Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Frieden + peace + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace friedlich + peaceful + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Freiheit + freedom + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbewegung + peace movement + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Pazifist(in) + pacifist + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenskämpfer(in) + pacifist + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Pazifismus + pacifism + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Menschenrechte + human rights + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace den Frieden schließen + to make peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Frieden stiften + to make peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensstifter(in) + peacemaker + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensplan + peace plan + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensnobelpreis + Nobel peace prize + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenspolitik + policy of peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivildienst + community service [alternative to military service] + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivildienstleistende(r) + person doing community service + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Zivi + person doing community service + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensforschung + peace studies + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensdemonstrant(in) + peace protester + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Rüstung + arms + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace aufrüsten + to build up arms + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Wettrüsten + arms race + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Massenvernichtungswaffen + weapons of mass destruction + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Leuchtrakete + signal rocket + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Leuchtkugel + flare + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Leuchtgeschoss + flare + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Notrakete + distress rocket + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Salve + volley + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Granate + shell + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Schrapnell + shrapnel + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Entlaubungsmittel + defoliant + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Stacheldraht + barbed wire + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace (Stand)armbrust + crossbow + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Schrotflinte + shotgun + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Bajonett + bayonet + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Brandsatz + incendiary compound + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Lenkwaffe + guided missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Luft-Boden-Rakete + air-to-surface missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Langstreckenrakete + long-range missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Interkontinetalrakete + intercontinental missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Cruisemissile + cruise missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Nuklearsprengkopf + nuclear warhead + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Fall-out + fallout + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Abrüstung + disarmament + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace abrüsten + to disarm + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenskundgebung + peace rally + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace etw vermitteln + to arrange/mediate/negotiate sth + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace über den Frieden verhandeln + to hold peace negotiations + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Verhandlung + negotiation + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensverhandlungen + peace talks + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbedingungen + peace terms + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbewegte(r) + peace activist + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Kriegsdienstverweigerer + conscientious objector + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Kriegsdienstverweigerung + refusal to fight in a war + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace den Kriegsdienst verweigern + to be a conscientious objector + C

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Oxford 32000EngGloss

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