A + + * * jiu4 old/ past/ bygone/ used/ worn 1. alt, veraltet, überholt, vergangen, altmodisch 2. abgenutzt, abgetragen, verbraucht 3. früher, ehemalig 4. alter Freund, alte Freundschaft + + +
C 仍舊 + + * * reng2jiu4 still/ yet beim alten bleiben,wie immer,wie sonst,weiterhin + + +
C 依舊 + + * * yi1jiu4 still-before/ still like before/ unchanged as before wie früher, nach wie vor, + + +
D 陳舊 + + * * chen2jiu4 old veraltet, unmodern, aus der Mode + + +
D 破舊 + + * * po4jiu4 shabby alt und schäbig, abgenutzt, abgetragen + + +
D 照舊 + + * * zhao4jiu4 as usual wie früher, wie immer, wie sonst, unverändert + + +

3 6 陈旧 6 như cũ 仍旧 6 như cũ 依旧

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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* * + +
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* * + +

old, ancient / former, past
site, location, land for house

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

舊' + * * + old/ opposite: new 新 former
舊事' + 旧事* * + old affair/ former matter
舊五代史' + 旧五代史* * + History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang and Song), eighteenth of the 24 dynast/
舊交' + 旧交* * + old fri former acquaintance/
舊例' + 旧例* * + old rules/ example from the past former pra
舊俗' + 旧俗* * + former custom/ old ways
舊制' + 旧制* * + old system/ weights and measures of former times
舊制度' + 旧制度* * + old system/
舊前' + 旧前* * + in the past/ formerly
舊友' + 旧友* * + old friend/
舊名' + 旧名* * + former name/
舊唐書' + 旧唐书* * + History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史/
舊國' + 旧国* * + old cap /
舊地' + 旧地* * + once familiar places/ former haunts
舊地重遊' + 旧地重游* * + to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane/
舊址' + 旧址* * + former site/ old location
舊夢' + 旧梦* * + old dreams/
舊大陸' + 旧大陆* * + the Old World/ Eurasia as opposed to the New World 新大陸|新大陆
舊好' + 旧好* * + old fri /
舊學' + 旧学* * + old learning/ Chinese traditional teaching as opposed to material from the West
舊宅' + 旧宅* * + former residence/
舊家' + 旧家* * + notable former families/
舊居' + 旧居* * + old residence/ former home
舊年' + 旧年* * + last year/ the Chinese New Year (i.e. the new year in the old calendar)
舊式' + 旧式* * + old style/
舊怨' + 旧怨* * + old grievance/ former complaint
舊情' + 旧情* * + old affection/
舊惡' + 旧恶* * + old wrong/ past grievance wickedness
舊愁新恨' + 旧愁新恨* * + old worries with new hatred added (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new/
舊態' + 旧态* * + old posture/ former situation
舊損' + 旧损* * + old and damaged/ in disrepair
舊故' + 旧故* * + old friend/ former acquaintance
舊教' + 旧教* * + old teachings/ wisdom from the past old church
舊日' + 旧日* * + former times/ olden days
舊時' + 旧时* * + in former times/ the olden days
舊時代' + 旧时代* * + former times/ the olden days
舊景重現' + 旧景重现* * + evocation of the past/
舊曆' + 旧历* * + old calendar/ the Chinese lunar calendar same as 農曆
舊曆年' + 旧历年* * + lunar N /
舊書' + 旧书* * + second-hand book/ old book ancient bo
舊案' + 旧案* * + old court case/ long-standing legal dispute
舊業' + 旧业* * + one's old profession/ trade of one's forebears
舊民主主義革命' + 旧民主主义革命* * + old democratic revolution/ bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
舊派' + 旧派* * + old school/ conservative faction
舊版' + 旧版* * + old version/
舊物' + 旧物* * + old property (esp. inherited from former generation)/ former territory
舊瓶裝新酒' + 旧瓶装新酒* * + lit. new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework/ (loan idiom from Matthew 9:17, but fig. meaning is opposite)
舊疾' + 旧疾* * + old illness/ former affliction
舊病' + 旧病* * + old illness/ former affliction
舊病復發' + 旧病复发* * + old illness recurs (idiom); a relapse/ fig. to repeat an old error the same o
舊的不去,新的不來' + 旧的不去,新的不来* * + lit. If the old doesn't go, the new will not come./ You can't make progress by clinging to old notions.
舊皇曆' + 旧皇历* * + old calendar/ out-of-date customs
舊知' + 旧知* * + old acquaintance/ former friend
舊石器時代' + 旧石器时代* * + Paleolithic Era/
舊稱' + 旧称* * + old term/ old way of referring to sth
舊約' + 旧约* * + former agreement/ former contract Old testam
舊約全書' + 旧约全书* * + Old Testament/
舊習' + 旧习* * + old habit/ former custom
舊聞' + 旧闻* * + old anecdote/ stories passed on from former times
舊觀' + 旧观* * + former appearance/ what it used to look like
舊詩' + 旧诗* * + old verse/ poetry in the old style
舊調子' + 旧调子* * + old tune/ fig. conservative opinion the same o
舊調重彈' + 旧调重弹* * + replaying the same old tunes (idiom); conservative, unoriginal and discredited/ to keep harping on about the same old stuff
舊識' + 旧识* * + former acquaintance/ old friend
舊貌' + 旧貌* * + old look/ former appearance
舊貨' + 旧货* * + second-hand goods/ used items for sale
舊貨市場' + 旧货市场* * + sale of second-hand goods/ flea market
舊貫' + 旧贯* * + old system/ former rules
舊賬' + 旧账* * + lit. old account/ old debt fig. old s
舊跡' + 旧迹* * + old traces/ signs from the past
舊車市場' + 旧车市场* * + second-hand car market/ used bike market
舊遊' + 旧游* * + place one has previously visited/ old haunts
舊部' + 旧部* * + one's former subordinates/
舊都' + 旧都* * + old capital/
舊金山' + 旧金山* * + San Francisco, California/
舊雨' + 旧雨* * + old friends/
舊體' + 旧体* * + old form of writing/ piece in the old style
舊體詩' + 旧体诗* * + poetry in the old style/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


500 照片 想起 往事 +
675 +
1031 房子 陈旧 +
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 +
3007 破旧 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

헐다. 낡다. 오래다. 오래 되다. + + 陈旧 낡다. 오래 되다. 케케묵다. + + 仍旧 여전히. 변함없이. + + 依旧 (상황이) 여전하다. 의구하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +