Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Chúng tôi là một gia đình. We are a family. Wir sind eine Familie.
Gia đình không phải nhỏ. The family is not small. Die Familie ist nicht klein.
Gia đình lớn. The family is big. Die Familie ist groß.
Đây là địa chỉ của tôi. Here is my address. Hier ist meine Adresse.
Đây là các học sinh. Those are the school children. Das sind die Schüler.
Đây là cô giáo. That is the teacher. Das ist die Lehrerin.
Đây là lớp học. That is the class. Das ist die Klasse.
Học ngôn ngữ rất là thú vị. Learning languages is interesting. Sprachen lernen ist interessant.
London là một thủ đô. London is a capital city. London ist eine Hauptstadt.
Madrid và Berlin cũng là thủ đô. Madrid and Berlin are also capital cities. Madrid und Berlin sind auch Hauptstädte.
Các thủ đô vừa lớn vừa ồn. Capital cities are big and noisy. Die Hauptstädte sind groß und laut.
Ngày thứ nhất là thứ hai. The first day is Monday. Der erste Tag ist Montag.
Ngày thứ hai là thứ ba. The second day is Tuesday. Der zweite Tag ist Dienstag.
Ngày thứ ba là thứ tư. The third day is Wednesday. Der dritte Tag ist Mittwoch.
Ngày thứ tư là thứ năm. The fourth day is Thursday. Der vierte Tag ist Donnerstag.
Ngày thứ năm là thứ sáu. The fifth day is Friday. Der fünfte Tag ist Freitag.
Ngày thứ sáu là thứ bảy. The sixth day is Saturday. Der sechste Tag ist Samstag.
Ngày thứ bảy là chủ nhật. The seventh day is Sunday. Der siebte Tag ist Sonntag.
Hôm qua là thứ bảy. Yesterday was Saturday. Gestern war Samstag.
Hôm nay là chủ nhật. Today is Sunday. Heute ist Sonntag.
Ngày mai là thứ hai. Tomorrow is Monday. Morgen ist Montag.
Đây là ai? Who is that? Wer ist das?
Đây là Peter. That is Peter. Das ist Peter.
Peter là sinh viên. Peter is a student. Peter ist Student.
Đây là ai? Who is that? Wer ist das?
Đây là Martha. That is Martha. Das ist Martha.
Martha là thư ký. Martha is a secretary. Martha ist Sekretärin.
Peter và Martha là bạn bè. Peter and Martha are friends. Peter und Martha sind Freunde.
Peter là bạn của Martha. Peter is Martha’s friend. Peter ist der Freund von Martha.
Martha là bạn của Peter. Martha is Peter’s friend. Martha ist die Freundin von Peter.
Đó là sáu tháng. These are six months. Das sind sechs Monate.
Đó cũng là sáu tháng. These are also six months. Das sind auch sechs Monate.
Martha làm gì? What does Martha do? Was macht Martha?
Peter làm gì? What does Peter do? Was macht Peter?
Tuyết màu trắng. Snow is white. Der Schnee ist weiß.
Mặt trời màu vàng. The sun is yellow. Die Sonne ist gelb.
Quả / trái cam màu da cam. The orange is orange. Die Orange ist orange.
Quả / trái anh đào màu đỏ. The cherry is red. Die Kirsche ist rot.
Bầu trời màu xanh nước biển. The sky is blue. Der Himmel ist blau.
Cỏ màu xanh lá cây. The grass is green. Das Gras ist grün.
Đất màu nâu. The earth is brown. Die Erde ist braun.
Mây màu xám. The cloud is grey / gray (am.). Die Wolke ist grau.
Lốp xe màu đen. The tyres / tires (am.) are black. Die Reifen sind schwarz.
Tuyết màu gì? Màu trắng. What colour / color (am.) is the snow? White. Welche Farbe hat der Schnee? Weiß.
Mặt trời màu gì? Màu vàng. What colour / color (am.) is the sun? Yellow. Welche Farbe hat die Sonne? Gelb.
Quả / trái cam màu gì? Màu da cam. What colour / color (am.) is the orange? Orange. Welche Farbe hat die Orange? Orange.
Quả / trái anh đào màu gì? Màu đỏ. What colour / color (am.) is the cherry? Red. Welche Farbe hat die Kirsche? Rot.
Bầu trời màu gì? Màu xanh nước biển. What colour / color (am.) is the sky? Blue. Welche Farbe hat der Himmel? Blau.
Cỏ màu gì? Màu xanh lá cây. What colour / color (am.) is the grass? Green. Welche Farbe hat das Gras? Grün.
Đất màu gì? Màu nâu. What colour / color (am.) is the earth? Brown. Welche Farbe hat die Erde? Braun.
Mây màu gì? Màu xám. What colour / color (am.) is the cloud? Grey / Gray (am.). Welche Farbe hat die Wolke? Grau.
Lốp xe màu gì? Màu đen. What colour / color (am.) are the tyres / tires (am.)? Black. Welche Farbe haben die Reifen? Schwarz.
Đó là những mùa trong năm: These are the seasons: Das sind die Jahreszeiten:
Mùa hè trời nắng. The sun shines in summer. Im Sommer scheint die Sonne.
Đây là nhà của chúng tôi. Our house is here. Hier ist unser Haus.
Ở trên là mái nhà. The roof is on top. Oben ist das Dach.
Ở dưới là tầng hầm. The basement is below. Unten ist der Keller.
Đây là căn hộ của tôi. My apartment is here. Hier ist meine Wohnung.
Ở đây là phòng bếp và phòng tắm. The kitchen and bathroom are here. Hier ist die Küche und das Bad.
Ở kia là phòng khách và phòng ngủ. The living room and bedroom are there. Dort sind das Wohnzimmer und das Schlafzimmer.
Nhưng cửa sổ còn mở. But the windows are open. Aber die Fenster sind offen.
Ở kia là cái ghế sô pha và một cái ghế bành. There is a sofa and an armchair there. Dort sind ein Sofa und ein Sessel.
Vô tuyến còn rất mới. The TV set is brand new. Der Fernseher ist ganz neu.
Hôm nay là thứ bảy. Today is Saturday. Heute ist Samstag.
Bạn nấu bằng điện hay bằng ga? Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove? Kochst du elektrisch oder mit Gas?
Có cần tôi thái hành tây không? Shall I cut the onions? Soll ich die Zwiebeln schneiden?
Có cần tôi gọt khoai tây không? Shall I peel the potatoes? Soll ich die Kartoffeln schälen?
Đây là các đĩa CD của tôi. These are my CD’s. Hier sind meine CDs.
Đây là đàn ghi-ta của tôi. This is my guitar. Hier ist meine Gitarre.
Đây là những quyển sách của tôi. These are my books. Hier sind meine Bücher.
Ông ấy là người ngoại quốc. He is a foreigner. Er ist Ausländer.
Bạn tới đây lần đầu à? Are you here for the first time? Sind Sie zum ersten Mal hier?
Không, tôi năm ngoái đã ở đây rồi. No, I was here once last year. Nein, ich war schon letztes Jahr hier.
Nhưng chỉ có một tuần thôi. Only for a week, though. Aber nur eine Woche lang.
Bạn làm nghề gì vậy? What is your profession? Was sind Sie von Beruf?
Tôi là phiên dịch. I am a translator. Ich bin Übersetzer.
Không, vợ / chồng tôi cũng ở đây. No, my wife / my husband is also here. Nein, meine Frau / mein Mann ist auch hier.
Hồi xưa thì có. I used to. Früher ja.
Nhưng bây giờ tôi không hút thuốc nữa. But I don’t smoke anymore. Aber jetzt rauche ich nicht mehr.
Có, đa số là đi công tác. Yes, mostly on business trips. Ja, meistens sind das Geschäftsreisen.
Vâng, hôm nay nóng thật. Yes, today it’s really hot. Ja, heute ist es wirklich heiß.
Có, chúng tôi cũng được mời. Yes, we’ve also been invited. Ja, wir sind auch eingeladen.
Có, và tôi cũng biết một chút tiếng Ý. Yes, and I also speak some Italian. Ja, und ich kann auch etwas Italienisch.
Các ngôn ngữ đó khá là giống nhau. The languages are quite similar. Die Sprachen sind ziemlich ähnlich.
Nhưng nói và viết thì khó. But speaking and writing is difficult. Aber sprechen und schreiben ist schwer.
Người ta biết bạn từ đâu đến. One can tell where you come from. Man erkennt, woher Sie kommen.
Tiếng mẹ đẻ của bạn là gì? What is your mother tongue / native language (am.)? Was ist Ihre Muttersprache?
Hay bạn đã có hẹn rồi? Or do you already have an appointment? Oder bist du schon verabredet?
Đây là thẻ tín dụng của tôi. Here is my credit card. Hier ist meine Kreditkarte.
Đây là bằng lái xe của tôi. Here is my licence / license (am.). Hier ist mein Führerschein.
Tên của tôi là Müller. My name is Miller. Mein Name ist Müller.
Đây là các chìa khóa. Here are the keys. Hier sind die Schlüssel.
Đây là hành lý của tôi. Here is my luggage. Hier ist mein Gepäck.
Bàn này còn trống không? Is this table taken? Ist der Tisch frei?
Thức ăn nguội rồi. The food is cold. Das Essen ist kalt.
Tôi muốn hoa quả / trái cây hoặc phó mát. I would like some fruit or cheese. Ich möchte Obst oder Käse.
Đây là tàu hỏa đến Berlin phải không? Is that the train to Berlin? Ist das der Zug nach Berlin?
Tôi nghĩ rằng đây là chỗ của tôi. I think this is my seat. Ich glaube, das ist mein Platz.
Đây có phải là chuyến bay thẳng không? Is it a direct flight? Ist das ein Direktflug?
Đây là va li của bạn phải không? Is that your suitcase? Ist das Ihr Koffer?
Đây là túi của bạn phải không? Is that your bag? Ist das Ihre Tasche?
Đây là hành lý của bạn phải không? Is that your luggage? Ist das Ihr Gepäck?
Không sao, bạn giữ phần còn lại. That is okay, please keep the change. Es stimmt so, der Rest ist für Sie.
Tốt nhất là bạn đi bằng tàu điện ngầm. It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). Am besten nehmen Sie die U-Bahn.
Chợ có mở cửa chủ nhật không? Is the market open on Sundays? Ist der Markt sonntags geöffnet?
Đây là tòa nhà gì? What building is that? Was für ein Gebäude ist das?
Phim rất mới. The film is brand new. Der Film ist ganz neu.
Nhưng quyển sách về phim này hay hơn. But the book on which the film was based was better. Aber das Buch zum Film war besser.
Chỗ này còn trống không? Is this seat taken? Ist der Platz hier frei?
Nhưng ban nhạc chơi rất hay. But the band plays very well. Aber die Band spielt ganz gut.
Không, lần này là lần đầu. No, this is the first time. Nein, das ist das erste Mal.
Không, hôm khác đi. No, maybe some other time. Nein, lieber ein anderes Mal.
Phải, bạn trai của tôi. Yes, for my boyfriend. Ja, auf meinen Freund.
Tôi là người mới tập môn này. I’m only a beginner. Ich bin erst Anfänger.
Tôi hạng trung bình. I’m moderately good. Ich bin mittelgut.
Có, tôi cần phải vận động. Yes, I need some exercise. Ja, ich muss mich bewegen.
Nhưng mà đừng có đắt quá. But nothing too expensive. Aber nichts allzu Teueres.
Đen, nâu hay là trắng? Black, brown or white? Schwarz, braun oder weiß?
To hay là nhỏ? A large one or a small one? Eine große oder eine kleine?
Cái này bằng da phải không? Is it made of leather? Ist die aus Leder?
Hay là bằng chất nhựa? Or is it made of plastic? Oder ist die aus Kunststoff?
Dĩ nhiên là bằng da. Of leather, of course. Aus Leder natürlich.
Chất lượng đặc biệt. This is very good quality. Das ist eine besonders gute Qualität.
Và túi xách tay thực sự là rất rẻ. And the bag is really very reasonable. Und die Handtasche ist wirklich sehr preiswert.
Quầy trả tiền ở bên kia. The cashier is over there. Dort drüben ist die Kasse.
Bạn làm công việc gì? What do you do for a living? Was machen Sie beruflich?
Chồng tôi có công việc là bác sĩ. My husband is a doctor. Mein Mann ist Arzt von Beruf.
Tôi làm y tá nửa ngày. I work as a nurse part-time. Ich arbeite halbtags als Krankenschwester.
Tôi là thực tập sinh. I am an intern. Ich bin Praktikant.
Đây là người lãnh đạo của tôi. That is my boss. Das ist mein Chef.
Chúng tôi buổi trưa nào cũng đi căng tin. We always go to the cafeteria at noon. Mittags gehen wir immer in die Kantine.
Bạn có bảo hiểm ở đâu? What insurance company do you belong to? Wo sind Sie versichert?
Huyết áp bình thường. Your blood pressure is okay. Der Blutdruck ist in Ordnung.
Trước tiên là cái đầu. First the head. Zuerst den Kopf.
Đang là mùa đông và lạnh. It is winter and it is cold. Es ist Winter und es ist kalt.
Người đàn ông ấy làm bằng tuyết. The man is made of snow. Der Mann ist aus Schnee.
Nhưng mà Ông ấy không bị lạnh cóng. But the man is not freezing. Aber der Mann friert nicht.
Ông ấy là một ông già tuyết. He is a snowman. Er ist ein Schneemann.
Đường dây lúc nào cũng bận. The line is always busy. Die Leitung ist immer besetzt.
Đây là hộ chiếu của tôi. Here is my passport. Hier ist mein Pass.
Và đây là địa chỉ của tôi. And here is my address. Und hier ist meine Adresse.
Lệ phí bao nhiêu? What are the fees? Wie hoch sind die Gebühren?
Đây là số tài khoản của tôi. Here is my account number. Hier ist meine Kontonummer.
Tháng thứ nhất là tháng giêng. The first month is January. Der erste Monat ist der Januar.
Tháng thứ hai là tháng hai. The second month is February. Der zweite Monat ist der Februar.
Tháng thứ ba là tháng ba. The third month is March. Der dritte Monat ist der März.
Tháng thứ tư là tháng tư. The fourth month is April. Der vierte Monat ist der April.
Tháng thứ năm là tháng năm. The fifth month is May. Der fünfte Monat ist der Mai.
Tháng thứ sáu là tháng sáu. The sixth month is June. Der sechste Monat ist der Juni.
Sáu tháng là nửa năm. Six months make half a year. Sechs Monate sind ein halbes Jahr.
Tháng thứ bảy là tháng bảy . The seventh month is July. Der siebte Monat ist der Juli.
Tháng thứ tám là tháng tám. The eighth month is August. Der achte Monat ist der August.
Tháng thứ chín là tháng chín. The ninth month is September. Der neunte Monat ist der September.
Tháng thứ mười là tháng mười. The tenth month is October. Der zehnte Monat ist der Oktober.
Tháng thứ mười một là tháng mười một. The eleventh month is November. Der elfte Monat ist der November.
Tháng thứ mười hai là tháng mười hai. The twelfth month is December. Der zwölfte Monat ist der Dezember.
Mười hai tháng là một năm. Twelve months make a year. Zwölf Monate sind ein Jahr.
Vâng, anh ấy đang làm việc. Yes, he is working right now. Ja, er arbeitet gerade.
Vâng, tôi sống ở Berlin. Yes, I live in Berlin. Ja, ich wohne in Berlin.
Vâng, tôi hiểu thầy ấy tốt. Yes, I understand him well. Ja, ich verstehe ihn gut.
Vâng, tôi hiểu cô ấy tốt. Yes, I understand her well. Ja, ich verstehe sie gut.
Vâng, tôi có. Yes, I do. Ja, ich habe eine.
Nhưng mà tôi chỉ có năm chục. But I have only fifty. Aber ich habe nur fünfzig.
Nhưng mà tôi sắp xong rồi. But I’ll be finished soon. Aber gleich bin ich fertig.
Nhưng mà tôi đã quen nhiều người rồi. But I already know a lot of people. Aber ich kenne schon viele Leute.
Nhưng mà chủ nhật tôi đã về rồi. But I will be back on Sunday. Aber ich komme schon am Sonntag zurück.
Nhưng mà nó đã có bạn trai rồi. But she already has a boyfriend. Aber sie hat schon einen Freund.
Bà của chúng tôi mạnh khỏe. Our grandmother is healthy. Unsere Oma ist gesund.
Nhưng mà cha mẹ của các em đang đến kia kìa! Here come their parents! Aber da kommen ja ihre Eltern!
Con voi to. The elephant is big. Der Elefant ist groß.
Con chuột nhỏ. The mouse is small. Die Maus ist klein.
Ban đêm tối. The night is dark. Die Nacht ist dunkel.
Ban ngày sáng. The day is bright. Der Tag ist hell.
70 năm về trước ông còn trẻ. 70 years ago he was still young. Vor 70 Jahren war er noch jung.
Con bướm đẹp. The butterfly is beautiful. Der Schmetterling ist schön.
Con nhện xấu. The spider is ugly. Die Spinne ist hässlich.
Tôi là người ăn chay. I am a vegetarian. Ich bin Vegetarier.
Tôi không ăn thịt, bởi vì tôi là người ăn chay. I’m not eating it because I am a vegetarian. Ich esse es nicht, weil ich Vegetarier bin.
Khách của chúng tôi là những người tử tế. Our guests were nice people. Unsere Gäste waren nette Leute.
Khách của chúng tôi là những người lịch sự. Our guests were polite people. Unsere Gäste waren höfliche Leute.
Khách của chúng tôi là những người thú vị. Our guests were interesting people. Unsere Gäste waren interessante Leute.
Nhưng mà người hàng xóm có những đứa con hư đốn. But the neighbours have naughty children. Aber die Nachbarn haben freche Kinder.
Anh ấy đã không chung thủy, nhưng mà chị ấy đã chung thủy. He was disloyal, but she was loyal. Er war untreu, aber sie war treu.
Anh ấy đã lười biếng, nhưng mà chị ấy đã siêng năng. He was lazy, but she was hard-working. Er war faul, aber sie war fleißig.
Anh ấy đã nghèo, nhưng mà chị ấy đã giàu có. He was poor, but she was rich. Er war arm, aber sie war reich.
Bạn đã ngủ như thế nào? How did you sleep? Wie haben Sie geschlafen?
Bạn đã đeo ca vát nào? Which tie did you wear? Welche Krawatte hast du getragen?
Bạn đã mua xe hơi nào? Which car did you buy? Welches Auto hast du gekauft?
Rượu vang này chắc cũ rồi. The wine is definitely old. Der Wein ist sicher alt.
Tôi đoán rằng nó cũ rồi. I think that it is old. Ich vermute, dass er alt ist.
Bạn thật nghĩ vậy sao? Do you really think so? Glauben Sie wirklich?
Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng anh ấy là triệu phú. We hope that he is a millionaire. Wir hoffen, dass er Millionär ist.
Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có yêu tôi không. I don’t know if he loves me. Ich weiß nicht, ob er mich liebt.
Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có trở lại không. I don’t know if he’ll come back. Ich weiß nicht, ob er zurückkommt.
Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có gọi cho tôi không. I don’t know if he’ll call me. Ich weiß nicht, ob er mich anruft.
Liệu anh ấy có yêu tôi không? Maybe he doesn’t love me? Ob er mich wohl liebt?
Tôi tự hỏi, liệu anh ấy có nghĩ đến tôi không. I wonder if he thinks about me. Ich frage mich, ob er an mich denkt.
Tôi tự hỏi liệu anh ấy có người khác không? I wonder if he has someone else. Ich frage mich, ob er eine andere hat.
Tôi tự hỏi liệu anh ấy có nói dối không. I wonder if he lies. Ich frage mich, ob er lügt.
Liệu anh ấy có nghĩ đến tôi không? Maybe he thinks of me? Ob er wohl an mich denkt?
Liệu anh ấy có người khác không? Maybe he has someone else? Ob er wohl eine andere hat?
Liệu anh ấy có nói thật không? Maybe he tells me the truth? Ob er wohl die Wahrheit sagt?
Tôi nghi ngờ, liệu anh ấy có thực sự thích / thương tôi không. I doubt whether he really likes me. Ich zweifele, ob er mich wirklich mag.
Tôi nghi ngờ, liệu anh ấy có viết cho tôi không. I doubt whether he’ll write to me. Ich zweifele, ob er mir schreibt.
Tôi nghi ngờ, liệu anh ấy có cưới tôi không. I doubt whether he’ll marry me. Ich zweifele, ob er mich heiratet.
Liệu anh ấy có thực sự thích / thương tôi thật không? Does he really like me? Ob er mich wohl wirklich mag?
Liệu anh ấy có viết cho tôi không? Will he write to me? Ob er mir wohl schreibt?
Liệu anh ấy có cưới tôi không? Will he marry me? Ob er mich wohl heiratet?
Vâng, còn trước khi kỳ nghỉ hè bắt đầu. Yes, before the summer holidays begin. Ja, noch bevor die Sommerferien beginnen.
Vâng, sau khi hết giờ học. Yes, after the class is over. Ja, nachdem der Unterricht aus ist.
Vâng, chị ấy không làm việc nữa, từ khi chị ấy đã kết hôn. Yes, she is no longer working since she got married. Ja, sie arbeitet nicht mehr, seitdem sie geheiratet hat.
Vâng, trong lúc chị ấy lái xe hơi. Yes, when she is driving. Ja, während sie Auto fährt.
Anh ấy nằm trên giường thay cho làm việc. He lies in bed instead of working. Er liegt im Bett, anstatt dass er arbeitet.
Chuyến du lịch tuy rất đẹp, nhưng mà quá mệt. The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. Die Reise war zwar schön, aber zu anstrengend.
Tàu hỏa tuy đến sớm, nhưng mà đông người quá. The train was on time, but too full. Der Zug war zwar pünktlich, aber zu voll.
Khách sạn tuy thoải mái, nhưng mà đắt / mắc quá. The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. Das Hotel war zwar gemütlich, aber zu teuer.
Anh ấy hoặc là đón xe buýt hoặc là đón tàu hỏa. He’ll take either the bus or the train. Er nimmt entweder den Bus oder den Zug.
Anh ấy hoặc là đến buổi chiều hoặc là buổi sáng ngày mai. He’ll come either this evening or tomorrow morning. Er kommt entweder heute Abend oder morgen früh.
Anh ấy hoặc là ở chỗ chúng tôi hoặc là ở khách sạn. He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. Er wohnt entweder bei uns oder im Hotel.
Anh ấy không chỉ dốt, mà còn lười biếng nữa. He is not only stupid, but also lazy. Er ist nicht nur dumm, sondern auch faul.
Đây là áo khoác của đồng nghiệp tôi. This is my colleague’s overcoat. Das ist der Mantel meines Kollegen.
Đây là chiếc xe hơi của đồng nghiệp tôi. That is my colleague’s car. Das ist das Auto meiner Kollegin.
Đây là công việc của đồng nghiệp tôi. That is my colleagues’ work. Das ist die Arbeit meiner Kollegen.
Ai là cha mẹ của bé gái này? Who are the girl’s parents? Wer sind die Eltern des Mädchens?
Bao giờ là kỳ nghỉ học của các cháu? When are the children’s holidays? Wann sind die Schulferien von den Kindern?
Oxford 3000VieEng
但是 dànshì aber
但是 dànshì aber
shì sein
还是 háishì noch
而是 ér shì sondern
意思是 yì si shì bedeuten
先决条件是 xiānjué tiáojiàn shì vorausgesetzt, dass
条件是 tiáojiàn shì unter der Bedingung, dass
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 總(是) + * * zong3shi4 put together/ general/ chief/ always immer +
A 要是 + * * yao4shi in case/ if/ suppose wenn,falls +
A 可是 + * * ke3shi4 but/ nevertheless/ yet/ indeed aber +
A + * * shi4 be 1. richtig, recht, wahr 2.ja, jawohl 3. sein +
A 但是 + * * dan4shi4 but/ however/ yet; nevertheless aber, dennoch +
A 還是 + * * hai2shi4 still/ nevertheless/ had better/ or oder, trotzdem, dennoch +
B 不是嗎 + * * bu4 shi4 ma isn't it ist es nicht so ? +
B 倒是 + * * dao4shi on the contrary aber wirklich +
B 老(是) + * * lao3shi always immer +
B 有的是 + * * you3deshi4 there's no lack of es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel an +
B 於是 + * * yu2shi4 as a result/ thereupon darauf (zeitlich),deswegen,daher,folglich +
B 實事求是 + * * shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 be practical and realistic die Wahrheit aus den Tatsachen ziehen +
B 只是 + * * zhi3shi4 only/ merely/ simply/ but nur, einfach, +
B 就是 + * * jiu4shi4 exactly/ even if genau so, exakt, sogar, falls +
C 真是 + * * zhen1 shi really-be/ really/ indeed/ what a shame/ too bad es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel.. +
C 不是 + * * bu4shi4_er2shi4_ mistake/ fault/ blame Fehler, Schuld +
C 不是而是 + * * bu4shi4_ er2shi4 not … but … nicht...sondern.. +
C 不是就是 + * * bu4shi4_ jiu4shi4 either … or … entweder...oder +
C 要不是 + * * yao4bu2shi4 if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't falls nicht.. +
C 可不是 + * * ke3 bu shi4 exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it sicher, daß +
C 算是 + * * suan4shi4 can be counted as/ can be regarded as als.. betrachtet werden +
C 是的 + * * shi4de right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities ja richtig +
C 是非 + * * shi4fei1 yes/ right/ that's it richtig oder falsch,recht oder unrecht +
C 是否 + * * shi4fou3 yes or no/ whether or not/ if ob ..oder nicht +
C 就是說 + * * jiu4 shi4 shuo1 even if … still …/ even though … yet … in anderen Worten +
C 就是…也 + * * jiu4shi4 ye3 that is to say/ in other words; that means wenn auch, sogar +
C 凡是 + * * fan2shi4 every/ any/ all/ without exception jede, alle,jegliche +
D 真是的 + * * zhen1 shi4 de be really terrible sind wirklich +
D 或是 + * * huo4shi or oder, vielleicht +
D 似是而非 + * * si4 shi4 er2 fei1 specious/ apparently right but actually wrong es scheint so ist aber nicht so +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
4 哥哥 + He's my older brother. Er ist mein älterer Bruder.
5 女儿 + She's my daughter. Sie ist meine Tochter.
7 我们 朋友 + We're friends. Wir sind Freunde.
11 美国人 + He's an American. Er ist Amerikaner.
12 厕所 + This is the men's toilet. Das ist die Herren-Toilette.
16 儿子 + He's my son. Er ist mein Sohn.
49 + Who am I? Wer bin ich?
56 + This is my house. Das ist mein Zuhause. (Hier wohne ich.)
57 + That book is mine. Das Buch gehört mir.
58 父亲 + This is my father. Das ist mein Vater.
60 弟弟 + He's my younger brother. Er ist mein jüngerer Bruder.
62 足球 + This is my soccer ball. Das ist mein Fußball.
72 这里 美国 + This is America. Hier ist Amerika.
99 要是 分手 + If you don't come, I am going to break up with you. Wenn du nicht kommst, dann mache ich Schluß mit dir.
107 过错 + This is not my fault. Das ist nicht meine Schuld.
111 + It's my cat. Das ist meine Katze.
112 长城 奇迹 之一 + The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders of the world. Die große Mauer ist eines der sieben Weltwunder.
118 他们 外国 留学生 + They're foreign students. Sie sind ausländische Studenten.
124 今天 早餐 面包 + Today's breakfast is toast. Zum Frühstück gibt es Toast heute.
127 这些 物品 手工 制作 + These articles are all hand-made. Diese Artikel sind alle handgemacht.
147 银行 + This is a bank. Dies ist eine Bank.
148 东京 日本 中心 + Tokyo is the center of Japan. Tokyo ist Japans Zentrum.
152 现在 几点 + What time is it now? Wie spät ist es jetzt?
161 二月 + Next month is February. Der nächste Monat ist Februar.
168 现在 九点 + It's nine o'clock now. Es ist jetzt neun Uhr.
172 第一 + I've achieved first place. Ich habe den ersten Platz gewonnen..
177 闹钟 但是 + The alarm clock has rung, but he hasn't yet woken up. Der Wecker hat geklingelt, aber er ist noch nicht aufgewacht.
183 几月 + What month is next month? Welcher Monat ist nächster Monat?
194 现在 10点 + It's ten o'clock now. Jetzt ist es zehn Uhr.
202 他们 房子 + This is their new house. Dies ist ihr neues Haus.
208 今天 生日 + Today is my birthday. Heute ist mein Geburtstag.
249 水果 市场 + This is a fruit market. Dies ist ein Obstmarkt.
262 这里 国家 边境 + This is the country's border. Dies ist die Landesgrenze.
281 北京 中国 首都 + Beijing is China's capital. Peking ist die Hauptstadt Chinas.
282 香港 国际 都市 + Hong Kong is an international metropolis. Hong Kong ist eine internationale Metropole.
293 儿子 + This is my son. Das ist mein Sohn.
294 那里 儿童 乐园 + That's a playground over there. Dort ist ein Spielplatz.
300 他们 救火 英雄 + They're fire-fighting heroes. Sie sind heldenhafte Feuerwehrmänner.
301 伦敦 英国 首都 + London is the capital of the UK. London ist Englands Hauptstadt.
302 国王 + He's the king. Er ist der König.
304 这些 衣服 女儿 + These clothes belong to my daughter. Diese Kleidung gehört meiner Tochter.
310 电话 号码 + This is my telephone number. Dies ist meine Telefonnummer.
311 丈夫 + He's my husband. Er ist mein Ehemann.
313 有名 电影 明星 + She is a famous movie star. Sie ist ein berühmter Filmstar.
326 他们 朋友 + They're my friends. Sie sind meine Freunde.
340 年长 女士 奶奶 + This elderly woman is my grandmother. Diese ältere Frau ist meine Großmutter.
349 水稻 主要 农作物 + Rice is the main crop here. Reis ist das Haupterzeugnis.
353 如果 超人 好了 + It would be great if I were superhuman. Es wäre toll, wenn ich Superman wäre.
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥 + The tall one of the group is my older brother. Der Große in dieser Gruppe ist mein älterer Bruder.
375 他们 人事 部门 员工 + They are working in the personnel department. Sie sind Mitarbeiter in der Personalabteilung.
376 附近 + This is the highest mountain in the vicinity. Dies ist der höchste Berg in der Nähe.
385 这里 + Everything is covered in snow here. Hier ist alles unter Schnee.
398 地球 表面 + This is the surface of the earth. Dies ist die Erdoberfläche.
403 代课 老师 + She's just a substitute teacher. Sie ist eine Vertretungslehrerin.
413 房间 + This is my room. Das ist mein Zimmer.
416 小鸡 + This chick is alive. Dieses Küken ist lebendig.
419 公司 总经理 + He is the general manager at the company. Er ist der Hauptgeschäftsführer des Unternehmens.
431 钻石 真的 + This diamond is real. Dieser Diamant ist echt.
456 明天 就是 元旦 + It's New Year's day tomorrow. Morgen ist Neujahr.
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 + Eating moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Day is a custom in China. Es ist ein Brauch in China zum Mittherbstfest Mondkuchen zu essen.
468 道路 + The road is straight. Die Straße ist gerade.
477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆 + When rats move house and cows and sheep become wild, it is a sign of an earthquake. Wenn Ratten das Haus wechseln, Kühe und Schafe wild werden, ist das möglicherweise das schlechte Omen eines Erdbebens.
504 我们 老师 + She is our teacher. Sie ist unsere Lehrerin.
523 这里 法院 + This is the court. Hier ist das Gericht.
543 广州 广东省 首府 + Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong province. Guangzhou ist der Regierungssitz von der Provinz Guangdong.
544 这里 政府 办公厅 + This is a government office. Hier ist ein Regierungsbüro.
590 法官 + He is a judge. Er ist Richter.
596 美丽 海湾 + This is a beautiful bay. Das ist eine schöne Bucht.
603 苹果 健康 食品 + Apples are a healthy food item. Äpfel sind gesunde Lebensmittel.
605 口舌 油滑 + He is a smooth talker. Er ist ein geschickter Redner.
612 虽然 但是 很多 没有 放弃 + Though exhausted from running, many refused to give up. Obwohl müde vom Laufen, haben viele Leute dennoch nicht aufgegeben.
619 长笛 悦耳 乐器 + The flute sounds very beautiful. Die Flöte ist ein sehr wohlklingendes Instrument.
636 英文 句子 什么 意思 + What does this English sentence mean? Was bedeutet dieser englische Satz?
639 铁塔 巴黎 有名 地标 + The iron tower [Eiffel Tower] is a famous landmark of Paris. Der Eiffelturm (=Eisenturm) ist Paris berühmtes Wahrzeichen.
642 机票 + This is my plane ticket. Dies ist mein Flugticket.
647 简历 + This is my résumé. Dies ist mein Lebenslauf.
652 主食 + Rice is a staple food. Reis ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel.
653 现在 九点一 + It's a quarter past nine. Es ist jetzt viertel nach neun.
678 这里 哪里 + Where is this place? Wo ist das hier?
708 房子 周围 草地 + The house is surrounded by lawn. Das Haus ist umgeben von einer Grünfläche.
713 他们 住处 + This is their new place. Dies ist ihr neue Unterkunft.
719 外语系 学生 + She is a student in the foreign languages department. Sie ist Studentin im Fachbereich für Fremdsprachen.
726 共和党人 + He's a Republican. Er ist Republikaner
730 建议 + That's my suggestion. Das ist mein Vorschlag.
747 宪法 国家 最基本 章程 + A constitution is the basic law of a state. Eine Verfassung ist das grundlegende Regelwerk eines Staates.
750 真是 奇观 + This is really a miracle. Dies ist wirklich ein Wunder.
759 公司 权者 + In the company he's the one with the power. Er ist derjenige in der Firma, der die Macht in der Hand hält.
786 铅球 实心 + This lead ball is solid. Diese Bleikugel ist massiv.
788 华盛顿 美国 政治 中心 + Washington is the political center of America. Washington ist das politische Zentrum der USA.
798 那里 地铁 入口。 + That is the entrance to the subway. Dort ist der U-Bahn Eingang.
799 俱乐部 会员 + She's a member of this club. Sie ist Mitglied dieses Clubs.
807 反传统 + He's an unconventional man. Er ist ein unkonventioneller Mensch.
810 拿破仑 著名 历史 人物 + Napoleon is a famous historical figure. Napoleon ist eine berühmte historische Persönlichkeit.
818 喜欢 游戏 孩子 天性 + A fondness for playing games is in the nature of children. Eine Leidenschaft, Spiele zu spielen, liegt in der Natur von Kindern.
821 原创 作品 + This is an original work I created. Dies ist eine Arbeit, die ich ursprünglich geschaffen habe.
826 卡车 司机 + He's a truck driver. Er ist LKW-Fahrer.
834 电脑 记录 证明 想法 + The computer records prove that my ideas were correct. Die Computer Aufzeichnungen beweisen, dass meine Idee richtig ist.
835 他们 团队 + They're a team. Sie sind ein Team.
853 现在 六点 + It's exactly six o'clock. Jetzt ist genau sechs Uhr.
861 木头 建筑 材料 + Wood is a very good construction material. Holz ist ein sehr gutes Baumaterial.
863 游泳 专长 + Swimming is her specialty. Schwimmen ist ihre Spezialität.
879 总统 美国 政府 首脑 + The president is the head of the U.S. government. Der Präsident ist das Oberhaupt der amerikanischen Regierung.
881 今天 油价 多少 + What's today's oil price? Wie hoch ist der Benzinpreis heute?
885 他们 球队 支持 + They are supporters of this soccer team. Sie sind Fans von dem Fußballteam.
896 家族 + This is a big family. Dies ist ein großer Familien-Clan.
897 少数 民族 + She is an ethnic minority. Sie gehört einer ethnischen Minderheit an.
915 年轻 艺术家 + She's a young artist. Sie ist eine junge Künstlerin.
940 士兵 + He is a good soldier. Er ist ein guter Soldat.
946 内科 医生 + She's a physician [an internist]. Sie ist eine Fachärztin für innere Medizin.
956 房子 周围 草地 + The house is in a meadow. Das Haus ist von Rasen umgeben.
966 他们 初中生 + They're junior middle school students. Sie sind im ersten Jahrgang der Mittelschule.
967 职务 部门 主管 + Her position is division manager. Ihre Position ist Abteilungsleiterin.
968 他们 双胞胎 + They are twins. Sie sind Zwillinge.
972 这里 巴基斯坦 + This is Pakistan. Hier ist Pakistan.
993 摇滚乐 西洋 音乐 + Rock 'n' Roll is one form of Western music. Rock&Roll ist eine Art von westlicher Musik.
1009 中国 官方 语言 汉语 + The official language of China is the Han language (Chinese). Die offizielle Sprache in China ist das Chinesisch ( ...der HAN-Nationalität ...) .
1010 七月 四日 美国 独立日 + The fourth of July is Independence Day in the U.S. Der vierte Juli ist der Unabhängigkeitstag der USA.
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数 + The majority agrees to this proposal. Die Personen, die diesem Plan zustimmen, sind eher in der Mehrzahl.
1048 我们 公司 副经理 + He's the deputy manager of our company. Er ist der Vize Manager unserer Firma.
1051 国境线 + This river is the boundary line between the two countries. Dieser Fluß markiert die Landesgrenze.
1057 假钞 + This is a counterfeit bill. Das ist ein gefälschte Banknote.
1075 你们 什么 关系 ? + What's the relationship between you? In welcher Beziehung steht ihr zwei?
1084 核桃 坚果 + Walnuts are a type of nut. Walnuss ist eine Nussfrucht.
1094 货船 + This is a cargo ship. Dies ist ein Frachter.
1095 国家 货币 + Which country's currency is this? Welche Landeswährung ist dies?
1102 守时 短处 + Punctuality is his weak point. Pünktlichkeit ist sein schwacher Punkt.
1113 香港 中国 领土 部分 + Hong Kong is a part of the territory of China. Hong Kong ist ein Teil des chinesischen Hoheitsgebiets.
1130 拳击 剧烈 运动 + Boxing is a fierce sport. Boxen ist ein intensiver Sport.
1146 股票 风险 + You take a risk when you buy stock. Man geht ein Risiko ein, wenn man Aktien kauft.
1152 家庭 教师 + She is my tutor. Sie ist mein Hauslehrerin.
1165 正确 答案 + This is the correct answer. Die ist die korrekte Antwort.
1169 发现 万有引力 + Who discovered universal gravitation? Wer hat das Gravitationsgesetz entdeckt?
1171 老板 + He is my boss. Er ist mein Chef.
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 + This is the paging center. Hier ist das Callcenter.
1207 阿姨 + I am her aunt. Ich bin ihre Tante.
1209 源头 + Roots are the trees' source. Bäume entstehen aus ihren Wurzeln.
1222 杂志 编辑 + She is a magazine editor. Sie ist Redakteurin einer Zeitschrift.
1226 房子 木造 结构 + This is a wood-frame house. Diese Haus ist eine Holzkonstruktion.
1227 瓢虫 益虫 + The ladybug is a beneficial insect. . Der Marienkäfer ist ein Nützling.
1231 守门员 + He's the goal-keeper. Er ist der Torwart.
1234 既是 音乐家 指挥家 + He is both a musician and a conductor. Er ist sowohl Musiker als auch Dirigent.
1236 姐姐 + She's my older sister. Sie ist meine ältere Schwester.
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 + Children are their mothers' treasures. Das Kind ist Mamas Schatz.
1242 罕见 宝物 + This is a rarely-seen treasure. Dies ist ein selten zu sehender Schatz.
1247 家庭 主妇 + I'm a housewife. Ich bin eine Hausfrau.
1252 木材厂 + This is a timber plant. Dies ist ein Sägewerk (eine Holzfabrik).
1284 河水 水位 大概 + The water level of the river is about six meters. Der Pegelstand des Wassers im Fluss beträgt ungefähr sechs Meter.
1288 祖父母 + This is my grandfather and grandmother. Dies sind meine Großeltern.
1291 这里 落叶 + The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves. Der Boden ist komplett von Laub bedeckt.
1309 美丽 县城 + This is a beautiful city. Dies ist eine schöne Kreisstadt.
1329 爸爸 工程师 + My father is an engineer. Mein Vater ist Ingenieur.
1332 股票 交易所 + This is a stock exchange. Dies ist eine Aktienbörse.
1348 语言 交流 基础 + Language is the basis of communication. Sprache ist die Grundlage der Kommunikation.
1350 顶级 酒店 + This is a top-class hotel. Dies ist ein erstklassiges Hotel.
1363 收入 总额 多少 + What are the total earnings for this month? Wie hoch ist die Gesamtsumme der Monatseinnahmen?
1365 介绍 一下 汤姆 + Let me introduce you. This is Tom. Darf ich vorstellen? Das ist Tom.
1369 大英 博物馆 世界 宏伟 博物馆 + The British Museum is the most majestic museum in the world. Das Britische Museum ist das großartigste Museum der Welt.
1370 林肯 伟大 政治家 + Lincoln was a great statesman. Lincoln war ein bedeutender Staatsmann.
1392 飞往 美国 航班 + This is the flight to America. Dies ist der Flug nach Amerika.
1396 他们 救火 英雄 + They're fire-fighting heroes. Sie sind heldenhafte Feuerwehrleute.
1403 + Two times two is four. Zwei mal zwei ist vier.
1412 右边 先生 + This is Mr. Deng on the right. Die Person rechts ist Herr Deng.
1417 甜食 唯一 嗜好 + Sweet foods are her only indulgence. Süßigkeiten sind ihr einziges Laster.
1431 曾经 军人 + He was once a soldier. Er war früher Soldat.
1453 今天 美元 人民币 汇率 多少 + What's today's exchange rate for US dollars to RMB? Wie ist der Wechselkurs zwischen Dollar und Renminbi heute?
1455 化学系 学生 + He's a student in the chemistry department. Er ist Student im Fachbereich Chemie.
1456 地球 太阳系 行星 + The earth is a planet in the solar system. Die Erde ist ein Planet im Sonnensystem.
1484 妻子 + She's my wife. Sie ist meine Ehefrau.
1497 + This knife is made of steel. Dieses Messer ist aus Stahl.
1514 残疾 不幸 遭遇 + Being disabled doesn't have to be a tale of misfortune.
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 + The pyramids are Egyptian national treasures. Die Pyramiden sind nationale Kulturdenkmäler Ägyptens.
1530 邱吉尔 英国 首相 + Churchill was prime minister of the UK. Churchill war der Premierminister von Großbritannien.
1533 真是 灾难 + This is really a disaster. Das ist wirklich eine Katastrophe.
1539 主角 + She is the heroine in this drama.
1540 细菌 微小 + Bacteria are tiny.
1550 免税店 + This is a tax-free shop.
1552 权威 脑科 专家 + He is an authority among brain specialists.
1569 经理 秘书 + She is the manager's secretary.
1571 电话 号码 + This is my telephone number.
1592 地球 + The earth is round.
1606 野生动物 + The wolf is a wild animal.
1609 孙女 + She's my granddaughter.
1610 蜘蛛 + This is a poisonous spider.
1623 + He is the king of a country.
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司 + I love Japanese food, especially sushi.
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助 + This set of jewelry is provided by the jeweler.
1669 他们 结婚 典礼 + This is their wedding ceremony.
1672 美国 加拿大 邻邦 + The U.S. and Canada are neighbors.
1691 叶子 淡绿色 + The leaf is light green.
1699 平凡 + I'm an ordinary person.
1739 仁慈 表现 + Mercy is the expression of love.
1745 汉字 繁体字 + These are traditional Chinese characters.
1754 女儿 裙子 粉色 + My daughter's skirt is pink.
1755 面包 面粉 + Bread is made of flour.
1757 矿山 + This is a mine. Dies ist ein Bergwerk.
1791 他们 兄弟 + They are brothers.
1794 沙发 朱红色 + This sofa is bright red. Das Sofa ist zinnoberrot.
1796 桌子 金属 + The legs of the desk are metal.
1802 今天 廿八日 + Today is the twenty-eighth.
1804 毒品 贩卖 违法 + Selling drugs is illegal.
1805 报纸 媒介 + Newspapers are a form of media.
1807 今天 卅一日 + It's the thirty-first of the month.
1832 就是 我们 方案 + Here, this is our plan.
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 + This is one of Korea's famous scenic spots. Dies ist eines von Koreas berühmten Ausflugzielen.
1852 叔叔 + He's my uncle.
1860 液体 + Water is a liquid.
1889 蒋介石 纪念堂 + This is the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.
1897 傑出 建筑师 + He is an outstanding architect.
1900 我们 同辈 + We are in the same generation of the family.
1902 军人 国家 忠心 + The soldiers are loyal to their country.
1903 爸爸 忠厚 正直 军人 + My father is an honest and upright soldier.
1913 工作 编织 地毯 + Her job is weaving carpets.
1927 漂亮 山谷 + This is a beautiful valley.
1930 原稿 + This is the original manuscript.
1937 生活 补贴 + This is my living allowance.
1958 慈祥 老婆婆 + She's a kindly old lady. Sie ist eine freundliche alte Frau
1987 我们俩 好朋友 + The two of us are good friends.
2006 出色 哲学家 + He was an outstanding philosopher.
2018 领域 专家 + He is an expert in this area.
2019 外科 领域 专家 + He's an expert at surgery.
2021 总是 和颜悦色 + She is always cheerful and pleasant to people.
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题 + Domestic violence is an ethical issue.
2026 1月 1日 元旦 + January 1 is New Year's day. Am 1.1. ist Neujahr.
2031 大蒜 辛辣 + Garlic is pungent.
2038 孩子 面前 争吵 明智 + It is unwise to argue in front of the children.
2053 熊猫 珍贵 动物 + Pandas are precious animals.
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 + A beautiful love is worth treasuring.
2068 他们 争吵 缘由 + The cause of their quarreling is money. [OR They are arguing over money.]
2082 玉米糊 + This is cornmeal paste.
2087 夥伴 + She is my colleague.
2096 宪法 神圣 + The constitution is sacred. Die Verfassung ist heilig.
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩 + Pretending to be injured is one of his old tricks.
2100 核电站 + That's a nuclear power station.
2106 贵宾 通道 + This is the VIP passageway.
2112 男孩 胞兄弟 + Those two little boys are twin brothers.
2113 我们 同胞 + We're fellow countrymen.
2118 出版社 编辑 + He's the editor of a publishing house.
2122 孤儿 + She is an orphan.
2131 邻居 + She's my neighbor.
2134 上佳 苹果 + These apples are of the best quality.
2135 今年 最佳 运动员 + He is this year's best athlete.
2141 爸爸 只是 暂时 离开 + My father has just left temporarily.
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 + It is an old tradition to give a red envelope when one attends a wedding banquet.
2152 矩形 标识牌 + This is a rectangular sign.
2160 仿制品 + This is an imitation.
2188 发芽 树叶 绿色 + The newly budding leaves are tender and green.
2210 花粉 过敏 症状 + This is a symptom of a pollen allergy.
2223 牲口 + Cattle are a kind of livestock.
2227 灯泡 + How many watts is this electric bulb?
2228 屋顶 瓦片 + The roof is made with ceramic tiles. Das Dach ist mit Ziegeln gedeckt.
2230 胡椒 + This is salt and pepper.
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都 + Nanjing was once the capital of the Southern Song dynasty.
2240 + Sugar is sweet.
2246 今天 新郎 + He's the bridegroom today.
2257 意思 + Yue means to say.
2271 我们 会计 + She's our accountant.
2289 炫耀 + He's a show-off.
2298 同事 先生 + He's our new coworker, Mr. Zheng.
2309 幻想 自己 公主 + She's imagining that she is a princess.
2318 寂静 夜晚 + This is a tranquil night.
2319 企鹅 球队 吉祥物 + The penguin is the team's mascot. Der Pinguin ist das Maskottchen der Mannschaft.
2357 综合性 医院 + This is a general hospital. Das ist ein Allgemeines Krankenhaus.
2378 燃料 + Coal is a type of fuel.
2385 耗费 时间 + He's wasting time.
2399 抢劫 犯罪 + Robbery is a crime.
2404 + This is a newly-dug ditch.
2405 他们 合作 + They are Party B in this cooperative project.
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 + Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina.
2413 渖阳 古老 城市 + Shenyang is an ancient city.
2422 墨水 黑色 + The pen writes in black.
2433 真是 丑闻 + This is really a big scandal.
2440 薰衣草 紫色 + Lavender is purple.
2442 烤鸭 知名 北京 美食 + Roast duck is a famous dish in Beijing.
2466 工作 岗位 + This is my job station.
2467 鲨鱼 口腔 + This is the oral cavity of a shark.
2475 比萨斜塔 + This is the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
2487 盲文 + This is a braille book.
2488 盲人 + He's blind.
2493 不能 禁忌 + This is a taboo which can't be discussed.
2494 赔偿 + This is your compensation.
2512 愚弄 + Is he fooling me?
2513 要是 不要 勉强 + Don't force yourself if you don't like it.
2522 这些 汽车 滞销品 + These cars are poor sellers.
2531 他们 工作 夥伴 + They're workmates/working partners.
2534 倘若 天使 好了 + It would be great if I were an angel. Es wäre klasse, wenn ich ein Engel wäre.
2542 儿童 游泳池 + This is the children's swimming pool.
2547 宠物 乌龟 + Her pet is a tortoise.
2560 玩具 + This toy is made of tin.
2571 健身 俱乐部 + This is a fitness club.
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机 + She always carries her mobile phone with her. Sie trägt immer ein Handy dabei.
2578 贤慧 妻子 + She's a wonderful (kind-hearted and sensible) wife.
2595 他们 亲戚 + They're my relatives.
2596 厦门 美丽 城市 + Xiamen is a beautiful city.
2599 斑马 全身 黑白 相间 + The body of a zebra is covered with alternating stripes of black and white.
2603 香港 回归 英国 殖民地 + Before its return to China, Hong Kong was a colony of the UK.
2615 莲藕 营养 食物 + Lotus roots are a very nutritious food.
2630 伐木工 + He's a lumberjack.
2634 这些 曾孙 + These are his great-grandchildren. Das sind seine Urenkel.
2640 乃是 将军 + He is a general.
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 + She is an expert. She knows how to authenticate gems.
2665 凤凰 传说 动物 + The phoenix is a legendary animal.
2671 她们 双胞胎 + They are twins.
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯 + Knowledge is the staircase for the advancement of mankind. Wissen ist die Treppe zum Fortschritt der Menschheit.
2676 王位 世袭 + The throne is passed down from father to son.
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 + It's a timeless truth that the earth revolves around the sun.
2709 猜猜 里面 什么 + Guess what's inside.
2713 我们 董事长 + He is our board chairman.
2729 顽固 老头 + He's a stubborn old man.
2731 发现 张伪钞 + He discovered that this is a counterfeit bill.
2732 护照 伪造 + The passport is counterfeit.
2747 中国 寺庙 + This is a Chinese temple. Dies ist ein chinesischer Tempel.
2748 狮子 森林 霸主 + The lion is the overlord of the forest.
2758 我们 同僚 + We're colleagues.
2771 分辨 哥哥 + I can't tell which is the older brother.
2777 华侨 + She is an overseas Chinese.
2778 今天 晴天 + It's sunny today.
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 + This is a newly-built residential complex.
2789 酱油 调味料 + Soy sauce is a flavoring.
2814 现在 一月 上旬 + It's the early part of January right now.
2820 屠夫 + He's a butcher.
2822 这些 铝管 + These are aluminum pipes.
2823 这里 杭州 西湖 + This is West Lake in Hangzhou.
2824 国家 乌鸦 不详 象征 + Crows are an ominous symbol in some countries.
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 + This dessert was recommended by the manager.
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区 + Shenzhen was the first Special Economic Zone in China.
2846 间谍 + He's a spy.
2849 军队 高级 将领 + He's a high-ranking general in the army.
2851 小姐 + She's a rich lady.
2857 亲娘 + She's my birth mother.
2871 花粉 过敏 症状 + This is a symptom of a pollen allergy.
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 + This is Yenching University's former campus.
2927 非常 谦虚 + She's a very modest person.
2929 京剧 中国 国粹 + Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture.
2930 纯粹 一派胡言 + You're talking utter nonsense.
2937 《(PARENTHESISCATEGORY)论语 》(PARENTHESISCATEGORY)是 孔子 学生 + The Analects was written by students of Confucius.
2940 囚犯 + He's a prisoner.
2948 哎呀 什么 ? + Hey, look! What's that?
2957 糖醋 排骨 + This is sweet and sour spareribs.
2960 诈骗犯 + He's a swindler.
2962 美籍 华裔 + She's a Chinese American (or an American of Chinese ancestry).
2963 越南 移民 后裔 + She is the descendant of Vietnamese immigrants.
2968 艺妓 日本 传统 文化 + Geishas are a part of traditional Japanese culture.
2969 家门 钥匙 + This is the key to my house.
2978 硬币 + The coin is made of bronze.
2980 洛阳 中国 古城 + Luoyang is an ancient city in China.
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 + Raising children is the responsibility of parents. Die Erziehung der Kinder ist die Pflicht der Eltern.
3006 左边 嫂子 + On the left is my older sister-in-law.
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 + Singing karaoke is a way to entertain yourself.
3022 房屋 抵押 合同 + This is my home mortgage loan agreement.
3026 这里 北京 天坛 + This is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 + The sign of an impending cold is a runny nose.
3051 古代 中国 皇帝 命令 就是 旨令 + In ancient China, the emperor's order was like a decree.
3052 服务 宗旨 顾客 第一 + The motto of the service industry is the customer comes first.
3055 狮子 百兽 + The lion is the king of the animal world.
3066 现在 旅游 旺季 + It's the busy season for tourism now.
3079 中国 古代 花轿 + This is a Chinese bridal sedan as used in former times.
3095 偷车 + He's a car thief.
3112 渔翁 + He's an old fisherman.
3115 酬劳 + Here's the reward for your service.
3121 海水 + Seawater is salty.
3123 总是 沉默 寡言 + He's always very quiet and uncommunicative. Er ist immer zurückhaltend und schweigsam.
3127 邪恶 罪犯 + He is an evil criminal.
3135 媳妇 + She's my wife.
3150 耶稣 基督徒 救世主 + Jesus is the Christian savior.
3168 总统 官邸 + This is the president's official residence.
3171 选美 皇后 + She has been selected Princess of the beauty pageant.
3176 钢铁 桥梁 + This is a steel bridge.
3195 枭雄 + In his time, he was an ambitious and ruthless character.
3213 占卜 大师 + He's a master of divination.
3215 对于 浅尝辄止 + With wine, she drinks only enough to get a taste of it, not to get drunk.
3216 棉花糖 蔗糖 制作 + Cotton candy is made from cane sugar.
3219 自由 女神 像是 纽约 标誌 + The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of New York.
3222 纪念碑 城市 地标 + That monument is the landmark of the city.
3228 竹竿 + Bamboo poles are hollow in the center.
3232 轮胎 橡胶 + Tires are made of rubber.
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成 + This crack has been formed by the movement of the earth's crust.
3241 茶杯 竹筒 + The tea cup is made from a bamboo tube.
3247 豆腐 烹饪 原料 + The residue from the process of making bean curd is also used as an ingredient in cooking.
3280 放射性 金属 + Uranium is a type of radioactive metal.
3298 数学 练习簿 + This is my exercise book for math.
3301 婶婶 医生 + My aunt [father's younger brother's wife] is a doctor.
3302 镜子 + This mirror is convex.
3309 砂糖 + This is granulated white sugar.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3332 华山 之一 + Hua Shan is one of the five renowned mountains of China. Hua Shan ist einer der fünf heiligen Berge.
3350 仆人 + He's my servant.
3369 房门 钥匙 + This is your room key.
3373 秃头 + He is bald.
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 + Today is my Grandma's eightieth birthday.
3378 流氓 + He is a hooligan.
3381 这里 卸货 码头 + This is the wharf for unloading goods.
3392 煤炭 黑色 + Charcoal is black.
3400 诉讼 律师 + He's a litigation lawyer.
3401 节俭 美德 + Thriftiness is a virtue.
3403 这里 电信 中枢 + This is a telecommunications center.
3418 女婿 + He is my son-in-law.
3423 飞碟 人类 还是 + Flying saucers are still a mystery to mankind.
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32 + Tokyo's latitude is 32 degrees north.
3464 健康 食品 + Chinese dates are a healthy food.
3465 四川 简称 + Shu is the abbreviation for Sichuan. Shu ist die Abkürzung für Sichuan.
3466 爪子 + The cat's paws are white.
3477 家禽 + Chickens are a type of poultry.
3479 毋庸置疑 最好 学生 + She's undoubtedly the best student in the class.
3482 可爱 小妞 + She's a lovely little girl.
3510 他们 亲家 + They're relatives by marriage.
3517 帑(b)在 古语 钱财 意思 + Nu meant money in ancient Chinese.
3534 樱桃 猩红色 + The cherry is blood red in color.
3541 中国 泱泱大国 + China is a great and impressive country.
3542 弟弟 小幺 + My younger brother is the youngest in my family.
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 + Eating zongzi [leaf-wrapped sticky rice dumplings] during the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional custom .
3565 作料 + Ginger is a spice.
3580 + Our lesson starts at 10 o'clock, but he hasn't come until a quarter past ten.
3581 + Our class starts at nine o'clock, but he came as early as at eight.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
3597 黄金 周出 旅游 简直 受罪 到处 + Traveling during the Golden Week is truly torture--there are people everywhere.
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 + A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back.
3623 原因 移民 倾向 + The reason he was refused a visa was because he may be inclined to immigrate.
3625 现在 淡季 + It is the off season now.
3631 作出 此时 已经 死亡 推论 正确 + Her deduction that he was now dead was correct. Ihre Schlussfolgerung, dass er jetzt bereit tot ist, ist korrekt.
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态 + Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易 + He majored in international commerce in college.
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关 + Many would say that crime and poverty interrelate/are interrelated (with one another).
3654 议会 政府 主要 机关 + Parliament is the chief organ of government.
3655 大猩猩 素食生仪者 + Gorillas are vegetarians.
3656 大猩猩 合群 动物 + The gorilla is an animal that gets on very well with other.
3658 丈夫 一个 非常 英俊 年轻人 + Her husband is a very handsome young man.
3659 大猩猩 最大 体形 人猴 + The gorilla is a type of an ape with a very big figure.
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 + Many people mistakenly think, that the gorilla is a savage animal.
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采 + People are always listless on summer afternoons.
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目 + Although she looks plain off the stage, once going onto the stage, she is so bright and eye-catching.
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 + Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all basic operations.
3701 崇敬 光明磊落 的人 痛恨 势利 小人 + The people I respect are straightforward ones; the ones I hate are snobs.
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌 + Hiccupping in front of the public is impolite.
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 + They believe in God even if they don't go to church every Sunday.
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 + We are all old acquaintances, so we don't bother with formalities.
3716 有些 东西 给与 不是 一件 轻而易举 + It is not easy to give certain things to others.
3717 农村 白事 也是 这么 热闹 + In the countryside, funeral arrangements are often taken very seriously.
3727 商业 发票 一种 单证 + Commercial invoice is a document.
3733 达芬奇 文艺复兴时期 代表 人物 + Da Vinci was an archetypal Renaissance figure.
3736 不在 这儿 可能 干活儿 + He is not here; he is probably at work.
3739 就是 眼浅 现在 活该 + You are really short-sighted, you deserve to be cheated.
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 + He is a candid person, who consents without hesitating.
3746 对不起 错怪 + Please accept my apologies for having wrongly blamed you.
3751 饭店的 女服务员 + She is a waitress in a restaurant.
3763 一名 化妆品 推销员 当地 妇女 喜欢 + He is a cosmetics salesman, and is very popular with local women.
3775 不仅 学校 问题 + This is not just the school's problem.
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