Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Có cần tôi rửa rau không? Shall I rinse the lettuce? Soll ich den Salat waschen?
Bạn nướng rau ở trên lò này à? Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Grillst du das Gemüse auf diesem Grill?
Tôi muốn xin tờ thực đơn. I would like the menu, please. Ich möchte bitte die Speisekarte.
Bạn có thể giới thiệu cho tôi món gì? What would you recommend? Was können Sie empfehlen?
Tôi muốn món gì không có thịt. I’d like something without meat. Ich möchte etwas ohne Fleisch.
Tôi muốn một đĩa rau. I’d like some mixed vegetables. Ich möchte eine Gemüseplatte.
Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. I’d like something that won’t take much time. Ich möchte etwas, was nicht lange dauert.
Bạn có muốn món đó với cơm không? Would you like that with rice? Möchten Sie das mit Reis?
Bạn có muốn món đó với mì không? Would you like that with pasta? Möchten Sie das mit Nudeln?
Bạn có muốn món đó với khoai tây không? Would you like that with potatoes? Möchten Sie das mit Kartoffeln?
Thức ăn nguội rồi. The food is cold. Das Essen ist kalt.
Tôi đã không đặt / gọi món đó. I didn’t order this. Das habe ich nicht bestellt.
Tôi muốn một đĩa rau / xà lát trộn. I would like a salad. Ich möchte einen Salat.
Bạn có rau gì? What vegetables do you have? Was für Gemüse haben Sie?
Bạn có xúp lơ không? Do you have cauliflower? Haben Sie Blumenkohl?
Bạn cũng thích ăn món dưa bắp cải à? Do you also like to eat sauerkraut? Essen Sie auch gern Sauerkraut?
Bạn cũng thích ăn xúp lơ xanh à? Do you also like to eat broccoli? Isst du auch gern Brokkoli?
Tôi muốn mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will Obst und Gemüse kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will zum Supermarkt, um Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen.
Chúng tôi xem thực đơn được không? May we have the menu? Dürfen wir die Speisekarte haben?
Tôi đã ăn tất cả đồ ăn rồi. I ate all the food. Ich habe das ganze Essen gegessen.
Oxford 3000VieEng
做菜 zuòcài kochen
菜单 càidān Speisekarte
菜单 càidān Menü
特色菜 tèsècài Spezialität
蔬菜 shūcài Gemüse
菠菜 bōcài Spinat
卷心菜 juǎnxīncài Kohl
菜豆 càidòu Bohne
花椰菜 huāyēcài Blumenkohl
菜谱 cài pǔ Kochbuch
菜谱, 食谱 càipǔ, shípǔ Kochrezept
上菜 shàngcài servieren
德国酸菜 Déguó suāncài Sauerkraut
红菜头 hóngcàitóu rote Beete
油菜 yóucài Raps
蔬菜店 shūcàidiàn Gemüseladen
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens 1.Gemüse 2.Lebensmittel außer Reis- und Mehlprodukten 3. Gericht, Gang, Speise, Küche +
B 蔬菜 + * * shu1cai4 vegetable/ greens Gemüse +
B 白菜 + * * bai2cai4 Chinese cabbage Chinakohl +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse +
C 菠菜 + * * bo1cai4 spinach Spinat +
D 芹菜 + * * qin2cai4 celery Sellerie +
D 菜單 + * * cai4dan1 menu Menü, Speisekarte +
D 油菜 + * * you2cai4 rape Raps +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 + I bought vegetables, fruits, etc. Ich habe Gemüse, Obst usw gekauft.
335 桌上 很多 + There are a lot of dishes on the table. Auf dem Tisch stehen viele Gerichte.
336 我们 超市 买菜 + We go to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Wir gehen zum Supermarkt und kaufen Gemüse.
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜 + Many vegetables are on display at the stall. Im kleinen Verkaufstand liegen viele Sorten Gemüse.
844 辣椒 洋葱 胡萝蔔 属于 蔬菜类 + Peppers, onions and carrots are all vegetables. Paprika (oder: Chili, Pfeffer), Zwiebel und Karotten gehören alle zu den Gemüsearten.
1105 搞好 + The dish is ready. Das Essen ist fertig.
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司 + I love Japanese food, especially sushi.
1661 丰盛 + What a spread! (lit., This tableful of dishes is very abundant.)
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 + All kinds of vegetables are sold in the market.
1803 很多 小贩 + There are many peddlers selling vegetables by the riverside.
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 + There are a lot of vegetables in the bag.
2033 菜刀 锋利 + The kitchen knife is very sharp. Das Hackmesser ist sehr scharf.
2076 + I want to buy a frying pan.
2426 正在 + I'm stir-frying a dish.
2496 中国菜 趁热 + Chinese food should be eaten hot.
2525 蔬菜 + She loves vegetables.
2669 他用 微波炉 热菜 + He heated up the food in a microwave oven. Er benutzt eine Mikrowelle, um das Essen zu erhitzen.
2741 讨厌 菜花 + He hates broccoli.
2765 这些 蔬菜 物美价廉 + These vegetables are good, and they're cheap too.
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 + I love eating Chinese dishes, like Beijing roast duck, for instance.
3490 今天 菜肴 丰富 + Today there's a huge assortment of dishes.
3563 妈妈 煎锅 做菜 + My mom is cooking with a frying pan.
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 + Mother reminded me that some dried vegetables must be added to this dish.
3759 我们 用餐 按照 菜单 点了 + We ate a la carte.
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