A 鐘頭 + * * zhong1tou2 hour (mainly used in oral Chinese) Stunde + +
A 收拾 + * * shou1shi put in order/ tidy/ punish/ repair in Ordnung bringen,reparieren,ausbessern + +
A + * * a 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens + +
A + * * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly 1. noch, nach wie vor 2.noch mehr 3. (sowohl..) als auch 4.leidlich, passabel, nicht sonderlich gut , aber auch nicht gerade schlecht 5. selbst, sogar siehe: huan4 + +
A + * * zhong3 kind/ type/ sort/ breed/ race/ strain 1. Art, Spezies, Sorte 2. Rasse 3. Saat, Samen 4.Mut, Unbeugsamkeit 5. Zählwort Sorte, Muster, Typ siehe zhong4 + +
A + * * tai2 lift up/ raise/ carry 1. heben,aufheben,hochheben 2. (zu zweit oder mehreren) tragen + +
A 要求 + * * yao1qiu2 demand/ require/ claim/ ask bitten,Bitte,Wunsch + +
A + * * ying2 win/ beat/ gain 1. siegen, gewinnen 2. Gewinn, Profit + +
A + * * de2 1. to get. obtain 2. (of a calculation) result in 1 bekommen, erhalten, erwerben, holen, gewinnen, erlangen 2. Rechenergebnis 3. passend, geeignet 4. gebrauchsfertig 6. dürfen siehe de5, dei3 + +
A 好處 + * * hao3chu good/ advantage/ benefit/ gain 1. Vorteil, Nutzen, Vorzug 2.Gewinn, Profit, Nutzen + +
A + * * zai4 again/ not … until/ then and only then 1. noch einmal , nochmals, wieder 2. noch mehr 3. erst...dann 4. ferner, außerdem, überdies 5. zurückkehren + +
A 得到 + * * de2 dao4 get/ obtain/ gain/ receive bekommen + +
A 再見 + * * zai4jian4 good-bye/ see you again Aufwiedersehen! + +
A 相信 + * * xiang1xin4 believe in/ have faith in glauben + +
A + * * zheng4 straight/ upright/ honest/ pure/ just 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein + +
A 飛機 + * * fei1ji1 aircraft/ airplane/ plane Flugzeug + +
A 鍛煉 + * * duan4lian4 take exercise/ physical training Sport treiben + +
A + * * deng3 1.wait 2. when till 1.warten 2. wenn, bis + +
A 主要 + * * zhu3yao4 main/ major/ chief/ principal hauptsächlich + +
A 政治 + * * zheng4zhi4 politics/ political affairs/ political Politik + +
A + * * liu2 remain/ stay/ keep/ grow/ leave 1. bleiben, verweilen, sich aufhalten 2. aufhalten, zurückhalten 3. behalten, aufbewahren 4. etw stehen o. wachsen lassen 5. annehmen, aktzeptieren 6. hinterlassen + +
A + * * zhi1 (measure word for one of a pair) ein Zählwort für Haustiere + +
A + * * teng2 ache/ pain 1. schmerzen,wehtun 2. vernarrt sein, jn innig lieben, gern haben + +
A + * * ti2 carry/ put forward/ draw out/ raise 1. etwa mit einer Hand tragen 2. hochheben, aufheben 3. einen Termin vorverlegen 4. vorlegen, äußern 5. herausziehen, extrahieren 6. erwähnen, etw ins Gespräch bringen + +
A + * * shuang1 pair/ twin/ dual/ double/ di-/ bi- Zählwort Paar + +
A 提高 + * * ti2gao1 raise/ heighten/ enhance/ increase erhöhen + +
A 火車 + * * huo3che1 train Eisenbahn + +
A + * * shan1 mountain/ hill 1. Berg, Gebirge 2. bergähnliche Gebilde + +
A 一些 + * * yi1xie1 a number of/ certain/ a few/ a little eine Anzahl von, einige, etliche + +
A 增加 + * * zeng1jia1 increase/ raise/ add erhöhen,steigern + +
A + * * qi3 remove/ pull/ appear/ rise/ raise 1. aufstehen, sich aufrichten ,sich erheben 2. sich entwickeln, entstehen 3. wachsen, sich bilden 4. anfangen, beginnen 5. entfernen, herausziehen 6. entwerfen, abfassen 7. bauen 8. Fall 9. Gruppe, Schub + +
A + * * jian4 (measure word for clothes; affairs) 1. ein Zählwort für Hemd, Arbeit etc 2. Brief, Botschaft, Dokument + +
A + * * pa4 fear/ be afraid of/ perhaps 1. fürchten, Angst haben 2. befürchten, vermutlich, vielleicht + +
A 一直 + * * yi1zhi2 always/ all along/ straight geradeaus, immer, fortwährend + +
A 取得 + * * qu3de2 gain/ acquire/ obtain erringen, erzielen, erwerben + +
A 體育 + * * ti3yu4 physical training/ physical culture Sport,Körperkultur + +
A + * * lei4 tired/ tire/ strain 1.müde, erschöpft, ermattet 2. ermüden, ermatten, anstrengen 3.hart arbeiten, schuften + +
A 表揚 + * * biao3yang2 praise/ commend loben,auszeichnen + +
A 說明 + * * shuo1ming2 explain/ illustrate/ show erklären,Erklärung + +
A 機場 + * * ji1chang3 airport/ airfield/ aerodrome Flugplatz + +
A + * * you4 again 1. wieder 2.nochmals 3. aber + +
A 幫助 + * * bang1zhu4 help/ assist/ aid helfen + +
A + * * jiang3 tell/ speak/ explain/ discuss/ stress 1. sprechen, sagen, reden, erzählen 2. erläutern, erklären, auslegen, darlegen 3. verhandeln, durchsprechen 4. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen, auf etw Gewicht legen + +
A 廣播 + 广* * guang3bo1 broadcast/ be on the air senden (Radio),Rundfunk + +
A + * * yu3 rain Regen, Niederschlag + +
A 椅子 + * * yi3zi chair Stuhl + +
A + * * shi4 matter/ affair/ thing/ business 1. Sache, Angelegenheit 2. Unfall 3. Beruf, Job, Tätigkeit 4. Verantwortung, Verwicklung 5. mit etw beschäftigt sein, an etw arbeiten + +
A 服務員 + * * fu2wu4yuan2 waiter/ waitress/ attendant Bedienungspersonal,Zimmermädchen,Kellner + +
A 空氣 + * * kong1qi4 air Luft + +
A 事情 + * * shi4qing matter/ affair/ thing/ business Sache,Angelegenheit + +
A + * * hua4 draw/ paint 1. malen,zeichnen 2. Malerei, Zeichnung, Bild 3. mit Bildern geschmückt + +
A + * * ji4 send/ post/ mail 1. schicken, senden, per Post schicken 2. anvertrauen, etw zu treuen Händen überlassen, etw in Obhut geben 3. von jm abhängig sein, auf einen anderen angewiesen sein + +
A 畫兒 + * * hua4r drawing/ picture/ painting Bild,Zeichnung,Gemälde + +
A + * * chui1 blow/ brag/ fail/ break up 1.blasen, pusten, wehen 2.blasen,pfeifen, 3. prahlen 4.sich entzweien, abbrechen + +
A 便宜 + 便* * pian2yi cheap/ inexpensive/ small gains preiswert,Schnäppchen + +
A + * * ju3 lift/ heave/ raise/ hold up/ cite 1. heben, erheben, hochhalten 2. sich erheben 3. jn zu etw wählen 4. angeben, anführen 5. all, ganz, vollständig, gesamt 6. Akt, Aktion, Tat, Handeln, Vorgehen + +
A 反對 + * * fan3dui4 oppose/ fight/ be against bekämpfen, gegen etwas antreten + +
A 當然 + * * dang1ran2 of course/ certainly natürlich + +
B 糧食 + * * liang2shi grain/ food Getreide, Nahrung + +
B 據說 + * * ju4shuo1 it is said es wird gesagt, es wird berichtet + +
B 難受 + * * nan2shou4 feel unwell/ suffer pain sich unwohl fühlen,traurig, schwermutig + +
B + * * yang3 provide for/ raise/ give birth to/ rest 1. ernähren, unterhalten 2. züchten, großziehen 3. gebären 4. in Pflege nehmen 5. erziehen 6. sich erholen, pflegen 7. warten, instand halten + +
B + * * ai1 1. touch, lean on or against 2. get close to, be next to 1.(VJ) berühren, anlehnen 2 (VJ) nahe kommen 3.(P) neben,an, nahe bei 4. der Reihe nach, in Reihenfolge siehe ai2 + +
B 尾巴 + * * wei3ba tail/ tail-like part Schwanz + +
B 哎呀 + * * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure eine Interjektion, Ach ! + +
B 害怕 + * * hai4pa4 be afraid of/ fear Furcht + +
B 針對 + * * zhen1dui4 be aimed at/ be directed against auf etwas gerichtet ein, in Verbindung mit, auf etwas zielen + +
B + * * han2 keep in the mouth/ contain 1. (im Mund)halten, etw im Mund haben, lutschen 2. enthalten 3. hegen, zurückhalten + +
B 腦子 + * * nao3zi brain Gehirn, Hirn,Denkvermögen + +
B 日常 + * * ri4chang2 day-to-day/ everyday/ daily alltäglich, täglich, tagtäglich + +
B + * * yao1 waist 1. Taille, Hüfte, 2.Bund + +
B + * * tong4 feel painful/ agonize/ ache 1. Schmerz, Weh, Leiden 2. Trauer, Kummer 3. äußerst, höchst sehr + +
B 痛苦 + * * tong4ku3 painful/ suffering Schmerz + +
B + * * chen4 avail oneself of 1. nutzen, ausnutzen 2. anläßlich, während, solange + +
B 日用品 + * * ri4yong4pin3 daily necessaries Artikel des täglichen Bedarfs + +
B 稱贊 + * * cheng1zan4 praise/ acclaim/ commend preisen, loben, Kompliment machen + +
B 睏/困 + * * kun4 (睏) sleepy/ (困) constrained/ besiege/ constrain 1. jn in eine Notlage bringen 2.einkreisen, umzingeln 3. erschöpft, strapaziert, ermüdet 4. schläfrig + +
B 估計 + * * gu1ji4 appraise/ estimate schätzen, abschätzen + +
B 平原 + * * ping2yuan2 plain Ebene + +
B 成果 + * * cheng2guo3 gain/ achievement/ positive result Erfolg, Errungenschaft, Frucht + +
B 頭髮 + * * tou2fa hair Haar + +
B 防止 + * * fang2zhi3 prevent/ avoid/ guard against verhindern + +
B 解答 + * * jie3da2 answer/ explain Erklärung, Antwort + +
B 解釋 + * * jie3shi4 explain/ expound/ interpret/ explanation Erklärung + +
B 修理 + * * xiu1gai3 repair/ mend/ fix reparieren, ausbessern + +
B 整理 + * * zheng3li3 put in order/ straighten out/ sort out 1.aufräumen, gerade werden, in Ordnung bringen 2. anordnen, arrangieren, aufstellen, einfädeln, einleiten, einordnen, einrichten, herrichten, in Ordnung bringen, ordnen, organisieren, rasieren, regeln, zurechtschneiden + +
B 軍事 + * * jun1shi4 military affairs Militärangelegenheiten, Militärwesen + +
B + * * tu2 paint/ smear 1. beschmieren, bestreichen 2. etw flüchtig hinschreiben, hinschmieren 3. abwischen, entfernen + +
B + * * zheng4 straight/ main/ upright/ honest/ right 1. gerade, aufrecht, senkrecht 2. in der Mitte gelegen, Haupt- 3. pünktlich, Punkt 4. Vorderseite, obenliegend 5. aufrecht, redlich, gerade 6. korrekt, richtig 7. echt, rein + +
B 必然 + * * bi4ran2 inevitable/ certain unvermeidbar, verpflichtet zu + +
B 詳細 + * * xiang2xi4 detailed ausführlich, sehr genau, detailiert + +
B 樸素 + * * pu3su4 simple/ plain schlicht / bescheiden / einfach + +
B 等待 + * * deng3dai4 wait/ await erwarten + +
B 主席 + * * zhu3xi2 chairman Vorsitzende, Vorsitzender + +
B 隊伍 + * * dui4wu team leader/ captain Kontingent,Truppen + +
B + * * buian1 plait/ weave 1. flechten 2. organisieren, einordnen 3. etw redaktionell bearbeiten, zusammenstellen 4. verfassen, komponieren 5. erdichten, fabrizieren 6. Teil eines Buches, Band + +
B + * * dui4 couple/ pair 1.antworten 2.gegenüberliegen 3.zwei Dinge in Kontakt bringen 4. vergeichen, identifizieren 5. richtig, korrekt, stimmen 6. Zählwort Paar 7.präpositional + +
B 達到 + * * da2 dao4 achieve/ attain/ reach erreichen, anlangen + +
B + * * bai4 fail 1. unterliegen, besiegt werden, eine Niederlage erleiden 2. besiegen, jm eine Niederlage bereiten, über jn siegen 3. scheitern, mißlingen, einen Mißerfolg erleiden, 4. vereiteln, verderben, etw zum Scheitern bringen 5. beseitigen, etw unschädlich m + +
B 支援 + * * zhi1yuan2 support/ aid/ assist/ assistance/ help unterstützen, Unterstützung gewähren + +
B 其餘 + * * qi2yu2 the others/ the rest/ the remainder Rest, das andere, die verbleibenden + +
B 重新 + * * chong2xin1 again wieder, re-, noch einmal + +
B 樓梯 + * * lou2ti1 stairs/ staircase Treppenhaus, Treppe + +
B 獲得 + * * huo4de2 gain/ obtain/ acquire/ win/ achieve erreichen, erhalten, gewinnen, bekommen + +
B 草原 + * * cao3yuan2 grasslands/ prairie Grasland + +
B + * * wa used to denote sigh or certainty in lautes Weinen ausbrechen + +
B + * * pa4 afraid 1. fürchten, Angst haben 2. befürchten, vermutlich, vielleicht + +
B 山脈 + * * shan1mai4 mountain range Gebirge, Gebirgskette,Gebirgszug,Sierra + +
B 山區 + * * shan1qu1 a mountainous area Gebirgsbereich, Gebirgsregion + +
B 大街 + * * da4jie1 main street große Straße + +
B + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + +
B + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + +
B 大陸 + * * da4lu4 continent/ mainland Festland + +
B 外交 + * * wai4jiao1 diplomacy/ foreign affairs Diplomatie + +
B + * * ke1 grain Korn, Körnchen, Zählwort Perle + +
B 訓練 + * * xun4lian4 train/ drill trainieren,drillen,einüben + +
B 理髮 + * * li3 fa4 haircut/ hairdressing Haarschnitt, Friseur-, + +
B 天真 + * * tian1zhen naïve/ innocent naiv, unschuldig, + +
B 雨衣 + * * yu3yi1 raincoat Regenmantel + +
B + * * zhuang4 collide/ bump against/ run into 1. zusammenstoßen,stoßen 2. treffen, begegnen 3. voreilig handeln + +
B 氣溫 + * * qi4wen1 air temperature Lufttemperatur + +
B 保持 + * * bao3chi2 keep/ maintain/ preserve wahren, aufrechterhalten, halten + +
B 狀況 + * * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition Bedingung, Zustand,Verhältnisse + +
B 確定 + * * que4ding4 make certain/ make sure/ define/ determine sicher, definitiv, bestimmt, bestimmen, ermitteln, sicher sein + +
B 玉米 + * * yu4mi3 maize/ corn Mais + +
B + * * mou3 certain/ some einige,gewiß, bestimmt + +
B 胡亂 + * * hu2luan4 aimlessly unvorsichtig, nicht sorgfältig + +
B + * * dai4 wait/ await 1. behandeln, mit jm umgehen 2. warten, erwarten 3. vorhaben, im Begriff sein dai1= sich aufhalten, bleiben + +
B + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder + +
B 目的 + * * mu4di4 aim/ purpose Ziel, Zielsetzung, Zweck + +
B 招待 + * * zhao2dai4 receive/ entertain bewirten, empfangen, Empfang, Rezeption + +
B 鐵路 + * * tie3lu4 railway/ railroad Eisenbahn + +
B + * * li4 grain 1. Korn, Körnchen 2 .Zählwort ein Korn + +
B 空中 + * * kong1zhong1 in the air/ in the sky in der Luft, am Himmel + +
B 恐怕 + * * kong3pa4 be afraid ich fürchte daß, wahrscheinlich + +
B 員(服務員) + * * yuan2 -er/ -or/ etc. (waiter; waitress) 1. Person, die einer bestimmten Beschäftigung nachgeht 2. Mitglied 3. Zählwort, z. B. ein fähiger General + +
B 反復 + * * fan3fu4 repeatedly/ again and again Rückfall, wiederholt + +
B + * * mao2 hair 1. Haar, Federn Daune, Flaum 2. Wolle 3. Schimmel 4. roh , rauh, halbfertig 5. klein 6. sorglos 7. überängstlich 8.ein Mao, chin. Münzeinheit + +
B 自由 + * * zi4you2 freedom/ liberty/ free/ unrestrained frei, Freiheit + +
B 難道 + * * nan2dao4 could it be said that … rhetorisches Mittel zur Bekräftigung,kann man sagen + +
B 不平 + * * bu4ping2 indignant/ resentful/ injustice/ unfairness empörend, Unrecht + +
B 收穫 + * * shou1huo4 gain/ harvest Ernte + +
C 車廂 + * * che1xiang1 railway carriage/ railroad car Waggon + +
C 反問 + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + +
C 茅台酒 + * * mao2tai2jiu3 maotai (liquor) Maotai (chin. Schnaps) + +
C 海峽 + * * hai3xia2 strait/ channel Seestraße, Kanal + +
C + * * ci2 porcelain/ china Porzellan + +
C 哎喲 + * * ai1yo1 1. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or pain etc. eine Interjektion, Ach ! + +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke + +
C 款待 + * * kuan3dai4 entertain cordially/ treat cordially gastfreundlich aufnehmen, gastlich bewirten + +
C + * * qiao4 raise/ hold up/ curl up sich an einem Ende in die Höhe heben, sich nach oben biegen + +
C + * * tong3 thick bamboo segment/ tube-shaped container 1. dickes Bambusrohr 2. dicker röhrenförmiger Gegenstand, Zylinder, Röhre 3. röhrenförmige Teile eines Kleidungsstücks + +
C + * * kuang2 overbearing/ mad/ wild/ violent/ unconstrained 1.wahnsinnig, verrückt,toll, 2. heftig, gewalttätig 3. hemmungslos, zügellos + +
C 日報 + * * ri4bao4 daily paper/ daily Tageszeitung + +
C 行政 + * * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration Verwaltung, Verwaltungsabteilung + +
C 神話 + * * shen2hua4 mythology/ myth/ fairy tale/ preposterous theory Mythologie,Legende + +
C + * * ying2 welcome/ greet/ go to meet/ go against/ go towards 1. entgegenkommen, abholen, empfangen, begrüßen 2. jm / etwas entgegengehen, sich auf etw hinbewegen + +
C 神情 + * * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien Ausdruck, Anblick, + +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + +
C + * * yun1 swoon/ faint/ pass out/ lose consciousness 1. schwindelig, von Schwindel befallen 2. in Ohnmacht fallen, ohnmächtig + +
C 日用 + * * ri4yong4 of daily use/ of everyday use täglicher Gebrauch, tägliche Ausgaben + +
C + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for s.th. auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 + +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + +
C 安定 + * * an1ding4 1. stable, settled 2. stabilize, maintain stabil,ruhig,aufrechterhalten + +
C 伺候 + * * ci4hou wait upon/ serve aufwarten, bedienen + +
C 走後門兒 + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen + +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter + +
C 列車 + * * lie4che1 train Zug + +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene + +
C 辜負 + * * gu1fu4 let down/ fail to live up to/ be unworthy of/ disappoint sich einer Sache als unwürdig erweisen, etwas nicht rechtfertigen + +
C 掙扎 + * * zheng1zha2 struggle-strain/ struggle/ battle/ flounder sich abmühen, sich anstrengen + +
C 要點 + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt + +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano + +
C 容器 + * * rong2qi4 container/ vessel Gefäß, Behälter + +
C 頭腦 + * * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit Gehirn, Verstand, Intelligenz, Kopf, Anhaltspunkt, Faden + +
C 聲明 + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement + +
C 航行 + * * hang2xing2 sail/ fly/ travel by boat; plane; or spacecraft navigieren, fliegen, segeln + +
C 評价 + * * ping2jia4 evaluate/ assess/ appraise/ evaluation/ assessment bewerten, einschätzen + +
C + * * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen + +
C 監獄 + * * jian1yu4 prison/ jail Gefängnis,Haftanstalt + +
C 圖畫 + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + +
C 裁縫 + * * cai2feng dressmaker/ tailor Schneider + +
C 畢竟 + * * bi4jing4 after all/ when all is said and done/ in the end alles in allem,jedoch, schließlich + +
C 再三 + * * zai4san1 again-three/ again and again/ over and over again immer wieder, abermals + +
C 夢想 + * * meng4xiang3 dream of/ hope vainly/ dream/ wishful thinking etw. vergeblich versuchen, von etw. träumen + +
C 骨幹 + * * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member Rückgrat + +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt + +
C + * * cheng2 fill/ ladle/ hold/ contain 1. füllen 2. aufnehmen, fassen siehe sheng4 + +
C 迷信 + * * mi2xin4 have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben + +
C + * * bi4 certainly/ surely/ definitely/ necessarily 1. sicher, bestimmt, unbedingt 2. müssen + +
C 必定 + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher + +
C 若干 + * * ruo4gan1 a certain number of/ some/ several/ a few einige, etliche, manche,wieviel, wie viele + +
C + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit + +
C 主力 + * * zhu3li4 main-force/ main force/ main strength/ principal player Hauptmacht, Hauptkraft + +
C + * * zui4 crime/ guilt/ sin/ fault/ blame/ suffering/ pain/ hardship 1. Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld, 2. Fehler, Schuld 3. Leid, Kummer, Schmerzen 4. jm die Schuld geben + +
C 飛行 + * * fei1xing2 fly (a plane; a spacecraft; etc.)/ travel by air fliegen, Flug, Luftfahrt + +
C 贊美 + * * zan4mei3 eulogize-praise/ eulogize/ praise/ glorify/ laud preisen, loben,rühmen + +
C 罪惡 + * * zui4'e4 crime-evil/ crime/ evil/ sin/ villainy/ maleficence/ vice Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld + +
C 清醒 + * * qing1xing3 clear-headed/ sober/ regain consciousness/ come to nüchtern, klar im Kopf,wieder zu Bewußtsein kommen + +
C + * * gang1 jar/ vat/ big container made of pottery; porcelain; etc. Tongefäß + +
C 領域 + * * ling3yu4 field/ sphere/ domain/ realm/ area Territorium,Hoheitsgebiet, Gebiet, Bereich,Sektor + +
C 贊揚 + * * zan4yang2 praise-show/ commend/ praise/ speak highly of loben, preisen + +
C 束縛 + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden + +
C 等候 + * * deng3hou4 wait/ await/ expect Warten + +
C + * * zao1 meet with (sth. unfortunate)/ suffer/ sustain 1. auf etwas stoßen, erleiden, von etw betroffen sein 2. Zählwort Mal 3. Zählwort Runde, Kreis + +
C 吃力 + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar + +
C 白白 + * * bai2bai2 for nothing/ in vain/ to no purpose vergebens, für nichts, ohne Zweck + +
C 朗誦 + * * lang3song4 read aloud with expression/ recite/ declaim vortragen, rezitieren + +
C 廢墟 + * * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed Ruinen, Trümmerfeld + +
C + * * zhu4 help/ assist/ aid helfen, beistehen, unterstützen + +
C 宣告 + * * xuan1gao4 propagate-declare/ declare/ proclaim proklamieren, erklären + +
C 助手 + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent + +
C 編制 + * * bian1zhi4 weave/ plait/ braid/ work out/ draw up/ size of staff flechten, weben, ausarbeiten, Herstellung + +
C 參謀 + * * can1mou2 give advice/ brain man/ advisor Rat geben, Berater, Stabsoffizier + +
C + * * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express 1. reichen, gelangen 2. erreichen, sich belaufen 3. völlig verstehen 4. mitteilen, ausdrücken + +
C 剩餘 + * * sheng4yu2 remain/ have a surplus/ surplus/ remainder/ residue Rest, Überschuß + +
C 特徵 + * * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait Merkmal, Kennzeichen, Charakterzug + +
C 師範 + * * shi1fan4 teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue Pädagogik + +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit + +
C 面臨 + * * mian4lin2 be faced with/ be confronted with/ be up against angesichts, gegenüber + +
C + * * zhi1 raise/ put up/ send away/ order about/ pay or withdraw ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc + +
C + * * qi1 paint/ lacquer 1. Lack, Anstrichfarbe 2. lackieren, streichen + +
C 流行 + * * liu2xing2 prevail/ be in vogue/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent weit verbreitet,populär, in Mode + +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht + +
C 流域 + * * liu2yu4 river valley/ river basin/ drainage area Einzugsgebiet eines Flusses, Stromgebiet, (Fluß-) Tal + +
C 對立 + * * dui4li4 oppose/ counter/ go against Opposition, sich widersetzen + +
C 作戰 + * * zuo4 zhan4 do-battle/ engage in a battle/ fight/ battle/ campaign Krieg führen + +
C + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze + +
C 分明 + * * fen1ming2 clear/ distinct/ obvious/ plain klar, offenbar, offensichtlich, eindeutig + +
C + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen + +
C 提問 + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + +
C 鑒定 + * * jian4ding4 authenticate/ appraise/ identify/ determine Gutachten, Beurteilung, begutachten + +
C 操心 + * * cao1 xin1 bother/ worry about/ take pains sich sorgen,sich um etwas kümmern + +
C 提議 + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + +
C 獲/穫 + * * huo4 seize/ catch/ get/ gain/ acquire/ harvest/ reap 1. fangen, gefangennehmen, erbeuten 2. bekommen, erlangen, erringen, erreichen, gewinnen 3. ernten + +
C 山地 + * * shan1di4 mountainous area/ hilly topography Bergland, Gebirgsgegend + +
C 山峰 + * * shan1feng1 mountain peak Berggipfel + +
C 地勢 + * * di4shi4 terrain/ topography in terms of strategic significance Topographie + +
C 一行 + * * yi1xing2 always-again/ time and again/ again and again Reisegesellschaft + +
C 山谷 + * * shan1gu3 mountain valley Tal + +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände + +
C 歌唱 + * * ge1chang4 sing/ praise through singing 1. Lied, Gesang 2. singen + +
C 痕跡 + * * hen2ji4 trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige 1. Spur, Fährte, Stapfen 2. Überbleibsel, Überrest, Ruine + +
C 明白 + * * ming2bai clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, + +
C 起飛 + * * qi3fei1 (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off starten, abfliegen, + +
C 歌頌 + * * ge1song4 sing the high praises of/ extol/ eulogize lobpreisen, Lobrede + +
C 明明 + * * ming2ming2 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly klar und deutlich,offensichtlich + +
C 時常 + * * shi2chang2 time and again/ often/ frequently immer, mitunter, oft + +
C + * * ming2 chime/ ring/ sound/ air/ express/ chirp/ cry/ sing 1. Laute von bestimmten Tieren 2. einen Ton von sich geben, etwas zum Tönen bringen 3. aussprechen,äußern,etwas zum Ausdruck bringen + +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt + +
C 直達 + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt + +
C 扇子 + * * shan4zi fan (that can create airflow through waving) Ventilator + +
C 直徑 + * * zhi2jing4 straight-diameter/ diameter Durchmesser, Diameter + +
C 幼稚 + * * you4zhi4 young-childish/ childish/ puerile/ immature/ naive jung, klein, kindisch, naiv + +
C + * * zhan1 soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben + +
C 時時 + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft + +
C 精細 + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein + +
C 遺憾 + * * yi2han4 remaining-regret/ pity/ regret Bedauern, jm leid tun + +
C + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb + +
C + * * zhuan4 make money/ earn/ make a profit/ profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
C 遺留 + * * yi2liu2 leave-remain/ leave behind/ hand down/ bequeath hinterlassen, zurücklassen,vermachen + +
C + * * qi4 gas/ air/ breath/ weather/ smell/ spirits/ manner/ insult 1. Luft 2.Gas 3. Atem 4. Geruch 5. Manier 6. Moral 7. ärgern 8. tyrannisieren + +
C 西醫 + 西* * xi1yi1 Western-medicine/ doctor trained in Western medicine westliche Medizin, Arzt der in westlicher Medizin ausgebildet ist + +
C 出難題 + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + +
C 娛樂 + * * yu2le4 amuse-enjoy/ amuse/ entertain/ entertainment/ hobby sich vergnügen, sich amüsieren + +
C 大意 + * * da4yi4 main idea/ general idea/ gist/ main points Allgemeine Idee, Hauptgedanke, Sorglosigkeit, Unvorsicht + +
C 壓制 + * * ya1zhi4 give as security/ pawn/ mortgage/ detain/ escort/ bet unterdrücken + +
C 包含 + * * bao1han2 contain/ embody/ include enthalten + +
C 占有 + * * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen + +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh + +
C + * * yi3 lean on or against/ rest on or against/ rely on/ count on 1. sich an etw/ jn anlehnen 2. sich auf jn/ etwas verlassen, auf etwas jn gestützt 3. parteiisch + +
C 襲擊 + * * xi2ji1 raid-attack/ assault by surprise/ attack by surprise Überraschungsangriff, überraschend angreifen + +
C 警惕 + * * jing3ti4 be alert/ be vigilant/ be on guard against/ watch out for wachsam sein, auf der Hut sein + +
C 氣壓 + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
C + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen + +
C 保密 + * * bao3 mi4 keep secret/ maintain secrecy geheim halten, ein Geheimnis bewahren + +
C + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + +
C 培養 + * * pei2yang3 train/ groom/ foster/ develop/ cultivate heranbilden, ausbilden, erziehen + +
C 上述 + * * shang4shu4 aforementioned/ above-mentioned/ aforesaid oben erwähnt + +
C 飼養 + * * si4yang3 raise/ rear (domestic animals) aufziehen , züchten (Haustiere) + +
C 交代 + * * jiao1dai4 tell/ exhort/ explain/ make clear/ confess/ hand over übergeben, jm etwas einprägen,klarmachen, + +
C 軌道 + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit + +
C 某些 + * * mou3xie1 some/ certain einige, gewisse, bestimmte + +
C + * * shi3 drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen + +
C + * * dian4 put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen + +
C 萬古長青 + * * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever ewig, immergrün + +
C + * * mu4 act/ curtain/ veil/ screen Grab, Grabstätte, Mausoleum + +
C 薄弱 + * * bo2ruo4 weak/ frail schwach, gebrechlich, schwächlich, zerbrechlich + +
C 抑制 + * * yi4zhi4 restrain-control/ restrain/ control/ repress/ check/ bate beschränken, zurückhalten + +
C 預防 + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + +
C 處於 + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + +
C 研製 + * * yan2zhi4 research-produce/ trail-make/ develop entwickeln + +
C 耽誤 + * * dan1wu fail or delay sth. because of unplanned events sich verzögern, verspäten, aufhalten + +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös + +
C 工錢 + * * gong1qian pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt + +
C + * * xia1 become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet + +
C 資本主義 + * * zi1ben3zhu3yi4 money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism Kapitalismus + +
C 事跡 + * * shi4ji4 praiseworthy act/ deed/ achievement/ merit Tat,Errungenschaft + +
C 空軍 + * * kong1jun1 air force Luftwaffe, Luftstreitkräfte + +
C 義務 + * * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich + +
C + * * ding1 follow closely/ tail behind/ urge/ press 1. Nagel 2. annageln + +
C 釘子 + * * ding1zi nail Nagel + +
C 事務 + * * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction (Routine-) Arbeit, allgemeine Angelegenheiten + +
C 制止 + * * zhi4zhi3 control-stop/ prevent/ stop/ curb/ restrain/ check/ deter stoppen + +
C 雖說 + * * sui1shuo1 although-say/ although it can be said that/ although obwohl + +
C 停留 + * * ting2liu2 stop-remain/ stay for a period of time/ stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen + +
C 智慧 + * * zhi4hui4 intelligence-wisdom/ wisdom/ wits/ brightness/ brains Weisheit, Klugheit, Intelligenz + +
C + * * ting3 straight, to straighten, erect aufrecht, sich aufrichten + +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm + +
C 聯絡 + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung + +
C 信念 + * * xin4nian4 believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction Glaube, Überzeugung + +
C 窗簾 + * * chuang1lian2 window curtain Fenstervorhang + +
C 信任 + * * xin4ren4 believe-trust/ trust/ confide in/ depend on/ have faith in jm vertrauen + +
C 果實 + * * guo3shi2 fruit/ fruits/ gains Frucht, Früchte, Gewinn + +
C + * * gong1 public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business 1. staatlich, öffentlich, 2. Amtspflicht, Dienst, Amtsgeschäfte 3. gerecht, unparteilich 4. etw bekannt machen, veröffentlichen, 5. männlich 6. metrisch, Maße und Gewichte betreffend + +
C 畫家 + * * hua4jia1 painter/ artist Maler + +
C 違背 + * * wei2bei4 violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten + +
C 援助 + * * yuan2zhu4 rescue-help/ aid/ help/ assist/ support helfen, Beistand leisten + +
C 人士 + * * ren2shi4 personage/ person with certain social influence Persönlichkeit, Kreise + +
C 不禁 + * * bu4jin1 cannot help/ cannot refrain from. nicht zurückzuhalten können, + +
C 偏偏 + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet + +
C 縮短 + * * suo1duan3 shrink-shorter/ shorten/ curtail/ cut short/ verkürzen, verkleinern + +
C + * * jie1 peel off/ tear off/ uncover/ lift/ expose/ disclose/ raise 1. abnehmen, abheben, abdecken 2.aufdecken, enthüllen, entlarven, bloßlegen 3. hochhalten, hochziehen, hissen + +
C + * * kua1 praise/ laud/ commend/ overstate/ exaggerate/ boast 1. übertreiben 2. preisen,loben + +
C 忍耐 + * * ren3nai4 forbear/ restrain oneself/ exercise patience dulden, ertragen, aushalten,gedulden + +
C 鮮艷 + * * xian1yan4 bright-colorful/ bright-colored/ gaily-colored farbenfreudig, in leuchtenden Farben + +
C 忍受 + * * ren3shou4 bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) aushalten, ertragen, still leiden + +
C 忠誠 + * * zhong1cheng2 loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful treu, getreu + +
C + * * yang2 raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known 1. heben, aufheben, hochheben, hochziehen, aufrichten 2.(sich) verbreiten, etw in Umlauf bringen + +
C + * * yuan4 complain/ blame/ resentment/ discontent/ hatred 1. Haß, Feindseligkeit, Groll 2. verübeln, sich beklagen, sich beschweren, jn verantwortlich machen, tadeln + +
C 忠實 + * * zhong1shi2 loyal-dependable/ faithful and trustworthy/ truthful treu, getreu, loyal, ergeben + +
C 毛筆 + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel + +
C 壞蛋 + * * huai4dan4 villain/ bad person/ bad egg Bösewicht, üble Person + +
C 維持 + * * wei2chi2 maintain-preserve/ keep/ support/ safeguard wahren, aufrechterhalten + +
C 隱約 + * * yin3yue1 latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich + +
C 歡呼 + * * huan1hu1 hail/ cheer/ acclaim jubeln, Jubel + +
C 維生素 + * * wei2sheng1su4 maintain-life-element/ vitamin Vitamin + +
D 鏈子 + * * lian4zi chain Kette + +
D 真誠 + * * zhen1cheng2 faithful/ honor aufrichtig, ehrlich, offen, wahr + +
D 反思 + * * fan3si1 think again introspect überdenken, noch einmal bedenken + +
D 約束 + * * yue1shu4 bind/ restrain beschränken, eingrenzen + +
D 蹤跡 + * * zong1ji4 tail/ trail/ trace Spur + +
D 附屬 + * * fu4shu3 attach appertain untergeordnet, unterstellt + +
D + * * wei3 tail 1. Schwanz 2. Ende 3.Rest, Schlußteil, Ende 4.Zählwort z.B, zwei Fische + +
D 養殖 + * * yang3zhi2 breed/ raise (Wassertiere, oder Wasserpflanzen)in Kulturen züchten + +
D 含有 + * * han2you3 contain beinhalten, haben + +
D 艾滋病 + * * ai4zi1bing4 AIDS Aids + +
D + * * liang4 air/ dry in the sun etw. an der Luft trocknen, lüften, etw. in der Sonne trocknen + +
D 盈利 + * * ying2li4 profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
D 神仙 + * * shen2xian1 supernatural being/ immortal/ fairy übernatürliches ( oder unsterbliches) Wesen, Unsterbliche + +
D 總務 + * * zong3wu4 general affairs Allgemeine Angelegenheiten + +
D 首領 + * * shou3ling3 leader/ chieftain Häuptling, Führer, Anführer + +
D 漢奸 + * * han4jian1 traitor Landesverräter (China) + +
D 虧待 + * * kui1dai4 treat unfairly jn ungerecht behandeln + +
D 蘊藏 + * * yun4cang2 hold in store/ contain enthalten, in sich bergen + +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten + +
D 要領 + * * yao4ling3 essential/ main points Hauptpunkte, Hauptgedanke, das Wesentliche + +
D 結業 + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen + +
D 暗淡 + * * an4dan4 dim/ faint dämmerig,fahl,düster + +
D 評比 + * * ping2bi3 appraise through comparison abschätzen und vergleichen + +
D 解除 + * * jie3chu2 unchain/ relief aufheben,lösen,beseitigen + +
D 絕望 + * * jue2 wang4 despair alle Hoffnungen aufgeben, hoffnungslos + +
D 評選 + * * ping2xuan3 chose through public appraisal wählen mittels öffentlicher Zustimmung + +
D 修復 + * * xiu1fu4 repair/ restore reparieren, restaurieren, renovieren + +
D 災荒 + * * zai1huang1 famine due to crop failures Hungersnot + +
D 案情 + * * an4qing2 case/ details of case Einzelheiten eines Falls + +
D 筆直 + * * bi3zhi2 straight/ upright kerzen-, schnurgerade + +
D 相識 + * * xiang1shi2 be acquainted with each other sich kennen, miteinander bekannt sein, Bekanntschaft, Bekannte + +
D 粗糧 + * * cu1liang2 coarse food grain Getreidearten außer Weizen, Reis + +
D 回收 + * * hui2shou1 reclaim/ callback einsammeln, rückgewinnen + +
D 修養 + * * xiu1yang3 training/ good manners Bildung in einem geisteswissenschaftlichen Fach, theoretisches Wissen, sich selbst erziehen + +
D 零售 + * * ling2shou4 retail Einzelhandel + +
D 乘務員 + * * cheng2wu4yuan2 trainman/ stewardess Schaffner + +
D 堅貞不屈 + * * jian1zhen1 bu4 qu1 remain faithful and unyielding/ stand firm and unbending fest und unbeirrt + +
D 好轉 + * * hao3zhuan3 mend/ straighten up sich zum Guten wenden, bessern + +
D 彌漫 + * * mi2man4 permeate/ fill the air voll von (Rauch, Gerüchen etc.) + +
D 脆弱 + * * cui4ruo4 flimsy/ frail schwach, zart,empfindlich, gebrechlich + +
D 幹線 + 线* * gan4xian4 main stem/ trunk line Hauptlinie, Hauptstrecke + +
D + * * ling3 mountain 1. Bergkette, Gebirge 2.Berg + +
D 財務 + * * cai2wu4 financial affairs Finanzen, Finanzangelegenheiten + +
D 主流 + * * zhu3liu2 mainstream Hauptstrom, Haupttendenz, Hauptströmung + +
D 贊賞 + * * zan4shang3 admire/ praise bewundern, anerkennen + +
D 樸實 + * * pu3shi2 simple/ plain schlicht, einfach, aufrichtig, ehrlich, nicht oberflächlich + +
D 討價還價 + * * tao3 jia4 huan2 jia4 bargain feilschen, handeln, Tau ziehen + +
D 贊嘆 + * * zan4tan4 highly praise vor Bewunderung aufseufzen + +
D 三番五次 + * * san1 fan1 wu3 ci4 again and again/ time and again immer wieder, wiederholt, mehrmals + +
D 誣陷 + * * wu1xian4 frame a case against jn durch eine falsche Anschuldigung ins Unglück bringen + +
D + * * hui4 draw/ paint malen,zeichnen + +
D 狼狽 + * * lang2bei4 in sore straits/ in a tight corner in Verlegenheit geraten, in die Klemme kommen + +
D 一帆風順 + * * yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 plain sailing günstigen Wind haben, freie Fahrt haben, alles geht glatt + +
D 繪畫 + * * hui4hua4 paint/ painting malen, Gemälde + +
D 開墾 + * * kai1ken3 reclaim urbar machen, kultivieren + +
D 檢舉 + * * jian3ju3 inform against anzeigen, denunzieren + +
D 郵購 + * * you2gou4 mail order Bestellung durch die Post + +
D 檢修 + * * jian3xiu1 examine and repair etwas überprüfen und reparieren, überholen + +
D 宣稱 + * * xuan1cheng1 claim/ assert erklären, behaupten, bekunden + +
D 郵寄 + * * you2ji4 mail etwas mit der Post schicken + +
D 盛行 + * * sheng4xing2 prevail populär + +
D 油畫 + * * you2hua4 painting Ölmalerei + +
D 分辨 + * * fen1bian4 defend oneself against a charge unterscheiden, Auflösung + +
D 油漆 + * * you2qi1 oil paint Lack, Anstrichfarbe, streichen, anstreichen, lackieren + +
D 高空 + * * gao1kong1 upper air in großer Höhe, hoch in den Lüften + +
D 一毛不拔 + * * yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly/ very stingy/ unwilling to give up even a hair sich nicht ein Haar ausrupfen, geizig sein + +
D 殘餘 + * * can2yu2 remainder Rest, Überbleibsel + +
D + * * miao2 draw/ paint 1.abzeichen,appausen, kopieren 2. übermalen, retuschieren + +
D 支柱 + * * zhi1zhu4 mainstay/ backbone Stütze, Stützbalken + +
D 合情合理 + * * he2 qing2 he2 li3 fair and reasonable gerecht, ganz vernünftig + +
D 失約 + * * shi1 yue1 fail to keep an appointment eine Verabredung nicht einhalten + +
D 有待 + * * you3dai4 await auf etw. warten, entgegensehen + +
D 辮子 + * * bian4zi queue/ plait Zopf, Flechte, schwache Stelle + +
D 告狀 + * * gao4 zhuang4 bring a lawsuit against sagen, mitteilen, erzählen + +
D 抗戰 + * * kang4zhan4 war of resistance against aggression Widerstandskrieg gegen eine Aggression + +
D 山嶺 + * * shan1ling3 mountain Bergkuppen + +
D 山頭 + * * shan1tou2 hilltop/ mountaintop Bergspitze, + +
D 山腰 + * * shan1yao1 mountainside halbe Höhe eines Berges + +
D 醫務 + * * yi1wu4 medical affairs medizinische Angelegenheiten + +
D 外行 + * * wai4hang2 laity/ nonprofessional unfachmännisch, laienhaft, unprofessionell, Laie + +
D 肖像 + * * xiao4xiang4 portrait Porträt, Bildnis + +
D 外流 + * * wai4liu2 drain/ outflow Abfluß + +
D + * * hong2 rainbow Regenbogen, Iris + +
D 思前想後 + * * si1 qian2 xiang3 hou4 think over again and again immer wieder über etwas nachsinnen + +
D 外事 + * * wai4shi4 foreign affairs auswärtige Angelegenheiten + +
D 時事 + * * shi2shi4 current affairs aktuelle politische Ereignisse, Zeitgeschehen + +
D + * * xun4 teach/ train 1. belehren, zurechtweisen, unterweisen 2. trainieren, Training 3. Norm, Standard, Maßgabe + +
D 大肆 + * * da4si4 without restraint/ wantonly rücksichtslos, heftig + +
D 遺體 + * * yi2ti3 the remains of deceased person sterbliche Überreste + +
D 可歌可泣 + * * ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4 move one to praises and tears zum Singen verleiten und zu Tränen rühren, mitreißend + +
D 講解 + * * jiang3jie3 explain erklären, erläutern + +
D 氣流 + * * qi4liu2 air current/ draught Luftstrom, Hauch, + +
D 雨水 + * * yu3shui3 rain Regen + +
D 指甲 + * * zhi3jia fingernail Fingernagel + +
D 雹子 + * * bao2zi hail Hagel + +
D 根深蒂固 + * * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain tief eingewurzelt + +
D 戰役 + * * zhan4yi4 battle/ campaign Schlacht, Gefecht, Kriegsoperation + +
D 跟蹤 + * * gen1zong1 run after/ tail einer Spur nachgehen, verfolgen + +
D 培訓 + * * pei2xun4 train ausbilden, trainieren + +
D 似笑非笑 + * * si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4 a faint on one's face/ with a spurious smile ein gekünseltes Lächeln + +
D 確信 + * * que4xin4 be certain of fest überzeugt sein, an etw. fest glauben + +
D 撥款 + * * bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid/ appropriation eine Geldsumme zuweisen,Geldzuweisung + +
D 保養 + * * bao3yang3 maintain sich bei Kräften halten,um s. Gesundheit kümmern + +
D 晚年 + * * wan3nian2 old age/ remaining years Alter, Lebensabend, letzte Jahre + +
D 利害 + * * li4hai4 gains and losses Gewinn und Verlust + +
D 集資 + * * ji2 zi1 raise funds Geld sammeln + +
D 待業 + * * dai4 ye4 waiting for employment auf die Arbeit warten + +
D 侍候 + * * shi4hou4 serve/ wait upon auf jn warten, jd bedienen + +
D 細節 + * * xi4jie2 detail/ specific Details + +
D + * * su4 element/ plain 1. weiß 2. schlicht, einfach, pur 3.pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel 4. ursprünglich, angeboren, natürlich 5. Element6. immer, von jeher + +
D 懇切 + * * ken3qie4 fair-spoken aufrichtig, mit großem Ernst + +
D 鐵道 + * * tie3dao4 railway Eisenbahn + +
D 抱怨 + * * bao4yuan4 complain sich beschweren, Beschwerde + +
D + * * jiao1 finicky/ frail 1. zart, zärtlich, süß, fein, zierlich, reizend, bezaubernd 2.schwächlich, schwach, zerbrechlich, fragil 3.weichlich, zimperlich, verhätschelt 4. verwöhnen, verzärteln, verhätscheln + +
D 致敬 + * * zhi4jing4 hail/ greet eien Gruß entbieten, salutieren + +
D 補救 + * * bu3jiu4 repair/ remedy einen Schaden wiedergutmachen + +
D 牧業 + * * mu4ye4 stock/ raising Viehzucht, Viehwirtschaft + +
D 酒會 + * * jiu3hui4 cocktail party Cocktail-Party + +
D 心血 + * * xin1xue4 painstaking effort große Mühe, Anstrengung (wörtlich: Herzblut) + +
D 資助 + * * zi1zhu4 give financial aid jn finanziell unterstützen, finanzielle Hilfe + +
D 空調 + * * kong1tiao2 air conditioning Aircondition, Klimaanlage + +
D 事態 + * * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation Situation + +
D 叮囑 + * * ding1zhu3 urge again and again/ exhort/ warn jm immer wieder ins Gewissen reden + +
D 空虛 + * * kong1xu1 vain/ empty hohl,leer + +
D 妄圖 + * * wang4tu2 vainly attempt vergeblich versuchen + +
D 勢必 + * * shi4bi4 certainly will sicher, gewiß,bestimmt + +
D + * * fan1 sail Segel + +
D 帆船 + * * fan1chuan2 sail boat Segelschiff, Dschunke,Segelboot + +
D 挺拔 + * * ting3ba2 tall and straight hoch und gerade,hochragend,kräftig, energisch + +
D 涉外 + * * she4wai4 concerning foreign affairs auswärtige Angelegenheiten + +
D 控訴 + * * kong4su4 charge/ complain anklagen, brandmarken, Anklage erheben, sich beschweren + +
D 埋怨 + * * man2yuan4 complain sich beschweren, murren + +
D + * * fu4 again/ resume 1.doppelt, wiederholt 2.komplex, zusammengesetzt 3. sich umwälzen, sich hin- und her bewegen 4.antworten, erwidern 5. wiederherstellen 6. rächen, Revanche 7.wieder, nocheinmal + +
D 拘束 + * * ju1shu4 constrained/ ill at ease einschränken, begrenzen,schüchtern + +
D 不公 + * * bu4gong1 unfair/ unjust ungerecht, ungleich + +
D 通航 + * * tong1hang2 be open to navigation or air traffic in Schiffs- oder Luftverkehrsverbindung stehen + +
D 公道 + * * gong1dao fair/ just Gerechtigkeit, gerecht, anständig + +
D 連連 + * * lian2lian2 again and again wiederholt + +
D + * * ding4 nail annageln, einschlagen, annähen + +
D + * * yuan2 fountain/ source 1. Quelle, Ursache, Ursprung 2. Quelle, Ursache + +
D 仙女 + * * xian1nü3 fairy Fee, Nymphe + +
D 宴請 + * * yan4qing3 entertain/ fete ein Festessen geben, bewirten, jm zum F..einladen + +
D 公平 + * * gong1ping2 fair fair + +
D + * * lian2 shade/ curtain 1. Gardine, Vorhang 2. Aushängefahne vor Geschäften + +
D 中原 + * * zhong1yuan2 Central Plains zentrale Gebiete Chinas + +
D 誇獎 + * * kua1jiang3 praise preisen, loben, rühmen + +
D 練兵 + * * lian4 bing1 training militärischer Drill, Militärtraining + +
D 維修 + * * wei2xiu1 mend/ repair Wartung, Überholung, Reperatur + +

飞机* 1 fei1 ji1 airplane/ CL: 架[jia4]
* 1 ling2 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither
下雨* 1 xia4 yu3 to rain/ rainy
* 1 dian3 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou
电脑* 1 dian4 nao3 computer/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
电视* 1 dian4 shi4 television/ TV/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4]
* 1 hui4 can/ be possible/ be able to/ will/ be likely to/ be sure to/ to assemble/ to meet/ to gather/ to see/ union/ group/ association/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is hui3)
* 1 zuo4 to sit/ to take a seat/ to take (a bus; airplane etc)/ to bear fruit/ surname Zuo
火车站* 1 huo3 che1 zhan4 train station
再见* 1 zai4 jian4 goodbye/ see you again later
椅子* 1 yi3 zi5 chair/ CL:把[ba3];套[tao4]
* 1 he2 and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4
认识* 1 ren4 shi5 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition
* 2 de5 structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb); linking it to following phrase indicating effect; degree; possibility etc
手表* 2 shou3 biao3 wrist watch/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];隻|只[zhi1];個|个[ge4]
* 2 deng3 to wait for/ to await
* 2 bai2 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B
* 2 bai3 hundred/ numerous/ all kinds of/ surname Bai
帮助* 2 bang1 zhu4 assistance/ aid/ to help/ to assist
* 2 wan2 toy/ sth used for amusement/ curio or antique (Taiwan pr. wan4)/ to play/ to have fun/ to trifle with/ to keep sth for entertainment
服务员* 2 fu2 wu4 yuan2 waiter/ waitress/ attendant/ customer service personnel/ CL:個|个[ge4]
机场* 2 ji1 chang3 airport/ airfield/ CL:家[jia1];處|处[chu4]
* 2 kuai4 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant
运动* 2 yun4 dong4 movement/ campaign/ CL: 場|场[chang3]/ sports
* 2 zai4 again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth; and not until then)
* 2 hai2 still/ still in progress/ still more/ yet/ even more/ in addition/ fairly/ passably (good)/ as early as/ even/ also/ else
黑板* 3 hei1 ban3 blackboard/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];個|个[ge4]
阿姨* 3 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
照相机* 3 zhao4 xiang4 ji1 camera/ CL:個|个[ge4];架[jia4];部[bu4];台[tai2];隻|只[zhi1]
决定* 3 jue2 ding4 to decide (to do something)/ to resolve/ decision/ CL:個|个[ge4];項|项[xiang4]/ certainly
* 3 ba3 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle
叔叔* 3 shu1 shu5 father's younger brother/ uncle/ Taiwan pr. shu2 shu5/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 hua4 to draw/ picture/ painting/ CL:幅[fu2];張|张[zhang1]
头发* 3 tou2 fa5 hair (on the head)
* 3 jiang3 to speak/ to explain/ to negotiate/ to emphasise/ to be particular about/ as far as sth is concerned/ speech/ lecture
* 3 fen1 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
电梯* 3 dian4 ti1 elevator/ CL:臺|台[tai2];部[bu4]
* 3 you4 (once) again/ also/ both... and.../ again
电子邮件* 3 dian4 zi3 you2 jian4 electronic mail/ email/ CL:封[feng1]
* 3 shuang1 two/ double/ pair/ both
* 3 bao1 to cover/ to wrap/ to hold/ to include/ to take charge of/ package/ wrapper/ container/ bag/ to hold or embrace/ bundle/ packet/ to contract (to or for)/ surname Bao/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
* 3 guan1 mountain pass/ to close/ to shut/ to turn off/ to concern/ to involve
关于* 3 guan1 yu2 pertaining to/ concerning/ regarding/ with regards to/ about/ a matter of
爬山* 3 pa2 shan1 to climb a mountain/ to mountaineer/ hiking/ mountaineering
空调* 3 kong1 tiao2 air conditioning
节目* 3 jie2 mu4 program/ item (on a program)/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4];套[tao4]
要求* 3 yao1 qiu2 to request/ to require/ to stake a claim/ to ask/ to demand/ CL:點|点[dian3]
一定* 3 yi1 ding4 surely/ certainly/ necessarily/ fixed/ a certain (extent etc)/ given/ particular/ must
* 3 zhong3 abbr. for 物種|物种; genus/ race/ seed/ breed/ species/ strain/ kind/ type/ has guts (i.e. courage)/ nerve/ classifier for types: kind; sort/ classifier for languages
比较* 3 bi3 jiao4 compare/ contrast/ fairly/ comparatively/ relatively/ quite/ rather
经常* 3 jing1 chang2 day to day/ everyday/ daily/ frequently/ constantly/ regularly/ often
一直* 3 yi1 zhi2 straight (in a straight line)/ continuously/ always/ from the beginning of ... up to .../ all along
* 3 dai4 band/ belt/ girdle/ ribbon/ tire/ area/ zone/ region/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ to wear/ to carry/ to lead/ to bring/ to look after/ to raise
* 3 tang2 sugar/ sweets/ candy/ CL:顆|颗[ke1];塊|块[kuai4]
害怕* 3 hai4 pa4 to be afraid/ to be scared
* 3 xin4 letter/ mail/ to trust/ to believe/ to profess faith in/ truthful/ confidence/ trust/ at will/ at random
面包* 3 mian4 bao1 bread/ CL:片[pian4];袋[dai4];塊|块[kuai4]
蛋糕* 3 dan4 gao1 cake/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];個|个[ge4]
* 3 teng2 (it) hurts/ love fondly/ ache/ pain/ sore
主要* 3 zhu3 yao4 main/ principal/ major/ primary
提高* 3 ti2 gao1 to raise/ to increase
当然* 3 dang1 ran2 only natural/ as it should be/ certainly/ of course/ without doubt
冰箱* 3 bing1 xiang1 icebox/ freezer cabinet/ refrigerator/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4]
饼干* 4 bing3 gan1 biscuit/ cracker/ cookie/ CL:片[pian4];塊|块[kuai4]
填空* 4 tian2 kong4 to fill a job vacancy/ to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
到底* 4 dao4 di3 finally/ in the end/ when all is said and done/ after all/ to the end/ to the last
* 4 xiu1 to mend/ to repair/ to build/ to embellish/ to study
收拾* 4 shou1 shi5 to put in order/ to tidy up/ to pack/ to repair/ to punish (colloquial)/ to manage
* 4 zhuang4 to hit/ to strike/ to meet by accident/ to run into/ to bump against/ to bump into
起飞* 4 qi3 fei1 to take off (in an airplane)
目的* 4 mu4 di4 purpose/ aim/ goal/ target/ objective/ CL:個|个[ge4]
重新* 4 chong2 xin1 again/ once more/ re-
* 4 ting3 to stick out/ to (physically) straighten up/ to endure or hold out/ straight/ stiff/ outstanding/ extraordinary/ rather/ quite/ very/ classifier for machine guns
洗衣机* 4 xi3 yi1 ji1 washer/ washing machine/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
* 4 xue4 blood/ informal colloquial and Taiwan pr. xie3/ also pr. xue3/ CL:滴[di1];片[pian4]
难受* 4 nan2 shou4 to feel unwell/ to suffer pain/ to be difficult to bear
整理* 4 zheng3 li3 to arrange/ to tidy up/ to sort out/ to straighten out/ to list systematically/ to collate (data; files)/ to pack (luggage)
内容* 4 nei4 rong2 content/ substance/ details/ CL:個|个[ge4];項|项[xiang4]
* 4 ca1 to wipe/ to erase/ rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/ to clean/ to polish
* 4 liu2 to leave (eg a message)/ to retain/ to stay/ to remain/ to keep/ to preserve
交通* 4 jiao1 tong1 to be connected/ traffic/ communications/ liaison
* 4 diao4 to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair)
* 4 zhi1 classifier for birds and certain animals; one of a pair; some utensils; vessels etc
巧克力* 4 qiao3 ke4 li4 chocolate (loanword)/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
说明* 4 shuo1 ming2 to explain/ to illustrate/ explanation/ directions/ caption/ CL:個|个[ge4]
直接* 4 zhi2 jie1 direct/ opposite: indirect 間接|间接/ immediate/ directly/ straightforward
详细* 4 xiang2 xi4 detailed/ in detail/ minute
肯定* 4 ken3 ding4 to be sure/ to be certain/ sure/ certain/ definite/ to confirm/ to affirm/ affirmative
* 4 zhi3 finger/ to point at or to/ to indicate or refer to/ to depend on/ to count on/ (of hair) to stand on end
空气* 4 kong1 qi4 air/ atmosphere
养成* 4 yang3 cheng2 to cultivate/ to raise/ to form (a habit)/ to acquire
样子* 4 yang4 zi5 manner/ air/ looks/ aspect
* 4 zuo4 seat/ base/ stand/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ classifier for buildings; mountains and similar immovable objects
恐怕* 4 kong3 pa4 fear/ to dread/ I'm afraid that.../ perhaps/ maybe
情况* 4 qing2 kuang4 circumstances/ state of affairs/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
获得* 4 huo4 de2 to obtain/ to receive/ to get
解释* 4 jie3 shi4 explanation/ to explain/ to interpret/ to resolve/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 ku3 bitter/ hardship/ pain/ to suffer/ painstaking
请客* 4 qing3 ke4 give a dinner party/ entertain guests/ invite to dinner
* 4 wang3 to go (in a direction)/ to/ towards/ (of a train) bound for/ past/ previous
* 4 duan4 to break/ to snap/ to cut off/ to give up or abstain from sth/ to judge/ (usu. used in the negative) absolutely; definitely;decidedly
尽管* 4 jin3 guan3 despite/ although/ even though/ in spite of/ unhesitatingly/ do not hesitate (to ask; complain etc)/ (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
* 4 sheng4 to remain/ to be left/ to have as remainder
紧张* 4 jin3 zhang1 nervous/ keyed up/ intense/ tense/ strained/ in short supply/ scarce/ CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
失败* 4 shi1 bai4 to be defeated/ to lose/ to fail (e.g. experiments)/ failure/ defeat/ CL:次[ci4]
* 4 tai2 desk/ platform/ stage/ terrace/ stand/ support/ desk/ station/ broadcasting station/ classifier for vehicles or machines/ Taiwan (abbr.)
* 4 tai2 to lift/ to raise/ (of two or more persons) to carry
干燥* 4 gan1 zao4 to dry (of weather; paint; cement etc)/ desiccation/ dull/ uninteresting/ arid
失望* 4 shi1 wang4 disappointed/ to lose hope/ to despair
感情* 4 gan3 qing2 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
* 4 ji4 to live (in a house)/ to lodge/ to mail/ to send/ to entrust/ to depend
增加* 4 zeng1 jia1 to raise/ to increase
代替* 4 dai4 ti4 instead/ to replace/ to substitute (X for Y; or a number in an algebraic expression)
航班* 4 hang2 ban1 scheduled flight/ flight number/ plane/ scheduled sailing/ sailing number/ passenger ship
信心* 4 xin4 xin1 confidence/ faith (in sb or sth)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
特点* 4 te4 dian3 characteristic (feature)/ trait/ feature/ CL:個|个[ge4]
好处* 4 hao3 chu5 benefit/ advantage/ gain/ profit/ also pronounced hao3 chu4/ CL:個|个[ge4]
意见* 4 yi4 jian4 idea/ opinion/ suggestion/ objection/ complaint/ CL:點|点[dian3];條|条[tiao2]
究竟* 4 jiu1 jing4 after all (when all is said and done)/ actually/ outcome/ result
成熟* 4 cheng2 shu2 mature/ ripe/ Taiwan pr. cheng2 shou2
理发* 4 li3 fa4 a barber/ hairdressing
表扬* 4 biao3 yang2 to praise/ to commend
反对* 4 fan3 dui4 to fight against/ to oppose/ to be opposed to/ opposition
坚持* 4 jian1 chi2 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere
专业* 4 zhuan1 ye4 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional
* 5 ju3 to lift/ to hold up/ to cite/ to enumerate/ to act/ to raise/ to choose/ to elect
日常* 5 ri4 chang2 daily/ everyday
武术* 5 wu3 shu4 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
持续* 5 chi2 xu4 to continue/ to persist/ sustainable/ preservation
日用品* 5 ri4 yong4 pin3 articles for daily use/ CL:件[jian4];個|个[ge4]
玻璃* 5 bo1 li5 glass/ nylon/ plastic/ CL:張|张[zhang1];塊|块[kuai4]
其余* 5 qi2 yu2 the rest/ the others/ remaining/ remainder/ apart from them
* 5 chong1 (of water) to dash against/ to mix with water/ to infuse/ to rinse/ to flush/ to develop (a film)/ to rise in the air/ to clash/ to collide with
* 5 fang1 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s
启发* 5 qi3 fa1 to enlighten/ to explain and arouse interest/ to inspire/ inspiration/ heuristic (attributively)/ to teach/ CL:個|个[ge4]
据说* 5 ju4 shuo1 it is said that/ reportedly
针对* 5 zhen1 dui4 to be directed against/ to be aimed at/ to counter/ in the light of/ in connection with
状态* 5 zhuang4 tai4 state of affairs/ state/ mode/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 mou3 some/ a certain/ sb or sth indefinite/ such-and-such
珍惜* 5 zhen1 xi1 treasure/ value/ cherish/ Taiwan pr. zhen1 xi2
等待* 5 deng3 dai4 wait for/ await
公平* 5 gong1 ping2 fair/ impartial
等候* 5 deng3 hou4 waiting
宣布* 5 xuan1 bu4 to declare/ to announce/ to proclaim
木头* 5 mu4 tou5 slow-witted/ blockhead/ log (of wood; timber etc)/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];根[gen1]
恋爱* 5 lian4 ai4 (romantic) love/ in love/ to have an affair/ CL:個|个[ge4]
受到* 5 shou4 dao4 to receive/ to suffer/ obtained/ given
受伤* 5 shou4 shang1 to sustain injuries/ wounded (in an accident etc)/ harmed
军事* 5 jun1 shi4 military affairs/ military matters/ military
* 5 tong2 copper (chemistry)/ see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
细节* 5 xi4 jie2 details/ particulars
把握* 5 ba3 wo4 to grasp (also fig.)/ to seize/ to hold/ assurance/ certainty/ sure (of the outcome)
肥皂* 5 fei2 zao4 soap/ CL:塊|块[kuai4];條|条[tiao2]
建筑* 5 jian4 zhu4 building/ to construct/ Taiwan pr. jian4 zhu2/ CL:個|个[ge4]
痛苦* 5 tong4 ku3 pain/ suffering/ painful/ CL:個|个[ge4]
痛快* 5 tong4 kuai4 overjoyed/ delighted/ happily/ heartily/ enjoying/ also pr. tong4 kuai5
脑袋* 5 nao3 dai4 head/ skull/ brains/ mental capability/ CL:顆|颗[ke1];個|个[ge4]
内科* 5 nei4 ke1 medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department
下载* 5 xia4 zai3 to download/ also pr. xia4 zai4
训练* 5 xun4 lian4 to train/ to drill/ training/ CL:個|个[ge4]
鲜艳* 5 xian1 yan4 bright-colored/ gaily-colored
领域* 5 ling3 yu4 domain/ sphere/ field/ territory/ area
总裁* 5 zong3 cai2 chairman/ director-general (of a company etc)
骨头* 5 gu3 tou5 bone/ strong character/ CL:根[gen1];塊|块[kuai4]
* 5 ke1 classifier for small spheres; pearls; corn grains; teeth; hearts; satellites etc
传说* 5 chuan2 shuo1 legend/ folklore/ tradition/ it is said/ they say that...
* 5 diao4 to fish with a hook and bait
娱乐* 5 yu2 le4 to entertain/ to amuse/ entertainment/ recreation/ amusement/ hobby/ fun/ joy
* 5 zhi1 to support/ to sustain/ to erect/ to raise/ branch/ division/ to draw money/ surname Zhi/ classifier for rods such as pens and guns; for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ watt; classifier for power of light bulbs
窗帘* 5 chuang1 lian2 window curtains
包含* 5 bao1 han2 to contain/ to embody/ to include
彩虹* 5 cai3 hong2 rainbow
* 5 ding3 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg)
恢复* 5 hui1 fu4 to reinstate/ to resume/ to restore/ to recover/ to regain/ to rehabilitate
教练* 5 jiao4 lian4 instructor/ sports coach/ trainer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
说服* 5 shuo1 fu2 to persuade/ to convince/ to talk sb over/ Taiwan pr. shui4 fu2
* 5 chui1 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through
保持* 5 bao3 chi2 to keep/ to maintain/ to hold/ to preserve
相当* 5 xiang1 dang1 equivalent to/ appropriate/ considerably/ to a certain extent/ fairly
* 5 ke4 to be able to/ to subdue/ to restrain/ to overcome/ gram
* 5 zhi2 straight/ to straighten/ fair and reasonable/ frank/ straightforward/ (indicates continuing motion or action)/ vertical/ vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
保留* 5 bao3 liu2 to retain/ to continue to have/ to preserve/ to maintain/ to reserve/ reservations/ to hold back (approval or acceptance)
预防* 5 yu4 fang2 to prevent/ to take precautions against/ to protect/ to guard against/ precautionary/ prophylactic
玉米* 5 yu4 mi3 corn/ maize/ CL:粒[li4]
* 5 qing1 nature's color/ green or blue/ greenish black/ youth/ young (of people)/ abbr. for Qinghai province 青海
外交* 5 wai4 jiao1 diplomacy/ diplomatic/ foreign affairs/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 jie2 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4]
神话* 5 shen2 hua4 fairy tale/ mythology/ myth
想念* 5 xiang3 nian4 miss/ remember with longing/ long to see again
* 5 xiang4 (look) like/ similar (to)/ appearance/ to appear/ to seem/ image/ portrait/ resemble/ seem
* 5 yao1 waist/ lower back/ pocket/ middle/ loins
橡皮* 5 xiang4 pi2 rubber/ an eraser/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
控制* 5 kong4 zhi4 control/ to exercise control over/ to contain
* 5 sheng1 to raise/ to hoist/ to promote/ metric liter (also written 公升)/ measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗
基本* 5 ji1 ben3 basic/ fundamental/ main/ elementary
* 5 kua1 to boast/ to exaggerate/ to praise
培养* 5 pei2 yang3 to train/ culture/ to bring up/ to groom (for a position)
* 5 yun1 confused/ dizzy/ giddy/ faint/ swoon/ lose consciousness/ pass out
达到* 5 da2 dao4 to reach/ to achieve/ to attain
缩短* 5 suo1 duan3 to curtail/ to cut down
机器* 5 ji1 qi4 machine/ CL:臺|台[tai2];部[bu4];個|个[ge4]
* 5 pi1 to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches; lots; military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
* 5 mao2 hair/ feather/ down
维护* 5 wei2 hu4 to defend/ to safeguard/ to protect/ to uphold/ to maintain
干脆* 5 gan1 cui4 straightforward/ clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement)/ you might as well/ simply
果实* 5 guo3 shi2 fruit/ gains
再三* 5 zai4 san1 over and over again/ again and again
* 5 dun1 ton/ Taiwan pr. dun4
太极拳* 5 tai4 ji2 quan2 shadowboxing or Taiji; T'aichi or T'aichichuan/ traditional form of physical exercise or relaxation/ a martial art
尾巴* 5 wei3 ba5 tail
赞美* 5 zan4 mei3 admire/ applause/ praise/ to eulogize
美术* 5 mei3 shu4 art/ fine arts/ painting/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
来自* 5 lai2 zi4 to come from (a place)/ From: (in email header)
毕竟* 5 bi4 jing4 after all/ all in all/ when all is said and done/ in the final analysis
避免* 5 bi4 mian3 to avert/ to prevent/ to avoid/ to refrain from
确定* 5 que4 ding4 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box)
必然* 5 bi4 ran2 inevitable/ certain/ necessity
* 5 chen4 to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of
* 5 ping2 to lean against/ to rely on/ on the basis of/ no matter (how; what etc)/ proof
石头* 5 shi2 tou5 stone/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
* 5 cheng1 to weigh/ to state/ to name/ name/ appellation/ to praise
老实* 5 lao3 shi5 honest/ sincere/ open and guileless/ naive
便* 5 bian4 ordinary/ plain/ convenient/ as convenient/ when the chance arises/ handy/ easy/ informal/ simple/ so/ thus/ to relieve oneself/ to urinate/ to defecate/ equivalent to 就: then/ in that case/ even if/ soon afterwards
称赞* 5 cheng1 zan4 to praise/ to acclaim/ to commend/ to compliment
* 5 tao4 cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ)
* 5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
单元* 5 dan1 yuan2 unit/ entrance number/ staircase (for residential buildings)
* 5 lei4 tired/ weary/ to strain/ to wear out/ to work hard
特征* 5 te4 zheng1 characteristic/ diagnostic property/ distinctive feature/ trait
主席* 5 zhu3 xi2 chairperson/ premier/ chairman/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 5 ti2 to carry/ to lift/ to raise
成果* 5 cheng2 guo3 result/ achievement/ gain/ profit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成就* 5 cheng2 jiu4 accomplishment/ success/ attain a result/ achievement/ CL:個|个[ge4]
形势* 5 xing2 shi4 circumstances/ situation/ terrain/ CL:個|个[ge4]
人事* 5 ren2 shi4 human affairs/ ways of the world/ consciousness of the world/ what is humanly possible/ personnel matters/ sexual awareness/ sexual passion/ facts of life
* 5 jia3 first of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/ (used for an unspecified person or thing)/ first (in a list; as a party to a contract etc)/ armor plating/ shell or carapace/ (of the fingers or toes) nail/ bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ ran
合理* 5 he2 li3 rational/ reasonable/ fair
朴素* 5 pu3 su4 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous
事情* 5 shi4 qing5 affair/ matter/ thing/ business/ CL:件[jian4];樁|桩[zhuang1]
期待* 5 qi1 dai4 to look forward to/ to await/ expectation
招待* 5 zhao1 dai4 to receive (guests)/ to entertain/ reception
驾驶* 5 jia4 shi3 to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive
* 5 li4 grain/ granule/ classifier for small round things (peas; bullets; peanuts; pills; grains etc)
无奈* 5 wu2 nai4 without choice/ for lack of better option/ grudgingly/ willy-nilly/ nolens volens/ abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2]
立刻* 5 li4 ke4 forthwith/ immediate/ prompt/ promptly/ straightway/ thereupon/ at once
天真* 5 tian1 zhen1 naive/ innocent/ artless
隐约* 6 yin3 yue1 vague/ faint/ indistinct
哎哟* 6 ai1 yo1 hey/ ow/ ouch/ interjection of pain or surprise
恨不得* 6 hen4 bu5 de2 wishing one could do sth/ to hate to be unable/ itching to do sth/ can't wait for/ to wish one could do sth/ to desire strongly
日新月异* 6 ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4 daily renewal; monthly change (idiom)/ every day sees new developments/ rapid progress
歧视* 6 qi2 shi4 to discriminate against/ discrimination
公道* 6 gong1 dao4 justice/ fairness/ public highway
得不偿失* 6 de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 (saying) the gains do not make up for the losses
修理* 6 xiu1 li3 to repair/ to perform maintenance/ to overhaul/ to fix/ to prune/ to trim
折腾* 6 zhe1 teng5 to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/ to repeat sth over and over again/ to torment sb/ to play crazy
容纳* 6 rong2 na4 to hold/ to contain/ to accommodate/ to tolerate (different opinions)
修养* 6 xiu1 yang3 accomplishment/ training/ self-cultivation
收音机* 6 shou1 yin1 ji1 radio/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
盈利* 6 ying2 li4 profit/ gain
博览会* 6 bo2 lan3 hui4 exposition/ international fair
莫名其妙* 6 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom)/ subtle and ineffable/ unable to make head or tail of it/ boring (e.g. movie)
薄弱* 6 bo2 ruo4 weak/ frail
防守* 6 fang2 shou3 defend/ protect (against)
畜牧* 6 xu4 mu4 to raise animals
防疫* 6 fang2 yi4 disease prevention/ protection against epidemic
连锁* 6 lian2 suo3 chain
防止* 6 fang2 zhi3 to prevent/ to guard against/ to take precautions
弱点* 6 ruo4 dian3 weak point/ failing
若干* 6 ruo4 gan1 a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much?
挺拔* 6 ting3 ba2 tall and straight
宣扬* 6 xuan1 yang2 to proclaim/ to make public or well known
袭击* 6 xi2 ji1 an attack (esp. surprise attack)/ raid/ to attack
鉴定* 6 jian4 ding4 to appraise/ to identify/ to evaluate
不得已* 6 bu4 de2 yi3 act against one's will/ have no alternative but to/ have to/ to have no choice/ must
敌视* 6 di2 shi4 hostile/ malevolence/ antagonism/ to view as enemy/ to stand against
振奋* 6 zhen4 fen4 to stir oneself up/ to raise one's spirits/ to inspire
不敢当* 6 bu4 gan3 dang1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor)/ fig. I don't deserve your praise/ you flatter me
公正* 6 gong1 zheng4 just/ fair/ equitable
* 6 liang4 to dry in the air
童话* 6 tong2 hua4 children's fairy tales
飞禽走兽* 6 fei1 qin2 zou3 shou4 birds and animals/ the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
资助* 6 zi1 zhu4 to subsidize/ to provide financial aid/ subsidy
不禁* 6 bu4 jin1 can't help (doing sth)/ can't refrain from
* 6 lin2 to drain/ to drench/ to drip/ diseases of the bladder
细致* 6 xi4 zhi4 delicate/ fine/ careful/ meticulous/ painstaking
地势* 6 di4 shi4 terrain/ topography relief
雪上加霜* 6 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom)/ one disaster on top of another/ to make things worse in a bad situation
山脉* 6 shan1 mai4 mountain range/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
分辨* 6 fen1 bian4 to distinguish/ to differentiate/ to resolve/ to defend against an accusation/ to exculpate
* 6 shu4 to bind/ to tie/ bundle/ cluster/ restraint
辜负* 6 gu1 fu4 to fail to live up (to expectations)/ unworthy (of trust)/ to let down/ to betray (hopes)/ to disappoint
油漆* 6 you2 qi1 oil paints/ lacquer/ to paint/ CL:層|层[ceng2]
掀起* 6 xian1 qi3 to lift/ to raise in height/ to begin/ upsurge/ to set off (a campaign)
正当* 6 zheng4 dang1 honest/ reasonable/ fair/ sensible/ timely/ just (when needed)
颁布* 6 ban1 bu4 to issue/ to proclaim/ to enact (laws; decrees etc)
不屑一顾* 6 bu4 xie4 yi1 gu4 to disdain as beneath contempt
欢乐* 6 huan1 le4 gaiety/ gladness/ glee/ merriment/ pleasure/ happy/ joyous/ gay
压抑* 6 ya1 yi4 to constrain or repress emotions/ oppressive/ stifling/ depressing/ repression
不择手段* 6 bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4 by fair means or foul/ by hook or by crook/ unscrupulously
涂抹* 6 tu2 mo3 to paint/ to smear/ to doodle
踪迹* 6 zong1 ji4 tracks/ trail/ footprint/ trace/ vestige
交代* 6 jiao1 dai4 to hand over/ to explain/ to make clear/ to brief (sb)/ to account for/ to justify oneself/ to confess/ to finish (colloquial)
考核* 6 kao3 he2 to examine/ to check up on/ to assess/ to review/ appraisal/ review/ evaluation
闲话* 6 xian2 hua4 digression/ gossip/ complaint/ scandal/ CL:段[duan4]
宗旨* 6 zong1 zhi3 objective/ aim/ goal
裁缝* 6 cai2 feng5 tailor/ dressmaker
幼稚* 6 you4 zhi4 young/ childish/ naive
爽快* 6 shuang3 kuai4 refreshed/ rejuvenated/ frank and straightforward
现成* 6 xian4 cheng2 ready-made/ readily available
财务* 6 cai2 wu4 financial affairs
陷害* 6 xian4 hai4 to frame (up)/ to make false charges against
走廊* 6 zou3 lang2 corridor/ aisle/ hallway/ colonnade/ passageway/ piazza/ veranda
* 6 die1 to drop/ to fall/ to tumble/ Taiwan pr. die2
水泥* 6 shui3 ni2 cement/ CL:袋[dai4]
走私* 6 zou3 si1 to smuggle/ to have an illicit affair
叮嘱* 6 ding1 zhu3 to warn repeatedly/ to urge/ to exhort again and again
创新* 6 chuang4 xin1 innovation/ to bring forth new ideas/ to blaze new trails
* 6 qiao4 to raise
线索* 6 xian4 suo3 trail/ clues/ thread (of a story)
故障* 6 gu4 zhang4 malfunction/ breakdown/ defect/ shortcoming/ fault/ failure/ impediment/ error/ bug (in software)
丢三落四* 6 diu1 san1 la4 si4 forgetful/ scatterbrained
较量* 6 jiao4 liang4 to have a contest with sb/ to cross swords/ to measure up against/ to compete with/ to haggle/ to quibble
保管* 6 bao3 guan3 to assure/ to guarantee/ to take care of/ to safeguard/ certainly/ surely
教养* 6 jiao4 yang3 to train/ to educate/ to bring up/ to nurture/ education/ culture/ upbringing/ early conditioning
支柱* 6 zhi1 zhu4 mainstay/ pillar/ prop/ backbone
董事长* 6 dong3 shi4 zhang3 chairman of the board/ chairman
回收* 6 hui2 shou1 to recycle/ to reclaim/ to retrieve/ to recover
保密* 6 bao3 mi4 to keep sth confidential/ to maintain secrecy
残留* 6 can2 liu2 to remain/ left over/ surplus/ remnant
* 6 cang1 cabin/ the hold of a ship or airplane
保养* 6 bao3 yang3 to take good care of (or conserve) one's health/ to keep in good repair/ to maintain/ maintenance
思绪* 6 si1 xu4 train of thought/ emotional state/ mood/ feeling
肆无忌惮* 6 si4 wu2 ji4 dan4 absolutely unrestrained/ unbridled/ without the slightest scruple
屡次* 6 lv3 ci4 repeatedly/ time and again
饲养* 6 si4 yang3 to raise/ to rear
指定* 6 zhi3 ding4 to appoint/ to assign/ to indicate clearly and with certainty/ designated
* 6 dou1 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old)
原告* 6 yuan2 gao4 complainant/ plaintiff
* 6 song3 to excite/ to raise up/ to shrug/ high/ lofty/ towering
指甲* 6 zhi3 jia5 fingernail
* 6 sou1 classifier for ships/ Taiwan pr. sao1
神仙* 6 shen2 xian1 Daoist immortal/ supernatural entity/ (in modern fiction) fairy; elf; leprechaun etc/ fig. lighthearted person/ used in advertising: Live like an immortal! 活神仙似
苏醒* 6 su1 xing3 to wake up/ to regain consciousness
源泉* 6 yuan2 quan2 fountainhead/ well-spring/ water source/ fig. origin
抱怨* 6 bao4 yuan4 to complain/ to grumble
抚养* 6 fu3 yang3 to foster/ to bring up/ to raise
辅助* 6 fu3 zhu4 to assist/ to aid/ supplementary/ auxiliary/ subsidiary
* 6 fu4 secondary/ auxiliary/ deputy/ assistant/ vice-/ abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/ classifier for pairs
脆弱* 6 cui4 ruo4 weak/ frail
算数* 6 suan4 shu4 to count numbers/ to keep to one's word/ to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/ to count (i.e. to be important)
附和* 6 fu4 he4 to parrot/ to crib/ to copy sb's action or words/ to trail sb's footsteps/ copy-cat
* 6 cha4 fork in road/ bifurcation/ branch in road; river; mountain range etc/ to branch off/ to turn off/ to diverge/ to stray (from the path)/ to change the subject/ to interrupt/ to stagger (times)
约束* 6 yue1 shu4 to restrict/ to limit to/ to constrain/ restriction/ constraint
附件* 6 fu4 jian4 enclosure/ attachment (email)/ appendix
要点* 6 yao4 dian3 main point/ essential
滞留* 6 zhi4 liu2 to detain/ retention
培训* 6 pei2 xun4 to cultivate/ to train/ to groom/ training
* 6 da1 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train)
戒备* 6 jie4 bei4 to take precautions/ to guard against (emergency)
培育* 6 pei2 yu4 to train/ to breed
* 6 chan1 to assist by the arm/ to mix/ to support/ to sustain
埋怨* 6 man2 yuan4 to complain
搭配* 6 da1 pei4 to pair up/ to match/ to arrange in pairs/ to add sth into a group
蕴藏* 6 yun4 cang2 to hold in store/ to contain (untapped reserves etc)
妄想* 6 wang4 xiang3 to attempt vainly/ a vain attempt
备忘录* 6 bei4 wang4 lu4 memorandum/ aide-memoire/ memorandum book
轨道* 6 gui3 dao4 orbit/ railway or tram line/ fig. conventional way of thinking
答复* 6 da2 fu4 to answer/ to reply/ Reply to: (in email header)
款待* 6 kuan3 dai4 entertain
* 6 peng3 to clasp/ to cup the hands/ to hold up with both hands/ to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/ to praise/ to flatter
索赔* 6 suo3 pei2 to ask for compensation/ to claim damages/ claim for damages
盲目* 6 mang2 mu4 blind/ aimless
* 6 za2 smash/ smashed/ to fail/ to get it wrong
肖像* 6 xiao4 xiang4 portrait
亏待* 6 kui1 dai4 to treat sb unfairly
终究* 6 zhong1 jiu1 in the end/ after all is said and done
维持* 6 wei2 chi2 to keep/ to maintain/ to preserve
本着* 6 ben3 zhe5 based on.../ in conformance with../ taking as one's main principle
对立* 6 dui4 li4 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical
常务* 6 chang2 wu4 routine/ everyday business/ daily operation (of a company)
对联* 6 dui4 lian2 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2]
一帆风顺* 6 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 single sail; gentle wind (idiom)/ plain sailing/ to go smoothly
忠实* 6 zhong1 shi2 faithful
疾病* 6 ji2 bing4 disease/ sickness/ ailment
师范* 6 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
携带* 6 xie2 dai4 to carry (on one's person)/ to support (old)/ Taiwan pr. xi1 dai4
为期* 6 wei2 qi1 (to be done) by (a certain date)/ lasting (a certain time)
一举两得* 6 yi1 ju3 liang3 de2 one move; two gains (idiom)/ two birds with one stone
畅通* 6 chang4 tong1 unimpeded/ free-flowing/ straight path/ unclogged/ move without obstruction
维修* 6 wei2 xiu1 maintenance (of equipment)/ to protect and maintain
协助* 6 xie2 zhu4 provide assistance/ aid
过奖* 6 guo4 jiang3 to over-praise/ to flatter
偏偏* 6 pian1 pian1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/ unfortunately/ against expectations
泄气* 6 xie4 qi4 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre)
赞叹* 6 zan4 tan4 to sigh or gasp in admiration/ high praise
赞扬* 6 zan4 yang2 to praise/ to approve of/ to show approval
心得* 6 xin1 de2 knowledge gained/ CL:個|个[ge4]
大肆* 6 da4 si4 wantonly/ without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/ unbridled
重心* 6 zhong4 xin1 center of gravity/ central core/ main part
一丝不苟* 6 yi1 si1 bu4 gou3 not one thread loose (idiom)/ strictly according to the rules/ meticulous/ not one hair out of place
遭受* 6 zao1 shou4 to suffer/ to sustain (loss; misfortune)
大意* 6 da4 yi4 general idea/ main idea
* 6 gang1 to raise aloft with both hands
梦想* 6 meng4 xiang3 to dream of/ to hope in vain
遏制* 6 e4 zhi4 to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain
心疼* 6 xin1 teng2 to love dearly/ the pain of love
忌讳* 6 ji4 hui4 taboo/ to avoid as taboo/ to abstain from
弥漫* 6 mi2 man4 to pervade/ to fill the air/ diffuse/ everywhere present/ about to inundate (water)/ permeated by (smoke)/ filled with (dust)/ to saturate (the air with fog; smoke etc)
仪器* 6 yi2 qi4 instrument/ apparatus/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
牢骚* 6 lao2 sao1 discontent/ complaint
* 6 ran3 to dye/ to catch (a disease)/ to acquire (bad habits etc)/ to contaminate/ to add colour washes to a painting
陶瓷* 6 tao2 ci2 pottery and porcelain/ ceramics
编织* 6 bian1 zhi1 to weave/ to knit/ to plait/ to braid
信赖* 6 xin4 lai4 to trust/ to have confidence in/ to have faith in/ to rely on
经纬* 6 jing1 wei3 warp and woof/ longitude and latitude/ main points
信念* 6 xin4 nian4 faith/ belief/ conviction
精心* 6 jing1 xin1 with utmost care/ fine/ meticulous/ detailed
航行* 6 hang2 xing2 to sail/ to fly/ to navigate
诈骗* 6 zha4 pian4 to defraud/ to swindle/ to blackmail
* 6 cheng2 to hold/ contain/ to ladle/ pick up with a utensil
辩解* 6 bian4 jie3 to explain/ to justify/ to defend (a point of view etc)/ to provide an explanation/ to try to defend oneself
主流* 6 zhu3 liu2 main stream (of a river)/ fig. the essential point/ main viewpoint of a matter
斩钉截铁* 6 zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3 to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/ resolute and decisive/ unhesitating/ definitely/ without any doubt
平原* 6 ping2 yuan2 field/ plain/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 6 wo1 nest/ pit or hollow on the human body/ lair/ den/ place/ to harbor or shelter/ to hold in check/ to bend/ classifier for litters and broods
辫子* 6 bian4 zi5 plait/ braid/ pigtail/ a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/ handle/ CL:根[gen1];條|条[tiao2]
歌颂* 6 ge1 song4 sing the praises of/ extol/ eulogize
家常* 6 jia1 chang2 the daily life of a family
诬陷* 6 wu1 xian4 to entrap/ to frame/ to plant false evidence against sb
战役* 6 zhan4 yi4 military campaign
当事人* 6 dang1 shi4 ren2 persons involved or implicated/ party (to an affair)
酒精* 6 jiu3 jing1 alcohol/ ethanol CH3CH2OH/ ethyl alcohol/ also written 乙醇/ grain alcohol
乘务员* 6 cheng2 wu4 yuan2 attendant on an airplane; train; boat etc
忍耐* 6 ren3 nai4 to show restraint/ to repress (anger etc)/ to exercise patience
呈现* 6 cheng2 xian4 to appear/ to emerge/ present (a certain appearance)/ demonstrate
档案* 6 dang4 an4 file/ record/ archive/ Taiwan pr. dang3 an4
朴实* 6 pu3 shi2 plain/ simple/ guileless/ down-to-earth/ sincere and honest
认定* 6 ren4 ding4 to maintain (that sth is true)/ to determine (a fact)/ determination (of an amount)/ of the firm opinion/ to believe firmly/ to set one's mind on/ to identify with
无可奈何* 6 wu2 ke3 nai4 he2 have no way out/ have no alternative/ abbr. to 無奈|无奈 [wu2 nai4]
明明* 6 ming2 ming2 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly/ definitely
* 6 bie1 to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath)
合算* 6 he2 suan4 worthwhile/ be a good deal/ be a bargain/ reckon up/ calculate
拘留* 6 ju1 liu2 to detain (a prisoner)/ to keep sb in custody
专科* 6 zhuan1 ke1 specialized subject/ branch (of medicine)/ specialized training school
事态* 6 shi4 tai4 situation/ existing state of affairs
* 6 cheng4 steelyard/ Roman balance/ CL:臺|台[tai2]
拘束* 6 ju1 shu4 to restrict/ to restrain/ constrained/ awkward/ ill at ease/ uncomfortable/ reticent
利害* 6 li4 hai4 pros and cons/ advantages and disadvantages/ gains and losses
跟踪* 6 gen1 zong1 to follow sb's tracks/ to tail/ to shadow
事务* 6 shi4 wu4 (political; economic etc) affairs/ work
冰雹* 6 bing1 bao2 hail/ hailstone/ CL:場|场[chang2];粒[li4]
局势* 6 ju2 shi4 situation/ state (of affairs)
仍旧* 6 reng2 jiu4 still (remaining)/ to remain (the same)/ yet
吃力* 6 chi1 li4 entail strenuous effort/ be a strain
凶手* 6 xiong1 shou3 assailant/ murderer/ assassin

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

AIDS. n: Medical_conditions +

aid [act]. n: Assistance +

aid [entity]. n: Assistance +

aid and abet. v: Assistance +

aid. v: Assistance +

ail. v: Perception_body +

ailment. n: Medical_conditions +

aim. n: Purpose +

aim. n: Aiming +

aim. v: Purpose +

aim. v: Aiming +

air force. n: Military +

air. v: Expressing_publicly +

aircraft. n: Vehicle +

airfield. n: Locale_by_use +

airlift. v: Bringing +

airman. n: Member_of_military +

airplane. n: Vehicle +

airport. n: Buildings +

airstrike. n: Attack +


2 老师 机场 +
28 作画 +
41 +
79 终于 到达 山顶 +
91 中国 医生 大夫 +
98 火车 +
119 外面 下雨 +
189 修理 机器 +
200 大家 公车 +
225 这里 常常 下雨 +
240 讲台 发表 演讲 +
253 下雨 +
286 今晚 必定 下雨 +
290 蜗牛 慢慢 +
297 一直 等到 中午 +
324 我们 +
349 水稻 主要 农作物 +
365 失业 +
376 附近 +
382 法律 公平 ? +
387 车站 前方 +
394 野外 空气 +
396 重做 +
399 由于 下雨 比赛 取消 +
401 几年 上海 变化 +
467 直接 走向 卧室 +
468 道路 +
495 大家 月台 等候 上车 +
508 火车 +
537 铁路 城市 连起来 +
622 到站 +
629 地铁 上班 +
643 +
654 害怕 +
669 大雨 +
710 头发 +
720 说明 自己 理论 +
733 邮件 交给 +
741 飞机 抵达 机场 +
744 合同 商议 一下 +
767 转身 道别 +
783 准备 朋友 邮件 +
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 +
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 +
813 小路 通往 山顶 +
831 油漆 +
837 装扮成 水手 +
872 他们 养育 孩子 +
893 朋友 答复 +
908 好像 下雨 +
913 举手 回答 问题 +
925 由于 下雨 比赛 中断 +
936 警察 维持 社会 治安 +
969 +
976 乡下 空气 +
982 维修 机器 +
998 沙滩 留下 脚印 +
1001 修理 空调机 +
1004 医生 研究 大脑 +
1006 害怕 什么 +
1046 前方 雪山 +
1047 眼镜 +
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 +
1062 耳环 漂亮 +
1073 头发 +
1074 昨天 剪发 +
1097 国旗 升起来 +
1103 短发 +
1107 空气 夹杂 花儿 芳香 +
1163 现在 时兴 染发 +
1177 病人 苏醒 +
1183 耐心 等待 +
1203 获得 机会 +
1217 广场 中央 喷水池 +
1254 邮局 寄信 +
1256 大略 说明 自己 想法 +
1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1290 +
1297 游泳 +
1333 减肥 计划 失败 +
1349 山顶 风景 +
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 +
1389 路上 留下 车轮 +
1391 论文 合格 +
1399 收入 交税 +
1413 她们 +
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 +
1451 腰围 +
1458 冲洗 头发 +
1477 地上 潮湿 +
1479 栏杆 树圈 起来 +
1491 出门 忽然 大雨 +
1498 享受 自然 空气 +
1522 暴雨 +
1552 权威 脑科 专家 +
1555 朋友们 登山 +
1563 手套 +
1583 头发 光泽 亮丽 +
1590 上海市 经济 繁荣 +
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 +
1619 解释 自己 方案 +
1622 病人 意识 没有 清醒 +
1636 查看 邮箱 附件 +
1637 妈妈 洗头 +
1698 眼镜 +
1702 明天 返校 +
1709 手指甲 +
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 +
1741 腰围 缩小 +
1750 东京 铁路网 发达 +
1798 头发 +
1809 空气 汙染 +
1810 汙渍 +
1816 背上 背包 爬山 +
1842 雨天 道路 湿 +
1844 同事 裁员 幸灾乐祸 +
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 +
1884 估计 晚上 下雨 +
1889 蒋介石 纪念堂 +
1893 讲解 详细 +
1942 警察 举起 盾牌 +
1981 援用 生动 案例 讲解 +
1990 可惜 失败 +
2013 天气 下雨 +
2047 摇头摆尾 +
2048 支付 汽车 租金 +
2050 +
2056 胸口 有点 +
2071 刚刚 收到 邮件 +
2078 +
2132 迟到 +
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 +
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗 +
2202 裤子 +
2213 油漆 +
2214 犯错 +
2218 雨季 洪水 氾滥 河水 上涨 +
2220 记帐 +
2225 夹子 +
2237 钉子 +
2247 做错 不要 别人 +
2259 帆船 茫茫大海 航行 +
2261 获得 大家 讚誉 +
2263 喷泉 好看 +
2266 粉刷 墙壁 +
2287 小孩 靠在 栏杆 +
2303 腰围 +
2332 我们 正在 灾区 筹款 +
2335 土地 显得 湿润 +
2339 火车 +
2345 泰式 房屋 特色 +
2375 山路 弯曲 +
2398 高兴 文件 +
2407 油漆 已经 剥落 +
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 +
2418 扭伤 +
2464 他们 牛群 驱赶 上山 +
2470 很多 惧怕 闪电 +
2471 抱怨 工作 +
2476 先生 电脑 +
2487 盲文 +
2495 气球 膨胀 起来 +
2508 仲夏 不停 +
2581 颜色 均匀 +
2583 穷人 遭到 歧视 +
2590 驶入 汪洋大海 +
2632 泰国 很多 庙宇 +
2638 日记 记载 日常 生活 +
2646 气球 腾空 飞起 +
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 +
2672 他用 现金 偿还 贷款 +
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯 +
2683 发型 +
2700 椅子 日光浴 +
2705 郊外 空气 +
2713 我们 董事长 +
2720 昂头 +
2722 头发 稀疏 +
2739 牧场 +
2775 他们 +
2785 飞机 体积 庞大 +
2834 通过 考试 觉得 遗憾 +
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 +
2867 博得 大家 掌声 讚美 +
2868 学生 受到 老师 称讚。 +
2869 政府 提供 赈灾 援助 +
2888 剪刀 头发 +
2916 不要 喇叭 说话 +
2938 朋友们 一起 拜祭 故人 +
2945 雪山 非常 +
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 +
2954 车轴 维修 +
2955 参加 募捐 +
2970 瞄准 目标 +
2976 妈妈 摇椅 +
2987 仙女 +
2989 抚养 子女 父母 职责 +
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 +
3029 婴儿 头发 蓬松 +
3030 凡尔赛宫 金碧辉煌 +
3034 警察 拘留 +
3049 警察 现场 维护 秩序 +
3060 男人 姦情 +
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子 +
3072 举手 发誓 +
3077 打赌 今天 不会 下雨 +
3117 性格 爽快 +
3130 楼梯 栽倒 下来 +
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走 +
3152 缴付 欠款 +
3175 背包 爬山 累赘 +
3188 火车 驶出 隧道 +
3205 人群 湧入 车站 +
3207 大家 会上 踊跃 举手 发言 +
3221 宣读 政府 咨文 +
3240 笔筒 许多 +
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 +
3277 警官 训练 警犬 +
3279 短发 现在 风靡 一时 +
3288 医生 一丝不苟 +
3293 害怕 蜘蛛 +
3328 肖像画 +
3332 华山 之一 +
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 +
3340 侍者 服侍 他们 用餐 +
3352 这里 山路 险峻 +
3361 头发 干枯 烦躁 +
3364 头发 +
3371 会上 阐述 自己 观点 +
3374 山顶 光秃秃 +
3415 女佣 能干 +
3438 进球 奠定 比赛 胜利 +
3445 爱滋病 无法 治癒 +
3500 长城 可以 用来 防止 外寇 入侵 +
3519 火灾 过后 剩下 &# 38973 (SEMICOLONCATEGORY) +
3528 瓷器 瑕疵 +
3539 村庄 屋舍 俨然 +
3560 出现 彩虹 +
3562 含有 +
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 +
3582 +
3589 怠慢 +
3601 我们 讨论 要点 归纳 一下 +
3660 主要 生活 非洲 赤道区 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目 +
3688 命名 英雄 +
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 +
3701 崇敬 光明磊落 的人 痛恨 势利 小人 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3716 有些 东西 给与 不是 一件 轻而易举 +
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 +
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 +
3733 达芬奇 文艺复兴时期 代表 人物 +
3734 这件 工艺品 经过 修复 已经 完好 如初 +
3747 不料 下午 下雨 +
3751 饭店的 女服务员 +
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴 +
3757 大风 过后 帮忙 扶苗 +
3764 这个 办法 保准 不行 +
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 +
3776 我们 城市 护栏 干净 +
3787 泄气 一次 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[available] obtainable
[certain] sure
[fair] impartial
[faithful] sexually trustworthy
[main] chief, primary, principal
[plain] simple
[straight] square, honest, fair, decent
[straight] free from curves or angles
[unfair] partial, biased
[vain] self-conceited, swollen-headed
[acquaintance] familiarity, personal knowledge
[acquaintance] familiar person
[affair] affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement
[aid] economic aid
[AIDS] acquired immune deficiency syndrome
[air] mixture of gases
[aisle] passage between seats or supermarket shelves
[blackmail] extortion
[brain] encephalon, grey matter
[brain] genius, mastermind
[campaign] military campaign
[campaign] political campaign
[captain] skipper, naval officer
[mail carrier] mailman, postman, letter carrier
[chain] series of rings or links
[chain] number of similar establishments
[chair] professorship
[chair] seat
[claim] demand
[claim] assertion
[constraint] restraint, physical constraint
[curtain] drape
[dairy] dairy farm
[despair] desperate feeling
[detail] particular, item
[drain] drainpipe, waste pipe
[entertainment] amusement
[failure] loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person
[failure] lack of success
[failure] bankruptcy
[fair] traveling show, carnival, funfair
[fair] promotional gathering of producers
[fairy] faery, faerie, sprite, magical creature
[faith] religion, religious belief
[fountain] water dispenser, font
[grain] food grain, cereal
[grain] small hard particle
[hair] natural body covering
[haircut] hairstyle
[bait] come-on, lure, sweetener, hook
[brainstorm] sudden insight
[maid] maidservant, housemaid
[mail] earth mail
[mainstream] prevailing thought
[mosaic] colored stone or glass art
[mountain] mount, land mass projecting above its surroundings
[nail] thin pointed piece of metal
[nail] body part
[pain] physical pain
[pain] emotional distress, painfulness
[pain] pain in the neck, nuisance
[paint] substance used to protect or decorate
[painter] artist
[pair] two people considered as a unit
[plaintiff] complainant
[portrait] portrayal, likeness
[praise] congratulations, kudos
[raid] foray, sudden attack
[railcar] railroad car, wagon
[railroad] railroad line, railway system
[rain] rainfall
[rainbow] colored light in the sky
[restraint] limitation
[retailer] retail merchant
[sailor] crewman
[waiter] server
[sail] canvas
[snail] slug
[staircase] stairway
[tail] posterior part of the body of a vertebrate
[tail] side of a coin
[train] railroad train
[trainer] one who trains persons or animals
[training] preparation, grooming
[trait] distinguishing feature of your personal nature
[braid] plait, tress, hairdo
[uncertainty] uncertainness, precariousness
[waist] waistline
[bargain] negotiate, dicker
[claim] assert, affirm
[complain] express discontent
[contain] incorporate, comprise
[train] prepare, educate
[trail] be behind, hang back, drop behind
[drain] empty of liquid
[entertain] provide entertainment
[explain] explicate
[fail] go wrong
[faint] pass out
[gain] profit, benefit
[jail] imprison, incarcerate
[paint] apply paint to, coat with paint
[paint] make a painting
[proclaim] exclaim, promulgate, state, announce
[raise] collect funds
[raise] rear, bring up, nurture, parent
[remain] persist, stay behind
[restrain] encumber, constrain, hold back
[retain] remember, keep in one's mind
[mail] send, post
[stain] spot, produce stains
[straighten] straighten out, make straight
[strain] tense, tense up
[sustain] prolong, keep up
[train] coach
[wait] stay in one place and anticipate something

