A 檢查 + + * * jian3cha2 check up/ inspect/ self-criticism untersuchen,Untersuchung + + +
A + + * * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up 1.prüfen, überprüfen, nachprüfen 2. erforschen,untersuchen 3. nachschlagen, nachlesen + + +
B 調查 + + * * diao4cha2 investigate/ survey/ investigation untersuchen + + +
C 審查 + + * * shen3cha2 check/ inspect/ examine/ investigate/ censor checken, untersuchen,überprüfen, + + +
D 清查 + + * * qing1cha2 check/ uncover prüfen, überprüfen, kontrollieren, aufdecken + + +
D 普查 + + * * pu3cha2 general survey allgemeine Untersuchung, umfassende Erkundungen + + +
D 查處 + + * * cha2chu3 investigate and deal with untersuchen und verfolgen + + +
D 查獲 + + * * cha2huo4 hunt down and seize/ ferret out ausfindig machen und sicherstellen + + +
D 查明 + + * * cha2ming2 find out durch Untersuchungen beweisen, herausfinden + + +
D 查閱 + + * * cha2yue4 refer/ consult nachschlagen, nachsehen + + +
D 追查 + + * * zhui1cha2 investigate/ trace nachgehen, nachforschen + + +
D 搜查 + + * * sou1cha2 search for/ forage for durchsuchen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
search, seek / investigate
investigate, examine, seek into

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

查' + * * + surname Zha/
查' + * * + to research/ to check to investi
查' + * * + see 山查/
查克·諾里斯' + 查克·诺里斯* * + Chuck N /
查克拉' + 查克拉* * + Chakra (name)/ Chakra system of yogic meditation Chakra (Sa
查克瑞' + 查克瑞* * + Chakra (Sanskrit: disk), one of seven symbolic nodes of the body in spiritual Yoga/ also written 查克拉
查出' + 查出* * + to find to discover/
查加斯病' + 查加斯病* * + Chagas disease/ American trypanosomiasis
查勘' + 查勘* * + to investigate/
查哨' + 查哨* * + to check the sentries/
查問' + 查问* * + to inquire about/
查夜' + 查夜* * + night patrol/ to make nightly rounds
查字法' + 查字法* * + look-up method for Chinese characters/
查封' + 查封* * + to sequester/ to seize (assets) to seal up
查對' + 查对* * + to scrutinize/ to examine to check
查崗' + 查岗* * + to check the guard posts/ (coll.) to check up on sb (spouse, employee etc)
查帳' + 查帐* * + to audit accounts/ to inspect accounting books
查德' + 查德* * + Chad (Tw)/
查戈斯群島' + 查戈斯群岛* * + Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago in tropical Indian Ocean, with Diego Garcia /
查房' + 查房* * + to insp to do the rounds (medical)/
查扣' + 查扣* * + to seize/ to confiscate
查找' + 查找* * + to search for/ to look up
查抄' + 查抄* * + to take inventory of and confiscate a criminal's possessions/
查拳' + 查拳* * + Cha Quan - "Cha Fist" - Martial Art/
查探' + 查探* * + to check/ to investigate to probe (
查明' + 查明* * + to investigate and find out/ to ascertain
查普曼' + 查普曼* * + Chapman (name)/
查核' + 查核* * + to check/
查水表' + 查水表* * + (Internet slang) (of the police) to ask to be let in on the pretext of checking th/ to barge into people's home on false pretences
查清' + 查清* * + to find out/ to ascertain to get to
查爾斯' + 查尔斯* * + Charles/
查爾斯·格雷' + 查尔斯·格雷* * + Charles Grey/
查爾斯·狄更斯' + 查尔斯·狄更斯* * + Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist/
查爾斯頓' + 查尔斯顿* * + Charleston/
查獲' + 查获* * + to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out to hunt do
查理大帝' + 查理大帝* * + Charlemagne (c. 747-c. 814), King of the Franks, Holy Roman Emperor from 800/
查理週刊' + 查理周刊* * + Charlie Hebdo (French magazine)/
查看' + 查看* * + to look over/ to examine to check u
查票員' + 查票员* * + ticket inspector/
查禁' + 查禁* * + to prohibit/ to ban to suppres
查究' + 查究* * + to follow up a study/ to investigate
查緝' + 查缉* * + to investigate and seize/
查考' + 查考* * + to examine/ to investigate to try to
查處' + 查处* * + to investigate and handle (a criminal case)/
查覈' + 查核* * + to check/
查訪' + 查访* * + to investigate/
查詢' + 查询* * + to check/ to inquire to consult
查調' + 查调* * + to obtain (information) from a database etc/
查證' + 查证* * + investigate/ check out (a story)
查辦' + 查办* * + to investigate and handle (a criminal case)/
查鋪' + 查铺* * + to conduct a bed check/
查閱' + 查阅* * + to consult/ to refer to to look st
查韋斯' + 查韦斯* * + Chavez, Spanish name/
查驗' + 查验* * + inspection/ to examine
查點' + 查点* * + to check/ to tally to invento

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


435 文件 +
486 正在 检查 电脑 服务 系统 +
718 检查 电脑 系统 +
839 我们 客户 进行 问卷 调查 +
905 他们 网上 资料 +
1089 医院 检查 身体 +
1636 查看 邮箱 附件 +
1650 医生 检查 耳朵 +
1825 检查 硅片 +
2255 医生 仔细 检查 身体 +
2536 查字典 注解 +
2710 警察 搜查 罪犯 +
2743 警方 现场 展开 侦查 +
3047 检查 肺部 +
3304 检查 肾脏 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +