Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Mặt trời màu vàng. The sun is yellow. Die Sonne ist gelb.
Mặt trời màu gì? Màu vàng. What colour / color (am.) is the sun? Yellow. Welche Farbe hat die Sonne? Gelb.
Mùa hè trời nắng. The sun shines in summer. Im Sommer scheint die Sonne.
Tôi thấy cái này tuyệt đẹp. I find that gorgeous. Ich finde das wunderschön.
Căn phòng ồn quá. The room is too noisy. Das Zimmer ist zu laut.
Căn phòng nhỏ quá. The room is too small. Das Zimmer ist zu klein.
Căn phòng tối quá. The room is too dark. Das Zimmer ist zu dunkel.
Cái này đắt quá. That’s too expensive. Das ist mir zu teuer.
Hơi ồn quá. A little too loud. Ein bisschen zu laut.
Nhớ mang theo kính râm. Take the sun-glasses with you. Nimm die Sonnenbrille mit.
Nhớ mang theo mũ. Take the sun hat with you. Nimm den Sonnenhut mit.
Ở đây có thể thuê ô che nắng không? Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here? Kann man hier einen Sonnenschirm leihen?
Nước này lạnh quá. The water is too cold. Das Wasser ist zu kalt.
Nhưng mà đừng có đắt quá. But nothing too expensive. Aber nichts allzu Teueres.
Ở nước này có nhiều người thất nghiệp quá. There are too many unemployed people in this country. In diesem Land gibt es zu viele Arbeitslose.
Không, tôi không hiểu mọi người mấy. No, I don’t understand them so well. Nein, ich verstehe sie nicht so gut.
Vợ của ông ở đâu rồi, ông Müller? Where is your wife, Mr. Miller? Wo ist Ihre Frau, Herr Müller?
Làm ơn đừng ngắn quá. Not too short, please. Nicht zu kurz, bitte.
Thời tiết xấu quá. The weather is so bad. Das Wetter ist so schlecht.
Tôi không đến, bởi vì thời tiết xấu quá. I am not coming because the weather is so bad. Ich komme nicht, weil das Wetter so schlecht ist.
Tôi đã không hiểu được anh ấy, bởi vì nhạc ồn quá. I could not understand him because the music was so loud. Ich konnte ihn nicht verstehen, weil die Musik so laut war.
Bạn lười biếng quá – đừng có lười biếng quá! You are so lazy – don’t be so lazy! Du bist so faul – sei doch nicht so faul!
Bạn ngủ lâu quá – đừng có ngủ lâu quá! You sleep for so long – don’t sleep so late! Du schläfst so lang – schlaf doch nicht so lang!
Bạn tới muộn / trễ quá – đừng có tới muộn / trễ quá! You come home so late – don’t come home so late! Du kommst so spät – komm doch nicht so spät!
Bạn cười to quá – đừng có cười to quá! You laugh so loudly – don’t laugh so loudly! Du lachst so laut – lach doch nicht so laut!
Bạn nói nhỏ quá – đừng có nói nhỏ quá! You speak so softly – don’t speak so softly! Du sprichst so leise – sprich doch nicht so leise!
Bạn uống nhiều quá – đừng có uống nhiều quá! You drink too much – don’t drink so much! Du trinkst zu viel – trink doch nicht so viel!
Bạn hút thuốc lá nhiều quá – đừng có hút thuốc nhiều quá! You smoke too much – don’t smoke so much! Du rauchst zu viel – rauch doch nicht so viel!
Bạn làm việc nhiều quá – đừng có làm việc nhiều quá! You work too much – don’t work so much! Du arbeitest zu viel – arbeite doch nicht so viel!
Bạn lái xe nhanh quá – đừng có lái xe nhanh quá! You drive too fast – don’t drive so fast! Du fährst so schnell – fahr doch nicht so schnell!
Tôi bực mình vì bạn ngáy. I’m angry that you snore. Es ärgert mich, dass du schnarchst.
Tôi bực mình vì bạn uống nhiều bia quá. I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Es ärgert mich, dass du so viel Bier trinkst.
Tôi bực mình vì bạn đến muộn. I’m angry that you come so late. Es ärgert mich, dass du so spät kommst.
Tôi rất vui, vì bạn đã đến. I’m happy that you came. Es freut mich, dass Sie gekommen sind.
Tôi rất vui, vì bạn quan tâm. I’m happy that you are interested. Es freut mich, dass Sie Interesse haben.
Tôi rất vui, vì bạn muốn mua căn nhà. I’m happy that you want to buy the house. Es freut mich, dass Sie das Haus kaufen wollen.
Tôi không hiểu gì nếu nhạc to quá. I can’t understand anything when the music is so loud. Ich verstehe nichts, wenn die Musik so laut ist.
