Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Medizin + medicine + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Heilkunde + medicine + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Arzt + doctor + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hausarzt + family doctor + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Doktor(in) + doctor + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Krankenschwester + (female) nurse + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Krankenpfleger(in) + nurse + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Facharzt + (medical) specialist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities einen Facharzt zu Rate ziehen + to consult a specialist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Kinderarzt + paediatrician + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Kinderheilkunde + paediatrics + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Frauenarzt + gynaecologist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Frauenheilkunde + gynaecology + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Chirurg(in) + surgeon + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Chirurgie + surgery + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Optiker(in) + optician + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Augenarzt + eye specialist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Augenheilkunde + ophthalmology + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychiater(in) + psychiatrist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychiatrie + psychiatry + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Kinderpsychiater(in) + child psychiatrist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Apotheker(in) + (dispensing) chemist, druggist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Allgemeinmediziner(in) + general practitioner + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Allgemeinmedizin + general medicine + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Internist(in) + house surgeon, internist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities innere Medizin + internal medicine + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Radiologe + radiologist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Radiologie + radiology + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Orthopäde + orthopaedic surgeon + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Orthopädie + orthopaedics + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hautarzt + dermatologist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Dermatologie + dermatology + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Geburtshelfer(in) + obstetrician + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Geburtshilfe + obstetrics + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hebamme + midwife + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pharmazeut(in) + pharmacist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pharmazie + pharmaceutics + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Notarzt + emergency doctor + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Sanitäter(in) + paramedic + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Krankenträger(in) + stretcher-bearer + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Arzthelfer(in) + doctor's assistant + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Physiotherapeut(in) + physiotherapist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Physiotherapie + physiotherapy + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychologe + psychologist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychologie + psychology + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychotherapeut(in) + psychotherapist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Psychotherapie + psychotherapy + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Osteopath + osteopath + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Osteopathie + osteopathy + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Virologe + virologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Virologie + virology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt + ear, nose and throat + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärztin + specialist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities HNO-Arzt + ENT specialist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde + otolaryngology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Onkologe + oncologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Onkologie + oncology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Urologe + urologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Urologie + urology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Kardiologe + cardiologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Kardiologie + cardiology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Rheumatologe + rheumatologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Rheumatologie + rheumatology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hämatologe + haematologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Hämatologie + haematology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Endokrinologe + endocrinologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Endokrinologie + endocrinology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Neurologe + neurologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Neurologie + neurology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Anästhesist + anaesthetist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Anästhesiologie + anaesthesiology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Geriater(in) + geriatrician + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Geriatrie + geriatrics + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pathologe + pathologist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pathologie + pathology + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Sprachtherapeut(in) + speech therapist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Sprachtherapie + speech therapy + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Fußpfleger(in) + podiatrist + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Fußpflege + podiatry + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gast + guest, visitor, customer + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Kellner(in) + waiter/waitress, server + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Koch + chef + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Barmann + barman + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Barfrau + barmaid + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Zimmerm ädchen + chambermaid + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Reiseleiter(in) + tour guide + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel (Reise)führer(in) + (travel) guide + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Pensionsgast + boarder + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Hoteldirektor(in) + hotel manager + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Hoteldiener(in) + hotel porter + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Oberkellner(in) + head waiter/waitress + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Chefkoch + head chef + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gastwirt(in) + restaurant owner/manager + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Bardame + barmaid + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Barkeeper(in) + bartender + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Bedienung + waiter/waitress + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Personal + personnel, staff + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Gastronom(in) + restaurateur + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Hotelier + hotelier + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Empfangschef + receptionist + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Nachtportier + night porter + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Zollbeamte + customs officer + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Personnel Dolmetscher(in) + interpreter + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Arbeiter(in) + worker, labourer, blue-collar worker + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel ungelernt + unskilled + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel angelernt + semi-skilled + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Hilfsarbeiter(in) + unskilled worker + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Facharbeiter(in) + skilled worker + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Schwerarbeiter(in) + manual worker + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Vorarbeiter(in) + foreman/forewoman + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Manager(in) + manager + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Angestellte(r) + (salaried) employee + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Büroangestellte(r) + office worker, white-collar worker + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel leitende(r)Angestellte(r) + executive + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Aufseher(in) + supervisor + A
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Hersteller(in) + manufacturer + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Industrielle(r) + industrialist + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Techniker(in) + technician + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Packer(in) + packer + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Aushilfskraft + temporary worker + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Metallarbeiter(in) + metal worker + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Schlosser(in) + fitter, metal worker + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Weber(in) + weaver + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Spinner(in) + spinner + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Monteur(in) + fitter + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Nieter(in) + riveter + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Schweißer(in) + welder + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Gießer(in) + caster, founder + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Former(in) + molder + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Dreher(in) + turner + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Brauer(in) + brewer + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Lagerist(in) + stockman/stockwoman + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Gerber(in) + tanner + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Wollkämmer(in) + wool-carder + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Arbeitnehmer(in) + employee + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Arbeitgeber(in) + employer + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Management + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Führung + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Leitung + management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Leiter(in) + manager, department head + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Chef(in) + boss + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Direktor(in) + director + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Mitarbeiter(in) + employee, worker + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel (Senior)partner(in) + (senior) partner + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Teilhaber(in) + joint partner + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Nachfolger(in) + successor + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personal + personnel + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personal-Management + personnel management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Krisenmanagement + crisis management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel mittleres Management + middle management + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Vertreter(in) + agent + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel persönlicher Assistent; persönliche Assistentin + personal assistant + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Beschäftigte(r) + employee + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Belegschaft + staff + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel mit einer zu großen Belegschaft + overmanned + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel eine zu große Belegschaft haben + to be overmanned + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Stellvertreter(in) + deputy + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Alleinvertreter(in) + sole agent + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel bevollmächtigter Vertreter; bevollmächtigte Vertreterin + accredited agent + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Provisionsvertreter(in) + commission agent + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Verkaufsleiter(in) + sales manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Verkaufsleitung + sales management + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Personalleiter(in) + personnel manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Produktionsleiter(in) + production manager + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Abteilungsleiter(in) + department manager, department head + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Geschäftsleitung + senior management + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Geschäftsführer(in) + managing director + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Hauptgeschäfts-führer(in) + chief executive officer + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Franchisegeber(in) + franchiser + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Franchisenehmer(in) + franchisee + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel stellvertretender Leiter + assistant manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Regionalleiter(in) + area manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Vertriebsleiter(in) + sales manager, marketing director + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Leiter(in) der Finanzabteilung + finance director + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Fachgebietsleiter(in) + line manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Aktionär(in) + shareholder + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel etw verkleinern + to downsize sth + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel freie Kapazität + idle capacity + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Vorsitzende(r) + chairperson + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel bei einer Sitzung den Vorsitz führen + to chair a meeting + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Führungsstil + management style + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Unternehmensberater(in) + management consultant + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Gesellschaftsrechtler(in) + company lawyer + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Hausjurist(in) + company/in-house lawyer + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Headhunter(in) + head hunter + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Nachwuchsführungs-kraft + trainee manager + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Mitbestimmung + worker participation + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Zeiteinteilung + time management + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Büroverwaltung + office management + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Sekretär(in) + secretary + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel etw tippen + to type sth + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel etw mit der Maschine schreiben + to type sth + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Maschine schreiben + to type + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Büroangestellte(r) + office worker + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Büroleiter(in) + office manager + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Programmierer(in) + computer programmer + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Laufbursche + errand boy, office boy + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Fremdsprachense-kretär(in) + bilingual secretary + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Herr/Dame am Empfang + receptionist + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Empfangssekretär(in) + receptionist + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Kurzschrift + shorthand + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Stenografie + shorthand + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Stenotypist(in) + shorthand typist + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel stenografieren + to write shorthand + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Büropersonal + clerical staff + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Schreibkraft + clerical worker, copy typist + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Bürokraft + clerical worker + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Aushilfskraft + temp + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Bürogehilfe + office junior + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Fonotypist(in) + audiotypist + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Texterfasser(in) + keyboard operator + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Textverarbeiter(in) + word processor + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Systemanalytiker(in) + systems analyst + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Kurier(in) + courier + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Servicemechaniker(in) + service engineer + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel PR-Mann + PR man/woman + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie