + repentance, penitence + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice meditieren + to meditate + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Meditation + meditation + B
+ + 103 Religion Religious buildings and architecture Altarbild + altarpiece + B
+ + 103 Religion Religious buildings and architecture Hochaltar + high altar + B
+ + 103 Religion Religions Fundamentalismus + fundamentalism + C
+ + 103 Religion Religions Fundamentalist(in) + fundamentalist + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines karitativ + charitable + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Talmud + Talmud + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Pentateuch + Pentateuch + C
+ + 103 Religion Clergy die Priesterweihe empfangen + to take holy orders + C
+ + 103 Education General Stundenplan + timetable, schedule + A
+ + 103 Education General Talent + talent + A
+ + 103 Education General Begabung + talent + A
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Vortrag + lecture, talk + A
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Klassensprecher(in) + class representative + A
+ + 103 Education Type of school Grundschule + elementary school + A
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Fehler + mistake + A
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Diktat + dictation + A
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications etw diktieren + to dictate sth + A
+ + 103 Education School Aufgabe + exercise, task + B
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Füller + fountain pen + B
+ + 103 Education Type of school staatliche Schule + state school + B
+ + 103 Education School and university subjects Italienisch + Italian + B
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Doktorarbeit + dissertation + B
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Staatsexamen + state examination + B
+ + 103 Education School ausfallen + to not take place, be cancelled + C
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Numerus clausus (NC) + restricted entry, quota + C
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Fernstudium + distance learning + C
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Katalog + catalogue + C
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Lehrerkollegium + teaching staff [of a school] + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences fest + stable + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences stabil + stable + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Metall + metal + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Spannung + voltage + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Distanz + distance + A
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences botanisch + botanical + A
+ + 103 Science General Datum + piece of data + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics Endsumme + total + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics den Durchschnitt nehmen + to take the average + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics insgesamt + in total + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics Prozentsatz + percentage + B
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Metallurgie + metallurgy + B
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences mutieren + to mutate + B
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Lebensraum + habitat + B
+ + 103 Science Ecology Kernkraftwerk + nuclear power station + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Planetenbahn + planetary orbit + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Planetarium + planetarium + B
+ + 103 Science General Experimentalwissen-schaften + experimental sciences + C
+ + 103 Science Mathematics Logarithmentafel + logarithm table + C
+ + 103 Science Mathematics Statistik + statistics + C
+ + 103 Science Mathematics statistisch + statistical + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Periodensystem + periodic table + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Widerstand + resistance + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences widerstandsfähig + resistant + C
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Stalaktit + stalactite + C
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Stalagmit + stalagmite + C
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Kontinentalsockel + continental shelf + C
+ + 103 Science Space science Anziehungskraft + gravitational pull + C
+ + 103 Science Space science Sternschnuppe + shooting star + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Hahn + tap, faucet + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Mörser + mortar + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Heuhaufen + haystack + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Stall + stall, stable + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Pferde- + stable + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Livestock den Stall ausmisten + to clean/muck out the stable + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Frühgemüse + early vegetables + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Weinlese + grape harvest, vintage + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Jahrgang + vintage + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Gärung + fermentation + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Livestock (Zucht)hengst + (breeding) stallion + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops etw im Wechsel anbauen + to rotate sth + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Fruchtwechsel + crop rotation + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Fruchtfolge + crop rotation + C
+ + 103 Industry General kapitalintensiv, arbeitsintensiv + capital/labour-intensive industries + A
+ + 103 Industry Industries Metallindustrie + metal industry + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Arbeitsplatz + work place, work station, workspace + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Metallarbeiter(in) + metal worker + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Schlosser(in) + fitter, metal worker + B
+ + 103 Industry General Inventur + stocktaking + C
+ + 103 Industry General Inventur machen + to stocktake + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Vergnügungsindustrie + entertainment industry + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Heimindustrie + cottage industry + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Gerber(in) + tanner + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel persönlicher Assistent; persönliche Assistentin + personal assistant + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Prices and profit Ladenpreis + retail price + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce General Einzelhandel + retail trade + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce General Einzelhändler(in) + retailer + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce General Einzelhandelsgeschäft + retail outlet + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Übernahme + take-over, buy-out + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm etw übernehmen + to take over sth + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Übernahmeangebot + take-over bid + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Belegschaft + staff + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Production and consumption Markenartikel + proprietary brand + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Production and consumption Qualitätsnorm + quality standard + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Zielmarkt + target market + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Verkaufsziel + sales target + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales ein Ziel setzen + to set a target + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales gezielte Aktion + targeted campaign + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Marktfähigkeit + marketability + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales marktfähig + marketable + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales absetzbar + marketable + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Prices and profit Startkosten + start-up costs + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel stellvertretender Leiter + assistant manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Unternehmensberater(in) + management consultant + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Production and consumption Produktionsziel + production target + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales einen Markt erschließen + to tap a market + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Lebenslauf + curriculum vitae, résumé + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Assistent(in) + assistant + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Gemüsehändler(in) + greengrocer, vegetable supplier + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Wirt(in) + owner of restaurant, innkeeper + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Schneider(in) + tailor, dressmaker + A
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Nettolohn + take-home pay + B
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment in Frührente gehen (coll.) + to take early retirement + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Stallbursche + stable lad + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Tankwart(in) + petrol station attendant + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Hausmeister(in) + caretaker + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Wirtschaftsprüfer(in) + accountant + B
+ + 103 Employment Unions and industrial action Gewerkschaftsvertreter(in) + union representative + B
+ + 103 Employment General Arbeitskräftemangel + labour shortage + C
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment freiwillige Arbeitslosigkeit + voluntary redundancy + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Grundstücks-makler(in) + (real) estate agent + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Immobilienmakler(in) + (real) estate agent + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Steuerbeamte(r) + tax officer + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Bestatter(in) + undertaker + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Verhandlungstisch + bargaining table + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Sekretär(in) + secretary + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Offices Sekretärinnenzimmer + secretary's office + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Briefpapier + stationery + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schreibmaterial + writing material, stationery + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Hefter + stapler + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Heftklammer + staple + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Tesafilm + Scotch tape ®, Sellotape ® + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Diktiergerät + dictating machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Diktiermaschine + dictating machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing jmdm etw diktieren + to dictate sth to sb + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Großbuchstabe + capital letter + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Tippfehler + typing mistake, typo + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Fremdsprachense-kretär(in) + bilingual secretary + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Büropersonal + clerical staff + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials das Protokoll aufnehmen + to take the minutes + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Konferenztisch + conference table + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Datumsstempel + date stamp + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials etw mit Datumsstempel versehen + to date stamp sth + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Unterschriftstempel + signature stamp + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Arbeitsplatzstation + work station + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Datenbank + data bank, database + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Datenverarbeitung + data processing + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing elektronische Datenverarbeitung (EDV) + electronic data processing, computing + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Offices Kanzlei + office [of lawyer, notary] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Offices Sekretariat + secretariat + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Klebstreifenhalter + adhesive tape dispenser + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Klebstreifenrolle + roll of adhesive tape + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials DIN-Format + German standard paper size + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Karteireiter + index tab + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Tabulator + tab + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Tabulatortaste + tab key + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Briefmarke + stamp + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post etw stempeln + to stamp/cancel sth + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone bleiben Sie am Apparat! + hold the line! stay on the line! + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Postdienst + postal service + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Postgebühr + postage + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Porto + postage + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post porto- + postage paid + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post freigemacht + postage paid [envelope] + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Einladungsschreiben + (official) invitation + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone ein tragbares Telefon + a portable phone + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Postanweisung + postal/money order + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Postwertzeichen + stamp + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Nachgebühr + excess, postage due + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Strafporto + excess, postage due + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Rückporto + return postage + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Versandhauskatalog + mail-order catalogue + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone Fernsprechauskunft + directory assistance + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone Orts- + local/long-distance call + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone eine Telefonleitung anzapfen + to tap a phone line + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone die Leitung wird abgehört + the wires are tapped + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Kaution stellen + to stand bail + A
+ + 103 Law Crime jmdn erstechen + to stab sb to death + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Überwachung + stakeout + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Beschatter(in) + tail + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation jmdn beschatten lassen + to put a tail on sb + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Polizeirevier + police station + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Aussage + statement + B
+ + 103 Law Justice eine eidliche/schriftliche Aussage + a sworn/written statement + B
+ + 103 Law Justice eine Aussage machen + to make a statement, give evidence + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Einspruch abgelehnt/stattgegeben + objection overruled/sustained + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Zeugenstand + witness stand + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Freispruch + acquittal + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Einzelhaft + solitary confinement + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Geisel + hostage + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Bombenanschlag + bomb attack + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Brandanschlag + arson attack + C
+ + 103 Law Justice mildernde Umstände + extenuating circumstances + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Indizienbeweis + circumstantial evidence + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Vorsatz + premeditation, intent + C
+ + 103 Law Justice einen Eid ablegen/schwören/leisten + to take/swear an oath + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Vollstreckungs-aufschub + stay of execution + C
+ + 103 Finance General Kapital + capital + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss profitabel + profitable + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Gewinn/Profit bringend + profitable + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuer + tax + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuern bezahlen + to pay taxes + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuerzahler(in) + tax-payer + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Lohn- + income tax + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuergruppe + tax bracket + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation besteuerbar + taxable + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation steuerfrei + tax-free + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Finanzamt + tax office + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuererklärung + tax return + A
+ + 103 Finance General Startkapital + starting capital + B
+ + 103 Finance General Finanzberater(in) + financial consultant + B
+ + 103 Finance Money Rückseite, Zahlseite + tails + B
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Rate + instalment + B
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Teilzahlungskauf + instalment plan + B
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Einnahme + takings + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt eine Hypothek aufnehmen + to take out a mortgage + B
+ + 103 Finance The market Immobilienmarkt + property/real estate market + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kontoauszug + bank statement + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kapitalanlage + investment of capital + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation etw versteuern + to pay tax on sth + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation versteuerte Waren + taxed goods + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation etw besteuern + to tax sth + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuersatz + rate of taxation + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Vermögenssteuer + property tax + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuerparadies + tax haven + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuerhinterziehung + tax evasion + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuerhinterzieher(in) + tax dodger + B
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuerflucht + tax exile + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance eine Versicherung (gegen etw) abschließen + to take out insurance (against sth) + B
+ + 103 Finance General brachliegendes Kapital + idle capital + C
+ + 103 Finance General Währungspolitik + monetary policy + C
+ + 103 Finance General Internationaler Währungsfonds + International Monetary Fund + C
+ + 103 Finance Money etw aus dem Verkehr ziehen + to take sth out of circulation + C
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Rentabilität + profitability + C
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Rendite + return on capital + C
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Außenstände + outstanding debts + C
+ + 103 Finance The market Goldwährung + gold standard + C
+ + 103 Finance The market zurückgehen + to take a downturn + C
+ + 103 Finance The market abflauen + to take a downturn + C
+ + 103 Finance The market Kapitalaufnahme durch Emission von Aktien + flotation + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kapitalgewinn + capital gain + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kapitalverlust + capital loss + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Mehrwertsteuer + value added tax + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Freibetrag + tax allowance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation steuerlich absetzbar + tax-deductible + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuervergünstigung + tax relief + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steueranreiz + tax incentive + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Erbschaftssteuer + inheritance tax; estate taxes; death + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Kapitalverkehrssteuer + capital transfer tax + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Körperschaftssteuer + corporation tax + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Einkommenssteuer einbehalten + to deduct income tax at source + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography kontinental + continental + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Schelf + continental shelf + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography südlicher Polarkreis + Antarctic circle + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Antarktika + Antarctica + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Italien + Italy + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Italiener(in) + Italian + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Großbritannien + Great Britain + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Katar + Qatar + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Kasachstan + Kazakhstan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Taiwan + Taiwan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Taiwanese + Taiwanese + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Kirgisistan + Kirghizstan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Tadschikistan + Tajikistan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Afghanistan + Afghanistan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Pakistan + Pakistan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Bhutan + Bhutan + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Mauretanien + Mauretania + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Tansania + Tanzania + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Tansanier(in) + Tanzanian + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Costa Rica + Costa Rica + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Costa-Ricaner(in) + Costa Rican + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples die Vereinigten Staaten + the United States + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn angreifen + to attack sb + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Angriff + attack + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Militär + military + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Stabsoffizier(in) + staff officer + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Fuß + bottom [mountain], foot + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples der Antarktische Ozean + the Antarctic Ocean + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Kriegshistoriker(in) + military historian + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw überfallen + to attack, raid, invade sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Taktik + tactics + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Widerstand + resistance + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Wehrpflicht + conscription, compulsory military service + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Wehrdienst + military service + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Kriegsminister(in) + Secretary of State for War + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Bataillon + battalion + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Sonderkommando + special unit, detachment + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Hauptmann + captain + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons zu den Waffen greifen + to take up arms + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Gasangriff + gas attack + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Panzer + tank + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Minenwerfer + mortar + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivildienst + community service [alternative to military service] + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Grundwasserspiegel + water table + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Kreter(in) + Cretan + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Malta + Malta + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Tahiti + Tahiti + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Tahiti(an)er(in) + Tahitian + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Kristallnacht + Crystal Night, 'Night of Broken Glass' + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History der Eiserne Vorhang + the Iron Curtain + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War verheerend + devastating + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw im Sturm erobern + to take sb/sth by storm + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Interkontinetalrakete + intercontinental missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensverhandlungen + peace talks + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Kapitalismus + capitalism + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections Parlamentswahl + parliamentary election + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Staat + state, government + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government parlamentarisch + parliamentary + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Abgeordnete(r) + representative, member of parliament + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General Staatsstreich + coup (d'état) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies (Militär)diktatur + (military) dictatorship + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Polizeistaat + police state + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections sich zur Wahl stellen + to run [for an office], stand + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections Wahllokal + polling station + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Bundestag + Bundestag, lower house + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Innenminister(in) + Home Secretary, Minister of the Interior, Secretary of the Interior (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Außenministerium + Foreign Office, Foreign Ministry, State Department (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Außenminister(in) + Foreign Secretary, Foreign Minister, Secretary of State (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Finanzminister(in) + Chancellor of the Exchequer; Minister of Finance, Treasury Secretary (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Verteidiungs-minister(in) + Secretary of State for/Minister of Defence + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Landwirtschafts-minister(in) + Secretary of State for/Minister of Agriculture + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Gesundheits-minister(in) + Secretary of State for/Minister of Health + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Arbeitsminister(in) + Employment Secretary, Labor Secretary (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Umweltminister(in) + Secretary of State/Minister for the Environment + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Handelsminister(in) + Trade Secretary, Secretary of Commerce (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Staatsbesuch + state visit + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Europe europäische Norm + European standard + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Totalitarismus + totalitarianism + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political parties Fraktion + congressional or parliamentary party + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Stellvertreter(in) + deputy, representative + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Landesregierung + government of a state + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity ständiger Ausschuss + standing committee + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Attaché + attaché + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Europe Europäische Währungsunion + European Monetary Union + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Unterstützung + assistance, aid + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services staatliche Unterstützung + state aid + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Sozialwohnung + council flat, state-subsidized apartment + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Rehabilitation + rehabilitation + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Rehabilitationszentrum + rehabilitation centre + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Ecstasy + ecstasy + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Umweltschutz + environmental protection + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Umweltschützer(in) + environmentalist + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment umweltfreundlich + environmentally friendly + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Umweltkatastrophe + environmental disaster + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Fürsorge + welfare, relief, assistance + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Wohungsnot + housing shortage + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Amphetamin + amphetamine + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Schadstoff + pollutant + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Beihilfe + financial assistance + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Wohlfahrtstaat + welfare state + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment phosphatfrei + phosphate-free/containing phosphates + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Abholzung + deforestation + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Entwaldung + deforestation + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Wiederaufforstung + reforestation + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * dong3 understand/ know verstehen, begreifen,kapieren +
A 同時 + * * tong2shi2 at the same time/ simultaneously gleichzeitig +
A 磁帶 + * * ci2dai4 magnetic tape Tonband +
A 車站 + * * che1zhan4 station/ stop Station,Haltestelle +
A + * * a1 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch +
A + * * a 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens +
A 認識 + * * ren4shi recognize/ understand/ cognition erkennen,kennen,bekannt sein mit +
A + * * ben3 book/ root/ capital 1. Wurzel, Stamm, Stengel, Stiel 2. Grundlage, Basis 3. Kapital 4.Buch, Heft 5.Ausgabe 6. Zählwort für Bücher +
A + * * ai3 short (of stature), low 1.(VH) klein 2. niedrig +
A 飯店 + * * fan4dian4 restaurant/ hotel Hotel,Restaurant +
A + * * wei4 (measure word for people of status) 1. Platz, Ort, Stelle 2. Stand, Stellung, Rang 3. Thron 4.Stelle 5. ein Zählwort, für Personen +
A + * * zhong4 heavy/ important/ serious 1. Gewicht 2. schwer, gewichtig, hoch 3. tief, stark, schwer 4. wichtig, gewichtig, bedeutend 5. beachten, etw große Aufmerksamkeit schenken +
A 內容 + * * nei4rong2 content/ substance Inhalt, Gehalt, Substanz +
A 首都 + * * shou3du1 capital Hauptstadt +
A 重要 + * * zhong4yao4 important/ significant/ major wichtig +
A 方向 + * * fang1xiang4 direction/ orientation Richtung +
A 了解 + * * liao3jie3 understand/ know/ find out verstehen,kennen,kennen lernen +
A + * * tan2 talk/ chat/ discuss 1. sprechen, besprechen, diskutieren 2.Gesprächsthema +
A 好吃 + * * hao3chi1 delicious/ tasty/ good to eat lecker +
A + * * lai2 come/ arrive/ crop up/ take place etwa +
A 舒服 + * * shu1fu comfortable bequem, angenehm,sich wohlfühlen +
A + * * de2 1. to get. obtain 2. (of a calculation) result in 1 bekommen, erhalten, erwerben, holen, gewinnen, erlangen 2. Rechenergebnis 3. passend, geeignet 4. gebrauchsfertig 6. dürfen siehe de5, dei3 +
A 好處 + * * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain 1. Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug 2.Gewinn, Profit, Nutzen +
A 得到 + * * de2 dao4 get/ obtain/ gain/ receive bekommen +
A 故事 + * * gu4shi story/ tale Geschichte,Erzählung +
A 鍛煉 + * * duan4lian4 take exercise/ physical training Sport treiben +
A 一邊…一邊… + * * yi1bian1 yi1bian1 at the same time/ simultaneously einerseits...andererseits +
A + * * cuo4 wrong/ faulty/ mistake/ error 1.falsch,irrtümlich,Fehler, Irrtum 2. sich kreuzen, ineinander verzahnt 3. sich reiben 4. zeitlich staffeln +
A 錯誤 + * * cuo4wu4 mistake/ error/ fault 1. falsch, verkehrt, irrtümlich 2. Irrtum, Fehler +
A + * * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens 1.Gemüse 2.Lebensmittel außer Reis- und Mehlprodukten 3. Gericht, Gang, Speise, Küche +
A + * * liu2 remain/ stay/ keep/ grow/ leave 1. bleiben, verweilen, sich aufhalten 2. aufhalten, zurückhalten 3. behalten, aufbewahren 4. etw stehen o. wachsen lassen 5. annehmen, aktzeptieren 6. hinterlassen +
A 情況 + * * qing2kuang4 circumstance/ situation; condition Zustand,Situation +
A + * * gao1 tall/ high/ of a high degree 1. hoch, groß 2. Höhe, Größe 3. über dem Durchschnitt, hochgradig 4. laut 5. Ihre +
A 散步 + * * san4 bu4 take a walk spazieren gehen +
A 一共 + * * yi1gong4 in all/ altogether/ in total im ganzen,insgesamt +
A 參加 + * * can1jia1 join/ take part in/ attend teilnehmen an +
A 郵票 + * * you2piao4 stamp Briefmarke +
A 開始 + * * kai1shi3 begin/ start beginnen,anfangen +
A + * * zhu4 live/ reside/ stay/ stop/ cease 1. wohnen, leben 2. stoppen, aufhören +
A 開學 + * * kai1 xue2 school begins/ term starts Schulbeginn +
A 老(老二) + * * lao3 old/ aged/ tough/ of long standing 1.alt, betagt 2.Alte(r) 3. seit lange bestehend, alt 4. veraltet, alt, überholt 5. hart, zäh, nicht zart 6. lange, für eine lange Zeit 7. stets, immer 8. sehr +
A 作業 + * * zuo4ye4 homework/ operation/ task/ work Hausaufgaben, Aufgabe +
A 注意 + * * zhu4yi4 pay attention to/ take notice of beachten,aufpassen +
A + * * tuo1 take off/ cast off/ strip 1. abwerfen, abstreifen, abfallen, ausfallen 2. abnehmen, ausziehen 3. entfliehen, entgehen 4. fehlen 5. vernachlässigen +
A 合適 + * * he2shi4 appropriate/ right/ suitable passend +
A + * * zuo4 sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire 1. sitzen, sich setzen, Platz nehmen 2. fahren mit (Fahrzeug) 3. (Topf, Pfanne) aufs Feuer stellen 4. (Gewehr etc) zurückstoßen +
A + * * xue2 study/ learn/ imitate/ mimic 1. lernen,studieren 2. nachahmen, nachmachen, imitieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis 4. wissenschaftliches Fach, Lehrgegenstand 5. Schule, Lehranstalt +
A 水平 + * * shui3ping2 standard/ level/ horizontal Niveau,Standard +
A + * * shan1 mountain/ hill 1. Berg, Gebirge 2. bergähnliche Gebilde +
A 一些 + * * yi1xie1 a number of/ certain/ a few/ a little eine Anzahl von, einige, etliche +
A + * * chou1 take out/ take from/ grow/ inhale 1.herausnehmen, herausziehen 2. sprießen, treiben 3. ansaugen, abpumpen 4. eingehen +
A 取得 + * * qu3de2 gain/ acquire/ obtain erringen, erzielen, erwerben +
A 錶/表 + * * biao3 (錶) watch/ (表) table/ meter/ chart 1. Außenseite, Äußere, Oberfläche 2.Modell, Beispiel, Vorbild 3.Tabelle, Liste, Formular, graphische Darstellung 4. Meßinstrument, Zähler 5. zeigen, ausdrücken 6.bei Verwandtschaften 7. Armbanduhr 8.6. Cousin/Cousine mütterlicherseits, im Gegensatz zu 堂 v +
A 基本 + * * ji1ben3 basic/ fundamental/ on the whole Grund- +
A 起來 + * * qi3 lai2 stand up/ sit up/ rise to one's feet aufstehen +
A + * * shuo1 speak/ talk/ say/ scold 1. sprechen,sagen 2. erklären, erläutern 3. tadeln, kritisieren 4. Lehre, Theorie +
A 醫院 + * * yi1yuan4 hospital Krankenhaus +
A 出發 + * * chu1fa1 set out/ start from losgehen,sich auf den Weg machen +
A + * * quan2 complete/ whole/ entire/ full/ total 1. ganz, gesamt 2. komplett, vollständig, voll 3. etw als Ganzes unversehrt erhalten 4. völlig, gänzlich +
A + 饿* * e4 hungry/ starve Hunger, Hunger haben, hungrig +
A 經常 + * * jing1chang2 often/ frequently/ constantly/ usually alltäglich, oft,stets +
A + * * zhan4 occupy/ seize/ take/ constitute 1. etw in Besitz nehmen, erobern, sich aneignen, etw an sich reißen 2. ausmachen, einnehmen, innehaben +
A 出租汽車 + * * chu1zu1 qi4che1 taxi Taxi +
A + * * dai4 take/ do/ lead/ have 1. Band, Gürtel, Streifen 2. Reifen 3. Zone, Gürtel, Gebiet 4. mitnehmen, mitbringen , etw nebenbei für jn tun 5. enthalten , und 7.jn etw beibringen 8. führen, leiten 9. großziehen +
A + * * zhan4 stand/ be on one's feet/ stop/ halt stehen, halten, stoppen +
A + * * zhan4 stand/ be on one's feet/ stop/ halt 1.Station,Haltestelle 2.Dienstbüro, Station +
A 代表 + * * dai4biao3 represent/ representative/ deputy Deligierter,Vertreter, deligieren/vertreten/ +
A 發生 + * * fa1sheng1 happen/ occur/ take place geschehen, sich ereignen, entstehen +
A 桌子 + * * zhuo1zi table/ desk Tisch +
A 例如 + * * li4ru2 for example/ for instance zum Beispiel +
A + * * guo2 country/ state/ nation 1.Land, Staat, Nation 2.staatlich, national +
A + * * na2 take/ hold/ seize/ capture/ with/ at 1.(VC) (VB)nehmen, fassen ergreifen, halten 2. festhalten, überwältigen, überwinden 3. beherrschen, fähig zu etw sein 4. absichtlich Schwierigkeiten bereiten 5.(P08) mit (Instrument oder Ziel) +
A 聽寫 + * * ting1xie3 dictate/ dictation diktieren,Diktat +
A 國家 + * * guo2jia1 country/ state/ nation Land,Staat +
A 聯繫 + * * lian2xi4 integrate/ link/ contact/ connection integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung +
A + * * tong1 open up/ lead to/ understand 1. frei, offen, durchgehend, nicht verstopft 2. etw durch Stochern durchlässig machen 3.nach... führen 4.verbinden, mit jm etw verkehren 5. benachrichtigen 6. beherrschen 7. Experte 8. logisch, verständlich +
A 照相 + * * zhao4 xiang4 take a picture (or photograph) eine Aufnahme machen, fotographieren +
A + * * hua4 word/ talk/ speech/ remark 1. Wort, Rede, Sprache, 2. sprechen, reden +
A 橘子(桔子) + * * ju2zi orange/ tangerine/ mandarin Orange +
A 當然 + * * dang1ran2 of course/ certainly natürlich +
A + * * jie1 meet/ connect/ catch/ take over 1. sich berühren, naheliegen, in der Nähe, unweit 2.verbinden, verknüpfen, sich in Verbindung setzen, Kontakt aufnehmen 3. auffangen, 4. entgegennehmen, empfangen erhalten 5. abholen +
B 懂得 + * * dong3de know/ grasp/ understand verstehen, begreifen,kapieren +
B 收入 + * * shou1ru4 take in/ include/ income/ earning Einkommen +
B + * * dang4 1.treat as, take for, regard as 2.think betrachten als siehe dang1 +
B 尾巴 + * * wei3ba tail/ tail-like part Schwanz +
B 顯著 + * * xian3zhu4 notable/ marked/ remarkable beachtlich, beträchtlich,deutlich +
B + * * han2 keep in the mouth/ contain 1. (im Mund)halten, etw im Mund haben, lutschen 2. enthalten 3. hegen, zurückhalten +
B 階段 + * * jie1duan4 stage/ phase Stadium, Phase +
B 距離 + * * ju4li2 distance Entfernung / Distanz / Abstand +
B + * * fan4 violate/ offend/ attack 1. gegen etw verstoßen, verletzen (Regel), übertreten 2. angreifen, überfallen 3. Verbrecher 4. begehen, verüben, +
B 味道 + * * wei4dao taste/ flavor Aroma, Geschmack +
B 臺/檯 + * * tai2 (臺) platform/ measure word for theatrical plays/ (檯) table/ desk 1. erhöhter Platz, Plattform Terrasse, Podest 2. Ständer 3. terrassenförmige oder sockelförmige Gegenstände 4. Tisch 5. Sender, Sendestation 6. Ansagedienst 7. ein Zählwort +
B 邀請 + * * yao1qing3 invite/ invitation einladen +
B + * * ci4 stab 1.stechen, 2.morden, meucheln 4. reizen, irritieren 5. kritisieren +
B 愛護 + * * ai4hu4 cherish/ treasure/ take good care of schützen, lieben +
B 乒乓球 + * * ping1pang1qiu2 table tennis Tischtennis +
B 衛生 + * * wei4sheng1 hygiene/ health/ sanitary/ hygienical Gesundheit +
B 重大 + * * zhong4da4 great/ important/ major/ significant bedeutend, gewichtig +
B 重視 + * * zhong4shi4 attach importance to/ pay attention to Bedeutung zumessen, Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Wert, Wichtigkeit +
B 談話 + * * tan2 hua4 conversation/ talk sich unterhalten +
B 要緊 + * * yao4jin3 important/ essential Wichtig +
B 成立 + * * cheng2li4 establish/ found gründen, einrichten +
B 蔬菜 + * * shu1cai4 vegetable/ greens Gemüse +
B 比如 + * * bi3ru2 for example/ for instance zum Beispiel +
B 獨立 + * * du2li4 stand alone/ independence Unabhängig +
B + * * dao4 say, talk sagen +
B 突出 + * * tu1chu1 outstanding/ stand out hervorstehen, herausragen +
B 突擊 + * * tu1ji1 make a sudden attack/ assault plötzlich angreifen, einen Übergriff machen +
B 舒適 + * * shu1shi4 comfortable/ cozy/ snug komfortabel, bequem +
B + * * wen3 stable 1.fest, sicher,stabil 2.sicher, bestimmt, zweifelsohne +
B 堅定 + * * jian1ding4 firm/ steadfast/ staunch/ strengthen fest, resolut, entschieden +
B 穩定 + * * wen3ding4 stable/ steady stabil,standfest,stabilisieren/fixieren/festigen +
B 軍事 + * * jun1shi4 military affairs Militärangelegenheiten, Militärwesen +
B 生氣 + * * sheng1 qi4 get angry/ take offence böse sein, böse werden +
B 書記 + * * shu1ji4 secretary Sekretärin +
B 優點 + * * you1dian3 merit/ advantage/ strong point Vorteil, Vorzug +
B 土豆 + * * tu3dou4 potato Kartoffel +
B 必然 + * * bi4ran2 inevitable/ certain unvermeidbar, verpflichtet zu +
B 會談 + * * hui4tan2 talks Meeting, Treffen, Gespräch +
B 金屬 + * * jin1shu3 metal Metall +
B 詳細 + * * xiang2xi4 detailed ausführlich, sehr genau, detailiert +
B 優秀 + * * you1xiu4 excellent/ fine/ outstanding ausgezeichnet, hervorragend, vorzüglich +
B + * * cai3 tread/ stamp on treten, zertreten, niedertrampeln, zertrampeln, mit dem Fuß auf etwas treten +
B 悠久 + * * you1jiu3 long/ age-old/ longstanding lang, alt +
B 污染 + * * wu1ran3 pollute/ contaminate verschmutzen, Verschmutzung +
B 採取 + * * cai3qu3 take/ adopt anwenden, ergreifen +
B 吃驚 + * * chi1 jing1 be startled/ be shocked erschrecken, erstaunt sein, erschüttert sein +
B 開課 + * * kai1 ke4 start of school Schulbeginn, der Kurs startet +
B 隊伍 + * * dui4wu team leader/ captain Kontingent,Truppen +
B 餐廳 + * * can1ting1 restaurant/ dining room Restaurant +
B 情形 + * * qing2xing* circumstance/ condition/ situation Umstände,Lage +
B 開辟 + * * kai1pi4 open up/ start eröffnen, starten +
B 高大 + * * gao1da4 tall and big/ tall groß, hoch, riesig, großartig, erhaben +
B 達到 + * * da2 dao4 achieve/ attain/ reach erreichen, anlangen +
B 開演 + * * kai1yan3 begin/ start a show anfangen (Kino, Theater, Show) +
B 住院 + * * zhu4 yuan4 be in hospital im Krankenhaus sein +
B 進攻 + * * jing4gong1 attack/ assault/ offend angreifen,Angriff, Offensive +
B 作為 + * * zuo4wei2 regard as/ take for/ as 1. Handlung / Benehmen 2. etw. zustande bringen 3. etw. für. . . halten / etw. als. . . benutzen 4. als +
B 支援 + * * zhi1yuan2 support/ aid/ assist/ assistance/ help unterstützen, Unterstützung gewähren +
B 對象 + * * dui4xiang4 object/ target/ boyfriend or girlfriend Gegenstand, Objekt, Partner, Freund, Freundin +
B 一下子 + * * yi2xia4zi all at once/ in an instant in einem Augenblick, plötzlich, auf einmal +
B 樓梯 + * * lou2ti1 stairs/ staircase Treppenhaus, Treppe +
B 有利 + * * you3li4 advantageous/ beneficial vorteilhaft, günstig, nützlich +
B 獲得 + * * huo4de2 gain/ obtain/ acquire/ win/ achieve erreichen, erhalten, gewinnen, bekommen +
B 觀點 + * * guan1dian3 viewpoint/ standpoint Gesichtspunkt, Auffassung +
B 地位 + * * di4wei4 position/ status Status +
B + * * wa used to denote sigh or certainty in lautes Weinen ausbrechen +
B + * * qu3 get/ take 1. holen, abholen, herbeischaffen 2. sich etw zuziehen, bekommen 3. nehmen, wählen +
B 山脈 + * * shan1mai4 mountain range Gebirge, Gebirgskette,Gebirgszug,Sierra +
B 山區 + * * shan1qu1 a mountainous area Gebirgsbereich, Gebirgsregion +
B 標準 + * * biao1zhun3 standard/ criterion Standard, Standard- +
B 觀眾 + * * guan1zhong4 audience/ spectator/ viewer Zuschauer,Zuhörer, +
B 職工 + * * zhi2gong1 staff/ worker/ employee Personal +
B 物質 + * * wu4zhi4 matter/ substance/ material Material, Materie, Substanz +
B 建立 + * * jian4li4 build/ establish gründen, etablieren,errichten +
B 體育場 + * * ti3yu4chang3 stadium Stadion +
B 初級 + * * chu1ji2 elementary/ primary Elementar-, Grund-, Beginner- +
B + * * zhai1 cull/ pick/ pluck/ take off 1. pflücken, abnehmen 2. auswählen, ausziehen +
B + * * pai2 tablet/ board 1. Schild, Platte, Tafel 2. Marke, Warenzeichen 3. Spielkarten, Dominosteine etc +
B + * * ti4 take the place of/ replace/ for/ on behalf of 1. ersetzen, an js Stelle treten 2. für, in js Namen, um js Willen +
B 誤會 + * * wu4hui4 misunderstand/ mistake/ misunderstanding Mißverständnis, mißverstehen +
B 商量 + * * shang1liang consult/ discuss/ talk over konsultieren, besprechen, diskutieren +
B + * * zhuan4 turn, rotate, revolve sich drehen, rotieren, Umdrehung siehe zhuan3 +
B 個子 + * * ge4zi height/ stature/ build Statur +
B 講話 + * * jiang3 hua4 speak/ talk Rede, sprechen, ansprechen +
B 理解 + * * li3jie3 understand/ comprehend/ understanding verstehen, begreifen, erfassen +
B 激動 + * * ji1dong4 excited/ exciting/ excite/ stir/ agitate aufgeregt, anstacheln, aufregen +
B 模仿 + 仿* * mo2fang3 copy/ imitate imitieren, nachmachen +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus +
B 上當 + * * shang4 dang4 be fooled/ be taken in auf den Leim gehen +
B + * * dai1 stay bleiben,(Zeit) verbringen +
B + * * dai1 stay dumm,idiotisch,närrisch,verblüfft +
B 根本 + * * gen1ben3 root/ essence/ basic/ fundamental 1. Wurzel 2. Fuß, Ende, Basis 3. Ursprung, Ursache 4. gründlich, vollkommen, grundlegend 5.schlicht, einfach 6. Zählwort für streifenartige Dinge +
B 保持 + * * bao3chi2 keep/ maintain/ preserve wahren, aufrechterhalten, halten +
B 出院 + * * chu1 yuan4 be discharged/ from hospital das Krankenhaus verlassen +
B 狀況 + * * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition Bedingung, Zustand,Verhältnisse +
B 完整 + * * wan2zheng3 complete/ intact Vollständigkeit, vollkommen +
B 狀態 + * * zhuang4tai4 state/ condition Bedingung, Lage, Zustand +
B 電視臺 + * * dian4shi4tai2 TV station Fernsehstation +
B 確定 + * * que4ding4 make certain/ make sure/ define/ determine sicher, definitiv, bestimmt, bestimmen, ermitteln, sicher sein +
B 電臺 + * * dian4tai2 transceiver/ broadcasting station Sendestation +
B 發動 + * * fa1dong4 start/ launch/ arouse anfangen, starten, moblisieren +
B 產生 + * * chan3sheng1 produce/ take place/ engender erzeugen, hervorrufen, bewirken +
B + * * mou3 certain/ some einige,gewiß, bestimmt +
B + * * luo4 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung siehe la4 +
B + * * mu3 1 mǔ = 0.0667 hectare ein Zählwort 1,15 Hektar (Mu) =1500qm +
B 鬍子 + * * hu2zi beard/ moustache Bart +
B 交通 + * * jiao1tong1 traffic/ transportation Transport, Verkehr, +
B + * * chang2 taste 1.schmecken, probieren, Geschmack 2.einst, einmal, ehemals +
B 目標 + * * mu4biao1 objective/ target Ziel +
B 例子 + * * li4zi example/ case/ instance Beispiel, Fall +
B 招待 + * * zhao2dai4 receive/ entertain bewirten, empfangen, Empfang, Rezeption +
B + * * li4 stand 1. stehen 2. aufrichten, aufstellen 3. gründen, errichten 4.bestehen, existieren 5. aufrecht, senkrecht, gerade 6. sogleich, sofort +
B 立場 + * * li4chang3 position/ stand/ standpoint Standpunkt +
B 意外 + * * yi4wai4 accidental/ unexpected/ accident unerwartet, Unfall +
B 心情 + * * xin1qing2 mood/ state of mind Stimmung +
B 補習 + * * bu3xi2 take lessons after school außerhalb des Unterrichts Ergänzungslektionen nehmen +
B 制定 + * * zhi4ding4 establish/ lay down/ stipulate ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen +
B 資料 + * * zi1liao4 data/ material/ means Mittel, Materialien, Daten +
B 馬克 + * * ma3ke4 mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) Mark (Währung) +
B 法律 + * * fa3lv4 law/ statute Gesetz +
B 長途 + * * chang2tu2 long distance lange Strecke, weite Entfernung +
B 人才(人材) + * * ren2cai2 talent begabte Person +
B 事業 + * * shi4ye4 cause/ undertaking Werk, Sache,öffentliche Anstalten +
B 國民黨 + * * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) Kuomintang +
B 秩序 + * * zhi4xu4 order/ orderly state Ordnung +
B 眼鏡 + * * yan3jing4 eyeglasses/ spectacles Brille, +
B 適當 + * * shi4dang4 suitable/ proper angemessen,passend, geeignet +
B 副食 + * * fu4shi2 non-staple food Nicht-Grundnahrungsmittel +
B 適用 + 使* * shi4yong4 applicable/ suitable anwenden, benutzen, Gebrauch machen von +
B + * * bei1 tablet Denkmal, Gedenktafel, Gedenkstein +
B + * * xian1 lift/ take off hochheben, hochziehen, abheben, aufschlagen +
B 星星 + * * xing1xing star Stern +
B 公費 + * * gong1fei4 at public (state) expense öffentliche Ausgaben +
B 自然 + * * zi3ran2 nature/ natural/ spontaneous 1. Natur 2. natürlich 3. von selbst / auf natürlichem Weg natürlich / ungekünstelt +
B 記錄 + * * ji4lu4 take notes/ record Aufzeichnung, aufzeichnen +
B 人員 + * * ren2yuan2 personnel/ staff Personal +
B 自學 + * * zi4xue2 self-study/ self-taught/ study independently Selbststudium betreiben, autodidaktisch +
B 形成 + * * xing2cheng2 take shape/ form Gestalt annehmen, bilden, formen +
B 接觸 + * * jie1chu4 contact Kontakt, berühren, in Berührung sein +
B 壞處 + * * huai4chu harm/ disadvantage Schaden, Nachteil +
B 形勢 + * * xing2shi4 situation/ circumstances Situation +
B 院長 + * * yuan4zhang3 the head of a college; institute; hospital; etc. Dekan, Präsident, Institutsleiter +
B 任務 + * * ren4wu mission/ task/ job Aufgabe, Auftrag, Pflicht +
C 懂事 + * * dong3 shi4 be intelligent/ be sensible/ be understanding intelligent, einsichtsvoll +
C 茅台酒 + * * mao2tai2jiu3 maotai (liquor) Maotai (chin. Schnaps) +
C 英明 + * * ying1ming2 outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise weise, klug +
C 不是 + * * bu4shi4_er2shi4_ mistake/ fault/ blame Fehler, Schuld +
C 難題 + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage +
C 不停 + * * bu4ting2 ceaselessly/ constantly/ on and on unaufhörlich, ohne Ende +
C + * * zong3 put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief 1. zusammenfassen, zusammenstellen 2. allseitig, total 3. führend, leitend, Haupt-, General-, Chef- 4. immer, stets 5. wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls +
C 腦力 + * * naoli4 mental power/ thinking ability/ intelligence Gehirn,Geisteskraft, mental +
C 緩慢 + * * huan3man4 slow/ sluggish/ tardy langsam, sacht +
C 款待 + * * kuan3dai4 entertain cordially/ treat cordially gastfreundlich aufnehmen, gastlich bewirten +
C + * * tong3 thick bamboo segment/ tube-shaped container 1. dickes Bambusrohr 2. dicker röhrenförmiger Gegenstand, Zylinder, Röhre 3. röhrenförmige Teile eines Kleidungsstücks +
C + * * wei4 taste/ flavor/ smell/ odor/ interest/ food 1. Geschmack, Aroma 2. Geruch 3.interessant, geschmackvoll +
C 行星 + * * xing2xing1 moving-star/ planet Planet +
C 含量 + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt +
C + * * ta4 step/ tread/ stamp/ stomp/ trample 1. treten, betreten, gehen 2. sich an Ort und Stelle begeben +
C 神話 + * * shen2hua4 mythology/ myth/ fairy tale/ preposterous theory Mythologie,Legende +
C 統計 + * * tong3ji4 totally-count/ tally/ collect statistic data/ statistics Statistik +
C 總共 + * * zong3gong4 overall-total/ altogether/ in all/ in the aggregate/ in total zusammengerechnet, insgesamt +
C 沉思 + * * chen2si1 muse/ ponder/ meditate/ contemplate meditieren, Meditation, Kontemplation, +
C 鬧笑話 + * * nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself/ make a silly mistake sich lächerlich machen +
C 統統 + * * tong3tong3 totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly alle (total) +
C 幻燈 + * * huan4deng1 slide/ slide presentation/ slide projector Diapositiv, Diavorführung, Projektor +
C 幻想 + * * huan4xiang3 fantasize/ dream/ fancy/ fantasy/ illusion Illusion, Phantasie, Hirngespinst +
C 飯館 + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel +
C 刺激 + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr +
C 諒解 + * * liang4jie3 renounce anger or resentment through understanding Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung +
C 總算 + * * zong3suan4 totally-count/ at long last/ finally/ in the end/ on the whole letzten Endes, endlich, im allgemeinen +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger +
C 安定 + * * an1ding4 1. stable, settled 2. stabilize, maintain stabil,ruhig,aufrechterhalten +
C 應邀 + * * ying4yao1 accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation eingeladen, auf Einladung +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen +
C 藥物 + * * yao4wu4 medicine-substance/ medicines/ pharmaceuticals Arzneimittel, Arznei, Medizin +
C + * * xiong1 inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene +
C 投降 + * * toou3xiang2 join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken +
C 安裝 + * * an1zhuang1 install/ erect montieren, installieren, aufstellen +
C 平行 + * * ping2xing2 parallel/ simultaneous/ concurrent/ at the same level parallel +
C 談話 + * * tan2hua4 talk/ chat/ statement issued in the form of an interview sich unterhalten, Unterhaltung +
C 談論 + * * tan2lun4 talk-comment/ talk about/ discuss/ chat diskutieren +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano +
C 容器 + * * rong2qi4 container/ vessel Gefäß, Behälter +
C + * * za2 pound/ tamp/ break/ smash 1.schlagen, hämmern, stampfen 2. zerbrechen, zerschlagen 3. durchfallen, scheitern, verpatzen +
C 比方 + * * bi3fang instance/ analogy Analogie, Unterfall +
C 聲明 + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement +
C 坦克 + * * tan3ke4 tank Panzer +
C 決議 + * * jue2yi4 resolution/ formal statement passed by an assembly Beschluß, Resolution +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, +
C 雜志 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-substance/ impurity Zeitschrift +
C 鼓動 + * * gu3dong4 fan/ flap/ arouse/ agitate/ incite/ stir up 1. agitieren, aufrütteln, anstiften +
C 評論 + * * ping2lun4 comment/ remark/ review/ commentary kommentieren, kritisieren,Kommentar +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse +
C 阻礙 + * * zu3'ai4 hinder-stop/ impede/ hinder/ block/ obstacle/ hindrance hindern, behindern, verhindern +
C + * * jia4 take as a husband/ (of a woman) marry (a man)/ shift 1. heiraten (einen Mann), verheiraten (eine Tochter) 2. (eine Schuld etc.) auf jd abwälzen, einem anderen etw zuschieben +
C 舒暢 + * * shu1chang4 comfortable and happy/ pleased and satisfied behaglich, sorglos,froh +
C 災難 + * * zai1nan4 disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering Not, Katastrophe +
C 阻力 + * * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction Widerstand,Hindernis +
C 軍備 + * * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament Rüstung +
C 聞名 + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen +
C 冶金 + * * ye3jin1 smelt-metal/ metallurgy verhütten, Metallurgie +
C 裁縫 + * * cai2feng dressmaker/ tailor Schneider +
C 軍官 + * * jun1guan1 military officer/ army officer Offizier +
C 感受 + * * gan3shou4 be affected by/ taste/ feel/ experience/ feeling 1. sich etw zuziehen, von etw befallen sein, angesteckt sein 2. empfinden, spüren, fühlen, Eindruck +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 +
C 再說 + * * zai4shuo1 more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus +
C 骨幹 + * * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member Rückgrat +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt +
C + * * cai2 talent/ ability 1. Befähigung, Begabung 2. Mensch bestimmter Eigenart +
C + * * cheng2 fill/ ladle/ hold/ contain 1. füllen 2. aufnehmen, fassen siehe sheng4 +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- adv. einfach müssen +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- im Widerspruch mit, illegal +
C 破爛 + * * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered 1. zerlumpt, zerfetzt, abgenutzt, schäbig 2. Kram, Trödel +
C 才能 + * * cai2neng2 talent/ ability/ capacity Fähigkeit, Talent +
C + * * bi4 certainly/ surely/ definitely/ necessarily 1. sicher, bestimmt, unbedingt 2. müssen +
C 摧毀 + * * cui1hui3 destroy/ smash/ wreck/ knock out/ devastate zerstören, zerschmettern, zertrümmern, +
C 必定 + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher +
C 液體 + * * ye4ti3 liquid-substance/ liquid Flüssigkeit +
C 尖子 + * * jian1zi best of its kind/ cream of the crop/ top class talent Spitze, Elite +
C 正經 + * * zheng4jing upright-normal/ decent/ respectable/ formal/ serious vernünftig,anständig,seriös (?) +
C 開辦 + * * kai1ban4 set up and run/ open/ start/ operate gründen, errichten, eröffnen, beginnen +
C 若干 + * * ruo4gan1 a certain number of/ some/ several/ a few einige, etliche, manche,wieviel, wie viele +
C + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit +
C 領會 + * * ling3hui4 understand/ comprehend/ grasp verstehen, begreifen, erfassen +
C 秘書 + * * mi4shu1 secretary Sekretärin +
C 開動 + * * kai1dong4 start/ set in motion/ move/ march etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren +
C 承擔 + * * cheng2dan1 undertake/ bear 1. (VC) etw. auf sich nehmen, tragen 2. (Nad) Verantwortung +
C 優越 + * * you1yue4 superior-surpassing/ superior/ advantageous vorteihaft, günstig +
C 開飯 + * * kai1 fan4 it's meal time/ start to serve meals/ start to eat (meal) das Essen servieren, Mahlzeit halten, essen +
C + * * gang1 jar/ vat/ big container made of pottery; porcelain; etc. Tongefäß +
C 樹立 + * * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish aufrichten,erstellen +
C 敘述 + * * xu4shu4 tell-state/ narrate/ relate/ recount erzählen, darstellen, schildern +
C 匯款 + * * hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank/ remittance Geldüberweisung +
C + * * dui1 pile/ stack/ heap/ crowd Stapel +
C 崗位 + * * gang3wei4 post/ station Posten, Platz, Stellung +
C 顧問 + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber +
C 政權 + * * zheng4quan2 political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime +
C + * * zao1 meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ suffer/ sustain 1. auf etwas stoßen, erleiden, von etw betroffen sein 2. Zählwort Mal 3. Zählwort Runde, Kreis +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten +
C 廢除 + * * fei4chu2 abolish/ annul/ abrogate/ disestablish aufheben,absetzen,außer Kraft setzen +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar +
C 開口 + * * kai1 kou3 open one's mouth/ start to talk/ make a cutting edge anfangen zu sprechen,eine Messerklinge schärfen +
C 郵包 + * * you2bao1 postal-parcel/ parcel Paket +
C + * * deng4 stare/ glare with displeasure die Augen weit aufmachen, auf etw starren +
C 緊俏 + * * jin4qiao4 sought-after/ in shortage due to great demand sehr gefragt und schwer erhältlich +
C 數據 + * * shu4ju4 data Daten +
C 餐車 + * * can1che1 dinning car/ restaurant car Speisewagen +
C 無產階級 + * * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class das Proletariat +
C + * * zao1 rotten/ decayed/ in a wretched state/ in a mess 1.Reisweintrester, Rückstände beim Reisweinbrennen 2. mit Reisweintrester eingemacht werden 3. faul, morsch, mürbe, schlecht 4. in jämmerlichen Zustand +
C + * * chi2 late/ slow/ tardy 1.langsam, säumig, 2. spät, verspätet +
C 勉強 + * * mian3qiang3 barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig +
C 特務 + * * te4wu special-task/ special-task agent/ secret agent/ spy Geheimagent, Spion, Spitzel +
C 相聲 + * * xiang4sheng1 comic dialogue/ cross-talk komischer Dialog +
C 助手 + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent +
C 編制 + * * bian1zhi4 weave/ plait/ braid/ work out/ draw up/ size of staff flechten, weben, ausarbeiten, Herstellung +
C + * * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express 1. reichen, gelangen 2. erreichen, sich belaufen 3. völlig verstehen 4. mitteilen, ausdrücken +
C 宣言 + * * xuan1yan2 declare-words/ declaration/ manifesto/ statement Deklaration, Manifest +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern +
C 早期 + * * zao3qi1 early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, +
C 便利 + 便* * bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate Bequemlichkeit, bequem, einfach, erleichtern +
C 旋轉 + * * xuan2zhuan3 revolve-turn/ gyrate/ rotate/ spin/ revolve/ turn/ whirl kreisen,Kreise ziehen,kreiseln +
C 殘酷 + * * can2ku4 cruel/ brutal grausam, brutal +
C 打擊 + * * da3ji1 strike/ hit/ attack/ pound/ frustrate angreifen, zuschlagen, Schläge versetzen +
C + * * shuang1 frost/ frost-like substance/ white color/ hoary color Frost, Reif,frostähnliches Puder,weiß, grau +
C 簡直 + * * jian3zhi2 simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar +
C 充實 + * * chong1shi2 substantial/ rich/ substantiate/ enrich/ fill 1. reichlich 2.bereichern, kräftigen +
C 打交道 + * * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with Umgang mit jm haben,mit jm/etw zu tun haben +
C 抵抗 + * * di3kang4 resist/ stand up to/ counteract/ withstand Widerstand leisten, Widerstand +
C 合格 + * * he2ge2 qualified/ up to standard/ up to grade der Norm entsprechen, normgerecht, qualifiziert +
C 注視 + * * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at verfolgen, anstarren +
C 衝擊 + * * chong1ji1 impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen +
C 高壓 + * * gao1ya1 high-pressure/ high-voltage/ oppressive 1.Hochdruck 2. Hochspannung +
C + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze +
C 選修 + * * xuan3xiu1 elect-study/ take as an elective course etwas als fakultatives Fach lernen bzw studieren +
C 地道 + * * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard authentisch,(vgl.: di4dao4=Tunnel) +
C 火力 + * * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold Gefechtskraft +
C + * * zhu4 halt/ stay/ be stationed/ encamp stationieren, Standort halten, sich aufhalten, bleiben,verbleiben +
C 座兒 + * * zuo4r seat/ place/ stand/ pedestal/ base Sitz, Platz, Sockel, Podest +
C 妥當 + * * tuo3dang sound-appropriate/ proper/ suitable/ appropriate angemessen, geeignet,richtig +
C 操心 + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern +
C + * * o4 oh (that's why/ now I understand) Interjektion, ach so, ich verstehe +
C 武裝 + * * wu3zhuang1 military-equipment/ weaponry/ arm forces/ arm/ equip Bewaffnung, Rüstung, bewaffnen, rüsten +
C 山地 + * * shan1di4 mountainous area/ hilly topography Bergland, Gebirgsgegend +
C 見解 + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung +
C 山峰 + * * shan1feng1 mountain peak Berggipfel +
C 告辭 + * * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave Abschied nehmen, sich empfehlen +
C 偶然 + * * ou3ran2 accidental/ fortuitous/ unexpected gelegentlich, zufällig +
C 山谷 + * * shan1gu3 mountain valley Tal +
C + * * ban4 valve/ petal/ segment/ section 1. Blumenblatt 2. Scheibe 3.Scherbe, Bruchstück 4.Zählwort +
C 大隊 + * * da4dui4 group/ production brigade/ battalion/ regiment Gruppe, Produktionbrigade +
C + * * shui4 tax/ duty/ tariff Steuer, Steuerabgabe +
C 舞臺 + * * wu3tai2 dance-platform/ stage/ arena Bühne, Arena +
C 觀看 + * * guan1kan4 watch/ see/ view/ observe/ spectate sich etwas ansehen, zuschauen, +
C 大方 + * * da4fang1 of good taste/ generous/ natural and poised großzügig +
C + * * fen3 powder/ face powder/ vermicelli made from starch 1.Pulver,Puder, pulverisieren 2. rosa 3. weißen, etwas weiß anstreichen +
C + * * jing1 be frightened/ start/ startle/ alarm/ stampede/ shy 1. erschrecken,bestürzt sein 2. bestürzen, schockieren, aufschrecken 3. scheuen, durchgehen +
C 明白 + * * ming2bai clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, +
C 起飛 + * * qi3fei1 (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off starten, abfliegen, +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar +
C + * * qu3 marry (a woman)/ take a wife eine Frau heiraten, jn zur Frau nehmen +
C 有益 + * * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur +
C + * * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful 1. häßlich, garstig, unansehnlich, abscheulich, scheußlich 2. anrüchig, entehrend, schimpflich 3.Clown, komische Figur +
C 趣味 + * * qu4wei4 interest/ delight/ fun/ palate/ taste Interesse,Vergnügen,interessant,Vorliebe, Hang, +
C 物品 + * * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing Gegenstand, Sache +
C 物體 + * * wu4ti3 substance-object/ body/ substance/ object Gegenstand, Objekt, Körper, Substanz +
C 職員 + * * zhi2yuan2 job-person/ office worker/ staff member/ staffer/ clerk Angestellter +
C 說服 + * * shuo1 fu2 talk to convince/ talk over/ persuade/ convince/ überzeugen, überreden +
C 物資 + * * wu4zi1 substance material/ goods and materials Güter und Materialien +
C + * * heng2 traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 +
C 起源 + * * qi3yuan2 origin/ genesis/ originate/ stem/ start Quelle, Ursprung,entspringen, entstammen +
C 初期 + * * chu1qi1 beginning period/ early days/ initial stage Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, wenden +
C + * * wu4 by mistake/ by accident/ miss/ delay/ harm/ damage 1. fälschlich, irrig, Fehler, Irrtum 2. versäumen, verpassen, 3. benachteiligen, beeinträchtigen, schädigen 4. unabsichtlich, versehentlich +
C 將軍 + * * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer Schach bieten, General, hoher Offizier +
C + * * leng4 be startled out of one's wit/ rash/ brash/ imprudent dumpf vor sich hin starren, verdutzt innehalten +
C 天才 + * * tian1cai2 heavenly-talent/ genius/ gift/ endowment/ gifted person Genie, Genialität, angeborenes Talent +
C + * * zhan1 soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben +
C 時時 + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft +
C 隔閡 + * * ge2he2 estrangement/ misunderstanding/ gulf/ barrier 1. Barriere, 2. Sprachbarriere +
C 精細 + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein +
C 遺產 + * * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance Erbe, Hinterlassenschaft +
C 獎金 + * * jiang3jin1 monetary award/ prize/ bonus/ premium Prämie, Preis +
C 個兒 + * * ge4r height/ stature/ size/ physical dimensions 1. Körpermaß, Körpergröße, Höhe, Statur 2. einzeln +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen +
C + * * zhi2 pointing-mark/ index/ target/ quota/ norm/ indicator 1. Wert 2. kosten, sich lohnen, wert sein 3. gerade, ausgerechnet, zufällig 4. Dienst haben +
C + * * zhuang1 stake/ peg/ picket/ measure word for matters/ piece 1. Pfahl, Stange,Pfeiler, Mast 2. Zählwort z.B. ein Geschäftsabschluß, eine Kleinigkeit +
C 典型 + * * dian3xing2 typical case/ model/ typical/ representative Vorbild, typisch +
C 娛樂 + * * yu2le4 amuse-enjoy/ amuse/ entertain/ entertainment/ hobby sich vergnügen, sich amüsieren +
C 病床 + * * bing4chuang2 hospital bed/ sickbed Krankenhausbett +
C 講究 + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant +
C 飢餓 + 饿* * ji1'e4 hungry/ starving hungrig, hungern, Hunger +
C 裝備 + * * zhuang1bei4 install-equip/ fit out/ equip/ furnish/ equipment/ outfit ausrüsten, ausstatten, Ausrüstung, Ausstattung +
C 勸告 + * * quan4gao4 persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen +
C 壓制 + * * ya1zhi4 give as security/ pawn/ mortgage/ detain/ escort/ bet unterdrücken +
C 包含 + * * bao1han2 contain/ embody/ include enthalten +
C 玩意兒 + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung +
C + * * xi1 tin/ stannum (Sn) Zinn +
C 病情 + * * bing4qing2 state of an illness/ patient's condition Befinden, Zustand eines Patienten +
C 占有 + * * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen +
C 裝置 + * * zhuang1zhi4 install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh +
C 氣體 + * * qi4ti3 gas/ substance in the gaseous state Gas +
C 氣味 + * * qi4wei4 smell/ odor/ favor/ taste/ reek/ smack Geruch,Beigeschmack,Beiklang +
C + * * xie4 unload/ discharge/ remove/ take off/ unhitch/ get rid of 1. ausladen, entladen, ablegen 2. demontieren, auseinandernehmen 3. jn von etw freimachen, sich vor etw drücken, abwälzen +
C 宇宙 + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos +
C 可惜 + * * ke3xi1 regrettable/ it's a pity that/ it's too bad that leider, es ist schade +
C 戰略 + * * zhan4lue4 war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic Strategie +
C 襲擊 + * * xi2ji1 raid-attack/ assault by surprise/ attack by surprise Überraschungsangriff, überraschend angreifen +
C 輪流 + * * lun2liu2 take turns/ do sth. in turn/ rotate/ alternate abwechselnd, der Reihe nach +
C 戰術 + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik +
C 實質 + * * shi2zhi4 essence/ substance/ gist Substanz, Essenz +
C 保管 + * * bao3guan3 keep/ take care of/ storekeeper sicher, sich um etwas kümmern, sicherlich +
C 剝削 + * * bo1xue1 exploit/ exploitation ausbeuten, Ausbeutung +
C 焦急 + * * jiao1ji2 anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös +
C + * * mo4 end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub +
C 保密 + * * bao3 mi4 keep secret/ maintain secrecy geheim halten, ein Geheimnis bewahren +
C 帶頭 + * * dai4 tou2 be the first/ take the lead die Führung übernehmen, erster sein, ein Beispiel setzen +
C 恰當 + * * qia4dang4 suitable/ proper/ appropriate 1. passend, treffend, recht, geeignet 2. gerade, genau, das rechte Maß halten, eben +
C + * * dai4 take the place of/ be in place of ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie +
C 電壓 + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung +
C 某些 + * * mou3xie1 some/ certain einige, gewisse, bestimmte +
C + * * zhang3 chief/ head/ chief (secretary-general) (Subst.) Leiter +
C 奠定 + * * dian4ding4 establish/ found/ build up (a foundation) gründen, herstellen, einrichten, etablieren +
C + * * mu4 act/ curtain/ veil/ screen Grab, Grabstätte, Mausoleum +
C + * * qian1 (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils Blei (Pb) +
C 胡說 + * * hu2shuo1 talk nonsense/ drivel Unsinn reden +
C 交談 + * * jiao1tan2 talk/ chat/ converse/ Konversation haben, sich unterhalten +
C 預防 + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten +
C 著手 + * * zhuo2shou3 put-hand/ put one's hand to/ set about/ begin/ start sich an etwas machen,beginnen, +
C 處於 + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden +
C 障礙 + * * zhang4'ai4 block-stop/ barrier/ obstacle/ hinder/ block/ obstruct versperren, Hindernis +
C + * * dan1 carry on a shoulder pole/ undertake/ shoulder 1. Lasten mit einer Schulterstange tragen 2. übernehmen, etw auf sich nehmen +
C + * * fu2 take (medicine)/ obey/ be convinced/ convince 1. Kleidung, Kleid, Anzug 2. (Medizin) einnehmen 3. etw auf sich nehmen, übernehmen 4. jn überzeugen 5. sich einleben, akklimatisieren +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös +
C 心理 + * * xin1li3 heart-mechanism/ psychology/ mentality/ thought Psyche, psychische Verfassung, mental, psychologisch +
C 資本 + * * zi1ben3 money-principal/ capital/ asset Kapital +
C 資本家 + * * zi1ben3jia1 money-principal-person/ capitalist Kapitalist +
C 擔負 + * * dan1fu4 shoulder/ take on/ undertake tragen, ausstehen +
C 資本主義 + * * zi1ben3zhu3yi4 money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism Kapitalismus +
C 急躁 + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig +
C 資產階級 + * * zi1chan3jie1ji2 money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie Bürgertum, Bourgeoisie +
C 資格 + * * zi1ge2 qualification-standard/ qualification/ condition/ seniority Eignung, höheres Dienstalter +
C 往來 + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr +
C 資金 + * * zi1jin1 money-fund/ funds/ money for business use/ capital Fonds, Geldmittel, Investitionskapital +
C 法令 + * * fa3ling4 laws and decrees/ collection of statutes Gesetz, Anordnung, Dekret +
C 報復 + * * bao4fu4 retaliate/ revenge/ retaliation/ reprisal Vergeltung +
C 傳染 + * * chuan2ran3 infect/ be contagious anstecken, infizieren, ansteckend +
C + * * ding1 gaze at/ stare at/ fix one's eyes on starren, fixieren, unbeweglich blicken +
C + * * gong1 attack/ take the offensive/ accuse/ diligently study 1. angreifen, Angriff, die Offensive ergreifen , 2. studieren sich dem Studium widmen 3. tadeln, vorwerfen, attackieren, Anklage erheben, 4.sich auf etwas spezialisieren +
C + * * ding1 follow closely/ tail behind/ urge/ press 1. Nagel 2. annageln +
C 拿…來說 + * * na2 lai2shuo1 take … for example auf jmd einreden, beschwören +
C 沿兒 + 沿* * yan2r along-sea/ coast/ coastal area/ seaboard 1. entlang, längs 2. von alters her, überliefert 3. Rand, Saum +
C 傳說 + * * chuan2shuo1 pass on (a story)/ people say/ legend/ folk tale man sagt, daß..., Legende +
C 單獨 + * * dan1du2 alone/ lone/ solitary alleine, auf eigene Faust +
C 長遠 + * * chang2yuan3 long-distant/ long-term/ long-range langfristig, auf lange Dauer +
C 攻擊 + * * gong1ji1 accuse/ vilify/ assume the offensive/ attack/ onset angreifen,Angriff +
C 攻克 + * * gong1ke4 capture/ take/ seize/ overcome einnehmen, erobern +
C 停留 + * * ting2liu2 stop-remain/ stay for a period of time/ stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen +
C 功勞 + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung +
C 攝影 + * * she4 ying3 take a photo/ shoot a film eine Aufnahme machen,fotografieren, e. Film drehen +
C 勢力 + * * shi4li (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence Stärke, Macht, Einfluß +
C + * * zhi4 quality/ character/ nature/ matter/ substance/ material 1. Natur, Eigenschaft, Charakter, Wesen 2. Qualität 3. Material, Stoff, Substanz 4. fragen, anfragen, ausfragen +
C 國務院 + * * guo2wu4yuan4 State Council, State Departement Staatsrat +
C 國營 + * * guo2ying2 state-run/ state-owned/ state-operated staatseigen, volkseigen, staatlich (geführt) +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung +
C 窗簾 + * * chuang1lian2 window curtain Fenstervorhang +
C 場面 + * * chang3mian4 scene/ spectacle/ occasion/ appearance Szene, Angelegenheit, Ereignis +
C 适宜 + * * shi4yi2 suitable/ fit/ appropriate/ just right geeignet,angebracht, passen +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat +
C + * * she4 set up/ establish/ work out/ suppose 1. einrichten, errichten, gründen, aufstellen 2. ausarbeiten 3. wenn, falls +
C 自豪 + * * zi4hao2 self-outstanding/ proud auf etwas stolz sein +
C 教研室 + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich +
C 口氣 + * * kou3qi4 manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang +
C 自來水 + * * zi4lai2shui3 self-come-water/ tap water Leitungswasser +
C 居民 + * * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant Bewohner, Einwohner +
C 譬如 + * * pi4ru2 for example/ for instance/ such as zum Beispiel +
C 創立 + * * chuang4li4 found/ establish/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen +
C 過渡 + * * guo4du4 change from one state or stage to another übergehen (von einem zu einem anderen Zustand) +
C + * * nai4 stand/ be able to bear or endure etw. ertragen können, etw aushalten können +
C 人士 + * * ren2shi4 personage/ person with certain social influence Persönlichkeit, Kreise +
C 設想 + * * she4xiang3 imagine/ have consideration for/ idea/ tentative plan sich etwa vorstellen,Idee +
C 超額 + * * chao1'e2 exceed the quota die Quote übersteigen +
C + * * pian1 inclined to one side/ off-center/ off-target/ off-standard 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich +
C 自始至終 + * * zi1 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 from-beginning-to-end/ from start to finish von Anfang bis Ende +
C 偏偏 + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet +
C 話劇 + * * hua4ju4 modern drama/ stage play Theaterstück, modernes Schauspiel +
C 縮短 + * * suo1duan3 shrink-shorter/ shorten/ curtail/ cut short/ verkürzen, verkleinern +
C 盲目 + * * mang2mu4 blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on blind, blindlings +
C 公頃 + * * gong1qing3 hectare Zählwort Hektar +
C 身材 + * * shen1cai2 stature/ figure Statur, Wuchs, Figur +
C 身分(身份) + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status +
C 不利 + * * bu2li4 disadvantageous/ unfavorable nachteilig +
C + * * kua1 praise/ laud/ commend/ overstate/ exaggerate/ boast 1. übertreiben 2. preisen,loben +
C 自言自語 + * * zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 self-talk-self-say/ talk to oneself mit sich selbst sprechen, vor sich hin reden +
C 忠誠 + * * zhong1cheng2 loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful treu, getreu +
C 公式 + * * gong1shi4 formula/ any established or conventional method Formel +
C 反擊 + * * fan3ji1 counter-attack/ fight back/ strike back/ beat back zurückschlagen,Gegenangriff +
C 維持 + * * wei2chi2 maintain-preserve/ keep/ support/ safeguard wahren, aufrechterhalten +
C 閑話 + * * xian2hua4 idle words/ gossip/ claver/ tattle/ digression Abschweifung, Nachrede,plaudern +
C 背心 + * * bei4xin1 vest/ jersey/ tank Weste, ein ärmelloses Bekleidungsstück +
C 不免 + * * bu4mian3 inevitably/ would naturally unvermeidbar, unvermeidlich +
C 形態 + * * xing2tai4 shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology Form, Gestalt, Morphologie +
C 維生素 + * * wei2sheng1su4 maintain-life-element/ vitamin Vitamin +
D 附帶 + * * fu4dai4 attach nebenbei, zusätzlich +
D 接收 + * * jie1shou1 take over/ receipt empfangen (Radiowellen, Datenströme) +
D 蹤跡 + * * zong1ji4 tail/ trail/ trace Spur +
D + * * ci2 resign diction/ take leave 1.sprachlicher Ausdruck, 2.sich verabschieden 3. ablehnen 4. kündigen 5. ausweichen, sich vor etw drücken +
D 附屬 + * * fu4shu3 attach appertain untergeordnet, unterstellt +
D 會計 + * * kuai4ji accountant Buchhaltung, Buchführung, Buchhalter +
D 動工 + * * dong4 gong1 start building Bauarbeiten in Angriff nehmen +
D 公證 + * * gong1zheng4 notarization notarielle Beglaubigung +
D + * * wei3 tail 1. Schwanz 2. Ende 3.Rest, Schlußteil, Ende 4.Zählwort z.B, zwei Fische +
D 冒險 + * * mao4xian3 take a risk riskieren, aufs Spiel setzen +
D 不惜 + * * bu4xi1 not spare/ not hesitate nicht schonen, keine Bedenken haben +
D 品嘗 + * * pin3chang2 taste probieren, kosten +
D 手法 + * * shou3fa3 tact Technik,Fähigkeit +
D 惱火 + * * nao3huo3 angry/ take fire sich ärgern, ärgerlich sein +
D + * * tong3 poke/ stab 1. stoßen, knuffen, puffen ,herumstochern 2.etwas ans Licht bringen, verraten, ausplaudern +
D 不朽 + * * bu4xiu3 immortalize unvergänglich, unsterblich +
D 含有 + * * han2you3 contain beinhalten, haben +
D 兩手 + * * liang3shou3 two tactics, skill zwei Taktiken +
D 總計 + * * zong3ji4 totalize/ summed Endsumme, alles zusammengezählt +
D 本錢 + * * ben3qian2 capital Kapital +
D 不言而喻 + * * bu4 yan2 er2 yu4 tell its own tale ohne Worte +
D 竊聽 + * * qie4ting1 wire tapping abhorchen, abhören, Lauschangriff +
D 總數 + * * zong3shu4 gross/ total Gesamtzahl, Gesamtbetrag +
D 愛面子 + * * ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation das Gesicht wahren wollen +
D 不宜 + * * bu4yi2 not suitable/ inadvisable nicht geeignet, unangebracht +
D 陳述 + * * chen2shu4 present/ state/ mention darlegen, erklären +
D 現狀 + * * xian4zhuang4 status quo/ gegenwärtige Lage +
D 振興 + * * zhen4xing1 vitalize/ develop/ promote zügig vorantreiben +
D 神仙 + * * shen2xian1 supernatural being/ immortal/ fairy übernatürliches ( oder unsterbliches) Wesen, Unsterbliche +
D 旷工 + * * kuang4gong1 stay away from work without leave ohne Grund der Arbeit unentschuldigt fernbleiben +
D 偷稅 + * * tou1 shui4 evade taxes/ tax dodging Steuern hinterziehen +
D + * * dou1 take upon oneself/ wrap up 1. Tasche, Tüte 2. einpacken, einwickeln, einschlagen 3. für etw werben, feilbieten +
D 首領 + * * shou3ling3 leader/ chieftain Häuptling, Führer, Anführer +
D 傑出 + * * jie2chu1 outstanding überragend, hervorragend,außergewöhnlich +
D 眾議院 + * * zhong4yi4yuan4 house of representatives Unterhaus, Repräsentantenhaus +
D 蘊藏 + * * yun4cang2 hold in store/ contain enthalten, in sich bergen +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten +
D 孕育 + * * yun4yu4 gestate in sich bergen, in sich tragen, +
D 結晶 + * * jie2jing1 crystal wertvolle Ergebnisse +
D 庸俗 + * * yong1su2 philistine/ tacky vulgär, niedrig, spießbürgerlich +
D 租金 + * * zu1jin1 rental Miete +
D 從容不迫 + * * cong2rong2 bu4 po4 take one's time/ calm and unhurried ruhig und unübereilt +
D 永垂不朽 + * * yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal unsterblich, ewigen Ruhm genießen +
D 聲譽 + * * sheng1yu4 reputation Ruf, Reputation +
D + * * zhou1 state (autonomer) Bezirk, Verwaltungsbezirk, Land +
D + * * gan3 stalk Halm,Stengel, Stroh +
D 門當戶對 + * * men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 be well-matched in social and economic status von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein +
D 相符 + * * xiang1fu2 tally with/ conform to entsprechen, übereinstimmen +
D 案情 + * * an4qing2 case/ details of case Einzelheiten eines Falls +
D 輕便 + 便* * qing1bian4 light/ portable leicht, bequem, handlich +
D 阻撓 + * * zu3nao2 obstruct/ stand in the way 1. (VC) behindern, jd im Weg sein 2. (Nv)... +
D 呈現 + * * cheng2xian4 show/ take on/ present darbieten, sich zeigen +
D 生機 + * * sheng1ji1 vitality Überlebenschance, Lebenskraft, Vitalität +
D 好壞 + * * hao3huai4 stand or fall 1. gut, schön, nett 2. gesund, genesen 3. befreundet, freundlich +
D 零售 + * * ling2shou4 retail Einzelhandel +
D 零星 + * * ling2xing1 scattered/ fragmentary fragmentarisch, bruchstückhaft, sporadisch, vereinzelt +
D 生命力 + * * sheng1ming4li4 vital force/ life Lebenskraft, Vitalität +
D 借鑒 + * * jie4jian4 take example by sich auf jd anders beziehen, zum Beispiel nehmen +
D 軍醫 + * * jun1yi1 military surgeon Militärarzt +
D 軍用 + * * jun1yong4 for military use für militärische Zwecke, +
D 入手 + * * ru4shou3 proceed with/ start with mit etw. anfangen, von etw. ausgehen +
D 才幹 + * * cai2gan4 talent/ ability Befähigung, Leistungsfähigkeit +
D 弊病 + * * bi4bing4 disadvantage Übel, Nachteil, Mißstand, +
D 弊端 + * * bi4duan1 disadvantage/ malpractice Übel, Mißstand, Nachteil +
D 摧殘 + * * cui1can2 devastate/ wreck zerstören +
