A 感到 + + * * gan3dao4 feel/ sense/ think fühlen + + +
A 感冒 + + * * gan3mao4 common cold sich erkälten,Erkältung + + +
A 感謝 + + * * gan3xie4 thank/ be grateful danken + + +
B 感動 + + * * gan3dong4 be moved bewegt sein, berührt sein, fühlen, empfinden, denken (daß) + + +
B 感激 + + * * gan3ji1 feel grateful/ be thankful dankbar sein, schätzen, + + +
B 感覺 + + * * gan3jue2 feel/ feeling 1. sinnliche Wahrnehmung, Gefühl 2. sich fühlen, wahrnehmen,empfinden + + +
B 感情 + + * * gan3qing2 emotion/ feeling 1.Gefühl,Gemüt, Empfindung 2.Zuneigung, Symphatie + + +
B 感想 + + * * gan3xiang3 impressions/ reflections Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken + + +
B 感興趣 + + * * gan3 xing4qu4 be interested in interessiert sein + + +
C 感受 + + * * gan3shou4 be affected by/ taste/ feel/ experience/ feeling 1. sich etw zuziehen, von etw befallen sein, angesteckt sein 2. empfinden, spüren, fühlen, Eindruck + + +
D + + * * gan3 feeling/ sense 1. sich fühlen, vorkommen, merken 2. (innerlich) berühren, bewegen, imponieren 3. danken, dankbar sein 4. Gefühl, Empfindung + + +
D 感化 + + * * gan3hua4 help sb; to change (by education) jn bekehren + + +
D 感慨 + + * * gan3kai3 sigh with emotion tief ergriffen seufzen, gefühlvoll + + +
D 好感 + + * * hao3gan3 favor gute Meinung, günstiger Eindruck,Zuneigung + + +
D 感染 + + * * gan3ran3 infect angesteckt werden, Infektion,infizieren + + +
D 情感 + + * * qing2gan3 mood/ feeling Gefühl, Gemütsbewegung + + +
D 敏感 + + * * min3gan3 impressible/ sensitive empfindlich, sensibel + + +
D 反感 + + * * fan3gan3 be disgusted with Antipathie,Abneigung + + +

3 bị cảm 感冒 4 cảm động 感动 4 cảm giác 感觉 4 tình cảm 感情 4 cảm ơn 感谢 5 cảm kích 感激 5 cảm nhận 感受 5 cảm tưởng 感想 6 phản cảm 反感 6 cảm khái 感慨 6 bị nhiễm 感染 6 linh cảm 灵感 6 sức hấp dẫn giới tính 性感

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
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* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

feel, perceive, emotion
know, perceive, comprehend

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

感' + * * + to feel/ to move to touch
感人' + 感人* * + touching/ moving
感佩' + 感佩* * + to admire with gratitude/
感傷' + 感伤* * + sad/ down-hearted sentimenta
感光' + 感光* * + light-sensitive/
感冒' + 感冒* * + to catch cold/ (common) cold CL:場|场
感冒藥' + 感冒药* * + medicin /
感到' + 感到* * + to feel/ to sense to have th
感動' + 感动* * + to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally) moving
感化' + 感化* * + corrective influence/ to reform (a criminal) redemption
感化院' + 感化院* * + reformatory/ reform school
感受' + 感受* * + to sense/ perception to feel (t
感受器' + 感受器* * + sensory receptor/
感召' + 感召* * + to rally/ to call to move an
感召力' + 感召力* * + inspiration/ the power to inspire
感同身受' + 感同身受* * + to feel as if it had happened to oneself/ to sympathize (polite ex
感喟' + 感喟* * + sighing with emotion/
感嘆' + 感叹* * + to sigh (with feeling)/ to lament
感嘆句' + 感叹句* * + exclamation/ exclamatory phrase
感嘆號' + 感叹号* * + exclamation mark ! (punct.)/
感嘆詞' + 感叹词* * + interjection (part of speech)/ exclamation
感嘆語' + 感叹语* * + exclamation/ expletive
感奮' + 感奋* * + moved and inspired/ fired with enthusiasm
感官' + 感官* * + sense/ sense organ
感念' + 感念* * + to recall fondly/ to remember with emotion
感性' + 感性* * + perception/ perceptual sensibilit
感性認識' + 感性认识* * + perceptual awareness/
感恩' + 感恩* * + thanksgiving/
感恩圖報' + 感恩图报* * + grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)/
感恩戴德' + 感恩戴德* * + deeply grateful/
感恩節' + 感恩节* * + Thanksgiving Day/
感悟' + 感悟* * + to come to realize/ to appreciate (feelings)
感情' + 感情* * + feeling/ emotion sensation
感情用事' + 感情用事* * + to act /
感想' + 感想* * + impressions/ reflections thoughts
感愧' + 感愧* * + to feel /
感慨' + 感慨* * + to sigh with sorrow, regret etc/ rueful deeply mov
感憤' + 感愤* * + moved to anger/ indignant
感應' + 感应* * + response/ reaction interactio
感應器' + 感应器* * + inductor (elec.)/
感應線圈' + 感应线圈* * + induction coil/ solenoid
感懷' + 感怀* * + to recall with emotion/ to feel sentiments
感戴' + 感戴* * + sincerely grateful/
感染' + 感染* * + infection/ to infect to influen
感染人數' + 感染人数* * + number of infected persons/
感染力' + 感染力* * + inspiration/ infectious (enthusiasm)
感染性腹瀉' + 感染性腹泻* * + infective diarrhea/
感染率' + 感染率* * + rate of infection (usu. of a disease)/
感染者' + 感染者* * + infected person/
感激' + 感激* * + to be grateful/ to appreciate thankful
感激不盡' + 感激不尽* * + can't thank sb enough (idiom)/
感激涕零' + 感激涕零* * + to shed tears of gratitude (idiom); moved to tears/
感發' + 感发* * + to move and inspire/
感知' + 感知* * + perception/ awareness
感知力' + 感知力* * + perceptive/ perceptivity
感興趣' + 感兴趣* * + to be interested/
感覺' + 感觉* * + to feel/ to become aware of feeling
感覺到' + 感觉到* * + to feel to sense/ to detect to perceiv
感覺器' + 感觉器* * + sense organ/
感覺器官' + 感觉器官* * + sense organs/ the five senses
感觸' + 感触* * + one's thoughts and feelings/ emotional stirring moved
感謝' + 感谢* * + (express) thanks/ gratitude grateful
感質' + 感质* * + qualia (philosophy)/
感遇' + 感遇* * + gratitude for good treatment/ to sigh to lament
感遇詩' + 感遇诗* * + a lament (poem)/

sense Gefühl ความรู้สึก sens sentido senso tunne

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


198 因为 感冒 +
345 感到 为难 +
390 他们 感情 不错 +
505 感到 高兴 +
506 她们 感动 流下 眼泪 +
1398 悬崖 感到 恐慌 +
1768 孩子 毕业 父母 感到 欣喜 +
1907 感到 悲哀 +
1997 女朋友 面前 感到 心虚 +
2057 摄影 感兴趣 +
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 +
2204 重感冒 +
2258 感到 茫然 +
2327 感到 委屈 +
2377 得奖 感到 骄傲 +
2424 感到 沮丧 +
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 +
2543 感情 脆弱 +
2568 生活 感到 无奈 +
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 +
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 +
2795 感到 困惑 +
2805 学习 成绩 感到 羞耻 +
2810 感到 羞愧 +
3018 感到 羞愧 +
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 +
3133 感到 敬畏 +
3138 感到 惶恐 +
3337 感到 头晕 +
3504 感觉 气馁 +
3523 感到 惘然 +
3649 感谢 关怀 +
3741 快活 样子 掩饰了 真实 感情 +
3769 中国人 表达 感情 方式 比较 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

感冒 감기. + + 感动 감동하다. 감동되다. 감격하다. + + 感觉 감각. 느낌. + + 感情 감정. + + 感谢 고맙다. 감사하다. 고맙게 여기다. + + 感激 감격하다. + + 感受 (영향을) 받다. 감수하다. 느끼다. + + 感想 감상. 느낌. 소감. + + 反感 반감〔불만〕을 가지다. + + 感慨 감격하다. 감개무량하다. + + 感染 감염되다. 전염되다. + + 灵感 영감. + + 敏感 민감하다. 감각이 예민하다. 반응이 빠르다. + + 性感 섹시하다. 야하다. 성적인 매력이 있다. + +

+ + + + + + + +