A 同時 + + * * tong2shi2 at the same time/ simultaneously gleichzeitig + + +
A 磁帶 + + * * ci2dai4 magnetic tape Tonband + + +
A 收拾 + + * * shou1shi put in order/ tidy/ punish/ repair in Ordnung bringen,reparieren,ausbessern + + +
A 車站 + + * * che1zhan4 station/ stop Station,Haltestelle + + +
A + + * * dong4 move/ stir/ use 1. sich rühren, sich bewegen,in Bewegung setzen 2. Aktion, Handlung 3. ändern, verändern 4. gebrauchen, verwenden 5. anregen, erregen , rühren + + +
A + + * * a1 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch + + +
A + + * * a 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens + + +
A 認識 + + * * ren4shi recognize/ understand/ cognition erkennen,kennen,bekannt sein mit + + +
A + + * * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly 1. noch, nach wie vor 2.noch mehr 3. (sowohl..) als auch 4.leidlich, passabel, nicht sonderlich gut , aber auch nicht gerade schlecht 5. selbst, sogar siehe: huan4 + + +
A 認真 + + * * ren4zhen1 conscientious/ earnest/ serious gewissenhaft,ernsthaft + + +
A + + * * gai3 change/ transform/ rectify/ correct 1. verwandeln, verändern 2. ändern, umarbeiten, revidieren 3. verbessern, korrigieren 4.umschalten, umstellen 5. umsteigen + + +
A 詞典 + + * * ci2dian3 dictionary Wörterbuch + + +
A + + * * ri4 sun/ day time/ a day of the month 1. Sonne 2. Tag, tagsüber + + +
A 現代 + + * * xian4dai4 modern times/ the contemporary age Gegenwart, moderne Zeit,heutzutage + + +
A 寒假 + + * * han2jia4 winter vacation Winterferien + + +
A + + * * ne (modal particle ending a question) Modalpartikel + + +
A + + * * ci4 time Reihenfolge,Rangordnung, Reihe + + +
A + + * * jie2 festival/ section/ length 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + + +
A 節日 + + * * jie2ri4 festival/ holiday Feier,Fest + + +
A + + * * wei4 (indicating the cause or purpose) für, unterstützen, um zu + + +
A 沒意思 + + * * mei2 yi4si uninteresting/ dull uninteressant, langweilig, nicht der Rede wert + + +
A 日子 + + * * ri4zi days/ date/ time/ life/ livelihood Tag + + +
A 態度 + + * * tai4du manner/ bearing/ attitude Benehmen,Einstellung, Verhalten + + +
A 運動 + + * * yun4dong4 be in motion/ move about/ sport Sport treiben,Sport + + +
A 方向 + + * * fang1xiang4 direction/ orientation Richtung + + +
A 乾凈 + + * * gan1jing4 clean/ neat/ tidy sauber,rein + + +
A + + * * mei3 every/ each/ per/ every time 1. jeder, jede, jedes + + +
A 文化 + + * * wen2hua4 civilization/ culture/ education Kultur kulturell + + +
A 決定 + + * * jue2ding4 decide/ resolve/ decision/ resolution bestimmen,entscheiden + + +
A + + * * ng interjection used in questioning Fragepartikel + + +
A 比較 + + * * bi3jiao4 compare/ contrast/ relatively vergleichsweise,vergleichen + + +
A 部分 + + * * bu4fen part/ section/ component Teil, Abschnitt, Sektion + + +
A 比賽 + + * * bi3sai4 match/ competition/ game Wettbewerb + + +
A + + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal + + +
A + + * * hui2 (for times of an event or action) 1. zurückkommen, zurückkehren 2. sich drehen, sich umwenden 3. erwidern, beantworten 4. Kapitel 5. Zählwort Mal + + +
A 生產 + + * * sheng1chan3 produce/ manufacture/ production produzieren,erzeugen + + +
A 文章 + + * * wen2zhang1 essay/ article/ hidden meaning literarischer Aufsatz,Artikel,Essay + + +
A + + * * fang4 let go/ put/ lay/ have a vacation 1. setzen, stellen, legen 2. freilassen 3. abgeben, aussenden 4.Schluß machen, zu Ende gehen 5. auf die Weide führen 6. etw freien Lauf lassen 7. etw länger oder weiter machen 8. blühen, aufblühen 9. beiseite lassen 10. zeigen, vorführen + + +
A + + * * la* particle, fusion of le and ah Endpartikel, Mischung aus le und ah + + +
A 們(朋友們) + + * * men (particle forming a plural pronoun) ein Suffix, Pluralmarker + + +
A + + * * de2 1. to get. obtain 2. (of a calculation) result in 1 bekommen, erhalten, erwerben, holen, gewinnen, erlangen 2. Rechenergebnis 3. passend, geeignet 4. gebrauchsfertig 6. dürfen siehe de5, dei3 + + +
A 放假 + + * * fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation Feiertag haben, Ferien machen, frei haben + + +
A + + * * zai4 again/ not … until/ then and only then 1. noch einmal , nochmals, wieder 2. noch mehr 3. erst...dann 4. ferner, außerdem, überdies 5. zurückkehren + + +
A 堅持 + + * * jian1chi2 persist in/ persevere in/ stick to auf etwas bestehen,an etw. festhalten + + +
A 整齊 + + * * zheng3qi2 in good order/ neat/ tidy ordentlich,aufgeräumt + + +
A 組織 + + * * zu3zhi1 organize/ form/ organization organisieren,Organisation + + +
A + + * * zai4 used to indicate action in progress Hilfswort für Verlaufsform + + +
A + + * * de particle to form an attribute/ of strukt.Partikel de , besitzanzeigendes Attribut + + +
A 問題 + + * * wen4ti2 question/ problem/ issue/ trouble Frage,Problem + + +
A + + * * de particle to form an adverbial de=Partikel zur Bildung einer Adverbialform + + +
A + + * * de 1. used after a verb or an adjective for further explanation 2. used after a verb to indicate possibility de=strukt.Partikel de, Komplement des Grades,siehe de5, dei3 + + +
A + + * * ba3 (function word) (P) Präposition (zeigt den Einfluß auf etwas oder wie auf etwas eingwirkt wird) + + +
A 最初 + + * * zui4chu1 first/ initial anfänglich + + +
A 會話 + + * * hui4hua4 conversation/ converse with Dialog + + +
A 清楚 + + * * qing1chu clear/ distinct/ be clear about klar + + +
A 最後 + + * * zui4hou4 last/ final/ ultimate letzter, zuletzt + + +
A 一邊…一邊… + + * * yi1bian1 yi1bian1 at the same time/ simultaneously einerseits...andererseits + + +
A + + * * deng3 1.wait 2. when till 1.warten 2. wenn, bis + + +
A + + * * ba (modal particle ending a sentence) milder Imperativ + + +
A 特別 + + * * te4bie2 special/ particular/ especially besonders + + +
A 尤其 + + * * you2qi2 especially/ particularly besonders, vornehmlich, insbesondere, vor allem + + +
A + + * * jin3 tight/ urgent/ hard up/ tighten 1. straff,stramm 2. heftig, stark 3. streng 4. knapp, rar, kärglich, arm + + +
A 檢查 + + * * jian3cha2 check up/ inspect/ self-criticism untersuchen,Untersuchung + + +
A 政治 + + * * zheng4zhi4 politics/ political affairs/ political Politik + + +
A 情況 + + * * qing2kuang4 circumstance/ situation; condition Zustand,Situation + + +
A 數學 + + * * shu4xue2 mathematics Mathematik + + +
A + + * * zao3 early/ for a long time/ as early as 1. Morgen, am Morgen, morgens 2. längst, vor langer Zeit 3.früh, frühzeitig, früher als andere 4. früher, vorher 5. guten Morgen + + +
A + + * * da3 beat/ hit/ smash/ play/ stir 1.schlagen, jm/etw einen Schlag/Stoß versetzen 2. zerschlagen, zerbrechen 3. schlagen, prügeln, angreifen 4. bauen, errichten 5. herstellen 6.rühren, mischen 7. binden, zusammenbinden 8. flechten, stricken etc + + +
A + + * * xiang4 towards/ to/ face/ be partial to 1. Richtung 2. sich gegen...wenden, auf etw gerichtet sein, nach...gehen 3. für etw/jn Patrei ergreifen, zu jm halten 4. entgegen,gegenüber liegen + + +
A + + * * zhi1 (measure word for stick-like things) ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc + + +
A 活動 + + * * huo2dong4 move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky Aktivität,Tätigkeit + + +
A 作業 + + * * zuo4ye4 homework/ operation/ task/ work Hausaufgaben, Aufgabe + + +
A 注意 + + * * zhu4yi4 pay attention to/ take notice of beachten,aufpassen + + +
A 看病 + + * * kan4 bing4 see a doctor/ see a patient einen Kranken aufsuchen (Arzt) + + +
A 關係 + + * * guan1xi4 relation/ relationship Beziehung + + +
A + + * * zuo4 (measure word for cities and so on) 1. Sitz, Platz 2. Ständer, Gestell, Sockel 3.ein Zählwort, Berge, Brücken/ etc + + +
A 一下 + + * * yi1xia4 one time/ once/ a little while einmal + + +
A 消息 + + * * xiao1xi news/ information/ message Nachricht,Neuigkeit + + +
A + + * * bian4 time Mal + + +
A …分之… + + * * fen1zhi1 for expression of a fraction number ein Bruch.. + + +
A 民族 + + * * min2zu2 nation/ nationality Nationalität + + +
A 有时候 + + * * you3 shi2hou sometimes manchmal + + +
A + + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel + + +
A 學校 + + * * xue2xiao4 school/ educational institute Schule + + +
A 有意思 + + * * you3 yi4si interesting/ enjoyable Sinn haben,interessant sein + + +
A 學院 + + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule + + +
A 學院 + + * * xue2yuan4 college/ institute/ academy Institut, Hochschule + + +
A 半天 + + * * ban4tian1 half a day/ a long time eine lange Zeit,einen halben Tag + + +
A 考試 + + * * kao3shi4 examine/ test/ examination geprüft werden,Prüfung + + +
A + + * * guan3 an indoor place for activities 1. Unterkunft für Gäste 2. Laden, Geschäft 3. Stätte für kulturelle Aktivitäten + + +
A 基礎 + + * * ji1chu3 foundation/ base/ basis Grundlage,Fundament + + +
A + + * * lei4 tired/ tire/ strain 1.müde, erschöpft, ermattet 2. ermüden, ermatten, anstrengen 3.hart arbeiten, schuften + + +
A 建設 + + * * jian4she4 build/ construct/ construction aufbauen,Aufbau + + +
A 時候 + + * * shi2hou time/ when Zeit + + +
A 豐富 + + * * feng1fu4 rich/ abundant/ plentiful/ enrich reich,reichlich + + +
A 科學 + + * * ke1xue2 science/ scientific Wissenschaft,wissenschaftlich + + +
A + + * * quan2 complete/ whole/ entire/ full/ total 1. ganz, gesamt 2. komplett, vollständig, voll 3. etw als Ganzes unversehrt erhalten 4. völlig, gänzlich + + +
A 全部 + + * * quan2bu4 all/ without exception/ complete ganz + + +
A + + * * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up 1.prüfen, überprüfen, nachprüfen 2. erforschen,untersuchen 3. nachschlagen, nachlesen + + +
A 全體 + + * * quan2ti3 all/ whole/ entire alle, ganz + + +
A 而且 + + * * er2qie3 moreover/ in addition/ but also darüber hinaus,außerdem + + +
A 實踐 + + * * shi2jian4 live up to/ carry out/ practice ausüben,in die Praxis umsetzen + + +
A + + * * zhan4 occupy/ seize/ take/ constitute 1. etw in Besitz nehmen, erobern, sich aneignen, etw an sich reißen 2. ausmachen, einnehmen, innehaben + + +
A 上邊 + + * * shang4bian above/ over/ the higher authorities oben + + +
A 習慣 + + * * xi2guan4 be used to/ usual practice/ habit sich gewöhnen an,Gewohnheit + + +
A 條件 + + * * tiao2jian4 condition/ qualification/ requirement Bedingung,Voraussetzung,Faktor + + +
A 辛苦 + + * * xin1ku3 hard/ toilsome/ laborious/ tire mühsam,anstrengend + + +
A 代表 + + * * dai4biao3 represent/ representative/ deputy Deligierter,Vertreter, deligieren/vertreten/ + + +
A + + * * geng4 more/ still more; even more noch, noch mehr,weiter, außerdem + + +
A 新聞 + + * * xin1wen2 information/ news Nachrichten + + +
A + + * * xi4 thin/ fine/ thin and soft/ meticulous 1. dünn, schmal 2. fein, winzig 3. fein, sorgfältig 4. genau, sorgfältig 5. klein, gering, winzig + + +
A 利用 + + * * li4yong4 use/ utilize/ exploit/ make use of benutzen + + +
A + + * * ji2 rapid/ impatient/ irascible/ urgent 1. es eilig haben, auf etw brennen, ungeduldig, dringend, dringlich 2.jm bange machen, jn in Sorgen versetzen 3. ärgerlich, böse, gereizt 4. geschwind, hastig, ungestüm, rapid, hitzig 5. dringend, dringlich 6. eilends bestrebt, zu helfen + + +
A 意見 + + * * yi4jian4 opinion/ view/ objection Meinung + + +
A 意思 + + * * yi4si meaning/ idea/ wish/ appreciation Bedeutung,Sinn + + +
A + + * * wang3 to/ toward/ in the direction of zu,nach,entgegen + + +
A 目前 + + * * mu4qian2 current time/ at present gegenwärtig + + +
A + + * * jiu3 for a long time/ long 1. lange, lange Zeit 2. von bestimmter Dauer, für eine bestimmte Zeit + + +
A + + * * guo2 country/ state/ nation 1.Land, Staat, Nation 2.staatlich, national + + +
A + + * * suan1 sour/ sick at heart/ tingle/ acid 1. Säure 2. sauer 3. traurig,schmerzerfüllt,betrübt 4. ziehende Muskelschmerzen + + +
A + + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + + +
A + + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + + +
A + + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter + + +
A 聽寫 + + * * ting1xie3 dictate/ dictation diktieren,Diktat + + +
A 國家 + + * * guo2jia1 country/ state/ nation Land,Staat + + +
A + + * * na (modal particle ending a sentence) 1. welcher, welche, welches 2. irgendein, irgendwelche + + +
A 批評 + + * * pi1ping2 criticize/ criticism kritisieren,Kritik + + +
A + + * * ma (modal particle expressing urging) Partikel, zeigt an, dass etwas selbstverständl.ist + + +
A + + * * ma (modal particle making a question) ein Fragepartikel + + +
A 照顧 + + * * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to 1. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen 2. sich um jn kümmern, betreuen, Fürsorge + + +
A 翻譯 + + * * fan1yi4 translate/ translation/ translator übersetzen,dolmetschen,Übersetzer/Dolmetscher + + +
A 聯繫 + + * * lian2xi4 integrate/ link/ contact/ connection integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung + + +
A 畫兒 + + * * hua4r drawing/ picture/ painting Bild,Zeichnung,Gemälde + + +
A + + * * na* particle,used in the same way as ah after words ending with n Endpartikel wie ah nach Wörtern, die auf n enden + + +
A + + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Verb.)1 hinübergehen, überschreiten, überqueren 2. verbringen, verleben 3. vergehen, dahingehen 4. nach, später 5. über etw.hinausgehen, übertreffen, überschreiten 6. mehr als genug, übermäßig 7. Fehler, Vergehen, Fehltritt 8. ein Aspekt-Partikel (Volle + + +
A + + * * na* particle used in the same way as ne Partikel wie ne + + +
A + + * * guo (indicate an action in the past) (Adv.) übermäßig, zu sehr,exzessiv + + +
A 教育 + + * * jiao4yu4 education/ educate/ teach ausbilden,Ausbildung + + +
A 滿意 + + * * man3yi4 satisfied/ pleased zufrieden sein + + +
A + + * * pian1 (measure word for articles) 1. Aufsatz, Schrift 2. ein beschriebenes oder bedrucktes Papier, Blatt (mit Text) 3. ein Zählwort für Papier, etc, ein Bogen + + +
A 通知 + + * * tong1zhi1 notify/ give notice/ notice/ circular mitteilen,Mitteilung + + +
A 漂亮 + + * * piao4liang pretty/ beautiful/ remarkable schön,hübsch + + +
A 還是 + + * * hai2shi4 still/ nevertheless/ had better/ or oder, trotzdem, dennoch + + +
A 負責 + + * * fu4ze2 be responsible for/ conscientious verantworten,für etwas verantwortlich sein,verant + + +
A 繼續 + + * * ji4xu4 continue/ go on/ continuation fortsetzen,weitermachen + + +
A + + * * zhe (indicating an action in progress) Aspekt-partikel (in Aktion befindlich...) + + +
A 春天 + + * * chun1tian1 spring/ springtime Frühling + + +
A + + * * piao4 ticket/ ballot 1. Karte, Zettel 2. Wahlzettel, Wahlstimme 3. Banknote, Papiergeld 4.Eintrittskarte + + +
A + + * * bei4 times/ -fold ein Zählwort,-fach,mal + + +
A 練習 + + * * lian4xi2 practice/ exercise/ drill Übung,üben + + +
B 公元 + + * * gong1yuan2 the Christian era christliche Zeitrechnung + + +
B 矛盾 + + * * mao2dun4 contradiction/ contradictory Widerspruch, widersprüchlich + + +
B 真實 + + * * zhen1shi2 true/ real/ authentic wahr, wirklich, authentisch + + +
B 阿姨 + + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante + + +
B 反應 + + * * fan3ying4 react/ respond/ reaction/ response Antwort, Reaktion, + + +
B 行動 + + * * xing2dong4 move/ act/ action Bewegung, handeln, agieren + + +
B 反映 + + * * fan3ying4 reflect/ report/ reflection widerspiegeln,(einem Vorgesetzten) berichten,Informationen liefern + + +
B + + * * ai1 1. hey, used at the beginning of a sentence to greet sb, or catch sb´s attention 2. used at the end of a sentence to express one´s astonishment or dissatisfaction Interjektion der Verwunderung + + +
B 具體 + + * * ju4ti3 concrete/ specific/ particular konkret, spezifisch, bestimmt + + +
B + + * * zhen1 needle/ stitch/ injection 1. Nadel 2. etwas Nadelförmiges 3.Stich, Injektion + + +
B + + * * reng2 still noch, weiterhin + + +
B 家鄉 + + * * jia1xiang1 hometown/ native place Heimatstadt + + +
B 仍然 + + * * reng2ran2 still/ yet noch immer / jetzt noch + + +
B 貢獻 + + * * gong4xian4 contribute/ dedicate/ contribution Beitrag, widmen, beitragen + + +
B + + * * nao4 stir up trouble 1. lärmend,laut, geräuschvoll 2. Krach schlagen, 3. aufbrausen 4. an etw leiden 5. machen, schaffen + + +
B + + * * qie3 just/ for the time being/ but also 1. für einen Moment 2. ganz abgesehen von, geschweige denn 3. für eine lange Zeit 4. (sowohl) als auch + + +
B 營養 + + * * ying2yang3 nutrition/ nourishment nähren, ernähren, Nährgehalt + + +
B 現代化 + + * * xian4dai4hua4 modernize/ modernization Modernisierung, modernisieren + + +
B 邀請 + + * * yao1qing3 invite/ invitation einladen + + +
B 手術 + + * * shou3shu4 operation/ surgical operation Chirurgie, Operation + + +
B + + * * zhong4 grow/ plant/ cultivate pflanzen, anbauen siehe zhong3 + + +
B 動作 + + * * dong4zuo4 motion/ movement Tätigkeit, Bewegung + + +
B 位置 + + * * wei4zhi place/ position Position, Platz + + +
B 性(積極性) + + * * xing4 quality (the quality of being active) 1. Charakter, Natur, Veranlagung 2. Eigenschaft, Eigentümlichkeit 3. Geschlecht, Sexus 4. Genus + + +
B 概念 + + * * gai4nian4 concept/ idea/ conception Konzept + + +
B 性格 + + * * xing4ge2 nature/ disposition/ temperament Charakter, Natur, Disposition, Temperament + + +
B 重視 + + * * zhong4shi4 attach importance to/ pay attention to Bedeutung zumessen, Aufmerksamkeit schenken, Wert, Wichtigkeit + + +
B 構成 + + * * gou4cheng2 compose/ constitute zusammensetzen, konstituieren + + +
B 親戚 + + * * qin1qi relative Verwandter + + +
B 不住 + + * * bu2zhu4 continually ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + + +
B 安慰 + + * * an1wei4 1.comfort/ console/ 2. comfort, consolation 1.beruhigen, trösten 2. Beruhigung, Trost + + +
B 構造 + + * * gou4zao4 structure/ construction Konstruktion, Bau, Struktur + + +
B + + * * kun3 tie/ bind/ bundle up 1. festbinden, zusammenbinden, bündeln 2. Bündel + + +
B 結構 + + * * jie2gou4 structure/ composition Struktur, Komposition, Architektur + + +
B 平時 + + * * ping2shi2 at ordinary times/ in normal times gewöhnliche Zeiten; Friedenszeiten + + +
B 運用 + + * * yun4yong4 utilize/ apply verwenden, in Gebrauch nehmen + + +
B + + * * mei3 beautiful 1. schön, hübsch 2. gut, zufriedenstellend + + +
B 談話 + + * * tan2 hua4 conversation/ talk sich unterhalten + + +
B 估計 + + * * gu1ji4 appraise/ estimate schätzen, abschätzen + + +
B 限制 + + * * xian4zhi4 confine/ restrict/ limit/ restriction beschränken, einschränken + + +
B 成果 + + * * cheng2guo3 gain/ achievement/ positive result Erfolg, Errungenschaft, Frucht + + +
B 美麗 + + * * mei3li4 beautiful schön, hübsch + + +
B 談判 + + * * tan2pan4 negotiate verhandeln + + +
B 航空 + + * * hang2kong1 aviation Luftfahrt + + +
B 要緊 + + * * yao4jin3 important/ essential Wichtig + + +
B 按時 + + * * an4shi2 on time/ on schedule pünktlich, rechtzeitig + + +
B 文明 + + * * wen2ming2 civilization/ civilized Zivilisation + + +
B 雜技 + + * * za2ji4 acrobatics Akrobatik + + +
B 決心 + + * * jue2xin1 be determined/ determination entschlossen sein, Entschlossenheit, fest und unbeirrbar, + + +
B 趕緊 + + * * gan3jin3 lose no time/ at once keine Zeit verlieren, sich beeilen, eilig, + + +
B 比例 + + * * bi3li4 proportion Maßstab, Proportion, Zahlenverhältnis, Anteil + + +
B 解放 + + * * jie3fang4 liberate/ liberation befreien, befreit sein, Befreiung + + +
B 鼓勵 + + * * gu3li4 inspire/ hearten/ inspiration ermutigen, Ermutigung + + +
B 假條 + + * * jia4tiao2 application for leave 1. Entschuldigungszettel 2. Urlaubsantrag + + +
B 紡織 + + * * fang3zhi1 spinning and weaving/ textile spinnen und weben + + +
B + + * * gu3 ancient times Altertum, alte Zeit, aus alter Zeit stammend + + +
B 年代 + + * * nian2dai4 time/ years/ age Zeit, Jahre,Zeitalter, Dekade + + +
B 修改 + + * * xiu1gai3 revise/ modify/ revision/ modification verbessern, korrigieren, abändern, + + +
B 解釋 + + * * jie3shi4 explain/ expound/ interpret/ explanation Erklärung + + +
B 整個 + + * * zheng3ge4 whole/ entire ganz, ungeteilt,gesamt + + +
B 感情 + + * * gan3qing2 emotion/ feeling 1.Gefühl,Gemüt, Empfindung 2.Zuneigung, Symphatie + + +
B 來不及 + + * * lai2 bu ji2 there's not enough time ohne genügend Zeit, es ist zu spät + + +
B 相同 + + * * xiang1tong2 identical/ same/ alike gleich, identisch, dasselbe + + +
B 來得及 + + * * lai2 de ji2 there's still time da ist noch genug Zeit, noch Zeit haben / noch etw. machen können + + +
B 好久 + + * * hao3jiu3 a long time Für eine lange Zeit + + +
B 感想 + + * * gan3xiang3 impressions/ reflections Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken + + +
B 好容易 + + * * hao3rong2yi4 have a hard time mit großer Schwierigkeiten, eine schwierige Zeit durchleben + + +
B + + * * tang4 fot times of walk Zählwort eine Zeit (z.B bezogen auf U-Bahn) + + +
B + + * * du4 cross/ tide over/ ferry 1. übersetzen, überqueren, einen Fluß überqueren 2. (hin-)übersetzen 3. über etw hinwegkommen, überwinden, durchkommen 4. Fährstelle, Übergang + + +
B 好玩兒 + + * * hao3wan2r interesting/ amusing interessant, unterhaltsam + + +
B + + * * zui4 become drunk/ be tipsy 1. betrunken, berauscht 2. in Alkohohl getränkt + + +
B 會場 + + * * hui4chang3 meeting-place/ conference Sitzungsort, Versammlungsort + + +
B 正好 + + * * zheng4hao3 just in time/ just right/ just enough gerade recht,im rechten Moment + + +
B 主動 + + * * zhu3dong4 active/ initiatory Initiative + + +
B 熟練 + + * * shu2lian4 skilled/ practiced/ proficient geübt, erfahren,fließend, gewandt + + +
B 主觀 + + * * zhu3guan1 subject/ subjective thinking/ subjective Subjektivität, subjektiv + + +
B 暑假 + + * * shu3jia4 summer vacation Sommerferien + + +
B 秘密 + + * * mi4mi4 confidential/ secret nicht öffentlich, geheim, heimlich, Geheimnis + + +
B 必要 + + * * bi4yao4 necessary/ essential/ indispensable notwendig + + +
B 故意 + + * * gu4yi4 intentional mit Absicht, mit Vorsatz,absichtlich, vorsätzlich, willentlich + + +
B 會議 + + * * hui4yi4 meeting/ conference Konferenz, Treffen, Meeting + + +
B 討厭 + + * * tao3yan4 disagreeable/ disgusting/ hate abscheulich, abstoßend, hassen, verabscheuen + + +
B 密切 + + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam + + +
B 開會 + + * * kai1 hui4 hold a meeting eine Versammlung haben + + +
B 彩色 + + * * cai3se4 color/ multicolor Farb-(film) + + +
B 特點 + + * * te4dian3 characteristic charakteristisch, Eigenschaft + + +
B 主張 + + * * zhu3zhang1 advocate/ idea/ view/ proposition Position, Vorschlag, Blickpunkt, befürworten + + +
B 數量 + + * * shu4liang4 quantity/ amount Quantität + + +
B 白天 + + * * bai2tian1 daytime am hellichten Tage, während der Tagesstunden + + +
B 期間 + + * * qi1jian1 time/ period Zeit / Periode / (Ver-) Lauf + + +
B 情形 + + * * qing2xing* circumstance/ condition/ situation Umstände,Lage + + +
B 著作 + + * * zhu4zuo3 work/ book/ writing 1. schreiben / verfassen 2. Werk / Buch + + +
B 答案 + + * * da2'an4 answer/ solution/ key Antwort + + +
B 特殊 + + * * te4shu1 special/ peculiar/ exceptional Speziell, unregelmäßig,ungewöhnlich/eigenartig + + +
B 證明 + + * * zheng4ming2 prove/ testify/ proof/ certificate Beweis, Zeugnis, Nachweis, beweisen + + +
B 做法 + + * * zuo4fa3 method of work/ practice Handlungsweise,Machart + + +
B 高度 + + * * gao1du4 altitude/ height/ high degree/ high 1.Höhe 2.hoch, in hohem Grade, hochgradig + + +
B 分別 + + * * fen1bie2 separate/ distinguish/ respectively unterscheiden, trennen + + +
B 活躍 + + * * hou2yue4 active/ brisk/ enliven/ animate/ invigorate aktiv + + +
B 雙方 + + * * shuang1fang1 both sides/ the two parties beide Seiten, bilateral + + +
B 作文 + + * * zuo4 wen2 write a composition/ composition 1. einen Aufsatz schreiben 2. Aufsatz, Abfassung + + +
B 選舉 + + * * xuan3ju3 elect/ election Wahl, wählen + + +
B 一齊 + + * * yi4qi2 at the same time/ in unison zur gleichen Zeit, simultan + + +
B 老虎 + + * * lao3hu3 tiger Tiger + + +
B 作用 + + * * zuo4yong4 action/ function/ act on/ affect 1. auf etw. /jn einwirken / beeinflußen 2. Funktion / Wirkung 3. Effekt / Rolle + + +
B 合理 + + * * he2li3 reasonable/ rational angemessen, vernünftig + + +
B 一生 + + * * yi4sheng1 lifetime/ all one's life ein Leben lang + + +
B 一時 + + * * yi1shi2 a short period of time/ moment für eine Weile, zeitweilig + + +
B 提前 + + * * ti2qian2 ahead of time/ advance im voraus, vorher + + +
B 祝賀 + + * * zhu4he4 congratulate/ congratulation gratulieren, beglückwünschen + + +
B 一同 + + * * yi4tong2 together/ at the same time and place zusammen, mit + + +
B 暖氣 + + * * nuan3qi4 central heating Zentralheizung, Heizung + + +
B 施工 + + * * shi1 gong1 construct/ build/ construction Aufbau, Konstruktion + + +
B 抓緊 + + * * zhua1 jin3 firmly grasp/ pay close attention to festhalten, höchste Aufmerksamkeit schenken + + +
B 武術 + + * * wu3shu4 martial arts Wushu, Martial Arts, Kampfkunst + + +
B 學費 + + * * xue2fei4 tuition/ tuition fee Studiengebühren, Kursgebühren + + +
B 區別 + + * * qu1bie2 difference/ distinguish/ differ Unterschied, unterscheiden + + +
B + + * * ti2 topic/ problem/ title 1. Thema, Titel 2. aufschreiben, eintragen + + +
B 題目 + + * * ti2mu4 title/ subject Thema, Titel, Fragestellung + + +
B 有趣 + + * * you3qu4 interesting interessant sein + + +
B 民主 + + * * min2zhu3 democracy/ democratic Demokratie, demokratisch + + +
B 有時 + + * * you3shi2 sometimes/ at times manchmal, dann und wann + + +
B 標點 + + * * biao1dian3 punctuation Interpunktion + + +
B 地位 + + * * di4wei4 position/ status Status + + +
B 學術 + + * * xue2shu4 systematic learning/ science akademische Kenntnisse, akademisch + + +
B 樂觀 + + * * le4guan1 optimistic/ hopeful Optimismus, optimistisch + + +
B 有效 + + * * you3xiao4 effective/ efficacious wirkungsvoll, wirksam, gültig + + +
B 一致 + + * * yi2zhi4 identical/ unanimous/ consistent einhellig, identisch + + +
B 專心 + + * * zhuan1xin1 be absorbed/ attentive/ concentrating Konzentration, konzentriert, vertieft sein + + +
B 小說 + + * * xiao3shuo1 novel/ fiction Roman, Novelle + + +
B 大會 + + * * da4hui4 plenary session/ mass meeting Kongreß + + +
B 職業 + + * * zhi2ye4 occupation/ profession Beruf, Beschäftigung + + +
B + + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + + +
B 測驗 + + * * ce4yan4 test/ examination prüfen, testen,kontrollieren + + +
B 初步 + + * * chu1bu4 initial/ preliminary einleitend + + +
B 時代 + + * * shi2dai4 times/ age/ era/ epoch Zeit,Ära, Epoche + + +
B + + * * zhi2 direct/ straight/ continuously 1. gerade 2. gerademachen, sich aufrichten 3. gerecht, aufrecht 4. ohne Umschweife 5. direkt nach, geradeaus 6. ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich + + +
B 罐頭 + + * * guan4tou can/ tin Konserve, Eingemachtes + + +
B 建議 + + * * jian4yi4 propose/ suggest/ proposition/ suggestion Vorschlag, vorschlagen, empfehlen + + +
B 革命 + + * * ge2ming4 rise in revolt to seize power/ revolution Revolution + + +
B 大陸 + + * * da4lu4 continent/ mainland Festland + + +
B 直到 + + * * zhi2dao4 until/ up to bis + + +
B 啟發 + + * * qi3fa1 arouse/ inspire/ enlighten/ illumination 1. aufklären, belehren 2. starten, anfangen 3. öffnen, aufmachen + + +
B 釐米 + + * * li2mi3 centimeter Zentimenter (Li steht für verschiedene Längen- u. Gewichtsmaße) + + +
B 科學家 + + * * ke1xue2jia1 scientist Naturwissenschaftler + + +
B 科研 + + * * ke1yan2 scientific research Wissenschaftliche Forschung + + +
B 科長 + + * * ke1zhang3 section chief Abschnittleiter + + +
B 個別 + + * * ge4bie2 exceptional 1.einzeln,besonderer,individuell 2. ganz selten, ganz wenig + + +
B 積極 + + * * ji1ji2 positive/ active 1.positiv 2.aktiv + + +
B 積極性 + + * * ji1ji2xing4 zeal/ activeness Begeisterung, Enthusiasmus, Aktivität + + +
B 命運 + + * * ming4yun4 fate/ destiny Schicksal + + +
B 展覽會 + + * * zhan3lan3hui4 exhibition Ausstellung + + +
B 實際 + + * * shi2ji4 reality/ practice/ actual Realität, praktizieren, wirklich + + +
B 激動 + + * * ji1dong4 excited/ exciting/ excite/ stir/ agitate aufgeregt, anstacheln, aufregen + + +
B 可憐 + + * * ke3lian2 pitiful/ poor/ pity armselig, bemitleidenswert + + +
B 實事求是 + + * * shi2 shi4 qiu2 shi4 be practical and realistic die Wahrheit aus den Tatsachen ziehen + + +
B + + * * xie2 tilted/ slanting schief, schräg, geneigt + + +
B 廣告 + 广+ * * guang3gao4 advertisement werben, Reklameanzeige + + +
B 疑問 + + * * yi2wen4 doubt/ query/ question Zweifel,Frage (ungelöstes Problem) + + +
B 病人 + + * * bing4ren2 patient Patient + + +
B 規定 + + * * gui1ding4 provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen + + +
B 戰鬥 + + * * zhan4dou4 fight/ battle/ combat/ action Kampf, kämpfen, Krieg führen + + +
B 實行 + + * * shi2xing2 put into practice/ carry out in die Praxis umsetzen, implementieren + + +
B 語調 + + * * yu3diao4 intonation Intonation + + +
B 指示 + + * * zhi3shi4 instruction/ order/ indicate/ point out aufzeigen, darauf hinweisen, Anweisung + + +
B 實用 + + * * shi2yong4 practical/ pragmatic praktisch, funktional, pragmatisch + + +
B 語音 + + * * yu3yin1 pronunciation Aussprache + + +
B 狀況 + + * * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition Bedingung, Zustand,Verhältnisse + + +
B 保護 + + * * bao3hu4 protect/ safeguard/ protection schützen, hüten, schonen + + +
B 狀態 + + * * zhuang4tai4 state/ condition Bedingung, Lage, Zustand + + +
B 電視臺 + + * * dian4shi4tai2 TV station Fernsehstation + + +
B 論文 + + * * lun4wen2 treatise/ paper/ thesis Aufsatz, Abhandlung + + +
B 電臺 + + * * dian4tai2 transceiver/ broadcasting station Sendestation + + +
B + + * * zhang1 chapter/ section 1. Kapitel, Abschnitt 2. Ordnung 3. Konstitution, Statut 4. Stempel, Siegel 5. Abzeichen + + +
B + + * * dai4 generation ersetzen, Generation, Ära, Periode, Dynastie + + +
B 發明 + + * * fa1ming2 invent/ invention Erfindung, erfinden + + +
B 準時 + + * * zhun3shi2 on time/ punctual pünktlich, rechtzeitig + + +
B 集體 + + * * ji2ti3 collective kollektiv, Kollektiv + + +
B 代替 + + * * dai4ti4 replace/ substitute for anstelle, ersetzen + + +
B 配合 + + * * pei4he2 coordinate/ cooperation/ concert kooperieren, zusammenwirken + + +
B + + * * zhi4 till/ to/ until 1. bis, nach, bis zu 2. äußerst, sehr + + +
B 交通 + + * * jiao1tong1 traffic/ transportation Transport, Verkehr, + + +
B 競賽 + + * * jing4sai4 contest/ competition/ race Wettkampf, Wettbewerb + + +
B 嚴重 + + * * yan2zhong4 grave/ critical/ serious ernst,kritisch + + +
B + + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder + + +
B 及時 + + * * ji2shi2 timely/ in time rechtzeitig, prompt, in der Zeit, ohne Verzögerung + + +
B 木頭 + + * * mu4tou wood/ timber Holz + + +
B 研究所 + + * * yan2jiu1suo3 research institute Institut, Forschungsinstitut + + +
B 肯定 + + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + + +
B 目標 + + * * mu4biao1 objective/ target Ziel + + +
B + + * * tie1 glue/ stick 1.Aufkleber,aufkleben,ankleben 2. sich an etw anschmiegen, sich dicht an etw anlehnen 3. jn mit Geld unterstützen, finanzieller Zuschuß + + +
B 細心 + + * * xi4xin1 careful/ attentive sorgfältig,aufmerksam + + +
B 調查 + + * * diao4cha2 investigate/ survey/ investigation untersuchen + + +
B 塑料 + + * * su4liao4 plastics Plastik,Kunststoff + + +
B 招待會 + + * * zhao1dai4hui4 reception Empfang, Konferenz + + +
B 立場 + + * * li4chang3 position/ stand/ standpoint Standpunkt + + +
B 意志 + + * * yi4zhi4 will/ volition Wille, Absicht + + +
B 制定 + + * * zhi4ding4 establish/ lay down/ stipulate ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen + + +
B 國際 + + * * guo2ji4 international international + + +
B 熱烈 + + * * re4lie4 warm/ ardent/ enthusiastic begeistert + + +
B 制度 + + * * zhi4du4 system/ institution (politisches) System, Institution + + +
B 長期 + + * * chang2qi1 long period of time/ long term langfristig + + +
B 熱心 + + * * re4xin1 enthusiastic/ ardent warmherzig / hilfsbereit / eifrig + + +
B 傳統 + + * * chuan2tong3 tradition Tradition + + +
B 批判 + + * * pi1pan4 criticize Kritik, kritisieren + + +
B 仔細 + + * * zi3xi4 careful/ attentive vorsichtig, sorgfältig + + +
B 功夫 + + * * gong1fu time/ skill/ art/ workmanship Zeit, Anstrengung, Fähigkeit, Können + + +
B 國民黨 + + * * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) Kuomintang + + +
B 批准 + + * * pi1zhun3 ratify/ approve Ermächtigung, bestätigen, billigen, zusagen + + +
B 人工 + + * * ren2gong1 man-made/ artificial künstlich + + +
B 隨時 + + * * sui2shi2 at any time/ at all time zu jeder Zeit, jederzeit + + +
B 空兒 + + * * kong4r free time Freizeit + + +
B 滑冰 + + * * hua2 bing1 skating Schlittschuh laufen + + +
B 人口 + + * * ren2kou3 population Bevölkerung, Einwohner + + +
B 自動 + + * * zi4dong4 automatic 1. aus eigener Initiative / unaufgefordert / freiwillig 2. automatisch / selbsttätig + + +
B 疲勞 + + * * pi2lao2 exhausted/ tired müde, abgearbeitet, überarbeitet, Ermüdung + + +
B 不斷 + + * * bu2duan4 unceasing/ continuous fortwährend, ununterbrochen + + +
B 教學 + + * * jiao4xue2 teaching/ education Unterricht + + +
B 設備 + + * * she4bei4 equipment/ facilities Ausrüstung + + +
B + + * * hua4 delimit, differentiate abgrenzen,teilen, übertragen,planen siehe hua2 + + +
B 自覺 + + * * zi4jue2 be aware of/ conscious/ conscientious bewußt, bei Bewußtsein + + +
B 滿足 + + * * man3zu2 satisfied/ contented befriedigen, zufrieden + + +
B 創造 + + * * chuang4zao4 create/ creation Kreativität, schaffen, erzeugen, hervorbringen + + +
B 連續 + + * * lian2xu4 continually/ in succession Ununterbrochen + + +
B 耐心 + + * * nai4xin1 patient/ patience Geduld, geduldig + + +
B 創作 + + * * chuang4zuo4 create/ write/ creative work Kreation, schaffen, erzeugen, hervorbringen + + +
B 通訊 + + * * tong1xun4 communication Kommunikation + + +
B 試卷 + + * * shi4juan4 examination paper Prüfungsaufgaben, Test, + + +
B 人造 + + * * ren2zao4 man-made/ artificial künstlich,synthetisch + + +
B 中央 + + * * zhong1yang1 center/ central authorities zentral, Zentrum + + +
B 反動 + + * * fan3dong4 reactionary reaktionär, Reaktion + + +
B 當時 + + * * dang1shi2 at that time zu jener Zeit, damals + + +
B 願望 + + * * yuan4wang4 desire/ wish/ aspiration Wunsch + + +
B 春節 + + * * chun1jie2 the Spring Festival Frühlingsfest + + +
B 公司 + + * * gong1si1 corporation/ company Firma + + +
B 紀念 + + * * ji4nian4 commemorate/ commemoration gedenken, Andenken + + +
B 形勢 + + * * xing2shi4 situation/ circumstances Situation + + +
B 院長 + + * * yuan4zhang3 the head of a college; institute; hospital; etc. Dekan, Präsident, Institutsleiter + + +
B 不平 + + * * bu4ping2 indignant/ resentful/ injustice/ unfairness empörend, Unrecht + + +
B 筷子 + + * * kuai4zi chopsticks Eßstäbchen + + +
C 任意 + + * * ren4yi4 arbitrarily/ willfully/ at will/ at discretion beliebig,nach Belieben, willkürlich + + +
C 字典 + + * * zi4dian3 character-classic/ dictionary of characters/ dictionary Zeichenlexikon(streng !),Wörterbuch, Lexikon + + +
C 反問 + + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + + +
C + + * * jia1 excellent/ good/ fine/ beautiful schön, gut, ausgezeichnet + + +
C 所在 + + * * suo3zai4 where-be/ place/ location/ where sth. or sb. is Platz, Ort,darin bestehen + + +
C 難題 + + * * nan2ti2 difficult problem/ tough question/ hot potato schwierige Problem, knifflige Frage + + +
C 宗派 + + * * zong1pai4 sect-faction/ sect/ faction Fraktion + + +
C 養成 + + * * yang3cheng2 cultivate-succeed/ form/ acquire/ cultivate kultivieren, erlangen, formen + + +
C 動機 + + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation + + +
C + + * * gong1 imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung + + +
C 貧苦 + + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend + + +
C 動靜 + + * * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm + + +
C 終身 + + * * zhong1shen1 all-life/ life-time/ all one's life sein ganzes Leben, lebenslang + + +
C 動力 + + * * dong4li4 motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus Kraft,Impetus + + +
C 養料 + + * * yang3liao4 nutritional-material/ nutriment/ nourishment Nährstoff, Nahrung + + +
C 緩和 + + * * huan3he2 assuage/ ease up/ mitigated/ relaxed entspannen, mildern, lindern, Entspannung + + +
C 腦筋 + + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke + + +
C 貧窮 + + * * pin2qiong2 poor/ impoverished/ lacking a means of production arm, bedürftig + + +
C + + * * ai2 1. indicting a response to a call, order etc 2. indicating one´s grief, depression or akwardness Interjektion der Überraschung o. Schmerzes + + +
C 仍舊 + + * * reng2jiu4 still/ yet beim alten bleiben,wie immer,wie sonst,weiterhin + + +
C 針灸 + + * * zhen1jiu3 acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung + + +
C 行為 + + * * xing2wei2 action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung + + +
C 含量 + + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt + + +
C 行政 + + * * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration Verwaltung, Verwaltungsabteilung + + +
C 統計 + + * * tong3ji4 totally-count/ tally/ collect statistic data/ statistics Statistik + + +
C 切實 + + * * qie4shi2 realistic/ practical/ based on reality/ in real earnest realistisch, praktikabel + + +
C 統統 + + * * tong3tong3 totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly alle (total) + + +
C 幻燈 + + * * huan4deng1 slide/ slide presentation/ slide projector Diapositiv, Diavorführung, Projektor + + +
C 神秘 + + * * shen2mi4 mysterious/ mystical geheimnisvoll + + +
C + + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität + + +
C 位於 + + * * wei4yu2 position-at/ lie on/ be located in/ be situated in sich befinden, liegen + + +
C 刺激 + + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + + +
C 性別 + + * * xing4bie2 sexual-distinction/ sex/ gender Geschlecht + + +
C 鉤子 + + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken + + +
C + + * * fang1 square/ direction/ side/ party/ place 1.Viereck,Quadrat, viereckig, quadratisch 2. Himmelsrichtung, Orientierung 3. Seite 4. Methode, Weg 5. Rezept 6. eben, gerade,erst + + +
C + + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for s.th. auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 + + +
C 不怎麼樣 + + * * bu4 zen3meyang4 not so good/ not particularly good/ pretty bad gleichgültig sein, nicht von großem Interesse + + +
C + + * * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat + + +
C 審查 + + * * shen3cha2 check/ inspect/ examine/ investigate/ censor checken, untersuchen,überprüfen, + + +
C + + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + + +
C 況且 + + * * kuang4qie3 in addition/ moreover/ besides überdies, außerdem,noch dazu + + +
C 藥方 + + * * yao4fang1 medicine-prescription/ recipe/ prescription Rezept, das Verschreiben eines Rezepts + + +
C 應邀 + + * * ying4yao1 accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation eingeladen, auf Einladung + + +
C 運氣 + + * * yun4qi fortune-luck/ fate/ destiny/ lot/ odds/ luck/ fortune Schicksal, Glücksfall + + +
C 陣地 + + * * zhen4di4 position-place/ battlefront/ front/ ground/ position Stellung, Front + + +
C 憲法 + + * * xian4fa3 constitutional-law/ constitution Verfassung, Konstitution + + +
C 藥品 + + * * yao4pin3 medicine-article/ (general term for) medicines Arzneimittel, Medikamente + + +
C 親熱 + + * * qin1re4 intimate/ warm/ affectionate/ loving warmherzig,intim,liebevoll + + +
C 投機 + + * * tou2ji1 invest-chance/ congenial/ opportunistic/ speculate übereinstimmend, zueinander passend, spekulieren, Waren verschieben + + +
C 藥水儿 + + * * yao4shui3r medicinal-liquid/ liquid medicine/ lotion flüssige Arznei + + +
C 走後門兒 + + * * zou3 hou4men2r walk-back-door/ gain advantages through connection durch eine Hintertür hineinkommen + + +
C 親人 + + * * qin1ren2 family member/ relative/ someone dear Blutsverwandte, Familienangehörige + + +
C 藥物 + + * * yao4wu4 medicine-substance/ medicines/ pharmaceuticals Arzneimittel, Arznei, Medizin + + +
C + + * * ying4 obstinately/ stubbornly/ forcibly 1. hart, fest steif 2. fest, energisch 3. etw mit Mühe vollbringen, sich mühsam zu etw überwinden 4. gut (Qualität), tüchtig (Person) + + +
C + + * * jie2 1. tie, knit, knot, weave 2. congeal form 1. knüpfen, knoten, schlingen, binden 2. Knoten 3. binden, schmieden, schließen, formen 4. abschließen, abrechnen siehe: jie1 + + +
C 布告 + + * * bu4gao4 notice/ bulletin/ edict Nachricht, Mitteilung + + +
C 溶液 + + * * rong2ye4 liquid solution/ liquor Lösung (Flüssigkeit) + + +
C + + * * yo (used in a sentence to express an imperative tone) oh ! + + +
C 壽命 + 寿+ * * shou4ming4 life-span/ life/ life time Lebensspanne + + +
C 美觀 + + * * mei3guan1 pleasing to the eye/ artistic/ (of things) beautiful schön fürs Auge, schöner Anblick + + +
C 慎重 + + * * shen4zhong4 careful/ cautious/ prudent/ discreet vorsichtig,umsichtig + + +
C 要點 + + * * yao4dian3 important-point/ main point/ essential/ gist/ strongpoint wesentliche Punkte, Hauptpunkt, Schlüsselstützpunkt + + +
C 到…為止 + 为止+ * * dao4 wei2zhi3 up to …/ up till …/ until … zu, bis zu + + +
C + + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + + +
C 按期 + + * * an4qi1 on schedule/ on time termingerecht, fristgemäß + + +
C + + * * du2 poison/ toxin/ narcotics 1. Gift, Giftstoff 2. Rauschgift, Droge 3.giftig 4.vergiften 5. grausam, brutal, rücksichtslos + + +
C 烈士 + + * * lie4shi4 martyr/ person of heroic ambitions Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat + + +
C 線路 + 线+ * * xian4lu4 wire-route/ circuit/ line/ route/ path/ connection Leitung, Stromkreis,Linie, Route + + +
C 踴躍 + + * * yong3yue4 jump-leap/ vying with one another/ enthusiastic/ eager springen, hüpfen, miteinander wetteifernd, eifrig, begeistert, lebhaft + + +
C 從容 + + * * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough ruhig, in Ruhe, ohne Eile, + + +
C 聲明 + + * * sheng1ming2 state/ declare/ proclaim/ statement/ declaration erklären,Erklärung, Statement + + +
C 決議 + + * * jue2yi4 resolution/ formal statement passed by an assembly Beschluß, Resolution + + +
C + + * * ping2 comment/ criticize/ review/ assess/ judge/ evaluate 1.kommentieren, kritisieren 2. beurteilen, abschätzen + + +
C 雜文 + + * * za2wen2 extra-composition/ essay/ satirical essay Essay + + +
C 成千上萬 + + * * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of 10 Tausenden von + + +
C 架子 + + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, + + +
C 透明 + + * * tou4ming2 penetrating-brightness/transparent/ lucid durchsichtig, transparent, lichtdurchlässig + + +
C 趕忙 + + * * gan3mang2 hurriedly/ hastily eilen, hasten,sich beeilen, eilends + + +
C + + * * men4 stuffy/ cover tightly/ keep silent/ shut oneself in 1.schwül, drückend, stickig 2. dumpf 3. etw fest zudecken, bedecken, keine Luft durchlassen siehe men4 + + +
C 趕上 + + * * gan3 shang4 catch up with/ be in time for einholen + + +
C 相對 + + * * xiang1dui4 mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, + + +
C 獨特 + + * * du2te4 unique/ distinctive/ original einzigartig, singulär, + + +
C 鼓動 + + * * gu3dong4 fan/ flap/ arouse/ agitate/ incite/ stir up 1. agitieren, aufrütteln, anstiften + + +
C + + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien + + +
C 評价 + + * * ping2jia4 evaluate/ assess/ appraise/ evaluation/ assessment bewerten, einschätzen + + +
C 探索 + + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + + +
C 成天 + + * * cheng2tian1 all day long/ all the time den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit + + +
C + + * * rong2 clump/ tussock/ thicket/ grove/ crowd/ collection 1. Gebüsch, Gesträuch, 2. Gedränge, Menge , Sammlung + + +
C 假期 + + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien + + +
C 解放軍 + + * * jie3fang4jun1 liberation army/ Chinese People's Liberation Army Befreiungsarmee,VBA Soldat + + +
C + + * * fang3 spin/ make thread by drawing out and twisting 1.spinnen 2. dünnes Seidengewebe + + +
C 門診 + + * * men2zhen3 outpatient service ambulante Behandlung + + +
C 解剖 + + * * jie3pou1 dissect/ analyze/ criticize sezieren, Sektion,Obduktion + + +
C 舒暢 + + * * shu1chang4 comfortable and happy/ pleased and satisfied behaglich, sorglos,froh + + +
C + + * * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen + + +
C 筆試 + + * * bi3shi4 written examination Schriftliche Prüfung + + +
C 阻力 + + * * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction Widerstand,Hindernis + + +
C 軍備 + + * * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament Rüstung + + +
C 聞名 + + * * wen2ming2 hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen + + +
C 整風 + + * * zheng3 feng1 rectify-style/ rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking den Arbeitsstil berichtigen + + +
C 猜想 + + * * cai1xiang3 suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung + + +
C + + * * meng3 brave/ violent/ fierce/ energetic/ vigorous wild,heftig,kräftig,plötzlich, unerwartet + + +
C 圖畫 + + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + + +
C 修正 + + * * xiu1zheng4 revise-rectify/ correct/ amend/ revise neufassen, korrigieren + + +
C 輕視 + + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + + +
C 組成 + + * * zu3cheng2 form-accomplish/ form/ compose/ constitute/ make verfassen, bestehen aus + + +
C 得了 + + * * de2 le a remark made for an all-right situation zu Ende sein, fertig sein, alles o.k, das ist genug + + +
C 放鬆 + + * * fang4song1 loosen/ relax/ slacken/ become less attentive lockern, etw locker machen, entspannen, nachlassen + + +
C 界線 + 线+ * * jie4xian4 boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line Grenze, Grenz-, Demarkationslinie + + +
C 用品 + + * * yong4pin3 use-article/ articles for use Gebrauchsartikel + + +
C 整體 + + * * zheng3ti3 whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer das Ganze, Ganzheit + + +
C 放映 + + * * fang4ying4 show (a film)/ present images through projection zeigen, projezieren, vorführen + + +
C 用途 + + * * yong4tu2 use-way/ use/ purpose/ application Verwendungszweck, Anwendungsbereich + + +
C 書籍 + + * * shu1ji2 (collective term for) books/ works/ literature Bücher- (Sammelbegriff) + + +
C 徒弟 + + * * tu2di4 apprenticing junior/ apprentice Lehrling, Schüler + + +
C 用心 + + * * yong4 xin1 use-heart/ attentively/ intently/ diligently mit konzentrierter Aufmerksamkeit, aufmerksam, Motiv, Absicht + + +
C 傾向 + + * * qing1xiang4 lean towards/ be inclined to/ tendency/ inclination 1.Tendenz, Trend, Abweichung, Neigung 2. geneigt sein, voziehen + + +
C + + * * gu3 strand/ stream/ burst/ section/ share/ group/ 1. Oberschenkel 2. Unterabteilung 3. Zählwort ein Faden, ein Rinnsal aus der Quelle, ein feiner Duft + + +
C 迷信 + + * * mi2xin4 have blind faith in/ be superstitious/ superstition 1. Aberglaube, abergläubisch sein 2. etw. bedenkenlos glauben, blindes Vertrauen in etwas haben + + +
C 在座 + + * * zai4zuo4 be-seated/ be present (at a meeting; banquet; etc.) anwesend, zugegen (bei Versammlungen, Banketts etc.) + + +
C + + * * tu3 local/ indigenous/ native/ crude/ rustic/ unfashionable 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh + + +
C 正當 + + * * zheng4 dang1 just-when/ just when/ just as/ just the time for gerade als + + +
C 端正 + + * * duan1zheng4 upright/ regular/ balanced/ correct/ rectify regelrecht, korrekt + + +
C 來往 + + * * lai2wang3 come and go/ associate/ association kommen und gehen, Verkehr + + +
C + + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + + +
C 正面 + + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv + + +
C 必需 + + * * bi4xu1 necessarily need/ be essential wesentlich, unabdingbar + + +
C + + * * jian1 fry in shallow oil without stirring 1. etw in wenig Öl braten 2. kochen + + +
C 優勢 + + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit + + +
C + + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen + + +
C 清晰 + + * * qing1xi1 clear/ distinct klar, deutlich + + +
C 開動 + + * * kai1dong4 start/ set in motion/ move/ march etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren + + +
C 正義 + + * * zheng4yi4 righteous-justice/ righteousness/ justice/ just/ righteous Recht + + +
C 肥料 + + * * fei2liao4 fertilizer/ manure Düngemittel, Dünger, Dung, Kompost + + +
C 開飯 + + * * kai1 fan4 it's meal time/ start to serve meals/ start to eat (meal) das Essen servieren, Mahlzeit halten, essen + + +
C 團體 + + * * tuan2ti3 group-entity/ group/ organization/ team/ society/ circle Gemeinschaft, Organisation, Gruppe, Mannschaft + + +
C 團員 + + * * tuan2yuan2 group-member/ delegation member/ League member Delegationsmitglied, Mitglied einer Gruppe + + +
C 好奇 + + * * hao4qi2 curious/ inquisitive neugierig, wißbegierig + + +
C 樹木 + + * * shu4mu4 (collective term for) trees Baum-,Bäume (Sammelbegriff) + + +
C + + * * te4 special/ particular/ extraordinary 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel + + +
C 團長 + + * * tuan2zhang3 regiment-commander/ colonel/ head of a delegation Regimentskommandeur, Delegationsleiter + + +
C 政黨 + + * * zheng4dang3 political-party/ political party politische Partei + + +
C 挫折 + + * * cuo4zhe2 setback/ reverse/ defeat/ frustration Rückschlag + + +
C + + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage + + +
C 等到 + + * * deng3dao4 by the time/ when warten bis, bis zu der Zeit (wenn etwas fertig ist) + + +
C 崗位 + + * * gang3wei4 post/ station Posten, Platz, Stellung + + +
C 情報 + + * * qing2bao4 intelligence/ information/ tip-off Information, Nachricht + + +
C 束縛 + + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden + + +
C 政權 + + * * zheng4quan2 political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime + + +
C 吃虧 + + * * chi1 kui1 suffer losses/ be in an unfavorable situation Schaden erleiden, zum Nachteil gereichen, benachteiligt + + +
C 吃力 + + * * chi1li4 strenuous/ painstaking/ tiring/ wearing sehr mühevoll sein, große Anstrengungen kosten + + +
C 扭轉 + + * * niu3zhuan3 turn round/ turn back/ reverse/ remedy/ rectify 1. sich umdrehen, sich wenden 2.ins Gegenteil verkehren, einen Kurs korrigieren + + +
C 邊疆 + + * * bian1jiang1 border area/ borderland/ frontier Grenzgebiet + + +
C 持久 + + * * chi2jiu3 enduring/ lasting/ persistent dauern, lang dauernd, langwierig, dauerhaft, Dauer + + +
C 開口 + + * * kai1 kou3 open one's mouth/ start to talk/ make a cutting edge anfangen zu sprechen,eine Messerklinge schärfen + + +
C 癥狀 + + * * zheng4zhuang4 sick-condition/ symptom Symptom, Krankheitszeichen + + +
C 檢討 + + * * jian3tao3 make a self-criticism/ self-criticism Selbstkritik + + +
C 沸騰 + + * * fei4teng2 boil/ reach ebullition/ seethe with excitement Überschäumen, Siedepunkt, kochen + + +
C 高潮 + + * * gao1chao2 high tide/ upsurge/ climax 1.Hochwasser 2. Aufschwung, Höhepunkt,Klimax + + +
C 證件 + + * * zheng4jian4 certificate-paper/ credentials/ certificate/ papers Papiere, Ausweis, Bescheinigung + + +
C 證據 + + * * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony Beweis, Beweismittel + + +
C 欺負 + + * * qi1fu bully/ intimidate/ bluster/ coerce/ tease/ schikanieren, tyrannisieren + + +
C 助手 + + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent + + +
C 混亂 + + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + + +
C 宣言 + + * * xuan1yan2 declare-words/ declaration/ manifesto/ statement Deklaration, Manifest + + +
C 達成 + + * * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) erzielen, erreichen + + +
C 特徵 + + * * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait Merkmal, Kennzeichen, Charakterzug + + +
C 證書 + + * * zheng4shu1 certificate-document/ certificate/ credentials Urkunde, Zeugnis, Zertifikat + + +
C 謹慎 + + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam + + +
C 農田 + + * * nong2tian2 farmland/ cultivated land/ cropland/ field Ackerland,landwirtschaftliche Fläche + + +
C 請示 + + * * qing3shi4 ask for instructions um Anweisungen ersuchen + + +
C 農藥 + + * * nong2yao4 agricultural chemicals/ farming chemicals/ pesticide landwirtschaftliches Schädlingbekämpungsmittel, Pestizid + + +
C 向導 + + * * xiang4dao3 direction-guide/ guide Führer, Wegweiser + + +
C 早期 + + * * zao3qi1 early-period/ early stage/ early phase/ initial period Frühzeit, frühe Periode, frühzeitig, + + +
C 拐彎兒 + + * * guai3 wan1r turn a corner/ make a turn/ change direction 1. um die Ecke biegen, eine Biegung machen 2. umschwenken + + +
C 農作物 + + * * nong2zuo4wu4 crops/ cultivated plants Ernte, Erzeugnisse + + +
C 何況 + + * * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions) geschweige denn, erst recht + + +
C 早已 + + * * zao3yi3 early-already/ long ago/ (have done) for a long time früher, schon längst + + +
C 開夜車 + + * * kai1 ye4che1 work overtime or study at night/ burn the midnight oil bis nachts arbeiten + + +
C + + * * shuan1 tether/ tie/ fasten/ tie down/ bind up binden, anbinden + + +
C 住宅 + + * * zhu4zhai2 living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling Wohnung, Behausung + + +
C 作風 + + * * zuo4feng1 behaving-style/ style/ way/ attitude/ behavior/ conduct Arbeitsstil, Stil, Art und Weise des Verhaltens + + +
C 退休 + 退+ * * tui4xiu1 withdraw-rest/ retire in den Ruhestand treten + + +
C 充實 + + * * chong1shi2 substantial/ rich/ substantiate/ enrich/ fill 1. reichlich 2.bereichern, kräftigen + + +
C 窮人 + + * * qiong2ren2 poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute Arme, arme Leute + + +
C 變動 + + * * bian4dong4 alter/ change/ alteration Änderung, ändern + + +
C 合法 + + * * he2fa3 legal/ lawful/ legitimate/ rightful legal, legitim, rechtens, gesetzlich, rechtmäßig + + +
C 提綱 + + * * ti2gang1 lifting-rope/ lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net/ outline Umriß (der wichtigsten Punkte) + + +
C 支配 + + * * zhi1pei4 arrange-apportion/ control/ dominate/ arrange einteilen,einsetzen,leiten,drigieren,kontrollieren + + +
C 變革 + + * * bian4ge2 change/ transform/ transformation Umwandlung, Änderung, transformieren + + +
C + + * * guan1 col/ pass/ juncture/ barrier/ difficulty/ critical part 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß + + +
C 刊物 + + * * kan1wu4 publication/ periodical/ journal/ magazine Zeitschrift, Magazin + + +
C 游戲 + + * * you2xi4 tour-play/ game/ recreation spielen, Spiel + + +
C 作物 + + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte + + +
C 注視 + + * * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at verfolgen, anstarren + + +
C 底片 + + * * di3pian4 negative Negativ + + +
C 責備 + + * * ze2bei4 demand-integrity/ accuse/ blame/ reproach/ criticize vorwerfen, vorhalten, tadeln + + +
C 丘陵 + + * * qiu1ling2 hills/ undulating topography Hügel + + +
C + + * * zhi1 know/ realize/ be aware of/ inform/ notify/ tell 1. wissen, kennen, Bescheid wissen 2. Bescheid sagen, mitteilen, informieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis + + +
C + + * * sha1 yarn/ sheer/ gauze/ name of certain textile products 1. Garn (Baumwoll-) 2. Gaze + + +
C 消毒 + + * * xiao1 du2 remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize desinfizieren + + +
C 選修 + + * * xuan3xiu1 elect-study/ take as an elective course etwas als fakultatives Fach lernen bzw studieren + + +
C 地步 + + * * di4bu4 condition/ plight/ extent/ degree/ Situation + + +
C 關頭 + + * * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point Moment, Schlüsselstelle, kritischer Augenblick + + +
C 水分 + + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information + + +
C 無疑 + + * * wu2yi2 no-doubt/ undoubted/ beyond doubt/ unquestionable ohne Zweifel, zweifelsohne + + +
C 消耗 + + * * xiao1hao4 reduce-expend/ consume/ deplete/ consumption verbrauchen + + +
C 打招呼 + + * * da3zhao1hu notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello hallo sagen + + +
C 分明 + + * * fen1ming2 clear/ distinct/ obvious/ plain klar, offenbar, offensichtlich, eindeutig + + +
C 知識分子 + + * * zhi1shi fen4zi3 knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual Intellektuelle + + +
C 地道 + + * * di4dao genuine/ real/ authentic/ pure/ up to standard authentisch,(vgl.: di4dao4=Tunnel) + + +
C 消極 + + * * xiao1ji2 eliminate-urgency/ negative/ passive/ inactive negativ, passiv, inaktiv + + +
C + + * * zhu4 halt/ stay/ be stationed/ encamp stationieren, Standort halten, sich aufhalten, bleiben,verbleiben + + +
C 提問 + + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + + +
C 稿 + 稿+ * * gao3 draft/ sketch/ manuscript/ original text/ article 1. flüchtige Niederschrift, Zeichnung 2.Manuskript, Original + + +
C 鑒定 + + * * jian4ding4 authenticate/ appraise/ identify/ determine Gutachten, Beurteilung, begutachten + + +
C 提醒 + + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + + +
C 滅亡 + + * * mie4wang2 be destroyed/ perish/ become extinct/ die out untergehen,zugrundegehen + + +
C 一下 + + * * yi1xia4 one-side … one-side …/ at the same time einmal + + +
C 近代 + + * * jin4dai4 modern times Neuzeit + + +
C 民兵 + + * * min2bing1 militia/ militiaman/ militia-woman Volksmiliz, Milizionär + + +
C + + * * o1 oh (I have just noticed/ I have just realized) Interjektion aha, soso, + + +
C 提議 + + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + + +
C 學會 + + * * xue2hui4 learned-society/ association/ academy/ institute erlernen, wissenschaftlicher Verein + + +
C 增產 + + * * zeng1 chan3 increase-production/ increase production die Produktion steigern + + +
C + + * * zhuan1 particular/ special/ narrow/ specialty/ specialization 1. spezial, nur, auf etwas konzentriert, 2. fachkundig, nur für sich allein haben 3. monopolisieren + + +
C 分數 + + * * fen1shu4 score/ mark/ grade/ point/ fractional number 1. Bruch, Bruchzahl 2. Note, Zenzur + + +
C 見解 + + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung + + +
C 旗袍 + + * * qi2pao2 close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu Qipao, Cheongsam, chinesisches Etui-kleid + + +
C 一心 + + * * yi1xin1 one-while/ a short period of time/ a burst/ a fit/ a gust mit ganzem Herzen + + +
C 偶爾 + + * * oou3'er3 once in a while/ occasionally/ sometimes ab und zu, gelegentlich,manchmal + + +
C 一行 + + * * yi1xing2 always-again/ time and again/ again and again Reisegesellschaft + + +
C 草案 + + * * cao3'an4 protocol/ draft (of a plan; decree; regulation; etc.) Entwurf + + +
C + + * * wa3 tile 1. Dachziegel 2. tönern 3. Watt (Strom) + + +
C + + * * ban4 valve/ petal/ segment/ section 1. Blumenblatt 2. Scheibe 3.Scherbe, Bruchstück 4.Zählwort + + +
C 大隊 + + * * da4dui4 group/ production brigade/ battalion/ regiment Gruppe, Produktionbrigade + + +
C + + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung + + +
C 體操 + + * * ti3cao1 body-exercise/ gymnastics Gymnastik + + +
C 抗議 + + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + + +
C 一陣 + + * * yi1zhen4 one-time/ in a short while/ all of a sudden/ all at once eine Wile, für eine kurze Zeit + + +
C 學位 + + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad + + +
C 痕跡 + + * * hen2ji4 trail/ mark/ trace/ vestige 1. Spur, Fährte, Stapfen 2. Überbleibsel, Überrest, Ruine + + +
C 考察 + + * * kao3cha2 inspect/ investigate/ observe and study/ research untersuchen,beobachten und studieren + + +
C 路口 + + * * lu4kou3 entrance to a road/ crossing/ intersection/ crossroads Straßenkreuzung, Straßenecke + + +
C 拍子 + + * * pai1zi bat/ racket/ swatter/ beat/ time/ rhythm Schläger, Takt + + +
C 物品 + + * * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing Gegenstand, Sache + + +
C 表情 + + * * biao3qing2 expression, emoticon Ausdruck, Gesichtsausdruck, emoticon + + +
C 基層 + + * * ji1ceng2 grassroots level/ bottom level in an organization Basis, untere Ebene + + +
C 友愛 + + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft + + +
C 測試 + + * * ce4shi4 test/ examine/ trial/ testing Test, testen,Prüfung + + +
C 學制 + + * * xue2zhi4 school-system/ education system/ length of schooling Erziehungssystem, Ausbildungssystem + + +
C 時常 + + * * shi2chang2 time and again/ often/ frequently immer, mitunter, oft + + +
C 起義 + + * * qi3yi4 revolt/ uprise/ rebel/ insurrection/ uprising/ rebellion Aufstand + + +
C 初期 + + * * chu1qi1 beginning period/ early days/ initial stage Ausgangsperiode, Anfangsstadium, erste Tage + + +
C + + * * guan4 used to/ conditioned to/ habitual/ indulge/ spoil 1. an etwas gewöhnt sein, sich an jn etw gewöhnen 2. verwöhnen, verziehen, verhätscheln + + +
C + + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt + + +
C 直達 + + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt + + +
C 革新 + + * * ge2xin1 innovate/ improve/ innovation Innovation + + +
C + + * * jiang1 stiff/ rigid/ inflexible/ numb/ deadlocked 1.steif, starr 2. sich festfahren, an einem toten Punkt ankommen + + +
C 時機 + + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment + + +
C 依舊 + + * * yi1jiu4 still-before/ still like before/ unchanged as before wie früher, nach wie vor, + + +
C + + * * bie2 stick in/ fasten with a pin or clip/ leave/ part 1. verlassen, weggehen, sich trennen, scheiden 2.anderer 3. Unterschied, Unterscheidung 4 unterscheiden 5. mit einer Klammer anheften < siehe bie2 > + + +
C 牌子 + + * * pai2zi billboard/ plate/ sign/ brand/ trademark/ cí title Marke, Platte,Schild,Warenzeichen + + +
C 權力 + + * * quan2li4 power/ authority/ jurisdiction Macht, Befugnis + + +
C 豐產 + + * * feng1chan3 yield abundantly/ produce plentifully Rekordernte + + +
C 時節 + + * * shi2jie2 season/ time Saison, Zeit + + +
C 機構 + + * * ji1gou4 mechanism/ setup/ organ/ government organization 1.Mechanismus, Maschinerie 2. Organisation, Institution, Organ, Gremium + + +
C 格外 + + * * ge2wai4 especially/ particularly/ all the more besonders + + +
C 傷口 + + * * shang1kou3 wound/ cut/ laceration Wunde + + +
C 依然 + + * * yi1ran2 still-so/ as before/ still noch, wie vorher, immer noch + + +
C 惡心 + + * * e3xin feel like vomiting/ feel sick/ be disgusted Übelkeit, Brechreiz,ekelhaft, abscheulich, hassen + + +
C 科普 + + * * ke1pu3 popular science/ science popularization populärwissenschaftlich + + +
C + + * * zhan1 soak/ wet/ be stained with/ touch/ gain by association 1. befeuchten 2. mit etw. beschmutzt sein, besudelt, befleckt 3.berühren 4. (an einem Vorteil) teilhaben + + +
C 時時 + + * * shi2shi2 time and time again/ constantly/ very often wieder und wieder, konstant, sehr oft + + +
C 思索 + + * * si1suo3 think and seek solutions/ think in depth/ ponder denken und nach Lösungen suchen, nachsinnen + + +
C 詢問 + + * * xun2wen4 ask-question/ ask about/ inquire about/ solicit opinions nach etwas fragen, sich nach etwas erkundigen, ansprechen + + +
C 精細 + + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein + + +
C + + * * pan1 climb/ grab/ seek connection in high places/ implicate 1. klettern, klimmen 2. weitreichende Beziehungen anstreben, einflußreiche Verbindungen suchen + + +
C 差別 + + * * cha1bie2 difference/ disparity/ distinction Unterschied + + +
C + + * * bang3 bind/ tie up 1. binden, festbinden 2. jn die Hände auf dem Rücken zusammenbinden + + +
C 惡劣 + + * * e4lie4 very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting abscheulich, widerwärtig, gemein, wertlos + + +
C + + * * bang4 bar/ stick/ club bestens, prima + + +
C 全局 + + * * quan2ju2 general or overall situation/ situation as a whole generelle Lage + + +
C + + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb + + +
C + + * * bang4 bar/ stick/ club bestens, prima + + +
C 獎勵 + + * * jiang3li4 encourage with some incentive/ reward/ award belohnen, auszeichnen + + +
C + + * * ming4 life/ life-span/ fate/ destiny/ order/ command/ assign 1. Leben 2. Schicksal, Los, Geschick 3. Befehl, Kommando 4. (einen Namen, Titel) zuweisen + + +
C 典禮 + + * * dian3li3 ceremony/ celebration/ ritual/ rite Zeremonie, Feier + + +
C 協會 + + * * xie2hui4 cooperating-organization/ association/ union Verein,Gesellschaft, Verband + + +
C + + * * zhi2 pointing-mark/ index/ target/ quota/ norm/ indicator 1. Wert 2. kosten, sich lohnen, wert sein 3. gerade, ausgerechnet, zufällig 4. Dienst haben + + +
C 典型 + + * * dian3xing2 typical case/ model/ typical/ representative Vorbild, typisch + + +
C 出難題 + + * * chu1 nan2ti2 raise a tough question/ present a difficult problem vor ein schwieriges Problem stellen, eine schwierige Frage stellen + + +
C + + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + + +
C 天文 + + * * tian1wen2 celestial-phenomena/ astronomy Astronomie, Sternenkunde + + +
C + + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln + + +
C 天下 + + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China + + +
C 壓縮 + + * * ya1suo1 oppress-control/ suppress/ stifle/ inhibit/ keep down komprimieren, kürzen, verringern + + +
C 講究 + + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant + + +
C 指標 + + * * zhi3biao1 point-direct/ instruct/ give directions/ find fault with Planziffer, Soll, Index, Ziel, Quote, Norm + + +
C 實況 + + * * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation + + +
C 勸告 + + * * quan4gao4 persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen + + +
C 儀式 + + * * yi2shi4 ceremony-ritual/ ceremony/ ritual/ rite/ function Feier, Feierlichkeit,Zeremonie + + +
C 風氣 + + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral + + +
C 玩笑 + + * * wan2xiao4 unyielding-firm/ stubborn/ obstinate/ obdurate Scherz, Spaß + + +
C 後代 + + * * hou4dai4 offspring/ descendant/ posterity/ later generation spätere Periode + + +
C 模糊 + + * * mo2hu blurred/ indistinct/ dim/ vague/ unclear unklar, undeutlich,verwechseln, verwischen + + +
C + + * * xi1 tin/ stannum (Sn) Zinn + + +
C 病情 + + * * bing4qing2 state of an illness/ patient's condition Befinden, Zustand eines Patienten + + +
C 裝置 + + * * zhuang1zhi4 install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung + + +
C 各自 + + * * ge4zi4 each/ respective jeder, jeweilig, jeder selbst, jeder einzelne + + +
C 後果 + + * * hou4guo3 consequence/ aftermath/ (negative) outcome Folge, Nachwirkungen + + +
C 實習 + + * * shi2xi2 practice/ praxis/ exercise and learn in the real world praktizieren, Feldarbeit leisten + + +
C 田地 + + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation + + +
C 宇宙 + + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos + + +
C 出息 + + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + + +
C 完備 + + * * wan2bei4 whole-complete/ complete/ entire/ perfect vollständig, komplett, vollkommen + + +
C 戰略 + + * * zhan4lue4 war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic Strategie + + +
C 警告 + + * * jing3gao4 warn/ admonish/ caution/ warning warnen, ermahnen,Verwarnung, Verweis + + +
C 輪廓 + + * * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation Kontur,Umriß, Silhouette + + +
C 壯麗 + + * * zhuang4li4 magnificent-beautiful/ majestic/ splendid/ magnificent grandios,großartig,eindrucksvoll + + +
C 規則 + + * * gui1ze2 rule/ law/ regulation/ regular/ orderly Regel, Vorschrift, regelmäßig, gleichmäßig + + +
C 四面八方 + + * * si4 mian4 ba1 fang1 four sides and eight directions/ in every direction alle Himmelsrichtungen,nah und fern + + +
C 語文 + + * * yu3wen2 speech-writing/ language and literature/ Chinese Sprache und Schrift, Sprache und Literatur + + +
C 戰術 + + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik + + +
C 可行 + + * * ke3xing4 be practicable/ be feasible/ be viable praktikabel, möglich, duchführbar + + +
C + + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen + + +
C + + * * li3 gift/ present/ propriety/ courtesy/ etiquette/ manners 1.Zeremonie, Feier,Ritual, 2. Höflichkeit, Förmlichkeit, 3. Geschenk + + +
C 四周 + + * * si4zhou1 surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum + + +
C 剝削 + + * * bo1xue1 exploit/ exploitation ausbeuten, Ausbeutung + + +
C + + * * feng2 sew/ stitch Naht + + +
C 焦急 + + * * jiao1ji2 anxious/ worried/ agitated/ impatient beunruhigt, besorgt, nervös + + +
C + + * * mo4 end/ tip/ unimportant part/ last stage/ powder/ dust 1. Spitze, Ende 2. Ende, letztes Stadium 3. Unwesentliches, Belanglosigkeit 4. Pulver, Staub + + +
C 炮彈 + + * * pao4dan4 (artillery) shell Geschoß + + +
C 諷刺 + + * * feng3ci4 satirize/ ridicule/ mock Satire + + +
C 呼呼 + + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind + + +
C + + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + + +
C 條例 + + * * tiao2li4 itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen + + +
C + + * * chu2 besides/ in addition to/ except 1. loswerden, entfernen, ausmerzen, beseitigen 2.ausschließen, ausnehmen, ausgenommen 3. abgesehen davon, neben 4. dividieren, teilen + + +
C 保守 + + * * bao3shou3 guard/ keep/ conservative bewahren, bewachen, konservativ + + +
C 電壓 + + * * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference Spannung + + +
C 培養 + + * * pei2yang3 train/ groom/ foster/ develop/ cultivate heranbilden, ausbilden, erziehen + + +
C + + * * bo1 move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen + + +
C 耕地 + + * * geng1di4 arable land/ cultivated land 1. pflügen, bewirtschaften 2. bebautes Land, Ackerland + + +
C + + * * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation 1.Grenze 2.Gegend, Gebiet,Ort 3. Lage,Zustand,Umstände + + +
C 培育 + + * * pei2yu4 cultivate/ nurture/ breed/ foster züchten, kultivieren + + +
C 上述 + + * * shang4shu4 aforementioned/ above-mentioned/ aforesaid oben erwähnt + + +
C 飼養 + + * * si4yang3 raise/ rear (domestic animals) aufziehen , züchten (Haustiere) + + +
C 邏輯 + + * * luo2ji logic/ order of thinking/ objective law Logik + + +
C 上頭 + + * * shang4tou the higher authorities/ foregoing/ above/ on top of höhere Autoritäten, vorangegangene, über, + + +
C 保障 + + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern + + +
C 客觀 + + * * ke4guan1 objectivity/ objective Objektivität,objektiv + + +
C + + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng + + +
C 代理 + + * * dai4li3 act as an agent/ deputize als Vertreter handeln + + +
C 萬分 + + * * wan4fen1 thousands-portions/ very much/ extremely sehr, äußerst, in höchstem Grad + + +
C 奠定 + + * * dian4ding4 establish/ found/ build up (a foundation) gründen, herstellen, einrichten, etablieren + + +
C 新生 + + * * xin1sheng1 new-life/ newborn/ new/ rebirth/ regeneration neugeboren, neues Leben + + +
C + + * * qian1 (of metal) lead/ graphitic substance in pencils Blei (Pb) + + +
C 上游 + + * * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position Oberlauf eines Flusses + + +
C 預報 + + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage + + +
C 志願 + + * * zhi4yuan4 aspiration-wish/ aspiration/ wish/ ideal/ will/ desire Wunsch, Ideal, freiwillig + + +
C 嚴密 + + * * yan2mi4 close-tight/ close/ tight/ well-conceived dicht, streng, hermetisch + + +
C 貴賓 + + * * gui4 bin1 honored guest/ distinguished guest Ehrengast + + +
C 木材 + + * * mu4cai2 wood/ timber/ lumber Holz, Bauholz + + +
C 待遇 + + * * dai4yu4 treatment/ compensation/ pay/ wage/ salary Bezahlung, Gehalt, Kompensation + + +
C 工地 + + * * gong1di4 construction site/ building site Baustelle, Bauplatz + + +
C 細胞 + + * * xi4bao1 tiny-cell/ cell Zelle + + +
C 交易 + + * * jiao1yi4 transaction/ deal/ trade/ business Geschäft, Handel + + +
C 競爭 + + * * jing4zheng1 compete/ rival/ competition/ rivalry Konkurrenz, konkurrieren + + +
C 預防 + + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + + +
C 處於 + + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + + +
C 預告 + + * * yu4gao4 fore-announce/ announce in advance/ advance notice etwas im voraus bekanntmachen, Ankündigung + + +
C + + * * jing4 only/ nothing but/ all/ all the time 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß + + +
C 盤地 + + * * pen2di4 basin/ area surrounded by land of higher elevation Becken + + +
C + + * * wang3 net/ netting/ network/ web/ meshwork 1.Netz 2. Netzwerk 3. mit einem Netz fangen + + +
C 棍子 + + * * gun4zi stick/ rod/ wand Stange, Stock, Stab + + +
C + + * * hu4 protect/ guard/ shield/ be partial to 1. schützen, hüten, bewachen 2. jd gegen Tadel decken, jn in Schutz nehmen + + +
C 細緻 + + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös + + +
C 急躁 + + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig + + +
C + + * * ji1 hold tight/ seize/ haul 1. ergreifen, packen, fassen, festhalten 2.heftig ziehen + + +
C + + * * ting1 hall/ department in a large government organization 1. Halle, großer Raum 2. Büro, Dienststelle + + +
C + + * * jiao3 mix/ stir/ disturb/ mess up 1. umrühren, mischen 2.stören, belästigen + + +
C 資格 + + * * zi1ge2 qualification-standard/ qualification/ condition/ seniority Eignung, höheres Dienstalter + + +
C 報酬 + + * * bao4 chou2 reward, renumeration, pay Belohnung + + +
C 國防 + + * * guo2fang2 national defense Landesverteidigung + + +
C 往來 + + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr + + +
C 碰釘子 + + * * peng4 ding1zi be rebuffed/ hit a snag/ encounter hostility abgewiesen werden + + +
C 國籍 + + * * guo2ji2 nationality/ citizenship/ national identity Nationalität + + +
C 熱量 + + * * re4liang4 quantity of heat Wärmemenge, Hitze + + +
C 長久 + + * * chang2jiu3 long-lasting/ long time/ prolonged langfristig + + +
C 法令 + + * * fa3ling4 laws and decrees/ collection of statutes Gesetz, Anordnung, Dekret + + +
C + + * * pi1 criticize/ write comments on documents submitted 1. eine Notiz oder eine Nachricht auf einen Bericht schreiben 2. kritisieren,verurteilen 3. Zählwort Menge, Gruppe + + +
C 報復 + + * * bao4fu4 retaliate/ revenge/ retaliation/ reprisal Vergeltung + + +
C 哨兵 + + * * shao4bing1 sentinel/ sentry/ guard Wächter,Wachtposten + + +
C 義務 + + * * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich + + +
C 心意 + + * * xin2yi4 heart-intention/ regard/ kindly feelings/ meaning freundschaftliches Empfinden, freundliches Entgegenkommen, Absicht, Vorstellung + + +
C 姿態 + 姿+ * * zi1tai4 carriage-attitude/ carriage/ bearing/ attitude/ gesture Haltung, Positur + + +
C 事務 + + * * shi4wu4 work/ routine/ affair/ transaction (Routine-) Arbeit, allgemeine Angelegenheiten + + +
C 角度 + + * * jiao3du4 angle/ perspective/ point of view 1. Winkel 2. Perspektive 3. Blickwinkel + + +
C 法院 + + * * fa3yuan4 court/ court of law/ court of justice/ tribunal Gericht + + +
C 元素 + + * * yuan2xiao1 basic-element/ essential factor/ element Element + + +
C 停留 + + * * ting2liu2 stop-remain/ stay for a period of time/ stehenbleiben, sich aufhalten, weilen + + +
C 元宵 + + * * yuan2su4 Yuan-night/ night of Shangyuan Festival/ rice dumpling die Nacht auf den 15. des ersten Mondes des lunaren Kalenders + + +
C + + * * chang2 intestine/ sausage Darm + + +
C 法制 + + * * fa3zhi4 legal system/ legal institutions Gesetzessystem + + +
C 國旗 + + * * guo2qi2 national flag Nationalflagge + + +
C 嘩嘩 + + * * hua1hua1 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser + + +
C 法子 + + * * fa3zi way/ method/ solution Methode + + +
C 攝氏 + + * * she4shi4 Celsius/ centigrade Celsius, Centigrad + + +
C 功勞 + + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung + + +
C 國慶節 + + * * guo2qing4jie2 National Day Nationalfeiertag + + +
C 技巧 + + * * ji4qiao3 technique/ artifice/ knack/ acrobatic gymnastics Kunstfertigkeit, handwerkliches Können + + +
C 勢力 + + * * shi4li (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence Stärke, Macht, Einfluß + + +
C 功能 + + * * gong1neng2 function/ functionality/ feature Funktion + + +
C 信號 + + * * xin4hao4 information-signal/ signal Signal, Zeichen + + +
C + + * * fan1 time/ kind/ sort/ measure word for abstract things ein Zählwort Mal (für Handlungen) + + +
C 華人 + + * * hua2ren2 Chinese/ Foreign citizen of Chinese descent ethnischer Chinese + + +
C 是的 + + * * shi4de right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities ja richtig + + +
C 威脅 + + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen + + +
C 信念 + + * * xin4nian4 believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction Glaube, Überzeugung + + +
C 場合 + + * * chang3he2 occasion/ situation Situation, Gelegenheit, Anlaß + + +
C 就是說 + + * * jiu4 shi4 shuo1 even if … still …/ even though … yet … in anderen Worten + + +
C 聯盟 + + * * lian2meng2 alliance/ coalition/ league/ union Bündnis,Union, Liga + + +
C 疲倦 + + * * pi2juan4 tired and sleepy/ weary/ fatigued müde + + +
C 微小 + + * * wei1xiao3 micro-small/ tiny/ little/ small/ minute sehr klein + + +
C 信息 + + * * xin4xi1 letter-message/ information/ news/ message Nachricht, Botschaft, Information + + +
C 原始 + + * * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive original, ursprünglich, aus erster Hand, primitiv, Ur- + + +
C + + * * yin1 sound/ news/ tidings/ syllable 1. Ton, Schall, Laut 3. Nachricht, Botschaft + + +
C 畫家 + + * * hua4jia1 painter/ artist Maler + + +
C 寂寞 + + * * ji4mo4 lonely/ lonesome/ quiet/ still/ silent still, ruhig, einsam, verlassen + + +
C 下游 + + * * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position Unterlauf eines Flußes, Zustand der Rückständigkeit + + +
C 中部 + + * * zhong1bu4 central-part/ central area/ central section/ middle part Mitte, Zentrale,mittlerer Teil + + +
C 教研室 + + * * jiao4yan2shi4 teaching and research section/ teaching staff office Forschung und Lehre Bereich + + +
C 原子 + + * * yuan2zi3 original-particle/ atom Atom, atomar + + +
C 口氣 + + * * kou3qi4 manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang + + +
C 陰謀 + + * * yin1mou2 hidden-plot/ plot/ conspiracy/ machination Verschwörung, Komplott + + +
C 原子彈 + + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe + + +
C 口試 + + * * kou3shi4 oral test/ oral examination mündliche Prüfung + + +
C 滿腔 + + * * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) voll von etwas sein + + +
C 悲觀 + + * * bei1guan1 pessimistic pessimistisch + + +
C 不顧 + + * * bu2gu4 have no consideration for/ have no regard for ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet + + +
C 自滿 + + * * zi4man3 self-satisfied/ complacent/ self-contented/ conceited selbstzufrieden, selbstgefällig + + +
C 創立 + + * * chuang4li4 found/ establish/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen + + +
C 凡是 + + * * fan2shi4 every/ any/ all/ without exception jede, alle,jegliche + + +
C 設想 + + * * she4xiang3 imagine/ have consideration for/ idea/ tentative plan sich etwa vorstellen,Idee + + +
C 銀幕 + + * * yin2mu4 silver-screen/ screen/ projection screen Bildschirm + + +
C 創新 + + * * chuang4xin1 innovate/ innovation/ creativity/ fresh idea neue Ideen vorbringen, neue Wege bahnen, Neuerung, Innovation + + +
C + + * * fan2 vexed/ annoyed/ trouble/ be tired of/ be fed up 1.verdroßen, mißmutig, verärgert 2. überdrüssig 3. liebenswürdigerweise, freundlicherweise + + +
C 耐煩 + + * * nai4fan2 patient/ composed geduldig, duldsam + + +
C 圓滿 + + * * yuan2man3 round-full/ perfect/ satisfactory befriedigend,zufriedenstellend + + +
C 當初 + + * * dang1chu1 in the beginning/ at that time/ originally ursprünglich, damals + + +
C + + * * ju2 bureau/ office/ administration/ shop/ part/ portion 1. Schachbrett 2.Partie, Satz 3. Lage, Situation 4.Intrige, Falle , Schlinge 5.Grenze, Schranke 6. Amt, Büro, Behörde 7. Geschäftshaus, Laden + + +
C 歉意 + + * * qian4yi4 regret/ apology/ apologetic feeling Gefühl des Bedauerns, Bedauern + + +
C 申請 + + * * shen1qing3 apply for/ file an application for sich bewerben um , Antrag stellen für + + +
C 當代 + + * * dang1dai4 present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit + + +
C 局部 + + * * ju2bu4 part/ portion Teil, teilweise, zum Teil + + +
C 局面 + + * * ju2mian4 situation Aspekt, Phase, Situation + + +
C 記載 + + * * ji4zai3 record/ put down in writing/ chronicle 1. eintragen, aufzeichnen ,niederschreiben 2. Bericht, Aufzeichnung, Protokoll + + +
C 偏偏 + + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet + + +
C 自相矛盾 + + * * zi4 xiang1 mao2dun4 self-mutually-spear-shield/ self-contradiction sich selbst widersprechen + + +
C 公民 + + * * gong1min2 citizen Bürger + + +
C + + * * bei4 generation 1. Sorte, Menschenschlag 2. Generation, Zeitgenossen, Zählwort 3. Lebenszeit + + +
C + + * * chao2 tide/ tidewater/ upheaval/ current 1. Gezeiten,Ebbe und Flut 2. Strömung, (soziale) Bewegung 3. feucht, naß + + +
C 鮮明 + + * * xian1ming2 with bright colors and clear/ vivid/ distinct/ distinctive strahlend (Farben) + + +
C 中醫 + + * * zhong1yi1 Chinese-doctor/ traditional Chinese medical science traditionelle chinesische Medizin, TCM + + +
C 垂直 + + * * chui2zhi2 be vertical/ be perpendicular senkrecht, vertikal + + +
C + + * * hai1 an interjection to express sadness; regret; or surprise Interj. Ausdruck des Bedauerns, Seufzens + + +
C 身分(身份) + + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status + + +
C + + * * suo3 lock (up)/ lockstitch abschließen, sperren + + +
C 懷疑 + 怀+ * * huai2yi2 suspect/ doubt/ be skeptical about zweifeln,Zweifel,vermuten + + +
C 忍耐 + + * * ren3nai4 forbear/ restrain oneself/ exercise patience dulden, ertragen, aushalten,gedulden + + +
C 春季 + + * * chun1ji4 spring season/ spring/ season of spring/ spring time Frühling + + +
C 公式 + + * * gong1shi4 formula/ any established or conventional method Formel + + +
C + + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) zur Zufriedenheit, was auch immer, wie auch immer + + +
C 毛筆 + + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel + + +
C + + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) 1. Amt, Verantwortung 2. ernennen, einsetzen,jm mit einem Amt betrauen etc + + +
C 為止 + + * * wei2zhi3 as-end/ till/ up to bis + + +
C 不滿 + + * * bu4man3 be dissatisfied/ be unsatisfied/ unsatisfied unzufrieden, unbefriedigt,Unzufriedenheit + + +
C + + * * yang2 vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean + + +
C 隱約 + + * * yin3yue1 latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich + + +
C + + * * chao3 stir-fry/ fry/ sauté/ speculate illegally etwas in der Pfanne kurz braten, sautieren + + +
C 冬季 + + * * dong1ji4 winter season/ winter/ season of winter/ winter time Winter + + +
C 海拔 + + * * hai3ba2 elevation/ altitude/ height above sea level Höhe über den Meeresspiegel + + +
C 聚精會神 + + * * ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration/ with rapt attention mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren + + +
C 毛線 + 线+ * * mao2xian4 knitting wool/ woolen yarn Strickgarn, Garn + + +
C 黨派 + + * * dang3pai4 party groupings/ factions/ cliques/ clans/ Partisan, politische Partei + + +
D 倍數 + + * * bei4shu4 multiple 1. Zahl, Anzahl 2. Zahl, Numerus 3. mehrere, etliche,einige shu3= zählen, rechnen + + +
D 黨章 + + * * dang3zhang1 party constitution Parteistatut + + +
D + + * * ci2 resign diction/ take leave 1.sprachlicher Ausdruck, 2.sich verabschieden 3. ablehnen 4. kündigen 5. ausweichen, sich vor etw drücken + + +
D 認可 + + * * ren4ke3 certificate/ ratify billigen, genehmigen + + +
D 深情 + + * * shen1qing2 deep feelings/ affectionateness tiefes Gefühl, tiefe Liebe + + +
D 公證 + + * * gong1zheng4 notarization notarielle Beglaubigung + + +
D 家畜 + + * * jia1chu4 domestic animals Haustier + + +
D 同一 + + * * tong2yi1 identical identisch + + +
D 顯而易見 + + * * xian3 er2 yi4 jian4 obviously/ stick out a mile offensichtlich + + +
D 偵探 + + * * zhen1tan4 detective auskundschaften, Detektiv + + +
D 含義 + + * * han2yi4 signification/ meanings Sinn, Bedeutung + + +
D 患者 + + * * huan4zhe3 patient Patient, Kranker + + +
D 加班 + + * * jia1 ban1 overtime work Überstunden machen + + +
D 總和 + + * * zong3he2 summation 1.und,mit 2. mild, mäßig, gemäßigt 3.mit jm in Harmonie leben, friedlich, harmonisch 4.Patt, unentschieden + + +
D 本能 + + * * ben3neng2 instinct Instinkt, instinktiv + + +
D 兩手 + + * * liang3shou3 two tactics, skill zwei Taktiken + + +
D 樂曲 + + * * yue4qu3 musical composition Musikstück syn:Komposition, Musikwerk, Opus, Tondichtung, Tonstück + + +
D 聘任 + + * * pin4ren4 appoint to a position einstellen, ernennen, anstellen + + +
D + + * * ci4 thorn/ sting 1. Dorn, Stachel + + +
D 寒暄 + + * * han2xuan1 exchange of conventional greetings laut, lärmend + + +
D 種地 + + * * zhong4 di4 cultivate Land kultivieren, Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau betreiben + + +
D 飯碗 + + * * fan4wan3 position/ job/ rice bowl Reisschüssel, Eßnapf + + +
D 愛面子 + + * * ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation das Gesicht wahren wollen + + +
D 陳述 + + * * chen2shu4 present/ state/ mention darlegen, erklären + + +
D 概況 + + * * gai4kuang4 general situation Allgemeine, Überblick + + +
D 次品 + + * * ci4pin3 defective goods mangelhafte Ware, Produkte zweiter Wahl + + +
D 次數 + + * * ci4shu4 times Häufigkeit + + +
D 捐款 + + * * juan1 kuan3 donation/ collection Geld spenden + + +
D 首創 + + * * shou3chuang4 initiate/ originate etw einleiten, als erster etw. tun, die Initiative ergreifen + + +
D 獻身 + + * * xian4 shen1 devotion/ dedicate to sich widmen,ein Leben einer Sache widmen + + +
D 稱心 + + * * chen4 xin1 be gratified etwas zufriedenstellend finden, zufrieden sein + + +
D 療效 + + * * liao2xiao4 curative effect therapeutische Wirkung, Heilwirkung + + +
D 方程 + + * * fang1cheng2 equation Gleichung + + +
D 稱號 + + * * cheng1hao4 title Titel, Name,Markierung + + +
D 親密 + + * * qin1mi4 intimate/ close vertraut, intim + + +
D 审美 + + * * shen3mei3 appreciation of the beauty einen Sinn für Ästhetik besitzen, Schönheitssinn, Geschmack + + +
D 投產 + + * * tou2chan3 put into production in Betrieb genommen werden, die Produktion aufnehmen + + +
D + + * * beng1 1.stretch (draw) tight 2. spring bounce 1. spannen, straffziehen 2. schnellen, in die Höhe fahren 3. heften, mit Steppstichen lose zusammennähen < siehe beng3, beng4 > + + +
D 鬥志 + + * * dou4zhi4 fighting will Wille zu kämpfen + + +
D 投機倒把 + + * * tou2ji1 dao3ba3 engage in speculation and profiteering Spekulation, spekulieren + + +
D 平日 + + * * ping2ri4 in normal times/ gewöhnliche Tage + + +
D 眾議院 + + * * zhong4yi4yuan4 house of representatives Unterhaus, Repräsentantenhaus + + +
D 布局 + + * * bu4ju2 distribution/ layout das generelle Schema, Anordnung, Layout + + +
D 瘟疫 + + * * wen1yi4 pestilence Seuche, Epidemie + + +
D 腎炎 + + * * shen4yan2 nephritis Nierenentzündung + + +
D 限期 + + * * xian4qi1 time limit innerhalb eines begrenzten Zeitraums + + +
D 列席 + + * * lie4xi2 attend as a nonvoting delegate als nicht stimmberechtigter Deligierter an einer Konferenz teilnehmen + + +
D 親友 + + * * qin1you3 relatives and friends Verwandte und Bekannte + + +
D + + * * wen2 writing/ character 1.Schrift, Schriftzeichen 2. Sprache 3. literarisches Schaffen, Aufsatz, Artikel, Text, 4. klassische Literatursprache 5. Kultur 6. zivil + + +
D 按勞分配 + + * * an4 lao2 fen1pei4 distribution according to work Verteilung nach Arbeitsleistung + + +
D 航海 + + * * hang2hai3 navigation Seefahrt, Seeschiffahrt, Nautik + + +
D 庸俗 + + * * yong1su2 philistine/ tacky vulgär, niedrig, spießbürgerlich + + +
D 要領 + + * * yao4ling3 essential/ main points Hauptpunkte, Hauptgedanke, das Wesentliche + + +
D 肝炎 + + * * gan1yan2 hepatitis Hepatitis + + +
D 從容不迫 + + * * cong2rong2 bu4 po4 take one's time/ calm and unhurried ruhig und unübereilt + + +
D 防疫 + + * * fang2 yi4 epidemic prevention Seuchenschutz + + +
D 文人 + + * * wen2ren2 literati/ bookman Gelehrte, Literat + + +
D 結業 + + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen + + +
D 聲譽 + + * * sheng1yu4 reputation Ruf, Reputation + + +
D + + * * zu2 race/ nationality 1. Nationalität, Rasse 2. Stamm, Sippe 3. Klasse, Gruppe + + +
D + + * * zhou1 continent Kontinent, Festland + + +
D 比重 + + * * bi3zhong4 specific gravity/ proportion Anteil, Proportion + + +
D 部位 + + * * bu4wei4 part/ section Lage, Position,Stelle + + +
D 筆跡 + + * * bi3ji4 a person's handwriting Handschrift, Schriftzüge + + +
D 生產力 + + * * sheng1chan3li4 productive forces Produktivkraft, Produktionskraft + + +
D 感化 + + * * gan3hua4 help sb; to change (by education) jn bekehren + + +
D 生產率 + + * * sheng1chan3lv4 productivity Produktionstempo + + +
D 野心 + + * * ye3xin1 ambition krankhafter Ehrgeiz + + +
D 感慨 + + * * gan3kai3 sigh with emotion tief ergriffen seufzen, gefühlvoll + + +
D 戒嚴 + + * * jie4 yan2 enforce martial law den Ausnahmezustand verhängen, absperren + + +
D 整潔 + + * * zheng3jie2 tidy/ neat/ clean sauber,reinlich,ordentlich + + +
D 年頭兒 + + * * nian2tou2'er period/ time Jahr, Zeiten,Ernte + + +
D 再生產 + + * * zai3sheng1chan3 reproduction Reproduktion + + +
D 問答 + + * * wen4da2 interlocution fragen und antworten + + +
D 秀麗 + + * * xiu4li4 beautiful schön, hübsch,zierlich,anmutig + + +
D + + * * zhu3 lean on a stick 1. sich auf eine Stock stützen 2. Pfahl, Pfosten + + +
D 用意 + + * * yong4yi4 purpose/ intention Absicht, Vorsatz + + +
D 來歷 + + * * lai2li4 derivation/ history Vorgeschichte + + +
D 正比 + + * * zheng4bi3 direct ratio direktes Verhältnis + + +
D 弊端 + + * * bi4duan1 disadvantage/ malpractice Übel, Mißstand, Nachteil + + +
D 優惠 + + * * you1hui4 preferential/ favorable / discount bevorzugt, bevorrechtigt, Ermäßigung + + +
D 生效 + + * * sheng1 xiao4 become effective in Kraft treten + + +
D 虛偽 + + * * xu1wei3 hypocritical falsch,heuchlerisch,scheinheilig + + +
D 把戲 + + * * ba3xi4 acrobatics/ jugglery 1.Akrobatik 2. Trick, Intrige + + +
D 須知 + + * * xu1zhi1 notice/ information etwas wissen müssen, Punkte zur Beachtung, Bekanntmachung + + +
D 優先 + + * * you1xian1 first/ preferential bevorzugt, vorrangig + + +
D 正巧 + + * * zheng4qiao3 just in time durch glückliche Umstände + + +
D 會同 + + * * hui4tong2 jointly with other organizations concerned gemeinam mit anderen Stellen + + +
D 牲口 + + * * sheng1kou domestic animals Vieh + + +
D 一輩子 + + * * yi1bei4zi a lifetime das ganze Leben hindurch + + +
D 緞子 + + * * duan4zi satin Atlas, Satin + + +
D 故障 + + * * gu4zhang4 malfunction/ fault/ hitch Störung, Ausfall, Defekt + + +
D 罪名 + + * * zui4ming2 accusation/ charge gesetzliche Bezeichnung für einen Straftatbestand + + +
D 磋商 + + * * cuo1shang1 negotiate sich beraten, Meinungsaustausch,Konsultation + + +
D 肥沃 + + * * fei2wo4 fertile fruchtbar, ertragreich + + +
D 顧不得 + + * * gu4 bu de have no time to attend to the matter sich nicht um etwas sorgen können + + +
D 開工 + + * * kai1 gong1 come into operation in Betrieb nehmen (o. setzen), mit dem Bau beginnen + + +
D 尊稱 + + * * zun1 cheng1 honorific title respektvolle, Anredeform, respektvoll anreden, Ehrentitel + + +
D 顧全大局 + + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen + + +
D 三番五次 + + * * san1 fan1 wu3 ci4 again and again/ time and again immer wieder, wiederholt, mehrmals + + +
D 狼狽 + + * * lang2bei4 in sore straits/ in a tight corner in Verlegenheit geraten, in die Klemme kommen + + +
D 政協 + + * * zheng4xie2 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference die politische Konsultativkonferenz des chi. Volkes + + +
D 繪畫 + + * * hui4hua4 paint/ painting malen, Gemälde + + +
D + + * * sheng4 vigorous, energetic energisch, in voller Blüte, großartig siehe cheng2 + + +
D 一概 + + * * yi1gai4 entirely allesamt, alles zusammen + + +
D + + * * xu4 continue ununterbrochen, unablässig, kontinuierlich, fortsetzen,hinzufügen, hinzutun + + +
D 郵電 + + * * you2dian4 post and telecommunication Post und Fernmeldewesen + + +
D 白酒 + + * * bai2jiu3 distilled spirit Schnaps, Branntwein + + +
D 邊境 + + * * bian1jing4 border/ frontier Grenzgebiet, Grenzland + + +
D 開朗 + + * * kai1lang3 optimistic klar und offen, heiter, fröhlich, zuversichtlich + + +
D 浪潮 + + * * lang4chao2 tidal wave Flut, Woge, Strömung + + +
D 爛漫 + + * * lang4man4 romantic romantisch + + +
D 留心 + + * * liu2 xin1 heed/ notice beachten, aufmerksam sein, aufpassen + + +
D 特色 + + * * te4se4 characteristic Eigenheit, Eigentümlichkeit + + +
D + + * * zheng4 card/ certificate 1. nachweisen, beweisen, bestätigen, belegen 2. Ausweis, Bescheinigung, Zertifikat, Urkunde + + +
D 瓜分 + + * * gua1fen1 carve up/ partition hartnäckig, eigensinnig, stur + + +
D 期限 + + * * qi1xian4 time limit Frist, letzter Termin + + +
D 請柬 + + * * qing3jian3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung + + +
D 特性 + + * * te4xing4 characteristic charakteristisch + + +
D 開天辟地 + + * * kai1 tian1 pi4 di4 since the beginning of the history/ the creation of the world die Welt erschaffen, seit dem Beginn der Geschichte + + +
D 參與 + + * * can1yu4 participate in/ attach oneself to teilnehmen, mitwirken, beteiligt ein + + +
D 請帖 + + * * qing3tie3 invitation card Einladungskarte, Einladung + + +
D 油畫 + + * * you2hua4 painting Ölmalerei + + +
D 分辯 + + * * fen1bian4 distinguish/ differentiate sich rechtfertigen,sich verteidigen + + +
D 無聊 + + * * wu2liao2 bored/ tiresome langweilig, Langeweile, geschmacklos, fade + + +
D 敵視 + + * * di2shi4 be hostile to/ antagonize jd als Feind ansehen + + +
D 高考 + + * * gao1kao3 the exam for entering universities Zulassungsprüfung der Hochschule + + +
D 請願 + + * * qing3yuan4 petition eine Bittschrift einreichen, petitionieren + + +
D 住所 + + * * zhu4suo3 habitation/ residence Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz + + +
D 作法 + + * * zuo4fa action/ practice Handlungsweise, Verfahren, Magie anwenden, zaubern + + +
D 作廢 + + * * zuo4fei4 cancellation/ blank out ungültig werden, canceln, + + +
D 弄虛作假 + + * * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception mit Tricks hintergehen + + +
D 提案 + + * * ti2'an4 draft resolution/ overture/ proposal Antrag, Vorschlag + + +
D 無能為力 + + * * wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action/ powerless hilflos + + +
D 分寸 + + * * fen1cun4 proper limits for speech or action Sinn für Schicklichkeit, richtiges Maß + + +
D 充沛 + + * * chong1pei4 abundant/ plentiful reichhaltig, voll von, + + +
D 窮苦 + + * * qiong2ku3 indigent/ destitute arm, armselig, verarmt,ärmlich + + +
D 一毛不拔 + + * * yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly/ very stingy/ unwilling to give up even a hair sich nicht ein Haar ausrupfen, geizig sein + + +
D 註解 + + * * zhu4jie3 note/ annotation erläutern, anmerken, Anmerkung, Glosse + + +
D 面子 + + * * mian4zi prestige/ face Außenseite, Gesicht, Ruf + + +
D 其間 + + * * qi2jian1 meantime inzwischen, mittlerweile, unterdessen + + +
D 銷毀 + + * * xiao1hui3 destroy by melting or burning durch Schmelzen oder Verbrennen vernichten + + +
D 註釋 + + * * zhu4shi4 note/ annotation Anmerkung + + +
D 對聯 + + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen + + +
D 怒火 + + * * nu4huo3 inflammation Flammen des Zorn + + +
D 減產 + + * * jian3 chan3 reduction of output Produktionssenkung, Produktion senken + + +
D 無微不至 + + * * wu2 wei1 bu4 zhi4 meticulously/ in every possible way bis ins kleinste, aufs sorfältigste + + +
D 水產 + + * * shui3chan3 marine lives/ aquatic product Wasserprodukte + + +
D 注重 + + * * zhu4zhong4 pay attention to auf etw. besonderen Nachdruck legen + + +
D 關節炎 + + * * guan1jie2yan2 arthritis Gelenkentzündung + + +
D 提取 + + * * ti2qu3 distill/ pick-up etwas abholen, etw. abheben, abgewinnen, herausholen, entziehen + + +
D 無效 + + * * wu2xiao4 no effective außer Kraft, ungültig, unnütz + + +