D 堅貞不屈 + * * jian1zhen1 bu4 qu1 remain faithful and unyielding/ stand firm and unbending fest und unbeirrt +
D + * * ling3 mountain 1. Bergkette, Gebirge 2.Berg +
D 承辦 + * * cheng2ban4 undertake 1. (VC) übernehmen, (einen, Auftrag, eine Aufgabe..) +
D 會晤 + * * hui4wu4 contact zusammentreffen +
D 凝視 + * * ning2shi4 gaze/ stare anstarren +
D 好客 + * * hao4ke4 hospitable gastfreundlich +
D 主食 + * * zhu3shi2 staple food Hauptnahrung +
D 顧全大局 + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen +
D 省會 + * * sheng3hui4 the capital of province Provinzhauptstadt +
D 政協 + * * zheng4xie2 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference die politische Konsultativkonferenz des chi. Volkes +
D 留戀 + * * liu2lian4 be reluctant to leave an etw. hängen, sich von etw.,jn nicht trennen können, sich nach etwas sehnen +
D 高超 + * * gao1chao1 outstanding/ superb/ excellent ausgezeichnet, hervorragend +
D 盛情 + * * sheng4qing2 boundless hospitality große Freundlichkeit,Gastfreundlichkeit +
D 百分比 + * * bai3fen1bi3 percentage Prozentsatz, Prozent +
D 遲緩 + * * chi2huan3 tardy/ sluggish langsam,zögernd,sich verzögern +
D 助理 + * * zhu4li3 assistant Assistent +
D 遲疑 + * * chi2yi2 hesitate zögern +
D 請柬 + * * qing3jian3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung +
D 宣誓 + * * xuan1 shi4 swear/ take a oath ein Gelöbnis ablegen +
D 參與 + * * can1yu4 participate in/ attach oneself to teilnehmen, mitwirken, beteiligt ein +
D 像樣 + * * xiang4 yang4 up to the mark/ presentable ansehnlich, anständig, stattlich, geeignet +
D 七嘴八舌 + * * qi1 zui3 ba1 she2 all talking at once alle reden zur gleichen Zeit +
D 敵對 + * * di2dui4 antagonize feindlich, gegnerisch +
D 請帖 + * * qing3tie3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung +
D 敵視 + * * di2shi4 be hostile to/ antagonize jd als Feind ansehen +
D 住所 + * * zhu4suo3 habitation/ residence Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz +
D 慶賀 + * * qing4he4 congratulate/ felicitate beglückwunschen, gratulieren, feiern +
D 殘忍 + * * can2ren3 brutal grausam, unbarmherzig,rücksichtslos +
D 對抗 + * * dui4kang4 rival/ antagonize Antagonismus,Konfrontation, sich widersetzen +
D 註解 + * * zhu4jie3 note/ annotation erläutern, anmerken, Anmerkung, Glosse +
D 註釋 + * * zhu4shi4 note/ annotation Anmerkung +
D 支柱 + * * zhi1zhu4 mainstay/ backbone Stütze, Stützbalken +
D 龍頭 + * * long2tou2 cock/ tap Halfter, Zaumzeug +
D 變形 + * * bian4 xing2 metamorphose aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden +
D 減弱 + * * jian3ruo4 weaken/ take off nachlassen, schwächer werden +
D + * * sha4 tall building großes Gebäude, Hochhaus +
D 駐扎 + * * zhu4zha1 be stationed stationieren +
D 重申 + * * chong2shen1 reaffirm/ restate bestätigen, wiederholen +
D 大包大攬 + * * da4bao1 da4lan3 undertake the whole thing/ take on every thing etwas vollständig durchführen +
D 分期 + * * fen1 qi1 by stages etappenweise +
D 漏稅 + * * lou4 shui4 tax evasion wörtlich: der Steuer ausweichen,Steuerbetrug +
D 見效 + * * jian4xiao4 take effect den gewünschten Effekt haben, wirkungsvoll +
D 躊躇 + * * chou2chu2 hesitate/ boggle zögernd, zögern +
D 抗戰 + * * kang4zhan4 war of resistance against aggression Widerstandskrieg gegen eine Aggression +
D 山嶺 + * * shan1ling3 mountain Bergkuppen +
D 稅收 + * * shui4shou1 tax revenue Steuereinnahmen,Steueraufkommen +
D 專人 + * * zhuan1ren2 person specially assigned for a task Spezialist, Experte +
D 路程 + * * lu4cheng2 distance/ journey Reise, Pfad, Wegstrecke +
D 策略 + * * ce4lve4 tactic/ policy Taktik, taktisch +
D 體諒 + * * ti3liang4 understand/ allow for für etwas Verständnis aufbringen +
D 拍照 + * * pai1zhao4 take pictures fotografieren, eine Aufnahme machen +
D 山頭 + * * shan1tou2 hilltop/ mountaintop Bergspitze, +
D 山腰 + * * shan1yao1 mountainside halbe Höhe eines Berges +
D 歌星 + * * ge1xing1 singer star Schlagerstar +
D + * * ji1 attack 1. schlagen, einen Schlag versetzen, einen Stoß versetzen 2. angreifen, anfallen, überfallen +
D 外出 + * * wai4chu1 outgoing/ stay out ausgehen, nach außen tretend +
D 專制 + * * zhuan1zhi4 despotism/ autarchy Autokratie +
D 起碼 + * * qi3ma3 elementary/ at least mindestens, minimal +
D 體驗 + * * ti3yan4 experience/ taste lernen durch Praxis +
D 躲藏 + * * duo3cang2 take cover/ hide out/ dodge sich versteckt halten,sich verbergen +
D 建交 + * * jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen +
D 排隊 + * * pai2 dui4 queue/ stand in a line sich anstellen,Schlange stehen,kategorisieren +
D + * * duo4 stamp (one's foot) stampfen, aufstampfen +
D 恆星 + * * heng2xing1 star Fixstern +
D 明星 + * * ming2xing1 star Star +
D 名額 + * * ming2'e2 quota of people maximale Platzzahl, Höchstzahl, Zulassungsquote +
D 誤解 + * * wu4jie3 misunderstand falsch verstehen, Mißverständnis +
D 派出所 + * * pai4chu1suo3 police station Polizeirevier +
D 出發點 + * * chu1fa1dian3 starting point Startpunkt +
D 名聲 + * * ming2sheng1 reputation Ruf, Name, Leumund, Reputation +
D 差錯 + * * cha1cuo4 error/ mistake Fehler, Irrtum, Unglücksfall +
D 差距 + * * cha1ju4 disparity/ distance Unterschied, Abstand,Differenz +
D 名譽 + * * ming2yu4 reputation Ruhm, Ehre, Reputation +
D 遺傳 + * * yi2chuan2 inheritance/ inherit Vererbung, Erblichkeit +
D 外資 + * * wai4zi1 foreign capital ausländisches Kapital +
D 機智 + * * ji1zhi4 tactful/ resourceful findig, einfallsreich, +
D 實惠 + * * shi2hui4 substantial wahrer Nutzen +
D 包乾兒 + * * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed für einen Arbeitsauftrag die volle Verantwortung ü +
D 出色 + * * chu1se4 excellent/ outstanding bemerkenswert +
D 攜帶 + * * xie2dai4 take with mitnehmen, mitbringen +
D 占據 + * * zhan4ju4 hold/ take up/ inhabit okkupieren, besetzt halten +
D 實體 + * * shi2ti3 substance Substanz, Entität +
D 剎那 + * * cha4na4 in a instant Augenblick, Moment +
D + * * jing1 stalk/ stem Stiel, Stängel, +
D 上等 + * * shang4deng3 outstanding/ classy höherer Grad, erster Klasse +
D 規格 + * * gui1ge2 standard/ format Norm, Standard, Spezifikation +
D 可喜 + * * ke3xi3 delectable/ delightful erfreulich, ermutigend +
D 並列 + * * bing4lie4 appose/ juxtapose Seite an Seite stehen,auf gl. Höhe +
D 根據地 + * * gen1ju4di4 base/ citadel Stützpunkt +
D 後臺 + * * hou4tai2 backstage Platz hinter der Bühne,hinter den Kulissen +
D 饞言 + * * chan2yan2 slanderous talk Verleumdung, Diffamierung +
D 論述 + * * lun4shu4 dissertate darlegen, begründen, erläutern +
D 確立 + * * que4li4 establish errichten, etablieren, aufrichten +
D 跟蹤 + * * gen1zong1 run after/ tail einer Spur nachgehen, verfolgen +
D 上任 + * * shang4 ren4 take a post eine Stelle bekleiden, einen Posten übernehmen +
D 確信 + * * que4xin4 be certain of fest überzeugt sein, an etw. fest glauben +
D 章程 + * * zhang1cheng2 statute/ rule Regeln, Satzung +
D 交錯 + * * jiao1cuo4 stagger/ intervene ineinandergreifen,kreuz und quer,miteina. verzahnt +
D 境地 + * * jing4di4 condition/ circumstance Umstände, Bedingungen +
D 確鑿 + * * que4zao2 authentic/ irrefutable sicher, wahr, felsenfest, unbestreitbar +
D 新陳代謝 + * * xin1 chen2 dai4xie4 metabolism Metabolismus, Stoffwechsel +
D 保養 + * * bao3yang3 maintain sich bei Kräften halten,um s. Gesundheit kümmern +
D 洽談 + * * qia4tan2 talk over with verhandeln +
D 店員 + * * dian4yuan2 shop assistant Ladenangstellte, Verkäufer +
D 敬而遠之 + * * jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 keep someone at a respectful distance in respektvollem Abstand zu jn stehen +
D 保重 + * * bao3zhong4 take care of oneself sich schonen, auf seine Gesundheit achten +
D + * * geng3 stalk/ stem 1. Stengel, Stiel 2. etw aufrecht halten, aufrichten +
D 集郵 + * * ji2 you2 collecting stamps philately Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie +
D 利弊 + * * li4bi4 advantages and disadvantages Vor- und Nachteile +
D 澱粉 + * * dian4fen3 starch Stärke, Amylum +
D 酌情 + * * zhuo2 qing2 take the circumstance into consideration den Umständen entsprechend +
D 課題 + * * ke4ti2 a question for discussion/ task Thema eines Fachgesprächs, Problem, Aufgabe +
D + * * shao1 take alone sth; to sb mitbringen, jm etwas bringen +
D + * * su2 custom/ tacky 1. Sitte,Bräuche 2. volkstümlich,populär 3. spießbürgerlich, vulgär 4. Laie, Nichtgeistlicher +
D 雕塑 + * * diao1su4 sculpture/ statue Bildhauerei,Bildhauerkunst +
D 細節 + * * xi4jie2 detail/ specific Details +
D 糾紛 + * * jiu1fen1 dissension/ tangle Streit +
D 目錄 + * * mu4lu4 catalog Verzeichnis, Index, Katalog, Liste +
D 常務 + * * chang2wu4 day-to-day/ standing Routine, Alltägliches +
D 心目 + * * xin1mu4 mental view Herz und Auge, geistiges Auge, in js Augen, Aufassung +
D 資產 + * * zi1chan3 capital/ asset Vermögen, Reichtum, Kapital, Kapitalvermögen, Aktiva +
D + * * zhi4 put/ set up/ install 1. legen, stellen, unterbringen,einrichten, errichten,etablieren 2. anschaffen, erstehen +
D + * * yan2 talk/ word 1. Wort 2. sagen, sprechen 3. chinesisches Schriftzeichen +
D 招收 + * * zhao1shou1 take in/ recruit einstellen, anstellen +
D 酒會 + * * jiu3hui4 cocktail party Cocktail-Party +
D 心血 + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) +
D 事態 + * * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation Situation +
D 制服 + * * zhi4fu2 tame/ overmaster Uniform +
D 空想 + * * kong1xiang3 escapism/ dream/ phantasm Phantasie, Tagtraum +
D 攻關 + * * gong1guan1 tackle key problem eine Hürde nehmen, +
D 馬鈴薯 + * * ma3ling2shu3 potato Kartoffel +
D 元首 + * * yuan2shou3 head of state Staatsoberhaupt +
D 人道主義 + * * ren2dao4 zhu3yi4 humanitarianism Humanismus +
D + * * she4 take (pictures)/ absorb 1. aufnehmen, absorbieren, assimilieren 2. fotografieren, knipsen +
D 勢必 + * * shi4bi4 certainly will sicher, gewiß,bestimmt +
D 停滯 + * * ting2zhi4 stagnate stillstehen, stagnieren +
D 質變 + * * zhi4bian4 qualitative change qualitative Änderung +
D 前期 + * * qian2qi1 the earlier stage Vorstufe, Anfangsperiode +
D 挺拔 + * * ting3ba2 tall and straight hoch und gerade,hochragend,kräftig, energisch +
D 照料 + * * zhao4liao4 take care of sich js annehmen, für jd/etw. sorgen, betreuen +
D 挺立 + * * ting3li4 stand firm aufrecht stehen +
D 國有 + * * guo2 you3 state-owned im Nationalbesitz, nationalisiert +
D 自發 + * * zi4fa1 spontaneous/ unprompted spontan +
D 不定 + * * bu4ding4 inconstantly unbestimmt +
D 就業 + * * jiu4 ye4 take up an occupation Beschäftigung,(..)bekommen +
D 暢談 + * * chang4tan2 talk freely frei sprechen +
D 納稅 + * * na4 shui4 pay taxes Steuern zahlen +
D 信譽 + * * xin4yu4 credit standing Ruf, Ansehen, Kredit +
D 眼下 + * * yan3xia4 at this stage im Augenblick, augenblicklich, in diesem Stadium +
D + * * xing1 star 1. Stern 2. Teilchen, Stückchen, Partikel +
D 創辦 + * * chuang4ban4 set up/ establish starten +
D 設立 + * * she4li4 set up/ establish errichten, einrichten, gründen +
D 超產 + * * chao1 chan3 over fulfill a production target das Produktionsziel übertreffen +
D 創建 + * * chuang4jian4 establish/ set up gründen, errichten +
D 設施 + * * she4shi1 establishment Anlage, Einrichtung +
D 煩悶 + * * fan2men4 be vexed/ be irritated betrübt,verdrießlich +
D 耐力 + * * nai4li4 resistance/ stamina Ausdauer, Widerstandsfähigkeit +
D 煩躁 + * * fan2zao4 irritable unruhig, nervös +
D 申述 + * * shen1shu4 allege/ state etwas ausführlich erklären +
D 不解 + * * bu4jie3 not understand nicht verstehen +
D + * * yuan2 fountain/ source 1. Quelle, Ursache, Ursprung 2. Quelle, Ursache +
D 人質 + * * ren2zhi4 hostage Geisel +
D 宴請 + * * yan4qing3 entertain/ fete ein Festessen geben, bewirten, jm zum F..einladen +
D + * * lian2 shade/ curtain 1. Gardine, Vorhang 2. Aushängefahne vor Geschäften +
D 遠方 + * * yuan3fang1 far distance Ferne +
D 遠景 + * * yuan3jing3 distance/ future Fernsicht, Aussicht, Gesamtaufnahme +
D 不愧 + * * bu4kui4 creditably eines Namens würdig sein, sich würdig erweisen +
D 公認 + * * gong1ren4 established allgemein anerkannt +
D 形而上學 + * * xing2'er2shang4xue2 metaphysics Metaphysik +
D 隱蔽 + * * yin3bi4 lie up/ take cover verheimlichen, vertuschen +
D 反攻 + * * fan3gong1 counterattack Gegenangriff +
D 所得稅 + * * suo3de2shui4 income tax Einkommenssteuer +
D 任命 + * * ren4ming4 appoint/ instate ernennen +
D 收回 + * * shou1hui2 take back zurücknehmen, zurückbekommen, zurückerhalten, etwas rückgängig machen, widerrufen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
8 西瓜 好吃 + The watermelon tastes great. Die Wassermelone schmeckt wirklich gut.
10 中文 + I don't understand Chinese. Ich verstehe kein Chinesisch.
24 他们 什么 + What are they talking about? Worüber sprechen sie?
53 夫妻 公园 散步 + The couple are taking a walk in the park. Ein Ehepaar macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
73 桌子 咖啡 + There is a cup of coffee on the table. Auf dem Tisch steht eine Tasse Kaffee.
79 终于 到达 山顶 + I finally got to the top of the mountain. Am Ende erreichte ich die Bergspitze.
85 歌迷 台下 欢呼 + The fans are cheering below the stage. Die Fans jubeln unterhalb der Bühne.
103 记事本 记录 以便 记忆 + She taking notes in her notebook to help her remember. Sie trägt Notizen in ihr Notizbuch ein, um sich besser zu erinnern.
114 老师 身后 + The teacher is standing behind him. Der Lehrerin steht hinter ihm.
115 才能 + She's very talented. Sie ist sehr talentiert.
126 妈妈 医院 工作 + Mom works in a hospital. Mama arbeitet in einem Krankenhaus.
128 桔子 分成 + I cut the tangerine into two halves. Ich schneide die Mandarine in zwei Hälften.
132 客厅 方桌 + There's a square table in the living room. Im Wohnzimmer ist ein rechteckiger Tisch.
146 她们 + They're standing in a row. Sie stehen in einer Reihe.
155 开门 看看 + Open the door and take a look. Öffne die Tür und schau mal.
160 桌上 + There's a glass of liquor on the table. Auf dem Tisch seht ein Glas Schnaps.
180 爷爷 树林 散步 + The old man is taking a walk in the woods. Der alte Mann macht einen Spaziergang im Wald.
191 出门 + Whenever he leaves home, he always takes an umbrella with him. Wenn er hinausgeht, trägt er immer einen Regenschirm.
193 + He's tall and strong. Er ist sowohl groß als auch kräftig.
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 + I bought vegetables, fruits, etc. Ich habe Gemüse, Obst usw gekauft.
209 明白 + Do you understand? Hast du das verstanden?
218 爸爸 很多 + My father is much taller than me. Vater ist viel größer als ich.
231 学期 开始 + The new semester has started. Das neue Semester hat begonnen.
239 电视台 工作 + I work at a television station. Ich arbeite bei einem Fernsehsender.
240 讲台 发表 演讲 + He's standing at the dais making a speech. Er steht auf der Bühne und hält eine Rede.
264 才华 + She's very talented. Sie ist sehr talentiert.
274 这里 一共 + There are five people here in total. Hier sind insgesamt fünf Personen.
281 北京 中国 首都 + Beijing is China's capital. Peking ist die Hauptstadt Chinas.
301 伦敦 英国 首都 + London is the capital of the UK. London ist Englands Hauptstadt.
313 有名 电影 明星 + She is a famous movie star. Sie ist ein berühmter Filmstar.
314 很多 星星 + There are many stars in the sky. Am Himmel sind viele Sterne.
332 桌上 银色 餐具 + There's a set of silver tableware on the table. Auf dem Tisch ist ein silberfarbenes Essgeschirr.
335 桌上 很多 + There are a lot of dishes on the table. Auf dem Tisch stehen viele Gerichte.
336 我们 超市 买菜 + We go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Wir gehen zum Supermarkt und kaufen Gemüse.
341 儿子 + My son has grown tall. Mein Sohn ist groß gewachsen.
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜 + Many vegetables are on display at the stall. Im kleinen Verkaufstand liegen viele Sorten Gemüse.
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥 + The tall one of the group is my older brother. Der Große in dieser Gruppe ist mein älterer Bruder.
374 实验 部分 重要 + The experimental part is very important. Der experimentelle Teil ist sehr wichtig.
376 附近 + This is the highest mountain in the vicinity. Dies ist der höchste Berg in der Nähe.
379 你们 明白 意思 + Do you understand what I mean? Versteht ihr, was ich meine?
432 站立 + He can stand on his own now. Er kann aufrecht stehen.
444 受不了 + I can't stand it anymore. Ich ertrage es nicht länger.
450 办公室 安装 电话 + A phone has been installed in the office. Im Büro ist ein Telefon installiert worden.
457 大量 照片 + He has taken a large number of photos. Er hat eine große Anzahl Fotos geschossen.
471 妈妈 医院 看望 奶奶 + My mother and I went to the hospital to see my grandma. Meine Mutter und ich gehen ins Krankenhaus, um meine Großmutter zu besuchen.
474 他们 儿子 公园 + They take their son to the park. Sie nehmen ihren Sohn in den Park mit.
481 医生 治疗 牙病 + The doctor is treating her dental problem. Der Doktor behandelt ihr Zahnproblem.
512 发言 清楚 + His presentation is very clear. Seine Rede ist sehr klar und deutlich.
518 桌子 很多 试管 + There are a lot of test tubes on the table. Auf dem Tisch sind viele Reagenzgläser.
539 他们 什么 + What are they talking about? Worüber diskutieren sie?
543 广州 广东省 首府 + Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong province. Guangzhou ist der Regierungssitz von der Provinz Guangdong.
545 朋友们 在一起 照相 + The friends are taking a picture together. Die Freunde machen zusammen ein Foto.
551 球场 可以 容纳 几万 + This stadium can hold a few thousand people. Dieses Stadion kann einige zehntausend Besucher aufnehmen.
583 这里 发生 火灾 + A fire has started here. ((A fire has broken out here.)) Hier hat sich eine Feuerkatastrophe ereignet.
605 口舌 油滑 + He is a smooth talker. Er ist ein geschickter Redner.
606 汽车 加油 + He's filling the tank with gas. Er betankt das Auto.
621 大家 + Everyone is standing. Alle stehen.
622 到站 + The train has arrived at the station. Der Zug ist im Bahnhof eingefahren.
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 + A traffic accident have taken place here. ((A traffic accident has occurred here.)) Hier hat sich ein Verkehrsunfall ereignet.
629 地铁 上班 + She takes the subway train to work. Sie fährt mit der U-Bahn zur Arbeit.
631 小学 年级 + I'm in the fifth grade in elementary school. Ich bin in der fünften Grundschulklasse.
641 他们 考试 + They're taking an exam. Sie machen einen Test /eine Prüfung.
651 + You're already one meter tall. Du bist einen Meter groß.
652 主食 + Rice is a staple food. Reis ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel.
655 超过 所有 选手 + No. 6 has taken the lead over all the other contestants. Nummer sechs hat alle Gegner (Auswahlspieler/Wettstreiter) überholt.
698 大家 桌子 旁边 + Everyone's sitting at the table. Alle sitzen am Tisch.
700 + I understand. Ich verstehe.
702 城市 适宜 居住 + This city is suitable for living. ((This is a very liveable city.)) Diese Stadt (ist sehr geeignet zum Leben) bietet eine hohe Lebensqualität.
712 援助 非洲 需要 大量 资金 + Assistance to Africa requires significant funding. Die Unterstützung Afrikas bedarf erheblicher finanzieller Mittel.
723 远处 风景 + She's pointing at the scene in the distance. Sie zeigt mit dem Finger auf die Landschaft in der Ferne.
743 了解 + I know/understand her well. Ich verstehe sie.
747 宪法 国家 最基本 章程 + A constitution is the basic law of a state. Eine Verfassung ist das grundlegende Regelwerk eines Staates.
755 导游 我们 前走 + The tour guide takes us ahead. Der Reiseführer führt uns nach vorn.
760 我们 合影 + Let's take a group photo. Lasst uns ein Gruppenfoto machen.
790 飞机 将要 起飞 + The plane is about to take off. Das Flugzeug ist kurz davor abzuheben.
801 及时 赶到 车站 + I made it to the station in time. Ich habe die Station rechtzeitig erreicht.
813 小路 通往 山顶 + This small path leads to the top of the mountain. Dieser kleine Weg führt zur Bergspitze.
838 电脑 安装 什么 + What is he installing on the computer? Was installiert er auf den Computer?
841 农业 重要 + Agriculture is very important. Landwirtschaft ist sehr wichtig.
842 体操 动作 标准 + Her gymnastics moves are up to the standard. Ihre gymnastischen Bewegungen entsprechen dem Standard.
844 辣椒 洋葱 胡萝蔔 属于 蔬菜类 + Peppers, onions and carrots are all vegetables. Paprika (oder: Chili, Pfeffer), Zwiebel und Karotten gehören alle zu den Gemüsearten.
865 他们 接受 委托 + They've agreed to take on the job. [lit., They've accepted the entrustment.] Sie haben den Auftrag angenommen.
888 看台 挤满 观众 + Spectators crowded the bleachers. Die Zuschauer bevölkerten die Tribüne.
900 咖啡 有点 + The coffee tastes a bit bitter. Der Kaffee ist ein wenig bitter.
936 警察 维持 社会 治安 + The police maintain social order. ((Police maintain the social order.)) Die Polizei hält die öffentliche Sicherheit aufrecht.
949 地球 不断 演变 + The earth is constantly evolving. Die Erde entwickelt sich unablässig.
972 这里 巴基斯坦 + This is Pakistan. Hier ist Pakistan.
1025 批评 员工 + He's criticizing his staff. Er kritisiert seine Mitarbeiter.
1034 做错 + You made a mistake. Du hast einen Fehler gemacht.
1046 前方 雪山 + There is a snow-covered mountain up ahead. Vorne ist ein schneebedeckter Berg.
1050 餐厅 环境 不错 + The restaurant is quite nice inside. Das Restaurant sieht von innen ganz gut aus.
1053 恶梦 惊醒 + A nightmare made her wake with a start. Sie wurde von einem Alptraum aus dem Schlaf gerissen.
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 + Tai Chi exercises are appropriate for the elderly. Tai Chi Übungen sind für ältere Menschen geeignet.
1079 项目 利益 可观 + This project is very profitable. Die Vorteile dieses Projekts sind beträchtlich.
1089 医院 检查 身体 + I went to the hospital for a physical examination. Ich gehe ins Krankenhaus, um meine Gesundheit untersuchen zu lassen.
1090 喜欢 冰淇淋 味道 + He likes the taste of ice cream. Er mag den Geschmack von Eiscreme.
1118 南极洲 企鹅 + There are penguins in Antarctica. In der Antarktis gibt es Pinguine.
1129 信封 邮票 + There are two stamps pasted on the envelope. Auf den Briefumschlag sind zwei Briefmarken geklebt.
1136 老师 孩子们 + The teacher taught one class to the children. Die Lehrerin gab den Schüler eine Unterrichtseinheit.
1145 + The room is a total mess. Im Zimmer herrscht Chaos.
1146 股票 风险 + You take a risk when you buy stock. Man geht ein Risiko ein, wenn man Aktien kauft.
1169 发现 万有引力 + Who discovered universal gravitation? Wer hat das Gravitationsgesetz entdeckt?
1175 明星 人群 显眼 + A star stands out in the crowd. Stars heben sich von der Masse ab.
1203 获得 机会 + He's obtained an opportunity. Ihm bot sich eine Gelegenheit.
1217 广场 中央 喷水池 + In the center of the square is a fountain. Im Zentrum des Platzes ist ein Springbrunnen.
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 + The government is starting operations to combat the disaster. Die Regierung führt Maßnahmen zur Katastrophenabwehr durch.
1269 他们 准备 敌人 发起 攻击 + They are ready to attack the enemy. Sie bereiten sich vor, den Feind anzugreifen.
1307 铁架 牢固 + The metal scaffold is strong. Das Metallgerüst ist sehr stabil.
1318 航海 运输 重要 + Maritime transport is very important. Seetransport ist sehr wichtig.
1349 山顶 风景 + The scene on the mountain top is very beautiful. Die Landschaft auf der Bergspitze ist sehr schön.
1359 她们 拍照 + He's taking photos for them. Er macht ein Foto für sie.
1363 收入 总额 多少 + What are the total earnings for this month? Wie hoch ist die Gesamtsumme der Monatseinnahmen?
1370 林肯 伟大 政治家 + Lincoln was a great statesman. Lincoln war ein bedeutender Staatsmann.
1378 正在 外套 + She's taking off her coat. Sie zieht gerade die Jacke aus.
1381 寿司 味道 正宗 + The taste of the sushi is very authentic. Der Geschmack der Sushis ist sehr authentisch.
1391 论文 合格 + This paper fails to meet the standard. Dieser Aufsatz genügt nicht dem Standard.
1398 悬崖 感到 恐慌 + Standing on the cliff, I became very frightened. Wenn ich auf dem Kliff stehe, bekomme ich es mit der Angst zu tun.
1399 收入 交税 + Tax must be paid on every month's income. Für das Einkommen jedes Monats müssen Steuern bezahlt werden.
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 + There are many beautiful mountains and rivers in China. Es gibt viele schöne Berge und Flüsse in China.
1428 大厦 + These buildings are really tall. Diese Hochhäuser sind wirklich groß.
1462 今晚 登台 献艺 + She is giving a performance on stage this evening. Sie gibt heute abend eine Auführung auf der Bühne.
1466 生产 顺序 进行 + Production is proceeding according to the (established) sequence. Die Produktion verläuft plangemäß.
1481 书架 抽出 + He takes a book off the shelf. Sie zieht ein Buch aus dem Bücherregal.
1491 出门 忽然 大雨 + /It started to rain heavily just when I stepped out the door. Es fing kräftig an zu regnen, gerade als ich zur Tür hinausging.
1496 士兵 正在 进行 军事 训练 + The soldiers are in the midst of military drills. Die Soldaten machen militärischen Übungen.
1501 城堡 看起来 庄严 + The castle looks stately. Das Schloß sieht stattlich aus.
1502 机器 运行 稳定 + The machine is running stably. Die Maschine läuft stabil.
1503 + She is standing very steadily. Sie steht standfest.
1504 大家 兴奋 欢呼起来 + Everyone got so excited they started to cheer. Alle waren so aufgeregt, daß sie zu jubeln begannen.
1514 残疾 不幸 遭遇 + Being disabled doesn't have to be a tale of misfortune.
1548 喜欢 吃素 + She loves eating vegetarian food.
1550 免税店 + This is a tax-free shop.
1555 朋友们 登山 + My friends and I are going mountain climbing.
1569 经理 秘书 + She is the manager's secretary.
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
1617 喜欢 收藏 邮票 + He likes collecting stamps.
1628 狗仔队 喜欢 偷拍 明星 私生活 + Paparazzi are fond of taking pictures of the private lives of the stars.
1636 查看 邮箱 附件 + She's checking an attachment in her e-mail. Sie überprüft einen E-mail-Anhang.
1643 蛋糕 量高 + Cakes have a high percentage of sugar.
1656 血压 + She's having her blood pressure taken.
1661 丰盛 + What a spread! (lit., This tableful of dishes is very abundant.)
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 + China and the U.S. have established a diplomatic relationship.
1683 唐朝 文化 发达 + The Tang Dynasty's culture was very advanced.
1692 味道 有点 + The taste of the wine is a little weak.
1702 明天 返校 + School starts again tomorrow.
1708 她们 害怕 尖叫 起来 + They were so frightened that they started to scream.
1721 瀑布 壮观 + The waterfall is spectacular.
1743 穿着 俗气 + He's dressed in a tacky way.
1758 公共汽车 + She's taking a bus.
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 + All kinds of vegetables are sold in the market.
1796 桌子 金属 + The legs of the desk are metal.
1803 很多 小贩 + There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside.
1810 汙渍 + There are stains on his clothes.
1814 夏天 洗澡 凉快 + Taking a bath in summer is very refreshing [lit., cool]. .
1816 背上 背包 爬山 + She put on her backpack and went mountain climbing.
1828 胡说 + You are talking nonsense.
1829 + Take one pill of this medicine each time.
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 + There's a real water shortage here. Hier herrscht ein ein echter Wassermangel.
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 + We've finally reached the highest peak of the mountain.
1875 恐怖 分子 侵佔 + The terrorists have taken the building.
1883 获得 短跑 比赛 冠军 + He won the short-distance championship.
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 + My parents have promised to take us on a picnic. Meine Eltern haben versprochen, uns auf ein Picknick zu mitzunehmen.
1893 讲解 详细 + He gave a detailed explanation. ((His explanation is very detailed.))
1894 酒店 住宿 + She's staying in a hotel.
1895 餐厅 兼职 + She has a part-time job in a restaurant.
1897 傑出 建筑师 + He is an outstanding architect.
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 + He told his father of his remorse for his mistakes.
1934 学习 成绩 优秀 + Her grades in school are outstanding.
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 + They're eating in a restaurant.
1954 土豆 + I like mashed potatoes. Ich esse gern Kartoffelpüree.
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 + There are a lot of vegetables in the bag.
1980 灾区 需要 支援 + The disaster area needs assistance.
1998 沙发 舒服 + The sofa is quite comfortable. Das Sofa ist recht bequem
2002 生活 贫穷 + She's lives in very poor circumstances.
2006 出色 哲学家 + He was an outstanding philosopher.
2027 不要 拖延 时间 + Don't stall for time.
2035 发呆 + She is staring blankly. Sie ist geistesabwesend.
2041 桌上 多空 碗盘 + There are many empty dishes on the table.
2043 距离 车站 公里 + My home is one kilometer away from the station.
2047 摇头摆尾 + The little dog is shaking its head and wagging its tail at me.
2071 刚刚 收到 邮件 + She just received a big stack of mail.
2100 核电站 + That's a nuclear power station.
2102 自由 女神 挺立 港口 + The Statue of Liberty stands tall in the harbor.
2111 符号 + I can't understand this symbol.
2142 他们 旅途 短暂 休息 + They are taking a brief rest in the middle of their journey.
2152 矩形 标识牌 + This is a rectangular sign.
2156 孕妇 户外 走走 + Pregnant women should often take walks outside .
2160 仿制品 + This is an imitation.
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 + Everyone is imitating the teacher's movements. Alle ahmen die Bewegungen der Lehrerin nach.
2172 进口 商品 征收 进口税 + An import tax is levied on imported goods.
2178 他们 这儿 逗留 + They're going to stay here for a few days.
2195 夫妻 双方 应该 同舟共济 + Husbands and wives should stand together in difficult times.
2203 沿海 地区 水患 严重 + The coastal areas are experiencing severe flooding.
2214 犯错 + He makes mistakes again and again.
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都 + Nanjing was once the capital of the Southern Song dynasty.
2263 喷泉 好看 + The fountain is very beautiful.
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝 + The Mongols defeated the Song dynasty and established the Yuan dynasty.
2271 我们 会计 + She's our accountant.
2280 矿泉水 味道 甘甜 + The mineral water tastes very sweet.
2286 服药 掌握好 剂量 + Make sure that you have the correct dosage when taking medicine.
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息 + The mayor made an important announcement (lit., solemnly/seriously announced a piece of information).
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 + The soldiers are stationed at the frontier.
2339 火车 + She wants to take the train.
2357 综合性 医院 + This is a general hospital. Das ist ein Allgemeines Krankenhaus.
2375 山路 弯曲 + This is a winding mountain road.
2397 他们 信奉 基督教 + They are Protestants.
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫 + The oil is polluting the coast and causing an environmental disaster.
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 + Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
2409 他们 桌子 摊开 地图 + They spread the map out on the table.
2410 那里 水果摊 + There is a fruit stall there.
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 + The atmosphere in this restaurant is quite nice.
2464 他们 牛群 驱赶 上山 + They drove the cattle up the mountain.
2466 工作 岗位 + This is my job station.
2493 不能 禁忌 + This is a taboo which can't be discussed.
2525 蔬菜 + She loves vegetables.
2532 这些 灾民 饥饿 + These disaster victims are starving.
2537 批注 + He's annotating the book.
2539 宝宝 梯子 + The baby is standing on a ladder.
2655 长高 厘米 + You've grown one centimenter taller.
2666 身体 衰弱 + She's in a very weak state of health. Sie ist in einem sehr schwachen gesundheitlichen Zustand.
2674 梯子 + He is standing on the ladder.
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯 + Knowledge is the staircase for the advancement of mankind. Wissen ist die Treppe zum Fortschritt der Menschheit.
2686 一下 + Let me taste it.
2718 报刊亭 + There's a newspaper stand by the side of the street.
2727 弟弟 花盆 + Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot.
2734 能源 供给 依仗 石油 开采 + The energy supply depends on the exploitation of petroleum. Die Energieversorgung hängt von der Ausbeutung von Erdöl ab.
2745 品尝 滋味 + He's tasting the wine/savoring the taste of the wine.
2746 卫生 习惯 滋生 病菌 + Unsanitary habits can cause germs to multiply. Unhygienische Gewohnheiten können dazu führen, daß sich Keime vermehren.
2754 爸爸 牙医 诊所 + Dad opened a dental clinic. Pappa hat eine Zahnklinik eröffnet.
2765 这些 蔬菜 物美价廉 + These vegetables are good, and they're cheap too.
2792 水汽 不停 蒸发 + The steam is constantly evaporating.
2809 广场 元帅 雕像 + There's a statue of the Marshal (commander-in-chief) in the square.
2863 官员 下榻 酒店 + The official is staying at this hotel.
2866 水晶球 占卜 吉凶 + She uses a crystal ball to tell whether the omens are good or bad.
2896 竖立 电线杆 + A power line pole is standing by the roadside.
2912 医生 叮嘱 病人 按时 + The doctor urged/warned the patient repeatedly to take the medicine at the times indicated.
2914 洗衣店 可以 浆洗 衣服 + They wash and starch clothes in the laundry.
2930 纯粹 一派胡言 + You're talking utter nonsense.
2945 雪山 非常 + The snowy mountain is very steep.
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
2952 希望 人类 远离 瘟疫 + I hope that mankind will stay free from from plagues.
2959 我们 常用 蜜蜂 比喻 勤劳 + We often use bees as a metaphor for diligent people.
2970 瞄准 目标 + He is aiming at the target.
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 + Now let's talk about the crux of the issue.
2999 卧室 舒适 + The bedroom is comfortable.
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 + Singing karaoke is a way to entertain yourself.
3034 警察 拘留 + The police detained him. Die Polizei hat ihn in Gewahrsam genommen.
3049 警察 现场 维护 秩序 + The police are maintaining order on the scene.
3056 桌上 报纸 + There is a pile of newspapers on the table.
3088 吉他 + The guitar string broke with a snap.
3129 一会儿 + She wants to take a rest.
3130 楼梯 栽倒 下来 + He fell down the stairs.
3137 她们 犹豫 + They are hesitating about which shoes to buy.
3142 乳酪 好吃 + Cheese tastes good.
3148 天都 淋浴 + She takes a shower every day.
3156 他们 谈吐 诙谐 + They're talking humorously.
3159 他们 取得 卓越 成果 + They have achieved outstanding results.
3175 背包 爬山 累赘 + It's quite a burden to carry a backpack when mountain-climbing.
3189 收到 请帖 + I've received an invitation.
3200 天然 石灰 岩洞 非常 壮观 + The natural limestone caverns are very spectacular.
3205 人群 湧入 车站 + The crowd surged into the train station.
3210 新郎 新娘 岳父母 合影 + The bride and groom are having a picture taken with the parents of the bride. Braut und Bräutigam machen ein Gruppenbild mit den Brauteltern.
3215 对于 浅尝辄止 + With wine, she drinks only enough to get a taste of it, not to get drunk.
3219 自由 女神 像是 纽约 标誌 + The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of New York.
3221 宣读 政府 咨文 + He's delivering the chief executive's report on affairs of state.
3240 笔筒 许多 + There are many pens in the pen container.
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 + They're wandering in the mountain, appreciating the scenery.
3261 乍冷乍热 舒服 + She's experiencing uncomfortable hot and cold spells.
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐 + Diving requires the use of an oxygen tank.
3271 田地 公顷 + This field is one hectare.
3280 放射性 金属 + Uranium is a type of radioactive metal.
3288 医生 一丝不苟 + The doctor is scrupulous about every detail. Der Arzt geht äußerst methodisch vor.
3310 法官 案件 酌情 判决 + The judge considers the circumstances of the case before rendering a decision.
3332 华山 之一 + Hua Shan is one of the five renowned mountains of China. Hua Shan ist einer der fünf heiligen Berge.
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来 + In an instant, the race cars came speeding towards us.
3348 红薯 新鲜 + The sweet potatoes are fresh. Die Süßkartoffeln sind frisch.
3349 每天 马铃薯 + I eat potatoes every day.
3352 这里 山路 险峻 + The mountain roads here are very steep.
3365 大家 站拢 拍照 + Everyone stand closer together, we're about to take a picture!
3374 山顶 光秃秃 + The mountain top/hilltop is bare.
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 + There are some bread crumbs on the table.
3393 药丸 + He's taking pills.
3394 忌讳 别人 + He resents (lit., considers it taboo) others saying he's fat.
3405 枕头 舒服 + This pillow is really comfortable.
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 + I love eating Chinese dishes, like Beijing roast duck, for instance.
3433 我们 照顾 不周 包涵 + Please forgive us if we haven't taken good care of you.
3442 妈妈 说话 囉嗦 + My mother just doesn't stop talking.
3457 红酒 贮藏 年份 + She's checking the wine's vintage.
3458 抨击 时政 + She's attacking the current political situation.
3469 列宁 制成 雕像 人们 瞻仰 + Lenin's likeness has been made into a statue to enable people to pay tribute to him.
3501 医生 通过 把脉 揆度 病情 + By taking a pulse, a doctor can gauge a patient's condition.
3507 价目 标籤 + She's looking at the price tag.
3521 蝌蚪 蜕变成 青蛙 + Tadpoles grow into frogs.
3523 感到 惘然 + He felt totally at a loss.
3562 含有 + The water contains alkali.
3575 儿童 单独 乘坐 飞机 + Are children able to take a plane by themselves?
3580 + Our lesson starts at 10 o'clock, but he hasn't come until a quarter past ten.
3581 + Our class starts at nine o'clock, but he came as early as at eight.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
3605 反对 现阶段 废除 死刑 + A lot of people oppose the abolishing the death penalty at the present stage.
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题 + A problem that cuts across all strata of society
3629 邀请 推辞 + It's not appropriate for me to decline her invitation.
3647 关心 觉得 重要 事物 + I am concerned only with things that I feel are important to me.
3655 大猩猩 素食生仪者 + Gorillas are vegetarians.
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 + Many people mistakenly think, that the gorilla is a savage animal.
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 + College students these days understand only a smattering of China's profound culture
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 + The retiree is painstakingly nurturing his bonsai.
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目 + Although she looks plain off the stage, once going onto the stage, she is so bright and eye-catching.
3688 命名 英雄 + This mountain was named Heroes' Mountain.
3691 不辱使命 + I will fulfill my task if you leave it to me. Wenn Du mir diese Aufgabe überläßt, werde ich sie bestimmt erfüllen.
3698 木吉 共鸣 用于 放大 声音 + The body of an acoustic guitar is used to amplify that tone.
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 + We are all old acquaintances, so we don't bother with formalities.
3708 城市 面貌 改观 许多 + The city has already taken on quite a new look.
3715 那场 洪水 大家 意识 重新 筑堤 重要性 迫切性 + The flood made people realize the importance and urgency of rebuilding the dike.
3716 有些 东西 给与 不是 一件 轻而易举 + It is not easy to give certain things to others.
3717 农村 白事 也是 这么 热闹 + In the countryside, funeral arrangements are often taken very seriously.
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 + Mother reminded me that some dried vegetables must be added to this dish.
3726 秘书 收据 + The secretary enclosed a receipt in the letter.
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 + He is a candid person, who consents without hesitating.
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病 + He has been standing for so long outside, he must have caught a cold.
3745 行李 出租车 车箱 占满 + His luggage filled the entire taxi.
3748 边城 出差 星期 才能 回来 + He will take a business trip to a border town, and will be back in a week.
3750 这种 情况 不能 任凭 一人 做主 + Under these circumstances we can't let you take the decision alone.
3751 饭店的 女服务员 + She is a waitress in a restaurant.
3753 教室 欢闹 实在 适宜 学习 + This classroom is very noisy, and really not suitable for studying.
3779 叉子 土豆 + Stick the fork into the potato. Steche die Gabel in die Kartoffel.
3782 一把 勺子 马铃薯 糊状 + He mashed up the potatoes with a spoon.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
can1ting1 + restaurant
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
cai4 + cooked food: vegetables, meat etc.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
shu1cai4 + vegetables
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Wo3 xi3huan shu1cai4. + I like vegetables.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Wo3 xi3huan chi1 shu1cai4. + I like to eat vegetables.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Wo3 bu4 xi3huan chi1 shu1cai4. + I don't like to eat vegetables.
Lesson 007. Lessons Review!
kai1shi3 + to begin / to start
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
xi3zao3 + to take a shower / to take a bath
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
zhuo1zi + table
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
zhang1 + m. for tables / m. for flat objects
Lesson 013. My Family.
yi1gong4 + in total / altogether
Lesson 013. My Family.
Yi1gong4 duo1shao3 qian2 + How much money in total?
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
mao2tai2jiu3 + Maotai (Chinese vodka)
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
ai1ya1 + intj. Of wonder / admitation/ shock
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
chu1zu1che1 + taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
chu1zu1 qi4che1 + taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
ji4cheng2che1 + taxi (TW)
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 + to take a transport
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 chu1zu1che1 + to take a taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 fei1ji + to take the airplane
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
zuo4 huo3che1 + to take the train
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
da3che1 + catch a taxi
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3che1. + We want to catch a taxi.
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xiang3 da3di1. + I want to catch a taxi. (Beijing)
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
jia1 + m. for banks, restaurants, companies etc
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
yi1 jia1 can1ting1 + one restaurant
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
pai1 zhao4pian4 + to take a picture
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
zhan4 + station / stop
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
xia4 yi1 zhan4 + next station /next stop
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
shu1fu + feel well / feel comfortable
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Wo3 hen3 shu1fu. + I feel very well. / I feel very comfortable.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Zhe4li3 hen3 shu1fu. + It's very comfortable here.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
yi1yuan4 + hospital
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liang2 ti3wen1 + to measure the temperature / to take temperature
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
chi1yao4 + to take medicine
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
xiu1xi + to take a rest
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Wo3men jia1wang3 yi1 nian2, jiu4 fen1shou3 le. + We stayed together for one year and then broke up.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
shang4ban1 + to go to work / to start to work / to be at work
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
zhu4li3 + assistant
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Jia1le4fu2 + Carrefour (French retail shop No1. In China)
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
jiao1tong1 + transport / transportation
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
huo4zhe3 + (GP: or used in statements) or
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
kan4kan + to take a look / Look
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4... qu4 + to go to a certain place
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4...lai2 + to come to a certain place
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
lü4se4 shu1cai4 + green vegetables
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
Wo3 xi3huan chi1 lü4se4 shu1cai4. + I like to eat green vegetables.
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
tu3dou4 + potatoes
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
ma3ling2shu3 + potatoes (TW)
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
hui2lai2 zai4 shuo1 + we talk about it after I come back
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
yi3hou4 zai4 shuo1 + let's talk about it later
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
qing1chu + clear / clear to understand
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
wei4dao + taste / smell
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
zhe4 shi4 shen2me wei4dao? + What taste is this? / What smell is this?
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Zhe4 dao4 cai4 shi4 shen2me wei4dao? + What taste is this dish?
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Wei4dao tai4 suan1 le! + The taste is too sour.
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
chang2 yi1 chang2 + to taste / to try
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
chang2chang + to taste / to try
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Wei4dao hao3 ji2 le! + Extremely good taste!
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Zhe4 ge4 wei4dao hen3 te4bie2. + This taste is very special.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
cai4 shi4chang3 + traditional market / grocery / vegetable market
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
cuo4 + a mistake
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
yi1...jiu4... + (GP: yi1+Verb+jiu4) ...rightaway)
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Wo3 yi1kan4 jiu4 zhi1dao. + I looked and I knew rightaway.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
Wo3 yi1kan4 jiu4 zhi1dao ta1 shi4 Zhong1guo2ren2. + I looked and I knew rightaway he is Chinese.
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
ba3 + (GP: ba3+object+Verb = to take ...)
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zhong4yao4 + important
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
hen3 zhong4yao4 + very important
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zui4 zhong4yao4 de dong1xi + the most important thing
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zui4 zhong4yao4 de shi4 + most important is ...
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
mu4lu4 + catalog / list
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
shang1pin3 mu4lu4 + products catalog
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Wo3 xiang3 kan4 yi1xia4 shang1pin3 mu4lu4. + I'd like to see the products catalog.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
bao4jia4 + to give a quotation / to give a price
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Qing3 gei3 wo3 bao4jia4. + Please give me a quotation.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Qing3 ba3 bao4jia4 chuan2zhen1 gei3 wo3. + Please send me the quotation by fax.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Qing3 ba3 bao4jia4 email gei3 wo3. + Please send me the quotation by email.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
huo4gui4 + container / shipping container
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
ji1zhuang1xiang1 + container / shipping container
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Wo3 xiang3 ding4 liang3 ge4 huo4gui4 jia1ju. + I'd like to order two containers of furniture.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
cong2 fu4 ding4jin ri4qi1 kai1shi3 + starting from the date of paying the down payment
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
bai3 fen1zhi1 + percent / percentage
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ting1dong3 + to understand
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
dong3 + to understand
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ting1budong3 + hear and don't understand
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Ta1 ting1budong3 Zhong1wen2. + He doesn't understand Chinese.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 neng2 ting1dong3 yi1dian3 Zhong1wen2. + I can understand a little Chinese.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 ting1budong3 ni3 shi4 shen2me yi4si. + I don't understand. What do you mean?
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
jiang3 + to say / to talk / to speak
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
jiang3 jia4qian + to talk price / to bargain
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ming2bai + to understand
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
hai2shi + (GP: hai2 shi in a statement = still to be)
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ming2tian1 ni3 bi4xu1 lai2! Ming2bai3 le ma? + You must come tomorrow! Understand?
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
qi3fei1 + to take off (plane)
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
qi3fei1 shi2jian1 + departure time / take off time (plane)
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
Chun1jie2 shi4 Zhong1guo2 zui4 zhong4yao4 de jie2ri4 + Chinese New Year is the most important Chinese holiday.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
kai1 gong1si1 + open a company / start a company / run a company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
gu4wen4 + consultant / advisor
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
gu4wen4 gong1si1 + consultant company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
tou2zi gu4wen4 gong1si1 + investment consultant company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
zhong4yao4 zi1xun4 + important information
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Dui4buqi3 ni3 xie3 de zi4 dou1shi4 luan4. Wo3 kan4budong3. + Sorry , the characters that you have written are all incorrectly displayed. I can't understand them.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
chong2qi3 + to restart / to reboot
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Deng3 yi1 xia4 wo3 xu4yao4 chong2qi3 wo3 de dian4nao3. + Wait, I need to restart my computer.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3 yi3jing ba3 zhuo1zi xiu1hao3 le. + I have already fixed the table.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Tu1ran2 xia4yu3 le + Suddenly it started to rain.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
kao3shi4 + exam / to take an exam
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
xiao3xue2 + elementary school
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
shang4 xiao3xue2 + to go to elementary school
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
kao3 jia4zhao4 + to take an exam for a driving license
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
na2 + to take / to get / to hold with the hands
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
gua4dang3 de che1 + car with standard transmission
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Wo3 bu4 hui4 kai gua4dang3 de che1. + I can't drive cars with standard transmission.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
jia1you2zhan4 + gas station
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
cai3 + to step on / to stamp on
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
yi1yuan4 + hospital
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
qu4 yi1yuan4 + to go to the hospital
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 yao4 qu4 yi1yuan4 kan4 yi1sheng1. + I want to go to the hospital to see the doctor.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Ni3 ke3yi3 dai4 wo3 qu4 yi1yuan4 kan4 yi1sheng1 ma? + Can you take me to the hospital to see the doctor?
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
zhu4yuan4 + to be hospitalized
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Ni3 xu1yao4 zhu4yuan4 yi1 ge4 xing1qi1. + You need to be hospitalized for one week.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
yan3ke1 + ophtalmology department
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
pai2dui4 + to stay in the line / to line up
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Guai1guai1 yao4 chi1fan4fan4 le. + (GP: Reduplication , Child-talk:) Darling, it is time to eat.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
tuo1 + to take off (clothes etc.)
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
tuo1xia4 + to take off (clothes etc.)
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
qu3 + to take a wife
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
qu3 ta1 + to take her as a wife / to marry her
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
jia4 + to take a husband
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ru2guo3 ni3 qu3 wo3, wo3 jiu4 jia4 gei3 ni3. + If you take me as a wife, then I will marry you.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
can1jia1 + to participate / to take part
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
qing3jian3 + invitation card
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
fa1 qing3jian3 + to send out invitations
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
hong2bao1 + red envelope / containing money as a gift
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 Lao3ren2 + Santa Claus
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Sheng4dan4 Lao3gong1gong + Santa Claus
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
ji1wei3jiu3 + cocktail
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
ji2ta + guitar
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
tan2 ji2ta + to play guitar
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wa, ni3 de ji2ta tan2 de hen3 hao3. + Wow, you play guitar so well!
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
ji2tashou3 + guitarist
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 shi4 ji2tashou3. + I am a guitarist.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Zhe4 ge4 ji2ta hen3 hao3kan4. + This guitar is very pretty.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Bu4yao4 ba3 wo3men dang1 sha3gua1! + Don't take us for fools!
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Bu4yao4 ba3 wo3 dang1 sha3gua1, wo3 shi4 bu4 hui4 shang4dang4 de. + Don't take me for a fool, I won't be fooled.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
dui4...liao3jie3 + to have the understanding of / to understand / to know about
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
tan2bushang4 hen3 liao3jie3, zhi3 zhi1dao4 yi1dian3dian3. + I can't really say that I understand a lot, I just know a little bit.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
cha2ji1 + tea table / coffee table
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
fang3zao4 + to imitate / to copy
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Bu4xing2, wo3 bi4xu1 kai1shi3 zuo4 jian4shen1 yun4dong4 le. + No way, I must start working out.
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
Ming2tian1 wo3 dai4 nü3peng2you qu4 dian4ying3yuan4 kan4 dian4ying3. + Tomorrow I take my girlfriend to go to the cinema to watch a movie.
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
pai1 + to film / to shoot a movie / to take pictures
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
pai1 zhao4pian4 + to take photos
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
Qing3 bang1 wo3 pai1 yi1 zhang1 zhao4pian4. + Please help me to take a picture.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

et les larmes se remirent à couler + and the tears started flowing again

je ne sais pas à qui m’adresser + I don’t know who to talk to

tu peux jouer de la guitare électrique + you can play electric guitar

je peux me mettre à votre table? + may I sit at your table?

c’est certain qu’on va y aller + it’s for certain that we’ll be going there

il prend le train deux fois par semaine pour affaires + he takes the train on business twice per week

tu es plus grand que je pensais + you’re taller than I thought

trop d’argent et aucun goût + too much money and no taste

il restera pour quelques mois + he will stay for a few months

non, je ne peux pas parler maintenant + no, I can’t talk now

je voudrais vous faire part de quelques données + I want to share some data with you

je comprends que vous soyez fâché + I understand that you’re upset

parler tout seul était signe d’aliénation + talking to oneself was a sign of loneliness

je sais de quoi je parle + I know what I’m talking about

la fin est importante en toutes choses + the endingisimportantineverything

on va seulement rester quelques jours, ma chérie + we’re only going to stay a few days, my dear

l’homme est plus important que l’État + man is more important than country

il est important que ces entretiens commencent immédiatement + it’s important that these meetings start immediately

arrête de parler pour un moment + stop talking for a moment

je ne prenais pas mon travail au sérieux + I wasn’t taking my work seriously

le gouvernement a augmenté les impôts + the government increased taxes

il a pas le choix: soit il est une star soit il est rien + he doesn’t have a choice: either he’s a star or he’s nothing

moi je reste ici + I’m going to stay here

je jure de ne plus jamais te contacter + I swear I will never contact you again

on va commencer avec le premier groupe + we’ll start with the first group

je faisais mon service militaire + I was doing my military service

je vais t’emmener chez un médecin + I’m going to take you to a doctor

j’accepte avec plaisir votre aimable invitation + I accept with pleasure your kind invitation

c’est une question extrêmement importante + it’s an extremely important question

parle-moi de ces forces surnaturelles + talk to me of these supernatural forces

dans des situations aussi difficiles, il faut trancher + in such difficult situations, drastic measures must be taken

voyons un peu comment les choses se sont passées + let’s take a look at how things unfolded

écrire me libère dans une certaine mesure + writing liberates me to a certain extent

ensuite il va au restaurant + then he’s going to the restaurant

autrement dit, la journée a plutôt mal commencé + in other words, the day started out rather badly

le marché des maisons est resté stable + the housing market has remained stable

elle jouit également d’une excellente réputation internationale + she also has an excellent international reputation

je ne sais pas de quoi vous parlez + I don’t know what you’re talking about

on peut les arrêter, leur reprendre cette ville + we can arrest them, take back this city from them

la police mène une enquête pour arrêter les assaillants + the police are leading an investigation to arrest the attackers

vous devriez tout me raconter en détails + you should tell me everything in minute detail

ce niveau de collaboration ne sera pas maintenu + this level of cooperation will not bemaintained

des malentendus nous créent des problèmes terribles + misunderstandings create horrible problems for us

la police était en état d’alerte maximum + the police were in a full state of emergency

faut trouver le moyen d’ entrer dans le sous- sol + gotta find the way to enter into the basement

il tente de sortir de l’Italie + he tried to leave Italy

il importait de ne pas répéter l’erreur + it’s important to not repeat the mistake

les négociations décisives se tiennent ailleurs + the decisive negotiations are taking place elsewhere

je l’ai expliqué au début de mon discours + I explained it at the beginning of my talk

vous surestimez le pouvoir des chefs d’Etat + you overestimate the power of the heads of state

ils doivent faire un effort pour nous comprendre + they have to make an effort to understand us

mes jambes ne me soutenaient qu’à peine + my legs barely kept me standing

j’espère obtenir une réponse claire + I hope to obtain a clear response

elle n’a pas d’autres choix que de rester + she has no other choice but to stay

on a mis cette commission enplace pour revoir cette question importante + we have set up this commission to review this important question

ce principe sera maintenu + this principle will be maintained

cette enquête s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une autre + this inquiry takes place in the framework of another

conduisons-la à l’hôpital + let’s drive her to the hospital

le chef de poste haussa les épaules + the station chief shrugged his shoulders

tu ne peux pas m’obliger à rester! + you can’t force me to stay!

vous êtes priés de quitter l’hôpital sans précipitation + please leave the hospital immediately

tiens, c’est pour toi. voilà + here, this is for you. take it

avant d’attaquer, établissons les règles + before we attack, let’s establish the ground rules

j’avais quelque difficulté à lui parler + it was somewhat difficult for me to talk to him

je me souviens de ces événements avec précision + I remember those events in great detail

on parle beaucoup de la double peine pour les délinquants étrangers + there’s much talk about doubling sentences for foreign delinquents

les militaires ont formé un Conseil de salut national + the military formed a National Salvation Council

parlons un peu de votre technique + let’s talk a little about your technique

je t’emmènerai autour du monde + I’ll take you around the world

tu réduis les aliments graisseux et le chocolat + you reduce your intake of fatty foods and chocolate

75 p. 100 des Canadiens et des Canadiennes sont en bonne santé mentale + 75% of male and female Canadians are in good mental health

certaines erreurs ont été commises + certain mistakes were made

c’est tout simplement inacceptable + it’s just simply unacceptable

je profitais de ces derniers jours de vraies vacances + I took advantage of these last days of real vacation

les taux de croissance ont été importants + the growth rates were substantial

vous prenez de sacrés risques + you’re taking huge risks

j’aimerais qu’il retire ce qu’il a dit + I want him to take back what he said

certains films contiennent des images fameuses + some films contain famous images

elle parle d’une voix rapide et menue + she talks in a rapid and small voice

j’hésite pour ma part à adopter l’idée + I for one hesitate to adopt the idea

certaines autres ont subi de terribles ravages + certain others suffered terrible ravages

il était couvert de taches de sang + he was covered by blood stains

j’ai été renseigné à chaque étape du processus + I was kept informed at each stage of the process

la justice militaire me donne le droit à un avocat + the military code of justice grants me the right to an attorney

cela n’a pas d’importance + that isn’t important

ce réseau peut me servir à établir des contacts + this network might help me establish contacts

je m’en occupe, d’accord? + I’ll take care of it, OK?

les attentats récents ont attiré trop d’attention + the recent attacks have attracted too much attention

les opérations militaires continuent du côté serbe + Serbian military operations continue

donnez votre numéro à mon assistant + give your number to my assistant

j’ai écouté ce discours avec intérêt + I listened intently to this talk

sa proposition soulève certaines questions + his proposal raises certain issues

je suis toujours dans ma période de formation + I’m still in my training stage

vous comprendrez combien vos fautes sont graves + you will understand how serious your errors are

on parle toujours des émissions en direct + they always talk about live broadcasts

dans le champ administratif, il peut y avoir des incertitudes + in the administrative realm, uncertainties can exist

ils ont fait remarquer que ces jeunes avaient été pris + they pointed out that these youths were taken

ils ont pris une décision capitale en renonçant à leur statut + they took a major decision in renouncing their status

sachez que nos liens ne sont pas rompus + understand that our bonds are not broken

ça ne justifie pas la mesure extrême + that doesn’t justify the extreme measures taken

notre partenaire est un agent immobilier + our partner is a real estate agent

nous déciderons à qui reviendra cette tâche agréable + we will decide who will get this pleasant task

son action s’exerce directement ou par intermédiaire + his actions are taken personally or by an intermediary

je ne veux plus perdre contact avec toi + I don’t want to lose contact with you any more

ce sont là des investissements importants + those are important investments

je désirais cet avantage pour mon fils + I wanted this advantage for my son

la Chine est un partenaire commercial important + China is an important commercial partner

des représentants de divers ministères y ont pris part + representatives from various ministries took part

mais voilà, ma secrétaire accouche cet après- midi + so there you go, my secretary is delivering a baby this afternoon

nous ne sommes pas contre le commerce équitable + we aren’t against equitable commerce

il nous faut un transport plus rapide + we need a faster means of transportation

il se présente à la table de négociation + he shows up at the negotiation table

il est temps d’attaquer le mal à la racine + it’s time to attack evil at its roots

la bouteille est là sur la table + the bottle is there on the table

le rapport ne fournit certes pas de solution miracle + the report certainly doesn’t provide the miraculous solution

les parents doivent parfois se montrer fermes + parents should sometimes stand firm

ce livre contient donc un message + so this book contains a message

le vote aura lieu aujourd’hui + the vote will take place today

les circonstances ne sont pas idéales + the circumstances are less than ideal

accélérez en vitesse d’attaque + accelerate to attack speed

ce n’est certainement pas nous qui ferons cela + we are certainly not the ones to do that

la Chine est une puissance importante sur la scène mondiale + China is an important power on the global scene

l’établissement de systèmes de contrôle est important + it’s important to establish verification systems

vendredi en quinze, on prend le train + two weeks from Friday we take the train

il quitte l’hôpital ce lundi + he leaves the hospital this Monday

je m’oppose à la taxe de vente + I’m opposed to the sales tax

je me demandais, tu pourrais me ramener chez moi? + I was wondering, could you take me back home?

ce mot a acquis une connotation très particulière + this word has acquired a very particular connotation

tu peux prendre soin de toi toute seule + you can take care of yourself alone

il mesure un mètre soixante-huit + he’s one meter sixty-eight tall

tout en travaillant, il nota les données sur son carnet + while working he jotted down data in his notebook

nous avons combattu pour chaque détail + we fought for every detail

les 20 jours suivants, ils meurent de faim + in the 20 days that followed, they starve to death

il n’emporte rien avec lui, pas même une chemise + he doesn’t take anything with him, not even a shirt

une attaque nucléaire? c’est une possibilité + a nuclear attack? it’s possible

la chaîne a programmé ce divertissement le mardi soir + the channel scheduled this entertainment for Tuesday night

je prends des notes comme un fou + I’m taking notes like crazy

le couple qui prie ensemble reste ensemble + the couple that prays together stays together

la dame blanche entreprend de monter l’escalier + the white lady undertook to climb the stairs

j’ai dormi dans les gares, etc. + I slept in train stations, etc.

je n’ai jamais entretenu de relations amicales avec lui + I never maintained amical relations with him

le mariage devait avoir lieu à Paris + the marriage should have taken place in Paris

il a été recueilli par des montagnards + he was picked up by mountain dwellers

nous rencontrerons les représentants de divers pays + we will meet representatives from various countries

c’est un homme au talent extraordinaire + he’s a man with an extraordinary talent

elle n’avait envie de parler de rien + she didn’t want to talk about anything

ils travaillent, ils payent des impôts + they work, they pay taxes

le plan d’action est exceptionnel + the plan of attack is exceptional

il faut garantir la sécurité du personnel + we have to guarantee the safety of the staff

on peut parler de mes défauts si tu veux + we can talk about my shortcomings if you want

je fais une distinction fondamentale + I’m making a fundamental distinction

le garçon est mort à l’hôpital + the boy died at the hospital

sa résistance à la sonde mentale est considérable + his resistance to the mental probe is significant

je suis très fière de mon héritage + I’m very proud of my heritage

les 200.000 habitants ont fui + the 200,000 inhabitants fled

il est important que nous adoptions cette résolution + it’s important that we adopt this resolution

qu’est-il advenu des dirigeants militaires? + what ever happened to the military leaders?

les tribunaux russes sont totalement engorgés + the Russian court system is totally swamped

le transfert aura lieu sous deux semaines + the transfer will take place in two weeks

l’arrêt cardiaque est un état de mort apparente + a heart attack is a state of apparent death

on doit payer largement sa part d’impôt + you should pay the bulk of your taxes

une nouvelle génération prend le pouvoir + a new generation takes over

j’ai surmonté tous les obstacles + I overcame all the obstacles

elle, en revanche, m’inspecta avec désinvolture + she, in return, inspected me with detachment

il a traîné dans la station toute la journée + he lingered in the station all day

des fois, je ne supporte pas la vie quotidienne + sometimes I can’t stand daily life

ah oui? tu commences à m’intéresser + oh yeah? you’re starting to interest me

la métaphysique ne doit pas précéder la physique, elle doit la suivre + metaphysics shouldn’t precede physics, it should follow it

je suis comme le capitaine d’un navire + I’m like the captain of a ship

vous pouvez parler de vos publications? + can you talk about your publications?

je n’ai pas compris sa référence aux oiseaux + I didn’t understand his reference to the birds

la cérémonie aurait dû se dérouler la veille + the ceremony should have taken place the night before

il a signalé que la mission avait joué un rôle important + he pointed out that the mission played an important role

on commence par faire un examen clinique + we’ll start by doing a clinical exam

on ignore le montant de ce contrat + we don’t know the total amount of this contract

il devrait y avoir une baisse d’autres impôts + there should be a drop in the other taxes

votre souci est la représentation des femmes + your concern is for the representation of women

sa présence à un second mandat est inévitable + his presence in a second term is inevitable

le jeune reste sous statut scolaire + the young man remains in student status

c’est un génie particulier aux italiens + it’s a type of genius that only Italians have

il parle aussi des réductions d’impôt + he’s also talking about tax reductions

la vie culturelle est appauvrie, terne et stagnante + cultural life is impoverished, dull, and stagnant

la distance entre les villes est énorme + the distance between cities is enormous

il a pu prendre un autre vol + he was able to take another flight

la zone cible fait seulement 2 mètres de large + the target zone is only two meters wide

oups! je me suis trompé + oops, I made a mistake

il avait besoin de s’éloigner de sa femme + he needed to distance himself from his wife

au bout de quelques secondes tout reprend + after a few seconds everything started over again

nos petits soucis ne sont pas importants + our little concerns are not important

il est important de ne pas se comparer aux autres + it’s important to not compare oneself to others

l’euro cède quelques fractions face au dollar + the euro lost some percentage points to the dollar

il faut maintenir des cultures traditionnelles + traditional cultures must be maintained

les résultats obtenus sont résumés dans le tableau + the results are summarized in the table

c’est mon quatrième séjour en France + it’s my fourth stay in France

il est incapable de rentrer dans des détails concrets + he’s incapable of delving into concrete details

n’hésitez pas à les appeler + don’t hesitate to call them

il est étonnant de voir combien d’argent on peut obtenir + it’s striking to see how much money one can obtain

ose me dire que tu vas rester ici! + dare to tell me that you will stay here!

le régime fiscal n’est pas juste + the tax system is not fair

je voudrais corriger un petit détail technique + I would like to correct a small technical detail

l’attaque rebelle survient après deux jours + the rebel attack took place after two days

il parle ouvertement des effets des drogues + he talks openly about the effects of drugs

les consommateurs en ressentent directementlesavantages– + consumers feel the advantages directly

l’Israël veut dicter et non pas négocier + Israel wants to dictate, not negotiate

je n’ai pas pris de décision définitive à ce sujet + I haven’t taken a final decision on this subject

il était persuadé que j’avais un talent + he was convinced I had a talent

ça va être un spectacle d’enfer + that will be a hellish spectacle

on l’avait introduit dans une chambre + he was taken into a room

je priais devant la statue de la Sainte Vierge + I was praying before the statue of the Holy Virgin

il y avait une marge d’incertitude considérable + there was a substantial margin of uncertainty

mettons-nous à l’abri + let’s take shelter

le nouveau programme sera en vigueur dès juillet prochain + the new program will take effect starting next July

j’ai réussi à obtenir une bourse pour ma deuxième année + I managed to obtain a scholarship for my second year

j’ai écouté avec intérêt la présentation de mon collègue + I listened with interest to the presentation of my colleague

il atteignit le sommet de la grande montagne + he reached the summit of the great mountain

vous devez comprendre que la présidence a une mission + you must understand that the presidency has a mission

le travailleur désire une élévation de salaire monétaire + the worker wants an increase in monetary salary

nous sommes fiers de notre réputation + we’re proud of our reputation

une vingtaine de bombes sont tombées sur la capitale + some twenty bombs fell on the capital

j’ai besoin d’accéder à ces données + I need to access this data

les subventions agricoles sont des taxes + farm subsidies are taxes

c’est cela qui nous distingue des orientaux + that’s what distinguishes us from the Orientals

je voudrais faciliter votre décision + I would like to facilitate your decision

ne veille pas trop tard, cela use les yeux + don’t stay up too late, it wears out your eyes

je vais régler ma dette + I’m going to take care of my debt

nous ne sommes pas la capitale de l’État mais nous grandissons + we’re not the state capital but we’re growing

le maintien de la paix ne se limite plus + maintaining peace has no limits

le goût n’a rien à voir avec l’appétit + taste has nothing to do with appetite

il s’agit d’une exploitation intellectuelle de l’enfant + it’s all about intellectual exploitation of children

on en attendait des manifestations spectaculaires + a spectacular event was expected

le premier travail consiste à rassurer le gosse + the first task is to calm the kid down

je fis de mon émotion un événement + I turned my emotions into a spectacle

parfois, j’ai envie de rétablir quelques vérités + sometimes I want to re-establish some truths

il y a eu rupture des négociations, reprise des négociations + negotiations broke down, then restarted

il s’agit d’un attentat de la guérilla + it was a guerilla attack

la pièce d’eau reflétait la majestueuse façade d’un palais de pierre + the ornamental pool reflected the majestic facade of a stone palace

je reste là. je ne bouge pas + I’ll stay here. I won’t budge

la moitié des habitants sont de confession chrétienne + half of the inhabitants are Christians

nous appliquons désormais les normes d’hygiène + from now on we are applying hygiene standards

je suis tombé sur une statistique très intéressante + I came across an interesting statistic

on va alléger l’appareil gouvernemental + we’re going to lighten the governmental apparatus

Hussein est totalement coupé de la population irakienne + Hussein is totally cut off from the Iraqi population

elle est en état de choc + she’s in a state of shock

la fréquence des agressions atteint des proportions alarmantes + the frequency of attacks is reaching alarming proportions

aujourd’hui, nous avons une monnaie stable + today we have a stable currency

je ne grandis plus ... je grossis + I’m not growing any taller ... just stouter

il tapait du doigt sur la table, à coups secs + he tapped his finger on the table repeatedly

la fiction se mêle constamment à l’autobiographie + fiction constantly gets mixed in with autobiography

chaque matin, je plonge dans la mer + every morning I take a dip in the sea

leurs recherches sont encore au stade préliminaire + their research is still at the preliminary stage

après consultation confidentielle des professeurs + after confidential consultation with the professors

soldat, je vous ordonne d’avancer ces catapultes + soldier, I order you to move these catapults forward

il peut avoir sans doute des déterminations égoïstes + he certainly could have selfish resolve

j’aimerais que vous preniez en considération ma suggestion + I would like you take my suggestion under consideration

je commence à avoir faim + I’m starting to feel hungry

nos stations diffusent une émission quotidienne + our stations broadcast a daily program

la situation budgétaire nous place dans une position critique + the budgetary situation puts us in a critical position

faut que je change de style + I’ve gotta change my style

vous pouvez être en désaccord avec mon interprétation + you can disagree with my interpretation

pour rétablir le climat de confiance, il faut gagner le respect + to reestablish the climate of trust, respect must be gained

le sport est le meilleur remède physique et mental + sports are the best physical and mental cure

il était généreux dans ses activités bénévoles + he was generous in his charitable activities

votre frère a beaucoup de talent + your brother has a lot of talent

je suis d’orientation homosexuelle + I have a homosexual orientation

quels types d’effets secondaires pourraient survenir? + what kind of secondary effects could take place?

nous pourrions avoir à reporter certaines choses + we might have to delay certain things

il y a une distinction sémantique importante à faire + there’s an important semantic distinction to be made

cela complète notre présentation, mesdames et messieurs + that completes our presentation, ladies and gentlemen

nous nous efforçons de contenir ce fléau + we are endeavoring to contain this plague

il est toutefois caractéristique qu’aucune décision définitive n’a été prise + it is nevertheless characteristic that no definitive decision was taken

on accordera une très grande importance aux installations + the installations will be very important for us

l’essentiel est qu’ils soient innocents + the important thing is that they are innocent

elle cultive le goût des petits plaisirs + she cultivates a taste for simple pleasures

tout le container est renversé, tout est mélangé + the whole container was overturned, everything is mixed up

le rôle du nouveau gouverneur de l’île est si important + the role of the island’s new governor is so important

maman et papa ont dû l’emmener à l’hôpital + mommy and daddy had to take him to the hospital

une autre explosion a eu lieu presque au même moment + another explosion happened at almost the same instant

il faudra des changements radicaux + what it will take is radical change

j’ai enseigné les mathématiques et les finances + I taught mathematics and finance

l’année suivante, j’ai rédigé mon mémoire + the next year I wrote my dissertation

au succès initial a succédé une stabilisation + after initial success there was a stabilization

ils tranchent avec l’éclat du ciel + they stand out clearly with the brilliance of heaven

cette incertitude est pesante pour nous + this uncertainty is unsettling for us

il est toujours difficile de maintenir dignité et humour + it’s always hard to retain both dignity and humor

il sentait que ses facultés mentales étaient diminuées + he felt that his mental capacities were diminished

je leur laisserais cet héritage + I will leave them this heritage

les blessés ont été transportés dans sept hôpitaux + the injured were transported to seven hospitals

les élus municipaux méritent notre respect + elected municipal representatives deserve our respect

les jours de pluie, nous restions à la maison + on rainy days we stayed inside the house

t’as pris tes précautions? + have you taken precautions?

arrêt cardiaque, suicide, on ne savait pas + heart attack, suicide, we didn’t know

telle est son essence et sa substance + such is its essence and its substance

toi, va soigner ton chien + you, go take care of your dog

nous lui enverrons bien sûr une invitation + of course we will send her an invitation

les banques ont été contraintes de fermer leurs guichets + the banks had to close their tellerstations

son passeport portait un cachet d’immigration + his passport had an immigration stamp

l’apparition de certains cancers peut être affectée par le mode de vie + the onset of certain cancers can be affected by lifestyle

nous avons des visiteurs. de très grands visiteurs! + we have visitors. very important visitors!

un écran géant avait été installé face à la tribune + a giant screen was installed before the gallery

les organisateurs louent des toilettes mobiles + the organizers rented portable toilets

j’ai été étonnée de cette affirmation + I was stunned by this statement

je veille à la stabilité du continent + I watch over the stability of the continent

l’aide humanitaire est, certes, nécessaire + humanitarian aide is, of course, necessary

c’est un enjeu de taille pour les femmes + a great deal is at stake for women

la recherche scientifique est constamment en transformation + scientific research is constantly changing

j’avais pensé l’emmener au restaurant + I thought about taking her out to the restaurant

il est impossible de prévoir avec certitude où nous en arriverons + it’s impossible to foretell with certainty where we’ll end up

il faut faire appel à des simulations numériques + we need to refer to digital simulations

vous êtes les combattants les mieux entrainés + you are the best-trained combattants

nous pouvons surmonter ces obstacles + we can overcome these obstacles

les jolies petites secrétaires ne mentent jamais + pretty little secretaries never tell a lie

les entreprises maintiennent leurs efforts d’innovation + companies maintain their innovation efforts

le président condamne cet attentat terroriste + the president condemned that terrorist attack

ces pays ont demandé un retrait volontaire des jouets + these countries demanded a voluntary recall of the toys

ils voulaient installer un écran géant sur la place du village + they wanted to install a huge screen in the village square

une cloche sonna dans le lointain + bells rang in the distance

la descente a débuté une demi-heure plus tard + the descent started a half-hour later

ils mêleront sons acoustiques et program- més + they will mix acoustic and digital sounds

nous devons attaquer ce problème par le biais de la législation + we must attack this problem by way of legislation

il vous faudra prendre un congé d’un mois, au moins + you will have to take one month’s vacation, at least

vous payez pas de taxes. vous payez pas d’impôts + you don’t pay taxes. you don’t pay duties.

il était en possession de matériel d’intérêt + he had targeted materials in his possession

limitez votre consommation d’alcool et de sucre + limit your intake of alcohol and sugar

nous ne sommes militants d’aucune organisation politique + we are not the militants of any political organization

le terrorisme n’est jamais inévitable + terrorism is never inevitable

recommence depuis le début, s’il te plaît + start again from the beginning, please

je ne peux pas rester debout, sans rien faire + I can’t remain standing, doing nothing

nous ne sommes que mortels. nous sommes tous humains + we’re only mortals. we’re all humans.

écris ce que je te dicte, mot pour mot + write down what I dictate to you, word for word

l’univers est stable et l’homme y aura toujours sa place + the universe is stable and mankind will always have its place

il est mort. le capitaine est mort + he died. the captain is dead

un hôpital et une école primaire ont été détruits + a hospital and an elementary school were destroyed

surveille les signes vitaux + keep an eye on the vital signs

vous voulez protéger une partie de votre patrimoine + you want to protect a part of your heritage

choisissez un adjoint. deux, si besoin est + choose an assistant. two if there’s a need

cette station est à présent l’ultime puissance de l’univers + this station is currently the ultimate power of the universe

j’ai des informations additionnelles et complémentaires à fournir + I have additional and complementary information to present

il n’a pas le profil du Père Noël + he doesn’t have the profile of Santa Claus

notre corps bouge constamment + our body moves constantly

il ne faut négliger absolument aucun détail + absolutely no detail must be overlooked

on retrouve le mec à la gare + the guy was found at the train station

cela constitue une atteinte aux traités existants + this is an attack on existing treaties

on se réfère aux indicateurs entrée des commandes + check the data input lights

le gouvernement entend-il compenser totalement ces pertes? + does the government intend to totally compensate for these losses?

je trouvais très décevants les commentaires de nos journaux + I was very disappointed by the commentary in our newspapers

dommage que les touristes anglais se l’approprient + too bad the English tourists have taken it over

les Allemands avaient changé de tactique + the Germans changed tactics

il est extrêmement difficile de lui succéder + it’s extremely difficult to take over his position

les relevés indiquent une atmosphère similaire à la nôtre + the statements point to an atmosphere similar to ours

ma bibliothèque est mon paysage mental + my library is my mental countryside

il se mit à rouler lentement le long du trottoir + he started rolling slowly along the sidewalk

c’est un accord obtenu par consentement mutuel + it’s an agreement obtained by mutual consent

nous allons prendre une pause pour le déjeuner + we’re going to take a break for lunch

je suis pour la répartition des tâches + I’m for dividing up the tasks

vous avez réussi à combiner écologie et rentabilité + you have succeeded in combining ecology and profitability

comment survivre à une attaque atomique? + how can one survive an atomic attack?

ces études sont financées par les con- tribuables + these studies are financed by the taxpayers

selon nous, c’est totalement inacceptable + according to us, that’s totally unacceptable

l’adhésion des États candidats à l’Union européenne + membership of the candidate states in the European Union

j’ai reçu une lettre détaillée + I received a detailed letter

les circonstances sont identiques + the circumstances are identical

malgré la défaite, la foule a ovationné l’équipe + in spite of the defeat, the crowd gave the team a standing ovation

le Pakistan renvoie un ambassadeur en Inde + Pakistan is sending its ambassador back to India

j’ai fait des dessins sur le tissu de vieux rideaux + I made drawings on the cloth from old curtains

ce sera le 66e séjour du souverain pontife à l’étranger + this will be the 66th stay abroad for the sovereign pontiff

je fais surtout des adaptations d’auteurs étrangers + I mostly do adaptations based on foreign authors

il portait de somptueux vêtements orientaux + he wore sumptuous Oriental clothing

les cibles des terroristes représentaient les symboles du capitalisme + terrorist targets represented the symbols of capitalism

le pourcentage de détenus séropositifs est très élevé + the percentage of HIV-positive detainees is very high

j’emprunte le couloir + I’m taking the hallway

notre nouveau directeur a instauré un programme pour travailler en équipe + our new director started a teamwork program

l’attentat n’a pas été revendiqué + no responsibility has been claimed for the attack

la Station spatiale internationale n’a aucun rôle militaire + the International Space Station has no military role

la surface totale brute de ce bâtiment est de 215.000 m² + the total unfinished area of this building is 215,000 square meters

des sanctions seront éventuellement prises + sanctions will eventually be taken

nous couchions à la belle étoile + we slept under the stars

on entretient un lien quasi mystique avec son pays natal + we maintain an almost mystical connection with our native country

nous commençons par une brève description de mon père + we start with a brief description of my father

ils ont été équipés de détecteurs de métaux + they were equipped with metal detectors

je trouve leur méthode de revendication brutale, injuste + I find their reclamation method brutal, injust

on va le finir, ce con + we’re gonna take out that a**hole

selon le reportage, son intervention aurait été annulée + according to the report his talk was canceled

je vous suis reconnaissant de votre compréhension + I thank you for your understanding

ces réglementations échappent au contrôle des parlementaires + these regulations will escape parliamentary control

c’est une chambre très agréable + it’s a very comfortable bedroom

le feu a démarré dans l’escalier d’un restaurant + the fire broke out in the stairwell of a restaurant

j’ai l’impression que cette entrevue commence très mal + I have the feeling that this interview has started out very poorly

l’Etat intervient en dernier ressort + the state intervenes as a last resort

c’est une merveilleuse opportunité de passer de belles vacances + it’s a wonderful opportunity to take a fine vacation

une conséquence importante en découle + an important consequence follows from that

je suis un chasseur qui ne tue pas sans hésiter + I’m a hunter who doesn’t kill without hesitation

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate

je déteste la viande, je suis végétarien + I hate meat—-I’m a vegetarian

c’est une succession de catastrophes + it’s a succession of catastrophes

nous établirions des dates de scrutin fixes + we will establish fixed dates for voting

la police a rassemblé les preuves établissant leur culpabilité + the police gathered proof to establish their guilt

nous proposons de réduire considérablement les impôts + we propose to reduce taxes considerably

ça va être dramatique pour la facture de téléphone + the telephone bill will be spectacular

il faut que j’aille prendre ma température + I have to go take my temperature

il a un boulot très sérieux dans l’informatique + he has an important job in computer science

le tourisme culturel est très important + cultural tourism is very important

les timbres étaient bien collés sur ces cartes postales + the stamps were securely stuck onto these postcards

ils restaient à proximité + they stayed close by

elles calculent les pourcentages sur leurs profits + they calculate the percentages on their profits

commencons par enfoncer les portes + let’s start by knocking down the doors

nous y avons posté une vigie + we set up a stakeout

vous pouvez me dispenser de vos commen- taires + you can spare me your commen- taries

de nouveaux groupes étrangers ont débarqué en Italie + new groups of foreigners have landed in Italy

nous voulons éviter une nouvelle dictature + we want to avoid a new dictatorship

quelque 1.800 caméras de surveillance équipent les gares + the train stations are equipped with some 1,800 surveillance cameras

le conducteur a été tué sur le coup + the driver was killed instantly

certaines attributions en matière nucléaire relèvent encore des états + some preroga- tives relative to nuclear power still depend on the states

c’est un mal chronique auquel il va falloir s’attaquer + it’s a chronic illness that should be attacked

vous aimez voir les yeux de vos interlocu- teurs + you like to see the eyes of the people you talk to

faut être agile et souple + you gotta be agile and flexible

ça prend de vrai musiciens pour jouer du blues + it takes true musicians to play the blues

nous avons besoin d’un réseau routier continental + we need a continental network of roads

s’il y a des surplus, je les prends + if there’s a surplus, I’ll take them

j’aimerai mentionner quelques citations + I would like to mention some citations

il essaie de se lever, retombe + he tried to stand up, falls down again

je ne mange pas de légumes non plus + I don’t eat vegetables either

on parle d’une adresse anonyme sur l’Internet + people talk about an anonymous Internet address

elles pourront frapper des groupes ciblés + they can strike the targeted groups

l’équipement individuel est extrêmement coûteux + the standalone equipment is very expensive

je veux prendre deux bouteilles de bière avant de partir + I want to take two bottles of beer before leaving

ce devait être la plus grande centrale électrique au gaz naturel + it was supposed to be the largest natural gas electrical power station

il rêve de conquêtes militaires + he dreams of military conquests

il existe des règles sur la détention de prisonniers + there are rules for detaining prisoners

il voudrait que nous applaudissions son discours + he wanted us to applaud his talk

elle était connue pour son absolue discrétion + she was well known for her total discretion

on a fait une progression substantielle + we have made substantial progress

vos photographies m’ont fait passer des heures inoubliables + I have spent several unforgettable hours with your photographs

des tentations lui revinrent à l’esprit + temptations came into his mind

l’eau pour moi est un élément mystérieux + water for me is a mysterious substance

quiconque meurt de faim meurt d’un assassinat + whoever starves to death suffers an assassination

t’es devenu une grande star de cinéma + you’ve become a great movie star

c’est un changement historique et spectaculaire + it’s a historical and spectacular change

il a pris un flic en otage + he took a cop hostage

le Hezbollah est allié à toutes les forces de résistance + Hezbollah is allied with all the resistance forces

leur insatiabilité les rend parfois difficile- ment supportables + sometimes their instability renders them barely tolerable

le livre explique en détail ce raisonnement assez simple + the book details this rather simple rationale

au fait, je suis célibataire, sans aucune attache + in fact, I’m single, without any attachments

il nous laisse dans l’impasse + it leaves us at a stalemate

ils entreprennent de creuser un tunnel + they undertake the digging of a tunnel

l’industrie des armements avait une importance + the arms industry has some importance

enfin, cinq personnes ont été interpellées + in all, five people were taken in for questioning

la répression entraîne un surcroît d’activisme + repression entails excessive activism

ces deux types de manoeuvres se déroulent respectivement depuis 1976 et 1973 + these two types of manoeuvres have taken place respectively since 1976 and 1973

certaines composantes de son environnement sont plastiques + certain components of his environment are plastic

il peut identifier une mutation chez les patients affectés + he can identify a mutation in the patients who were affected

notre père voulait se mettre hors d’atteinte + our father wanted to get out of the line of attack

une femme tamoule est une personne vulnérable au Sri Lanka + a Tamil woman is a vulnerable person in Sri Lanka

nous appuyons le renouvellement de la licence de la station + we support renewal of the station’s license

j’ai commencé à fréquenter une église protestante + I have started going to a Protestant church

je viens prendre possession de son château + I have come to take over his castle

ils retrouvent leurs demeures pillées, brûlées, leurs champs dévastés + they find their homes looted, burned, their fields devastated

les questions environnementales transcendent les frontières + environmental issues transcend borders

pour certains responsables démocrates la réponse est claire + for certain democratic leaders the answer is clear

vous avez une vie plutôt solitaire + you lead a rather solitary existence

c’est un pourcentage assez élevé + that’s quite a high percentage

tout le capitalisme est fondé sur la notion de rareté + capitalism is completely founded on the notion of scarcity

les gens ne peuvent pas tout assimiler + people can’t take it all in

durant le trajet, nous avons été peu bavards + during the trip, we did very little talking

il faudra prendre des mesures appropriées + appropriate measures must be taken

une autre société immobilière a été créée + another real estate company was formed

j’ai l’impression d’être contaminé. c’est répugnant + I feel like I’m contaminated. it’s disgusting

il n’y a pas de pénurie d’uranium au niveau mondial + there’s no world shortage of uranium

la crédibilité de tous les états financiers est compromisé + the credibility of our financial state is compromised

le Danemark a des syndicats puissants, très représentatifs + Denmark has powerful unions, very representative

il veut un taux d’imposition uniforme + he wants a uniform tax rate

le transport a des répercussions sur tous les aspects de notre vie + transportation impacts on all aspects of life

le culte des anciens dieux a été réinstauré + the worship of ancient gods was reinstated

ils nous ont attaqués au canon à eau et au gaz lacrymogène + they attacked us with water cannons and tear gas

le problème de l’équité salariale existe + there’s a problem with equitable salaries

ce n’est qu’un malentendu ridicule + it’s nothing but a ridiculous misunderstanding

une peine minimale de quatre ans est juste et équitable + a minimum sentence of four years is just and equitable

la Russie a affirmé ses ambitions aux dépens de l’Italie + Russia affirmed its ambitions at Italy’s expense

ils ont parlé de protection de la patrie + they talked about protecting the homeland

un prélèvement est, en réalité, une taxe + a deduction is, in fact, a tax

il vous faudra peut-être réinstaller votre logiciel + you might have to reinstall your software

vous feriez mieux de vous abstenir + you would do better to abstain

il y a eu des affrontements dans les rues + there were confrontations in the streets

aucune couronne ne tient sur aucune tête + crowns don’t stay on anybody’s head

il montait et descendait l’escalier + he climbed up and down the stairs

reste là. c’est un support moral + stay there. it’s a moral support

l’équité est l’une des assises fondamentales + equity is one of the fundamental bases

des tas de vedettes viennent ici, vous savez + lots of movie stars come here, you know

vous mènerez la 1ère vague d’assaut + you will lead the first wave of attack

les prix resteront vraisemblablement stables + the prices will likely remain stable

j’imitais les gestes de mes voisins + I imitated the gestures of my neghbors

la citoyenneté revêt une importance primordiale + citizenship assumes primary importance

c’est grand-père qui me l’a fait comprendre + Grandfather’s the one who helped me understand that

la requête iranienne bloque les négociations + the Iranian request has stalled negotiations

«ferme les rideaux», dis-je – “ + close the curtains”, I said

ne me piquez pas mon taxi ... passez votre chemin + don’t you take my taxi ... scram

je prendrai l’assiette de crudités + I will take the veggie plate

nous allons prendre des cours de chant à domicile + we’re going to take singing lessons at home

son personnel est réputé pour son service hors pair + its staff has a reputation for unequalled service

quel projet d’envergure se fait instantané- ment? + what large-scale project happens in an instant?

les problèmes externes se révèlent aussi importants + the external problems prove as important

je ne voulais surtout pas m’endormir au volant + I certainly didn’t want to fall asleep at the wheel

j’en ai parlé dans mon exposé + I spoke of it in my statement

il ne peut justifier une hausse des quotas de phoques + he can’t justify raising the seal quota

le résultat fut une cote mal taillée + the result was a badly tailored quote

elle m’a torturée mentalement toute l’année + she tortured me mentally all year long

il y a une petite boîte de carton où vous trouverez un carnet de timbres + there is a little cardboard box where you will find a book of stamps

nous sommes des auxiliaires du trône pontifical + we are assistants to the pontifical throne

quelles mesures de conservation peuvent être prises + what conservation measures can be taken

j’entends vaguement les chars qui s’approchent + I barely hear the tanks as they approach

le brouillard descendit des montagnes, masquant le coucher de soleil + the fog rolled down the mountains, masking the sunset

il est temps d’alléger les impôts + it’s time to reduce taxes

la confession de mes fautes me permet de recommencer + confessing my faults allows me to start afresh

éteignez les phares! restez où vous êtes! + turn off the lights! stay where you are!

l’étiquette distingue un élément d’information d’un autre + the tag distinguishes one data item from another

nous venons de goûter la douceur de la victoire + we have just tasted the sweetness of victory

il faut réaffirmer ce droit fondamental + we must reaffirm this fundamental right

deux grandes tâches lui sont assignées + two great tasks are assigned to her

une dictature militaire n’est pas souhaitable dans ce pays + a military dictatorship isn’t desirable in this country

quel est le secret de votre dynamisme? + what’s the secret of your vitality?

c’est une contradiction flagrante + it’s a blatant contradiction

il faut désespérer de ce peuple et le subjuguer + you must lose hope in this people and take them captive

s’ils veulent un remboursement, je le prendrais sur ta paye + if they want reimbursement, I’ll take it from your paycheck

ce canapé n’est pas très confortable + this sofa is not very comfortable

il n’y a pas assez de suivi psychiatrique et sanitaire en prison + there isn’t enough psychiatric and sanitary follow-up in prison

sois spontanée pour une fois dans ta vie + be spontaneous for once in your life

nous sommes les artisans de notre propre destin + we are the captains of our own destiny

elevons une statue de moi + let’s erect a statue of me

vas-y, prends le volant + go ahead, take hold of the steering wheel

le sentiment d’appartenance doit être entretenu + the sense of belonging must bemaintained

rapidement la mobilisation se construit dans la communauté éducative + rapidly mobilization was established in the educational community

si on parle de récession, les gens n’achètent plus + if there’s talk of a recession, people will stop buying

quelle est la problématique environnementale principale? + what is the principal environmental issue?

le pinot demande une vigilance constante + pinot demands constant vigilance

j’avais souhaité parler du rock de mon adolescence + I wanted to talk about the rock of my teenage years

ils ont fait un travail fantastique + they did a fantastic job

je regardai avec effroi ces êtres instables + I watched with fear these unstable beings

j’aperçus au loin une vapeur bleuâtre + I noticed a blueish vapor in the distance

on parle des avantages en aval + we’re talking about downstream benefits

l’examen est certes assez sommaire + the examination is certainly rather cursory

je ne ressens pas de réticence de la part des auteurs français + I don’t sense any reluctance on behalf of French authors

je regarde un peu mes timbres + I’m just looking over my stamps

les catastrophes ont des incidences économiques importantes + catastrophes cause important economic consequences

c’est un épouvantable malentendu + it’s a horrible misunderstanding

apparemment, je lui suis complètement indifférente + apparently, I’m completely unimportant to him

je centrerai mon intervention sur quatre points précis + I will center my talk on four specific points

il a enseigné des doctrines trompeuses et répugnantes + he taught deceitful and loathsome doctrine

divers éléments nous procurent cet avantage concurrentiel + many factors bring us this competitive advantage

l’état-major entendait écraser la résistance tchétchène + headquarters intended to crush the Chechen resistance

mon goût englobe les escargots et les huîtres + my tastes incorporate escargots and oysters

les gens parlent du changement climatique, du réchauffement de la planète + people talk of climate change, of global warming

portez-vous des lunettes ou verres de contact? + do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

mon entourage m’encourage à profiter de la vie + my circle of friends encourages me to take advantage of life

la décision a été sanctionnée par le secrétaire général des Nations Unies + the decision was endorsed by the Secretary General of the United Nations

les bactéries résistantes disparaissent en quelques jours + resistant bacteria will disappear in a few days

la relance économique commence à se faire sentir + the economic recovery is starting to be felt

vos cartes sont de type standard? + your cards are the standard type?

je vais rentrer en taxi + I’m going to take a taxi home

il y a des limitations d’âge + there are age limitations

une maladie du foie fatale + a fatal liver disease

comment puis-je vous contacter? + how can I contact you?

le commissariat local a été chargé de l’enquête + the local police station was given charge of the investigation

comprendre n’est possible qu’après la confrontation + understanding is only possible after confrontation

ils ont fini d’installer les gigantesques panneaux solaires + they finished installing giant solar panels

c’était un complément qui lui permettait de vivre + it was supplementary information that allowed her to live

comment négocier avec un dictateur pareil? + how can you negotiate with a dictator like that?

la stabilisation du fonds est primordiale + stabilizing the funds is all-important

on a hérité d’une situation catastrophique + we inherited a catastrophic situation

je n’ai aucune hésitation à lui parler + I don’t have any qualms about talking to him

cette activité a été rapidement rentable + this activity quickly became profitable

elle le retrouvait intact dans cet hiver nocturne + she found it intact in this dark winter

la rentabilité n’a cessé de décroître + profitability didn’t stop decreasing

je vis un rêve, un conte de fées, un miracle + I lived a dream, a fairy tale, a miracle

du calme, je plaisante + take it easy, I’m joking

globalement, la réponse humanitaire a été positive + the worldwide humanitarian response was positive

pourriez-vous nous parler de vos choix éditoriaux? + could you talk about your editorial choices?

je goûtai à la confiture + I tasted the jam

il traversait cet etat dans un jet privé + he crossed this state in a private jet

elle parle de tout avec un détachement singulier + she talks about everything with remarkable indifference

je restais là, immobile + I stayed there, motionless

en théologie, on m’enseignait des choses intelligentes + in theology I was taught intelligent things

c’est une tache d’humidité, dis-je + it’s a humidity stain, I said

il n’a pas respecté les règles sanitaires + he didn’t obey the sanitation rules

j’ai commencé à m’initier à la Bible + I started to become familiar with the Bible

la maintenance des bateaux est moins bien assurée + upkeep of the boats is less certain

le dénie est la plus prévisible des réponses humaines + denial is the most predictable of human responses

je suis impatiente de relever ces défis + I’m eager to take up these challenges

les versements aux hôpitaux publics progressent de 0,7 % + payments to public hospitals increased by 0.7%

veuillez attacher votre ceinture + please attach your seatbelt

l’esprit des accords intergouvernementaux conclus avec les provinces + the spirit of intergovernmental agreements involving the provinces

les objectifs de disponibilité sont des facteurs importants + goals for availability are important factors

l’obtention d’un diplôme est une occasion spéciale + obtaining a diploma is a special occasion

je dors continuellement, et j’ai de la fièvre + I sleep constantly, and I have a fever

l’instabilité politique demeure + political instability remains

on ne comprend pas le dixième de ce que vous dites + we don’t understand a tenth of what you’re saying

leurs revenus sont incertains et irréguliers + their income is uncertain and irregular

le personnel d’encadrement des ateliers est réduit + supervisory staff in the workshops is reduced

du point de vue expérimental, il est bon de vérifier + from an experimental standpoint, it’s good to double-check

cela équivaut à une taxe sur les malades + this amounts to a tax on sick people

je vous demande concrètement si vous allez prendre des mesures sérieuses + I ask you concretely if you are going to take serious measures

il convient alors de respecter les spécifications supplémentaires + then it would be appropriate to honour the supplementary specifications

j’écris aussi des documentations en français + I also write documentation in French

quant aux écoles militaires, elles étaient rouvertes sans délai + the military schools were reopened without delay

nous pensons que le système solaire est issu d’une étoile + we think the solar system emerged from a star

les clés seront au secrétariat + the keys are at the secretary’s office

c’est un régime extraordinairement autoritaire + its an extraordinarily authoritative regime

ôtez votre pantalon et entrez, je vais vous examiner + take off your pants and come in, I’m going to examine you

je considère votre silence comme un aveu + I take your silence to be a confession

ces polluants sont néfastes pour tous + these pollutants are harmful to everyone

ils restèrent debout sur la plate-forme + they remained standing on the platform

telle est fondamentalement notre position + fundamentally that is our position

le malentendu serait plutôt comique + the misunderstanding would be rather comical

on a décidé de faire cette croisière en Mer Rouge + we decided to take a Red Sea cruise

le chômage augmenterait inévitablement + unemployment would inevitably increase

quelle est votre stratégie d’implantation? + what is your installation strategy?

certes la fillette semblait précoce + the little girl certainly seemed precocious

ils imitent le cri des singes + they’re imitating the monkeys’ scream

il est injuste de le taxer de caprice + it’s injust to tax indiscriminately

son père lui appliqua une crème désinfec- tante et lui banda la main + his father applied some disinfectant cream and bandaged his hand

il faut instaurer une mentalité de gagnant et de bosseur + we need to establish a winning and hard-working mentality

je me suis racontée sans aucune retenue + I talked about myself without any restraint

la perte d’une vie est toujours regrettable + the loss of a life is always regrettable

il est compréhensible que le public soit inquiet + it’s understandable that the public is disturbed

la foi suppose l’acceptation du mystère + faith requires acceptance of the mystery

au loin un orage grondait + in the distance a storm thundered

mais garde le contact visuel + but keep visual contact

le total ne peut excéder 55 000 francs + the total cannot exceed 55,000 francs

le compromis danois aura un statut équivalent + the Danish compromise will have an equivalent status

je parle vraiment en toute sincérité + I’m really talking with complete sincerity

nous avons besoin d’un réseau routier continental + we need a continental road network

il est bien inutile d’énumérer les obstacles + it’s totally useless to enumerate the obstacles

le niveau de décontamination sera totalement sécuritaire + the contamination level will be perfectly safe

une grande famine venait de dévaster la Chine + a great famine devastated China

la majorité de nos véhicules blindés sont des blindés légers + most of our armored vehicles are light tanks

elle commença dans l’obscurité à monter l’escalier + she started to climb the stairs in the dark

nous avons toujours milité contre l’exploitation + we have always mobilized against exploitation

un grand nuage noir emmitoufle la crête des montagnes + a large black cloud hugged the crest of the mountains

généralement le démarrage d’un livre se passe très bien + generally, starting a book goes very well

tout le montage du film s’est fait en digital + all of the editing of the film was done digitally

tout le voisinage en parle + the whole neighborhood is talking about it

je viens sonder, pour une sondation + I’m here to take a poll, for a poll

l’industrie forestière est très importante + the forest industry is very important

sur ma table de nuit, le réveil indiquait cinq heures + on my night table, the alarm clock indicated five o’clock

ces valeurs sont fermement ancrées dans notre héritage + these values are firmly anchored in our heritage

il a effectué un allégement général des impôts + he implemented overall tax relief

je veux rester performant et ne pas avoir une fin de carrière + I want to stay productive and not have my career end

il faut travailler ensemble plus, en concertation + we must work together more, in consultation

comble du malheur, COOL-FM a changé d’orientation + depths of unhappiness: COOL-FM has changed its orientation

nous parlions de choses insignifiantes, avec gaieté + we were merrily talking of insignificant things

s’ils décollent, les otages sont morts + if they take off, the hostages are dead

l’avion aménagé en hôpital volant était attendu mercredi + the airplane outfitted as a flying hospital was expected Wednesday

il semble indifférent à l’agitation dont il est cause + he seems unaffected by the agitation he has caused

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate

il y aura aussi un régime d’harmonisation des lois environnementales + there will also be a system for harmonizing environmental laws

tu es capable de faire des cocktails assez élaborés? + are you able to make fairly fancy cocktails?
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