C 曲折 + + * * qu1zhe2 zigzag/ winding/ tortuous/ meandering/ complicated 1.gewunden,kurvenreich,krumm, 2.kompliziert, Komplikation + + +
C 歪曲 + + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken + + +
C 歌曲 + + * * ge1qu3 song Lied + + +
C 彎曲 + + * * wan1qu1 curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung + + +
D 樂曲 + + * * yue4qu3 musical composition Musikstück syn:Komposition, Musikwerk, Opus, Tondichtung, Tonstück + + +
D 譜曲 + + * * pu3 qu3 compose/ set to music in Noten setzen, komponieren + + +
D 曲線 + 线+ * * qu1xian4 curve Kurve, krumme Linie + + +
D 曲子 + + * * qu3zi melody Melodie + + +

6 quanh co 曲折 6 từ khúc 曲子 6 xuyên tạc 歪曲

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
///* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
线* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

crooked, bent / wrong, false
end / finally, in the end

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

曲' + * * + surname /
曲' + * * + bent/ crooked wrong
曲' + * * + tune/ song CL:支
曲別針' + 曲别针* * + papercl /
曲周' + 曲周* * + Quzhou county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸/
曲周縣' + 曲周县* * + Quzhou /
曲奇' + 曲奇* * + cookie /
曲子' + 曲子* * + poem for singing/ tune music
曲尺' + 曲尺* * + set squ /
曲尺樓梯' + 曲尺楼梯* * + staircase with right-angled turn/ L-shaped staircase
曲折' + 曲折* * + winding/ (fig.) complicated
曲松' + 曲松* * + Qusum county, Tibetan: Chu gsum rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区/
曲松縣' + 曲松县* * + Qusum c /
曲柄' + 曲柄* * + crank h /
曲柄鑽' + 曲柄钻* * + hand drill with a crank handle/
曲棍' + 曲棍* * + bent stick/ hockey stick
曲棍球' + 曲棍球* * + field hockey/
曲水' + 曲水* * + Qüxü county, Tibetan: Chu shur rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨/
曲水縣' + 曲水县* * + Qüxü co /
曲江' + 曲江* * + Qujiang /
曲江區' + 曲江区* * + Qujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/
曲池穴' + 曲池穴* * + Quchi acupoint LI11, at the lateral end of the elbow crease/
曲沃' + 曲沃* * + Quwo county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾/
曲沃縣' + 曲沃县* * + Quwo co /
曲率' + 曲率* * + curvatu /
曲率向量' + 曲率向量* * + curvature vector/
曲目' + 曲目* * + repertoire/ program song
曲直' + 曲直* * + lit. crooked and straight/ fig. right and wrong, good and evil
曲突徙薪' + 曲突徙薪* * + lit. to bend the chimney and remove the firewood (to prevent fire) (idiom)/ fig. to take preventive measures
曲筆' + 曲笔* * + falsification in writing/ misrepresentation in written history deliberate
曲終奏雅' + 曲终奏雅* * + perfect finish (idiom)/
曲線' + 曲线* * + curve/ curved line indirect
曲線圖' + 曲线图* * + line graph/ line diagram
曲線擬合' + 曲线拟合* * + curve fitting/
曲線論' + 曲线论* * + the theory of curves/
曲線鋸' + 曲线锯* * + jigsaw/
曲肱而枕' + 曲肱而枕* * + lit. to use one's bent arm as a pillow (idiom)/ fig. content with simple things
曲藝' + 曲艺* * + folk musical theater/
曲蟮' + 曲蟮* * + variant of 蛐蟮/
曲裡拐彎' + 曲里拐弯* * + winding /
曲解' + 曲解* * + distort/
曲調' + 曲调* * + tune/ melody
曲軸' + 曲轴* * + crankshaft/
曲阜' + 曲阜* * + Qufu county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁/
曲阜孔廟' + 曲阜孔庙* * + temple /
曲阜市' + 曲阜市* * + Qufu county level city in Jining 濟寧|济宁/
曲陽' + 曲阳* * + Quyang /
曲陽縣' + 曲阳县* * + Quyang /
曲霉毒素' + 曲霉毒素* * + aspergi /
曲靖' + 曲靖* * + Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan/
曲靖地區' + 曲靖地区* * + Qujing prefecture in Yunnan/
曲靖市' + 曲靖市* * + Qujing prefecture level city in Yunnan/
曲面' + 曲面* * + curved surface/ surface
曲面論' + 曲面论* * + the theory of surfaces/
曲頸瓶' + 曲颈瓶* * + retort/ bottle with curved neck
曲高和寡' + 曲高和寡* * + difficult songs find few singers (idiom)/ highbrow
曲麻萊' + 曲麻莱* * + Qumarleb county (Tibetan: chu dmar leb rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefect/
曲麻萊縣' + 曲麻莱县* * + Qumarle /
麯' + * * + variant of 麴|曲/
麴' + * * + yeast/ Aspergillus (includes many common molds) Taiwan pr.

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


884 完整 演奏 曲子 +
1581 弹奏 曲子 +
1601 前方 道路 曲折 +
2375 山路 弯曲 +
2635 这里 道路 弯曲 +
2860 练习 曲子 +
3559 快乐 曲子 +
3682 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 +
3683 乐曲 大量 运用 电声 配乐 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


曲折 굽다. 구불구불하다. + + 曲子 노래. 가곡. 악보. 멜로디. + + 歪曲 (사실이나 내용을 고의로) 왜곡하다. [나쁘게 말하는 것을 가리킴] + +

+ + + + + + + +