Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Gia đình của tôi đang ở đây. My family is here. Meine Familie ist hier.
Tôi ở đây. I am here. Ich bin hier.
Bạn ở đây. You are here. Du bist hier.
Anh ấy ở đây và cô ấy ở đây. He is here and she is here. Er ist hier und sie ist hier.
Chúng tôi ở đây. We are here. Wir sind hier.
Các bạn ở đây. You are here. Ihr seid hier.
Họ ở đây hết. They are all here. Sie sind alle hier.
Bạn ở đây bao lâu rồi? How long have you been here for? Wie lange sind Sie schon hier?
Bạn có thích ở đây không? Do you like it here? Gefällt es Ihnen hier?
Bạn đi du lịch ở đây à? Are you here on vacation? Machen Sie hier Urlaub?
Chúng ta ở đâu? Where are we? Wo sind wir?
Chúng ta ở trường học. We are at school. Wir sind in der Schule.
Maria từ Madrid đến. Maria is from Madrid. Maria ist aus Madrid.
Madrid ở bên Tây Ban Nha. Madrid is in Spain. Madrid liegt in Spanien.
Madrid và Berlin cũng là thủ đô. Madrid and Berlin are also capital cities. Madrid und Berlin sind auch Hauptstädte.
Tôi ở nhà. I’m staying at home. Ich bleibe zu Hause.
Ở đây có buổi tiệc. There is a party here. Hier ist eine Party.
Martha đâu rồi? Where is Martha? Wo ist Martha?
Ờ trong rạp chiếu phim. At the cinema. Im Kino.
Peter đâu rồi? Where is Peter? Wo ist Peter?
Ở đâu có siêu thị? Where is the supermarket? Wo ist ein Supermarkt?
Chúng tôi thích ở trong nhà vào mùa đông. We like to stay home in winter. Im Winter bleiben wir gern zu Hause.
Đây là căn hộ của tôi. My apartment is here. Hier ist meine Wohnung.
Ở đây là phòng bếp và phòng tắm. The kitchen and bathroom are here. Hier ist die Küche und das Bad.
Ở kia là phòng khách và phòng ngủ. The living room and bedroom are there. Dort sind das Wohnzimmer und das Schlafzimmer.
Ở kia là cái ghế sô pha và một cái ghế bành. There is a sofa and an armchair there. Dort sind ein Sofa und ein Sessel.
Máy tính của tôi ở đó. My computer is there. Dort steht mein Computer.
Ở kia là máy âm thanh của tôi. My stereo is there. Dort steht meine Stereoanlage.
Tôi cho quần áo vào máy giặt. I am putting the laundry in the washing machine. Ich stecke die Wäsche in die Waschmaschine.
Hôm nay bạn muốn nấu món gì? What do you want to cook today? Was willst du heute kochen?
Bạn nấu xúp ở trong nồi này à? Are you cooking the soup in this pot? Kochst du die Suppe in diesem Topf?
Đây là những con dao, dĩa và thìa. Here are the knives, the forks and the spoons. Hier sind die Messer, Gabeln und Löffel.
Đây là những cái cốc / ly, đĩa và khăn ăn. Here are the glasses, the plates and the napkins. Hier sind die Gläser, die Teller und die Servietten.
Bạn hãy coi như là ở nhà. Please, feel right at home! Fühlen Sie sich wie zu Hause!
Bạn từ đâu đến? Where do you come from? Woher kommen Sie?
Bạn tới đây lần đầu à? Are you here for the first time? Sind Sie zum ersten Mal hier?
Không, tôi năm ngoái đã ở đây rồi. No, I was here once last year. Nein, ich war schon letztes Jahr hier.
Rất thích. Mọi người rất là dễ mến. A lot. The people are nice. Sehr gut. Die Leute sind nett.
Và tôi cũng thích quang cảnh ở đây. And I like the scenery, too. Und die Landschaft gefällt mir auch.
Bạn ở đây một mình à? Are you alone here? Sind Sie allein hier?
Và đó là hai đứa con tôi. And those are my two children. Und dort sind meine beiden Kinder.
Nhưng bây giờ thì chúng tôi đi du lịch. But now we’re on holiday. Aber jetzt machen wir hier Urlaub.
Ngày mai ở đây có một buổi tiệc. There’s a party here tomorrow. Morgen gibt es hier eine Party.
Bạn học tiếng Tây Ban Nha ở đâu vậy? Where did you learn Spanish? Wo haben Sie Spanisch gelernt?