D 祝福 + + * * zhu4fu2 bless/ benediction Segen, Segenswunsch + + +
D 渺小 + + * * miao3xiao3 tiny winzig,klein + + +
D 辨別 + + * * bian4bie2 distinguish/ discern unterscheiden + + +
D 奇花異草 + + * * qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3 exotic flowers and rare herbs exotische Blumen und seltene Pflanzen + + +
D 無意 + + * * wu2yi4 have no intention keine Lust haben, kein Interesse zeigen, nicht vorsätzlich + + +
D 辨認 + + * * bian4ren4 distinguish identifizieren, erkennen + + +
D 鑒別 + + * * jian4bie2 differentiate unterscheiden, differenzieren + + +
D 施肥 + + * * shi1 fei2 fertilization Dünger streuen, düngen + + +
D 駐扎 + + * * zhu4zha1 be stationed stationieren + + +
D + + * * ban3 printing plate/ edition 1.Druckpatte, Druckstock, Matrize 2. Auflage, Ausgabe 3. Zeitungsseite + + +
D 操練 + + * * cao1lian4 drill/ practice sich körperlich ausbilden,hart arbeiten, üben + + +
D 辯證 + + * * bian4zheng4 dialectical dialektisch + + +
D 辯證法 + + * * bian4zheng4fa3 dialectics Dialektik + + +
D 分清 + + * * fen1 qing1 distinguish unterscheiden + + +
D 民航 + + * * min2hang2 civil aviation Luftfahrt + + +
D 區分 + + * * qu1fen1 distinguish/ differenzieren, unterscheiden, einen Trennungstrich zwischen…ziehen + + +
D 學歷 + + * * xue2li4 educational background Bildungsgang, Bildungsabschluß, + + +
D 抽空 + + * * chou1 kong4 make time Zeit finden, sich freimachen, sich freie Zeit nehmen, sich Zeit für etw nehmen + + +
D 告誡 + + * * gao4jie4 warn/ caution jn vor etwas warnen + + +
D 賀詞 + + * * he4ci2 greetings/ congratulations Grüße, Glückwünsche + + +
D 老一輩 + + * * lao3yi1bei4 older generation ältere Generation + + +
D 有聲有色 + + * * you3 sheng1 you3 se4 vivid and dramatic klangreich und farbenprächtig, etw. bildhaft schildern, bildlich (ausgedrückt) / lebendig (geschildert) + + +
D 標題 + + * * biao1ti2 title/ heading Titel, Überschrift, Schlagzeile + + +
D 敏感 + + * * min3gan3 impressible/ sensitive empfindlich, sensibel + + +
D 策略 + + * * ce4lve4 tactic/ policy Taktik, taktisch + + +
D 敏銳 + + * * min3rui4 keen/ subtitle/ acute/ brisk scharf + + +
D 小數 + + * * xiao3shu4 decimal fraction dezimal + + +
D 職稱 + + * * zhi2cheng1 the title of a technical post als Titel gebrauchte Rangbezeichnung + + +
D 體貼 + + * * ti3tie1 show consideration for sich um etwas kümmern + + +
D + + * * lei1 rein in/ tie straffziehen,festbinden,zuschnüren, zubinden, schnallen + + +
D 職能 + + * * zhi2neng2 function Funktion, + + +
D 起勁 + + * * qi3jin4 energetic/ vigorous mit großer Begeisterung + + +
D 職務 + + * * zhi2wu4 headship/ duty/ position Amt, Amtspflicht, Posten, Verantwortungsbereich + + +
D 專制 + + * * zhuan1zhi4 despotism/ autarchy Autokratie + + +
D 建交 + + * * jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen + + +
D + + * * shi2 time 1. Zeiten, Zeitraum, Zeitalter 2. festgesetzter Zeitpunkt 3. Sunde, Uhrzeit 4. Jahreszeit, Saison 5. Gelegenheit, Chance 6. Tempus, Zeitform + + +
D 大局 + + * * da4ju2 overall situation generelle Situation + + +
D 基督教 + + * * ji1du1jiao4 Christianity Christentum, christliche Religion + + +
D 擅自 + + * * shan4zi4 do sth; without authorization eigenmächtig + + +
D 時而 + + * * shi2'er2 from time to time/ now … now … manchmal + + +
D 體制 + + * * ti3zhi4 physique/ constitution System + + +
D 精華 + + * * jing1hua2 elite/ distillate Auslese,Elite + + +
D 豈不 + + * * qi3bu4 used to reinforce affirmation after a question bei rhetorischen Fragen verwendetes Fragewort + + +
D 時光 + + * * shi2guang1 days/ time Zeit + + +
D 層次 + + * * ceng2ci4 gradation/ arrangement 1.Gliederung, Anordnung von Ideen 2.administrative Ebene 3. Phase 4. Abstufung 5. Stufe + + +
D 慣例 + + * * guan4li4 tradition/ routine Konvention, Gepflogenheit + + +
D 名稱 + + * * ming2cheng1 name/ title Name, Bezeichnung, Benennung + + +
D 轟動 + + * * hong1dong4 make a sensation/ make a stir eine Sensation sein, Aufsehen erregen + + +
D 名次 + + * * ming2ci4 place in a competition Rangfolge, Rang, Platz (Wettkampf) + + +
D + + * * you4 entice/ lure 1. veranlassen, überreden, bewegen, anleiten 2. verführen, verlocken, verleiten + + +
D 格格不入 + + * * ge2 ge2 bu4 ru4 incompatible with/ out of tune with völlig unpassend, nicht übereinstimmen + + +
D 格局 + + * * ge2ju2 situation Muster,Aufbau,Struktur + + +
D 替代 + + * * ti4dai4 substitute/ instead of an die Stelle setzen, ersetzen + + +
D 額外 + + * * e2wai4 extra/ additional extra,zusätzlich,hinzugefügt + + +
D 替換 + + * * ti4huan4 substitute/ replace abwechseln, auswechseln + + +
D 派別 + + * * pai4bie2 faction/ group Gruppe, Fraktion + + +
D 直至 + + * * zhi2zhi4 up to/ till bis + + +
D 派出所 + + * * pai4chu1suo3 police station Polizeirevier + + +
D 出發點 + + * * chu1fa1dian3 starting point Startpunkt + + +
D 天長地久 + + * * tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3 everlasting so lange wie Himmel und Erde währen + + +
D 沾光 + + * * zhan1 guang1 benefit from association with sb profitieren von + + +
D 點火 + + * * dian3 huo3 ignition/ inflame Feuer anzünden,aufhetzen, Zündung + + +
D 名聲 + + * * ming2sheng1 reputation Ruf, Name, Leumund, Reputation + + +
D 精心 + + * * jing1xin1 meticulous sehr gewissenhaft + + +
D + + * * shang1 quotient/ business 1.sich mit jmd beraten,mit jm über etw. konferieren 2.Handel und Kommerz, Geschäft, 3.Geschäfts- o. Kaufmann, Händler 4. Quotient + + +
D 全會 + + * * quan2hui4 plenary meeting Plenartagung, Plenum, Vollversammlung + + +
D 名譽 + + * * ming2yu4 reputation Ruhm, Ehre, Reputation + + +
D 全集 + + * * quan2ji2 collected edition Gesamtausgabe, gesammelte Werke + + +
D 兢兢業業 + + * * jing1jing1 ye4ye4 cautious and conscientious vorsichtig aber bestimmt + + +
D 天色 + + * * tian1se4 time/ color of sky Färbung und Helligkeit des Himmels + + +
D 大同小異 + + * * da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference weitesgehend identisch + + +
D 離休 + + * * li2xiu1 retire 1. verlassen, trennen, sich entfernen 2. von...entfernt, weit, entfernt 3. ohne + + +
D 食欲 + + * * shi2yu4 appetite Appetit, Eßlust + + +
D 命題 + + * * ming4 ti2 proposition jd ein Thema geben, Theorem, Behauptung, Urteil + + +
D 協商 + + * * xie2shang1 negotiate about/ consult with konsultieren, beraten + + +
D 查處 + + * * cha2chu3 investigate and deal with untersuchen und verfolgen + + +
D 實惠 + + * * shi2hui4 substantial wahrer Nutzen + + +
D 可貴 + + * * ke3gui4 worshipful/ estimable wertvoll, lobenswert + + +
D 包乾兒 + + * * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed für einen Arbeitsauftrag die volle Verantwortung ü + + +
D 理會 + + * * li3hui4 pay attention to verstehen, begreifen,beachten + + +
D 綠化 + 绿+ * * lv4hua4 make (a place )green by planting trees aufforsten, Grünanlagen pflanzen + + +
D 叛變 + + * * pan4bian4 mutiny verraten, Verrat begehen, + + +
D + + * * ji1 stimulate/ surge 1. aufprallen, gegen etw schlagen (oder stoßen) 2. erregen, anreizen, anstacheln, hervorrufen, entfachen 3. heftig, bitter,gewaltig, ungestüm + + +
D 病號 + + * * bing4hao4 patient Erkrankte + + +
D + + * * quan4 ticket Karte, Schein,Ticket, Zertifikat + + +
D 死刑 + + * * si3xing2 death penalty/ execution Todesurteil, Todesstrafe + + +
D 與此同時 + + * * yu3 ci3 tong2 shi2 at the same time zur gleichen Zeit + + +
D + + * * xi1 extinguish/ put out löschen, erlöschen, auslöschen, verlöschen + + +
D 指令 + + * * zhi3ling4 order/ instruction 1. Finger 2. zeigen auf, hinweisen auf, weisen, gerichtet sein 3. auf jn/etw angewiesen sein + + +
D 理直氣壯 + + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht + + +
D 四方 + + * * si4fang1 all sides/ all directions die vier Himmelsrichtungen, Viereck + + +
D 指手畫腳 + + * * zhi3 shou3 hua4 jiao3 make indiscreet remarks or criticism gestikulieren, anmaßende Bemerkungen machen + + +
D 後勤 + + * * hou4qin2 rear service/ logistics Logistik + + +
D 泄氣 + + * * xie4 qi4 pathetic/ feel discouraged in seinen Anstrengungen nachlassen, untauglich, unfähig + + +
D 識別 + + * * shi2bie2 identify unterscheiden, erkennen + + +
D 規章 + + * * gui1zhang1 regulations Regeln, Vorschriften, Bestimmungen + + +
D 帶勁 + + * * dai4jin4 energetic energisch, kraftvoll,wunderbar, phantastisch + + +
D 禮節 + + * * li3jie2 proprieties Höflichkeit, Etikette + + +
D 條理 + + * * tiao2li3 consecution klare Struktur + + +
D 與會 + + * * yu3 hui4 attend a meeting an einer Konferenz teilnehmen + + +
D 追查 + + * * zhui1cha2 investigate/ trace nachgehen, nachforschen + + +
D 歸根到底 + + * * gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 at all time and place in der letzten Analyse + + +
D 追究 + + * * zhui1jiu1 find out/ investigate einer Sache auf den Grund gehen + + +
D 保溫 + + * * bao3wen1 heat preservation Wärmehaltung, Isolation + + +
D 撥款 + + * * bo1 kuan3 grant-in-aid/ appropriation eine Geldsumme zuweisen,Geldzuweisung + + +
D 耕種 + + * * geng1zhong4 cultivate/ culture pflügen und säen + + +
D 籍貫 + + * * ji2guan4 native place Heimat, Geburtsort, + + +
D 境地 + + * * jing4di4 condition/ circumstance Umstände, Bedingungen + + +
D 確鑿 + + * * que4zao2 authentic/ irrefutable sicher, wahr, felsenfest, unbestreitbar + + +
D 追問 + + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen + + +
D 交點 + + * * jiao1dian3 point of intersection Verbindungspunkt,Kreuzungspunkt + + +
D 賠款 + + * * pei2 kuan3 reparations Schadensersatz zahlen,Reperationen leisten + + +
D 發起 + + * * fa1qi3 initiate/ originate die Initiative ergreifen,entfesseln + + +
D 博覽會 + + * * bo2lan3hui4 exhibition 1. anschauen, ansehen,besichtigen, überblicken 2. lesen, etw oberflächlich durchlesen + + +
D 欲望 + + * * yu4wang4 desire/ appetite Begierde,Lust,Wunsch + + +
D 闡述 + + * * chan3shu4 expatiate/ expound erläutern, darlegen, herausarbeiten + + +
D 集郵 + + * * ji2 you2 collecting stamps philately Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie + + +
D 交涉 + + * * jiao1she4 negotiate/ palaver verhandeln, aushandeln + + +
D 志氣 + + * * zhi4qi4 ambition/ backbone/ spirit Ehrgeiz, Ambition + + +
D 處方 + + * * chu3fang1 prescription ein Rezept verschreiben, Rezept + + +
D 落選 + + * * luo4 xuan3 lose an election eine Wahlniederlage erleiden, bei einer Wahl durchfallen + + +
D + + * * shang4 yet/ still 1.noch 2. beachten, schätzen + + +
D 示意圖 + + * * shi4yi4tu2 stitch map schematische Zeichnung + + +
D 處境 + + * * chu3jing4 plight/ situation ungünstige Situation, Lage + + +
D 待業 + + * * dai4 ye4 waiting for employment auf die Arbeit warten + + +
D + + * * shao1 end/ tip Spitze, dünnes Ende, (z.B eines Zweiges) + + +
D 酌情 + + * * zhuo2 qing2 take the circumstance into consideration den Umständen entsprechend + + +
D 課題 + + * * ke4ti2 a question for discussion/ task Thema eines Fachgesprächs, Problem, Aufgabe + + +
D 發炎 + + * * fa1 yan2 inflammation Entzündung + + +
D 世代 + + * * shi4dai4 for generations von Generation zu Generation + + +
D 細小 + + * * xi4xiao3 tiny/ scrappy winzig, klein + + +
D 預計 + + * * yu4ji4 foresee/ estimate vorausberechnen, schätzen + + +
D 常規 + + * * chang1gui1 routine Konvention, Regel + + +
D 俘虜 + + * * fu2lu3 captive gefangen nehmen, Kriegsgefangene + + +
D 致詞 + + * * zhi4 ci2 address/ oration eine Ansprache halten + + +
D 抱負 + + * * bao4fu4 ambition Ehrgeiz + + +
D 急切 + + * * ji2qie4 impatient eager/ imperative dringlich, ungeduldig, in großer Eile + + +
D 預料 + + * * yu4liao4 anticipate/ expect/ predict voraussehen, erwarten, antizipieren + + +
D 預期 + + * * yu4qi1 expect/ anticipate erwarten, erhoffen, Erwartung + + +
D 招聘 + + * * zhao1pin4 invite applications for a job Personal anwerben + + +
D 國法 + + * * guo2fa3 national law nationales Recht + + +
D 目中無人 + + * * mu4 zhong1 wu2 ren2 consider everyone beneath one's notice die Leute wie Luft behandeln, nichts gelten lassen, hochnäsig, überheblich + + +
D 訴訟 + + * * su4song4 litigate Prozeß, Gerichtsverfahren, Rechtsstreit + + +
D 延續 + + * * yan2xu4 continue andauern, dauern + + +
D 法規 + + * * fa3gui1 laws and regulations Gesetze und Verordnungen + + +
D 言語 + + * * yan2yu3 word/ diction gesprochene Sprache, Rede + + +
D + + * * yuan1 injustice/ bad luck Unrecht, Ungerechtigkeit, Feindschaft, Haß, jn aufziehen, für die Katz sein + + +
D 國際法 + + * * guo2ji4fa3 international law internationales Recht + + +
D 空調 + + * * kong1tiao2 air conditioning Aircondition, Klimaanlage + + +
D 事態 + + * * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation Situation + + +
D 傳授 + + * * chuan2shou4 initiate/ teach beibringen, lehren + + +
D 國際主義 + + * * guo2ji4 zhu3yi4 internationalism Internationalismus + + +
D 前輩 + + * * qian2bei4 elder generations Vorfahr, ältere Generation + + +
D 議案 + + * * yi4'an4 proposal/ motion Antrag, Motion + + +
D 算術 + + * * suan4shu4 arithmetic Rechnen, Arithmetik + + +
D 報考 + + * * bao4kao3 enter oneself for an examination sich für eine Prüfung eintragen + + +
D 國力 + + * * guo2li4 national power nationale Stärke + + +
D 花紋 + + * * hua1wen2 decorative pattern Dekor, Muster + + +
D 停泊 + + * * ting2bo2 berth tie up/ anchor ankern, vor Anker gehen + + +
D 下放 + + * * xia4fang4 transfer a lower position etwas einer untergeordneten Organisation übertragen, (Kader) an die Basis schicken + + +
D 國民 + + * * guo2min2 citizen national + + +
D 薪金 + + * * xin1xin1 stipend/ salary Gehalt, Sold, Stipendium + + +
D 批示 + + * * pi1shi4 make comments and instructions einen Aktenvermerk anbringen, Aktennotiz + + +
D 暴動 + + * * bao4dong4 insurrection/ rebel rebellieren, Rebellion + + +
D 國情 + + * * guo2qing2 the situation of a country Lage der Nation + + +
D 威風 + + * * wei1feng1 power and prestige Macht und Ansehen, mächtig und Respekt einflößend, imponierend, imposant + + +
D 智能 + + * * zhi4neng2 aptitude/ capacity Intelligenz, geistige Fähigkeiten + + +
D 教會 + + * * jiao4hui4 church/ ecclesiastic Kirche + + +
D 聯邦 + + * * lian2bang1 federation Vereingte Staaten, Föderation, Union + + +
D 威望 + + * * wei1wang4 prestige Ansehen, Prestige + + +
D 質變 + + * * zhi4bian4 qualitative change qualitative Änderung + + +
D 定額 + + * * ding4'e2 ration Norm, Quote, Soll + + +
D 恭敬 + + * * gong1jing4 dutiful/ respectful achtungsvoll,ehrerbietig, Hochachtung + + +
D 隨時隨地 + + * * sui2 shi2 sui2 di4 anytime and anywhere immer und überall + + +
D 疲憊 + + * * pi2bei4 tired out/ exhausted ermattet, erschöpft, müde + + +
D 微不足道 + + * * wei1 bu4 zu2 dao4 not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable nicht nennenswert, ganz unbedeutend + + +
D 不得已 + + * * bu4de2yi3 have no alternative but to gegen seinen eigenen Willen handeln, + + +
D 那時 + + * * na4shi2 at that time damals, zu jener Zeit + + +
D 疲乏 + + * * pi2fa2 tired müde, ermattet + + +
D 教唆 + + * * jiao4suo1 instigate anstiften, aufwiegeln, aufhetzen + + +
D 前提 + + * * qian2ti2 precondition Prämisse, Voraussetzung, Vorbedingung + + +
D 定量 + + * * ding4liang4 fixed quantity/ ration festgelegte Menge, Ration + + +
D 供銷 + + * * gong1xiao1 supply and marketing Lieferung und Absatz + + +
D 通報 + + * * tong1bao4 circular/ circulate a notice ein Rundschreiben verschicken,Rundschreiben, Fachzeitung + + +
D 就業 + + * * jiu4 ye4 take up an occupation Beschäftigung,(..)bekommen + + +
D 音響 + + * * yin1xiang3 stereo/ sound/ acoustics Laut, Schall, Klang, Akustik + + +
D 定向 + + * * ding4xiang4 directional gerichtet + + +
D 通風 + + * * tong1 feng1 ventilate/ tip-off lüften, durchlüften, Durchlüftung, ein Geheimnis lüften, Nachrichten durchsickern lassen + + +
D 危急 + + * * wei1ji2 critical/ impending in ernster Gefahr, kritisch + + +
D 彈藥 + + * * dan4yao4 ammunition Munition + + +
D 通告 + + * * tong1gao4 announce/ notify etwas allgemein bekanntmachen, allgemeine Bekanntmachung + + +
D 定義 + + * * ding4yi4 definition Definition, definieren + + +
D 教養 + + * * jiao4yang3 education/ upbringing Erziehung, Kultur, Kultiviertheit + + +
D 復辟 + + * * fu4bi4 restoration of a dethroned monarch Restauration,restaurieren + + +
D 市民 + + * * shi4min2 citizen/ townsfolk Stadtbewohner + + +
D 通航 + + * * tong1hang2 be open to navigation or air traffic in Schiffs- oder Luftverkehrsverbindung stehen + + +
D 潛力 + + * * qian2li4 potential Potential + + +
D 超產 + + * * chao1 chan3 over fulfill a production target das Produktionsziel übertreffen + + +
D 化肥 + + * * hua4fei2 chemical fertilizer chemisches Düngemittel, Kunstdünger + + +
D 通貨膨脹 + + * * tong1huo4 peng2zhang4 inflation Inflation + + +
D 公分 + + * * gong1fen1 centimeter Zentimeter,Zählwort + + +
D 連綿 + + * * lian2mian2 uninterrupted continuous aufeinanderfolgend, andauernd + + +
D 滿月 + + * * man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month Vollmond, die Erfüllung des ersten Lebensmonats eines Säuglings + + +
D 通商 + + * * tong1 shang1 have trade relation Handelsbeziehungen aufnehmen oder unterhalten + + +
D 公告 + + * * gong1gao4 bulletin öffentliche Bekanntmachung + + +
D 興辦 + + * * xing1ban4 set up/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen + + +
D 演算 + + * * yan3suan4 perform mathematical calculations mathematische Aufgaben lösen + + +
D 偏差 + + * * pian1cha1 error/ deviation Abweichung, Fehler + + +
D 人為 + + * * ren2wei2 artificial künstlich, von Menschenhand gemacht + + +
D 公關 + + * * gong1guan1 public relations Public Relations + + +
D 記憶力 + + * * ji4yi4li4 memory/ retentivity Erinnerungsvermögen, Gedächtniskraft + + +
D 槍斃 + + * * qiang1bi4 execute by shooting erschießen, etwas beiseite legen + + +
D 局勢 + + * * ju2shi4 situation Situation, Lage + + +
D 苦難 + + * * ku3nan4 tribulation Leiden, Elend, Not + + +
D 偏向 + + * * pian1xiang4 partial to Abweichung, parteiisch für jn sein + + +
D 刑場 + + * * xing2chang3 execution ground Hinrichtungsort + + +
D 當局 + + * * dang1ju2 the authorities die Behörden, der Gesetzgeber, + + +
D 試用 + + * * shi4yong4 on probation/ try out probeweise gebrauchen, jn auf die Probe stellen + + +
D 引人注目 + + * * yin3 ren2 zhu4 mu4 conspicuous/ noticeable ins Auge fallen + + +
D 潮流 + + * * chao2liu2 tide/ tidal current Strömung,Trend + + +
D 舉動 + + * * ju3dong4 action Handlung,Bewegung, Vorgehen + + +
D + + * * ji4 continue/ follow 1. fortsetzen, fortführen, nachfolgen 2. dann, danach + + +
D 引誘 + + * * yin3you4 tempt/ entice verführen, verlocken + + +
D 舉世矚目 + + * * ju3shi4 zhu3mu4 attract worldwide attention auf der ganzen Welt im Blick + + +
D 反革命 + + * * fan3ge2ming4 counter revolutionaries Kontrarevolutionäre, kontrarevolutionär + + +
D 同行 + + * * tong2hang2 a person of the same occupation vom gleichen Fach oder Beruf, Berufsgenosse, Fachkollege + + +
D 忠於 + + * * zhong1yu2 cleave/ stick by treu bleiben,ergeben sein + + +
D + + * * yang2 sun/ positive 1. Yang, (männliches Prinzip) 2. Sonne, Gebiet südlich eines Berges, nördlich eines Flusses, konvex, plastisch hervortretend, irdisch, von dieser Welt, positiv 4. offen, äußerlich + + +
D 鐘點 + + * * zhong1dian3 hours/ time Stunde + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
【◎Fix:◎鐘;◎鍾】 clock / bell
dot, speck, spot / point, degree

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

tiara. n: Accoutrements +

ticket. n: Fining +

ticket. v: Fining +

tickle. v: Perception_body +

tickle. v: Experiencer_obj +

tickle. v: Manipulation +

tickle. v: Cause_bodily_experience +

tie the knot. v: Forming_relationships +

tie up. v: Immobilization +

tie up. v: Activity_finish +

tie. n: Clothing +

tie. n: Make_cognitive_connection +

tie. n: Social_connection +

tie. n: Connectors +

tie. n: Finish_competition +

tie. v: Rope_manipulation +

tie. v: Knot_creation +

tie. v: Inhibit_movement +

tie. v: Attaching +

tie. v: Make_cognitive_connection +

tie. v: Closure +

tie. v: Finish_competition +

tie. v: Relating_concepts +

tied. a: Being_attached +

tied. a: Cognitive_connection +

tiff. n: Hostile_encounter +

tiff. n: Quarreling +

tights. n: Clothing +

tile. v: Filling +

tiled. a: Abounding_with +

time off. n: Temporary_leave +

time to time. adv: Frequency +

time. n: Event_instance +

time. n: Measure_duration +

time. n: Temporal_pattern +

time. n: Location_in_time +

time. n: Timespan +

time. n: Imprisonment +

times. n: Commutative_statement +

timetable. n: Timetable +

timid. a: Sociability +

tin. n: Containers +

tingle. v: Perception_body +

tinkle. n: Sounds +

tinkle. v: Make_noise +

tinkle. v: Cause_to_make_noise +

tinkle. v: Impact +

tiny. a: Size +

tip. someone's: hand +

tip-top. a: Desirability +

tip. n: Part_orientational +

tippet. n: Clothing +

tipsy. a: Intoxication +

tiptoe. v: Self_motion +

tire. n: Vehicle_subpart +

tired. a: Biological_urge +

tiredness. n: Biological_urge +

tiresome. a: Stimulus_focus +

tiring. a: Stimulus_focus +

title. n: Documents +

titter. n: Sounds +

titter. v: Communication_noise +

titter. v: Make_noise +


22 我们 正在 开会 +
25 筷子 寿司 +
28 作画 +
39 路人 问路 +
44 有趣 +
64 大家 午饭 +
66 报告 +
69 天安门 广场 位于 北京市 中心 +
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话 +
90 起床 时间 +
120 病人 今天 +
127 这些 物品 手工 制作 +
135 这里 人民 热情 +
142 她们 穿着 相同 衣服 +
144 起床 +
152 现在 几点 +
158 海边 风景 +
188 作文 +
200 大家 公车 +
205 每天 定时 起床 +
211 吃饭 洗手 +
233 小镇 人口 +
235 报道 新闻 +
239 电视台 工作 +
247 朋友 写信 +
271 双目 有神 +
272 我们 到达 目的地 +
282 香港 国际 都市 +
284 这些 漂亮 +
296 早餐 +
297 一直 等到 中午 +
299 我们 晚餐 +
300 他们 救火 英雄 +
324 我们 +
330 冰块 融化 +
331 田野 +
370 空闲 喜欢 看书 +
372 喜欢 义大利面 +
381 年轻 美丽 +
390 他们 感情 不错 +
397 填写 申请表 +
403 代课 老师 +
409 这里 空位 +
422 男孩 打架 +
428 知道 选举 结果 +
449 开车 注意 安全 +
453 今晚 月光 +
461 单词 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
469 地区 风景 +
470 眼睛 漂亮 +
476 爱好 收集 模型 +
479 门票 +
481 医生 治疗 牙病 +
482 喜欢 政治 新闻 +
484 觉得 +
495 大家 月台 等候 上车 +
496 会上 发言 +
497 警方 控告 犯罪 +
508 火车 +
512 发言 清楚 +
521 回答 问题 +
530 越来越 苗条 +
537 铁路 城市 连起来 +
559 已经 没有 收到 音信 +
563 这些 漂亮 +
572 房子 漂亮 +
580 图书馆 资料 +
596 美丽 海湾 +
601 前方 施工 注意 +
615 裤子 +
619 长笛 悦耳 乐器 +
622 到站 +
627 练习 弹钢琴 +
640 前面 路口 +
642 机票 +
673 医生 预防针 +
682 我们 开车 旅行 +
689 毛笔字 +
691 英国 大使馆 签证 +
698 大家 桌子 旁边 +
705 茶杯 漂亮 +
715 排队 买票 +
717 法律 维护 正义 +
722 手指 漂亮 +
723 远处 风景 +
730 建议 +
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济 +
745 建议 一下 交通 规则 +
747 宪法 国家 最基本 章程 +
754 衣领 口红印 +
770 科学家 专心 研究 +
775 进行 视力 测验 +
783 准备 朋友 邮件 +
784 妈妈 整理 房间 +
788 华盛顿 美国 政治 中心 +
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 +
801 及时 赶到 车站 +
806 我们 合作 愉快 +
807 反传统 +
808 NO 表示 反对 +
819 计算 费用 +
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 +
842 体操 动作 标准 +
855 水果 +
857 精力 充沛 +
861 木头 建筑 材料 +
871 备用 轮胎 +
875 派发 资料 +
876 这里 筷子 +
880 古董 价值连城 +
883 妈妈 把门 关严 +
889 化学 研究 +
893 朋友 答复 +
895 马路 遵守 交通 规则 +
898 在家 看书 消磨 时间 +
903 购物 女人 满足 +
905 他们 网上 资料 +
906 考试 测验 没有 结束 +
907 正在 实验 +
911 报告 批示 +
913 举手 回答 问题 +
915 年轻 艺术家 +
928 +
931 一般 美丽 +
932 +
933 作文 一段 +
935 连续 打喷嚏 +
945 恐龙 已经 灭绝 +
952 跳舞 姿态 +
954 例题 +
965 初冬 时节 坚持 晨跑 +
967 职务 部门 主管 +
974 他们 今天 休假 +
978 投票 +
983 钻戒 值得 收藏 +
1000 建筑 工人 正在 修路 +
1001 修理 空调机 +
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别 +
1012 主持人 宣布 会议 开始 +
1022 回答 问题 +
1025 批评 员工 +
1044 纽约 夜景 +
1055 网上 机票 +
1062 耳环 漂亮 +
1063 庭院 漂亮 +
1072 今天 工作 特别 +
1075 你们 什么 关系 ? +
1083 考试 开始 +
1085 坚持 自己 观点 +
1089 医院 检查 身体 +
1097 国旗 升起来 +
1098 练习 射击 +
1108 礼服 款式 漂亮 +
1115 路上 积雪 +
1118 南极洲 企鹅 +
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 +
1125 善于 别人 交流 +
1134 著名 公司 应聘 +
1135 他们 礼堂 开会 +
1137 渐渐 +
1143 他们 研究 目前 状况 +
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 +
1148 女孩 此时 开心 +
1153 至今 单身 +
1154 人人 遵守 交通 规则 +
1155 爸爸 安慰 开心 +
1157 毛线 围巾 +
1159 调节 音频 设备 +
1166 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样 +
1168 身体 仍然 健康 +
1169 发现 万有引力 +
1176 电脑 显示 操作 +
1177 病人 苏醒 +
1179 选择 否定 答案 +
1183 耐心 等待 +
1190 报纸 刊登 旅游 资讯 +
1198 运动 减肥 效果 +
1204 他们 通过 协商 解决 问题 +
1221 台阶 看书 +
1224 工作 之余 顺便 巴黎 游玩 +
1225 薪水 剩余 +
1252 木材厂 +
1253 木头 可以 建筑 材料 +
1258 他们 讨论 问题 +
1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 +
1272 回国 探亲 访友 +
1279 移民局 申请 签证 +
1303 苹果 +
1309 美丽 县城 +
1314 海面 落日 映照 金色 +
1318 航海 运输 重要 +
1322 双方 会议厅 签约 +
1325 要求 退职 +
1344 他们 屋子 前面 +
1347 鼻子 +
1348 语言 交流 基础 +
1349 山顶 风景 +
1355 地球 环境 不断 恶化 +
1367 今天 风和日丽 +
1369 大英 博物馆 世界 宏伟 博物馆 +
1380 皇宫 气派 +
1381 寿司 味道 正宗 +
1382 中国人 拜祭 祖宗 习俗 +
1384 法官 证词 疑问 +
1386 用力 抓住 绳子 +
1395 喜欢 仙人掌 +
1396 他们 救火 英雄 +
1397 金门大桥 雄伟 +
1403 +
1404 正在 节目 +
1409 身材 修长 亭亭玉立 +
1416 他们 草地 休息 +
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 +
1433 喜欢 拳击 打斗 +
1441 她们 喜欢 海岛 旅游 +
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革 +
1466 生产 顺序 进行 +
1469 他们 紧紧 在一起 +
1473 清楚 +
1478 涨潮 +
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问 +
1512 会议 时间 延长 +
1515 西藏 位于 中国 西南方 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1519 会议 大家 畅所欲言 +
1525 正在 监视 系统 状态 +
1529 热烈 参与 讨论 +
1535 急切 盼望 回家(Nv)。 +
1540 细菌 微小 +
1544 黑板 写字 +
1548 喜欢 吃素 +
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 +
1561 大家 高兴 扬手 欢呼 +
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友 +
1582 小岛 +
1583 头发 光泽 亮丽 +
1591 他们 谈判 圆满 成功 +
1597 故事 有趣 +
1603 喜欢 炸鸡 +
1604 早餐 喜欢 麦片 +
1617 喜欢 收藏 邮票 +
1622 病人 意识 没有 清醒 +
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 +
1647 他们 庆祝 什么 +
1654 观察 敌人 活动 +
1657 累计 选票 +
1660 扩散 +
1665 老板 赞成 意见 +
1670 书架 很多 字典 +
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 +
1684 联合国 大会 开幕 +
1695 医生 打针 +
1703 早餐 +
1714 他们 愈来愈 恩爱 +
1744 中国人 过年 饺子 风俗 +
1745 汉字 繁体字 +
1752 培植 树苗 +
1759 乘以 等于 +
1760 消防员 灭火 +
1761 +
1767 欣赏 作品 +
1770 法官 审讯 犯人 +
1771 现在 通讯 工具 发达 +
1778 正在 操作 电脑 +
1783 空间 时候 他们 郊游 +
1787 美国 国籍 +
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重 +
1798 头发 +
1806 玫瑰 漂亮 +
1829 +
1836 凉棚 下面 +
1846 他们 公园 植树 +
1855 孩子们 耐心 +
1857 动物园 老虎 +
1871 墙壁 +
1878 天刚 破晓 景色 +
1880 房间 整洁 +
1881 纵容 自己 甜食 +
1882 城市 道路 纵横 交错 +
1891 爱因斯坦 人类 做出 巨大 贡献 +
1892 消息 振奋 +
1893 讲解 详细 +
1895 餐厅 兼职 +
1899 他们 辈子 很多 地方 +
1900 我们 同辈 +
1919 +
1927 漂亮 山谷 +
1933 桂林 山水 秀丽 +
1938 瓷砖 +
1940 擅长 徒手 格斗 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 +
1960 飞机 抵达 目的地 +
1981 援用 生动 案例 讲解 +
1988 榴槤 气味 特殊 +
2003 天气 他们 很多 +
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题 +
2027 不要 拖延 时间 +
2034 孩子们 进行 启蒙 教育 +
2043 距离 车站 公里 +
2044 医生 进行 腿部 治疗 +
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 +
2058 遇见 久违 朋友 +
2060 退休 年龄 +
2067 悬崖 边缘 +
2070 邮局 营业 几点 +
2088 他用 剪刀 裁纸 +
2094 警察 询问 +
2096 宪法 神圣 +
2100 核电站 +
2107 打扫 房间 +
2147 峡谷 +
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 +
2154 大家 衷心 祝福 新娘 新郎 +
2155 指出 房子 结构 弊端 +
2160 仿制品 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2170 下巴 +
2182 喜欢 罐头 食品 +
2190 天空 雪花 +
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市 +
2195 夫妻 双方 应该 同舟共济 +
2197 大树 截成 +
2205 妈妈 一起 装饰 圣诞树 +
2213 油漆 +
2228 屋顶 瓦片 +
2237 钉子 +
2245 这里 撒网 打鱼 +
2263 喷泉 好看 +
2266 粉刷 墙壁 +
2283 牙膏 准备 刷牙 +
2285 医生 +
2294 宝宝 稀饭 +
2296 海面 +
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息 +
2302 男孩 水面 +
2305 饮酒 适量 +
2316 他们 争得 面红耳赤 +
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 +
2337 肉燉 +
2340 帐篷 +
2345 泰式 房屋 特色 +
2361 怜悯 +
2362 可怜 +
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 +
2385 耗费 时间 +
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫 +
2405 他们 合作 +
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 +
2411 游行 队伍 声势 浩大 +
2416 正在 饼干 +
2417 口红 +
2423 一直 叫唤 +
2426 正在 +
2436 +
2444 他们 会上 签署 协定 +
2457 疲倦 +
2458 他们 聊天 +
2460 祝贺 毕业 +
2466 工作 岗位 +
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 +
2477 医生 病人 前走 +
2486 盗取 别人 隐私 +
2494 赔偿 +
2505 面粉 搅拌 一下 +
2521 绳子 柱子 +
2532 这些 灾民 饥饿 +
2536 查字典 注解 +
2537 批注 +
2543 感情 脆弱 +
2557 收拾 餐具 +
2560 玩具 +
2561 他们 回忆 过去 美好 时光 +
2564 自己 鞋带 +
2585 买到 球赛 入场券 +
2595 他们 亲戚 +
2596 厦门 美丽 城市 +
2599 斑马 全身 黑白 相间 +
2615 莲藕 营养 食物 +
2616 伸出 舌头 +
2620 阿姨 漂亮 +
2631 高兴 握紧 双拳 +
2633 医生 病情 诊断 +
2644 过去 记忆犹新 +
2655 长高 厘米 +
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 +
2662 内心 压抑 +
2667 埃及 人民 智慧 创造 金字塔 +
2670 车胎 +
2673 出口 英哩 +
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 +
2690 他们 在一起 叙家常 +
2691 今天 出嫁 +
2693 海边 夕阳 +
2701 城市 道路 畅通 +
2702 她们 正在 水稻 +
2710 警察 搜查 罪犯 +
2716 客厅 阁楼 +
2717 政府 改选 内阁 +
2734 能源 供给 依仗 石油 开采 +
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 +
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 +
2743 警方 现场 展开 侦查 +
2745 品尝 滋味 +
2746 卫生 习惯 滋生 病菌 +
2750 下面 +
2755 她们 家常 +
2756 领带 +
2761 他们 通过 实践 学习 +
2764 孔雀 羽毛 漂亮 +
2775 他们 +
2779 准备 晚餐 +
2781 这里 新建 住宅区 +
2792 水汽 不停 蒸发 +
2796 +
2804 自己 薪水 满意 +
2811 有点 害羞 +
2813 +
2821 苹果 +
2833 表情 僵硬 +
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 +
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 +
2860 练习 曲子 +
2864 女朋友 发洩 怒火 +
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 +
2873 节约 能源 关系 人类 福祉 +
2883 父子俩 河堤 休息 +
2889 剪纸 +
2890 身体 有益 +
2891 母鸡 孵卵 +
2897 毛笔字 +
2901 棉花糖 比较 +
2912 医生 叮嘱 病人 按时 +
2923 姐弟俩 一些 大动 干戈 +
2943 主宰 自己 命运 +
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 +
2953 医生 防疫 +
2965 奢望 温暖 +
2968 艺妓 日本 传统 文化 +
2973 蟑螂 厌恶 +
2974 他们 参加 探险队 南极 +
2976 妈妈 摇椅 +
2977 老虎 悄悄 走过来 +
2979 塞外 风光 优美 +
2990 涂抹 胭脂 +
2991 脂肪 减少 +
3020 毕业 大家 充满 成功 喜悦 +
3021 警官 犯人 +
3031 葡萄 +
3043 吃饭 +
3047 检查 肺部 +
3063 盗窃 国家 机密 +
3065 精力 旺盛 +
3069 猪肝 +
3074 射箭 +
3079 中国 古代 花轿 +
3096 傍晚 景色 +
3110 蜜蜂 正在 花蜜 +
3113 任何 瓜葛 +
3122 钞票 +
3123 总是 沉默 寡言 +
3131 她们 栽树 +
3137 她们 犹豫 +
3141 原始人 野兽 +
3150 耶稣 基督徒 救世主 +
3172 医生 针灸 治病 +
3178 非常 吝啬 +
3189 收到 请帖 +
3191 他们 谈判 进行 斡旋 +
3195 枭雄 +
3199 在一块 岩石 +
3204 罂粟花 +
3205 人群 湧入 车站 +
3207 大家 会上 踊跃 举手 发言 +
3213 占卜 大师 +
3217 农民 正在 收割 甘蔗 +
3218 警方 暴徒 展开 对峙 +
3221 宣读 政府 咨文 +
3224 瓷砖 +
3225 挑选 瓷器 +
3226 妈妈 洋葱 +
3232 轮胎 橡胶 +
3249 吃粥 +
3250 广州市 广东省 管辖 +
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 +
3270 良好 饮食 习惯 缔造 健康 人生 +
3274 细菌 繁衍 速度 +
3280 放射性 金属 +
3295 小组 成员 正在 斟酌 案子 +
3315 挑剔 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著 +
3342 毛线 +
3347 化妆 +
3360 土地 肥沃 +
3370 筷子 吃饭 +
3371 会上 阐述 自己 观点 +
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 +
3387 撰写 文章 +
3395 我们 谴责 家庭 暴力 +
3396 海里 珊瑚 +
3397 卑鄙 +
3400 诉讼 律师 +
3401 节俭 美德 +
3403 这里 电信 中枢 +
3423 飞碟 人类 还是 +
3424 中国菜 譬如 北京 烤鸭 +
3428 汛情 严峻 +
3429 海啸 破坏力 +
3435 岛屿 +
3438 进球 奠定 比赛 胜利 +
3443 草坪 漂亮 +
3444 得到 表彰 +
3446 打扮 妖豔 +
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32 +
3453 地图 标有 经纬度 +
3458 抨击 时政 +
3459 工作 态度 松懈 +
3460 坚持 不懈 跑完 全程 +
3465 四川 简称 +
3481 贪婪 着意粉 +
3496 汤匙 +
3501 医生 通过 把脉 揆度 病情 +
3502 螳螂 树叶 +
3510 他们 亲家 +
3522 臀部 线条 漂亮 +
3528 瓷器 瑕疵 +
3531 螃蟹 +
3533 猩猩 树叶 +
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭 +
3544 责备 迂腐 固执 +
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 +
3550 欧洲 客栈 别有 风味 +
3551 蟑螂 讨厌 +
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 +
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 +
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 +
3573 人际 关系 单纯 +
3574 理论 知识 单调 +
3580 +
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 +
3587 推理 能力 适合 侦探 +
3591 冲动 这样 紧急 时刻 冷静 +
3593 中文 不够 流利 中文 广播 费劲 +
3598 中文 坚持 到底 +
3603 谢谢 你们 周到 招待 我们 愉快 +
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头 +
3615 经常 走入 社区 倾听 普通 民众 心声 +
3628 会议 推迟 明天 举行 +
3629 邀请 推辞 +
3631 作出 此时 已经 死亡 推论 正确 +
3634 不能 注重 形式 +
3635 现在 情形 不同 +
3637 今年 石油 供应 形势 不好 +
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易 +
3644 专利 期限 3 +
3645 杂志 下周 发表 一篇 关于 教育 专题 文章 +
3646 没关系 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3673 白酒 品质 分档 酿造 时间 酒精度 有关 +
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 +
3679 市长 开幕式 剪彩 +
3680 彩色电视 色彩 输出 主要 彩色 显像管 作用 +
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 +
3686 革命 催迫 皇帝 退位 +
3693 这个 吝啬 要命 +
3698 木吉 共鸣 用于 放大 声音 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3709 这个 女人 容貌 曼丽 婀娜 多姿 +
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 +
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽 +
3729 我们 必须 避免 无谓 重复 劳动 +
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 +
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 +
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 +
3745 行李 出租车 车箱 占满 +
3747 不料 下午 下雨 +
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 +
3760 时候 一个 除了 本名 还有 表字 +
3761 如果 一个 词语 词语 就要 词典 +
3762 打印 使 +
3763 一名 化妆品 推销员 当地 妇女 喜欢 +
3764 这个 办法 保准 不行 +
3769 中国人 表达 感情 方式 比较 +
3773 不管 什么 矛盾 不能 诉诸 武力 +
3779 叉子 土豆 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[active] vigorous
[artificial] unreal, unnatural
[assertive] self-assured
[attractive] pleasing to the eye or mind
[automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
[beautiful] possessing beauty
[charismatic] possessing a magnetic personality
[conservative] resistant to change
[constitutional] relating to a/the constitution
[continental] relating to a continent
[continuous] uninterrupted
[conventional] following accepted customs
[cooperative] co-operative
[critical] tending to find errors and flaws
[critical] being in a state of crisis or emergency
[critical] vital urgently needed
[decorative] cosmetic, ornamental
[democratic] based upon the principles of democracy
[diplomatic] diplomatical, suave
[distinct] easy to perceive
[domestic] concerning the internal affairs of a nation
[domestic] relating to the home
[dramatic] pertaining to theater
[effective] effectual, efficacious
[articulate] eloquent, well-spoken
[essential] basic and fundamental
[exotic] foreign, alien
[exotic] unusual, strikingly strange
[extinct] non-existent, not surviving
[fastidious] finicky
[functional] designed for or capable of a particular function
[genetic] genetical
[hostile] characterized by enmity or ill will
[interactive] synergistic
[magnetic] relating to magnetism
[national] relating to a nation or country
[native] belonging to one by birth
[negative] disconfirming
[negative] reckoned in a direction opposite to positive
[objective] nonsubjective
[operational] pertaining to a process
[particular] finicky, fussy
[particular] peculiar, special
[positive] accepting, confirming
[practical] concerned with actual use or practice
[practical] efficient
[presidential] relating to a president or presidency
[productive] generative
[rational] based on reasoning
[relative] not absolute
[representative] standing for something else
[retired] no longer active in your work
[revolutionary] advocating or engaged in revolution
[romantic] amatory, amorous
[satisfied] quenched, slaked
[sensitive] having acute mental or emotional sensibility
[sticky] gluey, glutinous, gummy
[still] inactive, motionless, static
[sympathetic] appealing, likeable
[systematic] characterized by order and planning
[talkative] chatty, gabby, garrulous
[tidy] neat, orderly, clean
[tight] constrained, constricted, constricting
[tired] fatigued
[vertical] perpendicular
[abortion] termination pregnancy
[absorption] preoccupation, engrossment
[absorption] soaking up
[absorption] social assimilation
[accumulation] accretion
[acquisition] possession
[action] legal action
[action] military action
[action] series of events that form a plot
[activity] activeness, trait of being active
[addition] summation, plus
[addition] add-on, improver
[administration] presidency
[admiration] esteem
[adoption] child adoption
[advertising] ad, advertisement
[allocation] allotment, share
[ambition] ambitiousness
[anticipation] expectancy
[appetite] craving
[application] practical application
[application] verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission
[article] nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
[artist] creative person
[association] mental connection
[association] formal organization of people
[association] affiliation
[assumption] premise, premiss
[attention] faculty or power of mental concentration
[attic] loft, garret
[attitude] mental attitude
[attraction] attractiveness
[attraction] entertainment offered to the public
[attraction] physical force
[auction] auction sale
[aviation] operation of aircraft
[bulletin] brief report
[calculation] computation, figuring, reckoning
[calculation] deliberation, planning
[celebration] festivity
[characteristic] distinguishing quality
[circulation] movement through a circuit
[citizen] member of a state
[civilization] society in an advanced state
[coalition] coalescence, conglutination
[collection] aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
[combination] things occurring together
[communication] something communicated between people
[compensation] recompense, payment
[competition] contention, rivalry
[competition] contest
[complication] complex situation
[computing] computer science
[concentration] strength of solution
[concentration] engrossment, absorption, immersion
[conception] fertilization
[condition] circumstance
[condition] precondition, stipulation
[condition] status, state
[confrontation] clash
[connection] shifting from one transportation to another
[connection] person who is influential
[connection] link, connectedness
[conservation] preservation, environmental management
[consideration] thoughtfulness
[consideration] careful thought
[constellation] configuration of stars
[constituency] body of voters
[constitution] composition, makeup
[constitution] fundamental law
[consultation] discussion to consider a point
[consumption] ingestion
[continuation] lengthiness, prolongation, extension
[contraction] muscular contraction
[contradiction] contradiction in terms
[contribution] donation
[convention] custom
[convention] large formal assembly
[conversation] talk
[conviction] strong belief
[cooperation] group action, collaboration
[correction] rectification
[corruption] bribery
[creation] creative activity
[critic] one who offers opinions on art
[criticism] critique, unfavorable judgment
[cutting] clipping, newspaper clipping
[declaration] statement
[decoration] ornament, ornamentation
[definition] concise explanation
[demonstration] public display
[demonstration] demo
[dentist] tooth doctor
[deprivation] want, neediness
[destruction] demolition, wipeout
[detective] investigator, police detective
[deviation] diversion, digression, deflection
[dictionary] lexicon
[direction] course, orientation
[direction] guidance, counsel
[discrimination] unfair treatment
[disposition] temperament
[distortion] misrepresenting
[distortion] optical aberration
[domination] mastery
[edition] publication
[education] instruction, teaching, pedagogy
[education] knowledge acquired by learning
[election] vote
[emotion] strong feeling
[entitlement] right granted by law or contract
[equation] mathematical statement
[estimate] estimation, approximation
[estimate] esteem, respect
[estimate] appraisal of value
[estimate] likely cost
[evolution] phylogeny, phylogenesis
[examination] test
[excavation] dig, archeological site
[exception] instance that does not conform to a rule
[execution] capital punishment, death penalty
[executive] branch of government
[executive] administrator
[exemption] immunity
[exhibition] exposition, expo
[expectation] anticipation
[expertise] expertness
[exploration] geographic expedition
[federation] confederation, confederacy, political union
[fiction] literary work
[fluctuation] wavering, instability
[formation] spatial arrangement
[foundation] institution supported by an endowment
[foundation] basis
[fraction] quotient
[function] affair, occasion, social occasion
[function] mathematical function
[generation] coevals, contemporaries
[greeting] salutation
[traction] grip, adhesive friction
[hostility] aggression
[hostility] enmity, antagonism
[hunting] hunt
[identification] identity papers
[identity] personal identity, individuality
[identity] identicalness, indistinguishability
[implication] logical implication
[incentive] inducement, motivator, carrot
[indication] suggestion
[infection] contagion, transmission
[inflation] rising prices
[information] info
[inhibition] suppression, conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
[initial] first letter of a word
[initiative] first step
[injection] shot
[innovation] invention
[inspiration] sudden intuition
[instinct] inherent aptitude
[institution] mental hospital
[institution] establishment
[instruction] teaching, pedagogy
[integration] desegregation
[intention] volition
[intervention] interference
[introduction] first section of a communication
[introduction] presentation, intro
[introduction] basic instructional text
[investigation] probe
[isolation] state of separation
[jurisdiction] legal power
[justice] justness
[legislation] legislating, lawmaking
[litigation] judicial proceeding
[location] point in space
[marketing] promoting and selling
[mathematics] math, maths
[meeting] planned coming together
[meeting] encounter, casual or unexpected convergence
[migration] movement from one country to another
[motif] design
[motivation] motive, need
[multimedia] multimedia system
[mutation] genetic mutation
[nationalism] patriotism, love of country
[nationalist] patriot
[negotiation] dialogue, talks
[nomination] naming a candidate
[notice] announcement
[notice] advance notification
[notion] concept
[obligation] duty, responsibility
[observation] facts learned by observing
[occupation] military control
[operation] surgery
[operation] military operation
[operation] business especially one run on a large scale
[operation] functioning, performance
[opposition] resistance
[opposition] political party opposed
[opposition] enemy, foe
[option] right to buy or sell property
[organisation] group of people who work together
[orientation] position, alignment
[particle] small body of mass
[patience] forbearance
[patient] person who requires medical care
[retiree] pensioner
[perception] process of perceiving
[plaintiff] complainant
[plastic] materials
[pollution] contamination
[population] people who inhabit a territory
[portion] helping, serving
[position] placement, location
[position] stance, posture
[position] status
[potential] potentiality
[practice] pattern, customary way of operation or behavior
[practice] exercise, drill, practice session, recitation
[preoccupation] idea that preoccupies the mind
[preparation] readiness, preparedness
[prescription] prescription drug
[prescription] physician's instructions
[presentation] making publicly available or known
[prestige] prestigiousness
[production] act or process of producing something
[production] presentation for the stage or screen or radio or TV
[production] output, yield
[prediction] projection
[projection] image projection
[promotion] rising in rank
[promotion] publicity
[proportion] dimension
[proportion] quotient of magnitude of a part and magnitude of the whole
[proposition] statement
[prosecution] criminal prosecution
[protection] protecting someone or something
[publication] issue
[publication] printed work
[qualification] reservation, limitation
[quantity] amount
[question] inquiry, query, interrogation
[quotation] quote, citation, words
[quotation] price quotation
[radiation] radioactivity
[radiation sickness] radiation syndrome
[ratio] relative magnitude
[reaction] equal and opposite force
[reaction] response revealing a person's feelings or attitude
[reaction] chemical reaction
[reception] broadcast reception
[reception] formal party
[recognition] acknowledgment
[recommendation] testimonial, good word
[reduction] decrease, diminution
[reflection] reflexion, mirror image
[registration] enrollment, enrolment
[regulation] authoritative rule
[rehabilitation] treatment of physical disabilities
[rehabilitation] vindication of character, exoneration
[relation] relative, person related by blood or marriage
[relationship] state of connectedness between people
[relaxation] easiness, absence of tension
[repetition] repeat
[representative] person who represents others
[representative] congressman
[reproduction] replica, replication, copy
[reptile] reptilian
[reputation] notoriety for some characteristic
[resignation] giving notice
[resignation] surrender
[resolution] decision to do something
[restoration] renovation, refurbishment
[restriction] limitation
[retirement] withdrawal from a position
[revolution] overthrow of government
[revolution] rotation, gyration
[looting] plundering
[rotation] rotary motion
[routine] modus operandi
[salvation] being saved from harm
[satisfaction] contentment
[secretion] glandular substance
[section] segment, one of several parts
[selection] excerpt, excerption, extract
[selection] assortment of things from which to choose
[selection] survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection
[sensation] public excitement
[sensitivity] sensitiveness
[sentiment] emotion
[separation] disassociation, division
[situation] state of affairs
[solution] successful action of solving a problem
[solution] mixture of two or more substances
[station] post
[stick] piece of wood
[joystick] control stick
[stimulation] act of arousing an organism to action
[stitch] sewing
[suggestion] proposition
[tactic] tactics, maneuver
[temptation] enticement
[ticket] traffic ticket, summons
[ticket] entry or access ticket
[tie] necktie
[tie] draw, standoff
[tiger] large feline
[tile] flat thin slab
[timber] lumber
[time] clock time
[timetable] arrival and departure schedule
[tin] atomic number 50, silvery metal
[tip] lead, confidential information
[tip] point, extreme end
[tip] gratuity
[tissue] aggregate of cells
[tissue] tissue paper
[title] claim
[title] heading
[title] title of respect
[title] deed, deed of conveyance, legal document
[title] championship
[tradition] custom, practice of long standing
[transaction] commercial dealing
[transition] conversion, changeover
[tire] hoop covering a wheel
[variation] fluctuation
[vegetation] flora, botany
[violation] infringement
[activate] make active
[articulate] enunciate
[captivate] beguile, charm, bewitch, entrance, enchant
[cultivate] domesticate, naturalize, naturalise, tame
[tie] tie, finish a game with an equal number of points
[identify] name
[justify] excuse, rationalize
[mention] note, observe, remark
[multiply] calculate
[notice] note, perceive
[participate] take part
[advertise] push, promote
[question] interrogate
[retire] go to bed, turn in
[retire] go into retirement
[stick] adhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick to
[sting] bite, deliver an animal sting
[stir] move an implement with a circular motion
[substitute] replace, put in the place of another
[testify] bear witness
[tick] click
[tie] form a knot or bow in
[time] clock, measure the time or duration of an event
[tiptoe] tippytoe

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

ti + ti + Ti +

그러나 (However or but still) + + 문제 (question,problem) + + 시간 (Time) + + 버리다 ((following a verb) the verb\'s action is over, perhaps in a sad way) + + 운동 (Motion, movement) + + (Number, how many times) + + 국가 (A state or a nation) + + 관계 (Connection or relation) + + 이번 (This time) + + 사이 (space between 2 points; the relationship between 2 people) + + 그때 (Then or at that time) + + (Time) + + 이야기 (Conversation, talk) + + 교육 (Education) + + 아직 (Still) + + (Way, direction) + + 정치 (Politics) + + 국민 (The people or a nationality) + + 상태 (condition,state) + + 당시 (At that time) + + 부분 (part,portion) + + 변화 (Change, transformation) + + 선거 (An election) + + 그냥 (Just because or in that condition) + + 활동 (Activity) + + (A baby, or a slightly derogative word for person) + + 광고 (Advertisement) + + 현상 (The present situation, state) + + 전체 (The whole, the entire section) + + 아름답다 ( To be beautiful) + + 민족 (race,nation,people) + + 조사 (investigation,inquiry) + + 구조 (Construction or structure) + + (The time,the occasion,when) + + 교수 (Teaching or instruction) + + 맞다 (Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for) + + 알아보다 ( To investigate, examine, search) + + 일부 (A part, a portion) + + 계속 (Continuously) + + 현재 (The present time, now, at present) + + 관련 (Relation or connection or reference) + + 정보 (information,intelligence) + + 행동 (Action, behavior) + + 입장 (A position, situation) + + (A boat (boating)) + + 조건 (condition,stipulation) + + 그동안 (During that time) + + 대표 (Representative) + + 방향 (Direction) + + 대회 (A great meeting) + + 움직이다 ( To move, stir) + + 전혀 (entirely,utterly,completely) + + 표현 (Verbal expression, representation, manifestation) + + 기능 (Function or functionality) + + 회의 (A meeting, a conference) + + 이때 (At this time, moment) + + 시간 (a Length of time (한시간 동안)) + + 집단 (A group, a collective body) + + 현대 (The present age, times) + + 풀다 (Untie, loosen ; to melt into) + + 시절 (season,time,occasion) + + 효과 (Effect, effectiveness) + + 생산 (1) production 2)birth) + + 지내다 (To pass, spend time) + + 소설 (A novel, fiction story) + + 옛날 (Ancient times, antiquity) + + 자세 (Position, posture) + + 통일 (Unification) + + 시설 (establishment,institution) + + 차례 ((1) order,precedence (2) one time, one round) + + 열심히 (Enthusiastically,with zeal) + + 기간 (A period or a time or) + + 조직 (Organization (composition, structure)) + + 공장 (Construction site) + + 환자 (A patient) + + 재미있다 ( interesting,fun) + + 대화 (Conversation) + + 의견 (An opinion,a suggestion) + + 주장 (assertion,insistance) + + 붙다 (Stick, adhere to) + + 태도 (attitude,comportment) + + 경쟁 (Competition or rivalry) + + 여름 (summer,summertime) + + (A time, an inning, a round in a game) + + 번째 (How many times) + + (An intention,design,purpose) + + 현장 (on site, on location, at the site in question) + + 건설 (Construction) + + 언제나 (everytime,always) + + 별로 (Especially, particularly) + + 각종 (All sorts or varieties) + + ((Word to get somebody’s attention) Hey!! (2) impolite speech for 이다, to be) + + 지식 (Knowledge, information) + + 여전히 (As it used to be, as before ; still, persistently, even still) + + 특징 (A special feature, a distinguishing feature) + + 기본 (A foundation) + + 가끔 (Sometimes) + + 구성 (Organization or constitution , the framework of something) + + 관리 (Management or administration) + + 이전 (Former days/times) + + 불구하다 ( Deformity, malformation) + + 국제 (International) + + 전통 (tradition,convention) + + 기르다 (Educate or train or cultivate) + + 조사하다 ( To examine,investigate) + + 언제 (when,at what time) + + 평가 (Evaluation, appraisal) + + 위치 (A position, a location) + + 통신 (communications,correspondance) + + 모양 (signs,indications) + + (Times, x-fold) + + (Direction, way (the wind is blowing that ~)) + + (Compilation, editing) + + 실천 (Practice) + + 보호 (protection,shelter) + + 늦다 (To be late (time)) + + 공동 (Association or union or collaboration) + + 센티미터 ( Centimeter) + + 설명 (Explanation) + + 관계자 (The interested or affected parties) + + 오래 (Long, for a long time) + + 어울리다 ( To be becoming, suiting) + + (A lesson or a section or a department) + + 바탕 (Natural disposition ; to go all out in a fight, 아주 크게 싸우다 ; the background) + + 의지 (will,volition) + + 초기 (The early days, the initial period) + + 지원 (helping, supporting, aiding) + + 경영 (Management or administration) + + 준비 (Preparation) + + 계속되다 ( To continue) + + 소식 (News, information) + + 작용 (Application) + + 출신 (A native, place one is from) + + 결정 (A decision or determination) + + 움직임 (movement,motion,activity) + + 특성 (A special/unique characteristic (individuality making, peculiarity)) + + 입시 (An entrance examination) + + 국회 (The National Assembly) + + 세월 (The times, things) + + 행사 (An event, a function) + + 질문 (A question, a query) + + 해결하다 ( To fix a problem, solve a question) + + 계속하다 ( To continue) + + 부정 (injustice,wrongfulness) + + 수출 (Exporting sth) + + 수입 (Importing sth) + + (Initial, in the beginning, first) + + (Daytime) + + 그저 (1) still or all the time 2) easily or with no effort) + + 인사 (Greetings) + + 반대 (Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to)) + + 오염 (Contamination, pollution) + + 참여하다 ( To participate in, take part in) + + (Position, grade, rank) + + 기초 (The foundation) + + 감각 (Sense or sensation or feeling) + + 교통 (Traffic or transportation) + + 오랜 (For a long time) + + 근거 (Basis or foundation) + + 한글 (Korean writing system) + + 적극적 (Positively) + + 형성 (Formation) + + 기울이다 ( Tip or slant or incline) + + 장면 (A scene, situation) + + 앞서 (Before, previously 2) in anticipation,beforehand) + + 여러분 (You (plural, to address a group at speech time)) + + 인구 (Population) + + 반응 (Reaction) + + 비판 (criticism,a comment) + + 세대 (Generation) + + 무렵 (The time when) + + 곱다 (Beautiful) + + 기사 (An article or an account) + + 구속 (To arrest or put in detention) + + 쓰이다 (To be used, to be utilized/employed) + + 일정하다 ( To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)) + + 알맞다 (To fit, be fitting, suitable) + + 공사 (Construction work or engineering work) + + 체육 (Physical education) + + 독특하다 ( Unique, characteristic, distinctive, peculiar, specific) + + 사례 (thanks,gratitude) + + 게다가 (In addition) + + 논문 (Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2 separate meanings)) + + 오랫동안 ( For a long time) + + 위기 (A crisis,an emergency situation) + + 정당 (A political party) + + 혹시 (Sometimes) + + (quantity,volume) + + 절차 (process,formalities; 수속) + + 기대 (Expectation) + + 시위 (A demonstration) + + (All, whole, entire) + + 평소 (Ordinary times, ordinarily) + + 주어지다 ( To offer, proffer (conditions)) + + 챙기다 (gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection)) + + 검사 (Investigation or inspection or examination or audit) + + 비로소 (For the first time) + + 상대방 (Conversation partner) + + (A pen name, a title; a number, an issue) + + 부문 (A section,department) + + 잡히다 (To be caught ; to extinguish a fire) + + 규정 (Provision or stipulation) + + 개선 (Renovation or improvement or betterment) + + 연구하다 ( To research, investigate) + + 직업 (An occupation, calling) + + 근본적 (foundational, fundamental) + + 외국인 (A foreigner, a foreign national) + + 한참 (For some time, for a while) + + 지적 (Pointing out, indication) + + 예산 (An estimate, budget) + + 늘리다 (Increase, multiply) + + 참여 (Participation) + + 비교적 (Comparatively) + + 상상 (Imagination) + + 인식하다 ( recognition,cognizance) + + 맺다 (form,tie) + + 시계 (clock, timekeeper, timepiece) + + 효과적 (Effective) + + 언젠가 (One of these days, at some time in the future) + + 예술가 (An artist) + + 의도 (An intention, an aim) + + 교회 (Preach or moral instruction) + + 과학자 (Scientist) + + 상대적 (relatively,correlatively) + + 연기 (performance,acting) + + (article,clause) + + 조금씩 (A little at a time, little by little) + + 활용하다 ( Utilize, make practical use of) + + 가꾸다 (1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up) + + 대표적 (Representative) + + 지켜보다 ( Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)) + + 불만 (Dissatisfaction) + + 통합 (Unity,unification) + + 계산 (Calculation) + + 민주화 (Democratization) + + 그만두다 ( Stop or discontinue) + + 실시 (execution,enforcement) + + 법원 (Court of justice) + + 실천하다 ( To practice,put in theory) + + 연습 (practice,exercise) + + 지위 (Position, status) + + 풍부하다 ( To be abundant, copious, plentiful) + + 고생 (A hard life or privation) + + 화장품 (Makup, cosmetics) + + 사고 (thought,contemplation) + + 연구소 (A reasearch institute) + + 가령 (1) For example 2) supposing or admitting) + + 거대하다 ( Huge or gigantic or enormous) + + 매달리다 ( Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere) + + 토대 (A foundation, a base) + + 해결 (Solution, settlement) + + 여론 (Public opinion, public sentiment towards sth) + + 체조 (Gymnastics) + + 현실적 (Down to earth, Realistic) + + 화제 (Subject of conversation) + + 의문 (A question, a doubt) + + 방송국 (Broadcasting station) + + 예상되다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 증권 (securities,document,deed) + + 어느새 (In no time, quickly) + + 저쪽 (Over there, in that direction) + + 회복 (Recovery, recuperation) + + 대응 (Confrontation, opposition) + + 소비 (Consumption) + + 협력 (Cooperation, cooperate with) + + 살짝 ((1) softly,lightly,just a little (2) furtively, stealthily) + + 평가하다 ( To evaluate, estimate, judge) + + (A marker, indication) + + 지시 (Directions, orders) + + 세계적 (International) + + 이상 (Indisposition, abnormal) + + 처지 (A situation,circumstances) + + 형편 (The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)) + + 규칙 (Rules or regulations) + + 신분 (Social position) + + 호랑이 (A tiger) + + 권위 (1) Authority or power 2) dignity or prestige) + + 실정 (The actual situation) + + 영양 (Nutrition) + + 적극 (The positive) + + 북쪽 (The north direction) + + 위반 (Violation, infringment) + + 평생 (A lifetime) + + 간부 (The leaders (cadre, exec, executive, management)) + + 관념 (An idea or notion) + + 도입 (introduction, invitation) + + 여건 (A postulate, a given condition) + + 오래전 (Since a long time before) + + 자격 (Qualification) + + 통제 (control,regulation) + + 제작 (manufacture,production) + + 마련 (planning, making arrangements ; provisions, preparations) + + 시점 (Point in time) + + 의사 (An intention, a purpose) + + 집중 (Concentration) + + 온통 (Wholly, entirely) + + 지치다 (Be exhausted, fatigued) + + 경쟁력 (Competitiveness) + + 연락 (Connection, communication) + + 지경 (A boundary,situation,state) + + 무조건 (Unconditional) + + 조그맣다 ( Be tiny,small) + + 과장 (The department/section head) + + 신청 (application,request) + + 이동 (movement,migration,drift) + + 지도 (Instruction, guidance) + + 호흡 (Respiration, breath) + + 비판하다 ( To criticize) + + 오랜만 (After a long time) + + 일부러 (On purpose, intentionally) + + 전체적 (entirely,generally) + + 교류 (Interchange (cultural) ; alternating current (electrical)) + + 글쓰기 (Writing) + + 내내 (All along, the entire time) + + 매력 (fascination,charm, bewitchery) + + 쏘다 ((1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal)) + + 감동 (Agitate or stir up the emotions) + + 그늘 (1) shade 2)parental prodection) + + 전통적 (Traditional) + + 친척 (Relatives) + + 객관적 (Objective) + + 끄다 (Put out or extinguish) + + 증가 (An increase,augmentation) + + 학기 (An educational term) + + 분포하다 ( Distribution) + + 휴가 (holidays,vacation) + + 국회의원 ( A member of the national Assembly) + + 도저히 ((도저히 + negative (지 않다/없다))Absolutely impossible ; by all means) + + 젓다 (To make a sign,gesticulate) + + 정치권 (Political rights) + + 축제 (a festival) + + 학습 (Learning, education) + + 마구 (continuously, without pause) + + 만남 (A meeting) + + 영상 (An image [picture], reflection (moving pictures, movies)) + + 지속적 (Continuous) + + 차별 (distinction,differentiation) + + 구분 (A division or section) + + 유난히 (uncommon,exceptional) + + 의무 (A duty, an obligation) + + 조용하다 ( To be quiet,still) + + 한복 (Korean traditional clothing) + + 활동하다 ( To be active, lead an active life) + + 건축 (Construction or building or erection) + + 설치 (establisment,institution) + + 연출 (Production, presentation) + + 피곤하다 ( To be very tired, exhausted) + + 국제화 (Internationalization) + + 연합 (Combination, federacy, union) + + (all,entire,whole) + + (A marker, indication) + + 품목 (The name of an article, a list of articles) + + 부작용 (reaction,side effect) + + 비난 (Criticism, reproach) + + 신고 (A statement,declaration) + + 예상 (Expectation, anticipation; forecast, preconception, prenotion) + + 위협 (Menace, threat, intimidation) + + 묶다 (bind,tie) + + 성명 (A declaration,statement) + + 자동 (self-acting, self-moving, automatic) + + 품질 (The quality of the article ( but not the article itself)) + + 회견 (An interview, a meeting) + + 과학적 (Scientifically) + + 그럼 (Interjection: “yeh or that’s right”) + + 창조 (Creation) + + 홍보 (Public information, public relations) + + 확인 (A check,confirmation) + + 대량 (A large quantity) + + 특수 (characteristic,distinct,unique) + + 기운 (Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day)) + + 생산력 (Productive capacity) + + 장비 (equipment,fittings) + + 정치인 (Politician) + + 정치적 (Political) + + 졸업 (Graduation) + + 검토 (An examination or investigation or study) + + 성질 (naure,disposition) + + 적용 (Application) + + 가르침 (Teaching or an instruction) + + 꾸준히 (Untiringly, ceaselessly) + + 물음 (A question) + + 엉뚱하다 ( Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s attention) + + 여보 (Spouse (term of affection)) + + 해석 (Interpretation, a comment) + + 개국 (The foundation of a country) + + 보고 (report,information) + + 자극 (A stimulus) + + 칭찬 (Praide, admiration) + + 긍정적 (Affirmation or admission) + + 불러일으키다 (rouse,stir up) + + 조심스럽다 (Cautious) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 대륙 (A continent) + + 변동 (Change, flucutation) + + 증권사 (Securities corporation) + + 비닐 (a thin sheet of plastic, vinyl) + + 비율 (ratio,percentage) + + 얼핏 (at a momentary glance or intermittently appearing (e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of)) + + 오래되다 ( To last for a long time) + + 환경오염 ( Environmental pollution) + + 실태 (The actual conditions,reality) + + 애정 (Love for a person, affection) + + 정성 (True heart,devotion) + + 제약 (A condition,restriction) + + 추가 (An addition) + + 해석 (Analysis, analytical research) + + 국어 (1) The national language or 2) Korean) + + 줄곧 (All the time, all through, repeatedly, constantly) + + 치우다 (Straighten up, tidy, remove) + + 피로 (Fatigue, exhaustion) + + 들다 (Means continuing the main verb’s action ; to enter/go into) + + 실습 (Actual training,practice) + + 창조적 (Creatively) + + 향상 (Improve; elevation,rise) + + 화가 (A painter, a drawer artist) + + 대합실 (A waiting room) + + 명칭 (A name,title) + + 친하다 (To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly) + + 각기 (Each or severally or respectively) + + 경찰서 (A police station) + + 관찰 (Observation or survey) + + 대가 (A price, cost, charge, consideration, purchase money, value) + + 예상하다 ( To expect, anticipate) + + 예외 (An exception) + + 완전 (Perfection, completeness) + + 절대적 (absolute,unconditional) + + 문장 (writing,composition) + + 상상력 (Imaginative powers) + + 예방 (Prevention, protection) + + 완성 (completion,accomplishment) + + 합리적 (Rational) + + 연속 (continuity,succession) + + (Bow in salutation) + + 주의 (attention,notice) + + 지난번 (Last time) + + 통계 (Statistics) + + 방지 (Prevention, check) + + 억울하다 ( To be regrettable, disappointing) + + 장식 (Decoration) + + 풍습 (customs,manners,practices ; a ritual, rituals) + + 흉내 (Imitation, mimicry) + + (Tightly or fast) + + 부정적 (negative, contradicting sth else, not positive) + + 분리 (separation,segration) + + 소개 (Introduction) + + (Still, not yet) + + 청춘 (youth,the springtime of life) + + 학번 (Year of graduation) + + 학원 (Learning institute) + + 상담 (Consultation) + + 심사 (judgment,examination) + + 의욕 (volition,will,desire) + + 정기 (A fixed time period) + + 사방 (The four directions) + + 실현 (realization,materialization) + + 이리 (This way, this direction) + + 투표 (vote,voting) + + 파괴하다 ( Destruction, demolition) + + 명의 (name,title) + + 밀접하다 ( Be close,intimate with) + + 분량 (quantity,measure) + + 승진 (promotion,advancement) + + 지속되다 ( Be lasting a long time, be continous) + + (All the time) + + 근로 (Labor or exertion) + + 일쑤 (Habitual practice) + + 공해 (Environmental pollution) + + 실현하다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 아깝다 (regrettable,pitiful) + + 치료하다 ( To cure, heal, treat a patient) + + 구별하다 ( To distinguish between A and B) + + 마무리 (Finish, completion) + + 시각 (The time of day) + + 실질적 (substantial,essential) + + 여름철 (Summertime) + + 가상 (Imagination) + + 간혹 (Occasionally or at times) + + 반성 (Reflection) + + 보상 (Compensation) + + (A seat,sitting place) + + 수학 (Mathematics) + + 영화제 (Movie festival) + + 자극하다 ( To stimulate) + + 조정 (regulation,control,coordination) + + 고요하다 ( Be quiet or silent or still) + + 그립다 (Beloved or sweet or affectionate) + + 일생 (one’s lifetime) + + 정보화 (Change to an information orientation) + + 창작 (Creation, origination) + + 축소 (Reduction, a cutback) + + 취향 (Taste, liking, one’s inclinations) + + 효율적 (The utility factor, efficiency) + + (A salty taste or saltiness) + + 명절 (Festival days) + + 비행 (Flying, aviation) + + 예감 (A presentiment, a premonition) + + 주의하다 ( Pay attention to) + + 쾌감 (A pleasant sensation, a good feeling) + + 활용 (Practical use) + + 교훈 (Edification or giving instructions to) + + 글씨 (1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character) + + 매다 (Tie) + + 신규 (A new regulation, a new project, sth new on a big scale ; work being done anew) + + 제안 (A proposal,suggestion) + + 제안하다 ( To propose,make a suggestion) + + 증세 (Symptoms, a patient’s condition) + + 지난날 (Old days, old times) + + 진급 (Promotion) + + 거짓 (Fabrication or fiction) + + 시기 (The time, the season) + + 어쩐지 ((1) somehow, in a strange way ; (2) in combination with an ending giving a reason to place stress on the action of the verb) + + (A railroad station/depot) + + 한문 (Chinese writing, chinese classics) + + 교양 (Culture or education) + + 규칙적 (Be regular or systematic) + + 극복 (Conquest or subjugation) + + 냉동 (Refrigeration) + + 전국적 (National) + + 가르다 (1) split or divide 2) distribute or share 3) distinguish or separate) + + 안내 (Guidance, conducting) + + 입맛 (Appetite, taste, palate) + + 참가 (participation,joining) + + 해소 (Dissolution, disorganization) + + 본인 (Person in question) + + 어찌하다 ( Be subject to an attack of vertigo (figuratively), to not know what the hell is going on or what to do.) + + 이중 (duplication,double) + + 인정받다 ( To receive recognition) + + 착각 (Hallucination, illusion) + + 감상하다 ( To show appreciation) + + 개별 (An individual or a particular case) + + 기독교 (Christianity) + + 깨달음 (Realization) + + 보전 (ingegrity,preservation) + + 신세 (indebtedness,obligation) + + 연결 (Connection, linking) + + 연관 (a connection, a grouping together, relationships) + + 가정 (Supposition) + + 상대성 (Relativity) + + 설문 (questions like those on a questionnaire) + + 인하 (reduction,lowering) + + 작성 (editing,composition) + + 전시회 (An exhibition, show, display) + + 정치학 (Political science) + + 체계적 (Systematic, organizational) + + (Completely, entirely) + + 한순간 (One fleeting moment) + + 결과적 (Resultative) + + 구별 (A distinction or a separation) + + 시집 (A collection of poems) + + 예비 (Preparation, reserve) + + 젓가락 (A pair of chopsticks) + + 집중적 (Related to the concentration) + + 초청 (An invitation) + + 한층 (More, still more) + + 보존 (Preservation) + + 상관 (Concern, relation) + + (A generation,age,epoch) + + 안주 (Appetizers for alcohol) + + 재생 (revival,restoration to life) + + 통화 (Conversation by telephone) + + 기념 (Commemoration) + + 아르바이트 (Part time) + + 적성 (Aptitude) + + 집단적 (Collectively (of people)) + + 홍수 (A flood, inundation) + + 결심 (Determination or resolution) + + 미팅 (Meeting) + + 생기 (animation,life) + + 서적 (books,publications) + + 소화 (Digestion) + + 수험생 (A student preparing for an examination) + + 신세대 (The new generation) + + 연휴 (Consecutive holidays) + + 제시 (Presentation) + + 취직 (Employment, getting a job) + + 타락 (depravity,corruption,degradation) + + 통화 (Currency, the unit of circulation) + + 국적 (Nationality or citizenship) + + 다정하다 ( To be affectionate, warm-hearted) + + 뵈다 (Contraction of 보이다) + + 선명하다 ( To be clear,distinct) + + 수시로 (On demand, per the demand of the occasion ; all the time, at any time) + + 실현되다 ( To realize,bring to fruition) + + 질적 (Qualitative) + + 폐지 (Abolition, to not use, to do away with) + + 해설 (Explanation, elucidation) + + 대비 (Provision, preparation) + + 만족 (Satisfaction) + + 묘사 (Description) + + 방송사 (Broadcasting company) + + 사표 (A written resignation) + + 외국어 (A foreign language; sometimes, only means English) + + 취재 (Selection, picking out of news articles (by a reporter)) + + 토론회 (A debating society/contest) + + 관계없이 ( Without any relation) + + 변경 (Change, alteration) + + 실컷 (To one’s satisfaction) + + 운행 (movement,revolution) + + 전시 (exhibition,display) + + 조그마하다 (Be tiny,small) + + 감소 (Decrease or dimunition) + + 구분되다 ( To be put into sections) + + 기여 (Contribution or service) + + 수집 (Collection) + + 외출 (Going out, an outing) + + 점검 (inspection,examination) + + 지각 (perception,consciousness) + + 피디 (PD – a newspaper article) + + 회의 (Doubt, skepticism) + + 변명 (Explanation, vindication) + + 연습하다 ( To practice,exercise) + + 이따금 (From time to time) + + 전설 (A tradition, a legend) + + 주사 (A shot, an injection) + + 지겹다 (To be tedious,tiring) + + (A criticism) + + 해답 (A solution to a problem, an answer to a question) + + 흥분 (excitement,excitation) + + 감수성 (Receptivity or susceptibility) + + 꼼꼼하다 ( very careful or meticulous, doing it in a very detailed manner) + + 모집 (Collection) + + 발음 (Pronunciation) + + 슬그머니 ( Furtively) + + 시청률 (Popularity rating) + + 연장 (Extension, prolongation) + + 예선 (A preliminary match/election) + + 저편 (That side,direction) + + 제도적 (Systematic) + + 조절 (regulation,adjustment) + + 플라스틱 ( Plastic) + + 교대 (Alternation or change) + + 기성08 (To be already existing or established) + + 농장 (A farm, plantation) + + 마음가짐 ( Mental attitude) + + 야간 (The night time) + + 인간관계 ( Human relations) + + 정지 (stop,an interruption) + + 제의하다 ( Make a suggestion) + + 조명 (lighting,illumination) + + 중단 (interruption,suspension) + + 착각하다 ( To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations) + + 특수성 (Particularity, distinctiveness) + + 활발히 (briskly,actively) + + 회화 (Conversations, talk) + + 흥미롭다 ( To be interesting) + + 각오 (Readiness or preparation) + + 구별되다 ( To be separated andistinguished) + + 그간 (The while or during tha time) + + 극작가 (A dramatist) + + 기울다 (To tilt or lean) + + 명령어 (Directive) + + 변신 (Disguise, transformation) + + 상쾌하다 ( Be refreshing,exhilirating) + + 암시 (A hint, suggestion) + + 이별 (Parting, separation; divorce) + + 재밌다 (interesting,fun) + + 출발점 (The starting point of a trip) + + 출판 (Publication, publishing) + + 확신 (Conviction, firm belief) + + 그제야 (For the first time or not ... until) + + 금연 (Prohibition of smoking) + + 보수 (Conservation) + + 보안 (Preservation of the public peace) + + 상징적 (symbolic,emblematic) + + 시일 (time,days) + + 신중하다 ( To be prudent,cautious) + + 예고하다 ( Warn, give advance notice) + + 은은하다 ( To be distant,faint,indistinct) + + 정류장 (stop,a station,bus-stop) + + 축하 (Congratulation, celebration) + + 취소 (Cancellation, anulment) + + 공연히 (Futile or vain or useless) + + 국제적 (International) + + 능동적 (Activity ; voluntary, of its own nature) + + 미인 (A beautiful girl) + + 빠뜨리다 ( Throw into (a river); entice, entrap) + + 여가 (leisure,spare time) + + 연상하다 ( Association of ideas) + + 오래간만 ( After a long time) + + 점심시간 ( Lunchtime) + + 진로 (A course,direction,path) + + (A side, direction) + + 출입문 (Door for exiting and entering) + + 회전 (Revolution, rotation) + + (To be of sufficient quantity) + + 사기 (morale,fighting spirit) + + 입원 (Hospitalization) + + 적응 (Adaptation) + + 교재 (Teaching material or insruction materials) + + 사냥 (Hunting, a hunt) + + 위로 (consolation,solace) + + 자격증 (A qualification certificate) + + 진료 (Medical examination and treatment) + + 초조하다 ( Be impatient, irritated) + + 감상 (Appreciation) + + 나들이 (Going out, an outing ; making a short visit to sb or somewhere) + + 방면 (Direction) + + 정반대 (Direct opposition, the exact reverse) + + 진동 (vibration,shake) + + 추천 (A recommendation) + + 합격 (Success in an examination) + + 갈다 (Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다) + + 그리움 (Yearning or affection) + + 그사이 (The while or the meantime) + + 넥타이 (Necktie) + + 불평 (Dissatisfaction) + + 원서 (An application, a written request) + + 이론적 (Theoretical) + + 자취 (A trace,vestige) + + 지금껏 (So far, till now) + + 횟수 (The number of times, the frequency) + + 흐리다 (Be muddy, cloudy ; with a tint of) + + 에어컨 (Air conditioner) + + 위쪽 (The upper direction) + + 인쇄 (printing,typography) + + 전세 (renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month) + + 초대 (An invitation) + + 퇴직금 (Retirement grants) + + 가만있다 ( Remain still or motionless) + + 감동적 (Sensational) + + 마음씨 (Disposition, nature) + + 번역 (Translation) + + 비닐봉지 ( Plastic bag) + + 비판적 (Critical) + + 사전 (Dictionary) + + 일회용 (For one time use) + + 제출 (presentation,submission) + + (A portion, a side) + + 팬티 (Panties (male and female underwear)) + + 닭고기 (Chicken meat for eating) + + 만족스럽다 (Satisfied) + + 발끝 (On tiptoes) + + 정기적 (fixed,regular (time sth)) + + 주관적 (Subjective) + + 질문하다 ( Ask a person a question) + + 게시판 (A notice board or a bulletin board) + + 매스컴 (Mass communication) + + 별일 (A particular thing) + + 부채 (A debt,liabilities) + + 신청서 (Application, application form) + + 일자리 (A job, position) + + 저번 (Last time, the other day) + + 전시장 (An exhibition hall) + + 충고 (Advice, counsel, suggestion) + + 국기 (The national flag) + + 밥맛 (Appetite) + + 복사 (Reproduction) + + 성별 (Sex distinction) + + 식기 (An eating vessel) + + (A plan,proposal,suggestion) + + 참석 (Attendance, participation) + + 코끝 (The tip of one’s nose) + + 한국적 (Korean (adjective)) + + 식욕 (appetite,desire) + + 초대 (The first generation, the founder) + + (Facilities, services) + + 과거 (The state examination) + + 국가적 (National or state) + + 마중 (Meeting, reception) + + 보수적 (Conservative) + + 어쩌다가 ( By chance, accident ; sometimes) + + 인사말 (Words of greeting) + + 저녁때 (Evening time) + + 치과 (A dentist) + + 통역 (Interpreting) + + 피로하다 ( To be fatigued, weary) + + 공기 (Public institution) + + 단골 (Custom, connection) + + 수업 (Completing an education course) + + 예약 (Pre-engagement, reservation) + + 점심때 (Lunchtime) + + 초보 (Initial, first steps) + + 피곤 (fatigue,exhaustion) + + 학비 (Tuition) + + 효자 (A dutiful son) + + 대중교통 ( Mass transportation) + + 만화가 (Cartoon artist) + + 의논 (consultation,conference) + + 이래서 (This way, this direction, here) + + 전통문화 ( Traditional culture) + + 정거장 (A railroad station) + + 초청장 (An invitation (card)) + + 컨디션 (Condition) + + 감정적 (Emotional) + + 관람 (Inspection or viewing) + + 교육비 (Tuition or the cost of a school education) + + 녹화 (Tree-planting) + + 매번 (Every time) + + 비기다 (End in a tie, to be even-even. Same as 무승부를 기록하다) + + 생활용품 ( Necessities for daily life) + + 소비하다 ( Consumption) + + 식료품 (Articles for food) + + 이민 (Emigration) + + 주문 (An incantation, a spell) + + (Discretion, prudence (Become sensible, wise)) + + 치료법 (A curative means) + + 한평생 (A lifetime) + + 힘들어하다 (To be exacting, tolling) + + 시대적 (Of the times) + + 예술적 (Artistic) + + 국민적 (National or for citizens) + + 국제선 (International airline) + + 진찰 (A medical diagnosis, investigation) + + 온돌 (The korean under-floor heating system) + + 국내선 (Domestic airline) + + 학생증 (Student identification) + + 한글날 (Korean writing system national holiday) + + 기념일 (Commemoration day) + + 예습 (Preparation of lessons) + + 제과점 (Confectionary store) + + 인천공항 ( Incheon international airport) + + 근본 (The foundation or basis) + + 정리 (arrangment,regulation,adjustment) + + 워낙 (By nature, primarily, by constitution) + + 거기 (There (location)) + + 김포공항 ( KimPo Domestic (sometimes international) airport) + + 지리산 (Chili mountain, very beautiful) + + 서울역 (Seoul train station) + +

+ + + + + + + +