A 接著 + + * * jie1zhe then/ afterward/ follow nach,folgend,nächst + + +
A + + * * jie1 meet/ connect/ catch/ take over 1. sich berühren, naheliegen, in der Nähe, unweit 2.verbinden, verknüpfen, sich in Verbindung setzen, Kontakt aufnehmen 3. auffangen, 4. entgegennehmen, empfangen erhalten 5. abholen + + +
B 接受 + + * * jie1shou4 accept annehmen (eine Einladung), aktzeptieren (eine Entschuldigung), erfahren (eine Ausbildung) + + +
B 迎接 + + * * ying2jie1 welcome/ greet/ receive grüßen, willkommen heißen + + +
B 直接 + + * * zhi2jie1 direct/ immediate direkt, sofort + + +
B 接觸 + + * * jie1chu4 contact Kontakt, berühren, in Berührung sein + + +
B 接待 + + * * jie1dai4 receive (Besuch) empfangen, hereinlassen + + +
B 接到 + + * * jie1 dao4 receive empfangen (z.B einen Befehl, eine Antwort, Bewerbung, Mitteilung) + + +
B 接見 + + * * jie1jian4 receive jm empfangen, Interview geben + + +
B 接近 + + * * jie1jin4 be close to/ near nah, in der Nähe sein, sich nähern + + +
C 接連 + + * * jie1lian2 one after another/ in succession/ in a row hintereinander, nacheinander, wiederholt + + +
C 連接 + + * * lian2jie1 connect/ join/ link zusammenhängen, anschließen,verbinden, verbunden + + +
D 接洽 + + * * jie1qia4 arrange with/ consult with konsultieren, mit jmd arrangieren + + +
D 接收 + + * * jie1shou1 take over/ receipt empfangen (Radiowellen, Datenströme) + + +
D 銜接 + + * * xian2jie1 link up/ join verbinden, zusammenkoppeln + + +
D 間接 + + * * jian4jie1 indirect indirekt, mittelbar + + +
D 接班 + + * * jie1 ban1 carry on eine Arbeit von jmd übernehmen, Schicht ablösen, Schichtwechsel + + +
D 接二連三 + + * * jie1 er4 lian2 san1 one after another/ in quick succession eins nach dem anderen, ununterbrochen + + +

3 tiếp 4 chấp nhận 接受 4 trực tiếp 直接 5 tiếp xúc 接触 5 tiếp đãi 接待 5 tiếp cận 接近 5 sau dó 接着 5 chào đón 迎接 6 gián tiếp 间接 6 liên tiếp 接连 6 hàm tiếp 衔接 6 không ngừng kiên trì nổ lực 再接再厉

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
线* * + +
线* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

receive / continue / catch / connect
walk, go on foot / run / leave

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

接' + * * + to receive/ to answer (the phone) to meet or
接下' + 接下* * + continuing on/
接下來' + 接下来* * + to accept/ to take next
接二連三' + 接二连三* * + one after another (idiom)/ in quick succession
接人' + 接人* * + to meet a person/
接住' + 接住* * + to catch (sth thrown etc)/ to receive (sth given) to accept
接入' + 接入* * + to access/ access
接到' + 接到* * + to receive (letter etc)/
接力' + 接力* * + relay/
接力棒' + 接力棒* * + relay baton/ (fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)
接力賽' + 接力赛* * + relay race/ CL:場|场
接力賽跑' + 接力赛跑* * + relay r /
接受' + 接受* * + to accept/ to receive
接受審問' + 接受审问* * + under interrogation (for a crime)/ on trial
接受者' + 接受者* * + recipient/ person receiving sth
接口' + 接口* * + interface/ port connector
接口模塊' + 接口模块* * + interface module/
接合' + 接合* * + to connect/ to join to assembl
接合菌綱' + 接合菌纲* * + Zygomycetes/
接吻' + 接吻* * + to kiss/
接單' + 接单* * + order (for goods etc)/
接地' + 接地* * + earth (electric connection)/ to earth
接壤' + 接壤* * + to border on/
接客' + 接客* * + to receive guests/ to receive patrons (of prostitutes)
接尾詞' + 接尾词* * + suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar)/
接待' + 接待* * + to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter)
接待員' + 接待员* * + receptionist/
接待室' + 接待室* * + reception room/
接應' + 接应* * + to provide support/ to come to the rescue
接戲' + 接戏* * + to accept an acting role/
接手' + 接手* * + to take over (duties etc)/ catcher (baseball etc)
接掌' + 接掌* * + to take over/ to take control
接收' + 接收* * + reception (of transmitted signal)/ to receive to accept
接收器' + 接收器* * + receiver/
接收器靈敏度' + 接收器灵敏度* * + receiver sensitivity/
接收機' + 接收机* * + receiver/ TV or radio receiver
接替' + 接替* * + to replace/ to take over (a position or post)
接枝' + 接枝* * + (tree) graft/
接案' + 接案* * + to freelance/
接機' + 接机* * + jointing machine/ riveter welder
接泊車' + 接泊车* * + shuttle bus/
接活' + 接活* * + to take on a piece of work/ to pick up some freelance work (of a taxi
接洽' + 接洽* * + to discuss a matter with sb/ to get in touch with to arrange
接濟' + 接济* * + to give material assistance to/
接獲' + 接获* * + to receive (a call, report etc)/
接班' + 接班* * + to work one's shift/ to succeed to a position to take ov
接班人' + 接班人* * + successor/
接球' + 接球* * + to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc)/ to catch a ball thrown by sb
接生' + 接生* * + to deliver (a newborn child)/
接生婆' + 接生婆* * + midwife/
接碴' + 接碴* * + to pursue a conversation/ to respond
接種' + 接种* * + to vaccinate/ to inoculate
接穗' + 接穗* * + scion (branch or bud that is grafted onto rootstock)/
接管' + 接管* * + to take over/ to assume control
接納' + 接纳* * + to admit (to membership)/
接線' + 接线* * + wiring/ to connect a wire
接線員' + 接线员* * + switchboard operator/
接線生' + 接线生* * + switchboard operator/ phone operator
接縫' + 接缝* * + seam/ join juncture
接續' + 接续* * + to follow/ to continue
接聽' + 接听* * + to answer the phone/
接著' + 接着* * + to catch and hold on/ to continue to go on t
接見' + 接见* * + to receive sb/ to grant an interview
接觸' + 接触* * + to touch/ to contact access
接觸不良' + 接触不良* * + loose or defective contact (elec.)/
接觸器' + 接触器* * + contactor/
接踵' + 接踵* * + to follow on sb's heels/
接踵而來' + 接踵而来* * + to come one after the other/
接軌' + 接轨* * + railtrack connection/ to integrate into sth to dock
接近' + 接近* * + to approach/ to get close to
接送' + 接送* * + picking up and dropping off/ greeting and sending off shuttle (t
接通' + 接通* * + to connect/ to put through
接通費' + 接通费* * + connection charge/
接連' + 接连* * + on end/ in a row in success
接連不斷' + 接连不断* * + in unbroken succession (idiom)/
接過' + 接过* * + to take (sth proffered)/
接頭' + 接头* * + to join/ to connect connection
接風' + 接风* * + to hold a welcoming dinner or reception/
接駁' + 接驳* * + to access/ to transfer passengers between two railway lines
接駁車' + 接驳车* * + shuttle bus ferrying passengers between train stations on two different rail lines/
接骨木' + 接骨木* * + elder or elderberry (genus Sambucus)/
接髮' + 接发* * + hair extensions/
接點' + 接点* * + (electrical) contact/

connect verbinden ต่อ relier conectar collegare kytkeä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


395 上气 接下 +
443 接受 礼物 +
459 接近 终点 +
460 一下 电话 +
467 直接 走向 卧室 +
503 他们 接力棒 +
538 大桥 连接 两岸 交通 +
602 正在 接待 客户 +
865 他们 接受 委托 +
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问 +
1678 接受 挑战 +
1866 仪仗队 正在 接受 检阅 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + +

잇다. 이어지다. 연결하다. 연결되다. + + 接受 받아들이다. 받다. 수락하다. 접수하다. 영수하다. + + 直接 직접적인. + + 接触 닿다. 접촉하다. + + 接待 접대하다. 응접하다. 영접하다. + + 接近 접근하다. 가까이하다. 다가가다. 친하다. + + 接着 이어서. 연이어. 잇따라. 계속하여. 연속하여. 뒤따라. 뒤이어. + + 迎接 영접하다. 마중하다. + + 间接 간접적인. + + 接连 연거푸. 연이어. 잇달아. 연달아. 끊임없이. 연속하여. 계속해서. + + 衔接 (두 사물이나 사물의 두 부분이 서로) 맞물리다. 맞물다. 잇다. 이어지다.... + + 再接再厉 수탉이 서로 싸울때, 쪼기 전에 항상 부리를 다듬다. + +

+ + + + + + + +