Chúng ta đi lên núi không? Shall we go to the mountains? Wollen wir in die Berge fahren?
Tôi đón bạn ở nhà. I will pick you up at home. Ich hole dich von zu Hause ab.
Trong thành phố có gì để xem không? What is there to see in the city? Was gibt es in der Stadt zu sehen?
Bạn có thấy tháp ở đó không? Do you see the tower there? Siehst du dort den Turm?
Bạn có thấy núi ở đó không? Do you see the mountain there? Siehst du dort den Berg?
Bạn có thấy làng ở đó không? Do you see the village there? Siehst du dort das Dorf?
Bạn có thấy con sông ở đó không? Do you see the river there? Siehst du dort den Fluss?
Bạn có thấy cái cầu ở đó không? Do you see the bridge there? Siehst du dort die Brücke?
Bạn có thấy hồ ở đó không? Do you see the lake there? Siehst du dort den See?
Ở đây có ga ra để xe không? Is there a garage here? Gibt es hier eine Garage?
Ở đây có tủ khóa an toàn không? Is there a safe here? Gibt es hier einen Safe?
Ở đây có máy fax không? Is there a fax machine here? Gibt es hier ein Fax?
Ở trong phòng không có điện thoại. There is no telephone in the room. Es gibt kein Telefon im Zimmer.
Ở trong phòng không có vô tuyến. There is no TV in the room. Es gibt keinen Fernseher im Zimmer.
Tôi muốn một vé đến Madrid. I’d like a ticket to Madrid. Ich möchte eine Fahrkarte nach Madrid.
Toa nằm ở đâu? Where is the sleeper? Wo ist der Schlafwagen?
Toa ăn ở đâu? – Ở đầu tầu. And where is the dining car? – At the front. Und wo ist der Speisewagen? – Am Anfang.
Ở đây có gì để ăn và uống được không? Can one get something to eat and to drink here? Kann man hier etwas zu essen und zu trinken bekommen?
Bến / trạm xe buýt ở đâu? Where is the bus stop? Wo ist die Bushaltestelle?
Tôi phải đổi xe ở đâu? Where do I have to change? Wo muss ich umsteigen?
Bạn phải xuống ở đây. You have to get off here. Sie müssen hier aussteigen.
Ở đây có nguy hiểm không? Is it dangerous here? Ist es hier gefährlich?
Ở đâu có thể đỗ xe? Where can one park here? Wo kann man hier parken?
Có thể đỗ xe bao lâu? How long can one park here? Wie lange kann man hier parken?
Ở đây có thể thuê đồ trượt tuyết không? Can one rent skis here? Kann man hier Ski leihen?
Làm ơn rẽ phải ở đây. Please turn right here. Bitte hier nach rechts.
Bạn làm ơn dừng lại ở đây. Please stop here. Halten Sie hier bitte.
Trạm xăng tiếp sau ở đâu? Where is the next gas station? Wo ist die nächste Tankstelle?
Tôi gọi điện thoại ở đâu được? Where can I make a call? Wo kann ich telefonieren?
Ở đâu có quán ăn ngon không? Is there a good restaurant around here? Wo gibt es hier ein gutes Restaurant?
Trạm hướng dẫn giao thông cho khách du lịch ở đâu? Where is the tourist information office? Wo ist das Fremdenverkehrsamt?
Khu phố cổ ở đâu? Where is the old city? Wo ist die Altstadt?
Nhà thờ lớn ở đâu? Where is the cathedral? Wo ist der Dom?
Viện bảo tàng ở đâu? Where is the museum? Wo ist das Museum?
Ở đâu có thể mua tem thư? Where can one buy stamps? Wo gibt es Briefmarken zu kaufen?
Ở đâu có thể mua hoa? Where can one buy flowers? Wo gibt es Blumen zu kaufen?
Ở đâu có thể mua vé tàu xe? Where can one buy tickets? Wo gibt es Fahrkarten zu kaufen?
Bến cảng ở đâu? Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)? Wo ist der Hafen?
Chợ ở đâu? Where is the market? Wo ist der Markt?
Lâu đài ở đâu? Where is the castle? Wo ist das Schloss?
Những con gấu ở đâu? Where are the bears? Wo sind die Bären?
Nhũng con voi ở đâu? Where are the elephants? Wo sind die Elefanten?
Những con rắn ở đâu? Where are the snakes? Wo sind die Schlangen?
Những con sư tử ở đâu? Where are the lions? Wo sind die Löwen?
Pin ở đâu? Where can I find a battery? Wo ist eine Batterie?
Ở đâu có chim cánh cụt? Where are the penguins? Wo sind die Pinguine?
Ở đâu có con chuột túi? Where are the kangaroos? Wo sind die Kängurus?
Ở đâu có con tê giác? Where are the rhinos? Wo sind die Nashörner?
Nhà vệ sinh ở đâu vậy? Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)? Wo ist eine Toilette?
Nhũng con lạc đà ở đâu? Where are the camels? Wo sind die Kamele?
Nhũng con đười ươi và nhũng con ngựa vằn ở đâu? Where are the gorillas and the zebras? Wo sind die Gorillas und die Zebras?
Nhũng con hổ và nhũng con cá sấu ở đâu? Where are the tigers and the crocodiles? Wo sind die Tiger und die Krokodile?
Quầy bán vé ở đâu? Where is the cash register? Wo ist die Kasse?
Bạn có hay tới đây không? Do you come here often? Sind Sie öfter hier?
Tắm ở đó không nguy hiểm sao? Isn’t it dangerous to swim there? Ist es nicht gefährlich, dort zu baden?
Ở đây có thể thuê ô che nắng không? Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here? Kann man hier einen Sonnenschirm leihen?
Ở đây có thể thuê ghế võng không? Can one rent a deck chair here? Kann man hier einen Liegestuhl leihen?
Ở đây có thể thuê thuyền không? Can one rent a boat here? Kann man hier ein Boot leihen?
Thang kéo trượt tuyết ở đâu? Where is the ski lift? Wo ist der Skilift?
Ở trong thành phố của chúng tôi có sân vận động. There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. In unserer Stadt gibt es ein Fußballstadion.
Tôi lên bờ đây. I am getting out of the water now. Ich gehe jetzt aus dem Wasser.
Đồ văn phòng phẩm ở đâu? Where are the office supplies? Wo sind die Büroartikel?
Đồ gỗ ở đâu? Where is the furniture? Wo sind die Möbel?
Đồ trang sức ở đâu? Where is the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department? Wo ist der Schmuck?
Bạn có bảo hiểm ở đâu? What insurance company do you belong to? Wo sind Sie versichert?
Bạn có đau không? Do you have any pain? Haben Sie Schmerzen?
Chỗ nào đau? Where does it hurt? Wo tut es weh?
Ông ấy cầm một cái gậy trong tay. He is carrying a cane in his hands. Er trägt einen Stock in den Händen.
Tôi có thể gọi điện thoại ở đâu? Where can I make a call? Wo kann ich telefonieren?
Trạm điện thoại công cộng gần nhất ở đâu? Where is the nearest telephone booth? Wo ist die nächste Telefonzelle?
Tôi muốn gửi / gởi tiền vào tài khoản của tôi. I want to deposit money in my account. Ich möchte Geld auf mein Konto einzahlen.
Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi. I want to withdraw money from my account. Ich möchte Geld von meinem Konto abheben.
Tôi phải ký tên vào đâu? Where should I sign? Wo muss ich unterschreiben?
Ở đây có máy rút tiền tự động không? Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? Gibt es hier einen Geldautomat?
Thẻ tín dụng nào dùng được? Which credit cards can one use? Welche Kreditkarten kann man benutzen?
Sân quần vợt ở đâu? Where is the tennis court? Wo ist ein Tennisplatz?
Sân bóng đá ở đâu? Where is the football / soccer (am.) field? Wo ist ein Fußballplatz?
Ở đâu có bác sĩ? Is there a doctor? Wo ist ein Doktor?
Ở đâu có máy giặt? Where is the washing machine? Wo ist die Waschmaschine?
Bạn sống ở đây lâu chưa? Have you lived here long? Wohnst du schon lange hier?
Các cháu ơi, bố của các cháu ở đâu? Children, where is your father? Kinder, wo ist euer Vati?
Các cháu ơi, mẹ của các cháu ở đâu? Children, where is your mother? Kinder, wo ist eure Mutti?
Hộ chiếu của anh ấy ở đâu? Where is his passport then? Wo hat er denn seinen Pass?
Vợ của ông ở đâu rồi, ông Müller? Where is your wife, Mr. Miller? Wo ist Ihre Frau, Herr Müller?
Chồng của bà ở đâu rồi, bà Schmidt? Where is your husband, Mrs. Smith? Wo ist Ihr Mann, Frau Schmidt?
Tôi muốn ở nhà. I want to stay at home. Ich will zu Hause bleiben.
Chúng tôi được hút thuốc lá ở đây không? May we smoke here? Dürfen wir hier rauchen?
Hút thuốc lá ở đây được không? Is smoking allowed here? Darf man hier rauchen?
Anh ấy không được phép ngủ trong công viên. He is not allowed to sleep in the park. Er darf nicht im Park schlafen.
Anh ấy không được phép ngủ trong xe hơi. He is not allowed to sleep in the car. Er darf nicht im Auto schlafen.
Mấy bức / tấm ảnh ở trong đĩa CD. The pictures are on the CD. Die Fotos sind auf der CD.
Mấy bức / tấm ảnh ở trong máy ảnh. The pictures are in the camera. Die Fotos sind in der Kamera.
Anh ấy ở trong khách sạn. He is staying in a hotel. Er wohnt in einem Hotel.
Anh ấy sống trong một khách sạn rẻ tiền, He is staying in a cheap hotel. Er wohnt in einem billigen Hotel.
Bạn đã sống ở đâu? Where did you live? Wo haben Sie gewohnt?
Bạn đã làm việc ở đâu? Where did you work? Wo haben Sie gearbeitet?
Bạn đã đến từ đâu? Where did you come from? Woher sind Sie gekommen?
Bạn đã đi đến đâu? Where did you go? Wohin sind Sie gegangen?
Bạn đã được phép hút thuốc lá ở trên máy bay chưa? Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane? Durftest du im Flugzeug rauchen?
Bạn đã được phép mang con chó vào khách sạn chưa? Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel? Durftest du den Hund ins Hotel mitnehmen?
Trong kỳ nghỉ mấy đứa con tôi đã được phép ở ngoài lâu. During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late. In den Ferien durften die Kinder lange draußen bleiben.
Mấy đứa ấy đã được phép chơi ở ngoài sân lâu. They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time. Sie durften lange im Hof spielen.
Tôi đã nghe nói rằng chị ấy nằm ở bệnh viện. I heard that she is in the hospital. Ich habe gehört, dass sie im Krankenhaus liegt.
Anh ấy ngồi trong quán bia thay cho đi về nhà. He is at the bar instead of going home. Er sitzt in der Kneipe, anstatt dass er nach Hause geht.
Chị ấy đã từng sống ở Madrid và ở cả London nữa. She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. Sie hat sowohl in Madrid als auch in London gelebt.
Bạn còn ở đây lâu nữa không? Will you stay here a little longer? Bleiben Sie noch lange hier?
Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. No, I won’t stay here much longer. Nein, ich bleibe nicht mehr lange hier.
Oxford 3000VieEng
这里 zhèlǐ hier
那里 nàlǐ dort
在那里 zài nàlǐ dort drüben
在里面 zài lǐmiàn drinnen
牛里脊 níu lǐjǐ Roastbeef
在那里 zài nàlǐ diese dort
半里 bàn lǐ eine halbe Meile
给家里打电话 gěi jiālǐ dǎdiànhuà nach Hause telefonieren
从帐户里取钱 cóng zhàng hù lǐ qǔ qián Geld vom Konto abheben
在这段时间里 zài zhè duàn shí jiān lǐ in der Zwischenzeit
把某物拿在手里 bǎ mǒu wù ná zài shǒu lǐ etwas in der Hand halten
百公里耗油 bǎi gōng lǐ hào yóu Verbrauch
里脊肉 lǐjǐròu Filet
里程计 lǐchéngjì Kilometerzähler
歇斯底里的 xiēsīdǐlǐ de hysterisch
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * li3 in/ inside 1. Futter, Innenseite 2. Nachbarschaft 3. Heimat, Dorf 4. +
A + * * li3 1/2 kilometre Längenmaß =1/2 km +
A 裡邊 + * * li3bian inside/ in/ within/ interior innen, Innenseite +
A 哪裡(哪兒) + * * na3li where/ wherever wo +
A 那裡(那兒) + * * na4li there dort +
A 公里 + * * gong1li3 kilometer ein Zählwort,Kilometer +
A 這裡(這兒) + * * zhe4li3 here hier +
B 夜裡 + * * ye4li at night Nacht +
B 裡面 + * * li3mian4 inside/ interior in,innen, Innenseite +
C 裡頭 + * * li3tou inside/ interior/ within innen, darin, drinnen +
D 心裡 + * * xin1li in the mind im Grunde des Herzens, in der Seele, auf dem Herzen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
17 我们 周末 + We spend the weekends at home. Wir verbringen die Wochenenden zuhause.
42 钱包 没有 + There's no money in the wallet. Im Portemonnaie ist kein Geld.
53 夫妻 公园 散步 + The couple are taking a walk in the park. Ein Ehepaar macht einen Spaziergang im Park.
72 这里 美国 + This is America. Hier ist Amerika.
81 屋子 + It's very dark in the room. Im Zimmer ist es sehr dunkel.
106 这里 不可以 钓鱼 + Fishing is forbidden here. Hier ist Angeln verboten.
117 他们 图书馆 学习 + They're studying in the library. Sie sind in der Bibliothek und lernen.
132 客厅 方桌 + There's a square table in the living room. Im Wohnzimmer ist ein rechteckiger Tisch.
135 这里 人民 热情 + The people here are very enthusiastic. Die Menschen hier sind sehr herzlich.
180 爷爷 树林 散步 + The old man is taking a walk in the woods. Der alte Mann macht einen Spaziergang im Wald.
196 那里 + There are several sheep over there. Dort gibt es einige Schafe.
225 这里 常常 下雨 + It often rains here. Es regnet oft hier.
262 这里 国家 边境 + This is the country's border. Dies ist die Landesgrenze.
274 这里 一共 + There are five people here in total. Hier sind insgesamt fünf Personen.
294 那里 儿童 乐园 + That's a playground over there. Dort ist ein Spielplatz.
323 这里 + There is a river here. Hier gibt es einen Fluß.
342 + I've run three miles. Ich bin eineinhalb Kilometer gelaufen.
356 咖啡 + Add some sugar to the coffee. Mache etwas Zucker in den Kaffee.
362 撒麦种 + He's sowing wheat seeds on the soil. Er sät Weizensaat in den Boden.
367 公园 老者 + There is an old man in the park. Im Park ist ein alter Mann.
385 这里 + Everything is covered in snow here. Hier ist alles unter Schnee.
408 那里 客人 + There are five guests. Dort sind fünf Gäste.
409 这里 空位 + There are still some vacant seats here. Hier sind immer noch freie Plätze.
421 超市 各种各样 水果 + There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es alle möglichen Sorten Obst und Gemüse.
448 这里 不许 吸烟 + Smoking is not permitted here. Rauchen ist hier nicht gestattet.
450 办公室 安装 电话 + A phone has been installed in the office. Im Büro ist ein Telefon installiert worden.
455 钱袋 几百 + There are several hundred Yuan in the wallet. Im Portemonnaie sind mehrere Hundert Yuan.
491 这里 办公 + I'm working here. Ich arbeite hier. (Büro, Amt etc.)
523 这里 法院 + This is the court. Hier ist das Gericht.
524 院子 很多 + There are a lot of flowers in the yard. ((There are many flowers in the yard.)) Im Hof sind viele Blumen angepflanzt.
531 盘子 面包 + There's a slice of bread on the plate. Auf dem Teller ist eine Scheibe Brot.
533 这里 树林 + There is a forest here. Hier gibt es einen Wald.
540 卧室 单人床 + There's a single bed in the bedroom. Im Schlafzimmer ist ein Einzelbett.
544 这里 政府 办公厅 + This is a government office. Hier ist ein Regierungsbüro.
547 公园 青草地 + There's a large stretch of grass in the park. Im Park ist eine Grünfläche.
552 + She's holding a card in her hand. Sie hält eine Karte in der Hand
562 夜晚 公园 安静 + The park is very quiet at night. In der Nacht ist es im Park sehr ruhig.
583 这里 发生 火灾 + A fire has started here. ((A fire has broken out here.)) Hier hat sich eine Feuerkatastrophe ereignet.
592 孩子们 公园 高兴 + The children are playing happily in the park. Die Kinder spielen glücklich im Park.
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 + A traffic accident have taken place here. ((A traffic accident has occurred here.)) Hier hat sich ein Verkehrsunfall ereignet.
658 这里 差错 + There's something wrong here. Hier ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
661 蒸汽 + Steam is rising from inside the pan. Im Wok (Kochtopf, Pfanne) steigt Dampf auf.
667 书店 看书 + She's reading a book in a book shop. Sie liest ein Buch im Buchladen.
670 这里 树木 很多 + There are many trees here. Hier sind viele Bäume.
678 这里 哪里 + Where is this place? Wo ist das hier?
690 牧场 很多 + The farm has a lot of cows. Auf dem Bauernhof werden viele Kühe gehalten.
703 这里 环境 宜人 + The environment here is very pleasant (or This place is very charming). Die Umgebung hier ist sehr ansprechend.
762 购物车 装满 礼品 + The shopping cart is full of gifts. Der Einkaufswagen ist mit Geschenken voll gefüllt.
798 那里 地铁 入口。 + That is the entrance to the subway. Dort ist der U-Bahn Eingang.
809 垃圾箱 装满 废物 + The wastebasket is full of trash. Der Abfalleimer ist voller unnützer Dinge.
822 超市 食品 可以 顾客 挑选 + Customers can select any of the foods in the supermarket they wish to. Im Supermarkt können die Waren nach Wunsch der Kunden ausgewählt werden.
846 朋友 这里 见面 + My friend and I have agreed to meet here. Mein Freund und ich haben vereinbart, uns hier zu treffen.
876 这里 筷子 + There are two chopsticks here. Hier sind zwei Essstäbchen.
972 这里 巴基斯坦 + This is Pakistan. Hier ist Pakistan.
977 他们 辛勤 劳动 + They're working hard in the field. Sie verrichten fleißig körperliche Arbeit auf dem Feld.
991 图书馆 安静 + It's quiet in the library. In der Bücherei ist es sehr still.
1026 池子 充满 + The pool is filled to the brim. Der Pool ist voll von Wasser.
1029 美军 占领 这里 + The American troops have occupied this place. Die US-Streitkräfte haben diesen Ort okkupiert.
1032 商店 陈列 很多 商品 + There's lot of merchandise on display in the shop. Dieses Geschäft hat ein großes Sortiment.
1042 她们 花园 + They're playing in the garden. Sie spielen im Garten.
1045 这里 多空 座位 + There are many vacant seats. Hier sind viele freie Plätze.
1117 很多 铁锅 + There are many iron pots and pans in my home. In meinem Haushalt gibt es viele Töpfe und Pfannen.
1119 这里 延伸 沙洲 + A large shoal extends from here. Von hier erstreckt sich eine große Sandbank.
1145 + The room is a total mess. Im Zimmer herrscht Chaos.
1164 这里 花草 兴旺 + The flowers and the grass here are both flourishing. Hier blühen Blumen und Kräuter.
1187 院子 + I've planted a tree in my yard. Ich habe auf meinem Hof einen Baum gepflanzt.
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 + This is the paging center. Hier ist das Callcenter.
1233 弟弟 怀 + She's holding her younger brother in her arms. Sie herzt ihren jüngeren Bruder.
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 + My mother reads me stories from the book. Meine Mutter liest mir Geschichten aus dem Buch vor.
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 + Mist fills the forest. Der Wald ist in Nebel getaucht.
1264 这里 没有 异常 事故 发生 + No unusual things ever happen here. Hier sind keine ungewöhnlichen Dinge geschehen.
1265 这里 人家 + There are a few households here. Hier gibt es einige Haushalte.
1291 这里 落叶 + The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves. Der Boden ist komplett von Laub bedeckt.
1295 超市里 水果 品种 丰富 + There's a tremendous variety of fruits in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es eine reiche Auswahl von Obstsorten.
1308 那里 警察 + There's a policeman over there. Dort ist ein Polizist.
1374 超市里 水果 新鲜 + The fruit in the supermarket is very fresh. Im Supermarkt ist das Obst sehr frisch.
1379 古代 皇帝 曾经 住在 这里 + The ancient emperors lived here. Die Kaiser des Altertums lebten hier einstmals.
1383 这里 很多 彩色 铅笔 + There are many colored pencils. Hier sind viele Buntstifte.
1405 播种 + He's sowing the fields. Er ist auf dem Feld und sät.
1406 房间 光线 + It's too dim in the room. Das Licht im Zimmer ist zu dunkel.
1418 这里 巨大 蛋糕 + Here's a giant cake. Hier ist ein riesiger Kuchen.
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 + He's going to the post office to remit some money to his family. Er geht zum Postbüro, um seiner Familie Geld zurückzusenden.
1437 小河 这里 汇合 + The two small rivers converge here. Die beiden kleinen Flüsse fließen hier zusammen.
1509 这里 禁止 出入 + Entry to this place is forbidden. Hier ist der Eintritt verboten.
1513 这里 遭受 水灾 + This area has been hit by a flood. Dieses Gebiet hat ein Hochwasser überschwemmt.
1527 这里 死亡 + The dead are buried here. Hier sind die Verstorbenen begraben.
1584 树林 沼泽地 + There is a stretch of swampland in the forest.
1611 瓶子 毒药 + Inside the bottle is poison.
1633 这里 树剪 整齐 + The trees here are neatly trimmed.
1640 圣经 + He carries a copy of the Bible in his hand.
1642 小孩 冰淇淋 + The child kept the ice cream in his mouth. Das Kind hielt das Eis im Mund.
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 + Everyone has been gathered for a meeting here.
1664 自己 隐藏 箱子 + He hides himself in the suitcase.
1710 类似 英文 A + Chinese 甲 (jia) is analogous to A in English.
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 + All kinds of vegetables are sold in the market.
1785 皮箱 塞满 衣服 + The leather suitcase is stuffed with clothes.
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重 + In the city, there is heavy pollution from exhaust fumes.
1813 这里 荒凉 + It's desolate here.
1820 + There are two geese on the lake.
1822 家人 坟墓 + Her family members are buried in this tomb.
1827 高尔夫球 滚进 + The golf ball rolled into the hole.
1831 烈士 墓地 + The martyrs are buried in this cemetery.
1835 车棚 + There's a car parked in the car shed.
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 + There's a real water shortage here. Hier herrscht ein ein echter Wassermangel.
1843 这里 发生 水灾 + There's been a flood here.
1846 他们 公园 植树 + They're planting trees in the park.
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 + This is one of Korea's famous scenic spots. Dies ist eines von Koreas berühmten Ausflugzielen.
1853 这里 黎明 静悄悄 + The dawn here is very quiet.
1857 动物园 老虎 + There is a tiger in the zoo.
1861 房间 暖和 + It's warm in the room.
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 + The hotel is equipped with an automatic revolving door.
1968 这里 进行 自行车 竞赛 + A bicycle race is being held here.
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 + There are a lot of vegetables in the bag.
1972 裤子 口袋 + He has his hand in his pocket.
1993 房间 积满 灰尘 + Everything in the room is dusty.
2004 这里 交通 拥挤 + The traffic is really heavy here. Hier herrscht dichter Verkehr.
2012 工厂 工人 罢工 + The workers in the factory are on strike.
2036 + I'm at home alone. Ich bin allein zuhause.
2043 距离 车站 公里 + My home is one kilometer away from the station.
2077 钱包 + There are only a few dollars left in my wallet.
2085 咖啡 + Please put some sugar in the coffee.
2103 树林 小径 + There's a small lane in the forest.
2127 我们 森林 探险 + We're going to explore the forest.
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 + Mom moved the flower seedling to a big flowerpot.
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉 + All the furniture in the room has been removed.
2226 笔夹 记事本 + The pen is between the pages of the notebook.
2245 这里 撒网 打鱼 + He is casting his net here to fish.
2279 灯光 昏暗 + The light in the room is very dim.
2282 市场 + It's very crowded in the market.
2293 沙漠 植物 稀少 + There are very few plants in the desert.
2299 扎进 泳池 + He dove into the swimming pool.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2352 这里 + The water here is shallow.
2370 这里 储藏 很多 + There's a lot of wine stored here.
2384 这里 耗子 + There are two mice here.
2403 树林 水沟 + There is a ditch in the forest.
2410 那里 水果摊 + There is a fruit stall there.
2419 沙子 + I am buried in the sand. Ich bin im Sand vergraben.
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 + They're holding the funeral ceremony in the church.
2436 + There's still something on my mind that worries me.
2462 市场 桃子 新鲜 + The pears in the market are very fresh.
2541 公园 荷花池 + There is a lotus pond in the park.
2567 这里 树木 郁郁 葱葱 + The trees in this place are verdant and thick.
2588 这里 存放 很多 档案 + A lot of archives are kept here. ((A large numbers of files are stored here.))
2601 相框 没有 照片 + There's no photograph in the frame.
2614 橡皮 颠簸 + The rubber raft tossed about on the river.
2635 这里 道路 弯曲 + The road is very curved here.
2638 日记 记载 日常 生活 + Her diary is a record of her daily life.
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击 + This place is frequently hit by typhoons.
2681 鸟笼 鹦鹉 + There's a parrot in the birdcage.
2698 他们 院子 挖土 + They're digging in the yard. Sie heben auf dem Hof Erde aus.
2699 这里 动物 尸体 + There‘s the carcass of an animal here.
2709 猜猜 里面 什么 + Guess what's inside.
2727 弟弟 花盆 + Younger brother is standing in the flowerpot.
2739 牧场 + He's raising horses in the pasture.
2762 这里 发生 车祸 + A traffic accident happened here.
2770 指挥棒 + He is carrying a baton.
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 + This is a newly-built residential complex.
2812 孩子们 公园 玩耍 + The children are playing in the park.
2823 这里 杭州 西湖 + This is West Lake in Hangzhou.
2842 钱包 英镑 + How many English pounds do you have in your wallet?
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 + This is Yenching University's former campus.
2898 树林 小溪 + There's a stream in the wood.
2905 耕田 + The water buffalo is plowing the field.
2906 药物 胶囊 + The medicine is inside the capsules.
2907 这里 堆放 很多 垃圾 + A great deal of garbage has piled up here.
2917 水壶 没有 + There's no water in the bottle.
2918 这里 + Here is a pot of tea.
2986 这里 景色 好像 仙境 + The view here is like a wonderland.
2995 卧室 柜子 + There's a cabinet in the living-room.
2996 树林 雾气 弥漫 + The forest is thick with fog.
2998 这里 危险 他们 必须 谨慎 + It's dangerous here, so they need to be alert.
3026 这里 北京 天坛 + This is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
3062 车厢 宽敞 + The carriage is very spacious.
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子 + The toolbox is full of all kinds of nails.
3070 妈妈 这里 + His mother is buried in this place.
3082 这里 可以 兑换 外币 + Foreign currency can be exchanged here.
3086 小桶 装满 沙子 + The small bucket is full of sand.
3098 海里 掀起 巨浪 + The ocean is surging with huge waves.
3145 东西 扔到 垃圾箱 + Please throw the things into the garbage can.
3158 住在 洞穴 + It lives in a burrow.
3208 幽暗 房间 空无一人 + Nobody is in the dark room.
3209 这里 环境 幽静 + The environment is very quiet here.
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 + The farmers are working hard in the fields.
3228 竹竿 + Bamboo poles are hollow in the center.
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 + Be careful not to let any eggshell drop into the flour.
3240 笔筒 许多 + There are many pens in the pen container.
3251 警察 辖区 巡视 + The policeman is patrolling the area.
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 + They're wandering in the mountain, appreciating the scenery.
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 + The parents are holding their children in their arms. Die Eltern halten ihre Kinder in den Armen.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3317 厨师 + The cook added a little bit of salt to the bowl.
3325 口袋 掏出 + He drew a gun from his pocket.
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 + There's a pair of rubber gloves here.
3336 走廊 + The corridor is empty.
3352 这里 山路 险峻 + The mountain roads here are very steep.
3379 水库 屯满 + The reservoir has stored as much water as it can hold.
3381 这里 卸货 码头 + This is the wharf for unloading goods.
3396 海里 珊瑚 + The coral in the sea is very beautiful.
3403 这里 电信 中枢 + This is a telecommunications center.
3468 栅栏 + The sheep is kept inside the fence.
3479 毋庸置疑 最好 学生 + She's undoubtedly the best student in the class.
3508 酒杯 牙籤 + There's a toothpick in the wineglass.
3542 弟弟 小幺 + My younger brother is the youngest in my family.
3562 含有 + The water contains alkali.
3566 猪圈 + The pigs are kept in the pigsty. Die Schweine werden im Schweinestall gehalten.
3571 院子 铲子 + There is a shovel in the yard.
3577 + It is a little bit inappropriate to smoke in the office.
3626 这个 淡水 许多 + There are many fish in this freshwater lake.
3712 大米 已经 冒尖 一个 容器 + The urn is piled high with rice. We should use another one.
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 + He remitted some money home when he heard that there had been a calamity in his hometown.
3726 秘书 收据 + The secretary enclosed a receipt in the letter.
3758 这些 存贮 冰箱 + Please store the meat in the fridge.
3783 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋 平底锅 两个 鸡蛋 + I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.
3784 烤面包 放到 早餐 托盘 + He put the toast on the breakfast tray.
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