B + + * * fu2 float 1. auf der Oberfläche schwimmen, auftauchen 2. schwimmen 3. auf der Oberfläche, oberflächlich 4. übersteigen, überzählig + + +
D 浮雕 + + * * fu2diao1 relief Relief, Reliefskulptur + + +
D 浮動 + + * * fu2dong4 fluctuate/ drift schwimmen, unruhig sein,schwingen + + +

6 trôi 漂浮

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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to float, drift, waft / to exceed / superfluous
tense, excited, irritable

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

浮' + * * + to float/ superficial floating
浮上' + 浮上* * + to float up/ to rise to the surface fig. to ri
浮世' + 浮世* * + (Buddhism) "The Floating World", the world of the living/
浮世繪' + 浮世绘* * + ukiyo-e/
浮冰' + 浮冰* * + ice floe/
浮冰群' + 浮冰群* * + ice pack/
浮出' + 浮出* * + to emerge/
浮出水面' + 浮出水面* * + to float up (idiom); to become evident/ to surface to appear
浮利' + 浮利* * + mere worldly, superficial gain, such as wealth and fame/
浮力' + 浮力* * + buoyancy/
浮力定律' + 浮力定律* * + Archimedes' law of flotation/
浮力調整背心' + 浮力调整背心* * + BCD/ Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)
浮力調整裝置' + 浮力调整装置* * + BCD/ Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)
浮動' + 浮动* * + to float and drift/ unstable
浮動地獄' + 浮动地狱* * + floating hell/ slave ships
浮圖' + 浮图* * + Buddha/ Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo) also writt
浮土' + 浮土* * + topsoil/ surface dust
浮士德博士' + 浮士德博士* * + Dr Faustus/
浮家泛宅' + 浮家泛宅* * + lit. to live on a boat/ to drift from place to place (idiom)
浮小麥' + 浮小麦* * + unripe wheat grain (used in TCM)/
浮屠' + 浮屠* * + Buddha/ Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)
浮山' + 浮山* * + Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾/
浮山縣' + 浮山县* * + Fushan /
浮岩' + 浮岩* * + pumice /
浮想' + 浮想* * + passing thought/ an idea that comes into one's head recollecti
浮想聯翩' + 浮想联翩* * + to let one's imagination roam/
浮梁' + 浮梁* * + Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/
浮梁縣' + 浮梁县* * + Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/
浮標' + 浮标* * + buoy/
浮橋' + 浮桥* * + pontoon bridge/
浮氣' + 浮气* * + feeble breath/ frivolity flippancy
浮沉' + 浮沉* * + ups and downs (of life etc)/ to drift along to sink an
浮泛' + 浮泛* * + to float about/ (of a feeling) to show on the face (of speech
浮淺' + 浮浅* * + skin-deep/ superficial shallow
浮游' + 浮游* * + to float/ to drift to wander
浮游生物' + 浮游生物* * + plankto /
浮滑' + 浮滑* * + (of language or behavior) flippant and insincere/
浮漂' + 浮漂* * + see 漂浮/
浮潛' + 浮潜* * + to snor snorkeling/
浮潛器具' + 浮潜器具* * + diving equipment/
浮濫' + 浮滥* * + excessive/ exorbitant excessivel
浮燥' + 浮燥* * + variant of 浮躁/
浮現' + 浮现* * + to appe to come into view/ to float into appearance to come ba
浮生六記' + 浮生六记* * + Six records of a floating life, autobiographical novel and description of Qing dyn/
浮石' + 浮石* * + pumice /
浮腫' + 浮肿* * + swollen/ bloated edema
浮腫病' + 浮肿病* * + edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs)/ dropsy
浮華' + 浮华* * + ostentatious/ pretentious showy
浮萍' + 浮萍* * + duckweed/
浮著' + 浮着* * + afloat/
浮薄' + 浮薄* * + frivolous/ philandering
浮詞' + 浮词* * + florid but insubstantial remarks/ misleading way of saying sth
浮誇' + 浮夸* * + to exaggerate/ to be boastful pompous
浮財' + 浮财* * + movable property/ money and belongings non-real e
浮貼' + 浮贴* * + to glue something lightly enough that it can be removed later/
浮質' + 浮质* * + aerosol/
浮起' + 浮起* * + to float/ to emerge
浮躁' + 浮躁* * + fickle and impatient/ restless giddy
浮選' + 浮选* * + flotation process/
浮雕' + 浮雕* * + relief sculpture/
浮雕牆紙' + 浮雕墙纸* * + anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)/
浮雲' + 浮云* * + floating clouds/ fleeting transient
浮雲朝露' + 浮云朝露* * + floating clouds, morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral nature of human existence/
浮面' + 浮面* * + surface (of a liquid)/ superficial
浮點' + 浮点* * + floating point/
浮點數' + 浮点数* * + floating point/
浮點運算' + 浮点运算* * + floating point operation/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2302 男孩 水面 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

漂浮 (물이나 액체 위에) 뜨다. + +

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