Chuyến du lịch tuy rất đẹp, nhưng mà quá mệt. The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. Die Reise war zwar schön, aber zu anstrengend.
Tàu hỏa tuy đến sớm, nhưng mà đông người quá. The train was on time, but too full. Der Zug war zwar pünktlich, aber zu voll.
Khách sạn tuy thoải mái, nhưng mà đắt / mắc quá. The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. Das Hotel war zwar gemütlich, aber zu teuer.
Oxford 3000VieEng
太阳 tàiyáng Sonne
太多 tài duō zu viel
太多 tài duō zu viele
太晚了 tài wǎn le zu spät
犹太教 yóu tài jiào Judentum
焦糖, 太妃糖 jiāotáng, tàifēitáng Karamel
太空船的全体成员 tàikōngchuán de quántǐ chéngyuán Raumschiff-Besatzung
太平洋 Tàipíngyáng Pazifik
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * tai4 too 1. höchst, allergrößt, in weiter Ferne 2. ältest, ranghöher 3. allzu, äußerst, übermäßig 4. sehr, außerordentlich +
A 太陽 + * * tai4yang2 the sun Sonne +
B 太太 + * * tai4tai wife/ Madame/ Lady/ Mrs. Frau +
B 老太太 + * * lao3tai4tai old woman alte Frau +
D 太空 + * * tai4kong1 outer space Himmelsdach, Firmament +
D 太平 + * * tai4ping2 peaceful friedlich +
D 太陽能 + * * tai4yang2neng2 solar energy Solarenergie, Sonnenenergie +
D 老太婆 + * * lao3tai4po2 old woman alte Frau +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
95 太阳 出来 + The sun has risen. ((The sun has come out.)) Die Sonne ist aufgegangen. (herauskommen)
151 太阳 出现 地平线 + The sun appeared on the horizon. Die Sonne erschien am Horizont.
198 因为 感冒 + It's so cold that she caught a cold. Weil es derartig kalt ist, hat sie sich erkältet.
234 公路 汽车 太多 + There are too many cars on the highway. Auf der Landesstraße sind zu viele Autos.
555 + It's too hot. Es ist zu heiß.
615 裤子 + These trousers are too tight. Diese Hose ist zu eng.
868 喇叭 + The horn is too loud. Das Megaphone ist zu laut.
899 太阳 消失 云层 后面 + The sun is disappearing behind the clouds. Die Sonne verschwand hinter den Wolken.
980 太阳 下山 + The sun has set. Die Sonne ist untergegangen.
1031 房子 陈旧 + This house is too old. Dieses Haus ist zu veraltet.
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 + Tai Chi exercises are appropriate for the elderly. Tai Chi Übungen sind für ältere Menschen geeignet.
1145 + The room is a total mess. Im Zimmer herrscht Chaos.
1189 受到 太太 责问 + He was reproached by his wife. Er bekam Vorwürfe von seiner Frau.
1406 房间 光线 + It's too dim in the room. Das Licht im Zimmer ist zu dunkel.
1445 地球 太阳 + The Earth revolves around the Sun. Die Erde kreist um die Sonne.
1454 好了 + Wow, that's great! Mann, das ist toll!
1456 地球 太阳系 行星 + The earth is a planet in the solar system. Die Erde ist ein Planet im Sonnensystem.
1487 太阳 西 + The sun is to the west. Die Sonne steht im Westen.
1709 手指甲 + His fingernails are too long.
1869 柠檬 + This lemon is too sour. Die Zitrone ist zu sauer.
1892 消息 振奋 + This news is very exciting.
1923 伤心 + Don't grieve too much.
1946 太阳 发出 耀眼 光辉 + The sun shone with dazzling brightness.
1949 题目 深奥 不会 + This problem is over my head, I can't do it.
2003 天气 他们 很多 + It's too hot, and they have been sweating a lot.
2083 小字 模糊 清楚 + The little letters are too blurry, I can't see them clearly.
2202 裤子 + This pair of pants is too big.
2427 + You need to eat more, you're too slim.
2432 + It's too noisy.
2471 抱怨 工作 + He complains that the work is too difficult.
2500 + He's too fat.
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 + It's a timeless truth that the earth revolves around the sun.
2767 他们 海边 晒太阳 + They're sunning themselves at the seashore.
2919 婴儿 可爱 + This baby is so cute.
3005 觉得 电视 节目 内容 庸俗 + He thinks the TV program is too vulgar.
3025 妈妈 囉嗦 + She dislikes her mother's nagging.
3184 太阳 东方 昇起 + The sun rises in the east.
3405 枕头 舒服 + This pillow is really comfortable.
3574 理论 知识 单调 + Theoretical knowledge is too dull.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
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