B + + * * hun4 mix/ muddle along 1. mischen, vermischen, vermengen, zusammenmischen 2. sich als jn/etw ausgeben 3. in den Tag hineinleben, dahinleben 4. mit jm auskommen + + +
C 混合 + + * * hun4he2 mix/ blend/ mingle mischen, vermengen,zusammenmischen, dahinleben + + +
C 混亂 + + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + + +
C 混凝土 + + * * hun4ning2tu3 concrete/ cement Beton + + +
C 混淆 + + * * hun4xiao2 confound/ confuse/ mix up verwechseln,verwischen,durcheinander bringen + + +
D 混紡 + + * * hun4fang3 blending Textilfaser(Mischung) + + +
D 混合物 + + * * hun4he2wu4 admixture Mischung + + +
D 混濁 + + * * hun4zhuo2 turbid trübe, unklar, verschmutzt + + +

6 hỗn hợp 混合 6 hỗn loạn 混乱 6 hỗn hào 混淆 6 vẩn đục 混浊

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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to mix, blend, mingle / to bumble along
tent / screen, mosquito net
speech, talk, language / dialect

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

混' + * * + confuse dirty/ to mix muddy
混' + * * + to mix to mingle/ muddled to drift a
混一' + 混一* * + to amalgamate/ to mix together as one
混世魔王' + 混世魔王* * + devil incarnate (idiom)/ fiend in human form
混亂' + 混乱* * + confusion/ chaos disorder
混事' + 混事* * + to work half-heartedly/ to get by in a job with the minimum effort
混交' + 混交* * + mixed (growth of wood)/
混交林' + 混交林* * + mixed forest/
混作' + 混作* * + mixed cropping (i.e. growing two crops together)/
混元' + 混元* * + time immemorial/ origin of the universe the world
混充' + 混充* * + to pass oneself off as sb/ to palm sth off as
混入' + 混入* * + to sneak into/
混凝劑' + 混凝剂* * + coagulant/
混凝土' + 混凝土* * + concrete/
混合' + 混合* * + to mix/ to blend
混合動力車' + 混合动力车* * + hybrid vehicle/
混合型汽車' + 混合型汽车* * + hybrid car/
混合失語症' + 混合失语症* * + mixed aphasia/
混合感染' + 混合感染* * + mixed infection/
混合模型' + 混合模型* * + hybrid model/
混合毒劑' + 混合毒剂* * + tactical mixture of chemical agents/
混合泳' + 混合泳* * + medley (swimming)/
混合物' + 混合物* * + mixture/
混合肥料' + 混合肥料* * + compost/
混合體' + 混合体* * + hybrid/
混同' + 混同* * + to mix up/ to confuse one thing with another
混名' + 混名* * + nickname/
混名兒' + 混名儿* * + erhua variant of 混名/
混和' + 混和* * + mixture amalgam/
混唚' + 混吣* * + vulgar/ foul-mouthed
混子' + 混子* * + hoodlum/ person unfit for society
混戰' + 混战* * + civil war/ muddled warfare rough and
混搭' + 混搭* * + to mix and match (of clothing etc)/
混日子' + 混日子* * + to idle/ to waste time
混氧燃料' + 混氧燃料* * + mixed-oxide fuel (MOX)/
混水摸魚' + 混水摸鱼* * + to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain/ also written 渾水摸魚|浑水摸鱼
混水牆' + 混水墙* * + plastered masonry wall/
混汞' + 混汞* * + mercury amalgam/
混沌' + 混沌* * + primal chaos/ formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology muddled
混沌學' + 混沌学* * + chaos theory (math.)/
混淆' + 混淆* * + to obscure/ to confuse to mix up
混淆是非' + 混淆是非* * + to confuse right and wrong (idiom)/
混淆視聽' + 混淆视听* * + to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and deliber/
混淆黑白' + 混淆黑白* * + to confuse black and white/ to say that black is white fig. not t
混混兒' + 混混儿* * + ruffian/ hoodlum
混濁' + 混浊* * + turbid/ muddy dirty
混為一談' + 混为一谈* * + to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle/
混熟' + 混熟* * + to get familiar with/
混球' + 混球* * + bastard/ wretch scoundrel
混球兒' + 混球儿* * + erhua variant of 混球/
混矇' + 混蒙* * + to dece to mislead/
混種' + 混种* * + hybrid/ mixed-breed
混紡' + 混纺* * + mixed fabric/ blended fabric
混編' + 混编* * + mixed/
混茫' + 混茫* * + dim/ obscure
混號' + 混号* * + nickname/
混蛋' + 混蛋* * + scoundrel/ bastard hoodlum
混血' + 混血* * + hybrid/
混血兒' + 混血儿* * + person of mixed blood/ half-breed mulatto
混行' + 混行* * + mixed use (e.g. pedestrians and vehicles)/ joint operation (e.g. trains and buses)
混賬' + 混账* * + shameful/ absolutely disgraceful!
混跡' + 混迹* * + mixed in as part of a community/ hiding one's identity occupying
混進' + 混进* * + to infiltrate/ to sneak into
混雜' + 混杂* * + to mix/ to mingle
混雜物' + 混杂物* * + adulteration/ impurities
混音' + 混音* * + (audio) mixing/
混飯' + 混饭* * + to work for a living/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1472 鸡蛋 面粉 在一起 +
3194 对于 公式 混淆不清 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

混合 혼합하다. 함께 섞다. + + 混乱 혼란하다. 문란하다. 어지럽다. + + 混淆 뒤섞이다. 헛갈리다. 섞갈리다. [주로 추상적인 사물에 쓰임] + + 混浊 (물·공기 따위가) 혼탁하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +