Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Arm + arm + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Ell(en)bogen + elbow + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Hand + hand + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Handgelenk + wrist + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Faust + fist + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Finger + finger + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Daumen + thumb + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Bein + leg + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Knie + knee + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fuß + foot + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Zehe + toe + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Glied + limb + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Oberarm + upper arm + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Unterarm + lower arm + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Armbeuge + inside of one's arm + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Zeigefinger + index finger + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Mittelfinger + middle finger + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Ringfinger + ring finger + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs kleiner Finger + little finger + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fingerspitze + finger tip + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Mittelzehe + middle toe, third toe + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs große/kleine Zehe + big/little toe + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs zweite/vierte Zehe + second/fourth toe + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Handteller + palm of the hand + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Daumenballen + ball of the thumb + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fingerglied + phalange + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fingerbeere + finger pad + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Handrücken + back of the hand + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Oberschenkel + thigh + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Kniekehle + hollow of the knee + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Unterschenkel + shank + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Wade + calf + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Ballen + ball of the foot + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Knöchel + ankle; knuckle + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fußrücken + instep + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Fußsohle + sole of the foot + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Limbs Ferse + heel + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs kurze/lange Beine + short/long legs + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs schöne Beine haben + to have good legs + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs dicke/dünne Beine haben + to have fat/thin legs + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs meine Beine sind dick (geworden) + my legs are swollen. + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs kurze/lange Finger + short/long finger + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs dicke/dünne Finger + fat/thin fingers + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs einen dicken Finger haben + to have a swollen finger + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs kräftige Beine + strong legs + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs wohlgeformte Beine + shapely legs + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs schlanke Beine + slender legs + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs geschwollene Beine + swollen legs + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs rechts- + right-, left-handed + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs zarte/schlanke Finger + delicate/slender fingers + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs krumme Beine + bow legs + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs krummbeinig + bow-legged + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs O-Beine + bow legs + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs o-beinig + bow-legged + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs x-beinig + knock-kneed + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs aufgesprungene Hände + chapped hands + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs Wurstfinger + pudgy/stubby fin + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs klobige Finger + huge fingers + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs verkrüppelte Finger + crippled fingers + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs flinke Finger + nimble fingers + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs geschickte Finger + dexterous fingers + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs ungeschickte Finger + clumsy fingers + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw setzen + to set/put sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw werfen + to throw/fling sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw hochwerfen + to toss sth up + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm etw zuwerfen + to toss sth to sb + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw fortwerfen + to fling sth away + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw schieben + to push sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs (etw) stoßen + to punch/kick/butt/dig (sth) + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw schlagen + to hit/beat/strike sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn mit der Faust schlagen + to punch sb + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw kratzen + to scratch sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm die Hand geben + to shake sb's hand + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm winken + to wave one's hand at/to sb + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw reiben + to rub sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn in die Arme nehmen + to take sb in one's arms + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw fangen + to catch sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn an die/bei der Hand nehmen + to take sb by the hand + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Geste + gesture + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw greifen + to take hold of/grasp sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit beiden Händen zugreifen + to seize with both hands + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw festhalten + to hold on to sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich an jmdm/etw festhalten + to hold on to sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw anfassen + to touch/feel/take hold of sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn anfassen + to take sb's hand + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw drehen + to twist sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs in die Hände klatschen + to clap one's hands + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm ins Gesicht schlagen + to slap sb on the face + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm (mit der flachen Hand) schlagen + to give sb a slap + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm auf die Schulter klopfen + to give sb a pat on the shoulder + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs herumstehen + to stand around + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs (etw) rühren + to stir (sth) + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw umrühren + to stir sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw treten + to kick sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm einen Tritt geben/versetzen + to give sb a kick + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn boxen + to punch sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn hauen (coll.) + to belt/clobber/beat sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm ins Gesicht hauen (coll.) + to hit/belt/slap sb in the face + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs die Arme verschränken + to cross one's arms + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs die Beine übereinander schlagen + to cross one's legs + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs das Bein hochwerfen + to kick [dancer] + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs gestikulieren + to gesticulate + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn packen + to seize, grab hold of + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs (sich) jmdn/etw. schnappen (coll.) + to grab/snatch sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn kneifen + to pinch sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Händeschütteln + hand-shaking + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn umarmen + to hug sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich/einander umarmen + to embrace (reciprocal) + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw kneten + to knead sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm einen Klaps geben + to give sb a slap/smack + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit den Fingern auf den Tisch trommeln + to drum one's fingers on the desk + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs die Faust ballen + to clench one's fist/fingers + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit dem Fuß stampfen + to stamp one's foot + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs auf Zehenspitzen gehen + to tiptoe, walk on tiptoe + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw schwenken + to swing/wave sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw schwingen + to swing/wave/brandish/wield sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw befühlen + to feel/run one's hands over sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw berühren + to touch sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw ausstreuen + to scatter sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich an jmdn/etw klammern + to cling to sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich an etw hängen + to hang on to sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich in die Arme fallen + to fall into each other's arms + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw schmeißen (coll.) + to chuck, toss, sling, fling, hurl sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs den Arm beugen + to flex one's arm + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs das Knie beugen + to bend one's knee + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Kniebeuge + knee bend + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs seine Knie umfassen + to hug one's knees + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs die Beine strecken + to stretch one's legs + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich dehnen/recken + to stretch + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw im Würgegriff haben + to have a stranglehold on sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs eine Linke/Rechte schlagen + to throw a left/right + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Spagat machen + to do the splits + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs ausschlagen + to kick [horse] + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs scharren + to paw at the ground [horse] + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs an der Tür scharren + to scratch/paw at the door [dog] + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm die Hand reichen (elev.) + to shake sb's hand + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn in die Arme schließen (elev.) + to take sb in one's arms + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit den Armen herumfuchteln (coll.) + to wave one's arms around + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs die Beine baumeln lassen + to dangle one's legs + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn liebkosen + to caress sb + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn tätscheln + to pat sb + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw abtasten + to feel sth all over + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn auf Waffen abtasten + to frisk sb for weapons + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn zwicken (S; AU) + to pinch sb + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Ohrfeige + slap on the face; box on the ears + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm eine Ohrfeige geben + to slap sb's face; box sb's ears + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn ohrfeigen + to slap/hit sb; box sb's ears + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs Schlag mit dem Handrücken + back-handed slap + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn zu Brei hauen (sl.) + to beat sb's brains in + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn windelweich/grün und blau hauen (coll.) + to beat sb black and blue + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs in die Pedale treten + to pedal + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdm etw entreißen + to grab sth away from sb + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs nach etw tappen + to grope for sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw streifen + to brush against sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn mit offenen Armen auf-nehmen/empfange + to welcome sb with open arms + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw von etw schnippen/schnipsen (coll.) + to flick sth from sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw betasten + to feel sth [with one's fingers] + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw verstreuen + to scatter sth, strew sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw streicheln + to stroke sth + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
Oxford 32000EngGloss

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