A + + * * si3 die/ pass away/ dead/ inflexible 1. sterben 2. tot 3. bis zum Tod 4. äußerst 5. unversöhnlich 6. starr, steif, fest 7. undurchlässig, abgesperrt + + +
C + + * * si3 dead/ fixed/ rigid/ deadly/ implacable/ impassable sterben + + +
C 死亡 + + * * si3wang2 die/ expire sterben, auslaufen + + +
D 死刑 + + * * si3xing2 death penalty/ execution Todesurteil, Todesstrafe + + +

4 chết 6 tử vong 死亡

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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die / dead / death
crime, sin, vice / evil / hardship

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

死' + * * + to die impassable/ uncrossable inflexible
死不了' + 死不了* * + Portulaca Sundial (a type of plant)/
死不冥目' + 死不冥目* * + dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die with a remaining grievance/ also written 死不瞑目
死不改悔' + 死不改悔* * + not to repent even facing death (idiom)/ unrepentant very obsti
死不瞑目' + 死不瞑目* * + dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die with a remaining grievance/
死不要臉' + 死不要脸* * + to know no shame/ to be totally shameless
死中求生' + 死中求生* * + to seek life in death (idiom); to fight for one's life/
死乞白賴' + 死乞白赖* * + to pester someone again and again/
死亡' + 死亡* * + to die/ death
死亡人數' + 死亡人数* * + number of people killed/ death toll
死亡率' + 死亡率* * + mortality rate/
死亡筆記' + 死亡笔记* * + Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugu/
死人' + 死人* * + dead pe /
死仗' + 死仗* * + to fight bitterly/ hard struggle
死信' + 死信* * + lost letter/ letter containing news of sb's death
死傷' + 死伤* * + casualties/ dead and injured
死傷者' + 死伤者* * + casualty (of an accident)/ dead and wounded
死刑' + 死刑* * + death penalty/
死刑緩期執行' + 死刑缓期执行* * + deferred death sentence/ abbr. to 死緩|死缓
死別' + 死别* * + to be p /
死到臨頭' + 死到临头* * + Death is near at hand. (idiom)/
死勁' + 死劲* * + all one's strength/ with might and main
死勁兒' + 死劲儿* * + erhua variant of 死勁|死劲/
死區' + 死区* * + dead zo blind spot/
死去' + 死去* * + to die/
死去活來' + 死去活来* * + to hover between life and death (idiom)/ to suffer terribly within an
死命' + 死命* * + doom/ death desperatel
死囚' + 死囚* * + prisoner that awaits execution/ convict sentenced to death someone on
死因' + 死因* * + cause of death/
死因不明' + 死因不明* * + unknown cause of death/
死城' + 死城* * + ghost town/
死守' + 死守* * + to defend one's property to the death/ to cling obstinately to old habits die-hard
死定' + 死定* * + to be screwed/ to be toast
死寂' + 死寂* * + deathly stillness/
死對頭' + 死对头* * + arch-enemy/ sworn enemy
死局' + 死局* * + hopeless situation/ deadlock
死屍' + 死尸* * + a corpse/ a dead body
死巷' + 死巷* * + blind alley/ dead end
死後' + 死后* * + after death/ posthumous
死心' + 死心* * + to give up/ to admit failure to drop th
死心塌地' + 死心塌地* * + to be hell-bent on/ dead set on sth unswerving
死心眼兒' + 死心眼儿* * + stubborn/ obstinate having a o
死心踏地' + 死心踏地* * + see 死心塌地/
死戰' + 死战* * + fight t desperate struggle/
死敵' + 死敌* * + mortal enemy/ arch-enemy
死文字' + 死文字* * + dead language/ indecipherable script
死於安樂' + 死于安乐* * + see 生於憂患,死於安樂|生于忧患,死于安乐/
死於非命' + 死于非命* * + violent an unnatural death/
死有餘辜' + 死有余辜* * + death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful crimes that rankled even after /
死期' + 死期* * + time of death/
死板' + 死板* * + rigid/ inflexible
死棋' + 死棋* * + dead piece (in Chess)/ stupid move hopeless c
死機' + 死机* * + to crash (of a computer)/
死機藍屏' + 死机蓝屏* * + blue screen of death/ computer crash screen
死死' + 死死* * + rigid/ unwavering unbendable
死氣沉沉' + 死气沉沉* * + dead atmosphere/ lifeless spiritless
死氣白賴' + 死气白赖* * + variant of 死乞白賴|死乞白赖/
死水' + 死水* * + stagnan backwater/
死活' + 死活* * + life or death/ fate no matter
死活不顧' + 死活不顾* * + regardless of life or death (idiom)/
死海' + 死海* * + the Dead Sea/
死海古卷' + 死海古卷* * + Dead Sea Scrolls/
死海經卷' + 死海经卷* * + Dead Sea Scrolls/
死灰復燃' + 死灰复燃* * + lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/ sth malevolent returns to haunt one
死無對證' + 死无对证* * + the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead men tell no tales/
死無葬身之地' + 死无葬身之地* * + to die without a burial site/ to die a pauper a tragic e
死生' + 死生* * + life or death/ critical (event)
死產' + 死产* * + stillbirth/
死當' + 死当* * + to flunk (Tw)/ (computing) to crash to stop wo
死症' + 死症* * + incurable disease/ terminal illness
死皮賴臉' + 死皮赖脸* * + brazen faced (idiom); shameless/
死硬' + 死硬* * + stiff/ rigid obstinate
死神' + 死神* * + mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of tho/ (fig.) death
死穴' + 死穴* * + lethal point (acupuncture)/ vulnerable spot Achilles'
死結' + 死结* * + tight knot/ intractable problem
死結難解' + 死结难解* * + enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom); thorny problem/ intractable difficulty
死絕' + 死绝* * + to die out/ to be exterminated to become
死緩' + 死缓* * + deferred death sentence/ commuted death sentence with forced labor and judicial review after two years (PRC) (legal)
死纏爛打' + 死缠烂打* * + (coll.) to pester/ to harass
死罪' + 死罪* * + mortal crime/ capital offense
死翹翹' + 死翘翘* * + to die/ to drop dead
死者' + 死者* * + the dead/ the deceased
死而不僵' + 死而不僵* * + dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis/ to die hard (idiom) to die yet
死而後已' + 死而后已* * + until death puts an end (idiom); one's whole life/ unto one's dying day
死而無悔' + 死而无悔* * + to die without regret (idiom, from Analects)/
死胡同' + 死胡同* * + dead end/ blind alley
死裡逃生' + 死里逃生* * + mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape/ to survive by the skin of one's teeth
死角' + 死角* * + gap in coverage/ gap in protection or defenses neglected
死訊' + 死讯* * + news of sb's death/
死記' + 死记* * + to learn by rote/ to cram
死記硬背' + 死记硬背* * + to learn by rote/ to mechanically memorize
死賬' + 死账* * + dormant bank account/
死路' + 死路* * + dead end/ (fig.) the road to disaster
死鎖' + 死锁* * + deadlock (computing)/
死難' + 死难* * + to die in an accident/ to die for a just cause
死難者' + 死难者* * + victim of an accident/ casualty martyr for
死頑固' + 死顽固* * + very stubborn/ very stubborn person die-hard
死馬當活馬醫' + 死马当活马医* * + lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom); fig. to keep trying everything in a/
死鬼' + 死鬼* * + devil/ You devil! (as joke or insult) the depart
死麵' + 死面* * + unleavened dough/
死點' + 死点* * + blind spot/ dead center
死黨' + 死党* * + best friends/ inseparable sidekick diehard fo

dead tot ตาย mort muerto morto kuollut
die sterben ตาย mourir morir morire kuolla

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


571 +
1229 狮子 杀死 斑马 +
1527 这里 死亡 +
2081 +
2988 植物 枯死 +
3605 反对 现阶段 废除 死刑 +
3631 作出 此时 已经 死亡 推论 正确 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + +

(생물이) 죽다. 생명을 잃다. + + 死亡 사망. 멸망. 파국. + +

+ + + + + + + +