B 反抗 + + * * fan3kang4 resist/ revolt revoltieren, widerstehen, Aufruhr + + +
C 抵抗 + + * * di3kang4 resist/ stand up to/ counteract/ withstand Widerstand leisten, Widerstand + + +
C 抗議 + + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + + +
D 對抗 + + * * dui4kang4 rival/ antagonize Antagonismus,Konfrontation, sich widersetzen + + +
D 抗旱 + + * * kang4 han4 fight a drought Dürre bekämpfen, dürrebeständig + + +
D 抗擊 + + * * kang4ji1 resist widerstehen, zurückschlagen + + +
D 抗戰 + + * * kang4zhan4 war of resistance against aggression Widerstandskrieg gegen eine Aggression + + +

5 kháng nghị 抗议 6 đề kháng 抵抗 6 đối kháng 对抗 6 phản kháng 反抗 6 kháng nghị 抗议

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

resist, oppose, defy, reject
calamity, disaster, catastrophe

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

抗' + * * + to resist/ to fight to defy
抗傾覆' + 抗倾覆* * + anticapsizing/
抗凝血劑' + 抗凝血剂* * + anticoagulant/
抗原' + 抗原* * + antigen/
抗原決定簇' + 抗原决定簇* * + antigen determinant (causing immunological response)/ epitope
抗命' + 抗命* * + against orders/ to disobey to refuse
抗壓' + 抗压* * + to resist pressure or stress/ pressure-resistant
抗壞血酸' + 抗坏血酸* * + vitamin C/ ascorbic acid
抗性' + 抗性* * + resistance/ capability of resisting
抗憂鬱藥' + 抗忧郁药* * + antidepressant/
抗戰' + 抗战* * + war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)/
抗抑鬱藥' + 抗抑郁药* * + antidepressant/
抗抗生素' + 抗抗生素* * + antibiotic resistance/
抗拒' + 抗拒* * + to resist/ to defy to oppose
抗捐' + 抗捐* * + to refuse to pay taxes/ to boycott a levy
抗擊' + 抗击* * + to resist (an aggressor)/ to oppose (a menace)
抗敵' + 抗敌* * + to resist the enemy/
抗日' + 抗日* * + to resist Japan (esp. during WW2)/ anti-Japanese (esp. wartime activities)
抗日戰爭' + 抗日战争* * + (China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)/
抗日救亡團體' + 抗日救亡团体* * + Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization/
抗日救亡運動' + 抗日救亡运动* * + the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian ra/
抗旱' + 抗旱* * + drought-resistant/ to weather a drought
抗核加固' + 抗核加固* * + nuclear hardening/
抗毒素' + 抗毒素* * + antitoxins/
抗氧化劑' + 抗氧化剂* * + antioxidant/
抗水' + 抗水* * + waterproof/ water resistant
抗洪' + 抗洪* * + to fight a flood/
抗澇' + 抗涝* * + defenses against floods/
抗災' + 抗灾* * + defense against natural disasters/
抗炎性' + 抗炎性* * + anti-inflammatory (medicine)/
抗爭' + 抗争* * + to resist/ to make a stand and fight (against)
抗生素' + 抗生素* * + antibiotic/
抗病' + 抗病* * + disease resistant/
抗病毒' + 抗病毒* * + antiviral/
抗病毒藥' + 抗病毒药* * + antivirals/
抗癌' + 抗癌* * + anti-cancer/
抗直' + 抗直* * + unyielding/
抗禮' + 抗礼* * + to behave informally as equals/ not to stand on ceremony
抗稅' + 抗税* * + to refuse to pay taxes/ to boycott taxes
抗精神病' + 抗精神病* * + antipsychotic (drug)/
抗組織胺' + 抗组织胺* * + antihistamine/
抗組胺' + 抗组胺* * + antihistamine/
抗組胺劑' + 抗组胺剂* * + antihistamine (medicine)/
抗組胺藥' + 抗组胺药* * + antihistamine/
抗美援朝' + 抗美援朝* * + Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)/
抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌' + 抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌* * + methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)/
抗菌' + 抗菌* * + antibacterial/
抗菌甲硝唑' + 抗菌甲硝唑* * + anti-bacterial metronidazole/
抗菌素' + 抗菌素* * + antibiotic/
抗菌藥' + 抗菌药* * + antibacterial/
抗藥' + 抗药* * + drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/
抗藥性' + 抗药性* * + drug resistance (medicine)/
抗藥能力' + 抗药能力* * + drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/
抗血清' + 抗血清* * + antiserum/
抗衡' + 抗衡* * + contend against/
抗訴' + 抗诉* * + to protest against a verdict/ to lodge an appeal
抗議' + 抗议* * + to protest/ protest
抗議者' + 抗议者* * + protester/
抗辯' + 抗辩* * + to counter accusations/ to protest to remonst
抗鋸齒' + 抗锯齿* * + anti-aliasing/
抗震' + 抗震* * + anti-seismic measures/ seismic defenses earthquake
抗震救災指揮部' + 抗震救灾指挥部* * + earthquake relief headquarter/
抗震結構' + 抗震结构* * + earthquake resistant construction/
抗體' + 抗体* * + antibody/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

抗议 항의하다. + + 抵抗 저항하다. 대항하다. + + 对抗 대항하다. 저항하다. + + 反抗 반항하다. 저항하다. 반대하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +