A 改變 + + * * gai3bian4 change/ alter/ transform Verbesserung + + +
A + + * * bian4 change/ become 1. sich verändern, sich wandeln,zu etwas werden 2. ändern, verändern, umwandeln 3. unerwartetes Ereignis, unvorhergesehene Änderung + + +
A 變成 + + * * bian4 cheng2 change into/ turn into zu etwas werden,verwandeln + + +
A 變化 + + * * bian4hua4 change/ vary Veränderung,Umwandlung + + +
B 轉變 + + * * zhuan3bian4 change/ transform ändern,verwandeln + + +
C 變動 + + * * bian4dong4 alter/ change/ alteration Änderung, ändern + + +
C 變革 + + * * bian4ge2 change/ transform/ transformation Umwandlung, Änderung, transformieren + + +
D 政變 + + * * zheng4bian4 coup Staatsstreich,Putsch + + +
D 變更 + + * * bian4geng1 change/ permute ändern, umwandeln + + +
D 變換 + + * * bian4huan4 transform/ change sehr veränderlich sein, sich ständig ändern + + +
D 變遷 + + * * bian4qian1 vicissitude Wandel, Veränderung + + +
D 變形 + + * * bian4 xing2 metamorphose aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden + + +
D 變質 + + * * bian4 zhi4 deteriorate verderben, schlechter werden + + +
D 叛變 + + * * pan4bian4 mutiny verraten, Verrat begehen, + + +
D 事變 + + * * shi4bian4 incident/ event Zwischenfall, wichtige Ereignis + + +
D 質變 + + * * zhi4bian4 qualitative change qualitative Änderung + + +
D 演變 + + * * yan3bian4 evolve entwickeln, entfalten + + +

3 biến hóa 变化 4 thay đổi 改变 5 chuyển biến 转变 6 biến cố 变故 6 biến thiên 变迁 6 biến chất 变质 6 diễn biến 演变

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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change, transform, alter / rebel
memorialize emperor / report
crooked, bent / wrong, false

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

變' + * * + to chan to become different/ to transform to vary
變亂' + 变乱* * + turmoil/ social upheaval
變作' + 变作* * + to change into/ to turn into to become
變修' + 变修* * + to become revisionist/
變做' + 变做* * + to turn into/
變價' + 变价* * + to appraise at the current rate/
變兵' + 变兵* * + rebel soldier/
變分' + 变分* * + variation (calculus)/ deformation
變分原理' + 变分原理* * + variational principle (physics)/
變分學' + 变分学* * + calculus of variations (math.)/
變分法' + 变分法* * + calculus of variations/
變動' + 变动* * + change/ alteration
變化' + 变化* * + change/ variation to change
變化多端' + 变化多端* * + changea changing/ varied full of ch
變化莫測' + 变化莫测* * + unpredictable/ changeable
變卦' + 变卦* * + to change one's mind/ to go back on one's word
變厚' + 变厚* * + to thicken/
變壓器' + 变压器* * + transformer/
變壞' + 变坏* * + to get worse/ to degenerate
變天' + 变天* * + to undergo change in weather/ restoration of reactionary rule or the previous regime
變奏' + 变奏* * + variation/
變奏曲' + 变奏曲* * + variation (music)/
變局' + 变局* * + turbulent situation/ changing (face, scene, situation, world of etc)
變工' + 变工* * + to exchange labor/ labor exchange (system of sharing workforce resources)
變幻' + 变幻* * + to change irregularly/ to fluctuate
變幻莫測' + 变幻莫测* * + to change unpredictably/ unpredictable erratic
變形' + 变形* * + deformation/ to become deformed to change
變形蟲' + 变形虫* * + amoeba/
變形金剛' + 变形金刚* * + Transformers (franchise)/
變得' + 变得* * + to become/
變徵之聲' + 变徵之声* * + modified fifth note of the pentatonic scale/
變心' + 变心* * + to cease to be faithful/
變性' + 变性* * + to denature/ denaturation to have a
變性土' + 变性土* * + Vertosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/
變態' + 变态* * + to metamorphose (biology)/ abnormal perverted
變態反應' + 变态反应* * + allergic response/ allergy
變成' + 变成* * + to change into/ to turn into to become
變戲法' + 变戏法* * + to perform conjuring tricks/ to conjure to juggle
變把戲' + 变把戏* * + to perform magic/ to do magic tricks prestidigi
變換' + 变换* * + to transform/ to convert to vary
變換群' + 变换群* * + (math.) transformation group/
變換設備' + 变换设备* * + converter/ conversion device
變故' + 变故* * + an unforeseen event/ accident misfortune
變數' + 变数* * + variable/
變文' + 变文* * + a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) w/
變星' + 变星* * + variable star/
變暖' + 变暖* * + warming/ changing to become warmer
變暗' + 变暗* * + to darken/
變更' + 变更* * + to change/ to alter to modify
變本加厲' + 变本加厉* * + lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming)/ to aggravate to intensi
變格' + 变格* * + case change (in grammar)/
變樣' + 变样* * + to change (appearance)/ to change shape
變樣兒' + 变样儿* * + erhua variant of 變樣|变样/
變法' + 变法* * + to chan political reform/ unconventional method
變法兒' + 变法儿* * + to try by all available methods/
變活' + 变活* * + to come to life (by magic)/
變流器' + 变流器* * + converter/
變溫動物' + 变温动物* * + poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal/
變溫層' + 变温层* * + troposphere/ lower atmosphere
變為' + 变为* * + to change into/
變焦距鏡頭' + 变焦距镜头* * + zoom lens/
變生肘腋' + 变生肘腋* * + lit. calamity in one's armpit (idiom); a major coup happening on one's doorstep/ trouble or danger in one's own backyard
變產' + 变产* * + to sell one's estate/
變異' + 变异* * + variation/
變異型克雅氏症' + 变异型克雅氏症* * + variant Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease, vCJD/
變異株' + 变异株* * + variant/ variant strain (of virus)
變相' + 变相* * + in disguised form/ covert
變硬' + 变硬* * + to stiffen/
變種' + 变种* * + mutation/ variety variant
變節' + 变节* * + betrayal/ defection turncoat
變紅' + 变红* * + to redden/
變臉' + 变脸* * + to turn hostile suddenly/ face changing, a device of Sichuan Opera, a dramatic change of attitude expressing fright, anger etc
變色' + 变色* * + to change color/ to discolor to change
變色易容' + 变色易容* * + to change color and alter one's expression (idiom); to go white with fear/ out of one's wits
變色龍' + 变色龙* * + chameleon/
變苦' + 变苦* * + to sour/ to turn sour to curdle
變裝皇后' + 变装皇后* * + drag queen/
變調' + 变调* * + tone sandhi/ modified tone (music) to
變賣' + 变卖* * + to sell off (one's property)/
變質' + 变质* * + to degenerate/ to go bad to deterio
變質作用' + 变质作用* * + metamorphism (geology)/
變質岩' + 变质岩* * + metamorphic rock (geology)/
變軟' + 变软* * + to soften/
變通' + 变通* * + pragmatic/ flexible to act dif
變速' + 变速* * + to change speed/ to shift gear variable-s
變速傳動' + 变速传动* * + to change gear/
變速器' + 变速器* * + gearbox/ speed changer gear
變速桿' + 变速杆* * + gear lever/ stick shift
變速箱' + 变速箱* * + gearbox/ transmission
變造' + 变造* * + to alter/ to modify to mutilat
變造幣' + 变造币* * + illegally modified or altered currency/
變遷' + 变迁* * + changes/ vicissitudes
變醜' + 变丑* * + to disfigure/
變量' + 变量* * + variable/
變阻器' + 变阻器* * + rheostat (variable resistor)/
變電' + 变电* * + power transformation/
變電站' + 变电站* * + (transformer) substation/
變革' + 变革* * + to transform/ to change
變頻' + 变频* * + frequency conversion/
變體' + 变体* * + variant/
變魔術' + 变魔术* * + to perform magical tricks/
變黑' + 变黑* * + to darken/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


176 什么 方法 可以 变瘦 +
401 几年 上海 变化 +
466 叶子 变黄 +
949 地球 不断 演变 +
1722 变得 强壮 +
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市 +
2520 天气 骤然 +
3488 经过 烈日 曝晒 皮肤 变黑 +
3521 蝌蚪 蜕变成 青蛙 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


变化 변화하다. 달라지다. + + 改变 변하다. 바뀌다. 달라지다. + + 转变 전변하다. 바꾸다. 바뀌다. + + 变故 변고. 재난. + + 变迁 변천하다. + + 变质 (주로 나쁜 쪽으로) 변질되다. + + 演变 변화 발전하다. 변천하다. [주로 경과가 오래 된 것을 가리킴] + +

+ + + + + + + +