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

AI + ai + AI + AI +

다시 (Again) + + 어느 (Some, a certain) + + 시장 (market,fair) + + 남다 (Remain, be left over) + + 얻다 (Get, obtain) + + 지키다 (Protect, maintain) + + (A vehicle, train/auto car) + + 그럼 (Certainly or of course.) + + (A mountain) + + 올리다 (Raise, lift up) + + 주장하다 ( To assert,maintain) + + 가지다 (Entertain or hold or have) + + 설명하다 ( To explain) + + (Rain) + + (Yes, certainly, right) + + 주로 (principally,mainly) + + 요구하다 ( To demand,claim,request) + + 반드시 (Most certainly) + + 유지하다 ( To preserve, maintain) + + 기르다 (Educate or train or cultivate) + + 평가 (Evaluation, appraisal) + + 종교 (religion,a faith) + + 요구 (A demand, claim, request) + + 키우다 (To raise, bring up, rear) + + 지원 (helping, supporting, aiding) + + 허리 (The waist, the small of the back) + + 포함하다 ( To include,contain) + + 바르다 (Be straight; be honest) + + 높이다 (Raise, elevate) + + 비행기 (An airplane) + + 나머지 (The rest, the remainder ; as a result of the excess of, as a result) + + 일정하다 ( To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)) + + 희다 (White, fair) + + 훈련 (Training) + + 늘다 (Increase, gain) + + 공기 (Air) + + 권리 (A right or a claim to) + + 확실하다 ( To be sure, certain) + + 상당히 (fairly,considerably) + + (Fairly or considerably) + + 군사 (Military affairs) + + (One pair, one couple) + + 애쓰다 (Make efforts/pains to do sth) + + 올바르다 ( Be honest, straightforward) + + 위원장 (A chairman of a committee) + + 의도 (An intention, an aim) + + 지켜보다 ( Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)) + + 꼬리 (Tail) + + 무시하다 ( disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe) + + 괜히 (In vain or useless or fruitless, for a stupid reason) + + 계단 (A staircase or a set of stairs) + + 선장 (A captain) + + 큰일 (An important affair, a serious matter) + + 자세히 (In detail) + + 묻다 (to Stain) + + 의자 (A chair) + + 통증 (An ache, pain) + + 거칠다 (Coarse (texture) or wild (behavior) or (rain and wind) rough or wild) + + 아픔 (Pain) + + 확실히 (certainly,for sure) + + 공항 (Airport) + + 뱃사람 (A seaman, sailor) + + 종업원 (waiter/waitress) + + 처녀 (A virgin, a young maiden) + + 열차 (Train) + + 부딪치다 ( Collide with, bump against) + + (Brains) + + (1) Versus 2)a pair, counterpart) + + 평범하다 ( Plain, average) + + 바로잡다 ( Straighten) + + 박히다 (Be nailed in) + + 기차 (A train) + + 실패하다 ( To fail) + + 칭찬 (Praide, admiration) + + 부정하다 ( Be uncertain,irregular) + + 요청 (request,demand,claim) + + 일상생활 ( Everyday (daily) life) + + 초원 (A plain, a prarie) + + 회복하다 ( To recover, get better, get well again) + + (Hair; fur, feathers) + + 치우다 (Straighten up, tidy, remove) + + 들다 (Means continuing the main verb’s action ; to enter/go into) + + 실습 (Actual training,practice) + + 제법 (quite,fairly,considerably) + + 화가 (A painter, a drawer artist) + + 대합실 (A waiting room) + + 곧바로 (At once or straight away) + + 실패 (Failure) + + 거듭 (Again or over and over) + + 유물 (A relic, cultural remains) + + 정비 (maintaining equipment in good working order) + + 요구되다 ( To be requested, claimed) + + (A tune or an air) + + 곡식 (Cereals or grain) + + 괴롭다 (Be painful or distressing) + + 연예인 (A performer, an entertainer) + + 소박하다 ( simple, naive, ingenuous) + + 평가되다 ( To be appraised) + + 절망 (despair,hopelessness) + + 고통스럽다 (Be painful or torment) + + 공중 (The air or the sky) + + 기대다 (1) To rely upon or lean upon 2) lean against) + + (A nail) + + 선언하다 ( declare,proclaim,announce) + + 엿보다 (Wait for an opportunity) + + 유적 (Remains, relics,ruins) + + 곧잘 (1) fairly or pretty well 2) frequently or too often) + + 머리카락 ( Headhair) + + 발걸음 (Gait, step) + + 소매 (1)a sleeve 2) a retail sale) + + 자세하다 ( Be detailed) + + 공군 (The air force) + + 보조 (assistance,aid) + + 신념 (belief,faith) + + (A railroad station/depot) + + 통로 (A passage, a way, an aisle) + + 정문 (The front gate,main entrance) + + 친정 (A woman’s maiden home and family) + + 설문 (questions like those on a questionnaire) + + 젓가락 (A pair of chopsticks) + + 참되다 (To be true, honest, faithful) + + 설명되다 ( To be explained) + + 열기 (Heat, hot air) + + 전철 (An electric railway) + + 빗물 (Rainwater) + + 손톱 (Fingernail) + + 철도 (Railroad) + + 캠페인 (Campaign) + + 곧장 (Directly or straightforwardly ; to do something straight away) + + 구속하다 ( To arrest or restrain) + + 금지하다 ( To restrain or prohibit) + + 어기다 (Run counter to, go against) + + 일상적 (Daily, of the everyday things) + + 금하다 (1) suppress or restraint 2) abstain from or restrain from) + + 모금 (Money raising) + + 삼가다 (Be discreet,take care of ; to abstain (refrain) o.s. from doing) + + 웬만하다 ( To be just only barely passable, fairly good) + + 도자기 (Porcelain) + + 용기 (A container, a vessel) + + 웨이터 (Waiter) + + 유지되다 ( To be maintained, preserved) + + 직선 (A straight line) + + 칭찬하다 ( To praise somebody) + + 칠하다 (Paint, coat) + + 꼼꼼하다 ( very careful or meticulous, doing it in a very detailed manner) + + 강수량 (How much rainfall) + + 머리칼 (Hair) + + (A certain person, mr. Jones) + + 오락 (Entertainment) + + 초상화 (A portrait, a picture) + + 항공기 (An aircraft) + + (A pair,couple) + + 차창 (car/train window) + + 은은하다 ( To be distant,faint,indistinct) + + 정신없이 ( Feel distracted and scatter-brained) + + 커튼 (Curtain) + + 공연히 (Futile or vain or useless) + + 뒷산 (The back side of a mountain) + + 본사 (Main office) + + 산속 (The heart of a mountain) + + 이해 (interests,gains) + + 지적 (Intellectual, brainy) + + 푸다 (Dip out, bail out) + + 항공 (An airport) + + 호선 (The track number for a train) + + 곧다 (Be straight or upright or erect) + + 비바람 (Rain and wind) + + 보수 (mending,repair) + + 빗줄기 (Great streaks of rain) + + 순진하다 ( To be naive,pure) + + 에어컨 (Air conditioner) + + 치다 ((a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit) + + 가만있다 ( Remain still or motionless) + + 뺏다 (Straight) + + 소나기 (A sudden rain shower) + + 싸구려 (cheap,inferior (a bargain)) + + 비행장 (An airfield) + + 장마 (The rainy spell in the summer) + + 수고 (toil,labor,pains) + + 동화책 (A fairy tale) + + 우편 (post,mail) + + (In a very straight line, in a row) + + 진통 (Labor pains, travail) + + 몸살 (Flu aches and pains) + + 외갓집 (one’s mother’s maiden home) + + 유적지 (Place where remains/cultural-historical remnants are) + + 큰길 (main/principal road) + + 불확실하다 (Be uncertain) + + 빗방울 (Raindrops) + + 한데 (The open air, outside, the exterior) + + 건넌방 (The room opposite the main living room) + + 발톱 (A toenail) + + 산길 (A mountain path,road) + + 마요네즈 ( Mayonnaise) + + 정거장 (A railroad station) + + 페인트 (Paint) + + 생활용품 ( Necessities for daily life) + + 수리하다 ( repair,mending) + + 무지개 (A rainbow) + + 장갑 (A pair of gloves) + + 국제선 (International airline) + + 국내선 (Domestic airline) + + 공항버스 ( Bus to the airport) + + 메일 (Mail) + + 양식 (raising,farming,culture) + + 설악산 (Famous mountain) + + 인천공항 ( Incheon international airport) + + 기다리다 ( To wait) + + 금강산 (The Diamond Mountains) + + 백두산 (Korean mountain) + + 김포공항 ( KimPo Domestic (sometimes international) airport) + + 울산 (Ulsan, home of hyundai car company and hyundai shipbuilding in kyungsamnamdo) + + 지리산 (Chili mountain, very beautiful) + + 서울역 (Seoul train station) + + 한라산 (Halla-san mountain) + + 남산 (Mountain in south central seoul) + +
+ + + + + + + +