A 自己 + + * * zi4ji3 oneself/ closely related/ own selbst + + +
A 自行車 + + * * zi4xing2che1 bike/ bicycle Fahrrad,Rad + + +
B 親自 + + * * qin1zi4 personally persönlich + + +
B 來自 + + * * lai2zi4 come from von (einem Ort) kommen + + +
B + + * * zi4 from/ since 1. selbst, selber, persönlich, in eigener Person 2. selbstverständlich, natürlich 3. aus, von, von ... aus, seit + + +
B 自從 + + * * zi4cong2 since seitdem, seit + + +
B 自動 + + * * zi4dong4 automatic 1. aus eigener Initiative / unaufgefordert / freiwillig 2. automatisch / selbsttätig + + +
B 自費 + + * * zi4fei4 at one's own expense auf eigene Kosten / die Kosten selbst tragen + + +
B 自覺 + + * * zi4jue2 be aware of/ conscious/ conscientious bewußt, bei Bewußtsein + + +
B 自然 + + * * zi3ran2 nature/ natural/ spontaneous 1. Natur 2. natürlich 3. von selbst / auf natürlichem Weg natürlich / ungekünstelt + + +
B 自我 + + * * zi4wo3 self/ oneself die eigene Person / selbst + + +
B 自學 + + * * zi4xue2 self-study/ self-taught/ study independently Selbststudium betreiben, autodidaktisch + + +
B 自由 + + * * zi4you2 freedom/ liberty/ free/ unrestrained frei, Freiheit + + +
C 獨自 + + * * du2zi4 alone/ by oneself allein + + +
C 各自 + + * * ge4zi4 each/ respective jeder, jeweilig, jeder selbst, jeder einzelne + + +
C 大自然 + + * * da3zi4ran2 nature Natur + + +
C 自豪 + + * * zi4hao2 self-outstanding/ proud auf etwas stolz sein + + +
C 自來水 + + * * zi4lai2shui3 self-come-water/ tap water Leitungswasser + + +
C 自滿 + + * * zi4man3 self-satisfied/ complacent/ self-contented/ conceited selbstzufrieden, selbstgefällig + + +
C 自身 + + * * zi4shen1 self-oneself/ self/ oneself selbst, eigen + + +
C 自始至終 + + * * zi1 shi3 zhi4 zhong1 from-beginning-to-end/ from start to finish von Anfang bis Ende + + +
C 自私 + + * * zi4si1 self-favor/ selfish/ self-centered/ self-concerned egoistisch, eigensüchtig + + +
C 自相矛盾 + + * * zi4 xiang1 mao2dun4 self-mutually-spear-shield/ self-contradiction sich selbst widersprechen + + +
C 自信 + + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit + + +
C 自言自語 + + * * zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 self-talk-self-say/ talk to oneself mit sich selbst sprechen, vor sich hin reden + + +
C 自願 + + * * zi4yuan4 self-desire/ volunteer/ be willing to freiwillig, aus eigenem Antrieb + + +
C 自治 + + * * zi4zhi4 self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern Autodetermination, Autonomie + + +
C 自治區 + + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region + + +
C 自主 + + * * zi4zhu3 self-decide/ decide for oneself/ act on one's own Selbstständigkeit, sein eigener Herr sein + + +
D 獨立自主 + + * * du2li4 zi4zhu3 paddle one's own canoe Selbstständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit + + +
D 擅自 + + * * shan4zi4 do sth; without authorization eigenmächtig + + +
D 私自 + + * * si1zi4 without permission/ privately heimlich, unerlaubt + + +
D 自卑 + + * * zi4bei1 self-abased sich anderen unterlegen fühlen + + +
D 自發 + + * * zi4fa1 spontaneous/ unprompted spontan + + +
D 自負盈虧 + + * * zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1 assume sole responsibility for its profits or losses selbst für Gewinn und Verlust verantwortlich sein + + +
D 自古 + + * * zi4 gu3 from of old seit alters her + + +
D 自力更生 + + * * zi4 li4 geng1 sheng1 self-dependence sich auf die eigenen Kräfte verlassen, Vertrauen auf die eigene Kraft + + +
D 自殺 + + * * zi4sha1 suicide Selbstmord begehen + + +
D 自私自利 + + * * zi4 si1 zi4 li4 self-concern/ selfish eigensüchtig, selbstsüchtig?? + + +
D 自衛 + + * * zi4wei4 self-defense Selbstverteidigung + + +
D 自行 + + * * zi4xing2 by oneself selbst, aus eigener Kraft, von selbst, automatisch + + +
D 自由市場 + + * * zi4you2 shi4chang3 free market freier Markt + + +

2 xe đạp 自行车 3 tự mình 自己 4 tự nhiên 自然 5 đến từ 来自 5 đích thân 亲自 5 từ 自从 5 tự động 自动 5 tự hào 自豪 5 tự giác 自觉 5 ích kỷ 自私 5 tự tin 自信 5 tự do 自由 5 tự nguyện 自愿 6 tự ý 擅自 6 một mình 私自 6 tự ti 自卑 6 tự phát 自发 6 tự lực cánh sinh 自力更生 6 tự mãn 自满 6 tự chủ 自主

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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self, private, personal / from
make / work / compose, write / act, perform
self, private, personal / from
receive, accept, get / bear, stand
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

自' + * * + from self/ oneself since
自上而下' + 自上而下* * + top-down/
自下而上' + 自下而上* * + bottom-up/
自不必說' + 自不必说* * + to not need dwell on (idiom)/
自不量力' + 自不量力* * + to overestimate one's capabilities (idiom)/
自主' + 自主* * + independent/ to act for oneself autonomous
自主權' + 自主权* * + ability to make one's own decisions/
自主系統' + 自主系统* * + autonomous system/
自以為是' + 自以为是* * + to believe oneself infallible (idiom)/ to be opinionated
自作' + 自作* * + to act for oneself/ to view oneself (as clever, virtuous, attractive)
自作主張' + 自作主张* * + to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative/
自作多情' + 自作多情* * + to imagine that one's love is reciprocated/ to shower affection on an uninterested party
自作聰明' + 自作聪明* * + to think oneself clever (idiom)/ self-styled genius a smart al
自作自受' + 自作自受* * + to act for oneself and suffer the consequence/ to reap what one has sown to make yo
自來' + 自来* * + from the beginning/ always to come of
自來水' + 自来水* * + running water/ tap water
自來水管' + 自来水管* * + water mains/ service pipe tap-water
自保' + 自保* * + to defend oneself/ self-defense self-prese
自信' + 自信* * + to have confidence in oneself/ self-confidence
自信心' + 自信心* * + self-confidence/
自修' + 自修* * + to study on one's own/ self study
自個兒' + 自个儿* * + (dialect) oneself/ by oneself
自備' + 自备* * + to provide one's own.../ own self-provi
自傲' + 自傲* * + arrogance/ proud of sth
自傳' + 自传* * + autobiography/
自刎' + 自刎* * + to commit suicide by cutting one's own throat/
自制' + 自制* * + to maintain self-control/ self-control
自制力' + 自制力* * + self-control/
自創' + 自创* * + to create/ to come up with (an idea etc)
自力更生' + 自力更生* * + regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/ self-reliance
自助' + 自助* * + self service/
自助洗衣店' + 自助洗衣店* * + laundromat/ launderette
自助餐' + 自助餐* * + buffet/ self-service meal
自勉' + 自勉* * + to encourage oneself/
自動' + 自动* * + automatic/ voluntarily
自動付款機' + 自动付款机* * + cash dispenser/ auto-teller ATM
自動免疫' + 自动免疫* * + active immunity/
自動化' + 自动化* * + automation/
自動化技術' + 自动化技术* * + automation/
自動取款機' + 自动取款机* * + automated teller machine (ATM)/
自動售貨機' + 自动售货机* * + vending machine/
自動射線攝影' + 自动射线摄影* * + autoradiography/
自動恢復' + 自动恢复* * + spontaneous recovery/
自動扶梯' + 自动扶梯* * + escalator/
自動掛擋' + 自动挂挡* * + automatic gear-change/
自動控制' + 自动控制* * + automatic control/
自動提款' + 自动提款* * + automatic cash withdrawal/ bank autoteller ATM
自動提款機' + 自动提款机* * + bank autoteller/ ATM
自動擋' + 自动挡* * + automatic gear-change/ automatic transmission
自動樓梯' + 自动楼梯* * + escalator/
自動檔' + 自动档* * + automatic transmission (gear change)/
自動櫃員機' + 自动柜员机* * + automated teller machine (ATM)/
自動步道' + 自动步道* * + moving walkway/ travelator
自動自發' + 自动自发* * + (to act) on one's own initiative/
自動車' + 自动车* * + automobile/
自動鉛筆' + 自动铅笔* * + mechanical pencil/ propelling pencil
自動離合' + 自动离合* * + automatic clutch/
自卑' + 自卑* * + feeling inferior/ self-abased
自卑心理' + 自卑心理* * + sense of inferiority/ inferiority complex
自卑情緒' + 自卑情绪* * + inferiority complex/
自卸車' + 自卸车* * + dump truck/
自反' + 自反* * + to introspect/ to self-reflect (math.) re
自取' + 自取* * + to help oneself to (food)/ to invite (trouble) to court (
自取其咎' + 自取其咎* * + to have only oneself to blame (idiom)/ to bring trouble through one's own actions
自取滅亡' + 自取灭亡* * + to court disaster (idiom)/ to dig one's own grave
自古' + 自古* * + (since) ancient times/ (from) time immemorial
自古以來' + 自古以来* * + since ancient times/
自各兒' + 自各儿* * + variant of 自個兒|自个儿/
自吹自擂' + 自吹自擂* * + to blow /
自告奮勇' + 自告奋勇* * + to volunteer for/ to offer to undertake
自命' + 自命* * + to consider oneself to be (sth positive)/
自命不凡' + 自命不凡* * + to think too much of oneself/ self-important arrogant
自命清高' + 自命清高* * + to think of oneself as high and pure (idiom); smug and self-righteous/ holier-than-thou
自問' + 自问* * + to ask oneself/ to search one's soul to reach a
自喻' + 自喻* * + to refer to oneself as/
自嘆不如' + 自叹不如* * + to consider oneself as being not as good as the others/
自嘲' + 自嘲* * + to mock oneself/ to laugh at oneself
自在' + 自在* * + free/ unrestrained comfortabl
自報公議' + 自报公议* * + self-assessment/ declare one's state for open discussion
自報家門' + 自报家门* * + to introduce oneself/ originally a theatrical device in which a character explains his own role
自大' + 自大* * + arrogant/
自大狂' + 自大狂* * + megalomania/ egomania delusions
自失' + 自失* * + at a loss/
自奉儉約' + 自奉俭约* * + to live frugally (idiom)/
自奉甚儉' + 自奉甚俭* * + to allow oneself few comforts or pleasures (idiom)/
自如' + 自如* * + freedom of action/ unobstructed unconstrai
自始' + 自始* * + from the outset/ ab initio
自始至終' + 自始至终* * + from start to finish (idiom)/
自娛' + 自娱* * + to amuse oneself/
自學' + 自学* * + self-study/ to study on one's own
自學成才' + 自学成才* * + a self-made genius/
自宮' + 自宫* * + to castrate oneself/
自家' + 自家* * + oneself/ one's own family
自家人' + 自家人* * + sb with whom one is on familiar terms/ sb from the same place (same house, same town etc) one of us
自專' + 自专* * + to act arbitrarily/ to act for oneself
自尊' + 自尊* * + self-respect/ self-esteem ego
自尊心' + 自尊心* * + self-respect/ self-esteem ego
自尋死路' + 自寻死路* * + to follow the path to one's own doom (idiom)/ to bring about one's own destruction
自尋煩惱' + 自寻烦恼* * + to bring trouble on oneself (idiom)/
自導' + 自导* * + self-guided/ autonomous
自居' + 自居* * + to consider oneself as/ to believe oneself to be
自己' + 自己* * + oneself/ one's own
自己人' + 自己人* * + those on our side/ ourselves one's own
自己動手' + 自己动手* * + to do (sth) oneself/ to help oneself to
自帶' + 自带* * + to bring one's own/ BYO (of softwa
自幼' + 自幼* * + since childhood/
自序' + 自序* * + author's preface/ autobiographical notes as introduction to a book
自底向上' + 自底向上* * + bottom-up/
自強' + 自强* * + to strive for self-improvement/
自強不息' + 自强不息* * + to strive unremittingly/ self-improvement
自強自立' + 自强自立* * + to strive for self-improvement/
自強運動' + 自强运动* * + Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 洋/
自律' + 自律* * + self-discipline/ self-regulation autonomy (
自律性組織' + 自律性组织* * + Self-Regulation Organization/ SRO
自得' + 自得* * + contented/ pleased with one's position
自得其樂' + 自得其乐* * + to find amusement in one's own way/ to enjoy oneself quietly
自從' + 自从* * + since (a time)/ ever since
自忖' + 自忖* * + to speculate/ to ponder
自怨自艾' + 自怨自艾* * + to be full of remorse/ to repent and redress one's errors
自恃' + 自恃* * + self esteem/ self reliance over confi
自悔' + 自悔* * + to regret/ to repent
自愛' + 自爱* * + self-respect/ self-love self-regar
自愧不如' + 自愧不如* * + ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/ to feel inferior to others
自愧弗如' + 自愧弗如* * + to feel ashamed at being inferior (idiom)/
自慚形穢' + 自惭形秽* * + to feel ashamed of one's inferiority (idiom)/ to feel inferior
自慰' + 自慰* * + to console oneself/ to masturbate onanism
自戀' + 自恋* * + narcissism/
自成一家' + 自成一家* * + to have a style of one's own/
自我' + 自我* * + self-/ ego (psychology)
自我介紹' + 自我介绍* * + self-introduction/ to introduce oneself
自我催眠' + 自我催眠* * + self-hypnotism/
自我吹噓' + 自我吹嘘* * + to blow one's own horn (idiom)/
自我安慰' + 自我安慰* * + to comfort oneself/ to console oneself to reassur
自我實現' + 自我实现* * + self-actualization (psychology)/ self-realization
自我意識' + 自我意识* * + self-awareness/
自我批評' + 自我批评* * + self-criticism/
自我的人' + 自我的人* * + (my, your) own person/ (to assert) one's own personality
自我解嘲' + 自我解嘲* * + to refer to one's foibles or failings with self-deprecating humor/
自我評價' + 自我评价* * + self-esteem/
自我防衛' + 自我防卫* * + self-defense/
自戕' + 自戕* * + commit suicide/
自打' + 自打* * + (coll.) since/
自找' + 自找* * + to suffer as a consequence of one's own actions/ you asked for it to bring i
自找苦吃' + 自找苦吃* * + to bring trouble on oneself/
自找麻煩' + 自找麻烦* * + to ask for trouble/ to invite difficulties
自抑' + 自抑* * + to control oneself/
自投羅網' + 自投罗网* * + to walk right into the trap/
自拍' + 自拍* * + to take a picture or video of oneself/
自拍器' + 自拍器* * + camera self-timer (for delayed shutter release)/
自拍模式' + 自拍模式* * + camera self-timer mode (for delayed shutter release)/
自拔' + 自拔* * + to free oneself/ to extricate oneself from a difficult situation
自排' + 自排* * + automatic transmission/
自掘墳墓' + 自掘坟墓* * + to dig one's own grave/
自控' + 自控* * + automatic control/
自暴自棄' + 自暴自弃* * + to abandon oneself to despair/ to give up and stop bothering
自有' + 自有* * + to possess/ to own to have
自有品牌' + 自有品牌* * + private brand/
自檢' + 自检* * + to act with self-restraint/ to examine oneself to perform
自欺' + 自欺* * + to deceive oneself/
自欺欺人' + 自欺欺人* * + to deceive others and to deceive oneself/ to believe one's own lies
自此' + 自此* * + since then/ henceforth
自殺' + 自杀* * + to kill oneself/ to commit suicide to attempt
自殺式' + 自杀式* * + suicide (attack)/ suicidal
自殺式炸彈' + 自杀式炸弹* * + a suicide bomb/
自殺式爆炸' + 自杀式爆炸* * + suicide bombing/
自殺炸彈殺手' + 自杀炸弹杀手* * + suicide bomber/
自民黨' + 自民党* * + Liberal Democratic Party (Japanese political party)/
自治' + 自治* * + autonomy/
自治區' + 自治区* * + autonomous region, namely: Inner Mongolia 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区, Guangxi 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区, /
自治州' + 自治州* * + autonomous prefecture/
自治市' + 自治市* * + municipality/ autonomous city also calle
自治旗' + 自治旗* * + autonomous county (in Inner Mongolia)/ autonomous banner
自治權' + 自治权* * + rights of autonomy/ autonomy see 自治
自治縣' + 自治县* * + autonomous county/
自況' + 自况* * + to compare oneself/ to view oneself as
自流井' + 自流井* * + Ziliujing district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市/
自流井區' + 自流井区* * + Ziliuji /
自淫' + 自淫* * + masturb /
自溺' + 自溺* * + to drown oneself/
自滿' + 自满* * + complacent/ self-satisfied
自瀆' + 自渎* * + masturbation/ to masturbate
自焚' + 自焚* * + self-immolation/
自然' + 自然* * + nature/ natural naturally
自然主義' + 自然主义* * + naturalism (philosophy)/
自然之友' + 自然之友* * + Friends of Nature (Chinese environmental NGO)/
自然人' + 自然人* * + natural person (law)/ see also 法人
自然保護區' + 自然保护区* * + nature /
自然史' + 自然史* * + natural history (i.e. botany and zoology)/
自然數' + 自然数* * + natural number/
自然數集' + 自然数集* * + natural numbers' sequence/
自然條件' + 自然条件* * + natural conditions/
自然法' + 自然法* * + natural law/
自然災害' + 自然灾害* * + natural disaster/
自然現象' + 自然现象* * + natural phenomenon/
自然界' + 自然界* * + nature/ the natural world
自然療法' + 自然疗法* * + natural therapy/
自然神論' + 自然神论* * + deism, theological theory of God who does not interfere in the Universe/
自然科學' + 自然科学* * + natural sciences/
自然科學基金會' + 自然科学基金会* * + natural science fund/
自然經濟' + 自然经济* * + natural economy (exchange of goods by bartering not involving money)/
自然而然' + 自然而然* * + involuntary/ automatically
自然語言' + 自然语言* * + natural language/
自然語言處理' + 自然语言处理* * + natural language processing, NLP/
自然資源' + 自然资源* * + natural resource/
自然選擇' + 自然选择* * + natural selection/
自然銅' + 自然铜* * + natural copper/ chalcopyrite copper iro
自然風光' + 自然风光* * + nature and scenery/
自燃' + 自燃* * + spontaneous combustion/
自營' + 自营* * + self-operated/ to operate one's own business
自營商' + 自营商* * + dealer/
自爆' + 自爆* * + to explode/ spontaneous detonation self-deton
自理' + 自理* * + to take care of oneself/ to provide for oneself
自甘墮落' + 自甘堕落* * + to abandon oneself (idiom)/ to let oneself go
自生自滅' + 自生自灭* * + to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course (idiom)/
自由' + 自由* * + freedom/ free liberty
自由中國' + 自由中国* * + Free Ch refers to Taiwan 臺灣|台湾/
自由主義' + 自由主义* * + liberal /
自由亞洲電台' + 自由亚洲电台* * + Radio Free Asia/
自由企業' + 自由企业* * + free enterprise (in capitalist theory)/
自由刑' + 自由刑* * + (law) deprivation of freedom/
自由化' + 自由化* * + liberalization/ freeing (from sth)
自由古巴' + 自由古巴* * + Cuba Libre/
自由城' + 自由城* * + Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone (Tw)/
自由基' + 自由基* * + free radical/
自由基清除劑' + 自由基清除剂* * + radical scavenger (chemistry)/
自由女神像' + 自由女神像* * + Statue of Liberty/
自由市' + 自由市* * + Libreville, capital of Gabon (Tw)/
自由市場' + 自由市场* * + free market/
自由度' + 自由度* * + (number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics)/
自由式' + 自由式* * + freestyle (in sports)/
自由意志' + 自由意志* * + free will/
自由意志主義' + 自由意志主义* * + libertarianism/
自由放任' + 自由放任* * + laissez-faire/
自由散漫' + 自由散漫* * + easy-going/ lax unconstrai
自由民主黨' + 自由民主党* * + Liberal Democratic Party/
自由泳' + 自由泳* * + freestyle swimming/
自由活動' + 自由活动* * + free time (between organized activities)/
自由派' + 自由派* * + liberal/
自由港' + 自由港* * + free port/
自由焓' + 自由焓* * + free enthalpy (thermodynamics)/ Gibbs free energy
自由爵士樂' + 自由爵士乐* * + free jazz (music genre)/
自由王國' + 自由王国* * + realm of freedom (philosophy)/
自由神像' + 自由神像* * + Statue of Liberty/
自由素食主義' + 自由素食主义* * + Freeganism/
自由職業' + 自由职业* * + self-employed/ profession
自由自在' + 自由自在* * + free and easy (idiom); carefree/ leisurely
自由落體' + 自由落体* * + free-fall/
自由行' + 自由行* * + travel organized by oneself rather than in a tour group/
自由貿易' + 自由贸易* * + free trade/
自由貿易區' + 自由贸易区* * + free trade zone/ free trade area
自由軟件基金會' + 自由软件基金会* * + Free Software Foundation/
自由選擇權' + 自由选择权* * + free agency/
自由降落' + 自由降落* * + free fall/
自由體操' + 自由体操* * + floor (gymnastics)/
自由黨' + 自由党* * + Liberal Party/
自留地' + 自留地* * + private plot allocated to an individual on a collective farm/
自畫像' + 自画像* * + self-portrait/
自發' + 自发* * + spontaneous/
自發對稱破缺' + 自发对称破缺* * + spontaneous symmetry breaking (physics)/
自發電位' + 自发电位* * + electroencephalogram (EEG)/
自白' + 自白* * + confession/ to make clear one's position or intentions to brag
自白書' + 自白书* * + confession/
自盡' + 自尽* * + to kill oneself/ suicide
自相' + 自相* * + mutual/ each other one anothe
自相殘殺' + 自相残杀* * + to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife/
自相矛盾' + 自相矛盾* * + to contradict oneself/ self-contradictory inconsiste
自相驚擾' + 自相惊扰* * + to frighten one another/
自相魚肉' + 自相鱼肉* * + butchering one another as fish and flesh (idiom); killing one another/ internecine strife
自省' + 自省* * + to examine oneself/ to reflect on one's shortcomings introspect
自矜' + 自矜* * + to boast/ to blow one's own horn
自知之明' + 自知之明* * + knowing oneself (idiom)/ self-knowledge
自知理虧' + 自知理亏* * + to know that one is in the wrong (idiom)/
自私' + 自私* * + selfish/ selfishness
自私自利' + 自私自利* * + everything for self and selfish profit (idiom); with no regard for others/ selfish mercenary
自稱' + 自称* * + to call oneself/ to claim to be to profess
自立' + 自立* * + independent/ self-reliant self-susta
自立自強' + 自立自强* * + to strive for self-improvement/
自立門戶' + 自立门户* * + to form one's own group or school of thought/ to set up one's own business to establi
自給' + 自给* * + self-reliant/
自給自足' + 自给自足* * + self-sufficiency/ autarchy
自經' + 自经* * + (literary) to hang oneself/
自縊' + 自缢* * + to hang oneself/
自縛手腳' + 自缚手脚* * + to bind oneself hand and foot/
自繇自在' + 自繇自在* * + free and easy (idiom); carefree/ leisurely
自罪' + 自罪* * + actual sin (Christian notion, as opposed to original sin 原罪)/ conscious sin
自習' + 自习* * + to study outside of class time (reviewing one's lessons)/ to study in one's free time individual
自艾自憐' + 自艾自怜* * + to feel sorry for oneself/
自若' + 自若* * + calm/ composed at ease
自薦' + 自荐* * + to recommend oneself (for a job)/
自行' + 自行* * + voluntary/ autonomous by oneself
自行了斷' + 自行了断* * + to take one's life/
自行其是' + 自行其是* * + to act as one thinks fit/ to have one's own way
自行車' + 自行车* * + bicycle/ bike CL:輛|辆
自行車架' + 自行车架* * + bike ra bicycle frame/
自行車賽' + 自行车赛* * + cycle race/
自行車館' + 自行车馆* * + cycling stadium/ velodrome
自衛' + 自卫* * + self-defense/
自衛隊' + 自卫队* * + self-defense force/ the Japanese armed forces
自裝' + 自装* * + self-loading (weapon, tape deck etc)/ self-charging
自製' + 自制* * + self-made/ improvised homemade
自製炸彈' + 自制炸弹* * + improvised explosive device IED/
自要' + 自要* * + so long as/ provided that
自視' + 自视* * + to view oneself/
自視清高' + 自视清高* * + to think highly of oneself (idiom); giving oneself airs/ arrogant and self-important
自視甚高' + 自视甚高* * + to think highly of oneself (idiom); giving oneself airs/ arrogant and self-important
自覺' + 自觉* * + conscious/ aware on one's o
自言自語' + 自言自语* * + to talk to oneself/ to think aloud to soliloq
自討沒趣' + 自讨没趣* * + to invite a snub/ to court a rebuff
自討苦吃' + 自讨苦吃* * + to ask for trouble (idiom)/ to make a rod for one's own back
自訴' + 自诉* * + private prosecution (law)/ (of a patient) to describe (one's symptoms)
自詡' + 自诩* * + to pose as/ to flaunt oneself as to boast o
自誇' + 自夸* * + to boast/
自認' + 自认* * + to resign oneself to/
自謙' + 自谦* * + modest/ self-deprecating
自譴' + 自谴* * + to blame oneself/ self-recrimination
自變量' + 自变量* * + independent variable/
自豪' + 自豪* * + proud (of one's achievements etc)/
自豪感' + 自豪感* * + pride in sth/ self-esteem
自負' + 自负* * + conceited/ to take responsibility
自負盈虧' + 自负盈亏* * + responsible for its profit and losses (of organization)/ financially autonomous personal f
自貢' + 自贡* * + Zigong prefecture level city in Sichuan/
自貢市' + 自贡市* * + Zigong prefecture level city in Sichuan/
自責' + 自责* * + to blame oneself/
自費' + 自费* * + (be) at one's own expense/
自貽伊戚' + 自贻伊戚* * + to create trouble for oneself (idiom)/
自貿區' + 自贸区* * + abbr. for 自由貿易區|自由贸易区/
自足' + 自足* * + self-su satisfied with oneself/
自身' + 自身* * + itself/ oneself one's own
自身利益' + 自身利益* * + one's own interests/
自身難保' + 自身难保* * + powerless to defend oneself (idiom); helpless/
自轉' + 自转* * + rotation/
自轉軸' + 自转轴* * + axis of rotation/
自述' + 自述* * + to recount in one's own words/ autobiography written se
自適應' + 自适应* * + adaptive/
自選' + 自选* * + to choose by oneself/ free to choose optional
自酌' + 自酌* * + to enjoy a cup of wine by oneself/
自重' + 自重* * + to conduct oneself with dignity/ to be dignified deadweight
自閉症' + 自闭症* * + autism/
自頂向下' + 自顶向下* * + top-down/
自願' + 自愿* * + voluntary/
自願性' + 自愿性* * + voluntary/
自願者' + 自愿者* * + volunteer/
自顧自' + 自顾自* * + each minding his own business/
自食其力' + 自食其力* * + lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/ fig. to stand on one's own feet to earn on
自食其果' + 自食其果* * + to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own actio/ to reap what one has sown
自食惡果' + 自食恶果* * + lit. to eat one's own bitter fruit (idiom)/ fig. to suffer the consequences of one's own actions to stew in
自養' + 自养* * + self-sustaining/ economically independent (of state aid, foreign subsidy etc)
自首' + 自首* * + to give oneself up/ to surrender (to the authorities)
自駕汽車出租' + 自驾汽车出租* * + self-drive car rental/
自駕租賃' + 自驾租赁* * + self-drive hire (of a car etc)/
自體免疫疾病' + 自体免疫疾病* * + autoimmune disease/
自高' + 自高* * + to be proud of oneself/
自高自大' + 自高自大* * + to think of oneself as terrific (idiom); arrogant/
自鳴得意' + 自鸣得意* * + to think highly of oneself/
自鳴鐘' + 自鸣钟* * + chiming clock/

self selbst ตนเอง soi yo stesso itse

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


267 我们 来自 东方 +
350 来自 英国 +
351 儿子 自己 洗衣服 +
386 自己 刷牙 +
720 说明 自己 理论 +
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 +
964 爱护 大自然 +
1011 儿子 独自 +
1081 挑战 自身 极限 +
1085 坚持 自己 观点 +
1256 大略 说明 自己 想法 +
1498 享受 自然 空气 +
1619 解释 自己 方案 +
1631 绳索 保护 自己 +
1664 自己 隐藏 箱子 +
1673 这些 咖啡豆 来自 巴西 +
1881 纵容 自己 甜食 +
1908 当作 自己 亲生 儿子 +
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
1968 这里 进行 自行车 竞赛 +
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 +
2102 自由 女神 挺立 港口 +
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 +
2309 幻想 自己 公主 +
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 +
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子 +
2511 懊恼 自己 愚蠢 行为 +
2564 自己 鞋带 +
2600 奴隶 没有 人身 自由 +
2660 喜欢 自夸 +
2804 自己 薪水 满意 +
2943 主宰 自己 命运 +
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 +
3219 自由 女神 像是 纽约 标誌 +
3371 会上 阐述 自己 观点 +
3439 孩子 觉得 自己 无辜 +
3483 体恤 自己 父亲 +
3650 每个 国家 自己 独立 海关 +
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。 +
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 +
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 +
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

自行车 자전거. + + 自己 자기. 자신. 스스로. + + 自然 자연. + + 各自 각자. 제각기. + + 来自 …(로)부터 오다. …에서 나오다. …에서 생겨나다. + + 亲自 직접 (하다). 손수. 친히. + + 自从 …에서. …부터. …한 후. [행위나 상황의 기점을 이끌어 냄] + + 自动 자발적인. 자진하여. 주동적인. + + 自豪 스스로 긍지를 느끼다. 스스로 자랑스럽게 생각하다. + + 自觉 자각하다. 스스로 느끼다. + + 自私 이기적이다. + + 自信 자신하다. 자부하다. + + 自由 자유롭다. + + 自愿 자원하다. + + 擅自 (월권하여) 자기 멋대로 하다. 독단적으로 하다. + + 私自 (관련 부문·조직·구성원 등이 모르게) 비밀리에. 사적으로. 몰래. 개인적으... + + 自卑 스스로 남보다 못하다고 느끼다. 스스로 열등하다. + + 自发 자발적인. 스스로 발생한. 자연적인. 무의식적인. + + 自力更生 자력갱생하다. + + 自满 자만하다. + + 自主 자주적이다. 자주적으로 한다. 자신의 뜻대로 처리하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +