Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Hôm qua tôi ở rạp chiếu phim. I was at the cinema yesterday. Gestern war ich im Kino.
Họ thích đi đâu ư? Where do they like to go? Wohin gehen sie gern?
Nghe hòa nhạc. / Xem biểu diễn ca nhạc. To a concert. Ins Konzert.
Họ không thích đi đâu? Where do they not like to go? Wohin gehen sie nicht gern?
Đi đến sàn nhảy. To the disco. In die Disco.
Chúng tôi thích đi dạo vào mùa hè. We like to go for a walk in summer. Im Sommer gehen wir gern spazieren.
Chúng tôi vào phòng khách. We are going to the living room. Wir gehen in das Wohnzimmer.
Bạn có thích đi nghe hòa nhạc / xem biểu diễn ca nhạc không? Do you like to go to concerts? Gehen Sie gern ins Konzert?
Bạn có thích đi xem / coi kịch không? Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)? Gehen Sie gern ins Theater?
Bạn thích đi xem nhạc kịch / ôpêra không? Do you like to go to the opera? Gehen Sie gern in die Oper?
Không, tôi năm ngoái đã ở đây rồi. No, I was here once last year. Nein, ich war schon letztes Jahr hier.
Chúng ta đi ra ban công đi. Let’s go to the balcony. Gehen wir auf den Balkon.
Chúng ta đi dã ngoại không? Shall we have a picnic? Wollen wir Picknick machen?
Chúng ta ra bờ biển không? Shall we go to the beach? Wollen wir an den Strand fahren?
Chúng ta đi lên núi không? Shall we go to the mountains? Wollen wir in die Berge fahren?
Tôi muốn đến nhà ga. I would like to go to the station. Ich möchte zum Bahnhof.
Tôi muốn đến sân bay / phi trường. I would like to go to the airport. Ich möchte zum Flughafen.
Tôi muốn vào trung tâm. I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.). Ich möchte ins Stadtzentrum.
Bạn hãy đi vào khu phố cổ. Go to the old city. Gehen Sie in die Altstadt.
Bạn hãy đi ra bến cảng. Go to the harbour / harbor (am.). Gehen Sie zum Hafen.
Xin lỗi, cho tôi đi qua được không? Excuse me, may I pass? Verzeihung, darf ich vorbei?
Anh ấy đi xe máy. He drives a motorbike. Er fährt mit dem Motorrad.
Anh ấy đạp xe đạp. He rides a bicycle. Er fährt mit dem Fahrrad.
Anh ấy đi bộ. He walks. Er geht zu Fuß.
Anh ấy đi bằng tàu thủy. He goes by ship. Er fährt mit dem Schiff.
Anh ấy đi bằng thuyền. He goes by boat. Er fährt mit dem Boot.
Có nguy hiểm nếu đi dạo buổi đêm không? Is it dangerous to go for a walk at night? Ist es gefährlich, nachts spazieren zu gehen?
Bạn đi lên trên bằng thang máy phải không? Do you take the ski lift to the top? Fahren Sie mit dem Skilift nach oben?
Bạn hãy đưa tôi đến bãi biển. Drive me to the beach. Fahren Sie mich zum Strand.
Tôi đến sân bóng đá bằng đường nào? How do I get to the football / soccer (am.) stadium? Wie komme ich zum Fußballstadion?
Xin lỗi, tôi đến sân bay như thế nào? Excuse me, how do I get to the airport? Entschuldigung, wie komme ich zum Flughafen?
Tốt nhất là bạn đi bằng tàu điện ngầm. It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). Am besten nehmen Sie die U-Bahn.
Chúng tôi muốn đi đến rạp chiếu phim. We want to go to the cinema. Wir wollen ins Kino.
Chúng ta đi bơi không? Shall we go to the swimming pool? Gehen wir ins Schwimmbad?
Bạn có hứng đi bơi không? Do you feel like swimming? Hast du Lust, schwimmen zu gehen?
Tôi muốn vào thư viện. I want to go to the library. Ich will in die Bibliothek.
Tôi muốn vào hiệu sách. I want to go to the bookstore. Ich will in die Buchhandlung.
Tôi muốn đến quầy tạp hoá. I want to go to the newspaper stand. Ich will zum Kiosk.
Tôi muốn vào thư viện để mượn sách. I want to go to the library to borrow a book. Ich will in die Bibliothek, um ein Buch zu leihen.
Tôi muốn vào hiệu sách để mua một quyển sách. I want to go to the bookstore to buy a book. Ich will in die Buchhandlung, um ein Buch zu kaufen.
Tôi muốn vào quầy tạp hoá để mua một tờ báo. I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper. Ich will zum Kiosk, um eine Zeitung zu kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến cửa hàng / tiệm kính. I want to go to the optician. Ich will zum Optiker.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị. I want to go to the supermarket. Ich will zum Supermarkt.
Tôi muốn đến cửa hàng bánh mì. I want to go to the bakery. Ich will zum Bäcker.
Tôi muốn đến cửa hàng / tiệm kính để mua kính. I want to go to the optician to buy glasses. Ich will zum Optiker, um eine Brille zu kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will zum Supermarkt, um Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến cửa hàng bánh mì để mua bánh mì tròn và bánh mì đen. I want to go to the baker to buy rolls and bread. Ich will zum Bäcker, um Brötchen und Brot zu kaufen.
Chúng ta đi cửa hàng bách hóa tổng hợp không? Shall we go to the department store? Gehen wir in ein Kaufhaus?
Tôi phải đi mua hàng. I have to go shopping. Ich muss Einkäufe machen.
Chúng tôi buổi trưa nào cũng đi căng tin. We always go to the cafeteria at noon. Mittags gehen wir immer in die Kantine.
Bạn muốn đi dạo không? Would you like to go for a walk? Möchten Sie spazieren gehen?
Tôi không muốn đến đó. I don’t want to go there. Ich will nicht hingehen.
Các bạn muốn đi xem phim không? Do you want to go to the cinema? Wollt ihr ins Kino?
Các bạn muốn vào quán / tiệm cà phê không? Do you want to go to a café? Wollt ihr ins Café?
Tôi phải gửi lá thư. I must post the letter. Ich muss den Brief verschicken.
Chị ấy phải mua đồ. She must shop. Sie muss einkaufen.
Chúng tôi phải đến trường học ngay. We must go to school at once. Wir müssen gleich zur Schule gehen.
Chúng tôi phải đi làm ngay. We must go to work at once. Wir müssen gleich zur Arbeit gehen.
Chúng ta phải đi bác sĩ ngay. We must go to the doctor at once. Wir müssen gleich zum Arzt gehen.
Bạn đã ở đâu? Where were you? Wo sind Sie gewesen?
Bạn đã đi đến đâu? Where did you go? Wohin sind Sie gegangen?
Ban đã ở đâu? Where were you? Wo sind Sie gewesen?
Mấy đứa con tôi đã không muốn đi dạo. My children did not want to go for a walk. Meine Kinder wollten keinen Spaziergang machen.
Các bạn ấy đã không muốn đi ngủ. They did not want to go to bed. Sie wollten nicht ins Bett gehen.
Cạo râu đi! Shave! Rasier dich!
Bao giờ bạn đi du lịch? When do you go on holiday? Wann fährst du in Urlaub?
Còn trước kỳ nghỉ hè à? Before the summer holidays? Noch vor den Sommerferien?
Vâng, còn trước khi kỳ nghỉ hè bắt đầu. Yes, before the summer holidays begin. Ja, noch bevor die Sommerferien beginnen.
Sau khi anh ấy bị mất việc làm, anh ấy đã đi sang Mỹ. After he had lost his job, he went to America. Nachdem er die Arbeit verloren hatte, ist er nach Amerika gegangen.
Sau khi anh ấy đi sang Mỹ, anh ấy đã trở nên giàu có. After he went to America, he became rich. Nachdem er nach Amerika gegangen war, ist er reich geworden.
Chị ấy không đi bác sĩ, mặc dù chị ấy bị đau. Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Sie geht nicht zum Arzt, obwohl sie Schmerzen hat.
Chị ấy bị đau. Tuy vậy chị ấy không đi bác sĩ. She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Sie hat Schmerzen. Trotzdem geht sie nicht zum Arzt.
Tôi đến nhà cha mẹ của nó như thế nào? How do I get to her parents’ house? Wie komme ich zum Haus ihrer Eltern?
Bạn đã từng đến Berlin chưa? Have you already been to Berlin? Sind Sie schon einmal in Berlin gewesen?
Chưa, chưa bao giờ. No, not yet. Nein, noch nie.
Oxford 3000VieEng
把...放进去 bǎ...fàngjìnqù etwas hineintun
他去世了 tā qùshì le er starb
到那边去 dào nàbiān qù hinüber
看上去灵巧 kàng shàng qù líng qiǎo sich geschickt anstellen
昏厥过去 hūn jué guò qù in Ohnmacht fallen
过去 guò qù Vergangenheit
免去某人的职务 miǎnqù mǒurén de zhíwù jemanden suspendieren
去世 qùshì verstorben
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 回去 + * * hui2 qu4 return/ go back/ be back zurückgehen +
A 進去 + * * jin4qu go in/ get in/ enter hineingehen +
A + * * qu4 go/ leave/ send/ remove/ get rid of 1. gehen, fortgehen 2. abschaffen, beseitigen 3. vom vergangenen Jahr, letztjährig +
A 去年 + * * qu4nian2 last year letztes Jahr +
A 出去 + * * chu1 qu4 go out/ get out ausgehen,hinausgehen,nach draußen gehen +
A 上去 + * * shang4 qu go up hoch gehen +
A 下去 + * * xia4 qu go down/ descend hinunter gehen +
A 過去 + * * guo4 qu go over/ pass by (Substantiv) die Vergangenheit +
A 過去 + * * guo4 qu go over/ pass by (Verb) 1.hinübergehen 2.(verschiedene nachgestellte Varianten) +
B 失去 + * * shi1qu4 lose verlieren +
D 來回來去 + * * lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 come-and-go Kommen und Gehen +
D 推來推去 + * * tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4 push/ decline alle möglichen Entschuldigungen vorbringen +
D 去世 + * * qu4shi4 die/ pass away sterben, ableben +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
65 他去 郊外 写生 + He went sketching in the suburbs. Er ging in die Vororte, um ein paar Skizzen zu machen.
74 上学 + I am going to school. Ich gehe zur Schule.
77 开车 纽约 + I'm driving to New York. Ich fahre mit dem Auto nach New York.
86 妈妈 超市 + My mom and I are going to the supermarket. Mama und ich gehen zum Supermarkt.
131 每天 慢跑 + I jog every day. Ich jogge jeden Tag.
136 我们 海边 日出 + We went to the beach to see the sunrise. Wir gingen zum Strand, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
141 经常 外地 出差 + I frequently go on business trips to other places. Ich bin ständig auswärts auf Geschäftsreise.
143 男朋友 一起 旅行 + My boyfriend and I travel together. Mein Freund und ich verreisen zusammen.
159 旅行 + She's traveling by herself. Sie reist allein.
219 开车 上班 + He drives to work. Er fährt mit dem Auto zur Arbeit.
221 他们 树林 走去 + They're heading for the forest. Sie gehen in Richtung Wald.
230 他去 伦敦 + He's been to London once. Er war einmal in London.
287 北京 + I've been to Beijing. Ich bin schon in Peking gewesen.
317 图书馆 + I'm going to the library to return the books. Ich gehe in die Bücherei und gebe die Bücher zurück.
322 我们 踢球 + Let's go play soccer. Laß uns Fußball spielen!
336 我们 超市 买菜 + We go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Wir gehen zum Supermarkt und kaufen Gemüse.
355 每天 步行 学校 + I walk to school every day. Ich gehe jeden Tag zu Fuß zur Schule.
380 有人 进去 + Someone went in. Jemand ist hinein gegangen.
471 妈妈 医院 看望 奶奶 + My mother and I went to the hospital to see my grandma. Meine Mutter und ich gehen ins Krankenhaus, um meine Großmutter zu besuchen.
474 他们 儿子 公园 + They take their son to the park. Sie nehmen ihren Sohn in den Park mit.
501 学校 + I'm heading to school. Ich gehe in Richtung der Schule.
511 ATM 取款 + I go to withdraw money from an ATM. Ich gehe zum Bankautomaten (ATM= Automatic Telling Machine)Geld abheben.
536 妹妹 海边 石头 + My younger sister has gone to the seashore to collect stones. Meine jüngere Schwester geht zur Küste, um Steine zu sammeln.
550 离开 学校 + He left home and went to school. Er verlässt das Haus und geht zur Schule.
580 图书馆 资料 + I'm going to the library to try to find some information/materials. Ich gehe in die Bibliothek, um Material zu finden.
594 我们 明天 长城 + We're going to climb the Great Wall tomorrow. Wir werden morgen die große Mauer besteigen.
628 习惯 晨跑 + She's used to running in the morning Sie ist gewöhnt, morgens zu laufen.
629 地铁 上班 + She takes the subway train to work. Sie fährt mit der U-Bahn zur Arbeit.
682 我们 开车 旅行 + We are vacationing by car. Wir fahren mit dem Auto auf die Reise.
691 英国 大使馆 签证 + I'm going to the British embassy to get a visa. Ich gehe auf das Britische Konsulat um ein Visum zu bekommen.
827 德国 + I've been to Germany. Ich bin schon in Deutschland gewesen.
1018 目前 为止 北京 + Up to now, I haven't been to Beijing. Bis jetzt bin ich noch nicht in Peking gewesen.
1041 他们 全家 公园 散步 + His whole family took a walk in the park. Seine ganze Familie macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
1066 收银台 付钱 + She went to the cashier to pay. Sie geht zur Kasse und bezahlt.
1074 昨天 剪发 + I had my hair cut yesterday. Ich habe mir gestern mein Haar schneiden lassen.
1089 医院 检查 身体 + I went to the hospital for a physical examination. Ich gehe ins Krankenhaus, um meine Gesundheit untersuchen zu lassen.
1114 终点 跑去 + He's running toward the finish line. Er rennt auf die Ziellinie zu.
1230 药店 + She went to a drugstore to buy medicine. Sie geht in die Apotheke, um Arzneien zu kaufen.
1254 邮局 寄信 + I'm going to the post office to mail a letter. Ich gehe ins Postamt, um einen Brief zu verschicken.
1279 移民局 申请 签证 + I go to the immigration office to apply for the visa. Ich gehe zum Ausländeramt, um ein Visum zu beantragen.
1352 大使馆 申请 签证 + I went to the embassy to apply for a visa. Ich gehe zur Botschaft, um ein Visum zu beantragen.
1390 欧洲 旅行 + I want to travel in Europe. Ich möchte nach Europa reisen.
1407 图书馆 + I'm going to the library to borrow some books. Ich gehe in die Bibliothek und leihe Bücher aus.
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 + He's going to the post office to remit some money to his family. Er geht zum Postbüro, um seiner Familie Geld zurückzusenden.
1441 她们 喜欢 海岛 旅游 + They love island vacations. Sie mögen gern Insel-Urlaub machen.
1460 俄罗斯 + I've been to Russia before. Ich war schon einmal in Russland.
1517 朋友 商场 购物 + My friends and I are going shopping at the shopping plaza. Meine Freunde und ich gehen auf den Markt einkaufen.
1555 朋友们 登山 + My friends and I are going mountain climbing.
1607 他们 野外 露营 + They went camping in the open country.
1627 银行 注销 帐户 + I'm going to cancel my account at the bank.
1701 很多 公园 樱花 + Many people go to the park to see the cherry blossoms.
1783 空间 时候 他们 郊游 + They went on outings when they had free time.
1816 背上 背包 爬山 + She put on her backpack and went mountain climbing.
1823 今天 逛街 购物 + I went strolling down the street and did some shopping today.
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 + My parents have promised to take us on a picnic. Meine Eltern haben versprochen, uns auf ein Picknick zu mitzunehmen.
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 + They've been to many places in their lifetime.
1910 年轻人 喜欢 酒吧 + Young people like to drink in bars.
1978 咱们 + Let's go play.
1983 明天 俄罗斯 + I'm going to Russia tomorrow.
2000 拜访 老师 + I'm going to visit my teacher. Ich gehe meinen Lehrerin besuchen.
2127 我们 森林 探险 + We're going to explore the forest.
2250 慢跑 + She goes jogging with her dog on a leash. Sie Joggt und hält dabei den Hund an der Leine.
2269 出去 外头 台风 + Don't go out, there's a typhoon blowing!
2299 扎进 泳池 + He dove into the swimming pool.
2304 澳门 + I've been to Macau.
2314 洗去 盘子 汙垢 + She's washing the dirt off the plates.
2391 我们 驾车 旅游 + We're going on a driving trip.
2561 他们 回忆 过去 美好 时光 + They're remembering happy times in their past.
2607 他们 服兵役 + They are going to serve in the army.
2642 匆忙 上班 + I'm hurrying to work.
2644 过去 记忆犹新 + She still has a clear memory of the past.
2679 我们 沙漠 旅行 + We're going to travel in the desert.
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城 + We're going to visit the Great Wall today.
2725 药丸 吞下去 + She swallowed the pill.
2817 爸爸 打猎 + My father and I are going to hunt together.
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 + They went swimming on their summer vacation.
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 + The firefighters went to the scene to rescue the victims.
2876 他们 球门 + They're rushing towards the goal.
2994 柜台 付款 + I'm going to the counter to pay.
3038 垃圾 + I'm going to throw out the garbage.
3124 柏林 + I made a trip to Berlin.
3183 拉萨 + I want to go to Lhasa. Ich will nach Lhasa gehen.
3426 尼亚加 拉大 瀑布 + I've been to Niagara Falls.
3461 冬天 喜欢 澡堂 洗澡 + In the winter, I like going to a bathhouse to have a bath.
3512 赛马 霎时 跑过去 + The race horses run past us in a flash.
3579 北京 成都 + I want to go to Beijing and also want to go to Chengdu.
3590 要不 看书 要不 睡觉. + You can either read a book or else go to sleep.
3597 黄金 周出 旅游 简直 受罪 到处 + Traveling during the Golden Week is truly torture--there are people everywhere.
3604 有人 通知 司令部 报到 + He was told to report himself to headquarters.
3615 经常 走入 社区 倾听 普通 民众 心声 + He often goes into the community, to listen closely to the aspirations of the average citizens.
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 + They believe in God even if they don't go to church every Sunday.
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去 + The fence must be firm enough to prevent livestock from rushing out.
3736 不在 这儿 可能 干活儿 + He is not here; he is probably at work.
3748 边城 出差 星期 才能 回来 + He will take a business trip to a border town, and will be back in a week.
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 + I had a journey to Sanya in Hainan Province last year, and my boyfriend accompanied me.
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