Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Lehrerin teacher giáo viên
der Lehrer teacher giáo viên
Ich möchte Lehrer werden. I want to be a teacher. Tôi muốn trở thành một giáo viên.
die Erzieherin pre-school/activities teacher giáo viên mầm non / hoạt động
Bist du auf Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Bạn có trên Facebook?
der Großraumwagen open coach huấn luyện viên mở
schwarz black đen
Wir akzeptieren keine Kreditkarten. We do not accept credit cards. Chúng tôi không chấp nhận thẻ tín dụng.
die Jacke jacket Áo khoác
die Impfung vaccination chủng ngừa
die Apotheke pharmacy tiệm thuốc
der Bruch fracture gãy
Ich habe Zahnschmerzen. I have a toothache. Tôi bị đau răng.
Ich habe Bauchschmerzen. I have a stomach ache. Tôi bị đau bao tử.
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. I have a headache. Tôi bị đau đầu.
der Rücken back trở lại
Ich habe Rückenschmerzen. I have back pain. Tôi bị đau lưng.
das Verhütungsmittel contraception ngừa thai
die Wehen contractions sự co thắt
der Schnuller pacifier núm vú giả
der Schnuller pacifier núm vú giả
die Waschmaschine washing machine may giặt
der Staubsauger vacuum cleaner máy hút bụi
Die Waschmaschine ist kaputt. The washing machine is broken. Máy giặt bị hỏng.
Ich muss staubsaugen. I have to vacuum. Tôi phải chân không.
Wo ist der Staubsauger? Where is the vacuum cleaner? Máy hút bụi ở đâu?
das Bankkonto bank account tài khoản ngân hàng
Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen. I would like to open a bank account. Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng.
die Kontonummer account number số tài khoản
der Spinat spinach
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn đi du lịch ở đây à? Are you here on vacation? Machen Sie hier Urlaub?
Ngày mai chúng ta có gặp nhau không? Shall we see each other tomorrow? Sehen wir uns morgen?
Đây là cô giáo. That is the teacher. Das ist die Lehrerin.
Tôi viết một chữ cái. I write a letter / character. Ich schreibe einen Buchstaben.
Lốp xe màu đen. The tyres / tires (am.) are black. Die Reifen sind schwarz.
Lốp xe màu gì? Màu đen. What colour / color (am.) are the tyres / tires (am.)? Black. Welche Farbe haben die Reifen? Schwarz.
Tôi cho quần áo vào máy giặt. I am putting the laundry in the washing machine. Ich stecke die Wäsche in die Waschmaschine.
Ai hút bụi? Who does the vacuuming? Wer saugt Staub?
Bạn hãy làm ơn luôn sửa cho tôi. Please correct me each time. Bitte korrigieren Sie mich immer.
Bạn nói hơi pha tiếng địa phưong. You only have a slight accent. Sie haben einen kleinen Akzent.
Chúng ta ra bờ biển không? Shall we go to the beach? Wollen wir an den Strand fahren?
Ngoài ra còn có cảnh đẹp nào nữa không? Are there any other places of interest? Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es außerdem noch?
Bạn có một phòng trống không? Do you have a vacant room? Haben Sie ein Zimmer frei?
Ở đây có máy fax không? Is there a fax machine here? Gibt es hier ein Fax?
Bạn phải xuống đằng sau. You have to get off at the back. Sie müssen hinten aussteigen.
Tôi quay trở lại ngay. I’ll be back immediately. Ich bin gleich zurück.
Bạn hãy đưa tôi đến bãi biển. Drive me to the beach. Fahren Sie mich zum Strand.
Đã xảy ra tai nạn. An accident has occurred. Es ist ein Unfall passiert.
Bạn lái đến đèn xanh đèn đỏ thứ ba. Drive until you reach the third traffic light. Fahren Sie bis zur dritten Ampel.
Tôi muốn ngồi ở phía sau. I want to sit in the back. Ich möchte ganz hinten sitzen.
Tôi muốn ngồi ở đằng sau. I want to sit at the back. Ich möchte hinten sitzen.
Diễn viên diễn thế nào? How were the actors? Wie waren die Schauspieler?
Bạn phải xếp / sắp cái va li của chúng ta! You have to pack our suitcase! Du musst unseren Koffer packen!
Nhớ đến ca vát, thắt lưng / dây lưng, áo khoác. Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets. Denk an die Krawatten, die Gürtel, die Sakkos.
Bờ biển có sạch không? Is the beach clean? Ist der Strand sauber?
Tôi cần một dây chuyền và một vòng tay. I need a chain and a bracelet. Ich brauche eine Kette und ein Armband.
Chúng tôi tìm một hiệu thuốc. We’re looking for a pharmacy / drugstore (am.). Wir suchen eine Apotheke.
Vì tôi muốn mua một cái nhẫn. I actually plan to buy a ring. Ich habe nämlich vor, einen Ring zu kaufen.
Vì tôi muốn mua một cuốn phim. I actually plan to buy a roll of film. Ich habe nämlich vor, einen Film zu kaufen.
Vì tôi muốn mua một bánh ga tô. I actually plan to buy a cake. Ich habe nämlich vor, eine Torte zu kaufen.
Đen, nâu hay là trắng? Black, brown or white? Schwarz, braun oder weiß?
Tôi lúc nào cũng bị đau lưng. I always have back pain. Ich habe immer Rückenschmerzen.
Tôi thường xuyên bị nhức đầu. I often have headaches. Ich habe oft Kopfschmerzen.
Tôi đôi khi bị đau bụng. I sometimes have stomach aches. Ich habe manchmal Bauchschmerzen.
Tôi viết đơn thuốc cho bạn mua ở hiệu / quầy thuốc. I am giving you a prescription for the pharmacy. Ich gebe Ihnen ein Rezept für die Apotheke.
Cái lưng cũng không nhìn thấy được. One cannot see his back either. Den Rücken sieht man auch nicht.
Bưu phẩm nặng bao nhiêu? How heavy is the package? Wie schwer ist das Paket?
Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản ngân hàng. I would like to open an account. Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen.
Tôi muốn gửi / gởi tiền vào tài khoản của tôi. I want to deposit money in my account. Ich möchte Geld auf mein Konto einzahlen.
Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi. I want to withdraw money from my account. Ich möchte Geld von meinem Konto abheben.
Đây là số tài khoản của tôi. Here is my account number. Hier ist meine Kontonummer.
Bạn hỏi thầy giáo nhiều không? Do you often ask the teacher questions? Fragen Sie oft den Lehrer?
Tôi cũng có một áo khoác và một quần bò. I also have a jacket and a pair of jeans. Ich habe auch eine Jacke und eine Jeans.
Ở đâu có máy giặt? Where is the washing machine? Wo ist die Waschmaschine?
Thầy giáo the teacher der Lehrer
Bạn hiểu thầy giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie den Lehrer?
Cô giáo the teacher die Lehrerin
Bạn hiểu cô giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie die Lehrerin?
Nhưng mà chủ nhật tôi đã về rồi. But I will be back on Sunday. Aber ich komme schon am Sonntag zurück.
Một cái túi màu đen a black bag eine schwarze Tasche
Tôi mua một cái túi màu đen. I’m buying a black bag. Ich kaufe eine schwarze Tasche.
Tại sao bạn đã trở thành giáo viên? Why did you become a teacher? Warum sind Sie Lehrer geworden?
Tôi đã muốn đi về nhà. Actually I wanted to drive home. Ich wollte nämlich nach Haus fahren.
Tôi đã nghe nói rằng vợ của bạn đã gặp tai nạn. I heard that your wife had an accident. Ich habe gehört, dass deine Frau einen Unfall hatte.
Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có trở lại không. I don’t know if he’ll come back. Ich weiß nicht, ob er zurückkommt.
Liệu anh ấy có trở lại không? Maybe he won’t come back? Ob er wohl zurückkommt?
Chờ đến khi anh ấy trở lại. Wait until he comes back. Warte, bis er zurückkommt.
Sau khi anh ấy bị tai nạn, anh ấy đã không làm việc được nữa. After he had an accident, he could not work anymore. Nachdem er einen Unfall hatte, konnte er nicht mehr arbeiten.
Từ khi họ quen nhau, họ hạnh phúc. Since they have met each other, they are happy. Seitdem sie sich kennen, sind sie glücklich.
Càng già, càng thấy thoải mái. The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. Je älter man wird, desto bequemer wird man.
Tôi làm giáo viên. + I'm a teacher.
Không, nó màu đen. + No, it's black.
Nó màu đen. + It's black.
Nó màu đen. + They're black.
Cậu làm giáo viên, đúng không? + Are you a teacher?
Không, cô ấy làm giáo viên. + No, she's a teacher.
Cậu làm giáo viên à? - Đúng. + Are you a teacher? — Yes, I am.
Chúng tôi đi nghỉ ở đây. Chúng tôi đang ở trong khách sạn bên bãi biển. + We're here on vacation. We're staying at a hotel on the beach.
Cô ấy là giáo viên. Cô ấy dạy toán cho bọn trẻ. + She's a teacher. She teaches math to children.
Cô ấy không thích phim hành động. + She doesn't like action movies.
Họ có đang dạy học không? + Are they teaching?
Họ có dạy học không? + Do they teach?
Gửi hàng đi Canada tốn bao nhiêu tiền? + How much does it cost to send a package to Canada?
Cô ấy không được khoẻ. Cô ấy bị đau đầu. + She isn't feeling alright. She has a headache.
Tôi cảm thấy không khoẻ. Tôi đang đau đầu. + I'm not feeling well. I have a headache.
Thời tiết lúc cậu đi nghỉ có đẹp không? + Was the weather nice when you were on vacation?
Tôi thích cái áo khoác mới của cậu. Giá có đắt không? + I like your new jacket. Was it expensive?
Họ ở đâu tuần trước? - Họ đi nghỉ. + Where were they last week? — They were on vacation.
Vụ tai nạn xảy ra chiều Chủ nhật vừa qua. + The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.
Chúng tôi rất thích với kì nghỉ năm ngoái. Chúng tôi đã ở một nơi rất đẹp. + We enjoyed our vacation last year. We stayed at a very nice place.
Tôi đã có một kì nghỉ đẹp. Cậu thì sao? Kì nghỉ của cậu có đẹp không? + I had a nice vacation. How about you? Did you have a bice vacation?
Tôi đã có một kì nghỉ đẹp. + I had a nice vacation.
Chúng tôi đã đi ra bãi biển hôm qua. + We went to the beach yesterday.
Anh ấy không mặc áo khoác. + He wasn't wearing a jacket.
Trời không mưa lúc chúng tôi đi nghỉ. + It didn't rain while we were on vacation.
Có, cô ấy mặc một cái áo khoác rất là đẹp. + Yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket.
Bernard đã từng làm việc trong một nhà máy. + Bernard used to work in a factory.
Shakira là một người thú vị. Cô ấy từng làm nhiều nghề khác nhau và từng sống ở nhiều nơi. + Shakira's an interesting person. She's had many different jobs and has lived in many places.
Cậu đã từng thắng trong cuộc đua nào chưa? - Rồi, một vài lần. + Have you ever won a race? — Yes, a few times.
Cô ấy từng đua thắng vài ba lần. + She's won a race several times.
Caroline đi nghỉ ở Brazil. Cô ấy bây giờ đang ở đấy. + Caroline's on vacation in Brazil. She's there now.
Hubert bị đau đầu. Anh ấy bị đau đầu từ lúc anh ấy ngủ dậy sáng nay. + Hubert has a headache. He's had a headache since he got up this morning.
Cô ấy làm giáo viên được bao lâu rồi? + How long have you been a teacher?
Lần gần đây nhất cậu đi nghỉ là lúc nào? - Một năm trước. + When was the last time you went on vacation? — A year ago.
Junhong đang đi nghỉ. Anh ấy đã đi đâu? Bây giờ anh ấy đang ở đâu? + Junhong is away on vacation. Where has he gone? Where is he now?
Cậu đã nói với bố cậu về vụ tai nạn chưa? + Have you told your father about the accident yet?
Chúng tôi đã đóng gói xong xuôi cho chuyến đi. + We've already done our packing for our trip.
Chúng tôi năm ngoái không đi nghỉ. + We didn't take a vacation last year.
Chúng tôi đã đi nghỉ ở đó hai năm trước. + We went there on vacation two (2) years ago.
Brigitte đang làm việc ở một nhà máy, nhưng cô ấy đã từng làm nhiều nghề khác. + Brigitte works in a factory, but she's had a lot of different jobs.
Có ai bị thương trong vụ tai nạn không? + Was anybody injured in the accident?
Ba người bị thương trong vụ tai nạn. + Three people were injured in the accident.
Gara là nơi xe hơi được sửa. + A garage is a place where cars are repaired.
Tôi thấy một vụ tai nạn hôm qua. Có hai người được đưa vào bệnh viện. + I saw an accident yesterday. Two people were taken to the hospital.
Có một số ngôi nhà mới đang được xây dọc đường từ phía công viên. + Some new houses are being built across from the park.
Máy giặt bị hỏng. Bây giờ nó mới được chữa xong, + The washing machine was broken. It's been repaired now.
+ The washing machine was getting repaired yesterday afternoon.
Nhà máy là nơi đồ vật được tạo ra. + A factory is a place where things are made.
Chiếc kính râm của tôi bị ăn cắp ở bãi biển ngày hôm qua. + My sunglasses were stolen at the beach yesterday.
Takahiro tuần này không làm việc. Anh ấy đang nghỉ phép. + Takahiro's not working this week. He's on vacation.
Công việc mới của cậu thế nào? Cậu có thích nó không? + My car was badly damaged in the accident, but I was okay.
Trời mưa rất nhiều hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ. + It rained a lot while we were on vacation.
Chuyến đi nghỉ của chúng tôi tốn rất nhiều tiền vì chúng tôi đã ở trong một khách sạn đắt tiền. + Our vacation cost a lot of money because we stayed in an expensive hotel.
Khi nào Nhất Quyên đi nghỉ? + When is Yijuan going on vacation?
Bố mẹ tôi tuần sau sẽ đi nghỉ. Hay thế, họ đi đâu thế? + My parents are going on vacation next week. — Sounds good, where are they going?
Mai cô ấy sẽ ở Caracas. + Tomorrow she'll be in Caracas.
Tận hưởng kỳ nghỉ đi. - Tôi sẽ gửi bưu thiếp cho cậu. + Enjoy your vacation. — I'll send you a postcard.
Bức thư này gửi cho đồ lót. - Được, tôi sẽ đưa nó cho cô ấy. + This letter is for Sachiko. — Okay, I'll give it to her.
Tôi không chắc sẽ đi đâu vào kì nghỉ. Có thể tôi đi Costa Rica + I'm not sure where to go on vacation. I might go to Costa Rica.
Cậu định đi nghỉ ở đâu? - Tôi cũng không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ đi Ý. + Where are you going for your vacation? — I'm not sure. I might go to Italy.
Công nhân phải đeo kính bảo hộ với cái máy này. + Workers must wear safety glasses at this machine.
Chúng tôi phải đeo kính bảo hộ hồi chúng tôi đi thăm nhà máy tuần trước. + We had to wear safety glasses when we visited the factory last week.
Cất chỗ giấy này ở nơi an toàn. Cậu sẽ không bị mất chúng. + Keep these papers in a safe place. You must not lose them.
Bạn đang thử áo khoác: "Cậu nghĩ tôi có nên mua cái áo khoác này không?" + You're trying on a jacket: "Do you think I should buy this jacket?"
Alan không phải làm việc quá vất vả. Thực ra anh ấy có một công việc nhẹ nhàng. + Alan doesn't have to work very hard. Actually, he's got an easy job.
Tôi phải làm việc gì đó. Chính xác là cậu phải làm việc gì? + I have to do some work. — What exactly do you have to do?
Cậu thích làm gì hơn: nhà báo hay giáo viên? + Which would you prefer to be: a journalist or a school teacher?
Tôi thích làm nhà báo hơn làm giáo viên. + I'd rather be a journalist than a school teacher.
Có nhiều vị tai nạn xảy ra trên con đường này. + There are a lot of accidents on this road.
Nhìn anh! Đã có một tai nạn. + Look! There's been an accident.
+ This road is very dangerous. There have been many accidents on it.
Có một tai nạn tối hôm qua. + There was an accident last night.
Tôi sẽ đi ra khỏi thị trấn ngày mai. Tôi đóng gói đồ đạc hôm nay vì ngày mai sẽ không có thời gian. + I'm going out of town tomorrow. I'm packing my things today because there won't be time tomorrow.
Tuần trước tôi trở về thị trấn nơi tôi sinh ra. Bây giờ nó đã khác rất nhiều. Đã có nhiều thay đổi. + Last week I went back to the town where I was born. It's very different now. There have been a lot of changes.
Đường từ duy nhất khách sạn ra bãi biển bao xa? + How far is it from the hotel to the beach?
Tôi thích đi xa. Tham quan những nơi khác nhau rất thú vị. + I like traveling. It's interesting to visit different places.
Mai cậu và Jack có làm việc không? - Tôi thì có còn Jack thì không. + Are you and Jack working tomorrow? — I am, but Jack isn't.
Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Còn đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái. + Have you ever been to Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year.
Shakira làm việc trong nhà máy. Vì vậy à? Nhà máy gì vậy? + Shakira works in a factory. — She does? What kind of factory?
Cậu đang làm gì ở cơ quan? Nước ra cậu phải đang đi nghỉ chứ. + What are you doing at work? You're supposed to be on vacation.
Olivia đã nói cô ấy sẽ đi vắng vài ngày và sẽ gọi cho tôi khi nào cô ấy về. + Olivia said that she was going away for a few days and would call me when she got back.
Bạn đang thử một chiếc áo khoác mới và bạn không thích nó. Bạn nói: "Cái này tôi mặc trông không đẹp lắm nhỉ?" + You're trying on a new jacket and don't like it. You say, "This doesn't look very good on me, does it?"
Khi tôi đi nghỉ tôi không thích phải dậy sớm. + When I'm on vacation, I enjoy not having to get up early.
Anh ấy nhớ được lúc lái xe trên đường ngay trước khi có tai nạn nhưng anh ấy không thể nhớ được chính lúc tai nạn. + He could remember driving along the road just before the accident, but he couldn't remember the accident itself.
Đừng mất công khoá cửa làm gì. Tôi sẽ quay lại ngay. + Don't bother locking the door. I'll be right back.
Tôi cũng muốn đi nghỉ lắm nhưng chúng tôi đã không có đủ tiền. + We'd like to have gone on vacation, but we didn't have enough money.
Nhiều vụ tai nạn là làm người ta lái xe quá nhanh. + Many accidents are caused by people driving too fast.
Keiko đã phải làm quen với việc lái xe bên trái khi cô ấy trở về Nhật Bản. + Keiko had to get used to driving on the left when she moved back to Japan.
Họ kết tội chúng tôi nói dối. + They accused us of telling lies.
Mưa đã không cản trở chúng tôi tận hưởng kì nghỉ. + The rain didn't stop us from enjoying our vacation.
Bọn trộm đã đột nhập vào nhà nhưng không có gì đất nước trộm hết. + I had no trouble finding a place to live.
Mọi người thường rất khó đọc được chữ viết tay của tôi. + I had trouble finding a place to live. — I had difficulty finding a place to live.
Khó mà tìm chỗ đỗ xe ở trung tâm. + It's hard to find a place to park downtown.
Cậu có nhiều cơ hội thực hành ngoại ngữ không? + Do you have much opportunity to practice your foreign language?
Tôi đã để lại cho Kenji số điện thoại của tôi để anh ấy có thể liên lạc với tôi. + I left Kenji my phone number so he'd be able to contact me.
Cậu có thấy vụ tai nạn xảy ra không? + Did you see the accident happen?
Mãi cũng tìm xong duy nhất khách sạn, chúng tôi đi tìm chỗ đó ăn tối. + Having finally found a hotel, we looked for some place to have dinner.
Không có xe hơi có thể khiến cho việc đi lại một số nơi trở nên khó khăn. + Not having a car can make getting around difficult in some places.
Cảnh sát muốn nói chuyện với bất kì ai nhìn thấy vụ tai nạn. + The police want to talk to anybody who saw the accident.
Người dân bị thương trong vụ tai nạn. + The people were injured in the accident.
Tận hưởng kỳ nghỉ cảu cậu đi. Tôi hi vọng cậu gặp thời tiết tốt. + Enjoy your vacation. I hope you have good weather.
Mau sẽ có mưa một số nơi nhưng phần lớn cả nước sẽ khô ráo. + Tomorrow there'll be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry.
Hai người được đưa đến bệnh viện sau tai nạn. + Two people were taken to the hospital after the accident.
Có hàng triệu ngôi sao trong vũ TRỤ. + There are millions of stars in space.
Cậu có thích cà phê đen mạnh không? + Do you like strong black coffee?
Cậu cần sự bình tĩnh để dạy bọn trẻ nhỏ. + You need patience to teach young children.
Người yêu hoà bình là người phản đối chiến tranh. + A pacifist is a person who is against war.
Thái Bình Dương là đại dương lớn nhất. + The Pacific is the largest ocean.
Đồi Thành nằm ở Athènes. + The Acropolis is in Athens.
Cảnh sát có biết vụ tai nạn đã diễn ra như thế nào không? + Do the police know how the accident happened?
Người nào mà công việc là thị sát nhà máy là một thanh tra nhà máy. + Someone whose job is to inspect factories is a factory inspector.
Cậu và Liếm đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? > Các cậu đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? + How long have you and Kenichi known each other? — How long have you known one another?
Á, và Linda không ưa nhau. > Họ không ưa nhau. + Kasumi and Linda don't like each other. — They don't like one another.
Cậu và Bạn có sống gần nhau không? > Hải cậu có sống gần nhau không? + Do you and Henrik live near each other? — Do you two (2) live near one another?
Nếu có người tấn công cậu, cậu cần biết tự vệ. + If somebody attacks you, you need to be able to defend yourself.
Chúng tôi đã không thể vào được nhà vì chúng tôi đã tự khoá mình ở ngoài. + We couldn't get back into the house because we had locked ourselves out.
Họ sẽ không nói chuyện với nhau nữa. + They're not speaking to each other anymore.
Thật xấu hổ khi căn hộ không có chỗ đỗ xe riêng. + It's a shame that the apartment doesn't have its own parking space.
Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế. + If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents.
Tôi thích nơi tôi sống nhưng sống ở gần đại dương sẽ tuyệt hơn. + I like the place where I live, but it'd be nicer to live by the ocean.
Vụ tai nạn trông có vẻ đẹp hoang dã nghiêm trọng, nhưng may mắn là không ai bị thương. + The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody was injured.
Đấy là một nơi buồn chán để sống. Có ít thứ để làm. + It was a very boring place to live. There was little to do.
Cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ liên hệ với tôi nhưng cô ấy không viết thư hay gọi điện gì cả. + She said she would contact me, but she neither wrote nor called.
Kì nghỉ của chúng ta đúng là một thảm hoạ. Thứ gì hỏng được cũng hỏng hết. + Our summer vacation was such a disaster. Everything that could go wrong went wrong.
Hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ, chúng tôi ngày nào cũng ra bãi biển. + When we were on vacation, we went to the beach every day.
Chúng tôi không gặp nhau thường xuyên lắm. Khoảng sáu tháng một lần. + We don't see each other very often. About every six (6) months.
Chúng tôi cả ngày ở bãi biển. + We spent all day at the beach.
Không có phòng nào giống nhau. Mỗi một phòng khác. + None of the rooms was the same. Each was different.
Hãy đọc cẩn thận từng câu này. + Read each of these sentences carefully.
Các học sinh được đưa cho mỗi người một quyển sách. + The students were each given a book.
Dây an toàn ở xe hơi bảo vệ mạng sống. Mỗi lái xe nên đeo một cái. + Seat belts in cars save lives. Each driver should wear one.
Viết câu trả lời cho mỗi câu hỏi lên một tờ giấy riêng. + Write your answer to each question on a separate sheet of paper.
Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400).
Tôi muốn gặp một người phụ nữ. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. > Người phụ nữ mà tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + I wanted to see a woman. She was away on vacation. — The woman whom I wanted to see was away on vacation.
Người phụ nữ tôi muốn gặp đã đi nghỉ nơi khác. + The woman I wanted to see was away on vacation.
Những người tôi làm cùng rất tốt. + I recently went back to the town where I grew up.
Tôi mới trở về thị trấn nơi tôi lớn lên. + I'd like to live in a place where there's plenty of sunshine.
Nghĩa trang là nơi người ta được chôn cất. + A cemetery is a place where people are buried.
Priscilla có hai chị gái mà cả hai đều là giáo viên. + Priscilla has two (2) sisters, both of whom were teachers.
Di Quyên không có điện thoại gây khó khăn cho việc liên lạc với cô ấy. + Yijuan doesn't have a phone, which makes it difficult to contact her.
Cậu bé bị thương trong vụ tai nạn đã được đưa đến bệnh viện. + The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
Hầu hết hàng hoá sản xuất ở nhà máy này được xuất khẩu. + Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.
Giải thích của giáo viên rất khó hiểu. Hầu hết học sinh không hiểu nó. + The teacher's explanation was confusing. Most of the students didn't understand it.
Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn. + Two people were seriously injured in the accident.
Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn. + Two people got seriously injured in the accident.
Chúng tôi đã có kì nghỉ tuyệt vời đến nỗi chúng tôi không muốn về nhà. + We had such a good time on vacation that we didn't want to come home.
Tôi dậy rất nhưng giáo viên của tôi dậy còn sớm hơn. + I got up very early, but my teacher got up even earlier.
Tôi có thể sẽ gặp cậu ngày mai. Nhưng cho dù tôi không gặp cậu ngày mai, tôi chắc chắn là chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau trước cuối tuần. + I'll probably see you tomorrow. But even if I don't see you tomorrow, I'm sure we'll see each other before the weekend.
Tôi đã không được nhận việc mặc dù tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. > Tôi đã không được nhận việc dù được đánh giá chất nội dung tốt. + We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining.
Tôi không được nhận việc mặc dù thực tế là tôi được đánh giá chất nội dung. + I didn't get the job despite the fact that I was extremely qualified.
Cô ấy chỉ đồng ý công việc vì lương rất cao. + She only accepted the job because of the salary, which was very high.
Cô ấy đồng ý công việc bất chấp lương khá thấp. + She accepted the job in spite of the salary, which was rather low.
Tôi sẽ đưa cậu số điện thoại để có lúc cậu cần liên lạc với tôi. + I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.
Tôi không thể liên lạc với David khi anh ấy đang đi công tác ở Nhật Bản, và điện thoại di động của anh ấy không hoạt động ở đó. + I couldn't contact David as he was on a business trip in Japan and his cellphone doesn't work there.
Một số môn thể thao - đua xe máy có thể nguy hiểm. + Some sports, like motorcycle racing, can be dangerous.
Đồ lót sẽ đi vắng một tuần trọng tháng chín. + Sachiko is going away for a week in September.
Chúng tôi đã gặp những người thực sự rất tốt trong suốt kì nghỉ. + We met some really nice people during our vacation.
Tôi đã gửi gói hàng cho họ hôm nay nên họ sẽ nhận được nó vào Thứ hai. + I sent the package to them today, so they should receive it by Monday. — They should receive it no later than Monday.
Pablo sẽ đi vắng đến Thứ bảy. > Pablo sẽ trở về trước Thứ bảy. + Pablo will be away until Saturday. — Pablo will be back by Saturday.
Tôi sẽ quay về trong vòng một tuần nữa. + I'll be back in a week.
Tôi sẽ trở về vào cuối tháng mười hai. > Cuối năm tôi sẽ về. + I'm coming back at the end of December. — I'm coming back at the end of the year.
Tôi thích ngồi hàng ghế cuối rạp lm. + I like to sit in the back row at the movies.
Các bạn của tôi đang ở Trung Quốc. Họ sẽ trở về Ý tuần sau. + My friends are in China. They'll be going back to Italy next week.
Khi tôi đang xem xua đua công thức một hôm qua, tôi đã thấy một chiếc xe hơi bắt lửa. + While I was watching F1 racing yesterday, I saw one of the cars catch on fire.
Anh ấy đã tình cờ bắt gặp tôi. + He bumped inTO me on accident.
Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động. + All of my contact information is on my business card, but it's easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone.
Tôi đã kết thúc cuộc đua trước cậu ba mét. > Tôi đã thắng được ba mét trong cuộc đua. + I finished the race three (3) meters ahead of you. — I won the race BY three (3) meters.
Thực tế, có nhiều ưu điểm khi sống một mình. + In fact, there are many advantages TO living alone.
Luôn có một sự tăng về số vụ tai nạn giao thông dịp năm mới. + There's always an increase in the number OF traffic accidents around New Year's.
Đó là một năm tồi tệ cho công ti khi nó đối mặt với sự tụt mạnh về doanh thu. + It was a bad year for the company as it faced a huge drop in sales.
Vì vụ tai nạn là lỗi của tôi nên tôi phải trả tiền thiệt hại cho chiếc xe kia. + Since the accident was my fault, I had to pay for the damage to the other car.
Tôi rất ngạc nhiên với phản ứng của cô ấy trước gợi ý đơn giản của tôi. + I was very surprised BY her reaction TO my simple suggestion.
Thực tế chị của anh ấy thậm chí còn điên tiết hơn khi nghe được điều đó. + In fact, his sister was even more furious when she heard it.
Thực ra, tôi buồn vì không được mời tới hội thảo quan trọng nhất. + Actually, I'm upset about not getting invited to the most important conference.
Nhưng anh ta lại đưa tay vào túi và đó là lúc cảnh sát bắt đầu bắn anh ta. + But the man reached for his pockets, and that's when the police started shooting at him.
Và rồi những người xem bắt đầu la hét. + And then onlookers started shouting to each other.
Cô ấy kết tội tôi ích kỉ. + She accused me of being selfish.
Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù. + After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison.
Nam diễn viên thành phố ... đã chết vì nhồi máu cơ tim khi anh ấy mới chỉ năm mươi mốt tuổi. + The famous actor died OF a heart attack when he was only fifty-one (51).
Dù một kẻ giết người có xin lỗi vì những gì hắn làm bao nhiêu đi chăng nữa, nó cũng không thể đưa nạn nhân trở về. + No matter how much a murderer apologizes for what he's done, it doesn't bring the victims back.
Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần giá là lỗi tại kinh tế. + My mother suffers from bad headaches.
Vụ tai nạn là lỗi của tôi nên tôi đã phải trả tiền sửa chữa. + The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the repairs.
Megan và tôi đã bắt gặp nhau trên tàu điện thường hôm Thứ hai. + Megan and I ran into each other on the subway on Monday.
Các giáo viên của chúng ta cho chúng ta học vấn cần thiết để cạnh tranh trong thế giới thực. + Our teachers provide us with an education necessary for competing in the real world.
Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi. + They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison.
Máy bay của chúng tôi bị trễ trên đường nhựa và chúng tôi đã không cất cánh được trong vòng một tiếng. + Our plane was delayed on the tarmac and we couldn't take off for an hour.
Cảnh sát sẽ hỏi chúng ta nhiều câu hỏi nên chúng ta phải tương trợ nhau. + The police are going to ask us a lot of questions, so we need to back each other up.
Cậu nên luôn luôn sao lưu các tệp tin máy tính phòng khi ổ cứng chết. + You should always back up your computer files just in case the hard drive dies.
Cảnh sát vô tình bắn chết một người đàn ông. Họ cố gắng che đậy chuyện thực tế xảy ra nhưng nó trở thành một vụ lùm xùm lớn. + The police accidentally shot and killed a man. They tried to cover up what really happened, but it became a big scandal.
Chúng tôi vừa thắng một hợp đồng mới. Nhưng việc hoàn thành nó sẽ choán hết ba tháng tới. + We just won a new contract, but completing it will take up the next three (3) months.
Bố mẹ tôi lại ở đó đón toi khi tôi bay về nhà. + My parents were there again to pick me up when I flew back home.
Chiếc xe đua công thức một đã bắt lửa và nổ tung. May mắn là lái xe vừa kịp thoát ra. + The F1 racer caught fire and blew up. Luckily the driver just narrowly escaped.
Một người bạn của tôi đã bị tấn công và đánh đập vài ngày trước. Anh ấy đã nằm bệnh viện từ đó đến giờ. + A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He's been in the hospital ever since.
Họ đã không thể sống với nhau nên mối quan hệ cuối cùng đã không thành. + They couldn't get along with each other, so the relationship didn't work out in the end.
Những kế hoạch xây một nhà máy mới đã bị treo vì các vấn đề tài chính của công ti. + Plans to build a new factory have been held up because of the company's financial problems.
Nhà của cậu đúng là một mớ hỗn độn. Khi nào thì cậu định dọn dẹp chỗ này? + Your house is an absolute mess. When are you going to get this place cleaned up?
Vài người đàn ông đã tức giận với Jack trong quán rượu và Jack đã bảo họ là anh ấy không sợ đối đầu với họ. + Several men got angry with Jack in the bar and Jack told them he wasn't afraid to take them on.
Một người đàn ông đã bị một xe hơi đâm ngã khi qua đường và phải được đưa vào bệnh viện. + They took it out into the street, and Jack let them have it. Jack put them down one by one, and the spectacle really drew a crowd.
Để nụ cười trên mặt cậu và chắc chắn cậu sẽ nhận lại nhiều nụ cười. + Put a smile on your face, and you'll certainly get lots of smiles back.
Tôi vẫy tay với bọn trẻ trên xe buýt và bọn chúng đã vẫy lại với tôi. + I waved to the children on the bus, and they waved back.
Công việc đầu tiên của tôi là ở một đại lí du lịch và tôi không thích nó lắm. Nhưng giờ nhìn lại vào kinh mua vé để bay kinh nghiệm, tôi thực sự đã học từ đấy nhiều thứ. + My first job was at a travel agency, and I didn't like it much. But now, looking back on the experience, I really learned a lot.
Cậu định bao giờ trả tôi số tiền tôi cho cậu cô? + When are you going to pay me back the money I lent you?
Khi cậu gây rắc rối với không đúng người, những rắc rối đó sẽ quay lại với cậu, hoặc quay về ám cậu. + When you cause problems with the wrong people, those problems will come pay you back, or come back to haunt you.

Chúng tôi tập đọc. + We practice reading.

Họ luyện tập tiếng Việt. + They practice Vietnamese.

Chúng tôi luyện tập nói tiếng Anh. + We practice speaking English.

Bạn luyện tập nấu cơm. + You practice cooking rice.

Thuốc lá + Tobacco

Tôi cho cô ấy cái máy tính đen của mình. + I give her my black computer.

Trắng và đen + White and black

Họ muốn dừng sản xuất thuốc lá. + They want to stop producing tobacco.

Họ hàng của anh ấy không thích luyện tập bơi. + His relatives do not like to practice swimming.

Có một tai nạn ở châu Á ư? + Is there an accident in Asia?

giáo viên + teacher

+ The artists practice dancing.

Giáo viên của tôi mặc một cái áo màu vàng. + My teacher wears a yellow shirt.

Các diễn viên đang khóc. + The actors are crying.

Các ca sĩ luyện tập hát khi nào? + When do singers practice singing?

Họ là những diễn viên và ca sĩthân thiện. + They are friendly actors and singers.

Chúng tôi cần một diễn viên lười biếng. + We need a lazy actor.

Tôi nghĩ tôi cần luyện tập nhiều hơn. + I think I need to practice more.

luyện tập + practice

Anh tôi luyện tập hát vào những ngày thứ sáu. + My elder brother practices singing on Fridays.

+ Learning and practicing a language require patience.

Tôi đối mặt sự thất bại. + I face (the) failure.

đối mặt + face

Bạn đối mặt với nó như thế nào? + How do you face it?

Tôi không muốn đối mặt gia đình của tôi sau khi tôi thất bại. + I do not want to face my family after I fail.

máy + machine

Chúng tôi mua một cái máy giặt xa xỉ. + We buy a luxurious washing machine.

máy giặt + washing machine

Cô ấy muốn trở thành một giáo viên mặc dù không ai ủng hộ cô ấy. + She wants to be a teacher although nobody supports her.

Chúng tôi sẽ không bao giờ trởvề với nhau + We will never get back together.

Bãi biển trắng + white beach

bãi biển + beach

ba lô + backpack

Tôi có thể liên hệ bạn như thế nào? + How can I contact you?

liên hệ + contact

Họ cấm bán thuốc lá. + They prohibit selling tobacco

Chúng ta đã được liên hệ bởi một người đàn ông nổi tiếng. + We were contacted by a famous man.

Ngành kế toán + accounting major

Hạnh phúc là một nơi giữa quá ít và quá nhiều. + Happiness is a place between too little and too much.

Anh ấy dùng nhiều tài khoản. + He uses many accounts.

tài khoản + account

Làm sao để đối mặt với vấn đề này? + How to face this problem?

Câu trả lời ngắn nhất là hành động. + The shortest answer is action.

Chúng tôi không đồng ý với những hành động của bạn. + We do not agree with your actions.

hành động + action

Cái gì thu hút mọi người? + What attracts everyone?

thu hút + attract

Làm ơn liên hệ ngân hàng khi thẻ tín dụng của bạn hết hạn. + Please contact the bank when your credit card expires.

Chúng tôi mơ trong khi giáo viên của chúng tôi đang dạy. + We dream while our teacher is teaching.

Ai dạy bạn ở trường? + Who teaches you at school?.

Cô ấy dạy rất hay. + She teaches very interestingly.

dạy + teach

Gấu trúc màu đen và trắng. + The pandas are black and white

Tôi cần liên hệ anh ấy để lấy thông tin. + I need to contact him to get the information.

Mật khẩu của tài khoản này là gì? + What is the password of this account?

Kết nối hay không kết nối? + Access or not access?

Kết nối + access

Chúng tôi cần những phản hồi từ các bạn. + We need feedback from you.

phản hồi + feedback

Bạn có một tài khoản của mạng xã hội này không? + Do you have an account of this social network?

Nói cho tôi một số công cụ tìm kiếm tốt! + Tell me some good search machines!

Làm ơn đăng nhập để viết bình luận hoặc phản hồi. + Please sign in to write comments or feedback.

Cô gái đó có ria mép. + That girl has a mustache.

ria mép + moustache

hoà bình + peace

Cuộc xung đột này là một mối đe doạ với hoà bình thế giới. + This conflict is a threat for the world peace.

Hoà bình thế giới bị ảnh hưởng bởi khủng bố. + The world peace is influenced by terrorism.

Chiếc huy chương này là cho huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi. + This medal is for our coach.

huấn luyện viên + coach

Biểu tượng hoà bình. + peace symbol

Trách nhiệm duy nhất của chúng tôi là xây dựng hoà bình. + Our only responsibility is to build peace.

không gian + space

Hoà bình là thành tích lớn nhất của con người. + Peace is the greatest achievement of humans.

thành tích + achievement

Tôi đã thấy một đàn sói. + I saw a pack of wolves.

đàn + CF ( flock, school, pack of ...)

Khuôn mặt của cô ấy là Mặt Trời trong trái tim của tôi. + Her face is the Sun in my heart.

Khuôn mặt + face

Mái tóc của diễn viên này màu hồng. + The actor's hair is pink.

Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. + My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back.

Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. + My grandparents have always back pain in winter.

lưng + back

Tai nạn xe máy đã làm gãy cánh tay phải của anh ấy. + The motorbike accident broke his right arm.

Cái máy đó có nhiều chi tiết phức tạp. + That machine has many complicated details.

Giáo viên của tôi đang ngủ trong phòng thí nghiệm. + My teacher is sleeping in the laboratory.

Hoà bình không phải là một giải pháp tạm thời. + Peace is not a temporary solution.

Đây là giáo viên môn hoá học của tôi. + This is my chemistry teacher.

Giáo sư đang dạy cơ học lượng tử. + The professor is teaching Quantum Mechanics.

Ngân hàng có nhiều giao dịch mỗi ngày. + The bank has many transactions every day.

giao dịch + transaction

Giáo viên nói cho những học sinh về sự toàn cầu hoá. + The teacher tells the students about the globalization.

hợp đồng kinh doanh + business contract

hợp đồng + contract

Trường của bạn dạy thiên văn họckhông? + Does your school teach astronomy?

Loài người đã đến Sao Hoả chưa? + Has the human race come to the Mars yet?

Tôi sẽ mua một chiếc tàu vũ trụ và dùng nó để bay đến Sao Hải Vương. + I will buy a spacecraft and use it to fly to Neptune.

Bốn chiếc tàu vũ trụ + four spacecrafts

tàu vũ trụ + spacecraft

Các giáo viên nói cô ấy rất ngoan. + The teachers say she is very obedient.

Thành tích của bạn rất nổi bật. + Your achievement is very remarkable.

Cái nhà này rất rộng. + This house is very spacious.

rộng + spacious

Vì sao con mèo rửa mặt? + Why does the cat wash ist face?

Một ai đó đã mặc quần của tôi và tôi không chấp nhận điều này. + Someone wore my trousers and I do not accept this.

chấp nhận + accept

Huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi cầu nguyện cho đội của họ. + Our coach prays for their team.

Bạn cần phải hoãn giao dịch này. + You need to postpone this transaction.

Hợp đồng này đã bị hoãn. + This contract was postponed.

Loài người đang giết hành tinh này. + The human race is killing this planet.

Hợp đồng này sẽ ràng buộc bạn. + This contract will constrain you.

Công ty của bạn mất hợp đồng đó. + Your company loses that contract.

Những người da đen biểu tình vì quyền bình đẳng. + Black people protest for equal rights.

Chúng tôi phải di tản ai? + Whom do we have to evacuate?

di tản + evacuate

Chủ nghĩa phát xít + facism

Trong mỗi tôn giáo, hình phạt của lương tâm là nặng nhất. + In each religion, the punishment of the conscience is the heaviest one.

Con mèo tấn công con chó. + The cat attacks the dog.

tấn công + attack

Đây sẽ là doanh trại lớn nhất. + This will be the largest barrack.

doanh trại + barrack

Lực lượng này sẽ bảo vệ hoà bình. + This force will protect peace.

Chiến thuật du kích + guerrilla tactics

Tôi không chống chiến tranh, nhưng tôi ủng hộ hoà bình. + I am not against war, but I support peace.

Xe thiết giáp của họ bị tấn công. + Their armored car is attacked.

Loài người cần tình yêu hoặc vũ khí hạt nhân, hoặc cả hai. + The human race needs love or nuclear weapons or both.

Chiến thuật phòng thủ tốt nhất là tấn công. + the best defensive tactics is to attack.

Một hợp đồng béo bở + A lucrative contract.

 Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. + He brags that he can walk on the surface of water.

Tây ba lô + Western backpacker

Chúng tôi không chấp nhận cái giá cắt cổ này. + We do not accept this exorbitant price.

Một người đàn ông ăn cháo đá bát + a treacherous man

ăn cháo đá bát + treacherous

Con mèo của tôi có một khuôn mặt bụ bẫm. + My cat has a chubby face.

Anh ấy phải đối mặt với một hình phạt nặng nề. + He has to face a heavy punishment.

Tôi là người học tiếng Anh, tôi đến đây đẻ thực hành với người bản ngữ + I am an English learner, so I come here to practise English with foreigners.

Bạn đã đến những địa danh nao ở Việt Nam? + How many places have you visited in Vietnam?

Chúc bạn luôn bình an. + Peace be with you

lịch thiệp + tactful

Mình sẽ quay lại lúc 1:30 + I'll be back at 1:30

Tôi không thể truy cập vào email của tôi. + I can't access my emails.

Đã có tai nạn xảy ra + There's been an accident

Tôi vừa bị tấn công + I've been attacked

Ghế của bạn là 21A và 21B. + I am placing you two in 21A and 21B

Cho tôi xin được gặp dược sĩ. + I'd like to talk the pharmacist, please.

Đang cần lắm một nhà hảo tâm. + I'm need of a benefactor.

Tôi đang đối mặt với khó khăn tiền mặt tạm thời. + I'm facing temporary cah flow issues.

Tâm hôn của tôi đang trống rông, như cái tài khoản ngân hàng của tôi vây. + There's an emptiness of my soul, and also in my bank account.

Phía cuối + Near the back.

Diễn xuất rất tuyệt vời + The acting was exellent.

Diễn xuất tốt + The acting was good.

Diễn xuất tệ kinh khúng + The acting was terrible.

Cô ấy là một diễn viên rất giỏi + She is a very good actress.

Anh chị phải đỏ đầy bình xăng lại khi trả xe. + You have to bring it back with a full tank.

Các bạn có biết nhau trước không? + Do you know each other?

Các bạn biết nhau trong hợp nào? + How do you know each other?

Bạn có dùng Facebook không? + Are you on facebook?

Chào Jack, hôm nay tôi sẽ đến muộn một chút. + Hey Jack I'm running a little late today.

Tôi nghĩ đã có một tai nạn đang làm tắc nghẽn giao thông. + I think there is an accident that is holding up traffic.

Bạn đi đúng hướng rồi đó. + You're on the right track

Cô ấy có những đường cong gợi cảm, với thân hình đồng hồ cát. + She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure.

Bố tôi đang bị rụng tóc - thực ra là đang dần hị hói. + My father is losing his hair - in fact he is going bald

Hơi lạnh đó. Mang theo áo khoác đi nhé. + A little chilly. You might wanna bring a jacket.

Cảm thấy như mình đang cần một kì nghỉ vậy. + Like I need a vacation.

Lên kê hoạch cho kỳ nghỉ hè. + Planning my summer vacation.

Tôi sẽ quay lại lúc 1:30. + I'll be back at 1:30.

Tôi không thể truy cập vào email của tôi. + I can't access my email.

Làm ơn chấp nhận lời xin lỗi chân thành của tôi. + Please accept my sincere apologies.

Làm ơn chấp nhận lời xin lỗi bé nhỏ (khiêm tốn) của tôi. + Please accept my humblest apologies.

Kì diệu + Do miracles

Áp dụng phương pháp + Take action

Diễn ra + Take place

Giá trị bề ngoài + At face value

Hoà bình + At peace

Ở bãi biển + At the beach

Em có dùng facebook hay email không? + Do you have facebook or email?

Facebook của em là gì? + What is your facebook?

Trên bãi biển + On the beach

Đang đi nghĩ + On vacation

Xảy ra + In action

Đang tiến hành + In practice

Gần đây tôi bị đau đầu + I've been having headaches

Tôi bị đau ở lưng + I've got a pain in my back

Lò sửoi + Fireplace

Mong rằng năm mới sẽ mang sự bình yên và phát đạt đến cho bạn. + I hope that the coming year brings you peace and prosperity

Tôi muốn chuyển tiền sang tài khoản này. + I'd like to transfer some money to this account.

Tôi muốn mở tài khoản. + I'd like to open an account.

Máy rút tiền gần nhất ở đâu? + Where's the nearest cash machine?

Lãi suất của tài khoản này là bao nhiêu? + What's the interest rate on this account.

Chúng tôi có một tài khoản chung. + We've got a joint account.

Cho tôi mua một tập phong bì? + Could I have a packet of envelopes, please?

Anh có thể đóng gói món đò này cho tôi được không? + Could you please pack this for me?

Thư của tôi gửi đến nơi nhận mất bao lâu? + How long will it take for my letter to reach its destination?

bằng cử nhân ngành Ngân ngữ Hiện đại Đại học New York + I hold a bachelor's degree (BA) in Modern Languages from the University of New York.

+ I'm in charge with the high-priority accounts.

+ I would like to put in practise what I learned at university.

+ I might need to learn to be more flexible when things are not going according to plan.

Tôi bị đau lưng + I have a backache

Tôi bị đau đầu + I have a headache

Tôi bị đau bụng + I have a stomachache

Lưng tôi bị dau + My back hurts

Mình bị đau đầu + I've got a headache

Mình bị nhức đầu như búa bổ + I've got a splitting headache

lưng mình bị đau + My back hurts

Cậu có thuốc paracetamol không? + Have you got any paracetamol?

Kế toán + Accountant

Nam diễn viên + Actor

Nữ diễn viên + Actress

Người vận hành máy móc + Machine operator

Dược sĩ + Pharmacist

Giáo viên + Teacher

Mít + Jackfruit

Đào + Peach

Mâm xôi + Blackberry

Chúng ta là hoàn hảo cho nhau + We're are perfect for each other

Chúng ta là dành cho nhau + We are meant for each other

Thâm mắt + Black eye

Đau đầu + Headache

Đau dạ dày + Stomachache

Đau lưng + Backache

Đau răng + Toothache

Đau tim + Heart attack

Mụn trứng cá + Acne

Có qua có lại mới toại lòng nhau + You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

Đen như mực + As black as coal

Múa rìu qua mắt thợ + Never offer to teach fish to swim

Có cóng mài sắt có ngày nên kim + Practise makes perfect

Nói một đằng, làm một nẻo + Speak one way and act another

Nồi nào úp vung đây + Every Jack has his Jill

Không có người + Vacant

Chính xác + Exactly

Máy hút bụi + Vacuum cleaner

Bạn chỉ đang cô giữ thể diện thôi. + You are just trying to save face.

Tôi không thể tin được anh ta đã nói sau lưng tôi. + I can't believe he was talking behind my back.

Tôi không muốn nhìn thấy cô nưa. + I don't want to see your face!

Đừng xuất hiện trước mặt tôi nữa. + Get out of my face.

Đưng lôi thôi nữa. + Get off my back.

Tôi rất tức giận. Roger đã đâm sau lưng tôi. + I'm so pissed. Roger just stabbed me in the back.
to lack thiếu +
GNOT Existential • occurrence, non-occurrence to take place +
GNOT Spatial • location place +
GNOT Spatial • relative position at the back of +
GNOT Spatial • relative position at the back +
GNOT Spatial • relative position in the background +
to accompany hộ tống +
GNOT Spatial • direction back +
GNOT Spatial • direction backward(s) +
GNOT Spatial • direction across ngang qua +
GNOT • direction across from đối diện +
GNOT Temporal • indications of time on time, sharp, exact đúng (giờ) +
exact chính xác +
exactly chính xác +
accurate chính xác +
accurately một cách chính xác +
GNOT Quantitative • number fractions +
GNOT Quantitative • number exactly +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners each mỗi +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners to subtract +
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners a packet of +
GNOT Quantitative package gói +
accent giọng +
acid chua  +
GNOT Qualitative • colour black +
access quyền  +
GNOT Qualitative • accessibility to reach +
actual thực tế +
accept chấp nhận +
acceptable chấp nhận được  +
acknowledge công nhận +
GNOT Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability I cannot accept… +
GNOT Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability satisfactory +
GNOT Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability unsatisfactory +
to achieve hoàn thành +
achievement thành tích +
GNOT Qualitative • utility, inutility practical. relevant +
capacity khả năng +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to take into account +
GNOT Qualitative • expression according to theo +
according to theo như +
according to my opinion theo như ý tôi  +
Mậc dù tôi không thích anh ấy, tôi thừa nhận anh ấy là một quản lý giỏi. Although I don't like him, I admit that he is a good manager. +
SNOT Bai 3: dấu sắc bé, chó, khế, cá +
SNOT Bai 6: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu dê,dế / dưa,dừa / có, cọ / vó, võ / +
Bai 11: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / bê (6) vo (6) bê, vo / vo, vò, vó, vọ, vỏ, võ +
Bai 16: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / mơ (6) mơ, mờ, mớ, mở, mỡ, mợ +
Bai 16: Ôn tập các dấu thanh điệu / ta (6) ta, tà, tá, tả, tã, tạ +
SNOT Personal identification • date and place of birth place nơi +
place chỗ +
to act hành động +
action hành động +
to take action hành động +
active chủ động +
actively một cách tích cực  +
activity Hoạt động +
SNOT Personal identification • occupation names of places of work +
SNOT Personal identification • occupation names of occupational activities +
SNOT Personal identification • character and personal appearance active +
accommodation chỗ ở +
to acquire mua +
SNOT House and home, environment • amenities washing-machine +
SNOT House and home, environment • region factory +
SNOT House and home, environment • region beach +
academic học tập +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc., CD/compact disc +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre names of places for public entertainment e.g. +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre actor, actress, ballet dancer, diễn viên +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre back +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • sports race +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • sports to race +
SNOT Travel • public transport coach +
SNOT Travel • accommodation names of types of accommodation for travellers e.g. +
SNOT Relations with other people • relationship acquaintance +
accidental bất ngờ +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice to hijack +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice hijacker +
• crime and justice to accuse tố cáo +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace peace +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace attack +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace to attack +
SNOT Health and body care • parts of the body back +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents pain/-ache +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents accident tai nạn +
by accident vô tình +
• ailments– accidents accidentally vô tình +
SNOT Education • education to teach dạy +
SNOT Education • education teacher giáo viên +
SNOT Shopping • clothes jacket +
SNOT Shopping • smoking tobacco +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink snack +
SNOT • types of food and drink black bean +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink spinach rau chân vịt +
SNOT • types of food and drink water spinach rau muống +
• types of food and drink acerola Sơ ri +
SNOT • types of food and drink jackfruit mít +
SNOT • types of food and drink peach đào +
SNOT • types of food and drink black coffee cà phê đen +
SNOT Food and drink • eating and drinking out snack bar +
SNOT Services • bank account trương mục  +
•places at (home, place) tại (nhà; chỗ) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-7 Charakter character
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-17 aktiv active
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-1 Kontakt contact
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-2 Bekannte acquaintance   (Adj. Dekl.)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 ansprechen to address so.   (spricht an, sprach an, hat angesprochen)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-5 zusagen to promise, accept   (sagt zu, sagte zu, hat zugesagt)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-5 begegnen  to meet, to come across so   (begegnet, begegnete, ist begegnet)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-6 begleiten to accompany   (begleitet, begleitete, hat begleitet)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-6 umarmen to embrace   (umarmt, umarmte, hat umarmt)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-1 Gesicht face
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-3 Bauch stomach, belly, tummy
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-3 Magen stomach
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-3 Rücken back
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-6 Figur 1. figure, 2. character, 3. figurine
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-8 aufwachen  to wake up   (wacht auf, wachte auf, ist aufgewacht)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-10 bewegen 1. to move, 2. to be active, 3. to prompt someone to do something   (bewegt, bewog/bewegte, hat bewogen/bewegt)
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-3 Praxis practice
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-7 Pille 1. pill, 2. contraceptive pill
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-8 impfen to vaccinate   (impft, impfte, hat geimpft)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-1 Unfall accident
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-2 Aktion action, campaign
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-4 Opfer 1. sacrifice, 2. victim
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 achten 1. to respect, 2. to mind   (achtet, achtete, hat geachtet)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 verursachen to cause   (verursacht, verursachte, hat verursacht)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 ersetzen to replace, to reimburse   (ersetzt, ersetzte, hat ersetzt)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-6 brechen 1. to break, 2. to be sick   (bricht, brach, hat/ist gebrochen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-3 stattfinden to happen, to take place   (findet statt, fand statt, hat stattgefunden)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-3 fehlen 1. to miss, 2. to lack, 3. to be missing, 4. to be lacking   (fehlt, fehlte, hat gefehlt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-4 machen 1. to prepare, to make, 2. to do   (macht, machte, hat gemacht)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-5 entgegenkommen to (come to) meet, accommodate   (kommt entgegen, kam entgegen, ist entgegengekommen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-7 legen 1. to lay, 2. to lie, 3. to put, 4. to place   (legt, legte, hat gelegt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-7 hängen 1. to hang, 2. to be attached to, 3. to be tied to   (hängt, hing/hängte, hat gehangen/gehängt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-9 greifen 1. to reach for, 2. to take, 3. to grasp   (greift, griff, hat gegriffen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-10 reichen 1. to pass, 2. to be sufficient, 3. to reach   (reicht, reichte, hat gereicht)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-11 bringen 1. to bring, to take, 2. to make something of oneself, 3. to print, to broadcast, 4. to manage   (bringt, brachte, hat gebracht)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 sprechen to speak   (spricht, sprach, hat gesprochen)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-5 aussprechen 1. to say, to pronounce, 2. to condole with so, 3. to discuss something (openly), 4. to finish speaking   (spricht aus, sprach aus, hat ausgesprochen)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-6 nachschlagen to look up   (schlägt nach, schlug nach, hat nachgeschlagen)
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-16 jeweils 1. each, 2. each time
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-3 Vermittlung negotiation, placement
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-3 Fläche 1. surface, 2. area
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-4 Wohngeld accommodation allowance, housing benefit
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-5 Aufzug 1. lift, 2. act (drama), 3. appearance
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-6 Raum 1. room, 2. space, 3. area
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-7 Terrasse terrace
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 bequem 1. comfortable, 2. easy to reach, 3. lazy
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Automat machine   (n-Dekl.)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Ersatz replacement
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Ersatzteil replacement part
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-8 kaputtmachen to break   (macht kaputt, machte kaputt, hat kaputtgemacht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 anmachen 1. to switch on, 2. to fasten, 3. to dress (salad), 4. to chat up   (macht an, machte an, hat angemacht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 aufmachen to open   (macht auf, machte auf, hat aufgemacht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 ausmachen 1. to switch off, 2. to arrange, 3. to matter, 4. to come to an agreement   (macht aus, machte aus, hat ausgemacht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 zumachen to close   (macht zu, machte zu, hat zugemacht)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 zugehen to approach sb.   (geht zu, ging zu, ist zugegangen)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-10 praktisch practical
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-5 Ort place
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-7 Platz 1. square, 2. field, 3. room, 4. space
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-2 Sturm 1. storm, strong wind, 2. attack
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-4 wachsen to grow   (wächst, wuchs, ist gewachsen)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-1 Verkehr 1. traffic, 2. contact, intercourse
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-3 Kennzeichen 1. license plate, 2. license number, 3. mark, 4. characteristic, 5. symptom
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-7 Kreuz 1. cross, 2. small of the back
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Parkplatz parking place
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Tempo pace, speed
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Stau 1. traffic jam, 2. hold-up, 3. accumulation
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Strecke 1. distance, 2. track, 3. line
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-11 Rückkehr 1. comeback, 2. returning, 3. reversion, 4. return, 5. recurrence
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-12 Anschluss 1. contact, 2. connection
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-13 Gleis rail, platform, track
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-14 Gleis rail, platform, track
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-15 Maschine machine
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-18 abfahren 1. to leave, 2. to be crazy about something, 3. to retrace (and search)   (fährt ab, fuhr ab, ist abgefahren)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-19 erreichen to reach, to achieve   (erreicht, erreichte, hat erreicht)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-21 genau exact
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-2 Sehenswürdigkeit 1. sight, 2. landmark, 3. show-place, 4. object of interest, 5. tourist feature
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-3 Unterkunft accommodation
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-5 packen 1. to pack, 2. to grab   (packt, packte, hat gepackt)
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-5 einpacken to wrap   (packt ein, packte ein, hat eingepackt)
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-5 auspacken 1. to unwrap, 2. to unpack   (packt aus, packte aus, hat ausgepackt)
7-2. Reise Exercise 7-2-6 übernachten to stay overnight   (übernachtet, übernachtete, hat übernachtet)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 zunehmen to increase, accelerate, put on weight   (nimmt zu, nahm zu, hat zugenommen)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-15 backen to bake   (bäckt/backt, backte, hat gebacken)
Exercise 9-1-5 Päckchen small packet
Exercise 9-1-6 Sack sack
Exercise 9-1-10 schaffen 1. to manage, 2. to reach, 3. to take to, to carry   (schafft, schuf/schaffte, hat geschaffen/geschafft)
Exercise 9-1-10 anschaffen to purchase, to acquire   (schafft an, schaffte an, hat angeschafft)
Exercise 9-1-11 verpacken to pack(age)   (verpackt, verpackte, hat verpackt)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-1 Garderobe 1. clothes, 2. coat rack
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-2 Kette 1. chain, 2. necklace
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-4 Jacke jacket
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 anziehen to get dressed, to attract   (zieht an, zog an, hat angezogen)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-8 schwarz black
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-9 wunderbar 1. wonderful, 2. miraculous
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-4 Paket packet
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-5 Konto, Konten account
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-5 Girokonto, Konten check account
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-1 Presse 1. press, 2. squeezer, 3. compactor
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-2 Anrufbeantworter answering machine
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-2 Lehre 1. apprenticeship, 2. lesson, 3. teachings
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Kursleiter teacher, course instructor
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Lehrer teacher
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-5 Übung 1. exercise, 2. practice
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-6 Tafel 1. blackboard, 2. bar, 3. table
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-8 Ausbildungsplatz training vacancy
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-11 unterrichten 1. to teach, 2. to inform   (unterrichtet, unterrichtete, hat unterrichtet)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-13 abschließen 1. to lock, 2. to finish , 3. to sign (contract), 4. to end   (schließt ab, schloss ab, hat abgeschlossen)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-14 üben to practice   (übt, übte, hat geübt)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-15 nachholen to fetch later, to make good for sth.   (holt nach, holte nach, hat nachgeholt)
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Beschäftigung employment, job, activity, occupation
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Stelle 1. place, 2. position, 3. office, 4. part
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Arbeitsstelle 1. work place, 2. job, 3. employment position, 4. place of employment
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-1 Arbeitsplatz 1. job, 2. work place
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-6 Leistung 1. achievement, 2. service
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-10 Vertreter 1. sales representative, 2. replacement, locum, 3. delegate, 4. representative
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-10 Vertretung replacement, substitute
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-10 Vertrag contract
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-12 leisten 1. to achieve, 2. to afford sth.   (leistet, leistete, hat geleistet)
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-1 Hersteller manufacturer, producer
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Betrieb 1. company, firm, 2. workforce, 3. activity, 4. operation, running
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Fabrik factory
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Werk 1. work (of art), 2. factory
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-5 handeln 1. to deal, 2. to haggle, 3. to act, 4. to be about   (handelt, handelte, hat gehandelt)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-3 Strand beach
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-3 Rucksack backpack
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-4 Aktivität activity
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-5 verbringen to spend (time)   (verbringt, verbrachte, hat verbracht)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-6 verlaufen 1. to go according to, 2. to run, 3. to blend; to lose one’s way   (verläuft, verlief, hat verlaufen)
14-2. Sport Exercise 14-2-2 Trainer 1. trainer, 2. manager, 3. coach
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-1 Schauspieler actor
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-7 Schloss 1. lock, 2. palace
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-7 Veranstaltung 1. event, 2. activity, 3. presentation
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-2 Tat deed, action
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-2 Spur trace
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-5 einbrechen to burgle   (bricht ein, brach ein, ist eingebrochen)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-6 beobachten 1. to observe, 2. to notice   (beobachtet, beobachtete, hat beobachtet)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-7 verdächtigen to suspect   (verdächtigt, verdächtigte, hat verdächtigt)
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-1 Frieden peace
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-2 Demokratie democracy
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-4 lachen to laugh   (lacht, lachte, hat gelacht)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-4 lächeln to smile   (lächelt, lächelte, hat gelächelt)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-2 Tatsache fact
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-2 Wunder miracle
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-5 denken 1. to think, 2. to believe, 3. to remember   (denkt, dachte, hat gedacht)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-5 nachdenken to think about, to consider   (denkt nach, dachte nach, hat nachgedacht)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-13 zufällig accidental, by chance
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-13 eigentlich really, actually
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-6 versprechen to promise   (verspricht, versprach, hat versprochen)
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-6 entsprechen to correspond   (entspricht, entsprach, hat entsprochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-1 Vorwurf reproach
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-3 Reaktion reaction
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-4 reagieren to react   (reagiert, reagierte, hat reagiert)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 unterbrechen to interrupt   (unterbricht, unterbrach, hat unterbrochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 widersprechen to contradict   (widerspricht, widersprach, hat widersprochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-7 besprechen to discuss   (bespricht, besprach, hat besprochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 anerkennen to acknowledge, to accept   (erkennt an, erkannte an, hat anerkannt)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 akzeptieren to accept   (akzeptiert, akzeptierte, hat akzeptiert)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-9 beachten to observe   (beachtet, beachtete, hat beachtet)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-9 abmachen 1. to remove, 2. to agree, to arrange   (macht ab, machte ab, hat abgemacht)
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-3 über 1. above, 2. across, 3. on top of, 4. more than, 5. about
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-1 hin 1. to, 2. up (and down), 3. there (and back)
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-2 dahin 1. to that place, 2. until then
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-3 hinten 1. at the back, 2. from the back
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-4 rückwärts backwards
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-4 zurück back
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-5 quer 1. straight across, 2. all over
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-6 voneinander of (from) each other
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-1 jeder each individual one
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-3 meinetwegen 1. for my sake, 2. on my account, 3. if you like
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-9 je 1. ever, 2. each
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-2 Geh hin, woher du gekommen bist. + woher Go back to where you came from. Trở lại nơi bạn đến.
Exercise 1-3 Meine Lehrerin beachtet mich kaum.  + beachten My teacher doesn't pay much attention to me.  Giáo viên của tôi không quan tâm nhiều đến tôi.
Exercise 1-3 Er lernte, die Maschine zu bedienen.  + lernen He learned to operate the machine.  Anh ta học cách vận hành máy.
Exercise 1-4 Unser Wohnzimmer liegt nach Süden.  + liegen* Our living room is facing south.  Phòng khách của chúng tôi hướng về phía nam.
Exercise 1-4 Das Spiel findet auch bei Regen statt.  + stattfinden* The game also takes place in the rain.  Trò chơi cũng diễn ra trong mưa.
Exercise 1-4 Das Konzert findet nächste Woche statt.  + stattfinden* The concert will take place next week.  Buổi hòa nhạc sẽ diễn ra vào tuần tới.
Exercise 1-4 Der Prozess hat noch nicht stattgefunden.  + stattfinden* The trial has not yet taken place.  Phiên tòa chưa diễn ra.
Exercise 1-4 Im Urlaub haben wir in einem Ferienhaus gewohnt.  + wohnen On vacation we lived in a holiday house.  Vào kỳ nghỉ chúng tôi sống trong một ngôi nhà nghỉ.
Exercise 1-4 Der Film war langweilig, und außerdem haben die Schauspieler schlecht gespielt.  + außerdem The movie was boring, and the actors played badly.  Bộ phim là nhàm chán, và các diễn viên đã chơi rất tệ.
Exercise 1-5 Dieser Ort liegt im Süden der Schweiz.  + Süden This place is located in the south of Switzerland.  Địa điểm này nằm ở phía nam của Thụy Sĩ.
Exercise 1-5 Das Zimmer geht nach Westen.  + Westen The room is facing west.  Căn phòng hướng ra phía tây.
Exercise 1-6 Ich habe Urlaub bis Mitte August.  + Mitte I'm on vacation until mid-August.  Tôi đi nghỉ cho đến giữa tháng Tám.
Exercise 1-6 Ich kenne ein gutes Lokal.  + gut I know a good place.  Tôi biết một nơi tốt.
Exercise 1-6 Wir hatten im Urlaub gutes Wetter.  + gut We had good weather on vacation.  Chúng tôi có thời tiết tốt trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 1-6 Im Mai war ich in Urlaub.  + in  I was on vacation in May.  Tôi đã đi nghỉ mát vào tháng 5.
Exercise 1-6 Wo waren Sie im Urlaub?  + wo Where were you on vacation?  Bạn ở đâu?
Exercise 1-7 Der Lehrer beantwortet dem Schüler die Frage. + beantworten  The teacher answers the student's question. Giáo viên trả lời câu hỏi của học sinh.
Exercise 1-8 Warte hier, bis ich zurückkomme. + bis Wait here until I get back. Chờ ở đây cho đến khi tôi trở lại.
Exercise 1-9 Ich melde mich, so schnell ich kann.  + so I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  Tôi sẽ liên lạc lại với bạn ngay khi có thể.
Exercise 2-1 Du kommst mir bekannt vor. Kennen wir uns?  + vorkommen* You look familiar. Do we know each other?  Bạn trông quen thuộc Chúng ta có biết nhau không?
Exercise 2-1 Tom, kommst du bitte zur Tafel vor?  + vorkommen* Tom, would you come to the blackboard, please?  Tom, bạn sẽ đến bảng đen không?
Exercise 2-1 Soll ich dir meine Urlaubsfotos zeigen?  + zeigen Shall I show you my vacation photos?  Tôi có cho tôi xem ảnh kỳ nghỉ của tôi không?
Exercise 2-1 Können Sie mir zeigen, wie der Apparat funktioniert?  + zeigen Can you show me how the machine works?  Bạn có thể cho tôi thấy máy hoạt động như thế nào?
Exercise 2-1 Ich kann es dir schwarz auf weiß zeigen. + zeigen I can show it to you in black and white. Tôi có thể hiển thị nó với bạn trong màu đen và trắng.
Exercise 2-2 Sie versucht beim Einkaufen immer zu handeln.  + handeln She always tries to act when she's shopping.  Cô ấy luôn cố gắng hành động khi cô ấy đi mua sắm.
Exercise 2-2 Wir sollten sofort handeln.  + handeln We should act immediately.  Chúng ta nên hành động ngay lập tức.
Exercise 2-2 Er hat eigenmächtig gehandelt.  + handeln He acted on his own authority.  Ông đã hành động theo thẩm quyền của chính mình.
Exercise 2-2 Der Kurs findet jeweils montags und donnerstags um 18 Uhr statt.  + jeweils The course takes place on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 pm.  Khóa học diễn ra vào các ngày thứ Hai và thứ Năm lúc 6 giờ chiều.
Exercise 2-3 Die Jacke ist mir zu groß.  + groß That jacket's too big for me.  Áo khoác đó quá lớn đối với tôi.
Exercise 2-4 Darf ich eure Urlaubsfotos ansehen?  + ansehen* May I look at your vacation photos?  Tôi có thể xem ảnh của bạn trong kỳ nghỉ không?
Exercise 2-4 Seine Information was genau.  + Information His information was accurate.  Thông tin của ông là chính xác.
Exercise 2-5 Jeden Dienstag ist Training.  + Dienstag Every Tuesday is practice.  Thứ ba hàng tuần là buổi luyện tập.
Exercise 2-5 Wir kommen spätestens am Donnerstag zurück. + Donnerstag We'll be back by Thursday at the latest. Chúng tôi sẽ quay trở lại vào thứ 5 hàng tuần.
Exercise 2-6 Wir verbrachten den Tag am Strand.  + Tag We spent the day at the beach.  Chúng tôi đã dành cả ngày tại bãi biển.
Exercise 2-6 Nächste Woche fahren wir in den Urlaub.  + Woche Next week we're going on vacation.  Tuần tới chúng tôi sẽ đi nghỉ mát.
Exercise 2-7 Die beiden mögen einander nicht.  + mögen* They don't like each other.  Họ không thích nhau.
Exercise 2-8 Ich fahre nicht oft Auto. Mir fehlt die Übung.  + Übung I don't drive often. I don't have the practice.  Tôi không lái xe thường xuyên. Tôi không có thực hành.
Exercise 2-8 Ich bin aus der Übung. + Übung I'm out of practice. Tôi đã không thực hành.
Exercise 2-8 Ich bin erst gestern zurückgekommen.  + gestern I just got back yesterday.  Tôi vừa trở lại hôm qua.
Exercise 2-9 Was würden Sie an meiner Stelle machen?  + machen  What would you do in my place?  Bạn sẽ làm gì ở chỗ của tôi?
Exercise 3-1 Der Automat kann die Magnetkarte nicht lesen.  + lesen* The machine cannot read the magnetic card.  Máy không thể đọc được thẻ từ.
Exercise 3-2 Ich habe im Fernsehen ein interessantes Interview mit zwei Schauspielern gesehen.  + Interview I saw an interesting interview with two actors on television.  Tôi đã xem một cuộc phỏng vấn thú vị với hai diễn viên trên truyền hình.
Exercise 3-2 Wann kommst du wieder?  + wieder When are you coming back?  Khi nào bạn về?
Exercise 3-2 Meine Eltern sind zu Besuch gekommen. Morgen fahren sie wiederzurück.  + wieder My parents came to visit. They're going back tomorrow.  Bố mẹ tôi đã đến thăm. Họ sẽ trở lại vào ngày mai.
Exercise 3-2 Ich bin gleich wieder hier.  + wieder I'll be right back.  Tôi sẻ trở lại ngay.
Exercise 3-4 Ich mag die Farbe Schwarz.  + schwarz I like the color black.  Tôi thích màu đen.
Exercise 3-4 Meine Freundin hat schwarze Haare.  + schwarz My girlfriend has black hair.  Bạn gái tôi có mái tóc đen.
Exercise 3-4 Er ist schwarz gekleidet.  + schwarz He's dressed in black.  Anh ấy mặc đồ đen.
Exercise 3-5 Ich habe erst gestern von dem Unfall erfahren.  + erfahren* I just found out about the accident yesterday.  Tôi vừa mới phát hiện ra tai nạn hôm qua.
Exercise 3-5 Wo ist hier die nächste Apotheke?  + nächste Where's the nearest pharmacy?  Đâu là hiệu thuốc gần nhất?
Exercise 3-5 Ich kann es dir schwarz auf weiß zeigen. + weiß I can show it to you in black and white. Tôi có thể hiển thị nó với bạn trong màu đen và trắng.
Exercise 3-5 Wir haben uns lange nicht gesehen. – Ja, das ist wirklich lange her.  + her We haven't seen each other in a long time. Yes, that was a long time ago.  Chúng tôi đã không gặp nhau trong một thời gian dài. Vâng, đó là một thời gian dài trước đây.
Exercise 3-6 Woher kennen wir uns?  + kennen* How do we know each other?  Làm sao chúng ta biết nhau?
Exercise 3-6 Wir kennen uns nun schon seit fast zehn Jahren.  + kennen* We've known each other for almost ten years now.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau gần 10 năm.
Exercise 3-6 Wie ich sie kenne, tut sie genau das Gegenteil.  + kennen* Knowing her, she does exactly the opposite.  Biết cô ấy, cô ấy hoàn toàn ngược lại.
Exercise 3-8 Der graue Alltag hat uns wieder.  + Alltag We're back to the grey of everyday life.  Chúng ta trở lại với màu xám của cuộc sống hàng ngày.
Exercise 3-8 Der Verkäufer kann Ihnen diese Jacke gerne zurücklegen. + Verkäufer The seller can put this jacket back to you with pleasure. Người bán có thể đặt áo khoác này trở lại với bạn với niềm vui.
Exercise 4-1 Meine Eltern sind zur Zeit im Urlaub.  + Eltern My parents are on vacation right now.  Bố mẹ tôi đang đi nghỉ hè.
Exercise 4-4 Sein Gesicht hat einen männlichen Ausdruck.  + männlich His face has a masculine expression.  Khuôn mặt anh ta có biểu hiện nam tính.
Exercise 4-5 Kannst du mir erklären, wie man diesen Apparat bedient?  + erklären Can you explain to me how to operate this machine?  Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi cách vận hành máy này?
Exercise 4-5 In einem Monat fahre ich wieder nach Heidelberg.  + Monat In one month I'm going back to Heidelberg.  Trong một tháng, tôi sẽ trở lại Heidelberg.
Exercise 4-5 Wir haben immer sechs Wochen Ferien im Sommer.  + Sommer We always have six weeks of summer vacation.  Chúng tôi luôn có sáu tuần nghỉ hè.
Exercise 4-7 Mein Kollege hatte einen tödlichen Unfall.  + tödlich My colleague had a fatal accident.  Đồng nghiệp của tôi đã có một tai nạn gây tử vong.
Exercise 4-7 Bei dem Unfall wurde er tödlich verletzt.  + tödlich He was fatally injured in the accident.  Anh ta đã bị thương trong tai nạn.
Exercise 4-7 Ab jetzt werde ich wieder öfter ins Fitness-Studio gehen.  + jetzt From now on, I'm going back to the gym more often.  Từ bây giờ, tôi sẽ trở lại phòng tập thể dục thường xuyên hơn.
Exercise 5-1 Haben Sie die genaue Zeit?  + genau  Do you have the exact time?  Bạn có thời gian chính xác không?
Exercise 5-1 Sind Sie sicher, dass heute Ruhetag ist? – Ja, das weiß ich genau.  + genau  Are you sure it's closed for the day? Yes, I know exactly.  Bạn có chắc chắn nó đóng cửa trong ngày? Vâng, tôi biết chính xác.
Exercise 5-1 Die Uhr geht genau.  + genau  The clock is accurate.  Đồng hồ là chính xác.
Exercise 5-1 Es ist genau acht Uhr.  + genau  It's exactly eight o' clock.  Nó chính xác tám giờ.
Exercise 5-1 Das ist genau was wir erwartet hatten.  + genau  That's exactly what we expected.  Đó là chính xác những gì chúng tôi mong đợi.
Exercise 5-1 Ich habe starke Kopfschmerzen.  + stark I have a bad headache.  Tôi đau đầu tệ.
Exercise 5-2 Ich habe immer wieder versucht, Sie zu erreichen.  + versuchen  I've been trying to reach you.  Tôi đã cố gắng tiếp cận bạn.
Exercise 5-3 Durch Zufall habe ich gehört, dass die Wohnung frei ist.  + Zufall By coincidence I heard that the apartment is vacant.  Bởi tình cờ tôi nghe nói rằng căn hộ là trống.
Exercise 5-3 Ich bin mit dem Fahrrad gestürzt. Es war ein Wunder, dass nichts Schlimmes passiert ist.  + Wunder I crashed on my bike. It was a miracle nothing bad happened.  Tôi đã đụng xe. Đó là một phép lạ không có gì xấu xảy ra.
Exercise 5-3 Nur ein Wunder kann uns noch retten! + Wunder Only a miracle can save us! Chỉ có một phép lạ mới có thể cứu chúng ta!
Exercise 5-3 Ich war zum ersten Mal allein im Urlaub.  + erste It was my first time alone on vacation.  Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi đi nghỉ một mình.
Exercise 5-3 Das Regal stellen wir zwischen die beiden Schränke.  + zwischen The shelf is placed between the two cupboards.  Kệ được đặt giữa hai ngăn.
Exercise 5-4 Bring bitte noch eine Packung Kaffee mit.  + Kaffee Bring another pack of coffee, please.  Mang theo một gói cà phê khác, làm ơn.
Exercise 5-4 Wir hatten im Urlaub drei Wochen Regen.  + Regen We had three weeks of rain on vacation.  Chúng tôi đã có ba tuần mưa vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 5-4 Ich nehme deine Einladung gerne an.  + Einladung I gladly accept your invitation.  Tôi vui lòng chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 5-4 Er hat unsere Einladung angenommen.  + Einladung He accepted our invitation.  Anh ấy chấp nhận lời mời của chúng tôi.
Exercise 5-4 Leider kann ich deine Einladung nicht annehmen.  + Einladung Unfortunately, I cannot accept your invitation.  Thật không may, tôi không thể chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 5-5 Sie schützte ihr Gesicht vor der Sonne.  + Sonne She protected her face from the sun.  Cô bảo vệ khuôn mặt của mình khỏi ánh mặt trời.
Exercise 5-6 Wir hatten im Urlaub so tolles Wetter. Immer Sonne und blauer Himmel.  + Himmel We had such great weather on vacation. Always sun and blue sky.  Chúng tôi đã có thời tiết tuyệt vời như vậy trong kỳ nghỉ. Luôn luôn trời nắng và bầu trời xanh.
Exercise 5-6 Ist das heute eine Wärme!  + Wärme Is this a warm place today?  Đây có phải là một nơi ấm áp hôm nay không?
Exercise 5-6 Von der trockenen Wärme bekommt man Kopfschmerzen.  + Wärme The dry heat gives you a headache.  Nhiệt khô sẽ gây đau đầu.
Exercise 5-6 Wir hatten im Urlaub schlechtes Wetter.  + Wetter We had bad weather on vacation.  Chúng tôi đã có thời tiết xấu trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 5-6 Die Sitzung findet voraussichtlich in der nächsten Woche statt.  + voraussichtlich The meeting is expected to take place next week.  Cuộc họp dự kiến ​​sẽ diễn ra vào tuần tới.
Exercise 5-7 Ich erinnere mich nicht genau.  + erinnern I don't remember exactly.  Tôi không nhớ chính xác.
Exercise 5-7 Im Urlaub hat es viel geregnet.  + regnen It was raining a lot on vacation.  Trời mưa rất nhiều.
Exercise 5-9 Es ist kühl draußen. Zieh dir eine Jacke an.  + kühl  It's cool outside. Put on a jacket.  Đó là mát mẻ bên ngoài. Mặc áo khoác.
Exercise 5-9 Ich finde eure Wohnung sehr schön.  + schön I think your place is very nice.  Tôi nghĩ rằng nơi của bạn là rất tốt đẹp.
Exercise 6-1 Das Auto hat die maximale Geschwindigkeit erreicht.  + maximal The car has reached maximum speed.  Chiếc xe đã đạt đến tốc độ tối đa.
Exercise 6-2 Ich glaube nicht an Wunder.  + glauben I don't believe in miracles.  Tôi không tin vào phép lạ.
Exercise 6-2 Das Bild hängt nicht gerade.  + gerade The picture's not exactly hanging.  Hình ảnh không được treo chính xác.
Exercise 6-2 Kannst du später noch mal anrufen? Wir sind gerade beim Essen.  + gerade Can you call back later? We're just having dinner.  Bạn có thể gọi lại sau được không? Chúng ta đang ăn tối.
Exercise 6-3 Der Lehrer betritt die Klasse.  + Klasse The teacher enters the class.  Giáo viên vào lớp.
Exercise 6-4 Fernsehen ist eine passive Tätigkeit.  + Tätigkeit Television is a passive activity.  Truyền hình là một hoạt động thụ động.
Exercise 6-4 Das Gerät tritt automatisch in Tätigkeit.  + Tätigkeit The device automatically enters into action.  Thiết bị tự động bắt đầu hoạt động.
Exercise 6-5 Der Lehrer hat unser Interesse geweckt.  + Interesse The teacher has aroused our interest.  Giáo viên đã làm dấy lên sự quan tâm của chúng tôi.
Exercise 6-5 Deine gelbe Jacke gefällt mir.  + gelb I like your yellow jacket.  Tôi thích cái áo khoác màu vàng của anh.
Exercise 6-6 Eigentlich wollten wir heute lernen.  + eigentlich Actually, we wanted to study today.  Trên thực tế, chúng tôi muốn học ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 6-7 Unsere Firma besteht jetzt genau 100 Jahre.  + bestehen* Our company exists now exactly 100 years.  Công ty chúng tôi hiện nay đã tồn tại 100 năm.
Exercise 6-7 Seine Aufgabe besteht in der Annahme der Warenbestellungen.  + bestehen* Its task is to accept orders for goods.  Nhiệm vụ của nó là chấp nhận đơn đặt hàng.
Exercise 6-8 Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Kontonummer.  + Nummer Please give me your account number.  Vui lòng cho tôi số tài khoản của bạn.
Exercise 6-8 Auf den hinteren Plätzen kann man nicht sehr viel sehen.  + hinter You can't see very much in the back seats.  Bạn không thể nhìn thấy rất nhiều ở ghế sau.
Exercise 6-9 Diese Bilder sollten der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sein.  + Öffentlichkeit These images should be accessible to the public.  Những hình ảnh này phải có thể truy cập được tới công chúng.
Exercise 6-9 Können Sie später noch mal anrufen?  + spät Can you call back later?  Bạn có thể gọi lại sau được không?
Exercise 6-9 Wir kommen spätestens am Donnerstag zurück.  + spätestens We'll be back by Thursday at the latest.  Chúng tôi sẽ quay trở lại vào thứ 5 hàng tuần.
Exercise 6-9 Ich bin spätestens in einer Stunde wieder hier.  + spätestens I'll be back in an hour at the latest.  Tôi sẽ trở lại trong một tiếng rưỡi.
Exercise 7-1 In Deutschland ist es üblich, früh zu Abend zu essen.  + üblich In Germany, it is common practice to eat early in the evening.  Ở Đức, thường là ăn tối vào buổi tối.
Exercise 7-1 Ich bin vor einer Woche zurückgekommen.  + vor I came back a week ago.  Tôi đã trở lại một tuần trước.
Exercise 7-2 Sprechen Sie bitte miteinander.  + miteinander Talk to each other, please.  Nói chuyện với nhau, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 7-2 Wir sprechen nicht miteinander.  + miteinander We don't talk to each other.  Chúng tôi không nói chuyện với nhau.
Exercise 7-3 Ich bin gegen 14 Uhr wieder da.  + gegen I'll be back around 2:00.  Tôi sẽ trở lại khoảng 2:00.
Exercise 7-4 Die Veranstaltung findet jeweils dienstags abends statt.  + abends  The event takes place every Tuesday evening.  Sự kiện diễn ra vào mỗi tối thứ ba.
Exercise 7-5 Die Abendzeitung hat einen Bericht über den Unfall gebracht.  + bringen* The evening paper has published a report on the accident.  Các bài báo buổi tối đã công bố một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 7-5 Lehrer sollten ihren Unterricht immer gut vorbereiten.  + vorbereiten Teachers should always prepare their lessons well.  Giáo viên phải chuẩn bị bài học tốt.
Exercise 7-6 Lass mich jetzt endlich in Ruhe!  + Ruhe Get off my back!  Thoát lưng tôi!
Exercise 7-6 Es herrschen Ruhe und Ordnung im Land. + Ruhe There is peace and order in the country. Có hòa bình và trật tự trong nước.
Exercise 7-8 Ich bin ans andere Ufer geschwommen.  + schwimmen* I swam across the river.  Tôi bơi qua sông.
Exercise 7-9 Ich rufe nachher noch mal an.  + nachher I'll call you back later.  Tôi sẽ gọi lại cho bạn sau.
Exercise 7-9 Ich komme nachher noch bei dir vorbei. + nachher I'll come by your place later. Tôi sẽ đến nơi của bạn sau.
Exercise 8-1 Wir waren mit der Lehrerin in einer Ausstellung.  + Ausstellung We went to an exhibition with the teacher.  Chúng tôi đã đi đến một cuộc triển lãm với giáo viên.
Exercise 8-2 Der Intensivkurs findet täglich von 9 bis 12 Uhr statt.  + Intensivkurs The intensive course takes place daily from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.  Khóa học chuyên sâu diễn ra hàng ngày từ 9 giờ a. m. đến 12 giờ trưa.
Exercise 8-2 Ich habe guten Kontakt zu meinen Kollegen.  + Kollege I have good contacts with my colleagues.  Tôi có mối liên lạc tốt với các đồng nghiệp của mình.
Exercise 8-2 Er ist Lehrer an einem Gymnasium.  + Lehrer He's a teacher at a grammar school.  Anh ấy là một giáo viên tại một trường học ngữ pháp.
Exercise 8-2 Meine Frau ist Lehrerin für Französisch.  + Lehrer My wife is a French teacher.  Vợ tôi là một giáo viên người Pháp.
Exercise 8-2 Der Lehrer hat heute viele Hausaufgaben gegeben.  + Lehrer The teacher did a lot of homework today.  Hôm nay giáo viên đã làm rất nhiều bài tập về nhà.
Exercise 8-2 Das soll dir eine Lehre sein. + Lehre Teach you a lesson. Dạy bạn một bài học.
Exercise 8-3 Die Jacke ist mir zu weit.  + weit The jacket's too far away for me.  Áo khoác quá xa cho tôi.
Exercise 8-4 Irina hat Urlaub. Sie kann uns also helfen.  + also Irina's on vacation. So she can help us.  Irina đang đi nghỉ. Vì vậy, cô ấy có thể giúp chúng tôi.
Exercise 8-6 Wo möchten Sie sitzen? – Bitte ganz hinten.  + sitzen* Where would you like to sit? Please, in the back.  Bạn muốn ngồi ở đâu? Xin vui lòng, ở phía sau.
Exercise 8-6 Trotz des schlechten Wetters fand die Feier statt.  + trotz Despite the bad weather, the celebration took place.  Mặc dù thời tiết xấu, lễ kỷ niệm đã diễn ra.
Exercise 8-7 Im Urlaub wanderten sie viel.  + wandern On vacation they hiked a lot.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, họ đi bộ rất nhiều.
Exercise 8-7 Dort kann man gut wandern.  + wandern It's a good place for hiking.  Đó là một nơi tốt để đi bộ đường dài.
Exercise 8-8 Hin und zurück? – Nein, bitte nur einfach.  + einfach Back and forth? No, just please.  Qua lại? Không, chỉ cần xin vui lòng.
Exercise 8-8 Es war gar nicht so einfach, dich zu erreichen.  + einfach It wasn't easy to reach you.  Nó không phải là dễ dàng để tiếp cận bạn.
Exercise 8-8 Er arbeitet sogar im Urlaub.  + sogar He even works on vacation.  Anh ta thậm chí còn làm việc trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 8-9 Er musste laufen, um den Bus zu erreichen.  + laufen* He had to walk to reach the bus.  Anh phải đi bộ để lên xe buýt.
Exercise 8-9 In diesem Jahr kann ich meinen Urlaub erst im Oktober nehmen.  + nehmen* This year I can't take my vacation until October.  Năm nay tôi không thể đi nghỉ hè cho đến tháng 10.
Exercise 8-9 Wir haben uns lange nicht gesehen.  + sehen* We haven't seen each other in a long time.  Chúng tôi đã không gặp nhau trong một thời gian dài.
Exercise 8-9 Ich komme gleich wieder, ich muss mal schnell nach dem Essen sehen.  + sehen* I'll be right back, I have to check on dinner.  Tôi sẽ về ngay, tôi phải kiểm tra bữa tối.
Exercise 8-9 Was machst du im Urlaub? – Ich weiß noch nicht. Mal sehen.  + sehen* What are you doing on vacation? I don't know yet. Let's see now.  Bạn đang làm gì trong kỳ nghỉ? Tôi không biết. Hãy xem ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 9-1 Ich gebe dir das Geld bei Gelegenheit zurück.  + Gelegenheit I'll give you the money back on occasion.  Tôi sẽ trả lại tiền cho bạn.
Exercise 9-1 Er nutzt jede Gelegenheit, von seinem Urlaub zu erzählen.  + Gelegenheit He uses every opportunity to tell you about his vacation.  Anh ấy sử dụng mọi cơ hội để nói với bạn về kỳ nghỉ của mình.
Exercise 9-2 Haben Sie häufig Kopfschmerzen? Dann sollten Sie nicht so lange am Computer sitzen.  + häufig Do you have frequent headaches? Then you shouldn't be sitting at the computer so long.  Bạn có nhức đầu thường xuyên không? Sau đó, bạn không nên ngồi ở máy tính quá lâu.
Exercise 9-3 Die Apotheke ist gleich links neben der Post.  + neben The pharmacy is just to the left of the post office.  Hiệu thuốc chỉ ở bên trái bưu điện.
Exercise 9-6 Zieh dir eine Jacke an. Es ist kalt.  + Jacke Put on a jacket. It's cold.  Mặc áo khoác. Trời lạnh.
Exercise 9-6 Diese Jacke wird gut zu jener Hose passen. + Jacke This jacket will go well with those pants. Áo khoác này sẽ hợp với những chiếc quần đó.
Exercise 9-6 Meine Freundin hat langes schwarzes Haar.  + Haar My girlfriend has long black hair.  Bạn gái tôi có mái tóc đen dài.
Exercise 9-6 Die Haare unseres Hundes liegen überall in der Wohnung.  + Haar Our dog's hair is all over the place in the apartment.  Mái tóc của chúng tôi là chó trên tất cả các nơi trong căn hộ.
Exercise 9-6 Haben Sie dieses Hemd auch in schwarz? + Hemd You got that shirt in black too? Anh cũng có cái áo đó màu đen?
Exercise 9-8 Im Urlaub bin ich am liebsten am Strand.  + Strand On vacation I prefer to be on the beach.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, tôi thích đi trên bãi biển.
Exercise 9-8 Sie sind an den Strand gegangen.  + Strand They went to the beach.  Họ đã đi đến bãi biển.
Exercise 9-8 Wir haben den ganzen Tag am Strand verbracht.  + Strand We spent the whole day on the beach.  Chúng tôi đã dành cả ngày trên bãi biển.
Exercise 9-8 Es gab dort einen sandigen Strand. + Strand There was a sandy beach there. Có một bãi biển cát ở đó.
Exercise 9-8 Ich nehme im September Urlaub.  + Urlaub I'm taking a vacation in September.  Tôi đang nghỉ hè vào tháng Chín.
Exercise 9-8 Diesen Monat bekomme ich keinen Urlaub.  + Urlaub I'm not getting a vacation this month.  Tôi không có được kỳ nghỉ tháng này.
Exercise 9-8 Ich bin diese Woche im Urlaub.  + Urlaub I'm on vacation this week.  Tôi đang nghỉ hè tuần này.
Exercise 9-8 Sie hat sich im Urlaub gut erholt.  + Urlaub She has recovered well on vacation.  Cô đã hồi phục tốt trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 9-8 Nächste Woche fahre ich in Urlaub.  + Urlaub Next week I'm going on vacation.  Tuần tới tôi đi nghỉ.
Exercise 9-8 Ich finde diese Küchenmaschine sehr praktisch.  + praktisch I find this food processor very practical.  Tôi tìm thấy bộ xử lý thực phẩm này rất thiết thực.
Exercise 9-8 Ich habe letzte Woche den Führerschein gemacht. Jetzt fehlt mir noch praktische Erfahrung.  + praktisch I got my license last week. Now I lack practical experience.  Tôi đã nhận được giấy phép của tôi tuần trước. Bây giờ tôi thiếu kinh nghiệm thực tế.
Exercise 9-8 Praktische Erfahrung ist oft sehr wichtig.  + praktisch Practical experience is often very important.  Kinh nghiệm thực tế thường rất quan trọng.
Exercise 9-9 Wann findet die Party statt?  + Party When does the party take place?  Khi nào bữa tiệc diễn ra?
Exercise 10-2 Fahren Sie im Juni oder im Juli? – Je nachdem, wann mein Mann Urlaub bekommt.  + je Do you go in June or July? Depending on when my husband gets vacation.  Bạn có đi trong tháng sáu hoặc tháng bảy? Tùy theo thời gian chồng tôi đi nghỉ mát.
Exercise 10-3 Sie setzte sich einen schwarzen Hut auf.  + Hut She put on a black hat.  Cô ấy mặc một chiếc mũ đen.
Exercise 10-4 Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.  + Kopf I have a headache.  Tôi bị đau đầu.
Exercise 10-4 Urlaub in der Hauptsaison ist immer teurer.  + Saison Vacation in the high season is always more expensive.  Kỳ nghỉ trong mùa cao điểm luôn luôn đắt hơn.
Exercise 10-4 Wir hatten im Urlaub Pech mit dem Wetter.  + Pech We had bad luck with the weather on vacation.  Chúng tôi đã có không may với thời tiết vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 10-4 Die Jacke ist mir zu eng.  + eng The jacket's too tight.  Áo khoác quá chặt.
Exercise 10-6 Mir tut der Bauch weh.  + Bauch My stomach hurts.  Đau bụng.
Exercise 10-6 Mit einem leeren Bauch kann ich nicht arbeiten.  + Bauch I can't work with an empty stomach.  Tôi không thể làm việc với một dạ dày trống rỗng.
Exercise 10-6 Bitte legen Sie sich auf den Bauch.  + Bauch Please lie on your stomach.  Vui lòng nằm trên dạ dày của bạn.
Exercise 10-6 Ich habe Rückenschmerzen.  + Rücken I have back pain.  Tôi bị đau lưng.
Exercise 10-6 Wir stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand.  + Rücken We have our backs to the wall.  Chúng tôi có lưng của chúng tôi vào tường.
Exercise 10-6 Gib mir bitte deine Hand. Wir gehen jetzt über die Straße.  + Hand Give me your hand, please. We're going across the street now.  Hãy cho tôi bàn tay của bạn, xin vui lòng. Chúng ta đang đi ngang qua đường ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 10-6 Wasch dir bitte das Gesicht.  + Gesicht Wash your face, please.  Rửa mặt, làm ơn.
Exercise 10-6 Mach doch kein so trauriges Gesicht!  + Gesicht Don't make such a sad face!  Đừng làm như vậy một khuôn mặt buồn!
Exercise 10-6 Sie machte ein langes Gesicht. + Gesicht She had a long face. Cô ấy có một khuôn mặt dài.
Exercise 10-7 Sie lachten immer über die Fehler der anderen.  + lachen They always laughed at each other's mistakes.  Họ luôn cười nhạo những sai lầm của nhau.
Exercise 10-8 Ich habe ihn aus den Augen verloren. + Auge I lost track of him. Tôi đã đánh mất anh ấy.
Exercise 10-8 Ich habe Ohrenschmerzen.  + Ohr I have earaches.  Tôi có earaches.
Exercise 10-8 Sie gingen in gleichmäßigem Tempo. + gleichmäßig They moved at a steady pace. Họ di chuyển với tốc độ ổn định.
Exercise 11-1 Es gefällt mir gar nicht, dass ich heute länger arbeiten muss.  + gefallen* I don't like the fact that I have to work late today.  Tôi không thích một thực tế là tôi phải làm việc muộn hôm nay.
Exercise 11-1 Wir machen Anfang Juli Ferien.  +  Anfang We're taking a vacation in early July.  Chúng tôi đang nghỉ hè vào đầu tháng 7.
Exercise 11-1 Er ist der genaue Gegensatz zu seiner Frau.  + Gegensatz He's the exact opposite of his wife.  Anh ta hoàn toàn trái ngược với vợ mình.
Exercise 11-1 Sie ist genau der Gegensatz zu ihm.  + Gegensatz She's exactly the opposite of him.  Cô ấy hoàn toàn trái ngược với anh ấy.
Exercise 11-2 Da drüben ist ein Getränkeautomat.  + da There's a vending machine over there.  Có một cái máy bán hàng tự động ở đó.
Exercise 11-2 Ich wollte gerade einparken. Da kam ein Wagen rückwärts aus der Einfahrt.  + da I was just about to park. There was a car coming out of the driveway backwards.  Tôi vừa mới về công viên. Có một chiếc xe xuất hiện trên đường lái xe về phía sau.
Exercise 11-3 Du sagst etwas und dann machst du genau das Gegenteil.  + Gegenteil You say something, and then you do exactly the opposite.  Bạn nói điều gì đó, và sau đó bạn làm ngược lại.
Exercise 11-3 Sie hat genau das Gegenteil erreicht.  + Gegenteil It has achieved exactly the opposite.  Nó đã đạt được chính xác ngược lại.
Exercise 11-3 Unsere Waschmaschine ist kaputt.  + kaputt  Our washing machine is broken.  Máy giặt của chúng tôi bị hỏng.
Exercise 11-3 Ich hätte heute schon beinahe einen Unfall verursacht.  + beinahe I almost caused an accident today.  Tôi gần như đã gây ra một tai nạn hôm nay.
Exercise 11-3 Du musst das erledigen, solange du Urlaub hast.  + solange You have to do this while you're on vacation.  Bạn phải làm điều này trong khi bạn đang đi nghỉ mát.
Exercise 11-4 Das war genau seine Absicht.  + Absicht That was exactly his intention.  Đó chính xác là ý của ông.
Exercise 11-4 Du musst die Wohnung renovieren? Ich helfe dir. Wir können das gemeinsam machen.  + gemeinsam You have to renovate the place? Let me help you. We can do this together.  Bạn phải đổi mới địa điểm? Hãy để tôi giúp bạn. Chúng ta có thể làm điều này cùng nhau.
Exercise 11-5 Dieser Zug erreicht eine Geschwindigkeit von 200 Kilometern.  + erreichen This train reaches a speed of 200 kilometers.  Tuyến này đạt tốc độ 200 km.
Exercise 11-5 Wo kann ich Sie erreichen?  + erreichen Where can I reach you?  Tôi có thể liên lạc với bạn ở đâu?
Exercise 11-5 Bis 17 Uhr können Sie mich im Büro erreichen.  + erreichen You can reach me at the office by 5 pm.  Bạn có thể liên lạc với tôi tại văn phòng trước 5 giờ chiều.
Exercise 11-5 Endlich hatte sie ihr Ziel erreicht.  + erreichen Finally she had reached her goal.  Cuối cùng, cô đã đạt được mục tiêu của mình.
Exercise 11-5 Sie hat alles erreicht, was sie wollte.  + erreichen She achieved everything she wanted.  Cô ấy đạt được mọi thứ cô ấy muốn.
Exercise 11-8 Die beiden haben sich zutiefst gehasst.  + hassen They hated each other deeply.  Họ ghét nhau sâu sắc.
Exercise 11-8 Im Urlaub haben wir ein Auto gemietet.  + mieten On vacation we have rented a car.  Vào kỳ nghỉ chúng tôi đã thuê một chiếc xe hơi.
Exercise 11-8 Ich möchte billig Urlaub machen. Was raten Sie mir?  + raten* I want to take a cheap vacation. What's your advice?  Tôi muốn đi nghỉ mát giá rẻ. Lời khuyên của bạn là gì?
Exercise 11-8 Rate mal, wen ich heute getroffen habe! Deinen Lehrer.  + raten* Guess who I met today? Your teacher.  Đoán những người tôi gặp ngày hôm nay? Giáo viên của bạn.
Exercise 11-9 Ich nehme das Paket an.  + annehmen* I'll take the package.  Tôi sẽ lấy gói.
Exercise 11-9 Ich nehme Ihre Einladung gern an.  + annehmen* I gladly accept your invitation.  Tôi vui lòng chấp nhận lời mời của bạn.
Exercise 11-9 Das kann ich doch nicht annehmen!  + annehmen* I can't accept that!  Tôi không thể chấp nhận điều đó!
Exercise 11-9 Mein Schwiegervater ist Lehrer.  + Schwiegervater My father-in-law is a teacher.  Cha vợ tôi là một giáo viên.
Exercise 12-1 Ich hätte gerne Batterien für diesen Apparat.  + Apparat I'd like batteries for this machine.  Tôi muốn pin cho máy này.
Exercise 12-1 Bei der Wohnungssuche werden sie einen Makler einschalten.  + Makler They'll call in a real estate agent when they find a place to live.  Họ sẽ gọi cho đại lý bất động sản khi họ tìm một nơi để sinh sống.
Exercise 12-2 Ich freue mich schon auf meinen nächsten Urlaub.  + freuen I'm looking forward to my next vacation.  Tôi đang mong chờ kỳ nghỉ tiếp theo của mình.
Exercise 12-3 Ich habe dir eine Nachricht auf den Anrufbeantworter gesprochen.  + Anrufbeantworter I left a message for you on the answering machine.  Tôi để lại một tin nhắn cho bạn trên máy trả lời tự động.
Exercise 12-3 Hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Nachricht auf dem Anrufbeantworter.  + Anrufbeantworter Leave a message on the answering machine, please.  Để lại một tin nhắn trên máy trả lời, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 12-3 Der Parkplatz ist ausschließlich für Kunden reserviert.  + ausschließlich The parking space is reserved exclusively for customers.  Không gian đậu xe được dành riêng cho khách hàng.
Exercise 12-4 Wir müssen noch genau besprechen, wann wir losfahren und was wir mitnehmen.  + besprechen* We still have to discuss exactly when we're leaving and what we're taking with us.  Chúng tôi vẫn phải thảo luận chính xác khi nào chúng tôi rời khỏi và những gì chúng tôi đang mang theo với chúng tôi.
Exercise 12-5 Ich habe wenig Kontakt zu meinen Kollegen.  + Kontakt I have little contact with my colleagues.  Tôi có rất ít liên lạc với đồng nghiệp.
Exercise 12-5 Er hat den Kontakt zu ihr verloren. + Kontakt He's lost contact with her. Anh ấy đã mất liên lạc với cô ấy.
Exercise 12-7 Sie bietet sich an, auf die Kinder aufzupassen.  + anbieten* She's a good place to look after the kids.  Cô ấy là một nơi tốt để chăm sóc những đứa trẻ.
Exercise 12-7 Er lebt entsprechend seiner sozialen Stellung.  + sozial He lives according to his social position.  Ông sống theo vị trí xã hội của mình.
Exercise 12-8 Die Zeitung brachte einen Bericht über den Unfall.  + Bericht The newspaper brought a report about the accident.  Báo chí đưa ra một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 12-8 In den vorderen Reihen sind noch Plätze frei. + Reihe There are still places available in the front rows. Vẫn còn những địa điểm có sẵn ở các hàng phía trước.
Exercise 12-8 Nach deutschem Recht darf man Kinder nicht schlagen.  + Recht According to German law, you can't beat children.  Theo luật pháp Đức, bạn không thể đánh bại trẻ em.
Exercise 12-8 Die Rechnung stimmt nicht? Dann haben Sie das Recht, das Geld zurückzubekommen.  + Recht The check isn't right? Then you have the right to have the money back.  Việc kiểm tra là không đúng? Sau đó bạn có quyền lấy lại tiền.
Exercise 13-1 Der Vortrag findet in der Halle statt.  + Vortrag The lecture will take place in the hall.  Bài giảng sẽ được tổ chức tại hội trường.
Exercise 13-1 Täglich finden Führungen durch den Dom statt.  + Führung Guided tours of the cathedral take place daily.  Các chuyến tham quan có hướng dẫn của nhà thờ được tổ chức hàng ngày.
Exercise 13-1 Die Veranstaltung findet im Freien statt.  + Veranstaltung The event takes place in the open air.  Sự kiện diễn ra trong không khí mở.
Exercise 13-1 Bei schlechtem Wetter findet die Veranstaltung nicht im Freien, sondern in der Aula statt.  + Veranstaltung In case of bad weather, the event will not take place outdoors, but in the auditorium.  Trong trường hợp thời tiết xấu, sự kiện sẽ không diễn ra ngoài trời, nhưng ở thính phòng.
Exercise 13-2 In Hannover wohnen Bekannte von mir.  + Bekannte Some of my acquaintances live in Hanover.  Một số người quen của tôi sống ở Hanover.
Exercise 13-2 Ein Bekannter von mir heißt Klaus.  + Bekannte An acquaintance of mine is Klaus.  Một người quen của tôi là Klaus.
Exercise 13-2 Er hat viele Bekannte in der Geschäftswelt. + Bekannte He has many acquaintances in the business world. Ông có nhiều người quen trong thế giới kinh doanh.
Exercise 13-2 Das ist nicht grade mein Fall.  + Fall This isn't exactly my case.  Đây không phải là trường hợp của tôi.
Exercise 13-3 Jeder von euch bekommt ein Geschenk.  + Geschenk Each of you gets a present.  Mỗi người đều có một món quà.
Exercise 13-3 Ich kann dieses Geschenk nicht annehmen.  + Geschenk I can't accept this gift.  Tôi không thể chấp nhận món quà này.
Exercise 13-3 Er hat mein Geschenk angenommen.  + Geschenk He accepted my gift.  Anh ấy chấp nhận món quà của tôi.
Exercise 13-3 Er ist stolz, dass er sein Ziel erreicht hat.  + stolz He is proud to have achieved his goal.  Anh ta tự hào đã đạt được mục tiêu của mình.
Exercise 13-3 Er war zu stolz, um Hilfe anzunehmen. + stolz He was too proud to accept help. Anh ta quá tự hào khi nhận sự giúp đỡ.
Exercise 13-3 Du musst zurückkommen, bevor es dunkel wird. + bevor You have to come back before dark. Bạn phải trở lại trước khi bóng tối.
Exercise 13-3 Ich liebe Kinder. Deswegen bin ich Lehrer geworden.  + deswegen I love kids. That's why I became a teacher.  Tôi yêu trẻ con. Đó là lý do tại sao tôi trở thành một giáo viên.
Exercise 13-4 Bitte geben Sie Ihre genaue Adresse an.  + angeben* Please enter your exact address.  Vui lòng nhập địa chỉ chính xác của bạn.
Exercise 13-4 Der Automat nimmt nur Münzen.  + Münze The vending machine only takes coins.  Máy bán hàng tự động chỉ mất tiền xu.
Exercise 13-4 Das Bett war vorher an diesem Platz.  + vorher The bed was in this place before.  Giường nằm ở nơi này trước đây.
Exercise 13-5 Der Lehrer forderte ihn auf, zu wiederholen, was er gesagt hatte.  + auffordern The teacher asked him to repeat what he had said.  Giáo viên yêu cầu ông lặp lại những gì ông đã nói.
Exercise 13-5 Alle Zeitungen haben über den Unfall berichtet.  + berichten All the papers have reported on the accident.  Tất cả các giấy tờ đã báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 13-5 Er hat ihm den Hergang des Unfalls genau berichtet.  + berichten He gave him a detailed account of the accident.  Anh ta đưa cho anh một bản tường trình chi tiết về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 13-6 Meine Frau unterrichtet Spanisch.  + unterrichten My wife teaches Spanish.  Vợ tôi dạy tiếng Tây Ban Nha.
Exercise 13-6 Wo unterrichtet sie?  + unterrichten Where does she teach?  Cô ấy dạy ở đâu?
Exercise 13-6 Sie unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren an dieser Schule.  + unterrichten She has been teaching at this school for many years.  Cô đã giảng dạy tại trường này trong nhiều năm.
Exercise 13-6 Er unterrichtet Mathematik an der Volkshochschule. + unterrichten He teaches mathematics at the adult education centre. Ông dạy toán học tại trung tâm giáo dục người lớn.
Exercise 13-7 Für die Verpackung berechne ich nichts.  + berechnen I do not charge anything for the packaging.  Tôi không tính bất cứ thứ gì cho bao bì.
Exercise 13-7 Stell den Stuhl wieder an seine Stelle.  + Stelle Put the chair back in its place.  Đặt ghế trở lại vị trí của nó.
Exercise 13-7 An Ihrer Stelle würde ich den Vertrag nicht unterschreiben.  + Stelle If I were you, I wouldn't sign the contract.  Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ không ký hợp đồng.
Exercise 13-7 Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Leistung.  + ausgezeichnet It's an excellent achievement.  Đó là một thành tựu xuất sắc.
Exercise 13-7 Essen und Unterkunft waren ausgezeichnet.  + ausgezeichnet Food and accommodation were excellent.  Thực phẩm và ăn ở là tuyệt vời.
Exercise 13-7 Das Ergebnis ist befriedigend.  + befriedigend The result is satisfactory.  Kết quả là đạt yêu cầu.
Exercise 13-7 Wir haben eine befriedigende Lösung des Problems gefunden. + befriedigend We have found a satisfactory solution to the problem. Chúng tôi đã tìm ra một giải pháp thỏa đáng cho vấn đề.
Exercise 13-8 Wenn wir im Urlaub sind, gießt die Nachbarin unsere Pflanzen.  + Pflanze When we're on vacation, the neighbor will water our plants.  Khi chúng tôi đi nghỉ mát, người hàng xóm sẽ bơm nước cho chúng tôi.
Exercise 13-9 Der Lehrer schreibt das neue Wort an die Tafel.  + Tafel The teacher writes the new word on the blackboard.  Giáo viên viết từ mới trên bảng đen.
Exercise 14-1 Ich muss noch meinen Koffer packen.  + packen I still have to pack my suitcase.  Tôi vẫn phải đóng gói vali của tôi.
Exercise 14-1 Hast du deine Sachen gepackt?  + packen Did you pack your things?  Bạn đã gói đồ của mình chưa?
Exercise 14-1 Morgen verreise ich, ich muss heute noch packen.  + packen Tomorrow I'm leaving, I have to pack today.  Ngày mai tôi đi, tôi phải đóng gói ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 14-1 Ich brauche nicht viel. Ich nehme nur meinen Rucksack mit.  + Rucksack I don't need much. I'm just taking my backpack.  Tôi không cần nhiều. Tôi chỉ dùng ba lô thôi.
Exercise 14-1 Dein Rucksack liegt auf meinem Schreibtisch.  + Rucksack Your backpack's on my desk.  Ba lô của bạn nằm trên bàn làm việc của tôi.
Exercise 14-1 Der Lehrer sammelt die Hefte mit den Hausaufgaben ein.  + Heft The teacher collects the notebooks with the homework.  Giáo viên thu thập sổ tay bằng bài tập về nhà.
Exercise 14-2 Ich hätte gern einen Sack Kartoffeln.  + Sack I'd like a sack of potatoes.  Tôi muốn một cái khoai tây.
Exercise 14-2 Meine Jacke hat keine Taschen.  + Tasche My jacket has no pockets.  Áo khoác của tôi không có túi.
Exercise 14-2 Mehrere Menschen wurden bei dem Unfall schwer verletzt.  + schwer Several people were seriously injured in the accident.  Một số người bị thương nặng trong vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 14-2 In der Packung ist nichts mehr drin.  + drin There's nothing left in the package.  Không còn gì trong gói.
Exercise 14-2 Bei schlechtem Wetter wird die Veranstaltung nicht draußen, sondern drinnen stattfinden.  + drinnen  In case of bad weather the event will not take place outside, but inside.  Trong trường hợp thời tiết xấu sự kiện sẽ không diễn ra bên ngoài, nhưng bên trong.
Exercise 14-3 Sie können die Fahrkarten auch am Automaten lösen.  + lösen You can also buy the tickets at the ticket machine.  Bạn cũng có thể mua vé tại máy bán vé.
Exercise 14-3 Vergessen Sie Ort und Datum nicht.  + Ort Do not forget the date and place.  Đừng quên ngày tháng và địa điểm.
Exercise 14-3 Das Buch steht nicht an seinem Ort!  + Ort The book is not in its place!  Cuốn sách không phải là nơi của nó!
Exercise 14-3 Mein Geburtsort liegt im Süden, aber ich wohne, seit ich zur Schule gehe, in der Hauptstadt.  + Ort My birthplace is in the south, but I've been living in the capital since I went to school.  Nơi sinh của tôi ở phía Nam, nhưng tôi đã sống ở thủ đô kể từ khi tôi đi học.
Exercise 14-4 Sie alle fordern ihr Geld zurück.  + fordern They all claim their money back.  Họ đều đòi tiền lại.
Exercise 14-4 Ich kann noch nicht so gut Deutsch sprechen. Ich muss mehr üben.  + üben I'm not so good at speaking German yet. I need to practice more.  Tôi chưa giỏi nói tiếng Đức. Tôi cần phải luyện tập nhiều hơn.
Exercise 14-4 Du musst jeden Tag mindestens 20 Minuten üben. + üben You have to practice for at least 20 minutes every day. Bạn phải luyện tập ít nhất 20 phút mỗi ngày.
Exercise 14-4 Zu jedem Text gibt es eine Aufgabe.  + Aufgabe There is a task for each text.  Có một nhiệm vụ cho mỗi văn bản.
Exercise 14-5 Ich möchte gerne meine Familie nach Deutschland nachholen.  + nachholen I would like to bring my family back to Germany.  Tôi muốn đưa gia đình trở về Đức.
Exercise 14-5 Er näherte sich dem Unfallort nur ganz langsam.  + langsam He approached the scene of the accident very slowly.  Anh ta rất chậm chạp đến gần hiện trường vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 14-6 Lass uns bei den Fakten bleiben.  + bleiben* Let's stick to the facts.  Chúng ta hãy tuân thủ các sự kiện.
Exercise 14-6 Dieser Urlaub war ein teures Vergnügen.  + Vergnügen This vacation was an expensive pleasure.  Kỳ nghỉ này là một niềm vui tốn kém.
Exercise 14-7 An meiner Jacke fehlt ein Knopf.  + Knopf I'm missing a button on my jacket.  Tôi đang thiếu một nút trên áo khoác của tôi.
Exercise 14-7 Da hinten ist noch ein Stuhl frei.  + Stuhl There's another chair back there.  Có một chiếc ghế khác ở đó.
Exercise 14-8 Hast du Abitur?  + Abitur Do you have a baccalaureate?  Bạn có bằng tú tài?
Exercise 14-9 Wir haben uns im Urlaub kennengelernt.  + kennenlernen We met on vacation.  Chúng tôi gặp nhau trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 14-9 Wir machen im Sommer drei Wochen Ferien.  + Ferien We're going on three weeks of summer vacation.  Chúng ta sẽ đi nghỉ hè vào ba tuần.
Exercise 14-9 Endlich ist die Schule aus! Jetzt sind sechs Wochen Ferien.  + Ferien Finally school is over! Now it's six weeks of vacation.  Cuối cùng trường đã kết thúc! Bây giờ là sáu tuần lễ.
Exercise 14-9 Wo warst du in den Ferien?  + Ferien Where were you on vacation?  Bạn ở đâu?
Exercise 14-9 Was hast du in den Ferien gemacht?  + Ferien What were you doing on vacation?  Bạn đã làm gì trong kỳ nghỉ?
Exercise 14-9 Verkehrsunfälle ereignen sich täglich.  + täglich Traffic accidents happen every day.  Tai nạn giao thông xảy ra hàng ngày.
Exercise 14-9 Ich komme bald zurück. + bald I'll be back soon. Tôi sẽ trở lại sớm.
Exercise 15-1 Laut Wetterbericht bekommen wir Regen.  + bekommen* According to the weather forecast, we're getting rain.  Theo dự báo thời tiết, chúng ta đang có mưa.
Exercise 15-1 Plötzlich bekam ich starke Kopfschmerzen.  + bekommen* Suddenly I got a bad headache.  Đột nhiên tôi bị nhức đầu tồi tệ.
Exercise 15-1 Ich komme, sobald ich mit der Arbeit fertig bin.  + sobald I'll be back as soon as I finish work.  Tôi sẽ trở lại ngay khi tôi hoàn thành công việc.
Exercise 15-2 Eine technische Revolution ist erfolgt.  + technisch A technical revolution has taken place.  Một cuộc cách mạng kỹ thuật đã diễn ra.
Exercise 15-2 Wir kennen uns seit vielen Jahren.  + seit We've known each other for many years.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau trong nhiều năm.
Exercise 15-2 Seit wann bist du wieder hier?  + seit When did you get back?  Bạn đã trở lại khi nào?
Exercise 15-3 Wie hat er auf den Plan reagiert?  + Plan How did he react to the plan?  Ông đã phản ứng như thế nào với kế hoạch?
Exercise 15-4 Unser Lehrer benotet gerade die Klassenarbeit.  + Klassenarbeit Our teacher is grading the test now.  Giáo viên của chúng tôi đang phân loại bài kiểm tra ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 15-5 Kommen wir auf das Thema zurück!  + Thema Let's get back to the subject!  Hãy trở lại chủ đề!
Exercise 15-5 Ich komme sofort zurück.  + sofort I'll be right back.  Tôi sẻ trở lại ngay.
Exercise 15-6 Gießt du meine Blumen, wenn ich in Urlaub fahre? + Blume Will you water my flowers when I go on vacation? Bạn sẽ uống nước hoa của tôi khi đi nghỉ?
Exercise 15-6 Ich glaube, du bist auf der falschen Spur. + Spur I think you're on the wrong track. Tôi nghĩ bạn đang đi sai.
Exercise 15-7 Hast du den Anzug wieder in den Schrank gehängt?  + hängen* Did you put the suit back in the closet?  Bạn đã đặt lại bộ quần áo trong tủ quần áo?
Exercise 15-7 Ich habe vergeblich versucht, ihn zu erreichen.  + vergeblich I tried to reach him in vain.  Tôi đã cố gắng để đạt được anh ta một cách vô ích.
Exercise 15-8 Beschreiben Sie den Unfall detailliert.  + beschreiben Describe the accident in detail.  Mô tả tai nạn cụ thể.
Exercise 15-8 Das Brett liegt genau waagerecht.  + waagerecht The board lies exactly horizontal.  Ban nằm chính xác theo chiều ngang.
Exercise 16-1 Wenn du die genaue Ankunft wissen willst, musst du im Fahrplan nachschlagen.  + nachschlagen* If you want to know the exact arrival time, you have to look in the timetable.  Nếu bạn muốn biết thời gian đến chính xác, bạn phải xem lịch biểu.
Exercise 16-2 Du musst zuhören, wenn der Lehrer etwas erklärt.  + zuhören You need to listen to the teacher explain something.  Bạn cần lắng nghe giáo viên giải thích điều gì đó.
Exercise 16-2 Hast du das Buch in die Bibliothek zurückgebracht?  + Bibliothek Did you bring that book back to the library?  Bạn đã mang cuốn sách đó trở lại thư viện?
Exercise 16-2 Wir kennen uns seit dem Studium.  + Studium We've known each other since college.  Chúng tôi đã quen nhau từ khi học đại học.
Exercise 16-2 Schließlich erreichte er sein Ziel.  + schließlich Eventually he reached his destination.  Cuối cùng anh ta đến đích.
Exercise 16-2 Ich habe hinten schließlich keine Augen!  + schließlich I don't have eyes in the back, after all!  Tôi không có mắt ở phía sau, sau tất cả!
Exercise 16-3 Ich muss noch Staub saugen.  + Staub I still have to vacuum.  Tôi vẫn phải hút chân không.
Exercise 16-3 Ich kann dir kein genaues Datum sagen.  + Datum I can't give you an exact date.  Tôi không thể cho bạn một ngày chính xác.
Exercise 16-5 Sie schlug ihm die Tür vor der Nase zu. + Tür She slammed the door in his face. Cô ấy nhắm mắt lại.
Exercise 16-5 Im Obergeschoß befinden sich zwei sehr geräumige Schlafzimmer. + Obergeschoss On the upper floor there are two very spacious bedrooms. Ở tầng trên có hai phòng ngủ rất rộng rãi.
Exercise 16-6 Das weiß ich ganz sicher.  + sicher I know that for a fact.  Tôi biết rằng một thực tế.
Exercise 16-7 Wenn du baden möchtest: Das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + baden If you want to take a bath, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn tắm, phòng tắm của bạn ở bên trái.
Exercise 16-7 Wenn Sie duschen wollen, das Badezimmer ist dort hinten links.  + duschen If you want to take a shower, the bathroom's back there on the left.  Nếu bạn muốn đi tắm, phòng tắm ở phía bên trái.
Exercise 16-8 Die Bücher stehen nicht an ihrem Platz.  + Platz The books are not in their place.  Các cuốn sách không ở đúng nơi của họ.
Exercise 16-8 In dem Kurs sind noch Plätze frei.  + Platz There are still places available in the course.  Vẫn còn những nơi có sẵn trong khóa học.
Exercise 16-8 Die Post ist am Marktplatz.  + Platz The mail is in the marketplace.  Thư có trên thị trường.
Exercise 16-8 Im Obergeschoss befinden sich ein großzügiges Badezimmer mit Badewanne und Dusche.  + Badewanne On the upper floor there is a spacious bathroom with bathtub and shower.  Trên tầng trên có phòng tắm rộng rãi với bồn tắm và vòi hoa sen.
Exercise 16-9 Vor meinem Urlaub muss ich unbedingt noch meinen Schreibtisch aufräumen.  + aufräumen I have to clean up my desk before I go on vacation.  Tôi phải dọn dẹp bàn làm việc trước khi đi nghỉ.
Exercise 16-9 In dieser Gegend gibt es wenig attraktive Jobs.  + Job There are few attractive jobs in this area.  Có rất ít công việc hấp dẫn trong lĩnh vực này.
Exercise 17-1 Jede Wohnung hat einen eigenen Eingang.  + eigen Each apartment has its own entrance.  Mỗi căn hộ đều có lối vào riêng.
Exercise 17-2 Wir müssen ein Bankkonto einrichten. + einrichten We need to set up a bank account. Chúng ta cần thiết lập một tài khoản ngân hàng.
Exercise 17-2 Setzen wir uns auf die Terrasse!  + Terrasse Let's sit on the terrace!  Hãy ngồi trên sân thượng!
Exercise 17-2 Im Sommer frühstücken wir auf der Terrasse.  + Terrasse In summer we have breakfast on the terrace.  Vào mùa hè chúng tôi có bữa ăn sáng trên sân hiên.
Exercise 17-3 In der Anlage finden Sie meinen Lebenslauf.  + Anlage Attached you will find my curriculum vitae.  Kèm theo bạn sẽ tìm thấy sơ yếu lý lịch của tôi.
Exercise 17-4 Ich möchte bitte Geld von meinem Konto abheben.  + Geld I would like to withdraw money from my account, please.  Tôi muốn rút tiền từ tài khoản của tôi, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 17-4 Sie können Geld auf ein Konto überweisen.  + Geld You can transfer money to an account.  Bạn có thể chuyển tiền vào một tài khoản.
Exercise 17-4 Im Moment kann ich dir das Geld nicht zurückzahlen.  + Geld I can't pay you back right now.  Tôi không thể trả nợ bạn ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 17-5 Du musst deinen Lehrer um Erlaubnis bitten.  + Erlaubnis You must ask your teacher for permission.  Bạn phải yêu cầu giáo viên của bạn cho phép.
Exercise 17-5 Wir fahren mit ein paar Freunden in Urlaub.  + paar We're going on vacation with some friends.  Chúng tôi đang đi nghỉ với bạn bè.
Exercise 17-6 Sie legt das Paket auf den Tisch.  + legen She puts the package on the table.  Cô đặt gói lên bàn.
Exercise 17-7 Die Waschmaschine spült gerade. + spülen The washing machine is washing up. Máy rửa bát.
Exercise 17-8 Am Montag ist hier Ruhetag. Das weiß ich ganz sicher.  + ganz Monday is a day of rest here. I know that for a fact.  Thứ hai là ngày nghỉ ngơi ở đây. Tôi biết rằng một thực tế.
Exercise 17-9 Die beiden ergänzen sich prima.  + ergänzen They complement each other perfectly.  Họ bổ sung hoàn hảo cho nhau.
Exercise 17-9 Dreh dich mal um. Da hinten liegt das Buch doch.  + umdrehen Turn around, will you? That's the book back there.  Quay lại, phải không? Đó là cuốn sách ở đó.
Exercise 17-9 Dreh das Blatt um; die Lösung steht auf der Rückseite.  + umdrehen Turn the sheet around; the solution is on the back.  Rẽ tấm xung quanh; giải pháp là ở mặt sau.
Exercise 17-9 Die Erklärung der Lehrerin ist besser als die Erklärung im Buch.  + Erklärung The teacher's explanation is better than the explanation in the book.  Lời giải thích của giáo viên thì tốt hơn lời giải thích trong cuốn sách.
Exercise 18-1 Bei welcher Bank haben Sie Ihr Konto?  + Bank At which bank do you have your account?  Bạn có tài khoản ở ngân hàng nào?
Exercise 18-1 Sprechen Sie bitte mit der Hausverwaltung. + Verwaltung Please contact the property manager. Vui lòng liên hệ với người quản lý tài sản.
Exercise 18-1 Die Zeugnisse der menschlichen Kultur reichen viele Jahrtausende zurück. + Jahrtausend The testimonies of human culture go back thousands of years. Những lời khai của văn hoá con người đã trở lại hàng ngàn năm.
Exercise 18-2 Sie starb bei einem Unfall.  + sterben* She died in an accident.  Cô đã chết trong một tai nạn.
Exercise 18-3 Sie fühlte sich in ihrer Rolle als Lehrerin nicht wohl.  + Rolle She was not comfortable in her role as a teacher.  Cô không thoải mái trong vai trò của một giáo viên.
Exercise 18-3 Ich habe ein paar Souvenirs aus dem Urlaub mitgebracht.  + Souvenir I brought some souvenirs from my vacation.  Tôi mang theo một số quà lưu niệm từ kỳ nghỉ của tôi.
Exercise 18-4 Für den nächsten Sommerurlaub habe ich schon alles organisiert.  + organisieren For the next summer vacation I have already organized everything.  Đối với kỳ nghỉ hè tiếp theo, tôi đã tổ chức tất cả mọi thứ.
Exercise 18-5 In den Ferien bietet die Stadt für Kinder verschiedene Freizeitaktivitäten.  + Aktivität During the holidays, the city offers various leisure activities for children.  Trong những ngày nghỉ, thành phố cung cấp các hoạt động vui chơi giải trí cho trẻ em.
Exercise 18-5 Sie nimmt an vielen schulischen Aktivitäten teil.  + Aktivität She participates in many school activities.  Cô tham gia vào nhiều hoạt động của trường.
Exercise 18-5 Er vertiefte sich in vielerlei kulturelle Aktivitäten.  + Aktivität He deepened his knowledge in many cultural activities.  Ông đã làm sâu sắc thêm kiến ​​thức của mình trong nhiều hoạt động văn hoá.
Exercise 18-5 Im Zentrum gibt es fast keine Parkplätze.  + Zentrum There are almost no parking spaces in the city centre.  Hầu như không có chỗ đậu xe ở trung tâm thành phố.
Exercise 18-5 Einmal Frankfurt und zurück!  + zurück One Frankfurt and back!  Một Frankfurt và trở lại!
Exercise 18-5 Du musst schnell zurückkommen.  + zurück You must come back quickly.  Bạn phải trở lại nhanh chóng.
Exercise 18-5 Ich bin bald wieder zurück. + zurück I'll be back soon. Tôi sẽ trở lại sớm.
Exercise 19-5 Mein Chef hat meinen Vertrag nicht verlängert.  + verlängern My boss didn't renew my contract.  Ông chủ của tôi đã không gia hạn hợp đồng của tôi.
Exercise 19-5 Der Vertrag verlängert sich automatisch um ein Jahr. + verlängern The contract is automatically extended for one year. Hợp đồng được tự động gia hạn một năm.
Exercise 19-6 Die Versicherung übernimmt die Kosten für den Unfall.  + übernehmen*  The insurance covers the costs of the accident.  Bảo hiểm bao gồm các chi phí của vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 19-6 Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Kontonummer.  + überprüfen Please check your account number.  Vui lòng kiểm tra số tài khoản của bạn.
Exercise 19-6 Ich habe den Vertrag von meinem Anwalt überprüfen lassen.  + überprüfen I had my lawyer check the contract.  Tôi đã có luật sư kiểm tra hợp đồng.
Exercise 19-7 Wir haben uns lange nicht gesehen. Aber du hast dich gar nicht verändert.  + verändern We haven't seen each other in a long time. But you haven't changed at all.  Chúng tôi đã không gặp nhau trong một thời gian dài. Nhưng bạn không hề thay đổi.
Exercise 19-7 Die Adresse auf diesem Päckchen ist falsch.  + Päckchen The address on this package is wrong.  Địa chỉ trên gói này là sai.
Exercise 19-7 Ich habe das Päckchen zur Post gebracht.  + Päckchen I took the package to the post office.  Tôi mang gói hàng đến bưu điện.
Exercise 19-8 Dort ist ein Unglück passiert.  + passieren An accident happened there.  Một tai nạn xảy ra ở đó.
Exercise 19-8 Wie ist der Unfall passiert?  + passieren How did the accident happen?  Tai nạn xảy ra như thế nào?
Exercise 19-8 Zitronen haben einen sauren Geschmack.  + Geschmack Lemons have an acid taste.  Cytam có hương vị axit.
Exercise 20-1 Ihr Handy ist kaputt? Wir schicken es an den Hersteller zurück und lassen es reparieren.  + Hersteller Your phone is broken? We send it back to the manufacturer and have it repaired.  Điện thoại của bạn bị hỏng? Chúng tôi gửi lại cho nhà sản xuất và sửa chữa.
Exercise 20-1 Bei Reklamationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an den Hersteller.  + Hersteller If you have any complaints, please contact the manufacturer directly.  Nếu bạn có khiếu nại, vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp với nhà sản xuất.
Exercise 20-1 Der Hersteller gewährte fünf Jahre Garantie auf die neue Maschine.  + Hersteller The manufacturer gave a five-year guarantee on the new machine.  Nhà sản xuất đưa ra một đảm bảo năm năm trên máy mới.
Exercise 20-3 Bei dem Unfall ist wirklich nichts passiert? Du hast Schwein gehabt!  + Schwein Nothing really happened in the accident? You were lucky!  Không có gì thực sự xảy ra trong vụ tai nạn? Bạn thật là may mắn!
Exercise 20-4 In Deutsch ist Ihr Sohn sehr gut, aber in Mathematik sind seine Leistungen nur durchschnittlich.  + durchschnittlich In German your son is very good, but in mathematics his achievements are only average.  Ở Đức con trai của bạn rất tốt, nhưng trong toán học thành tích của ông chỉ là trung bình.
Exercise 20-6 Er hat eine Praxis in der Innenstadt.  + Praxis He's got a practice downtown.  Anh ấy có một trung tâm luyện tập.
Exercise 20-6 Die Praxis bleibt bis zum 7. Januar geschlossen.  + Praxis The practice will be closed until January 7th.  Thực hành sẽ đóng cửa cho đến ngày 7 tháng 1.
Exercise 20-6 Das ist die Theorie. In der Praxis ist vieles ganz anders.  + Praxis That's the theory. In practice, many things are quite different.  Đó là lý thuyết. Trên thực tế, rất nhiều thứ khác nhau.
Exercise 20-6 Das hat sich in der Praxis nicht bewährt.  + Praxis This has not proved its worth in practice.  Điều này đã không chứng minh giá trị của nó trong thực tế.
Exercise 20-6 Glauben Sie, Sie können Ihre Idee in die Praxis umsetzen? + Praxis Do you think you can put your idea into practice? Bạn có nghĩ rằng bạn có thể đưa ý tưởng của bạn vào thực tiễn?
Exercise 20-6 In diesen Ländern fehlen vor allem Nahrungsmittel.  + Nahrungsmittel These countries lack foodstuffs in particular.  Những nước này thiếu thực phẩm nói riêng.
Exercise 20-7 Mein Mann telefoniert gerade. Er ruft Sie zurück.  + telefonieren My husband's on the phone. He'll call you back.  Chồng tôi trên điện thoại. Anh ấy sẽ gọi lại cho bạn.
Exercise 20-9 Die Konferenz findet in Raum 19 statt.  + Konferenz The conference will take place in room 19.  Hội nghị sẽ diễn ra trong phòng 19.
Exercise 20-9 Die nächste Sitzung findet am 18. Januar statt.  + Sitzung The next meeting will take place on 18 January.  Cuộc họp tiếp theo sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 18 tháng 1.
Exercise 21-1 Rita hat den Urlaub wirklich verdient.  + verdienen Rita really deserves this vacation.  Rita thực sự xứng đáng với kỳ nghỉ này.
Exercise 21-2 Endlich haben wir unser Ziel erreicht. + endlich Finally we have reached our goal. Cuối cùng chúng tôi đã đạt được mục tiêu của chúng tôi.
Exercise 21-3 Das Päckchen ist angekommen.  + ankommen* The package has arrived.  Gói đã đến.
Exercise 21-3 Es kommt auf die Bezahlung an, ob ich die Arbeitsstelle annehme.  + ankommen* It depends on the pay, if I accept the job.  Nó phụ thuộc vào tiền lương, nếu tôi chấp nhận công việc.
Exercise 21-3 Du kannst bei mir auf dem Sofa übernachten.  + übernachten You can stay at my place on the sofa.  Bạn có thể ở lại nơi tôi trên ghế sofa.
Exercise 21-4 Ich komme drei Tage nach Hamburg und suche eine günstige Unterkunft.  + Unterkunft I come to Hamburg for three days and look for a cheap accommodation.  Tôi đến Hamburg trong ba ngày và tìm chỗ ở giá rẻ.
Exercise 21-4 Ist dieser Preis inklusive Unterkunft und Essen?  + Unterkunft Is this price including accommodation and food?  Giá này bao gồm ăn ở và ăn?
Exercise 21-4 Bei dieser Arbeit wird eine Unterkunft kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.  + Unterkunft Accommodation is provided free of charge for this work.  Chỗ ở được cung cấp miễn phí cho công việc này.
Exercise 21-4 Im Urlaub sind wir in einem Hotel am Meer.  + Hotel On vacation we are staying in a hotel by the sea.  Vào kỳ nghỉ chúng tôi đang ở trong khách sạn bên bờ biển.
Exercise 21-5 Er versteckte seine Hände auf dem Rücken.  + verstecken He hid his hands behind his back.  Anh giấu tay sau lưng anh.
Exercise 21-5 Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du zurück bist. + Bescheid Let me know when you get back. Hãy cho tôi biết khi bạn trở lại.
Exercise 21-5 Bei dem Unfall wurde niemand verletzt.  + niemand Nobody got hurt in the accident.  Không ai bị tổn thương trong tai nạn.
Exercise 21-7 Die Regierung plant eine Aktion gegen das Rauchen.  + Aktion The government is planning an action against smoking.  Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch chống lại việc hút thuốc.
Exercise 21-7 Er ist jederzeit bereit, in Aktion zu treten.  + Aktion He is always ready to take action.  Anh ta luôn sẵn sàng hành động.
Exercise 21-7 Die ganze Aktion dauerte keine zehn Minuten.  + Aktion The whole action lasted less than ten minutes.  Toàn bộ hành động kéo dài chưa đầy mười phút.
Exercise 21-7 Ich kann seine Kritik an meinem Verhalten nicht akzeptieren.  + Kritik I can't accept his criticism of my behavior.  Tôi không thể chấp nhận lời chỉ trích của ông về hành vi của tôi.
Exercise 21-7 Diese Reaktion ist typisch für ihn.  + Reaktion This reaction is typical of him.  Phản ứng này là điển hình của ông.
Exercise 21-7 Was war seine Reaktion auf deine Bitte?  + Reaktion What was his reaction to your request?  Phản ứng của ông đối với yêu cầu của bạn là gì?
Exercise 21-9 Jeden Dienstag ist Training.  + Training Every Tuesday is practice.  Thứ ba hàng tuần là buổi luyện tập.
Exercise 21-9 Ich gehe jede Woche zum Training.  + Training I go to practice every week.  Tôi đi luyện tập mỗi tuần.
Exercise 22-1 Ich darf Sie bitten, meinem Antrag zu entsprechen.  + entsprechen* I would ask you to accept my request.  Tôi sẽ yêu cầu bạn chấp nhận yêu cầu của tôi.
Exercise 22-1 Warte hier, ich bin gleich zurück.  + warten Wait here, I'll be right back.  Đợi ở đây, tôi sẽ về ngay.
Exercise 22-1 Unser Urlaub war toll.  + toll Our vacation was great.  Kỳ nghỉ của chúng tôi là tuyệt vời.
Exercise 22-3 Das Finanzamt hat seine schwierige Lage weitgehend berücksichtigt.  + berücksichtigen The tax office has largely taken its difficult situation into account.  Cơ quan thuế phần lớn đã tính đến tình hình khó khăn.
Exercise 22-3 Du musst die Tatsache berücksichtigen, dass er zu jung ist.  + berücksichtigen You have to take into account the fact that he's too young.  Bạn phải tính đến thực tế là anh ta còn quá trẻ.
Exercise 22-3 Wir müssen auch sein Alter berücksichtigen. + berücksichtigen We must also take account of his age. Chúng ta cũng phải tính đến tuổi tác của mình.
Exercise 22-3 Im Urlaub haben wir Schloss Schönbrunn besichtigt.  + besichtigen We visited Schönbrunn Palace on holiday.  Chúng tôi viếng thăm Cung điện Schönbrunn trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 22-4 Wir haben sein Angebot angenommen.  + Angebot We accepted his offer.  Chúng tôi chấp nhận đề nghị của ông.
Exercise 22-4 Es gibt kaum Parkplätze. Sie sollten mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmittelnfahren.  + Verkehrsmittel There are hardly any parking spaces. You should take public transport.  Hầu như không có chỗ đỗ xe nào. Bạn nên đi phương tiện công cộng.
Exercise 22-4 Ich muss zu meiner Arbeit quer durch die ganze Stadt fahren.  + quer  I have to drive across town to my work.  Tôi phải lái xe qua thị trấn để làm việc của tôi.
Exercise 22-4 Er ist quer durch den Garten gegangen.  + quer  He walked across the garden.  Anh đi ngang qua khu vườn.
Exercise 22-5 Hast du Handtücher eingepackt?  + einpacken Did you pack some towels?  Bạn có gói một ít khăn không?
Exercise 22-5 Ich habe den Koffer schon gepackt.  + Koffer I already packed my suitcase.  Tôi đã đóng gói va li của tôi.
Exercise 22-6 Der Zug fährt heute von Gleis sieben ab.  + Gleis The train leaves track seven today.  Xe lửa rời khỏi cây số 7 hôm nay.
Exercise 22-6 Der Zug läuft auf Gleis 3 ein. + Gleis The train is arriving on track 3. Xe lửa đang đi trên đường 3.
Exercise 22-7 In Mannheim haben Sie Anschluss nach Saarbrücken.  + Anschluss In Mannheim you have access to Saarbrücken.  Tại Mannheim bạn có thể đến Saarbrücken.
Exercise 22-7 Fahrkarten bekommt man am Automaten.  + Fahrkarte Tickets are available at the ticket machine.  Vé có tại quầy vé.
Exercise 22-8 Auf der Rückfahrt besuche ich meine Eltern.  + Rückfahrt On the way back, I'm visiting my parents.  Trên đường về, tôi đang thăm cha mẹ tôi.
Exercise 22-8 Wir haben die Verbindung mit ihm verloren.  + Verbindung We lost contact with him.  Chúng tôi đã mất liên lạc với anh ta.
Exercise 22-8 Ich werde mich so bald wie möglich mit ihm in Verbindung setzen.  + Verbindung I will contact him as soon as possible.  Tôi sẽ liên lạc với anh ta càng sớm càng tốt.
Exercise 22-9 Die Aktion fand ein breites Interesse.  + breit The action met with widespread interest.  Hành động này đã đáp ứng được sự quan tâm rộng rãi.
Exercise 23-1 Im Urlaub haben wir in einer kleinen Pension gewohnt.  + Pension On vacation we stayed in a small guesthouse.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, chúng tôi ở trong một nhà khách nhỏ.
Exercise 23-2 Der Pilot hat die Machine nach München geflogen.  + fliegen* The pilot flew the machine to Munich.  Phi công đã bay máy bay đến Munich.
Exercise 23-3 Wir nehmen die Fähre über den Bodensee.  + Fähre We take the ferry across Lake Constance.  Chúng tôi đưa phà qua Hồ Constance.
Exercise 23-5 Wohin sollen wir das Paket schicken?  + schicken Where should we send the package?  Chúng ta nên gửi gói ở đâu?
Exercise 23-5 Ich habe meine Schwester zur Post geschickt. Sie soll ein Paket abholen.  + schicken I sent my sister to the post office. Tell her to pick up a package.  Tôi đã đưa em gái tôi đến bưu điện. Nói với cô ấy để lấy một gói.
Exercise 23-5 Ich schicke dir aus dem Urlaub eine Postkarte. + Postkarte I'll send you a postcard from vacation. Tôi sẽ gửi cho bạn một tấm bưu thiếp từ kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 23-7 Ich würde dieses Mal gern auf einer Insel Ferien machen.  + Insel I'd like to go on an island vacation this time.  Tôi muốn đi nghỉ mát ở đảo này lần này.
Exercise 23-7 Die Jacke ist sehr preiswert.  + preiswert The jacket is very cheap.  Áo khoác rất rẻ.
Exercise 23-8 Wir haben schon viel miteinander erlebt.  + erleben We've seen a lot of each other.  Chúng tôi đã nhìn thấy rất nhiều của nhau.
Exercise 23-8 Bei einem Unfall muss jeder Erste Hilfe leisten.  + leisten In the event of an accident, everyone must provide first aid.  Trong trường hợp xảy ra tai nạn, tất cả mọi người phải cấp cứu.
Exercise 23-8 Herr Müller kommt gleich zurück. Sie können inzwischen in seinem Büro warten.  + inzwischen Mr. Miller will be right back. You can wait in his office by now.  Ông Miller sẽ trở lại ngay. Bạn có thể đợi trong văn phòng của mình bây giờ.
Exercise 23-9 Wir wollen unserer Lehrerin ein Geschenk kaufen. Wer möchte sichbeteiligen?  + beteiligen We want to buy our teacher a present. Who wants to participate?  Chúng tôi muốn mua giáo viên của chúng tôi một món quà. Ai muốn tham gia?
Exercise 23-9 Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt es hier?  + Sehenswürdigkeit What places of interest are there?  Những điểm thú vị nào ở đó?
Exercise 24-1 Ich hatte letzte Woche einen Unfall.  + Unfall I had an accident last week.  Tôi đã có một tai nạn tuần trước.
Exercise 24-1 Ich hatte einen Unfall. Aber ich war nicht schuld.  + Unfall I had an accident. But it wasn't my fault.  Tôi bị tai nạn. Nhưng đó không phải là lỗi của tôi.
Exercise 24-1 Sie sind verpflichtet, den Unfall zu melden.  + Unfall You are obliged to report the accident.  Bạn có nghĩa vụ báo cáo tai nạn.
Exercise 24-1 Was war der Grund für den Unfall? + Unfall What was the reason for the accident? Lý do của tai nạn là gì?
Exercise 24-5 Ich hätte gern eine Schachtel Zigaretten.  + Schachtel I'd like a pack of cigarettes.  Tôi muốn một gói thuốc lá.
Exercise 24-7 Ich habe zum Geburtstag eine goldene Kette bekommen.  + Kette I got a gold necklace for my birthday.  Tôi có một chiếc vòng cổ vàng cho ngày sinh nhật của tôi.
Exercise 24-7 Sie trug eine Kette um den Hals. + Kette She had a necklace around her neck. Cô đã có một vòng cổ quanh cổ cô.
Exercise 24-8 Hast Du die Pakete gut verpackt?  + verpacken Did you pack the packages well?  Bạn đã gói hàng tốt chưa?
Exercise 24-8 Er hat die Gläser für den Umzug sorgfältig verpackt. + verpacken He carefully packed the glasses for the parade. Anh cẩn thận đóng gói kính cho cuộc diễu hành.
Exercise 25-1 Gleich kriegst du eine Ohrfeige!  + kriegen I'll slap you in the face!  Tôi sẽ tát bạn vào mặt!
Exercise 25-2 Auf die Waschmaschine haben Sie ein Jahr Garantie.  + Garantie The washing machine comes with a one year guarantee.  Máy giặt được bảo hành một năm.
Exercise 25-3 Es wird nicht lange dauern, bis sie wiederkommt.  + dauern It won't be long before she comes back.  Nó sẽ không lâu trước khi cô trở lại.
Exercise 25-3 Wir müssen unser Ziel um jeden Preis erreichen.  +  Ziel We must achieve our goal at all costs.  Chúng ta phải đạt được mục tiêu của mình bằng mọi giá.
Exercise 25-4 Gestern hat sich ein Unfall ereignet.  + sich ereignen There was an accident yesterday.  Có một tai nạn hôm qua.
Exercise 25-4 Wo genau hat sich das Unglück ereignet?  + sich ereignen Where exactly did the disaster take place?  Chính xác thì thiên tai diễn ra ở đâu?
Exercise 25-4 Sie erhalten für Ihre Tätigkeit 600 Euro im Monat.  + erhalten* You will receive 600 Euro per month for your activity.  Bạn sẽ nhận được 600 Euro mỗi tháng cho hoạt động của bạn.
Exercise 25-4 Der Film war toll. Die Schauspieler waren sehr gut.  + Schauspieler The movie was great. The actors were very good.  Bộ phim là tuyệt vời. Các diễn viên rất tốt.
Exercise 25-4 Er ist ein äußerst vielseitiger Schauspieler. + Schauspieler He is an extremely versatile actor. Anh ấy là một diễn viên vô cùng linh hoạt.
Exercise 25-5 Mein Sohn arbeitet in einer Autofabrik.  + Fabrik My son works in a car factory.  Con trai tôi làm việc trong một nhà máy sản xuất xe hơi.
Exercise 25-5 Diese Fabrik produziert 300 Autos am Tag. + Fabrik This factory produces 300 cars a day. Nhà máy này sản xuất 300 xe một ngày.
Exercise 25-5 Es ist eine Oper in fünf Akten.  + Oper It's an opera in five acts.  Đó là một vở opera với năm tác phẩm.
Exercise 25-6 Kannst du mir helfen? Das Paket kann ich nicht heben.  + heben* Can you help me? I can't lift the package.  Bạn có thể giúp tôi được không? Tôi không thể nhấc bao.
Exercise 25-6 Hinter dem Tor geht es zur Fabrik.  + Tor Behind the gate we go to the factory.  Phía sau cửa khẩu chúng tôi đi đến nhà máy.
Exercise 25-6 Die Fenster liegen zum Hof hin. + hin The windows face the courtyard. Các cửa sổ nhìn ra sân.
Exercise 25-7 Schreibst du mir eine Karte aus dem Urlaub?  + Karte Will you write me a card from vacation?  Bạn sẽ viết cho tôi một tấm thẻ từ kỳ nghỉ?
Exercise 25-8 Wir kennen uns von früher her. + früher We've known each other since before. Chúng tôi đã quen nhau từ trước.
Exercise 25-9 Der Schwarzwald ist eine sehr schöne Gegend.  + Gegend The Black Forest is a very beautiful area.  Rừng Đen là một khu vực rất đẹp.
Exercise 26-7 Wie hat sie auf die Einladung reagiert? + reagieren How did she react to the invitation? Cô ấy phản ứng thế nào với lời mời?
Exercise 26-8 Mit 15 wollte ich gerne Klavier spielen lernen. Aber damals hatte ich kein Geld dafür.  + damals When I was 15, I wanted to learn to play the piano. But back then, I didn't have the money.  Khi tôi 15 tuổi, tôi muốn học piano. Nhưng trước đó, tôi không có tiền.
Exercise 26-9 Er hat einen guten Charakter.  + Charakter He has a good character.  Anh ấy có một nhân vật tốt.
Exercise 26-9 Man sollte versuchen, den Charakter dieser Landschaft zu erhalten.  + Charakter One should try to preserve the character of this landscape.  Một nên cố gắng để bảo vệ tính chất của cảnh quan này.
Exercise 26-9 Wenn Sie unsere Bedingungen akzeptieren, können wir einen Vertrag machen.  + Bedingung If you accept our terms and conditions, we can make a contract.  Nếu bạn chấp nhận các điều khoản và điều kiện của chúng tôi, chúng tôi có thể làm một hợp đồng.
Exercise 27-1 Ich habe den Empfang des Pakets bestätigt.  + bestätigen I have confirmed receipt of the package.  Tôi đã xác nhận nhận gói.
Exercise 27-1 Um diese Uhrzeit finden wir sicher keinen Parkplatz.  + Parkplatz I'm sure we won't be able to find a parking space at this hour.  Tôi chắc chắn chúng tôi sẽ không thể tìm thấy một chỗ đậu xe vào giờ này.
Exercise 27-1 Alle Parkplätze sind besetzt.  + Parkplatz All parking spaces are occupied.  Tất cả các chỗ đỗ xe đều được sử dụng.
Exercise 27-1 Ich habe keinen Parkplatz gefunden.  + Parkplatz I didn't find any parking space.  Tôi không tìm thấy bất kỳ chỗ đậu xe nào.
Exercise 27-4 Vor dieser Reise ist eine Impfung notwendig + Reise A vaccination is necessary before this trip Cần tiêm chủng trước chuyến đi này
Exercise 27-5 Peter ist krank. Jemand muss ihn ersetzen.  + ersetzen Peter's sick. Someone has to replace him.  Peter đau ốm. Ai đó phải thay thế anh ta.
Exercise 27-5 Sie sollten Ihre alten Reifen durch neue Reifen ersetzen. + ersetzen You should replace your old tyres with new tyres. Bạn nên thay lốp cũ bằng lốp mới.
Exercise 27-5 Bringen Sie mir das Auto morgen wieder zurück! Kann ich michdarauf verlassen?  + verlassen* Bring the car back to me tomorrow! Can I count on that?  Mang xe lại cho tôi vào ngày mai! Tôi có thể tin tưởng vào điều đó không?
Exercise 27-5 Sie bekommen von unserer Firma einen Ersatz für das kaputte Gerät.  + Ersatz You will get a replacement for the broken device from our company.  Bạn sẽ nhận được một sự thay thế cho thiết bị bị hỏng từ công ty của chúng tôi.
Exercise 27-5 Die Agentur schickte Ersatz für die Sekretärin, die gekündigt hatte.  + Ersatz The agency sent replacements for the secretary who quit.  Cơ quan đã gửi thư thay cho thư ký bỏ thuốc lá.
Exercise 27-5 Wir werden so schnell keinen Ersatz für den Koch finden.  + Ersatz We won't be able to find a replacement for the chef that quickly.  Chúng tôi sẽ không thể tìm thấy một sự thay thế cho đầu bếp nhanh chóng.
Exercise 27-5 Dieses Paket erfordert besondere Behandlung.  + besondere This package requires special treatment.  Gói này yêu cầu điều trị đặc biệt.
Exercise 27-8 Wo ist die Apotheke? Gleich um die Ecke.  + Ecke Where's the pharmacy? Right around the corner.  Đâu là hiệu thuốc? Ngay xung quanh góc.
Exercise 27-9 Wir können Ihnen einen günstigen Vertrag für Ihr Mobiltelefonanbieten.  + Mobiltelefon We can offer you a favorable contract for your mobile phone.  Chúng tôi có thể cung cấp cho bạn một hợp đồng thuận lợi cho điện thoại di động của bạn.
Exercise 28-2 Nach dem Unfall schwebte er in Lebensgefahr.  + Lebensgefahr After the accident, he was in danger of death.  Sau vụ tai nạn, anh ta có nguy cơ tử vong.
Exercise 28-2 Die Polizei untersucht die Ursache des Unfalls.  + Ursache The police are investigating the cause of the accident.  Công an đang điều tra nguyên nhân của vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 28-3 Wir konnten den Unfall nicht verhindern.  + verhindern We couldn't prevent the accident.  Chúng tôi không thể ngăn được tai nạn.
Exercise 28-3 Nach dem Unfall schwebte er in Lebensgefahr.  + Lebensgefahr After the accident, he was in danger of death.  Sau vụ tai nạn, anh ta có nguy cơ tử vong.
Exercise 28-3 Die Polizei untersucht die Ursache des Unfalls.  + Ursache The police are investigating the cause of the accident.  Công an đang điều tra nguyên nhân của vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 28-4 Welche Nebenwirkungen hat dieses Medikament?  + Wirkung What side effects may interact with this medicine?  Tác dụng phụ có thể tương tác với thuốc này?
Exercise 28-5 Ich habe auf der Post ein Paket aufgegeben.  + aufgeben* I left a package at the post office.  Tôi để lại một gói tại bưu điện.
Exercise 28-5 Ich habe mir im Urlaub das Bein gebrochen.  + brechen* I broke my leg on vacation.  Tôi đã nghỉ chân vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 28-5 Sie verschwand spurlos.  + verschwinden* She disappeared without a trace.  Cô biến mất mà không có dấu vết.
Exercise 28-7 Der genaue Zeitpunkt ihrer Ankunft ist nicht bekannt.  + Zeitpunkt The exact time of their arrival is not known.  Thời gian chính xác khi đến là không biết.
Exercise 28-7 Hast du das Paket zur Post gebracht?  + Paket Did you take the package to the post office?  Bạn đã mang gói hàng đến bưu điện chưa?
Exercise 28-7 Ist das Paket noch nicht angekommen?  + Paket Has the package not arrived yet?  Gói hàng này chưa đến chưa?
Exercise 28-7 Hast du mein Paket bekommen?  + Paket Did you get my package?  Bạn đã nhận được gói của tôi?
Exercise 28-7 Jeder Mitarbeiter hat ein eigenes Postfach.  + Postfach Each employee has his own mailbox.  Mỗi nhân viên có hộp thư riêng của mình.
Exercise 28-8 Er bremste sein Auto gerade rechtzeitig, um einen Unfall zu verhindern.  + bremsen He braked his car just in time to prevent an accident.  Anh phanh xe đúng thời gian để ngăn ngừa một tai nạn.
Exercise 28-8 Die Apotheke ist gleich um die Ecke.  + um The pharmacy's around the corner.  Nhà thuốc tây ở góc.
Exercise 28-9 Nach diesem Unfall hat man ihm den Führerschein abgenommen. + Führerschein After that accident, they took his license away. Sau tai nạn đó, họ lấy giấy phép của mình đi.
Exercise 28-9 Der Verkehr kam praktisch zum Stillstand.  + Verkehr Traffic practically came to a halt.  Giao thông thực tế đã dừng lại.
Exercise 29-1 Wir kennen uns zwar nicht näher, aber wir grüßen uns.  + grüßen We don't know each other very well, but we say hello.  Chúng tôi không biết nhau rất tốt, nhưng chúng tôi chào hỏi.
Exercise 29-1 Sie grüßen sich nicht mehr. + grüßen They stopped greeting each other. Họ ngừng chào hỏi lẫn nhau.
Exercise 29-1 Die Kleider packen wir zuletzt ein.  + zuletzt The last thing we pack is the clothes.  Điều cuối cùng chúng tôi gói là quần áo.
Exercise 29-2 Er ist ein Vertreter für Staubsauger.  + Vertreter He's a representative for vacuum cleaners.  Anh ấy là đại diện cho máy hút bụi.
Exercise 29-2 Die Polizei sucht noch Zeugen für den Unfall.  + Zeuge The police are still looking for witnesses to the accident.  Cảnh sát vẫn đang tìm kiếm nhân chứng cho vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 29-2 Er war der einzige Zeuge des Unfalls.  + Zeuge He was the only witness to the accident.  Anh ta là nhân chứng duy nhất cho vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 29-3 Er hat ihr zum Abschied eine Kette geschenkt.  + schenken He gave her a necklace to say goodbye.  Anh đưa cho cô một sợi dây chuyền để nói lời tạm biệt.
Exercise 29-3 Diese Arbeit verlangt persönliche Opfer.  + Opfer This work demands personal sacrifices.  Công việc này đòi hỏi những hy sinh cá nhân.
Exercise 29-5 Das Kind griff nach der Hand der Mutter.  + greifen* The child reached for the mother's hand.  Đứa trẻ chạm tay mẹ.
Exercise 29-5 Auf der regennassen Fahrbahn griffen die Räder nicht mehr.  + greifen* The wheels no longer grip the wet road surface.  Các bánh xe không còn nắm chặt bề mặt đường ướt.
Exercise 29-5 Dort an der Ampel kannst du über die Straße gehen.  + Ampel At the traffic lights you can walk across the street.  Tại đèn giao thông bạn có thể đi bộ qua đường phố.
Exercise 29-5 In der Fahrschule gab es theoretische Kurse und Praxisstunden.  + Fahrschule The driving school offered theoretical courses and practical lessons.  Trường lái xe đưa ra các khóa học lý thuyết và các bài học thực tiễn.
Exercise 29-5 Der Unfall wird rechtliche Konsequenzen haben.  + Konsequenz The accident will have legal consequences.  Tai nạn sẽ có hậu quả pháp lý.
Exercise 29-5 Er war bereit, die Konsequenzen zu tragen.  + Konsequenz He was prepared to face the consequences.  Ông đã chuẩn bị để đối phó với hậu quả.
Exercise 29-5 Schwarzfahren kostet 60 Euro Strafe.  + Strafe Black driving costs 60 Euro fine.  Chi phí lái xe đen là 60 Euro.
Exercise 29-7 Im Urlaub habe ich mich sehr gut erholt.  + sich erholen On vacation I recovered very well.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, tôi hồi phục rất tốt.
Exercise 29-7 Können Sie mir bitte mal zeigen, wie der Automat funktioniert?  + funktionieren Can you show me how the vending machine works, please?  Bạn có thể cho tôi biết làm thế nào các máy bán hàng tự động, xin vui lòng?
Exercise 29-7 Der Apparat funktioniert nicht.  + funktionieren The machine doesn't work.  Máy không hoạt động.
Exercise 29-7 Dieses Sofa nimmt zu viel Platz in Anspruch.  + Anspruch This sofa takes up too much space.  Bộ sofa này chiếm quá nhiều không gian.
Exercise 29-7 Er stellt hohe Ansprüche an seine Mitarbeiter. + Anspruch He places high demands on his employees. Ông đặt ra yêu cầu cao cho nhân viên của mình.
Exercise 29-8 Mir tut der Rücken weh.  + weh tun* My back hurts.  Tôi bị đau lưng.
Exercise 29-9 Auf dem Brief fehlt der Absender.  + fehlen The letter lacks the sender.  Lá thư này thiếu người gửi.
Exercise 30-4 Dies bewog ihn schließlich dazu, die Stelle anzunehmen. + bewegen* This eventually led him to accept the position. Điều này cuối cùng dẫn anh ta chấp nhận vị trí.
Exercise 30-4 Ich habe bereits Urlaub gehabt.  + bereits I've already been on vacation.  Tôi đã đi nghỉ.
Exercise 30-5 Er wurde bei dem Unfall schwer verletzt.  + verletzen He was seriously injured in the accident.  Anh ta bị thương nặng trong vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 30-7 Ich bete, dass sie zurückkommt.  + beten I pray she comes back.  Tôi cầu nguyện cô ấy trở lại.
Exercise 30-7 Das Kind reicht mir schon bis an die Schultern.  + reichen  The kid's been reaching up to my shoulders.  Đứa trẻ đang vươn tới vai tôi.
Exercise 30-7 Seit dem Unfall ist er körperlich behindert. + körperlich He's been physically disabled since the accident. Anh ta đã bị khuyết tật về thể chất kể từ vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 30-8 Bist du auch auf seine Reaktion neugierig?  + neugierig Are you curious about his reaction, too?  Bạn cũng tò mò về phản ứng của anh ấy?
Exercise 30-9 Es gibt verschiedene Arten, darauf zu reagieren.  + Art There are different ways of reacting to this.  Có nhiều cách phản ứng khác nhau.
Exercise 30-9 Das ist die einfachste Art, sein Ziel zu erreichen.  + Art That's the easiest way to reach your goal.  Đó là cách dễ dàng nhất để đạt được mục tiêu của bạn.
Exercise 31-4 Ich soll dieses Päckchen bei Herrn Müller abgeben.  + abgeben*  I'm supposed to deliver this package to Mr. Müller.  Tôi phải đưa gói này cho ông Müller.
Exercise 31-4 Der Schrank nahm zu viel Raum ein in dem Zimmer.  + einnehmen* The cupboard took up too much space in the room.  Cái tủ đựng quá nhiều không gian trong phòng.
Exercise 31-4 Übung macht den Meister. + Meister Practice makes perfect. Tập luyện giúp hoàn hảo hơn.
Exercise 31-5 Der Sieger des heutigen Spiels wird nächste Woche gegen den Weltmeister antreten. + Sieger The winner of today's game will face the world champion next week. Người chiến thắng của trò chơi ngày hôm nay sẽ đối mặt với nhà vô địch thế giới vào tuần tới.
Exercise 31-6 Ich bin sehr aktiv und mache viel Sport.  + aktiv I am very active and do a lot of sports.  Tôi rất năng động và có nhiều môn thể thao.
Exercise 31-6 Er spielte eine aktive Rolle in der Revolution.  + aktiv He played an active role in the revolution.  Ông đã đóng một vai trò tích cực trong cuộc cách mạng.
Exercise 31-6 Er ist über 70, aber er ist noch sehr aktiv.  + aktiv He's over 70, but he's still very active.  Anh ấy đã 70 tuổi, nhưng anh ấy vẫn rất năng động.
Exercise 31-7 Ich finde unseren Trainer sehr nett.  + Trainer I think our coach is very nice.  Tôi nghĩ rằng huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi là rất tốt đẹp.
Exercise 31-7 Unsere Fußballmannschaft hat einen erfahrenen Trainer.  + Trainer Our football team has an experienced coach.  Đội bóng của chúng tôi có một HLV giàu kinh nghiệm.
Exercise 31-7 Die Veranstaltung findet in der großen Halle im ersten Stock statt.  + Halle The event will take place in the large hall on the first floor.  Sự kiện sẽ diễn ra tại hội trường lớn ở tầng một.
Exercise 31-7 Ein schweres Unglück ist geschehen.  + Unglück A terrible accident has happened.  Một tai nạn khủng khiếp đã xảy ra.
Exercise 31-8 Ich bin gespannt auf seine Reaktion.  + gespannt I look forward to his reaction.  Tôi mong đợi phản ứng của anh ấy.
Exercise 31-9 Der Lehrer hat großen Einfluss auf seine Schüler.  + Einfluss The teacher has a great influence on his students.  Giáo viên có ảnh hưởng lớn đến sinh viên của mình.
Exercise 31-9 Die Hälfte vom Urlaub ist schon vorbei.  + Hälfte Half the vacation's already over.  Một nửa kỳ nghỉ đã kết thúc.
Exercise 32-1 Gibt es hier in der Nähe ein gemütliches Lokal?  + Lokal Is there a cozy place nearby?  Có một nơi ấm cúng gần đó không?
Exercise 32-2 Die beiden haben oft Streit miteinander. + Streit They're often at odds with each other. Chúng thường mâu thuẫn với nhau.
Exercise 32-2 Das Foto bringt viele schöne Erinnerungen zurück.  + Erinnerung The photo brings back many beautiful memories.  Hình ảnh mang lại nhiều kỷ niệm đẹp.
Exercise 32-2 Meine Freundin ist Lehrerin am Gymnasium.  + an My girlfriend is a high school teacher.  Bạn gái tôi là một giáo viên trung học.
Exercise 32-3 Das Hotel liegt etwa 100 m vom Strand entfernt.  + entfernt The hotel is located about 100 m from the beach.  Khách sạn nằm cách bãi biển khoảng 100 m.
Exercise 32-3 Wie weit ist der Ort entfernt von hier.  + entfernt How far is the place from here.  Từ đây đến đâu.
Exercise 32-3 Sie macht ein lustiges Gesicht.  + lustig She's making a funny face.  Cô ấy đang làm một bộ mặt buồn cười.
Exercise 32-4 Ich habe die Stelle durch die Vermittlung eines Freundes bekommen.  + Vermittlung I got the job through a friend's placement.  Tôi nhận được công việc qua vị trí của một người bạn.
Exercise 32-5 Das Paket ist schwer, fass doch mal an!  + anfassen The package is heavy, just touch it!  Gói là nặng, chỉ cần chạm vào nó!
Exercise 32-6 Gegen die Demonstranten wurde Polizei eingesetzt.  + einsetzen The demonstrators were attacked by police.  Những người biểu tình bị cảnh sát tấn công.
Exercise 32-6 Wie teuer ist das Päckchen? – Das hängt vom Gewicht ab.  + Gewicht How much is the package? It depends on the weight.  Gói bao nhiêu? Nó phụ thuộc vào trọng lượng.
Exercise 32-7 Wir können den Schrank links an die Wand schieben; dann haben wir mehr Platz.  + schieben* We can move the cupboard to the left against the wall; then we have more space.  Chúng ta có thể di chuyển tủ bên trái sang tường; sau đó chúng ta có nhiều không gian hơn.
Exercise 32-7 Er hat gute Kontakte zur Presse.  + Presse He has good contacts to the press.  Anh ấy có mối liên hệ tốt với báo chí.
Exercise 32-8 Der Trainer betreut die Jugendmannschaft.  + betreuen  The coach looks after the youth team.  Huấn luyện viên chăm sóc đội trẻ.
Exercise 32-8 Dieser Vorwurf ist unberechtigt.  + Vorwurf This accusation is unjustified.  Lời buộc tội này là không hợp lý.
Exercise 32-8 Ich habe genug von ihren Vorwürfen.  + Vorwurf I've had enough of her accusations.  Tôi đã có đủ cáo buộc.
Exercise 32-8 Das Paket liegt auf der Post für Sie bereit.  + bereit The package is ready for you at the post office.  Gói đã sẵn sàng cho bạn tại bưu điện.
Exercise 32-9 Er hat die Schuld an dem Unfall.  + Schuld He's to blame for the accident.  Anh ta đổ lỗi cho tai nạn.
Exercise 32-9 Ich hatte einen Unfall. – War es schlimm?  + schlimm I had an accident. Was it bad?  Tôi bị tai nạn. Nó là xấu?
Exercise 33-1 Sie klagt über starke Kopfschmerzen.  + klagen She complains of severe headaches.  Cô phàn nàn về những cơn nhức đầu dữ dội.
Exercise 33-2 Der Autofahrer drehte und fuhr zurück. + drehen  The driver turned and drove back. Người lái xe quay lại và lái xe về.
Exercise 33-2 Seien wir ehrlich. Wir werden es nie schaffen.  + ehrlich Let's face it. We'll never make it.  Hãy đối mặt với nó. Chúng ta sẽ không bao giờ làm được.
Exercise 33-3 Die nächste Prüfung findet Ende August statt.  + Ende The next examination will take place at the end of August.  Cuộc kiểm tra tiếp theo sẽ diễn ra vào cuối tháng Tám.
Exercise 33-4 Unsere Wohnung hat eine Wohnfläche von 100 m2.  + Fläche Our apartment has a living space of 100 m2.  Căn hộ của chúng tôi có một không gian sống là 100 m2.
Exercise 33-6 Die Maschine schaltet sich automatisch aus.  + ausschalten The machine switches off automatically.  Máy sẽ tự động tắt.
Exercise 33-6 Genau das wollte ich vermeiden. + vermeiden* That's exactly what I wanted to avoid. Đó là chính xác những gì tôi muốn tránh.
Exercise 33-6 Ich bin in circa einer Stunde zurück.  + circa I'll be back in about an hour.  Tôi sẽ trở lại trong khoảng một giờ.
Exercise 33-8 Ich habe im Urlaub ein Kilo zugenommen.  + zunehmen* I put on a pound on vacation.  Tôi đặt trên một pound vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 33-8 Diese Tat wird Folgen haben!  + Folge This act will have consequences!  Hành động này sẽ có hậu quả!
Exercise 33-9 Er ist über alle Maßen frech.  + Maß He's out of character.  Anh ấy không có tính cách.
Exercise 34-1 Die Bedienung dieser Maschine ist einfach.  + Bedienung Operation of this machine is simple.  Hoạt động của máy này là đơn giản.
Exercise 34-2 Wo möchtest du sitzen? Hinten oder vorne?  + hinten Where would you like to sit? Back or front?  Bạn muốn ngồi ở đâu? Trở lại hay phía trước?
Exercise 34-2 Bitte hinten aussteigen!  + hinten Please get out at the back!  Xin hãy ra ngoài!
Exercise 34-2 Der Eingang ist hinten.  + hinten The entrance's in the back.  Lối vào ở phía sau.
Exercise 34-2 Lasst uns nach hinten gehen.  + hinten Let's go to the back.  Chúng ta hãy đi đến phía sau.
Exercise 34-3 Bitte überweisen Sie den Betrag auf unser Konto.  + Betrag Please transfer the amount to our account.  Vui lòng chuyển số tiền này vào tài khoản của chúng tôi.
Exercise 34-3 Leg bitte die schmutzige Wäsche in die Waschmaschine.  + schmutzig Put the dirty laundry in the washing machine, please.  Đặt quần áo bẩn trong máy giặt, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 34-4 Ich kann diese Bedingungen nicht akzeptieren.  + akzeptieren I cannot accept these conditions.  Tôi không thể chấp nhận những điều kiện này.
Exercise 34-4 Irgendwie kann ich das einfach nicht akzeptieren.  + akzeptieren Somehow, I just can't accept that.  Bằng cách nào đó, tôi không thể chấp nhận điều đó.
Exercise 34-4 Akzeptieren Sie Kreditkarten?  + akzeptieren Do you accept credit cards?  Bạn có chấp nhận thẻ tín dụng?
Exercise 34-4 Der Vorschlag wurde von allen akzeptiert. + akzeptieren The proposal was accepted by everyone. Đề xuất đã được mọi người chấp nhận.
Exercise 34-5 Wer hat den Unfall beobachtet?  + beobachten  Who watched the accident?  Ai xem vụ tai nạn?
Exercise 34-5 Sie legen großen Wert darauf. + Wert They attach great importance to it. Họ chú trọng đến nó.
Exercise 34-7 Zigaretten bekommst du am Automaten.  + Automat You can get cigarettes at the vending machine.  Bạn có thể hút thuốc tại máy bán hàng tự động.
Exercise 34-7 Der Fahrkartenautomat ist auf dem Bahnsteig.  + Automat The ticket machine is on the platform.  Máy bán vé đặt trên nền.
Exercise 34-7 Dieser Automat funktioniert nicht. + Automat This machine does not work. Máy này không hoạt động.
Exercise 34-8 Bei diesem Spiel hat jeder Spieler vier Figuren.  + Figur In this game, each player has four pieces.  Trong trò chơi này, mỗi người chơi có bốn miếng.
Exercise 34-8 Ich hatte letzten Monat einen Unfall. Morgen ist die Gerichtsverhandlung.  + Gerichtsverhandlung I had an accident last month. The trial is tomorrow.  Tôi đã có một tai nạn hồi tháng trước. Phiên tòa là ngày mai.
Exercise 34-9 Drücken Sie auf diesen Knopf, um die Maschine zu starten.  + starten Press this button to start the machine.  Nhấn nút này để khởi động máy.
Exercise 34-9 Ich vermute, ihr werdet meine Einladung annehmen.  + vermuten I suppose you'll accept my invitation.  Tôi cho rằng bạn sẽ chấp nhận lời mời của tôi.
Exercise 34-9 Ich vermute, er kommt nicht wieder.  + vermuten I guess he won't be back.  Tôi đoán anh ấy sẽ không trở lại.
Exercise 35-1 Sie haben miteinander beraten, was zu tun sei.  + beraten* They discussed with each other what to do.  Họ thảo luận với nhau về những việc cần làm.
Exercise 35-1 Sie müssen zurückfahren, aber hier dürfen Sie nicht wenden.  + wenden* You have to go back, but you can't turn around here.  Bạn phải quay trở lại, nhưng bạn không thể quay lại đây.
Exercise 35-1 Wenden Sie sich an meinen Kollegen. + wenden* Please contact my colleague. Xin vui lòng liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi.
Exercise 35-1 In der Stadt herrscht heute furchtbarer Betrieb.  + Betrieb The city is a terrible place to be today.  Thành phố này là một nơi khủng khiếp để có được ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 35-2 Wie kann ich meine alte Kaffeemaschine entsorgen?  + entsorgen How can I dispose of my old coffee machine?  Bãi tính Theo tính thuận thuận Theo Fed.
Exercise 35-5 Für die Reise habe ich 500 Euro von meinem Konto abgehoben.  + abheben* For the trip I have withdrawn 500 Euro from my account.  Đối với chuyến đi tôi đã rút 500 Euro khỏi tài khoản của tôi.
Exercise 35-5 Ich möchte gern 600 Euro von meinem Sparbuch abheben.  + abheben* I would like to draw 600 euros from my savings account.  Tôi muốn rút 600 Euro từ tài khoản tiết kiệm của tôi.
Exercise 35-5 Die Miete wird per Dauerauftrag auf sein Girokonto überwiesen.  + überweisen* The rent is transferred by standing order to his current account.  Tiền thuê được chuyển bằng lệnh tạm thời vào tài khoản hiện tại của anh ta.
Exercise 35-6 Hast du schon ein Konto bei der Bank eröffnet?  + eröffnen Have you opened an account with the bank yet?  Bạn đã mở một tài khoản với ngân hàng chưa?
Exercise 35-6 Hast du Kleingeld für den Automaten? Ich habe nur Scheine.  + Schein Do you have any change for the machine? I only have bills.  Bạn có thay đổi gì đối với máy không? Tôi chỉ có hóa đơn.
Exercise 35-6 Wie viele Zinsen bekomme ich für mein Sparkonto?  + Zins How much interest do I get on my savings account?  Tôi nhận được bao nhiêu tiền trong tài khoản tiết kiệm của tôi?
Exercise 35-6 Die Überweisung ist noch nicht auf meinem Konto eingegangen.  + Überweisung The transfer has not yet been made to my account.  Việc chuyển nhượng vẫn chưa được thực hiện đối với tài khoản của tôi.
Exercise 35-6 Ich möchte ein Konto eröffnen.  + Konto I want to open an account.  Tôi muốn mở một tài khoản.
Exercise 35-6 Das Geld überweisen wir am ersten März auf Ihr Konto.  + Konto The money will be transferred to your account on the first of March.  Số tiền này sẽ được chuyển vào tài khoản của bạn vào đầu tháng 3.
Exercise 35-6 Der Betrag ist auf dem Konto eingegangen.  + Konto The amount has been credited to the account.  Số tiền này đã được ghi có vào tài khoản.
Exercise 35-6 Wir haben den Betrag Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben.  + Konto We have credited the amount to your account.  Chúng tôi đã ghi có số tiền vào tài khoản của bạn.
Exercise 35-6 Wir haben Ihr Konto mit 100 Euro belastet. + Konto We debited your account with 100 Euro. Chúng tôi đã ghi nợ tài khoản của bạn với 100 Euro.
Exercise 35-7 Ich habe den Vertrag unterschrieben.  + unterschreiben* I signed the contract.  Tôi ký hợp đồng.
Exercise 35-7 Auf dem Schreiben fehlt die Unterschrift.  + Unterschrift The letter lacks a signature.  Lá thư này thiếu chữ ký.
Exercise 35-7 Mit seiner Unterschrift bestätigte er den Vertrag.  + Unterschrift With his signature he confirmed the contract.  Với chữ ký của mình, ông đã xác nhận hợp đồng.
Exercise 35-7 Sie haben keine Geheimnisse voreinander.  + Geheimnis They have no secrets from each other.  Họ không có bí mật từ mỗi khác.
Exercise 35-7 Mein Girokonto kostet gar nichts.  + Girokonto My checking account costs nothing.  Tài khoản kiểm tra của tôi không có gì.
Exercise 35-7 Das Gehalt wird jeden Monat auf das Girokonto überwiesen.  + Girokonto The salary is transferred to the current account every month.  Tiền lương được chuyển vào tài khoản vãng lai mỗi tháng.
Exercise 35-8 Sie haben Zahnschmerzen? Ich verschreibe Ihnen ein Schmerzmittel.  + Schmerzmittel You have a toothache? I'll prescribe you a painkiller.  Bạn bị đau răng? Tôi sẽ kê toa cho bạn một thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 36-1 Die Zahlung ist auf meinem Konto eingegangen. + Zahlung The payment has been made to my account. Thanh toán đã được thực hiện vào tài khoản của tôi.
Exercise 36-2 Ich habe gestern Geld auf mein Bankkonto eingezahlt.  + einzahlen I put money in my bank account yesterday.  Tôi đã bỏ tiền vào tài khoản ngân hàng của tôi hôm qua.
Exercise 36-2 Ich möchte 1000 Euro auf mein Konto einzahlen.  + einzahlen I would like to deposit 1000 Euro into my account.  Tôi muốn gửi 1000 Euro vào tài khoản của tôi.
Exercise 36-2 Seid ihr schon zu einer Entscheidung gekommen?  + Entscheidung Have you reached a decision yet?  Bạn đã quyết định chưa?
Exercise 36-2 Haben Sie ein Mittel gegen Magenschmerzen?  + Mittel Do you have a cure for stomach pain?  Bạn có thuốc chữa đau dạ dày không?
Exercise 36-4 Die Kaffeemaschine ist ganz leicht zu bedienen.  + bedienen The coffee machine is very easy to operate.  Máy pha cà phê rất dễ vận hành.
Exercise 36-4 Der Unfall behindert den Verkehr. + behindern The accident hinders traffic. Tai nạn gây cản trở giao thông.
Exercise 36-4 Die Bank hat die Gebühren für die Kontoführung erhöht.  + Gebühr The bank has increased the fees for account management.  Ngân hàng đã tăng phí quản lý tài khoản.
Exercise 36-5 Diese Jacke muss gereinigt werden.  + reinigen This jacket needs to be cleaned.  Áo khoác này cần được làm sạch.
Exercise 36-5 Er hatte entgegen dem Vertrag gehandelt.  + entgegen He had acted contrary to the contract.  Anh ta đã hành động trái ngược với hợp đồng.
Exercise 36-5 Sie können sich jederzeit an mich wenden.  + jederzeit  You can contact me at any time.  Bạn có thể liên hệ với tôi bất cứ lúc nào.
Exercise 36-5 Er ist jederzeit erreichbar.  + jederzeit  He can be reached at any time.  Anh ta có thể đạt được bất cứ lúc nào.
Exercise 36-6 Er hat eine großzügige Wohnung. + großzügig He has a spacious apartment. Anh ấy có một căn hộ rộng rãi.
Exercise 36-6 Der Urlaub war herrlich.  + herrlich The vacation was wonderful.  Kỳ nghỉ là tuyệt vời.
Exercise 36-7 Die Kinder kommen miteinander zurecht.  + zurechtkommen* The children get along with each other.  Các em có được với nhau.
Exercise 36-7 Das Modell wird nicht mehr hergestellt.  + Modell The model is no longer manufactured.  Mô hình không còn được sản xuất.
Exercise 36-8 Ich bin rückwärts aus der Garage gefahren.  + rückwärts I drove out of the garage backwards.  Tôi lái xe ra khỏi gara trở lại.
Exercise 36-8 Er kann schlecht rückwärts einparken. + rückwärts It's hard for him to park backwards. Thật khó cho anh ta để đậu ngược.
Exercise 36-9 Die Maschine ist außer Betrieb.  + Maschine The machine is out of order.  Máy không hoạt động.
Exercise 37-1 Der Kursleiter geht mit unserem Kurs manchmal in den Computerraum.  + Kursleiter The teacher sometimes goes into the computer room with our course.  Thầy giáo đôi khi đi vào phòng máy tính với khóa học của chúng tôi.
Exercise 37-2 Schicken Sie das Päckchen an den Absender zurück. + Absender Return the package to the sender. Trả lại gói cho người gửi.
Exercise 37-2 Es fehlt die genaue Adresse des Empfängers.  + Empfänger The exact address of the recipient is missing.  Địa chỉ chính xác của người nhận bị thiếu.
Exercise 37-3 Die Versammlung findet morgen Abend um 18 Uhr statt.  + Versammlung The meeting will take place tomorrow night at 6:00 p. m.  Cuộc họp sẽ diễn ra vào đêm mai vào lúc 6:00. m.
Exercise 37-4 Sie müssen sich hinten anstellen!  + anstellen You have to line up in the back!  Bạn phải xếp hàng sau lưng!
Exercise 37-4 Den Unfall müssen Sie der Versicherung melden.  + melden You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-4 Wir haben der Polizei den Unfall gemeldet.  + melden We reported the accident to the police.  Chúng tôi báo cáo tai nạn cho cảnh sát.
Exercise 37-4 Melde dich mal wieder! + melden Get back to me! Quay lại với tôi!
Exercise 37-4 Muss ich nochmal wiederkommen? – Nein, das ist nicht notwendig.  + notwendig Do I have to come back again? No, that is not necessary.  Tôi có phải quay lại không? Không, điều đó không cần thiết.
Exercise 37-5 Sie müssen den Unfall der Versicherung melden.  + Versicherung You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-7 Fünf Firmen bewerben sich um den Auftrag. + bewerben* Five companies are competing for the contract. Năm công ty đang cạnh tranh về hợp đồng.
Exercise 37-9 Seit dem Unfall bekommt meine Tante eine kleine Rente.  + Rente Since the accident, my aunt gets a little pension.  Kể từ vụ tai nạn, dì của tôi nhận được một khoản trợ cấp nhỏ.
Exercise 38-4 Er trägt die Verantwortung für den Unfall. + Verantwortung He's responsible for the accident. Anh ta chịu trách nhiệm về tai nạn.
Exercise 38-4 Er ist für den Unfall allein verantwortlich.  + verantwortlich He is solely responsible for the accident.  Anh ta chịu trách nhiệm về tai nạn.
Exercise 38-4 Er macht das schlechte Wetter für den Unfall verantwortlich.  + verantwortlich He blames the bad weather for the accident.  Ông đổ lỗi cho thời tiết xấu cho vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 38-5 Ich habe den Film im Urlaub aufgenommen.  + aufnehmen* I took the film on vacation.  Tôi đã quay phim vào kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 38-5 Ich kann meinen Urlaub kaum erwarten.  + erwarten I can't wait for my vacation.  Tôi không thể chờ đợi kỳ nghỉ của mình.
Exercise 38-5 Das ist genau, was ich erwartet hatte.  + erwarten That's exactly what I expected.  Đó là chính xác những gì tôi mong đợi.
Exercise 38-6 Katarina sieht genauso aus wie ihre Schwester.  + genauso  Katarina looks exactly like her sister.  Katarina trông giống hệt chị gái cô.
Exercise 38-7 Du musst dich mit den Tatsachen abfinden.  + Tatsache You have to accept the facts.  Bạn phải chấp nhận sự thật.
Exercise 38-7 Entspricht das den Tatsachen?  + Tatsache Does that correspond to the facts?  Điều đó tương ứng với sự thật?
Exercise 38-7 Das widerspricht den Tatsachen.  + Tatsache That is contrary to the facts.  Điều đó trái với sự thật.
Exercise 38-7 Das ist eine Verdrehung der Tatsachen. + Tatsache That's a distortion of the facts. Đó là sự bóp méo sự thật.
Exercise 38-7 Habt ihr das tatsächlich so gesehen?  + tatsächlich Did you actually see it that way?  Bạn đã thực sự nhìn thấy nó theo cách đó?
Exercise 38-7 Das ist tatsächlich vorgekommen.  + tatsächlich That actually happened.  Điều đó thực sự xảy ra.
Exercise 38-8 Gestern hat mich die neue Mieterin im Treppenhaus angesprochen.  + ansprechen* Yesterday, the new tenant in the stairwell approached me.  Hôm qua, người thuê nhà mới ở cầu thang tiếp cận tôi.
Exercise 38-8 Diese Impfung schützt vor Grippe.  + schützen This vaccination protects against influenza.  Việc chủng ngừa này bảo vệ chống lại bệnh cúm.
Exercise 39-1 Die Firma produziert seit zehn Jahren Baumaschinen.  + produzieren The company has been producing construction machinery for ten years.  Công ty đã được sản xuất máy móc xây dựng trong mười năm.
Exercise 39-1 Bei dem Unfall wurden zwei Menschen getötet.  + töten Two people were killed in the accident.  Hai người đã thiệt mạng trong vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 39-4 Der Bauer wirtschaftet nach ökologischen Grundsätzen.  + ökologisch The farmer works according to ecological principles.  Nông dân hoạt động theo nguyên tắc sinh thái.
Exercise 39-5 Auf der Autobahn ist ein schrecklicher Unfall passiert.  + schrecklich There was a terrible accident on the freeway.  Có một tai nạn khủng khiếp trên xa lộ.
Exercise 39-6 Der Tisch hat eine glatte Oberfläche.  + glatt The table has a smooth surface.  Bàn có bề mặt nhẵn.
Exercise 39-7 In der neuen Küche fehlt noch der Herd.  + Herd The new kitchen still lacks a stove.  Nhà bếp mới vẫn thiếu bếp.
Exercise 39-8 Haben Sie schon eine Unfallversicherung abgeschlossen?  + abschließen Have you already taken out accident insurance?  Bạn đã thực hiện bảo hiểm tai nạn?
Exercise 39-8 Die Fabrik stellt Elektroherde her.  + Elektroherd The factory produces electric cookers.  Nhà máy sản xuất bếp điện.
Exercise 39-9 Jeder Mieter muss zwei Monatsmieten als Kaution bezahlen.  + Mieter Each tenant has to pay two months rent as a deposit.  Mỗi người thuê nhà phải trả tiền thuê nhà hai tháng.
Exercise 39-9 Das Haus hat 120 Quadratmeter Wohnfläche.  + Quadratmeter The house has 120 square meters of living space.  Ngôi nhà có 120 mét vuông diện tích sinh hoạt.
Exercise 40-3 Man sollte miteinander reden, statt die Probleme unter den Teppich zu kehren.  + Teppich We should talk to each other instead of sweeping the problems under the carpet.  Chúng ta nên nói chuyện với nhau thay vì quét các vấn đề dưới thảm.
Exercise 40-3 Wann findet der Umzug statt?  + Umzug When does the move take place?  Khi nào di chuyển diễn ra?
Exercise 40-4 Sie haben die Ursache des Unglücks herausgefunden.  + herausfinden* They found out the cause of the accident.  Họ phát hiện nguyên nhân của vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 40-5 Darauf kann ich leider keine Rücksicht nehmen. + Rücksicht I'm afraid I can't take that into account. Tôi e rằng tôi không thể tính đến điều đó.
Exercise 40-6 Sie drehte ihm beleidigt den Rücken zu.  + beleidigen She turned her back to him insulted.  Cô quay lưng lại với anh ta bị sỉ nhục.
Exercise 40-6 Sie machte ein beleidigtes Gesicht.  + beleidigen She made an insulting face.  Cô ấy có một khuôn mặt xúc phạm.
Exercise 40-6 Diese Tätigkeit erfordert viel Geduld.  + erfordern This activity requires a lot of patience.  Hoạt động này đòi hỏi nhiều sự kiên nhẫn.
Exercise 40-6 Ich mache Sie darauf aufmerksam, dass wir in einer halben Stunde schließen.  + aufmerksam I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that we're closing in half an hour.  Tôi muốn thu hút sự chú ý của bạn vào thực tế là chúng ta sẽ đóng cửa trong nửa giờ.
Exercise 40-6 Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, dass du genau tust, was ich sage.  + erforderlich It's imperative that you do exactly as I say.  Điều bắt buộc bạn phải làm chính xác như tôi nói.
Exercise 40-7 Zum Abschied haben wir uns umarmt.  + umarmen We hugged each other goodbye.  Chúng tôi ôm nhau chào tạm biệt.
Exercise 40-7 Sie umarmten sich herzlich.  + umarmen They hugged each other warmly.  Họ ôm nhau nồng nhiệt.
Exercise 40-7 Ich könnte die ganze Welt umarmen. + umarmen I could embrace the whole world. Tôi có thể nắm lấy cả thế giới.
Exercise 40-7 Der Urlaub war eine Katastrophe. Es hat nur geregnet.  + Katastrophe The vacation was a disaster. It was just raining.  Kỳ nghỉ là một thảm hoạ. Trời mưa.
Exercise 40-7 Ich finde unseren Lehrer klasse.  + klasse I think our teacher's great.  Tôi nghĩ rằng giáo viên của chúng tôi tuyệt vời.
Exercise 40-8 Unsere Tochter hat einen sehr strengen Lehrer.  + streng Our daughter has a very strict teacher.  Con gái chúng ta có một giáo viên rất nghiêm ngặt.
Exercise 40-8 Seine zukünftige Frau ist Lehrerin.  + zukünftig His future wife is a teacher.  Người vợ tương lai của ông là một giáo viên.
Exercise 41-2 Dafür fehlt mir jedes Verständnis.  + Verständnis I lack any understanding of that.  Tôi thiếu hiểu biết về điều đó.
Exercise 41-4 Sie führten eine Untersuchung der Unfallursache durch.  + Untersuchung They did an investigation into the cause of the accident.  Họ đã tiến hành điều tra vụ việc.
Exercise 41-5 Für dieses Quartal müssen Sie wieder die Praxisgebühr bezahlen.  + Quartal For this quarter you have to pay the practice fee again.  Trong quý này, bạn phải trả lại lệ phí hành nghề một lần nữa.
Exercise 41-5 Wir zahlen unsere Miete am Ende jedes Quartals.  + Quartal We pay our rent at the end of each quarter.  Chúng tôi trả tiền thuê vào cuối mỗi quý.
Exercise 41-5 Wir haben uns zufällig am Bahnhof getroffen.  + zufällig We ran into each other at the station.  Chúng tôi chạy vào nhau tại nhà ga.
Exercise 41-6 An dieser Kreuzung passieren regelmäßig Unfälle.  + Kreuzung There are regular accidents at this intersection.  Có những tai nạn thường xuyên tại giao lộ này.
Exercise 41-7 Ist hier in der Nähe eine Apotheke?  + Apotheke Is there a pharmacy nearby?  Có một tiệm thuốc tây gần đó không?
Exercise 41-7 Die Apotheke befindet sich am Ende dieser Straße.  + Apotheke The pharmacy is at the end of this street.  Hiệu thuốc ở cuối con đường này.
Exercise 41-7 In der heutigen Zeitung ist ein langer Bericht über den Unfall.  + heutig There's a long story about the accident in today's paper.  Có một câu chuyện dài về tai nạn trong bài báo hôm nay.
Exercise 41-7 Vorhin hat Julia angerufen. Du sollst sie zurückrufen.  + vorhin Julia called earlier. I want you to call her back.  Julia gọi trước. Tôi muốn bạn gọi cô ấy trở lại.
Exercise 41-8 Sie sollten sich gegen Grippe impfen lassen.  + impfen You should get yourself vaccinated against influenza.  Bạn nên tự mình chủng ngừa cúm.
Exercise 41-8 Man muss sich vor der Reise impfen lassen.  + impfen You have to get vaccinated before you go.  Bạn phải chủng ngừa trước khi đi.
Exercise 41-9 Selbst Fachleute verstehen diesen unglaublichen Unfall nicht.  + Fachleute Even professionals don't understand this incredible accident.  Ngay cả các chuyên gia cũng không hiểu được tai nạn đáng kinh ngạc này.
Exercise 41-9 Gegen welche Krankheiten sollte ich mich impfen lassen?  + Krankheit Which illnesses should I be vaccinated against?  Tôi nên chủng ngừa những bệnh nào?
Exercise 42-2 Die Lehrerin hat gesagt, wir sollen zwei Kapitel im Buch wiederholen.  + Kapitel The teacher told us to repeat two chapters in the book.  Giáo viên nói với chúng tôi để lặp lại hai chương trong cuốn sách.
Exercise 42-2 Ich habe eine Digitaluhr gekauft. Die geht genauer als die anderen.  + digital I bought a digital watch. It's more accurate than the others.  Tôi đã mua đồng hồ kỹ thuật số. Nó chính xác hơn những người khác.
Exercise 42-3 Nach dem Film begleitete er sie nach Hause.  + begleiten After the film, he accompanied her home.  Sau bộ phim, anh đi cùng gia đình cô.
Exercise 42-3 Er begleitet mich auf der Reise.  + begleiten He accompanies me on the journey.  Anh ta đi cùng tôi trong hành trình.
Exercise 42-3 Er begleitet die Sängerin auf dem Klavier. + begleiten He accompanies the singer on the piano. Anh ấy đi cùng với ca sĩ trên cây đàn piano.
Exercise 42-3 Geben Sie den Inhalt der Packung in einen Liter kochendes Wasser.  + Inhalt Pour the contents of the pack into one litre of boiling water.  Đổ dung dịch vào một lít nước sôi.
Exercise 42-3 Alle Studenten haben kostenlosen Zugang zur Bücherei.  + Bücherei All students have free access to the library.  Tất cả học sinh đều được vào thư viện miễn phí.
Exercise 42-4 Der Zugang zum Internet war stundenlang unterbrochen.  + unterbrechen* Internet access was interrupted for hours.  Truy cập Internet đã bị gián đoạn trong nhiều giờ.
Exercise 42-4 Stell dir vor, ich habe neulich unseren Lehrer gesehen.  + neulich Imagine, I saw our teacher the other day.  Hãy tưởng tượng, tôi đã nhìn thấy giáo viên của chúng tôi vào ngày khác.
Exercise 42-4 Genau darüber habe ich neulich ein längeres Gespräch mit meiner Frau geführt.  + neulich That's exactly what I was talking to my wife about the other day.  Đó là chính xác những gì tôi đang nói chuyện với vợ tôi vào một ngày khác.
Exercise 42-5 Viele Veränderungen haben seitdem stattgefunden.  + seitdem Many changes have taken place since then.  Nhiều thay đổi đã xảy ra kể từ đó.
Exercise 42-6 Um fünf Uhr ist in der Fabrik Feierabend.  + Feierabend At five o' clock, the factory is closed.  Lúc 5 giờ đồng hồ, nhà máy đóng cửa.
Exercise 42-7 Er hat mich zu diesem Urlaub überredet.  + überreden He talked me into this vacation.  Anh ta nói tôi vào kỳ nghỉ này.
Exercise 42-8 Dies widerspricht den Tatsachen.  + widersprechen* This is contrary to the facts.  Điều này trái với sự thật.
Exercise 42-9 Deutschland ist eine parlamentarische Demokratie. + Demokratie Germany is a parliamentary democracy. Đức là một nền dân chủ của nghị viện.
Exercise 43-1 Der Lehrer fördert seine Schüler. + fördern The teacher encourages his students. Giáo viên khuyến khích sinh viên của mình.
Exercise 43-2 Der Mann hat sich uns gegenüber merkwürdig verhalten.  + verhalten* The man's been acting strange to us.  Người đàn ông đã hành động kỳ lạ đối với chúng tôi.
Exercise 43-6 Der Ingenieur hat eine neue Maschine erfunden.  + erfinden* The engineer invented a new machine.  Các kỹ sư đã phát minh ra một máy mới.
Exercise 43-6 Hat man denn nirgends seine Ruhe? + nirgends Is there no peace of mind anywhere? Không có sự an tâm nào ở đâu?
Exercise 43-6 Wir haben lange nichts voneinander gehört.  + voneinander We haven't heard from each other in a long time.  Chúng tôi đã không nghe từ nhau trong một thời gian dài.
Exercise 43-6 Ihr könnt voneinander viel lernen.  + voneinander You can learn a lot from each other.  Bạn có thể học được rất nhiều từ mỗi khác.
Exercise 43-6 Wir wohnen weit entfernt voneinander. + voneinander We live far from each other. Chúng ta sống xa nhau.
Exercise 43-7 Die Erfindung des Computers hatte weit reichende Folgen. + Erfindung The invention of the computer had far-reaching consequences. Sáng chế của máy tính đã có những hậu quả sâu xa.
Exercise 43-7 Er ist in der Forschung tätig.  + Forschung He is active in research.  Anh ta tích cực nghiên cứu.
Exercise 43-7 Viele Frauen opfern ihre Karriere für ihre Familien. + Karriere Many women sacrifice their careers for their families. Nhiều phụ nữ hy sinh sự nghiệp của họ cho gia đình họ.
Exercise 43-8 Ich habe die theoretische Prüfung bestanden. Nach der praktischen bekomme ich den Führerschein.  + theoretisch I passed the theory test. After the practical one, I get my driver's license.  Tôi đã vượt qua bài kiểm tra lý thuyết. Sau khi thực tế một, tôi nhận được giấy phép lái xe của tôi.
Exercise 43-9 Diese Brücke ist ein Wunder der Technik.  + Technik This bridge is a miracle of technology.  Cầu này là một phép lạ của công nghệ.
Exercise 44-1 Die Maschine druckt sehr sauber.  + drucken The machine prints very cleanly.  Máy in rất sạch.
Exercise 44-1 Das Gerät druckt nicht richtig. + drucken The machine does not print correctly. Máy không in chính xác.
Exercise 44-1 Wie kann ich den Kontakt zu ihnen herstellen?  + herstellen How can I make contact with them?  Làm thế nào tôi có thể liên lạc với họ?
Exercise 44-1 Du musst immer alle Daten im Computer sichern.  + sichern You always have to back up all the data in your computer.  Bạn luôn phải sao lưu tất cả dữ liệu trong máy tính của mình.
Exercise 44-3 Fein, dass du jetzt wieder da bist.  + fein Good thing you're back.  Tốt điều bạn trở lại.
Exercise 44-3 Er macht das genau umgekehrt.  + umgekehrt He's doing the exact opposite.  Anh ta đang làm ngược lại.
Exercise 44-4 Er erkennt die Tatsachen an.  + anerkennen* He acknowledges the facts.  Ông thừa nhận sự thật.
Exercise 44-4 Du solltest deinen Misserfolg anerkennen.  + anerkennen* You should acknowledge your failure.  Bạn nên thừa nhận sự thất bại của mình.
Exercise 44-4 Der Lehrer hat meine Fehler korrigiert. + korrigieren The teacher fixed my mistakes. Giáo viên cố định những sai lầm của tôi.
Exercise 44-5 Bei Eröffnung des Kontos habe ich gleich 1000 Euro eingezahlt. + Eröffnung When I opened my account, I paid 1000 Euro. Khi mở tài khoản, tôi đã thanh toán 1000 Euro.
Exercise 44-5 Bei sonstigen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Auskunft.  + sonstig If you have any other questions, please contact the information desk.  Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào khác, vui lòng liên hệ với bàn thông tin.
Exercise 44-7 Im harten Wettbewerb überleben nur die schnellsten und kostengünstigsten Hersteller.  + Wettbewerb Only the fastest and most cost-effective manufacturers survive in tough competition.  Chỉ những nhà sản xuất nhanh nhất và hiệu quả nhất có thể sống sót trong cạnh tranh khốc liệt.
Exercise 44-7 Du musst dich halt wehren.  + halt You have to fight back.  Bạn phải chiến đấu trở lại.
Exercise 44-8 Hast du schon ausgepackt?  + auspacken Have you unpacked yet?  Bạn đã giải nén?
Exercise 44-8 Wir sind gerade erst angekommen und haben unsere Sachen noch nicht ausgepackt.  + auspacken We just got here and haven't unpacked our stuff yet.  Chúng tôi vừa đến đây và chưa giải quyết được vấn đề của chúng tôi.
Exercise 44-8 Er hat seine Sorgen ausgepackt.  + auspacken He unpacked his worries.  Ông giải nén những lo lắng của mình.
Exercise 44-8 Jetzt werde ich aber auspacken.  + auspacken Now I'm going to unpack.  Bây giờ tôi sẽ giải nén.
Exercise 44-8 Pack endlich aus! Wo ist das Geld?  + auspacken Unpack it! Where's the money?  Giải nén nó! Tiền ở đâu?
Exercise 44-9 Nur noch ein Wunder kann sie jetzt retten.  + retten Only a miracle can save her now.  Chỉ có một phép lạ mới có thể cứu cô ấy.
Exercise 44-9 Der Prozess findet hinter verschlossenen Türen statt.  + Prozess The trial takes place behind closed doors.  Phiên tòa diễn ra sau những cánh cửa đóng kín.
Exercise 44-9 Das Fest fand in einem Saal statt.  + Saal The festival took place in a hall.  Lễ hội diễn ra tại một hội trường.
Exercise 45-1 Wer hat den Unfall verursacht?  + verursachen Who caused the accident?  Ai gây ra tai nạn?
Exercise 45-1 Mit tut der Magen weh. Ich habe Magenschmerzen.  + Magen Your stomach hurts. I have a stomachache.  Dạ dày của bạn đau. Tôi bị đau bao tử.
Exercise 45-1 Ich habe mir den Magen verdorben.  + Magen I upset my stomach.  Tôi đau bụng.
Exercise 45-1 Er ging zu Bett mit leerem Magen.  + Magen He went to bed on an empty stomach.  Anh đi ngủ trên dạ dày trống rỗng.
Exercise 45-1 Der Vertrag kann jederzeit ohne Begründung gekündigt werden.  + Begründung The contract can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.  Hợp đồng có thể được chấm dứt bất cứ lúc nào mà không đưa ra lý do.
Exercise 45-2 Er handelte unter Druck.  + Druck He acted under pressure.  Anh ta đã hành động dưới áp lực.
Exercise 45-2 Ihre Leistungen erfüllten sie mit berechtigtem Stolz.  + berechtigt They fulfilled their accomplishments with justifiable pride.  Họ đã hoàn thành những thành quả của họ với niềm tự hào đáng tin cậy.
Exercise 45-4 Die Zahl der Unfälle hat sich um ein Drittel reduziert.  + reduzieren The number of accidents has been reduced by a third.  Số vụ tai nạn đã giảm 1/3.
Exercise 45-5 Es geht um Krieg oder Frieden.  + Frieden It's about war or peace.  Đó là về chiến tranh hay hòa bình.
Exercise 45-5 Endlich herrscht wieder Frieden.  + Frieden Peace reigns at last.  Hòa bình cuối cai trị cuối cùng.
Exercise 45-6 Sie beide müssen den Vertrag unterschreiben.  + Vertrag You two have to sign the contract.  Hai bạn phải ký hợp đồng.
Exercise 45-6 Sie hielten den Vertrag ein.  + Vertrag They kept the contract.  Họ giữ hợp đồng.
Exercise 45-6 Ihr Vertrag läuft aus.  + Vertrag Your contract is expiring.  Hợp đồng của bạn đang hết hạn.
Exercise 45-7 Der Trainer integriert die neuen Spieler in die Mannschaft.  + integrieren The coach integrates the new players into the team.  Các huấn luyện viên tích hợp các cầu thủ mới vào đội.
Exercise 45-7 Jede Region hat ihre eigenen Traditionen.  + Tradition Each region has its own traditions.  Mỗi vùng có truyền thống riêng.
Exercise 45-8 Ich habe alle Hausaufgaben gemacht. Der Lehrer hat mich heute gelobt.  + loben I did all the homework. The teacher has praised me today.  Tôi đã làm tất cả các bài tập về nhà. Giáo viên đã ca ngợi tôi hôm nay.
Exercise 45-8 Ich habe versucht, eventuelle Probleme zu berücksichtigen. + eventuell I have tried to take account of possible problems. Tôi đã cố gắng xem xét các vấn đề có thể xảy ra.
Exercise 45-9 Das ist doch eine verständliche Reaktion!  + verständlich That's an understandable reaction!  Đó là một phản ứng dễ hiểu!
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Ort + place + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Sehenswürdigkeit + sight, place of interest + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Shops Apotheke + pharmacy + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Einfamilienhaus + detached house + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Doppelhaus + semi-detached house + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Reihenhaus + terraced house + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Hof + backyard, courtyard + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of buildings Kamin + fireplace + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Unterkunft + accommodation + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property geräumig + spacious + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Marktplatz + market place + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Anlage + park, facility, installation, plant + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Grünanlage + green space, park + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Shops Tabakwarenhandlung + tobaconnist's + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings freistehend + detached + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Fassade + outside, exterior, façade + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Kaufvertrag + purchase agreement, contract + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Garderobe + coat rack, closet + A
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Besteck + place (cutlery) setting; utensils + A
+ + 103 Household Cleaning (etw) staubsaugen + to vacuum (sth) + A
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Sack + sack, bag + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Stapelstuhl + stacking chair + B
+ + 103 Household Domestic appliances Waschmaschine + washing machine + B
+ + 103 Household Domestic appliances Staubsauger + vacuum cleaner + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Set + place mat + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Gedeck + place setting + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Bleichmittel + bleach + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning etw bleichen + to bleach sth + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Bügelsäge + hacksaw + B
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Handdusche + shower attachment + C
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Saftpresse + juice extractor + C
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Nussknacker + nutcracker + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Hyazinthe + hyacinth + B
+ + 103 The physical world Water Strand + beach + A
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Eichel + acorn + B
+ + 103 The physical world Mountains Steilwand + steep rock face + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Waschbär + raccoon + A
+ + 103 The animal world Reptiles and amphibians Rückenschild + carapace + A
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Kakerlak + cockroach + A
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Küchenschabe + cockroach + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Dackel + dachshund + B
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Amsel + blackbird + B
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Pfau + peacock + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krebstier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krustentier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour aufspüren + to track down + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Schakal + jackal + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Ara + macaw + C
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Fühler + tentacle, feeler + C
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Rankenfüßer + barnacle + C
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour quaken + to quack [duck]; croak [frog] + C
+ + 103 Weather General Wind-Kälte-Faktor + wind chill factor + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice schneeglatt + slippery with packed snow + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Schneeglätte + slippery, packed snow + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Glatteis + ice, black ice + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Head Gesicht + face + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Body Rücken + back + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Internal organs Magen + stomach + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses (Knochen)bruch + fracture + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Kopfschmerzen + headache + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Kofpweh + headache + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Ohrenschmerzen + earache + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Bauchschmerzen + stomachache + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzanfall + heart attack + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzinfarkt + heart attack, cardiac infarction + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzstillstand + cardiac arrest + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses blaues Auge + black eye + A
+ + 103 The human body and health General Achillessehne + Achilles tendon + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Head Schnurrbart + mustache + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Body Gesäß + backside + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Internal organs Luftröhre + windpipe (trachea) + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Kieferbruch + fractured jaw + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses komplizierter Bruch + compound fracture + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Fissur + hairline fracture + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Akne + acne + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses wieder auf die Beine kommen + to get back on one's feet + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Body Kreuz + small of the back + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Handrücken + back of the hand + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Mittelhandknochen + metacarpal bone + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Kreuzbein + sacrum + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Magenbeschwerden + stomach trouble + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Bluter(in) + haemophiliac + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Magengeschwür + stomach/gastric ulcer + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses grauer Star + cataract + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Bakterium + bacterium + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilities Praxis + practice, office + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilities Apotheke + chemist's, pharmacy, drugstore + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment auf nüchternen Magen + on an empty stomach + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnschmerzen + toothache + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry einen Zahn ziehen + to pull, extract a tooth + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Allgemeinmediziner(in) + general practitioner + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pharmazeut(in) + pharmacist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Pharmazie + pharmaceutics + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Impfung + vaccination, inoculation + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmdn (gegen etw) impfen + to immunize, vaccinate sb (against sth) + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Alternative medicine Akupunktur + acupuncture + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Alternative medicine Chiropraktiker(in) + chiropractor + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Alternative medicine Chiropraktik + chiropractic + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment sich den Magen auspumpen lassen + to have one's stomach pumped + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical equipment Dialyseapparat + dialysis machine + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical equipment Magenpumpe + stomach pump + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical equipment Herzschrittmacher + pacemaker + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnspange + braces + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build Bauch + stomach, paunch + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face jung aussehend + fresh-faced + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein Gesichtmachen/ziehen + to make/pull a face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein offenes Gesicht + an open face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein leuchtendes Gesicht + a radiant face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein strahlendes Gesicht + a radiant face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein frisches Gesicht + a cheerful face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein freudiges Gesicht + a delighted face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein (tod)ernstes Gesicht + a (deadly) serious face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein blasses Gesicht + a pale face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein unfreundliches Gesicht + an unpleasant face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein erstauntes Gesicht + an astonished face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein bekanntes Gesicht + a familiar face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein längliches Gesicht + a long face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein breites Gesicht + a wide face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein schmales Gesicht + a thin face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein volles Gesicht + a full face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein zartes Gesicht + a delicate face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein niedliches Gesicht + a cute face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Miene + expression, face + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar blondieren + to bleach one's hair; dye one's hair blond + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness unschön + unsightly, ugly, plain [face] + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness (un)attraktiv + (un)attractive + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build abgemagert + emaciated + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein anderes Gesicht aufsetzen/machen + to put on a different face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein entspanntes Gesicht + a relaxed face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein bleiches Gesicht + a pale face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein kreidebleiches Gesicht + a face white as chalk + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein graues Gesicht + an ashen face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein angespanntes Gesicht + a tense face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ihr Gesicht war vor Sorge angespannt + her face was tense with anxiety + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein rötliches Gesicht + a ruddy face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein gerötetes Gesicht + a flushed face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein hochrotes Gesicht + a bright red face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein ausdrucksvolles Gesicht + an expressive face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein ausdrucksloses Gesicht + an expressionless/impassive face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein steinernes Gesicht + a stony face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face mit versteinertem Gesicht + stony-faced + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein braungebranntes/gebräuntes Gesicht + a tanned face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein geschminktes Gesicht + a rouged face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein regelmäßiges Gesicht + a face with regular features + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein feingeschnittenes Gesicht + a finely shaped face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein unverwechselbares Gesicht + a distinctive face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein jungenhaftes Gesicht + a boyish face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein faltiges Gesicht + a wrinkled face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face über das ganze Gesicht strahlen (coll.) + to beam all over one's face; be all smiles + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair tiefschwarzes Haar + jet-black hair + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair zurückgekämmtes Haar + swept-back hair + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair sein Haar hinten zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammenbinden + to tie one's hair back in a ponytail + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture den Rücken krümmen + to hunch one's back + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture einen Buckel haben + to be a hunchback + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Posture buck(e)lig + hunch-backed + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness appetitlich + attractive + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build kurvenreich + curvaceous + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein verzerrtes Gesicht + a distorted face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein undurchdringliches Gesicht + an inscrutable face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein hageres/eingefallenes Gesicht + a gaunt face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein kantiges Gesicht + an angular face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face mit teigigem Gesicht + pasty-faced + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein mürrisches Gesicht + a sullen face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein gelassenes Gesicht + a serene face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein verhutzeltes Gesicht + a wizened face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein tränenverschmiertes Gesicht + a face streaked with tears + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein markantes Gesicht + a striking, distinctive face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Pferdegesicht + horsy face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein schwermütiges Gesicht + a melancholic face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face mit unbewegter Miene + with an impassive expression; straight-faced + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ohne eine Miene zu verziehen + straight-faced + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face seine Miene verfinsterte/verdüsterte sich + his face darkened + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Grimasse + grimace + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face schlaffe/straffe Haut + flaccid/firm skin + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face rissige Haut + cracked, chapped skin + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face rissige Lippen + cracked/chapped lips + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General die Plätze tauschen + to change places + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards zurückgehen + to go back, return + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards Rückwärtsbewegung + backwards movement + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards jmdn/etw erreichen + to reach sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement jagen + to race + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm ins Gesicht schlagen + to slap sb on the face + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the head den Kopf zurückwerfen + to throw/toss one's head back + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Leaning and bending sich zurücklehnen + to lean back + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Leaning and bending sich im Sessel zurücklehnen + to lean back in one's chair + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact gegen etw/einander stoßen + to bump against sth/each other + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact einen Unfall haben + to have a crash, an accident + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General Schritt + step, pace + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General sich (jmdm/einer Sache) nähern + to approach (sb/sth) + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General umkehren + to turn back + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards zurücktreten + to step back + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards zurückkehren + to return, come back + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards hin und her gehen + to walk back and forth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards auf die Nase fallen (coll.) + to fall flat on one's face + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement hetzen + to rush; tear, race, dash + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement seine Schritte beschleunigen/verlangsamen + to quicken/slow one's pace + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement sich im Schneckentempo bewegen + to move at a crawl, a snail's pace + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm ins Gesicht hauen (coll.) + to hit/belt/slap sb in the face + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich/einander umarmen + to embrace (reciprocal) + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm einen Klaps geben + to give sb a slap/smack + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich in die Arme fallen + to fall into each other's arms + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact gegen einander prallen + to knock against each other + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact sich prügeln + to thump each other + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards zurückweichen + to draw back, shrink back + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards rückwärts herausfahren + to back out + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement forwards and backwards einen Rückzieher machen + to back out + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Ohrfeige + slap on the face; box on the ears + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm eine Ohrfeige geben + to slap sb's face; box sb's ears + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Schlag mit dem Handrücken + back-handed slap + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn windelweich/grün und blau hauen (coll.) + to beat sb black and blue + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact zurückprallen + to bounce back + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Charakter + character, moral courage + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Eigenschaft + quality, characteristic + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust taktlos + tactless, indelicate + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Taktlosigkeit + tactlessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust taktvoll + tactful + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Bekannte(r) + acquaintance + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness jmds Bekanntschaft machen + to make sb's acquaintance + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Kontakt + contact + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness mit jmdm Kontakt aufnehmen + to make contact with sb + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Unzufriedenheit + dissatisfaction, unhappiness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability Ruhe + peace, calmness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy tätig + active + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy (in)aktiv + (in)active + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity schändlich + shameful, disgraceful + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Charakterfehler + character defect + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower Hartnäckigkeit + obstinacy, stubbornness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness habgierig + grasping, rapacious + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness Habgier + greed, acquisitiveness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness Habsucht + greed, acquisitiveness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness zugänglich + approachable + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Distanz + distance, detachment + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Amiability streitsüchtig + quarrelsome, pugnacious + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy unternehmend + enterprising, active + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy unternehmungslustig + active + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Modesty and pride zurückhaltend + self-effacing + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity gefräßig + gluttonous, voracious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust verräterisch + treacherous, perfidious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower zäh + dogged, tenacious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower Zähigkeit + doggedness, tenacity + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower Ausdauer + perseverance, persistence, tenacity + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower ausdauernd + persevering, tenacious, persistent + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness konziliant + obliging, accommodating + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness unverbindlich + detached, impersonal + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness wortkarg + taciturn + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness schweigsam + silent, taciturn + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Anziehungskraft + attraction, appeal + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness eine große Anziehungskraft auf jmdn ausüben + to attract sb strongly + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Amiability kampflustig + belligerent, pugnacious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Meckerfritze + bellyacher; grouser + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Meckerliese + bellyacher + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability durchdrehen (coll.) + to crack up + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment kühn + audacious, impudent + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment verwegen + audacious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Verwegenheit + audacity + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning scharfsinnig + perspicacious, astute, sharp-witted + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning Scharfsinn + astuteness, acumen, keen perception + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy regsam + lively, active + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy rührig + active, enterprising + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy Nichtstuer + slacker + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice draufgängerisch + daring, audacious + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Jacke + jacket + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Bademantel + bathrobe, beach robe + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear sich die Schuhe zubinden + to tie one's shoelaces + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories Armband + bracelet + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories (Hals)kette + necklace + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Waschlappen + facecloth, washcloth + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Lederjacke + leather jacket + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Plisseerock + (accordion-)pleated skirt + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Trainingsanzug + track suit + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Sakko + jacket + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style rückseitiger Schlitz + back slit + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style rückenfrei + backless + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Schuhband + shoelace + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Schnürsenkel + shoelace; bootlace + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Schnürschuh + lace-up shoe + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Rennschuh + track shoe + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Slingpumps + sling-back shoe + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories Armband mit Anhängern + charm bracelet + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Lichtschutzfaktor + sun-protection factor + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Smoking + dinner jacket, tuxedo + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Spitze + lace + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Pantoffel + backless slipper; mule + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Nähmaschine + sewing machine + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Make-up Gesichtspuder + face powder + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Make-up Puderdose + powder compact + C
+ + 103 Food and drink General Imbiss + snack + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General Jause + snack + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Pfirsich + peach + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Spinat + spinach + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta belegtes Brot + (open-faced) sandwich + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Speck + bacon + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Brombeere + blackberry + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Pellkartoffel + potato cooked in its skin/jacket + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables in der Schale gebackene Kartoffel + baked/jacket potato + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Nuts Pistazie + pistachio + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks schwarzer Kaffee + black coffee + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw knacken + to crack sth + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Pastries, desserts and sweets Sachertorte + sachertorte + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Pastries, desserts and sweets Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte + Black Forest gateau + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Kohlensäure + carbonic acid + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Kognak + brandy, cognac + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking pochieren + to poach + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking ein Ei in die Pfanne + to crack an egg into + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Ruhe + rest, peace, silence + A
+ + 103 Perception Sound Krach + loud noise, racket; crash, bang + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste bitter + bitter, acrid + A
+ + 103 Perception Sight klebrig + sticky, tacky + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn (feindselig) fixieren + to stare sb in the face + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight vorn und hinten Augen haben + to have eyes in the back of one's head + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight seine Augen überall haben + to have eyes in the back of one's head + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight glanzlos + dull, lacklustre + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound knallen + to bang, slam, crack, ring out + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound knistern + to rustle, crackle + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound Getöse + din, racket, row + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound knacken + to creak, crackle + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound klirren + to clink, tinkle, rattle, jangle, crackle, crunch + B
+ + 103 Perception Touch Berührung + touch, contact + B
+ + 103 Perception Touch lackiert + lacquered + B
+ + 103 Perception Sight zappenduster (coll.) + pitch-black, pitch-dark + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Heidenlärm + unholy/dreadful row, din, racket + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Mordskrach + terrible din/racket + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Spektakel + row, rumpus, racket + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Rabatz + racket, din + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound Radau + row, racket + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound prasseln + to clatter, crackle + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound knattern + to rattle, clatter, crackle + C
+ + 103 Perception Touch leimig + gluey, tacky + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours schwarz + black + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours schwärzlich + blackish + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours Schwärze + blackness + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs etw schwärzen + to blacken sth + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions mir wurde schwarz vor den Augen + everything went black + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions schwarz auf weiß + in writing, in black and white + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions einen roten Kopf bekommen + to go red in the face + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours blauschwarz + blue-black + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours grauschwarz + greyish black + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pfirsichfarben + peach-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs jmdn anschwärzen + to blacken sb's name; inform on sb + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions etw schwarz malen + to paint a black/gloomy picture of sth + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours schwarzblau + bluish black, inky blue + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kohlschwarz + jet black + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pech(raben)schwarz + pitch-black + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kohl(pech)-rabenschwarz + jet black, raven, raven-black + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours fliederfarben + lilac + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions in den schwarzen Zahlen sein + to be in black + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions da kannst du schreien + you can shout until you're blue in the face + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions etw durch eine rosa(rote) Brille sehen + to see sth through rose-coloured spectacles + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials etw betonieren + to surface sth with concrete + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Cloth Jacquard + jacquard + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Cloth Vlieseline + interfacing + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials Makadam + tarmac + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials etw makadamisieren + to tarmac sth + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines der spitze Winkel + acute angle + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Raum + space, expanse + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Zwischenraum + space, gap + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Platz + space, area + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Waage + scales, balance, weighing machine + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Häufung + accumulation; increasing number + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General geräumig + spacious, roomy + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Oberfläche + surface, surface area + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Fläche + area, surface, side, face + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion teilweise + partly; partial; in places + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion etw verteilen + to space/spread sth out, distribute + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw aufhäufen + to pile sth up, accumulate sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation sich aufhäufen + to pile up, accumulate + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Stapel + stack, pile + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw (auf)stapeln + to pile up/stack sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Stoß + pile, stack + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw türmen + to stack/pile sth up + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease sich verengen + to narrow, contract, become constricted + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity Rauminhalt + capacity, cubic content + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity Fassungsvermögen + capacity + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion Bruchteil + fraction + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion Spur + fraction + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw anhäufen + to accumulate/amass sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation sich anhäufen + to accumulate, pile up + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Anhäufung + accumulation, amassing + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation etw aufschichten + to stack/build/pile sth up + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Accumulation Aufschichtung + stacking, piling up, building + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance (sich) nähern + to approach + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease sich zusammenziehen + to contract, close up + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease schrumpfen + to shrink, contract, shrivel, decrease, dwindle + C
+ + 103 Containers Dishes and pots Teetasse + teacup + A
+ + 103 Containers Boxes eine Schachtel Zigaretten + a pack of cigarettes + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Tüte + bag, packet, cornet, cone + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Sack + sack, bag + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Rucksack + rucksack, backpack + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Tabak(s)beutel + tobacco pouch + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Geschirrständer + dish rack + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Fahrradständer + bicycle rack + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Ablage + place to keep/put sth + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Gepäckablage + luggage rack + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Dachgepäckträger + roof rack + B
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Gestell + rack + B
+ + 103 Containers Bottles Flakon + bottle, flacon + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Tornister + knapsack, satchel + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Brotbeutel + haversack + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Kissen + sachet + C
+ + 103 Time Time phrases jedes Mal + every time, each time + A
+ + 103 Time Time phrases Frist + time period, deadline, grace period + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music jmdn/etw begleiten + to accompany s.o./sth + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music weiße/schwarze Taste + white/black key + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Compactdisc (Compact Disc; CD) + compact disc + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Schauspieler(in) + actor/actress + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Darsteller(in) + actor/actress + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Handlung + action, plot + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Akt + act + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Aufzug + act + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre spielen + to act + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Ausstattungsfilm + spectacular (film) + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Schwarzweißfilm + black and white film + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Erwerb + acquisition + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture abstrakt + abstract + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music (etw) üben + to practise (sth) + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Akkordeon + accordion + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Charge + small character part + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Chargenspieler(in) + character actor/actress + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Einakter + one-act play + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Acrylfarbe (Akrylfarbe) + acrylic paint + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Transparentpapier + tracing paper + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Pauspapier + tracing paper + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture etw pausen + to trace sth + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Hintergrund + background + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Fondfarbe + background colour + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre hinter der Bühne + backstage + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Soundtrack + soundtrack + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Fahrt + tracking shot + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Gegenlicht + backlight + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Taschenbuch + paperback + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media als Taschenbuch erhältlich + available in paperback + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Advertising eine Anzeige inserieren + to place an advertisement + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media wie verlautet + according to reports + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media wie soeben gemeldet wird + according to reports just coming in + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media an der Quelle sitzen + to have access to inside information + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Geräuschkulisse + (background) sound effects + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Advertising Anzeigenkonto + advertising account + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Akt + act + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Figur + character + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Haupt- + main/secondary character + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style schwunglos + pedestrian, lacklustre + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Lehrgedicht + didactic poem + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Rückwendung + flashback + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Rückblende + flashback + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Vorwort + preface + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style nüchtern + sober, matter-of-fact + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style knapp + terse, concise, succinct, laconic + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Priamel + priamel (late medieval didactic poem) + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Spruchgedicht + didactic poem + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Kalendergeschichte + almanac story + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Gestalt + character + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Steigerung + rising action, complication + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure fallende Handlung + descending, falling action + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Moment + factor, element + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Auftakt + anacrusis + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style abgenutzt + hackneyed + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style abgedroschen + hackneyed + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style parataktisch + paratactic + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style hypotaktisch + hypotactic + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style Anakoluth + anacoluthon + C
+ + 103 Speaking Explaining jmdn/etw charakterisieren + to characterize sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous etw zurücknehmen + to take sth back + A
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing etw ansprechen + to broach/talk about sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing etw angreifen + to attack sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying etw bestätigen + to acknowledge/confirm sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying etw als unwahr/falsch bezeichnen + to characterize sth as untrue/wrong + B
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining jmdm etw vorwerfen + to reproach sb with sth; accuse sb of sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing jmdn in Verruf bringen + to malign sb's character + B
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing jmdm Übles nachsagen + to malign sb's character + B
+ + 103 Speaking Agreeing and disagreeing sich (über etw) einigen + to reach an agreement (about sth) + C
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing Verleumder(in) + back-biter + C
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous jmdn in seinen Schranken weisen + to put sb in his place + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation Klammer + bracket + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Parts of books Schutzumschlag + dust jacket + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation Akzentzeichen + accent mark + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation runde Klammer + parenthesis, (round) bracket + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation eckige Klammer + square bracket + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation spitze Klammer + angle bracket + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Punctuation schiefer Schrägstrich + back slash + C
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Akrobat(in) + acrobat + A
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies maschinell/mit der Maschine nähen + to machine-stitch + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Flipper + pinball machine + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Spielautomat + slot machine + B
+ + 103 Leisure Circus and fairs Knallkörper + firecracker + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Backgammon + backgammon + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games Eicheln + acorns [German suit equivalent to clubs] + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games Bube + jack + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games Ass + ace + C
+ + 103 Sport Sports Rennen + running, racing, race + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Segeln + sailing, yachting + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports (Pferde)reiten + (horseback) riding + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Autorennen + car racing + A
+ + 103 Sport Premises Bahn + track, lane + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Schläger + racket, stick, club, bat, paddle, mallet + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Tennisschläger + tennis racket + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Rennschuh + track shoe + A
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Trainingsanzug + tracksuit + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition etw üben + to practise sth + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition etw trainieren + to practise sth + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Trainer(in) + trainer, coach, manager + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition jmdn angreifen + to tackle sb + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Angriff + tackle + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Tackling + tackle + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Leichtathletik + track and field sports, athletics + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Geländerennen + cross-country running/race + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Fallschirmspringen + parachuting + B
+ + 103 Sport Premises Rennbahn + (race)track + B
+ + 103 Sport Premises Radrennbahn + cycle (racing) track + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Wettlauf + race + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Wettschwimmen + (swimming) race + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Windhundrennen + greyhound racing + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Angelgeräte + fishing tackle + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Staffellauf + relay race + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Hürdenlauf + hurdle race + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Rückensch wimmen + backstroke + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General etw packen + to pack sth + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General etw auspacken + to unpack sth + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Urlaub + vacation, break + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Ferienwohnung + holiday flat, vacation apartment + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities frei + free, vacant + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities „Zimmer frei" + 'Vacancies' + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities belegt + occupied, no Vacancies + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Imbissstube + snack bar + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Traktor + tractor + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Unfall + accident + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Gas geben + to accelerate, step on the gas + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Unterkunft + lodging, place to stay, accommodation + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Vorder- + front/back wheel + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Parkscheinautomat + ticket (dispensing) machine + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport zurückkehren + to turn back + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport zurücksetzen + to back (up) + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Gleis + platform, track + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Kurswagen + through coach + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Entführer(in) + hijacker + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport etw entführen + to hijack sth + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Jacht + yacht + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Pauschalreise + package tour + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism historisch interessante Stätten + places of historical interest + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Aktivurlaub + activity holiday + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Rucksacktourist(in) + backpacker + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Einrichtungen + amenities, facilities + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Konferenzein-richtungen + conference facilities + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining Lunchpaket + packed lunch + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Fließheck + fastback + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Wagenheber + jack + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Rücklicht + back-up light + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Schwimmweste + life jacket [also naut.] + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Luftraum + airspace + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Schornstein + funnel, smokestack + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Schnuller + dummy, pacifier + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce Junggeselle + bachelor + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce Ehevertrag + marriage contract + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Empfängnisverhütung + contraception + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Wehen + contractions + C
+ + 103 Religion General heilig + holy, sacred + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice (etw) predigen + to preach (sth) + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice eine Predigt halten + to preach a sermon + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Sakrament + sacrament + A
+ + 103 Religion Clergy Prediger(in) + preacher + A
+ + 103 Religion Clergy Papsttum + papacy + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Opfer + sacrifice + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice etw opfern + to sacrifice sth + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice aktiv + practising + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Gnade + grace, mercy + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice das Wort Gottes/das Evangelium verkünden + to preach the word/the gospel + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Sakrileg + sacrilege + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice sakrilegisch + sacrilegious + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Frevel + sacrilege + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice frevelhaft + sacrilegious + C
+ + 103 Education General Unterricht + teaching, lessons, classes, instruction + A
+ + 103 Education General (etw) unterrichten + to teach (sth) + A
+ + 103 Education General jmdn (in etw)unterrichten + to teach sb (sth) + A
+ + 103 Education General (etw) lehren + to teach (sth) + A
+ + 103 Education General jmdn etw lehren + to teach sb sth + A
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Studienplatz + place at a university/college + A
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Tafel + (black)board + A
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Tafelschwamm + blackboard sponge, board rubber + A
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Lehrer(in) + teacher + A
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Grundschullehrer(in) + primary school teacher + A
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Wissenschaftler(in) + (academic) scientist + A
+ + 103 Education Type of school Gymnasium + high school (with academic emphasis), grammar school + A
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education pädagogische Hochschule + teacher training college + B
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Praktikum + period of practical training + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Rektor(in) + head teacher;principal + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Kursleiter(in) + teacher + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Fachlehrer(in) + specialist teacher + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students stundenweise unterrichten + to teach part-time + B
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications befriedigend + satisfactory + B
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications ungenügend + unsatisfactory (lowest formal grade) + B
+ + 103 Education General Lehrer-Schüler Verhältnis + teacher-pupil ratio + C
+ + 103 Education General Leistung + achievement + C
+ + 103 Education General Förderunterricht + remedial teaching + C
+ + 103 Education School ausfallen + to not take place, be cancelled + C
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education ZVS (Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen) + central clearing house for places on degree courses + C
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Lehrmittel + teaching aid + C
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Lehrkraft + teacher + C
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Lehrerkollegium + teaching staff [of a school] + C
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Referendar(in) + student teacher + C
+ + 103 Education School and university subjects Fakultät + faculty, special field + C
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Lehrbefähigung + teaching qualification + C
+ + 103 Science Mathematics Subtraktion + subtraction + A
+ + 103 Science Mathematics etw von etw subtrahieren + to subtract sth from sth + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences reagieren + to react + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Reaktion + reaction + A
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Bakterium + bacterium + A
+ + 103 Science Ecology saurer Regen + acid rain + A
+ + 103 Science Space science schwarzes Loch + black hole + A
+ + 103 Science Mathematics etw von etw abziehen + to subtract sth from sth + B
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Säure + acid + B
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences sauer + acidic + B
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Akustik + acoustics + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Raumfahrzeug + spacecraft + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Raumschiff + spacecraft + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Raumkapsel + space capsule + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Raumanzug + spacesuit + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Weltraumflug + space flight + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Reagenzglasgestell + test tube rack + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Reaktor + reactor + B
+ + 103 Science General exakte Wissenschaften + exact sciences + C
+ + 103 Science General Raumforschung + space science + C
+ + 103 Science General auf wissenschaftliches Neuland vorstoßen + to push back the frontiers of science + C
+ + 103 Science Mathematics zweistellig + two-digit, two-place + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Brechung + refraction + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Kernreaktor + nuclear reactor + C
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Desoxyribonukle-insäure (DNS) + deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) + C
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Stalaktit + stalactite + C
+ + 103 Science Space science galaktisch + galactic + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Livestock Melkmaschine + milking machine + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Heuhaufen + haystack + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers industriell betriebene Viehzucht + factory farming + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers industrieller Viehzuchtbetrieb + factory farm + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Schadlingsbekampfungsfahrzeug + crop sprayer [tractor] + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Geräteschuppen, Maschinenschuppen + tool/machinery shed + C
+ + 103 Industry General Verpackung + packaging, wrapping + A
+ + 103 Industry General vakuumverpackt + vacuum-packed + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Fabrik + factory + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Werk + works, factory, plant + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Betrieb + factory, works + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Autofabrik + car factory + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Textilfabrik + textile factory + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Porzellanfabrik + porcelain factory + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Schokoladenfabrik + chocolate factory + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production etw herstellen + to manufacture sth + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production etw maschinell herstellen + to machine sth + A
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Arbeitsplatz + work place, work station, workspace + A
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Werkzeugmaschine + machine tool + A
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Setzmaschine + typesetting machine + A
+ + 103 Industry Industries Raumfahrtindustrie + aerospace industry + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Hersteller(in) + manufacturer + B
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Packer(in) + packer + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production eine Maschine bedienen + to operate a machine + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Munitionsfabrik + munitions factory + B
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Bohrmaschine + drilling machine + B
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Fräse + milling machine + B
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Hebebock + (hydraulic) jack + B
+ + 103 Industry General das verarbeitende Gewerbe + the manufacturing sector + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries verarbeitende Industrie + manufacturing industry + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Pharmaindustrie + pharmaceuticals industry + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Maschinenhalle + machine shop + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Hochofen + blast furnace + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Geschäft + business, store; deal, transaction + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales das Geschäft geht schlecht + business is slack + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Departments Buchhaltung + accounts department + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel bevollmächtigter Vertreter; bevollmächtigte Vertreterin + accredited agent + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales einen Auftrag erteilen + to place an order + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Prices and profit Preis ab Werk + factory price, ex-works price + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel freie Kapazität + idle capacity + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales der Markt ist flau + the market is slack + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training offene Stelle + vacancy + A
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Praktikum + practical training + A
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Arbeitsvertrag + employment contract + A
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment jmdn rausschmeißen (coll.) + to sack sb + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Erzieher(in) + nursery school teacher, kindergarten teacher + A
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Einkommensklasse + income bracket + B
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Gehaltspaket + salary package + B
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Zufriedenheit am Arbeitsplatz + job satisfaction + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Tabak(waren)händler(in) + tobacconist + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Wirtschaftsprüfer(in) + accountant + B
+ + 103 Employment Unions and industrial action Rassendiskriminierung + racial discrimination + B
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Nachzahlung + back pay + C
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Spesenkonto + expense account + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Eisenschmied(in) + blacksmith + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Arbeitskampf-maßnahmen + industrial action + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials (Tele)fax + fax; fax machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials (Tele)faxgerät + fax machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Diktiergerät + dictating machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Diktiermaschine + dictating machine + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing im Gebrauch + active [file] + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Zeichen + character + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing hacken + to hack + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Hacker(in) + hacker + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Frankiermaschine + franking machine + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Geschäftsbuch + accounts book + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing maschinenlesbar + machine-readable + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Leertaste + space bar + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials chlorfrei gebleichtes Papier + paper bleached without chlorine + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials ungebleicht + unbleached [paper] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Anwendungspaket + application package + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing interaktiv + interactive + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Zeilenabstand + line spacing + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing geschweifte Klammer + curly bracket + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Speicherkapazität + memory capacity + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing auf etw zugreifen + to access sth + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Zugriff + access + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Zugriff verweigert + access denied + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Sicherungskopie + back-up copy + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Paket + package, parcel + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Päckchen + small package, parcel + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone jmdn zurückrufen + to call sb back + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Post auf dem Landweg/Seeweg + surface mail + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone Anrufbeantworter + answering machine + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone es knackt in der Telefonleitung + the telephone is crackling + C
+ + 103 Law Justice Friedensrichter(in) + justice of the peace, magistrate + A
+ + 103 Law Justice jmdn beschuldigen + to charge/accuse sb + A
+ + 103 Law Justice jmdn (wegen etw) anklagen + to accuse/charge sb (with sth) + A
+ + 103 Law Justice in Notwehr handeln + to act in self-defence + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Auftragsmord + contract killing + B
+ + 103 Law Crime etw/jmdn entführen + to hi-jack sth, kidnap/abduct sb + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Störung des Friedens + disturbance of the peace + B
+ + 103 Law Crime wildern + to poach + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Wilderer + poacher + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Reifenspuren + tyre tracks + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation nach Angaben des Zeugen + according to (the testimony of) the witness + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Angeklagte(r) + accused, defendant + B
+ + 103 Law Justice jmdn freisprechen + to acquit sb + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Freispruch + acquittal + B
+ + 103 Law Justice aus Mangel an Beweisen + for lack of evidence + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Zivilprozess + civil action + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Erpressung + extortion, blackmail + C
+ + 103 Law Crime jmdn erpressen + to blackmail sb + C
+ + 103 Law Crime einen Tresor knacken (sl.) + to crack a safe + C
+ + 103 Law Crime unsittliches Verhalten + act of indecency + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Komplize + accomplice + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Bombenanschlag + bomb attack + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Brandanschlag + arson attack + C
+ + 103 Finance General Geldgeber(in) + financial backer + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt das Konto überziehen + to overdraw one's account + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt etw zurückzahlen + to pay back sth + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment (Bank)konto + (bank) account + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ein Konto eröffnen + to open an account + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ein Konto löschen/auflösen + to close an account + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geld (auf ein Konto) einzahlen + to deposit money (into an account) + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geld (von einem Konto) abheben + to withdraw money (from an account) + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kontonummer + account number + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Gemeinschaftskonto + joint account + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Transaktion + transaction + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Sparkonto + savings/deposit account + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment auflaufen + to accrue + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geldautomat + cash machine, automatic teller + A
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Steuergruppe + tax bracket + A
+ + 103 Finance General Einnahmen und Ausgaben + accounts + B
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Bargeldtransfer + cash transaction + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment laufendes Konto + current account + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ruhendes Konto + dormant account + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kontoinhaber(in) + account holder + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ein Konto belasten + to charge an account + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ein Konto ausgleichen + to balance an account + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Betrag von einem Konto abbuchen + to debit a sum to an account + B
+ + 103 Finance General Abrechnungszeitraum + accounting period + C
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing die Einkäufe auf seine Rechnung setzen + to charge the purchases to his account + C
+ + 103 Finance The market Nennwert, Nominalwert + face value/nominal value + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment hoch verzinslich + high-interest [account] + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Monaco + Monaco + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Mazedonien + Macedonia + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War im Krieg fallen/bleiben + to be killed in the war/in action + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn angreifen + to attack sb + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Angriff + attack + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Friedenstruppen + peace-keeping forces + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Kaserne + barracks + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Frieden + peace + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace friedlich + peaceful + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbewegung + peace movement + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Pazifist(in) + pacifist + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenskämpfer(in) + pacifist + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Pazifismus + pacifism + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography tätig/untätig + active/dormant + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Pazifik + Pacific + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples der Pazifische Ozean + the Pacific Ocean + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples der Stille Ozean + the Pacific Ocean + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples das Schwarze Meer + the Black Sea + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Höhepunkt + peak, pinnacle, apex + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw überfallen + to attack, raid, invade sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw evakuieren + to evacuate sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War etw räumen + to evacuate sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War vermisst + missing in action + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War auf- + to surface/submerge + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Taktik + tactics + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Gefallene(r) + soldier killed in action + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Massaker + massacre + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Sonderkommando + special unit, detachment + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Maschinenpistole + submachine gun + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Maschinengewehr + machine gun + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons bakteriologische Waffe + bacteriological weapon + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons Gasangriff + gas attack + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace den Frieden schließen + to make peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Frieden stiften + to make peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensstifter(in) + peacemaker + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensplan + peace plan + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensnobelpreis + Nobel peace prize + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenspolitik + policy of peace + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensforschung + peace studies + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensdemonstrant(in) + peace protester + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Gletscher + glacier + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History die Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika + the Confederacy (USA) + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Warschauer Pakt + Warsaw Pact + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Wettrüsten + arms race + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Luft-Boden-Rakete + air-to-surface missile + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedenskundgebung + peace rally + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace über den Frieden verhandeln + to hold peace negotiations + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensverhandlungen + peace talks + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbedingungen + peace terms + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Friedensbewegte(r) + peace activist + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Demokratie + democracy + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity politische + political action + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Diplomatie + diplomacy + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Spying versteckte Aktivitäten + covert activities + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General Menschenrechtler(in) + human rights activist + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Bürgerinitiative + citizens' action group + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations sich einigen + to reach a settlement + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Entwicklungs-helfer(in) + VSO worker, Peace Corps worker (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General Verschwörung + conspiracy, plot + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Aristokratie + aristocracy + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies Autokratie + autocracy + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations Attaché + attaché + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Acid + acid + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Crack + crack + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment saurer Regen + acid rain + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Waldsterben + forest dieback + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * zhong3 kind/ type/ sort/ breed/ race/ strain 1. Art, Spezies, Sorte 2. Rasse 3. Saat, Samen 4.Mut, Unbeugsamkeit 5. Zählwort Sorte, Muster, Typ siehe zhong4 +
A 寒假 + * * han2jia4 winter vacation Winterferien +
A 安靜 + * * an1jing4 quiet/ peaceful 1. (VH) ruhig,still +
A + * * dao4 arrive/ reach/ go to/ leave for 1. ankommen, gelangen, eintreffen 2. nach..., sich (an einen Ort) begeben 3. bis, bis zu 4 aufmerksam, umsichtig 5. verbal +
A 漢字 + * * han4zi4 Chinese character chinesisches Schriftzeichen +
A + * * mei3 every/ each/ per/ every time 1. jeder, jede, jedes +
A + * * cheng2 accomplish/ become 1. vollenden, glücken, gelingen, vollbringen 2. zu etw werden, sich in etw verwandeln 3. Erfolg, Ergebnis, Frucht, Resultat,4. erwachsen, ausgewachsen,ausgebildet 5. fertig, bestehend,vollendet 6. in großer Zahl,in großer Menge, in langer Zeit 7. gut 8. Z +
A + * * gou4 be enough/ be up to/ reach/ quite 1. ausreichen, genügen, hinlänglich genug 2. an etw reichen, erreichen 3. recht, ziemlich +
A 成績 + * * cheng2ji4 success/ achievement/ score Erfolg,Errungenschaft,Leistung,Punktzahl +
A 聲調 + * * sheng1diao4 tone/ the tone of Chinese character Ton,Ton eines chin. Zeichen +
A + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal +
A + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal +
A 生產 + * * sheng1chan3 produce/ manufacture/ production produzieren,erzeugen +
A + * * fang4 let go/ put/ lay/ have a vacation 1. setzen, stellen, legen 2. freilassen 3. abgeben, aussenden 4.Schluß machen, zu Ende gehen 5. auf die Weide führen 6. etw freien Lauf lassen 7. etw länger oder weiter machen 8. blühen, aufblühen 9. beiseite lassen 10. zeigen, vorführen +
A 回來 + * * hui2 lai2 return/ come back/ be back zurück,zurückkommen +
A + * * lai2 come/ arrive/ crop up/ take place etwa +
A 放假 + * * fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation Feiertag haben, Ferien machen, frei haben +
A 回去 + * * hui2 qu4 return/ go back/ be back zurückgehen +
A + * * zai4, in, on 2. be at a place in, um, an , bei; an einem Ort sein, +
A + * * zai4 used to indicate action in progress Hilfswort für Verlaufsform +
A 留念 + * * liu2nian4 accept or keep as souvenir etw als Souvenir behalten,schenken +
A 簡單 + * * jian3dan1 simple/ commonplace/ casual einfach +
A + * * xiang4 towards/ to/ face/ be partial to 1. Richtung 2. sich gegen...wenden, auf etw gerichtet sein, nach...gehen 3. für etw/jn Patrei ergreifen, zu jm halten 4. entgegen,gegenüber liegen +
A 開玩笑 + * * kai1 wan2xiao4 joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of Spaß machen +
A + * * teng2 ache/ pain 1. schmerzen,wehtun 2. vernarrt sein, jn innig lieben, gern haben +
A + * * zuo4 do/ make/ compose/ write/ act as 1. machen,tun 2. schreiben, verfassen 3. literarisches oder künstlerisches Werk 4. als... betrachten, für ... halten 5. vortäuschen 6. sich fühlen, erbrechen +
A 師傅 + * * shi1fu master worker/ master/ teacher Meister (häufige Anrede) +
A 退 + 退* * tui4 return/ give back/ withdraw/ fade 1. sich nach rückwärts bewegen, sich zurückziehen 2. zurückbewegen, zurückziehen 3. zurücktreten, abtreten 4. abnehmen, zurückgehen, verebben 5. zurückgeben, zurückbringen 6. aufheben +
A 一塊兒 + * * yi1kuai4r the same place/ together zusammen +
A 活動 + * * huo2dong4 move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky Aktivität,Tätigkeit +
A 一起 + * * yi1qi3 the same place/ together zusammen +
A 老師 + * * lao3shi1 teacher Lehrer +
A 地方 + * * di4fang place/ space/ part/ respect Ort,Stelle (vgl. di4fang1 HSK2) +
A …分之… + * * fen1zhi1 for expression of a fraction number ein Bruch.. +
A + * * hei1 black/ dark 1. schwarz 2. dunkel 3. geheim, illegal 4. finster +
A 黑板 + * * hei1ban3 blackboard Wandtafel +
A 取得 + * * qu3de2 gain/ acquire/ obtain erringen, erzielen, erwerben +
A + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel +
A 學院 + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule +
A 學院 + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule +
A + * * guan3 an indoor place for activities 1. Unterkunft für Gäste 2. Laden, Geschäft 3. Stätte für kulturelle Aktivitäten +
A 表演 + * * biao3yan3 perform/ act/ play/ demonstrate aufführen,vorführen +
A + * * dian3 1. dot stroke (in Chinese characters) 2. point Punkt 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung +
A 機器 + * * ji1qi4 machine/ machinery/ apparatus Maschine +
A + * * ge4 each/ every/ various/ different jeder, jede, jedes, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig, +
A 實踐 + * * shi2jian4 live up to/ carry out/ practice ausüben,in die Praxis umsetzen +
A + * * zhuang1 act/ pretend/ load/ assemble/ fit 1. schmücken, sich verkleiden 2. Kleidung, Tracht 3. sich kostümieren, sich schminken 4. laden, beladen, aufladen ,installieren 5. montieren, zusammensetzen 6. vortäuschen +
A + * * hou4 back/ rear/ behind 1. hinten, hinter, 2. nach, danach, später 3. Nachkommenschaft, Nachkomme +
A 後邊 + * * hou4bian back/ rear/ behind/ latter hinten +
A 實現 + * * shi2xian4 realize/ achieve/ bring about realisieren, erreichen +
A 完成 + * * wan2cheng2 accomplish/ complete/ fulfill ergänzen,vollenden, erfüllen +
A 習慣 + * * xi2guan4 be used to/ usual practice/ habit sich gewöhnen an,Gewohnheit +
A + * * zhang3 grow/ develop/ acquire/ increase (Verb) wachsen, entstehen, fördern +
A 客氣 + * * ke4qi polite/ act or remark politely höflich +
A 發生 + * * fa1sheng1 happen/ occur/ take place geschehen, sich ereignen, entstehen +
A 工廠 + * * gong1chang3 factory/ mill/ plant/ works Fabrik +
A + * * jiao1 teach/ instruct 1. lehren, unterrichten, beibringen jiao4 = lehren, unterrichten, erziehen, belehren 2. Religion +
A + * * bao4 hug/ embrace 1. in die Arme nehmen, in den Armen halten 2. sich an etw festhalten, zusammenhalten 3. ein Kind oder Enkelkind bekommen 4. hegen, umarmen 5. Zählwort +
A + * * shao3 few/ little/ less/ lack/ lose/ reduce 1. wenig, gering 2. fehlen, mangeln 3. verlorengegangen sein, abhanden kommen 4. ein Moment +
A 互相 + * * hu4xiang1 each other/ mutual wechselseitig,gegenseitig +
A + * * suan1 sour/ sick at heart/ tingle/ acid 1. Säure 2. sauer 3. traurig,schmerzerfüllt,betrübt 4. ziehende Muskelschmerzen +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A 輔導 + * * fu3dao3 coach/ teach/ tutor Trainer,Coach,trainieren/betreuen/nachhelfen +
A 聯繫 + * * lian2xi4 integrate/ link/ contact/ connection integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung +
A 因為 + * * yin1wei4 because/ on account of/ because of weil +
A + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Verb.)1 hinübergehen, überschreiten, überqueren 2. verbringen, verleben 3. vergehen, dahingehen 4. nach, später 5. über etw.hinausgehen, übertreffen, überschreiten 6. mehr als genug, übermäßig 7. Fehler, Vergehen, Fehltritt 8. ein Aspekt-Partikel (Volle +
A + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Adv.) übermäßig, zu sehr,exzessiv +
A 教育 + * * jiao4yu4 education/ educate/ teach ausbilden,Ausbildung +
A + * * dang1 2. in s.b. presence, to s.b.´s face jmd ggü, angesichts gerade als, gerade dort, gerade dabei, während siehe dang4 +
A + * * dang1 work as, be /act as/ accept/ administer/ stop 1. als... fungieren; als tätig sein 2. etw zu tun oder zu verantworten wagen 3.verwalten, Aufsicht führen 4. gleich, ebenbürtig 5. siehe dang1(3) dang4 +
A 先生 + * * xian1sheng teacher/ mister/ Mr./ sir/ gentleman Herr, Lehrer,Arzt, Doktor +
A + * * chao2 toward/ face 1. Kaiserhof, Regierung 2. Dynastie, Herrscherhaus 3. nach, hin, gegen, auf...zu,in Richtung ...auf, entgegen +
A + * * lian3 face Gesicht +
A + * * wei2 do/ act/ be/ become sein,handeln als,durch +
A + * * huan2 give back/ return/ give sth. in return zurückgeben siehe: hai2 +
A + * * zhe (indicating an action in progress) Aspekt-partikel (in Aktion befindlich...) +
A 練習 + * * lian4xi2 practice/ exercise/ drill Übung,üben +
A + * * zi4 word/ character 1. Schriftzeichen, Zeichen 2. Schrift 3. Kalligraphie 4. Quittung +
B + * * yang3 face upward 1.das Gesicht nach oben richten 2. bewundern, respektieren 3. sich auf jm verlassen, auf jn angewiesen sein, gestützt auf +
B 反應 + * * fan3ying4 react/ respond/ reaction/ response Antwort, Reaktion, +
B 接受 + * * jie1shou4 accept annehmen (eine Einladung), aktzeptieren (eine Entschuldigung), erfahren (eine Ausbildung) +
B 行動 + * * xing2dong4 move/ act/ action Bewegung, handeln, agieren +
B + * * ai1 1. hey, used at the beginning of a sentence to greet sb, or catch sb´s attention 2. used at the end of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or dissatisfaction Interjektion der Verwunderung +
B 家鄉 + * * jia1xiang1 hometown/ native place Heimatstadt +
B + * * fan4 violate/ offend/ attack 1. gegen etw verstoßen, verletzen (Regel), übertreten 2. angreifen, überfallen 3. Verbrecher 4. begehen, verüben, +
B + * * wei4 stomach Magen +
B 加工 + * * jia1 gong1 process/ machining/ working Verarbeitung, verarbeiten +
B 現實 + * * xian4shi2 reality/ actuality Wirklichkeit, Realität +
B + * * tong4 feel painful/ agonize/ ache 1. Schmerz, Weh, Leiden 2. Trauer, Kummer 3. äußerst, höchst sehr +
B 位置 + * * wei4zhi place/ position Position, Platz +
B 性(積極性) + * * xing4 quality (the quality of being active) 1. Charakter, Natur, Veranlagung 2. Eigenschaft, Eigentümlichkeit 3. Geschlecht, Sexus 4. Genus +
B 重視 + * * zhong4shi4 attach importance to/ pay attention to Bedeutung zumessen, Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Wert, Wichtigkeit +
B 性質 + * * xing4zhi4 quality/ nature/ character Natur, Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaften +
B 稱贊 + * * cheng1zan4 praise/ acclaim/ commend preisen, loben, Kompliment machen +
B 到處 + * * dao4chu4 at all places/ everywhere überall +
B 到達 + * * dao4da2 arrive/ reach/ get to ankommen, erreichen, +
B + * * mei3 each/ per 1. je, pro 2.oft, wiederholt +
B 擁抱 + * * yong1bao4 embrace/ hug umarmen, umklammern +
B + * * bu4 pace 1. Schritt, Gang, Tritt 2. Schritt, Etappe, Abschnitt 3. Zustand, Lage 4. zu Fuß gehen +
B + * * an4 press/ push down/ according to 1. pressen, drücken 2. zügeln, unterdrücken 3. die Hand auf etw. legen, festhalten, 4. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 5. Anmerkung, Bemerkung +
B 能力 + * * neng2li4 capability/ ability/ capacity Fähigkeit,Vermögen, Können +
B 成果 + * * cheng2guo3 gain/ achievement/ positive result Erfolg, Errungenschaft, Frucht +
B + * * shou4 accept 1. erhalten, bekommen, annehmen, entgegennehmen 2. erleiden, ausgesetzt sein, sich unterziehen 3. ertragen, dulden, aushalten +
B 雜技 + * * za2ji4 acrobatics Akrobatik +
B 按照 + * * an4zhao4 according to/ in accordance with nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge, entsprechend +
B 成就 + * * cheng2jiu4 achievement/ success Erfolg, Errungenschaft +
B + * * xiang1 each other/ mutually 1. einander, gegenseitig 2. besehen (z.B. zukünftige Familie) +
B + * * lin2 face/ overlook 1. nahe, gegenüber 2. kommen, eintreffen 3. kurz vor, gerade bei +
B + * * ru2 according to 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls +
B + * * ru2 according to 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls +
B 突擊 + * * tu1ji1 make a sudden attack/ assault plötzlich angreifen, einen Übergriff machen +
B 相互 + * * xiang1hu4 mutual/ reciprocal/ each other gegenseitig, einander +
B 文字 + * * wen2zi4 character Schriftzeichen, Wort, Text +
B 回信 + * * hui2 xin4 write back briefliche Rückantwort, zurückschreiben +
B + * * jian1 pointed/ sharp/ acute 1. Spitze 2. zur Spitzengruppe gehörig, einer der Besten 3. spitz 4. hell, grell, schrill, scharf +
B 會場 + * * hui4chang3 meeting-place/ conference Sitzungsort, Versammlungsort +
B 主動 + * * zhu3dong4 active/ initiatory Initiative +
B 熟練 + * * shu2lian4 skilled/ practiced/ proficient geübt, erfahren,fließend, gewandt +
B 優美 + * * you1mei3 fine/ graceful wunderschön,herrlich,märchenhaft +
B 暑假 + * * shu3jia4 summer vacation Sommerferien +
B 承認 + * * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge anerkennen, bestätigen +
B 特點 + * * te4dian3 characteristic charakteristisch, Eigenschaft +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B 和平 + * * he2ping2 peace Frieden +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B 做法 + * * zuo4fa3 method of work/ practice Handlungsweise,Machart +
B 達到 + * * da2 dao4 achieve/ attain/ reach erreichen, anlangen +
B 對待 + * * dui4dai4 treat/ approach Behandlung +
B + * * shuai3 move back and forth/ throw 1. etw hin und her schwingen, schwenken 2. werfen, schleudern 3. abwerfen, wegwerfen +
B 面貌 + * * mian4mao4 face/ appearance/ visage Aussehen +
B 進攻 + * * jing4gong1 attack/ assault/ offend angreifen,Angriff, Offensive +
B 面前 + * * mian4qian2 in front of/ in face of/ before vor, vorgelagert (ungeprueft)/Wandbewurf, Außenschicht, Frontseite +
B 支持 + * * zhi1chi2 support/ back/ espouse aushalten, ertragen, unterstützen,beistehen +
B 活潑 + * * huo2po vivacious/ vivid/ lively lebhaft, lebendig, aktiv +
B 活躍 + * * hou2yue4 active/ brisk/ enliven/ animate/ invigorate aktiv +
B 作用 + * * zuo4yong4 action/ function/ act on/ affect 1. auf etw. /jn einwirken / beeinflußen 2. Funktion / Wirkung 3. Effekt / Rolle +
B 一同 + * * yi4tong2 together/ at the same time and place zusammen, mit +
B 有的是 + * * you3deshi4 there's no lack of es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel an +
B 合同 + * * he2tong contract Vertrag +
B 地點 + * * di4dian3 place/ site/ locale Ort +
B 座位 + * * zuo4wei4 seat/ place Platz, Sitz +
B 獲得 + * * huo4de2 gain/ obtain/ acquire/ win/ achieve erreichen, erhalten, gewinnen, bekommen +
B 抽象 + * * chou1xiang4 abstract Abstraktion, abstrakt +
B 民主 + * * min2zhu3 democracy/ democratic Demokratie, demokratisch +
B 有效 + * * you3xiao4 effective/ efficacious wirkungsvoll, wirksam, gültig +
B 表面 + * * biao3mian4 surface/ outside/ face/ appearance Oberfläche +
B 外地 + * * wai4di4 places other than the local place Ausland, äußere Bereiche +
B 外交 + * * wai4jiao1 diplomacy/ foreign affairs Diplomatie +
B 機床 + * * ji1chuang2 machine tool maschinelles Werkzeug +
B + * * ti4 take the place of/ replace/ for/ on behalf of 1. ersetzen, an js Stelle treten 2. für, in js Namen, um js Willen +
B 依靠 + * * yi1kao4 rely on/ depend on/ backing/ support sich auf jn/etw. verlassen, Stütze, Unterhalt,Unterstützung +
B 科學院 + * * ke1xue2yuan4 academy of science Akademie der Wissenschaften +
B 名勝 + * * ming2sheng4 famous place/ scenic spot Szenischer Punkt +
B 紅茶 + * * hong2cha2 black tea schwarzer Tee +
B 機械 + * * ji1xie4 machinery/ machine Maschine, Maschinerie +
B 餅乾 + * * bing3gan1 biscuit/ cracker Keks,Biskuit +
B 積極 + * * ji1ji2 positive/ active 1.positiv 2.aktiv +
B 積極性 + * * ji1ji2xing4 zeal/ activeness Begeisterung, Enthusiasmus, Aktivität +
B 積累 + * * ji1lei3 accumulate ansammeln +
B 實際 + * * shi2ji4 reality/ practice/ actual Realität, praktizieren, wirklich +
B 吸引 + * * xi1yin3 attract/ draw anziehen, fesseln,faszinieren +
B 犧牲 + * * xi1sheng1 die a martyr's death/ sacrifice Opfer +
B 病菌 + * * bing4jun1 pathogenic bacteria Mikrobe +
B 實事求是 + * * shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 be practical and realistic die Wahrheit aus den Tatsachen ziehen +
B + * * que1 lack of mangeln, fehlen, an etw gebrechen +
B 缺乏 + * * que1fa2 be short of/ lack unzulänglich, fehlen, mangeln an +
B 戰鬥 + * * zhan4dou4 fight/ battle/ combat/ action Kampf, kämpfen, Krieg führen +
B 實行 + * * shi2xing2 put into practice/ carry out in die Praxis umsetzen, implementieren +
B 缺少 + * * que1shao3 lack/ be short of fehlen, ermangeln, mangeln an +
B 根據 + * * gen1ju4 base on/ according to/ basis/ grounds entsprechend, auf der Basis von, +
B 實用 + * * shi2yong4 practical/ pragmatic praktisch, funktional, pragmatisch +
B 完整 + * * wan2zheng3 complete/ intact Vollständigkeit, vollkommen +
B + * * zhui1 run after/ pursue/ trace/ go after 1. nacheilen, jm nachsetzen, verfolgen, nachlaufen 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. trachten, streben, jagen 4. sich erinnern, sich etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen +
B 保留 + * * bao3liu2 reserve/ hold back bewahren, vorbehalten +
B 上面 + * * shang4mian above/ over/ on the surface of oben +
B 條約 + * * tiao2yue1 treaty/ pact Pakt, Vertrag +
B + * * pei2 accompany 1. entschädigen, für etw Ersatz leisten, Schadensersatz zahlen 2. Kapital einbüßen, +
B 產生 + * * chan3sheng1 produce/ take place/ engender erzeugen, hervorrufen, bewirken +
B 遇見 + * * yu4 jian4 meet/ come across treffen, begegnen +
B 準/准 + * * zhun3 (準) accurate/ exact/ (准) allow/ permit 1. genehmigen, erlauben, bewilligen 2. Norm, Richtschnur, Standard 3. genau, richtig 4. bestimmt, gewiß 5. para-, quasi- +
B 準確 + * * zhun3que4 precise/ accurate/ exact korrekt, genau,exakt +
B 洗衣機 + * * xi3yi1ji1 washing machine Waschmaschine +
B 代替 + * * dai4ti4 replace/ substitute for anstelle, ersetzen +
B 落後 + * * luo4hou4 backward/ fall behind rückständig, zurückfallen +
B + * * dai4 sack/ bag/ pocket 1. Tasche, Beutel, Sack, Tüte 2. ein Zählwort, Tasche, Sack +
B 鬍子 + * * hu2zi beard/ moustache Bart +
B 競賽 + * * jing4sai4 contest/ competition/ race Wettkampf, Wettbewerb +
B 細菌 + * * xi4jun1 germ/ bacterium Bakterie,Virus,Keim +
B 符合 + * * fu2he2 accord with/ conform to mit etwas übereinstimmen,entsprechen +
B 心得 + * * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study Wissen, daß man durch Arbeit und Studium erwirbt +
B 究竟 + * * jiu1jing4 actually/ exactly/ after all Resultat, in der Tat, exakt +
B 意外 + * * yi4wai4 accidental/ unexpected/ accident unerwartet, Unfall +
B 空間 + * * kong1jian1 space Raum +
B 聽講 + * * ting1 jiang3 listen to (teacher)/ attend a lecture einer Vorlesung zuhören, einem Redner zuhören +
B 事實 + * * shi4shi2 fact Tatsache +
B 製造 + * * zhi4zao4 make/ manufacture/ fabricate 1. fabrizieren, produzieren, erzeugen, herstellen 2. schaffen, hervorufen, herbeiführen, stiften, bereiten +
B + * * zhao4 shine/ illuminate/ according to 1.scheinen, leuchten beleuchten erleuchten, erhellen 2. widerspiegeln, spiegeln 3. fotographieren 4. Photographie, Lichtbild, Aufnahme 5. Lizenz 6.auf jn aufpassen, sich um etw/jm kümmern, für jn sorgen 7. gegenüberstellen, vergleichen 8. verstehen, begre +
B + * * hua2 1. paddle, row 2. scratch, cut the surface of 1. rudern, paddeln 2.ritzen, kratzen, aufreißen 3. sich lohnen, sich bezahlt machen siehe hua4 +
B 教材 + * * jiao4cai2 teaching materials Lehrmittel, Lehrbuch, Kursmaterial +
B 教師 + * * jiao4shi1 teacher Lehrer +
B 眼鏡 + * * yan3jing4 eyeglasses/ spectacles Brille, +
B 就是 + * * jiu4shi4 exactly/ even if genau so, exakt, sogar, falls +
B 因素 + * * yin1su4 factor/ element Faktor, Element +
B 教學 + * * jiao4xue2 teaching/ education Unterricht +
B 教訓 + * * jiao4xun teach sb. a lesson/ lesson jmd eine Lektion erteilen, Lektion +
B 設備 + * * she4bei4 equipment/ facilities Ausrüstung +
B + * * yan3 act/ perform 1. sich entwickeln, verändern 2. ableiten, folgern, schließen 3. etw methodisch lösen 4. aufführen, spielen +
B 教員 + * * jiao1yuan2 teacher/ instructor Lehrer, Ausbilder +
B + * * bei4 back auf dem Rücken tragen +
B 演員 + * * yan3yuan2 actor/ performer Schauspieler,Darsteller +
B + * * suo1 contract/ shrink/ draw back 1. schrumpfen, eingehen,sich zusammenziehen 2. zurückziehen +
B 反動 + * * fan3dong4 reactionary reaktionär, Reaktion +
B + * * bei4 back 1. Rücken 2. Oberseite, Rückenpartie 3. dem Rücken zugewandt 4. umkehren 5. im geheimen, insgeheim 6. zuwiderhandeln 7. etw auswendig lernen 8. abgelegen 9. schwerhörig +
B 背後 + * * bei4hou4 at the back/ behind/ in the rear hinter +
B 接觸 + * * jie1chu4 contact Kontakt, berühren, in Berührung sein +
C 快餐 + * * kuai4can1 fast food/ quick meal/ snack Schnell-Imbiss, Fastfood +
C 字典 + * * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary Zeichenlexikon(streng !),Wörterbuch, Lexikon +
C + * * ju4 occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to 1. besetzen, etwas in Besitz nehmen 2. gestützt auf etw, mit Hilfe von etw 3. nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge 4. Beweis, Nachweis +
C 字母 + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe +
C 海面 + * * hai3mian4 sea surface Meeresoberfläche +
C 所在 + * * suo3zai4 where-be/ place/ location/ where sth. or sb. is Platz, Ort,darin bestehen +
C 收縮 + * * shou1suo1 contract/ shrink/ reduce/ concentrate one's forces zusammenziehen,reduzieren,seine Kräfte bündeln +
C 宗教 + * * zong1jiao4 god-teaching/ religion Religion +
C 宗派 + * * zong1pai4 sect-faction/ sect/ faction Fraktion +
C + * * che4 evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen +
C 養成 + * * yang3cheng2 cultivate-succeed/ form/ acquire/ cultivate kultivieren, erlangen, formen +
C + * * gong1 imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend +
C 動靜 + * * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm +
C + * * fan3 return/ come or go back zurück, zurückkommen, zurückkehren +
C 宮殿 + 殿* * gong1dian4 imperial palace Palast, Schloß +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke +
C 貧窮 + * * pin2qiong2 poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production arm, bedürftig +
C 針灸 + * * zhen1jiu3 acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung +
C 行為 + * * xing2wei2 action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung +
C 品德 + * * pin3de2 moral character Moral,Tugend +
C + * * huan4 get (a disease)/ contract/ suffer from 1. Unheil, Katastrophe, Unglück, Not 2. sich sorgen, sich kümmern 3.(an einer Krankheit)leiden , erkranken +
C 品質 + * * pin3zhi4 character/ quality (of a person; product; etc.) Qualität, Wesen, Eigenschaft +
C 切實 + * * qie4shi2 realistic/ practical/ based on reality/ in real earnest realistisch, praktikabel +
C 鬧著玩兒 + * * nao4zhe wan2r frolic/ be just kidding/ tease/ act in a frivolous manner laut und albern sein +
C 動搖 + * * dong4yao2 waver/ vacillate/ shake schütteln,schwanken,erschüttern, unentschlosssen sein +
C + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität +
C 侵犯 + * * qin1fan4 intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade verletzen, überfallen +
C 劇烈 + * * ju4lie4 acute/ violent/ severe heftig, drastisch,stürmisch, intensiv,stark +
C 日益 + * * ri4yi4 more and more each day/ increasingly von Tag zu Tag, in zunehmenden Maße,mehr und mehr +
C 搖擺 + * * yao2bai3 rock-sway/ sway/ swing/ rock/ wigwag/ vacillate schwanken, hin- und her schwingen +
C 神聖 + * * shen2sheng4 sacred/ holy heilig +
C 加入 + * * jia1ru4 join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen +
C + * * fang1 square/ direction/ side/ party/ place 1.Viereck,Quadrat, viereckig, quadratisch 2. Himmelsrichtung, Orientierung 3. Seite 4. Methode, Weg 5. Rezept 6. eben, gerade,erst +
C 加速 + * * jia1su4 speed up/ quicken/ expedite/ accelerate beschleunigen, forcieren +
C + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen +
C 平凡 + * * ping2fan2 common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial gewöhnlich,einfach +
C 導師 + * * dao3shi1 teacher/ tutor/ supervisor/ mentor/ adviser Tutor, Lehrer +
C 鎮壓 + * * zhen4ya1 suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute unterdrücken +
C 應邀 + * * ying4yao1 accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation eingeladen, auf Einladung +
C 陣地 + * * zhen4di4 position-place/ battlefront/ front/ ground/ position Stellung, Front +
C + * * tan1 beach/ shoal 1. Strand 2. Untiefe,Sandbank +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen +
C 藥物 + * * yao4wu4 medicine-substance/ medicines/ pharmaceuticals Arzneimittel, Arznei, Medizin +
C + * * neng2 energy/ gift/ ability/ faculty können +
C 要不是 + * * yao4bu2shi4 if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't falls nicht.. +
C + * * lie4 split/ crack/ break up spalten, zerfallen, sich spalten,platzen,Ritze, Fissur, Risse bekommen +
C 能量 + * * neng2liang4 energy/ ability/ capacity/ capability Energie +
C 要好 + * * yao4hao3 want-good/ on good terms/ friendly to each other mit jn befreundet sein, mit jm auf gutem Fuß stehen +
C 決口 + * * jue2 kou3 (of a dike/ dam; etc.) be breached (Deich etc.) brechen,durchbrechen, Durchbruch +
C 航行 + * * hang2xing2 sail/ fly/ travel by boat; plane; or spacecraft navigieren, fliegen, segeln +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, +
C 相對 + * * xiang1dui4 mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, +
C + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien +
C 假期 + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien +
C 生病 + * * sheng1 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden, erkranken +
C 阻礙 + * * zu3'ai4 hinder-stop/ impede/ hinder/ block/ obstacle/ hindrance hindern, behindern, verhindern +
C 均勻 + * * jun1yun2 even/ uniform/ well-distributed/ regularly-paced gleichmäßig,regelmäßig +
C 突破 + * * tu1po4 charge-breach/ break through/ breakthrough einen Durchbruch erzielen, durchbrechen, brechen, überschreiten +
C 得病 + * * de2 bing4 get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease krank werden +
C 載重 + * * zai4zhong4 carry-load/ carrying capacity/ load Traglast, Tragvermögen, belasten, beladen +
C 阻止 + * * zu3zhi3 hinder-stop/ prevent/ preclude/ stop/ arrest/ hold back verhindern, zurückhalten +
C 彼此 + * * bi3ci3 each other/ one another gegenseitig +
C 回想 + * * hui2xiang3 recall/ recollect/ think back/ reminisce zurückdenken, sich erinnern +
C 組成 + * * zu3cheng2 form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make verfassen, bestehen aus +
C 放鬆 + * * fang4song1 loosen/ relax/ slacken/ become less attentive lockern, etw locker machen, entspannen, nachlassen +
C 裁判 + * * cai2pan4 judge/ umpire/ act as referee/ referee schiedsrichtern, Schiedsrichter +
C 得意 + * * de2 yi4 complacent/ conceited/ pleased with oneself froh, erregt,in gehobener Stimmung/selbstzufrieden +
C 骨幹 + * * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member Rückgrat +
C 來客 + * * lai2ke4 back and forth/ to and fro/ round trip Gast, Besucher +
C 途徑 + * * tu2jing4 route and path/ way/ approach/ avenue/ channel Weg, Weise +
C 才能 + * * cai2neng2 talent/ ability/ capacity Fähigkeit, Talent +
C + * * tao2 peach/ sth. resembling a peach/ walnut 1. Pfirsich 2. pfirsichähnlicher Gegenstand +
C 靈魂 + * * ling2hun2 soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor Seele +
C 正面 + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv +
C 飛行 + * * fei1xing2 fly (a plane; a spacecraft; etc.)/ travel by air fliegen, Flug, Luftfahrt +
C 承包 + * * cheng1bao1 contract (with)/ assume full responsibility 1. (VC) einen Vertrag schließen, volle Verantwwortung übernehmen 2.(Nab) Vertrag +
C 罪行 + * * zui4xing2 criminal-act/ crime/ guilt/ offence/ misdeed/ maleficence Verbrechen, Straftat +
C 樹立 + * * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish aufrichten,erstellen +
C 彙報 + * * hui4bao4 give an account of; report jm Bericht erstatten +
C 普及 + * * pu3ji2 popularize/ make sth. a commonplace/ prevalent popularisieren,verallgemeinern,universal, populär +
C 挫折 + * * cuo4zhe2 setback/ reverse/ defeat/ frustration Rückschlag +
C + * * dui1 pile/ stack/ heap/ crowd Stapel +
C 堆積 + * * dui1ji1 pile up/ heap up/ accumulate sich ansammeln +
C 錯字 + * * cuo4zi4 wrong character falscher Buchstabe, Druckfehler +
C 扭轉 + * * niu3zhuan3 turn round/ turn back/ reverse/ remedy/ rectify 1. sich umdrehen, sich wenden 2.ins Gegenteil verkehren, einen Kurs korrigieren +
C 廢墟 + * * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed Ruinen, Trümmerfeld +
C 沸騰 + * * fei4teng2 boil/ reach ebullition/ seethe with excitement Überschäumen, Siedepunkt, kochen +
C + * * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express 1. reichen, gelangen 2. erreichen, sich belaufen 3. völlig verstehen 4. mitteilen, ausdrücken +
C 達成 + * * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) erzielen, erreichen +
C 面對 + * * mian4dui4 face/ confront/ meet gegenüberstehen,konfrontiert sein +
C 特徵 + * * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait Merkmal, Kennzeichen, Charakterzug +
C 高峰 + * * gao1feng1 peak/ pinnacle/ acme/ apex/ zenith Gipfel,Bergspitze, Höhe,Spitze, Höhepunkt +
C 面孔 + * * mian4kong3 face/ look/ facial expression Gesicht +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik +
C 面臨 + * * mian4lin2 be faced with/ be confronted with/ be up against angesichts, gegenüber +
C 退步 + 退* * tui4bu4 back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression einen Schritt zurück machen +
C 便利 + 便* * bian4li4 convenient/ easy/ facilitate Bequemlichkeit, bequem, einfach, erleichtern +
C + * * qi1 paint/ lacquer 1. Lack, Anstrichfarbe 2. lackieren, streichen +
C 打擊 + * * da3ji1 strike/ hit/ attack/ pound/ frustrate angreifen, zuschlagen, Schläge versetzen +
C + * * di3 support/ set off/ be equal to/ compensate/ reach 1. stützen, Halt geben 2.widerstehen,abwehren 3. Ersatz leisten, büßen 4.Pfand, verpfänden 5. ersetzen, gleichkommen, ausgleichen 6. ankommen, eintreffen +
C 打交道 + * * da3 jiao1dao come into contact with/ have dealings with Umgang mit jm haben,mit jm/etw zu tun haben +
C 一面…一面 + * * yi1mian4_ yi1mian4 all-way-peace-safe/ have a safe trip zur gleichen Zeit…und… +
C 抵抗 + * * di3kang4 resist/ stand up to/ counteract/ withstand Widerstand leisten, Widerstand +
C + * * miao2 seedling/ offspring/ (some) baby animals/ vaccine 1. junger Trieb,Sproß, Sämling, junges Tier 2. Dinge von der Form junger Pflanzenblätter +
C 其實 + * * qi2shi2 in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact in der Tat, in Wirklichkeit +
C 拖拉機 + * * tuo1la1ji1 hauling-pulling-machine/ tractor 1. Traktor +
C + * * di3 bottom/ base/ end/ background/ draft/ record 1. Boden, Sohle, Grund 2.Zuversicht, Gewißheit 3 ursprünglicher Entwurf, erste Niederschrift 4. Ende, Schluß 5.Hintergrund, Untergrund +
C 衝擊 + * * chong1ji1 impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere anprallen, schlagen, anstürmen +
C 責備 + * * ze2bei4 demand-integrity/ accuse/ blame/ reproach/ criticize vorwerfen, vorhalten, tadeln +
C 托兒所 + * * tuo1'er2suo3 entrust-child-place/ nursery/ child care center Kindertagesstätte, Krippe +
C + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen +
C + * * tuo2 carry or bear on the back (auf dem Rücken) tragen +
C 奇跡 + * * qi2ji4 miracle/ marvel/ wonder Wunder +
C 消極 + * * xiao1ji2 eliminate-urgency/ negative/ passive/ inactive negativ, passiv, inaktiv +
C 座兒 + * * zuo4r seat/ place/ stand/ pedestal/ base Sitz, Platz, Sockel, Podest +
C 地理 + * * di4li3 geography/ the natural and social features of a place Geographie +
C 獲/穫 + * * huo4 seize/ catch/ get/ gain/ acquire/ harvest/ reap 1. fangen, gefangennehmen, erbeuten 2. bekommen, erlangen, erringen, erreichen, gewinnen 3. ernten +
C 學會 + * * xue2hui4 learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein +
C 分散 + * * fen1san4 distract/ divert/ decentralize/ disperse/ distribute verstreuen, zerstreuen, dezentralisieren +
C 官僚主義 + * * guan1liao2zhu3yi4 bureaucracy Bürokratie +
C + * * lou3 hug/ embrace/ hold in one's arms 1. umfassen, umarmen, lou1= 1. sammeln, ansammeln 2. aufkrempeln, aufheben, 3. zusammenraffen, etw an sich reißen +
C + * * chong4 1. face/ be towards/ towards/ 2. to/ because of 1.dynamisch,stark riechend, 2. nach einer Richtung liegen siehe chong1 +
C 分數 + * * fen1shu4 score/ mark/ grade/ point/ fractional number 1. Bruch, Bruchzahl 2. Note, Zenzur +
C 學年 + * * xue2nian2 academic-year/ school year Schuljahr +
C 偶然 + * * ou3ran2 accidental/ fortuitous/ unexpected gelegentlich, zufällig +
C 露面 + * * lou4 mian4 show one's face/ make an appearance/ show up sich sehen lassen, öffentlich in Erscheinung treten,z. Vorschein komm +
C + * * pa1 lie on one's stomach/ grovel/ bend over/ lean on 1. auf dem Bauch liegen, sich auf den Bauch legen 2. sich nach vorn lehnen, sich über etw beugen +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung +
C 一一 + * * yi1yi1 one-belt/ area (nearby a place)/ (adjacent) zone einer nach dem anderen, einzeln +
C 爐子 + * * lu2zi stove/ oven/ furnace Ofen, Herd +
C 學時 + * * xue2shi2 study-hour/ class hour/ teaching period/ period Unterrichtstunde +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände +
C 學說 + * * xue2shuo1 academic-theory/ doctrine/ theory Theorie, Lehre, Doktrin +
C 路過 + * * lu4guo4 pass by (a place)/ pass through (a place) vorbeigehen, vorbeiziehen,passieren +
C 學位 + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad +
C + * * fen3 powder/ face powder/ vermicelli made from starch 1.Pulver,Puder, pulverisieren 2. rosa 3. weißen, etwas weiß anstreichen +
C 痕跡 + * * hen2ji4 trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige 1. Spur, Fährte, Stapfen 2. Überbleibsel, Überrest, Ruine +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar +
C 有意 + * * you3yi4 have-mind/ have a mind (to do)/ be attracted sexually etwas im Sinn haben, gewillt sein, mit Absicht, absichtlich +
C 拍子 + * * pai1zi bat/ racket/ swatter/ beat/ time/ rhythm Schläger, Takt +
C 外部 + * * wai4bu4 external-part/ outside/ exterior/ surface außen,äußerlich,extern, +
C 排斥 + * * pai2chi4 ostracize/ repulse/ repel/ exclude/ reject verdrängen, abstoßen,verstoßen/ausschließen +
C + * * heng2 traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 +
C 靠近 + * * kao4jin4 get close to/ draw near/ approach nahe,in der Nähe von,neben,sich nähern,näherkommen +
C 轉達 + * * zhuan3da2 relaying-reach/ pass on/ convey/ communicate übermitteln, weitergeben +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt +
C 建造 + * * jian4zao4 build/ construct/ make/ manufacture errichten, bauen +
C 直達 + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt +
C + * * wu4 by mistake/ by accident/ miss/ delay/ harm/ damage 1. fälschlich, irrig, Fehler, Irrtum 2. versäumen, verpassen, 3. benachteiligen, beeinträchtigen, schädigen 4. unabsichtlich, versehentlich +
C 別處 + * * bie2chu4 another place/ elsewhere anderenorts +
C 傷口 + * * shang1kou3 wound/ cut/ laceration Wunde +
C 別字 + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe +
C 依照 + * * yi1zhao4 comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of gemäß, entsprechend, nach +
C + * * pan1 climb/ grab/ seek connection in high places/ implicate 1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen +
C 外頭 + * * wai4tou outside-place/ outdoor space/ outside draußen, außen +
C 轉移 + * * zhuan3yi2 transferring-move/ transfer/ divert/ displace/ change einen anderen Ort wählen, ablenken, ändern +
C 惡化 + * * e4hua4 worsen/ deteriorate/ exacerbate sich verschlimmern,sich verschlechtern +
C 天空 + * * tian1kong1 sky-space/ sky/ heavens Himmel +
C 遺產 + * * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance Erbe, Hinterlassenschaft +
C 外衣 + * * wai4yi1 outer-garment/ outerwear/ coat/ apparel/ jacket Jacke, Jackett, Deckmantel +
C + * * ke2 shell/ hull/ carapace/ shuck Schale, Hülse,Decke,Gehäuse,Hülle, Mantel +
C 協定 + * * xie2ding4 joint-decision/ agreement/ accord Abkommen, Vereinbarung, etwas vereinbaren, +
C 可不是 + * * ke3 bu shi4 exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it sicher, daß +
C 個性 + * * ge4xing4 personality/ individuality/ character Individualität, Persönlichkeit +
C 風格 + * * feng1ge2 style/ character/ integrity Stil, Kunststil +
C 彎曲 + * * wan1qu1 curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung +
C 吸取 + * * xi1qu3 absorb-get/ absorb/ draw/ assimilate/ extract aufsaugen,etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren +
C 講課 + * * jiang3 ke4 teach/ lecture/ prelect unterrichten, Vorlesungen halten +
C 實況 + * * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation +
C 出身 + * * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background 1. Herkunft, Abstammung, stammen (aus), abstammen 2. früherer Beruf +
C 風氣 + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral +
C 裝飾 + * * zhuang1shi4 dress-adorn/ decorate/ adorn/ ornament/ accessory schmücken, dekorieren +
C + * * si3 dead/ fixed/ rigid/ deadly/ implacable/ impassable sterben +
C 玩意兒 + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung +
C 講義 + * * jiang3yi4 teaching materials/ lecture sheets Lehrmaterial, Lehrstoff +
C 出事 + * * chu1 shi4 have an accident/ meet with a mishap Unfall, Unglück +
C 各自 + * * ge4zi4 each/ respective jeder, jeweilig, jeder selbst, jeder einzelne +
C 實習 + * * shi2xi2 practice/ praxis/ exercise and learn in the real world praktizieren, Feldarbeit leisten +
C 氣味 + * * qi4wei4 smell/ odor/ favor/ taste/ reek/ smack Geruch,Beigeschmack,Beiklang +
C 宇宙 + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos +
C 電爐 + * * dian4lu2 electric stove/ hot plate/ electric furnace Elektrischer Ofen +
C 四處 + * * si4chu4 four places/ all around/ hither and thither/ everywhere überall, ringsrum +
C 戰略 + * * zhan4lue4 war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic Strategie +
C 襲擊 + * * xi2ji1 raid-attack/ assault by surprise/ attack by surprise Überraschungsangriff, überraschend angreifen +
C 瘋狂 + * * feng1kuang2 crazy/ maniac/ mad/ wild/ frenzied/ unbridled verrückt, Verrücktheit +
C 戰術 + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik +
C 可行 + * * ke3xing4 be practicable/ be feasible/ be viable praktikabel, möglich, duchführbar +
C 後頭 + * * hou4tou at the back/ in the rear/ behind/ later hinten, Rückeite, später +
C 亞軍 + * * ya4jun1 second-army/ second place (in a contest)/ runner-up zweite Stelle, zweiter Platz +
C 後退 + 退* * hou4tui4 back up/ draw back/ fall back/ retreat sich zurückziehen +
C 景物 + * * jing3wu4 objects and background seen in a view/ environment Landschaft, Szenerie +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst +
C 挽救 + * * wan3jiu4 retrieve-save/ get back and save/ rescue/ remedy retten, abwenden, abhelfen +
C + * * gui1 return/ come or go back/ give back/ belong to 1. heimkehren,zurückkehren, 2. zurückgeben, wiedergeben 3. zuammenkommen, zusammenstellen +
C + * * dai4 take the place of/ be in place of ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie +
C + * * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation 1.Grenze 2.Gegend, Gebiet,Ort 3. Lage,Zustand,Umstände +
C 代辦 + * * dai4ban4 agency/ commission/ act for another für jn etwas machen,vertreten +
C 恰恰 + * * qia4qia4 just/ exactly/ precisely gerade, ausgerechnet +
C 張望 + * * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ herumgucken +
C 軌道 + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit +
C 菠菜 + * * bo1cai4 spinach Spinat +
C 代理 + * * dai4li3 act as an agent/ deputize als Vertreter handeln +
C 陪同 + * * pei2tong2 accompany/ sb. who accompanies/ company begleiten, Begleiter +
C + * * dian4 put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen +
C + * * mu4 act/ curtain/ veil/ screen Grab, Grabstätte, Mausoleum +
C 上游 + * * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position Oberlauf eines Flusses +
C 交易 + * * jiao1yi4 transaction/ deal/ trade/ business Geschäft, Handel +
C + * * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit 1. Schutzdach mit Vorhängen 2. Rechnung 3. Schulden, Kredit +
C 障礙 + * * zhang4'ai4 block-stop/ barrier/ obstacle/ hinder/ block/ obstruct versperren, Hindernis +
C + * * zhi4 extend/ send/ devote/ concentrate/ achieve/ lead to 1. senden, schicken, übermitteln 2. sich widmen, sich für etw einsetzen 3.verursachen, herbeiführen 4. so daß +
C 著重 + * * zhuo2zhong4 place-weight/ emphasize/ stress/ underline/ highlight hervorheben, unterstreichen +
C 速成 + * * su4cheng2 rapidly-master/ quickly accomplish/ crash (course) schnell meistern, schnell schaffen, Crash-Course +
C + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall +
C 調動 + * * diao4dong4 transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate verlegen, bewegen, +
C + * * peng2 cote/ shed/ shack/ makeshift shelter/ ceiling Schutzdach,Hütte,Schuppen +
C 事故 + * * shi4gu4 event that is unforeseen/ accident/ mishap Unglücksfall, Unfall +
C 互助 + * * hu4zhu4 help each other/ provide mutual help gegenseitige Hilfe +
C 事跡 + * * shi4ji4 praiseworthy act/ deed/ achievement/ merit Tat,Errungenschaft +
C + * * zhi4 make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control 1. herstellen, erzeugen, fabrizieren 2. beherrschen, einschränken, beschränken 3.System +
C 往來 + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr +
C 謙虛 + * * qian1xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ make modest remarks bescheiden +
C 腳步 + * * jiao3bu4 footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking 1. Schritt 2. Gang +
C + * * gong1 attack/ take the offensive/ accuse/ diligently study 1. angreifen, Angriff, die Offensive ergreifen , 2. studieren sich dem Studium widmen 3. tadeln, vorwerfen, attackieren, Anklage erheben, 4.sich auf etwas spezialisieren +
C 事務 + * * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction (Routine-) Arbeit, allgemeine Angelegenheiten +
C 攻擊 + * * gong1ji1 accuse/ vilify/ assume the offensive/ attack/ onset angreifen,Angriff +
C 角落 + * * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place Ecke, Winkel +
C 元素 + * * yuan2xiao1 basic-element/ essential factor/ element Element +
C 技巧 + * * ji4qiao3 technique/ artifice/ knack/ acrobatic gymnastics Kunstfertigkeit, handwerkliches Können +
C 教導 + * * jiao4dao3 teach/ indoctrinate lehren, unterweisen, Belehrung, Anleitung +
C + * * kong4 vacate/ leave empty or blank/ vacant/ unoccupied Freizeit, Chance,Raum, Platz +
C + * * zhi4 quality/ character/ nature/ matter/ substance/ material 1. Natur, Eigenschaft, Charakter, Wesen 2. Qualität 3. Material, Stoff, Substanz 4. fragen, anfragen, ausfragen +
C 廠長 + * * chang3zhang3 director of a factory Werksleiter +
C + * * fan1 time/ kind/ sort/ measure word for abstract things ein Zählwort Mal (für Handlungen) +
C 教練 + * * jiao4lian4 coach/ instructor/ drill master Trainer +
C 威脅 + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen +
C 場地 + * * chang3di4 space/ place/ site/ ground Feld, Platz, Ort +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung +
C 場面 + * * chang3mian4 scene/ spectacle/ occasion/ appearance Szene, Angelegenheit, Ereignis +
C 供應 + * * gong1ying4 supply/ provide/ accommodate versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung +
C 照相機 + * * zhao4xiang4ji1 take-photo-machine/ camera Kamera, Fotoapparat +
C 下游 + * * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position Unterlauf eines Flußes, Zustand der Rückständigkeit +
C 教研室 + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich +
C 陰謀 + * * yin1mou2 hidden-plot/ plot/ conspiracy/ machination Verschwörung, Komplott +
C 自滿 + * * zi4man3 self-satisfied/ complacent/ self-contented/ conceited selbstzufrieden, selbstgefällig +
C 圓滿 + * * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory befriedigend,zufriedenstellend +
C 當面 + * * dang1 mian4 face to face/ in sb.'s presence ins Gesicht, in jms Gegenwart +
C 盲目 + * * mang2mu4 blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on blind, blindlings +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern +
C 同伴 + * * tong2ban1 accompanying-partner/ companion/ mate/ comrade Gefährte, Kamerad, Begleiter +
C 背包 + * * bei1bao1 knapsack/ backpack/ rucksack Rucksack +
C 身分(身份) + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status +
C 背景 + * * bei4jing3 background/ backdrop Hintergrund +
C 臉色 + * * lian3se4 complexion/ look/ facial expression Gesichtsfarbe, Aussehen,Gesichtsausdruck +
C 反擊 + * * fan3ji1 counter-attack/ fight back/ strike back/ beat back zurückschlagen,Gegenangriff +
C 歡呼 + * * huan1hu1 hail/ cheer/ acclaim jubeln, Jubel +
C 自主 + * * zi4zhu3 self-decide/ decide for oneself/ act on one's own Selbstständigkeit, sein eigener Herr sein +
C 黨派 + * * dang3pai4 party groupings/ factions/ cliques/ clans/ Partisan, politische Partei +
C + * * pin1 piece together/ join together/ achieve sth. at all costs 1. zusammenstückeln, zusammensetzen 2. aufs Ganze gehen, sich rückhaltlos einsetzen 3.buchstabieren +
D 附帶 + * * fu4dai4 attach nebenbei, zusätzlich +
D 據點 + * * ju4dian3 stronghold beachhead Stützpunkt, Festung +
D 蹤跡 + * * zong1ji4 tail/ trail/ trace Spur +
D 公約 + * * gong1yue1 pact Konvention, internationale Vereinbarung +
D 被告 + * * bei4gao4 accused Angeklagter, Beklagter +
D 附屬 + * * fu4shu3 attach appertain untergeordnet, unterstellt +
D 會計 + * * kuai4ji accountant Buchhaltung, Buchführung, Buchhalter +
D 貧乏 + * * pin2fa2 poor/ lacking indigent fehlen, Mangel,arm +
D 行徑 + * * xing2jing4 act/ move Tat, Aktion +
D 越過 + * * yue4guo4 get across/ hurdle über etwas hinwegkommen +
D 真相 + * * zhen1xiang4 fact/ truth Wahrheit, wahrer Sachverhalt +
D 寬敞 + * * kuan1chang spacious/ commodious geräumig +
D 撤銷 + * * che4xiao1 repeal/ retract absagen, aufkündigen, canceln +
D 寬大 + * * kuan1da4 spacious/ lenient geräumig, weit,nachsichtig, milde +
D 深遠 + * * shen1yuan3 far-reaching tiefgreifend und dauernd, weitreichend +
D 手法 + * * shou3fa3 tact Technik,Fähigkeit +
D 犯渾 + * * fan4 hun2 act shamelessly etwas Törichtes tun +
D 種族 + * * zhong3zu2 race Rasse +
D 兩手 + * * liang3shou3 two tactics, skill zwei Taktiken +
D 神奇 + * * shen2qi2 miraculous/ magical wunderbar, wunderwirkend, geheimnisvoll +
D 劫持 + * * jie2chi2 hijack entführen +
D 函授 + * * han2shou4 teach by correspondence Fernstudium +
D 內地 + * * nei4di4 hinterland/ backland Landesinnere, Binnenland +
D 侵害 + * * qin1hai4 encroach on/ aggrieve/ infract beinträchtigen, schädigen +
D 太空 + * * tai4kong1 outer space Himmelsdach, Firmament +
D 太平 + * * tai4ping2 peaceful friedlich +
D 侵蝕 + * * qin1shi2 corrode/ encroach zerfressen,zersetzen,erodieren +
D 安寧 + * * an1ning2 1.peaceful, calm, tranquil 2. calm, composed, free of worry 1.friedlich, ruhig 2. unbesorgt, +
D 安置 + * * an1zhi4 find a place for, put, arrange setzen, stellen,unterbringen, arrangieren +
D 逼近 + * * bi1jin4 approach sich nähern, vorrücken +
D 容量 + * * rong2liang4 volume/ capacity Kapazität, Fassungsvermögen,Aufnahmefähigkeit +
D + * * wen2 writing/ character 1.Schrift, Schriftzeichen 2. Sprache 3. literarisches Schaffen, Aufsatz, Artikel, Text, 4. klassische Literatursprache 5. Kultur 6. zivil +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten +
D 按勞分配 + * * an4 lao2 fen1pei4 distribution according to work Verteilung nach Arbeitsleistung +
D 步伐 + * * bu4fa2 march/ pace/ step Schritt +
D 胸膛 + * * xiong1tang2 thoraces Brust, Brustkorb +
D 庸俗 + * * yong1su2 philistine/ tacky vulgär, niedrig, spießbürgerlich +
D 航天 + * * hang2tian1 space flight Raumflug, Raumfahrt +
D 步子 + * * bu4zi pace/ step Schritt, Gang +
D 倒退 + 退* * dao4tui4 fall back zurückfallen Rückfall +
D 決算 + * * jue2suan4 final accounts Bilanz, Schlußabrechnung +
D 結算 + * * jie2suan4 settle accounts eine Rechnung zahlen, ein Konto schließen +
D 周折 + * * zhou1zhe2 twists and turns setbacks Komplikation, Mühe +
D 獨裁 + * * du2cai2 autocracy Diktatur, Alleinherrschaft +
D 要素 + * * yao4su4 factor/ element wesentlicher Faktor, wichtig +
D + * * zu2 race/ nationality 1. Nationalität, Rasse 2. Stamm, Sippe 3. Klasse, Gruppe +
D 鼓吹 + * * gu3chui1 advocate/ preach up propagieren,predigen, anpreisen +
D 爭先恐後 + * * zheng1 xian1 kong3 hou4 strive to be the first/ vie with each other erster sein wollen und dabei fürchten zurückzufallen +
D 回顧 + * * hui2gu4 review/ look back zurückblicken, Rückschau halten +
D 回擊 + * * hui2ji1 strike back zurückschlagen +
D + * * jun1 mushroom/ bacterium 1. Pilze 2. Bakterie, Bakterium +
D 相識 + * * xiang1shi2 be acquainted with each other sich kennen, miteinander bekannt sein, Bekanntschaft, Bekannte +
D 古怪 + * * gu3guai4 cranky/ wacky sonderbar, merkwürdig, seltsam, exentrisch +
D 回收 + * * hui2shou1 reclaim/ callback einsammeln, rückgewinnen +
D 相通 + * * xiang1tong1 communicate with each other miteinander verbunden sein, ineinander übergehen +
D 來看 + * * lai2kan4 according to gemäß, so gesehen, +
D 破裂 + * * po4lie4 breach/ rive platzen, brechen +
D 問世 + * * wen4shi4 spacious/ commodious erscheinen, herausgegeben werden +
D 弊端 + * * bi4duan1 disadvantage/ malpractice Übel, Mißstand, Nachteil +
D 桃花 + * * tao2hua1 peach blossom Pfirsichblüte +
D 銳利 + * * rui4li4 sharp/ acuminate scharf, spitz +
D 虛假 + * * xu1jia3 illusive/ mendacious falsch,unecht +
D 飛船 + * * fei1chuan2 spaceship Luftschiff, Zeppelin +
D 靈巧 + * * ling2qiao3 facile/ skillful/ deft geschickt, gewandt +
D + * * lai4 go back on one's word 1. sich auf jetw/jn stützen/verlassen , auf jn/etw verlassen/angewiesen sein 2. hartnäckig stehenbleiben 3. abstreiten,leugnen,jn falsch beschuldigen 4. jn zuzuschreiben sein +
D 把戲 + * * ba3xi4 acrobatics/ jugglery 1.Akrobatik 2. Trick, Intrige +
D 會晤 + * * hui4wu4 contact zusammentreffen +
D 寧靜 + * * ning2jing4 quiet/ peaceful friedlich +
D 罪名 + * * zui4ming2 accusation/ charge gesetzliche Bezeichnung für einen Straftatbestand +
D 罪狀 + * * zui4zhuang4 facts about a crime Straftatbestand +
D 鞭炮 + * * bian1pao4 firecracker Chinaböller,Feuerwerkkörper +
D 採納 + * * cai3na4 accept aktzeptieren (annehmen) +
D 顧全大局 + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen +
D 硫酸 + * * liu2suan1 sulphuric acid Schwefelsäure +
D 項鏈 + * * xiang4lian4 necklace Halskette, Halsschmuck +
D 特色 + * * te4se4 characteristic Eigenheit, Eigentümlichkeit +
D 和平共處 + * * he2ping2 gong4 chu3 peaceful coexistence friedliche Koexistenz +
D 特性 + * * te4xing4 characteristic charakteristisch +
D 參與 + * * can1yu4 participate in/ attach oneself to teilnehmen, mitwirken, beteiligt ein +
D 和約 + * * he2yue1 peace treaty Friedensvertrag +
D + * * shi1 teacher 1. Lehrer, Meister 2. Vorbild, Beispiel 3. in einem bestimmten Beruf ausgebildete Person 4. zum Lehrer oder Meister gehörend 5. Division 6. Truppe, Armee +
D + * * huo1 sacrifice/ break 1. Risse (oder Brüche) bekommen, einen Riß haben, brechen 2. keine Opfer scheuen, bereit sein, für eine Sache etw herzugeben +
D 疼痛 + * * teng2tong4 achy Schmerz +
D 師長 + * * shi1zhang3 teacher/ division commander Lehrer, Divisionskommandeur +
D 作法 + * * zuo4fa action/ practice Handlungsweise, Verfahren, Magie anwenden, zaubern +
D 充當 + * * chong1dang1 act as/ serve as als...dienen +
D 簡體字 + * * jian3ti3zi4 simplified character vereinfachtes chinesisches Schriftzeichen +
D 面面俱到 + * * mian4 mian4 ju4 dao4 reach every aspect of a matter keinen Aspekt außer Acht lassen, sich um alles kümmern wollen und sich auf nichts konzentrieren können +
D 面目 + * * mian4mu4 appearance/ face Gesicht, Aussehen, Visage +
D 弄虛作假 + * * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception mit Tricks hintergehen +
D 退還 + 退* * tui4huan2 send back/ hand back zurückgeben +
D 無能為力 + * * wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action/ powerless hilflos +
D 的確良 + * * di2que4liang2 Dacron Chemiefaser, Dragon (?) +
D 分寸 + * * fen1cun4 proper limits for speech or action Sinn für Schicklichkeit, richtiges Maß +
D 面容 + * * mian4rong2 look/ face Gesicht, Aussehen, Antlitz +
D 面子 + * * mian4zi prestige/ face Außenseite, Gesicht, Ruf +
D 失事 + * * shi1 shi4 wreckage/ accident verunglücken +
D 沙灘 + * * sha1tan1 sand beach Sandbank, Sandstrand +
D 合乎 + * * he2hu1 accord with entsprechen, mit etwas übereinstimmen +
D 無所作為 + * * wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2 attempt and accomplish nothing in Nichtstun versinken,Nichtstuerei +
D 失效 + * * shi1 xiao4 lose efficacy/ be no longer in force seine Wirkung verlieren, nicht mehr wirksam sein +
D 支柱 + * * zhi1zhu4 mainstay/ backbone Stütze, Stützbalken +
D 減低 + * * jian3di1 reduce/ cut back on herabsetzen, verringern +
D 提煉 + * * ti2lian4 abstract/ refine extrahieren, raffinieren, läutern +
D 操練 + * * cao1lian4 drill/ practice sich körperlich ausbilden,hart arbeiten, üben +
D 提要 + * * ti2yao4 abstract Inhaltsangabe, Zusammenfassung, Hauptinhalt +
D 扮演 + * * ban4yan3 act/ represent eine Rolle spielen, +
D 官僚 + * * guan1liao2 bureaucracy Bürokrat +
D + * * ban4 partner/ accompany 1.Gefährte, Partner, Gesellschafter 2. begleiten +
D 學歷 + * * xue2li4 educational background Bildungsgang, Bildungsabschluß, +
D 伴奏 + * * ban4zou4 accompany musikalische Begleitung +
D 黑白 + * * hei1bai2 black and white/ right and wrong schwarzweiß-(film) +
D 策略 + * * ce4lve4 tactic/ policy Taktik, taktisch +
D 敏銳 + * * min3rui4 keen/ subtitle/ acute/ brisk scharf +
D 取代 + * * qu3dai4 replace/ supersede ersetzen, an die Stelle von etw.,jm treten +
D 小數 + * * xiao3shu4 decimal fraction dezimal +
D 路面 + * * lu4mian4 road surface Fahrbahndecke, Straßenbelag, Straßenpflaster +
D + * * ji1 attack 1. schlagen, einen Schlag versetzen, einen Stoß versetzen 2. angreifen, anfallen, überfallen +
D 路子 + * * lu4zi way/ approach Weg +
D 外觀 + * * wai4guan1 aspect/ face Äußere, äußere Ansicht +
D + * * bie1 hold back 1. ersticken, sich bedrückt fühlen 2. unterdrücken, zurückhalten +
D 名次 + * * ming2ci4 place in a competition Rangfolge, Rang, Platz (Wettkampf) +
D 精密 + * * jing1mi4 exact/ close präzis, fein +
D 精確 + * * jing1que4 accurate/ exact genau, exakt, präzis +
D 替換 + * * ti4huan4 substitute/ replace abwechseln, auswechseln +
D 派別 + * * pai4bie2 faction/ group Gruppe, Fraktion +
D 光棍兒 + * * guang1gun4'er unmarried man/ bachelor Junggeselle, Alleinstehende +
D + * * xun4 teach/ train 1. belehren, zurechtweisen, unterweisen 2. trainieren, Training 3. Norm, Standard, Maßgabe +
D 機智 + * * ji1zhi4 tactful/ resourceful findig, einfallsreich, +
D + * * ji1 amass/ accumulate 1. aufhäufen, anhäufen, ansammeln 2. seit langer Zeit, althergebracht, eingewurzelt +
D 恩人 + * * en1ren2 benefactor Wohltäter, Retter +
D 風度 + * * feng1du4 grace/ style Windstärke +
D 出品 + * * chu1pin3 manufacture produzieren, Produkt +
D 謬論 + * * miu4lun4 fallacy/ paralogism Unsinn, absurde Behauptung +
D 各奔前程 + * * ge4 ben4 qian2 cheng2 each goes his own way jeder, all, verschieden, verschiedenartig +
D 綠化 + 绿* * lv4hua4 make (a place )green by planting trees aufforsten, Grünanlagen pflanzen +
D 包裹 + * * bao1guo3 package Paket +
D 包裝 + * * bao1zhuang1 pack/ put up/ make up verpacken,einpacken,Verpackung +
D 缺口 + * * que1kou3 breach/ gap Lücke, Bresche +
D 田徑 + * * tian2jing4 track and field Leichtathletik +
D 後臺 + * * hou4tai2 backstage Platz hinter der Bühne,hinter den Kulissen +
D 跑道 + * * pao3dao4 race track Bahn, Piste +
D 追查 + * * zhui1cha2 investigate/ trace nachgehen, nachforschen +
D 確切 + * * que4qie4 exact/ definite richtig, es stimmt +
D 似是而非 + * * si4 shi4 er2 fei1 specious/ apparently right but actually wrong es scheint so ist aber nicht so +
D 煙草 + * * yan1cao3 tobacco Tabak +
D 似笑非笑 + * * si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4 a faint on one's face/ with a spurious smile ein gekünseltes Lächeln +
D 歸根到底 + * * gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 at all time and place in der letzten Analyse +
D 籍貫 + * * ji2guan4 native place Heimat, Geburtsort, +
D 境界 + * * jing4jie4 realm/ extent reached Realm, Ausmaße, +
D 更換 + * * geng1huan4 replace wechseln, ersetzen, ablösen +
D 志氣 + * * zhi4qi4 ambition/ backbone/ spirit Ehrgeiz, Ambition +
D 殿 + 殿* * dian4 palace Halle,(Palast,Tempel) +
D 利息 + * * li4xi1 accrual/ interest Zins +
D + * * su2 custom/ tacky 1. Sitte,Bräuche 2. volkstümlich,populär 3. spießbürgerlich, vulgär 4. Laie, Nichtgeistlicher +
D 麻袋 + * * ma2dai4 sack/ gunny-bag Hanfsack, Jutesack +
D 致富 + * * zhi4 fu4 become rich/ acquire wealth reich werden +
D 報答 + * * bao4da2 reciprocate/ pay back/ repay zurückzahlen +
D 算盤 + * * suan4pan2 abaci Abakus +
D 傳授 + * * chuan2shou4 initiate/ teach beibringen, lehren +
D 攻關 + * * gong1guan1 tackle key problem eine Hürde nehmen, +
D 脊梁 + * * ji2liang backbone Rücken +
D 報銷 + * * bao4xiao1 submit and expense account sich seine Kosten erstatten lassen +
D 功績 + * * gong1ji4 achievement Verdienste und Erfolge +
D 智能 + * * zhi4neng2 aptitude/ capacity Intelligenz, geistige Fähigkeiten +
D 廠家 + * * chang3jia1 factory Fabrikbesitzer, Eigentümer,Verantwortliche +
D 孔雀 + * * kong3que4 peacock Pfau +
D 廠商 + * * chang3shang1 manufacturer Gesellschaft +
D 原告 + * * yuan2gao4 accuser Kläger, Ankläger +
D 功效 + * * gong1xiao4 efficacy Wirkung, Wirksamkeit +
D 空白 + * * kong4bai2 blank/ vacancy leerer Raum, leere Stelle, Leerzeichen +
D 空隙 + * * kong4xi4 interspaced/ lacuna Zwischenraum +
D 場所 + * * chang3suo3 locale/ place Platz, Ort +
D 寄托 + * * ji4tuo1 place on/ consign or commit anvertrauen,auf etwas,jn setzen +
D 爆竹 + * * bao4zhu2 firecracker Böller, Feuerwerkskörper +
D 音響 + * * yin1xiang3 stereo/ sound/ acoustics Laut, Schall, Klang, Akustik +
D 就職 + * * jiu4 zhi2 accession ein Amt antreten +
D 繁體字 + * * fan2ti3zi4 the original complex of Chinese character Langzeichen +
D 訂購 + * * ding4gou4 place an order for sth abonnieren, bestellen +
D 譴責 + * * qian3ze2 condemn/ accuse/ censure verurteilen, brandmarken, tadeln +
D 丟人 + * * diu1 ren2 lose face das Gesicht verlieren +
D 試製 + * * shi4zhi4 trial-manufacture Versuchsproduktion +
D 舉動 + * * ju3dong4 action Handlung,Bewegung, Vorgehen +
D 驗收 + * * yan4shou1 check and accept etwas nach einer Prüfung annehmen +
D 中游 + * * zhong1you2 middle reaches of a river Mittellauf, Mittelmäßigkeit, Durchschnittlichkeit +
D 舉世矚目 + * * ju3shi4 zhu3mu4 attract worldwide attention auf der ganzen Welt im Blick +
D 背面 + * * bei4mian4 the back Rück- Kehrseite +
D 反攻 + * * fan3gong1 counterattack Gegenangriff +
D 收回 + * * shou1hui2 take back zurücknehmen, zurückbekommen, zurückerhalten, etwas rückgängig machen, widerrufen +
D 反面 + * * fan3mian4 back/ opposite Rückseite,Kehrseite,Gegenteil +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
2 老师 机场 + I took the teacher to the airport. Ich bringe den Lehrer zum Flughafen.
78 回来 + I'm back. Ich bin wieder da.
87 鸽子 象征 和平 + Doves are a symbol of peace. Tauben symbolisieren Frieden.
114 老师 身后 + The teacher is standing behind him. Der Lehrerin steht hinter ihm.
130 他们 努力 + Each of them works very hard. Sie sind alle sehr sehr fleißig.
136 我们 海边 日出 + We went to the beach to see the sunrise. Wir gingen zum Strand, um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
141 经常 外地 出差 + I frequently go on business trips to other places. Ich bin ständig auswärts auf Geschäftsreise.
157 老师 + She wants to become a teacher. Sie möchte Lehrerin werden.
172 第一 + I've achieved first place. Ich habe den ersten Platz gewonnen..
189 修理 机器 + He's repairing the machine. Er repariert eine Maschine.
192 把握 每次 面试 机会 + One must seize the chance of each interview. Man muß jede Chance zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch ergreifen.
195 有点 + I have a slight headache. Ich habe etwas Kopfschmerzen.
216 小路 不平 + The surface of this path is uneven. Die kleine Straße ist uneben.
257 老师 我们 英文 + The teacher teaches English to us. Der Lehrerin gibt uns Englischunterricht.
261 健身 教练 + She's become a fitness coach. Sie ist eine Fitness Trainerin geworden.
278 穿着 黑色 西服 + He is wearing a black suit. Er trägt einen schwarzen Anzug.
306 认识 汉字 + I know this Chinese character. Ich kenne dieses chinesische Zeichen.
333 手链 + She's wearing a silver bracelet. Sie trägt ein Silberarmband.
358 大家 面对 镜头 + Everyone please face the camera. Bitte alle in die Kamera gucken.
359 面部 皮肤 + She has a wonderful facial complexion. Ihre Gesichtshaut ist sehr gut.
371 空房 + Are there any rooms vacant? Gibt es noch freie Zimmer?
388 知识 阅读 积累 + Knowledge is accumulated by reading. Wissen wird durch Lesen angehäuft.
392 公司 生产 汽车 + This company manufactures cars. Dieses Unternehmen produziert Autos.
398 地球 表面 + This is the surface of the earth. Dies ist die Erdoberfläche.
403 代课 老师 + She's just a substitute teacher. Sie ist eine Vertretungslehrerin.
404 他们 相互 拥抱 + They hugged each other. Sie umarmen einander.
409 这里 空位 + There are still some vacant seats here. Hier sind immer noch freie Plätze.
411 办公室 宽敞 并且 明亮 + The office is very spacious and bright. Das Büro ist sehr geräumig und (außerdem) hell.
412 并不 喜欢 汉堡 + I don't actually like hamburgers. Ich mag Hamburger gar nicht essen.
436 老师 我们 数学 + The teacher is teaching us math. Der Lehrer unterrichtet uns in Mathematik.
443 接受 礼物 + She accepted my gift. Sie hat mein Geschenk angenommen.
488 模特儿 形体 优美 + This model has a graceful figure. Dieses Modell hat eine wunderschöne Figur.
497 警方 控告 犯罪 + The police accused him of committing a crime. Die Polizei beschuldigt ihn eines Verbrechens.
504 我们 老师 + She is our teacher. Sie ist unsere Lehrerin.
509 工厂 生产 产品 + The factory makes products. Die Fabrik stellt Produkte her.
516 膝关节 有点 + His knee joints ache a little. Er hat Schmerzen im Knie.
556 妈妈 包装 圣诞 礼物 + Mom is packing the Christmas presents. Mutti wickelt die Weihnachtsgeschenke ein.
557 我们 打包 东西 + We're packing our stuff. Wir packen unsere Sachen.
569 工厂 制造 产品 + Factories manufacture products. Fabriken erzeugen Produkte.
573 教师 平易近人 + The teacher is very easygoing. Dieser alte Lehrer ist sehr umgänglich.
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 + A traffic accident have taken place here. ((A traffic accident has occurred here.)) Hier hat sich ein Verkehrsunfall ereignet.
627 练习 弹钢琴 + She's practicing the piano. Sie übt das Klavierspielen.
635 + Each of you say one sentence. Jeder sagt einen Satz.
664 + His face is dirty. Sein Gesicht ist schmutzig.
673 医生 预防针 + The doctor is giving me a vaccination. Der Arzt gibt mir ein Vorsorge-Spritze.
678 这里 哪里 + Where is this place? Wo ist das hier?
682 我们 开车 旅行 + We are vacationing by car. Wir fahren mit dem Auto auf die Reise.
689 毛笔字 + She is practicing Chinese brush calligraphy. Sie übt Kalligraphie mit dem Pinsel.
703 这里 环境 宜人 + The environment here is very pleasant (or This place is very charming). Die Umgebung hier ist sehr ansprechend.
713 他们 住处 + This is their new place. Dies ist ihr neue Unterkunft.
716 汉字 什么 含义 + What does this Chinese character mean? Welche Bedeutung hat dieses chinesische Zeichen?
744 合同 商议 一下 + This contract needs to be discussed again. Der Vertrag muss noch einmal diskutiert werden.
750 真是 奇观 + This is really a miracle. Dies ist wirklich ein Wunder.
761 影子 沙滩 + Her shadow stretched out across the beach. Ihr Schatten bildet sich am Strand ab.
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 + Train tickets may be purchased using the automatic vending machine. Tickets können durch Gebrauch des Fahrkartenautomaten gekauft werden.
794 制造 面包 + He is manufacturing bread loaves. Er produziert Brot.
823 小学 任教 + I teach at this primary school. Ich bin an dieser Grundschule als Lehrer tätig.
828 品德 问题 + His moral character is very bad. Seine moralische Einstellung ist sehr problematisch.
829 我们 根据 合同 办事 + We conduct our business in accordance with the contract. Wir handeln gemäß dem Vertrag.
843 + This watch is very accurate. Diese Uhr ist sehr präzise.
847 老师 学生 相处 + The teachers and students get on well with each other. Die Lehrerin und die Schüler kommen gut mit einander aus.
853 现在 六点 + It's exactly six o'clock. Jetzt ist genau sechs Uhr.
865 他们 接受 委托 + They've agreed to take on the job. [lit., They've accepted the entrustment.] Sie haben den Auftrag angenommen.
866 工厂 + This is a very large factory. Diese Fabrik ist sehr groß.
888 看台 挤满 观众 + Spectators crowded the bleachers. Die Zuschauer bevölkerten die Tribüne.
910 产品 包装 + This batch of products has been packed. Diese Ladung Produkte ist fertig verpackt.
974 他们 今天 休假 + They're on vacation today. Sie machen heute Urlaub.
982 维修 机器 + He's repairing the machine. Er repariert die Maschine.
992 湖面 平静 + The lake surface is very calm. Die Oberfläche des Sees ist sehr ruhig.
998 沙滩 留下 脚印 + She left a trail of footprints on the beach. Sie hat am Strand eine Spur ihrer Fußabdrücke hinterlassen.
1016 + His back is very sore. Sein Rücken tut sehr weh.
1017 老师 我们 背诵 单词 + The teacher teaches us to recite the words. Die Lehrerin lehrt uns, Wörter aufzusagen.
1024 法官 依据 法律 审判 + The judge tries cases in accordance with the law. Der Richter urteilt auf Basis der Gesetze.
1029 美军 占领 这里 + The American troops have occupied this place. Die US-Streitkräfte haben diesen Ort okkupiert.
1037 牙痛 + I have a toothache. Ich habe Zahnschmerzen.
1045 这里 多空 座位 + There are many vacant seats. Hier sind viele freie Plätze.
1054 他们 签订 合同 + They've signed the contract. Sie haben den Vertrag einvernehmlich unterschrieben.
1073 头发 + Her hair is very black. Ihr Haar ist tiefschwarz.
1082 判断 准确 + His judgment was very accurate. Sein Urteil ist sehr zutreffend.
1098 练习 射击 + He is practicing shooting. Er übt Schiessen.
1115 路上 积雪 + There is an accumulation of snow on the road. Auf der Straße ist eine Schneedecke.
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 + According to the weather forecast, it will be partially cloudy today. Nach Darstellung des Wetterberichts wird es heute wechselnd bewölkt.
1127 他们 跑步 速度 平均 + They run at an even pace. Sie laufen in einem regelmäßigen Tempo.
1136 老师 孩子们 + The teacher taught one class to the children. Die Lehrerin gab den Schüler eine Unterrichtseinheit.
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 + The teacher will teach us subtraction today. Der Lehrer lehrt uns heute die Subtraktion.
1176 电脑 显示 操作 + Please operate it according to the computer instructions. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Computerbildschirm.
1181 玫瑰 属于 蔷薇科 植物 + Roses belong to the Rosaceae family. Rosen gehören zur Pflanzenfamilie der Rosengewächse.
1182 交通 事故 导致 塞车 + The traffic accident has caused a traffic jam. Der Verkehrsunfall verursacht einen Stau.
1189 受到 太太 责问 + He was reproached by his wife. Er bekam Vorwürfe von seiner Frau.
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 + Everyone is copying the teacher's movements. Alle imitieren die Bewegungen der Lehrerin beim Üben.
1248 夫妇 恩爱 + The old couple love each other very much. Dieses alte Ehepaar ist sehr liebevoll zueinander.
1251 法案 已经 实施 + The new bill has been enacted. Der neue Gesetzesentwurf wurde schon in Kraft gesetzt.
1266 银行 私人 帐户 + She has a personal account at this bank. Sie hat ein Privatkonto bei dieser Bank.
1269 他们 准备 敌人 发起 攻击 + They are ready to attack the enemy. Sie bereiten sich vor, den Feind anzugreifen.
1314 海面 落日 映照 金色 + The setting sun shone on the sea's surface, turning it golden. Die untergehende Sonne bestrahlt das Meer und färbt es in Gold.
1320 新书 序言 执笔 + The new book's preface is written by him. Das Vorwort für die Neuerscheinung ist von ihm verfasst.
1336 孩子们 草地 互相 追逐 + The children are chasing each other in the meadow. Die Kinder rennen auf der Wiese gegenseitig hintereinander her.
1342 学生 课堂 戏弄 老师 + The students played a trick on their teacher during class. Die Schüler machen in Klassenzimmer einen Ulk mit ihrer Lehrerin.
1353 桃子 熟透 + The peaches are ripe. Die Pfirsiche sind reif.
1380 皇宫 气派 + The palace is very majestic. Der Kaiserpalast ist sehr beeindruckend.
1382 中国人 拜祭 祖宗 习俗 + The Chinese people practice the custom of ancestor worship. Es ist ein Brauch der Chinesen, ihre Vorfahren zu verehren.
1389 路上 留下 车轮 + Two wheel tracks remain on the road. Auf der Straße sind zwei Reifenspuren geblieben.
1395 喜欢 仙人掌 + I like cacti. Ich mag gern Kakteen.
1401 比赛 激烈 + It was a gruelling race. Der Wettbewerb ist sehr heftig.
1411 他们 採纳 建议 + They accepted my advice. Sie folgten meinem Rat.
1414 正在 回家 途中 + I'm on my way back home. Ich bin gerade auf dem Heimweg.
1440 地上 席子 + A mat has been placed on the floor. Auf dem Boden ist eine Matte ausgebreitet worden.
1441 她们 喜欢 海岛 旅游 + They love island vacations. Sie mögen gern Insel-Urlaub machen.
1446 行李 笨重 + The pack on my shoulders is very heavy and awkward. Das Gepäck auf meinem Rücken ist sehr schwer und unhandlich.
1448 正在 倒车 + She's backing the car up. Sie fährt rückwärts.
1466 生产 顺序 进行 + Production is proceeding according to the (established) sequence. Die Produktion verläuft plangemäß.
1469 他们 紧紧 在一起 + They hug each other tightly. Sie umarmen sich ganz doll.
1480 沙滩 圆圈 + She is drawing a circle on the beach. Sie zeichnet einen Kreis am Strand.
1502 机器 运行 稳定 + The machine is running stably. Die Maschine läuft stabil.
1508 机器 可以 代替 工作 + Machines can do the work of humans. Maschinen können menschliche Arbeit ersetzen.
1509 这里 禁止 出入 + Entry to this place is forbidden. Hier ist der Eintritt verboten.
1529 热烈 参与 讨论 + Everyone is participating actively in the discussion. Alle beteiligen sich rege an der Diskussion.
1536 母女 俩长 相似 + The mother and daughter look like each other very much.
1540 细菌 微小 + Bacteria are tiny.
1564 沾满 巧克力 + His lips and face are covered with chocolate.
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友 + I'm going back to my home country to visit relatives and friends.
1608 老师 我们 单词 + The teacher is teaching us some new words. Die Lehrerin bringt uns neue Wörter bei.
1627 银行 注销 帐户 + I'm going to cancel my account at the bank.
1636 查看 邮箱 附件 + She's checking an attachment in her e-mail. Sie überprüft einen E-mail-Anhang.
1639 摆在 桌子 + The books have been placed on the desk.
1654 观察 敌人 活动 + He is observing the activities of the enemy.
1662 课桌 睡着 + She fell asleep with her face down on the desk.
1678 接受 挑战 + I accept your challenge.
1685 办公室 分隔成 + The office has been separated into several small spaces.
1690 他们 恩爱 + They love each other very much.
1721 瀑布 壮观 + The waterfall is spectacular.
1723 老师 授课 + The teacher is teaching a class. Die Lehrerin gibt Unterricht.
1743 穿着 俗气 + He's dressed in a tacky way.
1745 汉字 繁体字 + These are traditional Chinese characters.
1748 沙滩 留下 足迹 + Her footprints were left on the beach.
1775 珍珠 项链 + She wears a pearl necklace.
1777 小心 + I accidently injured my lower back.
1816 背上 背包 爬山 + She put on her backpack and went mountain climbing.
1829 + Take one pill of this medicine each time.
1840 墙上 裂缝 + There are cracks on the wall.
1841 描图 + She is tracing.
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 + We've finally reached the highest peak of the mountain.
1874 宫殿 豪华 + This palace is very luxurious.
1896 我们 彼此 相爱 + We're in love with each other.
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 + They've been to many places in their lifetime.
1931 纺纱机 纺线 + The spinning machine is making thread.
1951 学生 尊敬 老师 + Students should respect their teachers. Schüler sollten ihren Lehrer respektieren.
1953 ATM + One can withdraw cash from an ATM machine using a card.
1968 这里 进行 自行车 竞赛 + A bicycle race is being held here.
2000 拜访 老师 + I'm going to visit my teacher. Ich gehe meinen Lehrerin besuchen.
2005 他们 亲密 拥抱 在一起 + They embraced each other lovingly.
2012 工厂 工人 罢工 + The workers in the factory are on strike.
2052 贯穿 城市 南北 + This bridge runs across the city from north to south.
2060 退休 年龄 + I've reached retirement age.
2063 + His lower back hurts.
2071 刚刚 收到 邮件 + She just received a big stack of mail.
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 + My teacher accompanied me on the piano. Mein Lehrer begleitet mich am Piano.
2096 宪法 神圣 + The constitution is sacred. Die Verfassung ist heilig.
2101 桃核 不能 + The peach pit is inedible.
2105 收下 薄礼 + Please accept this small gift.
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 + I've been blackmailed by a crook. Ich werde von einer üblen Person erpresst.
2137 草原 撞见 一头 大象 + He came across an elephant on the savannah.
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 + The student expressed her heartfelt thanks to the teacher. Die Schülerin drückte dem Lehrer ihren tief empfundenen Dank aus.
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 + Everyone is imitating the teacher's movements. Alle ahmen die Bewegungen der Lehrerin nach.
2162 他们 相互 干涉 对方 业务 + They interfere with each other's business.
2192 象群 迁徙 地方 + A herd of elephants will migrate to a place with water.
2221 记帐 + He's doing the accounts. Er macht die Buchführung.
2233 他们 相逢 + This is where they met each other.
2256 老师 严厉 + The teacher is very strict with me. Der Lehrer ist sehr streng mit mir.
2271 我们 会计 + She's our accountant.
2275 伯父 游泳 + My uncle is teaching me to swim.
2302 男孩 水面 + The little boy is floating on the surface of water.
2304 澳门 + I've been to Macau.
2307 学生 努力 老师 欣慰 + The teacher feels happy that the students are working hard. Arbeiten die Schüler sehr fleißig, ist der Lehrer hocherfreut.
2313 工厂 排放 汙水 + The factory is discharging polluted water.
2316 他们 争得 面红耳赤 + They argued till they were red in the face.
2330 磁铁 互相 吸引 + The magnets attract each other. Die Magnete ziehen sich gegenseitig an.
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 + The teacher asks her to read her composition aloud. Die Lehrerin fordert sie auf, ihren Aufsatz laut vorzulesen.
2387 赛马 比赛 + He won the horse race.
2422 墨水 黑色 + The pen writes in black.
2430 口罩 掩住 + The mask covers her face.
2437 海滩 很多 + There are a lot of people on the beach.
2439 他们 相处 愉快 + They get along well with each other.
2450 教徒 遵循 神父 教导 + The believers follow the priest's teachings.
2472 他们 互相 怨恨 对方 + They hate each other. Sie hassen einander.
2484 觉得 肚子 有点 + His stomach felt a little bloated.
2514 国家 颁布 法令 + The government has enacted a new law.
2517 机器 正在 掘土 + The machine is digging the soil.
2518 他们 正在 互相 讽刺 + They're mocking each other. Sie ziehen sich gegenseitig durch den Kakao.
2528 天色 逼近 黄昏 + Dusk is approaching.
2555 泼水 + She splashed water onto her face.
2564 自己 鞋带 + I can tie my shoelaces by myself.
2567 这里 树木 郁郁 葱葱 + The trees in this place are verdant and thick.
2579 沙滩 踪迹 + There are dog tracks on the shore.
2599 斑马 全身 黑白 相间 + The body of a zebra is covered with alternating stripes of black and white.
2630 伐木工 + He's a lumberjack.
2651 机器 正在 浇灌 农田 + The machine is watering the fields.
2656 贪吃 + She's a voracious eater.
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 + The electric train is moving along the track.
2662 内心 压抑 + She feels very depressed (by an accumulation of pent-up feelings).
2677 这里 经常 受到 台风 袭击 + This place is frequently hit by typhoons.
2684 研究员 研究 细菌 + The researcher is researching bacteria.
2708 战士 牺牲 战友 送行 + The soldiers are paying their respects to their comrades who sacrificed their lives.
2724 偷懒 + I feel like slacking off.
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 + A look of hostility came across the child's face.
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 + The teacher is indignant at her behavior. Der Lehrer ist wegen ihres Verhaltens empört.
2750 下面 + The intestines are below the stomach.
2753 觉得 有点 爸爸 牙医 + He has a bit of a stomach ache.
2759 表示 第三 意思 + The character 丙 (bing) denotes the idea of Number 3.
2761 他们 通过 实践 学习 + They're learning through practice.
2762 这里 发生 车祸 + A traffic accident happened here.
2764 孔雀 羽毛 漂亮 + The peacock's feathers are very beautiful.
2787 包裹 签收 + Package for you; please sign for it.
2805 学习 成绩 感到 羞耻 + She is ashamed of her poor academic performance.
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 + They went swimming on their summer vacation.
2860 练习 曲子 + He's practicing a new tune.
2868 学生 受到 老师 称讚。 + Good students receive praise from their teacher. Gute Schüler bekommen Lob von ihrem Lehrer.
2897 毛笔字 + She writes Chinese brush characters vertically.
2904 遮住 + The paper is covering her face (and blocking it from sight).
2953 医生 防疫 + The doctor is giving her a vaccination.
2973 蟑螂 厌恶 + Cockroaches are disgusting. Kakerlaken sind ekelhaft.
2990 涂抹 胭脂 + She's putting on face powder and lipstick.
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 + The profits from the agricultural industry have reached mega-million US dollars.
3037 宫廷 豪华 + The palace is very luxurious.
3040 教师 值得 人们 歌颂 + Teachers deserve to be lauded.
3048 攀岩 需要 毅力 + To do rock-climbing, you need tenacity.
3062 车厢 宽敞 + The carriage is very spacious.
3070 妈妈 这里 + His mother is buried in this place.
3073 他们 履行 合同 + They've carried out the contract.
3075 契约 成立 + The contract has come into being.
3081 我们 100 农田 + We have 100 acres of farmland.
3106 账本 数目 好像 出错 + It seems that something is wrong with the figures in the accounts book.
3107 网上 申请 账号 + I applied online for a new account.
3117 性格 爽快 + She has a straightforward character.
3159 他们 取得 卓越 成果 + They have achieved outstanding results.
3172 医生 针灸 治病 + The doctor is treating my illness with acupuncture.
3175 背包 爬山 累赘 + It's quite a burden to carry a backpack when mountain-climbing.
3186 长城 历史 可以 追溯到 秦朝 + The history of the Great Wall dates back to the Qin dynasty.
3190 他们 相互 推诿 责任 + Each tried to shift the blame onto the other.
3195 枭雄 + In his time, he was an ambitious and ruthless character.
3200 天然 石灰 岩洞 非常 壮观 + The natural limestone caverns are very spectacular.
3214 雪地 留下 车辙 + A track has been left on the snow-covered ground.
3230 她们 沙滩 东西 + They are gathering things on the beach.
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成 + This crack has been formed by the movement of the earth's crust.
3237 他们 相互 叫嚷 + They shouted at each other.
3253 不要 诬告 + Don't falsely accuse me.
3260 见面 双方 高兴 + The moment they saw each other, they were happy.
3274 细菌 繁衍 速度 + Bacteria multiply very quickly.
3280 放射性 金属 + Uranium is a type of radioactive metal.
3289 人人 应当 捍卫 世界 和平 + It's everyone's duty to defend world peace.
3297 收拾 包袱 + She's packing.
3308 其他 对手 淘汰 + He knocked his opponents out of the race.
3313 这里 曾经 政府 衙门 + This place was once a government office.
3323 外婆 很多 皱纹 + There are a lot of wrinkles on my grandmother's face.
3341 老师 发脾气 + The teacher is having a fit. Der Lehrer verliert seine Fassung.
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来 + In an instant, the race cars came speeding towards us.
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 + The skyscrapers reach to the clouds.
3389 书架 + She placed the book on the bookshelf.
3392 煤炭 黑色 + Charcoal is black.
3430 赛车 呼啸 + The racing cars whizzed past us.
3458 抨击 时政 + She's attacking the current political situation.
3459 工作 态度 松懈 + His work attitude is slack. Seine Arbeitsmoral ist nachlässig.
3475 熏黑 + The bottom of the pan was blackened by soot.
3495 机器 剷土 + The machine is digging.
3503 平民 惨遭 杀戮 + Civilians were tragically massacred.
3512 赛马 霎时 跑过去 + The race horses run past us in a flash.
3524 注射 疫苗 防止 瘟疫 + Get vaccinated to prevent the spread of the epidemic.
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 + The teacher is teaching the children the stories behind proverbs. Die Lehrerin erläutert den Kindern die Geschichten zu Sprichwörtern.
3551 蟑螂 讨厌 + Cockroaches are really disgusting. Kakerlaken sind wirklich abscheulich.
3584 我们 推翻 合同 + We cannot repudiate the contract.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 + A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back.
3602 达到 极限 + As long as you can. (Reach your limit.)
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题 + A problem that cuts across all strata of society
3624 目前 生意 清淡 + The business is slack (ger=flau) at the moment.
3650 每个 国家 自己 独立 海关 + Each country has its own independent Customs.
3668 手表 走时 精确 + Watches run more accurately than clocks.
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 + Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all basic operations.
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 + We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests.
3698 木吉 共鸣 用于 放大 声音 + The body of an acoustic guitar is used to amplify that tone.
3699 幼儿园 老师 告诉 小朋友们 互敬 互爱 + The teacher of the kindergarten told the pupils to respect, and cherish each other. Der Erzieher im Kindergarten ermahnt die Kinder, artig und lieb zu einander zu sein.
3700 那天 追悼会 上, 敬爱 老师 致了哀辞 + He gave a speech during his teacher's funeral. Am Tag der Gedenkfeier hielt er für seinen geliebten und verehrten Lehrer eine Trauerrede.
3702 老师 非常 恭敬 + He was very respectful towards the teacher. Er war außerordentlich respektvoll gegenüber seinem Lehrer.
3703 同学 之间 互相 尊重, 相互 贬称 + Classmates should respect each other, instead of calling each other derogatory names. Klassenkameraden sollten sich gegenseitig respektieren, anstatt sich mit despektierlichen Namen zu nennen.
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 + We are all old acquaintances, so we don't bother with formalities.
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 + The teacher encourages his students to surpass themselves.
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽 + After several battles, the enemy practically has no food.
3746 对不起 错怪 + Please accept my apologies for having wrongly blamed you.
3748 边城 出差 星期 才能 回来 + He will take a business trip to a border town, and will be back in a week.
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 + I had a journey to Sanya in Hainan Province last year, and my boyfriend accompanied me.
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 + I practice Chinese calligraphy with a brush for two hours every day. Ich übe täglich Chinesische Kalligraphie mit einem Schreibpinsel.
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白 + Though he didn't actually know this stuff, he pretended that he did.
3777 长江 人民 为了 三峡大坝 修建 作出 巨大 牺牲 + People on both sides of Changjiang River have sacrificed a lot for the building of the Three Gorges. Die Menschen an beiden Ufern des Yangtze haben für den Bau des Drei Schluchten Damms ungeheure Opfer auf sich genommen.
3783 我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋 平底锅 两个 鸡蛋 + I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
lao3shi1 + teacher
Lesson 004. Introducing People. Nationalities and Occupations.
Wo3 shi4 lao3shi1. + I am a teacher.
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
na3li3 + where / what place
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Serge lao3shi1 + Teacher Serge
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
du4zi + stomach
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
di4fang + place
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
hui2lai + to come back / to return
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
wang3 hou4 zou3 + go backward
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
dao4 + to reach / to arrive
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
dao4le + arrived / reached
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
hou4 + back
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
hou4mian4 + back
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Xu2jia1hui4 + Xujiahui, popular place in Shanghai
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
jiao1 + to teach
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
jiao1 Han4yu3 + to teach Chinese
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Jie2ke4 + Jack (name)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ta1 ying1gai1 shang4ke4. + (GP: ying1gai1 is used to express needs arising from a moral or factual necessity)
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
pei2 + accompany s.o.
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
Wo3 pei2 ni3, hao3 ma? + i will accompany you, okay?
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
Ni3 ke3yi3 pei2 wo3 qu4 Bei3jing1 ma? + Can you accompany me to Beijing?
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
tou2tong4 + headache / to have a headache
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
ya2tong4 + toothache
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Wo3 ya2tong4. + I have a toothache.
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
da3 + to play sports / to practise
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
da3 tai4ji2quan3 + to practise slow-motion martial arts
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
hei1se4 + black
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
chuan2zhen1ji1 + fax machine
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
ji1 + machine
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
Zhe4 shi4 wo3 shang4ban1 de di4fang1. + This is the place where I work.
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Zhe4li3 shi4 yi1ge4 an1jing4 de di4fang. + Here is a quiet place.
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4... qu4 + to go to a certain place
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4...lai2 + to come to a certain place
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
yi1 bao1 + one package
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
hui2lai2 zai4 shuo1 + we talk about it after I come back
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
hou4mian + back / behind
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
xi3yi1ji1 + washing machine
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
zai4 xi3yi1ji li3mian4 + inside the washing machine
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
da3sao3 + to clean a place
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
huan2 + to return to s.o. / to give it back
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
huan2 gei3 wo3 + give it back to me
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
huan2 gei3 ni3 + give it back to you
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
ye4wu4 + business activity / operation
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
zheng4hao3 + just exactly / just right
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Wo3men zheng4hao3 xu1yao4. + We just exactly need it.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
gong1chang3 + factory
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
Wo3men de gong1chang3 zai4 Shang4hai3. + Our factory is in Shanghai.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
V+dao4 + (GP: Verb+dao4 = action is accomplished)
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
fang4jia4 + to have a holiday / to go on a vacation
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
Ni3 xian4zai4 xu1yao4 de jiu4shi4 fang4jia4. + All you need now, is a vacation.
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
Wo3men fang4jia4 le. + We are having a vacation.
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
Gui4lin2 + Guilin ( place in China)
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
ti2gong1 zhu4 de di4fang. + To provide a place to live,
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
luan4ma3 + incorrectly displayed characters
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Dui4buqi3 ni3 xie3 de zi4 dou1shi4 luan4. Wo3 kan4budong3. + Sorry , the characters that you have written are all incorrectly displayed. I can't understand them.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3men jia1 xi3yi1ji huai4 le. Ni3 hui4 xiu1li3 ma? + The washing machine at our home is broken. Do you know how to repair it?.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
zhang4hu4 + account / (bank) account
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
yin2hang2 zhang4hu4 + bank account
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
kai1 yin2hang2 zhang4hu4 + to open a bank account
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Xiao3jie, wo3 xiang3 kai1 yin2hang2 zhang4zhu4. + Miss, I'd like to open a bank account.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Zuo4 sheng1yi xu1yao4 jiang3 xin4yong4. + When do business, you need to trust each other.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
ren4he2 di4fang + any place / anywhere
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
wai4di4 + place other than where one is
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Jiao4 xiao3hai2 xu1yao4 you3 nai4xin1. + To teach little children one needs to be patient.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
han2jia4 + winter vacation
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
fang4 han2jia4 + to have winter vacation / to spend winter vacation
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
shu3jia4 + summer vacation
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
fang4 shu3jia4 + to have summer vacation / to spend summer vacation
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3men lao3shi1 hen3 yan2ge2. + Our teacher is very strict.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Lao3shi1 jing1chang3 biao3yang2 wo3men. + The teacher often praises us.
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 xiang3 xue2 Zhong1guo2 shu1fa3, ni3 ke3yi3 jiao4 wo3 ma? + I want to study Chinese calligraphy. Can you teach me?
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
you2men2 + accelerator
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
cai3 you2men2 + to accelerate
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
de2 + to contractt a disease
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Ta1 de2 le shen2me bing4? + What disease did she contract?
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
wei4 + stomach
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
yao4fang1 + pharmacy
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4 + to be close and love each other
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 zhu4 ni3men xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4! + I wish you to be close and love each other!
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xiang1jing4ru2bin + to treat each other with respect
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
qi2shi2 + actually / as a matter of fact
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
gun3kai1 + back off
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
dang1 + to be / to act as
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
ge4 + each / every
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
ke3bushi4 + exactly / to be sure it is
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
ke3bushi4 ma + (G.P: Agreeing) of course it is / exactly
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
pao3bu4qi4 + running machine
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Mei3 ci4 lai2dao4 jian4shen1fang2 wo3 xian1 zaii4 pa3bu4qi4 shang4 pao3bu4. + Every time I come to the gym, I first run on the running machine.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
jiao4lian4 + trainer / coach
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
qi4xie4 + equipment / machine / apparatus
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Wo3 de ji1rou4 hen3 suan1. + I have a muscle ache.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Yun4dong4 tai4 duo1 ji4rou4 hui4 suan1. + If you exercise too much, you get a muscle ache.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
bian1pao4 + firecrackers
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Chu2xi1 de shi2hou wo3men yao4 chu1qu fang4 bian1pao4. + In the New Year's Eve we will go out to set off the firecrackers.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
fang4 bian1pao4 + to set off the firecrackers
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
dong4zuo4 pian4 + action movie
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il s’y trouvait par hasard + he found himself there by accident

reviens me voir dans cinq ou six ans + come back to see me in five or six years

il avait moins d’excuses encore que ses complices + he had even less excuses than his accomplices did

il ne faut pas être raciste, point + there’s no need to be a racist, at all

et alors? vous revenez quand? + so? when are you coming back ?

c’est le dernier endroit où vous auriez dû vous rencontrer + that’s the last place you should have met

nous sommes passées devant la maison de ma grand-mère + we went past the front of my grandmother’s place

qu’est-ce qui le pousse à agir ainsi? + what drives him to act that way?

je suis né dans un lieu public + I was born in a public place

dans les faits, il a raison + factually, he is correct

je jure de ne plus jamais te contacter + I swear I will never contact you again

mais vous avez tant à enseigner + but you have so much to teach

un tram se dirige vers toi. monte dedans + a tram is approaching you. get on it

on s’est trouvés face à face + we found ourselves face to face

j’accepte avec plaisir votre aimable invitation + I accept with pleasure your kind invitation

c’est le moment d’agir + now is the time to act

le gouvernement ne financerait aucun projet touchant cette pratique + the government would not fund any project involving this practice

tout est prêt selon vos désirs + everything’s ready according to your wishes

la région a connu une cinquantaine de massacres + the region has experienced some fifty massacres

il manquait un sens à donner à ma vie + there was a lack of meaning in my life

reculer est également hors de question + backing down is also not an option

que se passe-t-il lorsque nous manquons de sucre? + what happens when we lack sugar?

on vit dans une société où tout s’accélère + we live in a society where everything is accelerating

le contrat assure une pension à l’époux survivant + the contract guarantees a pension to the surviving spouse

on peut les arrêter, leur reprendre cette ville + we can arrest them, take back this city from them

la police mène une enquête pour arrêter les assaillants + the police are leading an investigation to arrest the attackers

ils ont chacun leurs intérêts, leurs passions + they each have their own interests, passions

elle est revenue habiter à la maison + she came back to live at home

leur fortune atteindrait des milliards + their fortune would reach billions

retournez au lit, il est tard + go back to bed, it’s late

le président devrait éviter des actions irréfléchies + the president should avoid rash actions

les négociations décisives se tiennent ailleurs + the decisive negotiations are taking place elsewhere

il joue un rôle actif sur la scène interna- tionale + he plays an active role in the international scene

nous allons poursuivre le développement de nos activités + we will pursue the development of our activities

ce n’est pas à moi de juger ça + it’s not my place to judge that

ils nous accuseront à juste titre + they are rightly accusing us

je réaliserai ton rêve + I will achieve your dream

que la paix soit sur terre, dès maintenant + may peace reign on the earth henceforth

tu dois être prêt à nous remplacer, le cas échéant + you must be ready to replace us, if need be

certains sont impliqués dans des activités terroristes + some of them are implicated in terrorist activities

il annonce en effet la mise en place d’ une police fédérale européenne + he is indeed announcing putting in place a European federal police

il se lève pour attirer notre attention + he stood up to attract our attention

cette enquête s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une autre + this inquiry takes place in the framework of another

c’était un acte de guerre + it was an act of war

le djihad et le sacrifice constituent donc un devoir + jihad and sacrifice are thus a duty

le déficit budgétaire a atteint 226,3 milliards de francs + the budget deficit reached 226.3 billion francs

elle atteint les limites de ses possibilités + she’s reaching the limit of her possibilities

avant d’attaquer, établissons les règles + before we attack, let’s establish the ground rules

la famille a été placée en détention + the family was placed in detention

la morale publique ne peut être sacrifiée au progrès + public morals can’t be sacrificed for progress

ce ne sont pas là de fausses accusations + these aren’t false accusations

je suis content d’être parvenu au bout + I am happy to have reached the end

il a reçu des appels téléphoniques menaçants + he received menacing telephone calls

seule la police roule en noir et blanc? + only the police drive black-and-white vehicles?

laissez ma famille en paix + leave my family in peace

la Chine manque d’argent, et manque de savants + China lacks money and scholars

qui a bâti les pyramides d’après vous? + according to you, who built the pyramids?

il n’existe pas de solution miracle + there’s no miracle solution

c’est tout simplement inacceptable + it’s just simply unacceptable

nous respectons l’autonomie de chaque groupe local + we respect the autonomy of each local group

je profitais de ces derniers jours de vraies vacances + I took advantage of these last days of real vacation

ce serait une maison de production plutôt qu’une société + it would be a factory rather than a company

on aime vraiment cet endroit + we really like this place

quel but visez-vous en thérapie bioénergé- tique? + what’s your goal with biofeedback therapy?

j’aimerais qu’il retire ce qu’il a dit + I want him to take back what he said

le héros se promenait à travers le monde + the hero walked across the world

de retour chez eux, elle l’a soumis à un ultime test + back at their place, she put him to the final test

j’ai été renseigné à chaque étape du processus + I was kept informed at each stage of the process

je constate de ce fait + I notice that fact

tu es donc noir à rayures blanches. dilemme résolu + so you are black with white stripes. dilemma resolved

le reflet du miroir saisit son regard + the mirror’s reflection captured her face

ce réseau peut me servir à établir des contacts + this network might help me establish contacts

une vie publique exige de nombreux sacrifices + public life requires many sacrifices

ne nous battons pas l’un contre l’autre + let’s not fight against each other

les attentats récents ont attiré trop d’attention + the recent attacks have attracted too much attention

j’ignore si ce chiffre est exact + I don’t know if this figure is exact

le gouvernement s’occupe activement du dossier des hélicoptères + the government is actively pursuing the helicopter affair

j’ai rompu le contrat. je l’ai trompé + I broke the contract. I didn’t honor it

les résultats pratiques obtenus sont-ils très probants? + are the practical results very convincing?

voici les codes d’accès + there are the access codes

j’ai vu tous les films d’action + I saw all the action films

la pièce ne paraissait pas exactement sombre + the room didn’t appear exactly dark

je m’invente un espace magique pour moi tout seul + I’m inventing a magic space just for myself

les freins limitent les transactions informa- tisées + the blocking mechanism limits computerized transactions

son action s’exerce directement ou par intermédiaire + his actions are taken personally or by an intermediary

je ne veux plus perdre contact avec toi + I don’t want to lose contact with you any more

elle insistait pour m’accompagner, je refusai + she insisted on accompanying me, I refused

il était sept heures, exactement + it was exactly seven o’clock

je t’ai rapporté ton livre + I brought back your book

mais c’est un caractère difficile + but he’s a difficult character

ce sont deux mondes séparés qui ont des interfaces + they are two separate worlds that have interfaces

j’estime que leur réaction est naturelle + I judge their reaction to be normal

les réactions des téléspectateurs sont très positives + the reactions of the viewers were very positive

il faut plutôt déterminer si le contrat était juste + rather we should determine out whether the contract was accurate

aucun fait n’autorise cette accusation de jalousie + no fact licenses this accusation of jealousy

il est temps d’attaquer le mal à la racine + it’s time to attack evil at its roots

notre dernière participation remontait au génocide rwandais + our last participation goes back to the Rwandan genocide

le rapport ne fournit certes pas de solution miracle + the report certainly doesn’t provide the miraculous solution

les Américains ont décidé d’agir autrement + the Americans decided to act otherwise

nous avons accepté une lourde partie de la responsabilité + we have accepted a heavy part of the responsibility

l’accord sera mis en application + the agreement will be enacted

c’est aussi un manque de respect + it’s also a lack of respect

des manifestations se sont déroulées mardi + protests took place Tuesday

le vote aura lieu aujourd’hui + the vote will take place today

tous étaient violents. peu regrettaient leurs actes + everybody was violent. few regretted their acts

tu réagis comme une enfant + you’re reacting like a child

accélérez en vitesse d’attaque + accelerate to attack speed

Linux est à présent à la portée du grand public + Linux is now within reach of the general public

je reviendrais bien ici, en visite + I would gladly come back here on a visit

les tensions raciales ont explosé dans le nord + racial tensions have exploded in the north

je me demandais, tu pourrais me ramener chez moi? + I was wondering, could you take me back home?

c’est comme un énorme poids posé sur votre poitrine + it’s like an enormous weight placed on your chest

ce mot a acquis une connotation très particulière + this word has acquired a very particular connotation

vous acceptez d’être soumis au traitement + you accept to undergo the treatment

rentrer déjeuner à midi et demi tous les jours + come back for lunch at 12:30 every day

j’acquérais une conscience plus attentive des autres + I acquired a more attentive conscience than most

une attaque nucléaire? c’est une possibilité + a nuclear attack? it’s possible

l’histoire est une science exacte + history is an exact science

il faut parler, tendre la main, dialoguer + you have to speak, reach out, dialogue

j’aime aussi beaucoup l’activité physique + I also really like physical activity

de quoi nous accusez-vous? + what are you accusing us of?

je serais professeur dans un lycée + I would be a teacher in a high school

il essaie d’atteindre la frontière + he’s trying to reach the border

si elle est vivante, je te la ramènerai + if she’s alive, I’ll bring her back to you

pouvez-vous nous parler plus précisément des personnes que vous suivez? + can you tell us more precisely about the people you track?

le mariage devait avoir lieu à Paris + the marriage should have taken place in Paris

les parlementaires ont été agacés par les réactions israéliennes + the members of parliament were annoyed by the Israeli reactions

l’Europe doit donc jouer un rôle actif + Europe must therefore play an active role

elle est morte d’un accident + she died from an accident

mon métier consiste à fabriquer des livres + my job involves manufacturing books

va faire une tentative au pôle sud + go try to reach the south pole

le plan d’action est exceptionnel + the plan of attack is exceptional

les mères palestiniennes veulent que leurs enfants grandissent dans la paix + Palestinian mothers want their children to grow up in peace

le facteur apportait enfin de gros paquets + the mailman finally brought large packages

nous allons affronter un péril extrême + we’re going to face extreme peril

je me place dans la perspective de mes personnages + I place myself in the perspective of my characters

nous avons choisi la démocratie comme mode de vie + we have chosen democracy for a way of life

la mort est un fait absolu + death is an absolute fact

ils avaient de beaux visages tranquilles et las + they had beautiful, peaceful, weary faces

il faut arrêter la machine avant de la réparer + you must stop the machine before repairing it

il vous faut continuer, accomplir votre destinée + you have to continue, to acomplish your destiny

ce circuit doit être libéré selon la procédure normale + this circuit must be discharged according to the normal procedure

comment qualifieriez-vous votre participa- tion? + how would you characterize your participation?

le transfert aura lieu sous deux semaines + the transfer will take place in two weeks

l’arrêt cardiaque est un état de mort apparente + a heart attack is a state of apparent death

j’ai surmonté tous les obstacles + I overcame all the obstacles

elles n’ont pas été affectées par l’accident + they weren’t affected by the accident

elle, en revanche, m’inspecta avec désinvolture + she, in return, inspected me with detachment

nos fabricants exigent un délai minimum de 6 semaines + our manufacturers require at least 6 weeks’notice

place la bobine vierge sur l’appareil + place the empty reel on the machine

cela aura un impact sur la consommation + this will have an impact on consumption

la cérémonie aurait dû se dérouler la veille + the ceremony should have taken place the night before

la Commission a accepté une partie des amendements + the commission accepted some of the amendments

comment tenez-vous compte du contexte social en thérapie? + how do you account for the social context in therapy?

les personnages de mes romans me jouent des tours + the characters in my novels play tricks on me

je me réveille dans des endroits inconnus + I wake up in unknown places

on ignore le montant de ce contrat + we don’t know the total amount of this contract

nous sommes aussi parvenus à éliminer le déficit + we have also achieved elimination of the deficit

vous êtes accusé de meurtre! + you are accused of murder!

le camp de la paix israélien se divise en deux + the Israeli peace coalition has split in two

je rouvre une usine aux États-Unis + I’m reopening a factory in the U.S.

mets tes cheveux en arrière + put your hair back

nous avons réalisé des progrès considérables + we achieved considerable progess

c’est là une approche équilibrée + that’s a balanced approach

je rentre d’une soirée chez des amis + I’m going home from an evening at my friends’ place

tu es le plus grand acteur au monde + you’re the greatest actor in the world

le gros monsieur s’approche de nous + the big man is approaching us

ils ont eu chacun un foyer + each of them had a home

nous lui avons reproché d’avoir manqué le sommet + we blame him for not having reached the summit

c’est alors qu’il ressentit, dans sa nuque, la douleur + that’s when he felt, on the back of his neck, a sharp pain

j’ai résisté à la mort de ma fille + I wasn’t able to accept the death of my daughter

c’est dans l’enseignement que j’ai acquis mes cheveux blancs + teaching is what gave me gray hair

ils ont continué de grimper de manière pratiquement ininterrompue + they continued with their practically uninterrupted climbing

un lancement d’opération demande la réalisation d’une action + launching an operation requires performing some action

il a été trente ans chez nous + he lived at our place for thirty years

l’attaque rebelle survient après deux jours + the rebel attack took place after two days

le génie génétique progresse à un rythme incroyable + genetic engineering is progressing at an unbelievable pace

chacun de vos projets a été approuvé + each of your trips has been approved

il est couché sur le dos, les bras en croix + he’s lying on his back, arms crossed

une sonde spatiale soviétique se pose sur Vénus + a Soviet space probe is sitting on Venus

ça va être un spectacle d’enfer + that will be a hellish spectacle

son accent est tellement mignon + her accent is so cute

l’Islam est une religion de paix et de tolérance + Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance

il semble, par conséquent, que nous soyons face à une contradiction + consequently it seems that we are facing a contradiction

ça m’a donné les outils pour atteindre mes buts + that gave me the wherewithal to achieve my goals

moi, j’ai interrompu mes vacances + as for me, I had to interrupt my vacation

il atteignit le sommet de la grande montagne + he reached the summit of the great mountain

il travaillait dans un petit magasin en face + he worked in a little shop across the street

les eaux de surface sont très chaudes + the surface water is very hot

toute maladie est une phase de guérison + each sickness is a phase of healing

nous voulons qu’ils acquièrent les compé- tences nécessaires + we want them to acquire the necessary competency

une faillite institutionnelle massive se produit + a massive institutional failure took place

j’ai besoin d’accéder à ces données + I need to access this data

l’artiste refait le monde à son compte + the artist remakes the world according to his own fashion

je voudrais faciliter votre décision + I would like to facilitate your decision

le maintien de la paix ne se limite plus + maintaining peace has no limits

sa figure était maigre et pâle, un peu effrayante + his face was lean and pale, somewhat frightening

l’entreprise doit atteindre une masse critique + the company must achieve critical mass

sur un fond noir, les couleurs ressortaient mieux + on a black background the colors showed up better

on en attendait des manifestations spectaculaires + a spectacular event was expected

je ne faisais que dormir sur la plage + all I did was sleep on the beach

ils ont trouvé un logement et fait venir leur famille + they found a place to live and had their family come

je fis de mon émotion un événement + I turned my emotions into a spectacle

il s’agit d’un attentat de la guérilla + it was a guerilla attack

la pièce d’eau reflétait la majestueuse façade d’un palais de pierre + the ornamental pool reflected the majestic facade of a stone palace

il y a foule chez toi, ce soir + there’s a crowd at your place tonight

je suis tombé sur une statistique très intéressante + I came across an interesting statistic

la fréquence des agressions atteint des proportions alarmantes + the frequency of attacks is reaching alarming proportions

ils ne reculent devant rien + they don’t back down from anything

selon quels critères ces traits sont-ils sélectionnés? + according to what criteria were these features selected?

les mêmes invités étaient présents à chaque réception + the same invited guests were at each reception

je peux avoir un truc à grignoter? + can I have something to snack on?

il était généreux dans ses activités bénévoles + he was generous in his charitable activities

par cette remarque je n’accuse personne + by making that remark I don’t accuse anyone

pour rentrer, il suffit de détourner l’attention du gardien + to gain entry you just have to distract the security guard

certains ont fait le sacrifice suprême + some made the supreme sacrifice

quels types d’effets secondaires pourraient survenir? + what kind of secondary effects could take place?

ses paroles ont un impact épouvantable + her words have a deadful impact

il est toutefois caractéristique qu’aucune décision définitive n’a été prise + it is nevertheless characteristic that no definitive decision was taken

l’assassin prend la fuite à cheval + the assassin is fleeing on horseback

vous avez agi selon vos convictions + you acted according to your convictions

les événements pourraient donc s’accélérer + the events could thus accelerate

nous devons continuer de pratiquer une agriculture scientifique + we must continue to practice scientific agriculture

il rougit de satisfaction modeste + he blushes with modest satisfaction

trop d’ événements néfastes sont survenus cette année + too many harmful events took place this year

il n’y a pas de démocratie sans ordre et discipline + there’s no democracy without order and discipline

les bureaucraties ont tendance à croître et à s’étendre + bureaucracies tend to grow and spread

cet endroit est magnifique + this place is magnificent

cet indice était d’ailleurs inutile + this clue was in fact useless

j’ai été retardé par un embouteillage, un accident + I was delayed by a traffic jam, an accident

vous faites honte à votre profession! + you’re a disgrace to your profession!

il est urgent de remettre l’église au milieu du village + it’s urgent to put the church back into a village setting

il sentait que ses facultés mentales étaient diminuées + he felt that his mental capacities were diminished

le débat se déroulera conformément au règlement + the debate unfolded according to regulations

ça m’apprendra à voyager en classe éco + that’ll teach me to travel in economy class

des situations extraordinaires nécessitent un acte extraordinaire + extraordinary situations require extraordinary action

arrêt cardiaque, suicide, on ne savait pas + heart attack, suicide, we didn’t know

il s’agit d’une accusation très grave + it’s a very grave accusation

je suis un praticien du droit constitutionnel + I practice constitutional law

il a le visage rond, le nez cassé + he has a round face, a crooked nose

l’amitié a remplacé la peur + friendship replaced fear

je participai pendant une heure à une cérémonie sacrée + I attended a sacred ceremony for an hour

je vais pas ralentir. je vais même accélérer + I’m not gonna slow down. I’m even gonna accelerate

je propose l’adoption de cette motion + I propose to accept this motion

je dois vous charger d’une mission sacrée + I have to confer a sacred mission upon you

tu as besoin de 4 sacs à dos de livres? + you need 4 backpacks of books?

le premier ministre a compromis le processus de paix + the prime minister compromised the peace process

cet objectif sera atteint en quelques décennies + this goal will be achieved in a few decades

j’adore créer les personnages féminins + I love creating female characters

ils font fleurir le désert et fonctionner la démocratie + they’re making the desert blossom and democracy flourish

nous nous sommes aimés autrefois + we loved each other once

nous pouvons surmonter ces obstacles + we can overcome these obstacles

les odeurs de tabac vous gênent? + do tobacco smells bother you?

votre réaction est un peu excessive + your reaction is somewhat excessive

c’était un paquet de cigarettes anglaises + it was a pack of English cigarettes

le président condamne cet attentat terroriste + the president condemned that terrorist attack

ils mêleront sons acoustiques et program- més + they will mix acoustic and digital sounds

elle me traîna à travers le plancher + she dragged me across the floor

la ville a prévu un sacrifice humain + the city was planning a human sacrifice

nous devons attaquer ce problème par le biais de la législation + we must attack this problem by way of legislation

il vous faudra prendre un congé d’un mois, au moins + you will have to take one month’s vacation, at least

j’ai essayé de vous téléphoner chez vous + I tried to telephone you at your place

une époque ne se caractérise pas seulement par ses idées + an era is not only characterized by its ideas

c’est l’inverse de ce que tu m’as raconté + it’s the exact opposite of what you told me

le métier d’enseignant n’est pas un métier comme les autres + the teacher’s job is like none other

ce que nous avons accompli reste insuffisant + what we accomplished is still inadequate

elle n’est pas de ta race + she’s not of your race

je déteste regarder par-dessus mon épaule + I hate looking back over my shoulder

sur un an, le recul du chômage atteint 5 % + in one year, the slip in unemployment reaches 5%

tous ces facteurs aggravent la situation + all of these factors aggravate the situation

l’univers est stable et l’homme y aura toujours sa place + the universe is stable and mankind will always have its place

sa faculté de travail est énorme + his capacity for work is enormous

il y avait un pacte entre nous + there was a pact between us

il y a eu une coupure de courant + there was a power blackout

cela constitue une atteinte aux traités existants + this is an attack on existing treaties

je veux faire mon bac en informatique + I want to get a bachelor’s degree in computer science

il est retombé dans l’Océan pacifique + it sank into the Pacific Ocean

les Allemands avaient changé de tactique + the Germans changed tactics

les fichiers seront placés dans la file d’attente + the files were placed in the queue

c’est un voyageur chevronné + he’s an accomplished traveler

les miracles arrivent tous les jours + miracles happen every day

il sacrifiera sa vie pour sauver la tienne + he sacrificed his life to save yours

comment survivre à une attaque atomique? + how can one survive an atomic attack?

ces capacités sont en faible progression + these capacities are progressing weakly

selon nous, c’est totalement inacceptable + according to us, that’s totally unacceptable

j’ai regardé le ciel tout rose derrière les arbres noirs + I watched the pink sky with black trees in the foreground

le Pakistan renvoie un ambassadeur en Inde + Pakistan is sending its ambassador back to India

on ne vend ni ski ni accessoire + we don’t sell skis or accessories

nous ne souhaitons ni fusion ni acquisition + we don’t want a merger or an acquisition

il marchait pieds nus sur la plage + he walked barefoot along the beach

l’accusé devra remettre son passeport + the accused must surrender his passport

l’élite se définissait selon lui par l’intelli- gence + according to him, the elite are defined by intelligence

l’attentat n’a pas été revendiqué + no responsibility has been claimed for the attack

aux vacances, nous nous séparions sans regret + on vacation, we separated without regrets

la Station spatiale internationale n’a aucun rôle militaire + the International Space Station has no military role

il range les deux tasses de café dans l’évier + he places the two coffee mugs into the sink

ils s’écrivaient en yiddish, leur langue maternelle + they wrote to each other in Yiddish, their first language

la Garde du palais n’est guère efficace + the palace guard is no longer efficient

l’ingénieur a extrait l’expertise empirique des pilotes + the engineer extracted empirical expertise from the pilots

il est professeur de philosophie au lycée + he’s a high school philosophy teacher

selon le reportage, son intervention aurait été annulée + according to the report his talk was canceled

je me hâtai de revoir mes camarades + I hurried back to see my comrades

les élèves seront encadrés par environ 850.000 enseignants + the students will be trained by some 850,000 teachers

c’est une merveilleuse opportunité de passer de belles vacances + it’s a wonderful opportunity to take a fine vacation

il subsiste un danger local élevé de plaques de neige + there are increased local risks of snow accumulations

j’ai trouvé refuge dans de piètres endroits + I found refuge in dismal places

trois enfants issus d’un couple mixte périssent dans un incendie + three mixed- race children perish in a fire

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate

ce massacre n’a pas été revendiqué + nobody has claimed responsibility for this massacre

nous préférons le dirigisme à la transparence + we prefer active leadership to transparency

la réaction en chaîne est amorcée + the chain reaction has been initiated

nous ne pouvons accepter l’introduction d’amendements + we cannot accept the introduction of new amendments

ça va être dramatique pour la facture de téléphone + the telephone bill will be spectacular

un rayon de lune traversait la chambre + a moonbeam shone across the room

arrivée au sommet de la colline, elle s’arrêta + reaching the top of the hill, she stopped

le montant de la transaction n’a pas été dévoilé + the amount of the transaction was not revealed

mon lacet est défait, comme d’habitude + my shoelace is undone, as usual

nous avons des lois pour régir les activités de la presse + we have laws to govern the activities of the press

les ministériels devraient voter selon leur conscience + the ministers should vote according to their conscience

je pense être un patron plutôt accessible + I think I’m a rather approachable boss

tes classements aux courses ont été excellents l’an dernier + your race results were excellent last year

en fait, mes ancêtres viennent d’lnde + in fact, my ancestors come from India

c’est un mal chronique auquel il va falloir s’attaquer + it’s a chronic illness that should be attacked

rien ne semble effrayer le fabricant français + nothing seems to scare the French manufacturer

le contrat arrive à échéance dans quelques mois + the contract expires in a few months

les Turcs musulmans se répandirent en Europe + the Moslem Turks spread across Europe

il s’approchait, son ventre brillait entre les vagues + he approached, his stomach glistening among the waves

elles ont contracté la maladie + they contracted the sickness

le racisme, lui, subsiste encore + but racism still remains

tous avaient été surpris en flagrant délit + they were all caught in the act

j’étais dans une optique de colonie de vacances + I was in a vacation colony frame of mind

le seuil de pollution maximale avait été atteint + the maximum pollution level was reached

les déplacés sont arrivés par vagues successives + the displaced persons arrived in successive waves

nous réglerons par chèque en fin de mois de livraison + we will pay by check at the end of each delivery’s month

il faudrait explorer le coin + the place should be explored

au fait . . . j’aime dormir nu + in fact . . . I like to sleep in the nude

il a été acquitté de l’accusation + he was acquitted of the charge

trois éléments d’interface sont définis pour le flux d’information + three interfaces are defined for the information flow

onze cafards ... douze cafards ... treize cafards + eleven cockroaches ... twelve cockroaches ... thirteen cockroaches

il vous en donne une nouvelle en remplace- ment de votre carte perdue + he’s giving you a new replacement for your lost card

votre récit paraît cohérent et logique + your account seems coherent and logical

nous demeurons les bénéficiaires des sacrifices + we are the beneficiaries of sacrifices

il faut leur redonner un peu de dignité + we have to give them back a little dignity

j’essaye d’assortir votre visage avec vos cheveux + I’m trying to match your face with your hair

c’est un changement historique et spectaculaire + it’s a historical and spectacular change

au fait, je suis célibataire, sans aucune attache + in fact, I’m single, without any attachments

le conduit mène directement au réacteur + the pipe leads directly to the reactor

c’était là un inconvénient que je ne pouvais éviter + that was a setback that I couldn’t avoid

ma candidature ne pouvait pas être considérée + my candidacy couldn’t be considered

il faut reconnaître la légitimité de leur revendication + we have to recognize the legitimacy of their claim

la répression entraîne un surcroît d’activisme + repression entails excessive activism

vous avez cinq minutes pour évacuer les lieux + you have five minutes to evacuate the premises

ces deux types de manoeuvres se déroulent respectivement depuis 1976 et 1973 + these two types of manoeuvres have taken place respectively since 1976 and 1973

seize missiles air-sol ont visé cette base + sixteen surface-to-air missles were aimed at this base

les chèvres marocaines ont quasiment tout mangé + the Moroccan goats ate practically everything

notre père voulait se mettre hors d’atteinte + our father wanted to get out of the line of attack

j’ai donc décidé de démissionner de mon poste de coach + so I decided to resign my coaching position

j’ai apporté de l’argent pour racheter mon fils + I brought money to buy back my son

selon notre enquête, les ventes nominales ont augmenté + according to our research, small-ticket item sales increased

vous pouvez regagner votre ville + you can go back to your city

je restai longtemps leur complice + for a long time I remained their accomplice

cet assassinat n’aurait pas de motivations politiques + this assassination presumably lacks political motives

VW est devenu le premier constructeur européen + VW has become the largest European manufacturer

les querelles politiciennes n’intéressent pas le peuple + political squabbles don’t interest the populace

nous avons passé un contrat à durée déterminée avec – + we concluded a fixed-period contract with

les aérosols génèrent des pluies acides + aerosols produce acid rain

le transport a des répercussions sur tous les aspects de notre vie + transportation impacts on all aspects of life

ils nous ont attaqués au canon à eau et au gaz lacrymogène + they attacked us with water cannons and tear gas

chaque poste possède un plan d’apprentissage + each job has a training plan

tant que cette situation durera, la cohésion ne sera jamais atteinte + as long as this situation lasts, unity will never be achieved

le couteau avait percé la chair avec précision + the knife pierced the flesh with exactness

un prélèvement est, en réalité, une taxe + a deduction is, in fact, a tax

mon bureau était en face du studio + my office is across from the studio

nous devrions nous voir plus souvent, resserrer nos relations + we should see each other more often, strengthen our relations

les évadés sont activement recherchés + the fugitives are being actively sought

nous avons toujours réagi avec compassion + we have always reacted with compassion

je suis contente d’arriver à la trentaine + I’m happy to have reached thirty years old

ils sont relégués aux banquettes arrières + they have been relegated to the back bench

vous mènerez la 1ère vague d’assaut + you will lead the first wave of attack

la police se livre à des activités arbitraires + the police are prone to arbitrary activities

elle était sa protégée et devait normalement lui succéder + she was his protégée and should normally have replaced him

il y faut toute une diplomatie et une patience infinie + there we need true diplomacy and infinite patience

la République tchèque est l’une des grandes démocraties + the Czech Republic is one of the great democracies

maintenant rentre là-dedans et fais-moi du thé + now go back inside and make me some tea

les pannes ont frappé de larges portions du sud de Moscou + blackouts hit large portions of southern Moscow

le futur m’attirait et m’effrayait à la fois + the future both attracted me and scared me

il a fait beaucoup de travail en comptabilité + he worked extensively in accounting

j’entends vaguement les chars qui s’approchent + I barely hear the tanks as they approach

je voudrais voir le visage derrière ce masque + I would like to see the face behind that mask

l’évangile prône la pauvreté + the gospel preaches poverty

elle est allée chez sa grand-mère + she went to her grandmother’s place

c’est pire que l’espace virtuel, le cyberespace + cyberspace is worse than virtual space

mission accomplie, hein? c’est fini + mission accomplished, eh? it’s over

personne ne sait exactement combien l’invasion de l’Irak va coûter + nobody knows exactly how much the invasion of Iraq will cost

ils sont accompagnés par un diplomate russe + they’re accompanied by a Russian diplomat

je te reconduis à l’aéroport + I’ll drive you back to the airport

ma femme est d’origine irlandaise + my wife is of Irish background

j’insère ma carte dans la machine + I insert my card into the machine

il s’agirait du premier déploiement de missiles sol-air + it would be the first deployment of surface-to-air missiles

ce sont des régions qui actuellement explosent économiquement + these are regions that are currently exploding with economic activity

la façade est formée par le massif + the facade is formed by the massif

le fruit d’une froide évaluation comptable + the fruit of passionless accounting evaluation

cette fausse image contribue au racisme + this false image feeds racism

nos équipes de recherche et de sauvetage sont sur place + our search and rescue teams are in place

il est impossible d’accepter cette prétendue réponse + it’s impossible to accept this so-called response

tu ne peux pas rompre un serment, c’est sacré + you can’t break an oath – it’s sacred

il faut activer votre réseau + you have to activate your network

ils sauront l’instruire sur leurs anciennes pratiques + they know how to teach him their ancient practices

il faudra renforcer l’équité en matière d’emploi + it will be necessary to strengthen equity in the workplace

chaque langue code une culture déterminée + each language encodes a particular culture

les travaux de transformation et de rénovation iront également bon train + transformation and renovation work will proceed together at a good pace

il est également accusé de génocide + he is also accused of genocide

il n’a révélé la teneur exacte de sa conversa- tion + he didn’t reveal the exact content of his conversation

l’infirmière s’est trompée. elle a tout inversé + the nurse was wrong. she got everything backwards

les chantiers navals fonctionnaient à plein rendement + the naval shipyards were operating at full capacity

divers éléments nous procurent cet avantage concurrentiel + many factors bring us this competitive advantage

j’ai besoin des codes de désarmement + I need the deactivation codes

ils massacraient des indigènes + they massacred some natives

son ventre grossissait + her stomach got larger

cette démarche pourrait désamorcer les visées séparatistes + this approach could defuse separatist aims

c’est une vraie course contre la montre + is a real race against time

peu de grands exploits s’accomplissent seuls + few great exploits are accomplished by oneself

portez-vous des lunettes ou verres de contact? + do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

on quittait les sphères du sacré pour entrer dans la politique + we left more sacred spheres to go into politics

les bactéries résistantes disparaissent en quelques jours + resistant bacteria will disappear in a few days

j’ai dissous le sang à l’acide + I dissolved the blood with acid

la situation est devenue presque banale + the situation has almost become commonplace

comment puis-je vous contacter? + how can I contact you?

les courses à ski exigent une appréciation réfléchie du terrain + ski races require thoughtful assessment of the terrain

ce projet d’extraction minière constitue une agréable occasion de développement + this mineral extraction project constitutes a nice development opportunity

ils se sont traités mutuellement de criminels de guerre + they treated each other like wartime criminals

tout ça est chiffré à chaque fois par les ministères + all of this is quantified each time by the ministers

les particules radioactives tombent avec les gouttes de pluie + radioactive particles fall with raindrops

chaque paquet est traité indépendamment + each package is processed individually

dépêche-toi de faire les valises + hurry up and pack your suitcases

son crâne est à moitié couvert par ce bonnet noir + his skull is half covered by this black bonnet

cette activité a été rapidement rentable + this activity quickly became profitable

il faut assurer une cohérence entre les objectifs et les actions + there must be consistency between the goals and the actions

reculez. vous empêchez notre avancée + step back. you’re blocking our way

les jumeaux ont besoin l’un de l’autre + the twins need each other

elle le retrouvait intact dans cet hiver nocturne + she found it intact in this dark winter

ces territoires suscitent une vigoureuse contrebande + these territories support a vibrant black market

ils se révolteront avec colère, une colère implacable + they will rebel with anger, an implacable anger

je vis un rêve, un conte de fées, un miracle + I lived a dream, a fairy tale, a miracle

nous voulons corriger les insuffisances actuelles + we want to correct current inadequacies

ils ont déformé les faits + they have distorted the facts

il y a la substitution du dialogue homme/machine au dialogue homme/femme + there is a substitution of man/machine dialog for man/woman dialogue

les prix étaient plus avantageux + the prices were more attractive

j’ôtai donc ma veste et mes chaussures + so I removed my jacket and my shoes

si je te dérange je peux repasser + if I’m disturbing you I can come back another time

les contrôleurs en grève ont obtenu jeudi soir satisfaction + the striking controllers reached agreement Thursday night

il y a eu de l’incitation au piratage + there was an incentive to engage in piracy

j’aimais tant étudier que je trouvais passionnant d’enseigner + I loved studying so much that I found teaching exciting

les compagnies pharmaceutiques sont très, très, très riches + pharmaceutical companies are very, very, very rich

l’estomac noué, j’oubliais la compétition + my stomach in knots, I forgot the competition

tu fais une fraction de ce que tu suis + you do a fraction of what you follow

un jour, la patronne du bordel m’envoya chez un autre libertin + one day, the madame of the brothel sent me to another libertine’splace

veuillez attacher votre ceinture + please attach your seatbelt

en cas de rupture, il ne restituera rien + in case of breach of contract, he will not refund anything

les objectifs de disponibilité sont des facteurs importants + goals for availability are important factors

comptez-vous consolider vos acquis en France? + do you plan to consolidate your acquisitions in France?

l’insatisfaction grandissante exige une action rapide + growing dissatisfaction requires a rapid response

la libéralisation économique est désormais quasiment achevée + economic freedom is henceforth largely achieved

je n’aime pas les complots, les mystères + I don’t like conspiracies or mysteries

je souffre ... du syndrome du manque d’amour + I suffer from lack-of-love syndrome

la démocratie finit toujours par triompher + democracy always triumphs

l’instituteur feuilletait un manuel de sociologie + the teacher paged through a sociology manual

il y a de dangereuses accumulations de neige + there are dangerous accumulations of snow

veuillez accepter mes humbles excuses + please accept my humble apologies

chaque vie, influe sur les autres + each life influences others

j’ai suivi les rails pour arriver ici + I followed the tracks to get here

le pauvre animal resta figé sur place + the poor animal remained frozen in its tracks

il replaça le paquet dans sa poche + he returned the package to his pocket

il y a de rigides paramètres en place + there are fixed parameters in place

hâte-toi de revenir + hurry back

les faits prouvent que le mariage est bénéfique pour les enfants + the facts prove that marriage is beneficial for children

la dénonciation ne doit pas être acide ou sarcastique + the denunciation need not be acerbic or sarcastic

c’est tout simplement un acte de cruauté + it’s simply an act of cruelty

il a terminé la course huitième + he finished the race in eighth place

la foi suppose l’acceptation du mystère + faith requires acceptance of the mystery

mais garde le contact visuel + but keep visual contact

je ne tolère aucun comportement raciste à bord + I don’t tolerate any racist behavior on board

la coopération entre pays voisins était quasiment inexistante + cooperation between neighboring countries was practically non-existent

l’accès en resterait théoriquement interdit aux femmes seules + access would theoretically remain forbidden to unaccompanied women

je trouve cela incompréhensible et ignoble + I find that unbelievable and disgraceful

les exemples de mécontentement sont nombreux et variés + examples of dissatisfaction were numerous and wide- ranging

dans le système proportionnel, chaque vote a la même valeur + in the proportional system, each vote has the same value

il est gêné par l’intimité masculine + he’s troubled by masculine intimacy

il est bien inutile d’énumérer les obstacles + it’s totally useless to enumerate the obstacles

le prévenu doit également régler une caution de 80.000 euros + the accused must also post a bail of 80,000 euros

l’accumulation des rentes est funeste pour le monde occidental + the accumulation of income is deadly for the West

l’accélération de la mondialisation économique + the acceleration of economic globalization

les négociateurs restent pratiquement muets + the negotiators are practically keeping mum

les romantiques, justement, désiraient toujours au-delà + exactly: romanticists always wanted more

un grand nuage noir emmitoufle la crête des montagnes + a large black cloud hugged the crest of the mountains

la préférence raciale joue depuis longtemps dans le recrutement + racial preference has long figured in recruitment

la poste vous dédommagera de la détérioration des colis + the post office will reimburse you for damaged packages

le plasma reste confiné à la surface du solide + the plasma remains confined to the surface of the solid

on est en interaction avec les membres de l’équipe des émissions + we’re interacting with the members of the broadcast team

le gouvernement bosniaque a accepté le plan de paix + the Bosnian government accepted the peace plan

les déchets de l’aire métropolitaine continueront de s’accumuler + the trash from the metropolitain area will continue to accumulate

toutes les compressions ont eu un prix très élevé + all of the cutbacks have exacted a very heavy price

nous devrions agir de façon réfléchie et responsable + we should act in a thoughtful and responsible manner

les skieurs peu expérimentés devraient renoncer aux courses + inexperienced skiers should forego racing
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