A + + * * qian1 thousand 1. Tausend, tausend 2. sehr viel, unzählig, zahllos + + +
B 千萬 + + * * qian1wan4 must/ be sure to müssen, stelle sicher, daß + + +
C 成千上萬 + + * * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of 10 Tausenden von + + +
C 千方百計 + + * * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook nichts unversucht lassen, auf jede erdenkliche W. + + +
C 千克 + + * * qian1ke4 kilogram Zählwort Kilogramm + + +
D 萬水千山 + + * * wan4 shui3 qian1 shan1 the trials of a long journey ein langer Reiseweg mit vielen Hindernissen, tausend Berge und zehntausend Flüsse + + +
D 千軍萬馬 + + * * qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers ein großes Heer von Reitern und Fußsoldaten + + +
D 千瓦 + + * * qian1wa3 kilowatt Kilowatt, Zählwort + + +

2 nghìn 4 nhất thiết 千万 6 trăm phương ngàn kế 千方百计

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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* * + +
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姿* * + +

thousand / many, numerous / very / (Cant.) a cheater, swindler
姿 one's manner, carriage, bearing
one hundred / numerous, many
manner, bearing, attitude
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

千' + * * + thousand/
千伏' + 千伏* * + kilovolt/
千位' + 千位* * + the thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/
千位元' + 千位元* * + kilobit/
千佛洞' + 千佛洞* * + Buddhist grottos/
千依百順' + 千依百顺* * + totally submissive (idiom)/
千億' + 千亿* * + myriads/ hundred billion
千兆' + 千兆* * + giga-/
千克' + 千克* * + kilogram/
千兒八百' + 千儿八百* * + (coll.) one thousand or almost one thousand/
千刀萬剮' + 千刀万剐* * + to make mincemeat of sb/ to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)
千千萬萬' + 千千万万* * + lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/ innumerable thousands
千卡' + 千卡* * + kilocalorie (Kcal)/
千古' + 千古* * + for all eternity/ throughout all ages
千古罪人' + 千古罪人* * + sb condemned by history (idiom)/
千古遺恨' + 千古遗恨* * + to have eternal regrets (idiom)/
千叮萬囑' + 千叮万嘱* * + repeatedly urging/ imploring over and over again
千周' + 千周* * + kilocycle (KC), equals to 1,000 Hz/
千噸' + 千吨* * + kiloton/
千噸級核武器' + 千吨级核武器* * + kiloton weapon/
千夫' + 千夫* * + a lot of people (literary)/
千奇百怪' + 千奇百怪* * + fantastic oddities of every description (idiom)/
千姿百態' + 千姿百态* * + in different poses and with different expressions/ in thousands of postures (idiom)
千字文' + 千字文* * + Thousand Character Classic, 6th century poem used as a traditional reading primer/
千字節' + 千字节* * + kilobyte/
千家萬戶' + 千家万户* * + every family (idiom)/
千層麵' + 千层面* * + lasagna/
千山區' + 千山区* * + Qianshan district of Anshan city 鞍山市/
千島列島' + 千岛列岛* * + Kuril I /
千島湖' + 千岛湖* * + Qiandao Lake/
千島群島' + 千岛群岛* * + Kuril island chain between Kamchatka and Hokkaidō/ Japanese Chishima-rettō
千島醬' + 千岛酱* * + thousand island dressing/
千差萬別' + 千差万别* * + manifold diversity/
千帕' + 千帕* * + kiloPascal (kPa, unit of pressure)/
千年' + 千年* * + millennium/
千慮一失' + 千虑一失* * + reflect a thousand times and you can still make a mistake (idiom); to err is human/
千慮一得' + 千虑一得* * + a thousand tries leads to one success (idiom, humble expr.); Even without any nota/
千挑萬選' + 千挑万选* * + to select very carefully/
千斤頂' + 千斤顶* * + jack (for lifting weight)/
千方百計' + 千方百计* * + lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means/
千瓦' + 千瓦* * + kilowatt (unit of electric power)/
千瘡百孔' + 千疮百孔* * + riddled with gaping wounds/ afflicted with all ills
千真萬確' + 千真万确* * + absolutely true (idiom)/ manifold true from
千禧一代' + 千禧一代* * + Generation Y/ Millennial Generation
千禧年' + 千禧年* * + millennium/
千秋' + 千秋* * + a thousand years/ your birthday (honorific)
千秋萬代' + 千秋万代* * + throughout the ages/
千篇一律' + 千篇一律* * + thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/ once you've seen one, you've seen them all
千米' + 千米* * + kilometer/
千絲萬縷' + 千丝万缕* * + linked in countless ways/
千經萬卷' + 千经万卷* * + lit. a thousand sutras, ten thousand scrolls; fig. the vast Buddhist canon/
千萬' + 千万* * + ten million/ countless many
千葉' + 千叶* * + Chiba, Japan/
千葉縣' + 千叶县* * + Chiba prefecture, Japan/
千言萬語' + 千言万语* * + thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/ talking nonstop
千變萬化' + 千变万化* * + countless changes/ constant permutation
千變萬軫' + 千变万轸* * + constantly changing, ever-varying (idiom)/
千赫' + 千赫* * + kilohertz/
千赫茲' + 千赫兹* * + kilohertz/ kHz
千足蟲' + 千足虫* * + millipede/
千軍易得,一將難求' + 千军易得,一将难求* * + Easy to raise an army of one thousand, but hard to find a good general. (idiom)/
千軍萬馬' + 千军万马* * + magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of m/ all the King's horses and all the King's men
千載難逢' + 千载难逢* * + extremely rare (idiom)/ once in a blue moon
千辛萬苦' + 千辛万苦* * + to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations/ with difficulty after some
千里' + 千里* * + a thousand miles/ a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers) a long dis
千里之堤,潰於蟻穴' + 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴* * + An ant hole causing the collapse of a great dike./ Huge damage from a moment's negligence. (idiom)
千里之外' + 千里之外* * + thousand miles distant/
千里之行,始於足下' + 千里之行,始于足下* * + lit. a thousand mile journey begins with the first step/ fig. big accomplishments come from an accumulation of little achievements made one by one
千里寄鵝毛' + 千里寄鹅毛* * + goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought be/ also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛
千里搭長棚,沒有不散的宴席' + 千里搭长棚,没有不散的宴席* * + even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an e/
千里眼' + 千里眼* * + clairvoyance/
千里迢迢' + 千里迢迢* * + from distant parts/
千里送鵝毛' + 千里送鹅毛* * + goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought be/
千里送鵝毛,禮輕人意重' + 千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重* * + goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's n/
千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重' + 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重* * + goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it /
千里達及托巴哥' + 千里达及托巴哥* * + Trinidad and Tobago (Tw)/
千里達和多巴哥' + 千里达和多巴哥* * + Trinidad and Tobago/
千里馬' + 千里马* * + lit. ten thousand mile horse/ fine steed
千里鵝毛' + 千里鹅毛* * + goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gift with a weighty thought behin/ also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛
千金' + 千金* * + thousan money and riches/ (honorific) invaluable (support) (honorific
千金一擲' + 千金一掷* * + lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money rec/ extravagant
千金一諾' + 千金一诺* * + a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept/
千金方' + 千金方* * + Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold, early Tang compendium of herbal medicine b/
千金要方' + 千金要方* * + Prescri /
千金難買' + 千金难买* * + can't b /
千鈞一髮' + 千钧一发* * + a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/ imminent peril a matter o
千錘百鍊' + 千锤百炼* * + after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom)/ the vicissitudes of life
千陽' + 千阳* * + Qianyang County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡/
千陽縣' + 千阳县* * + Qianyan /
千難萬難' + 千难万难* * + extreme /
千頭萬緒' + 千头万绪* * + plethora of things to tackle/ multitude of loose ends very compl
千鳥淵國家公墓' + 千鸟渊国家公墓* * + Chidori ga fuchi, national war cemetery in Tokyo/ also called Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
千鹼基對' + 千碱基对* * + thousand base pair (kbp)/
韆' + * * + a swing/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


251 一千 美金 +
1677 千万 不要 挑拨 夫妻 关系 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

1,000. 천. + + 千万 부디. 제발. 아무쪼록. 꼭. 절대로. 반드시. + + 千方百计 갖은 방법〔계략〕을 다 써 보다〔생각하다〕. + +

+ + + + + + + +