A 聯繫 + + * * lian2xi4 integrate/ link/ contact/ connection integrieren, verbinden, in Verbindung treten; Kontakt, Beziehung + + +
B 聯合 + + * * lian2he2 federate/ unite verbinden, vereinigen, Allianz + + +
B 聯歡 + + * * lian2huan1 have a get-together sich treffen, zusammen kommen + + +
C 聯絡 + + * * lian2luo4 contact/ communicate with/ make liaison with 1. in Verbindung treten, Kontakt herstellen 2. Kontakt, Verbindung + + +
C 聯盟 + + * * lian2meng2 alliance/ coalition/ league/ union Bündnis,Union, Liga + + +
D 對聯 + + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen + + +
D + + * * lian2 join/ unite 1. vereinigen, verbinden 2. paarweise an beiden Seiten eines Eingangs angebrachte Verse oder Wandsprüche + + +
D 聯邦 + + * * lian2bang1 federation Vereingte Staaten, Föderation, Union + + +
D 聯想 + + * * lian2xiang3 associate Gedankenverbindung, Assoziation + + +

4 liên hệ 联系 5 liên hiệp 联合 6 câu đối 对联 6 liên hoan 联欢 6 liên lạc 联络 6 liên minh 联盟 6 liên tưởng 联想

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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connect, join / associate, ally
run / simplified form of 運 luck, fortune / ship, transport

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

聯' + * * + to ally to unite/ to join
聯係' + 联系* * + variant of 聯繫|联系/
聯俄' + 联俄* * + allianc /
聯保' + 联保* * + joint guarantee (finance, law)/
聯合' + 联合* * + to combine/ to join unite
聯合公報' + 联合公报* * + joint announcement/
聯合包裹服務公司' + 联合包裹服务公司* * + United Parcel Service (UPS)/
聯合古大陸' + 联合古大陆* * + Pangea or Pangaea/
聯合國' + 联合国* * + United Nations/
聯合國兒童基金會' + 联合国儿童基金会* * + United Nations Children's Fund/ UNICEF
聯合國大會' + 联合国大会* * + United Nations General Assembly/
聯合國安全理事會' + 联合国安全理事会* * + United Nations Security Council/
聯合國憲章' + 联合国宪章* * + United Nations charter/
聯合國教科文組織' + 联合国教科文组织* * + UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/
聯合國氣候變化框架公約' + 联合国气候变化框架公约* * + United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change/
聯合國海洋法公約' + 联合国海洋法公约* * + United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea/
聯合國環境規劃署' + 联合国环境规划署* * + United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)/
聯合國秘書處' + 联合国秘书处* * + United Nations Secretariat/
聯合國糧農組織' + 联合国粮农组织* * + Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/
聯合國開發計劃署' + 联合国开发计划署* * + United Nations Development Program/
聯合國難民事務高級專員辦事處' + 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处* * + Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)/
聯合報' + 联合报* * + United Daily News, Taiwan newspaper/
聯合式合成詞' + 联合式合成词* * + coordinative compound word/
聯合技術公司' + 联合技术公司* * + United Technologies Corporation/
聯合收割機' + 联合收割机* * + combine/ harvester
聯合政府' + 联合政府* * + coalition government/
聯合會' + 联合会* * + federation/
聯合王國' + 联合王国* * + United Kingdom/
聯合發表' + 联合发表* * + joint statement/ joint announcement
聯合組織' + 联合组织* * + syndicate/
聯合聲明' + 联合声明* * + joint declaration/
聯合自強' + 联合自强* * + to combine together for self improvement/ joint movement for self strengthening
聯合艦隊' + 联合舰队* * + combined fleet/
聯合軍演' + 联合军演* * + joint military exercise/
聯名' + 联名* * + jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)/
聯大' + 联大* * + abbr. for 聯合國大會|联合国大会/
聯姻' + 联姻* * + related to connect by marriage (families, work units)/
聯宗' + 联宗* * + combined branches of a clan/
聯席會議' + 联席会议* * + joint conference/
聯席董事' + 联席董事* * + associate director/
聯想' + 联想* * + abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团/
聯想' + 联想* * + to asso to make an associative connection/ mental association word predi
聯想學習' + 联想学习* * + associative learning/
聯想起' + 联想起* * + to associate/ to think of
聯想集團' + 联想集团* * + Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)/
聯手' + 联手* * + lit. to join hands/ to act together
聯接' + 联接* * + variant of 連接|连接/
聯播' + 联播* * + to broa (radio or TV) hookup/ simulcast
聯星' + 联星* * + binary star/
聯機' + 联机* * + online/ network to connect
聯機分析處理' + 联机分析处理* * + online analysis processing OLAP/
聯機遊戲' + 联机游戏* * + a network computer game/
聯歡' + 联欢* * + to have a get-together/ celebration party
聯歡會' + 联欢会* * + social gathering/ party
聯氨' + 联氨* * + hydrazine/
聯營' + 联营* * + joint venture/ under joint management
聯產' + 联产* * + co-production/ cooperative production
聯產到勞' + 联产到劳* * + to pay sb according to their productivity/
聯產到戶' + 联产到户* * + household responsibility system, introduced in the early 1980s, under which each r/
聯產到組' + 联产到组* * + to pay remuneration according to output (idiom)/
聯盟' + 联盟* * + alliance/ union coalition
聯盟號' + 联盟号* * + Soyuz (union), Russian spacecraft series/
聯結' + 联结* * + to bind/ to tie to link
聯結主義' + 联结主义* * + connectionism/
聯絡' + 联络* * + to get in touch with/ to contact to stay in
聯絡官' + 联络官* * + liaison officer/
聯絡簿' + 联络簿* * + contact book/
聯網' + 联网* * + network/ cyber-
聯綴' + 联缀* * + variant of 連綴|连缀/
聯綿' + 联绵* * + variant /
聯綿詞' + 联绵词* * + two-syl /
聯繫' + 联系* * + connect contact/ relation to get in
聯繫方式' + 联系方式* * + contact details/
聯署' + 联署* * + joint signatures (on a letter or declaration)/
聯翩' + 联翩* * + (literary) to come in quick succession/ wave after wave
聯考' + 联考* * + entrance examination/
聯航' + 联航* * + China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合航空|中国联合航空/
聯號' + 联号* * + variant /
聯袂' + 联袂* * + jointly as a group/ together
聯誦' + 联诵* * + liaison (in phonetics)(loanword)/
聯誼' + 联谊* * + friendship/ fellowship
聯調聯試' + 联调联试* * + debugging and commissioning/ testing (of a whole system)
聯貫' + 联贯* * + variant of 連貫|连贯/
聯賽' + 联赛* * + (sports league tournament/
聯軍' + 联军* * + allied armies/
聯通' + 联通* * + China United Telecommunications Corporation/ aka China Unicom or Unicom abbr. for
聯通' + 联通* * + connection/ link to link to
聯通紅籌公司' + 联通红筹公司* * + Unicom Red Chip, Hong Kong subsidiary of China Unicom 中國聯通|中国联通/
聯運' + 联运* * + through transport/ through traffic jointly organized by different enterprises
聯運票' + 联运票* * + transfer ticket/
聯邦' + 联邦* * + federal/ federation commonweal
聯邦制' + 联邦制* * + federal/ federal system
聯邦州' + 联邦州* * + federal state/ German Bundesland
聯邦德國' + 联邦德国* * + German Federation/ Bundesrepublik Deutschland Germany
聯邦快遞' + 联邦快递* * + FedEx/
聯邦政府' + 联邦政府* * + federal government/
聯邦緊急措施署' + 联邦紧急措施署* * + Federal Emergency Management Agency/ FEMA
聯邦調查局' + 联邦调查局* * + Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)/
聯邦通信委員會' + 联邦通信委员会* * + Federal Communications Commission (FCC)/
聯隊' + 联队* * + wing (of an air force)/ sports team representing a combination of entities (e.g. United Korea)
聯集' + 联集* * + union (symbol ∪) (set theory) (Tw)/
聯體別墅' + 联体别墅* * + townhouse/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


727 玫瑰 联想 爱情 +
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济 +
1684 联合国 大会 开幕 +
1811 我们 保持 联系 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


联系 연락하다. 연결하다. 결합하다. 결부하다. 연관짓다. 관계하다. + + 联合 연합하다. 결합하다. 단결하다. + + 对联 대련. 주련. [종이나 천에 쓰거나 대나무·나무·기둥 따위에 새긴 대구(對句)] + + 互联网 인터넷. + + 联欢 함께 모여 즐기다. 친목을 맺다. 교환하다. + + 联络 연락하다. 접촉하다. 소통하다. 통하다. + + 联盟 연맹. 동맹. + + 联想 연상하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +