Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Giá phòng bao nhiêu tiền một đêm? What does the room cost per night? Wie viel kostet das Zimmer pro Nacht?
Bao nhiêu tiền một chỗ ở trong toa nằm? What does a berth in the sleeper cost? Was kostet ein Platz im Schlafwagen?
Bao nhiêu tiền một vé xe? How much does a ticket cost? Was kostet ein Fahrschein?
Bao nhiêu tiền đến nhà ga? What does it cost to go to the station? Was kostet es bis zum Bahnhof?
Bao nhiêu tiền đến sân bay? What does it cost to go to the airport? Was kostet es bis zum Flughafen?
Tôi không có tiền lẻ. I have no change. Ich habe kein Kleingeld.
Vé vào cửa bao nhiêu tiền? How much is the entrance fee? Wie viel kostet der Eintritt?
Vé vào cửa bao nhiêu tiền? How much are the admission tickets? Was kosten die Eintrittskarten?
Cước phí / Bưu phí sang Mỹ bao nhiêu tiền? How much is the postage to America? Wie teuer ist das Porto nach Amerika?
Tôi muốn gửi / gởi tiền vào tài khoản của tôi. I want to deposit money in my account. Ich möchte Geld auf mein Konto einzahlen.
Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi. I want to withdraw money from my account. Ich möchte Geld von meinem Konto abheben.
Tiền đã đến chưa? Has the money arrived? Ist das Geld angekommen?
Tôi muốn đổi tiền này. I want to change money. Ich möchte dieses Geld wechseln.
Bạn làm ơn đưa tôi tiền giấy nhỏ. Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? Bitte geben Sie mir kleine Scheine.
Có thể lấy bao nhiêu tiền. How much money can one withdraw? Wie viel Geld kann man abheben?
Tiền của cô ấy mất rồi. Her money is gone. Ihr Geld ist weg.
Anh ấy đã nghèo, nhưng mà chị ấy đã giàu có. He was poor, but she was rich. Er war arm, aber sie war reich.
Anh ấy đã không có tiền, mà lại còn nợ. He had no money, only debts. Er hatte kein Geld, sondern Schulden.
Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng anh ấy có nhiều tiền. We hope that he has a lot of money. Wir hoffen, dass er viel Geld hat.
Tôi sợ rằng tôi không mang theo tiền. I’m afraid I have no more money. Ich fürchte, dass ich kein Geld bei mir habe.
Chị ấy mua một chiếc xe hơi, mặc dù chị ấy không có tiền. Although she has no money, she buys a car. Sie kauft ein Auto, obwohl sie kein Geld hat.
Chị ấy không có tiền. Tuy vậy chị ấy mua một chiếc xe hơi. She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. Sie hat kein Geld. Trotzdem kauft sie ein Auto.
Oxford 3000VieEng
qián Geld
零钱 língqián Wechselgeld
钱包 qiánbāo Geldbeutel
从帐户里取钱 cóng zhàng hù lǐ qǔ qián Geld vom Konto abheben
值钱的东西 zhí qián de dōng xi Wertsachen
钱箱 qián xiāng Kasse
值钱的 zhí qián de wertvoll
挣钱 zhéng qián (Geld) verdienen
一个更划算的价钱 yí gè gèng huá suàn de jià qián ein günstiger Preis
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * qian2 money/ fund/ sum 1. Geld 2. ein Qian=fünf Gramm 3. Währung, Münzen +
B 零錢 + * * ling2qian2 small change Wechselgeld +
C 價錢 + * * jia4qian price Preis +
C 工錢 + * * gong1qian pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt +
D 本錢 + * * ben3qian2 capital Kapital +
D 現錢 + * * xian4qian2 ready money Bargeld +
D 金錢 + * * jin1qian2 money Geld, Währung +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
42 钱包 没有 + There's no money in the wallet. Im Portemonnaie ist kein Geld.
80 捡到 钱包 + She found a wallet on the ground. Sie fand ein Portemonnaie. (Sie sammelte ein Portemonnaie auf.)
122 衣服 多少 + How much does the suit cost? Was kostet diese Kleidung?
250 一百 + I've got one hundred RMB. Ich habe ein hundert RMB.
265 + She only has five yuan. Sie hat nur fünf Yuan.
283 今天 很多 + I spent a lot of money today. Ich habe heute viel Geld ausgegeben.
305 很多 + There is a lot of money here. Hier ist viel Geld.
455 钱袋 几百 + There are several hundred Yuan in the wallet. Im Portemonnaie sind mehrere Hundert Yuan.
528 算一算 钱包 多少 现金 + Count how much cash you've got in your wallet. Überschlag (Zähle ...) mal wie viel Geld in deinem Portemonnaie ist.
579 店主 零钱 + The shop owner gave me the change. Der Geschäftsinhaber gibt mir das Wechselgeld zurück.
662 + I've made some money. Ich habe Geld verdient.
671 这些 生活 + She lives off this money. Sie lebt auf der Basis von diesem Geld.
748 很多 追求 金钱 + Many people pursue money. Viele Menschen streben nach Geld.
858 钱包 遗失 板凳 + He left his wallet on the bench. Sein Portemonnaie ist auf der Bank liegen geblieben.
927 儿子 每天 + My son saves one yuan every day. Mein Sohn spart jeden Tag einen Yuan.
1066 收银台 付钱 + She went to the cashier to pay. Sie geht zur Kasse und bezahlt.
1096 多少 + How much does one liter of oil cost? Was kostet ein Liter Treibstoff?
1214 爸爸 赚钱 养家 + Dad earns money to support the family. Papa verdient Geld, um die Familie zu ernähren.
1506 钱包 遗失 + Who left their wallet behind? Wessen Portemonnaie ist liegengeblieben?
1518 强烈 金钱 欲望 + People have a strong desire for money. Menschen haben ein starkes Verlangen nach Geld.
1538 节省 + You should be sparing with your money.
1726 钱包 + He's stealing a wallet.
1890 钱包 + I've lost my wallet.
1953 ATM + One can withdraw cash from an ATM machine using a card.
2046 多少 + How much does one fish cost?
2068 他们 争吵 缘由 + The cause of their quarreling is money. [OR They are arguing over money.]
2077 钱包 + There are only a few dollars left in my wallet.
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 + She donated her pocket money.
2124 政府 学校 + The government has allocated money to build a school.
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 + I've been blackmailed by a crook. Ich werde von einer üblen Person erpresst.
2209 许多 + He owes a lot of money.
2648 很多 + He made a lot of money.
2714 股票 赚钱 + I've earned money from my stocks.
2788 金钱 诱惑 + Money has the power to seduce people.
2842 钱包 英镑 + How many English pounds do you have in your wallet?
3255 没钱 尴尬 + Being poor embarrasses me. Arm zu sein (Kein Geld zu haben) macht mich verlegen.
3517 帑(b)在 古语 钱财 意思 + Nu meant money in ancient Chinese.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 + A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back.
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 + He remitted some money home when he heard that there had been a calamity in his hometown.
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 + I not only fail to make profits out of the business, but have to run it at a loss.
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