A 精彩 + + * * jing1cai3 brilliant/ splendid/ wonderful ausgezeichnet,exzellent + + +
A 精神 + + * * jing1shen2 spirit/ mind/ gist/ essence 1.Geist,Sinn 2. Wesentliche, Hauptpunkt + + +
B 精力 + + * * jing1li4 energy/ vigor Tatkraft, Energie + + +
C + + * * jing1 perfect/ excellent/ refined/ selected/ smart/ intensive 1.raffiniert, verfeinert, erlesen,ausgesucht 2. Extrakt, Essenz 3. vorzüglich, vortrefflich 4. fein, präzis, genau 5. raffiniert, klug 6. gewandt, bewandert 7. Geist, Energie 8. Sperma 9. Geist, Dämon + + +
C 精神 + + * * jing1shen2 vigorous/ spirited/ lively/ spunky/ smart 1. Energie, Lebenskraft 2. lebhaft, munter, frisch, rüstig + + +
C 精細 + + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein + + +
C 精緻 + + * * jing1zhi4 fine/ exquisite/ delicate/ refined fein, exquisit + + +
C 聚精會神 + + * * ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration/ with rapt attention mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren + + +
D 精打細算 + + * * jing1 da3 xi4 suan4 pinch pennies sorfältige Haushaltsführung + + +
D 精華 + + * * jing1hua2 elite/ distillate Auslese,Elite + + +
D 精簡 + + * * jing1jian3 simplify/ condense vereinfachen, verkürzen + + +
D 精美 + + * * jing1mei3 refined vorzüglich + + +
D 精密 + + * * jing1mi4 exact/ close präzis, fein + + +
D 精確 + + * * jing1que4 accurate/ exact genau, exakt, präzis + + +
D 精通 + + * * jing1tong1 be well up in master etwas beherrschen + + +
D 精心 + + * * jing1xin1 meticulous sehr gewissenhaft + + +
D 精益求精 + + * * jing1 yi4 qiu2 jing1 keep improving sich ständig verbessern + + +
D 酒精 + + * * jiu3jing1 alcohol Alkohohl, Spiritus + + +

4 ưu việt 精彩 4 tinh thần 精神 5 từng trải 精力 5 ưu việt 精彩 5 tinh thần 精神 6 bác đại tinh thâm 博大精深 6 tính toán tỉ mỉ 精打细算 6 tinh hoa 精华 6 tinh giản 精简 6 tinh vi 精密 6 chính xác 精确 6 tinh thông 精通 6 chăm chú 精心 6 đã tốt muốn tốt hơn 精益求精 6 tinh xảo 精致 6 cồn 酒精 6 tập trung tinh thần 聚精会神 6 mặt ủ mày chau 无精打采

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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essence / semen / spirit
offspring, child / fruit, seed of / 1st terrestrial branch

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

精' + * * + essence/ extract vitality
精光' + 精光* * + nothing left (money, food etc)/ all finished bright and
精兵' + 精兵* * + elite troops/
精力' + 精力* * + energy/
精力充沛' + 精力充沛* * + vigorous/ energetic
精品' + 精品* * + quality goods/ premium product fine work
精囊' + 精囊* * + spermatophore/
精妙' + 精妙* * + exquisite/ fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)
精子' + 精子* * + sperm/ spermatozoon
精子密度' + 精子密度* * + sperm count/
精密' + 精密* * + accuracy/ exact precise
精密儀器' + 精密仪器* * + precision instruments/
精密化' + 精密化* * + refinement/ to add precision
精密陶瓷' + 精密陶瓷* * + fine ceramics (used for dental implants, synthetic bones, electronics, knife blade/ advanced ceramics engineered
精巢' + 精巢* * + testes/
精工' + 精工* * + Seiko, Japanese watch and electronics company/
精工' + 精工* * + refined/ delicate exquisite
精巧' + 精巧* * + elaborate/
精幹' + 精干* * + crack (troops)/ special (forces) highly cap
精幹高效' + 精干高效* * + top-notch efficiency/
精度' + 精度* * + precision/
精彩' + 精彩* * + wonderful/ marvelous brilliant
精微' + 精微* * + subtle/ profound
精心' + 精心* * + with utmost care/ fine meticulous
精打光' + 精打光* * + with absolutely nothing/ completely broke
精打細算' + 精打细算* * + meticulous planning and careful accounting (idiom)/
精挑細選' + 精挑细选* * + to select very carefully/
精於' + 精于* * + skillful in/ proficient in adept at
精於此道' + 精于此道* * + to be proficient in the area of/ skilled in this field
精明' + 精明* * + astute/ shrewd
精明強幹' + 精明强干* * + intelligent and capable (idiom)/
精明能幹' + 精明能干* * + able and efficient/
精校本' + 精校本* * + corrected edition/
精氣神' + 精气神* * + the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精/
精氨酸' + 精氨酸* * + argnine /
精河' + 精河* * + Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博/
精河縣' + 精河县* * + Jing Nahiyisi or Jinghe county in Börtala Mongol autonomous prefecture 博爾塔拉蒙古自治州|博/
精油' + 精油* * + essential oil/
精液' + 精液* * + semen/
精深' + 精深* * + refined/ profound
精減' + 精减* * + to reduce/ to pare down to streaml
精湛' + 精湛* * + consummate/ exquisite
精準' + 精准* * + accurate/ exact precise
精煉' + 精炼* * + to refine/ to purify smart and
精煉廠' + 精炼厂* * + refinery (of oil etc)/
精當' + 精当* * + precise and appropriate/
精疲力盡' + 精疲力尽* * + spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/ drained washed out
精疲力竭' + 精疲力竭* * + spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/ drained washed out
精瘦' + 精瘦* * + (coll.) lean (figure, meat etc)/ slender
精白' + 精白* * + pure white/ spotlessly white
精益求精' + 精益求精* * + to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving/
精盡人亡' + 精尽人亡* * + to die from excessive ejaculation/
精研' + 精研* * + to research carefully/ to study intensively
精確' + 精确* * + accurate/ precise
精確度' + 精确度* * + accuracy/ precision
精礦' + 精矿* * + refined ore/ concentrate
精神' + 精神* * + spirit/ mind consciousn
精神' + 精神* * + vigor vitality/ drive spiritual
精神健康' + 精神健康* * + mental health/
精神分析' + 精神分析* * + psychoanalysis/
精神分裂症' + 精神分裂症* * + schizophrenia/
精神奕奕' + 精神奕奕* * + in great spirits/ to have great vitality
精神學' + 精神学* * + psychology/
精神學家' + 精神学家* * + psychologist/
精神官能症' + 精神官能症* * + neurosis/
精神崩潰' + 精神崩溃* * + nervous breakdown/
精神性' + 精神性* * + spirituality/ mental nervous
精神性厭食症' + 精神性厌食症* * + anorexia nervosa/
精神恍惚' + 精神恍惚* * + absent-minded/ in a trance
精神抖擻' + 精神抖擞* * + spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits/ lively and full of enthusiasm full of en
精神支柱' + 精神支柱* * + moral pillars/ spiritual props
精神文明' + 精神文明* * + spiritual culture/
精神滿腹' + 精神满腹* * + full of wisdom (idiom); astute and widely experienced/
精神煥發' + 精神焕发* * + in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor/
精神狀態' + 精神状态* * + mental state/ psychological condition
精神狂亂' + 精神狂乱* * + delirium/ mental illness
精神生活' + 精神生活* * + spiritual or moral life/
精神疾病' + 精神疾病* * + mental illness/
精神病' + 精神病* * + mental disorder/ psychosis
精神病學' + 精神病学* * + psychiatry/
精神病患' + 精神病患* * + mental illness/
精神病醫院' + 精神病医院* * + psychiatric hospital/
精神療法' + 精神疗法* * + psychotherapy/ mental health treatment
精神百倍' + 精神百倍* * + lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); refreshed/ one's vigor thoroughly restored
精神科' + 精神科* * + psychiatry/
精神藥物' + 精神药物* * + psychotropic drugs/
精神衰弱' + 精神衰弱* * + psychasthenia/ obsessive-compulsive disorder
精神訓話' + 精神训话* * + pep talk/
精神財富' + 精神财富* * + spiritual wealth/
精神錯亂' + 精神错乱* * + insanity/
精神領袖' + 精神领袖* * + spiritual leader (of a nation or church)/ religious leader
精神飽滿' + 精神饱满* * + full of vigor (idiom)/ lively in high sp
精算' + 精算* * + actuarial/
精算師' + 精算师* * + actuary/
精簡' + 精简* * + to simplify/ to reduce
精簡開支' + 精简开支* * + to reduce spending/ to cut spending
精米' + 精米* * + refined rice/
精粹' + 精粹* * + succinct/ pure and concise
精糧' + 精粮* * + refined grain (rice, wheat etc)/
精細' + 精细* * + fine/ meticulous careful
精練' + 精练* * + concise/ succinct terse
精緻' + 精致* * + delicate/ fine exquisite
精美' + 精美* * + delicate/ fine refinement
精義' + 精义* * + quintessence/ essentials
精耕細作' + 精耕细作* * + intensive farming/
精良' + 精良* * + excellent/ of superior quality
精英' + 精英* * + cream/ elite essence
精華' + 精华* * + best feature/ most important part of an object quintessen
精蟲' + 精虫* * + spermatozoon/ spermatozoa
精蟲衝腦' + 精虫冲脑* * + lit. the spermatozoons have gone to his head/ fig. overwhelmed by lust
精衛' + 精卫* * + mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa 女娃/
精衛填海' + 精卫填海* * + lit. my task of Sisyphus/ determination in the face of impossible odds
精裝' + 精装* * + hardcover (book)/ elaborately packaged opposite:
精製' + 精制* * + refined /
精誠' + 精诚* * + sincerity/ absolute good faith
精誠所加,金石為開' + 精诚所加,金石为开* * + lit. sincerity splits open metal and metal (idiom); if you put your heart to it, y/ With a will, you can achieve anything.
精誠所至' + 精诚所至* * + with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); cf 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开/
精誠所至,金石為開' + 精诚所至,金石为开* * + lit. si With a will, you can achieve anything./
精講多練' + 精讲多练* * + to speak concisely and practice frequently (idiom)/
精讀' + 精读* * + intensive reading/ to peruse perusal
精讀課' + 精读课* * + intensive reading course/
精通' + 精通* * + proficient/
精進' + 精进* * + to forge ahead vigorously/ to dedicate oneself to progress
精選' + 精选* * + carefully chosen/ handpicked best of th
精銳' + 精锐* * + elite (e.g. troops)/ crack best quali
精闢' + 精辟* * + clear and penetrating (e.g. analysis)/ incisive insightful
精雕細刻' + 精雕细刻* * + lit. fine sculpting (idiom); fig. to work with extreme care and precision/
精靈' + 精灵* * + spirit/ fairy elf
精靈寶鑽' + 精灵宝钻* * + treasure of spirits/ Silmarillion or Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金
精靈文' + 精灵文* * + Elvish (language of elves)/
精髓' + 精髓* * + marrow/ pith quintessen
精魂' + 精魂* * + spirit/ soul

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


857 精力 充沛 +
3065 精力 旺盛 +
3447 扮演 妖精 +
3662 这么 明天 精神 +
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 +
3664 我们 精打细算 汽车 +
3665 这种 药草 提炼 出来 精华 治疗 高血压 有效 +
3666 公司 正在 精简 人员 +
3667 精密 仪器 提高 分析 质量 +
3668 手表 走时 精确 +
3669 精通 好几 国语言 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3671 精益求精 +
3672 这个 草编 花篮 十分 精致 +
3673 白酒 品质 分档 酿造 时间 酒精度 有关 +
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 +
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采 +
3676 抱憾 错过 精彩 比赛 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

精彩 뛰어나다. 훌륭하다. 근사하다. 멋지다. + + 精神 정신. + + 精力 정력. 정신과 체력. + + 博大精深 사상·학식이 넓고 심오하다. + + 精打细算 세밀하게 계산하다. 면밀하게 계획하다. + + 精华 정화. 정수. + + 精简 정간하다. 정선하다. + + 精密 정밀하다. + + 精确 정밀하고 확실하다. 정확(精確)하다. + + 精通 정통하다. 통달하다. + + 精心 정성을 들이다. 몹시 조심하다. + + 精益求精 훌륭하지만 더욱 더 완벽을 추구하다. + + 精致 정치하다. 정교하고 치밀하다. 섬세하다. + + 酒精 알코올. + + 聚精会神 정신을 집중하다. 전심하다. 열중하다. + + 无精打采 풀이 죽다. + +

+ + + + + + + +